Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Patchouli's Scarlet Library => Topic started by: Dead Princess Sakana on April 30, 2010, 10:36:00 AM

Title: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter IV
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on April 30, 2010, 10:36:00 AM
Oh no, Sakana's writing again. Giant Wall of Text approaching!

Greetings, everyone.
Finally I've come around to write another MotK-fiction.
And this time, not only a short story, but the start of a longer work.
I've never tried my hands at that kind of genre before, let's see how this will go.
The characters, while borrowing from the real members, are of course fictional, so I hope no one takes offense in their portrayal.

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it. Enjoy~
And don't get discouraged by the length, it's easy to read >_<

Lautes Grollen der Wellen erklang
Als der Himmel ganz langsam ins Dunkel schwand
Ein lauer Wind, wandelt sich aus dem Nichts
In einen Sturm

Geheimnisvoll war der Zauber der Nacht
Der so manch eine Hexe zum Schmunzeln bracht
Denn dieses Fest, wandelt sich in einen Alptraum
Ohne Ende

Ein goldener Schmetterling flieht
Der H?lle wird er nicht entgeh'n
Er ist verdammt
S?nden beschmutzen das Gold von nun an
F?r immer

Bitte weine nicht, denk an das was war
Jene Illusion, zerst?r sie!
Selbst wenn du glaubst, dass dir niemand
Mehr zur Seite steht

Ein trauriger Schwur, brennt sich in mein Herz
Und h?lt mich gefang' - auf ewig
Und so, falle und falle ich in ein Meer aus Blut  (



With a refined gesture, the man moved the cup to his lips and took a long sip.
He stopped for a moment, savoring the taste of the tea, and then set the teacup down.
There was a small sound as the empty cup was placed on the table.
It was immediately picked up by the girl that had been standing silently besides the table and placed on a cart that held the remains of a generous breakfast.

"It's almost time. They should arrive soon."

The man looked outside onto the blue sea under a clear and sunny sky. Since he was sitting right in front of the large window, his silhouette shone against the bright outside.

That's the whole point, he thought. The whole point of having breakfast in this room at this time, on this chair. It looks so beautiful, so... charismatic.

A small smile formed on his lips before he turned around to face the two girls that were in the room with him. He was wearing expensive looking clothes, and though he was only sitting on a common chair, his presence made it appear like a throne fit for a king. The man's name was Helepolis Scarlet, owner of the Scarlet Mansion, a large estate with a long and proud history. He was well known for being the very embodiment of charisma, and  he took great care to keep and cultivate this image.
There was but one thing that was disturbing, or one might even say breaking, his otherwise perfect  charismatic appearance: The small plushie he was holding in his arms. It was a plushie of a small girl with bat wings, wearing a pink dress and carrying a crimson colored spear in her hands. It was unknown who it represented, and why he always carried it around all the times, but people around him had soon ralized that talking about it or trying to take it away was a very bad idea. It was easier to just ignore it entirely as if it didn't exist.

"So, I suppose everything has been prepared as I have ordered it?"

He was asking the two girls standing silently before him, which nodded in response. They were dressed as maids and appeared to be twins. However, it was easy to distinguish the two by their appearance and their pets. One had a large snake hanging around her neck, and carried a flower in her hair. Meanwhile a ferret rested on the other's shoulder and she was wearing glasses.

"You have prepared all thirteen guest rooms, Matsuri?"

"Yes, master", the girl with the ferret answered calmly with a small bow.

"And I trust we have enough food for the next days, Nobu?"

"Of course." This time the girl with the snake responded with a smile.

"Wonderful. In that case, I trust everything will go as planned."

He turned around to the window once more. A dark spot could be seen on the blue waves, approaching the peninsula the Scarlet Mansion was built on. It would soon reach the small harbour at the foot of the cliffs below the mansion.

"Ah, it seem they are finally here. Nobu, Matsuri, please go and greet them properly."

"Yes, master", both girls answered simultanously, and with a bow, left the room.

Helepolis stood at the window, his eyes looking into the distance.

Finally, it would begin...


Eight people left the boat soon after it had reached the harbour. Since they were planning to stay here for a few days, almost all of them were carrying large bags or suitcases of some sort.
Only one of them had neither, a middle aged man wearing a dirty doctor's coat that might have been white in ancient times. Instead of any luggage he only had two things. One was a lage folded cardboard box, the other was a leash that ended on the collar of a small dog with a fluffy white fur that made it practically look like a shrunken sheep. A nametag reading 'Momiji' was attached to the collar.
Despite his run-down looks the man moved with  a refined calmness and elegance which made it obvious he had once belonged to a higher class of society. That image was supported by a monocle he was wearing on his right eye.

"Hey Purvis! Move a bit faster, we don't have all day!"

The voice came from a young man lifting a few suitcases from the boat. He would've looked normal, if it hadn't been for the floppy bunny ears on his head.

"You young ones don't have an ounce of patience anymore do you? That's what you get for growing up under the libs." The man called Purvis responded with a smug smile and proceeded towards the stairs that would lead them up the cliffs and to the mansion

"Hey, you could have at least taken the luggage of one of the girls, you self-proclaimed hobo-gentleman!", the bunny boy shouted after him before turning to another young man with blonde hair and glasses that was just climbing from the boat. "Benny, can you take one of them?"

"Sure thing, Pesco." the young man responded, and then the two made their way up the stairs with suitcases in each hand.

Following after them were a young girl with cat ears, who everyone just called 'Kitten', and Kilga, a young woman that held a position of great power in the world of MotK.
The last ones to exit the boat were three more young men going by the names of Bofh, Affinity and Fightest.

A few minutes later they all had reached the top of the stairs, Pesco and Benny breathing heavily from the weight of the additional suitcases they had carried.

"So this is the place, eh? Wow, that'll be fun.", Kitten asked while looking at the large mansion that now lay before them.

They weren't used to something that big. All of them were usually living in RPG, a modest but comfortable place in MotK whose inhabitants had dedicated their entire lifes to playing games.
This did not mean that they were lazy or childish. Quite the contrary, 'playing' was as much of a serious activity to them as fighting a war was to others. Only that a war was often far more humane and had less casualities.
And this was why they were here. To play. They had organized this trip to play a special game of Mafia, a very popular game in RPG, in a unique surrounding.

When they reached the mansion's doors, the twin maids were already waiting. They bowed as the guests came closer, then stepped to the side and opened the two large wings of the door simultaneously.

Everyone gasped as they got a view on the large entrance hall that lay behind the doors. The only one to enter immediately was Purvis, who seemed used to the extravagance of a mansion, while the rest of the guests hesitated, overwhelmed by the splendor before them. Only as the maids signaled them to get into the hall, they finally overcame their shyness and stepped through the door.

That was the moment Helepolis had been waiting for. As soon as all of the guests had entered and the maids had closed the door again, he stepped into view at the top of the large staircase that led up to the second floor in the middle of the hall. Behind him, the sun shone through a stained-glass-window portraying the same girl as his plushie, as he spread his arms wide and spoke.

"Welcome, everyone, to the Scarlet Mansion. I am honored that I may offer you my hospitality for those next days. I sincerely hope you will enjoy your stay and have fun with your games. Please refer to the maids if there is anything you wish for, I assure you that none of your needs shall be left unfulfilled.
I have already prepared everything for you, so you can start immediately. Just leave the luggage to the servants. Matsuri, please show the guests to the game room. Nobu, take care of their belongings."

He bowed once after his speech and then disappeared as fast as he had come before. While the eight  RPG-residents were still looking at the stairs, unable to completely grasp what had just happened, the maids were already carrying out what they had been ordered to.

"Sir, please allow me to take that", Nobu said to Purvis, motioning to the cardboard box he was still holding.

"Ah, thanks, girl. Just set it up in a nice corner of my room, that'll be fine."

"Uhm, Sir. If you need a resting place for your dog, we have some high-class do-" the girl started when Purvis disrupted her.

"Eh? Who said anything about 'lil 'Miji here? She can take the bed, I suppose it's a big fluffy one, eh? The box is for me, young lady. I don't trust all that fancy stuff, nothing beats the classic hobo-bedding."

For a moment, the young maid was at a loss of words, but she quickly regained her composure.

"As you wish, Sir."

At the same time, Matsuri moved over to a door at the other side of the hall and begged the guests to follow her.

"The master had this room prepared specifically for your needs. Please use it for your business as you see fit."

She opened the door, which led to a room that was mostly empty. However, it was special in that one side of the room consisted of nothing else than a large window showing a beautiful scenery outside. Placed in a circle in the center of the room were ten comfortable-looking armchairs.

"Oh, not too bad. This room has a nice atmosphere." Kilga said as she walked over to the window.

"It sure has, but... why ten chairs? There's only eight of us." Affinity stated, confusion in his voice.

"Well," Bofh responded, "we originally invited ten people to come. Two of them couldn't make it, unfortunately. It's not like we can't play, but it would be better if we had at least two more."

"Then, how about we ask the maids?" This time it was Fightest that spoke. "That charismatic guy back then said they'd fulfill all our needs, and now we have a need for players. You think you can do that?"

The last question was directed to Matsuri, who was still waiting near the door. She looked surprised at the sudden question.

"I... it might be possible. I... think I will have to ask the master about this matter. If you would excuse me for a bit."

She left the room with a bow and headed towards Helepolis' study room, in which he spent most of his days.

"Do not worry", Helepolis told the maid after she had explained the situation and smiled faintly "The solution for this problem is already on the way..."


On a grassy hill, five people stood and looked down onto the mansion that was their goal. Despite it being bright day, all of them were wearing long capes with hoods that hid their faces. And behind one of the girls, there was a strange shape, resembling a giant fish, floating in the air, also concealed by a cape, while one of the other girls had large fluffy bunny ears sticking out from beneath her hood.

"We'll have to go over the basic rules of stealth missions again, won't we?" the girl standing in front of the other four sighed.

"Oh, come on, Ruro. It's not like there's any point to the stealth anyway. If they have books, they should know we're coming.", another girl answered.

""Maybe you should have brought some cardboard boxes. I heard those work far better for sneaking  missions. And yes, Ruro, I know that you like capes. And keep that 'and nothing else than the cape' thoughts to yourself, thank you very much.""

These last words were not spoken aloud, yet all of the girls clearly heard them in their minds.

"Anyway, shall we get going?", the bunny-girl asked and started to walk again.

"Sure, let's review the mission again while we're on the way. Moe Moe, if you could." Ruro answered, turning to the girl with the fish-shape floating behind her.

