Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Akyu's Arcade => Topic started by: axman36 on April 18, 2011, 02:58:35 AM

Title: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: axman36 on April 18, 2011, 02:58:35 AM
THAT'S RIGHT. You see I shall explain what went down on the dance floor.

So about one week ago during LATE NIGHT CONVERSATIONS on the Skype, news of me raging about a test (Which I actually got the highest grade I've ever had on a Calculus test at that point) while I played MoF with a crappy accent became known to the world. The world refused to change, BUT THE SKYPE DID NOT.

So as a result, one Dustyjo decided it was time TO GET SERIOUS. But how do you get serious with someone like the axman? WHY ONLY THROUGH THE HELP OF SAM!

And as of such, began the adventures of axman36 and Dustyjo as they embarked in their adventure in Egypt to shoot things.

HOWEVER, MANY THINGS CAME ALONG THE WAY, including FORCED AUTOMATIC UPDATES ( (Seriously screw those things), FORGETFULNESS TO CHANGE DIFFICULTY, and a surprise guest from someone who broke into my house at random and will pop up near the end. She also has no idea I was recording and that she will be in the video, but she doesn't need to know that.

But yes,


So far we got Part 1 (, Part 2 (, and Part 3 ( up and still more to come!

Part 4 (, Part 5 (, and Part 6! (

Part 7, ( Part 8, ( and Part 9! (

Part 10 (, Part 11 (, and Part 12 (

Part 13 (, Part 14 (, Part 15 (, Part 16 (, and Part 17 (
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: wooterz on April 18, 2011, 03:25:25 AM

( (
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: HakureiSM on April 18, 2011, 05:24:58 AM
It was totally worth it to lose precious sleep time for this.



Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: InfernalExuro on April 18, 2011, 07:39:57 AM
As someone who has suffered the wrath of those kamikaze fucks more times than I care to count, I'm not quite sure how to properly respond to that picture.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: marukyuu on April 18, 2011, 10:13:01 AM
I'm a few seconds into Part 1 and I'm already sweating rainbows. Serious Sam is sex. One of the best games EVER.


<hurr big pic durr>
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Yukarin on April 18, 2011, 05:55:44 PM
Serious Sam?

Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Chaore on April 18, 2011, 06:56:11 PM

Stop dying. You stop dying this instant.

God damnit axman. stop dying. Even Dusty is ashamed.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: wooterz on April 18, 2011, 07:35:01 PM

Stop dying. You stop dying this instant.

God damnit axman. stop dying. Even Dusty is ashamed.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: marukyuu on April 19, 2011, 09:11:37 AM
Yes, he abused the knife (and he should keep it up because it's hilarious as hell :V), but what he did with it against the bulls in Part 3 was actually good. He should use the same strategy with those pesky Kleers - I cringed every time he backed off of them, to be clawed every single time. He should definitely go matador on them too.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Solais on April 19, 2011, 04:16:23 PM
Why the fuck noone told me about this, I was literally DYING for a game of Sam for months now.

Also, is that a Serious Sam x Touhou picture??? The hell, is that even exists? (Though someone on the main forums was making a mod for SS2 what had Master Spark in it.)
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Reddyne on April 19, 2011, 06:32:51 PM
Man, did I love this game. It was such a great cathartic distraction when life got too hectic for anyone's good. Seeing two people play it at once looks like even more fun. My old copies are long gone. I'll have to get the HD edition off Steam or something and play them when I finally exhaust my current game supply.

Oh, and the kleers throw bolas. ( You guys have never played Startropics?!
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: wooterz on April 19, 2011, 10:03:12 PM
Also, is that a Serious Sam x Touhou picture??? The hell, is that even exists? (Though someone on the main forums was making a mod for SS2 what had Master Spark in it.)

There's a couple, actually. (danbo) (

Oh, and the kleers throw bolas. ( You guys have never played Startropics?!

Nope  :derp:
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: axman36 on April 20, 2011, 01:21:17 AM
But... THE KNIFE DOES SO MUCH DAMAGE! Once I killed something instantly with it once I couldn't stop myself from using it! It became like an addiction... At least until we got a certain gigantic weapon.

