Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Mystia's Stored Games => Topic started by: Totaku on July 15, 2012, 06:15:32 AM

Title: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns: (BAD END)
Post by: Totaku on July 15, 2012, 06:15:32 AM
One day, not too long ago Suika Ibuki decided to run along to Reimu?s shrine to go hang out with Reimu as she use to do. She ran in her silly drunken manner as she had always done until she arrived at the shrine.

?Reimu~ I?m heeeeeeere!?

But there was no responds?.

?Huh where are you Reimu??

She looks up and spot a piece of paper sitting by the front of the shrine?

?Gone out with Marisa to talk with a fellow hermit, be back later.

PS Don?t take anything from the donation box!?

-Hakurei Reimu

?Awwww?. This is no fun? she?s always so busy now.?

Suika beings to pout and she sits down by steps of shrine and beings to drink here Sake when suddenly a gap opens and familiar face walks though?

?Good day to you Suika.?

?Yukrari what are you doing here??

?Perhaps I should ask the same from you. You do realize that with all the new individuals that have come to Gensokyo these day that our shrine maiden has been very busy. It not quite how it use to be in the past. ?

?Yeah, but I want to be able to just hang out with her??

Yukari ponders for a moment and then she comes up with an idea.

?Suika, how about we attempt ?The challenge? again??

?Wha do ya mean??

?You know, the one where I test your survivability!?

?Wait you mean the one where I have to go build something in your little werid world you made again??

?Yes, and this time it?ll be far different from last time too. The challenges will be far greater and even more dangerous compared to before hand. In fact, I would find it very FUN to see if you could even attempt to live and survive in a fort for 20
years and get a well established system running including having a thirving populations, and a functioning military.?

?How much different is now??

?Let?s say you?ll encounter things you never seen before Suika. And many of them may even shock you! But knowing you, you wouldn?t back down from such a challenge would you??

?Of course not! We oni know how to handle ourselves no matter what the challenge is!?

?Let?s see if you have what it takes to survive then?. Suika, take out a few pieces of your hair please.?

Suika once again removes a few small pieces of her hair and creates tiny replicas of herself and Yukari takes out a small replica of a world and Suika places the tiny Suikas upon the world.
Yukari ends up taking out of  gap what appears to be tiny replica of various things, including yukkuri, humans, kappa, some various Touhou character and various other things...

?What?s this Yukari??

?I told you this time  it would be a lot different?.I wonder if your kind can survive in this new dangerous world? Are you really up for the challenge??

?Definetely!? Suika said with extreme confidence as she took a big drink from her gourd.

?Then let us get this world running!?

And so with that Suika has once again taken on Yukari?s challenge to once again face off in?


Greetings everyone, I?m Totaku, modder and host of the Suika Fortress mod!

It is once again that time of the year where we will once again embark on another crazy journey into the world of Suika Fortress the Touhou themed DF mod. We now begin the third year of the challenge and this I will be doing an all time first experiment!

A Cross-forum project!

By this I mean what I?m going to do is get 2 forums involved in playing this game. MotK, the place where Suika Fortress originally did it?s yearly challneges. And Bay12 games, the forum that?s dedicated to Dwarf Fortress!
Before we being, let me cover the basics:

So you may be wonder what is this Suika Fortress all about?

Well if your familiar with a game called Dwarf Fortress then it?s basically that except it?s been modified with have Suikas instead of Dwarves.

What's Suika Fortress?

The best way to answer this is to first answer what Dwarf Fortress is. Imagine what would happen if you?re cross together Dungeon Crawler with the Sims that?s kind of a rough summary of what Dwarf Fortress is. Then throw a really really steep learning curve for good measure. Basically your trying to help your dwarves make a living by building a fortress and help them be able to survive against just about anything. Wether it be Elephants, Unicorns, Goblins, you name it. And at the same time, make sure they can survive, get food and water and be comfortable and happy as possible.

In Suika Fortress, we do pretty much the same thing, except it?s with Suikas, and most of our livestock and predators are yukkuri, sukusuku hakutakus, and other weird things, though there are some animals out there too?

It?s also important to note that every Suika has their own personality and quarks too so be alert with how they behave too.

What does it look like?

Imagine a world full a Suikas mining caves, managing yukkuri, and all sort of other things just to making a living and survive. The game flows in real time and you will spend your time managing the activities and actions the Suikas do. You can pause it however if you need to plan things out. Before letting the game continue. It should look something like this,


All these nice graphics while they attempt to build a fortress. It should be fun to see how this develops? and yes I created the suika graphic tile sprites for this(there are some animals though from another creator, but hey, it adds flavor).

The interface mainly consist of the following:
( (
On the left is the activity screen where you can watch the mini suikas as they run around doing what they do best. Get drunk and work.

The middle is the menu, you will be pressing the keys to that cordinate with what every option you want to select, this is vital for especially because you will need to tell the mini suikas what to do.

And on your right is the map or your region. Here you'll see that suikas are marked in red while other creatures are in read. While it may look simple it's important to know that the map consist of many levels and to alternate between the levels you'll have to press the < or > keys to work with them.

I'll be covering some more as I play the game...

Where can I get the game? What version do I need?

As of today I?m using Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11 and have modded it with my mod I?ve worked on and off for 3 years now.
You can download Suika Fortress 0.7.5 at:

The Dwarf Fortress File Depot (PC Version)

Media Fire (PC Version)

Media Fire (Mac Version)

If you still have complications please let me know...

This game seems hard, it there an easier way to understand it?

Well, it is somewhat hard at the start, even the tutorial only gives you enough info just to start and learn the simple basics. But if you feel you want to learn more things without as much struggle then to the Dwarf Fortress Wiki here.

Here you?ll find pretty much all the ins and out about how everything works in the game. It?s rather useful so I highly recommend looking through it when you having trouble. Pretty much everything from this wiki will apply to Suika Fortress as well. Just remember though, while it's important to understand the game it's also important to now cheat either and spoil yourself from the real adventure of Dwarf Fortress cause after all one thing they always say is..."Losing is Fun!

So how?s the process going to work?

What?s going to happen is I?m will currently allow you a few days to a week to sign up.  Players need to register in order to participate in the community game project I?m conducting. While I allow sign up, I will be explain you the theme and asking you a few series of questions that will be important in terms of Fortress and where we will embark. I require that we get some answers so I can set it up in advance. (it will take several days to put it together, I?m certain of it.)

From there, I will probably have a few locations picked and we will determine form there what we will do. Don?t be surprised though, I?m going to leave some thing a surprise, because some times the best kind of challenges are the ones that are blindly.

We will determine where to embark based on the questions, pick our location, and from there work together to determine supplies and skills before we embark on location.

Depending on the number of people who sign up to play I will allow them to get first dibs on having a Suika named after them.

Also I will allow a spectator section for those who just want to watch the game and see how everything unfold. They will get a Suika named after them too, but only after the actual players?

When we embark, I will randomize who will go first in terms of the players who signed up. So I?m going to suggest that you prepare to possibly get the first turn.

When we begin the game, I will be sending posts that you guys make to Bay 12 and messages from them back to you all so that you can get a full idea what everyone is saying at the time.

As for you guys you can watch the bay 12 forum Suika Fortress thread from:

Gameplay rules

We shall play Suika Fortress as a succession game. When the game begins, you will have one year to do whatever you got to do to help your Suikas develop their fortress. Get materials, build things, fight creatures, whatever. During the run you should take pictures of some of the events that unfold during your year. Try to update periodically as I know a year takes a while go through. Because speed can vary based on one?s computer, I will give the player one week (7 days) in real time to complete the task, and if an extension is needed, he or she must provide an update with pictures on where he or she is at so I know where they stand. And if progress that is made shows some promise of progress I will allow another 2 days of extension.

The players turn will come to an end when the Lily White comes along and announces that ...

or rather ?Spring has arrived!? which will appear at the bottom of the game window.

From there you must pause and save your game. To do that press escape, and then go down the menu and select  "Save game and press enter. And then take the save file which is located in  data -> saves -> Reigon folder. Take the region folder that contains the Suika Fortress data and then zip it (or rar it) and upload it to Mediafire, Dwarf Fortress Depot and so forth and please link it in the thread. I want to make sure I can see the file and look through it.

The next person will then take the Region folder and place it in save folder and start off the game and continue from there till the next spring.

Because the game lasts for a long time we will end the game under two conditions:

1.We create an epic Suika fortress
2.The Suika Fortress dies in an epic death (ala boatmurdered or something along the line)

My only exception to this is that I would like to see if we can  make the fort run for a long period of time. Say? about 20 year maybe?

If for some reason the Suika Fortress dies way before the 15-20 years has passed. Then that players turn will end and the next player will use the last save and continue from there until the next Spring.

Finally if the person is unable to complete the run in time, his run will be nulled as we will return to the last save?

Also it is important to know that you can resign yourself up for another round though you will be placed on the bottom of the waiting list and I will contact you when your turn is up.

The theme

This year in Suika Fortress I wanted to incorporate a new theme to make things more? interesting for our Fortress fun. The game is already challenging as is, but I think I want to make it even more challenge this year so this year theme is?.


That?s right, this means we?re going to aim to embark into an evil location. But only based on the difficulty level we select. What this means, is we?re going to set off into the dangerous undead zone, but we don?t have to stay in it entirely. Unless your crazy and suicidal enough to. So what I?m going to do is base the location on a % rate. Meaning some land can be corrupted by evil and others don?t have to be. The higher the difficulty the more likely we will face an on slaughter of undead at more dangerous magnitudes.

So here are the settings:

Easy Mode: For the lazy oni who only care about drinking and now about the challenge. They can be such casuals.... 10%-30% evil (haunt ? sinster undead , Tower is optional)

Normal Mode: For the standard oni who want to look for something to test thier skills. They at least know how to stand up on thier two feet  30 -50% evil (haunted ? Terrifying undead Tower is optional)

Hard Mode: For the oni who feel that are really tough and looking to face a very serious challnege head on. They will attempt to plow through anything given the chance! 50 ? 75% evil (sinister ? Terrifying Undead, Tower in range)

Lunatic mode: For the deranged oni who are willing to take on suicidal challenges. You will not survive! 75% - 100% evil (Terrifying Undead, Tower in range)

Please pick your difficulty setting and sign up so I can begin generating the world!

And don?t forget? Have FUN!

Also I'm signing up but being the creator, I will not choose the difficulty level, that's for you guys to decide.

Edit: Even though we have already selected our land you are all welcome to continue to sign up as a player or spectator, the more Suikas, the more FUN can be had. XD
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Signup list / lists of what's what / suggestions / Index
Post by: Totaku on July 15, 2012, 06:16:28 AM
Reserving post for Sign up thread and creature definitions!

Suika Fortress Sign up: (for those actually participating in the game, now set based on turn order)

Player Turn Order:

1. GoombaGeek [Bay12]
2.NekoRex [MotK / Bay12]
3. Scruffy [Bay12]
4. Syanas [MotK / Bay12]
5. Notapirate[Bay12]
6. Grimlocke[Bay12]
7. Wymar [Bay12]
8. Highzealot [Bay12]
9. Totaku (mason/engraver) [MotK/Bay12]
10. Captainarchmage (Weaponsmith) [Bay12]

Suika spectator sign up: (for those who want to watch)
1. Third Eye Guy (Lunatic) [MotK]
2. Raikaria [MotK]
3. Arashi Kurobara [MotK]
4. Alkhemia (Lunatic) [Bay12]
5. mokou-power (Lunatic) [MotK]
6. Chaore (Lunatic) [MotK]
7. Anthy (Lunatic) [MotK] [AxeSuika]
8. Hideki [MotK]
9. Scotty297 (Hard) [Bay12]
10. Patchy (Lunatic) [Bay12]
11. AaronIII [Bay12]
12.Eerol (Lunatic) [Bay12]
13. Purvis [MotK]
14. Patchouli [Bay12]
15. Gappy [MotK]
16. Stuffman [MotK]
17. Heliopolis [MotK]

Note: All those who sign up will have Suikas named after them. Also as mentioned above the order will be randomize before playing so nothing is final ATM.

What is what in Suika Fortress?

I got asked this several time since I mentioned before that a good number of animals in the world of Suika Fortress got replaced or changed so here's a list of what replaced what.