"Ah, yeah." She cleared her throat. "Operation Crimson Liberation. The target is the Scarlet Mansion, owned by Helepolis Scarlet. The mansion is said to house a secret library holding possibly thousands of unique works. Our mission is to infiltrate the mansion and steal-" Ruro turned around and shot the girl a displeased look "err, liberate every literary work we can get and bring it back to PSL."

"Very good," Ruro looked pleased, "what's the status of the mansion, Rou?"

"The mansion is usually inhabited by its owner, Helepolis, his two head maids, Matsuri and Nobu, the gardener, Valentia, and some other servants. At the moment, a delegation from RPG resides in the mansion. I got that information from Pesco himself, so it's trustwor- oh wait, scratch that. Anyway, the RPG-people should keep the mansion staff busy enough so we can look for the library undisturbed." the girl called Rou explained the situation.

Then she turned towards the bunny-girl. "Hey, Chaore, think they'd take two more players?"

"Heh, who knows. We should ask." Chaore answered.

Suddenly, a voice rang in the minds of Rou and Chaore. ""Hmm, I think I should tell Ruro that you're thinking about ditching this mission anyways because it sounds boring. She might be really interested in that, hehehe~""

Both girls were startled for a moment. While those things happened every day, noone ever got used to them. Telepathy, the reading of thoughts and the projection of her own thoughts into other people's minds was the primary form of communication for Esifex, since she didn't speak the same first language as everyone else. And her missing hesitation to talk about what  she saw in people's minds was what made her so scary.
"Hey, what're you doing? You're falling behind!" Ruro called from the front. "There's books to liberate, so show some enthusiasm, will you?"

And with a final shout of "Just you wait, Helepolis. No one can escape from the Librarian Squad!" she started to run down the hill, heading straight for the mansion, her cape fluttering in the wind, the other four Librarians following close behind her.

A few minutes later, the Librarians stood in the garden that stretched out behind the mansion, looking for a way to enter. A moment before that, a part of the fence surrounding the mansion on the back had learned about the devastating power of an accelerated giant tuna and collapsed.

"Hey, there's a door over here. But it's locked." Chaore shouted out, standing next to a small door that was probably designed as a servant entry.

"Can't we just have Sakana beat it down again?" Rou responded.

"Eh, I dunno. The fence back there was one thing, but wouldn't they notice if we barged in here? How about we have Ruro use her modding-powers to unlock it?" the fish-girl said.

"Huh, not a bad idea. Well then, Ru-... wait, where is she?" Rou looked around confused, searching for the girl that was the leader of the operation. Then she spotted two people a short distance away, her eyes widened in surprise. A moment later, she facepalmed.

There, walking between the flower beds, was Ruro, who had taken her hood down so her  face and  strawberry-coloured hair could were visible. And walking beside her was a young woman wearing a simple but elegant dress with a flower-design and a parasol, her long red hair tied together. Despite her not looking like a servant at all, she was wearing a bag on her waist in that carried a variety of gardening tools. It was Valentia, the mansion's gardener, and therefore one of the people the Librarians had wanted to acoid at all cost.
Yet here she was, and Ruro was walking calmly beside her, apparently admiring the flowers that were in full bloom all around.

"Ah, those white roses are really beautiful."
"Ah, yes, they take a lot of attention and skill to grow"
"Oh, is that a cherry tree over there? It's blooming!"
"We received that one as a gift from one of the shrines around here."
"Oh my god! Stawberries? Do I see strawberries over there? Oh, I'm becoming light-headed, ah..."
"You are correct, those are strawberries. We have already harvested a lot of them, so you may ask the maids if you want to eat some."

"Oh, really, can I?" Ruro turned to the gardener with shining eyes.

"But of course, I do not see why you couldn't." Valentia responded with a smile.

""So I take it our stealth mission is cancelled?""

The two girls jumped at the sudden new voice in their head. When Ruro turned around, Esifex was standing behind her. The rest of the Librarians was also walking over, Rou still facepalming as hard as she could at the absurdity of the situation. They all had taken their hoods down.
Everyone was staring at Ruro with feelings reaching from confusion to murderous intent.

"Errr..... I... got a little carried away... didn't I?" Ruro uttered.

""Yes, you did. And no, 'but they were so beautiful' is not a valid argument. Don't even try to talk your way out of this, Ruro.""

The result was an awkward silence, that was soon broken by Valentia.

"Uhm, you said something about a stealth mission? You're not planning to break into the mansion, are you?"

"Huh, of course we are. That's our job after a- urgh" Chaore started sarcastically, but was cut short by Esifex elbow as it hit her in the side.

""We were merely planning to pay a surprise visit to the master of this mansion. He is an old friend of our dear Ruro here, and they have not seen each other for a long time. I apologize for the inconveniences we may have caused, but we thought it to be a good idea."", her voice resounded calmly in everyone's mind.

After a moment of surprise, Valentia smiled once again.

"Ah, so that's how it is. In that case, I shall lead you to the master. Please follow me." And she started walking towards the mansion's back door and unlocked it, begging the Librarians to follow her.

As they walked towards the mansion, everyone was whispering thanks and praise to Esifex for her genius help.

"Also wirklich, manchmal frage ich mich wie ihr es ohne mich eigentlich schaffen w?rdet. Hmm, da kann man nichts machen, was? ?berlasst solche Sachen einfach mir, sonst geht nur noch mehr schief."


"Welcome, to the Scarlet Mansion."

Once again, Helepolis was standing at the top of the stairs, arms outstretched, the sun behind him, offering a charismatic greeting to the new guests.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it, Ruro? And what charming young ladies you have brought with you." He bowed once again.

"Das Vergn?gen ist ganz auf meiner Seite" Esifex responded with an elegant gesture.

"Err yeah, it's been a while, Hele. Hi there." Ruro greeted him, still flustered from what had happened before.

"If I remember correctly, the last time we met was when you tried to steal some books from me. You wouldn't be planning on something like that again, would you? There have been... rumors... you know?" He had a cunning look as he talked.

'He knows!', Ruro thought to herself.

"Ahahaha, of course not. Just wanted to pay a surprise visit to an old friend, ahahaha!" she responded.

"Oh, but of course. Excuse my baseless suspicions. Well then, you are surely tired from your trip, aren't you? So why don't you rest up before we can enjoy this reunion. Nobu, show them to the guest rooms." He was now talking to the twin maids who had been waiting at the foot of the stairs patiently.

"Okay!" the girl with the flower on her head responded energetically and started to walk over to the newly arrived guests in order to guide them.

"Ah, and I almost forgot. Some people from the lands of RPG are here, and they're short of two players. There wouldn't be some amongst you versed in the ways of playing their games? I think they called it 'Mafia'."

Rou's and Chaore's eyes began to shine and they immediately voiced their desires to join the games, when Ruro grabbed their shoulders from behind.

"Hey, are you two forgetting why we're here? It's not to play games!"

"Ah...uhm... it's... it's not playing. It's...." Rou stammered.

"Investigation! It's investigation!" Chaore helped her out.

"Ah, yes. Investigation. We might find out about the secret library if we mix in with the other guests, rigth? Right?"

"Why do I think you're just looking for an excuse to neglect your duties? Ah well, might as well have some fun while we're here. Sure, go and join the game." Ruro smiled and let go of the two.

"Thanks, Rur-" Rou started, but stopped when she saw Ruro's look. She was staring at the maids, more specifically, at their legs that were clearly visible under their short skirts. Her eyes sparkled dangerously.

"I'm not too sure I'll be able to fully concentrate on the mission either, eheheh~"

"Well, now that that's settled. Matsuri, lead those two girls to the gaming room so they can join the other guests." Helepolis ordered the maid with the glasses before he disappeared once more.

"Of course. If you two would please follow me?" Matsuri responded calmly and headed for the other side of the hall, Rou and Chaore following behind her.

"And the others, after me, please." Nobu said to the remaining three Librarians and led them off.


In the gaming room, the eight players from RPG were still waiting for the maid to return. So when they heard the sound of the door opening, everyone turned around with expecting looks on their face, that soon changed to surprise when they saw not only the maid but two familiar but unexpected faces following behind her.

The young man with the rabbit ears was the first to speak.

"Yo Rou, Chaore. In for some mindhax?" he greeted the arrivals with a grin.

"Yo Pesco. Seems we had a good timing, eh?" Rou answered.

"You sure did," Kilga said. "Well then, now that we have enough players, let's get started. Purvis, will you take the position of Gamemaster?"

"Of course. Sit down everyone."

The ten people in the room went over to the armchairs. On each armchair lay a letter, sealed with scarlet wax.

"Now, choose a seat and open the letter to see your role." Purvis said while petting Momiji, who was resting on his lap.

Everyone did as ordered. The rustling of paper filled the room, then everyone looked towards Purvis and nodded to signal their readiness.

"Alright, then let us begin our first game now. You all know the rules, begin with Day One."

"Yuyuko doll: Pesco!" Kilga exclaimed.

"I'm voting for myself.", Bofh said.

"Voting Rou, for making sense."

"What, but I haven't said anything yet?"


"You damn bunny!"


As the discussion started, the maid that was still in the room silently left and closed the door behind her. She should return to the master soon, so that everything would go as planned...


After that, the day passed calmly. After long debates, the Mafia players decided to lynch Fightest, Vanilla Townie, shortly before dinner.
At the same time, the Librarians rested in their rooms, planning on how they would search for the secret library tomorrow, then they enjoyed a gorgeous dinner together with everyone else.
The maids spent most of their time preparing the dinner, then cleaning up after it was over.
The gardener tended to her flowers, just like she did every day.
And like that, night fell.


As the hands of the clock approached midnight, a single shadow stepped through the dark corridors of the mansion, carefull, so as not to be seen by anyone.

'Soon, very soon...' the shadow thought to itself. 'Just be patient for a little longer.'


In his study, Helepolis stood at the window, looking out onto the dark sea that was only illuminated by the light of the full moon. Did he miss anything? It was perfect, wasn't it?
He had gone through everything so often, but he still was unsure whether there wasn't something he had missed.
But he couldn't afford to hesitate now. Slowly, he turned around to Matsuri, who had been waiting silently in the dark.

"You know your orders. Let it begin."

The girl looked at him with empty eyes.

"Yes, master..."


Five more minutes untill midnight. It was time for the announcement of the nightkill soon. Most of the chairs in the gaming room were occupied, but three people were missing. Silence filled the room, only disturbed by the sound of raindrops hitting the window. Through the large glass-front, the players could see the dark clouds that were approaching fast. There would be a storm soon.

