Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Akyu's Arcade => Topic started by: Mitsuhide on July 10, 2015, 11:12:01 AM

Title: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Mitsuhide on July 10, 2015, 11:12:01 AM
The title is pretty self explanatory. Which game was so bad that you questioned the meaning of life itself? Take into account that you might happen to be a person that has only played average to good games, but from those, which one do you like the least?

Mine is definetely Techno Cop, on Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. I was looking forward to playing this game. An action platformer with gore and stuff. Looked cool. But god, what an abomination. Not only the graphics are bland, but pretty much everything is just bad. There is only one music track in the whole game, the one that plays on the title screen. The rest of the game is silent, just sound effects.

And the gameplay is horrible. You're a cop and you have to either catch a bunch of punks or blowing up their torsos (it is less fun than it sounds). Bjt first, you have to do a pointless driving scene to get to the apartment the punks and their boss are located. And when you get there, you have like 2 minutes to defeat the boss. The apartment is a maze, ao good luck finding him. Not to mention, the regular enemies appear out of the blue, giving you little time to react. And both the gun to catch them and the gun to blow stuff up are extremely delayed, specially the former. On top of that, each enemy takes several hits to kill, so you're going to lose health either way.


But don't worry if you don't catch the boss, you just continue to the next stage. Not even the developers gave a damn wether you completed a stage or not.
But the game is called Techno Cop. I don't know why I expected it to be any good.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: MatsuriSakuragi on July 10, 2015, 11:14:26 AM
puzzle and dragons

trust me I've been playing it for almost 600 days and easily have thousands of hours invested into it I know these things
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Garlyle on July 10, 2015, 11:22:56 AM
Lunar: Dragon Song.

Unironically the worst game I have ever played.

There are games out there which I have played which have been horrible but you can see at least some semblance of good ideas or plot points or something where you're like "okay, that might have been cool if it was better executed" or something.  Hell, even Sonic '06, for its universally reviled nature, had a few of these.

But no, Lunar DS was irredeemable.  I suffered through it out of nothing more than raw boredom over a summer.  It was nothing but grinding (and then repeating that grinding for money instead because you either got gold OR exp from enemies what the hell), then some completely unremarkable sidequests, then more grinding, then maybe a new environment that's just as uninspired as the others, and then characters that are completely flat and unremarkable...
and then an ending so spectacularly disappointing it was like a final punch in the face. 
After an unwinnable boss fight against the antagonist halfway through the game... the final boss is actually his pet demon.  You kill the demon, his castle starts collapsing, and he falls to his death instead of actually getting a fight with you

Do not play this game.

I don't care how much you like bad games.  This isn't even a bad game that's got entertaining facets.  This is literally just nothing but pulling teeth the entire time for absolutely nothing resembling a payout, genuine or ironic.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: trancehime on July 10, 2015, 11:58:02 AM
Lunar: Dragon Song.

Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Your Everyday NEET on July 10, 2015, 04:22:30 PM
For Touhou it's Touhou soccer. It's not a bad game per se. It's very very difficult, you need to understand all the mechanics and stats in order to even stand a chance and even then, the A.I it's brutal. They cheat like bitch, the RNG sides with them, in story mode, they have better player overall. It's THE first game to make me legitimately says F-bomb. I still regret playing it.

For non-Touhou it's Mimana Iyar Chronicle for PSP. I bet you don't even know what it is. Well, it's just your average, everyday JRPG with a bland protagonist and his harem (yes, really). The battle itself is just bland action-RPG unlike tales series, you can only control the main character, there's little enemy variety, the skill is bad, the battle music is bland and many more. The RPG I played now (the Gray Garden) is more colorful than this. Apparently, they blew all their budget for the VA. The main character is voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch (yes, really) Kung Jin's VA. And that's also the reason I played it. Yeah, I'm stupid.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Tengukami on July 10, 2015, 04:30:20 PM
For me, it would have to be Bioshock. Yes, I'm sorry. The intro is nearly perfect, and it's pretty to look at, despite the distinct lack of freedom. The limitations of gameplay could have been just fine if it wasn't possible to accurately predict how the rest of the game was going to pan out from like the halfway point. Transparent, limiting and not particularly fun, I'd say it's the worst within the context of expectations.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: commandercool on July 10, 2015, 05:03:05 PM
For me, it would have to be Bioshock. Yes, I'm sorry. The intro is nearly perfect, and it's pretty to look at, despite the distinct lack of freedom. The limitations of gameplay could have been just fine if it wasn't possible to accurately predict how the rest of the game was going to pan out from like the halfway point. Transparent, limiting and not particularly fun, I'd say it's the worst within the context of expectations.

Me too. I admit that I'm biased because I don't like or understand first person shooters, but I went in expecting to love it. And christ, I did not love it. I agree with all of your complaints, but on top of that I hated the way the game woukd constantly kill you by spawning enemies directly behind you, only to respawn you within a few feet of where you died with no penalties at all.

Bioshock seemed to think it was a horror game, or at least it leaned a lot in atmosphere, but the mechanics could not be less compatible with that idea. Giving you a ton of super powers and putting you in situations where you (or at least I, I recognize that this might just be a problem stemming from me sucking) constantly die but suffer absolutely no consequences from anything could not be less scary or atmospheric.

Of course, calling Bioshock the WORST game I've ever played is tremendously relative. I'm not even counting PC budget games widely regarded as trash because they were released unfinished from tiny studios.And I'm heavily weighting Bioshock's hype against it. Obviously a lot of care was put into making it, it's by no means unplayable, but it is probably among the least fun experiences I've ever had playing a video game.

Honorable mention goes to Dragon Age. I'm being unfair because I didn't finish it, but I didn't finish it because it was a broken game. My save file got eaten eight hours in or so by a known but unpatched bug and I quit because I found it boring and kind of uninspired up to that point and I felt personally insulted by all of the little glitches and bugs that existed known in the game, even years after release, that were deemed not important enough to fix. When you call your game a spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate I'm going to hold it to a very high standard, and my standard was not even close to met.

Again, probably not a terrible game, but I had a bad experience playing it and found it badly lacking next to the hype. Occasionally looking over my roommate's shoulder when he played the new one did nothing to convince me otherwise, it was insultingly broken.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: notverycreative on July 10, 2015, 11:07:58 PM
The NES version of Mappy Land. If you've played it, you know what I'm talking about.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on July 10, 2015, 11:13:34 PM
Elsword, by far it's gotta be Elsword. I dumped more hours into this game than you guys can possibly believe.

