Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Rika and Nitori's Garage Experiments => Topic started by: WriggleNightbug on February 16, 2010, 03:23:50 AM

Title: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 16, 2010, 03:23:50 AM
Hello everyone! I think it's officialy safe to announce a project i'm working on using Danmakufu, it's essentialy a touhou clone, meaning it doesnt use the characters from the touhou series.

I'm still in the progress of writing it (which i'm particularly bad at), drawing it, scripting it, organizing it, etc. I'm aiming to use as much original material as I can make, music seems to be an issue so far but il figure that out later.

The cast is composed of humans and anthro creatures (furries oh noooo!) both male and female, gonna try putting as much variety as I can I suppose. The idea is that humans and anthros live seperately from each other, while regular humans gravitated towards technologie, youkai and anthros ended up rellying on magic (Dan-ma-koooouuuu) but for some reason an excess of magic energy from a distant place spread far and affected the humans, the good thing is that they learn magic with no discipline or practice, bad part is that their fuzzing up and turning into anthros, so one of 3 characters head out in a linear adventure to find the source (a-la-touhou).

The game barely has any writing behind it yet, no names or locations, sooo instead have some visual backup, names and story are painful for me. ^^;;


The stage 1 midboss

She's the obligatory cutesy wootsie gothic loli, as the stage 1 midboss she doesnt influence much, kinda like Kisume, although I decided to give her a cutin because yeah, Hard and Lunatic XD

She's a ghost of a songstress who lives near the town, she's encountered early on and is dealt with without any problems, she has no name yet. =o


The stage 2 midboss

Their town was one of the first to feel the effects, being the closest to the border between the two main races' areas, their danmaku powers are almost as controlled as the naturally born youkai and anthros (id like the clarify that the youkai are going to be human like, much like the touhou girls). This one attacks thinking that the forest witch is up to something, since practically no one uses the foggy forest road anymore (could happen).


Stage 2 boss

(It's her!) the witch of the forest, shes pretty intimidating, but the protagonist manages to fight her off, she had the intention of controlling the anthros she could get her hands on, and giving them more monstrous appearances to give the impression of werecreatures, to get a gruesome revenge on humans that tried to hunt her before. Luckely shes nowhere near that powerful. have some stage background previews, with the photogenic mima as the character-on-the-background tester (eeeh...Almost forgot, PHOTOGENIC MIMA NOT MINE, I didnt make the player).

( (

Stage 2, a forest area close to the border.

Stage 3, an ancient temple looking road, the safest way inbetween the two divided areas.

Doopdeedoop, im currently in the progress of making sprites, custom bullets, and mofying as much of Danmaku's default graphics as I can, while making custom effects. (concentration, delays, cutin effects, etc)

Oh and game doesnt have a name yet...yeah. =o
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Suikama on February 16, 2010, 03:45:01 AM
Oh so you finally made an account :V
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 16, 2010, 03:49:18 AM
Oh so you finally made an account :V

Yeah! I also unlazied myself and uploaded the snapshots and images =D
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Momiji on February 16, 2010, 05:26:38 AM
Welcome, and nice artwork.  ^.^
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 16, 2010, 05:30:49 AM
Welcome, and nice artwork.  ^.^

Thanks, I went for something that mixed my style but that gave a ZUN-game-like feel, its hard to get a ZUN feel with furry characters though ^^;;
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on February 16, 2010, 07:13:00 AM
sounds and looks interesting.

Are you accepting Character/Boss ideas?
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Kylesky on February 16, 2010, 01:26:50 PM
Sounds nice! great artwork, especially the anthro (definitely much better than anything I could do)

sadly... I'm not that good with ideas, and I'm only good with coding implementation (and we have people who are much better than me here...)

so all I could do for you now is to support your project...

So... good luck and I hope you finish this! I'm looking forward to playing it :D hope it doesn't turn out like some other projects that were never finished...
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 16, 2010, 03:59:18 PM
sounds and looks interesting.

Are you accepting Character/Boss ideas?

Of course, character that arent drawn yet are just general ideas and the ones that are drawn have close to no backstory yet, or names, keep in mind that the first half of the game mainly has human/youkai characters while the second bit has mostly anthros.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on February 16, 2010, 07:05:27 PM
hm... maybe the main characters could be like this: 1 human, 1 anthro, 1 youkai.
but it?s your choice of course.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 16, 2010, 07:41:47 PM
hm... maybe the main characters could be like this: 1 human, 1 anthro, 1 youkai.
but it?s your choice of course.