"Hey, anyone know where Kitten, Affinity and Fightest are?" Benny broke the silence.

"No idea, they went to their rooms after dinner. Maybe they just fell asleep." Chaore answered.

"It doesn't matter. I can announce the nightkill without them, since discussion will only take place in the morning anyway. They'll just miss out on part of the fun." Purvis stated, petting Momiji all the time while speaking.
Then he cleared his throat and fixed his monocle.

"This night, scum have killed-"*crash*

His words were interrupted by a massive roar as thunder struck outside. In the bright illumination from the flash, Purvis, who was sitting directly in front of the window-wall, appeared as an eerie silhouette...



Surprised by the sudden flash and thunder, the girl lost her balance and fell down.


"What's up, Sana? Want to take a rest? Or are you getting scared by a little storm?"

Speaking those words was a man. He was wearing a long light-brown trench-coat and a fitting hat, and smoking a cigarette despite all the wind and rain.

"So, where are we anyway?"

"I.... have no idea.... I think we're lost." the girl called Sana responded while she got up and fixed the black hat she was wearing. Then, she spotted some lights in the distance.

"Hey, Jana! Look over there! There seems to be a house that way, maybe we can find shelter there!"

"Oh, not a bad discover- huh? Oh, now isn't that interesting. Ahahaha." Jana started to laugh.

"Eh? What is it? You're being creepy, laughing like that all of a sudden!" Sana exclaimed in confusion.

"Sana, it seems your skills have worked once again. You think we're lost, but it seems we were rather guided by the hands of fate."

"You lost me."

"Look, Sana. This down there is the infamous Scarlet Mansion. The owner's an old acquaintance of mine, and there's been some... rumors... about him and that place. And pay attention, the number of lights that are on must mean there are guests at the mansion. Add to that the storm coming from the sea. It's perfect, isn't it. I can almost feel something's gonna happen down there."

He started to grin.

"Let's go Sana." he said, tossing his cigarette away behind him.

Suddenly, another roaring sound could be heard, and heat flared up behind the two people.

Jana jumped forward, grabbing Sana and dragging her with him, then turned around.

Where they had been a few moments ago, a giant wall of flames was coming out of the ground. He looked to the left and right. The flames spread out as far as he could see.

"Wha...wha...WHAT? What was that.. how did that... why?" Sana stuttered, still in shock.

"Hehe, interesting. Well, maybe my cigarette accidentally fell into a rabbit hole that was deep enough to reach a secret oil deposit below the ground and lit it on fire."

"I hate Murphy and his stupid laws."

"Or, this could all have been set up. Fire on one side, a storm on the other. Heh, not too bad." he stated calmly. "Let's go. Look, someone even made a hole in the fence for us, so we won't have to take the long way around."

A few minutes later, loud knocking could be heard at the back door of the mansion.

In the grass, where Sana had fallen before, there lay a single business card.

"Jana & Sana - Detective Agency"


Esifex stood at the top of the stairs in darkness of the main hall, looking at the storm outside through the stained-glass-window. Then, she started to sing.

"Lautes Grollen der Wellen erklang
Als der Himmel ganz langsam ins Dunkel schwand...."

~Prologue End~
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: FinnKaenbyou on April 30, 2010, 11:59:11 AM
Did Kilga just survive Night 1? O_o
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: Alfred F. Jones on April 30, 2010, 04:11:31 PM
"You young ones don't have an ounce of patience anymore do you? That's what you get for growing up under the libs."
That's so fitting for Purvis to say.

And "but they were so beautiful" is a perfectly valid argument, what is wrong with you Esifex :|

It should go without saying that I would love to read more of this. Sakana's tuna half wearing a cape and nothing else made me giggle. Also, that German fancover was pretty cool to listen to.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: Kasu on April 30, 2010, 09:43:33 PM
Oh damn, I am definitely sticking to this. 
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: Thata no Guykoro on April 30, 2010, 10:20:22 PM
Well, what a la-*squished by Giant Wall of Text*

Anyhow, this is shaping up to be quite the interesting read. <.>
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: Chaore on May 01, 2010, 12:06:19 AM
Well, you heard pesco. Rou is obviously the killer.

How could you, Rou? :V
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: Bias Bus on May 01, 2010, 12:47:00 AM
The beato butler did it.

...Carry on.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: sammy t coleridge on May 01, 2010, 03:31:24 AM
Did Kilga just survive Night 1? O_o

Kilgascum, called it.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: Sana on May 01, 2010, 03:43:03 AM
Jan is....surprisingly manly. Dojima is that you? :O
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: Esifex on May 03, 2010, 12:06:16 AM
Imagining Esifex singing that cover is unexpectedly bad. Ass.

Something tells me Esifex won't last very long, being a telepath and able to poke around and see who's plotting murder. Unless some Plotdevicium blocks her telepathy, rendering her unable to communicate the things she witnesses! Oh noes!

Ahahahaha ignore me this is awesome
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: Chaore on May 03, 2010, 12:13:33 AM
Something tells me Esifex will get night killed, being the cop and able to tell allegiances. Unless some Roleblocker blocks her Role, rendering her unable to use her cop powers! Oh noes!

Fixed that for you!
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 03, 2010, 10:23:45 AM
This is going to be like an Agatha Christie novel, right? With one of the current lead characters as the hidden killer? (for example: Momiji is the killer :V) Or will an entirely different character that hasn't appeared yet be the killer? (For example: Donut is the killer)

And who are Affinity and Bofh supposed to be? Is Affinity A-F?
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: Chaore on May 03, 2010, 10:31:10 AM
And who are Affinity and Bofh supposed to be? Is Affinity A-F?

Boofy is Boofy, Though around these part his usernames is Alice Blackbarn or something like that at the moment. Affinity it Affinity.

They're both mafia players and don't go far out from RPG, so you'd best off finding them there.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on May 03, 2010, 10:48:46 AM
Heh, from the responses I guess I'm doing it right. Thanks for reading through this wall.
I'll try to write a lot this week, so we'll get to the real fun soon.  >:D

This is going to be like an Agatha Christie novel, right? With one of the current lead characters as the hidden killer?
Exactly. All characters have been introduced in the prologue, no new ones will join. The stage is set, let the play begin~

A mystery has been prepared and is waiting for revelation. Please wait warmly~
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: Esifex on May 03, 2010, 12:02:52 PM
Oh by the way thanks now I'm horribly horribly addicted to Strawbelly Cake music cuz of that cover. I've already infected a few of the top players in my WoW guild by playing it over Ventrilo - their Bad Apple cover is pretty awesome, too

<Sakana> Just as planned :V
Yeah, she (Strawbelly is just one girl) sings very well, I never expected to hear such nice german fancovers before. I learned about her from a friend that showed me her Bad Apple cover. Apparently she's part of a pretty famous german fancover scne on the net.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: Demonbman on May 03, 2010, 03:15:15 PM
This story is amazing, I can not wait to see more.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: Nobu on May 03, 2010, 05:10:17 PM
I guess I should definitely put this on the top of my 'To Read' list, especially since i'm in it. :V

Dammit for having to go to work in five minutes, or else i'd read it now. >_<
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: Edible on May 03, 2010, 05:15:42 PM
It rubs the mushroom on its skin
Or else it gets the hakkero again

<Sakana> Someone translate please, I don't speak Ediblish  ;)



Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Prologue
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on May 06, 2010, 05:10:45 PM
And here we go. The next part is finished and ready for your reading pleasure. Please enjoy~

~Chapter I~

Helepolis chuckled.
His maid had not yet returned, but he knew she had fulfilled his orders. She wasn't one to neglect her duty, nor to question it.
Looking out of the window he saw nothing but black clouds. Only at the edge of his field of view, a short distance away from the mansion, there was a red shimmer. Helepolis knew that it was a fire, one that span the whole width of the peninsula the Scarlet Mansion was located on.

'Everything is set up as planned.', he thought to himself.
An interesting group had gathered in the mansion. Under different circumstances, he would have enjoyed their company, but there was something he had to do.
It was time to confront this person.
'It should have happened a long time ago. Why did I wait until today?', he asked himself. But he didn't know the answer.
He only knew one thing: It wouldn't be much longer, and this matter would finally be settled.

Thinking that, he slowly turned away from the window and towards a large cupboard in the corner of the room. Tonight called for a special treat, and he knew exactly what it should be.
He opened the cupboard. It was filled with a number of different tea sets, as well as equipment for boiling water and, of course, a large variety of tea from all around the world. He reached for a wooden box. He had been waiting long, but now was the time to open it once more...



Everyone in the room gasped.


"As I said, this night, scum have killed Kilga. Flip your card, girl.", Purvis repeated.

"Oh, come on.", the woman called Kilga sighed. "Can't you let me play more than just Day 1 for once?"

Then she reached into her pocket, pulled out a card and threw it into the middle of the circle of armchairs, so that everyone could see the two words "Vanilla Townie" that were written on it.

"Should've seen that coming, Kilga." Bofh stated calmly.

"Yeah. Draw Scum next time, that'll help you survive longer.", Pesco added with a smirk.

"See? Told you you wouldn't make it for long with your lib playstile, chap.", the hobo-gamemaster told Kilga, flashing a smug smile again.

"Tch, I don't need your advise on how to play Mafia, old man.", she responded.

Roukanken, who had been silent at the shock of yet another Night-One-Kilga-Nightkill, suddenly started to speak.

"Alright, then from what we know, the scummiest person at the moment i-""Yo, hold it, girl."

The one to disrupt her was Chaore. Roukanken stared at her in disbelief.

"What? Now is the time to build our cases and catch some scum, why would yo-""Look around."

Once again Chaore stopped Rou, who was starting to get agitated.
Calming down and taking a look at the room again, Rou understood what Chaore was getting at.

"Oh, right. Not everyone's here now. So, what do we do?"

"Well, I guess we'll just call it a night and continue to play in the morning. No use in waking the others up now and try to get something coherent out of them when they're half-asleep.", Benny answered.

"Sounds like a plan. And to be honest, I could use some sleep as well.", Pesco supported the idea.

"Now then, I hereby declare the game to be suspended until the morning. Good night, kids. And no nightkilling, you hear me?" Purvis called out.