Domestic Animals
Yukkuri Reimu = Donkey
Yukkuri Sanae = Mule
Yukkuri Marisa = Mandrills that are domesticated and trainable
Yukkuri Keine = Cow (complete with the ability to change it's form once a month.)
Yukkuri Aya = Horse
Yukkuri Hatate = Another horse....
Mofuji = Alpacas and Llamas
Domesticated Night Sparrows = Chickens
Yukkuri Chen = Cat
Yukkuri Sakuya = Dog
Yukkuri Youmu = One and two humped camels
Yukkuri Reisen = Rabbit

Wild Land animals
Proto Yukkuri Reimu = Wild Donkey
Proto Yukkuri Marisa = Wild Mandrill
Sukusuku Hakutaku breeds = Muskoxen with unique powers
Yukkuri Rumia = Jaguar and Leopard
Yukkuri Shou = Tigers
Yukkuri Kogasa = Troglodytes, except they live above ground and fly
Yukkuri Remilia = Giant Bat
Yukkuri Flandre = Old Giant Eagle from d40 days
Yukkuri Alice = Elephant
Yukkuri Yuuka = Elephant from boatmurder days and prone to RAGE
Proto Yukkuri Yuuka = Elephant from boatmurder days and prone to RAGE EVEN WORSE
Yukkuri Letty = Yeti with freezing powers
Yukkuri Yuugi = Unicorn
Yukkuri Mystia = Harpy
Dapeng = New giant eagle
Yukkuri Orange = Red Panda
Yukkuri Patchouli = Groundhogs and Harry Marmots
Yukkuri Cirno = Ice man
Yukkuri Tenshi = Mudman
Yukkuri Ran = Foxes
Yukkuri Mamizou = Racoon with some extra stealing tweaks
Yukkuri Yuyuko = Hippo with an appetite for food

Aquatic life
Yukkuri Iku = Carp
Yukkuri Nitori = Merpeople
Yukkuri Murasa = Sea monster
Yukkuri Komachi = Cogthrogen (or whatever they're called)

Underground life
Yukkuri Orin = Cheetahs except they now live underground and can breath fire
Yukkuri Nazrin = large rats and giant rats
Yukkuri Yamane = Giant Cave Spider
Yukkuri Suwako = Giant Toad
Yukkuri Tewi = Grimelin
Hell Cats = revised wild cats that breath fire
Hell Raven =retweaked ravens that breath fire
Yukkuri Wriggle = Ant People

Semi Mega beast
Yukkuri Meiling = Minotaur

Mega Beast
Yukkuri Moko = Dragon

The rest are completely made up an aren't connected to any animals that are within the original DF game and or too spoileriffic....

Suggestions for Fort names

Every Fortress need a good name to stand out, especially for a Suika Fortress, so why not throw out some names so that we can decide on a good name for our little fort?

Decided name:

Suggestions for Group names
Every Suika need a group name to also look good too. So why not come up with something for our new exploration Suika Team!

Decided Name:
"The Gleeful Urns"


Yukari's request
Survival of the Fittist: Yukari wants to see if your fort can last for 20 years without any mishaps happening (except may be for the first year). Keep the fort going for 20 years and don't let your fort die off!
The Suika Kingdom: Establish a full fledged Kingdom complete with a king by the end of 20 years!
The Busy world of the Suika: Survive with at least 150 Suika by the end of the 20 year period!
Fight like a proper Suika!: Handle all battle  and training without using rapid training devices like danger rooms to train your Suikas. FAILED!

Marisa's request
We the Founders:Keep the Founders alive at all cost! Do not let them die (exception is old age of course) FAILED!
Proper respect of your fellow founding Suika: Bury your founding Suikas in a proper burial site) Condition must be completed before next spring SUCCESS (But only because after talking to a view players I found out the quest was too vauge. So while she did set up the coffins for the founders, well that doesn't matter. From this point onward, I'm going to go into deep detail about everything from here on out.)
It takes a thief...: Capture an Inaba or Yukkudaiyousei thief... ALIVE! Condition must be completed before 4 years from Spring
Surface housing:Build an basic above ground fort establishment in which the migrants and caravan from above ground can easily enter into to reach thier destination inside the fort. It must be built in the location where you first began building your fort (as in that small hill) (You must compelte this in 2 years before Spring.) Protip: If you already have a building in the works, you can find a way to connect it. FAILED!

Alice's request
Tidy management: Create a storage room and store 90% of your belonging you own, trade, or taken within bins, pots or any other storage device! (Must be complete be next spring!) SUCCESS!


Introduction (,13044)
Voting on Location and names (,13044.msg859172.html#msg859172)
Deciding on Skills and Supplies! (,13044.msg860054.html#msg860054)

NekoRex Year 106

Spring: Adjusting to the new hellish lifestyle (,13044.msg862342.html#msg862342)
Summer: The lost Traveling Suikas and Neko Rex's Nightmare. (,13044.msg864035.html#msg864035)
Fall: The worlds come tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling dooooooowwwwwnnn (,13044.msg864385.html#msg864385)
Winter:Reassessing and planning in hopes of keeping things going for next year. (,13044.msg865565.html#msg865565)

Intermission: Reimu and Marisa's return to the shrine - Marisa's request (,13044.msg865657.html#msg865657)

Year 107: Syanas

Spring: The arrival of the next of Kin and how she got everything moving again. (,13044.msg866873.html#msg866873)
Summer: Cavern Clean Up (,13044.msg868890.html#msg868890)
Fall: Zombie Defense system and the arrival of the vampire surgeon (,13044.msg868894.html#msg868894)
Winter: Paying proper respects, and sealing off the unwanted areas (,13044.msg868898.html#msg868898)

Intermission: Magician's double dare: Marisa and Alice's Request (,13044.msg870016.html#msg870016)

Notapirate: Year 108

Spring: Being Parsees are suffering (,13044.msg869149.html#msg869149)
Summer: The discovery of Therdedrite and the arrival of the Sex Pigeon! (,13044.msg869150.html#msg869150)
Mid Summer - Early Autumn: The battle against the sex pigeon and the death of Notapirate (,13044.msg869589.html#msg869589)
Fall-Winter:The final founder's unexpected death by a spook and The Door guard that guarded the doors! (,13044.msg869968.html#msg869968)

Intermission: Scarlet Meeting - Remilia and Sakuya's Requests (,13044.msg873272.html#msg873272)

Grimlocke: Year 109

Spring: Planning developments and how Totaku plays the game of Zombie Tag (,13044.msg870071.html#msg870071)
Summer: The Insanity, the horror, the inventions! (,13044.msg872451.html#msg872451)
Fall: Attack of the Bronze Disc Yukkuri, and the rise of zombie depression syndromne (,13044.msg872927.html#msg872927)
Winter: The Demilitarization of Crossed Horns (,13044.msg873045.html#msg873045)

Intermission: The Disrespectful Hermit - Seiga's Request (,13044.msg875752.html#msg875752)

Wymar: Year 110

Spring - Summer : Population woes, the beakless shelled mocking bird and the weregecko! (,13044.msg874426.html#msg874426)
Fall - Winter: Uneventful slow turnings... (,13044.msg875233.html#msg875233)

Highzealot: Year 111

Spring: The rise of a psychotically deranged Suika (,13044.msg875823.html#msg875823)
Summer: Death and Chaos continue to rise and the plot to rid a false god (,13044.msg876174.html#msg876174)
Fall: Breaching the inner depths (,13044.msg876408.html#msg876408)
 Winter: Fall of the makeshift army and the rise of army of the dead (,13044.msg876862.html#msg876862)

Intermission: The Kappa's metal detector - Nitori's request (,13044.msg878224.html#msg878224)

Totaku: Year 112

Spring: Zombie extermination plans (,13044.msg878738.html#msg878738)
Summer: Surface breaching, and more zombie depression woes... (,13044.msg879884.html#msg879884)
Fall: One loses an arm, another loses a horn, some die, our VIP? The sharpshooter! (,13044.msg878738.html#msg878738)
Winter: Tantrum spirals, murder, and insanity as the fort falls to madness (,13044.msg882035.html#msg882035)

CaptainArchmage: Year 113 Part 1

Cleaning up the clutter (,13044.msg886831.html#msg886831)
(Note: GoombaGeek did not finish his turn, there for we're moving on to NekoRex who did complete his turn....)

NekoRex: Year 113 Part 2

Summer: The plan to bring the fort back to it's former glory (,13044.msg891962.html#msg891962)
Fall: The bridge and the path to safety andthe reconstruction of bridge trap system (,13044.msg894011.html#msg894011)
Winter: Safety First, Biokkuris vs. Zombies, walling off the fort grounds and seeking vengence. (,13044.msg895581.html#msg895581)

Scruffy: Year 114

Spring - Summer: How one who doesn't pay attention to the changes ultimately cost the fort it's death. (,13044.msg897041.html#msg897041)


Suika Fortress Ending No.3 BAD END: Two Bumbling Youkai and a Grumpy Shrinemaiden (,13044.msg897096.html#msg897096)
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Saber Nero on July 15, 2012, 06:38:57 AM
I'd love to sign up for an early turn, either the second or third year or so, sometime before needing a military is absolutely required. Also, suika me as one of the original 7 please :3

As for difficulty level, I'd say we jack it up to Lunatic and see how far we get as challenges like these don't come often. If a lot of new people are playing, maybe normal or hard then.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Third Eye Lem on July 15, 2012, 06:56:30 AM
I'll sign up as a spectator, and also vote for lunatic. I wanna see Suikas and undead punching each other across vast distances!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Raikaria on July 15, 2012, 08:00:29 AM
I'd sign up to actually play but I have 0 experience with EVIL! biomes.

So I'll just spectate.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Saber Nero on July 15, 2012, 08:13:38 AM
Side effects of evil biomes may include necromancy, bloody rain, undead hordes, eyeballs, pubic hair, etc.

There's not too much of a difference between playing in a normal field and playing in an evil one. You just have to be a little more careful in plugging the holes in your fortress and making sure no one stays outside for too long. Like for example, not having anyone with the fishing or hunting job on. As long as the resources are plentiful, you'll be able to manage. I'd rather settle in an evil biome than on a glacier, for example.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Totaku on July 15, 2012, 03:37:34 PM
My lord we're all gonna be suicidal aren't we? This kinda scare me, cause I didn't expect us to take on such a dangerous challenge. I'm going to try to generate some words for lunatic difficulty and try to get some touhous to survive so we can face this insane madness that will befall upon us Suikas after the next few days...

(I just hope we won't regret this)

If it becomes too much we can always take it down to hard or normal. Cause I'll be fair, to jump into a nearly or complete Terrifying undead zone is almost suicide, not impossible but it's still pure madness.... I'm going to love this.

Anyways, here's some responds of those who have decided to join the game..

Quote from: CaptainArchmage
Sign me up for a turn please (Lunatic Difficulty)! My preference is a weaponsmith.

Quote from: Grimlocke
Signing up!

While my knowledge of the touhou universe is limited at best, I know my way to the wiki  :P

Lunatic difficulty is the way to go, though it would be nice if the weather is not completely crippling.

Prefered profession would be the cornerstone of society, brewer! If no specialist is available I will take any farmer or peasant set to brewing.

Quote from: highzealot
Signing up and voting for hard.

Preferred profession is the broker and cook.

Also while I'm at it, I'm taking profession as mason and engraver like always...
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Maid Xan~ on July 15, 2012, 06:18:29 PM
You've got me, sir. I'll need a bit of tutorial-ing but you've got me, you magnificent bastard
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Shizumarashi Mayuzumi on July 15, 2012, 06:19:26 PM
I'll be a spectator~ Especially if you can find a job for my Suika that's sorta chemistry-feeling, I'm not really sure what all there is. But I'm not fussy over what I be if there's any gap I need to fill. I am apathetic about difficulty since it's not like I'm the one that's gotta deal with it.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Saber Nero on July 15, 2012, 06:29:21 PM
You've got me, sir. I'll need a bit of tutorial-ing but you've got me, you magnificent bastard

Get on the IRC channel, we'll be happy to spread the madness :o
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Totaku on July 15, 2012, 07:58:25 PM
Well the word's changed up here a bit:

Pesco's decided to move the Suika Fortress Yearly challenege to Akyu's Arcade for now so that Bay 12 can have accessibility. To see our community game as we play it.

Since the other message board can now "see" what we this will make things a bit easier, I'm still going to relay messages from them to you and back to an extent, but I will since the forum can see it, it'll be limited once the game starts to game related stuff and advice.

In the mean time, I'm busy generating worlds. I kinda had to beat around with world gen configurations a bit to ensure some Touhou characters DID survive. But at least that now will....

As of this point I have one world generated that meet all the specifications (Necro tower, 60-80% evil), and several other things like that. I'll cover more details on this once I get some more worlds put together. But hopfully I'll get at least 5 worlds that meet the specifications I'm looking for to test your skills. Since it especially looks like we're going to Lunatic at this rate. XD

In the mean time, here's the some responds from bay 12:

Quote from: highzealot
Signing up and voting for hard.

Preferred profession is the broker and cook.

Quote from: NotaPirate
Signing up, voting for hard.

Quote from: highzealot
Also, we should make some rules to limit (or forbid) breaking game mechanics such as danger rooms.

Quote from: Alkhemia
Nice set up I don't trust my self in a evil biome so I'll just watch but I'll vote for Lunatic.

Also yeah I am considering the possibiltiy of limiting danger rooms, but not entirely since I feel they may still be important to some degree....
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Alkhemia on July 15, 2012, 08:46:26 PM
Good Luck, Do people even play a lot of DF here? If not this Challenge might not last to long.  Well you can always reclaim.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Saber Nero on July 15, 2012, 09:39:05 PM
That's why we have collaboration with the very experienced members of bay12.

Quote from: highzealot
Somewhere between 200 and 500 would be the most fun and DFhack use should require a vote first. I say allow its use, 75% must vote for it.

Also, some of us could relay our own posts to the other forum though updates would best only be linked since I'm worried that some of the pictures would be above the size that MotK allows.

DFHack should be used purely for FPS purposes and I don't mean to clean up the blood and puke and rotting forgotten beast powders and stuff. It should only be used when there is something that is completely beyond our reach and is causing serious harm to the FPS. Everything else is a feature or a challenge from the depths :moogy:
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Totaku on July 15, 2012, 10:22:36 PM
Going to show you guys a current responds I did with bay12 since it also relates to here too.

