Author Topic: an idea for a full Touhou shoot'em up game  (Read 2577 times)

an idea for a full Touhou shoot'em up game
« on: July 19, 2014, 04:02:56 AM »
okay, so~ first of all, I don't know if it's okay to post this in the board, because for now I only really have the ideas that have been made, and I'm not planning to turn them into a game RIGHT away. but-- when I do,(IF I DO, I might start on it soon, I might start on it quite later, but I DEFINITELY won't leave these ideas out of implementation.) I apologize if this wasn't meant to be posted ;v;;

anyways-- I had this idea since two years ago, back in 2012. it was supposed to follow the then-recurring trend of the theory that the 14th Touhou game(or I think they were expecting the 13th to be? I can't remember anymore.. LOL;) would've been water-themed. of course, in the end, it became something completely different, but I still liked the idea that I picked up then, so now--

I decided that I'm going to pick it back up, and flesh it out~<3... and improve within it, too.

originally, this is what was planned out for it:

Title: Touhou Kaichuuchi ~ Tidal Sky of Serenity

the red overlay was a silhouette of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
the blue overlay was a silhouette of the Moriya Shrine.

Mechanic of Game: Underwater Layer In-Game; the player character can dive down, as well as danmaku.

Playable Characters:

(for the information that will be given below; if you would like profiles on the characters that are not official, please ask. <:)

Stage Bosses:
Stage 1: Komachi Onozuka
<-- Spritesheet
<-- Portrait

Stage 2: Haisui Kadoumizu
<-- Portrait
<-- signature bullet(yes, she and this signature bullet is inspired by Murasa ._.; I tried my best to make her not look as too much of a clone of Murasa as possible;; if you'd like me to elaborate on this-- again, please ask for her profile! <:)

Stage 3: Umisenko Mizuumi (the portrait shown below is not what she would appear to be in Stage 3; however-- you should know what to do here by now if you're curious.)

Stage 4:
(if playing as Marisa) Reimu
(if playing as Reimu) Marisa
(if playing as Sanae) Sakuya
(if playing as Sakuya) Sanae

Stage 5 Midboss: Haisui Kadoumizu
Stage 5 Boss: (no character was ever implemented for this stage, but she would've had a type of electrical ability)

Stage 6 Midboss: (there was never a Stage 6 midboss planned..)
Stage 6 Boss: (I FORGOT HER NAMEEE! ;; but I do remember that Ichikouzui or something was part of her full name.. I can look for the full name, don't worry~)

Extra Midboss: ???
Extra Boss: Umisenko Mizuumi

Shot types:

(there was only one made for Reimu..)


Youkai Busting type

Shot Type: Homing Amulet
Shot type(Focused): Hakurei Amulet
Spell card: Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal"
Spell card(Focused or hit): Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal"

Relentless Power type

Shot type: Persuasion Needle
Shot type(Focused): Evil-Sealing Circle
Spell Card: Dream Sign "Super Duplex Barrier"
Spell Card(Focused or hit): Great Barrier "Hakurei Defense Barrier"

Sin Exterminating type

Shot type: Yin-Yang of Three Reflections
Shot type(Focused): Illusionary Kanji Scroll
Spellcard: Illusion Sign "??? Fantasy" (I forgot the name of the original... I think it was Hakurei Fantasy.)
Spellcard(Focused or hit): Hakurei Illusion "Seven Bordered Dash"


the drawings DO look rather crudely drawn, don't they? ene;; that's because they were drawn back in 2012... well, thank god that I improved within my art skills .o.;; and I'm definitely going to redraw these~

and of course, the idea itself will be revised, aswell~.

the Title: (to be revised..)
(if a title theme existed, I always imagined it sounding like a combination of Theme of Eastern Story(of course <:) and Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Waterfall. >u<)

Playable Characters:
Reimu Hakurei
Marisa Kirisame
Parsee Mizuhashi(why did I pick Parsee to be a playable character?--well, that's because I've always thought of her looking fitting to be a playable character, both appearance and character wise~. uvu)

Stage 1: Komachi Onozuka
Stage 2: Haisui Kadoumizu
Stage 3: Umisenko Mizuumi
Stage 4: ???
Stage 5 Midboss: Haisui Kadoumizu
Stage 5: (to be implemented)
Stage 6: Ichikouzui ???

Extra Midboss: ???
Extra Boss: (to be implemented)



Youkai Busting type

Shot Type: Homing Amulet
Shot type(Focused): Hakurei Amulet
Spell card: Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal"
Spell card(Focused or hit): Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal"

Combustive Power type

Shot type: Persuasion Needle
Shot type(Focused): Evil-Sealing Circle
Spell Card: Dream Sign "Super Duplex Barrier"
Spell Card(Focused or hit): Great Barrier "Hakurei Defense Barrier"

Sin Exterminating type

Shot type: Yin-Yang and Reflection of Three
Shot type(Focused): Illusionary Kanji Scroll(this is a reference to Yukari, if you can figure out how so <:)
Spellcard: Illusion Sign "Missing Fantasy"
Spellcard(Focused or hit): Hakurei Illusion "Eight Border Dash"


so there you have it for now~ I hope that it seems at least a little appealing.. if not, then oh well~ uvu I'll still make this anyways~! in danmakufu, of course~(but I have a lot to learn.. .o.) thank you for reading~ I'm really motivated for this~

if I do happen to make a release, it will most likely be the trial version first. just like how ZUN does it |D;;

I'll update this throughout~ (no seriously, I will .n.;)

---UPDATE: here is a Ten Desires-esque version of Haisui, two months after I created the image shown above~
« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 12:34:28 AM by KiKi-KaiKai »