My current plans so far are 2 newly transformed anthros (one male, one female) that are both on the quest because their obviously involved, and the other could be a youkai (probably female) summoned by a mage to deal with the problem. ^^ Her existance helps for those who want the more classic touhou feel (having 3 anthros would be a little biased)
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: RavenEngie on February 17, 2010, 12:46:56 AM
Holy crap... Fantastic artwork. And loverly looking stages. I'd jump to help, but I'm already tied down with a game. ... Meh, I'd write backstories for your characters if you want, but you may wait a while before you get them... Damn erratic parents, with their banning-for-stupid-reasons...

ANYWAY, enough blathering from me. If you want a backstory, just gimme a shout. You don't need any help with the artsy stuff, from what I see. Oh, and would I be able to bug you to throw in an avian, or are the anthro's gonna be mostly fuzzy?
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 17, 2010, 02:20:05 AM
Holy crap... Fantastic artwork. And loverly looking stages. I'd jump to help, but I'm already tied down with a game. ... Meh, I'd write backstories for your characters if you want, but you may wait a while before you get them... Damn erratic parents, with their banning-for-stupid-reasons...

ANYWAY, enough blathering from me. If you want a backstory, just gimme a shout. You don't need any help with the artsy stuff, from what I see. Oh, and would I be able to bug you to throw in an avian, or are the anthro's gonna be mostly fuzzy?

Nah their not all fuzzy, theres a wolf and a squirrel, but I want to get crafty with the anthros, maybe something with scales and yeah, an avian ^^ and yeah writing help would be needed XD I just make graphics, codes and patterns, im still just learning music and my writing abilities are limited, I cant think of good names, ever. And my stories have huge holes in them, so itd be helpful ^^
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: TL777 ✌ on February 17, 2010, 03:18:36 AM
Wow, You're a great artist, and this looks like it'll be a cool game, too!

maybe something with scales
You should add a dragon 'cause adding dragons makes everything awesome. ( 8)
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 17, 2010, 03:52:03 AM
Wow, You're a great artist, and this looks like it'll be a cool game, too!
 You should add a dragon 'cause adding dragons makes everything awesome. ( 8)

Thanks ^^ il definatly consider the dragon idea, as i'm still not sure whats in store for the extra stage. ^^
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: FurryYunSeong on February 17, 2010, 03:27:14 PM
I am definitely interested in this.

Looks very nice and original.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 17, 2010, 03:55:50 PM
I am definitely interested in this.

Looks very nice and original.

*grins* I can see why, nice anthro character you have there, tis nice ^^
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Azure Lazuline on February 17, 2010, 08:03:11 PM
It's great when a newcomer randomly shows up with something amazing. If the danmaku is as good as the graphics, then this will be one of the greatest things ever.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 17, 2010, 08:14:10 PM
It's great when a newcomer randomly shows up with something amazing. If the danmaku is as good as the graphics, then this will be one of the greatest things ever.

Thanks ^^ i'm glad people really like the artwork and graphics, im currently setting things up to make it as visually appealing as possible, with custom effects, characters, backgrounds and maybe even my own bullet sheet, and i'm pretty confident in my math abilities so I was able to learn alot of danmaku tricks that il be able to implement in my game. I hope I can present something playable as soon as possible. ^^
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Johnny Walker on February 17, 2010, 08:15:12 PM
Wow, really impressive artwork. I fell in love with the stage 2 boss.
Touhou needs more black-haired girls :V .

Good Luck!
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Helepolis on February 17, 2010, 08:18:56 PM

As said: the artwork for portraits looks top notch. I am curious what kind of end result we are going to get. Makes me at least happy to see Danmakufu slowly becoming more and more played/created on this forum.

Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 17, 2010, 08:20:02 PM
Wow, really impressive artwork. I fell in love with the stage 2 boss.
Touhou needs more black-haired girls :V .

Good Luck!

I was worried at first because I thought she looked too much like Nue, but I ended up liking her design the way it is ^^
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 17, 2010, 08:22:29 PM

As said: the artwork for portraits looks top notch. I am curious what kind of end result we are going to get. Makes me at least happy to see Danmakufu slowly becoming more and more played/created on this forum.

