Author Topic: Ryuu's Short Things  (Read 10067 times)


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Ryuu's Short Things
« on: September 21, 2010, 02:55:41 AM »
iced said I should post these. so yeah.

first post is about youmu drinking too much

Youmu was hot. Really hot. Really, really, really hot. Not only that, but her head was throbbing. Pounding. Badum-badum-badum, and it was driving her mad. At least, it would normally, but she really didn't have the energy to move. Or care, really. Except that it hurt. It really hurt. And it was really hot. Her normally neat hair was a tangled mess, matted down by sweat. Maybe she should move? It took her much too long to notice, but there was  a rather thick blanket on top of her. She pushed the covers from her eyes and immediately regretted her action. The sun was blinding and her head suddenly felt like it decided that evicting the brain from her skull via the eye sockets was a brilliant idea. She squinted her eyes against the light, sat up, and the blanket fell from her torso.

Youmu was cold. Really cold. Really, really, really cold. Not only that, but her stomach was churning. Twisting. Chrrg-chrrg-chrrg, and it was driving her mad. At least, it would normally, but the fact that her body couldn't decide whether to feel hot or cold was more annoying. She turned as far away from any source of light she could and waited for her throbbing head to stop throbbing and her churning stomach to stop churning. And for her blurry vision to stop... blurry-ing. She somehow knew the first two weren't going to happen any time soon, but at least her eyes began to clear up. She was... well, she honestly didn't know where she was. The building was wooden, but then again, most buildings are wooden. So, gradually, she tried to piece together the night before.

Well, that was her intent, at least. Her head started stampeding again, and she instinctively moved to rest her head in her hands. That's when she noticed that her clothes were missing. At first, she was shocked that her clothes were absent from her person, then she was worried as to where they might be, then she was annoyed for not noticing it earlier, and then she was just generally irritated. Her head concurred with her decision with a nice, mighty thump-thump-thump. She blearily took another look around the room. Her swords were haphazardly strewn on the floor, but as to her clothes, they weren't really anywhere in the room. It was then that she really became worried as to what had happened last night.

All she could really remember was something about a huge party at Reimu's. Was that where she was now? She wanted to investigate, but her head, stomach, and legs violently protested to this proposition. At the very least, she had a better idea of why she felt like she did. ...urk. Her spine shivered. ...urp. Her stomach grumbled. It was an unpleasant, yet not unfamiliar, sensation. She would have sighed, but opening her mouth didn't seem like an exactly pleasing prospect. She spotted a wooden pail. Better than the floor, but why was it across the room from her? Begrudgingly, she pulled the rest of her body out from underneath the blanket, shakily stood, and stumbled across the room to the pail, at which point she collapsed on to it and violently(and quite loudly) gave whatever the current contents of her stomach were the boot.

Her body continued to revolt against her as her stomach emptied into the pail. Virtually every part of her body now ached for one reason or another, it felt like the two halves of her brain were facing each other in danmaku, but at least her stomach was beginning to feel better. Even in her current state. Her stomach breaked for a moment, and she spat the vile tasting fluids from her mouth into the pail. Though, she could feel that it wasn't over yet. Uuuuurk.

It was sudden, but not unwelcome, when a soft hand began to rub her back during her stomach's second mutiny. Urk, hrrrk, but the hand kept gently rubbing until Youmu's stomach was nice and empty. "You done?" The hand asked. Youmu spat into the pail and nodded. "Good, good."

Youmu turned, curious as to who the hand's owner was. She was quite surprised to see Sayuka behind her, looking as horrible(and naked) as she felt. Sakuya tried to smile, but it was obvious from her paler-than-usual face(and body) that it was quite possibly beyond her realm of ability at the moment. "You look horrible." She said. "You should probably go back to be--...urp." Urp? Sakuya's face suddenly grew even paler. Perhaps even paler than Youmu's own ghost-half. Sakuya's brow furrowed, and her eyes watered, and Youmu, full of understanding, moved aside to allow Sakuya use of the pail. All she found herself able to do was rub the back of her rival as Sakuya's stomach rebelled against the rest of her body.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 09:10:54 PM by Ryuu » read about me playing league i guess


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Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2010, 04:11:00 AM »
Oh, man. I've never been hung over, and... I'm glad for it.


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Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2010, 11:02:49 AM »
I've seen this on the Touhou Wiki before 8D

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


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Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2010, 04:18:38 PM »
Never been hungover, but I've had days like that. Poor, poor Youmu. And Sakuya. And everyone else involved...
« Last Edit: September 22, 2010, 06:49:08 PM by Definitely Satori »


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Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2010, 05:40:52 PM »
oops forgot to post more old stuff

today's post is about everything erebus hates taking place in aya's office.

?Wrong! All of this is totally wrong!? Reimu slapped the most recent print of Bunbunmaru news in front of Aya. The crow tengu shrugged.

?What's so wrong with it? It's all true.?

Reimu was livid. ?I did NOT sleep with Marisa! Or Yukari! Or even Suika! Where the hell did you get THAT idea anyway?!?

?Your bedroom.? Aya responded flatly. The fierce slap across her face the next moment was entirely expected, prepared for, and possibly even deserved, despite the paper telling nothing but the truth. The door burst open the next moment, and a familiar black-white stood red-faced at the door.

?W-W-What the hell is this, ze?!? She stomped up next to Reimu and slapped another paper on top of the one the miko had brought. Behind the obviously embarrassed Marisa, was an equally embarrassed looking Alice, who looked as if she didn't know whether to yell, cry, or keep quiet. Aya couldn't blame her, though. She would probably feel the same way if she had done the things they had. ?I didn't sleep with that armpit miko, or that stupid doll otaku, or that crazy devil-child, or that anemic shut-in!?

?Hey!? Reimu barked. ?Don't openly insult people who you're standing next to!?

The door slammed open yet again. Aya sighed, wondering how much more the poor thing could take before breaking. In walked the scarlet-faced residents of the mansion on the lake. They, too, followed the trend of stomping across the room and slapping a paper on her desk.

Knowledge was the first to start speaking: ?I did not sleep with that black-white rat!? She shrieked. ?I absolutely did NOT--? she was interrupted by a violent fit of coughing.

?Patchouli-sama, please calm down,? Sakuya sighed as she cleaned the blood leaking through Patchouli's hands with a handkerchief. Remilia sighed.

?You should really keep people's personal lives out of your paper... it might cause you trouble.? Something in the Scarlet Devil's voice unnerved Aya. Maybe it was a hint from Remilia's fate-reading?

?You're the first to not deny anything.? Aya noted.

Remilia giggled in an unusually girlish manner. ?It's not like it was any secret in the first place. Isn't that right, Sakuya??

Sakuya turned a few shades of red darker. ?Yes, mistress. But there is one problem I would like to address.?

?Oh?? Aya perked her eyebrow. In the blink of an eye, Sakuya was leaning across Aya's desk with a knife to her throat.

?I. Absolutely. Did. Not. TOUCH. That. Person.? She said, drawing out every last syllable. The door, almost as if on cue, flew open again.

?Onee-sama~!? A girlish voice yelled out. ?How could you deny your love for me~?!? A flash, and a thud, and Youmu was on the ground with a knife in her head. ?Ahh~!? She fauned, ?Onee-sama's love is so harsh, but so worth it~!?

?I don't know what to tell you.? Aya shrugged. ?You were drunk.?

Sakuya whirled around. ?No amount of alcohol--!?

?Really drunk.? Aya asserted.

?I refuse to--?

?You drank straight from Suika's gourd.?

?...? Sakuya looked shocked. Followed by a look of acceptance, then a look of sorrow and loathing. Without a word, she turned and began to throw knife after knife at the half-ghost on the ground.

?Ah~! Ow~! Oo~! Onee-samaa~!?

?Please stop getting turned on in my office,? Aya sighed.

The complaints kept piling in, until almost every notable face in Gensokyo was crowded and stuffed into her office. Not only was there hardly enough room to move, but the fact that so many powerful people who may or may not be on the best terms with one another were now bumping into each other, rubbing against each other, and yelling at each other. Ironically, most of them had been in bed with one another, too. Aya was at a loss. There was no escape from the room, now. Maybe she should pray to a God? Suwako was the closest, but how fruitful would that turn out? It would make a good story, at least.

?Dammit, Mokou, stop rubbing my ass!? Kaguya, currently the closest to the desk, screamed out.

?I can't help it, there's no room to move!? A retort came from behind her.

?You damn perverted...!?

?Shut up, you idiot NEET!?

Kaguya whirled around, knocking quite a few items on Aya's desk around. The tengu simply sighed and attempted to rearrange what she could. In front of her, Kaguya and Mokou were staging a face-off, but due to the close proximity, their faces were dangerously close, so close that the tips of their noses were rubbing against each other. Maybe it was how close they were. Maybe it was the heat in the room. Maybe it was the memories of what they were doing the previous night. Maybe it was a mix of all three, but in a moment, Mokou had advanced on a suddenly willing Kaguya, and begun reaching her hands under the princess's garb.