It starts out cool and everything, with a decent enough premise and some characters, the problem is, once you actually start understanding the game, you learn how shitty it is. All of the game's PVE is ridiculously simple and repetitive, there's not even a real story to talk about, most of the game's ACTUAL story is given outside of the game itself, which is already a shitty enough decision, but between a bajillion rewriters, inconsistent information, outright contradictory information AND the fact that they simply decided that all character jobs and personalities are canon and yet not at the same time just makes the story completely stupid in the end. The most glaring fact of this is the "ElType" comics which were originally supposed to be extra story tidbits explaining the world and giving character backstories. They have devolved into "what if" fun fests which are entirely non-canon and serve only as a cash-grab for koreans.

Dungeon Difficulty? What difficulty? Grab literally the highest-level content in the game possible and you'll see that it's ONLY difficulty comes from the fact that all boss attacks are inescapable, unstoppable, have little to no telegraphs AND deal a bajillion damage. And don't even get me started on the bugged bosses (Looking at you, Ran.) Or the bosses which were intentionally designed to be bullshit (I'M LOOKING AT YOU TARANVASH AND YOUR INSTA-TELEPORT-COUNTER BULLSHIT).

The fact that it's pay-to-win doesn't make it any better, good fucking luck trying to do any content post level 50 without a +8 weapon AT LEAST. I should probably mention that any weapon upgrade post +5 has abysmal success chances and can also break your weapon, rendering it unusable unless you buy a specific item for real money. Oh, and by the way? There's an item that makes said abysmal rates slightly less abysmal, which also costs real money. And the chances are still fucking terrible.

The game emphasizes this stupidity so fucking much that having a +9 weapon is considered average, so much so that the only way to challenge players anymore is to make "achievements" which, by the way, are absolutely fucking unreasonable. And when I say unreasonable I mean "Finish this dungeon in less than 4 minutnes! Oh, btw, the dungeon has 3 minutes worth of loading time and the boss goes invincible frequently and randomly, all of which count against your total. Good luck!" or even the all-well-known Reaper achievement, or "Do 7-6 800 times". Neither of which, by the way, are isolated achievements. Between the "defeat the raid bosses 1000 times" achievement (bosses which also fall into the "deals too much damage, can't escape, has too much health and little to no telegraph" pattern) the "killl 9999 angry syrapes" achievement (of which you can get at best 16 in a single specific dungeon run, and some runs you can literally only get 2) or even the "SOLO BOSS RUSH (a can of worms in and of itself I assure you) IN CHALLENGE MODE 1000 TIMES" a process which can take more than an hour per run.

And let's not even talk about the bugs, or the balance, or the hitboxes, or the netcode, or the literally everything else, seriously, I watched this game grow from its early beginnings and the only reason I stayed in it for as long as I did was because I had no alternatives + the friendships I had made due to them.

If you want a summary of EVERYTHING that's wrong with the game... This 30-minute long video covers pretty much all of it. ( The fact that the uploader got enough footage for a 30-minute long video out of nothing besides videos which average on being less than 20 seconds long (and the fact that this isn't even all of his footage) should already tell you volumes about how shitty of a game Elsword really is.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Jq1790 on July 10, 2015, 11:34:32 PM
Lunar: Dragon Song.
[Inhuman wailing]

Anyway, -that- abomination aside, Sword of Vermillion. I do not remember what it was like beyond only playing like twenty minutes of it before I grew so bored I never opened it again.  Worst 600 Wii poimts ever.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Validon98 on July 11, 2015, 01:05:24 AM
On my end I think it's been either Mabinogi or ArcheAge. A lot of people have essentially tried so hard to convince me that both games are fun, but out of all the free-to-play MMOs I have played in my life, Mabinogi strikes me as just overly repetitive, boring, and while there is sort of a lot of stuff you can do, it just takes sooooooooo long to get anywhere of value, and the fact that your skill growth is limited by how much time you actually play the game (because AP and you can only get so much via leveling before you can rebirth and do it all over again) is not fun. Plus the economy, at least when I was playing, was so freaking broken, everything costs so much money and it felt like you had to pay money to get anything half-decent, which I ended up doing. I regret every cent I paid to Nexon, and I'm glad I've never touched the game again

ArcheAge didn't make me give any money to Trion, because I was smarter than that. The labor system was slow, I was frustrated at the sheer plain to see advantage pay-to-win players got, and the quests are sooooooo repetitive. Like I'll give Mabinogi credit in that it had somewhat varied combat and whatnot (although the dungeons were the most repetitively unfun pieces of crap I've played ever in history), which ArcheAge... maybe it had it? I dunno, I just felt extremely bored with the game.

Hilarious that my least favorite games of all time, in terms of just how unfun they were, are both free-to-play Korean MMORPGs with pay-to-win aspects.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Tengukami on July 11, 2015, 01:23:17 AM
I can't really be too rough on indie or doujin titles, to be honest. I don't know why, maybe they get a pass on a lot of stuff for trying with limited resources. Even truly awful indie or doujin games still aren't a waste of my time to try, I think. With the possible exception of Pocket Wars, which for some reason just felt like an endless grind.

Oh, honorable mention to Oblivion. Bloated map, repetitious events in the towers, the dialogue wooden and unconvincing - especially hard to deal with in dialogue-heavy scenes, of which there are many. Deliberately became a vampire out of sheer boredom.

Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Cadmas on July 11, 2015, 01:35:42 AM

This hunk of junk.
It has a roulette style attack battle system in that your ability to hit things is based completely on luck, weapons break like glass, traps everywhere,
missions are seemingly random in difficulty and can spike to extreme levels early in the game.  Its basically RNGjesus the game.

I don't even know if there was a story. I didn't get far before some blue dragon nuked my party, and I just went to return the game.


This one takes 2nd place. It also has a roulette style attack battle system, but not as bad as saga's since you can better time your inputs. Still not fun though.
The killer is you're forced to slowly walk around the map using this focus mode to detect enemies, otherwise they are invisible and will surprise you.

It got dull real fast and I gave it away to some friend.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: notverycreative on July 11, 2015, 01:44:49 AM
I actually like Unlimited Saga. But I'm not going to pretend it's not a dense game that takes experimentation and research to figure out.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: commandercool on July 11, 2015, 01:51:37 AM
Oh, honorable mention to Oblivion. Bloated map, repetitious events in the towers, the dialogue wooden and unconvincing - especially hard to deal with in dialogue-heavy scenes, of which there are many. Deliberately became a vampire out of sheer boredom.

Yeah... Yeah. I kind of hate Bethesda, even though I wish I didn't. I did have my fair share of fun with Oblivion, but I attribute 90% of that to mods. It has a lot of fun stuff, but also enough mind-numbing repetition that it averages out to a bland experience. And my Skyrim game hit a game-breaking bug 20 hours, so that one goes in the failure category too. Man... Fucking Bethesda. I wish their games lived up to the handful of really cool ideas that are in them.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Giratina93 on July 11, 2015, 01:54:01 AM
May I just nominate a game that I hate with a burning passion?