My first impresions weren't great, I heard that the engine wasnt finished and that it was out of date, but then I saw other people's projects and noticed it can be extended quite far. A video of UFO Night Session was especialy inspiring. ^^
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Azure Lazuline on February 17, 2010, 08:27:02 PM
The engine's not perfect, but you can still make it do whatever you want if you know how. As long as you can put up with hearing the Windows error sound every five minutes, you should be fine.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Helepolis on February 17, 2010, 08:54:33 PM
Ye the engine limitations are only mere what you basically want to do. You will hit in to various problems and limitations once you start pushing the limits such as Blargel usually does.

Drawing 3D stages for example is all fine until you start making complicated stuff =.=
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on February 17, 2010, 09:11:21 PM
Maybe i can help with the music, through it might not be as great as the music Zun does.
I will try to get an Main theme done till tommorow ^^"
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 18, 2010, 01:22:31 AM
Maybe i can help with the music, through it might not be as great as the music Zun does.
I will try to get an Main theme done till tommorow ^^"

Oooo, I wasn't expecting this kind of support until I atleast had a stage done, i'm looking forward to seeing what you make ^^
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 18, 2010, 04:20:28 AM
Hi everyone, small update to where im at right now, I began customizing the STGframe's status display, and I want to dedicate a part of it for the game's special scoring/reward gimmick (like UFO's UFOs...isnt that confusing)

Anyone have clever gimmicks that could be associated with humans that got turned into anthros, but could also apply to the playable youkai girl?
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Infy♫ on February 18, 2010, 03:46:18 PM
I absolutely love your drawings. They're probably the best ones I've seen so far in this subforum.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on February 18, 2010, 04:32:00 PM
Finished a rough base of it...
Dawnload (

I know it?s short, but it?s best to do it step by step than all at once and in the end making it sound bad.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 18, 2010, 04:45:06 PM
Finished a rough base of it...
Dawnload (

I know it?s short, but it?s best to do it step by step than all at once and in the end making it sound bad.

Oooo ^^ it sounds so sweet, its pretty good for a base, would it help if I gave you an example to base yourself off of? =3
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on February 18, 2010, 06:21:46 PM
[...] would it help if I gave you an example to base yourself off of? =3

No it?s better if I continue this without any examples elsewise it will sound more like that other song and maybe turns into a remix of that.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 18, 2010, 06:44:37 PM
No it?s better if I continue this without any examples elsewise it will sound more like that other song and maybe turns into a remix of that.

Okay ^^ good luck! =3
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on February 18, 2010, 06:46:13 PM
Well... is there something I should change?
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 18, 2010, 07:19:32 PM
Well... is there something I should change?

the pitch is a wee bit high I find, maybe something calm and mystical, that gives a fantasy feel but the colourful touhou kind, but yeah Im aware that its not done yet ^^
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Demonbman on February 19, 2010, 12:07:49 AM
I...must....know! How did you get your artwork!?!?!!
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 19, 2010, 12:12:44 AM
I...must....know! How did you get your artwork!?!?!!

Visual art has always been my main field of interest, it's the main thing I use to my advantage ever since ZUN inspired me and I entered the world of indie game production, I hope to one day have enough skills to work as independantly as he does ^^ I need to learn music and better writing eventualy.

More technically though, sketches -> Lineart -> PHOTOSHOP TIME!
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Demonbman on February 19, 2010, 12:14:50 AM
Visual art has always been my main field of interest, it's the main thing I use to my advantage ever since ZUN inspired me and I entered the world of indie game production, I hope to one day have enough skills to work as independantly as he does ^^ I need to learn music and better writing eventualy.

More technically though, sketches -> Lineart -> PHOTOSHOP TIME!
Music is gonna be a tuffie, what exactly is "Lineart"?
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 19, 2010, 12:16:33 AM
Music is gonna be a tuffie, what exactly is "Lineart"?

