Author Topic: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)  (Read 42944 times)

Failure McFailFace

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Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #60 on: January 22, 2014, 03:57:44 AM »
Welcome back from a month long disappearance!  :V

I'm assuming that you had things to do, didn't you?

So apparently now, we have Touhou characters scattered across history. Will there be a "crossover" timeline where all of the characters has appeared at least once?
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
The Netherworld in the Netherland (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #61 on: January 24, 2014, 06:36:15 AM »
Pretty much.

As for a "crossover" timeline, I'm thinking about it, though I want to wait on that for a while (as well as waiting until February Seventh has passed).


In the 1430s, a Portuguese ship begins to set sail to investigate the rumours of new land. The ship faces fierce storms along the way, and within a month, manage to land on the coast of OTL Rio Grande do Norte. The ship then reports back to Portugal of their findings, and soon the Portuguese begins colonising the area, and names the colony Brasil. Meanwhile, Castile later follows suit, once their ship lands on the coast of OTL Sucre, Venezuela. Twenty years later France joins in the colonisation as well, beginning in Cuba.

The Scandinavians and Frisians later run into the other emerging colonial powers and soon a few disputes arise. On the Western Side, the Chinese have decently colonised the Pacific Side and continue on expanding to the East. Another colony is founded by China in Southern Vinland called Qing'e (青娥), and a few weeks later the Chinese-Incan Wars begin. Within seven years, the Chinese managed to take all the land and absorb it into their colony.

The other European colonial powers also made their way to Africa and Asia starting in the 1480s. When they made their way to China, they took note of its power, and only established trade agreements. Portugal did attempt to gain a small port, but was unsuccessful in doing so. A few days later, Portugal soon established their own port on the island of Formosa (Taiwan), and built their own settlement, named Macau. Meanwhile, Spain went on to invade the Philippines, and conquered them by the 1510s.

Yuyuko and a group of Frisians made another trip to Japan in 1540. Once they got there, Yuyuko noticed a large civil war taking place. She went to have a look around carefully, and managed to take note of the major factions duing her visit. In Southern Honshū up to the Chūbu Region and Shikoku there was the Soga clan which was led by Soga no Yoshiharu and was aided by a green haired ghost and a recently resurrected Saint. In Northern Japan (which compromised the Tōhoku Region and Hokkaidō) there was the Mononobe clan which was led by Mononobe no Ujiyasu and aided by Mononobe no Futo. Finally in Kyūshū there is the Shimzau clan led by Shimazu Takahisa. Yuyuko decided to hand her support to the Soga clan, who quickly accepted her aid. The Ghost Princess went to stay behind for now and forwarded her message to Youmu. Once she got the message, the Half-Human Half-Phantom Gardener accepted Yuyuko's decision, and hoped the best for Japan.

With Frisian support, the Soga clan had a better chance at uniting Japan under their rule again. By the 1550s, the Soga clan manages to defeat the Shimazu clan and annex back Kyūshū. The fight against the Mononobe clan still remained difficult, but with the added support, are being slowly pushed back.  The Mononobes were pushed out of Honshū in the mid 1570s, and Hokkaidō was captured in 1585. Futo herself continued to fight on until 1587, when she decided to finally accept her clan's defeat. With the Civil War having ended, Soga Japan went on to sign an alliance with the Frisian Kingdom, and Yuyuko went to return back to Frisia again.

Back in Vinland, the French had begun expanding into Louisiana, while the Spanish were making their way into Central Vinland. Soon a war occurs in 1620 between France and Spain, over expansion and influence in Central Vinland and M?xico. This war lasted for a good six years, which saw victory for the Spanish side. Part of the Caribbean was ceded to Spain, and Spanish influence were established from M?xico to Panam?.

Concurrently, a war between Frisia and Portugal took place in South Vinland, though it expanded to Africa and the Far East, and lasted for much longer. Yuyuko and Youmu decided to stay out of the colonial war and not get involved unless Frisia itself was being invaded. Throughout the course of the war, Portugal managed to gain Frisian Brazil, recaptured Angola while Frisia managed to capture Portuguese outpost/colony of Macau in Formosa with the aid of Japan. When the war ended in 1653, a treaty was signed, and the Portuguese gains in South Vinland and Africa, along with the Frisian gains in the Far East, was validated and recognised.

By the 1720s, most of Vinland was divided between Spain, Portugal, and China, as well as France, Frisia, and Scandinavia (though the latter three were mainly focused in North Vinland only). The Iroquois Nation have long since fell under control of Scandinavia. Japan also had joined in the colonisation, and had begun colonising Alaska starting in the 1740s, roughly seventy years after Japan's conquest of Karafuto, the Chishima Islands, and a small portion of the OTL Russian Far East. The Japanese also established a small colony at OTL Seattle in 1760, but was disestablished thirty years later, and the area was later ceded to China.

In 1781, the Chinese colony in North Vinland went on to declare independence as the Federal Republic of Xiǎo T?nhu?ng (Chinese: 小弹簧;  literally "Small Spring"), though known as Arizona by the Europeans. China tried to regain Arizona, which set off the War of Independence. The war lasted for three years, with a loss for China. A treaty was then signed, and China recognised Arizona as an independent nation. In South Vinland, the Chinese colony of Qing'e remained loyal for now.