At his words, everyone in the room left their seats and started to head for their rooms. Everyone, but Purvis himself. He sat still in his armchair, continuously petting Momiji, who was sleeping on his lap. He was thinking. This was going to be more difficult than he had expected.
He had joined the Mafia game for one reason alone, but being chosen as gamemaster wasn't what he had wanted. He'd have to stay with them all the time until the game was over. He wouldn't be able to act freely at all. Unless, of course, something happened that would end the game...


"Good night, Pesco." Benny said and entered his room.

"'Night.", the bunny-boy responded.

As the door closed, Pesco was alone. Only darkness and silence surrounded him in the corridor that led to the rooms for most of the mafia players.
He walked further down the hall, until he reached a particular door. Luckily there were no keys needed for the guest rooms in this mansion. It would have been a pain to try and open a locked door in this darkness, even if one had the fitting key.

For a moment, Pesco stood silently in front of the door, concentrating on picking up any sounds around him. But his fluffy ears caught nothing but the sound of his own breathing.

">:3", he grinned.

Then he reached for the door, and slowly turned the knob. As soon as the door had opened far enough, Pesco slipped through the gap into the room, quietly closing the door behind him again.
As he turned from the door, ligthning flashed outside, blinding him.


He let out a small sound as he shielded his eyes from the sudden light. This kind of surprise was the last thing he could need right now. As he slowly removed his hands from his eyes again, he managed to make out the inside of the room.
The small table and chair in the corner, the large wardrobe, the cupboard, the paintings hung on the wall, the big and comfortable bed.
And the shape quietly sleeping in the bed, the sheets rising and falling slowly in time with its breathing. The cat ears and the tail sticking out from under the blanket made it easy to identify the shape.

Pesco grinned again. Kitten was in a deep sleep, completely unaware of what was happening around her. She didn't suspect anything.

'Naive girl.", Pesco thought to himself, as he made his way forward in the room.

A few minutes later, Pesco left the room as quietly as he had entered it and quickly made his way towards his own room. His face showed satisfaction.



Surrounded by trees that blocked it from curious eyes, Valentia's shed lay at the edge of the Scarlet Mansion's vast garden. While she did have a room in the mansion, just like the other servants, she preferred to stay in the shed most of the time. It was small, but well-equipped enough to live in it. Right now, a single candle illuminated the sheds inside. It seemed like it was desperately fighting against the darkness outside, that threatened to take all the light from this world.

Valentia sat at her desk, holding her head. A number of books and papers were stacked on the desk, while the floor was littered with a large number of tools, of which only some could undoubtedly be connected to gardening.
She grabbed the paper in front of her, crumpled it up and tossed it aside.

"It won't work. Not like that. It won't work.", she spoke quietly to herself.

She had been trying to find the answer for a long time. It had to be somewhere out there, she was sure of it, but she hadn't been able to find it for five years.

'But now, maybe I have a chance. Since it has come to this, I might as well go through with it', she thought to herself. The candle's flame reflected in her golden eyes like a fire of determination.

'I'll have to do it, no matter the consequences. It's for the best, don't you think?', she asked silently, looking at a single flower that stood in a vase on her desk.

Valentia slowly stood up. She knew it would be hard. She knew there might be other ways. She knew she might be hated afterwards. But she was still going to do it. She couldn't let this chance pass by. Not now, when 'she' was finally here. With fast steps, the gardener left her shed and headed out into the rain....


Morning came, but it was barely noticable. The storm was still raging with the same intensity as it had since last night, and the dark clouds were completely blocking out the sunlight.

Nonetheless, the atmosphere at the big breakfast-table in the mansion's dining room was light-hearted. Ony by one, the guests appeared, some walking in energetically, some sleepily shuffling towards their seats. Greetings of 'Good Morning' were exchanged, and plates were taken and filled with various foods from the buffet the maids had prepared.

"By the way, will the master of the house come for breakfast as well?", Purvis asked Matsuri.

He had already finished his breakfast a while ago. He had been up early and had helped the maids set up the food, despite their repeated claims that they would be fine on their own. He had laughed it off by saying that a true gentlemen couldn't just stand by and let women do the work.

"I'm sorry, but the master prefers to have breakfast in his room. Do you need anything from him? If so, please tell me and I shall deliver your message.", the maid answered.

"Nah, just asking. Would've liked to talk a bit to the charisma guy."

"Oh, but he will attend lunch and dinner. So you can talk to him in the afternoon.", Nobu jumped in on the conversation.

"Ah, is that so? That's good to know.", Purvis responded.

When he looked up, he saw that Benny was walking towards them.

"Ah, Miss Matsuri, might I ask you something?", he turned to the maid.

"Yes, what is it?"

"It seems that two of our companions are still sleeping. May I ask you to wake them up for us? We need them to continue playing after the meal."

"Certainly. Can you tell me who it is?", Matsuri asked.

After a few more words, Matsuri and Nobu left the room and headed towards the guest rooms. Benny returned to the table and resumed breakfast.


The scream was loud enough to be heard everywhere in the mansion.

Within a second, the mood in the dining hall changed. It seemed like time was frozen as nobody dared move at the unexpected sound.
Then, both Kilga and Ruro jumped up and started running towards the source of the sound.
Purvis followed close behind them, while telling the rest of the people in the room to stay where they were and wait.

It didn't take them long to reach the place where the scream had come from. It was the hall leading to the guestrooms.
One of the doors had been opened, and Nobu was sitting at the wall across from it, hiding her face in her hands, shaking and sobbing.
Ruro froze at the sight, staring blankly at the maid. She was unable to move.

Kilga and Purvis squeezed their way past her and ran to the crying girl. Kilga kneeled down, grabbing Nobu's shoulders and shaking her lightly.

"Hey! Hey, snap out of it! What happened. Please, tell us. What happened?", she spoke gently, but with determination. But the only answer she got was even stronger sobbing from the maid.

Kilga turned around, intending to ask Purvis for help.
When she did, she saw past him into the room.
Her eyes widened in shock, unable to grasp what she was looking at.
What she was seeing was unmistakable, but her mind refused to accept it.

"No. Please, no...", she spoke quietly.

Meanwhile, Ruro regained her composure and looked further down the hallway they were standing in.
There, beyond Kilga, Purvis and Nobu, was another opened door.
Standing in front of it, completely still as if she was a statue and with a blank expression, stood Matsuri.

"Kilga...", Ruro whispered and pointed towards the silent maid.

Both Kilga and Purvis noticed her pointing and turned their heads.
Then Purvis slowly walked over to the second opened door, and took a look inside the room.
After that, he grabbed Matsuri's shoulders, gently leading her from the door and towards the other three.
Kilga and Ruro looked at him with questioning expressions, but he just shook his head.
Then he spoke, calm and composed.

"Kilga, Ruro. It looks like... there has been a murder last night. Affinity and Kitten... are dead."

Silence spread through the hallway. The only sound to be heard was Nobu's sobbing.

Then, the silence was broken by the sound of approaching footsteps. Purvis, Ruro and Kilga turned towards the sound simultaneously. When they did, they saw two people.
A man and a girl, both wearing hats despite being inside the house.
As he came closer, the man spoke.

"See Sana? I knew your luck would lead us somewhere interesting."

Then he took a business card from his pocket and showed it to the shocked group in the hallway.

"Jana Coppola, detective.", he introduced himself, then a grim smile appeared on his face.

"I'll take over this case!"

~Chapter I End~
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter I
Post by: Jana on May 06, 2010, 05:16:19 PM
Hey, Sana! I'm pretty dang cool, if I may say so myself!

Another nice chapter~ I'll be looking forward to putting the case together, but in the story and in real life~
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter I
Post by: Chaore on May 06, 2010, 07:41:21 PM
The lists of suspects dwindle. My, this'll get too easy to solve before long. :V
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter I
Post by: Nobu on May 06, 2010, 08:03:29 PM
Oh man, i'm grinning from ear to ear. This is greatly amusing. And poor traumatized Nobu ;_;

His face showed satisfaction.


Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter I
Post by: Kasu on May 06, 2010, 08:11:06 PM
I don't know why, but the fact that a detective just happens to be in the mansion amuses me.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter I
Post by: Esifex on May 07, 2010, 12:01:52 AM
I like how they're all actually SAYING '>:3'

<Sakana> Hey, it's only Pesco doing that.  :3
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter I
Post by: HakureiSM on May 07, 2010, 01:33:11 PM
I want to hug and comfort Nobu.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter I
Post by: Sana on May 07, 2010, 01:40:46 PM
Figures Jan would get the "cool introduction" part :<
You're making the rest of us look bad! D:
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter I
Post by: Jana on May 07, 2010, 01:48:05 PM
But I haven't done anything other than present my business card! I can't help it if everything I do just looks that cool! >:<

I just noticed I should have given Jana sunglasses as well. But that might be overkill.  :V
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter I
Post by: Gappy on May 07, 2010, 03:50:18 PM
Sana is the killer. Because it's always the-....

/me is run over by a hat....

Good read. I look forwards to more!  :3
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter I
Post by: Helepolis on May 11, 2010, 12:57:06 PM
<-- Appeared here due to shameless advertise from Sakana.

I never liked books in my life, no idea why. While I enjoy reading stories. Not perse fictions like these, but generally. Is why I am also horrible at pointing the genre, so I assume this is some kind of "thriller/detective"?. I could imagine everything while reading. I got really dragged into it for a moment after the scream incident.

As posted above,  Pesco's  >:3  = win.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter I
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on May 24, 2010, 06:50:05 PM
Finally wrote the next part. Enjoy~

~Chapter 2~

"A swift death, and yet, so cruel."

Jana was standing in Kitten's room, looking at the bed. Sana was standing behind him, fighting the urge to avert her eyes from the scene before them. She had seen things like that several times since she started working with Jana, but she never got used to it.
Kitten was lying in her bed as if she was asleep. Yet, the blood-stained pillow and the large gash in her throat made it clear that she was dead.

"No signs of resistance. She didn't even wake up. She just died like that, not even realizing what was going on."

Jana's analysis of the situation was calm and composed. He looked through the room. Nothing seemed unusual. From what he could see, the murderer came, killed and went away again.

"No clues, none at all, except for that one thing."

Jana chuckled.

"Yeah, that's the way I like it."

Then he turned his attention to the 'thing'.
It was a small piece of paper, neatly pinned to the sheets covering the dead body of Kitten.
There were two words written on it.

"Vanilla Townie", Sana read them out aloud. "What does that mean?"

"I don't know..." Jana answered.


Sana looked disappointed.

"...yet. But I will know soon."

