Author Topic: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request  (Read 18007 times)

TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« on: September 14, 2013, 08:07:29 AM »
Final Update!
Full Patch (Everything from the first patch + endings and practice menu) released!
That file contains a folder call TheLastComer. Just paste it into the script directory with the original folder and let it merge/overwrite everything it needs to.
This is the last update I will be doing on this, barring bugfixes (if any). If anyone else wants to mess with the to-do list at the bottom, feel free.

Old stuff:
Hopefully I'm in the right place.

I'm currently editing The Last Comer to display all of the dialog, stage title cards, spell cards, stage BGMs, etc... in English. The only thing I've never seen a translation for is the various endings.
I've included images of the text below:

Reimu's bad end  -
Reimu's good end  -
Marisa's bad end  -
Marisa's good end  -
Sakuya's bad end  -
Sakuya's good end  -
True ending  -

Unfortunately, while I'm great at code and image editing, I'm no good at translation. Is anyone willing to translate these for me?
Thanks in advance!

Outdated Patch for Reference
First Patch released!
That file contains a folder call TheLastComer. Just paste it into the script directory with the original folder and let it merge/overwrite everything it needs to.

Current Progress:
Character Shot Descriptions are done
Stage Title Cards are done
Stage/Boss BGM Titles are done
Right-Side Score/Lives/etc stuff is done
Boss Title Cards are done
Practice Stage Options (Retry/Quit) are done
Sound Test Titles are done
Spell Card Names are done
Options Screen is done

Reimu's dialog is done
Marisa's dialog is done
Sakuya's dialog is done

Fixed character portraits so they show up in dialogs
Fixed High Score saving glitch on practice mode.
Fixed a sound effect that wasn't working on the difficulty select screen
Fixed a glitch with Iesua showing the wrong spell card (as detailed on the wiki)
All seven endings done! (TwilightsCall did a fantastic translation)
Updated Spell Card Practice titles

To do (if anyone else wants to take a crack):
Translate the remaining Overdrive Spell Cards and figure out how/if they should work (they currently have a practice title but no in-game title, so I'm not sure if they're implemented or not, I know 130 is something lie "Hallelujah Sunshine" and one of the others is "Danse Macabre")
Possibly Translate credits. Might add my name/user name, the wiki and the name/username of anyone who helps with this as translators if they so desire.
Sound Test Room Details (May skip this unless someone really wants to translate)
Difficulty Settings (May skip this since Easy, Hard, etc are already in English and the Japanese characters are hard to read)

That's about it. Thanks!
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 04:21:13 AM by WanderingShadow »


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Re: TLC ending Translation Request
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2013, 02:47:45 PM »
This thread will probably be moved into Touhou Projects. You should have better luck there.

Re: TLC ending Translation Request
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2013, 12:19:16 AM »
Thanks for the tip! I'd figured the projects area was more for mechanical help but I'll take whatever I can get!

Also, just so people can see what I'm doing:


Update: Moved progress to first post.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 12:03:44 AM by WanderingShadow »


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Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2013, 01:53:52 AM »
Oh my gosh.


Please finish this.
>This is the little mistress.
>Oh, hello little one!
Is this my dream, the destiny to behold?
~Sister of Scarlet~


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Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2013, 05:49:38 AM »
I'll take a crack at the endings.  Might take me a little while to show results, but I figure I can probably get all the endings translated and up within the week.

Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2013, 06:22:53 AM »
Lukesky180: It'll happen. I've put too much work into this for it not to.

TwilightsCall: Thank you! No rush or anything. It'll probably take me a week or so to finish up the dialog and the other little bits that I'm editing anyway, so if it only takes you that long it'll be perfect timing.

Also, quick question: I noticed while I was testing that Practice Mode doesn't actually save your high scores for a stage. Instead it saves whatever the last score was regardless of whether it's higher than the previous run or not. Is that normal, or is it a bug that I should look into fixing? I'm a little new to Touhou in general, so I'm not sure what the norm for these sorts of things is.