As for dying, can someone explain what happened here at 2 minutes and 50 seconds? (

Parts 4-6 are up on da OP.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: wooterz on April 20, 2011, 01:36:15 AM
Part 5 is great, in which
Ax gets telefragged by a fucking ITEM. Yeah.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Fossil Goo on April 20, 2011, 02:51:55 AM
Lets plays with multiple people tend to be amazeballs and this is no exception. The dynamic between you two is hilarious in that Dusty actually knows what he's doing while Axe runs about phasing through guardrails and flailing around with a knife. It reminds me of a buddy cop movie somehow.

Also, way to make me really want to play this game when I already have like three other games to work through ;;
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Chaore on April 20, 2011, 03:44:37 AM
Part 5, also known as the AXMAN DEATH MARATHON.

seriously. if you die more times in a single video during this, i'm revoking your license to uses axes.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: marukyuu on April 20, 2011, 10:08:49 AM
telefrag in Part 5
was awesome. I think
Axman found himself on top of a spawning item while jumping like an idiot. If he stood on the ground he wouldn't have died in such a hilarious way

Anyways, those annoying harpies. Sniping them with the Tommygun or the revolvers (seriously, Axman, STOP IT :V) is a waste of time, health and bullets. The Super Shotgun is the best gun to deal with them. If they're in big packs or inside closed rooms, rockets are fine, too.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Solais on April 20, 2011, 11:09:48 AM
Oh, it's not the HD version, huh. (Finally have time to watch these.)

 I thought nobody plays the originals anymore.

There should be a HD co-op party once Croteam fixes the Fusion DLC to be working properly again. (It crashes when Ugh-Zan shows up.)

Or when I release my insane level for SEHD. (I really should continue working on that. Also shameless plug, I guess. :P)
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Dormio Ergo Sum on April 20, 2011, 12:21:06 PM
>Working on assignment due in 11.5 hours.
>See three more parts uploaded.

I don't know if I love or hate this right now.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: wooterz on April 20, 2011, 12:50:02 PM
Oh, it's not the HD version, huh. (Finally have time to watch these.)

 I thought nobody plays the originals anymore.

The originals are better IMO, since you can actually beat TFE on Normal single-player and the second encounter has the intro they cut out of the HD version for no reason at all.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Solais on April 20, 2011, 01:00:42 PM
You can't beat TFE HD on Normal? I already did that. :V
(The Ugh-Zan crash is only in TSE Fusion DLC and only multiplayer. Interestingly enough, the same crash was also present in TFE Singleplayer, but it got fixed long long ago.)

And I only miss the crazy gravity from the HD games, the intro can be redone, they actually redid some of the models for them in HD (in a patch, probably for mappers to redo it if they want), like the book, they just kinda decided not to do it, because some of them believed that the intro is too silly (I don't agree), and SS2 flopped because of the silliness (I agree).
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: wooterz on April 20, 2011, 01:10:49 PM
You can't beat TFE HD on Normal? I already did that. :V

Nope. There's a part where it endlessly spawns kleers and there is absolutely no way to win. I don't know if it's been fixed or not, since that was back when it first came out.

(we fight through this part rather quickly in the LP, by the way. Hard mode.)

And come on, isn't Serious Sam supposed to be silly and not serious at all? I mean, not quite SS2 silly, but there's guys with chainsaws and pumpkins on their heads for christ's sake.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Solais on April 20, 2011, 05:09:50 PM
Nope. There's a part where it endlessly spawns kleers and there is absolutely no way to win. I don't know if it's been fixed or not, since that was back when it first came out.

That was fixed in the first patch. :V I myself never encountered it when I played it and that was just after the first patch.

And come on, isn't Serious Sam supposed to be silly and not serious at all? I mean, not quite SS2 silly, but there's guys with chainsaws and pumpkins on their heads for christ's sake.

