Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Rika and Nitori's Garage Experiments => Topic started by: Stuffman on June 26, 2009, 05:13:13 AM

Title: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Stuffman on June 26, 2009, 05:13:13 AM

Portrait of Strange Relic is a Touhou fangame for Danmakufu that has been in production for entirely too long. Yet progress continues!

PoSR is about the misadventures of Josette, an artist from the human village, as she attempts to make her way home, lost in the wilderness of Gensokyo. Only YOU can bring her home safely! PoSR has a mix of new characters and oldies from the PC-98 era.

Download here! ( (59.4 MB)

5.9 is out, just to prove I've actually been working on it. This beta includes:
- Half of Stage 6, up to the midboss.
- Complete reworks of every existing stage, including an entirely new Stage 4.
- You can now punish yourself for being a bad person by playing the extremely unfair Lunatic mode.
- A handful of boss attacks and spellcards were reworked, Stella's in particular.
- By popular demand, a custom bullet sheet!

NOTE: Stage 6 is totally unfinished, you can only play it in Normal mode. Attempting to play it in any other difficulty will result in errors.

See my latest post in this thread for some more in-depth discussion.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Drake on June 26, 2009, 05:28:24 AM
This is so amazing thus far. The thing that touched me the most immediately was the disappearing of the Stage 3 ghost at the start. I was like "OH JESUS"


Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on June 26, 2009, 05:49:01 AM
If you kill him in time you get a big batch of point items! He still comes back later though.

Oh shit that reminds me, I didn't change the point values on Stage 5 cards and I forgot to re-add point item drops after most spellcards. I knew I was forgetting some stuff. Oh well, next beta :V
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Drake on June 26, 2009, 05:51:36 AM

Also, Bombing Run is a hilarious spell to play. Love it.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Herasy on June 26, 2009, 09:31:51 AM
Whoa this looks amazing! *downloads*
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: KomeijiKoishi on June 26, 2009, 11:04:17 AM
I can't believe there is AGAIN no way to play all stages at once! Beta 3.5 had it, why Beta 4 and 5 don' have that? D8
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Herasy on June 26, 2009, 12:30:44 PM
I can't believe there is AGAIN no way to play all stages at once! Beta 3.5 had it, why Beta 4 and 5 don' have that? D8
Works fine for me, played from stage 1-5

Anyway I just completed it on Normal, Classicist Yellow shot type(I'm a sucker for the homing). This is fantastic! The spellcards, the characters, the really awesome bomb, everything!

Of course that didn't stop me from getting beaten to a pulp on every single stage, sure it was my first time playing and I didn't know what to expect (Not to mention I am a little rusty due to not playing too many Danmaku games lately) but for Normal I thought this was incredibly difficult, felt more like Normal should be Hard and (while I have yet to play hard) Hard should be Lunatic.

But of course that is just me and my lack of danmaku skill (I still haven't cleared IN Normal yet, let alone SA Normal), I still applaud you for creating this fangame that has some really neat spellcards that in my own opinion surpass alot of what I have seen in CtC and other Danmakufu projects.

Good luck on finishing this, I will be sure to keep an eye on it  :)

*EDIT* Actually read the rest of the readme, guess it's suppose to be a hard game.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: KomeijiKoishi on June 26, 2009, 12:39:06 PM
I just wanna have the option. I mean, I probably wouldn't argue if there wasn't any "All in one"-script where you don't have to choose every stage separately. But it was already included in Beta 3.5. It's like in Fable 2, where you don't have a world map. It doesn't really hurt, but it doesn't help either.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Drake on June 26, 2009, 01:54:39 PM
There is.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on June 26, 2009, 01:55:06 PM
Koishi, what on earth are you talking about? Every release since beta 2 has had the full game scripts.

Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: KomeijiKoishi on June 26, 2009, 02:14:38 PM


If you excuse me, I'm going to crucify myself for posting two senseless and stupid comments in this thread.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Suikama on June 26, 2009, 04:20:22 PM
So I guess Ellen is the last boss :V

Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Kanako Yasaka on June 26, 2009, 04:22:47 PM
I was wondering when you'd make another topic for this.

Sucks that I can't play it for about 2 weeks. :<
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on June 26, 2009, 05:23:30 PM
So I guess Ellen is the last boss :V


I'll give you a hint. The final boss is one of the following people:
- EX Orange
- Yandere Luize
- The Return of Kana: Kana Strikes Back
- Magic Stone #4 ("Out of the five of us, I am the third strongest.")
- Nameless Yellow LLS Midboss
- The Bake Ghost, transformed into loli mode
- Pajama Yuka
- SoEW Marisa
- Ruukoto
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Iryan on June 26, 2009, 05:28:52 PM
Yes, YES, finally!

Well, first off, the things that you already know.

Danmaku: Great!
Selfmade graphics: Great! I wish I was as good at pixel art. <.<
Use of music: Great! (lol @ Lunatic Princess for Kotohime). Points deducted for putting Kana into the game without using her godly theme.  :V
Story, selfmade characters, use of preexisting characters and dialog: Greater than great. The dialog had me on the floor several times and containes so many references.
Overall: You are god. *bow*

I don't know if it is just me, but Ginny's second nonspell doesn't work on normal mode. The way it looks in the game, I think she fires her firework bullets, but the bullets in which they are supposed to explode have a speed of zero.

Other criticism:
The first two stages on normal mode have a quite high difficulty for, well, the first two stages of normal mode. The boss battles are a little longer than usual, I think, and the high speed laser bullet in Stella's Orion spell card will probably nuke any player the first time they see it.
The firework bullets in Ginny's Colorful Inferno leave a trail so thin that I died to bullets that appeared to come out of nowhere. The background plays into this, too. I suggest having the firework bullets leave a few additional bullets with the same delay but a shotkilltime of zero so that the trail is more noticable.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on June 26, 2009, 05:46:22 PM
Points deducted for putting Kana into the game without using her godly theme.

I would've let Edna use it, except just like Maniacal Princess, there are exactly zero remixes of Lost Dream.  :'(

I don't know if it is just me, but Ginny's second nonspell doesn't work on normal mode. The way it looks in the game, I think she fires her firework bullets, but the bullets in which they are supposed to explode have a speed of zero.

Fffff you're right, this is what I get for not doing a full Normal playthrough. Must've messed it up when I was adding the colors to it. Might need to release a beta 5.5.

The first two stages on normal mode have a quite high difficulty for, well, the first two stages of normal mode. The boss battles are a little longer than usual
Yeah this is basically intentional, the game doesn't start slow like the others. But you also start with five lives instead of three.

Also, complaints on other cards duly noted.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Iryan on June 26, 2009, 06:10:52 PM
Points deducted for putting Kana into the game without using her godly theme.

I would've let Edna use it, except just like Maniacal Princess, there are exactly zero remixes of Lost Dream.  :'(
I wasn't entirely being serious (see smiley). As much as I love Lost Dream, I don't think the melancholic tune fits Edna that well. Then again, you know your own characters better than me  :V.

If all else fails, you can record the music directly from the emulator and then cut it so that it loops properly. You wouldn't be the first one.  :P


Edit: Even moar ubjackshun! (

Edit: Holy *** on a ******* sandwich! This one would possibly even fit a boss battle! (
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on June 26, 2009, 06:34:36 PM

Oh shit, Kana EWI? I need to figure out how to get MP3s off of Youtube.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Naut on June 27, 2009, 01:06:19 AM
Random comments:

Josette Y's homing shots do too much damage.... The whole game is a complete cakewalk with her homing shots covering the screen. You never have to go under any boss for any reason, since the spellcards die just as fast for Josette R (or negligably different time intervals). The stages are... They.... Well, they are. I wouldn't know what half the enemies shoot if I didn't play the other characters.

Kotohime is lol hard on both modes, but I like it like that. Others mightn't though. Particularly her first spellcard, Blast Sign "Omnidirectional Bombing", where she approaches really high y-coordinates, considering what she's shooting and the velocity that the shrapnel expands.

No Lunatic mode yet.... Hnnngggh.

Aaaaaaand your backgrounds are God tier.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: CK Crash on June 27, 2009, 01:21:18 AM
Yeah, I'm going to agree that Kotohime caught me off guard, especially the slight curve to her non-spell bullets, which makes it near impossible for me to predict their trajectory until I'm already (failing at) dodging them. And a few of her spellcards seemed to lack any real strategy aside from "get the hell away from the bombs and hope you don't get screwed over by the other crap she's shooting". However, I think that her attack style in general does support her status as a maniacal princess (kaguya who?).

Quote from: Naut
I like it like that
proof that it's too hard
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Suikama on June 27, 2009, 01:25:46 AM
Oh yeah, stage five rapes my framerate :(
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on June 27, 2009, 02:04:32 AM
Josette Y's homing shots do too much damage.... The whole game is a complete cakewalk with her homing shots covering the screen. You never have to go under any boss for any reason, since the spellcards die just as fast for Josette R (or negligably different time intervals). The stages are... They.... Well, they are. I wouldn't know what half the enemies shoot if I didn't play the other characters.

It's kind of funny because Josette Y's unfocused shot does about 60% the DPS of Josette R. The trouble with a homing type in PoSR is that most of my mooks typically have low health and come in large groups, so when they come onscreen one at a time Josette Y kills them before they can do anything. She's bad in situations where she gets mobbed, though. I suppose I need to think of what I can do about this. I'll probably load most of the damage into the yellow arrows and limit their trajectory.

Kotohime is lol hard on both modes, but I like it like that. Others mightn't though. Particularly her first spellcard, Blast Sign "Omnidirectional Bombing", where she approaches really high y-coordinates, considering what she's shooting and the velocity that the shrapnel expands.

I guess I didn't make it obvious enough, but in the second wave of Omnidirectional Bombing you're supposed to get in Kotohime's face and go to the center so you don't have the bombs explode right next to you. I'll try to think of an adjustment.

No Lunatic mode yet.... Hnnngggh.

Probably not until beta 6 since it'll need a lot of special attention...however it looks like a beta 5.5 will probably be necessary so I'll probably put Easy mode in there. You like Easy mode, right Naut?  :V

Yeah, I'm going to agree that Kotohime caught me off guard, especially the slight curve to her non-spell bullets, which makes it near impossible for me to predict their trajectory until I'm already (failing at) dodging them. And a few of her spellcards seemed to lack any real strategy aside from "get the hell away from the bombs and hope you don't get screwed over by the other crap she's shooting". However, I think that her attack style in general does support her status as a maniacal princess (kaguya who?).

During playtesting I generally settled on the following strategies (I use Josette B for testing purposes usually since she's the worst against bosses):

Omnidirectional Bombing: See above
Bomb Threat: Go to side, stream shots to keep them on that side, run to other side when bomb is about to explode. Usually need to cut across the blue arrows.
White Elephant: Don't spend too much time under Kotohime, go to the side to draw out the bubble stream and clear some room, then slowly pass her and shoot her up as you make your way to the other side.
Black Lotus: Stay low to let the black shots straighten out before they get to you. Easier to judge where they're going. Don't try to dodge everything from the exact center.
Bombing Run: Watch the flashing bombs to estimate where they'll explode, adjust movement accordingly.
Magic Pendant: lol

Oh yeah, stage five rapes my framerate  :(

So it's slowing you down too, huh. Might need to cut back on the trees.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Naut on June 27, 2009, 03:47:33 AM
Kotohime is lol hard on both modes, but I like it like that. Others mightn't though. Particularly her first spellcard, Blast Sign "Omnidirectional Bombing", where she approaches really high y-coordinates, considering what she's shooting and the velocity that the shrapnel expands.

I guess I didn't make it obvious enough, but in the second wave of Omnidirectional Bombing you're supposed to get in Kotohime's face and go to the center so you don't have the bombs explode right next to you. I'll try to think of an adjustment.

Thats what I do. I suppose it could be that obvious, I'm just trying to adjust for standard Hard level gameplay.... Most people don't like getting snug with the boss unless they're playing as Aya and trying to look up the boss' skirt. I don't actually mind the card, but keep in mind that unless you draw a well-defined path for them, people usually hug the bottom of the screen (thus lol wtf on this card).

No Lunatic mode yet.... Hnnngggh.

Probably not until beta 6 since it'll need a lot of special attention...

Special attention...? Are you aware of how other people tested their lunatic modes on this forum?

They DIDN'T.

[size=9]I LOVE IT.[/size]
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: KomeijiKoishi on June 27, 2009, 09:04:54 AM
(playing Stage 5, still crucified)

My biggest problem os Kotohime's midboss card. It's flatout IMPOSSIBLE.

I mean... slowly curving bullets AND random big bullets?


But it could also be that I just suck.