Quote from: CaptainArchmage
What kind of mineral scarcity do we have? Normally 100 or so works. Also for embark, I generally suggest copper ore, cassiterite, and bismuthinite, and maybe some iron ore too. Also DFhack should be acceptable, say, if you have to plug a whole in the ocean floor through which the ocean is draining into an aquifer, and is causing significant damage to your FPS.
Quote from: highzealot
Quote from: CaptainArchmage
What kind of mineral scarcity do we have? Normally 100 or so works. Also for embark, I generally suggest copper ore, cassiterite, and bismuthinite, and maybe some iron ore too. Also DFhack should be acceptable, say, if you have to plug a whole in the ocean floor through which the ocean is draining into an aquifer, and is causing significant damage to your FPS.

Somewhere between 200 and 500 would be the most fun and DFhack use should require a vote first. I say allow its use, 75% must vote for it.

Also, some of us could relay our own posts to the other forum though updates would best only be linked since I'm worried that some of the pictures would be above the size that MotK allows.

I think I'll go ahead and point out that the mineral scarcity is set at 1000. Why? It's not too little, it's not too much, and it requires a bit of exploration mining to locate them. And overall, I haven't really complaned about it being at 1000. It's really that bad.

As for DF hack? Well like Syanas said. FPS purposes only!  We know we'll encounter them, It's going to happen, that's kind of the only time I'll permit DF hack be used is to help get the FPS up if it get dramatically slow....

Quote from: highzealot
Quote from: Syanas
That's why we have collaboration with the very experienced members of bay12.

Quote from: highzealot
Somewhere between 200 and 500 would be the most fun and DFhack use should require a vote first. I say allow its use, 75% must vote for it.

Also, some of us could relay our own posts to the other forum though updates would best only be linked since I'm worried that some of the pictures would be above the size that MotK allows.

DFHack should be used purely for FPS purposes and I don't mean to clean up the blood and puke and rotting forgotten beast powders and stuff. It should only be used when there is something that is completely beyond our reach and is causing serious harm to the FPS. Everything else is a feature or a challenge from the depths :moogy:

Hope you don't mind me relaying some posts Totaku

Quote from: CaptainArchmage
How do people normally put pictures on their posts?

I personally use
Code: [Select]
[img]*image link*[/img]

Don't mind at all, and how you posted them is correct for here. As for MotK, depending on what site you use. (Imageshack is a trusted one for MotK since it shrinks images down to thumbnails) You may have find a site that posts thumbnails or if worse comes to worse. Link them! MotK has require that the pictures remain below a certain size for 56k people. (because yes, they still exsist even today)

Also got two worlds to meet requirements... Works on some more.... Also heading to work in an hour from now so I won't be back to work on genning the worlds till after midnight.

Good Luck, Do people even play a lot of DF here? If not this Challenge might not last to long.  Well you can always reclaim.

I'll tell this much about the crew here... The first year's crew did a wonderful job, but of course that was 40d16 so it was pretty easy. Afterward we ptired a bugged 2010 version and things didn't go so easy. But since I usually give MotK some time in advance to prepare at least those that are interested usually stand a chance.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: highzealot on July 15, 2012, 10:40:56 PM
Quote from: highzealot/me
Quote from: Totaku
Don't mind at all, and how you posted them is correct for here. As for MotK, depending on what site you use. (Imageshack is a trusted one for MotK since it shrinks images down to thumbnails) You may have find a site that posts thumbnails or if worse comes to worse. Link them! MotK has require that the pictures remain below a certain size for 56k people. (because yes, they still exsist even today)

The example was just to show CaptainArchMage how its done. It was from a Corrosion succession game by IT000 where I basically killed almost everyone trying to complete my order to capture some zombies and then have them be released in the next person's turn. Now that I think about it, we could do something similar to orders though we might have enough FUN as it is.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Alkhemia on July 16, 2012, 02:07:06 AM
Since Lunatic might win  you might get lucky and have some Husks  mist that would be a lot of FUN.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 16, 2012, 02:38:08 AM
Sign me the hell up, this is something I am seriously interested in trying.  I've never done Succession  but I've done an amateur LP before, so I'm pretty down with the ropes.
Let's d this HARD MODO. I don't think I can handle Lunatic, to be honest, but I suppose if I have to face the Ultimate Challenge I will gladly do so.

I'll be posting in both threads, since I post here a lot and lurk on Bay12 a decent amount. My account on Bay12 is named Nyotor Lizardhammers.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Totaku on July 16, 2012, 05:40:40 AM
Ok back from work and added all the recent people who applied. Current vote count for regions:

Lunatic: 5

Hard: 3

I'm beginning to think I'm going to need to generate some regions just in case hard gets the upset vote. But we shall see how that goes. I'll continue generating the worlds till I get the ones that meet all the specifications for both Hard and Lunatic.

For those that already signed up maybe it might be a good idea to ask this one right now to help pass the time while I continue to generate the world:

What do you think would be a good name for a Suika Fortress?
What do you think will also be a good name for group?

Current Fort name suggestions: Facehugged (Captainarchmage)

I will make a section in the second post regarding fort names so to keep things from being cluttered...
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: highzealot on July 16, 2012, 06:02:46 AM
Quote from: highzealot/me
Fort Name: Crossedhorns

Group Name: The Dweller of Drinking
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 16, 2012, 06:18:03 AM
Randomly generated names I got that fit
Fortname: Wheelsdrinkers
Groupname: The Gleeful Urns

I was going to suggest "The Ferocious Bust" but Suika is flat as a pancake >w<
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Power on July 16, 2012, 06:42:58 AM
I'll sign up as a spectator.  I don't understand what's going on but I would like to watch.  Also I vote for lunatic.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Totaku on July 16, 2012, 05:11:50 PM
Ok the good news is I got the land I needed generated. The bad part is, most of them are flat as a board (or maybe that's a good thing for some of you.

I'm going to generated some more land to see if I can get some terrifying land with Elevation in it and tower. (should be possible) So I'm going to allow at least till sometime tomorrow before I start posting up the embark areas we will pick from that will consist of whatever land type we are seeking.

Also note that I usually like setting up 5x5 embark zones. But that's up for debate. Anyways, keep coming up with names and we can vote upon them later on.

Edit: FINALLY, got a nice place with a high elevation to pick from!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Chaore on July 16, 2012, 07:55:36 PM
Spectator signup here. LUNATIC OR BUST >:D

Interested to see how this turns about.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: ES-Anthy on July 16, 2012, 11:47:20 PM
I'm willing to watch for now and become the dwarfiest suika suikaest dwarf suika there ever suikadwarfed, and by that I mean lets Axe it up a little >:D
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Hideki on July 17, 2012, 12:03:47 AM
I'd like to sign up as a spectator.  I only have a general familiarity with DF, and 1 semi-successful fort under my belt.  I will like to be entertained though.

Also, can you link to the Bay12 thread?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
Post by: Totaku on July 17, 2012, 06:19:24 AM
I'd like to sign up as a spectator.  I only have a general familiarity with DF, and 1 semi-successful fort under my belt.  I will like to be entertained though.

Also, can you link to the Bay12 thread?

I posted it back on the first post, but I'll post it again for you.

Anyways, I'm here to announce that I have 6 locations picked out already and I will post them up tomorrow for voting. They will all range from 80 -100% Evil and all contain terrifying regions and towers in range meaning MAXIMUM fun will be had in one form or another.

These will be posted sometime in before 10 AM Central time hopefully.

So this is a good oprotunity to remind you once more that I'm giving you guys a little more time to come up with names for the fort and groups.

Because what will happen as of tomorrow will be that we will vote on all 3 of these things.

The embark area, the fortress name, and the group name

Once the decision is reached, we will move on to supplies and skills, that each of our suikas will have. Course those who already decided on some position will have to keep their position as such (they can add more to them if needed) For example, since I want to be a mason, I will be setting my Suika to have mason skills for embark. But I'll leave room for other things to decide on before embarking.

Anyways for now I'll give you guys a few more hours to think up some stuff before I post the next step and move on...

also in the mean time have some responds from the bay12ers....

Quote from: CaptainArchmage
I'm OK with 5x5 locations, although I'd suggest something like a 3x8 or 8x3 instead. I've noticed long embarks seem to save FPS.

Suggested Group Name: The Star-King of Drunks

Quote from: Grimlocke
5x5 or 6x4 seems ok, 8x3 is a bit too streched. Might as well just make it smaller at that point.

I'll be fair on this, I prefer what grimelock said here, setting the land to 3x8 or 8x3 is kind of a mess and feels unatural. Plus it wouldn't give much time for the Suikas to react if the enemy came in from the sides. So yeah I much preffer 5x5 embarks especially since this is LUNATIC difficulty were playing here....
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
Post by: Totaku on July 17, 2012, 03:23:05 PM
It's time to vote! Since Lunatic won, I got all 6 locations set up for us to pick from, they all have some form of variation to them and also all areas consist of at least 80% -100% Terrifying areas. Only a few contain slight haunted or even a hint of untamed wilds.

What do all the locations have?

Well other than the fact that almost everything is out to kill you here the one thing the one thing I've made habit of doing with these area are the following:

They *Almost* all contain a river of some kind (only one doesn't)

They all contain shallow metals, deep metals, and flux stone.... cause trust me... in the long run, we're going to need it!

Here's the catch though, we don't know what kind of metals we're going to get.

And also we don't know what kind of terrible things might happen while in these terrifying areas....

So if we get stuck with gooey rain melts our faces off from the get go and kills us all.... well... I guess we'll have to vote on another spot then. XD

Anyways without further ado, let me introduce you to our locations!

( (

Area 1: The Great Youkai Waterfall

The Good:Clay, Deep soil, Lots of elevation, Nicely sized river, waterfall that seem to show it goes down a great height (based on heigth description), temprate climate, lots of trees

The Bad: Aquifers are present! Careful planning must be done. Though at large heights most can by pass the aquifers easily.

If what I see about this place is corret, it would make a nice location. Nothing too bad to worry about except maybe everything that wants to rip you head off and the Aquifers that are here.

( (
Area 2: The Barren Land Gensokyo has Forgotten

The Good:Elevation, waterfall, soil, river, Land is devided into one area containing metals and one area contaiing flux stone.

The bad: Hot dry climate, no trees or vegetation, aquifer

A barren wasteland that is located deep within the outsirkts of Gensokyo where no one goes. This area seems good, though very empty since it lacks in tress or vegitation. Serious preperations will be needed before we go here.

( (

Area 3: The Nameless Hill

The Good:Some elevation, trees and vegetation, small waterfall

The Bad:Due to the low height and aquifer, planning is going to be needed to bypass it, also hot climate..

The accursed hill where the Suzurans bloom. This place may look pleasant at first glance but will likely be terrifying once you try to settle in it! Planning will be needed to bypass the aquifer

( (
Area 4: Letty's Wonderland

The Good: Mostly flat land

The bad: Freezing cliamte, Aquifer, little to no vegitation and no sign of trees, aquifer

A land blanketed in nothing but snow and only a few plants as far as the eye can see... and yet a foul air roams around the area... what cursed land could come upon a freezing climate? Worse part is an aquifer stands between the soil and the rocks! Should we even try?

( (

Area 5:The forest along the way to the Genbu Marsh

The Good:Vegitations, trees, flat land, river, little to no aquifer!

The Bad: Flux stone is located all the way at the eastern point of the map along the untamed wild hills. Aquifer just so happens to be in said location

To be honest, this land isn't so bad, at least for the Kappa it ain't. Course for our case that may vary. We're going to need to do exploration mining to get what we need here...

( (
Area 6: The Dark Road Forest
The Good:No Aquifer, flat land, lots of soil, trees, vegitation, warm climate

The Bad: Hard to say.... except for the obvious....

In the accursed woods rest a cursed god who's misforture cursed the forest around we dare choose to embark in such a place risking misfortune?

That's it for the embark locations, now the other things to vote on! The names of our fort and group!

Fort Names:

Current Suggestions:
1."Facehugged" (CaptainArchmage)
2."Crossedhorns" (highzealot)
3."Wheelsdrinkers" (NekoNeko Rex)
4."Sludgefeast!" (Grimelock)

Group Names:

1."The Dweller of Drinking" (highzealot)
2."The Gleeful Urns" (NekoNeko Rex)
3."The Horn-Horn" (Grimelock)
4."The Star-King of Drunks" (Captainarchmage)

Now, it's up to you guys to decide the land we embark on, on the name of our Fortress, and our group name!

I will give another day or so for the voting and I to shall vote on this:

In my opinion:

Location: #1 I'm a sucker for water fall locations despite the aquifers, it's easily manageable if planning is done in advence, course all these areas are a bit intimidating to be honest....

Fort name: Crossedhorns I was split between Nekoneko Rex and zealots's name choice, but for some reason, the idea of this title just sounds oni enough to work to me....

Group Name: "The Gleeful Urns" Repesent Suika as a whole if you ask me.... always drunkenly happy and carrying her gourd around.

Anyways, time for you guys to vote! And I'll decide based on the votes where we go from here!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
Post by: highzealot on July 17, 2012, 04:26:26 PM
Quote from: highzealot
Area 5 appeals to me best. I vote for Crossedhorns for fort name of course and I'm gonna vote for The Gleeful Urns for group name.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
Post by: Third Eye Lem on July 17, 2012, 05:26:24 PM
Area 5, put in "Armslashed" as a fort name.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
Post by: Maid Xan~ on July 17, 2012, 05:58:13 PM
Area 6, "Wheelsdrinkers" for fort name, "The Star-King of Drunks" for civilization name
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
Post by: KennyMan666 on July 17, 2012, 07:13:17 PM
I'm not actually interested in the game, but the best fort name is Sakedrop. Apparently it can't be done, but it's the best name anyway!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
Post by: Totaku on July 17, 2012, 09:14:53 PM
Time to post some of the Bay12er's replies to the voting:

Did I just get challenged?