France, who aided Arizona in the War of Independence, was now starting to slowly crumble, soon giving way to their own revolution...
« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 08:56:38 PM by Karafuto »

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #62 on: January 25, 2014, 12:10:45 AM »
It's been a long time since a map update, so yeah.

But still good. I still enjoy it.
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
The Netherworld in the Netherland (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #63 on: February 05, 2014, 08:58:00 PM »
In 1789, France suffered a Revolution by the French Society. The Monarch tried to fight against the revolutionaries but it was no use. The Republicans were having the upper hand, including Frisian and Yuyuko's aid, and were winning. A few years later, King Louis XVI was overthrown in 1792 and was executed, and the Republic had formed. Within the same year, the French Revolutionary Wars also started up as soon as France begun declaring war on Austria. The opposing coalitions saw many defeats, and by 1802 the war ended, with France gaining a part of Italy and the Rhineland and the Frisians gaining a slice of Hannover. However, uneasy peace ensured and a little more than a year later, the Napoleonic Wars started up. Meanwhile in Asia, China begun colonising ?ozhōu (Australia) and New Zealand.

(World by 1802.)

The Frisians, as well as Yuyuko and Youmu, were quick to side with France, and begun by invading the Holy Roman Empire. Scandinavia also joined in on France's side, and went on to fight the Celtic Kingdom. The Celts, despite posing a real challenge for the Scandinavians, were heavily defeated by 1806 and was dissolved. Scotland was annexed into Scandinavia while Wales and Ireland became satellite states. The Holy Roman Empire had fallen a year earlier, in 1805, and was split between the Frisians and French.

Napoleon continued on, and further, taking Italy all the way until Naples. Naples itself was turned into a French puppet and renamed into the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Following this, the French and her Allies stormed into Austria and Prussia.  With Youmu's speed and skills, the opposing coalitions stood almost no chance. By 1810, both nations fell to the hands of the French and Frisia. Concurrently, Portugal was annexed by Spain, with the monarch fleeing to Brazil. All Portuguese colonies were quickly taken and annexed by Brazil before the Spanish or French could get to them.

After a few weeks of preparation, France was ready to take on the Russian Empire. Within minutes, the Grande Arm?e had crossed the border and begun to advance into the nation. After suffering a few losses, the Russians, instead of fighting, decided to retreat and use scorched-earth tactics along the way, to hinder the invading forces. While effective at first, it soon began to fail as Youmu started to speed up and caught up to the Russians themselves. Despite being outnumbered, she went on to defeat and destroy the retreating Russians. Nevertheless, the scorched-earth tactics continued to be used hoping that the invaders would give up. However, the Russians continued to lose, and their strategy was becoming more unsuccessful each day, especially since some of them were being quickly defeated by the Ghost-Human Gardener before they had a chance to burn down major settlements. Youmu also managed to defeat the Russians in time before they tried to burn down Moscow, though the Tsar had already escaped.

By 1813 the French forces had managed to reach Kirov (a city in Kirov Oblast). At this point the Russians finally decided to abandon the scorched-earth tactics and decided to just fight. They ended suffering another major defeat, and with that, Napoleon continued on even further. Two months later the forces had arrived in Yekaterinburg, which was the city that Tsar Alexander I had resided in. Seeing no point in continuing fighting, the Tsar decided to surrender, and went to sign a treaty. After the signing, France gained a huge portion of Russia, with portions being given to Scandinavia and Persia. The Tsar moved the capital to Krasnoyarsk, and renamed his nation Siberia.

After the defeat of Russia, the Napoleonic Wars had ended, with a victory for France and her Allies, at a heavy cost. Hoping to gain some money, France offered to sell Arizona the Louisiana, Florida, and Midwest Territories for 75 million francs. The offer was too good to turn down, and Arizona went on to purchase the lands. With this, it provided plenty of more farmland for them, among other things. Meanwhile France gained the money needed to repair and rebuild, especially in the newly annexed lands.

Since beginning in the 1810s, the Spanish colonies in Vinland had revolted against their homeland and begun fighting for independence. These revolts were largely successful as Spain had greatly weakened and had no energy to stop them. Mexico was the first to gain independence, followed by Colombia, and then the Dominican Republic. Puerto Rico remained in the hands of Spain, and their independence movement was barley defeated.

The successful independence movements of Mexico, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic eventually led to French Cuba and the Chinese Viceroyalty of Qing'e having their own such movements starting in the 1860s. Despite China's best attempts, Qing'e managed to cede, with help from Arizona, and the Republic of Qing'e was established. In Cuba however, the French managed to keep them at bay for quite a while. Mexico, seeing an opportunity, decided to invade Cuba in 1892 and set off the Mexican-French War. The war lasted for a good five months, and ended on the Fifth of May in 1893 with the Mexicans successfully capturing and annexing Cuba.

In the early 1900s, the Ottoman Empire suffered a series of rebellions in the Balkans. France took the opportunity to fund these rebellions and even sent support to them, as did Yuyuko and Frisia. After a few years of fighting, the Ottomans lost Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Romania, and Bulgaria, though managed to keep Greece. A treaty was signed, and the ceded nations were recognised as independent. In 1910, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Macedonia merged together and formed Yugoslavia.