Rest of the battle is fine and fun for me, though.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: MCXD on June 27, 2009, 11:19:28 AM
Unlike the rest of your difficulty-whores, I actually didn't find Stage 5 fun at all. It's simply too hard, even on Normal. Way too hard.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Naut on June 27, 2009, 11:27:21 AM
Unlike the rest of your difficulty-whores, I actually didn't find Stage 5 fun at all. It's simply too hard, even on Normal. Way too hard.

That hurts. Stuffman did say he is making an easy mode for beta 5.5, so relax brah.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on June 27, 2009, 07:37:53 PM
Well the question I would ask is, how hard is too hard? This is the Stage 5 boss, we're talking Youmu-level here. It should be normal to lose a few lives to her.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: MCXD on June 27, 2009, 07:48:32 PM
Well the question I would ask is, how hard is too hard? This is the Stage 5 boss, we're talking Youmu-level here. It should be normal to lose a few lives to her.

Well, at least to me, it jumps the Youmu, by-passes the Orin, and is probably (overall) harder than any canon Touhou Stage 5 by a decent measure.

Considering I'm a Normal player in the main games, this is just... yeah. It's also a huge step up from Stage 4 for some reason, and Stage 4 was ALREADY a step-up from 3. I simply can't keep up with half of it. Especially since there are various other problems, like bullets in some attacks/cards blending in with the background.

If you want I'll do a more detailed... thing, later.

EDIT: Mind you, I don't think the stage is exactly BAD... just way unbalanced difficulty-wise, and impossible for me to play normally.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on June 27, 2009, 08:17:46 PM
Yeah if you want to cover some specific trouble spots I'll look at adjustments I could make, since apparently it's not clear how you're supposed to approach a couple of her attacks.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Suikama on June 27, 2009, 08:51:07 PM
Give out more extra lives for one. One extra life per every 200 point items is not often enough :<.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Naut on June 27, 2009, 09:00:47 PM
I'd say you can drop the normal difficulty a few notches for the overall game, but you can bump up hard and lunatic to compensate. At least the hard and lunatic players aren't wussy enough to bitch about it being too difficult, so nock your socks off there and have normal and easy eye-bleedingly boring a tad more beatable. That seems to be the consensus anyway.... Keep in mind that script making is not as democratic as people seem to believe.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on June 27, 2009, 09:21:55 PM
Keep in mind that script making is not as democratic as people seem to believe.

Actually, I would have to disagree on this point. Playtesting is a very important part of game development and responding to criticism on a general consensus will usually lead to an improved product. You guys are basically my playtesters, and it would be foolish to take a "my game, my way" approach when the point of the game is entertain people other than myself.

I think PoSR has improved a lot from its early stages, due to me heeding people's complaints and thinking of new ways to do certain parts of the game. I think something like half the spellcards in the game have been significantly altered from their initial releases, and I'm happy with the results so far. I'd like to have the game be as good as it can before I release it outside of Shrinemaiden; at some point I'm going to have to post it on pooshlmer or maybe even /jp/ to reach a wider audience, and I'm very antsy about it.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on June 27, 2009, 09:34:07 PM
The pattern are nice and chellanging...
Also the idea of painting something when using Slow+Bomb is also a nice idea...
The Slow-down on the 5th Stage was confusing as hell...

Overall this game is interesting...
I kinda like the Game and am waiting for the Full Version...  :V
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Naut on June 28, 2009, 12:09:07 AM
Keep in mind that script making is not as democratic as people seem to believe.

Actually, I would have to disagree on this point. Playtesting is a very important part of game development and responding to criticism on a general consensus will usually lead to an improved product. You guys are basically my playtesters, and it would be foolish to take a "my game, my way" approach when the point of the game is entertain people other than myself.

I don't mean "lol ignore everybody", I meant that just because somebody says something doesn't mean you should do it. If somebody is bitching about Normal being too hard, even though you've already stated that this game is harder than the average touhou game, then you don't have to rework everything just to yield to their whining. Stages take a bit of practice, and one or two playthroughs isn't gonna get you a 1cc of the second last stage. I'm sure most people didn't 1cc Normal Subterranean Animism on their first day, why should they expect different for your game?

All I'm saying is this: take the opinions with a grain of salt. You can't jump to conclusions off of one day's playtesting, especially when most people are expecting lol easy stage 5 normal. Mystic Square and Subterranean Animism's stage five Normal are both more difficult than this, so it's not like your game is abnormally hard to begin with.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: ?q on July 11, 2009, 09:51:54 PM
For some reason PoSR won't load for me.  It tries to load the Josette cutins for shot type select, but an error turns up.

Yes, I've deleted the previous beta.

Wild amateurish guess: This resulted from GetCurrentScriptDirectory being replaced with .\
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on July 11, 2009, 10:28:34 PM
Missing images don't cause error messages in Danmakufu, they just fail to show up, so that's not it.

What does the error say? Does it give you a filename or a line of code or something?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: ?q on July 11, 2009, 11:49:36 PM
What does the error say? Does it give you a filename or a line of code or something?
I wish.
It gives the path to josetteb.txt and then this line:

After closing that error box it does the same for each other shot type's txt file.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on July 12, 2009, 12:02:36 AM
I think it's saying it can't find Josette's player files. Are they under ...   h_dnhplayerJosette?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: ?q on July 12, 2009, 01:53:42 AM
I think it's saying it can't find Josette's player files. Are they under ...\th_dnh\player\Josette\?
What kind of person do you take me for?  Of course they are!

Okay, my comments.

*I completely approve of the soundtrack to this game.  I'm envious and I have no idea why.  Likewise with the backgrounds.
*Difficulties are, as mentioned previously, NOT what's listed on the tin.  Extremely fun, but misleading.  But there's something to be said for making each boss as strong as they could be in character, so I'm not too upset over it.
*Josette Y's bombs are pretty overpowered compared to everyone else's, so she really is the easiest character to use.  Talking of which, I really like the effects in each bomb.  The level of care taken with the art in this game shows very well.
*When a player continues, you need to reset the border line for gaining extra lives back down to 200 points.  ...Not that I learned this through any means but scientific investigation, of course!
*The nameless fairies seem to have gotten a little more than completely trivial in Stage 1.  This is by all means a good thing.
*The inner ring in Lei Lei's midboss attack is a very nice touch.
*I see Lei Lei's fancy laser tricks are mostly gone.  It's a good change by and large.  The slight curve that the laser rain in Crimson Cloud Splitter is... not quite expected or visible until it's right on you though.
*While the art is pretty and everything, there's a typo in the Stage 2 flavor opener thingy.  "Lost and lead astray"~
*One of these days I'll remember the giant shot in Stella's spell card.  The first time.
*Ginny Brightberry has always been the low point of the game for me.  I think her nonspells still need tweaking, as they sometimes break into EoSD-level random spam with a side of micro-micrododging.
*Consider putting a longer pause in before the second ghost shows up in Stage 3.  PoC-rush fail...
*Edna's wigmaku is... kind of scary.  Maybe cut down on the possible random angles?
*The Last Waltz has too few HP.  It's an easy card, come on
*I'm really not sure how you're going to top the Flower Tank's first attack on Lunatic.  I know how you can top the third attack, but I don't think people would be fond of seeing cheeto lasers *runs*
*Not only do I die to every wave of Perpetual Motion, I die in exactly the same place at the same time.  Evil card.  No changes necessary.
*Your readme description of Kotohime is amazing and should be canon (or is it already?  It's not like there's any contest).  The implied molestation... well, I'm sure it made someone else laugh.
*I'm not a fan of Kotohime's first spell card, particularly for how she rushes you before tossing the bombs.
*White Elephant is a cool attack.
*Black Lotus is also a cool attack.

Overall, I'm really impressed.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on July 12, 2009, 03:42:06 AM
*Josette Y's bombs are pretty overpowered compared to everyone else's, so she really is the easiest character to use.  Talking of which, I really like the effects in each bomb.  The level of care taken with the art in this game shows very well.
Josette Y is getting a beating with the nerf bat in beta 5.5. I was just looking at her raw DPS and not thinking about her ease of use in the last release, so she's pretty overpowered.

*When a player continues, you need to reset the border line for gaining extra lives back down to 200 points.  ...Not that I learned this through any means but scientific investigation, of course!
I noticed this too but didn't bother to fix it since I figured if you were going to play through the game with continues it was like having infinite lives anyway (I don't intend to limit the number of continues at any point), but since you brought it up I suppose it does look odd.

The slight curve that the laser rain in Crimson Cloud Splitter is... not quite expected or visible until it's right on you though.
Man, someone complains about every curving shot in the game. Are you guys trying to graze them or something?

*While the art is pretty and everything, there's a typo in the Stage 2 flavor opener thingy.  "Lost and lead astray"~
Ffff I didn't even know that was wrong!

*Your readme description of Kotohime is amazing and should be canon (or is it already?  It's not like there's any contest).
Well, all the things she does are canon; she IS a police officer, a princess, a collector, she does use bombs as her primary form of attack, and she is a total weirdo. The problem is as Gensokyo has progressed as a setting, it doesn't make any sense for her to be either of the first two, so I came up with an explanation for her to link all those things together. Though this isn't in the readme, my story for Kotohime is that she has the ability to recover lost memories from the lives of others; as such, she's absorbed the memories of a princess, a policeman, a collector, and a fireworks maker. The catch is that picking up all these skills has made her pretty scatterbrained and nutty. Also, Ellen's bio stated that she often loses her memories, which is how she stays childlike though she never ages, so Kotohime picked up a few of her memories as well - which is why she uses Magic Pendant, Ellen's spell in PoDD. I wonder if anyone noticed that!

Aaaanyway with all the feedback I think beta 5.5 will play a bit smoother, and I think I will go ahead and cut the difficulty a bit at least on Normal, so everyone sit tight for a while.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: ?q on July 12, 2009, 11:09:06 AM
Man, someone complains about every curving shot in the game. Are you guys trying to graze them or something?
I think it's more of a visibility issue there.

I didn't think Magic Pendant as a concept quite fit Kotohime, but I wouldn't have put the connection together.

Also, Josette's reaction after defeating sub-boss Kotohime should have been "Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy?"
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Ragnikarth on July 14, 2009, 11:28:34 PM
I'm liking it so far, though the difficulty is a bit over what I'm used to.

And something about Stage 4 bugs me, I haven't seen any mechanical thing in a Touhou game. Kinda reminded me of those old space STG's. But it's not a big problem.

Josette Y's focused spellcard is brilliant though o_o
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on July 14, 2009, 11:48:15 PM
Dude, stage 4 is pure sex.
Specially the Red paint thing. You just killed me there.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on July 20, 2009, 01:59:21 AM
Okay guys I'm hopped up on all sorts of crazy ideas for going the extra mile with this game, but I need to set limits for myself and I need some input

I will do ONE of the following three things. Please select the one you would like to see the most.

1) Last Words.
Just like IN, a set of very difficult and elaborate stand-alone spellcards. Every named character in the game would get one.

2) Phantasm stage.
I have two ideas for an extra stage and haven't totally decided which I want to do, and am considering the possibility doing both.

3) Alternate bosses.
Since I bothered to make the media for Stella and Kana I'd considered making full boss fights as a little side project, but then I had the idea of doing it IN Stage 4 style. With this idea, Stella/Ginny and Edna/Kana would swap places as stage bosses, depending on what mode you're playing, as follows:
Impressionist - Ginny, Edna
Surrealist - Stella, Kana
Expressionist - Ginny, Kana
Classicist - Stella, Edna
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on July 20, 2009, 02:04:11 AM
Oh god, I'm all up for 1 and 2. You could pick any of those, I'd be happy.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: ?q on July 20, 2009, 02:11:41 AM
ITT Stuffman hints at EX Mannosuke, and the world becomes a much more interesting place.

Honestly I like the idea of 3 best because I'm boring.  Phantasm as Extra+ doesn't appeal to me tbh, and Last Words seem like overkill after some of the stage spells.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Naut on July 20, 2009, 03:51:22 AM
Phantasm Stage = heads
Last Words = tails

Quote from: IRC
<Naut>   @coin
<Keine>   Naut: heads

My ballot is cast.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Suikama on July 20, 2009, 03:58:23 AM
Last words are overrated :V Same with phantasm.

I say alt bosses.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Suikama on August 04, 2009, 12:51:35 AM
Tried it out again, a lot of spellcards are balanced much better now, however I still get clipdeathed like mad for some reason.

One issue is one of Ginnny's non-spells is messed up. She fires out red bullets that do nothing.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on August 04, 2009, 03:29:49 PM
Whoa haha I accidentally hit Modify instead of Quote on your post and almost replied inside your post.

Tried it out again, a lot of spellcards are balanced much better now, however I still get clipdeathed like mad for some reason.
Sadly, Danmakufu just has crappy bullets. Graze isn't a significant part of your score in PoSR for this reason precisely.