I just got challenged.

Guess I'll check the OP once I'm done with... stuff.

Area one, waterfalls and rivers (hoping it is in a valley) are allways interesting. Not so good with aquifers that wont freeze though, especialy the ones right under the first soil layer are hard to work with.

Also nominating area 6's stream for most amusing name :P

Edit: I just noticed you keep spelling my name wrong...

Did I just get challenged?

I just got challenged.

Guess I'll check the OP once I'm done with... stuff.

I got a PM, so I'm posting here. Unfortunately, I don't have much time, so I can't play, but I will at least read it. Sorry.
* I sure hope he understands that he can have a Suika named after him regardless...

Well my time has been limited lately, so probably just spectate here. I vote for lunatic cause any self respecting touhou player or df player would play nothing less, but looks like that has been already decided. So I vote for the tundra start(Area 4), should be quite suicidal, and who can forget Nist Akath.

where's the game going to be showed at?

Right here in this forum and MotK's forum. It's how I've always done my community games of Suika Fortress back when it was only an MotK related community game. It's just this year I decided to expand outside of it and get bay12 involved and now will be volley balling messages back and forth between both forums.

More or less when the game starts I'll give the intro, and cover the angles of the introduction and then pass the file on to the player who's turn is first (since it's randomized, it's anyone's game. who will go first)

From there the player will be required to post the events as they play out ( and I encourage creativity) by the season at the very least. Till the next spring, Pass the save to the next player, (using Mediafire or DFFD) rinse and repeat.

Anyways been keeping track of the votes so far I won't go into numbers here,

But Area 1 and 5 are tied
CrossedHorns is the top one for Fortress name
The Gleeful Urns is the top on for group name

Also I went and contacted a few more folks from here and MotK to see if I can drag some more in.... Still going to try to wrap the voting up (hopfully) tomorrow...
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 17, 2012, 09:33:00 PM
Area 5 seems to have the best chance of elephants, and who doesn't love those? My best bets go there.

Gleeful Urns for group name. I'll leave deciding the Fort Name to others.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
Post by: Saber Nero on July 17, 2012, 09:36:17 PM
I like the fort/group name choice, as for embark, I'd go for 1, 5, or 6. Aquifiers simply aren't my thing, but it wouldn't hurt to try the many methods for breaking through them. Just hope they're not multi layered.

Also, I call for a bonus objective - building a palace of earth spirits in HFS, then flooding the entire fort via a massive geyser.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
Post by: Power on July 18, 2012, 07:17:56 AM
Area 5 seems like the best choice so I vote for that.  Also I vote for the fort to be named "CrossedHorns" and for the group name to be "The Gleeful Urns"
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
Post by: Raikaria on July 18, 2012, 07:53:11 AM
I'm behind Area 5, from my standpoint as a observer.

Also, I finally have a guide to use when I think 'What is this Proto Yuukuri Yuuka that I just brought from the Elves?'

It was a Boatmurder + Elephant that I used to guard my base.

A lone Kobloid Thief cut off one of it's legs ._.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
Post by: Totaku on July 18, 2012, 05:29:13 PM
Welp, I given this enough time so I want to march on....

Let me tell you a little bit about the world your are on...

The year is now 105, the reason I chose this date was because it matched at a nice timeline that seemed vital. It's around the start of the age of legends and also there are still plenty of Touhous in the world. Not all of them survived, but a good number of them did.

Why did I not go any longer than this? To make sure we had plenty of Touhous to fight later on. I'm pretty sure they'll present us with some form of challenge.... maybe? I generated this same world to 115 and almost all the Touhou characters were killed off not exactly good if you ask me.

So yeah 105 it'll be for this world....

Now let's look over the votes..

Area 5 has won by a land slide so this is where we shall embark!

Crossed Horns got the most votes there fore it'll be the Fortress name!

The Gleeful Urns got the most votes, so this will be our group's name!

All is set! Which means we now shall move on to the next stage

Skills and Supplies!

Before we dare embark upon the dangerous land the lies before us. The Suika must prepare for the trip!

Who will be the one's to go first?

I've took the first 9 participants who decide to play and randomize their order....

The original 7 will be....


1. NekonekoRex
2. Syanas
3. Notapirate
4. Grimlocke
5. Wymar
6. Highzealot
7. Maid Xan~

These will be the original seven to embark to the new land! The others will come afterward...
8. Totaku (mason/engraver)
9. Captainarchmage (Weaponsmith)

This will also be the the turn order in which everyone will take thier turn. This means NekonekoRex will go first!

Before we head off though it's time for our Suika to determine what they should bring....

Here's the Suikas and supplies:

( (

( (

I will name the Suikas after we get done with determining everything.

We have 290 points to use for our Suikas so let's decide wisely what needs to be done with them! I'll give you all one day to see if any decisions are reached... We can take or place in what we need. Feel free to give your opinion on what we will do...
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
Post by: highzealot on July 18, 2012, 05:40:38 PM
Quote from: highzealot
I say we do not take dimple cups. I just find them completely useless. Cave wheat, well I dislike it but it's more useful than dimple cups imo. Now we can save points by not taking metal axes and take training axes instead. We could also take wood along so we can make the axes ourselves. I also prefer more drinks. Personally I don't take quivers and I do take some leather along.

Now for my skills. 1-2 in appraiser and judge of intent. 1 in record keeper and organizer and cook. Extra points can go to cook and any other social skills relating to broker, bookkeeper or manager. Yes, I want all three of those positions. It's the kind of person I am and it works not to mention you only need one office compared to two.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 18, 2012, 06:15:30 PM
f-f-first? Oh geez, that's going to be lovely
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 18, 2012, 09:13:58 PM
I'll claim a Suika in my image.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
Post by: Saber Nero on July 18, 2012, 09:19:16 PM
I guess I'll be a military suika, just to see if I can live before my turn comes up. Axe Suika if you're being stingy with points and don't want to give me a sword. I would like to have a set of armor too, if it's not too much to ask.

For items, I would suggest bringing a bunch of extra ores just in case we happen to lose our axes and picks early on. Iron or tin should be fine, steel if you can manage. We're eventually going to have to extend our fort to the flux/aquifier area to get some more. Probably sooner than later.

I usually chuck the ropes, splints, crutches and thread/clothes since I never build my hospital early on, but as this is going to be painful from the get go, I guess it wouldn't hurt to keep them.

It would probably be okay if we chucked the quivers for now, we won't be going hunting if there's a land curse, and even if there isn't, new migrant waves usually bring their own anyway.

We can probably do without the wheelbarrow for now as from what I could tell, it sort of messes up hauling priorities because when there is a wheelbarrow available for a certain stockpile, no one's going to actually drag stuff there unless they have a wheelbarrow, which ultimately ends up leaving a lot of people idle when they should be clearing stuff out. And besides, we can always make wheelbarrows later.

Booze and food supplies usually run low/out just before the first caravan arrives, but in this case, I would suggest bringing a little extra booze if we can't get the farms up and running fast. We can always slaughter the animals that come with the caravan for food if needed.

I would suggest a mating pair of Chenkuris as the pests in evil areas sound a little bit more annoying than normal ones. Just make sure the refuse area is protected or walled off and a cage built immediately for any resulting Kochenkuris. A pair of mating Sakuyas/Marisas if you want cheap defense, but you'll have to let them multiply a bit before sending them out.

...That sounded like a lecture. Well, that's what I recommend. Good luck Neko!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Skills/ Supply Voting!
Post by: Totaku on July 19, 2012, 02:18:35 PM
I'm surprised NekoRex and Syanas didn't post the discussion from last night here.

This is some very important planning that I feel needs to be talked about since things will be getting rather complicated....

I'll post what was discussed last night...

Quote from: Nyotor Lizardhammers
Anyone else have any preparation suggestions? I'd like to not be slaughtered here. This is what I've been able to come up with supply-wise
EDIT: Super Saver Special
Quote from: Nyotor Lizardhammers
This post broght to you by SteelCorp
"Because Copper sucks"
Quote from: Grimlocke
You can make that stuff fairly quick and cheap by bringing some thread.

Also think you may want to consider bronze, which is still decent and may be cheap enough to let us armor a few suikas.
Quote from: Nyotor Lizardhammers
Quote from: Grimlocke
You can make that stuff fairly quick and cheap by bringing some thread.

Also think you may want to consider bronze, which is still decent and may be cheap enough to let us armor a few suikas.
[01:36] <Syanas> Grimlocke is suggesting bronze.
[01:36] <Syanas> Which costs less than iron and is only slightly inferior.
[01:36] <NekoRex> NO
[01:36] <NekoRex> WE MUST DO STEEL
[01:36] <Syanas> Haha
[01:36] <NekoRex> We have invested too many points into having a pointless amount of points
[01:37] <NekoRex> to settle for mere BRONZE
Quote from: Grimlocke
*scratch head*

Oh well cant argue with that :P
Quote from: Syanas
Ladies and gentlemen, our spearheader 8)

While the idea is fine and dandy I might as well propose this as well....

What I did following this was went and asked some of the other people about what they wanted to be and looked at the ones who already offered.

Here's what I was told...

NekoRex - All out combatant with Axes (Skilled Axesuika, adequate armor user dodger, and teacher)
Syanas - All out combatant with hammers (Skilled HammerSuika, adequate armor user dodger, and teacher)
highzealot - Wants to be cook and chief manager (AKA bookeeper, manager, and broker) (Skilled cook, adequate record keeping, organizer, appraiser)
Wymar - Miner and engraver possibly mason too  (Proficient Miner, Competent mason, Adequate engraver)
Maid Xan - Miner and crafts suika (Proficient Miner, adequate Stonecrafter and mechanic)
Notapirate - Didn't care (Competent Brewer and grower, adequate butcher and tanner)
Grimlocke - Unknown  (Adequate Carpenter, weaponsmith, armorsmith, furnace operator and wood burner)

With this + the skills I had selected... based on what Syanas and Nyotor put together minus the rocks and ores
( (
(Also note there's one training axe in there too)

121 point remain

Also note I haven't selected any animals yet either.... Also note that I usually like to ultilize all 10 points for each Suika.

But this should give you a good idea what we have left in points and where we should consider going from here....

My suggestions....

as I said before...this is a terrifying zone, everything will be out to kill you and it could happen seconds after embark which is why I think, we should really bring equipment now not worry about it later.

I mean just what if a giant zombie dingo makes a b-line directly to your wagon before you manage to mass dump everything inside! What are you going to do if that happens? How you you be able to defend yourself then? That's an important question to really think about there.

How will you handle to first few weeks upon embark and if the worse case senario happens....

Better safe than sorry if you ask me....

This is why I made this suggestion...
( (
( (

dumped the rocks and ores, and brought an axe, a hammer, some breast plates, and caps. A little rearrange might be in order to ensure the carpenter doesn't run off with our copper axe, but at least we will be better prepared in this case. I've also took the chenkkuri and Yusakuya idea into consideration. Since they'll be useful....

We can worry about what we'll need to do once we are inside and have sealed ourselves from the outside since that's your goal for this run.

Just be ready for anything....

Tell me what you guys think...
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Skills/ Supply Voting!
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 19, 2012, 04:47:07 PM
FFFFFFFFFFFFFF That's goes against all my plans for glorious steel armor! Copper will never last! You might as well send the dwarves out naked! Dump the armor, bring back the ores!

I am heavily confident that I will be able to get in at least MOST of the supplies I need before I'm harassed by any undead

Just don't spawn any zombies right next to the caravan before I can so much as start the game, hmm?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Skills/ Supply Voting!
Post by: Totaku on July 19, 2012, 04:58:45 PM
I am heavily confident that I will be able to get in at least MOST of the supplies I need before I'm harassed by any undead

Just don't spawn any zombies right next to the caravan before I can so much as start the game, hmm?
Well I'll see how that goes, I think we'll have breathing room (hopefully before the madness descends upon up....)

And I guess I'll throw in your suggestions in the revised fromat....

Take the suggestion I have about the Suikas and their skills and apply Syanas and Nekobox's theory...

Syanas's with slight tweaking
( (

Nekobox's with slight tweaking
( (

What I mean by slight tweaking was I had to rearange the supplies to make sure they worked accordingly to meet the expexctations since in this form the Suika will have all 10 skill points used. So some things needed to be chanced half the log supply was dropped, droped rock nuts (never really liked them), dropped sweetpods (never was dependent on them), a few yarns...

and in nekobox's case a chenkkuri was dropped to make room for the extra magnetite.

So yeah these ones are based on if we keep the Suika's skills as is (since the crew mostly decided now)

So I guess if anything we should decide which way we should go before we embark since if we are going to decide on this kinda of path we'll need to set up to be done soon.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Skills/ Supply Voting!
Post by: highzealot on July 19, 2012, 05:59:13 PM
Quote from: highzealot
NOT THE ROCK NUTS! Quarry bushes are one of the best things to cook and they have never failed me. Cave wheat on the other hand, never liked them.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Skills/ Supply Voting!
Post by: Saber Nero on July 19, 2012, 11:11:03 PM
Alright, further stacking on Totaku's tweaks, I've decided we will probably need at least a decent weapon upon embark, so here's the new list.