Aya opened her mouth to yell at the two to get a room, but various other cries alerted her to the fact that her office was going to become the room of not only the two in front of her, but seemingly everyone else in her office. Moans flew around as frequently as clothing, and Aya could only watch in a stunned disbelief. Her first reaction was to bury her head in her desk. Her second was to cry. Her third was to scream. But, as she regained her senses, she realized that there was only one proper course of action for a situation like this.

Aya grabbed her camera and let the shutter fly like it never had before. read about me playing league i guess


  • Evil Chibi-Dan -doesn't bite-
Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2010, 01:50:11 AM »
ah, rage sex. Always great.

Gotta say, I find Aya being the one exasperated over the whole thing very funny.
so much evil it's poisonously healthy!

Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


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Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2010, 10:42:50 AM »
I saw that one, too!  I had a good laugh at that one.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


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Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2010, 05:44:09 PM »
and now for something completely different(and not on the wiki)

when I wrote this, I was experimenting with a lot of things. specifically the writing style, SA characters(the game was only a few weeks old at the time iirc), and, y'know, killing people.

It was unordinary when my sister requested some assistance in a deed. We had not spoken for quite some time, but she had approached me with tasks unspeakable. I could sense the demon in her subconsciousness, but nevertheless, she was my sister, so I did not refuse her dire requests.

Perhaps there was a demon in me, as well.

Her first request took us into a deep, lush forest above ground, to a Western styled home filled with all sorts of unusual objects. We sneaked behind the house and peered into a window, where we saw the black-white magician and her puppeteer friend. The two were chatting over tea in a most friendly manner. That was when my sister told me the contents of the puppeteer's heart... followed by what she wanted me to do.

You see, the subconscious mind controls many of the functions of the brain, and by controlling the subconscious, you can do many things to the person in question, such as making them reveal a secret, hallucinating, or even making their heart stop. I fear to think what actions I might have done had my heart been sealed away, but it seems as if it was only a temporary fix. I could not refuse my sister, and so I did as she asked.

The puppeteer opened her forbidden grimoire, and without hesitation, unleashed a hellish magic on the black-white magician, forever locking her in a conscious state of eternal agony on the border of death. The puppeteer regained herself, and began screaming, crying the other's name, reaching out to her in some futile attempt to reverse her magics.

At least, this is what the puppeteer believed. In reality, the black-white witch was fine, albeit quite confused as to why her friend burst into tears, screaming her name. Despite the black-white's frequent assurances, the puppeteer could not hear her words. The puppets around the house twitched to life, took up arms, and began to float to their master. The black-white fought them off valiantly, but she ultimately could not prevent the inevitable. A puppet, with a pained expression on its face, ran the puppeteer through the heart, and fell limp.

If I still had a heart, I would find this scene horrifying, I would hate myself for what I had caused. However, even more so, I would find my sister's deranged smile to be the most terrifying thing. The way she licked her lips, the her heavy breathing, the transfixed insanity deep in her eyes. The demon within her was happy.

But it wasn't satisfied.

Unquestioning, I followed my sister once again, now across a vast, clear lake, to a large manor. She informed me that the mistress of the manor was the most soulless of demons, and had locked her innocent sister in the basement for several hundred years. The vampire needed to be appropriately punished. Killing was a task I took no joy in, but I could not disobey my sister.

The lady was resting in her chamber, and her sister in the dingy basement. Their subconsciousnesses were strong; I could feel them overbearing the rest of the presences in the manor. My sister grinned sadistically, and looked me in the eyes. Through her, I could feel the pain, the sorrow of the one in the basement, the hurt that became so normal she did not even realize that it was abnormal, or even wrong.

I could almost feel my heart twinge slightly.

My sister explained to me what she wanted me to do. It was a devilish, evil plan, but it was my sister's plan, so I would follow it through to the letter. I made the lady feel the pain of her younger sister. It was not a slow or gradual process, but rather, quite instant. The maid who had been delivering the batch of evening tea jumped back in shock when her lady began to shriek at a pitch no human could match.

It was almost disconcerting to watch. A strong, powerful, noble heart shattered in a mere instant. I do suppose that nearly five hundred years of pain would do that to even the most stalwart of souls, though. The maid attempted to inquire what was wrong with her lady, but the vampire retreated into the farthest corner of the room, screaming indecipherable commands at her maid. It was then the vampire began to claw at her own throat. Ironically, vampiric healing abilities prevented the lady's would-be suicide.

My sister watched with a hanging mouth, twisted in some gaping smile. Her eyes were quavering and her breath became ragged with ecstasy. The air around her seemed to become the very essence of sadism. The demon within her was pleased.

But its black appetite had yet to become sated.

Next we took to the land of the dead, to find the princess of those who had passed. I could feel the next dreadful task brewing in my sister's mind, and for a moment, I considered using my powers on the demon within her. However, this action would be against my sister's wishes, so I refrained.

Perhaps there was not a demon within me, but neither was there an angel.

The netherworld was an odd place, with spirits flying around, and a massive collection of cherry blossoms, the largest of which was dead, sticking out blatantly against the bright colors of those around it. We stopped at a large Japanese-styled building, in which a ghost princess was consuming the foods cooked by her half-ghost subordinate at an unbelievable rate. It was then my sister gave me my next horrible task.

Greed can do terrible things to people. As can curiosity. When you pair the two, especially forcefully, terrible things can happen. First, telling the ghost where her body rested. Second, making her want the body above all things. The princess stood suddenly, with a dark look upon her face, and began to leave the building. The half-ghost asked her where she was going.

My sister did not seem to fully expect what happened next, for when the half-ghost suddenly clutched her chest and slumped to the ground, whispering her master's name, my sister positively exploded with giddiness. Again, my sister reveled in her insanity before leaving to take me to another task. I must admit, however, what I had viewed, I found, in some twisted way, interesting.

I had never seen a ghost die before.

We took across the netherworld once again, but I felt a strong subconsciousness spring forth from nothing. I turned my head over my shoulder and saw the largest cherry blossom in full bloom, emanating a disturbing sort of hunger.

Suddenly, my sister led us into a large field. The look of demonic happiness had yet to leave her face, but I could feel the fear within her. The fear within the demon within her. The fear that I would feel if my heart was not sealed away.

In front of us, the air itself ripped open, and a woman stepped out of the tear.

Blond and clad in shades of purple, she stared down my sister and myself. The smile on her face was pleasant enough, but her eyes were filled with anger, hatred, vengeance. Filled with the very embodiment of murder. Her subconsciousness was like one I had never felt before, and I knew exactly what would entail in the next moments.

Alas, I suppose it was our turn to suffer. read about me playing league i guess

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2010, 02:02:51 AM »
I remember all these from when they were first posted in the imageboard! Hooray for me!

I still think the "everyone having a hatesex lesbian orgy in Aya's office while she takes photos" is my favourite one. :3

Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2010, 02:43:49 PM »
Evil satori is very evil?
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.


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Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2010, 05:14:10 PM »
I wrote this next one for Cirno Day last year. man, has it only been a year? seems so long ago now.

this fic was also when I began to realize that I loved the Cirno/Wriggle best friend duo and there was nothing I could do about it.

Cirno didn't understand the thick, hardbound book in her lap. ?The miracle of love is a manifestation of the impossibilities and chances that bring two perfectly matched souls together.? Not only could she not understand most of the words, but the entire concept seemed to be higher above her than the sky.

?But I'm the smartest!? Cirno would reassure herself. ?I have to learn this! If D-D-Daiyousei,? Cirno's face would always noticeably redden at this point in the thought, ?can do it, then I can too!? And then Cirno would bury her face in the book again and get a line further before repeating the process. ?Some would insist that the myriad of marriages indicate that love is a common affliction of the heart, but many scholars insist that this is just the facade of love created by desire; true love is very rare and found only by chance, or perhaps a miracle.?

Cirno sighed. Why, oh why did she steal a book from the Scarlet Devil Mansion's library? It was hard enough not being spotted, but now she can't even understand the book! Why'd it have to be so damn complicated anyway?! What's with all this stupid stupid philosophy babble, anyway?! Cirno stood up angrily, turned to throw the book in the lake, and immediately saw Daiyousei's inquisitive face smiling at her. Cirno froze in place(the grass around her feet were now?less metaphorically?covered in ice).

?What're you reading?? She asked with a honey-sweet voice.

Cirno panicked and made a terrible attempt to hide the book behind her back, waving her other hand dismissively. ?Ah, er, uh... n-nothing really...?

?Whaaat? No way, a book that even Cirno reads has to be good! Lemme see!? Daiyousei grabbed Cirno's arm and pulled the book from behind her back.

It later occurred to Cirno that what she should have done was throw the book into the lake. Or the woods. Or at least resist Daiyousei's pulling. However, what Cirno did was none of these things. In actuality, all Cirno could do was think about how innocent Daiyousei's face looked and how soft her hand on her arm was. Needless to say, the battle for possession of the book was short, with Cirno's loss.