One issue is one of Ginnny's non-spells is messed up. She fires out red bullets that do nothing.
Iryan pointed this out earlier, it's fixed for next release. Not sure how I missed this one.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Suikama on August 09, 2009, 12:52:47 AM
I think I might know why I get clipdeathed so much now...

I looked at the script for Josette and she has a hitbox radius of 2. On the other hand, the NoKiller Reimu and Marisa used for TalonPain's music scripts have a hitbox size... of 0. :V I guess this means that SetIntersectionCircle does not count the center pixel.

Also I'm guessing the builtin Reimu probably has a hitbox radius of 0 as well, since I die way less with her :V
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: 8lue Wizard on August 09, 2009, 02:02:18 AM
Downloading now.

My opinions:
1) I like the idea of Last Words, and I liked IN's execution of them, but what made them feel so special to me was the time quota that you needed to meet in order for them to show up; I felt like I'd earned them, and that was awesome. Unless you're planing to do something similar, I'd give this a thumbs-down.

2) I'll probably never see a Phantasm, as I'm not that good. So, at the risk of being biased, no again.

3) Sounds cool. *votes for Alt!Bosses*

EDIT: Y'know, it occurs to me now that Danmakufu can't possibly enforce the traditional restrictions on Extra and Phantasm access.... *facepalm* Meh. Still way above my skill level.

EDIT2: And more highly opinionated biases biased opinions!
I have two ideas for an extra stage
I get ( cookie? (

If Phantasm isn't the word of the day, I'd rather know what happened to Rinnosuke's precious thing harpsichord...or whatever it is.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Naut on August 09, 2009, 02:44:34 PM
EDIT: Y'know, it occurs to me now that Danmakufu can't possibly enforce the traditional restrictions on Extra and Phantasm access.... *facepalm* Meh. Still way above my skill level.

You so silly. SaveCommonData is your friend.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on August 09, 2009, 03:51:24 PM
That would entail making a title screen for PoSR in the same manner as CtC which I am definitely not doing this time around. You would be able to access both Extra and Phantasm from the start. (They'd just be in the stage list)

Anyway for now alternate bosses is in the lead.

Anyone else want to see Josette's hitbox size reduced? I made it 2 because I heard that the standard hitbox size in touhou was 5x5.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Naut on August 09, 2009, 04:02:08 PM
Thats fine for Touhou, but in Danmakufu we're used to the 0 radius hitboxes of the four main characters, so Sakuya and Josette currently feel very clunky compared to Reimu and Marisa. The smaller the hitbox, the more dense you can make the Danmaku, so I'm all for it.

Also, you can have it so Extra and Phantasm are not available from the start... Make us earn it. Use the Select function in an event script to choose between stuff.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on August 09, 2009, 04:14:09 PM
Fine fine, I'll trim it for 5.5.

I guess I'll go edit Sakuya too.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: ?q on August 09, 2009, 04:40:05 PM
Also, you can have it so Extra and Phantasm are not available from the start... Make us earn it. Use the Select function in an event script to choose between stuff.
It's my understanding that Extra was meant to be... well... an extra post-game stage with a True Last Boss.  It always made sense to me at least for the Extra stage to immediately follow the Final stage, assuming some condition was fulfilled.  (TRY EXTRA STAGE! *siren*)
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on August 11, 2009, 12:45:54 AM
Also, you can have it so Extra and Phantasm are not available from the start... Make us earn it. Use the Select function in an event script to choose between stuff.
It's my understanding that Extra was meant to be... well... an extra post-game stage with a True Last Boss.  It always made sense to me at least for the Extra stage to immediately follow the Final stage, assuming some condition was fulfilled.  (TRY EXTRA STAGE! *siren*)
You mean like in the later DDR Games? (AA?ing the final song, to play through another song)
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: ?q on August 11, 2009, 12:49:02 AM
Also, you can have it so Extra and Phantasm are not available from the start... Make us earn it. Use the Select function in an event script to choose between stuff.
It's my understanding that Extra was meant to be... well... an extra post-game stage with a True Last Boss.  It always made sense to me at least for the Extra stage to immediately follow the Final stage, assuming some condition was fulfilled.  (TRY EXTRA STAGE! *siren*)
You mean like in the later DDR Games? (AA?ing the final song, to play through another song)
You got the reference! *tosses you a cookie*
Yes, exactly. 
What that condition is would be up to the Man of Stuff, though - capture enough spell cards, gain enough points, bomb few times, time out Rika, whatever.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on August 11, 2009, 04:29:02 PM
Hahaha, no way. It would be terrible if you had to play through the whole game every time you wanted to try Extra.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: CK Crash on August 11, 2009, 05:39:17 PM
Why not have a password protected file containing the extra stage script, with the password being the reward for 1CCing on Normal or higher?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Naut on August 11, 2009, 08:08:31 PM
Hahaha, no way. It would be terrible if you had to play through the whole game every time you wanted to try Extra.


//End of game
if(Stage6==finished && Continued==false){
   SetCommonData("Extra", "unlocked");

//Start of game

if(GetCommonDataDefault("Extra", "locked")=="unlocked"){
  if(Select("Normal Game", "Extra Stage")==2){

Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: ?q on August 12, 2009, 11:54:55 PM
Hahaha, no way. It would be terrible if you had to play through the whole game every time you wanted to try Extra.
Not what I had in mind.
Make Extra playable from the title screen (lol), but also make Stage 6 segue into Extra upon completion of whatever.  Cut Extends out of the main-game version of the Extra stage for greater awesome.

Rika should totally have an EES suicide laser if you time her out, btw.  I was disappointed you didn't throw an easter egg like that in. :P
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on August 15, 2009, 06:20:09 PM
- Magic Stone #4 ("Out of the five of us, I am the third strongest.")
Mother 2, yayz.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on August 17, 2009, 07:14:50 AM
Okay, while we're all enjoying UFO this weekend, PoSR beta 5.5 will be ready next weekend. (I am announcing this partially because it forces me to not procrastinate!  :V )

Changes/updates for 5.5:
- Josette's hitbox radius reduced to 0. I've found that this alone makes the game immensely easier. You can graze gears now! (But you still shouldn't...)
- Since I got used to it from playing UFO, I decided to add the focus magnet effect on point items. Basically, if you touch a point item with Josette's focus doily you'll collect it. (This is unique to PoSR's points and won't work for Josette in other scripts.) Also, her Point of Collection has been lowered to the standard height, I had it set higher for some reason. This should make it easier to get extra lives from the point items.
- All spellcards drop point items again, fixing the bug from beta 5.
- Flower Tank drops a 1UP now, so there's something.
- The Score Rate counter has been improved a bit, as it now shows your minimum rate and changes color to indicate when you're recovering from a bomb/death penalty.
- Stage 5 has a zoomed in camera and reduced tree population to mitigate the slowdown I and a few others experience.
- Many altered attacks and spellcards, focused on reducing difficulty. The most significant changes are to Ginny's attacks, which she'll spread out evenly instead of randomly hurling around the screen, and to Kotohime in general; about half of her stuff has been remade, and she has a new final card because Magic Pendant is sort of bullshit, lol. (I'll have to find somewhere else to stick an Ellen reference.)
- Will at least include the Stella alternate boss fight. Maybe Kana, we'll see.
- Easy mode, so you can take it easy!

Anyone want to suggest any (small) changes for 5.5?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: MCXD on August 17, 2009, 09:24:49 AM
Shouldn't Stage 3 and Stage 5 midbosses drop the 1ups, like in all the other touhou games (excluding UFO (?)), not Flower Tank on Stage 4?

Other than that, I don't see any other changes that are needed right now. Best of luck to that.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on August 17, 2009, 04:42:01 PM
Well, you also start with 5 lives instead of 3, so it's still a net gain. I gave it to the Tank since it's kind of a "special" midboss. But if I'm still having a lot of trouble clearing Normal once Stage 6 is finished I'll add more.

I am considering having every other midboss (including stage 1) drop a bomb though, since there's currently no way to restore those.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on August 19, 2009, 05:30:06 AM
Why not have a password protected file containing the extra stage script, with the password being the reward for 1CCing on Normal or higher?
After I read Onthenet's post, I decided to throw this thing together, hehe.
Code: [Select]
#Text[If you want the password, you'll need the password you get if you 1cc Normal mode or harder.]

script_enemy_main {
    let a = 1;
    let b = 1;
    let c = 1;
    let d = 1;
    let e = 1;
    let f = 1;
    let g = 1;
    let vlchng = 1;
    @Initialize {

    @MainLoop {
    ForbidBomb(true); ForbidShot(true); SetPlayerX(GetCenterX); SetPlayerY(GetClipMaxY-((75+50)/2));
    if(vlchng <= 0) { vlchng = 1; } if(vlchng >= 8) { vlchng = 7; }
    if(a <= 0) { a = 1; } if(a >= 27) { a = 26; } if(b <= 0) { b = 1; } if(b >= 27) { b = 26; } if(c <= 0) { c = 1; } if(c >= 27) { c = 26; }
    if(d <= 0) { d = 1; } if(d >= 27) { d = 26; } if(e <= 0) { e = 1; } if(e >= 27) { e = 26; } if(f <= 0) { f = 1; } if(f >= 27) { f = 26; }
    if(g <= 0) { g = 1; } if(g >= 27) { g = 26; }
    if(GetKeyState(VK_LEFT) == KEY_PUSH) {
    if(GetKeyState(VK_RIGHT) == KEY_PUSH) {
    case(1) { if(GetKeyState(VK_UP) == KEY_PUSH) { a++; } if(GetKeyState(VK_DOWN) == KEY_PUSH) { a--; } }
    case(2) { if(GetKeyState(VK_UP) == KEY_PUSH) { b++; } if(GetKeyState(VK_DOWN) == KEY_PUSH) { b--; } }
    case(3) { if(GetKeyState(VK_UP) == KEY_PUSH) { c++; } if(GetKeyState(VK_DOWN) == KEY_PUSH) { c--; } }
    case(4) { if(GetKeyState(VK_UP) == KEY_PUSH) { d++; } if(GetKeyState(VK_DOWN) == KEY_PUSH) { d--; } }
    case(5) { if(GetKeyState(VK_UP) == KEY_PUSH) { e++; } if(GetKeyState(VK_DOWN) == KEY_PUSH) { e--; } }
    case(6) { if(GetKeyState(VK_UP) == KEY_PUSH) { f++; } if(GetKeyState(VK_DOWN) == KEY_PUSH) { f--; } }
    case(7) { if(GetKeyState(VK_UP) == KEY_PUSH) { g++; } if(GetKeyState(VK_DOWN) == KEY_PUSH) { g--; } }
    if(GetKeyState(VK_USER)==KEY_PUSH) {
    if(a == 11 && b == 9 && c == 20 && d == 19 && e == 21 && f == 14 && g == 5) {
    } else {

    @DrawLoop {
               SetFontColor(255, 192, 128, 255, 255, 255);
DrawText(vlchng, 40, 35, 20, 255);
DrawText("---------", 40, 55, 20, 255);
DrawText(a, 40, 75, 20, 255);
DrawText(b, 40, 95, 20, 255);
DrawText(c, 40, 115, 20, 255);
DrawText(d, 40, 135, 20, 255);
DrawText(e, 40, 155, 20, 255);
DrawText(f, 40, 175, 20, 255);
DrawText(g, 40, 195, 20, 255);

    @Finalize {
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Lawence Codye on August 21, 2009, 01:21:27 AM
Played this game sometime early July & it is really good...I mean it has a nice story & nice characters with great bgm choices for the bosses & levels in general(so far).  My favorite stage is...probably stage 3, probably cause of the boss fight.  The tank in stage 4's patterns, seem like I've seen them in something I played recently...don't know though.  I really look forward to the production(finalized)version of this game...well, not like I don't have other games to play until then, time to go play them now, later.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: KomeijiKoishi on September 25, 2009, 03:00:42 PM
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Helepolis on September 25, 2009, 03:21:02 PM

sfx_ZUN !
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Suikama on September 25, 2009, 03:23:03 PM

sfx_ZUN !
I need that sfx so badly.

I'd use it on every bullet of every script for every brofist
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on September 25, 2009, 05:15:52 PM
I don't feel like re-uploading it so I guess I'll commit myself to finishing 5.5 this weekend.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Naut on September 25, 2009, 07:11:02 PM
finishing 5.5 this weekend.

This excites me in ways things like this shouldn't excite people.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on September 25, 2009, 07:14:29 PM
I don't feel like re-uploading it so I guess I'll commit myself to finishing 5.5 this weekend.
Only good things can come out of this.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: universalperson on September 30, 2009, 04:47:17 PM
I don't feel like re-uploading it so I guess I'll commit myself to finishing 5.5 this weekend.