This game... by the gods, this game. Now, I have played games that are of... lesser quality than Sticker Star. I've played some REAL glitched up messes *CoughSonic06andSonicBoomcough*, but Sticker Star... holds a VERY special place in the depths of hell. Everything you knew and loved about the Paper Mario series? The witty and hilarious dialogue, how awesome Bowser is, the feeling of a fleshed out world,  great partners that weren't annoying as hell, A deep and immersive story (by Mario standards), being ENJOYABLE AND FAIR?!

Yeah, Sticker Star LAUGHS at all of these. And takes a dump on the very basis of standard RP games.

Optional battles? WORTHLESS. There's no experience, you can get stickers from other means, and coins are overly abundant. Optional fights are COMPLETELY WORTHLESS.

Boss fight? Hope you like things either stupidly easy if you know what sticker to use... or so hard you have a migraine if you don't know, and more often than not, it's the latter. And don't even GET me started on the final boss fight against Bowser (And Kamek shortly beforehand)

Helpful NPC's? PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT. Try again, your only "hint system" is this useless crown that is annoying as heck and is so unhelpful... AUUUUGH!

Bowser? A mockery of how fun his RPG self tends to be.

Party system? Remember that crown I mentioned? You are STUCK with her, and ONLY her... yeah.

Music? I'm sorry but almost every single Mario RPG has better music than this game.

As a Mario RPG, it completely, utterly fails at every single level. As an RPG, it still fails. As a video game doing it's own game, it's an infuriating case of trial and error... or looking up a strategy guide every 5 minutes.

Just... I hate this game. I REALLY, REALLY hate this game. The fact Bowser Jr, who I HATE with a passion is shoehorned in here in a continuity where he has NO BUSINESS being in, is just the cherry on top.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Silent Harmony on July 11, 2015, 02:17:10 AM

This one takes 2nd place. It also has a roulette style attack battle system, but not as bad as saga's since you can better time your inputs. Still not fun though.
The killer is you're forced to slowly walk around the map using this focus mode to detect enemies, otherwise they are invisible and will surprise you.

It got dull real fast and I gave it away to some friend.

Thank you! I was having a hard time remembering a game I actively disliked (I'm big on reading reviews first and playing later) and you reminded me of this crap. When I got a PS2 my brother got me this game as a Christmas present because he remembered I was starting to really get into RPGs at the time. This game just did everything possible so poorly I wonder how it was released.

Poor voice-acting? Check.
Unnecessary jiggle-physics? Check.
The aforementioned slow walking if you didn't want to be surprised by literally every enemy in the game? Check.
Horribly-done battle system? Check.
To add on the battle system: a completely random guessing game for a "counter-attack" system? Check.

I think I kept the game for like a week (only played it a couple of times) then traded it in for several other games.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Tamer Anode/Cathode on July 11, 2015, 04:32:52 AM
After a few hours of considering all available choices, I'm going to heap this title on Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight.

A sequel to a definitive RTS that throws out pretty much most of the key elements of not just the franchise, but the entire genre. Resource gathering and base construction have been pretty much completely abandoned, and the only strategy that really exists is a completely unsubtle rock-paper-scissors system. Single-player missions mainly consist of throwing endless waves of units at your enemy's endless waves of units until something gives. Only one multiplayer mode exists. Unlocking new units and upgrades requires obtaining EXP and levels, even for the single player campaign. The conclusion to the series' storyline ranges somewhere between "massively unsatisfying" and "nonexistent". The game requires a persistent online connection, even though it precedes Origin. I paid $60 CDN for this.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: KaiserKnuckle on July 11, 2015, 04:41:55 AM
This is a rather new game which some people love for other reasons, so apologies if anyone else here like it;

Soulcalibur V. From someone who started with II, easily migrated into III, and got only partially disheartened in IV's quality, V isn't even comparable to what came before it. Not only are the new-gen counterparts even as marginally good as their originals (and I'm damn well sure Xiba is more or less what Project Soul made in their attempts to create someone who was purposefully annoying, unlike ABSOLUTELY ANYONE ELSE in the Soulcalibur cast) , but the 'story' mode that PS made for this game is absolutely lackluster, and makes nil use of anyone who isn't an Alexandria, or ZWEI (who admittedly was the only good new addition in SCV).

The actual gameplay was just 'meh' to me, as I wasn't the most supportive of the Critical Edge system when SCIV advertised it (so I just saw no use to activate it) but here it's more or less necessary if you want a sporting chance at doing good enough against some of the later opponents (and maybe even online, though I rarely ever used it). Back then, I was used to the 'shoulder button-to-charge' sort of mechanic back in SCII and SCIII and I am rather disappointed that they didn't just get used to it later in future games.

For other points, there is how the character creation and customization system is, again, not even comparable to their old counterparts; SCIII's creation system was amazing in that I could make a PROPER new character thanks to the other weapon styles that aren't like the actual characters proper. SCIV's was both majorly disappointing in that only having the actual character's styles to work with is (as Yahtzee said) just like alternate skins for them, and very interestingly pulled off in the special stats that applied to the items themselves that made your custom character have alternate stats. SCV's gets rid of that and just makes it a dull version of SCIV's skins due to having NOTHING special to work with, (apart from Devil Jin) INCLUDING the weapons(!!!!!!!!), and NOTHING changing how you actually play.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: notverycreative on July 11, 2015, 05:25:21 AM
I kind of liked Magna Carta, too. I'm a really awful person who doesn't know what a good video game is, or I do but I also have weird taste. Thing is, I was REALLY into the Magna Carta artist's art for years before I played it. I liked the second one, too, from what I played of it. I mean, 'cause...I think Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne and Shadow Hearts 2 are fantastic games and are easily two of the best JRPGs on the PS2, but then I'll freely-admit I spent money on Chaos Wars and didn't regret it and in fact had fun.  Obviously, I can dislike a game, since I said Mappy Land was irredeemable crap. There's apparently an arcade version, but I never played it. Probably plays differently than it does on the NES. You might die more often, to force the player to put more quarters into the machine.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: OverlordChirei on July 11, 2015, 05:48:27 AM
Worst game for me has to be... oh dear. Does this only encompass "official games" games? I'm incredibly lenient compared to most people so that'd be a tough one, but if not, I'd say that the worst game i've ever played has to be this monstrosity. ( It is a mishmash of everything that you shouldn't do in a Megaman game, combined with cringeworthy fanfic+OC smattering in the sad excuse for a plot. Complete with ms paint graphics, cutoff, frequent clipping issues, and randomly permanently disappearing upgrades, it's truly a sight to behold if you want a quick way to lower your expectations for humanity.