?Hmmm...? Daiyousei read a few lines at random. Cirno swallowed hard. Unlike her, Daiyousei actually made a hobby of reading, and was even casual acquaintances with the people in the Library. ?Eh? Cirno...? Daiyousei turned her head to face Cirno and stared at her with wide, clear eyes. ? this a book about love?? She gave a large smile. ?Do you like someone??

Cirno began to shake nervously, and took a step back, waving her hands in front of her frantically. ?N-No...?

?Oh, don't be like that!? Daiyousei dropped the book carelessly and grabbed Cirno's hands. ?It's great!?

Cirno's face reddened even deeper and the tips of her wings began to drip. ?W-Well... y-yeah, I guess.? Her hands are so soft, I'm gonna die.

?Who is it? Is it a boy or a girl? Human or youkai? Tell me!?

So soft and so warm and my heart is gonna explode--?U-Uh... y-youkai...?

?Oh? Oh! Who is it??

can't think anymore someone help

?C'mon, Cirno, tell me! Pretty please?? Daiyousei tilted her head down and stared at Cirno with a pouting face and misty eyes.



what am eye gonna do what 'm eye gonna do


she's so cute but eye can't tell her auaua her hands are so soft

?Cirno, your wings are melting!?



Cirno turned her head around to see that, yes, indeed, her wings were half melted. After which, she reacted like any normal fairy losing her wings, and screamed, panicked, and then jumped in the lake. When she resurfaced, Daiyousei was crouching over the edge of the lake with a concerned look on her face.

?Geez... if you're gonna do that, at least take your clothes off first.?

take off my clothes first... take off my clothes first...

Cirno lowered her nose below the water and clapped a hand over it.

?Cirno, is something wrong??

Some bubbles surfaced and popped soundlessly as a response.

Daiyousei let out a low hum. ?Oh!? She stood up. ?That's right, I have some books to return to Koakuma. Sorry Cirno, I have to go!? Her wings fluttered and she took off over the lake.

Koakuma? That bat-girl from the Library? Well, fine, if Daiyousei would rather spend time, no she's just dropping off books, it's not that, stupid.

Cirno pinched her nose and came out of the water, wiping any remaining blood from the top of her lip. She glanced over her shoulder and, yes, her wings were back in proper frozen order again. The bushes from the woods at the edge of the lake told Cirno that she was not alone.

?Hey, idiot.? Wriggle greeted as she stepped through the brush.

?Hey, bug.? Cirno returned.

?Don't call her a bug~!? Mystia's musical voice came from a nearby tree.

?She shouldn't call me an idiot!? Cirno shot back.

Wriggle shrugged. ?You like Daiyousei.? She stated flatly.

?Uh...? Cirno's face brightened, but at least this time she made sure to keep her wings cool. ?W-Why would I like that stupid stupid bookworm??

?'Cause you like her~!? Mystia sang. ?It's cute.?

?S... She's just a stupid stupid bookworm that spends all her time at that stupid stupid library at that stupid stupid mansion and never talks to m?er...?

?She's jealous~! It's so cute!? Mystia floated circles around Cirno as she sang every word she spoke.

?Oh, the mansion?? Wriggle said in an almost taunting voice. ?I was juuust thinking about messing with the gate guard today...?

Guard means manor. Manor means Daiyousei. But manor also means bat-girl.

?Sooo... wanna come, Ci-r-no??

?Uuu,? was the response.

Fifteen minutes later, Cirno was pinching another bloody nose(for an entirely different reason), and Mystia was holding a pack of ice to Wriggle's new black eye.

?Damn... she sure can punch.? Cirno thought aloud.

?I guess we can't keep using the same old tricks... o-ow! Myschi, not so hard!?

?Oh, hush!? The traces of music had vanished from Mystia's voice. ?It's your own fault so take it like a man!?

?I'm not a??

?Is that Daiyousei?? Cirno pointed at the gate. Surely enough, Daiyousei and a red-head in black were exiting the manor.

And then they hugged.

Cirno's head suddenly felt hot. And light.

did she just hug that girl oh no oh no she likes her and not me what am eye gonna do

?Cirno?? Wriggle's voice.

auauauau what am eye gonna do what am eye... everything's... dark...

?Cirno?? Mystia's. ?Hey, Cirno, wake up!?

noooo daiyouseiiiii

?S-She's melting?!?

?What?! She can't actually MELT, can she?!?

come baaccckkk daiiyouseiiiiii

?Look at her wings! What do we do?! Wriggle!?

?Throw her in the lake!?


?Just throw her in the lake!?

surrounded by... thousands of tiny daiyousei's... so happy...

Suddenly, Cirno felt a very cold, very wet thing encompass her entire body, and she snapped back to consciousness. Immediately afterwords, her lungs communicated an explicit desire for air, and Cirno surfaced.

?You freaked out.? Wriggle said with a face as toneless as her voice.

?I didn't freak out.? Cirno retorted.

?She had a friendly hug, and you freaked out.?

?I totally did not.?

Eye totally did.

?Cirno...? Mystia sighed. ?If you like her so much, why don't you just tell her??


?Yeah.? Wriggle nodded, placing a hand on her hip. ?C'mon, it's easy.?

?Like you'd know, you dumb bug.?

?You... Fine. Allow me to demonstrate.? Wriggle turned on her heel to face Mystia and got on one knee. She then extended her hand and grabbed Mystia's. ?Mystia Lorelai!? Wriggle called out in a overdramatic voice. ?I, Wriggle Nightbug, like you!? Wriggle stood. ?It's that simple.?

?Hah.? Cirno's voice was bitter. ?Easy when you don't mean it.?

?Well...? Wriggle and Mystia both said, but trailed off.

...they hadn't let go of each other's hands. Lucky them.

?Well, whatever. I'm gonna go dry off. See you.? Cirno shrugged, floated out of the water, and then flew off.

Stupid stupid Wriggle. Stupid stupid Wriggle gets everything she wants and Eye'm flying around totally wet and alone. Totally alone and arrrghh this is so frustrating and look there's Daiyousei maybe I should freeze some frogs to?

Cirno stopped, turned around, and headed towards the ground at full speed.

What Cirno had intended was to swoop down, confess to Daiyousei, and then have a lovely romantic time.

What happened was Cirno swooped down, stopped too fast and sprayed water droplets all over Daiyoseu and the book she was reading, and instead of having a lovely confession, Cirno had a lovely time floating limply with a red face and stammering like an idiot.

?Um...?? Daiyousei cocked her head lightly.

?I-I, I, I-I,? Cirno's tongue felt about as large as Kirisame's ego. ?li-l-li-li...?

Daiyousei closed her book and ascended to Cirno's level. ?Um, Cirno, I can't understand you.?

Words bounced around in Cirno's mind like border-reflective danmaku. The wires in her brain crossed and tangled and for each attempt, a new word came out of Cirno's mouth.

Daiyousei sighed, and gave Cirno a firm smack in the face.

?Ow! Hey, that really hurt!?

?But now you can speak.?



?I-I guess I can.?

Daiyousei gave an innocent smile. ?So, what was it you wanted to say, Cirno??

?Um. Um. Um.? Cirno got on one knee(which was an amusing image because she was floating still), and grabbed one of Daiyousei's hands. ?I-I, C-Cirno the F-Fairy... um...? She swallowed hard. ?liiiiikeee youuuu!?

Daiyousei flushed red. ?Um. Um. Um. I-I, um.?

why did eye say that that was so stupid oh no she's gonna turn me down auauau

?Um, uh... er...?

auauauau eye'm so stupid stupid why am eye so stupid

?I-I... like you... too, Cirno.? Daiyousei gave a soft, nervous laugh.

eye'm so dumb and stupid and eh?

?Y-You do??

?Y-... Yes.?

?Um.? Cirno wasn't exactly sure what came after this part.

?Uhh...? Daiyousei wasn't sure, either.

It was at this point the two realized that they were still holding hands. Before Cirno could instinctively pull away, Daiyousei entwined her fingers around Cirno's.

Cirno didn't exactly mind this. ?So, uh... today I got into a fight with that gate guard!?

?Ohh?? Daiyousei giggled. ?What was that like??

Just let it come naturally, Cirno, she thought to herself. Everything'll keep going good that way. So, with confidence, Cirno related the story of how she and Wriggle got their asses kicked. read about me playing league i guess

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2010, 05:38:16 PM »
Your writing that fic was the reason I decided to write my own Cirno Day fic. Man, has it really been that long?

