Author Topic: Of Fate and Failure  (Read 4193 times)

Of Fate and Failure
« on: June 08, 2016, 07:44:53 AM »
She first refused her fate, but then everything came crumbling down, and she wished she could have it all back. Version (

AO3 version (

Characters: Meira, Reimu, Mima, Marisa, Sendai Hakurei no Miko


Shameful, for someone of her blood to be so weak. So defenseless.

She hadn?t realized when it the sky had darkened to the extent that it did. Dark orange had morphed to a deep black-blue, and the forest was shrouded in darkness. This wasn?t meant to happen- it was just supposed to be a walk, just a normal walk. The path from home was safe, it always was. But had she been so distracted she was unaware of her slowly approaching the Forest of Magic? That she was already lost and turning back was too late? That she could barely see a few feet in front of her?

Her sword- a family heirloom, clutched tightly to her chest, she slowly treaded through the woods. The familiar embroidery and dangling of decorations was comforting, even in the overwhelming darkness that surrounded her. Leaves crunched her feet, and every twig she snapped almost made her jump out of her skin. She could almost feel every yokai?s leering eyes digging into her. Mouths watering, waiting for a moment to strike. Swallowing, she reluctantly looked behind her, sighing in relief to find only the darkness- not that it was comforting, but better than some monster waiting to-

She felt her body collide with another and shrieked. She stumbled back, foot hitting a root of some age-old tree she was certain wasn?t there before and sending her onto her back. She crawled until her back was against said tree, staring wide-eyed at the figure darkened by the night. From the gasp the figure let out, she assumed it was unexpected for them, too. Some yokai just found an easy meal, she felt it, her mother had warned her about this- Where was she now? Worrying at home? The thought comforted her only a little, but she felt it pointless, even in her young mind. She was giving up, there was no way she?d get out. No way she?d be free of the horrid monsters claimed to reside in these woods by the village and her own parent. Frozen in place, the little girl watched as they approached, seemingly accepting fate.

She could make out what seemed to be robes, a pointed hat, and long hair. There was a cape too??

?Are you alright??

Feeling a sweat coming out despite the chilly air, she barely stuttered out a response. The asker?s voice was dry and tired, but it sounded?young. Annoyed but genuine. ?F-f-f-fine?? Her voice was quiet, coming out a little squeak not unlike that of a mouse.

The figure approached further, looking down on her small, trembling figure. She could make out a pale face, with even more tired eyes and thin lips. The woman, a woman, had long green hair, saturated near grey. Her robes were worn but the gold embroidery still sparkled against the dark blue base. A large staff was stuck in the ground behind her, atop it a glowing crescent moon. How did she not notice that before? Looking down she saw?a ghost tail.

A yokai.

Just as she thought, she felt her breath hitch. ?Come now, I won?t hurt you.? Looking the child over, Mima could detect something?familiar. A strange, subtle power. And her face, she looked like? ?What benefit would such a thing have??

[Aside from pissing off the Hakurei miko?]

While young, though Mima couldn?t guess an age, she recognized the face completely. She looked near exactly like Sendai, the known miko that kept Gensokyo in order. She who may as well of been all-powerful, to do with Gensokyo as she wished if she truly wanted to. Why, of all places, would her daughter be here, walking alone in the yokai-infested woods? Nonetheless, so?weak. But despite this weakness, she could still sense it, the much longed-for power the entire bloodline was bless with. A power she herself longed for, and almost, as if by fate, it fell directly into her hands. Spotting opportunity, Mima grinned, but kept her friendly exterior. This was almost too convenient.

?Um?Okay. I just need to uh- I need to go home now.? Slowly standing up, still clutching her dear sword, she began to turn away from the ghost. She cursed how weak and frail she sounded, her words wavering as her body did. At least, she tried to, but she suddenly found it more than favorable. What??

?But you seem lost, and this place is dangerous. You?re just a child, are you not? Surely I can?t leave you alone here.?

?Um?um?? Against her better judgement, she felt?trust? Maybe this wasn?t a bad yokai, not all were bad, right? She thinks mother mentioned such before??Okay??

"There now..." Taking the spirit?s hand, now extended to her, she let herself be led deeper into the forest. And everything, even her mind, seemed to fade to black? "That's a good girl."

Chapter 1: Confusion

Sitting up with a gasp, the warm bed she was in was anything but comforting. This room wasn?t familiar, she had no idea where she was or how she got here- wait. Her hand wandered the bedside until it rested on the hilt of her sword, and she sighed in relief, finding it still there. That heavenly comfort didn?t last long as a voice came right beside her.

Flinching and whipping her head in the direction of the source, she saw a small girl sitting beside her- well, whoever?s bed this was. She was sitting on her knees, arms and head resting on the beside. She had light red hair and a galaxy of freckles, looking up with huge brown eyes.

?You okay?? The girl asked, raising her head so her mouth was above her arms and tapping her toes lightly against the floor. She had a bit of a lisp. ?You ain?t hurt are you??

?Um?? She took a moment to calm herself, seeing no immediate danger. She was confused, and frightened, but she decided to take what moment she did have to grasp her situation. She felt down her body, she didn?t seem hurt?.Not aside from any minor scrapes or cuts she?d gotten in the?the?Odd, she didn?t remember?It must?ve been from playing outside.

The room was dim and old fashioned, in a style she?d never seen before. The bed was fancy, and not a futon like she was used to; carpet covered the floor and the walls were paneled. Old curtains kept any light to itself; what time was it anyways? The colors were all deep greens, reds, and purples, like this was made for some kind of queen. ?I?I guess not. Where am I??

