Author Topic: [Fullgame] Inactive Witch (Also I'd like help for future projects)  (Read 6848 times)

I made a fangame, it's a game where you play as Patchouli and are able to choose the elements you fight with. You can find the game here:
I would like feedback. I would also like to request a musical composer to make tracks for some games I would like to make (I could use the same music in at least two different games). Thank you! Edit: This game can now be played in the browser, hopefully that makes it more accessible.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2019, 01:03:28 AM by Satokaisawa »

Re: [Fullgame] Inactive Witch (Also I'd like help for future projects)
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2019, 02:58:53 PM »
I pressed start and the screen turned pitch black. This was supposed to happen? (maybe it's just my computer)

Re: [Fullgame] Inactive Witch (Also I'd like help for future projects)
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2019, 07:42:40 PM »
I pressed start and the screen turned pitch black. This was supposed to happen? (maybe it's just my computer)
Do you have Java script enabled in your browser? It's supposed to show a black screen saying something like "Made with Gdevelop" before going to a purple screen, which is the title screen. or do you mean you were on the title screen and you pressed start and it didn't work? After pressing start, there should be words on the bottom of the screen. Maybe it had something to do with resolution? If you press space twice (Release the space bar twice)  it should show an image, if it does, but there are no words at the bottom, it could be that your browser is not showing you enough of the screen. I may need to look into this. Edit: It works for me, I went through the full process of downloading it on to my computer. Did you unzip the file? I remember testing it before while it was unzipped and it just showed me a black screen. Your browser might also cause only the background color to show up, but I don't know how it could show you "Start" if that were the case, maybe it only loaded the title, but I think it's supposed to load everything at once.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2019, 08:17:31 PM by close2none64 »

Re: [Fullgame] Inactive Witch (Also I'd like help for future projects)
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2019, 01:08:35 AM »
I've unziped the file, yes, the purple screen shows up, but when I click "Start" nothing happens,  just black....

maybe it only loaded the title, but I think it's supposed to load everything at once.
My Browser is wierd, it's not the first time something like that happens, but if it worked for you, other people will probably do it too, and that's just a problem with my computer

Re: [Fullgame] Inactive Witch (Also I'd like help for future projects)
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2019, 01:42:43 AM »
Can you confirm that on the start screen there was another option below start titled "password"? Below "Password" there should be room for more options, at least one. If you click "password" and start typing, you should see what you are typing below. Also, after clicking start, if you press space a few times, do you see anything different?

Re: [Fullgame] Inactive Witch (Also I'd like help for future projects)
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2019, 10:57:12 AM »
Yes, I can press "password" and start typing.
but no, apparently nothing happens when I press Space (after clicking start)

Re: [Fullgame] Inactive Witch (Also I'd like help for future projects)
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2019, 06:59:12 PM »
Yes, I can press "password" and start typing.
but no, apparently nothing happens when I press Space (after clicking start)
Well I don't know What could be going on, I thought it might have been that you weren't being shown the entire screen, but that might not be the case, all I can think of is asking you if you could try running it in a different browser (and make sure JavaScript is running in that browser).