Aaah, Cirno and Daiyousei are so adorable in this :* :* :*


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2010, 05:43:53 PM »
Your writing that fic was the reason I decided to write my own Cirno Day fic.

this is probably the best thing I could ever hear about something I wrote

;-; so happy read about me playing league i guess


  • Sure you're straight dash....
  • ...I totally believe you
Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2010, 08:00:42 PM »
?Onee-sama~!? A girlish voice yelled out. ?How could you deny your love for me~?!? A flash, and a thud, and Youmu was on the ground with a knife in her head. ?Ahh~!? She fauned, ?Onee-sama's love is so harsh, but so worth it~!?



  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2010, 09:06:06 PM »
?Onee-sama~!? A girlish voice yelled out. ?How could you deny your love for me~?!? A flash, and a thud, and Youmu was on the ground with a knife in her head. ?Ahh~!? She fauned, ?Onee-sama's love is so harsh, but so worth it~!?


youmu just got 10000x hotter

next up is a mariali fic I wrote that I honestly completely forgot I wrote, so I don't have much to say about it.

Fear is an emotion that has toppled armies, felled kingdoms, and caused the world's greatest men to collapse into a state that children would call cowardly. It is, next to pain, one of the emotions that, humans and youkai alike, attempt to avoid the most, doing everything in their power to achieve this end. The most careful plans, the most constructed men had all fallen to a mere flicker of fear.

Fortunately, Marisa Kirisame had never felt fear.

?Your attack is too weak, ze!? Marisa, side-saddle on her broom, crossed her legs and smiled arrogantly.

?Say what you want!? Alice shot back, her dolls dancing elegantly around her, flinging seven-colored shots around Marisa. ?It's only a matter of time!?

Reimu, sitting on her shrine steps far below the two, sipped her tea.

?Oho!? Marisa twirled around her broom, making a show of dodging the next wave of bullets. ?Come on, come on! That can't be all, ze!?

?Shut up, already! You're infuriating!?

?'S the point! Haha!?

Yukari, sitting on the shrine steps far below the two, sipped her tea. ?They are quite good friends.? She remarked.

?Yes.? Reimu replied in a blank voice, apparently more interested in nibbling on a rice cake.

Above, Marisa was twirling about on her broom, dodging bullets with acrobatics rather than normal flight. At least, she was, until her fingers slipped and she found herself barely hanging onto her broom with one hand.

?Yes! It ends now, Marisa!? Alice signaled her dolls, and they flew forward in a mystical blitz, launching bullets across the sky in an elegant pattern. Rather than taking the inevitable blow, or attempting to remount her broom, Marisa did what Marisa always does?grin and do something stupid. She released her grip from the broom, and plummeted to the ground, twirling through the hail of bullets. Her broom, however, rocketed straight through the shots, arced upward, and then pointed to the ground and in a spectacular blast that launched several multicolored stars from its end, it spiraled down towards Marisa at an incredible speed.

?Still not good enough!? Marisa grabbed her broom, and in a series of fluid motions, she righted herself, dodged a bullet, drew her mini-hakkero, dodged more bullets, and drew a card. ?It's over! Love Sign...!?

?No! Shanghai, Hourai!? Two of Alice's dolls broke from the pack. The one in blue attempted to control Marisa's movement via focused fire, while the one in red charged at her. Marisa blew through the cracks of Shanghai's fire, while simultaneously feinting Hourai, causing her to overshoot her target and explode harmlessly in the distance.

?Master Spaaaaark!? The mini-hakkero glowed, and from it gushed forth a love-colored laser of immense magnitude, tearing through Alice's bullet waves and dolls. Alice made no attempt to dodge, and simply shielded her face with her arms as she was engulfed by the attack.

Moments later, the two were sipping tea with Reimu and Yukari.

?Needs work.? Alice remarked in an abashed voice, still trying to brush the burn marks from her dress.

?The bullet spread was too thin.? Marisa stated.

?The focused fire would keep your opponent in the field you want, but the dolls shooting the killshots are too easy to defeat.? Reimu added.

?Save it for Easy Mode.? Yukari finished. As per usual for Yukari's comments, Alice and Marisa had no idea what she was talking about(though Reimu seemed to understand perfectly).

?Hmm...? Alice began processing the battle through her head. ?If I move the dolls outside the focused fire... and change the pattern to look more like...? She stood, and brushed another burned spot from her knees. ?Thanks for the help. I'm going to go home and work on it.? Without another word, Alice took to the air and headed towards the forest.

Reimu smiled softly. Yukari gave an almost inaudible chuckle. Marisa sensed that they both were thinking the same thing, and she did not like that. They were silent for a short span, sipping tea, munching on rice cakes, and appreciating the area around the shrine...

?You went easy on her.? Reimu said, breaking the silence.

?What?? Marisa turned and flashed a bright smile. ?That's not true!?

It was.

?You didn't fire a single shot.? Yukari said.

?You let go of your broomstick on purpose.? Reimu added.

?You deliberately avoided every path that involved attacking her dolls.?

?You tilted your Spark down so she would only get caught in the edge of it.?

Marisa laughed nervously and scratched the back of her head. ?Okay, so maybe I WAS going a little easy...?

?Just tell her you like her.? Yukari said in the most off-handed voice imaginable, and took a long sip of tea. Across the table, the tea Marisa had aimed to get down her throat and into her stomach, had instead taken a detour down her windpipe, before being evicted by the surprised air in her lungs, and the two traveled merrily up the throat and right back out of Marisa's mouth, making a sound similar to ?ppfffttbbbpfftfffbfbfbttbbppfff?, and scattered across the table.

?What? I don't... that self-centered doll otaku... no way! No way!? Marisa slammed down her cup, tightened her fingers around it a bit too hard, and waved frantically with her free hand, turning far too red for someone who does not like someone else.

Yukari giggled more openly than usual. ?I have seen many lies in my time, but that is by far the most transparent!?

?Ah... er...?

?I'm honestly surprised you haven't swept her off her feet yet, Marisa.? Reimu teased. ?You're always charging ahead without thinking, right? Nothing scares Marisa Kirisame.?

?Hey, I think. You make it sound like I'm sort of bull!?

?You are.? Reimu said flatly. ?Don't change the subject.?

Marisa did not make any lingual response, and instead made some quiet growl.

?Do something romantic.? Yukari suggested. ?Leave flowers at her doorstep... gardenias or red roses, maybe??

?Or you could just tell her.?

?Gah, there's no point, ze! 'S just a passing affection.? Lie. ?It'll be gone in a few days, just you watch!? Bigger lie.

Reimu smiled an almost too knowing smile, and sipped her tea. She did not say anything, and for some reason, this frustrated Marisa.

?Ahh, whatever. I'm goin' home, ze. Thanks for the tea.? Marisa hopped on her broom and flew off. Reimu and Yukari watched her fly off, and were silent for several minutes.

Eventually, Yukari broke the silence. ?You didn't mention that Alice was holding back, as well.?

?Neither did you.?

?Hohoho... say... Marisa didn't head back to the forest, did she??


?What is that way, anyway??

?The flower field.?

Ten minutes later, Yuka was disturbed from her nap. ?This better be good, human.? She said with a glare that could cause a redwood to wither.

?What's with that mean talk, ze?? Marisa grinned. ?Aren't we friends~??

?No. What do you want??

?Ah, well...? Marisa's arrogant grin was replaced by an earnestly shy one, and she placed a hand on the back of her neck. ?It's kind of...?

Yuka found it hard not to be slightly curious as to what could make the fearless Kirisame so meek. ?Spit it out already. You're already lucky I'm listening.?

?Um... what's a good flower to give someone you like??

?...? Marisa could not tell if Yuka was stunned, annoyed, flabbergasted, or deciding on what spellcard was the best to call. In actuality, Yuka could not tell, either. ?Come.? Yuka led Marisa through the vast sunflower field, to a small section of ground where small, white flowers were going.

?Gardenias. They are not indigenous to this region. I got their seeds from the Kourindou, and raised them here.?

?Thanks a lot, ze!? Marisa bent down and reached for a flower when Yuka grabbed her shoulder and stopped her with a vice grip.

?They will decide if your plight is worthy.?


?If they decide it is not worthy, then I will punish you for waking me from my nap.? Yuka said with a nasty grin. ?Tell them your story.?

?Uhh...? Marisa scratched the back of her head again, and righted herself. Yuka released her shoulder. ?A while ago, back when I was a kid, me an' Reimu went down to Makai and wreaked some havoc... I forget why, ze. But anyway, I met this idiot down there, and I thought she was kinda cute, but figured I'd never see her again, so I shrugged, we threw bullets around, and that was that.

?Then she moved in next to my house, ze. I was pretty surprised, but she introduced herself, and then stayed in her house for a while just working on dolls. A week passed... two weeks, and then I decided that her being a shut-in just wouldn't do at all. So I barged in and asked for tea, ze! We've been friends ever since.

?Though recently... I think I wanna be more than friends, ze. I'm just not really... sure... how to tell her, so Yukarin suggested I give her flowers, and now I'm here.?

? that all?? Yuka asked, looking bored.

?Geez, I just poured out my heart to your flowers. Least you could do is look interested, ze.?