Will it have Stage 6?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: KomeijiKoishi on September 30, 2009, 04:52:58 PM
Will it have Stage 6?
There's a reason the next beta's called 5.5 and not 6.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: universalperson on September 30, 2009, 04:57:49 PM
There's a reason the next beta's called 5.5 and not 6.

Oh right. Sorry.  :-[
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on September 30, 2009, 05:27:39 PM
Scroll up a bit to see what'll be in 5.5.

Well uh it's still not done but I'm making progress again? Stage 2 alternate bosses are done, and I've gotten started on Stage 3.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: canobiecrazy on September 30, 2009, 08:50:26 PM
The download link is broken, I really want to try this game, looks interesting.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Doomsday on September 30, 2009, 08:58:17 PM
The download link is broken, I really want to try this game, looks interesting.

I don't feel like re-uploading it so I guess I'll commit myself to finishing 5.5 this weekend.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on October 01, 2009, 05:46:39 PM
Eh I bothered to reupload it after all, download should work now. Still just beta 5 though.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: puremrz on October 01, 2009, 07:06:27 PM
Eh I bothered to reupload it after all, download should work now. Still just beta 5 though.

And just in time. I was about to maim you because I can't link stages together >.<
But now I can see how you did it. *Rejoice*
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on October 02, 2009, 08:20:36 AM
Glad to unintentionally be of help.

On an unrelated note:
( (


If it ever appears under "portrait of s" I'll throw a party  :V
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Naut on October 02, 2009, 03:38:48 PM

Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on October 02, 2009, 04:52:15 PM
What! How does it show up in yours, but not mine?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Suikama on October 02, 2009, 05:09:49 PM
When I put in "portrait of st" it comes up as choice number one :V
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: DgBarca on October 02, 2009, 05:41:43 PM
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on October 02, 2009, 06:13:40 PM
What! How does it show up in yours, but not mine?
different countries mang
Also, Chile:
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on October 02, 2009, 06:21:59 PM
So it comes up under "portrait of s" everywhere except America


Anyway, goal for this weekend is to finish Kana. LOST DREAM, FUCK YEAH
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Jana on October 02, 2009, 06:23:35 PM
I had to add the "t" to make it pop up, and it showed up as the 3rd search. Congratulations, all the same!
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on October 02, 2009, 06:26:25 PM
except America
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on October 02, 2009, 06:35:39 PM

Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Slowpoke on October 10, 2009, 12:12:24 AM
So it comes up under "portrait of s" everywhere except America

I had to see for myself.


Stephen? Who's Stephen? I don't even know...


Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Primula on October 10, 2009, 12:47:06 AM
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Lishy1 on October 10, 2009, 04:05:21 AM
That's it. You better let me help this project and give it a total texture overhaul  :V
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on October 10, 2009, 04:10:49 AM
Yeah alright, I'll meet up with you in #danmakufu sometime this weekend and we'll see what other improvements we can make. I got stuff to do tonight though.

Also hey guys guess what

PoSR is getting an original soundtrack, I just worked out a deal with a friend of a pro composer buddy I know from way back

Hell yeah
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Lishy1 on October 10, 2009, 05:03:08 AM
I'm a little occupied this weekend between 11 AM to 7 PM est though. But I'll be available from Monday and on.
Stuffman, you should really log on more. I rarely see you :V

By the way, I'm currently working on redoing the hangar level textures. You will... Like what I'm doing.

Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on October 10, 2009, 05:45:17 AM
PoSR is getting an original soundtrack, I just worked out a deal with a friend of a pro composer buddy I know from way back
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Lishy1 on October 10, 2009, 09:15:19 AM
"LISHY!!!!! WHAT HAS RE-TEXTURING DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?"
You must be thinking that.  When you designed stage 1, it was a  mountain range, yet the top was so close to the base in the original And the clouds were kind of bad. So I changed it into what is similar to stage 2, and put foggy effect to make it look like you're truly flying above mountains.
Do you like it?



I had a very, VERY hard time trying to get the bg right, and to match the trees I had planned to use for stage 5. But the reality is that it is more-so a flaw with stage 4's 3d  in general and that the camera needs some major adjustments. If you push the camera back waaay further away, it'll look decent. But as it stands, it just looks like a barrier with things coming out of it since it is too close.
But alternatively, you can use a frog and just pretend it is a foggy morning  :V

Anyways, meet me on #danmakufu whenever possible. There's actually numerous problems with this. I often find parts of the background "pulsates", or "resets improperly", though it is not as noticeable with your default textures. However, it sticks out when they're replaced.
Fix it whenever possible. This night sky bg is beautiful!
You can also notice one of its many errors at the bottom right >_<
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on October 10, 2009, 08:09:56 PM
Stage 1: Aaaaaah no good no good, it looks like grey soup! Gensokyo should be beautiful! It needs green grass and blue skies and white clouds and stuff. It sounds like you have more of a problem with the modelling than with the textures, really.

Stage 4: They look cool but they should be brightened up a bit, particularly the roofs, and I'd like the windows to reflect the sky still, also since the doors are opening from the top now they shouldn't cover the edge of the windows. As for the background, yeah I'll try to think of another way to make it work. It's just hard since I want a background to be visible and not just be flying over the hangars.

Stage 2: This stage just plain needs to be remodeled. That rock texture makes each individual mountain hard to pick out since the borders are gone. The fullscreen sky texture does look much better though.

Basically the issue I'm having here is that everything is too gritty, it seems like Gears of War rather than Touhou.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Prime 2.0 on October 26, 2009, 12:55:04 AM
Just happened upon this, did a playthrough, and found I liked it quite a bit.

Just a few gripes, namely that clipdeath seems to happen quite a bit, and that the first few stages and bosses seem quite a bit longer than they should be... Even if you don't want the game to start off slow, you have to start out small so it can build up over the course of the game. This also gives the player a chance to build up resources early on, which in turn allows you to make the later parts of the game even harder. It also allows people getting used to a new shot type to ease themselves into the gameplay. However, since you haven't coded in power items ala CtC, it's acceptable to have the first stage's trash fight back a bit, heh.

I'm just going to throw this out there, but I've 1cc'd every Touhou game on hard mode with the exception of UFO, 1cc'd lunatic on IN and LLS, beaten every extra stage in the series(including PoFV's 2 extra scenarios, StB's extra tier, and Phantasm), and done a plain and dirty clear of Subterranean Animism on Lunatic.

It took 4 continues for me to get through this game on Normal.
I think you've confused "harder than most Touhou games" with "harder than Seihou Banshiryuu".

The reduced hitbox size and restored point item generation will hopefully help alleviate some of this difficulty, however.

With gripes on difficulty and difficulty curve out of the way, some thoughts on the art and backgrounds:

The sprite artwork put me off a bit at first, but I quickly got used to it. One thing that I really loved were the cartoony backgrounds; from the eerily bright and patterned night sky of stage 2 to the white barracks of stage 4, I drank it all up...
The character art could have been better(particularly Rika's braids; just how much hair gel did she have to put in for them to stick out like that?), but no serious complaints. Some of the bullets looked off(the PCB-ish arrow bullets and the bubble bullets in particular).

I got a kick out of the story, but I was left guessing how an "artist from the human village" was somehow flying through the sky. Stage 4 continued the wallbanging over flight with Rikako floating in the air without her jetpack. And while we're at it, Rika should have a floating platform to stand on. I'm probably the only person who cares, anyways.

Dialogue was great. Stage 1 midboss dialogue went on a bit long, but stage 2 seemed to have gotten it right. Stage 4, in difficulty(even by this game's standards), atmosphere, and story content felt like stage 5, and when the actual stage 5 rolled around, the Kotohime encounter felt like a step down.

Finally, music. Boy oh boy, I loved the music in this game. The soundtrack downplayed the Touhou inspiration of the music to create original songs that just happened to move into the territory of the tunes from the series the game is based on.
However, it should be noted that the tracks don't have any built-in loops, and as a result I've had the music end and then start back up again from the beginning. You didn't even include the full "she's in a temper" track, and I've had that file reach the end during the dialogue after the joke fight! In order to ensure that this doesn't happen, you have to make the track long enough so that the player can time-out most(if not all) of the attacks before the music ends... but given how large that would make the files, it would be best to offer the music as a separate download from the rest of the game. Hell, that's probably a good idea even if you don't put loops in the tracks.

So yeah, I liked it... but I'm wondering where 5.5 is at the moment, since it was apparently supposed to be released 2 months ago. :V
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on October 26, 2009, 05:48:42 PM
Whoo, thorough review. Though, it'd be nice if I had 5.5 out for evaluation by now.

The reduced hitbox size and restored point item generation will hopefully help alleviate some of this difficulty, however.

I think it does a lot, but I've also been altering certain patterns to try to lay off on certain trouble spots. We'll see when 5.5 gets released.

I got a kick out of the story, but I was left guessing how an "artist from the human village" was somehow flying through the sky. Stage 4 continued the wallbanging over flight with Rikako floating in the air without her jetpack. And while we're at it, Rika should have a floating platform to stand on. I'm probably the only person who cares, anyways.

It is explained in the character profiles that Josette can use magic. Although giving Rikako her jetpack back is a good idea...I didn't do it initially because her sprite faces forward and you wouldn't really be able to see it, but I've been wanting to change her movement frames. Rika can get one too.

Stage 4, in difficulty(even by this game's standards), atmosphere, and story content felt like stage 5, and when the actual stage 5 rolled around, the Kotohime encounter felt like a step down.

Hmm, this is an interesting idea, swapping Stage 4 and 5...

(about music)

I'm having an OST made for the game that will completely replace the one in there now, so I'll hold any comments on music.

So yeah, I liked it... but I'm wondering where 5.5 is at the moment, since it was apparently supposed to be released 2 months ago.

Hanging out with Duke Nukem Forever in development hell. (Actually, I'm working on this again, just having a hard time with Kana.)
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Naut on November 03, 2009, 05:04:42 AM
Dear Sir Stuffman,

Hi, Naut here. I just had a lovely conversation on IRC with Drake about large projects, determination, motivation and encouragement. After some thought, I figured I'd stop over here to motivate the fuck out of you. Generally I don't like to nag people about the pace they work at, or how well they follow their own deadlines or whatever... And I know it annoys the fuck out of them... But I must admit that I'd much rather know that somebody actually wants me to complete what I'm working on rather than just dead silence for weeks on end. It's nice to have some support, however little it may seem to be.

That said, I'd like to say that I am still very much looking forward to you completing PoSR and wish you the best of luck with whatever problems are currently holding the project back. It pains me to see this project go underappreciated, especially after seeing all the effort and time you've put in to it. That's not to say that's the only reason -- this game looks fucking badass. And it is. Not finishing it would be a crime. Fix this.

That is all.

Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Suikama on November 03, 2009, 05:11:48 AM
It pains me to see this project go underappreciated

Every time someone mentions Periphery of Power and not PoSR I cry a little.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Lawence Codye on November 03, 2009, 05:37:46 AM
yeah, I'm actually dying to see stage 6 become a reality at some point...this & I still play PoSR occasionally...still...
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: MCXD on November 03, 2009, 06:32:34 AM
Every time someone mentions Periphery of Power and not PoSR I cry a little.

Rule of the internet in general: Infamy is appreciated.

Also even if I still haven't ever talked about anything past Stage 2, I am still supporting this project 100%!
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on November 03, 2009, 09:28:14 AM
Geez chill out I'm still working on it


I'm having trouble with Kana because when I decided to make her a full boss it didn't occur to me that I actually needed, y'know, some spellcard ideas for her. She's almost done anyway, I just need to make a card involving her Soul Bird things and probably some sort of poltergeist card that involves chucking chairs and vases and crap at you. Also I think this is the fourth time I've changed her spellcard background geez

Also more stuff keeps popping up for me to go back and tweak and improve :|

Like I want to figure out a way to make the Rinnosuke conversation not a big interruption, but I don't know how to keep all that exposition, reduce the text (or stick it elsewhere), and still have it follow a logical flow of conversation. I originally played with the idea of having him be the Stage 5 midboss but it's pretty much canon that he's a noncombatant.

But whatever I'm gonna finish Kana and slap together Easy Mode and shove 5.5 out the door. We'll see what changes happen in beta 6, since any final changes I make will be distributed between that and beta 7 (extra stage).

Incidentally, it feels kind of weird to still be calling it a beta when it's almost a full game :V

Anyway this game is happening! I just don't know when it'll be done. But you'll love stage 6. I GUARANTEE IT. In fact, the final boss is the whole reason I wanted to make the game.

Don't worry about the popularity of the game, in reality I don't want that many people playing it until it's done. That's why there are no download links to the betas on Youtube.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: DgBarca on November 03, 2009, 10:39:53 AM
Anyway this game is happening! I just don't know when it'll be done. But you'll love stage 6. I GUARANTEE IT. In fact, the final boss is the whole reason I wanted to make the game.

