Author Topic: A theory about Cirno power  (Read 3073 times)

A theory about Cirno power
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:19:09 PM »
About Cirno power i come with this little theory: we know that Cirno basically can freeze things ,now when something freeze because it lost heat , then there is a obivious question , where that heat go ? Here we got at the theory in my theory Cirno absorb it , there are some evidences about this , the first is GFW gameplay , in GFW we don't have lives we have "motivation" now in GFW motivation (and also shot power) increase by freezing bullet so is evident that Cirno get stronger by freezing things the fact that the motivation is called that in game maybe is because the charge of energy that Cirno get from freezing things made her feel stronger and more motivate . The second evidence i found is a win quote of ( if i'm not wrong) Sanae against Cirno where Sanae ask if Cirno didn't absorb heat (basically what i'm theorizing)
If what i theorized is true that would explain why Cirno is the strongest fairy basically every time Cirno use her powers she grew stronger (and she use her power a lot even just for play) , also we now that Cirno can ibernate and more important deibernate frogs so it may means that she can also use her power in reverse to maybe burn things
Maybe saying that Cirno is the strongest is not this far from the reality ...


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Re: A theory about Cirno power
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2014, 09:32:41 PM »
About Cirno power i come with this little theory: we know that Cirno basically can freeze things ,now when something freeze because it lost heat , then there is a obivious question , where that heat go ? Here we got at the theory in my theory Cirno absorb it , there are some evidences about this , the first is GFW gameplay , in GFW we don't have lives we have "motivation" now in GFW motivation (and also shot power) increase by freezing bullet so is evident that Cirno get stronger by freezing things the fact that the motivation is called that in game maybe is because the charge of energy that Cirno get from freezing things made her feel stronger and more motivate . The second evidence i found is a win quote of ( if i'm not wrong) Sanae against Cirno where Sanae ask if Cirno didn't absorb heat (basically what i'm theorizing)
If what i theorized is true that would explain why Cirno is the strongest fairy basically every time Cirno use her powers she grew stronger (and she use her power a lot even just for play) , also we now that Cirno can ibernate and more important deibernate frogs so it may means that she can also use her power in reverse to maybe burn things
Maybe saying that Cirno is the strongest is not this far from the reality ...

You just annoyed Reimu.
Reimu doesn't likes power level discussions.
Because worshippers do not come to her shrine to donate.
Reimu doesn't likes it when she doesn't gets donation.
Reimu went out and found Cirno.
Reimu erased Cirno.
But it is ok.
Reimu knows Cirno will respawn soon.

Cirno respawned.
Cirno was sad.