Yuka shrugged, and gazed over the flowers. ?They want me to give you a message. 'For us, it is our greatest wish for our lives to be used to convey a feeling of pure, but shy love. We would be glad to be taken and used to speak your feelings for you.'?

?Complex thought, for a flower.?

?They make better conversation partners than you humans.?

?Harsh.? Marisa smiled. She bent down in front of the flowers. ?Thanks! I'll be sure to put ya to good use, ze!? And one by one, she picked them.

?Now get out of here.? Yuka put a hand to her head. ?I'm tired.?

?Thanks a lot, ze. See you!? Marisa hopped on her broom and blasted off towards the forest. Marisa's head was full of optimistic thoughts, she would knock on the door, hand Alice the flowers, and then... loving embrace? Sweep her off her feet? Full on kissing? Straight to the bed? The details of ?afterwords? didn't matter to her, because no matter what, things were going to turn out amazing.

Marisa was frozen in front of the front door to Alice's house, thanking all the Gods she could think of that Alice had not noticed her yet. All of her brilliant imaginings crumbled and blew away in the wind the second she raised her hand to knock on the door, and for the past five minutes, Marisa had been frozen in place, awkwardly holding the flowers with a fist hovering over the door. ?Maybe I should just call to Alice,? she thought. But when she tried to speak, the words caught in her throat like tar, and her tongue became so dry that it had the same texture as a beach front.

Why was this hard? She was Marisa Kirisame! Nothing got in her way! Ever! It is just simply too uncharacteristic of her to be unable to act! Though she could not exactly place what the eerie tension in her chest was, she would definitely knock on this door and deliver the flowers! Definitely! Definitely! Definitely! Repeating the word in her head over and over again, Marisa swallowed and gave three definite knocks on the door.

In an instant, she dropped the flowers. Oh Heaven, what was she thinking?! What if Alice didn't like girls?! What if Alice secretly hated her?! Oh, damn damn damn! Marisa grabbed her broom and flew over the house as fast as she could, darting into the trees as soon she reached the treeline behind Alice's house. Oh, damn damn damn! Marisa swore to herself over and over, weaving through the trees, landing in front of her house, running through the door, and falling face down into her pillow. Dammit dammit dammit all to hell!

Did she, Marisa Kirisame, just run? Not from a great youkai, no. Not from some mystical demon from another dimension, not from an invasion from the outside world, not from a superweapon from the moon, no. In fact, any of those things Marisa knew she would face with a brilliant smile and a heart full of excitement. But this... she ran! Why did she run?! Nothing scares Marisa Kirisame! It made absolutely no sense! Marisa thought about returning to Alice's house, acting like it was all part of her plan... but the more Marisa considered that, the more irresistibly comfortable her pillow became, enticing her to keep her head right here, far far away from Alice.

?I'm such an idiot...? She muttered, rolling over and pulling her hat over her face. No. No, this wasn't right. Lying here and feeling sorry for herself... that was very unlike Marisa Kirisame. She sat up, flattened her hair with one hand, replaced her hat on the top of her head, grabbed her broom, and set out the door. There was really only one thing she could do, after all.

?I'm such an idiot!? Marisa yelled, sitting across a table from Reimu, drinking tea.

Reimu sighed. ?You got scared. Everyone gets scared.?

?I'm Marisa Kirisame!? Marisa exclaimed, patting herself on the chest. ?I don't get scared, ze.?

Reimu opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by a knocking at the door. ?I wonder who that is...? She muttered in a voice that sounded more like ?I know who that is?, stood, and exited the room.

Marisa sighed, and rubbed the top of her head through her hat, crumpling the fabric. Marisa Kirisame, scared, honestly. What a preposterous thought! Nothing in this world or the next could scare--

Reimu returned with Alice following her. Marisa's pulse raced, her breath caught in her throat, and it was an uphill battle stopping her face from turning red. Marisa Kirisame was scared witless.

Marisa feebly attempted to greet Alice, her words coming out more like various sounds before any discernible language escaped. Alice responded with a quick and curt greeting, like always, and sat at the table in between Reimu and Marisa. It was then Marisa noticed Reimu's slight smirk, and the pure white gardenia that Alice was wearing in her hair.

?Nice flower!? Marisa said with a wide smile. ?Where'd ya get it?? Already, Marisa was inwardly cursing herself for speaking. But she couldn't let that show.

?Someone left a bouquet of them in front of my house.?

?Oho~? Marisa chimed. ?Someone's finally got some interest in the reclusive doll otaku, huh? Any idea who??

?One.? Marisa tried to ignore how accusing Alice's stare seemed. She also tried to ignore how Reimu's face turned from an entertained, confident face, to a worried, dark face.

What she could not ignore, however, was how her mouth kept making noise despite her brain's frequent demands to stop. ?Ooohh? So who is it? It can't possibly be the prettiest magician to ever exist, huh??

Alice's eyes narrowed. ?Is it??

This was bad. Marisa knew this was bad. But something about that gripping feeling around her heart kept the words flying from her mouth faster than she could panic inwardly about it. ?Maybe it is.?

Marisa blinked. In that instant, Alice had stood, left the room, and was half way out of the front door. The feeling constricted her heart so tightly that Marisa could barely breathe, but she still stood and chased after Alice. ?W-Where're ya goin', ze?!?

Alice paused as she stepped outside. Slowly she turned around. ?I hate you.? She reached and ripped the flower from her hair, crushing the bulb and scattering the petals. ?Never speak to me again.?

Marisa was speechless. A million thoughts, phrases, and words flew through her head, but she had forgotten how to communicate. How to think. How to breathe. She stood in complete, shocked stillness.

Alice turned away almost too quickly and flew off. Marisa felt a hand on her shoulder.

?Marisa...? Reimu could feel Marisa shaking under her hand. Marisa couldn't. In fact, all Marisa could feel was the desperate need to be anywhere that was not here, and made for her broom by the door. She took a step forward, her legs felt like jelly. Another step, the room started spinning. A third step, her knees buckled and she fell to the floor. What just happened? It didn't make any sense...

?It doesn't make any damn sense!?

?Marisa...? Reimu was picking her up off the floor now, pulling her back into the tea room.

?Reimu... I...? Marisa searched for words. ?...can't seem to move, ze. My body won't listen.?

?Don't worry about it.? Reimu sat the table and rested Marisa's head on her lap.

They were silent for a few moments. Then, Marisa did something that she had not done for a long time, and something that Reimu had never seen her do. Marisa cried. She buried her face in Reimu's skirt and sobbed until her throat was hoarse. All Reimu could do was pet Marisa's hair in a feeble attempt to calm her down.

It was at least an hour before Marisa's crying ceased. Her throat was dry and sore, her head felt like someone took a spoon and mixed her brain up, and her eyes were on fire. But at least she was done crying.

?'S not what I expected, ze.?

?Me either.?

?Really?? Marisa laughed dryly. ?You're always right, though.?

?No, I'm not.?

?Yeah... you're always right.? Marisa gripped Reimu's skirt tightly. ?Reimu Hakurei's always right about everything. I'm jealous... maybe if I was like that--?

?Shut up.? Reimu said sternly. ?You have more important things to do than to pity yourself.?

?Yeah? Like what, ze?? Marisa sighed.

Reimu stood, pulling Marisa to her feet with her. ?Who the hell are you??


?What is your name?!?

Marisa gazed dully into Reimu's fierce stare. ?Marisa Kirisame.?

?Exactly! Marisa Kirisame. Nothing scares Marisa Kirisame. Nothing stops Marisa Kirisame!?


?No buts! You're pissing me off!? Reimu shook Marisa by her shoulders. ?The Marisa Kirisame I know wouldn't be beaten so easily! The Marisa Kirisame I know wouldn't have given up, and would have found the truth!?

?...the truth??

?Yes! Now get your freeloading ass out of my house and go find it!?

Marisa sighed again. She rubbed her face. Wet. She straightened her hat, and attempted to clear her mind.

Reimu Hakurei was always right.

Marisa Kirisame never gave up.

These were two undeniable facts about their lives, to the point that it almost governed the world around them.

Marisa grinned. ?You're right, you poor layabout.? Without another word, Marisa left.

Reimu walked out onto her porch, watching Marisa blast off towards the Forest of Magic. A crumpled petal lay at her feet, already slightly withered by the summer heat. Reimu bent and picked it up, rubbing it gently between her fingers. ?Maybe I was too harsh...? She looked towards the forest again. ?, I'm sure she'll be fine.?

When you search for the truth between yourself and someone else, there is only one place to go: to the other person. With this in mind, Marisa landed in front of Alice's house. The grip around her heart was stronger than ever before, making her pulse race, her breaths short, and her limbs shake. But this time, Marisa liked it. She knocked on the door.

Alice answered, her face red and puffy. In the instant before she wore a cruel, glaring face, Marisa had seen the truth. ?Go away.? Before Alice could move, Marisa stuck her foot in the door. Alice slammed it anyway.