Starting in the 1930s, decolonisation had begun in some places. Any European colonies in Africa were let go over time and ended in 1960, with South Africa becoming the last nation to declare independence. In Asia, Frisian Formosa was given to China, China gave independence to ?ozhōu, and the Philippines gains independence from Spain after a long and lengthy war. In Vinland, Scandinavian Canada and Greenland both peacefully ceded after a referendum, and established the Republic of Canada. The European colonies in India were ceded to India.

In the late 1980s, France suffered a series of protests and rebellions appeared throughout the nation. The French government tried to quell them but it was very widespread and unsuccessful. The Empire finally collapsed by 1989, and many nations gained independence such as Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Switzerland. Slovenia and Croatia went on to merge into Yugoslavia, Moldova joined Romania, French Italy merged with the Two Sicilies to form Italy, and Muscovy merged with Siberia to reform Russia. In Scandinavia, the Finnish Region was given independence. Frisia, by request of Yuyuko and Youmu, ceded the German areas to Germany. In Spain, the government tried to crush their rebellion in the Portugal Province, but faced war with Brazil. After a two year war and having lost to Brazil, Spain gave independence to Portugal and also ceded Galicia to them.

Since then, peace had been established in the world.

(World by 2014.)


In this next timeline, the next point of divergence takes place in 1853. A Taoist Saint is resurrected early, and still becomes a Shikaisen. She went out and soon experienced the forcible opening of Japan, as well as the singing of some unequal treaties. Also experiencing the major ideological-political divide, she decided to plan out to deal with the issues at hand.

In China, also taking a hit from the unequal treaties, Seiga vowed to do something if her nation had to sign one more unequal treaty with a Western nation.


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Sky of Great Desires (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #64 on: February 08, 2014, 06:26:08 AM »
Toyosatomimi no Miko continued to observe and plan, and tensions were ever rising. In 1856, the Second Opium War had broke out. Fed up with the West, Seiga went on to fight against the Anglo-French Forces. Once at the sight of the battle, she used her spell cards and managed to heavily destroy the invading armies. The Anglo-French Forces were shocked by the amount of power, but nevertheless tried to continue fighting. However, it was no use, and many of their troops and ships were destroyed by the Hermit. A year later, the opposing forces surrendered, and ended in a Chinese victory.

In 1858, more unequal treaties were introduced to both China and Japan. In the former, a few weeks before the Treaty of Aigun, Seiga went to fight against the Russians that threatened the local population with expulsion. Within hours, the Russo-Chinese War had erupted, and Russia ordered an invasion of China. However, they were quickly pushed back, and suffered major losses. The war lasted for five months, and ended with a Chinese Victory. As a result, Russia moved out of the Chinese lands in Manchuria, especially from the Amur areas, and the Treaty of Aigun was never introduced.

In the latter, Japan had signed five separate treaties from five different nations. Miko, after enough planning, begun to take a tour to the West, under a disguise. During her trip, she observed and studied their technology and sciences very carefully. After about seven years, she returned back into Japan, and seeing the continued rising tensions, went to meet with the Shogun and Emperor. Two years of discussion later, in 1867, Tokugawa Yoshinobu agreed to resign and give power to the Emperor. A few days later, the Shogunate was dissolved, and the Dajokan (Great Council of State) was established by Emperor Meiji, with some changes. Rapid industrialisation and modernisation also begun, with the aid of Miko, to compete and be on par with the Western Powers.

Later in 1876, after more talks between Miko and Meiji, the Emperor agreed to reform the government. The Dajokan was dissolved, and a year later, a constitution was written, turning the nation into a Constitutional Monarchy, and the Prime Minister office was established. The first elections took place a few weeks later, and lasted until the first month in 1878. Miko, being one of the candidates, won the elections and became the First Prime Minister of Japan, beating both Itō Hirobumi and Reimu Hakurei. Under her rule, Japan became even more prosperous and powerful.

Several months later, Miko went on to visit Korea, China, and Siam. During her trips, she met with the leaders of those nations and encouraged them to industrialise and strengthen themselves. With enough convincing, the Monarchs had agreed and a week later, a friendship trade treaty was signed between the four nations. After a short war from 1884 to 1885 between China and France over the control of Tonkin, Miko, Korea, China, and Siam came together and established the Association of Independent Asian Nations, a political, economic, and military organisation aimed to better cooperate with each another and also defend as one.

The organisation take part in their first conflict, at the Franco-Siamese War in 1893. The four came together and fought off the French, and within weeks after suffering heavy losses, France decided to end the war and withdraw from Siamese Laos. The organisation also took part in the Boxer Rebellion, intervening on the side of China against the Seven Nation Alliance (United Kingdom, Russia, France, USA, Germany, and Austria-Hungary) that also intervened. The conflict dragged on until 1902, when the Seven Nation Alliance decided to surrender and a treaty was signed. In it, the Alliance agreed to withdraw their missionaries, pay reparations,  and establish a non-aggression pact.

Despite the victory, the Qing Dynasty continued to weaken slowly, soon giving way to the Xinhai Revolution in 1913. Upon the overthrow of the monarchy, the Republic of China was established. Worried of the situation in China, Miko, Korea, and Siam went to make sure the Western powers don't try to take advantage of the situation. After Yuan Shikai's unsuccessful attempt to establish himself as Emperor of China, and his death in 1916, China continued to fracture further and plunged into the Warlord Era. Once China was reunified in 1928, it descended into Civil War between the Kuomintang and the Communists.