Jana's expression changed to a grim smile. He was enjoying this situation a lot. This tension was what he lived for.

"Well then, let's check the other room Sana. But be sure to take that paper with you."

"Of course."

Sana did as she was told, trying to avoid looking directly at the dead body on the bed. Then she turned to follow Jana, who was already passing through the door into the hallway.
Suddenly, she stopped. Something at the edge of her vision had caught her interest.


The man in the trenchcoat kept on walking.

"Jana! Over here!"

Now the detective heard her. He turned around, looking at the place his assistant was pointing at. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

"Sana, what do you me-"

Then he saw it.

"Huh. Now isn't that interesting, hehehe..."


The situation in Affinity's room was the complete opposite to Kitten's. It was a mess. Jana was kneeling over Affinity's body that was lying motionless on the floor.

"Multiple stab wounds. Bled to death on the floor, from the looks of it."

"Then, was it a fight?", Sana asked. She was looking through the rest of the room for clues.

"I'd say so. For some reason, the victim was probably still awake when the murderer came in. They had a fight, but Affinity lost. But we'd need a doctor to tell us what happened exactly, forensics aren't quite my area of expertise."

"That can be helped, chap."

Jana and Sana turned around at the unexpected new voice. Standing in the doorway, looking calmly at the chaos in front of him, was Purvis.

"I think I requested that no one is to be let in here." Jana replied.

"Thought you might wanna have some help here, pal. Medicine tends to be my thing, ya know?", the hobo said.

"Oh, is that so, Mister....?"

"Purvis, Doctor Purvis MFD. At your service."

The man in the doorway bowed slightly after his introduction.
Jana looked at him carefully.
He was looking like a common hobo in his stained clothes, but something was off. The way he kept his cool at the horrible sight in the room, and his overall behavior didn't fit the outward appearance.

"A doctor, eh? Quite at the right time. We could indeed use your skills. Mind examining this body and telling me what you can find?"

"As you wish." Purvis answered, stepping towards Jana, then kneeling down. "Make some room, kid, I need to concentrate here."

"Alright, I'll look around the room then. Call me immediately if you find something."

With that, Jana stood up and joined Sana, who was still checking for clues everywhere in the room.

"Found anything yet?" Jana asked her.

"Not really. All we have is this, just like in the other room."

She held out a small piece of paper, looking almost identical to the one they found on Kitten's body. The same words were written on it: 'Vanilla Townie'.

"It's odd." the girl continued. "With all the chaos here, and the fight that happened, you would think there would be clues. But I can't find anything."

"Huh. So someone was either extremely careful or extremely lucky here."

Jana wasn't sure how to feel about this. He liked a challenge, but if it was like that, they would barely have anything to start an investigation on.

"You might even say," Sana continued her analysis of the situation "that this room is exactly the same, clue-wise, as the other one, despite the different situations."

"The same, you say?" Jana raised an eyebrow.

"Exactly the same, yes." Sana repeated.

"Hey, kid. I'm done here. Wanna hear it?", Purvis suddenly called out from behind them.

Jana walked over to him, kneeling down.

"Alright, as you can see, the body has multiple stab wounds. At least three of them have reached the heart and other vital organs. A long, and slim object was used to inflict the wounds. Death occured due to massive bleeding. That's the gist of it."

"So it's likely there was a fight, just as I suspected. Anything else?"

For a moment, the doctor was lost in thought, then he spoke slowly.

"Well, there was a second victim right? Mind me examining that too? There might indeed be something..."


As the detective, his assistant and the doctor once more left Kitten's room, Jana was deep in thought. What Purvis had just told him was interesting, even if it was only a theory that could not be proven with the methods available in this mansion. He would have to check it some other way...

As they were walking down the hallway, two people appeared before them.

"Good morning, and welcome to the Scarlet Mansion. Though the circumstances could certainly be better. I take it you are Mr. Coppola?" Helepolis greeted the group.

"That I am. Jana Coppola, Detective, at your service. And that behind me is my assistant Sana."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance. I am Helepolis Scarlet, owner of this mansion, as you might know. And this," he motioned to the person behind him "is Matsuri, one of my head-maids."

Matsuri gave a small bow.

"Is she okay? She found one of the bodies, shouldn't she be resting?" Sana asked with a concerned voice.

"I suggested the same, but she insists she is alright and wants to continue with work." Helepolis answered her.

"Well, if she says so. Anyway, Mr. Scarlet, I trust you have heard what happened?", Jana asked.

"Indeed. Matsuri has told me about it. She also told me that you plan to investigate the murders?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"In that case, let me assure you that you have my full cooperation. Please ask the servants if there is anything you need." Helepolis said. "And find that murderer as fast as you can, please." he added after a moment.

"Thank you, I will. For now, could you please get the crime scenes sealed? And could you tell me where the rooms of all the guests in this house are located?"

"Certainly. Matsuri, if you would take care of the rooms please?"

"At once." the maid answered and left.


A while later, all the guests, as well as Nobu and Valentia, the gardener, were gathered in the dining hall.
The two servants had retreated into a corner of the room, where Valentia was trying to comfort the still shocked Nobu.
Ruro and Kilga had taken seats close to them and were talking quietly, still trying to completely understand what had happened before. Ruro was raising her head to look over to Nobu several times, but always quickly turned her head again with a pained expression.

"Something wrong, Ruro?" Kilga asked "You've been behaving kind of weird since before."

"I'm...alright. It's nothing, really. Just... remembered something.", Ruro answered slowly.

Whispering could be heard all throughout the room. After Ruro, Kilga and the maids had returned, rumors had been starting to spread about what had happened, but noone knew any details.
The whispering stopped instantly when the door to the dining room flew open with a loud sound.

Stepping into the room were Purvis, Matsuri and two persons most of the guests didn't know, a man in a trenchcoat and a girl wearing a black hat.
Matsuri took a quick look through the room before she spotted her twin sister and walked over to her. Then she silently took a seat next to her, absentmindedly staring into the room.

After a moment of silence, whispers could be heard again at the arrival of the two newcomers.
It quickly died down again when Jana walked to the big table and slammed his hand down on it.

"Alright. I'll make things short: There's been a murder in this mansion. Or, to be precise, two murders."

Silence. Empty stares. Gasping. With his few words, Jana had changed the atmosphere in the room completely. Uncertainty had turned into brutal reality. Hopes turned to unfulfilled wishes.
Anger, sadness, fear and pain spread in the hearts of the guests. Tears were falling as the realization of what Jana's words meant set in.

But the detective ignored all that. He would give them time to mourn later, but there was something that had to be dealt with right now. He opened his mouth to speak again, but was interrupted by a shout.

"Who? Who did this? Who's the bastard that killed them? Tell me!"

The one shouting was Pesco, his face twisted in rage as he stomped towards Jana.

"Tell me so I can grab the bastard and return the favor!" the bunny-boy shouted.

"Pesco! Calm down!" Benny said, grabbing Pesco's shoulders to hold him back.

Jana glanced at the raging young man slightly, then resumed his speech.

"If I had any idea who the culprit was, I'd even tell you. Sadly, I don't know. Yet."

After that, Jana introduced himself towards all the guests, then explained briefly what had happened.

"But, how did the culprit get in here anyway?", Sakana asked the detective "Wouldn't the servants have noticed?"

"A good question, girl. And I'm afraid you won't like the answer."

Jana paused for a moment and slowly let his gaze wander through the room.

"At the moment, this peninsula is cut off from the outside world completely. There's a storm on one side, and a giant wall of flames on the other. And it's been that way since last night."

He paused once more and watched the expressions of the people in the room, as the message behind his words slowly settled in.

"Then..." Fightest started slowly. "Then, how did the murderer get in here?"

He knew the answer already, but he still had to ask. This question was the last thing that could protect them all from the cruel truth.
Jana took a deep breath before he spoke again.

"As you might already have guessed... they came in the same way as everyone here. Or should I say...together with everyone here."

Some shocked gasps could be heard.

"What I'm saying is that: Noone besides the people in this room has entered the mansion since yesterday. And after that, noone could enter at all. But the murders occured only after that time, Dr. Purvis here has confirmed that.
This leaves only one conclusion: The murderer of Kitten and Affinity is in this mansion, in this room, unless it was the owner himself. It is one of you!"

Jana ended his speech by slamming the table once more, then he waited for reactions. But nothing happened. What everyone had just heard was too much for them to grasp.
Two of their friends had died, and someone amongst them was responsible for it.
There was no way they could believe it, they didn't want to believe it.

"So I take it none of you want to say anything? Maybe surrender?" Jana spoke calmly after a minute of silence.

Nothing happened.

Then Rou moved.

Slowly, very slowly, she stood up, then she spoke quietly.

"....tell them?"

Everyone raised their heads and looked over to the girl speaking.

"Won't you tell them?"


Rou suddenly slammed her hands on the table. She was staring at the girl sitting on the opposite side from her. The girl just stared back silently.

"Won't you tell them, Esifex?"

She was almost yelling now.

"You know, don't you? You know all that has happened! Because you always do! So, won't you tell them?"

Esifex closed her eyes and sighed. Then she stared back at Rou, and her voice resounded in everyone's minds.

""Yes, I know. But I won't tell anything.""

Sounds of surprise could be heard from everyone except the Librarians, who were used to Esifex's power.

"W... why?" Rou stammered.

Her eyes had widened in shock at the girl's answer.

""What will come from it? What will be gained if I just reveal everything here and now.""

"Esifex, what are you talking about?" Ruro asked, but Rou's angry shout drowned out her question.

"So you don't care if more people die? You'll just let it happen?"

""Exactly. I would phrase it differently myself, but I suppose it is the same to you."", the calm voice resounded once more.

For a moment, Rou trembled. She wore a pained look on her face and tears rose to her eyes.
Then she sunk back into her seat and hid her face in her hands.

"Tut mir leid. Aber das muss sein. Sonst wird all dieses Leid nie ein Ende haben..."

With those words, the room fell into silence once more....

~Chapter 2~
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: Kasu on May 24, 2010, 07:10:15 PM
Things have gotten quite... dramatic.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: Demonbman on May 24, 2010, 07:14:42 PM
Curse my inability to read much German! :parsee: So many awesome writers in here
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: Kasu on May 24, 2010, 07:15:51 PM
Curse my inability to read much German! :parsee: So many awesome writers in here
Curse my inability to read any German.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: Esifex on May 24, 2010, 11:22:12 PM
Oh, it's easy. And I know, ufufufu~

You looked!
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: Jana on May 24, 2010, 11:44:08 PM
For once, Google translate seems to have worked fairly well. But Sana and Jana in this story don't have access to that! Oh no!
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: HakureiSM on May 25, 2010, 12:00:01 AM
Why does Valentia get to comfort Nobu and I don't?

