Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Alice's Art Atelier => Topic started by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 28, 2013, 04:17:40 PM

Title: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 28, 2013, 04:17:40 PM
For reasons unknown, I've decided to make a Touhou sprite comic.

Begin reading here: Since that's where the main comic begins, the previous 44 strips are the originals with the bad font.
The Comic's homepage is here:

The comic centers around the adventures/misadventures of Alice, Shanghai, Patchouli, and Marisa. Remilia, Shanghai, Kaguya, and a currently unnamed Fairy Maid are the current supporting cast. Yuyuko, Youmu, Mokou, Cirno, Flandre, and a sunflower fairy are the current antagonists.
Don't be surprised when you start to see non-touhou characters, the aborted storyline (and a few future ones) is a crossover arc.
I hope people like it.

(I'm using primarily MSpaint to make this, and I have time constraints (I have to juggle working on this around with other projects and daily life things.), so please don't bug me about the quality of the speech bubbles.)

Past plotlines/arcs:
-The Lost Arc (original 44 strips) (strips 1-44)

Current plotline/arc:
Saigyouji Shenanigans (strips 45-present)
(Working title)

Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 31, 2013, 06:07:36 PM
Sooo.... does anyone have any thoughts on this so far?
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: KrackoCloud on November 03, 2013, 10:56:10 PM
I'm interested in seeing where this is headed, but the story hasn't really gotten anywhere yet, so I don't have much to give feedback on.
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: pasu on November 04, 2013, 01:52:55 AM
beginning was a little meh because mariali is so common but interested in seeing where it'll go
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on November 09, 2013, 04:40:36 PM
Just a heads up for those not actively following the comic, the comic is now 22 strips in length (and climbing) and the first crossover arc is about to begin.
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on December 15, 2013, 11:38:45 PM
There are now 37 strips in the comic.
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on January 01, 2014, 11:52:35 PM
Miraculously, this comic has survived into the new year and is now 43 strips in length and climbing.

I'm still interested in opinions so far.
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on January 08, 2014, 11:27:55 PM
An outside source has informed me that the current font the comic is using is bad and degrading, and the comic won't be taken seriously because of it.

Changing the font in the next update to me is rather abrupt and in my honest opinion won't make any difference. So I am considering moving the current 44 strips to a separate archive and restarting/remaking the story from scratch.

I am currently undecided on this, but if I decide to go through with it, the first strip in the Friday update (to those on this forum who actually read this soon to be remedied failure of mine comic) will be the new strip #1.

(my other option is discontinuing it, but where's the fun in that?)
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on January 11, 2014, 07:58:13 PM
I decided to restart the comic.
The comic begins anew starting strip 45. (The originals are placed in their own chapter. They are kept before the new ones so followers of the comic can see the new updates, otherwise I would place it after.)

New comic begins here:

-New font. I'm sorry for writing the original 44 in comic sans. I didn't know that 90% of the internet hates that font.
-New jokes/gags, to freshen things up a bit and to give the new/remade strips a different feel from the originals.
-New plotline. While I liked the original plotline, (and I will re-do that too after this one) I'm going to use a completely new one instead since I like the idea better.
-The new comic currently numbers 4 strips, but that number is steadily increasing.

I'm still interested in feedback. (both on the new ones and the original 44)
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on January 13, 2014, 12:12:13 AM
The "New" Comic is now 16 strips in length and climbing.

(I feel like I'm just rambling on about this to myself....)
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on January 15, 2014, 10:16:27 PM
27 strips (and increasing) in the "new" comic (strips 45-present).

Seriously, any thoughts on it so far? I feel like I'm just talking to myself here.
What's the point of sharing this with this forum if you guys aren't going to read it, give commentary, or give feedback on it?
Perhaps I should stop updating this thread due to the lack of attention it's getting. This got much more attention on a smaller, less active, non-touhou forum that I also shared it with  (Which I find quite ironic, by the way...).
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: KrackoCloud on January 15, 2014, 10:35:46 PM
I've been following this comic, but as far as comments go, I don't really have much to add.
You've got good dialogue, and the new plot definitely feels more interesting than the last one.