<Insert Mima feeling here>

Anyway, good luck for Kana and all the other stuff !
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: RainfallYoshi on November 17, 2009, 05:58:36 PM
So after making a new topic about this game and feeling stupid, I come to the real topic. Yay!

Simply said, this looks pretty much amazing. I can't wait for it to be finished. Also, artist hero is amazing.

Rikako as an pwn boss? Even more amazing.

Much love. <3
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: MaronaPossessed on November 27, 2009, 06:21:07 AM
I hate to post this but since this game is popular...

I came across two malware files (virtumonde.dll) in script/PoSr/Preview/Thumbs.db (infected file) and player/Josette/Thumbs.db(another infected file) so I suggest you check that:X

Sorry, but I figured it must be said. :(
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Prime 2.0 on November 27, 2009, 07:13:09 AM
I hate to post this but since this game is popular...

I came across two malware files (virtumonde.dll) in script/PoSr/Preview/Thumbs.db (infected file) and player/Josette/Thumbs.db(another infected file) so I suggest you check that:X

Sorry, but I figured it must be said. :(

I've done my own virus scans using AVG since I downloaded PoSR, and there were no infected files there. Furthermore, there was no virtumonde.dll in the directory you gave.

Doesn't mean you don't have a virus, just means that PoSR isn't the reason you do.

EDIT: As long as I'm posting in here, I'd like to note that the PoSR's STG frame has color #000000(pure black) in it, which danmakufu interprets as transparency. This often results in flickering wherever the color is used. I made a fixed version that replaced that color with #010000 for myself, might as well link it here ( for anyone who wants a quick fix.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: MaronaPossessed on November 27, 2009, 07:19:56 AM
I've done my own virus scans using AVG since I downloaded PoSR, and there were no infected files there. Furthermore, there was no virtumonde.dll in the directory you gave.

Doesn't mean you don't have a virus, just means that PoSR isn't the reason you do.

I have Avast(I don't know if AVG and Avast are the same but it got me confused but anyways) this was detected by Spybot S&D

It could be a false report. There was another false report saying that th_dnh was infected with rbot.skp and was fixed with an update from the spybot program.

I just deleted the files. It didn't run anything automatically from those two files. But I rather be safe than sorry.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Helepolis on November 27, 2009, 08:28:54 AM
Clean here as well. And as far as I know, dnh doesn't even comes with a dll file. :V unless somebody hacked the exe to add functions etc to it. I hardly doubt that.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Iryan on November 27, 2009, 07:18:50 PM
You probably got malware from somewhere else which then proceeded to put other malware files in random folders on your computer.

Ah... reminds me. Someone has to track down any and all of the tv.tropes pages that link to superdickery and edit them so that they don't link anymore. I mean, seriously. On the main page of superdickery on tvtropes they state openly that the site will kill your PC with worms, yet many other pages link the without any disclaimer whatsoever.

[/off-topic rant]
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: MaronaPossessed on November 27, 2009, 09:15:49 PM
It could be something like that (to the two above me).

Anyways time for my review ;D

Sprite and Shots: Pretty nice. I love the unique shots Josette has:)

Difficulty: Normal we're talking about EOSD and the old games, Stage 1 seems more like stage 2-3. Though it's something that could just need practicing.

Storyline: A painter human, a ghost of an aristocrat, a chinese vampire? Damn could anything be more unique! Love it!^^

Spellcards of Josette: I love it. I just love it:)

If you're ever done with this, I would totally hire you and pay you to do mine!
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Nimble on December 05, 2009, 08:47:59 AM
After trying with Josette-R in normal.

Overall game is cool, music, difficulty, dialog.
In my opinion, Lei Lei sprite moving frame look a bit odd.
Stage title have tiny black line in the left border.

Stage 1 surprise me a bit for number of bullet I encounter. However, no problem with this. Phantasm Romance it much more bullet than PoSR in stage 1.
Lei Lei Vermillion was pain for Josette-R.

Stage 2 BG give me eye brake. I really like night blue sky~♪ and I feel good to fire Ginny down and enjoy night sky a bit more. She ruin my mood :V

Stage 3 is my favorite. BG and spirit effect are nice. The zig-zag bullet ghost was troublesome oTL~
Getting some problem with Parlor Trick again. I need more pratice to finish her trick before time up.

In stage 4, when dealing with flower tank. If it's last attack's missile explode when reach the bottom clip and spread more bullet, I'll cry for real.
This whole stage amaze me from the start. What is that remote Yin-Yang? and shrine!? They pattern flood the screen pretty fast if I let them a chance. But they still flood although I let or not :p
Rika surprise me a lot (in many way) :V

Stage 5 kill my PC immediate with BG. But it's look very good. Nothing bad here except of Kotohime White Elephant ..... I wanna cry with Josette-R again :'(
Her spell bg hurt me, if she fire more violet/red tiny bullet more. I'll die for sure. Glad that she don't.

After playing around, I focus Josette-R only when dodge, or one side of red shot is out. Her style don't good to focus for damage.

Josette focus spell are awesome unique!
I enjoy paint bombing a lol lot!

I'll waiting for next release ;)

Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on December 05, 2009, 05:32:08 PM
Sounds like you're having trouble with Josette R?

Josette R has the following advantages:
- Best DPS at long range, and does full damage at any range
- Pinpoint damage, best for eliminating priority targets
- Slowest movement, thus safest to dodge with
- Strongest Paint bomb
- Best scoring rate

That said, she is still the hardest to play, since she has to get to certain places to do damage, but I'm leery about raising her DPS because she already destroys any card where the boss stands still (Drifting Petals, etc).
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Nimble on December 11, 2009, 04:04:48 PM
Honestly I didn't and I enjoy playing with straight type charecter to improve my dodge skill. (that alway fail)

That is how I feel during playing PoSR with Josette-R first time.

PS : Enjoy drawing in paint bomb. (
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on December 11, 2009, 07:07:26 PM
Ahh, that's really nice! Thanks!

I can't draw with a mouse at all D:
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Iryan on December 11, 2009, 07:12:17 PM
I can't draw with a mouse at all D:

Are you kidding? Your character portraits are nothing short of awesome! (not to mention that your graphical effects and pixel art are also great...)
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Stuffman on December 11, 2009, 07:29:47 PM
Key word "with a mouse". All my cutins are drawn by hand and scanned; also, making small pixel art like sprites and such is a bit different from drawing proper, some different skills are applied there.

Whenever I try to draw something with my mouse I get really wobbly lines and stuff.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5 (updated 6/26/09)
Post by: Nimble on December 11, 2009, 10:26:48 PM
I'm using tablet since december last year and nearly complete lose my mouse skill.
I really like MSpaint-shape and trying to devolop to true pixel-art style, so I drawing in MSpaint and paint some color in photoshop instead :V

I'm also trying to draw in paint bomb too, everytime I playing Josette and success cast paint bomb. Then ..... :P

Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on February 16, 2010, 07:48:00 AM


See first post for download.

Please to note: Stuff might be kinda buggy! This was a bit rushed!
Okay it's REALLY buggy, I'm getting crash reports after the stage 1 end dialogue. Please wait warmly while I figure out what the fuck went wrong.
Check the first post for a sort of haphazard patch. The lag caused by deleting large graphics in events seems to be causing the Windows errors. I have no idea why but commenting them out made it stop happening. Will look for a more proper solution later, for now it'll probably just eat a little extra memory (assuming they don't have their own scope and get deleted anyway. who knows).
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on February 16, 2010, 04:38:50 PM
YES!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! I WAS WAITING!! :D

EDIT: Is waiting impatiently warmly for Stage 6 and Extra.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Chaore on February 16, 2010, 04:41:21 PM
Oh very yes.

I just went through 5 last night and was wondering when you'd get to updating this.

I shall not be disapointed.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Suikama on February 16, 2010, 04:45:39 PM
"Unexpected end of archive"

Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on February 16, 2010, 07:42:51 PM
"Unexpected end of archive"


Hmm, Prime got it to work last night. I just tried downloading it myself and the download crapped out, probably mediafire's fault. Lemme get it on Megaupload.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Furienify on February 16, 2010, 08:14:25 PM
 :* :* :*
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Helepolis on February 16, 2010, 08:20:19 PM
Well done stuffman, you completed your full game before we could complete Iji or I could complete Dcs. Downloading this.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: DgBarca on February 16, 2010, 08:25:27 PM
Crash on stage 2 for me...:(
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Furienify on February 16, 2010, 08:34:32 PM
Constructive criticism to be updated over time:

-Being able to display the features of each shot in the menu would be neat.
-Beautiful menu music~ <3 <3 <3 but then it did a really awkward loop :<
-Eeehhhh? Crash on the end of stage 1 just after we beat LeiLei. Patch~
-Love the music all around, here.
-Stage 2... Ginny vanished? Dx I think I know where she went.
-Her shotgun is much prettier and much less rage-inducing than Cirno's.
-Stella is great when she got promoted out of midboss-status, I absolutely LOVE Cygnus Sign. That was really creative of you.
-Stage 2 itself seems to have been buffed, Classicist Yellow seems to be fairly weak against most stages now.
-Stage 3... Edna has perfect music.
-Still can't figure out Parlor Trick for the life of me. Orz.
-Is Last Waltz a new card? It's a perfect finisher for Edna.
-Can you reset the #/### score counter whenever the player continues? As is, it becomes impossible for me to ever acquire another 1UP from gathered score items because only the 'current' number resets to 0, the latter/'maximum' just stays at wherever it was before.
-Made it up to the end with no problems, great job.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on February 16, 2010, 08:34:47 PM
Well done stuffman, you completed your full game before we could complete Iji or I could complete Dcs. Downloading this.
Uh I still need to make Stage 6...and Extra  :V

Crash on stage 2 for me...:(

Did you apply the patch?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: DgBarca on February 16, 2010, 08:35:10 PM
Uh I still need to make Stage 6...and Extra  :V

Did you apply the patch?

Re-Downloaded, it works now
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Suikama on February 16, 2010, 08:54:41 PM
Oh god impossible mode is D: D: D:

And it has nothing to do with the difficulty D:

Oh hey you gave Orion's bow a warning =D
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Prime 2.0 on February 16, 2010, 09:26:57 PM
So, when are you going to plug in a custom shot sheet to make the bullets less ugly, Stuffman?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Suikama on February 16, 2010, 09:39:22 PM
So, when are you going to plug in a custom shot sheet to make the bullets less ugly, Stuffman?

Aisde from that though, it's really polished now! I only played easy mode, but the difficulty felt perfect. No cheap shots, no overly done gimmicks, just simple yet characteristic and fun spellcards, attacks, and stages all around.

Now there are still a few little issues. The number of lives given out at the beginning is rather small. Usually Touhou games give lives at increasing numbers of points (ie 50, then 100, then 200, then 500 etc), but for this you only give a life every 200 points so you dont get any extra lives on stage 1 and like only 1 on stage 2 (well at least one easy modo).
Also Kotohime's nonspells lag a lot thanks to the heavy background processing :x

But yeah overall it gets a 8)

-Still can't figure out Parlor Trick for the life of me. Orz.
It's just aimed silly :V
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Nobu on February 17, 2010, 06:53:31 AM
Ok, this is just too awesome Stuffs. \o/

I seem to be having a little problem with DMF crashing at the end of any stage though.. started arcade mode and it happened at the end of s1, and did stage practice on stage 3 and it died at the end again. :<
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on February 17, 2010, 07:53:15 AM
-Being able to display the features of each shot in the menu would be neat.
The current menu is very lacking in effects and graphics. It will be improved as such. (Actually, I want to try to make pictures of Josette in each shot type's respective art style for the menu, but I might not be a good enough artist to pull this off. We'll see)

-Beautiful menu music~ <3 <3 <3 but then it did a really awkward loop :<
It's by Sensitive Heart, who makes really great soft tunes. I almost used their version of Ghostly Eyes for Stage 3 way back when. However, being a remix also means it's a placeholder, so it's gonna get replaced later. :V

Also, I cannot be held responsible for Danmakufu having asinine problems with looping.

-Still can't figure out Parlor Trick for the life of me. Orz.
Try getting close to her and playing it horizontal-only. It gets harder the farther away you are from her, because the knife lines take up more space. STAY OUT OF THE CORNER. When she throws yellow knives, it's possible to switch across them, or you can just go around Edna in a circle if you don't want to deal with that.

-Can you reset the #/### score counter whenever the player continues? As is, it becomes impossible for me to ever acquire another 1UP from gathered score items because only the 'current' number resets to 0, the latter/'maximum' just stays at wherever it was before.
This was brought to my attention earlier but I'm still trying to figure out how to fix this, since there is no way for Danmakufu to tell if it just continued, only if it has continued at some point. So any solution I can come up with offhand will only fix it for the first continasfsdfajdadf nevermind I just figured it out, I'll just restore the point items instead of resetting the counter.

