So... I searched for a thread on this subject and couldn't find one o.o/
For over a year, I was stalking this page:
http://www.toranoana.jp/info/dojin/toho_potar/And when it both normal and extra were released last time, I was either broke or dithered too much and missed what I wanted. But now, I know what I want, I'm metaphorically throwing my wallet at my computer. But there's no news on the site, and my Japanese is minimal, so I can't find news. It is never on auction sites to be resold, from what I have seen. :ohdear:
Let's have a Touhou Silver discussion thread! I'll start:
Does anyone know more about this?
Has anyone bought any?
What pieces do you have your eye on?
What would you like to see next?
Personally, I would love to get the Reimu and Patchouli ring sets (normal) and Reisen's necklace (extra).