Its when you make your sketch more color friendly, it also looks nice on its own of course, coloring book style, dark linework with white background usualy ^^
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Demonbman on February 19, 2010, 12:23:25 AM
Its when you make your sketch more color friendly, it also looks nice on its own of course, coloring book style, dark linework with white background usually ^^
Oh~, makes sense makes sense! Cant wait to see how this plays out! oh, and how long have you been drawing? This art is fantastic
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 19, 2010, 12:27:46 AM
Oh~, makes sense makes sense! Cant wait to see how this plays out! oh, and how long have you been drawing? This art is fantastic

Ive been drawing since 5th grade where I started drawing anime, then I joined a furry forum and got interested in that too, I started drawing using programs about 3 years ago, my style undergoes changes often, I often model it to a certain style (like how my cutins are a mix of my usual style but with some ZUN influence)
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 20, 2010, 06:23:25 PM
Well iv'e been working on more technical bits lately and I guess il show some more progress, This is what the frame looks like so far:


The good news is that the statistics work perfectly, stuff is added when its supposed to and there doesnt seem to be any exploitable glitches, bad news is theres a tiny tiny chance that the code causes slowdown, if it does its too small for me to actualy tell, we'll just have to wait and see I guess ^^

Oh and I think I may have found the name, though its kinda long, I might still change it...
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Demonbman on February 20, 2010, 06:29:33 PM
Well iv'e been working on more technical bits lately and I guess il show some more progress, This is what the frame looks like so far:


The good news is that the statistics work perfectly, stuff is added when its supposed to and there doesnt seem to be any exploitable glitches, bad news is theres a tiny tiny chance that the code causes slowdown, if it does its too small for me to actualy tell, we'll just have to wait and see I guess ^^

Oh and I think I may have found the name, though its kinda long, I might still change it...
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: AweStriker Nova on February 20, 2010, 06:41:01 PM
Just thought I'd let you know that it should probably say "Adapting to a Beast's Call". This won't matter if it's an interim name.

It's like how people think "disorientating" and "disorientated" are real words, which they're not. (You'd be looking for "disorienting" and "disoriented" - no "ta"s.)

Edit: I tend to be a bit undiscriminating about errors like this, so I apologize if you feel offended.

That aside, the custom stat bar looks really nice. I can't wait to see how the full game turns out.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 20, 2010, 06:46:04 PM
Just thought I'd let you know that it should probably say "Adapting to a Beast's Call". This won't matter if it's an interim name.

It's like how people think "disorientating" and "disorientated" are real words, which they're not. (You'd be looking for "disorienting" and "disoriented" - no "ta"s.)

Edit: I tend to be a bit undiscriminating about errors like this, so I apologize if you feel offended.

That aside, the custom stat bar looks really nice. I can't wait to see how the full game turns out.

...did I seriously write AdapTAting?...I mispelled in something with 4 words I think I broke my personal record, yeah don't worry il change it, this is why I always save my original photoshop files ^^
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Primula on February 20, 2010, 08:13:30 PM
Well iv'e been working on more technical bits lately and I guess il show some more progress, This is what the frame looks like so far:


Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: TL777 ✌ on February 20, 2010, 08:22:27 PM
Wow, it looks great!
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: KomeijiKoishi on February 20, 2010, 08:26:29 PM

(gasp) That looks like the game I once dreamed of!
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 20, 2010, 09:57:06 PM
(gasp) That looks like the game I once dreamed of!

Hmmm, in which ways? im curious =3
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on February 20, 2010, 10:11:38 PM
Idea for Youkai character, Having Reimu and Marisa like shots.

No seriously...  :V

Sealing Type and Stealing Type, maybe.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Suikama on February 20, 2010, 11:08:47 PM
Idea for Youkai character, Having Reimu and Marisa like shots.

No seriously...  :V

Sealing Type and Stealing Type, maybe.
Reimu-like shots you say?



Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on February 21, 2010, 11:07:16 AM
Idea for Youkai character, Having Reimu and Marisa like shotstypes.

No seriously...  :V

Sealing Type and Stealing Type, maybe.

Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: KomeijiKoishi on February 21, 2010, 12:01:00 PM
Hmmm, in which ways? im curious =3
In terms of I wrote a post on the Touhou Dreams Thread about it.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 22, 2010, 01:32:00 AM
Today I began work on the stage 1 background


I also decided to include the Power and Point items in this picture because I have them working now, Stage 1 is a trip trough an abandonned village, because it's the shortest route and it was a curious find (although someone shouldve noticed it before huh? ^^;;)

anyways the green lines over the houses seem to be caused by the Zbuffer, this kind of lines appear every now and then when I make a graphic that isnt 100% opaque on places, the green line though isnt part of the picture which is actualy really odd, this means I cant just erase it in photoshop, theres nothing to erase. D=

also SPOILER the enemy pattern shown here isnt actualy going to be in the stage
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Shockman on February 22, 2010, 02:02:05 AM
That's really good!  :)
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Infy♫ on February 22, 2010, 11:39:15 AM
this looks amazing. I am awaiting greatness
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: FurryYunSeong on February 22, 2010, 04:03:19 PM
Those are all Effect Objects?  I planned on the frame to be fully like that, once ago...