Oh, honorable mention to Oblivion. Bloated map, repetitious events in the towers, the dialogue wooden and unconvincing - especially hard to deal with in dialogue-heavy scenes, of which there are many. Deliberately became a vampire out of sheer boredom.

Yeah... Yeah. I kind of hate Bethesda, even though I wish I didn't. I did have my fair share of fun with Oblivion, but I attribute 90% of that to mods.

Oblivion gave me the most fun when I discovered the potion stacking glitch(?). Normally you can only have four stacks of potion effects going on at once, but through some weird fuckery with the pause menu, you can drink four more. Do this with Skooma, and you actually go so fast that you can noclip through... everything. As a bonus, when it runs out due to the incredible distance you probably spanned and how much it hopped up your maximum stamina, your stamina actually went into the NEGATIVES and your character would ragdoll at mach 5, not being able to get up until it naturally regenerated to 0. Who's too slow now, Sonic?

puzzle and dragons

trust me I've been playing it for almost 600 days and easily have thousands of hours invested into it I know these things

and yet still sinking hours in  BV
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 11, 2015, 06:26:38 AM
I have a burning passion for Dungeon Crawl, which I played (torturously) for months before I finally got sick enough of it to kill the addiction.

I have found there are two ways to end a Dungeon Crawl game:
-You die an aggravating death
-You waste countless hours Not Dying miserably to ''''win''''

It's a roguelike, yes. By default it's Hardcore Mode where if you die you start over, all items are randomized except for your starting ones, you get a class-race choice and that's the only non-RNG thing in the game, delve to the bottom of a dungeon filled with hard monsters and head back up to win, etc.

But Dungeon Crawl is a special sort of hell.

Let's start with the first concept of the game: You WILL run into enemies you can't kill, at any stage in the game, and you WILL have to run away from them.

Unfortunately, the game makes it unreasonably difficult and RNG-dependent on if this is actually viable. Just the act of MOVING has a random chance of speeding you up or slowing you down ever so slightly, so sometimes (as in, whenever it's inconvenient), your foes will get free hits on you because you were randomly slowed down enough to let them catch up.

There are ways to speed yourself up, but it's either via spell (which requires you know magic), or a consumable, or being a naturally fast (and probably squishier) race. Naturally, most enemies that will Kill You have ranged attacks, making running unviable. Or they're faster then you by default, making running equally pointless. Or can summon to trap you in a hallway, or... you get the picture.

Then there's teleporting. Also a consumable, but it takes FOUR TURNS to teleport and it's RNG based where you go. This means you will always land in a spot that's guaranteed to put you worse off then before, because Crawl Hates You.

The only reliable method of running from things is via a Blink scroll, which is naturally fairly rare. Remember, this is a game where you will be forced to run a lot, and this is the only surefire way to distance yourself, a rare as shit scroll that on some floors of the dungeon isn't even fucking reliable because Fuck You It's Crawl.

Then we get to the enemies themselves that you will be running away from. The following cast of baddies can be found on any of the first three floors of the dungeon (of which you will have to endure around AT LEAST 50):
-Ogre. Deals Tons of Damage and has Tons of Health. Can easily one-shot squishy characters, found as early floor 3 or very rarely floor 2 or 1. You are guaranteed once every 50 games to see one spawn right next to you, right after you enter a new floor and instantly splatter you because it was Floor 3 and you have no real health bar.
-Orc Priest. Has a Line of Sight smite that deals irresistible damage. Can spam it as long as he's in LoS. Common Floor 3+ enemy, sometimes earlier.
-Orc Mage. Commonly found with blink, haste, and ranged poke attacks. Found at the same frequency as Priests.
-Gnoll. Tough melee monster. Solitary ones are uncommon on Floor 1, and beyond can be found in packs.
-Coyotes. Common Floor 1+ enemy. Travels in packs and faster then you. Deadly to squishy characters on Floor 1.
-Grinder. Boss Monster, second most lethal monster in Crawl. Found Floor 3-6. Has a ranged pain spell, blink, and paralysis. Resists almost every elemental magic you can start with.
-Sigmund. Most lethal character in Dungeon Crawl. Boss Monster found often on floors 2-4. Invisibility, Confusion, Ranged fire spell, will spam all three as often as possible. Often found with a random wand (which could be one that instant-kills you). Literally stated in the Knowledge Bot that he is "Proof that Crawl hates you and wants you to die."

The game is so deadly in the first five floors it's a wonder anyone ever wants to try venturing further past it, unless you can randomly find enough Magic Shit to make you overpowered enough to carry you through Early Game Hell. Keyword is, of course, "Randomly", because everything in the game is RNG. And the RNG hates you.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Eiburine on July 11, 2015, 07:40:50 AM
Hanako Games. I love you, and I love Spirited Heart, but the rng dice mechanic is awful. Literally everything is based on luck. My character is poor, I need money, and you're telling me  that I rolled one too high and so I automatically fail the job. None of my plans go the way I intend and I always end up with an ending I wasn't going for. There's also no sound and music during gameplay so it's pretty difficult to get engaged :3c

Now, I find some luck based elements pretty alright :3 But if my character is more than qualified to do a job, yet isn't competent enough to stop messing up, there may as well be no qualifications. It's all or nothing, and it's unfair.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Amraphenson on July 11, 2015, 08:12:26 AM
I can't really think of a worst game, but shoutouts to Sakura Spirits for not even being entertainingly bad; it's just mediocre. It's not even enough of a trainwreck to follow through.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Aya Reiko on July 11, 2015, 10:46:21 AM
I've noticed a lot of us are picking franchise killers; Unlimited SaGa, SC5, Lunar: DS...

So I'll add one more.

Master of Orion 3

What a pile of suck.  Thank God GalCiv came along and as a MoO game that was (mostly) right.

Dishonorable mentions:  FF8, Showdown Effect, Dungeonland
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Raikaria on July 11, 2015, 02:35:43 PM
Elsword, by far it's gotta be Elsword. I dumped more hours into this game than you guys can possibly believe.

As someone who played Grand Chase for probobly... 10 years, I can say Elsword is godawful in comparison. Grand Chase was a true 2D arcade-style fighter. [Complete with Arcade-style difficulty in some places. I still remember back when Fortress of Ascension was released. If you messed up against Thanatos Phase 3 he WOULD oneshot you unless you were in full cash gear or the set that dropped from there. Then he'd probobly 2 shot you.] Elsword... is some weird 2.5D Manga fighter thing it touts itself as?