During the Civil War, Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-shek and Kaku Seiga looked for outside support, and asked Korea, Japan, and Siam for support. The governments quickly agreed, and begun to aid the Kuomintang in the Civil War. The Communists, met with much opposition, begun seeing quick losses, and by year 1934, were utterly defeated and the Communist Chinese Party leaders were executed. After the Civil War, China begun to repair itself with aid from its allies.

In later 1939, a War broke out in Europe. Once France and the Lowland Countries fell to Germany in 1940, the Association of Independent Asian Nations took note and entered the war on the Allied Side. The forces launched an invasion of French Vietnam and the Dutch East Indies to occupy them temporarily. Once the War in Europe ended, Miko called for the Western powers to begin the decolonisation in East, South-East, and South Asia. Not wanting to face war, the Colonial Empires reluctantly agreed to do so.

With the Cold War rising, and after a long meeting, Japan, Korea, China, and Siam planned out to fully unite into one nation. Negotiations were successful,  and by 1955, the East Asian Federation was established. Miko became elected as President, while Chiang Kai-shek was elected as Vice-President, and Kaku Seiga was elected as Primer. With the combination of the Four Great Powers into one, their influence greatly expanded and strengthened throughout South and South East Asia. Tensions between the Three Superpowers and their respective blocs were quite tense as well and competed against one another.

By the 1990s, these tensions would die out and the Cold War came to an end. The Soviet Union had collapsed in 1992, and split into thirteen new nations. The USA and the East Asian Federation went to improve relations with each other, and both would remain superpowers.

Toyosatomimi no Miko remains President of the East Asian Federation to this day.

(World by 2014.)


In this next timeline, is the finale of the First Season. As such, there are several points of divergence. It all starts in China, in year 587. Seiga Kaku is enjoying her time, and decides to visit Japan. Once there, she hears about the Battle of Shigisan taking place at the moment, and goes to check it out.

Meanwhile in South East Asia, the Khmer Empire, under rule of Byakuren Hijiri, was expanding greatly and remains undetected by Seiga for now...


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
The Finale (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #65 on: April 05, 2014, 04:22:25 AM »
By the time Seiga arrived, the Battle of Shigisan had ended with a partial Mononobe victory. The Soga Clan were pushed Northwards, and the Mononobe clan went on to advance. The next major battle between the two clans took place on October 588, in the Mino Province, near OTL Tarui. During mid-battle, Seiga went to intervene and sided with the Soga clan. However, not wanting to see her clan lose, Futo entered the battle to help them out. After a few months of fighting, the battle ended in a huge stalemate, and Japan became divided between the Soga clan in the North and the Mononobe clan in the South.

Despite this, Japan didn't remain divided for long. In the year 595, the Soga clan invaded Mononobe controlled Japan, with the help of Seiga, Tojiko, and Miko. The Mononobe clan was overwhelmed, even with Futo's help, and were suffering quick defeats. By next month, the Soga clan managed to defeat Mononobe no Moriya, leader of the Mononobe clan, and united the island nation.

Further down South in Asia, Byakuren Hijiri begun launching an invasion of the Indian Subcontinent, after having united South East Asia. She had many successes early on, and managed to conquer the small Indian Kingdoms by the Eastern Coast, and also took Sri Lanka. Taking note of her expansion, the Chalukya Dynasty, Kingdom of Magadha, and the Kalachuri Dynasty all merged into one nation and established the Indian Empire. A few months after their formation, Byakuren had launched an invasion and begun storming through.  She wasn't able to get far, and begun to lose ground. A few weeks later, the Buddhist Monk went to retreat and called for peace. India agreed, and a treaty was signed with the Khmer Empire ending the war between them.

Meanwhile in Europe, Yuyuko and Youmu had arrived in Frisia. Later, they aided the Frisians and fought against the Franks. Frisia had won and managed to gain control of OTL Netherlands and Northern Belgium. Then, just roughly One Hundred Years after that, Sekibanki appeared in Ireland, and went to unify the island. Both her and the Ghosts would not run into each other until much later.

Back in East Asia, Goguryeo had managed to unify the Korean Peninsula under their rule. The Tang Dynasty was prospering and expanding, and had just annexed the Kingdom of Nanzhao.  When they started to invade Tibet however, Byakuren quickly declared war on China to defend the Buddhist nation. Within a few weeks, the Tibetans and Khmers were able to advance fairly well, and took parts of Southern China. Despite this, they soon were pushed back when Seiga herself entered the war on the side of China. The war lasted for three wars, and ended in a status quo, with neither side gaining anything.

Tensions remained between the two empires, and both sought to expand their influence. The Indian Empire, sceptical of the Khmers, went to ally with China. Indonesia soon became a major place for conflict, with India and the Khmers constantly competing for influence. Miko and Tojiko, not wanting to get involved, had Japan declared neutrality. They would, however, begin expanding into Northern Honshu, Hokkaido, and OTL Sakhalin Oblast, and have some influence over the Ryukyu Islands.