There's quite some experience behind this project.  The project is like the conglomeration of all that, no?

It is quite unlike me, my project is a learn-as-I-go kind of thing.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 22, 2010, 05:24:39 PM
Those are all Effect Objects?  I planned on the frame to be fully like that, once ago...

There's quite some experience behind this project.  The project is like the conglomeration of all that, no?

It is quite unlike me, my project is a learn-as-I-go kind of thing.

To tell the truth ive done a wee bit of 3D backgrounds in Danmakufu awhile back, but I didnt feel ready to do a full game, I decided to give it another try and progresivly got better, the stage 1 background is my newest (still in progress) and my most fleshed out one so far, thanks to a function that only draws objects onscreen I could make an entire map and avoid too much slowdown, so im making small forest followed by an abandonned village followed by abit more road then a lake, and the lake will stretch into the next stage (il add to my other stages too)

I guess thats the thing when you learn more and more, you end up redoing your old things, but it doesnt feel like too much of a chore somehow ^^
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Azure Lazuline on February 22, 2010, 07:21:46 PM
thanks to a function that only draws objects onscreen I could make an entire map and avoid too much slowdown

What function is that? Also, as a side note, you're one of the best 3D background makers here. You learn really fast.
And I still say you should join #danmakufu on IRC.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 22, 2010, 10:30:32 PM
What function is that? Also, as a side note, you're one of the best 3D background makers here. You learn really fast.
And I still say you should join #danmakufu on IRC.

Doh! I keep forgeting the IRC thing, itd be lots of fun XD I guess I will, but I think il wait till after I come back from the trip, you see im going to florida for march break and will be without computer for a little more than a week...Il try not to go insane XD I promise il join when I get back though ^^

Oh and as for the function, the Y position of the camera is my main tool for scrolling, so I made a replacement for the DrawGraphic3D function and made it so that their only drawn if the camera's Y is within the Graphic's Y+FrontDistance and Graphics Y-BackDistance (alittle in the back and alot to the front) this way I can expiriment with the distance variables until I get only what should be onscreen, to prevent the fps from falling below 58. (im very fussy with the speed).

the village wont be too fancy, but im atleast trying to make it more detailed than Chen's village from PCB (though expect to see the same houses and trees in different places all the time XD)
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 23, 2010, 11:31:31 PM
Well I did a bit more progress on the backgrounds today, as some kind of update I think il post a few more details about the game's literate bits, every time I imagine the game in my head it gets more and more detailed, so I know alittle more about my characters and locations now, so heres what I have so far:

Stage 1: Passing Trough the abandonned village

Midboss (youkai character, ghost, female) She decided to stay home after her unfortunate death, she socializes and lives amonst the youkai who live there now, over time she learned magic and became somewhat of a threat.

Boss (youkai character, water demon, male) He's often seen patrolling the lake outside of the village, causing trouble for the humans who travel across, hes friends with the ghost, and is pretty unhappy about the protagonist's hostility towards her.

Stage 2: Blue Forest Hidden in Fog

Midboss: (Anthro character, Wolf, Male) The protagonist learns that the spreading human to anthro transformations have already been happening for awhile, this character lives in a town close to the border between the two divided areas and was one of the first to get affected.

Boss (Youkai Character, Witch, Female) She lives alone deeper in the forest, shes pretty cruel towards everyone, especialy humans who try to get rid of her, her plan is to capture an anthro and give them a more intimidating appearance to keep as some kind of guard dog.

Stage 3: Magic-Sealed Border Road

Midboss & Boss: (Youkai Character, Guardian, Male) Hes a youkai but hes very close friends with the anthros, being a guardian he stops anyone who tries to pass trough the border, atleast until hes too tired to fight...