I was mainly PvE; and I HATEHATEHATE the automatic knockdown mechanics. How GC dealt with infinite combos was enemies would randomly just do super-armor framed attacks; which if you did not stop pounding and dodge; you'd get owned and most bosses wouldn't flinch at all.  What Elsword does is make enemies fall down after a certain number of hits; get massive Damage Reduction; and then get up... to be pummeled again.

Worst game I've ever played is probobly Sonic '06. That thing was a glitchy; buggy pile of garbage which was so bad the game retconned itself out of existence. I also tend to make heavy use of youtube and reviews these days to avoid real stinkers.

I have a burning passion for Dungeon Crawl, which I played (torturously) for months before I finally got sick enough of it to kill the addiction.

I have found there are two ways to end a Dungeon Crawl game:
-You die an aggravating death
-You waste countless hours Not Dying miserably to ''''win''''

It's a roguelike, yes. By default it's Hardcore Mode where if you die you start over, all items are randomized except for your starting ones, you get a class-race choice and that's the only non-RNG thing in the game, delve to the bottom of a dungeon filled with hard monsters and head back up to win, etc.

But Dungeon Crawl is a special sort of hell.

Let's start with the first concept of the game: You WILL run into enemies you can't kill, at any stage in the game, and you WILL have to run away from them.

Unfortunately, the game makes it unreasonably difficult and RNG-dependent on if this is actually viable. Just the act of MOVING has a random chance of speeding you up or slowing you down ever so slightly, so sometimes (as in, whenever it's inconvenient), your foes will get free hits on you because you were randomly slowed down enough to let them catch up.

There are ways to speed yourself up, but it's either via spell (which requires you know magic), or a consumable, or being a naturally fast (and probably squishier) race. Naturally, most enemies that will Kill You have ranged attacks, making running unviable. Or they're faster then you by default, making running equally pointless. Or can summon to trap you in a hallway, or... you get the picture.

Then there's teleporting. Also a consumable, but it takes FOUR TURNS to teleport and it's RNG based where you go. This means you will always land in a spot that's guaranteed to put you worse off then before, because Crawl Hates You.

The only reliable method of running from things is via a Blink scroll, which is naturally fairly rare. Remember, this is a game where you will be forced to run a lot, and this is the only surefire way to distance yourself, a rare as shit scroll that on some floors of the dungeon isn't even fucking reliable because Fuck You It's Crawl.

Then we get to the enemies themselves that you will be running away from. The following cast of baddies can be found on any of the first three floors of the dungeon (of which you will have to endure around AT LEAST 50):
-Ogre. Deals Tons of Damage and has Tons of Health. Can easily one-shot squishy characters, found as early floor 3 or very rarely floor 2 or 1. You are guaranteed once every 50 games to see one spawn right next to you, right after you enter a new floor and instantly splatter you because it was Floor 3 and you have no real health bar.
-Orc Priest. Has a Line of Sight smite that deals irresistible damage. Can spam it as long as he's in LoS. Common Floor 3+ enemy, sometimes earlier.
-Orc Mage. Commonly found with blink, haste, and ranged poke attacks. Found at the same frequency as Priests.
-Gnoll. Tough melee monster. Solitary ones are uncommon on Floor 1, and beyond can be found in packs.
-Coyotes. Common Floor 1+ enemy. Travels in packs and faster then you. Deadly to squishy characters on Floor 1.
-Grinder. Boss Monster, second most lethal monster in Crawl. Found Floor 3-6. Has a ranged pain spell, blink, and paralysis. Resists almost every elemental magic you can start with.
-Sigmund. Most lethal character in Dungeon Crawl. Boss Monster found often on floors 2-4. Invisibility, Confusion, Ranged fire spell, will spam all three as often as possible. Often found with a random wand (which could be one that instant-kills you). Literally stated in the Knowledge Bot that he is "Proof that Crawl hates you and wants you to die."

The game is so deadly in the first five floors it's a wonder anyone ever wants to try venturing further past it, unless you can randomly find enough Magic Shit to make you overpowered enough to carry you through Early Game Hell. Keyword is, of course, "Randomly", because everything in the game is RNG. And the RNG hates you.

Crawl player here. [Furthest I've got is 2 runes and then dying on Vaults 3 when my TP scroll I used to escape a pack of about 20 deep trolls teleported me in Dragon Form right into the clutches of a Frost Giant...]

You missed Adders. Floor 2+ [Usually]. Decent damage. Outrun almost all characters so no escape. Highly venomous bite which will often leave you to die. Pretty good evasion.

Also; Xom.

But I'm a freaking gaming machoist. I play stuff like Crawl. I play Dwarf Fortress. And so on.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: commandercool on July 11, 2015, 03:05:53 PM
As someone who loves Silent Hill games, even a few of the much-maligned ones (relatively, of course-I would never call Downpour a great game, but it is short and containing of some great sequences, which makes it plenty wotthy of a playthrough) I have a grudge against Silent Hill 5/0/Origins/whatever.

Much of the game actually works really well for me. For sheer scariness I think it might have given me the most spooks out of any Silent Hill game. The atmosphere in some areas is so downright oppressive that it made me actually anxious to open a door to see the next thing.

The "use anything as a weapon" system is cooler in concept than itvis in practice since you have unlimited inventory space to cram everything that isn't nailed down into, which means that breakable weapons are meaningless because you already have ten IV poles in your pocket anyway if you lose this one. Botched execution of a good idea, but not awful.

No, the awful part was the last ~hour. I was relatively on board up to then. I won't spoil specifics in case for some weird reason someone actually cares about the plot to a Silent Hill that isn't the second or third one, but I'll just say that throughout the whole game you're receiving clues to why your character is on Silent Hill that suggest a connection to certain characters from other games.

When reveal times comes though, onstead of explaining anything and making the plot matter, the game just shows you something it already showed you and pretends it's shocking new information even though you found out at least an hour ago. Then it railroads you along to a hasyily-assembled final sequence with none of the care or atmosphere of previous parts of the game leading to a bunch of meaningless metaphysical nonsense and a crappy anticlimactic boss fight against the most generic cartoon devil you've ever seen that takes about fifteen seconds to kill. Game over, collect your traditional one-of-several endongs that explains little and get out.

Why were you in Silent Hill? What does this alleged prequel add to the backstory that we didn't already basically know? Why did your character have the inexplicable ability to travel back and forth between worlds almost at will? No particular reason. The whole point of the game seemed to be (aside from casting aside SH4 by returning to the characters and plit of the original Silent Hill, which is a game I don't particularly care for) to set up a plot point that was seemingly scrapped at the last minute with next to nothing offered to fill the hole it left. Granted, if I'm right about what the original intent was that twist ultimately wouldn't have mattered thaaaat much either, but it would have been something. And something is better than the gibberish we got.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on July 11, 2015, 03:39:32 PM
As someone who played Grand Chase for probobly... 10 years, I can say Elsword is godawful in comparison.