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Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2013, 12:32:36 PM »
Moved thread to proper child forum of RikaNitori, as this one is intended for TLs and such.


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Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2013, 04:38:25 AM »
Just to give you an update since it's been about a week, I've underestimated how much time I'd get to work on this, so I'm not quite done yet.  Currently sitting at about 75% through the endings, so barring some sort of tragedy I should be done within the next few days.

As far as the practice mode question, that's...really weird, and I can't imagine that being an intentional thing.  I'd go ahead and fix it if its manageable.

EDIT:  From the endings themselves, it seems to me as if they should be layered over a picture of some sort.  Are these readily available anywhere, or am I going to have to download the game and reach each of the endings myself to see them?  Or am I just crazy and no such thing exists?

« Last Edit: September 22, 2013, 04:43:00 AM by TwilightsCall »

Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2013, 04:45:14 AM »
Awesome! Thanks for the update! Like I said, no rush.
And I'll add that score glitch to my to-do list.

Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2013, 06:33:39 AM »
Also, yes, they are meant to be layered over images. Gimme a little time to throw them up in a way that will be somewhat coherent.

Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2013, 09:03:40 AM »
Okay, I put all of the ending pics together into folders corresponding to which ending they go to, and put numbers in the ending texts to show what text scrolls during each image. Hopefully that helps.

So, here you go (spoilers, obviously):

Edit: Wow, triple post... why did I do that again? I think it's time for some shut-eye...
« Last Edit: September 22, 2013, 09:08:36 AM by WanderingShadow »


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Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2013, 02:17:13 PM »
Thanks, that'll help a lot!


  • Knight of the Hungry Ghost
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Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2013, 12:03:52 AM »
Anyone know when we can expect a release?  :D
>This is the little mistress.
>Oh, hello little one!
Is this my dream, the destiny to behold?
~Sister of Scarlet~

Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2013, 03:17:15 AM »
I'm looking to release the first version (0.6ish) after I get all of the dialog done, so maybe sometime next week? After that I'll do a release with the endings translated and anything else I've managed to get done, and the final(ish) release will be whatever ancillary stuff I can manage to translate or fix.
So, yeah, next week for the first part. 


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Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2013, 09:40:46 PM »
Okay, here is the translations for all of the endings!

I've just added them into the ending pictures archive, and I've included line-breaks in the translation so that you can tell which lines go to which pictures.

A translation check would be more than welcome, especially on the bad ends, but all in all this should be enough to get you through.

If you have any questions or need anything else translated, let me know.

Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2013, 03:05:36 AM »
Thank you! This is absolutely fantastic!
For the most part the translation looks really solid. There are a few awkward parts here and there that I may try to re-word a bit, and I should probably look at Iesua's lines more closely to make see if she's quoting the bible as she tends to do, but as a rule I'll be using most of this word-for-word.
I do have one question, though: In the true end, Sakuya asks Iesua to turn the water back to normal, but in Reimu and Marisa's routes Michel says that happened after she was defeated. Are you sure about Sakuya's wording, there? If so then I guess I'll just chalk it up to Michel not mentioning the water being fixed in her route.
Also, if you're really looking for something else to translate, I could always upload the music room comments and the apparently-scrapped overdrive cards that still need translating. Those were both pretty low on my to-do list and I wasn't going to worry too much if they never got translated, but for the sake of completeness it would be nice. Again, only if you really feel like it.
And one last thing: Would you like me to put your name and/or username in the credits as a translator? It's something I was thinking of doing for myself, and since I borrowed heavily from your story translation and you agreed to do the endings, I think it's only fair that you get your spot.
Thanks again!


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Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2013, 04:56:25 AM »
...and I should probably look at Iesua's lines more closely to make see if she's quoting the bible as she tends to do...

Yeah, she had a strong tendency to do that...regardless of how appropriate it was. There were a lot of spots that seemed really awkward even in the Japanese to me, just from them trying to shoehorn in Bible quotes.  I didn't muck around with them too much to try and preserve the nature of her speaking, but as far as fluency is concerned it could probably use a lot of work.