Marisa winced and gave a slight hiss through her teeth. The door bounced off of her foot and lay open again. ?Your face is red, ze.? Marisa stated.

? is yours.?

?You were crying.? Marisa stepped forward, pushing the door open. Alice stepped back.

?I-I was not. Get out of my house.? Marisa stepped forward. Alice stepped back.

?Why were you crying?? Marisa stepped forward. Alice stepped back.

?I said I wasn't crying! Get out!? Marisa stepped forward. Alice stepped back and ran into her table. Marisa noticed her next clue.

?So... why are the rest of the flowers in a vase, ze??

Alice was silent.

?You lied, ze.?

Alice was still silent. Marisa's eyes had a brilliant fire burning in them, and Alice could not look away.

?Why? Why would you do that??


?You what?!?

?You... I...?

?Spit it out, ze!?

?We're completely different!? Alice yelled. ?If I... If I...? Alice shook her head. ?I'll outlive you.?


?I don't want to... I don't want to live that... The hundreds of years...?

?Would you rather spend those years wondering 'what if'?!?

Alice was silent again.

Marisa, however, was also silent, not knowing where to go with her reasoning. She understood what she felt. She believed she understood what Alice felt. Because these two feelings were the same. When considering what to do next, Marisa remembered something that she had lived by for a long, long time: actions speak far louder than words.

So, Marisa grabbed Alice by the collar of her shirt, pulled her head down to Marisa's height, and gave her a firm kiss on the lips. Alice responded by wrapping her arms around Marisa's body.

Marisa pulled back. Alice leaned forward slightly, attempting to continue the kiss, realizing what Marisa was doing, and pulled back embarrassed. ?Alice, I'm spending the night.?

Alice smiled. It was a soft, simple, maybe even somewhat unremarkable. But for Marisa, it was the most stunning, beautiful smile she had ever seen in her entire life. ?Okay.? read about me playing league i guess


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2010, 02:21:05 AM »
now to entirely switch gears from moe into something more gruesome, this came about when a friend asked me to write yandere(for the second time, but the first one wasn't touhou related)

so naturally I chose parsee

and naturally it's excessively graphic. writing yandere freaks me out, man

Its eyes were prettier than hers... its hair was better kept than hers... its smile glowed more than hers... its figure was slimmer than hers... it was a perfect mirror of everything Parsee wanted herself to be, but couldn?t. It made her so jealous. She cupped the cheek of her glamorous doppelganger. It smiled. She smiled back.

It knew what was going to happen. It knew what was coming next, what has come before and will come again and again and again and again. It smiled at her. A taunting smile. An arrogant smile. As if it didn?t care what was going to happen to her. It made Parsee so frustrated and so very jealous. She drew the knife from her pocket, and ran the flat of the blade against its cheek.

It watched the blade without a flicker of emotion in its eyes, its beautiful perfect green eyes. Its mouth never twitching, the perfect, supple peach lips. Such a beautiful face. It was something to be envied, especially when you were as drab, as ugly as Parsee was.

Well... if Parsee wasn?t allowed to be alluring, then this foul mirror shouldn?t be allowed either.

She started at the face. The cheeks separating and skin dying red, the warmth. The smile didn?t fade. The eyes didn?t flicker. Parsee thought about removing them, because they made her so jealous, but she wanted to break them, and doing it with the knife would be cheating. Unfair.

It had such a beautiful mouth, stained in red. Parsee licked her lips and advanced upon it, entering its mouth with her tongue. It had such a delightful, metal taste. It was sweet. Parsee knew she couldn?t ever be this sweet, and it made her so jealous. It responded to her intrusion in kind, probing back with its own tongue, further stoking her jealousy. Parsee grabbed its tongue with her teeth, and pulled back, dragging its tongue out of its mouth. She took the knife, and removed it. The taste of sweet metal filled Parsee?s mouth and she drank freely of the warm red liquid.

She pushed it to the ground and straddled it. She began slashing madly at the perfect, wheat-colored hair. It made her so jealous. It was nothing like her uneven, frizzy and mud-covered hair. She cut and hacked and tore and ripped and before long, what was perfect hair was an ugly, half-bald and bleeding mess. But it still stared at her. It still smiled.

Parsee took to its neck. At first she admired it, it wasn?t too short like Parsee?s. It didn?t have any excess fat hanging off of it. The nape was perfectly shaped and it ended at such a wonderful collarbone. Parsee kissed the neck gently, and then tore into it with her teeth, biting and ripping madly. She ended with a quick, practiced stab through the esophagus. Blood spilled more and more freely, enriching the ground around it.

Parsee moved lower, dragging her wet hands down the soft torso, the sikly skin, the flat tummy, not an excess of fat, it made her so jealous she couldn?t stand it. So she cut and slashed and stabbed over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over until every piece of skin was dyed red and her own arms and legs were completely drenched. But it wasn?t enough. Parsee was still jealous. So she cut deeper and deeper, growing more and more envious with every slash, each droplet to splash against her face was another thing to be jealous about.

It went on and on and on. And they both knew it wouldn?t stop until there was nothing left. It smiled at her and stared with wonderful, perfect green eyes. read about me playing league i guess

Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2010, 04:21:33 PM »
I like, but wtf?
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2010, 04:50:17 PM »
I like, but wtf?

You dinnae what yandere is?

Also, Ryuu works with Parsee and Mirror!Parsee. Mirror Parsee is the Parsee that Parsee wishes she could Parbee *shot*


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2010, 05:11:08 PM »
last post in this thread. or I dunno maybe I could turn it into one of those fancy request threads you lot all do but I'd probably only rarely fill something, tee hee hee.

in any case, this last one actually has a name. "Alice Doesn't Die". in my head the thing played out more like a doujin than a fic, and I think my attempts at translating certain things into text lowered the overall quality a bit.

oh well. in any case, IN A WORLD WHERE EVERYONE(except alice(for the most part)) IS YANDERE(which means gore warning, people~)

Every now and then, you wake up and get the feeling that today is just going to be an odd day. One of ?those? days. The days where weird things happen, normal things go wrong, and everything is just... generally unpleasant. When Alice fell out of bed, stumbled across her house, and answered her door half-naked to find Marisa asking for tea, Alice knew that today would be one of those days.

?So, what's this weird thing that was on your door, ze?? As Marisa sat down, she pulled an amulet out of her pocket.

?I've never seen it before. And if you thought it was mine, why did you steal it??

?Huh... it has a protection rune on the back, ze...?

?Stop ignoring me whenever I ask you a question!?

?Take a look.? Marisa tossed the amulet at Alice. ?Looks like it's out of power, ze.?

Alice flipped over the amulet. Yes, there was definitely a protection rune engraved on the back. On the front, there was a dull red crystal... the amulet itself was made of gold. A faint magical aura rose from it, but Marisa was right?any power this item had was long gone. Though, Alice felt strange looking at it. Very strange.

?It's a little interesting,? Alice remarked, ?but it's ultimately useless.?

?Someone left it on your door, ze! Isn't that mysterious~??

Alice looked up at Marisa. Marisa had the prettiest gold eyes. Alice wanted those eyes to stare at her forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. ?Yes. Very mysterious.? Alice responded, sitting across from Marisa.

Marisa stretched and looked out the window. No, Marisa, don't look away, look at me look at me look at me look at only me forever keep your beautiful eyes on me so I may stare into them for eternity...

?You should leave.? Alice said. ?I feel... sick.?

?You don't look sick.?

?I am.? Alice buried her face in her hands and screwed her eyes shut. ?Please, leave.?

don't go marisa stay here forever stay with me forever marisa no one else can have you only i may

?Actually... I feel kind of...? Marisa's face began to grow pale. The air in the house became heavier.

marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa marisa

When Alice came to, she was fully and properly clothed, wet, and desperately trying not to look at the crumpled figure in the corner of her room. The house smelled of blood. Alice stumbled to her feet, and?making sure to NOT LOOK IN THE CORNER?she exited her house, but the smell of blood and her own churning stomach forced her to her knees, and she vomited on her steps.

It was then she noticed she was wearing the amulet that arrived at her house. The gold was stained red with blood, but the crystal was now filled with a dim light. Deciding that it would be better to get as far away as possible from her house at the moment, Alice struggled to her feet and began walking.

The air was heavy. Flying felt impossible. Alice was tired. The sky was red. Everything smelled like blood, but that might have been because Alice's own clothes were staithe path was much longer today. The trees were darker, too. The leaves looked like a rotting green...

Alice wasn't sure how much time had passed, or how many times she had to stop to vomit, but she finally arrived at the Hakurei shrine. The air here felt especially oppressive, somehow.

?Reimu...? Alice called weakly, walking through the front door of the shrine. ?Reimu, are you here??

From within the shrine, Alice could hear soft sobbing. She proceeded further. ?Reimu...??

?Everyone's hearts... are blackened...?

