Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Rika and Nitori's Garage Experiments => Topic started by: Twizz on November 10, 2017, 06:09:46 PM

Title: Danmakufu Script - Patchouli Extra Boss Battle
Post by: Twizz on November 10, 2017, 06:09:46 PM
Just a somewhat small battle script I made. Contains 5 nonspells and 11 spells. A lot of them seem to have a lot of randomness  :V. Pretty simple script though.

I'm still a beginner in scripting so most of the patterns are simple. Any feedback is welcomed and enjoy

(also I don't think the last spell card is possible to capture but every other spell is)
Title: Re: Danmakufu Script - Patchouli Extra Boss Battle
Post by: Arcvasti on November 11, 2017, 12:48:10 AM
Played through your script a few times and I think I have a pretty good idea of it. The only spells I didn't capture were the first Water Card[Sovereign Splash?] and the final one.

General Feedback:

-All in all, the visuals were pretty good, especially considering its one of your first scripts. The charging effect in particular looks really great. I would suggest swapping out the default UI for something more personalized: A little customization there goes a long way towards making your script more polished looking.
-That said, I did notice that the charging effect could sometimes appear at (0,0) if you beat a spell while she was charging.
-I also noticed that Apollo Ride's spell declaration just didn't play on one of my run throughs. I don't know what caused it, besides maybe the fact that I timed out the first Moon card due to laziness.
-The pause menu dialogue is still in Japanese, although the script ending dialogue is in English.
-The sound effects were fairly standard, but I noticed some skipping during the non-spells and the lasers for Ore Miner.
-I really liked how fair the script was with telling you when bullets would start spawning from the bottom, which is something a lot of scripts[Including my own...] don't telegraph very well.
-Overall, most of the patterns were pretty basic and, as you noted, include a lot of randomness. Thus, a lot of the spells felt kind of samey, especially since there were so many in comparaison to the non-spells.
-Difficulty was pretty average: I beat it with only three lives lost. However, because the general theme was "Small random bullets in huge clumps", you had to do a lot of intensive micrododging to get through spells. This got old pretty quickly.
-That said, Sovereign Splash was my bane. Lots of pellet bullets, seeking bullets and Patchouli herself goes from side to side very frequently. This spell was a pain to get through, because of how difficult it was to stay on Patchouli. However, I found it much much easier to just time it out by sitting outside of Patchouli's splash storm and swapping places when she did.
-The non-spells were problematic in a few ways. First off, compared to Patchouli's non-spells in EoSD, the lasers fade in and out much more quickly. You can basically ignore them by hiding in a corner, which you most decidedly cannot do in EoSD. Second of all, they have incredibly short timers on them, to the point where you usually only clear them a few seconds before they end on their own. This was pretty nice for the third non spell, which basically hemmed you into the left corner for the entire duration, but trivialized the rest of them if you were willing to not try to capture them.
-Ore Miner is probably my favorite spell card... if you discount how bullshit the lasers are. They set up and fire far too quickly, such that they're nearly impossible to dodge if you don't know in advance where they are. Once you've memorized that, though, its pretty fun.
-The first Sun and Moon cards take a bit too long to kick in. By the time they reach any level of difficulty at all, they're already half over. Apollo Ride never gets very difficult anyways.
-Luminosity Showcase was pretty neat, although it had the opposite problem. The first couple seconds of it, where the moondrops and sundrops are both coming towards you at once, are the hardest and the rest is much easier. I was also confused as to why I started firing moon lasers, since they didn't seem to hurt me OR Patchouli.
-The final spell is probably capturable, although the last few seconds are chaotic enough to make it luck-based. While I liked most of the patterns, I still have a few problems with the spell itself:
    1: The extra screen shake in the spell declaration doesn't look very nice.
    2: There's no visible indicator that this is a survival spell. There's no text that tells you it is and Patchouli doesn't turn transparent/invisible/blue.
    3: The third phase is just the first phase again, but faster this time. This is both boring and very very difficult to dodge in the last few frantic seconds.

All in all, I liked it, but I have a high tolerance for RNG bullshit and lots of micrododging, which others might not. Still, I feel like it probably could have been condensed a fair bit: Any spellcards I didn't name probably could have been excluded[With a possible exception for Tree of Life, since it was the most interesting of the random micrododgy spells] and the survival spell's third phase could have been reworked or removed.
Title: Re: Danmakufu Script - Patchouli Extra Boss Battle
Post by: Twizz on November 11, 2017, 02:55:47 AM
Alright thanks for play my script! A few things to what you said:

- I haven't really messed with system scripts for the UI and my art skills are trash too but mostly because I'm lazy. I'll definitely try to make one later on.
-The (0,0) charging effect is caused by the same (0,0) bullet effect except I couldn't figure out how to prevent it. Mainly because my script functions are all over the place and I couldn't find the direct issue.
- The Spell Declaration didn't appear  once during one of my runs but this was when I was almost done with the boss battle and It's only happened once. I think timing it out is one factor that causes it (since I couldn't figure out how to trigger it again).
- Sovereignty Splash was actually the easiest spell and I ended up adding more stuff too it. I guess I added TOO much but I personally find this spell easier than others and I think that's mainly because I've played this spell so many times. However I do see how annoying it can be when you have all this mess being shot at you while trying to hit patchy.
-Ore Miner, increasing the delay to the lasers would probably work.
-The first Sun and Moon cards were unfairly/unreasonably difficult when I first made them. I thought a longer set up would allow the player to end the spell faster without having to deal with the third round for so long.
-For Luminosity Showcase, I did think about increasing the damage rate to patchy temporary while the blue lasers were active but I was too lazy for that. :V For the beginning part of the spell, I think allowing the red phase to pass through and then the blue phase will remove the problem.
- Also that last spell needs a full rework  :ohdear:

But thanks again for playing my script!  I appreciate the feedback too