Yeah I agree. Croteam kinda got some shit because of that, and they say that SS3 will be at least as silly as SS1 was. And as I said, they included the required entities and models for recreating the intro, but they couldn't got the level into the game with a patch because it would have screwed up the Steam leaderboards and stuff.

Though I wonder if it's possible to add it as a SS2-style video, as the SS3 engine is based on the SS2 one. Hmmmm. I might check this out in the editor.

By the way, the Highlander Reptiloids appearing everywhere was caused by the Co-Op mode, as it adds extra monsters and encounters. :V

Edit 1: *watching Part 6* Some places, SSHD is harder because there's actual physics now, and frankly, SS1 wasn't built for that, they didn't really changed anything about the monsters, save the beheaded soldiers having extra weapons.

Edit 2: Dunes is my favorite level in TFE too. :3
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Reddyne on April 20, 2011, 11:53:32 PM
Nope  :derp:
Good game for the NES. It's like Zelda with a yo-yo. Worth a look if you're bored and into older games.
Part 5 is great, in which
Ax gets telefragged by a fucking ITEM. Yeah.
Now THAT's LP gold. How does that happen? Who does that happen to? Is this some sorta karma for busting out the knife every time the suicide bombers come around?
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: HakureiSM on April 21, 2011, 07:07:08 AM
[04:05:08] Hakurei Reimu: "I think ohmigodthey'reeverywhere is a pretty accurate description of the whole game"
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: wooterz on April 21, 2011, 11:17:38 PM
Parts 7 ( and 8 ( are up now! WATCH 'EM DAMNIT
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Solais on April 22, 2011, 02:06:20 PM
Huh, I've completely forgot that Dunes have two Highlanders in Co-op, I remembered only one. Too bad you're not playing on Serious difficulty, that has double enemies and new enemy placement and such, just like in Co-op, so twice the different.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: wooterz on April 22, 2011, 02:11:02 PM
oh jesus now everyone's gonna tell us to play on serious difficulty in the second encounter :ohdear:
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Myschi on April 22, 2011, 05:12:31 PM
Real men play on the hardest difficulty possible. If it's not hard enough, they impose a handicap on themselves.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Solais on April 22, 2011, 10:19:04 PM
If it's not hard enough, they impose a handicap on themselves.

That is actually possible in the HD remake. Serious difficulty, more enemy strenght, no pickups, and the like, it increases the score multiplier. :V

oh jesus now everyone's gonna tell us to play on serious difficulty in the second encounter :ohdear:

Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Myschi on April 22, 2011, 10:54:06 PM
Do a knife-only run (where applicable) of Serious difficulty! :V
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: HakureiSM on April 23, 2011, 12:34:13 AM
I'm still waiting on that death-counter we agreed on :V
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: wooterz on April 23, 2011, 07:03:20 AM
I'm still waiting on that death-counter we agreed on :V

that's coming in the next game
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: axman36 on April 26, 2011, 05:07:57 AM
Part 5, also known as the AXMAN DEATH MARATHON.

seriously. if you die more times in a single video during this, i'm revoking your license to uses axes.

Uhh crap... weeell... *Hides away all licenses* I SHALL NOT LOSE THIS TIME!

Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: HakureiSM on April 26, 2011, 05:29:20 AM
Part <insert any part here>, also known as the AXMAN DEATH MARATHON.
fix'd :3
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Jes_Isaive on April 26, 2011, 06:13:22 AM
Oh cool another video well there goes some more slee-
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: axman36 on May 06, 2011, 08:29:39 AM
Cripe I have fallen behind in uploading these things up.

Well... I've had 10-12 up for a while now. Audio kinda went to cripes. >.> Was gonna update this topic with it after I got 13-15 was up but... suddenly my converter went haywire and I couldn't open the vidjas! However I have found an easy solution and uploadin' will go as normal. In fact as I type this 13 is getting ready to be uploaded as well, audio synced and everything. Can't have ya'll miss out on my neighbor beating me down now juuust yet now can I?