The skills are already included, and 0 points remain. Totaku and I agree on this setup, how about everyone else?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Skills/ Supply Voting!
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 19, 2012, 11:27:36 PM
Sounds perfect.

I'll make sure to try and make you lead the zombies away from the wagon while we carry the sweet loot inside
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Skills/ Supply Voting!
Post by: Totaku on July 20, 2012, 05:21:18 AM
Alright, further stacking on Totaku's tweaks, I've decided we will probably need at least a decent weapon upon embark, so here's the new list.

  • 2 Copper Picks
  • 1 Iron Anvil
  • 60 units of booze
  • All seeds save cave wheat and dimple cups
  • 45 units of food
  • 15 threads of silk
  • 5 units of granite
  • 47 logs
  • 1 silver war hammer
  • 5 units of magnetite
  • A mating pair of chennkuris

The skills are already included, and 0 points remain. Totaku and I agree on this setup, how about everyone else?

While I fully agree this is a much better solution that what was on the plate before hand. One thing still crawls in the back of my mind about this....

What should Nekorex do in regards of his skills? I mean he has no axe to use. Therefore he cannot really defend. Do we still go in this direction regardless? Or does Nekorex want to consider changing things up a bit regarding skills.

I want to make sure of things before I begin putting everyone together for our embarkment. I'm slating to proceed with embarkment as of morning. So let me know now before I proceed.

(I would be on IRC right now, but for some reason it's not letting me on.... : <
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Skills/ Supply Voting!
Post by: Saber Nero on July 20, 2012, 05:27:41 AM
I did some arena testing with some theoretical (un)wildlife that would appear in a temperate broadleaf forest such as ours. Alone, I can make short work of most regular zombie foes one on one, but against mobs, I don't stand a chance, and even if I were to squeeze Neko with a copper axe in, we'd still get slaughtered pretty fast. In short - it doesn't matter if we bring another weapon or not. If we get unlucky and get bumrushed before we can get into the ground, we don't stand a chance. Same idea if there's a land curse and one of the Suikas dies. They're incredibly aggressive once they become zombiefied.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Skills/ Supply Voting!
Post by: Totaku on July 20, 2012, 06:48:39 AM
I did some arena testing with some theoretical (un)wildlife that would appear in a temperate broadleaf forest such as ours. Alone, I can make short work of most regular zombie foes one on one, but against mobs, I don't stand a chance, and even if I were to squeeze Neko with a copper axe in, we'd still get slaughtered pretty fast. In short - it doesn't matter if we bring another weapon or not. If we get unlucky and get bumrushed before we can get into the ground, we don't stand a chance. Same idea if there's a land curse and one of the Suikas dies. They're incredibly aggressive once they become zombiefied.

Yup, that sounds about right, but at least your thinking in the right direction. So in the I shall prepare everything for embarkment unless there are conflicts that rise (which I doubt) So be prepared to enter the next STRIKE THE EARTH first thing in the morning once I wake up Neko Rex.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! Go forth CrossedHorns!
Post by: Totaku on July 20, 2012, 05:33:07 PM
"So, have you made the preperations Suika?"

"YES! I feel ready! Bring it oooooooooooon!" Suika says with excitement.
( (
Yukari then opens up a gap and a large table comes out from within, and then using her border manipulation, she made the table's surface appear in the form of what appeared to be land.

The land itself looks strange at most of it was filled with dead trees and dead vegitation... and on a small hill in the center... a wagon... with seven little Suikas a few yukkuri and a bunch of supplies on board.

And to the left down by the river in the southwest portion of the area... A bunch of strange bird like non have seen before, bird that resembled parrots, but were human... yet there was something wrong with them.... a sense of decay surrounded them... as they mauled about....

"What kind of place is this Yukari?"

"Oh, you didn't know that there are cursed lands in the world? Well they exist and on most occasions some of the most dangerous of creatures tend to live here... Creatures even most youkai would never dare mess with."

"You think that's gonna stop me, think again!" Suika said with confidence as she took a swig of her Sake from her gourd.

"Just remember, you can only command your followers to follow instructions with your voice sicne you cannot dirrectly intereact with the world, the rest is up them. And with that, let the challenge begin!"

And so with that.... Seven Suika embark into a new terrifying world where new found danger awaits...will they survive?  GO FORTH LITTLE SUIKAS AND STRIKE THE EARTH!


Survival of the Fittist: Yukari wants to see if your fort can last for 20 years without any mishaps happening (except may be for the first year). Keep the fort going for 20 years and don't let your fort die off!
The Suika Kingdom: Establish a full fledged Kingdom complete with a king by the end of 20 years!
The Busy world of the Suika: Survive with at least 150 Suika by the end of the 20 year period!
Fight like a proper Suika!: Handle all battle  and training without using rapid training devices like danger rooms to train your Suikas.

Yes, through the game I will be throwing challenge to you guys to see if you can achive them, some will be simple, others will be hard, other will be diffuclt, but hopefully you can achive them, if we do well enough we might get a bonus out of it...
I was suppose to include a drawing for this, but I lost it so.... I can't do much with it for now.... oh well...

Anyways, NekoRex...Here's the file!

Godspeed to you!

PS. Also forgot to fix the dead glumpoms trees... they look like tables, but those are trees....

Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! Go forth CrossedHorns!
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 20, 2012, 06:25:08 PM
The wagon was on it's journey to a new land. Countless preparations had been made to ensure nothing could possibly go wrong. It was a beautiful day.

"You know Syanas? Wasn't this was a great idea! Building a small settlement in the Forest of Happiness, basking in the sun all day, hunting for Yuugicorns, selling their bones, we've got this easy." NekoRex says before chuckling to himself and taking a swig of booze.
"Haha, right! Just the seven of us too, until we attract some folk. We'll go down as legends!" Syanas agrees, doing the same. "And all this booze to drink too! Just think, we'll make Sunshine when we get there!"
"Yeah.... can't wait..." NekoRex concurs, beginning to doze off.

But suddenly, the wagon stops with a loud CRACK!!! The entire wagon buckles, sending everyone tumbling off.


"Eh?" NekoRex suddenly snaps back awake. "Why'd we stop? This doesn't look anywhere like the Forest of Happiness."
"I think... the wheel broke." Pirate calls from the front seat.
"And that's supposed to stop us? Just replace it!" NekoRex scoffs.
"But I-" Pirate begins to say.
 But Neko interrupts.  "No buts!"
"Neko" Highzealot says quietly, but he too is interrupted and ignored.
"Pirate. Do you see any Yuugicorns? This isn't the Forest of Happiness!" NekoRex says, raising his voice.
"Neko." Highzealot says a , tapping NekoRex on the shoulder.
"Look at this place! It's a wasteland! It's nowhere near the Forest of Happiness!" Neko begins yelling.
"Neko!" Highzealot pleads, but NekoRex ignores him still.
Neko screams at Pirate. "How am I supposed to enjoy this booze and this trip if I have to wait for you to change the wheel while we sit out here in this awful piece of s-"
"NEKO!" Highzealot shakes the suika by the shoulders.
"WHAT?!" NekoRex roars.
Highzealot lowers his voice to a whisper once again, and points. "They'll hear us."


The... things... didn't look very friendly at all. It didn't appear they would have time to fix the cart in a place this dangerous.
"Oh." The suika states plainly, sobering up. "I see."


"Wymar. Grab the pickaxe. Start digging..." NekoRex says flatly, without looking away from the creatures.
"Right away." Wymar replies, a hint of worry in his voice.


NekoRex says one last thing before he turns his attention away from them. "...We're staying the night."
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! Go forth CrossedHorns!
Post by: highzealot on July 20, 2012, 06:38:45 PM
Quote from: highzealot
Meanwhile HighZealot writes in his journal

How many years have I been beardless now? How many years since I had my mind and soul sucked out of my body and put into an oni's? I've lost count now. Well actually I've never bothered to count since life wasn't too bad. Tons of booze, food and socks. Of course now we get sent on a journey. A journey I've all too familiar with. Hopefully we will survive in this horrid wasteland and hopefully, my past as a dwarf will help us. May Armok guide us through this.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! Go forth CrossedHorns!
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 22, 2012, 05:09:09 PM
Spring, The First Year

The suikas quickly began scrambling to mine a hole beside the cart. However, the Zombie Kea Men were making a beeline straight for the caravan.

"You IDIOT! They're headed straight for us!" Grimlocke, the Carpenter, yells at NekoRex. "Every undead within three miles could have heard you!"
"Now is NOT the time, Grimlocke!" NekoRex yells back.  observing the birdmen. It appeared that there was not many choices they had. "Syanas!" Neko called, "Get out the hammer!"
"Aye!" Syanas replied. She was the only one trained in combat with the thing, and the silver warhammer was their only weapon. It was a good call.
"Everyone else... RUN!" NekoRex ordered, making no effort to conceal he was about to run for his life.

As the zombie kea men attacked, everyone scrambled down the slopes onto the field, taking what little cover they could.
Syanas began fighting them off, bashing them with their hammer. However, even when they looked dead again, they would just get back up and attacking. Combat was futile.
"This is pointless!" Syanas yelled as she too decided to run.

In a strange stroke of luck, however, the birdmen seemed content to just raid the wagon instead of pursue the fresh flesh of the suikas.
Making off with the supply of meat, the zombies ran off, hopefully never to be seen again.

As soon as they were gone, NekoRex barked orders at the group. "Get EVERYTHING inside!" He said, pointing at the small hole the miners had managed to dig. "The longer we sit out here, the more likely those things are to come back!"

And so everything began to get hauled inside. It seemed that the group would have to accept they were stuck out here for the time being.

But the next thing that happened came as a surprise to everyone. Without warning, giant globs of blue slime began to pour down from the sky.
Before anyone could ask what this strange goop did, a huge glob smashed into MaidXan head on, knocking her over. Pirate went to help her up, but recoiled as Xan began screaming in agony. As she began frantically scraping the slime off, her entire body began to get covered in oozing, bleeding blisters.
This would soon be the same fate as most everyone who had to suffer in the rain that day. It was yet another curse that these seven suikas would have to live with.

Several days later, everything was moved inside, alebit not very gracefully. Everything was in a giant heap in front of a choke in the tunnel. By Neko's orders, this choke was boarded up by Grimlocke. As he did so, Neko decided to give a rundown of the situation.
"Listen up. We all know what's out there. Those... maggot ridden things that arenn't dead and don't stay dead, and the vile slime that covers you in blisters." Neko began, with a hint of contempt. "We're stuck here. And until we can arm ourselves to leave this hellhole, nobody is opening that barracade." Neko continues, pointing at the newly erected wall.
"If you want to leave, you can stay outside and be food for whatever is out there. Any questions?"
Nobody said anything, most of them were either angry or sad they were stuck here, but everyone seemed to agree the cramped hole they had locked themselves inside was better than nothing.
"Nobody? Good. We need to work together, so that's what we're doing. Let's go." Neko concluded, as everyone quickly got to work.

The miners started to expand on the cramped space, while several workshops were quickly built as a first measure. Everyone wanted to get prepared in case they had to fight, so the first thing that was built was furnaces. A carpentry was also built so that the group could have some beds. They may have been stuck here, they could at least stand to not be completely miserable, Grimlocke had reasoned.

The place had quickly expanded into two rooms, and then three. A farm was constructed in one of the rooms, more workshops would be built in the second one. The food they had was taken by the Kea Men Zombies, so the farm was needed to keep from starving, and a still was built so they wouldn't go thirsty.

And before long, a whole month had nearly passed since they had arrived.  Beds had been constructed and placed in the corner, seeds had been begin to get planted, and everything was going well.

Satisfied with their work, the miners had dug downwards to see what rocks they could procure. Dirt was useless for anything but more digging, these suikas needed rock to get anything built.

Before long several exploratory tunnels were dug. The miners had hoped to quickly find some ore, but all they could find were a few gems. Worthless to the miners. They made plans to dig deeper.


It was halfway into the second month that the hunger set in.
They had ran out of food.

"So... hungry..." Zealot complained. 'If only I had some plump helmets, I could make a stew...." The cook thought aloud, echoing the thoughts of everyone.
"We're going to starve in this tomb!" Syanas complained.
"Yeah, we wouldn't be hungry if SOMEONE hadn't let those things take all the meat." Grimlocke whined, glaring at Neko.
"Ergh." Neko grumbled, before retorting at the remark. "On the other hand, you could have been the meat..."

Wymar and Xan appeared from the stairs, their tummies rumbling too.
"We found... some stuff." Wymar says, laying down on the ground, exhausted and hungry.
"We found marble, but all the ore we could find is Sphalerite." Xan chimes in. "In other words, zinc. It's worthless."
Everyone groaned at the announcement.


Finally, the farms had begun to produce some plants, but even that wasn't enough.
"We're only prolonging the starving! We have to do something!" Wymar says, one day.

"Hold on..." Xan says, getting an idea. "We have livestock, why not just butcher it?"
Everyone looks at Xan, before scrambling to construct a butchers workshop.

Halfway through, Syanas stops everyone. "Wait wait wait wait wait. The dead get back up out there. Who's to say they won't get back up in here?"
Almost everyone looks as Syanas, stopping construction long enough to ponder the consequences.
"What about who?" Pirate asks, an axe already jammed through the Kimekaido's face.