In Europe, there had been some wars and conflicts too. The Scandinavians had risen to become a decent power, and discovered Vinland. The Netherlands (formerly Frisia) was in peace with its neighbours, as neither the French or the HRE wanted to deal with Yuyuko and Youmu. The Irish had influence in Scotland and Wales, and protected them from the English. Aside from this, not much else had happened elsewhere in the continent and proceeded much like OTL for a while.

In 1206, the Mongol Empire had formed and went on a series of conquests. China was taken by surprise, though they managed to mobilise their army and begun fighting against them. Despite this, the Mongols were able to have the upper hand for quite a while. In the meantime, they expanded into Central Asia, Siberia, Persia, and by 1245, made their way into Europe. Tibet was also invaded by them, which prompted Byakuren to have the Khmer Empire partake in the war against Mongolia. With this, Seiga Kaku was able to fight against the invaders without worry of invasion from the South. The Mongol Empire was eventually defeated and had collapsed in 1268. China had gained OTL Mongolia and a huge portion of Siberia, with the most far eastern parts, such as Kamchatka, were taken by Japan. Tibet was able to get portions of OTL Xinjiang and a tiny part of Central Asia. The rest of the former empire were split into three new nations.

Shortly after the war, tensions between China and the Khmer Empire had been toned down slightly. Conflicts between both sides continued however, and shortly after discovering Vinland in the 1500s, had competed for colonies and influence there. At the same time however, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, and a few other European nations also had landed on the new continent, and were setting up their own colonies. They also begun to set sail for Asia, looking for new trade routes...


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
The Finale (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #66 on: May 04, 2014, 01:58:47 AM »
By the late 1500s, the Europeans made their way into Asia through a new route, by sea. The Portuguese were among the first, and went to establish trade with India, Cambodia, and China. The Spanish followed shortly after, and made their attempt to take the Philippines from the Khmers. Despite Byakuren's efforts, the Spanish were able to achieve a decisive victory against her, and went on to win the war. With the capture of the Philippines and the establishment of the Spanish East Indies, tensions between China and the Khmers begun to decline, though friendly relations wouldn't happen until later on.

Later, in the 1530s, Yuyuko with a few Dutch ships went to visit the East. When the Ghost Princess had arrived in Cambodia, she ran into Byakuren, and were surprised to see each other. An hour of talking later, Yuyuko continued on her trip. She went to China next, and met with Seiga. After that, she travelled to Japan. Once there, she stayed a few nights and came across Miko, Tojiko, and Futo. Upon having a trade deal and an alliance signed with the three nations, Ghost Princess sailed back to the Netherlands, and would make frequent visits back as well.

Meanwhile in the New World, there had been many colonial conflicts. Some examples include the Chinese and Spanish over Mexico and Central Vinland, the Dutch and English on the East Coast, the French and Irish over Eastern Canada. The Scandinavians also attempted to establish a colony on the East Coast and Nova Scotia, which were unsuccessful. In South Vinland, most of the area was divided between the Khmers and the Portuguese, while the Spanish managed to barley establish a colony in OTL Colombia. The Japanese colonised Alaska with no opposition and also colonised Yukon and a part of OTL British Columbia.

A few decades later in India, the Scandinavians begun to set up their own trading company along the coast around Mah?. Soon, they also attempted to set up more ports along the Cambodian-held Indian coast. A few of these were successful, though the one they tried to set up around Bengal didn't go so well at first. The English, having arrived around seven years after the Scandinavians, also begun setting up their own company and ports. Seeing the Bengal area as profitable, the English went to pursue it. They then temporary teamed up with the Scandinavians and fought a war with Cambodia. They both managed to win, and selected their cities to set up their trade ports in. Serampore and Chinsura were taken by the Scandinavians, while the English took Kolkata.

Shortly after the loss, the Cambodian Empire was on an Era of Decline. Starting in 1730, some rebellions had sprung up across Cambodian India. While some areas had minor ones, the major areas of protests occurred in Bengal and Southern India. The English saw an opportunity, and begun to fight over Bengal. Then, when they and Byakuren were fighting in that area, new states in South India had formed: the Thanjavur Kingdom and Madurai. The two states allied themselves with India, and had heavily built up their defences just in case the Buddhist Monk tried to go after them. They got lucky, as after the English won over Bengal, Byakuren was too exhausted and beat up to even think of regaining the lost areas. Starting to get a headache of the rebellions in India, she decided to just cede all of her remaining holdings there to the Indian Empire.

Hearing about the events unfolding in South and South East Asia, Seiga decided to take a diplomatic visit to Cambodia. Upon meeting with Byakuren, Seiga seen that she was in a depressed state. The Hermit went to calm her, and offered to start having friendly relations, between Cambodia and China, and also an alliance. Byakuren, willing to cooperate, agreed and hugged her. Seiga blushed a bit, and hug in return. Shortly after the signing of the alliance, India and Tibet were offered to take part in it. They both agreed, and soon the Pacific-Indian Ocean Pact had been formed.

In Europe, a few major events happened. England managed to take Wales, while Ireland and Scotland went to unite into the Celtic Kingdom. The Dutch had expanded to include parts of Niedersachsen and Nordrhein-Westfalen along with taking Luxembourg and the rest of Belgium after winning a major war against the Holy Roman Empire in the mid-1600s. Russia attempted to expand into Siberia, but upon running into China, the Russians ended up getting crushed by them, and quickly decided to end the expansion. In the Great Northern War, Scandinavia managed to take the Kola Peninsula and Karelia from Russia, though Poland-Lithuania still suffered a defeat.