10 (, 11 (, and 12 (
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Solais on May 06, 2011, 01:12:36 PM
Oh boy oh boy, I was waiting for these!
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: HakureiSM on May 07, 2011, 04:12:31 AM
Son of a bitch, why do you always upload these before I have to go to bed?
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Reddyne on May 07, 2011, 10:23:29 PM
Sam's back pocket is Yukari-space.

"Is that a cannon in your back pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
"No, it's a minigun."  :fail:
"Such a pity."
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Kips McKipzerson on May 07, 2011, 10:27:14 PM
Son of a bitch, why do you always upload these before I have to go to bed?
this times ten
though i have no regrets because everytime I hear ax's voice I think to myself "HOLYFUCKTHATISTHEMOSTEPICGUTAIRSOLOEVER".
Also, Is serious sam going to be over soon because i dont want it to be over ;_;
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Solais on May 08, 2011, 12:03:37 AM
Don't worry, Serious Sam 1 is actually two games: They're now playing the first half, the First Encounter. The Second Encounter is the other half, bigger, better, harder, with more monsters (on Serious Difficulty, about 4000+ in the whole game, 2000+ of them on the Final Level) and with the most EPIC final level ever. And then there's Serious Sam 2, what is a whole lot sillier and it's not really that good. And then there's Serious Sam 3 coming this summer, what will be a prequel, as there's actually a story, what Axman skips by not reading the NETRICSA database.

(Shameless plug: And then there's my map I'm making for Serious Sam HD, what will be even more epic, what takes an hour to complete without any enemies, and having 3000+ enemies on Serious Difficulty in only the first third of the level. I can't even imagine the stats when I'll finally finish it.)

Very late edit: Fuckballs. I wish Seriously Forums come back soon, I have to talk to Croteam fixing a specific entity for my new semi-secret project. I can make the cratebus myself, but the model of the PictureBookEntity is broken.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: axman36 on May 18, 2011, 05:52:22 AM
One last update for all ya'll! 13 - 17. I had a sudden influx of time and I managed to get em all up.

Part 13 (, Part 14 (, Part 15 (, Part 16 (, and Part 17 (

Part 16 has a surprise guest in it. >.>


Also my death count got erased by disconnections. When off time hits again I'll probably go through the entire playthrough and count each and every time I died for ya'll. I'm preeetty sure it went over the five hundreds.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Jes_Isaive on May 18, 2011, 06:07:54 AM
Always before I go to sleep. Always.
 In regards to the whole "imagine this in singleplayer" bit, quicksaves. Lots and lots of quicksaves.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Solais on May 18, 2011, 10:03:59 AM
What the.... you've skipped Sacred Yards??? BLASPHEMY!

Nice though.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: marukyuu on May 18, 2011, 01:06:06 PM

Too bad it's over. I can't wait for your next Serious Adventure. Because you'll be back for more deaths in TSE, right? :ohdear:
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Solais on May 18, 2011, 02:47:09 PM
Considering how many more monsters that game has, how more EPIC those fights are, and if they take on the challenge of Serious difficulty, then we'll see enough deaths I'm sure. Though I wonder how the Man of Axe will like the "advanced knife".

By the way, new Serious Sam 3 pictures are in, the kamikaze will look badass. (
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: marukyuu on May 18, 2011, 03:23:02 PM
By the way, new Serious Sam 3 pictures are in, the kamikaze will look badass. (
Now I'm seriously hyped.
Title: Re: Alright everyone. LET'S GET SERIOUS: SERIOUS SAM TFE
Post by: Solais on May 18, 2011, 03:39:10 PM
I actually wonder how the public will take that Serious Sam 3 is a prequel. Like "what, SS had a story?". And it actually has a story, a whole short story came with TFE, and most of the infos the NETRICSA writes are accurate historically or mythically. This is what SS2 actually just got thrown out of the window, that's one thing I didn't liked about that. Though it still stayed true to the original Serious Sam plans (aka, after Ancient Egypt, Sam would have gone planet hopping till he reached Sirius; it would have featured Elemental Planets with its own elemental golem monsters).