?Reimu? Reimu, where the hell... are you...??

?Eh? Reimu, Reimu, she has a clear heart!?

Alice pushed open a door, and behind it Reimu was laying lazily on the floor with the Satori girl clinging desperately, fearfully to her arm.


?Reimu, I...?

?I can already tell from the ----- on your dress and that amulet you're wearing.?

?What's going on?!? Alice fell to her knees.

?Darkness... darkness... everything has been stained in black...? Satori looked as if she was staring beyond the ceiling, and Alice felt uncomfortable watching her.

?Something's in Gensokyo that's bringing out the hidden negative emotions that we all hold, and amplifying them.? Reimu explained.

So that's why... Alice looked over Reimu, who was being as leisurely as ever, occasionally ruffling Satori's hair.

?Why haven't you done anything?!? Alice screamed. ?Why are you just sitting here?!?

?Because I'm lazy.? Reimu shrugged. ?It seems like that amulet you found protects the wearer from the effects.?

? do you know that??

?Yukari told me, before she killed herself.?

?She wha...? Alice swallowed the taste of vomit and placed a hand on her stomach. ?You take the amulet. And fix everything.?

?That's a bad idea.? Reimu grinned slightly. ?Because the first thing I would do is kill you.?

?Wh... but Reimu... why would you--?

?You bitch, you ------ ------!? In an instant, Reimu's face went from pleasant and careless to livid and fearsome.

Alice's head began to spin.

?I wha... I didn't...?

?Oh, so you're saying there's someone ELSE who actually VISITS you?!?

?No no no no no, I--?

?Reimu, stop!? Satori pleaded. ?It's getting in her heart!?

?Haven't you wondered, Alice?! Who's blood is on your clothes?!?

?Who's... blood...?

The smell of blood was stronger than ever now, the room was spinning, and Alice began to dry heave. Marisa... Marisa... Marisa... Marisa...

The crystal on the amulet shined brightly, and Alice's head cleared. She opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by a small shriek from Satori.

?So much darkness! It's coming, Reimu! I'm scared! Save me!? Satori began sobbing.

Reimu sighed. ?Alice, take Satori and leave. Now.?


?Unless you would stay here and die? I have a feeling I know who is coming, and it's no one you can stand up against. Get out of here, before I decide to avenge my friend.?

Alice stood slowly, staring at Reimu with a serious look. ?Come on, Komeiji.? She held out a hand, not breaking her stare at Reimu.

Satori looked nervously at Alice, then to Reimu, and back at Alice. She released Reimu's arm, and scuttled across the room to Alice.

Alice sighed, and picked the girl up entirely. ?Bye, Reimu.?

?Find someone who can fix this, Alice.?

?If only it were that easy!? Alice turned on her heel and carried Satori out of the building. The air outside was cooler, but felt heavier with each passing moment. And Alice could sense a strong magical force heading her way.

?It's black...? Satori shuddered.

?Shut up.? Alice ran into the nearby woods. The power got closer, closer. Alice turned at the last instant to see a girl with bizarre wings enter the shrine. ...Alice ran faster.

?Black... so black...? Satori clenched onto Alice and buried her face in Alice's chest. ?I'm so scared...?

Behind them, the shrine violently exploded. Alice kept running as fast as she could, without paying attention to where she was going. The sound of fire never got quieter.

?Black.? Was all Satori said. Over and over.

?KAAAGUUUYAAAAAAA? A voice roared through the forest, bringing intense fire with it.

?Them?! Here?!? Alice crouched down and covered Satori's head as Mokou raged above them, setting all the trees ablaze as she went.

?Mokou! Mokou!? Kaguya's voice came from far closer than Alice would have liked. ?I just want you to love me! Why can't you see that?!? Kaguya sounded even angrier than Mokou, if that was possible.

Clenching her teeth, Alice attempted to proceed crouching low and doing her best to protect Satori, though she wasn't sure why she was doing it. Fire ate through a tree behind them, and it fell to the ground, blocking the path back. The fire began to spread to the foliage, and down the brush lining the path. Alice moved faster.

?LOOOVEE MEEEEEE!? Kaguya's voice came shrieking and the two, wrapped in flames, crashed into the path in front of Alice, spraying burning shrubbery over her. Alice drew back, holding Satori's head tight. Satori sobbed.

Mokou's response came out in a strangled gargle. Alice noticed her throat was mostly missing.

?LOVE ME!? Kaguya ripped off a piece of Mokou's flesh with her bare hands. ?LOVE ME!? Another piece. ?LOVE ME LOVE ME LOVE ME!? With each repetition, another piece of Mokou came flying off. Some pieces came far closer to Alice than she would have liked. ?LOVE. MEEEEEEEE!? There was the sound of ripping meat and snapping bones. Kaguya was holding Mokou's severed head into the sky, letting the blood from Mokou's neck drip onto her face.

What was left of Mokou's right arm moved apparently on it's own, and pierced Kaguya through the heart. The flames from the forest began licking at Alice's legs, singeing her dress. Alice stared at the two bodies mauling each other for another moment, and then closed her eyes and ran as fast as she could past them.

Alice ran. When the air cooled, Alice ran. When the sounds of fire stopped, Alice ran. It was only when her legs gave out and she and Satori went tumbling to the ground that Alice stopped. Visions of what she had just witnessed flashed through her head... the smell of blood and burnt flesh. Alice began dry heaving once again. Satori tugged at the hem of her dress.

?We are surrounded by darkness...? she said in a small voice.

Alice looked around her. She was in a field, but it was one she recognized. In front of her, there was the path to the village, and a tower of smoke. To her left, there was a cliff that overlooked a different part of the field. Alice would forever regret looking over that edge.

She wasn't entirely sure what she saw, but in an instant, the image made her dry heave again. Youkai of all ages were dancing nude, draped in the innards of humans?possibly even other youkai, covered in blood. Alice had recognized some of the faces in the crowd, and did her best not to subconsciously place them as she grabbed Satori's hand and stumbled towards the village.

The village was burning. Alice wasn't sure why she expected any better. Most of the buildings had collapsed, and those that hadn't contained the screams of the dying. Bodies lay strewn about the street, ravaged and ripped apart in every way imaginable. Some were placed ritualistically, with runes and arcane symbols surrounding them. Satori clung to Alice's dress and began crying loudly.

Alice staggered through the town, at a loss of where to go. Satori held her tightly and made it difficult to walk. The bodies made it difficult to walk. The fire made it difficult to walk. Alice was tired. Her throat hurt.

Satori gasped slightly. ?No... nooooo... noooooo...? She buried her head in Alice's dress. ?Protect me! Please!?

?La la la~!? A voice sang from ahead. ?Collect the dead~! Collect the dead~!? The ripping sounds that followed made Alice question just how much of the dead was being collected.

?Protect me protect me protect me protect me?

Alice tried to walk down a different street, away from the voice, but Satori refused to move. Alice attempted to pick her up, but Satori struggled and fell to the ground.

?Is that my Mistress I see~??

?No! Nooo!?

?Okuu~! I found her!? Orin pushed her wheelbarrow of dead down the street and parked in front of Alice and Satori. From a nearby building, Utsuho emerged covered in blood.

?Ah, finally.? Utsuho wiped a bit of charred human remains from the corner of her mouth. ?About damn time.?

?Mistress~?? Orin sang, before dropping into one of the darkest voices Alice had ever experienced, ?why did you abandon us??

?No, I didn't, I??

?You ran.? Utsuho glared at Satori and the eye in her chest began flashing wildly. ?Why? Because we are just animals??

?No, no, no...?

?Do you want to see what animals can do, Mistress?? Orin smiled evilly, and began stepping closer to Alice and Satori.

?We can show you.? Utsuho began stepping forward, too.

Satori stared up at Alice with a fear-stricken face stained in tears, blood, and dirt. ?Please... please protect me.?

Alice swallowed. She was tired. Her throat hurt. ?I'm... I'm sorry.?

Alice pushed Satori towards the two animals and ran down the first street she saw as fast as she could. But she wasn't fast enough to escape the sound of Satori's screams, her blood spattering, her bones breaking...

Alice ran. Alice ran until her legs screamed at her to stop, and then she ran some more. It wasn't until her body gave out that she fell to the ground, sobbing and dry heaving. She clutched the amulet around her neck. ?This damn thing...? Alice tried to push herself to her feet, but her body just wouldn't move. She was tired. She ached. Her throat hurt.

Alice heard somebody walk up behind her, but she was too tired to move. A hand grabbed Alice by her head, and in a quick motion, Alice found herself flying through the wall of a nearby building, coming out on the other side and sprawled out among the bodies of humans the next road over. The stars twinkled. The moon was full and red.

?You damn youkai... you human-eating demons...? An animalistic voice growled. ?I'll kill every last one of you...?

It was a voice Alice recognized. It took great effort, but Alice lifted her head to see Keine stomping through the rubble of a building towards her. But she looked different... she was green. Keine grabbed Alice by her head and lifted her up with one arm, her nails digging into Alice's temples.