Stage 4: Lively Town in A New World

(the characters stumble onto a festival here, the anthros seem to be having a big celebration)

Stage 4 midboss: (Anthro character, Deer, Male) He seems to be some kind of self-proclaimd town guard, he senses that the protagonist is a newly-transformed and finds the protagonist extremly suspicious.

Stage 4 boss: (Anthro character, Squirrel, Female) She's popular amongst the other anthros, shes very lively and she's quite an acrobat, she possessed two magic hoops, she seems pretty adept when it comes to danmaku fights.

The rest is still being debated in my head, but im pretty satisfied with how im imagining it so far ^^
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on February 24, 2010, 06:27:09 AM
Urgh... my interests for this game just went over 9000 the sky.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on February 24, 2010, 06:11:48 PM
Urgh... my interests for this game just went over 9000 the sky.

That's a good thing...right? ^^;

Oh and I just wanted to say that today is the day were leaving for the trip, I saved the game so far on a CD and im bringing it with me, just in case something would happen to the computer? I dunno, at any rate, I predict stage 1 to be playable within a week's ammount of work. (sprites take me much longer than pictures, I blame the animation process) Il probably join the Danmakufu IRC when I come back and continue working on the game

Bai-bai for nao everyone ^^
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on March 08, 2010, 01:16:02 AM
Alright im officialy back and ready to get productive again!

also just noticed ZUN announced a new game ^^
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Demonbman on March 08, 2010, 02:11:39 AM
Good to see you back, can't wait for more stuff from you
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on March 09, 2010, 09:36:31 PM
also just noticed ZUN announced a new game ^^

Yeah and there is already a topic about that with like more than 10 pages already.

@Topic: Didn?t get to work on the time, and right now I have a job intership for the next few weeks, but thankfully don?t have to go there on weekend and also easter holidays.

Hopefully I will get things done soon, but I might not be able to do it soon, as I don?t have much time left, by the end of the day.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: kokonuts on July 28, 2010, 01:55:54 AM
I wish I could help with stuff, but I'm not a scripter (is that a word here?) nor a composer.......
So all I can do is cheer and support this project!

The anthro idea is a very unique one especially for a danmaku game. (in my opinion. any one can disagree)

Well, I wish you luck!
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on July 28, 2010, 02:35:49 AM


Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Iryan on July 28, 2010, 11:04:30 AM
Unnecessary necro-bump is unnecessary.

Unless Wriggle Nightbug returns, this is entirely futile.

Move along, nothing to see here.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on September 30, 2010, 05:29:59 PM
Oh hey I remembered the info for my account, dot dot dot?

So someone on a furry site reminded me of this project thingy asking if I was the one who worked on it because they noticed similarities in art style, and I was like "Whoa...I remember that yo" and so I felt like a big meanie after I realized that I pulled off a huge disappearance and lost the files used for the project, whoops...

Lately though I've been feeling kinda lacking, work has pretty much taken all my time and I miss being all, creative and I still want to see more Touhou games of this kind so, MAYBE! maybe~ I'll be starting another project, I gained abit of skill since then, and if I get enough stuff done, I'll definatly share, cuz making a big project is boring if you don't share~

But yeah, people actually remember this project! I feel all special and stuff~
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on October 01, 2010, 01:59:42 AM
inb4 fursecution one way or another.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on October 01, 2010, 03:38:15 AM
inb4 fursecution one way or another.

Aha~...wait what? *looks up urban dictionary* ... :derp:
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Sejha on October 04, 2010, 12:40:40 AM
inb4 fursecution one way or another.
I don't think that just because Anthro's are involved it's suddenly going to be trolled by Anti-furs.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on October 04, 2010, 11:30:42 PM
I don't think that just because Anthro's are involved it's suddenly going to be trolled by Anti-furs.

I heard the trick was just to make sure you don't actually call the anthros furries...and making them wear clothes helps too!
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on October 05, 2010, 01:45:47 AM
I heard the trick was just to make sure you don't actually call the anthros furries...and making them wear clothes helps too!

This would work. Normally. Except some people... tend to get a bit too overreactive. Like me.
Title: Re: Original touhou clone in progress
Post by: WriggleNightbug on October 05, 2010, 03:47:04 AM
This would work. Normally. Except some people... tend to get a bit too overreactive. Like me.

Uh oh! Now I'm in for it! *starts putting censor bars over anything fuzzy* Now no one will be able to tell the difference!