So, when are you going to plug in a custom shot sheet to make the bullets less ugly, Stuffman?
Last time I tried this I used shot_all and didn't like it at all, but there are some more interesting shot sheets to try now, so maybe I will.

The number of lives given out at the beginning is rather small. Usually Touhou games give lives at increasing numbers of points (ie 50, then 100, then 200, then 500 etc), but for this you only give a life every 200 points so you dont get any extra lives on stage 1 and like only 1 on stage 2 (well at least one easy modo).
I just made it a flat 200 per life and made enemies drop more points (or just made more enemies...) in the later stages, so that you gain lives faster as the game goes on, since you'd be using them more often. I want to finish the game before I decide how many lives I want to give out over the course of it. Also, there's still no way to replenish bombs in the game besides dying, which I'll address at some point.

I seem to be having a little problem with DMF crashing at the end of any stage though.. started arcade mode and it happened at the end of s1, and did stage practice on stage 3 and it died at the end again. :<
Is this with the patch? I'm going to rage if it's still happening with the patch.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Helepolis on February 17, 2010, 08:25:38 AM
I cannot provide you unfortunate any constructive criticism yet because my new PC is coming alive slowly so I am both busy with that and trying to finish my homework assignment. But I will play this for sure soon. Also probably plenty of other people are probably better at providing such information.

Uh I still need to make Stage 6...and Extra  :V

Oh damn it, you got my hopes up pretty a lot Stuffman :V. Never less, you will still finish it before us.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on February 17, 2010, 08:43:17 AM
Oh damn it, you got my hopes up pretty a lot Stuffman :V. Never less, you will still finish it before us.

It's called Beta 5.5 and not Beta 6 for a reason!

Also honestly it's incredibly embarrassing that I'm not done already. It'll be horrible if Ijjy-yutsu finishes before me.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Pesco on February 17, 2010, 08:52:50 AM
The Man of Stuff :D. I only saw the pic of you yesterday since you posted it in a thread I never botthered looking at. Let's work out some way for me to buy you a case of coke. Good enough motivation?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Helepolis on February 17, 2010, 10:15:24 AM
Also honestly it's incredibly embarrassing that I'm not done already. It'll be horrible if Ijjy-yutsu finishes before me.
Iji didn't yet enter the rapid development waters. We are still busy creating a shell that handles everything. So you don't need to be afraid of that.

Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Naut on February 17, 2010, 02:12:52 PM
Iji didn't yet enter the rapid development waters. We are still busy creating a shell that handles everything. So you don't need to be afraid of that.

We're totally building stages and enemies, but that doesn't count as rapid development apparently.

Also, I'll heading home from uni now and am going to spend the better part of today testing PoSR beta 5.5, expect heavy criticism at some point.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Iryan on February 17, 2010, 06:40:32 PM
So, after 10 or so failed download attempts, I finally got it and played through the hard mode with Green!Josette on hard.

Thumbs up:

Alternate bosses. I love the battles, especially Kana's.
Although I have to say Stella's "Swan Dive" looked more than familiar, what with the white bullets forming a wing like pattern while the boss moves frantically over the field shooting some random bullets as well as homed attacks.  :V (

I also like the music your friend as composed.
Am I to assume that all the new music tracks are made by your friend as well? If so, hell yeah for a well done Lost Dream remix.  :D

When I finish a stage, be it in regular story mode or in stage practice, danmakufu crashes. (Apparently I am too dumb to read posts) Also, some of the music loops don't sound right. Trimming them to a length of sligthly less than an integer number in seconds should fix this, although I don't know how difficult may prove on each song.

So much for now, I may test a little more later on.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Solais on February 17, 2010, 06:51:58 PM
That Megaupload link doesn't work for me, and I really want to see this, because at least I can play it without slowdown this time. :V
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: CK Crash on February 17, 2010, 06:55:59 PM
Actually I did the Lost Dream remix while messing around with the TH soundfont, and WAS going to fix it up (to at least fix broken loop, if not redo it in the new music style). However, my hard drive is completely dead, so it might take me a while. All the new stuff is awesome, but I don't get how to do Kana's birdcage spell at all.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on February 17, 2010, 07:38:03 PM
Although I have to say Stella's "Swan Dive" looked more than familiar, what with the white bullets forming a wing like pattern while the boss moves frantically over the field shooting some random bullets as well as homed attacks.

I actually got the idea for a flapping wings pattern from the Stage 3 boss opener in Banshiryuu, I wouldn't be surprised if somebody's already had the same idea. D:

Also, I forgot to publicly thank Onthenet for the Lost Dream remix. Thanks Onthenet! My composer said he wants to save all the remixes for last, so it'll be a while before we see his interpretation of it.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Helepolis on February 17, 2010, 07:42:07 PM
wouldn't be surprised if somebody's already had the same idea. D:


/me takes note of trying to find a possible different approach.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Naut on February 17, 2010, 09:52:10 PM
Right, so I've played Nightmare and Hard mode (mostly with Josette R and G). Not quite as much to say as I initially thought, so I'll just get right to the thoughts in list form:

Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on February 17, 2010, 10:22:59 PM
  • Please use custom bullets instead of Danmakufu's original ugly ones :V

Lol. I used my own imgShot.png so the bullets look SO MUCH BETTER.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Nobu on February 17, 2010, 10:56:01 PM
Is this with the patch? I'm going to rage if it's still happening with the patch.

Yeah, shoulda dug a bit more deeply the first time (I assumed the latest megaupload link you posted in thread was the 'patched version', but I applied the patch from the opening thread and it works \o/)

Stuffman, this is really really cool. But I realize that endless praise is useless to a game designer, so i'll just give you the couple things I noticed while playing through a few times.

- Echoing Naut about the hitbox, it doesn't stand out enough for me to get a good impression of where it is exactly.
- Josette's changing expressions are not perfectly matched up with each other, so there's weird shifting effect in the head/face when she changes from certain expressions to others. This is most noticeable when going through the spellcards in spellcard practice, but occurs in the main game as well.

I don't feel like I can make any more comments without playing through the game a bunch more times (but for some reason I don't see myself having a problem bringing myself to do that ;3) But here's the less-useful comments:

- Stella's changing constellation spellcircles *___* So awesome~
- Stage 4 is just all kinds of hilarity.
- I want to kidnap Josette and take her home with me. :3
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Prime 2.0 on February 18, 2010, 01:57:48 AM
  • Josette needs a bigger graphical hitbox, I routinely lose track of where my hitbox is on her just because I can't see it with so many bullets flying around.

More visible, you mean. Danmakufu's default hitbox graphic is really, really bad... isn't there code out there for a PCB-like hitbox graphic? I'm pretty sure I remember some scripts that do that...
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on February 18, 2010, 07:23:32 AM
Josette needs a bigger graphical hitbox, I routinely lose track of where my hitbox is on her just because I can't see it with so many bullets flying around.
Noted. I'll need to steal that code that makes the hitbox an object bullet that hovers above the stupid default red dot.

Stella's Draco Sign "Star Sea Serpent" can be beaten by staying perfectly still at the very bottom of the screen. Even slight movements to dodge the random assortment of slowly moving small stars will almost always lead to an easy capture.
Crap, I thought I had adjusted the turning radius just enough to fix that. (It was more prevalent in testing before I made them turn sharper, but if it's still happening...) I'm probably going to rework this card anyway because it doesn't create the smooth trailing effect I imagined, the stars all bunch up together and I don't like that.

Kotohime's last card is garbage
lol I know, it'll be gone or different or something next time, I'm just burnt out on Kotohime.

You need new sound effects for all shots, these current ones are ear bleed tier. Try lowering their volume too.
Please use custom bullets instead of Danmakufu's original ugly ones :V
Okay okay I'll look into some new media geez

All the new music is great, save for the looping. I suggest looping the song once (in Audacity or a similar program) so that you can at least give the illusion that the song is looped in game. Ups the file size, but it's better than the sudden halt in the music that Danmakufu invariably gives.

This is probably the best solution I've heard so far to the sound problem, but it's going to basically double the filesize. As long as the game is under 100 MB I guess it's okay though.

I regret not mentioning this earlier, but I think you should try to rely less on reusing enemies to fill up stages. ...
This is honestly the hardest criticism I've received on PoSR thus far, because this won't be an easy thing to fix, but honestly I know it needs to be done. In the real touhou games fairies are always flying in from all sides of the screen and doing new crap, in PoSR a lot of them tend to just fly in from the top, fire a shotgun, and leave, and really it's because I often face a sort of writer's block in trying to come up with interesting enemy patterns and get lazy with stuff. Stage 2 and 4 in particular I'm still very dissatisfied with (even though I've already remade 4 once!), but since you've brought this up I'll take a hard look at coming up with new content for the stages.

Also, Naut, ffs

Nightmare Mode is a joke, it's not going to be there in the next release, only you would think you're supposed to play it seriously

Josette's changing expressions are not perfectly matched up with each other, so there's weird shifting effect in the head/face when she changes from certain expressions to others. This is most noticeable when going through the spellcards in spellcard practice, but occurs in the main game as well.
I was hoping nobody would notice~ but fine I'll go make the pixel adjustments (I pasted the altered faces on the original cutin due to technical issues with resizing the whole cutin with the altered face)
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Drake on February 18, 2010, 07:44:55 AM
Actually I noticed that making Program of Silly Restrictions :V

Note that as far as making enemies goes, you don't need 12034871028 different patterns. Most stages only have 10 at max, but they vary depending on their movement and positioning. You can go ahead and count how many bullet patterns enemies use in a stage; it's not usually that many.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Nobu on February 18, 2010, 08:50:35 AM
Nitori should be replaced with Rikako in the new forum title in honor of Stage 4. :3
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on February 18, 2010, 10:04:31 AM
Note that as far as making enemies goes, you don't need 12034871028 different patterns. Most stages only have 10 at max, but they vary depending on their movement and positioning. You can go ahead and count how many bullet patterns enemies use in a stage; it's not usually that many.


Everyone who wants to make a full game should keep this in mind. Including me, of course.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: CK Crash on February 18, 2010, 11:19:39 AM
Be less afraid to make enemies that go lower on the screen, and even try to ram Josette. Maybe it would be a good idea to add some big fairies to the mix as well.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Infy♫ on February 18, 2010, 04:00:50 PM
Lei Lei's theme is too quiet, i could barely hear the melody during the fight.
also, some graphics look surprisingly ugly, like the stage 1 background and the warning sign for when the flower tank appears. this might be caused by my PC though.
on a side note, flower tank's 2nd attack is too hard D:
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Helepolis on February 18, 2010, 04:21:37 PM
For enemies I would suggest to study simply a lot of replays from all Touhou games and just try to figure out some patterns like how ZUN does it. We all know he syncs everything to music, so maybe you can play around with that.

And like Naut generally says, he has yet to see actually someone creating GOOD stages. And I support this, making stages is seriously something totally different than spamming some random bullets on your screen.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Naut on February 18, 2010, 11:45:28 PM
This is probably the best solution I've heard so far to the sound problem, but it's going to basically double the filesize. As long as the game is under 100 MB I guess it's okay though.

Keep in mind that Touhou is 400+mb, don't worry about it.

Also, Naut, ffs

Nightmare Mode is a joke, it's not going to be there in the next release, only you would think you're supposed to play it seriously

Don't make me beg.

For enemies I would suggest to study simply a lot of replays from all Touhou games and just try to figure out some patterns like how ZUN does it.

Don't do this. Your stages will just become copies of ZUN stages before you realize it. You want your game to be yours, not a ZUN wannabe (which sounds weird given it's a Touhou fangame, but you get my point. We'll play Touhou if we want to play Touhou).

We all know he syncs everything to music, so maybe you can play around with that.

Do this, when you can. Don't feel you need to sync every wave, but major shifts in gameplay should correspond with a major shift in the music, like a midboss spawning or something. Given you're likely to rework how you spawn your enemies in stages (and hopefully implement a few other elements), this should fit in nicely with your editing process. I know not all the music is done, but you have enough to certainly get started on something cool.

Also, please make sure you're syncing to 60fps, not 57. And if I catch anybody syncing danmaku with GetTime I will come to their house and cut them.

This is honestly the hardest criticism I've received on PoSR thus far, because this won't be an easy thing to fix, but honestly I know it needs to be done. [...]
And like Naut generally says, he has yet to see actually someone creating GOOD stages. And I support this, making stages is seriously something totally different than spamming some random bullets on your screen.

This is true. Though there have been stages that have been "neat", but nothing has ever come close to being great. Most of the time the only reason I like a script is because of the boss waiting at the end of it. It seems like absolutely nobody knows how to design stages. And if they do, they seem to forget what's happening as they design it, and then end up going "what happened this is not nearly as good as what I pictured".