?Keine--? Alice choked out, grabbing her amulet.

?Die, monster!? Keine extended her claws and shoved her free hand through Alice's gut. She released Alice's head, and held Alice up with the hand that had pierced through Alice's body, staring at her with a maniacal, sadistic smile. Alice pulled off the amulet and threw it around Keine's neck.

Keine dropped Alice in an instant, falling to her knees and sputtering apologies. ?No, Alice, no, I'm so sorry, no Alice, no... everyone, no...?

Alice coughed up blood. ?Fix it,? were the only words Alice could speak.

Keine nodded, and ran into the burning town.

Alice lay dying, bleeding amongst the dead humans of the village. It hurt. Marisa, it hurt. Marisa, why did you have to leave? Marisa, why couldn't you stay with her forever? Marisa... Marisa... Marisa... Marisa...

A loud banging awoke Alice, who shot straight up in her bed with the straps of her nightgown falling of her shoulders. ?Get up, ze! You lazy otaku!?

Grumbling, Alice crawled out of bed and shuffled across the house to the front door. ?What is it?? She growled, opening the door and staring dully into Marisa's bright face.

?I came over for tea, ze!?

?Is that so.? Alice sighed. Today was definitely going to be one of those days. read about me playing league i guess

Re: Ryuu's Older Short Things
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2010, 06:04:46 PM »
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: Ryuu's Short Things
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2010, 09:10:38 PM »
I read Moerin's OC and I liked it so here are some words

   It was a legend among the birds. The crow Tengu whispered of it to their children, a frightful tale that would stick with one throughout the centuries of their lifespan.  She had once brought it up to Mystia, who had turned an unbelievable shade of white and excused herself from the window of her shop, forgetting to even collect the money for the food she prepared. Such a fearsome creature, to strike such terror into the hearts of all bird-kind while having an existence that was debatable at best.

   It would make for an absolutely wonderful article, one that would surely win Aya the award for ?Best Scoop of the Year?. When she spotted a flock of birds screaming and retreating from a section of the forest, she knew she had found her target. She darted down and took a place hidden within a bush, lifting her camera strap off of her neck and loading the camera with a fresh roll of film. Her heart began to pound in her ears, and her hands began to shake with what she told herself was excitement. A gentle breeze rattled Aya?s hiding place, bringing with it the faint smell of pumpkins. Aya?s heart leapt to her throat, but she swallowed it(and her ?excitement?), stepping bravely out of the bush(ignoring the branch that broke off in her hair). In front of her stood the back of a small girl with tangled auburn hair.

   This is it? Aya thought to herself. What the birds fear is... a child? ?E-Excuse me!? She called out to the girl?s back, her voice quivering much more than she intended.

   The girl went slightly rigid. ?Umuu?? She began to turn slowly. ?You?re not...? Aya shrank in horror as the girl revealed herself to be an unimaginable terror. A shrunken, noseless, ghastly pale face with sunken, glowing orange eyes with pupils the shape of little pumpkins. Hair of withered straw framed a mouth filled with oversized, razor sharp teeth and a snake?s tongue. ?Afffraaaiiid?? The question finished in a low hiss.

   Aya shrieked in terror, her hands shaking so badly that she accidentally snapped a picture?lighting up the creature?s face, an image forever burned into the tengu?s mind?and dropped her camera. Without looking back, she took flight and sped off to the Youkai Moutain, far breaking all of her previous speed records.

   It was several hours before Aya?s composure began to return in any aspect. Though Momiji had been trying, she couldn?t get any clear details out of her fear-stricken superior(Momiji couldn?t exactly deny enjoying seeing Aya in such a state). When the crow tengu finally spat out the word ?scarecrow?, Momiji had to choke back a laugh. She opened her mouth for a sarcastic retort, but a scent found its way into her nose.

   ?Pumpkins?? The word floated out of Momiji?s mouth. Aya immediately froze and turned a pale shade that made Youmu look like a tanned beauty. There was a slight knock at the door.

   ?D-D-D-D-Doooon?t!? Aya called as Momiji stood and strode across the office to the door. She gripped the handle of her shield and gave the door a mighty swing open. The hall was empty except for Aya?s camera on the floor, on top of a small scrap of paper. Momiji picked up the camera and looked at the display of the most recent photo taken. The image of a tired, hungry looking girl with kind orange eyes was smiling up at her. Momiji picked up the paper and discovered that it was a small note, written in a simple, almost childlike scrawl.

   ?You dropped your camera. I hope we can be friends soon.
                                                                                                           -Sadako? read about me playing league i guess


  • What's punk? It's an explosion of suppressed dissatisfaction.
  • It's the roar of the soul!
Re: Ryuu's Short Things
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2010, 10:09:56 PM »
I... I love you, Ryuu-kyun~♥

* Moerin hugs Ryuu-kyun~

Umuu... Somehow you captured exactly how I pictured her there.  Thanks, really~
The solution to all of life's problems!

#1 Rin Satsuki Fan~♥
"For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in blackest night, accept our ring and join our fight... Love Conquers All -  with violet light!"

Re: Ryuu's Short Things
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2010, 11:20:53 PM »
Awesome. XD

Mind you, the "Pumpkins?" thing made me instantly think "What pumpkin?" ...


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: Ryuu's Short Things
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2011, 11:51:44 AM »
I found this document in my computer

I forgot I wrote this

not erebus safe

generic tsundere alice warning

?Hey, can we talk for a second?? Alice paused. There was a long silence. ?Uh.? Shanghai began tugging on her skirt. ?Not know, Shanghai,? Alice pushed her doll away with her boot and resumed staring herself down in the mirror.

   ?I look like an idiot.? She sighed.  Alice flattened her hair and tried again. ?Marisa, I-I have something I want to tell you!?

   Shanghai floated through the doorway, and shrugged at Marisa, who stood watching Alice talk to herself. Marisa?s original intention had been to barge in, demand some tea, freeload for a while, and then maybe head to Reimu?s or Patchy?s... at least, that was her plan before she stumbled upon something much, much more interesting.

   Alice fidgeted. ?I,uh... you see...? She shook her head and pinched her cheeks. ?It?s just a mirror, Alice, get yourself together!?

   Well, it?s just a mirror as far as you know, Marisa silently added.

   ?Umm... want some tea??

   I would be suspicious the instant you offered tea in such a kind voice.

   ?I-I made some cookies, too...?

   Poisoned? Enchanted?

   ?Ugh, no, try again.? Alice sighed and straightened herself up once again. ?I?m sorry but?augh, no when have I ever apologized to that idiot??

   You?re so cute when you get all riled up, ze.

   ?Simple. Simple is best right?? Alice stared daggers into the mirror. ?I lo-lo-lo-lo-lo??

   Marisa was beginning to find it difficult to contain herself. A stuttering, evil looking Alice was something that was just too delicious to not both taunt and devour.

   ?lo-loooveee youuuuu!? Alice spoke in a tiny, raspy, strangled voice. Her face was glowing red, her body was visibly shaking, and she refused to break gaze from the mirror, her chest heaving in deep breaths. She thought about congratulating herself, but...

   ?Y-You wh-wha-whaaat?!? Marisa slapped a hand over her own mouth, cursing to herself in her head.  She couldn?t see, but judging from the heat rising from her cheeks, her own face must have been pretty red.

   Alice whirled around, spotted the black-white witch and began mouthing soundlessly to herself, her entire face dyed a deep crimson. Eventually, she decided on a loud scream and a hard smack across Marisa?s face. ?What the hell are you doing here?!? She grabbed Marisa?s arm and began running towards the front door.

   ?I-I wanted some t?? Marisa stammered out, following along with Alice.

   ?No, nevermind, I hate you! Get out--I hate you so much!?

   ?That?s not what you ju??

   ?SHUT UP! Y-You?re so annoying always coming in and drinking all my tea and,? Alice grabbed the door. ?pulling me to strange places, why don?t you go hang out with the anemic you like so much??

   ?Alice, I?? The door slammed in Marisa?s face. Huh. Marisa shrugged and grabbed her broom.

   Inside, Alice stood staring at the door with a bewildered look on her face. Why did she just do that? That was the entire purpose, wasn?t it? Instead of listening to what Marisa had to say, no, she had to just go and push her right out the door like a coward.

   Tears blinded her eyes she ran from the door. Ran away from wherever Marisa was heading and up the stairs and into her room and she dove into her bed and landed on something that wasn?t a pillow and had a sweet smell like spring and lingering fruit.

   Arms closed around her. Alice opened her eyes.

   Marisa was smiling. ?I love you, too. Can I have some tea, now??
« Last Edit: February 12, 2011, 12:18:35 PM by Ryuu » read about me playing league i guess


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.
Re: Ryuu's Short Things
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2011, 11:57:02 AM »
This is the cutest thing ever.

Like holy shitballs.
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?