Author Topic: Bug: Apostrophe display names & PMs  (Read 4944 times)


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Bug: Apostrophe display names & PMs
« on: July 11, 2012, 07:12:48 PM »
For about half a year, I have been mass-PMing a "newsletter" PM to all participants in a forum RP I am GMing in. However, I noticed an issue with the PM system involving apostrophes in forum display names. I suspect this may apply to other characters as well, but I've only experienced it with apostrophes.

in short, if a forum display name has an apostrophe in it (for example, this member's forum display name is Garry's Sketch), the only way to send them a PM seems to be clicking "Send PM" on their member page. They cannot be added on to any other PM's "To:" field.

Steps to reproducing the issue:
-When composing a blank PM, typing in the member's display name (e.g. "Garry's Sketch" with or without quotation marks) and then clicking "Send Message" or "Preview" will generate an error indicating that the system was unable to find the member ("Unable to find member 'garry's sketch'." and "One or more 'to'-recipients could not be found."). However, clicking "Send PM" from the member's page will immediately find the name and add it to the list of "To:" recipients (e.g., "Garry's Sketch" with the cancel box next to it) in the PM window that appears.

It's more of an annoyance than anything, but maybe it can get looked into sometime. Thanks in advance!

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...