Author Topic: [Touhou] A Short story (with several chapters)  (Read 2920 times)


[Touhou] A Short story (with several chapters)
« on: December 15, 2011, 07:48:08 AM »
Here is a short-ish story I have randomly decided to write. I won't say the genre just yet, as it might ruin the mood of the first chapter.

I wasn't aiming for the writing to be top quality, so there might be a lot of mistakes in the grammar, I also wasn't aiming for long chapters.

It's just a short story, there isn't much to it.

Anyway, let's get on with this.

Chapter 1

"What happened? Is anyone there?" she said.

She stood up, dizzy, and she lost her balance. Flailing her arms around wildly, she was able to regain her balance, and began to walk forward.

"Hellloooooooo... Is anybody there?" she said.

She continued to walk forward.

It didn't take long before she stopped again.

She heard some splashing as she walked and her feet had also become slightly damp. She tilted her head down and squinted at the mysterious liquid, curious as to what it was.

She stuck her hand in the liquid, without thinking of the possible dangers first. It felt quite thick. It slowly dripped off her hand and onto the ground.

"What is this?" she said to herself.

Not wanting to stay any longer, she quickly walked on forward. A few steps more before she stepped on something solid, and nearly lost her balance in the process.

Thinking it was going to be a small object, she crouched to to try and pick it up. But it was much larger than she first thought, and it was much heavier too. She moved her hand over and around the object, trying to identify what it was. It was long, not too wide, and kinda thick.

A few moments later, she stood up, and stepped back slowly, mouth ajar.

Lying there... covered in blood.....

Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Though the length is supposed to be short, so don't worry about that.
Also, I'll add more chapters later, or if enough people want more.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 08:21:56 AM by J.O.B »


Re: [Touhou] A Short story (with several chapters)
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2011, 08:21:03 AM »
Actually, while I'm here, I'll just add Chapter 2 so you guys actually have something to read.

Chapter 2

Remilia was sitting on her chair while taking a sip from her cup of red tea.

A couple of days ago, Remilia decided for no reason at all, that she wanted to be able to take care of herself, so she got Sakuya to teach her all the thinks that she normally does for her mistress. Including making her red tea.

Due to her newly found self sufficient nature, Remilia had no reason at all to call her maid for any assistance, so the contact between the two had dropped to an all time low.

Remilia was starting to get lonely. Sakuya may just be a maid, but she was also her only good source of social interaction. Patchouli was always reading, Koakuma only talked to Patchouli, Meiling was always sleeping, and Flandre didn't have to social skills to hold a conversation more than a couple of sentences long.

The lack of company was starting to get to her. Feeling nervous, she called out through the mansion.

"Sakuya!" she yelled.

The mansion (while quite large) echoed quite a lot, so with a loud enough sound, you can hear it from the other side of the mansion. Remilia's call to her maid was sufficiently loud enough, and so on a normal day, her maid would instantly appear in front of her. Ready to help.

But today wasn't a normal day, was it?

Yet again, feed back would be greatly appreciated.