So let's see if we can fix that...

I'll give some pointers on basic stage design, or at least what I believe makes a great stage. Doesn't apply to just Stuffman obviously, since I know he's likely to be aware of >90% of this, but I'd like to see more of it implemented in PoSR (as well as all stages being made in Danmakufu). Even if this list serves only as a reminder to people, I'll be happy.

This list applies to everybody.

Basic Touhou-style Stage Design Concepts and Ideas.

I do believe that PoSR suffers from a good portion of this (mostly regarding enemy waves), but I also believe that you are aware of it, Stuffman. Hopefully the list will give you some ideas on what to do with your stages. Also, forgive me for posting what may seem like really basic information in your thread, but there aren't many places I could put it, and it flowed pretty well with the primary concern for your game at this point. Hopefully this'll help people with stage design, which I know is lacking around here. Even if you don't agree with everything here, you should have a firm idea of what you want in a stage, even if just by contrast.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on February 19, 2010, 07:09:51 AM
Actually Naut, I do appreciate it. If you hadn't posted that comment I probably would've been content to leave most things as-is, but now that I'm examining it seriously I can see that I really do need a lot of improvement in this department.

I'm probably going to wipe the slate clean in terms of stages and totally re-think my approach. It's not a lot of work lost because each stage is maybe, like, two spellcards worth of actual enemy code (which is probably a bad sign on its own).

This is a fine example of why serious criticism is important and why you need to be prepared to accept it. Expect big changes and shiny new things in beta 6!
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Helepolis on February 19, 2010, 07:40:43 AM
Don't do this. Your stages will just become copies of ZUN stages before you realize it. You want your game to be yours, not a ZUN wannabe (which sounds weird given it's a Touhou fangame, but you get my point. We'll play Touhou if we want to play Touhou).
I never said copy it =.= I said study it as in looking how he handles it all and then try to design your own.

Also huge post. Needs time to be read.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Infy♫ on February 19, 2010, 06:16:23 PM
people definitely need to remember not to make their stages too long. seriously, it takes too long in most stages to get to the boss. You can also make the part before or after the midboss a little shorter, which is a nice touch.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: MCXD on February 19, 2010, 06:47:08 PM
people definitely need to remember not to make their stages too long. seriously, it takes too long in most stages to get to the boss. You can also make the part before or after the midboss a little shorter, which is a nice touch.

Length isn't such a bad thing when there is variety. In the 'current' Stage 4 (as of 5.0 EDIT: 4.0), I find that the stage drags on for way too long... probably because it's also extremely repetitive.

I haven't played this version yet since I don't have DMF working on this new computer of mine. Can someone post a video of the new Stage 4? Assuming that Stella's is there.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on February 19, 2010, 07:35:26 PM
Stage 4 was changed back in beta 5, that's the most recent version of it. (The triangle enemies started firing those helix bubbles instead of spirals, non-death mecha fairies were added, etc)

I'll try to get videos of the new bosses up, though.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on February 19, 2010, 09:10:45 PM
I think I encountered a replay bug, i don?t know if it is my Danmakufu through.

I played up to Stage 4 and died shortly before the boss.
Saving my replay and I appearently die right at the beginning of Stage 3.
to ONE Tiny bullet whice I actually dodged.  :V
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Infy♫ on February 19, 2010, 09:25:53 PM
Also, a rule should be that you may not use CreateShot01 AT ALL. Stage danmaku can not be as pretty as boss danmaku so you'll have to make up for that using special movement of the bullets and acceleration. Danmaku with even the slightest acceleration look better.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on February 20, 2010, 07:03:21 AM
I played up to Stage 4 and died shortly before the boss.
Saving my replay and I appearently die right at the beginning of Stage 3.
to ONE Tiny bullet whice I actually dodged.  :V

Huh, that's odd. Must have desynced. Replays are entirely automated by Danmakufu so there's not really anything I can do if they get messed up.

Also, I forgot to mention, even though Azure explained how to skip the menu in the replay I obviously didn't get around to implementing that in this version :V

Also, a rule should be that you may not use CreateShot01 AT ALL.
This seems...excessive.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Helepolis on February 20, 2010, 10:46:06 AM
What is wrong with CreateShot01?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: DgBarca on February 20, 2010, 11:27:19 AM
What is wrong with CreateShot01?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: P♂ zeal on February 20, 2010, 12:11:44 PM
What is wrong with CreateShot01?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Iryan on February 20, 2010, 12:13:33 PM
What is wrong with CreateShot01?
CreateLas- *shot*
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Helepolis on February 20, 2010, 02:31:10 PM
Seriously who the hell cares you use CreateShot01.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Furienify on February 20, 2010, 02:43:28 PM
Any form of acceleration evidently makes it look better. Even if you just want the bullet to have a speed of 1, making it go from 0->1 via acceleration makes it more visually appealing, no matter how quickly you have to do it.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: P♂ zeal on February 20, 2010, 03:17:43 PM
or if you want to have it EOSD-esque, have it start at a high speed then quickly decelerate to the speed you want it at.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Infy♫ on February 20, 2010, 03:41:09 PM
CreateShot02 is so much better.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Nobu on February 20, 2010, 04:22:30 PM
I'd think a good programmer would make use of his entire toolbox, including things like CreateShot01. Sometimes the correct tool in a situation is not always the most complicated one.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Nimble on February 20, 2010, 05:12:11 PM
Basic Touhou-style Stage Design Concepts and Ideas.

Thank you Naut. This help me a lot.
To much thing to learn for danmaku.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: AweStriker Nova on February 22, 2010, 06:37:10 PM
I got some jerkiness starting around Stage 3. This caused me to lose many, many lives in Stages 3 and 4 just from running into displaced bullets.

Is this a problem with PoSR or Danmakufu itself?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Naut on February 22, 2010, 06:42:21 PM
I got some jerkiness starting around Stage 3.

Eh? Screenshots?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Infy♫ on February 22, 2010, 07:22:51 PM
you should put that post of yours on the danmakufu wiki, so that it doesnt get lost in the sea of posts.
it's worth to be read by anyone.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: AweStriker Nova on February 22, 2010, 10:25:32 PM
Eh? Screenshots?

It happens much too quickly for me to get a decent shot.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Naut on February 22, 2010, 11:45:38 PM
Replays then.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: AweStriker Nova on February 23, 2010, 12:50:09 AM
Here's one (

It also happens during certain spell cards, as demonstrated by this replay.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Suikama on February 23, 2010, 01:09:37 AM
I got some jerkiness starting around Stage 3. This caused me to lose many, many lives in Stages 3 and 4 just from running into displaced bullets.

Is this a problem with PoSR or Danmakufu itself?
Jerkiness? What was your FPS at during those parts?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: AweStriker Nova on February 23, 2010, 02:04:15 AM
I wasn't paying attention. Probably still somewhere close to 60, though.

Also, I lol'd at the reference in Stage 5 ("Black Lotus"). I'm not going to explain the joke...
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Suikama on February 23, 2010, 02:13:27 AM
In your config.exe, for the option with 4 choices and the second and third options are 1/2 and 1/3, do you have the leftmost or rightmost circle filled?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: AweStriker Nova on February 24, 2010, 01:36:25 AM
...Neither, I have the 1/2 filled.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on February 24, 2010, 01:48:15 AM
...Neither, I have the 1/2 filled.
Then that's probably your problem. Select the option that says "可変". 60FPS GO!
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Suikama on February 24, 2010, 02:44:36 AM
...Neither, I have the 1/2 filled.
Uh yeah this means every other frame is skipped, so no wonder it's so choppy.

Choose the leftmost option to run at full frame rate.

Then that's probably your problem. Select the option that says "可変". 60FPS GO!

Actually that option changes the frameskip accordingly if you lag. If your computer is good enough, then you should just stick to the first (leftmost) option.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: AweStriker Nova on February 24, 2010, 04:08:11 AM
I just have ?? and ??. The font must be missing those characters.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on March 03, 2010, 06:26:08 PM
I am sorry for bumping this but I had an idea, even if it makes the sprites size times 4.

Every different shottype of Josette has a different colored brush, whice has the same color as the shottype.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: AweStriker Nova on March 03, 2010, 06:48:28 PM
I am sorry for bumping this but I had an idea, even if it makes the sprites size times 4.

Every different shottype of Josette has a different colored brush, whice has the same color as the shottype.

I think people would be too busy dodging to notice that.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on March 03, 2010, 07:43:36 PM
I almost considered her having a slightly different outfit depending on shottype but I am much too lazy for that.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Kinzo the Astro Curious on March 04, 2010, 06:11:32 PM
Weird. I never normally have trouble downloading from mediafire, but its not getting past "Processing download request" at the moment everytime I try :/

anyone else had trouble?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Iryan on March 04, 2010, 06:16:40 PM
Happened a couple of times. And when I got it to download, the download broke after an arbitrary amount of time. Managed to download it on try 13 or so. Unless you have a bad connection I would advise you to just keep going.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on March 04, 2010, 06:18:36 PM
I found it helps if you hit the Stop button sometimes, it makes it stop trying to load the flash ads and give the link. If it still won't go, refresh again...

Are there any good filehosting services left?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Nimble on March 04, 2010, 07:03:58 PM
Try firefox for MediaFire. It work well for me.

File hosting that I currently using.
Fireden ( - slow, registation, hotlink allow, maxmimun file size 1gb (hmm? I never upload more than 50mb to fileden before...)
Dropbox ( - registation, hotlink allow (public folder), many feature
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on March 05, 2010, 09:16:10 AM

Whoa. Dropbox is sweet. Totally using this for all my uploads from now on.

Pat yourself on the back, Nimble.

Also, this one includes the patch.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Pesco on March 10, 2010, 08:25:23 AM

Whoa. Dropbox is sweet. Totally using this for all my uploads from now on.

Awesome :D
It even bypasses the university firewall.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Naut on June 22, 2010, 05:08:25 AM

Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on June 22, 2010, 05:23:49 AM
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on June 22, 2010, 05:35:09 AM
Looking forward to this.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on June 22, 2010, 05:44:44 AM
Holy hell it's finally getting finished...!

/me squeals like a girl (No offense to any girls who may be reading this)
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on June 22, 2010, 08:52:11 AM
Haha it doesn't show much that wasn't in beta 5.5 though :V

Stella got half of her set significantly changed though, I think she's a lot better now.

Also I am using my week of paid vacation next month to put some serious work in and make sure Beta 6 comes out. If I finish it then, it'll be out the second or third week of July.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: KomeijiKoishi on June 22, 2010, 10:12:35 AM
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Iryan on June 22, 2010, 10:23:11 AM
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Helepolis on June 22, 2010, 10:48:40 AM
It seems like you changed a lot of the attacks for 2nd and 3rd stage.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: KomeijiKoishi on June 22, 2010, 11:25:26 AM Nightmare supposed to be impossible?

Srsly, the final card of the first stage has such huge lasers that you can't dodge them.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on June 22, 2010, 11:37:58 AM
I dunno, but I take the DOOM music and the fairy death sounds as a yes. :V
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: KomeijiKoishi on June 22, 2010, 11:40:39 AM
I dunno, but I take the DOOM music and the fairy death sounds as a yes. :V
...DOOM music? The stage was silent, and the boss music was the normal one.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Serela on June 22, 2010, 02:21:29 PM Nightmare supposed to be impossible?

Srsly, the final card of the first stage has such huge lasers that you can't dodge them.
No, no, they're really easy to dodge o_o Should be a big gap inbetween each laser.

And there should be music, too. For example, Stage 1 Boss Theme (
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: KomeijiKoishi on June 22, 2010, 02:52:23 PM
Oh, that IS the music that's running. I just thought, in Nightmare Mode, I was going to hear NO REMORSE.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: CK Crash on June 22, 2010, 05:37:31 PM
Remind me to make a not so harpsi-discordant version of Kana's theme. Either that, or you can use this vastly superior version ( if you can get permission to use it :V
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on June 22, 2010, 07:13:25 PM
The DOOM music file was a midi, which doesn't work right on a lot of XP-era boxes. Nightmare mode was just a (lazy) joke anyway, it won't be there in beta 6.