Ugh, Grand Chase is another can of worms entirely, honestly I dumped a fuckton of hours in Grand Chase before I dumped a fuckton of hours in Elsword and there's good reason Elsword is considered the better game of the two. Between the bullshit grabbing mechanic, the dungeons which were just as godawful as Elsword's, the equally as bad storyline with the exact same problems, the pay-to-win aspect, the horrible balance problems... Literally the only thing Grand Chase had it going for it that was better than Elsword was that was that this was not a common occurrence (

There's good reason Grand Chase is dead, I hope Elsword follows suit as soon as possible. Considering how much I know about KOG's decision making both gameplay and business-wise, I would like to say that Elsword is going to be dead by the end of the year but that seems less likely by the day. Which hurts my soul.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Raikaria on July 11, 2015, 04:11:46 PM
Ugh, Grand Chase is another can of worms entirely, honestly I dumped a fuckton of hours in Grand Chase before I dumped a fuckton of hours in Elsword and there's good reason Elsword is considered the better game of the two. Between the bullshit grabbing mechanic, the dungeons which were just as godawful as Elsword's, the equally as bad storyline with the exact same problems, the pay-to-win aspect, the horrible balance problems... Literally the only thing Grand Chase had it going for it that was better than Elsword was that was that this was not a common occurrence (

There's good reason Grand Chase is dead, I hope Elsword follows suit as soon as possible. Considering how much I know about KOG's decision making both gameplay and business-wise, I would like to say that Elsword is going to be dead by the end of the year but that seems less likely by the day. Which hurts my soul.

Except they fixed a lot of those issues in the final years. Beyond players making rules; they actually added options like 'disable pet attacks' and 'disable probs/equalize stats'; which basically killed off pay2win. And I wasn't a PvP'er. Elsword has:
Skill Notes which is largely cash
B slot which is borderline required for some characters and is cash only and is a massive PvP and PvE buff.
Avatar stuff which gives notable stats
Pay2Win armors with no 'equal mode' in PvP.
Pets which are pretty much cash only. [Some of the best GC pets were PvE grinding only; like Thanny Boy]

If Grand Chase was P2W Elsword is borderline P2P. Especially in PvP. THE best equipment in Grand Chase was PvE-exclusive. [Lv 85 Relic. Best cash equips were Lv 80 Relic]

Oh; and the Stamina system. That sucks too.

And PvE is better than Elsword's; aside from the lack of the stupid knockdown mechanics; you're rewarded for things such as attacking the enemy from the rear or knocking them airborne and juggleing them. There's no stoic stupidity. The PvE is more about making quick reactions to enemy super armor attacks than just looping mobs until they hit auto knockdown, waiting for them to get back up because lol 80%+ DR and repeating. Storyline is awful but hey it's the same company what do you expect?

GC died because it was more than 10 years old and Elsword existed splitting the playerbase between the shiny new game and the older one. That and they made a lot of choices people didn't like [Cough; AP system which eventually led to an overhaul of the entire skill system :/]
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: MewMewHeart on July 11, 2015, 05:01:00 PM
Except they fixed a lot of those issues in the final years. Beyond players making rules; they actually added options like 'disable pet attacks' and 'disable probs/equalize stats'; which basically killed off pay2win. And I wasn't a PvP'er. Elsword has:
Skill Notes which is largely cash
B slot which is borderline required for some characters and is cash only and is a massive PvP and PvE buff.
Avatar stuff which gives notable stats
Pay2Win armors with no 'equal mode' in PvP.
Pets which are pretty much cash only. [Some of the best GC pets were PvE grinding only; like Thanny Boy]

If Grand Chase was P2W Elsword is borderline P2P. Especially in PvP. THE best equipment in Grand Chase was PvE-exclusive. [Lv 85 Relic. Best cash equips were Lv 80 Relic]

Oh; and the Stamina system. That sucks too.

And PvE is better than Elsword's; aside from the lack of the stupid knockdown mechanics; you're rewarded for things such as attacking the enemy from the rear or knocking them airborne and juggleing them. There's no stoic stupidity. The PvE is more about making quick reactions to enemy super armor attacks than just looping mobs until they hit auto knockdown, waiting for them to get back up because lol 80%+ DR and repeating. Storyline is awful but hey it's the same company what do you expect?

GC died because it was more than 10 years old and Elsword existed splitting the playerbase between the shiny new game and the older one. That and they made a lot of choices people didn't like [Cough; AP system which eventually led to an overhaul of the entire skill system :/]
GC Player here.... and want to say this... they even nerfed characters when people bitch and moaned especially Amy FOR NO GOD DAMN REASON at all, 4th bars broke the game, they never added good dungeons or tried to make the story line make sense, and on top of that... they tried to turn it into Elsword. GC had potential, but KoG FUCKED UP big time trying to make it more like Elsword that's probably was the reason why GC fell... I don't mind Elsword it's just they need to make it interesting.

Now on the subject of worse games... FUCKING MAPLESTORY FUCK THAT NOISE AIN'T GOT TIME FOR THAT SHIT NO MORE. (Yes you can shoot me for calling Maplestory out)
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: notverycreative on July 11, 2015, 06:33:31 PM
Unlimited Saga only killed the whole "new SaGa games" thing. They still remade Romancing Saga, and it's awesome (the visuals don't bother me). And we also got remakes of FF Legend 2 and 3 out of it. Square's not exactly making good decisions anymore, so I doubt Kawazu will ever work again, unless they want him to redo Romancing Saga 2 or 3 for mobile or some shit like that.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: FinnKaenbyou on July 11, 2015, 06:54:38 PM
I make a habit of playing horrible games and LPing them, or just generally yelling about their incompetence to anyone who wants to listen. Normally I've got a good stomach for this stuff and can push through even if I can't stand what I'm reading.

But then I played Fading Hearts. (,17230.msg1118744.html#msg1118744)

Fading Hearts is the worst Visual Novel I've played in my life. It uses Y2K as a legitimate plot point to explain both why the protag's parents are dead and why he's able to live on his own despite being in high school (because he's THE BESTESTESTEST PROGRAMMER EVAR!!!). The writing gives us quality lines like "I smile winningly at her, hoping my charming smile will soften her heart". All the characterisation is explained through text rather than action, breaking Show Don't Tell clean in half. The art is awkward at best and painful at worst. The music is horrible, to the point where one song samples the sound of a door opening for no obvious reason. ( It's pretentious, it's wangsty, it's got no idea what it wants to be, and it's almost hilariously sexist (you have to team up with a pick-up-artist to save your female friend from her abusive partner). THEY EVEN GET THE DAY OF THE WEEK WRONG SEVERAL TIMES. There is NOTHING redeemable about this game, and the fact I spent fifteen dollars on it makes me physically ill.