Everyone stares as Pirate.
"...What? Meat's on the menu, everyone!" Pirate says happily.
"Uh oh." Highzealot says.
"...Pry the meat off of it and get what's left in the trash room. It can't come back to life if it's half-eaten already." NekoRex suggests trying to calm everyone down. This is done. Quickly.
"Lock the doors, just in case." Neko says before having Grimlocke install a wooden bar on the door.

A few days later, however, everyone begins to hear scratching at the door. Try as they may to ignore it, something is on the other side. Trying to get out.
Another lovely thing to remember about this vile place.

Tine passes, more workshops are built, things progress smoothly.

Towards the end of Spring, the miners rush up to NekoRex, busy working a bit of string into some cloth to pass the time.
"Neko. We found something down there." Xan tells Neko.
"More ore?" Neko says groggily. "I hope it's something better then Zinc." He says before yawning.
"It's not ore! It's... It's a cave!" Wymar says hurriedly. "There's a whole cave system just beneath us!"
"Eh?"  Neko says, snapping back into reality. "A WHAT?"
"With trees and everything!" MaidXan says excitedly. "We don't have to go outside for wood!"
"Hold on, did you see anything down there? Caves are dangerous!" Neko suggests.
"Nothing we can't handle." Wymar replies confidently.
"Hmmm... Well then get a tunnel going to where we can get the trees. But make it small. And easy to block off." Neko tells them, after thinking about it, "Last thing we need is one of those creatures getting in here like there are outside. You've heard the stories."
"...Right." MaidXan says, gulping. Every Suika knows the rumors of the horrors of the deep. Nobody ever reported seeing one though. Nobody anyone had ever found alive, anyway.
A tunnel was started, and with a new hope came the end of Spring.

As summer loomed there was no telling what was going to happen next. Between the horrors above and the rumors of things that lurk below, survival was far from guaranteed. Unlikely, even.
How long would they last? Would help ever arrive? Could they ever escape? Nobody knows.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! Go forth CrossedHorns!
Post by: Raikaria on July 22, 2012, 09:54:22 PM
Well, things are looking really *fun* already.

The zombie Yuukuri creeps me out...
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! Go forth CrossedHorns!
Post by: Third Eye Lem on July 23, 2012, 05:19:21 AM
Underground forests? AWESOME. :D

I wonder how the migrants are going to survive getting to the camp? (answer: they won't XP)
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! Go forth CrossedHorns!
Post by: Totaku on July 23, 2012, 04:46:41 PM
Time for some feedback from Bay12ers!

Quote from: Darvi
That's not a mine...
Quote from: highzealot
Well, if it doesn't kill us, it's a weapon just waiting to be used.
Quote from: Patchy
Well at least the slime rain doesn't appear to be lethal. And remember, you can cook and eat some seeds too, to extend food supplies as needed. You'll just have to micro manage it a bit, so you don't cook the last couple seeds of a type. Seed cooking might be a bit safer than butchering given that dead livestock is a bad thing here. Anyways looking good so far, everyone is still alive after the most dangerous part of the embark. Though I'm curious what the plans are for getting the migrants safely inside hehe.
Quote from: GoombaGeek
Quote from: Patchy
Well at least the slime rain doesn't appear to be lethal. And remember, you can cook and eat some seeds too, to extend food supplies as needed. You'll just have to micro manage it a bit, so you don't cook the last couple seeds of a type. Seed cooking might be a bit safer than butchering given that dead livestock is a bad thing here. Anyways looking good so far, everyone is still alive after the most dangerous part of the embark. Though I'm curious what the plans are for getting the migrants safely inside hehe.
Words of encouragement.

Or a nice big drawbridge.

My favorite part is the zombie kimekaidou that is now locked in a little room. We should get it into a special glass enclosure and declare it our fort mascot.

Quote from: Grimlocke
Best get a drawbridge up before the building destroyers come hehe.

Quote from: CaptainArchmage
There's a non-evil region on the embark too. There there should not be much of a problem with the periodic animating dead there.
IN responds to Captain Archmage....It's only a small piece of land.... and to top it off well... you'll see....hehehe

Just for your information, I'm in the middle of trying to reach Rex because apparently I got word he uncovered something that probably shouldn't of happened.... And I may need to send you all a fixed up version of the game /raw files. To fix this mistake.

This is the second time I had this happen and I feel ashamed, yet this is why I kept addressing to test the game for anything odd.

Oh well if NekoRex want to fix the mistake, I will end up giving him a one day extension for the trouble I caused.... otherwise. I'll let it roll as is and fix it once he's done....

Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! Go forth CrossedHorns!
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 25, 2012, 06:57:36 PM
Summer, Year 1

And so, a tunnel was dug down to the cavern floor.
Thankfully, unlike the surface world, the caverns appeared to be much safer, and there were no... animated corpses to be seen.

Orders to retrieve wood from the underground forest here were quickly made. The forges needed charcoal to smelt the few precious Hematite ores we had found into steel bars, so that we had armor for some event that forced us to the surface again.

Of course, we weren't entirely suicidal, and any Suika knows how dangerous caverns could really be when left unattended, so a bridge was constructed for barring entry into the fortress.

The rest of the month was peaceful and busy... perhaps we really would be safe?




"Now where the hell are we?" Arashi Kurobara complained. This, of course was a pointless question.
"We're lost. Same as last time you asked." Third Eye Guy retorted.
"Don't worry guys. I'm sure we'll find something eventually." Totaku reassured the group. He hoped to lead the group to some shelter somewhere. Hopefully it wouldn't get them all killed.
"How did we even end up here in the first place? Who thought this was a good idea?" Raikaria pondered aloud. "How did I get crazy enough to follow you lot?"


"I woulda brought a pick if I knew this was going to happen." Mokou-Power thought to herself. "And some seeds so we wouldn't starve."
"Starve?!?" Goombageek yelled, suddenly in a panic. "Oh god, we're going to starve!"
"Calm down, calm down." Totaku said, trying to cut down the dissent. "We're going to be fine."

The group continued to wander, and eventually ended up in an unfamiliar looking land. A rather creepy one at that.

"Totaku, we're even MORE lost then before!" CaptainArchmage complained. "This isn't even close to home."
"I don't like the looks of this place." Raikaria agreed.
"What's this blue gunk everywhere?" Mokou-Power says, exammining the vile slime covering the area.
"Best not to think about it, cmon, we're almost there." Totaku says, although even he seemed in doubt.

After a few more hours of walking, one of the group spots something strange.
"What is THAT?" Third Eye Guy says, pointing.

A Mothman was flittering down a nearby hill.

"Aw, those guys are harml-" Mokou-Power says before stopping abrubtly.

The mothman's head was cracked open, it's brain hanging out. It's guts were also cut open.

"Nevermind." Mokou-Power says, clearly put off by the sight. "That's... not good."
"AAAAAAAAAAH IT'S GOING TO KILL ME! RUUUUUN!" Goombageek immediately panicked and ran.
The rest followed suit shortly afterwards.

The mothman chased the group, but everyone had run off in all sorts of directions, so it apparently picked one unlucky target and decided to fly after it, in it's undead horror.
"Go to hell you monster!" Arashi yelled as he ran. The mothman continued it's pursuit.

By sheer luck, however, Totaku has climbed up a small slope and found a strange hole in the ground. Shelter?
He called out to everyone. "Over here! I found something! Everyone!" He yelled before climbing down. Everyone scrambled into the hole
"Damn it Totaku, some place you led us to! We're going to die in this hellhole!" Archmage yelled.
Goombageek looked like he was going to faint from the panic.
"Hold on, we're not done for yet. What is this?" Raikaria says feeling the wall. "It's... wood?"
"There's a wood paneling, someone must live here!" Totaku said with glee. "We're saved!"
"Quick, open it up." Third Eye ordered with haste.

They quickly went to work and opened the thing up. Running past the pile of clutter just by the entrance, they scrambled down the ramp, almost knocking a surprised NekoRex over.

"What the hell? Who the hell are you people? Where in the blue blazes did you come from?" NekoRex demanded.
Totaku started quickly explaining in a panic "We were lost, and then we saw this... thing! Then we found this hole and ran down here, and we saw there was a wood wall, and we got rid of it, and then we ran down here an-"
"The SURFACE?" Neko said surprised. "The... WALL? YOU TOOK DOWN THE WALL?!?!?!" NekoRex said in even bigger surprise. "AAAAAH! The wall! They'll get inside! HURRY! Seal it back!" He yelled to Grimlocke, who hurried back to rebuild the wall.

Just before he was finished, yet ANOTHER suika ran inside.
Arashi managed to escape the pursuit long enough to run back inside.

The entrance was sealed again. The fortress was safe.

NekoRex explaine the situation to Totaku and his gang, and let them stay. It would be too cruel to put them back outside, and they needed more hands around the place anyway. Although most of them had no experience they got new jobs for managing the fortress.

Totaku (mason/engraver) Male
Captainarchmage (Weaponsmith) Female
GoombaGeek (Crafter) Male
Third Eye Guy (Soldier) Male
Raikaria (soldier) Female
Arashi Kurobara (Jeweler) Male
Mokou-Power (Farmer) Female

And with the miners freed up from their other workloads, some new rooms were carved out for the first time since the tiny place was established. The first thing dug out were a few stockpile rooms, to reduce the clutter and move some items from the entrance.

Then, a training room was built, so that the Syanas and his new squad, along with NekoRex, could finally have a place to train, freed from the workload of the fortress.

Squads were established for the occassion, as the army of Crossedhorns became official.

Finally, like the caverns, a bridge was built at the entrance, although the wooden wall remained until mechanisms could be secured.

Things were really going well for Crossedhorns. Maybe this stupid hole in the ground could become a new fortress for the onis? That certainly would be a hilarious thought. The suikas, in the most godawful of places, lording over all the lands admist undead corpses and other nasty horrors.

But one day, things took a turn for the worse.

It came in the night. It roared a roar that could only be faintly heard from the underground, but a terrible roar nonetheless.
A shiver ran down NekoRex's spine. Had some horror come to destroy them all?
It bellowed a thirst for fresh blood. It was coming for them.


With it's terrible fire breath, it burned down the wooden barrier. The bridge could not be raised in time.

Nothing could stop it. Their home was doomed. The end of the suikas. Opposed to all life, and with terrible power, it razed everything it saw. It was... terrible.

NekoRex suddenly awoke in a cold sweat. It was... a dream?


Down in the stone layers, mining continued, and the dining room was moved from the cramped meeting room to a slightly more respectable area.

Then, a small dormitory was also constructed, for the beds.

Towards the end of the last month of summer, the mating pair of Chenkurri had even given birth! Awww...

And finally, the greatest achievment of the season came to pass. The first set of steel armor was constructed.

NekoRex donned his new armor. As leader of the fort, he demanded the full set.

He felt invincible that day. They COULD survive! They would build the greatest fortress in the world one day, and rule over this pitiful, cursed land. Nothing could stop them now!



Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Summer 106
Post by: Saber Nero on July 26, 2012, 12:15:00 AM
Interesting job bringing in those migrants. Can't wait to see how you deal with the caravan. We're not going to have a problem with disappearing trade depots like Battlefailed did are we?

Also, about that wooden pillar. Since a lot of Totaku's new animals seem to spew fireballs, I suggest you replace that pillar with something magma safe. I think some of that sphalerite ore should do the trick.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Summer 106
Post by: highzealot on July 26, 2012, 12:22:05 AM
Walls are immune to everything (except the player) even if they're wooden.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Summer 106
Post by: Third Eye Lem on July 26, 2012, 04:43:29 AM
Walls are immune to everything (except the player) even if they're wooden.
Indestructable destructable walls? Ha.

A Flan-type yukkuri would be a nightmare... :ohdear: Pray it does not happy, NekoRex! I want to live up to my name and slice enemies to pieces with my sword!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Summer 106
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 26, 2012, 09:19:37 AM
The Fall of Year 1 will forever go down in Suikan history... assuming the history can be recovered.

The Journal of NekoRex:
This notebook was found covered in blood on the body's corpse - thankfully this is one of the few bodies that was found in what historians believe to be "the safe zone"

Year 1, Autumn

Day 4:
This month I decided to start out by going on a mission. A mission only I, the invincible NekoRex could undertake.
Time to survey some caverns.

The caverns were beautiful.

But deadly, so I knew I had to scout it myself, in my steel armor.
I was clearly the only one qualified to do this.

Unfortunately there wasn't much to explore.

However, another section of land caught my eye across the waters. I've made orders to dig to this new area and explore this cavern further.


Month 2 of Autumn
Day 2:
The miners FINALLY completed the tunnel. It took much longer then anticipated.

Unfortunately, this section of land was also miniscule. There was one last island that could be seen. I had to dig to that.


Day 12:
(this message is hastily scrawled)
According to my report, the body of Wymar was "found" today.

Apparently he had a run-in with a Cave Croc while digging to the new island. This is not what I anticipated. I should have been more vigilant in my patrols.
Worse still, this death came with a terrible discovery.

This curse... it extends deep into the earth. Wymar's body has been defiled.
This horrible scene was witnessed by one of the citizens.

While she managed to run away, in the panic, she forgot to warn MaidXan, who's life now rests in my hands.

Only I can take responsibility for this horrible loss. I will have to deal with this Croc menace myself, to save Xan and recover the body.

May the gods grant me the strength of the real Suika Ibuki to resolve this task, and defeat this menace. With my axe, and my shining armor, only I, NekoRex can prevail.

The journal ends here.




The events continue to unfold down in the caverns of Crossedhorns. MaidXan still has a rather large obstacle between her and the safety of the hole the suikas call home.