By 1765, the colonies in North Vinland were set in stone. France had control of most of Canada and the Louisiana Territory; the Dutch had OTL New England and New York; the English had the rest of the Thirteen Colonies not under Dutch control plus everything east of the Mississippi River; the Spanish had all the Caribbean, Mexico, and portions of the OTL Southwest US; the Chinese had California, the Oregon Territory, and Central Vinland; and the Japanese have the rest. The Celts ended up losing their holding of Vinland to the French sometime in the 1680s. In Oceania, the Srivijayans begun to colonise Australia, while China begun colonising New Zealand.

Then, in 1778, the English colony in Vinland was the first to rebel, and the War of Independence took place. It resulted in a victory, and the United States had been established. A similar, though more peaceful, rebellion occurred in New Netherland a few weeks afterwards. Yuyuko was willing to let them go, only on the condition that they remained allied with the Netherlands. The New Netherlanders agreed, and were then given independence.

France suffered a major revolution in 1789, and a the Revolutionary Wars followed. In 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte went into power, and set off another war, the Napoleonic Wars. Yuyuko had the Dutch side with France, while Sekibanki had the Irish side with the English. While England and Scandinavia was distracted during the war, India and its allies (Tibet, China, Cambodia, Thanjavur and Madurai) invaded the English and Scandinavian colonies. Despite England and Scandinavia's best efforts to defend the colonies, India managed to take and annex them in 1807.

The Napoleonic Wars continued on, and by 1812, it was beginning to turn into a stalemate followed by a losing point for the French. The war lasted another two years before France and Yuyuko sued for peace in 1814. A treaty was then signed, and in it, France was able to keep a portion of Italy and the Rhineland while the Netherlands had to cede back the lands it gained during the war. Napoleon was to be exiled to St Helena. After the war, France went on to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States for a total of 70 million francs.

More independence movements sprung across most of the colonies both North and South Vinland starting in 1810. Mexico was the first to cede, followed by Venezuela, Brazil, New Ayutthaya (former Cambodian colony in South Vinland), Jiāl?f?n?yǎ (California), and New Quanzhou (Central Vinland). Canada and the Caribbean also had small rebellions, but were taken down by the French and Spanish military. New Shōtoku was the only colony to remain loyal to Japan.

In 1830, a few issues begun to arose in Mexican Texas due to the increasing US settlers that were moving there. However, it was more than just that, and soon enough, a witch had landed in Dallas...

(World by 1830.)

Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #67 on: May 13, 2014, 03:18:48 AM »

I'm new to this site, after eight months of amateur playing and still trying to achieve a 1cc on IN Normal.  :blush:

Just recently popped into this section, read a good couple of fanfics, and found yours particularly interesting in the way it bends the current timeline simply from some point in the past (divergence) and leading to vastly different worlds (and empires) on the way. The idea on using Mamizou's Time Machine to observe the future, then returning to intervene was particularly brilliant. Like it, ze! (Gets slammed by Alice...)

So far, we have, other than the featured Seiga leading China:
(Story 1) Mamizou leading Japan, Yorihime leading Luna (Moon), a murdered Reimu, and ZUN introducing Rin & Marisa to Windows
(Story 2) Mamizou leading Japan, Futo as peace ambassador, an expansionist Prime Minister Reimu, and ZUN's works as above
(Story 3) Futo leading Japan, An industrialist Prime Minister Reimu, Yukari leading Gensokyo (with other denizens Hina, Iku, Mokou?). ZUN's works as above, with also Tojiko replacing Futo and Byakuren replacing Mamizou
(Story 4) Byakuren leading Khmer-India, Reimu as Japanese Defense Minister, Mamizou helps to avert a Sino-Indian nuclear war with Nitori's time machine, and Meiling as a Chinese space rebel
(Story 5) Mamizou leading Japan, Futo ruling Japanese South America and Reimu ruling Japanese Panama
(Story 6) Sekibanki leading Ireland, Reimu (then Mamizou) leading WW2-Japan, Yoshika as Seiga's underling, and an invincible Meiling leading Communist Vietnam
(Story 7) Marisa leading Texas, Futo leading Japan, and Reimu as a Japanese traveller/ambassador
(Story 8 ) Youmu leading Frisia (Netherlands?), Yuyuko as a wanderer, Tojiko, Miko and Futo as clan leaders
(Story 9) Miko leading Japan (beating politician Reimu)
(Story 10) Byakuren leading Cambodia, Yuyuko leading the Netherlands, possibly Marisa leading Texas, and Futo as a clan leader.
So far, IMO, Stories 6 and 9 seem closely based on OTL.

Some suggestions:
In the next season, perhaps you can base some Touhou characters in South America, Africa, the Middle East and even Oceania? Or include some characters as pioneers in industry, philosophers and religious cultists (maybe some Flandre, Parsee or Shikieiki :D). That would create a really interesting quasi-Gensokyan world history. Bring ZUN back too, if OTL in 1998-2014 fits the plot.

Looking forward to more interesting timesplit chronicles, and the redrawing of boundaries of empires. Thanks for the good read!

« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 03:22:48 AM by Dragomir7 »


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
The Finale (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #68 on: June 13, 2014, 02:23:02 AM »
Those are some interesting suggestions, and will be taking a look into some of them
(especially the industry, philosophers and religious cultists)
On a side note, I already have a few ideas for South America, and will be the focus on one of the timelines within the next season.
Thanks for the ideas! :)


As months went by, the situation continued to grow. Taking note of it, Marisa decided to help fuel those who strive for independence. With this, the Texas War of Independence had begun to take place by 1833. The Magician led the Texans and achieved many victories against Mexico. Nevertheless, the war lasted for two years with a huge Texan victory, and managed to cede. A treaty was signed, and Mexico recognised Texas as independent. Elections were held in the new nation, with Marisa becoming President.

With Marisa's power and influence, staying independent became a popular thing for the Texans. However, the US still had their eyes on them having planned to annex them. Once James K. Polk was elected President of the US in 1845, he made offers of joining the Union to Texas, New Netherland, and Jiāl?f?n?yǎ. They all declined, and a few weeks later, Polk declared war on them. This set off the Great Vinlandian War.

Invasion of Texas proved difficult, as Marisa successfully repelled them off with her Mini-Hakkero. New Netherland and Jiāl?f?n?yǎ were somewhat easier to deal with, and it seemed victory was going to be achieved. However, after news about the war was heard, Yuyuko and the Netherlands quickly came to aid New Netherland, while Kaku Seiga and China came to aid Jiāl?f?n?yǎ. The US then saw heavy defeats, and were fully pushed out of the three nations. Unable to cope with their strength, Polk decided to surrender. A peace treaty was signed, ending the war, and returned to status quo.  After the war, Yuyuko and Seiga offered Texas an alliance in which Marisa accepted.

In Asia, Thanjavur and Madurai had held referendums for the decision to join India in 1849. They both passed with a 87% and 89% majority, respectively, and following this, they merged by next year. In Japan, attempts to reform the system of government was met with opposition, mainly in the northern areas, and in 1860, a civil war broke out. Niigata, Tōhoku, Hokkaidō, Karafuto, and Reiuzi (Kamchatka) all ceded to form the Ezo Shogunate, led by Tokugawa Iemochi. Miko and Tojiko quickly led the invasion of the unrecognised nation.

The Imperial forces managed to reach up to Sado and Sōma before facing a brief stalemate. The Tokugawa forces, while putting up a good fight, were slowly being pushed back. Nevertheless, they were successful in stalling them in quite a few battles. By the Third Month of 1862, the Imperial forces had managed to reach the city of Aomori. It took a week for the city to be captured, and the rest of Honshū just three days later. Following this, the Imperial forces went on and begun to fight the Tokugawa at the Tsugaru Strait.

The Battle of Tsugaru Strait proved to be quite difficult for the Imperial forces. The Tokugawa ships had heavily guarded the entrance to Hokkaidō, and decently devastated the Imperial fleet. Miko ended up getting quite injured during the battle, and had to withdraw. Tojiko quickly escorted her to a health centre, where she would be looked after. In the meantime, some more fleets from Kyūshū, Shikoku, and Hawaii had arrived to fight against the Tokugawa. The stalemate continued for the next few months, to no avail. Upon Tojiko's return to aid the Imperialists, they went on to finally defeat the enemy fleet on the Fourth Month of 1863. With this, they landed in Hokkaidō at the city of Hakodate.

Within weeks after landing, Hakodate was captured by the Imperialists. Hearing this, Tokugawa Iemochi went to flee to Kitatoyokawa (OTL Palana, Kamchatka Krai) and built up more defences around Karafuto and the Chishima Islands. It didn't matter much, as Tojiko was now using her full power to crush the opposition.  Hokkaidō soon fell under control of the Imperialist five months later, and despite the defences, advanced on. While the Imperialists were fighting the Tokugawa at the Chishima, Tojiko went to invade Karafuto first.

Upon securing the island two months later, the ghost arrived back to once again to strike down the enemy navy. From there, the Imperial forces had arrived in Reiuzi (Kamchatka). Stalemates were no longer seen from this point on, and towns easily fell with the battles no longer lasting more than a week and a half. On the second week of the Eighth Month of 1864, the forces finally arrived at Kitatoyokawa. Tokugawa Iemochi, seeing as there is no point to continue decides to end the war and officially surrendered. With this, the Ezo Shogunate was annexed back into Japan, and peace was achieved.

A few months after the war, Miko was fully recovered from her injuries, and went on with her plans to reform the government. In 1871, she created a constitution, and established a Parliament along with the Prime Minister office. The first elections were held a month later, and the candidates were Itō Hirobumi and Reimu Hakurei. In the Second Month of 1872, the results came back, with a victory for Itō, becoming Japan's first Prime Minister. Reimu would later become Prime Minister after winning the elections in 1886, however.

Back in Vinland, the Spanish Caribbean had revolted again, aiming to declare independence. Spain went to try to suppress the revolts, though soon the United States got involved, entering on the side of the Caribbean Rebels. Marisa followed into the war on the side of Spain, shortly after the US got involved. The war continued for a year, and ended with a partial victory for the US. A treaty was then signed, in which Spain had to recognise Cuban and Hispaniola independence,  though Spain was able to keep the other possessions.