Second place goes to the horribly NSFW My Girlfriend Is The President (,11803.0.html), which was at least mildly entertaining until its characterisation turned utterly horrific and made me want to murder everyone involved. Third place is Caf? 0 (,16180.0.html), or Everyone Is An Awful Person Simulator 2014.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: nav' on July 12, 2015, 06:54:36 AM
Having never played any actually terrible games, I'll say the worst one when compared to my expectations was Oblivion. I played Oblivion after a long and eventful adventure with Morrowind, and compared to Morrowind, Oblivion was too generic and underdetailed (reportedly almost all the dungeons and the overworld map were procedurally generated). Dumbed down in a way that actually harmed the game (mostly less lore and dialogue in return for having it all spoken in bad voices). There were unnecessary restrictions to player freedom: tons of unkillable characters and doors with unbreakable locks. And everyone knows about the leveling system. I'm also going to say that the physics engine, while spectacular, makes it completely impossible to neatly arrange your collection of stuff like in Morrowind, so you have to either put it in a chest (and hope it doesn't respawn), or throw everything on one chaotic pile.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Cadmas on July 12, 2015, 04:57:46 PM
I'm also going to say that the physics engine, while spectacular, makes it completely impossible to neatly arrange your collection of stuff like in Morrowind, so you have to either put it in a chest (and hope it doesn't respawn), or throw everything on one chaotic pile.

That right there is the biggest slap in the face the game has to offer considering the elder scrolls games always turn into crap collection simulators for me.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Sombres on July 19, 2015, 05:45:37 PM
I had bought a pok?mon ruby cartridge on a store on a mall long ago. When I started it up, it turned out to be some random lame badly translated bootleg version of  a platformer or something. The disappointment was too great. The game itself had awful controls, too.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: FamilyTeam on July 19, 2015, 11:18:53 PM
Mods, okay, you had fun changing the fonts, please change it back, it's getting painful to read stuff
I haven't played any games I've considered TERRIBLE, or the worst. But I'll just mention a few I particularly didn't like:

Burning Rangers, Sega Saturn: I never quite understood how to play this game, it looked like absolute garbage even for a Sega Saturn game, and thanks to me not understanding it, I never had fun playing it.

Call of Duty: Ghosts, platform doesn't matter: ...That game... exists. I actually have far more to talk about with this game than any of the others I'll be talking about here.
If you're a fan of CoD, you more than likely hate this game, too. You'll have a hard time finding someone that actually likes this game, actually. Next to no CoD fans even bother defending it. Ghosts effectlively shat on everything that made the previous games good. I won't bother going on detail about just WHY this game came to be the trainwreck it was, it's a long story that started way back in the MW2 days, but I'll explain how the game itself we got is.
First of, the graphics. If you played MW3, you know that Infinity Ward (or what was left of it) really must've suddenly got a thing for the colour grey, since MW3 was pretty greyed out. Still, it wasn't that bad. The game looked a bit ugly and somewhat depressing, but it worked. But they went *waaaaaaaaaaaaaay* overboard with it in Ghosts. The entire game is pretty much in greyscale. In fact, in that ridiculous and infamous space level, if you actually look at the Earth itself, you'll see even that didn't escape this decision, since it is also somewhat greyed out. This made Ghosts a *very* ugly game to look at. Also, in Multiplayer, enemy players blend in *very* well in the background, but I'll talk about the Multiplayer in itself more in a bit. Ghosts is also pretty much unplayable on a CRT TV. An entire 1/10 of the game is off screen on both sides of your television, the game gets a bit blurry and smaller text is borderline unreadable.

The Campaign... is terrible. More specifically, the story. You might be thinking "Oh, but the story in previous COD games was never something to brag about", but atleast they weren't this bad. It's very awkwardly paced, the missions aren't that fun to play, and dat ending. Apparently, getting shot in the chest by a .44 Magnum round, then getting blown up, then getting stuck inside a flooding container just isn't enough to kill the main villain.
And now, the Multiplayer. Easily the worst MP experience I've ever had. The gun balance, while better than, say, Black Ops 1 or MW3, still frankly stinks. The MTAR (which for fuck's sake, Ghosts, is NOT a Submachinegun!) reigned king over all weapons in the game for a long time. There were way too many perks, and they were all just perks from earlier games except stripped down into many parts. Deadeye is literally just Stopping Power that works randomly. Now, brief history class:
Deadeye increases your current bullet damage by 40% much like Stopping power did, but while that doesn't sound bad, you must remember that the three CoDs that HAD SP, CoD4. WAW and MW2, had every gun in the game somewhat weak to justify its usage. The average amount of bullets to kill in those three games without Stopping Power was 4 for automatic weapons and 3 for Semi Automatic weapons, and using the perk would effectively make you need one less bullet to kill. In Black Ops 1 onwards. Stopping Power was removed, and most weapons were given the effects of said perk by default, so now Automatics killed in 3 shots and Semi Automatics in 2. Even though Infinity Ward effectly brought that ability back for Ghosts, they still kept the default bullet power of the games where this ability was not present, so if you do use Deadeye, it's like you're stacking TWO Stopping Power perks in your gun, so now you have 900RPM Automatics killing in 2 shots, and Semi Automatics killing in... 2 still! The 40% buff still wouldn't give you enough power to kill someone in one shot to the body. The only thing that makes Deadeye different from Stopping Power is that it only works once every 4 shots (once every 3 shots if you kill 2 people and every other shot if you kill 5 people) which disencourages its usage in slower firing or Semi Automatic weapons.

So thanks to this decision, Semi Automatic weapons became useless and Automatic Fast Firing weapons became too powerful, and thanks to the lag (something this game definitely doesn't lack), most of the time you can literally get killed in less than 10 frames depending on your connection. Now, the maps. CoD was always about small maps and fast paced arcade action. Black Ops 2 took this too far and made every single map in the game claustrophobically small, so people complained. Infinity Ward saw this during the development of their upcoming game (which was Ghosts) and decided to change the formula of the maps. So, when we got Ghosts, suddenly it was the complete opposite of BO2: The maps were way too big!
The maps were too big, too open and barren. If even in small maps it was sometimes possible for you to run around everywhere and not find a single enemy for a minute or two, in the big maps, it happens all the time, basically! The maps were so big and so slow paced, most matches would actually time out rather than finish through score. it also slowed the pace of the game down to a crawl and made the Shotguns useless.

Overall... Ghosts was just sad. Advanced Warfare was a bit better. A tiny bit better. Slightly better. 