I'm still waiting on my next set of songs from Russ. He said he was out of commission for a while because one of his pieces of sound hardware died, but he's working on it again now. I'm curious to see how his versions of the remixes come out.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Suikama on June 28, 2010, 05:43:19 AM
Oh god Lei Lei's last spell on Nightmare ahahahaha
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: MCXD on July 20, 2010, 10:14:12 AM
It's currently part-way through the 3rd full week of July. How's it going, Stuffman?  :V

I'm pumped too, which is why this thread deserves to be resurrected.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Stuffman on July 20, 2010, 10:47:48 AM
I'm not procrastinating anymore, but I still dunno if I'm gonna make it. Remaking Stage 4 is taking much longer than anticipated.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Angel on the Steps on July 24, 2010, 08:54:45 PM
Good luck with the next beta :) I'm really looking forward to that one!
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Lord Phantasm Satori on July 25, 2010, 02:03:40 AM
speaking of ressurrection, what happened to the guy who was working on the game with arc and ender in it? he released stage 5 early, but I haven't heard of any other news.

oh, and would it be possible to add support for taunts? you know, like a boss would say something or make a different sound when a spellcard is activated, when the fight begins, and when they are defeated.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on July 25, 2010, 04:57:35 AM
speaking of ressurrection, what happened to the guy who was working on the game with arc and ender in it? he released stage 5 early, but I haven't heard of any other news.

How dare you call Miss Lazuline a boy.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Lord Phantasm Satori on July 25, 2010, 08:08:14 AM
does it really matter? the fact that she is a girl doesn't change the point of my statement.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.5 (updated 2/16/10)
Post by: Azure Lazuline on July 25, 2010, 02:13:49 PM
I already responded to him in PM since I'd feel bad about posting here without actually adding anything to the discussion. There's no need to take this further. And no, I don't really care if someone calls me a boy, since everyone tends to default to using "him" when they're not sure.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Stuffman on November 29, 2010, 09:33:44 AM
BETA 5.9 (

As promised, I'm not done but I'm releasing what I have. I didn't get nearly as much polishing done as I wanted, but you can play all the remade stages and stage 6 up to the midboss (pictured above, the Prismriver Sisters)! Stage 6 is very early in production, it only works on Normal mode, if you play it on any other difficulty it'll be buggy and crash when you get to the midboss.

Also new is Lunatic mode! As I explained before, I am not a Lunatic level player and thus I cannot playtest at that level. PoSR Lunatic is thus probably extremely unfair but theoretically beatable.

Alright crap let's see if I can remember all the stuff I changed:
- Every stage is way different, Stage 4 is completely new. This is the big thing.
- Some changed spellcards and stuff. Stella got a bunch of stuff changed up.
- Since somebody pointed out that Josette's painting bombs take a really long time to go off but I didn't want to drop them, I changed it so that you only get the painting bombs as a deathbomb. Your focus bomb is the same as your regular one.
- Red type has a new bomb
- New custom shotsheet!
- Some more new songs (good ones, too!)

On the to-do list:
- Finish the damn game
- Maybe do some more work on Lunatic (I will need help with this, I'm tempted to just scrap it)
- Music doesn't loop right still
- Still haven't implemented replay-friendly code
- Enemies in stage 4 need to explode when they die!
- Want to improve Kana's special effects (electricity, object auras)
- Kotohime still has some bullshit that needs adjustment
- New scoring system - this will be exciting and offer a new gameplay mechanic, wait for the next beta!
- Will adjust how many lives you get once the game is finished and I can judge how many are needed, will be tied into the new scoring mechanic. (Until then just Continue like a mofo)

Okay that's all I can think of for now

Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Stuffman on November 29, 2010, 09:43:03 AM
Oh yeah, one more thing, I'd like to hear about how your framerates are doing while playing it, at least compared to 5.5. A lot of stages got improved graphics but I'm worried a bit about performance. Especially Stage 4, though I tried to optimize as best I could.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Schezo on November 29, 2010, 11:08:27 PM
Hmm, on normal I got a few slight drops from stage 2 but nothing major.  Stage 4 constantly dropped 4-6 frames with multiple drops to 42 or 53.  It made the dodging hard and yeah.  Stage 5 only dropped when a huge cluster of bullets came on the screen with 1-2 parts of the enemies and on the bosses last spell it would drop every time the bomb went off (although it may have been designed with that in mind  :V).

I do enjoy the new stages and boss optimizations though, great work with the amazing backgrounds.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Suikama on November 30, 2010, 12:36:23 AM
It's about time man BV

Edit: There are some oddly cut pictures here and there such as the stage opening picture and jossette's sprite. I think you added an extra pixel when setting a rectangle for some things.

Also got an error and crashed around stage 6




Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on November 30, 2010, 06:30:21 AM
This is beautiful. Though...

:V at EEEB. People need to use this type of gimmick more often.

Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Furienify on November 30, 2010, 06:52:55 AM
You are a damn artist, Stuffman. These stages are much better.

Suikama: What shot type were you using? I made it through with Impressionist Red without errors.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Stuffman on November 30, 2010, 09:15:21 AM
Also got an error and crashed around stage 6



That "_e.txt" indicates it was looking for the easy mode file, which doesn't exist; like I said, Stage 6 only has Normal mode right now.

Stage 4 constantly dropped 4-6 frames with multiple drops to 42 or 53.

I was afraid of that. I'll have to see if there's anything else I can do to optimize it.

Out of curiousity, was it worse when you got to the part with the office buildings or about the same as the rest of the base? I'm wondering if it's getting slowdown because it's trying to draw so much, or because it's running through so much code in the drawloop.

Stage 2 probably just has a little too much fog crap going on right now, that might be easy to improve...
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Schezo on November 30, 2010, 01:35:09 PM
It was about the same as the rest of the base.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Suikama on November 30, 2010, 04:22:19 PM
That "_e.txt" indicates it was looking for the easy mode file, which doesn't exist; like I said, Stage 6 only has Normal mode right now.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Iryan on November 30, 2010, 05:32:22 PM

I could list all the things I love about this release, but then we would he here all night, so I will instead just say what I liked about the changes/additions as well as what may need to be improved.

1. Great improvements on the stage danmaku, especially in stage 3 and 4. The former tediousness some segments had is pretty much gone.
2. Great improvements on the stage backgrounds and style, especially stage 4. The fairies with guns and the SoEW Stage 1 homage made me giggle like a little girl.
3. I love your new shotsheet.
4. I like where your story seems to be going. Of course, you always had the best portrait art and best dialogue here, anyways. :3

1. The difficulty of normal mode is pretty much extra mode throughout. If this is intentional, then no problem, but I just thought I'd mention it.
2. Stella's midboss card still bugs be, not anymore because the attack kills you suddenly, you fixed that, but because the arrow bullets looks washed out when used as a laser, especially against the bulet background. Not sure what to do about that, though.
3. While Kotohime's final was somewhat bullshitty in the previous version, her new final I find somewhat annoying and disrupting, mainly because of danmakufu's inability to switch smoothly between the different levels of slowdown.
4. For some reason the dialogue with Rinnosuke didn't appear for me. You might want to look into that.
5. Just a thought: You may want to add an effect object that signals where the bullet spawning takes place in Mask of Red Death.

But otherwise, yeah, well, what can I say?

Great Garage product or greatest Garage product?  ;)
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Suikama on November 30, 2010, 05:54:46 PM
Oh man hiding the edge of the mountains of stage 2 behind a layer of cloud was brilliant

oh my god Stella's spellcards :*

oh my god stage 4

The difficulty is fine up untill stage 5 where it reaches UFO levels at parts
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: RainfallYoshi on November 30, 2010, 06:22:58 PM
One thing I noticed is that Impressionist Blue's bomb completely wrecks the Prismrivers' shit. It may have to do with the bomb hitting the entire screen and there being 3 targets taking damage from it but it essentially does 3x the damage it would normally do. If you aren't worried with capping the card you can completely wreck it with little effort.

Perhaps you could give them more damage resist or health to compensate?
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Stuffman on November 30, 2010, 08:08:59 PM
2. Stella's midboss card still bugs be, not anymore because the attack kills you suddenly, you fixed that, but because the arrow bullets looks washed out when used as a laser, especially against the bulet background. Not sure what to do about that, though.
I could make a special high-res arrow bullet just for her!

4. For some reason the dialogue with Rinnosuke didn't appear for me. You might want to look into that.
Oh, I forgot to mention this in my To-Do list: I took it out when I was working on the stage because I got tired of skipping it when I was playtesting, but actually, I am going to remove it from the final version since it kinda interrupts the flow of the game and shift the plot information elsewhere. The Rikas will go into detail about what the forest is, and Kotohime will explain that Rinnosuke had something stolen there. I just didn't get around to rewriting dialogue this release.

One thing I noticed is that Impressionist Blue's bomb completely wrecks the Prismrivers' shit. It may have to do with the bomb hitting the entire screen and there being 3 targets taking damage from it but it essentially does 3x the damage it would normally do. If you aren't worried with capping the card you can completely wreck it with little effort.
Oh whoops. Yeah, two problems here:
- I remembered to give Merlin and Lunasa bomb resistance but not Lyrica, so they're taking about double damage right now from actual bombs
- A bunch of Josette's bombs spawn regular bullets, which are not subject to bomb resistance (this was brought to my attention a while ago, I just hadn't gotten around to changing those bullets into spell objects since I couldn't think of anywhere it mattered in PoSR)
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Iryan on November 30, 2010, 08:16:22 PM
I could make a special high-res arrow bullet just for her!
That would obviously work.  :derp:
Oh, I forgot to mention this in my To-Do list: I took it out when I was working on the stage because I got tired of skipping it when I was playtesting, but actually, I am going to remove it from the final version since it kinda interrupts the flow of the game and shift the plot information elsewhere. The Rikas will go into detail about what the forest is, and Kotohime will explain that Rinnosuke had something stolen there. I just didn't get around to rewriting dialogue this release.
Yeah, that is probably better. I didn't mind as much back then, but overall you are right. The only problem could be that the end dialogue of Rika and Rikako could get a bit too lengthy, but I am confident that you can handle that.  :3
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Serina on December 01, 2010, 05:18:04 PM
My Danmakufu crashes when i start the game, but i can see replays. Crazy.
Anyway, by the replay i noticed that the bullets look really pretty and the background too!
Also, this game is awesome. The Kotohime fight is one of the most wonderful things i ever see. hahaha
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: sumisumi on December 02, 2010, 04:07:52 AM
Great update.  This version actually lags less than the last one for me, (the previous version lagged a lot on stage 5.)  New bullet sprites add a nice touch, and the extra polish on the backgrounds is of course nice.

The new stage 4 definitely stands out more than before, and I'm going to have to join Iryan in having giggled like a little girl from the SoEW reference.

The sound effects could probably be a little less obnoxious, though.  Especially during Kotohime's fight, (where it can be hard to hear the song,) (and especially especially during Ginny's midboss card.)  Maybe have louder music?

And I absolutely love the Omnidirectional Extra Extra Extra Bomb.  Kotohime is great.

(It's too bad the next version won't be final, by the way.  Will it have a finished Final and only lack extra?)
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Stuffman on December 02, 2010, 09:04:11 AM
My Danmakufu crashes when i start the game, but i can see replays. Crazy.
To my understanding, usually when Danmakufu gets a windows crash during a script it's because it's trying to do stuff before it's finished loading everything. I can add a second of wait time before the title menu comes up in the next beta and see if that helps.

This version actually lags less than the last one for me, (the previous version lagged a lot on stage 5.)
Great, I'm glad it worked! I made two major changes for the sake of optimization:
1) Uses the built-in fog function much less, uses a gradient texture and other optical illusions for shading instead.
2) Instead of constantly drawing three identical iterations of the stage and retreading them to create seamless looping (Stage 1 and 5), it now randomly generates the positions of mountains and trees at the top of the screen, so it's much less drawing.

The sound effects could probably be a little less obnoxious, though.  Especially during Kotohime's fight, (where it can be hard to hear the song,) (and especially especially during Ginny's midboss card.)  Maybe have louder music?
Yeah it gets on my nerves at times too, I intend to make the SFX softer when I get around to looping the music. (IIRC other people have complained about this too)

(It's too bad the next version won't be final, by the way.  Will it have a finished Final and only lack extra?)
Actually, my current plans are to not release a beta 6 at all and jump straight into beta 7, complete with extra. If I released beta 6 it'd pretty much just have the final boss added and that's it; I'd rather have more new content than that, to get people more excited to play it. So, when I get the next beta done, that'll be the final beta, so at that point I'll let people playtest it a bit, look for bugs, make some minor adjustments accordingly, do as much as I can to prevent crashes, then make the official release and finally distribute it (although besides maybe Poosh I have no idea where to release it outside of MotK...)

Anyway I am going to try to get beta 7 out somewhere between Christmas and New Years. I don't need to make a new stage background for Extra (thanks for being lazy ZUN, gives me an excuse to do it too!) so I should be able to make that relatively quickly.
Title: Re: Portrait of Strange Relic: Beta 5.9 (updated 11/29/10)
Post by: Serina on December 02, 2010, 06:24:22 PM
To my understanding, usually when Danmakufu gets a windows crash during a script it's because it's trying to do stuff before it's finished loading everything. I can add a second of wait time before the title menu comes up in the next beta and see if that helps.

Yeah, i guess it helps, especially because my computer is not that great. Thanks for replying. ^^