I do have one question, though: In the true end, Sakuya asks Iesua to turn the water back to normal, but in Reimu and Marisa's routes Michel says that happened after she was defeated. Are you sure about Sakuya's wording, there? If so then I guess I'll just chalk it up to Michel not mentioning the water being fixed in her route.

Ah, good catch.  I just double checked and it seems I took for granted that people would be asking for them to do stuff xD  Here's a fixed version:

Sakuya: "And if you look, it seems the water from the lake has returned to normal as well."

Also, if you're really looking for something else to translate, I could always upload the music room comments and the apparently-scrapped overdrive cards that still need translating. Those were both pretty low on my to-do list and I wasn't going to worry too much if they never got translated, but for the sake of completeness it would be nice. Again, only if you really feel like it.

I wouldn't mind working on those.  I can't imagine them taking very long to translate, as long as the music comments aren't ridiculously long, so as long as you don't mind it being a bit of a low-priority project, I'd be up for getting as much of the game translated as possible.

And one last thing: Would you like me to put your name and/or username in the credits as a translator? It's something I was thinking of doing for myself, and since I borrowed heavily from your story translation and you agreed to do the endings, I think it's only fair that you get your spot.

If you're adding names to the credits, you can feel free to add my username, but it's not that big a deal.  If you don't plan on modifying the credits, don't bother making a special exception for me lol.

Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2013, 08:19:20 AM »
Alright, then, here's all of the misc stuff that hasn't been translated. It's got the music room comments, the 10 or so unused spellcards that haven't been translated (which I may turn into overdrive or boss rush cards later if I decide to get into Danmakufu more) and the difficulty level. The music room would be the most visible and important of the lot, but really the whole thing is very low priority. The ending was the big one, and now that that's done I can release the most important parts of the game in English. If I can eventually add in the rest, great, but there's absolutely no hurry on it.
Again, thanks for all of your hard work.

For everybody else: The extra mode's giving me a bit of trouble for testing (curse my newbish lack of skill), so I'm probably going to have to do a little finagling to properly test that dialog. Since I have the endings I'm debating holding off on the first release until I get that finished up, too. Then again, those will require even more finagling since I'll be at this for months if I try to get the true ending the normal way... We'll see. 

Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2013, 08:39:07 AM »
When I was doing testing for MPP, I just edited the scripts to disable enemies and bosses attacks due to the same reason :) And it's actually faster if I need (and usually I really need) to make multiple checks because of the balloon system.

Upd: so, here it is. Use these files to skip all battles for Extra stage. They don't overlap with dialog ones so don't worry. But don't forget to remove them for the patch :)
« Last Edit: September 28, 2013, 09:11:13 AM by Vectorfish »
Would be glad to get help with Touhou Doumeiju ~ Mystical Power Plant Translation Project spellcard comments' translation.

Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2013, 07:18:43 PM »
Thanks! That made things go muuuuch faster!
So, since the endings have a lot of text images to alter I think I'm going to go with my original plan and have the first patch not include the endings.
So here you go:
That file contains a folder call TheLastComer. Just paste it into the script directory with the original folder and let it merge/overwrite everything it needs to.
Please let me know if you find anything that you think is strange/buggy/etc...

As I said, phase 2 (Endings and Spell card practice) is going to take a while, so don't be worried if I don't update for a bit.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2013, 07:22:22 PM by WanderingShadow »

Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2013, 08:13:00 PM »
I think it's a good idea to add a link to the patch on wiki page. At least, I'm going to do the same thing for MPP when I get first release.
Would be glad to get help with Touhou Doumeiju ~ Mystical Power Plant Translation Project spellcard comments' translation.

Re: TLC Patch Project and Ending Translation Request
« Reply #21 on: October 02, 2013, 01:15:59 AM »
Agreed, though I'll need to set up an account first. I'll probably post the ending text there later, too.