?Reimaden, silly!? There was silence, and Marisa guessed from the other?s confused expression, she?d need to elaborate. ?This was place was made- well, okay, not really but like, this place is part of another place Master Mima took for herself!?

?Mima??? She muttered, only more confused than she was before.
?Oh, she didn?t introduce herself? Guess that makes sense, she did find you knocked out an? all.?

?Knocked out?? She questioned. Would that explain her lack of memory??

?Yeppers, up and completely outta it. She even came back carrying you!?

Her mind swirled with confusion and mixed into a cocktail of emotion. Who was this girl? Was she trustworthy? Did this really happen or is she over-thinking it? Her head hurt a little, and she couldn?t remember anything. She could remember the day in the early hours, but nothing could?ve led to?

?You look a ?lil confused.? The girl grinned, finally standing up. From there, she could see she was short and young- younger than her, very obviously so. She wore purple robes and was barefoot, a large witch?s hat of the same color adorning her head, almost too big to even fit. She at least?/seemed/ human, leading her let her guide down just a little. But who would be calm and trusting waking up in an unfamiliar room?

?Oh, I didn?t even introduce myself! Name?s Marisa, Marisa Kirisame!? Marisa said loudly, proud.

?My name?s?? Still frightened by all this change; unwilling change, she pondered for a moment if she should do this? ?Meira, my name?s Meira.?

?Well! Welcome to Reimaden, Meira.? Marisa turned and plopped onto the bed on her stomach, half-draped over the side. She was smiling big. ?Ya sure ya don?t remember anything??

Meira went quiet, thinking??Only what happened?before she found me, I guess.?

?Wooow, huh?What happened before??

That part, at least, was clear.

Warm, breezy, bright- summer was finally there. Meira sat on the shrine?s porch, loose hair occasionally hitting her back with the wind. Wind chimes clinked and gave a light tune to the otherwise silence, and a further theme of serenity to the scene.

She swung her legs slowly over the side of it, staring off at the blue sky above. On her lap, a family heirloom, passed down for centuries. A sword, encased in a sheath of gold and red, its handle a network of black and red embroidery. She?d slip it out just a little bit, occasionally. But never too far, she didn?t want to cut herself, and it was heavy anyways.

She could almost feel her mother scolding her as she held it. ?What are you doing?! You could hurt yourself!? ?Why do you hold so much admiration to that, I wonder? Is it the stories I tell you??

To be honest, she hated her fate as a shrine maiden. She didn?t want the quiet, sereditary life of a shrine maiden. She wanted a life of honor and adventure, like a samurai.

Often before she went to bed, her mother would tell her stories before bed. Her younger sister, Reimu, was far too little to understand it, or stay awake to hear it. But Meira lived for them, often keeping herself awake just to hear it. Mother told of a distant ancestor, a woman of yaksha blood, horned and brave. She?d fallen in love with a human man and started the Hakurei lineage, but Meira was interested in that. She was interested in the stories of her triumphs and her battles, before Gensokyo even came to be.

She wanted to be like that.

Hearing her mother?s steps approach, she quickly pushed the sword so it was under the porch, holding it to the ?ceiling? of it with her fingers, so it looked like she was just holding the edge of the floor. Her mother peaked her head out from behind the shoji, black-purple hair ponytailed and now blowing in the wind as well. ?Why not take a walk??

Turning to face her, Meira saw her smile, and her sleeping 6 year old sister leaned against her shoulder; hand clutching her tightly. If she decided to take the offer, the sword went with her, she didn?t want to admit she snook it out of where it had been hidden (from her). ?You look bored, and lunch won?t be done for awhile now.?

And she listened to her.

It was then that what little relaxation she had completely drained from her body, shock making her limbs shoot back into action. ?Wait, no, my family! I have to get back home, I-?

?Woah woah, hold on?We can?t leave.? Marisa replied, calm in comparison to the other?s panic. ?Master Mima?s out, she always locks the door before she leaves, with these powerful seal thingies.?

Unsatisfied with that reply, Meira felt her eyes tear up. ?But- but-?

?Relax, I bet they?re fine! Maybe they?re worrying, but you?re totally safe here.? Marisa said, trying to settle her down. ?Just like we can?t leave, no one can get in!?

The effort seemed to be futile, and Marisa found herself searching for another solution. ?Watch her while I?m away, alright? I?ll explain later? is what Mima told her before she left, a duty Marisa now took very seriously.

?Oh, I know! Why don?t I show you around! It?ll help get your mind off things.? Flashing her grin again, Marisa stook her hand out to her, hoping she?d take it. ?And besides, I?m sure you don?t wanna just sit around in this room all day?Well, if you do, I won?t judge, but I?m bothering you anyways!?

Looking from the witch?s hand, to the witch herself, then back to her hand slowly- Meira reluctantly took it her own. She didn?t like physical contact, not from anyone but her mother. But it was just a little girl, and not wanting to be rude, she did so anyways. Sliding off the bed- unusual to her, because she?d only ever slept on a futon. It was then she realized she was barefoot, feeling the carpet under her. She looked around, finding her shoes placed neatly near the door. ?C?mon, I?m pretty excited to show ya!?

?W-wait, hold on.? Though Marisa kept ahold of her, she reached for her sword, sticking it in the sash of her yukata. It was long, almost taller than her. Though she stood rather tall for her age, being only nine years old but standing at 5?4?. That brought up a question, also realizing she hadn?t asked the nosy Marisa anything. ?How old are you??

Marisa looked a little surprised, but her smile didn?t fade. ?I?m seven! I?m not that short, am I??

?Well, no?? [More like I?m just weirdly tall]?But she hadn?t realized the other was that young! Though now that it was brought up, she was pretty short?

?Anyways, c?mon. I gotta a lot of stuff to show ya!?