Unfortunately, the one croc isn't the only thing that's messing up plans around here. Stupidity is a terrible disease. Running unarmed into the face of danger with no intent in combat, only idiots could be so foolish.

For his her stupidity, NotaPirate promptly died.

This adding more obstacles for MaidXan.

MaidXan tried to run, she managed to get past the zombie, but that presented an entirely new problem.

One that would end in a small victory.

A small, short lived victory.


Orders were made to seal off the new tunnels. For this reason, The Strongest! was sent in to defend the chamber.
Third Eye Guy promptly found out how important it was to keep your arm properly holstered.

Syanas wept.





(for the joy of getting inside my fort)


And then Traders arrived!

And everyone went mad.

The End.

(Will NekoRex manage to hold out till winter?)
(Considering his character is dead, probably not!)

Death Tolls!

Maid Xan
Third Eye Guy


About To Crack:

Sick And Dying:
Arashi Kurobara

Doing Good Enough (For Now):
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Summer 106
Post by: Saber Nero on July 26, 2012, 12:52:28 PM
.... *slowly claps*.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Summer 106
Post by: Omba on July 26, 2012, 01:43:00 PM
Balls of Steel, literally. Although they're kind of rotten now.

Since I missed the sign-ups, I'll just be sitting in that corner over there, cheering you guys on. =)
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Summer 106
Post by: Totaku on July 26, 2012, 01:55:37 PM
Balls of Steel, literally. Although they're kind of rotten now.

Since I missed the sign-ups, I'll just be sitting in that corner over there, cheering you guys on. =)

Actually you are welcome to join in at any time. If your looking to play, just let me know and I'll put you in the bottom of the list. If your here to spectate, just let me know and I'll toss you in there as well.

Also Rex, you are now experiencing the wonder of FUN! : )

When we all asked for Lunatic, you got what you asked for. XD So enjoy the FUN!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Fall 106
Post by: Hideki on July 27, 2012, 10:44:01 PM
holy crap that was quick. 
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Fall 106
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 29, 2012, 12:44:56 AM
Winter, Year 1

...Actually I don't have much to report for Winter. I spent pretty much all of it cleaning up the mess I made during autumn.

Starting with a mass-grave.
Here lies the 8 brave suikas who each died for hilariously bad reasons. May their respective forum members not murder me in my sleep.

Syanas and Grimlocke eventually died of thirst, and were successfully entombed before they could zombify.

Eventually the Suikan Traders left, preferring to take the Underground Route out of the fort.
Since Grimlocke destroyed the Trade Depot they left most of their shit with me, including several picks and a bunch of armor. That should prove useful to the next player.
 I requested a shit-ton of iron and steel bars, along with more armor and warhammers and some other essential goods, so the next caravan will hopefully bring the goods.

Nobody else died aside from the insane folk, which means there's plenty of suikas still running around. HighZealot is the only remaining survivor of the Original Seven. Lucky bastard.

And that pretty much concludes Year 1 of Crossedhorns. Pretty exciting, eh?
All the jobs are covered so it'll be like starting back at Year 1, except with 3 more suikas then usual.

I left a few Notes for the next player. Yes, the levers are marked.
The only real problem that Crossedhorns has is that the fort entrance is a squatting ground for a few undead folk, which is going to be a problem for the next migrant wave. However, this is not my problem, so whatever. That'll be your challenge for the Spring.

Here's the save! Good luck! Have FUN! (
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Fall 106
Post by: highzealot on July 29, 2012, 12:55:26 AM
Journal of HighZealot

I've survived. My beardhorns intact. They say only the insane have the strength to prosper and only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane. Those who died were the lucky one because they did not need to see the insanity that comes with prosperity for there is no peace among this world. Only an eternity of carnage and slaughter and the laughter... of the gap youkai.

(Also, I can't see the picture because I apparently don't have permission to access them)
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Fall 106
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 29, 2012, 01:01:10 AM
Bah, let me just upload to photobucket then.

Knew that the Something Awful image hosting would be no good
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Fall 106
Post by: Saber Nero on July 29, 2012, 01:29:50 AM
Looks good, I'll take my turn then.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Winter 106
Post by: Totaku on July 29, 2012, 06:30:11 AM
And with that Syanas will now take her turn.... But in the meantime.... an intermission piece!

Yukari sat as she watched the events unfold in the little world she crafted to put Suika up to tha chllenge. The first year was quite rough as 6 out of 7 of the orginal founders have died and now some of them have become updead... and to top it off now there are corpses roaming around both above and below the area.... Somehow Suika was able to keep most of the Suikas alive thankfully....

"Well, I'm quite impressed that you managed to survive the first year in such a terrible place. Most don't even make it past the first season without becoming part of the cursed here."

"Yeah, it was no problem, though I wish I didn't mess up so much."

"Well everyone learns your mistakes, so what doesn't kill you should make you stronger."

Just then, two girls came walking up to the shrine looking tired and exhausted, a red and white shrine maiden and a black and white magician....

"Reimu, why do you think the hermit had us work with her animals today?"

"She told us, that perhaps if we bonded more with her pets that maybe we could find a way to better ourselves I think."

"I feel like I've become someone's animal caretaker.... also giant eagles aren't my thing... it's not like riding a broom ze!"

"I think you letting it get over your head Marisa. Either way, I just glad that's over. I don't want to continue being a babysitter..."

Just then Reimu and Marisa arrive at the shrine and notice Suika and Yukari sitting at the front steps as they saw them talking and interacting with some strange land formation that was on the table.

"Great.... now I have two youkai lounging at my Shrine..." Reimu mutters with discontent.

Yukari turns around and sees Reimu and waves in her direction.

"Oh Reimu, I see your back finally!"

"Yeah, and why are you two sitting here in front of my shrine...."

"Well you see, Suika here has been a little bored since you left so the two of us decided to play a little game here."

Yukari then points at the table with the land structure and what looked like barren dead forest with blue slime dripping form the trees. Reimu looks at it with a sense of confusion....

"Exactly what does this have to do with anything?"

"Oh you probably can't see... so here let me show you...

Yukari create a few gaps in the layers of dirt and shift the land upward revealing what looked like a busy little settlement filled with tiny duplicates of Suikas running around gather stuff....

"Just what is this all about? And why are there tiny versions of you in this Suika?"

"I'm taking on a challege from Yukari Reimu~!" Suika shouted as she took another swig of her sake before focusing on the game again.

"Great... This feels like I'm looking at an oni playing around with an ant farm... I don't have time for this I'm going to eat right now...."

"Oh? May I join you then? We haven't for a while...."

Reimu lets out a sigh before accepting Yukari request...

"Fine, I guess your welcome..."

Mean while Marisa comes over and checks out the land Suika is focusing on...

"Wow this is really neat ze! What are you trying to do here?"

"I'm making a land in which my kind can survive and thrive!" Suika said cheerfully

"How did it all start actually?"

"Well there were  7 little version of me that came to the area and we had to go hide from the strange things that roam here and....

"Oh so they are the founders? Can I see them?"

Suika looks down with a bit of depression....

"All have died except for one......"

Marisa seem a little disappointed....

"Huh, you mean they are all killed by the crazy things that are roaming around up in that slime ridden forest?"

"No.... it was underground...."

"Heh, so the danger is all over the place isn't it." Marisa said with a big grin."

"Yeah, pretty much, but I think I can handle it"

"Mmmm... well since the founders aren't around. The least I can tell you to do is give them all a proper burial." Otherwise they're just going keep looking for blood everywhere they go. In fact if you can do that by the end of the year, then you should try to get other that die buried as well!"

"You think that'll be possible?"

"Well if you plan things out, you shouldn't have much trouble right? At least with the ones who you can actually retrieve...."

"Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem!"

"Think you can get the dead founders in their resting place by a year?"

"Your on!"

"Say I'm also curious... Suika..."

"Think you have what it takes to catch a thief?"


" I think you can, but I advice you... it's harder to do than you think."


We the Founders:Keep the Founders alive at all cost! Do not let them die (exception is old age of course) FAILED!

Proper respect of your fellow founding Suika: Bury your founding Suikas in a proper burial site) Condition must be completed before next spring

It takes a thief...: Capture an Inaba or Yukkudaiyousei thief... ALIVE! Condition must be completed before 5 years from Spring

There you go Syanas, Good luck! You're gonna need it!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Winter 106
Post by: Raikaria on July 29, 2012, 05:30:16 PM
Wait... how did I get sick and die?

I come in to check and suddenly I got named and died :D

Also, I was a solider but not part of the army. 0_0 What were my skill levels like? I kinda wanna know if I was sword, spear, hammer, ect.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Winter 106
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 29, 2012, 05:44:03 PM
You're not dead? Last I checked you were the only soldier that wasn't insane or dead. Course Syanas might have changed that.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Winter 106
Post by: Raikaria on July 29, 2012, 06:10:35 PM
You're not dead? Last I checked you were the only soldier that wasn't insane or dead. Course Syanas might have changed that.

Oh, I heard I was sick/wounded so presumed I was dead.

Then I figured out what that screen in the update meant that wasn't from Dwarf Fortress [It's Dwarf Psychologist or w/e it's called, right? Never used it] was zZz, or, asleep.

Basically, interface awareness fail.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Winter 106
Post by: Saber Nero on August 01, 2012, 02:00:09 AM
   20th Sandstone, Year 106

It has barely been one year since our accidental arrival to this desolate, foul wasteland, and all that remains of the original seven are HighZealot, Grimlocke, and myself. After repeatedly cautioning NekoRex about the dangers of the caverns, it was unexpected for news to arrive that he, along with our other friends, had disappeared in the cavern depths.After hearing the news of Neko's untimely demise, the world began to lose its hue. Food no longer held any taste for me, and even the plentiful sake no longer brought me delight. I was tired, lonely, and worst of all, sober.

I am slipping away, and although there is still work to be done, I feel that I can no longer lift a hand for my fellow suikans. Thus, I will begin drawing plans until my replacement arrives next spring.

   1st Granite, Year 107, from the desk of High Zealot

A diary of the late Syanas was found, and inside were plans drawn for expanding the fort, as well as a list of specific instructions until the end of spring. It has been a painful year, but there is no point in sitting around and letting ourselves be killed in this rotten hole.

Of particular note are Syanas's designs for a grand hall. It may be a bit large for our small community but she predicts it will grow, and soon. As if there are any sane Suikas in the world who would make the journey here, but I will respect her wishes nonetheless.

Additionally, there are plans drawn by Nyotor to expand the dormitory and eventually construct a hospital.


Of all of the Suikas left in the fort, only 3 have any experience in battle. To this end, Syanas had urged for the construction of a line of cage traps in hopes of keeping the majority of the undead at bay while the walls are lowered.

Even though we have most of the supplies that the traders left, we are still short on equipment and wood. Therefore, we must use the last of our metal and charcoal supplies to round off the defenses.

Lastly, the order has been given to temporarily seal the underground caverns until an appropriate defense is created to deal with the creatures below.

   2nd Granite, Year 107

Today there were sounds beyond the wall of someone's brains being crushed, then some soft chewing sounds. I decided I didn't want to know.

Whoever it was, they didn't last long.

   8th Slate, Year 107

It has been over a year since my predecessor has gone ahead in search of the Forest of Happiness. Nyotor decided it was high time to go on ahead and look for them, so he dragged me along with 26 other companions for the ride.

"You're lost. Tell me otherwise and I won't hesitate to throw your sake gourd into the river." I muttered. Surveying the ruined landscape, my gaze turned towards a small hill.
"According to the map, it should be around here..." Nyotor paused to check his map when he felt a hand gripping his shoulder.
"Hey, I'm trying to check the-"
"Stay quiet, and look at the hill over there." I whispered, slowly nodded towards the hill in the distance.
"What's wrong with the hill?" Nyotor squinted his eyes.

"Wha...what is that!?" AaronIII shrieked before Purvis clasped his hand over AaronIII's mouth.

I pointed at the left side of the hill.

"I don't know, but look. There's the remains of a caravan."
"Could everyone have died here before making it to the forest?" Patchy peered at the walking dead before lifting the book back in front of her face.

I bit my lip. It was certainly possible. Looking back at the other Suikas with puzzled looks and fearful gazes, I decided there was only one option available.

"...We head out and search the hill."
"WHAT!? WE-" Nyotor bursted out.
"...We don't have a lot of weapons or armor here. What are we going to do about our luggage?" Nyotor solemnly reasoned.
"And you don't want to find out what happened to our predecessors? If they're dead, we should at least give them a proper burial..." I lowered my head.

Nyotor scratched his head and looked over at the hill, then back to the other Suikas.

"Well, I guess I can't argue with that. Let's make up a plan." Nyotor sighed.

   14th Slate, Year 107

"I want to take a bath!" Patchy whined, still wincing from the blisters on her body. The rain proved deadly, and while we were on a relatively safer area near the hill, the brook was on the other side of it. There was no chance to run over and take a leisurely bath without losing someone.

"What do you think we should do, Syanas?" Nyotor inquired.

We were split into 2 full squads, with the injured, the pets, and the children staying close behind. The plan was to have our makeshift military clear the hill, and have the others follow after. If we failed, they were to bring our legends back home.

"There's nothing to do but wait until the rain subsides..." I craned my head up towards the sky.