I don't think spritecomics are really a thing at MotK at all, so I'm not too surprised that you'd get more feedback elsewhere. <:U Them's the breaks.
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Fuyuumi on January 15, 2014, 11:47:17 PM
What program are you using for these comics? For me they kinda looks like they're made in Paint. Especially these speech bubbles. You can add a black thin outline around these bubbles, give characters some shadows (even crappy circlish ones, they'll help due do different backgrounds) and stop using Marisa's "ze" as a sentence itself. Ze is used in the sentence, so instead of "Later. Ze." Marisa would say "Later ze~." The comic itself is nice and all but I've seen A LOT of crappy sprite comics done by MS Paint without basic stuff done.
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on January 16, 2014, 12:15:24 AM
For me they kinda looks like they're made in Paint.


Also thanks for the feedback. :)
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Fuyuumi on January 16, 2014, 01:41:25 AM
I'd say that you should get your hands on using Gimp. It's free, has more stuff than Paint blahblahblah you know the drill. Also you can steal some ideas get inspired by this comic ( if you want some random humor and talking hedgehogs and stuff.
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on January 16, 2014, 03:53:32 AM
I actually do have Gimp on my computer, I just rarely use it. (Now that I think of it the only time I really ever used it was to make my avatar. :|) I never actually tried comic-ing in it. I guess I could give it a try, but if I don't like the result I'll probably stick with paint (since I'm more used to it...).
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: SeasideCharizard on January 16, 2014, 10:31:48 PM
I actually do have Gimp on my computer, I just rarely use it. (Now that I think of it the only time I really ever used it was to make my avatar. :|) I never actually tried comic-ing in it. I guess I could give it a try, but if I don't like the result I'll probably stick with paint (since I'm more used to it...).
For particularly sprite comics like this, I'll go ahead and just say Paint.NET.
"You will not regret it" is a huge understatement.
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: SilentYukiro on January 17, 2014, 12:13:32 PM
Read the whole comic from start to finish, I will not get tired reading those and laugh so hard at some humors xDDD.


Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on January 17, 2014, 07:41:37 PM
Read the whole comic from start to finish, I will not get tired reading those and laugh so hard at some humors xDDD.


Glad you liked it. There's more to come.  :D
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: SilentYukiro on January 18, 2014, 05:50:00 AM
Glad you liked it. There's more to come.  :D

Please do, the comic relieves my tension since I read it last night xDDD. I'll support this comic!  :D
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: 「WolverZon」 on January 19, 2014, 09:49:28 AM
Loved the first arc! That Touhou/Contra crossover was fantastic and hilarious as hell. Hope to see it continued!
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on January 19, 2014, 09:06:04 PM
Loved the first arc! That Touhou/Contra crossover was fantastic and hilarious as hell. Hope to see it continued!
Wow, someone actually read the first 44...
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: 「WolverZon」 on January 20, 2014, 08:06:52 AM
Wow, someone actually read the first 44...

Ain't no silly font's gonna prevent me from enjoying the comic. :)

I seriously hope that arc gets continued. I really enjoyed the humor, not to mention the story.

The current arc's pretty good too. Excited to see how it will be resolved.
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on February 02, 2014, 09:14:23 PM
As of this post there are now 43 strips in the "Main" comic.
Title: Re: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic.
Post by: SilentYukiro on February 02, 2014, 10:37:13 PM
I just recently read the new updates.

Oh man, Serious Shanghai is Serious xDD. The comic always makes me laugh, I couldn't stop xDDD. Well, awesome job at the updates. I hope this continues :3
Title: ["Art"] Magician Chronicles - A touhou sprite comic - Off Hiatus!
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on March 03, 2014, 11:45:03 PM
The unanticipated hiatus of this comic is over!

However, I recently started my second webcomic (non-touhou, so I'm not posting/linking to it here, but it can be accessed through my smackjeeves profile for those who are curious.) and update frequencies of this comic may rise or fall depending on which comic rises in popularity over the other, but until then updates will continue as normal.