Author Topic: PCB & IN secondary scoring system help  (Read 1306 times)

PCB & IN secondary scoring system help
« on: December 23, 2013, 04:22:23 AM »
How do I know when the cherry border will activate and how can I manipulate it so it comes earlier/ later.

How does one acquire time points in Imperishable Night? I know that if I have my meter far enough into the human side and shoot unfocused at non-familiars I get time points, shooting familiars as a human sends the meter to the other side and it seems that killing enemies that take their familiars with them when they die as a non-human give time points. I have been able to get all the bonus spells, but the later stages are very inconsistent as I only know how to get points when I'm on the human side of the meter, and being unfocused almost all the time is too dangerous to be worth it.
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