Also, stop showing off you germans :V
I can read that, y'know
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: Nobu on May 25, 2010, 12:33:50 AM
Valentia would be more likely to tease than comfort me >:|

Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on May 25, 2010, 05:01:02 AM
Heh, seems Jana had the right idea. Yeah, running that last sentence through google translator gives you a result that will at least convey the meaning. But mostly the German bits are just a bonus, they'll never contain enything relevant to the plot. They will help understand Esifex's character though~

Nobu: I planned the characters here before the term 'Violentia' was created  :P
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: Sana on May 25, 2010, 01:51:01 PM
Valentia would be more likely to tease than comfort me >:|
This is so true it hurts :<

Sakana, you should update the characters to fit with recent events! For example, Val is the TRUE MURDERER? :O
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: Esifex on June 01, 2010, 04:07:11 AM
Now that I reread this, I'm afraid I may end up being portrayed as some kind of cold, heartless bitch.

Hmm, I should hurry up and finish my Kaleidoscope Origins story for Esifex.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: OkashiiKisei on June 03, 2010, 02:55:57 PM
So, based on the circumstances in this chapter, I presume all the character have no/hardly any magic, despite them being magical beings? The only ones who seem to exhibit magical ability are Esifex with her mind reading and Sakana with her tuna o' doom. Most of the character talk like no one could have flown over the fires or have teleported into the mansion. The victims were also covered in stab wounds instead of third-degree danmaku burns.

I understand this is to heighten tension and to avoid power-based plot holes, but it is still confusing how some do exhibit power and others don't, and that several of the characters are youkai and yet powerless.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: Esifex on June 03, 2010, 11:55:27 PM
The whole purpose behind the Esifex character is to be a sarcastic observer. The fact that she never actually speaks English (despite knowing it fully well) and instead uses her telepathy to talk means that she can say what she wants when she wants to whomever she wants, and you can't ignore her or tune her out or she'll make you forget math or something.

Without her telepathy, she becomes just someone who speaks German and thusly has no further personality or presence in the story.

The tuna-o-doom is there because that's Sakana's real body. The girl is just there for rule of funny.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on June 04, 2010, 05:11:40 AM
Interprete those things as you will, I shall watch and enjoy silently~  :D
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: HakureiSM on June 05, 2010, 08:37:27 AM
Instead of watching and enjoying silently, you could, y'know, provideus with chapter III :3
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on June 05, 2010, 09:07:51 AM
Instead of watching and enjoying silently, you could, y'know, provideus with chapter III :3

Got some planning for the final assignment of my BA this weekend. But I'll see to it that there's a new chapter as early as possible next week.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: HakureiSM on June 06, 2010, 08:30:06 PM
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: Esifex on June 06, 2010, 09:41:50 PM
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: Nobu on June 06, 2010, 09:58:27 PM
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter II
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on June 13, 2010, 06:18:55 PM
So far about the 'as early as possible'. I'm late as ever, my apologies. However, I'm confident the clues to the mystery which are revealed in this chapter will make up for it.


~Chapter III~

Jana was looking at the list in his hand.
It contained the names and some details about everyone, which he had gathered in the last minutes. He had talked to one after another, and now possessed basic knowledge about everyone that was currently in this mansion.
It wasn't much yet, but he had to start somewhere. Still, he was frowning.

'At this point, it could damn well have been everyone', he thought.

He put the paper in his hand to the side and looked at the one beneath it. A floor plan was drawn on it, and names were written in the rooms. Matsuri had made the map while he had questioned everyone and now he was looking back and forth between the map and the list.
At a certain name, he stopped.
'Claims not to have heard anything', was written as a note besides the name. Sure, everyone had that note, but this one...
He checked the map again. The name he was looking for was inserted in a room at the end of a corridor. It was the exact corridor the murders had happened in. Across from the room in question was another room, the name in which had been crossed out.

Jana smirked and looked up.
Slowly, he let his eyes wander from one person to another, only stopping briefly at a certain person.
For a moment, his gaze met the boy's.
'You're lying to me, and I know it. Just you wait, I'll get you sooner or later,' he thought to himself, before shifting his gaze again.

"Alright, you're all dismissed for now. I want you to return to your rooms and not do anything stupid. I might come and ask each of you some questions later."

With that, he turned around and left the room, Sana following behind him.

On the side of the room, Matsuri turned towards the gardener.

"Miss Valentia..."

The red-haired woman looked up at the maid.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of her."

The maids gaze shifted from the red-haired woman to her own twin that was staring at the floor expressionless. Then she nodded.

"Thank you..." she said in a small voice, before leaving her place at the wall and following the detective that had just left the room.

Valentia looked after Matsuri as she left, then put her arm around Nobu's shoulder, urging her to stand up.

"Let's go, Nobu. You'll feel better soon, I promise."


"You didn't want to tell them about the pieces of paper we found?", Sana asked Jana as they walked through the hall.

"No need to tell them every detail. It's better for the investigation if they don't know, so let's keep it that way. It's bad enough we had to let this hobo-doc help us..."

Jana frowned for a moment.

"But... if what he said is true...", Sana answered hesitatingly.

"I don't know... would something like that be available in this mansion...?", the detective replied, lost deep in thought.

Then he turned around to the glasses-maid that had been following the two of them silently ever since they had left the room.

"Do you have any business with us?", he asked.

"I am merely following my Master's orders to help you in whichever way possible.", Matsuri answered without any emotion in her voice.

"In that case, I have a request. Take Sana here to the kitchen and let her search for clues there. Sana, I expect you know what I'm after, right?"

"Yes. Leave it to me.", the girl replied energetically.

Jana smiled a bit.

"And don't get lost."


"Anyway, that okay for you, Miss Maid?", Jana asked, turning back to Matsuri.

"I shall do as you wish. Miss Sana, this way please.", she gestured towards a set of stairs that led to a lower floor of the mansion.

Jana watched the two girls leave, then directed his attention towards another staircase in front of him that led upwards. He smiled grimly.

"Let's pay that guy a visit..."


The sounds of whispering filled the Dining Room. The initial shock of Jana's message had faded and given way to suspicion, concern and paranoia. Glances of distrust and worry were shot around, many were gathering in groups with the people they knew and trusted.

Then, as the first person turned to leave the room, it was Fightest that finally raised his voice in an announcement.

"Listen up, everyone. Don't just leave, stay here and listen for a moment!"

Bofh, who was already reaching for the door, stopped and turned around.

"What do you want? There's nothing to discuss. There's been murders, and one of you guys is the culprit. Just gotta find out who.", he smirked.

Fightest sighed.

"Calm down please. Getting divided by suspicion is not what we should do now. Everyone of us will be an easy target if we are alone."

"Huh, who said there will be any more murders anyway? Or do you know something we don't, Fightest?", Chaore stepped into the dialogue.

Fightest turned his head and stared at Chaore with calm anger in his eyes.

"Stop that, at once."

For a moment, the two silently stared at each other, then the bunny-girl gave in and averted her eyes.


After taking a deep breath, Fightest continued.

"Yes, if we are lucky, this is already over. Maybe whoever did this is already done with their work, or that detective will have caught them by tonight. But that's just a possibility. Let's be prepared for the worst."

"So, what do you suggest?", Benny asked.

"That some of us change rooms. Staying alone is dangerous, but the rooms are big enough to be used by two people. So we should form pairs that will then stay together as much as they can, especially for the night. I know that will mean that one of us might pair up with a murderer, but it is still more likely to prevent any more tragedies than if we stay alone. Do you agree?"

As he finished his suggestion, Fightest took looked around the people gathered in the room, waiting for any kind of reaction.

For a moment, there was silence, then whispers set in and some began to nod in agreement to what they had just heard. Soon, everyone in the room had accepted the plan, and pairs were being formed.

Standing a bit away from the others were Kilga and Ruro.

"What do you think about this?", Ruro asked.

"I'm honestly not sure. This whole thing is just too unexpected.", Kilga asked, her expression showing that she was deep in thought.

"Do you think it was.... really one of them?"

Kilga sighed.

"I'd like to say no, but... I'm not sure. We don't have any information at all. From what we know, it could have been anyone here, even you or me, hell, even that detective guy."

She looked annoyed.

"I don't like this. I can't imagine why anyone would do this....", then she fell silent.

Suddenly, someone grabbed Ruro's wrist.
She jumped in surprise and quickly turned around. Standing behind her was Rou, looking down to the ground and muttering.

" a room?"


"Can we.... share a room....please?"

Ruro looked puzzled at the sudden and unexpected question.

"Uhm... I.... "

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, but... please?"

The girls voiced almost sounded pleading now.

Ruro looked at the girl, then at Kilga, who looked just as confused as her, then back to the girl, before she answered with a gentle voice.

"Of course, no problem. You know where my room is? Just bring your stuff over later."

She smiled a bit as she put her hand on the girl's shoulder.

"It'll be alright. Nothing more will happen, I'm sure of it."

Rou heaved a sigh of relief at her superior's answer.

"You're right... sorry."


The sound of a fist banging hard against the door resounded loudly through the Study.

Helepolis, who was currently reading a book about the importance of charisma in political affairs, looked up.
This was unexpected. The maids had not informed him of anyone wishing for an audience, nor had he ordered them to invite someone. They wouldn't bang on the door like this either, which could only mean one thing. It had to be one of the guests.

Helepolis sighed as he closed the book and put it back onto the shelf. Then he set down the plushie he was carrying next to the teacup on the table, before he walked to the door and opened it.

Standing on the other side, fist raised for the next knock, was a man in a brown trenchcoat and a hat. He looked surprised when the door opened, then his expression changed into a grin.

"Ah, so you are here after all, Mister Scarlet."

"Indeed I am, Mister Coppola. I take it you have business with me? I would have preferred it if you had asked my employees for an appointment. I am, as you might know, a very busy person."

"Oh, don't worry, it won't take long. Just a few questions, and since I happened to coincidentally pass by here, I thought I'd use the chance. If you don't mind..."

After those words, Jana stepped forward and pushed his way into the room. Helepolis looked displeased at the sudden intrusion, but stayed silent as he closed the door again.

"Would you like a tea?", he asked the guest politely.

"Oh no, thank you. Won't take that long.", Jana responded as he examined the room carefully with his eyes.