Elsewhere, the Scramble for Africa had taken place, and the continent was divided between China, India, the Khmer Empire, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, and England. In Europe, tensions were ever rising, and some predict a war would eventually come...


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
The Finale (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #69 on: July 02, 2015, 06:30:12 AM »
Tensions in Europe had reached a boiling point once Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, and setted off the Great War in Europe. While Sekibanki had Ireland entered the war on the side of the Allies right away, Yuyuko decided to declare neutrality. However, more trouble rose when the Zimmermann Telegram was sent by Germany to the US declaring support for them to take Texas, New Netherland, and Jiāl?f?n?yǎ. Fortunately, President Woodrow Wilson showed no interest in joining a war he'd know he would lose, and knew better to not mess with powerful people such as Marisa and Yuyuko. Nevertheless, the Netherlands, Texas, and Seiga's China declared war on the Central Powers upon hearing the German attempt to gain allies elsewhere. With Youmu, Yuyuko, Marisa, and Seiga themselves also taking part in the war, the Central Powers were defeated by August 1917. Following a few treaties, Germany was harshly restricted (like OTL) and Austria-Hungary was to dissolve. The Ottoman Empire, while they sided with the Central Powers originally, they managed to withdraw and signed a separate peace treaty with the Allies, and though they lost a bit of land, they managed to remain fairly intact.

After the war, the Russian Empire suffered a revolution and was succeeded by the Soviet Union, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, had fallen to Fascism, while Germany soon came under control of National Socialists. In China, the Communists led by Mao Zedong and Hong Meiling led revolts against Seiga's China. With the help of Byakuren along with Indian and Cambodian support, Seiga was able to suppress the Communist revolts within two years and had the leaders sent to life in prison.

In Japan, Reimu had plans to take the Philippines from Spain to put under her rule. When Spain had fell into civil war in 1936, Reimu quickly went and launched an invasion of their possession. Upon hearing of this, Byakuren sought to get back her former territory and declared war as well. The Shrine Maiden didn't take this too kindly and decided to declare war on Cambodia. This move not only had Seiga, India, and Tibet get involved and sided with Byakuren, but had disgusted Miko and Tojiko as well and caused them to intervene and forcibly cancel Reimu's plans and expelled her from the Prime Minister position. Shortly afterwards, peace was achieved between Japan and Cambodia with its allies, and Miko went on to have Japan join the Pacific-Indian Ocean Pact. Miko also had Japan's Prime Minister position was also held off for a few years until 1943 when elections for the position were able to take place again, with Shigeru Yoshida managing to win and became the first Prime Minister to succeed Reimu. The Philippines fell under full Cambodian control after a few months of war; and after the Spanish Civil War ended in Republican victory, the new Republican government had accepted the loss of the Philippines and recognised them as being a part of Cambodia again.

Back in Europe, the Second European War had broke out already in 1939 with Germany invading Poland and Hungary taking Slovakia. Taking no chance this time around, Yuyuko and Youmu, along with Marisa had the Netherlands and Texas respectively entered the war alongside with the other Allies (British, Irish, French, and Soviets). The Axis were harshly pushed back, and was defeated within two and a half years. While the Soviets were able to secure Eastern Europe, Poland, Hungary, and the Balkans, the Allies managed to have all of Germany and Italy under their control. A Cold War then emerged, with the Comintern on one side and the  Allies on the other.

When decolonisation took place, the Soviets funded a few revolutions in revolting colonies to gain more support for their side. However, while a few of them (such as the Congo, Kenya, and Angola) turned communist, most of them had crushed any communist movements, especially colonies previously under Indian, Cambodian, Dutch, and Chinese rule in which they had their help.

Despite the continuous setbacks, the Soviets were determined to keep ahead of their game, and begun racing them to space. The Allies responded just as quick, and soon they had managed to launch the first artificial satellite (created jointly between China, Cambodia, Japan and India) and managed to get the first person in space (by both Pacific-Indian Ocean Pact and European Space Agency). The Soviets later responded and after much hard work and effort, managed to get people on Luna and had planted a Soviet flag. While it did shock the Allies that the Soviets were able to do this, a few of them, mainly Marisa, Yuyuko, Youmu, Byakuren and a few others were highly concerned of a possible Lunarian war against Earth. A few minutes later, the Soviets on Luna ended up running into the Watatsuki sisters. After a short conversation and with warnings from the Lunarians, the Soviets had withdrew their flag and quickly fled back home. This encounter ended up hindering Soviet morale and later saw a withdraw from the Space Race shortly after the Allies managed to get people on Mars.

About a decade later, the Comintern had gave way and broke apart. The Soviet Union itself had lasted a while longer, before collapsing in 1992 and marked the true end of the Cold War.

Since then, not much had happened and the world was more or less in peace. In the 2020s, some of the Earth nations such as China, Cambodia, India, Japan, Ireland, the Netherlands, and a few others had managed to establish friendly relations with the Lunarians.

(World by 2014.)


In the first timeline of the Second Season, the point of divergence takes place around 1475, in OTL South America. As the Incan Empire was working their way up and expanding, a time machine soon appears. The doors open, and three people step out: Kanako Yasaka, Suwako Moriya, and Sanae Kochiya. They go on to explore and tour the place to study and understand the surroundings, but would soon find themselves in an interesting turn of events...