Touhou Project Wars: I'm putting this since it has been previously mentioned here in this thread. Sure it's a fangame, so I should give it a break... but I won't. The game is very boring and repetitive. You need to keep getting money to buy new Gasha dolls and train them, so this means plenty of grinding to get money, and then even more grinding on top of that to get them leveled up. Boss Fights are a cruel joke. I've never had one that lasted less than 280 turns. The RNG keeps healing them everytime they're about to go down, then it keeps healing me when I'm about to go down. The story is on par with Ghosts in terms of quality, and that fucking SI protagonist is so damn annoying!. The cutscenes sometimes allow you to choose what you're going to do or say next, but, atleast to me, it doesn't seem to make that big of a difference. It's not the worst thing ever, you can definitely have some fun with it, but ever since I've stopped playing it two years ago I've never felt the urge to come back to it even once.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Tribow on July 20, 2015, 01:31:11 AM
So I own superman64.

I tried to play it
I had no idea what the hell I was doing for a good percentage of that game. Fly through rings, fun.
That's it.
Plus if you sit and watch the intro superman will fly into city building and glitch out.
I can't even explain how bad the game is, I haven't played it long enough to do it.
Just search videos of Superman64

And for another bad n64 game.


It's totally not because horrible controls, gameplay is terrible, camera angle pls, what the heck am i supposed to do here? I DONT KNOW WHERE POINT A AND POINT B IS!!

Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on July 20, 2015, 10:20:36 PM
I've played many horrible games through my life, but I guess this piece of shit ( here takes the cake.

I remember playing it as a kid. I don't want to even look at it again...

There's also this (  :barf:
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Kuriz on August 12, 2017, 04:25:53 AM
I would pull out some shovelware game from my childhood, but I can't remember any, save for Ben 10 Protector of Earth on DS, so I'll just say Lost Planet 3. Maybe Tekken Tag 2. Ranked match has broken me on a spiritual level I cannot even begin to comprehend, but a it's still Tekken. I can't hate a Tekken. Not when Lost Planet 3 exists

BONUS OFF TOPIC THINGER: The worst game I actually love is Sonic R. Yup. I like the music, mainly.

PX: Just a friendly reminder that this thread ended over two years ago. It's better to make a new thread rather than revive a dead one.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Ionasal kkll Solciel on August 12, 2017, 07:17:48 PM
BONUS OFF TOPIC THINGER: The worst game I actually love is Sonic R. Yup. I like the music, mainly.
Lucky sod. My copy never had music for some reason.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: JetSet on August 13, 2017, 11:45:47 PM
Worst game I've ever played...

If you think in terms of least enjoyed, then Skyrim. I played through it for a long while, but I was never really too drawn in. Like, I never lost myself for hours in it like most people say they do.

As for worst as in just bad, I would say....uh, probably Resident Evil: Umbrella corps. It played like a bad mobile game...for PC.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Ghaleon on August 14, 2017, 09:18:10 PM
I played a lot of "worst games" such as ET. But the game that made me think had no redeeming qualities whatsoever for its time is that god awful simsons game where you spraypaint stuff.

Master of orion 3 isnt the worst but it is outstanding with how bad they effed up, and it certainky is quite probably the most dissapointing game ever for me. Even still though I WOULD enjoy it. But the thing is that game is supposed to be ridiculously complex and filled with tons of minutia rhat you CAN micromanage but encourages you to "macromanage"... This is a lie. I micro everything, and even enjoy it. But it has a fatal flaw. Even if you micro everything and set bulding/planet/government advisors to off, they will stealth turn themselves on again and replace all your effing orders on all your planets. Basically making it so you arent even ALLOWED to play the game, it WILL play itself for you.

I HOPED this was a bug they would fix after a patch or two but nope. I waited YEARS before playing again and updated the game only to encounter the same issue. Arrgh!

The painful thing is I REALLY liked the esthetic, the UI, etc. It felt so immersive as a space commander thing and really got me in the mood. When I tried gal civ 2, everything felt cheesy in comparison even if it may be a better game.

Lords of the realm 3 is similar to master of orion 3. They turned the whole premise of the game upside down and amounts to being like playing a moba without the heroes. Which is to say you do virtually nothing but tell the troops who are automatically generated from a town you dont manage to attack and thats about it..
 In real time, after the series was established as something of a 4x turn based game. What the heck were they thinking?!

Edit: oh yeah. You guys suck, elsword is fun =p. Though it does get really grindy later on and the boss health bars get to be excessive.

Vindictus kinda is like an enhanced version of elsword, both the good and the bad. The expectation that you are to have +10 gear is even higher, though in vindictus its +15. The penalty for not having it is so bad people outright state they will kick you if you lack a certain stat number.

The bosses are much MUCH harder and more damaging, and the trash getting to them is so mind numbingly noring and easy you can probably reach the bosses blindfolded and playing with your feet. But the boss battles are SOOO good I still enjoy the game regardless. Plus vindictus has the best done dragon fights ive ever seen in a game.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Chill Observer on August 20, 2017, 09:33:15 AM

Or really, just the MMO genre in general. It's incredibly grindy, exists only just to waste your time, to get the best gear, levels etc you pretty much have to invest in tons of time or commit yourself to doing dailies. All of which RS has fallen victim to. And that's not to mention the (completely optional, fortunately) MTX.

Bossing/PvM is about the only thing I like doing in this game, and it's the only reason I play this game nowadays pretty much. Everything else about RS is just trash or dead content.
Title: Re: What is the WORST game you've ever played in your life?
Post by: Jeremie on August 20, 2017, 01:28:17 PM
Out of all games I've played, Rise of the Robots is a very strong contender for worst game I've ever played. In my opinion, it's not like Superman 64, Action 52, Big Rigs or all the games that have a charm for being so bad that they're good. Out of all the fighting games I've played, it is bar none the worst I ever had the misfortune to try (I played the SNES version). There's many contenders out there just in the fighting game department but the lack of response in controls, the A.I. that can be horribly dumb just like it can curbstomp the player just makes it downright unplayable and boring. At least Shaq Fu and many of the Mortal Kombat clones had a bit of charm to them because they were flat out weird, silly or hilariously bad.

Meanwhile, the biggest disappointment in terms of games I experienced includes Mario's Time Machine because, while I was younger I thought that sounded awesome for a premise... and then I discovered it was an educational game. To make matters worst, I didn't know English at all back then. Unlimited SaGa ranks up there as well because, while I can appreciate change, I think it's fair to say it went wayyyy too far.

I also got to agree about the MMO genre more or less. While I think there's some good ones out there that are fun even with all the grinding and stuff, there's a certain famous one that I have a lot of contempt towards. Beyond that, there's so many mediocre titles out there that have extremely little to contribute. On the other hand, I feel there's some browser games out there that are even worse.