"Nice Study. A lot more classy than my office, that's for sure.", he shrugged.

"And nice paintings you have there on the wall. A bit small though, aren't they?", he continued, sounding slightly more serious.

Helepolis' eyes narrowed at the sudden change in the atmosphere.

"It's like that everywhere in the mansion. All the pictures and paintings on the wall.", the detective stated.

"Does this have any relevance for your investigation?"

"I don't know, tell me. Does it?", Jana replied, looking back at the mansion owner over his shoulder.


"There's only one thing I'm sure of. Nothing is a coincidence. As such, everything special about this mansion is of relevance to me."

For a moment, Helepolis closed his eyes in thought, then he spoke.

"Sixty-four centimeters wide, fourty-eight centimeters high."

"Hmm?", Jana turned around at the answer, looking slightly confused.

"That's the maximum dimensions of any painting or picture in this mansion."

"Huh, never heard of anything like that. Any special reason for that?"

"There is. The reason... is my maid. If she finds any picture going over those measurements, she will go into a rage and snap her broom.", Helepolis continued his explanation while walking through the room charismatically.

"Your maid, huh.", Jana showed a grim smile at the new information. "That's not something you hear everyday. Why did you tell me that much?"

"Because I'm concerned."

The mansion owner had stopped in front of the window and was now looking out onto the sea.

"I'm concerned it might have been her. I want to believe she would not be capable of an act like that, but if something awoke 'that' side of her, then I'm not sure...", he stopped talking, looking at the dark sky outside.

"You're suspecting your own servant? That was unexpected."


"So, which one of those two is it, the one on the left with the glasses?"

Helepolis abruptly turned around at those words. As he realized what the detective was looking at, his expression darkened. He had been careless.

There, on the bookshelf, was a small, framed photo. It showed what looked like a family picture. Two small girls were pictured on it, along with a young man. It was obvious that the three persons were Helepolis and his two head maids, Nobu and Matsuri. One of the girls, Nobu, was holding a plushie representing a winged girl in her hand.

"That doesn't look like your typical master-servant relationship now, wouldn't you agree.", Jana stated.

He shot a brief glance to the plushie sitting on the table, then looked back to the photo.

"Hmm, something's off there... I feel like something's missing...."

He reached out to the photo, when suddenly Helepolis raised his voice.

"May I ask you to leave now, please? You are disrupting my studies."

He was clearly looking angry as he walked towards the door and opened it, gesturing to the detective to leave.

Jana looked displeased at the sudden outburst as he drew back his hand, but he didn't object. He had gotten more than he had expected. As he passed by Helepolis, he stopped for a moment.

"You're hiding something, and I will find it. Trust me on that.", he mumbled before he left the room and disappeared into the dark corridor...


Behind the mansion, in Valentia's shed, the gardener was sitting on a chair next to a small bed.
She reached out with her hand, gently stroking the cheek of the girl currently sleeping peacefully. The girl's large pet-snake had rolled itself into a pillow and was resting under her head right now.

Valentia turned the chair back towards her desk and opened a large book lying on it. As she turned the pages, every page displayed a neatly conserved flower that had been put on it, together with some text, numbers and formulas.
Finally, she reached what seemed to be the most recent page. A flower had been put onto it, but there was nothing else yet.
Slowly, Valentia reached for her quill, filled it with ink and started writing...


Just as she closed the book, the gardener heard a sound behind her. She put the book away, then turned around to the bed.

Nobu was slowly opening her eyes as she awoke from her sleep. Quickly she sat up and stretched, the flower on her head bobbing back and forth as a result.

"How are you feeling?", Valentia asked the girl.

"Wonderful~ ", Nobu responded with a bright smile.


~Chapter III End~
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter III
Post by: Chaore on June 13, 2010, 06:35:52 PM

Cross the rabbit, get slammed!
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter III
Post by: Kasu on June 13, 2010, 07:59:58 PM

Cross the rabbit, get slammed!
I highly doubt that'll happen.  But I am curious as to who dies next~
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter III
Post by: Chaore on June 13, 2010, 08:44:19 PM
True, I suppose FIghtest wouldn't kill himself. :V
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter III
Post by: Esifex on June 13, 2010, 09:58:07 PM
I'm reckoning Esifex will get knocked off next. Simply saying she won't say anything doesn't mean she won't, at least not in the mind of a MOIDURUR.

Run away, Esi! Ruuuuun foooor your liiiiiiiiife
she did it
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter III
Post by: Nobu on June 14, 2010, 03:06:05 PM
Oooh, the plot thickens~

"Sixty-four centimeters wide, fourty-eight centimeters high."

"Hmm?", Jana turned around at the answer, looking slightly confused.

"That's the maximum dimensions of any painting or picture in this mansion."

"Huh, never heard of anything like that. Any special reason for that?"

"There is. The reason... is my maid. If she finds any picture going over those measurements, she will go into a rage and snap her broom.", Helepolis continued his explanation while walking through the room charismatically.

I practically died.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter III
Post by: Alfred F. Jones on June 14, 2010, 03:43:42 PM
Yeah, the 640 x 480 thing had me in stitches.

Also, iji-Rou is so cute when she acts like that :3
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter III
Post by: Chaore on June 14, 2010, 03:51:11 PM
Also, iji-Rou is so cute when she acts like that :3

And then you kill her. You sick bastard. >: <
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter III
Post by: Helepolis on June 14, 2010, 06:30:48 PM
Yeah, the 640 x 480 thing had me in stitches.


I was already like question marking, why 64x48cm. Awesome.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter III
Post by: Prody on June 15, 2010, 02:09:09 PM
HNN? Rou and Ruro sharing rooms!?

Where's Sir Donut's place in that then!?
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter III
Post by: Sana on June 15, 2010, 02:17:08 PM
I didn't even get that 64x48 thing until you guys started talking about it :<
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter III
Post by: Gpop on June 15, 2010, 02:51:08 PM
Is this fic based on the Mafia game?

/me kinda misses playing the Mafia games
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter III
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on June 15, 2010, 04:19:20 PM
I didn't even get that 64x48 thing until you guys started talking about it :<
That's what you get for using inches and the like for measurments :V

As you might now, 1cm = 10 mm, which indeed makes it 640 x 480 (mm) ,but using that would have made the joke too obvious imo :V
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter III
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on August 13, 2010, 07:43:17 AM
Wait, it's been two months already? Oh, come on, it didn't feel that long....
I really need to work on my discipline.
Anyway, after a long wait, here's the next chapter. Enjoy~

~Chapter IV~

Sana looked around in the kitchen she was standing in. It was quite big and spacey, housing several stoves and a large amount of cooking equipment. Of course, this was to be expected, as the mansion had to have the capabilities to house a large number of guests at once.
Lunch was still a few hours away, as far as the girl could tell, so the kitchen was empty except for her and the maid that had led her.

Sana sighed.
Finding out what Jana wanted to know would be a pain. She would have to check all the tools in this room for clues, every last one of them.
She turned around to the maid behind her.

"Do you know if any equipment from here has been reported missing recently? Especially knives or skewers?", Sana asked.

Matsuri kept silent for a while, closing her eyes as she searched her memories. Upon opening her eyes again, she spoke slowly and expressionless as usual.

"To my knowledge, there has only been one event. One of the smaller knives had been lost yesterday, but Si- Nobu has found it and brought it to me this morning. It is currently stored in the servant's room. You should not be concerned though, this kind of thing happens from time to time, mostly because of Nobu's clumsiness."

Sana frowned.

"It might be a regular thing, but with this timing? This isn't good.... Anything else?"

"No, nothing that I would know of."

Sana sighed again. Of course that bit of information she got just now was useful, but Jana's would be angry if she didn't investigate properly.

"Well then..."

She walked closer to the first set of tools hanging on the wall. A number of knives, small ones as well as giant butcher knives, were there, as well as some skewers and a number of objects that only a psychopath would even think about to use for murder.

'Though that might be exactly the kind of person we have to deal with here', the girl thought, before randomly grabbing one of the skewers and examining it.

First, she turned it in different ways to look at it from every possible angle.
Then, she stared at it for one minute without moving.
After that, she brought the pointy end of the skewer close to her eyes, squinting as she looked at it closely.
Then she ran her finger along it, concentrating so that she would feel even the slightest difference in the structure.

Suddenly, Sana's eyes flew open and she stared at the part of the skewer she had just touched.


Then she sighed and her shoulders dropped.

"Haaah, that's useless."

She put the skewer back.

"How can I find any clues without having equipment? That's impossible! Jana's stupid for even suggesting that!"

Without much motivation, Sana walked through the room randomly, picking up a tool from time to time and examining it half-heartedly. But she knew that she wouldn't find anything, she just wanted to calm her conscience.
After a few minutes, she went back to the entrance and informed the maid that she would leave.

"Do you require any further assistance?", Matsuri asked.

"No, thanks. I'll go back to Jana and see what is to be done next.", Sana sighed.


Half an hour later, Sana was standing in the shadow of the trees beyond the mansion's garden. She was shivering from the coldness of the rain that had completely soaked her clothes.
Despite the fact that it should be daytime, she couldn't see too far. No matter where she turned, everything looked the same.

"I'm... lost...."

Sana tried to remember what had happened to make her end up here.

After she had inspected the kitchen, she had roamed the mansion, hoping to maybe stumble across something that would help Jana with the investigation.

And indeed, she had made an interesting observation as she had passed one of the guest rooms.
The door had only been half-closed, so she had been able to see the inside of the room. There, sitting at a desk and apparently writing something, had been one of the Librarians.
Sana couldn't remember her name, but the girl was unmistakable: There was only one person in the whole mansion in posession of a floating tuna.
What caught Sana's attention was not what the girl was doing, writing things down could be assumed a normal activity for someone working at a library. It was the way she did it that made Sana's eyes go wide in surprise.
Instead of using any common equipment like quills or pencils, the girl used that which always followed her as a tool. While Sana watched silently, Sakana grabbed her tuna and dipped one of the pointy fins into a small ink-bottle. As she raised it again, some ink slowly dripped down from the fins, shining in the light of the candles on the table.
Then she proceeded to write on the paperscroll before her, moving the tuna swiftly and with skill.

As Sana slowly backed away from the door, her thoughts were racing. If what she was thinking turned out to be true, the time she spent in the kitchen would have been a waste. They might have been thinking too conventional. But what would that mean for the case? Would Jana be able to figure something out from that, or would it just misguide them away from the truth?

While she had been thinking all that, she must somehow have left the mansion and crossed the garden, to end up where she was now.

Sana sighed.

Her getting lost was a common occurance, but this had to be one of the worst times by far. Leaving the house and stumbling into the rain without even noticing? She hadn't managed that before.

As staying where she was wouldn't get her anywhere, Sana chose a random direction and started walking. A few minutes nothing around her changed, but then something caught her attention.
Shining faintly through the darkness in front of her was a small light.
As she recalled what Jana had told her about the mansion, she reached the conclusion that this was probably some kind of shed for the gardener. In that case, it should be close to the garden itself, and she would probably be able to find her way back to the mansion from there.

Sana quickened her steps as she headed towards the light, but suddenly, she stopped. There was something there, at the edge of her vision.
She tried to concentrate and see through the darkness and rain.
Did she just imagine it?
No, she was sure there was something there.
But why couldn't she see it now?

Careful, so as not to get lost again, Sana made her way towards whatever it was she had seen, while making sure to keep the light of the shed in view as well.
Soon, her surroundings changed. Where there had only been grass between the trees before, there were now bushes and wild flowers all around her.
Then, she reached a dead end. Bushes were blocking the way in the direction she was walking towards and Sana couldn't see any way to get around them.
For a moment, she thougt about turning back, as she had almost lost sight of the light and hadn't been able to glimpse that strange thing again either.

Just as she was about to give up, a strong gust of wind hit her. Quickly Sana reached towards her hat and pressed it down to prevent it from being blown away.
Suddenly, she saw it again. The wind had made the bushes before her sway, and through the gap the girl could see the same white shimmer that had led her here. As she got closer, she noticed a small path leading through the bushes. The bushes had blocked it from view, but now that she could see it, Sana had no doubts that it had been hidden intentionally, as the path itself was well maintained and free of any plants.

Sana had started to ignore the rain. Her heart was beating fast and all her sense were focused in front of her as she made her way along the path. When she reached the path's end, she stood in silence.
What had she expected?
She didn't know. She only knew that it wasn't that.
Slowly, her mind began to understand what it was that she was looking at.
Her eyes widened....


A moment before her hand touched the doorknob, Roukan stopped.
She was dragging her suitcase behind her and was currently standing in front of Ruro's room.
But just as she had wanted to enter, she heard a small sound.
Irritated, she let her hand hover over the doorknob and held her breath. For a moment she thought it might just have been her mind playing tricks on her, when she suddenly heard the sound again.
Her eyes grew wide.
The sound definitely came from within the room, and it most definitely came from Ruro.
But it was a sound that Roukan would never have expected to hear.
What reached her ears from within the room... was the sound of Ruro crying...

Roukan swallowed hard as a wave of different feelings rushed through her body. She put down her suitcase and then, slowly, carefully, grabbed the doorknob.
Part of her wanted to resist the temptation. It was telling her to leave the girl in the room alone, to just wait until later and act as if nothing ever happened.
But the voice of reason couldn't stand against the force of her feelings. Her body craved to open this door, to not only hear the sounds, but to lay eyes upon the girl inside.
She twisted the knob without a sound and opened the door just enough to step into the room.

The room was dark. None of the lights had been turned on, so Roukan could only barely see thanks to the illumination that the lightning outside granted.
The Librarian let her eyes wander through the room.
There, on the large bed on the wall, she could make out a shape she would never mistake, shivering and sobbing.
Roukan grit her teeth as she slowly closed the door behind her. She didn't move a single step into the room. Instead, she stood perfectly still at the door, keeping silent and watching her superior as she cried.

Ruro hadn't noticed the girl that had entered the room. Her back was facing the door as she lay on the bed, crying and sobbing.

She didn't want to cry.
She cursed herself for feeling so weak.
She cursed her feelings for bringing her down like that.

Everything had been going wrong since she came to this mansion, it had been too much. She had only been sitting in her room thinking about what had happened today, when the tears had started to flow.

She hadn't been able to stop it.
Soon she had been crying bitterly, crying to get rid of all of the feelings, all the frustration that had built up inside her.
She didn't have the will to stop.
She didn't have the strength left to stop.
She just wanted it to end, to stop feeling, to stop thinking, to sleep.
But her mind refused to give her any rest.

Memories that she had hoped to be long forgotten were once again appearing before her eyes, clearer than ever before.
She shouldn't have come here ever again, she knew that. She had avoided all contact to the Scarlet Mansion for five years. She knew that nothing good could come from being here.
But that man's plan had caught her off guard. She hadn't expected him to do things this way, to spread rumors that she and the Librarians would be unable to ignore.
She could have tried to find an excuse, some reason for her to not take part in this mission, or proof that the rumor had no substance in reality. But she had been too surprised, too confused to react in time.

Thus, she had to come here again, after five long years of regrets and suffering.
She had hoped that maybe she was overthinking things. That nothing would happen after all. That the big group gathered here would grant her safety from the past.

But the ways of fate are cruel.
Far too easily had small memories of five years ago managed to break through her mental defenses and strike her heart, one by one.
The colourful garden, the smell of the air inside the mansion, the oddly-sized pictures on the wall... and above them all, that one beautiful flower...

She didn't know why he had done it. She didn't know why he had lured her here.
Was it for revenge? She couldn't even blame him if it was that.
She had no idea why he had orchestrated the murders, but she was sure that they were his doing in some way. No other possibility made sense to her.
Did he want her to suffer by witnessing the deaths of others? No, she didn't think so. She had suffered more than enough, and he knew it.
He knew that just being in this mansion would be an unbearable torture to her.
He knew that she would be reminded of the days that she had practically spend living here happily.
He knew that she would remember that one day.
The day when she had witnessed the light in her lover's eyes slowly fading...

She cried.
There was nothing else she could do.
There was nothing else she wanted to do.
So she cried...

Then, after what felt like an eternity to her, her body grew tired.
There were no more tears left for her to cry, and her throat was sore from the sobbing.
Slowly, her breathing became calmer, her mind just ceased functioning and she sunk into a deep sleep.

For a while, nothing moved in the room.
Then, slowly and carefully, Roukan began moving.
Her steps were unsteady as she walked over to the large bed.
Her expression was blank, but her face was stained with tears.
Seeing her superior, the girl she looked up to and admired, in such a weak state had devastated her.
She hadn't been able to say a single word, move a single muscle as she had watched the crying Ruro.
But Roukan  had been crying as well. She had been crying silent tears, trying to share some of the suffering Ruro had been going through.
She would never have expected that this girl, this strong-willed girl, the one always ordering her around, joking with her, comforting her, could fall into such a state.

Carefully Roukan sat down on the bed.
She looked down at the red-haired girl sleeping peacefully on the sheets.
For a minute, she only stared at Ruro silently, then, slowly, she extended her hand.
Her hand was shaking the closer she brought it to the girl. Then, she touched her hair.
Gently, she started stroking Ruro's hair, repeating the same motion again and again.
After a while, Roukan started smiling. It was a small, gentle smile.
She moved to the other side of the bed and laid down.
Roukan reached out for Ruro's hand and gently held it in her own, then she slowly closed her eyes...


Sana was standing in a small clearing.
Bushes and trees blocked it from any outside interference and the only way to get to it was the small path she had used.
Whoever had designed this place, they didn't want it to be found, that much was sure.

Most of the clearing was filled with flowers. Not only a few wild ones, like she had come across before. The whole clearing seemed to be a patchwork of flowers of every kind and color.
'It would be a beautiful sight', Sana thought to herself, 'if it wasn't for the storm... and for that'
She slowly stepped forward towards 'that', taking care not to trample down any of the flowers.

There, in the middle of the clearing, surrounded by white roses, stood a single gravestone.
Silently, Sana stopped in front of the stone.
It was a simple grave without any fancy designs, yet the whole arrangment around it created an atmosphere of dignity. The girl felt as if one false move could disturb the sacred air of this place.
Then, she slowly lowered her gaze to read the words one the gravestone.
Sana's eyes moved across the stone.
At first, her mind refused to accept what she saw. But as she read the lines again and again, the reality of what she was looking at slowly sunk into her mind.
With all she knew, this shouldn't be possible.
With all she knew, this grave shouldn't be here.
And yet, here it was, right in front of her, hidden in the depths of the woods behind the mansion's garden.

What did it mean?
Sana didn't know.
But she was sure that the events happening in the mansion and this grave were not without connection. She would have to tell Jana about this as soon as possible.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Sana turned around and went back the path she had come. Then she once again looked for the light of what she assumed was a shed, and used it to judge which direction the mansion would most likely be in.
In the middle of the rain and darkness, the girl started running......


Because she was running, she didn't notice.
Because it was dark, she didn't notice.
Because she was still shocked from her discovery, she didn't notice.
She didn't notice she shadow that had been watching silently from beneath the trees, wearing an umbrella to ward off the rain.
The person hadn't been able to properly see who it was that had found the grave, but she knew that it shouldn't have happened.
Under normal circumstances, it might not be much of a problem. But tonight, with all that happened in the mansion, was the worst time for someone to discover that place.
For a while, the figure kept quiet. Then, she started to move.

"I should report this to the Master...."


~Chapter IV End~
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter IV
Post by: Kasu on August 13, 2010, 01:35:44 PM
Quite a lot of suspense you're building up there. (
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter IV
Post by: Prody on August 13, 2010, 03:35:31 PM
Sana would have been more quick and alert if she played Starcraft.
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter IV
Post by: Sana on August 13, 2010, 04:46:35 PM
Sana would have been more quick and alert if she played Starcraft.
IIDX isn't good enough for you? >:<

Anyway, this chapter added +5 Suspense! :O
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter IV
Post by: Prody on August 13, 2010, 05:03:34 PM
IIDX isn't good enough for you? >:<

Concentration is different from awareness. RTS and rhythm games are different genres!
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter IV
Post by: Chaore on August 13, 2010, 06:02:27 PM
AHA. SO THE FISH DID IT! Not sakana, but the tuna!


No, wait! Sakana did the first one, but the tuna did the second. They're working together!
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter IV
Post by: Alfred F. Jones on August 14, 2010, 07:05:10 AM
Poor Ruro. :ohdear:
Title: Re: Silence of the Maidens ~ MotK Murder Mystery - Chapter IV
Post by: Dorian White on August 14, 2010, 02:06:30 PM
That's Interesting.
But don't forget: Not telling the whole truth is lying in disguise.^^