   The same day, Year 107, from the desk of High Zealot

Today, I heard CaptianArchmage playing with his kochenkkuris downstairs when suddenly I heard the unmistakeable sound of a gourd dropping to the floor. I rushed over to the stairs to see what was wrong with him only to get knocked onto the floor by a suika with fire in his eyes and rocks on the mind.

"I MUST HAVE ROCKS!" CaptianArchmage roared at the top of his lungs as he barreled into the mason's workshop.

   15th Slate, Year 107, from the desk of High Zealot

CaptianArchmage gets to work after picking out two stones of exceedingly common value.

There are also strange sounds coming from the walls and ceiling of my makeshift office/mason's workshop/wood furnace/smelter/forge. They are very faint, but Raikaria, who was training nearby, tells me they might be the new migrants that Syanas had spoken of. I tell her that if she's going to say something crazy, she should go claim a workshop and make us an artifact, but she goes off to gather the military and orders everyone to the burrow, AKA my office/mason's workshop/wood furnace/smelter/forge. Alkhemia has been ordered to start removing the wall between us and the undead horde.

   16th Slate, Year 107, from the (very crowded) desk of High Zealot

Aren't there laws against having more than 6 Suikas in a 12 tile area? A Suika needs his space, you know.

Alkhemia runs back towards my desk, screaming. The wall is down, and Raikaria guards the entrance with her two recruits behind the cage traps. We can only pray to the original Suika Ibuki for divine protection now.

   That same day, Year 107

"We're ready." I stood up and stretched my arms above my horns.

The rain had paused, and showed no immediate signs of returning. If we were to make our move, now was the chance. There were still undead roaming the hill, and after observing them attacking the local wildlife, I realized that this place was more cursed than I thought. The dead would mysteriously start moving again, not quite under its own power, with a bloodlust for the living. It seemed that no matter how many times they would go down, they would come back.

"...Hey, do you hear that?" Pirate turned his ear towards the hill. "It sounds like...screaming."
"Who wouldn't scream in this cursed land?" Patchy muttered.

We all stared at Patchy, her blisters mostly healed.

"Someone's alive over there!" Nyotor yelled.
"That settles it. We make our move now."

I lift my hand to signal the charge when Nyotor starts barreling down into the wastelands with several other suikas in tow. The rest of the suikas exchange nervous looks.

"...Go, go already!" I sighed, breaking out into a sprint after Nyotor.


Note that this didn't actually happen exactly the way I planned, although the end result ended up better than I expected.

Here's how I explained it to Neko afterwards.

[21:45] <Syanas> Lol.
[21:45] <Syanas> Okay that works too.
[21:45] <Syanas> Though it happened so fast I didn't even get to take a screenshot.
[21:46] <NekoRex> eh?
[21:46] <NekoRex> syanas what happened
[21:46] <Syanas> I was working to bring the migrants in.
[21:47] <Syanas> So I put most of the migrants into squads and stationed them in the safe zone near the hill.
[21:47] <Syanas> What I forgot to do was turn off their uniforming.
[21:47] <NekoRex> oh
[21:47] <Syanas> So when I readied my defenses and tore down the wall, ALL of the migrant squads charged into the fortress and destroyed all the undead
[21:47] <Syanas> just to grab some gear.
[21:47] <Syanas> Awesome.
[21:47] <NekoRex> hahaha
It's all the same thing, really.


   20th Slate, Year 107

Everyone is safe inside with barely a bruise or scar. Just as we finish doing our head count, a suika slowly stands up and lifts what appears to be a masterfully crafted cabinet over his horns.

He runs down the stairs with the cabinet still in his arms, a smile spread wide across his face. Going by what was on that cabinet, I don't think I want to know what that smile was for.

   21st Slate, Year 107


The wall is rebuilt, sealing us inside this.....hole. There is simply no other word for it. I glance over to the leader of this band of suikas to ask about how this place came to be.

A suika taps me on the shoulder, and as I turn around, I realize he is one of the 6 suikas who went with my predecessor in search of the Forest of Happiness.

"Welcome to the fort, miss...?" High Zealot inquires.
"Syanas Izul. May I ask where my predecessor is?" I glanced over to a desk full of suikas, puzzled.
"If you mean Syanas the Hammersuika, well..." High Zealot motions to follow him.

"It should be her turn to lead the fort right now, but she didn't last until the spring. Poor thing." High Zealot sighed, shuffling his feet. He rested his hand on my shoulder.

"If you're her successor, the fort's in your hands now. Good luck."

   23rd Slate, Year 107

I decide to take up the silver hammer and post left to me by Syanas the Hammersuika and reform the military with Raikaria as my second in command. Of the 38 suikas now inside this fort, 2 are children and only 9 are experienced in battle.

Unfortunately, there is only enough equipment for 5 suikas. Raikaria is given a steel hammer, Mokou-Power and Chaore get steel crossbows, and Anthy gets a steel axe. The rest are using copper spears and wooden sticks. Zefon doesn't even have any clothes except for a pair of rusty copper boots.

   17th Felsite, Year 107

There are whispers at the wall. I cannot tell what they are, but some speak of a caravan coming this way. I alert the military and lead the other suikas to the burrow, AKA High Zealot's desk.

   18th Felsite, Year 107

The whispers at the wall say that the caravan is near. The wall is ordered torn down and I lead my squad to the trade depot to wait for the caravan.

   19th Felsite, Year 107

The whispers at the wall were apparently a biokkuri ambush squad lying in wait for the caravan. If they appeared closer to us, I'm not sure we would have survived. Fortunately, the undead make for a great distraction.

The caravan arrives safely, and they are Parseekkuris, bringing much needed wood. I was beginning to resent the fact that I shared a bed with 5 other suikas. The drawbridge is raised as there isn't enough time to put up a wall.

   21st Felsite, Year 107

I call for all our unneeded valuables to be brought to the trade depot and ask High Zealot to negotiate with them.

(Placeholder for a screenshot of a High Zealot too busy rendering fat to get to the trade depot)

"I'll do it, I'll do it!" Pirate squeals, waving his arms wildly.
"Alright, but if your name gives any hint to what you're going to do, just remember that we still need a 'volunteer' to go down into the caverns and get us some more wood."
"...I'll be good." Pirate moans, dragging his feet to the trade depot.

   1st Hematite, Year 107

We have struck a deal with the Parseekkuris, and progress on the grand hall is going smoothly. It's about time we turned this hole in the ground into a stronghold.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Winter 106
Post by: Raikaria on August 01, 2012, 07:36:17 PM
*Weilds massive steel hammer with pride*

Good sign that I didn't die during my tenure as Commander. Have I been in a fight anyway?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Winter 106
Post by: Saber Nero on August 01, 2012, 09:42:45 PM
You participated in a fight against an undead hare and some undead kobolds. You're actually surprisingly flimsy, you still have an injury from over 3 months ago that still hasn't healed yet.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Winter 106
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 02, 2012, 12:04:53 AM
Looks like the best drama blew over first. Oh well. Hopefully you do something exciting with the rest of your year, hmm?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Winter 106
Post by: Saber Nero on August 02, 2012, 01:04:10 AM
Anthy cancels felling tree: Beheading Giant Olm.

Also, new wave of migrants in very heavy slime rain. This may sting a little.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Winter 106
Post by: Totaku on August 02, 2012, 06:34:10 AM
Time for some feedback from Bay12!

"Alright, but if your name gives any hint to what you're going to do, just remember that we still need a 'volunteer' to go down into the caverns and get us some more wood."

Damn, I've been found out.
Image of... what?  ???
I kind of stopped at "The Rapes and The Impersonation". Name me one situation where that's actually a good thing. For the victim, I mean.

Quote from: Syanas
Quote from: NekoNekoRex
Looks like the best drama blew over first. Oh well. Hopefully you do something exciting with the rest of your year, hmm?
Anthy cancels felling tree: Beheading Giant Olm.

Also, new wave of migrants in very heavy slime rain. This may sting a little.

Also looking good so far Syanas! Looking forward to seeing the progress as you keep going.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Power on August 02, 2012, 06:30:13 PM
Umm so how did I do with the steel crossbow?  Also how I'm I doing in generally?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Saber Nero on August 02, 2012, 10:04:20 PM
I forgot to give you any ammo so you're just bashing things with a steel crossbow. Not like arrows work against the undead anyway.

And being a military suika, you're doing fairly better in terms of happiness than the others. I can probably fix most of it by assigning some great bedrooms for the military.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Totaku on August 05, 2012, 05:09:17 PM
Bumping to inform you that it's been almost a week now and that if Syanas doesn't give a summer report and request for an extension or completes the run by the end of 5:00 PM central time, I will declare the year null and void and it we will move on to notapirates turn.

(Also Syanas did say she might have everything done by today, she's just been rather busy up till now)
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Saber Nero on August 05, 2012, 11:05:37 PM
   1st Hematite, Year 107

Raikaria has been permanently retired from military duty on an honorable discharge. She has complained as of late of an injury on her right hand that has been around since long before I arrived. She seemed bitter about being taken off duty, but relieved nonetheless. There is no one to fill her spot, so I have given her equipment to Stuffman.

   21st Hematite, Year 107

Today the merchants take their leave. I am worried that they will not be able to get out of this place alive as the front entrance is no longer a viable option. However, HighZealot informs me that the suikan caravan that arrived last fall managed to leave via the caverns. Since the caverns are ultimately less immediately dangerous than the above route, I decide to lower the bridge and have a look around.

   25th Hematite, Year 107

The caverns seem devoid of wildlife. However, beyond the southern shore, I can see shadows in the clear water. They are very large, and could very well be the monsters that ravaged NekoRex and his fellow suikas. However, they don't seem to be as aggressive as the undead horde, and the trees here could make an excellent addition to our fort.

   26th Hematite, Year 107

The decision has been made. The caverns will be open only when the trees have grown plentiful. In addition, the southern shore will be sealed by walls until further notice.

I have ordered the military to keep watch on the cavern levels until the wall is completed.

   29th Hematite, Year 107

There is a wall on the northern side of the caverns. The artificial smoothness of it suggests that it was made by suikan hands.

HighZealot tells me it is the very area where NekoRex, Maid Xan, Wymar, and so many other suikas lost their lives. He urges me to ignore it and continue my patrol.

   10th Malachite, Year 107

Alkhemia decides to hold a party in our new grand hall. It is not yet finished, but the suikas have decided to celebrate nonetheless. I have decided to withdraw the military temporarily as the underwater creatures show no intent of coming onto dry land. Parties are important, after all.

   18th Malachite, Year 107

There is news that some migrants have arrived. This news comes just as the giant olm from the southern shore makes it on land before the wall is completed. The military is mobilized quickly and as I make it to the bridge, I can hear heroic cheers from up ahead.
Through the combined efforts of Mokou-Power, Chaore, Scotty297, and Anthy, the giant olm was quickly overpowered and beheaded. Anthy wants to keep the head as a trophy, but I warn her that keeping zombie snake heads in his room may send mixed signals to her spouse Hideki. She agrees to have the body dumped with some statues in her future room.

This victory comes short lived. The migrants outside have arrived in the worst of weather, on the far side of deadliest part of the area. I fear there is no hope for them, but they are signaled to head to the safe zone our group previously used before. If they can make it there, then there may be a chance.

   19th Malachite, Year 107

Today, I heard Stuffman's howl from the staircase. Among the screams, I could almost hear something about a sudden need to chisel some rocks. High Zealot seemed unfazed by the commotion, so I went back to training with the rest of the military.

   26th Malachite, Year 107

Stuffman finished his project today, a gabbro scepter.
It's not much to look at, but the other suikas are calling it something for the ages. I still wonder if he actually finished it or gave up halfway.

   4th Galena, Year 107

The migrants seem to have reached the safe zone. It is time to lower the gates and bring them in. As I reach for the lever, Pirate screams for me to stop.

"WAIT!" Pirate sprints towards me as my hand is on the lever.
"What is it, Pirate?" I begin to pull gently on the lever.
"Don't pull that lever!" Pirate sputters, gasping for air as he jogs the rest of the way to where I am.
"What are you talking about? The migrants have been outside for nearly 2 weeks. It's a miracle they even survived out there this long." The gears feel rusty, and I start gripping the lever with both hands.
"Don't you remember those ambush squads of biokkuris from when the caravan arrived?" Pirate tries to regain his composure, but his eyes are full of fear.
"Yes...what about them?" I press my feet against the base of the lever and pull with all my might.
"The parseekkuris left this picture in the caverns. The ambush squads, they never left. If you lower the bridge now, it'll be the end of us all!" Pirate runs away, screaming incomprehensibly.
"...I guess we'll have to resort to plan B." I scratch my head, and start thinking up a solution to this new fangled problem. I also call someone to oil up the lever, it's clearly jammed in place.

   6th Galena, Year 107

Plans have been drawn to allow migrants entry through the safer part of the region, close to where they are. This new entry will later be expanded to become our new fort entrance, complete with defenses and enough room to house a proper caravan. However, it has already been at least 6 weeks since the migrants have arrived, and I cannot forsee them being let back in until the bridge is completed. For now, we must wait.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Saber Nero on August 05, 2012, 11:30:19 PM
   1nd Limestone, Year 107

The entryway is finally completed as the leaves and plants start to fade, and harvest becomes more plentiful. It is autumn.

The surface is breached, and the migrants are brought in without delay. However, one particular suika catches my eye, one with a peculiar look on his face. Specifically, the kind that lacks fear whatsoever. I tap him on the horn as he walks past me.

"Hey, what's your name?" I inquire with a bit of suspicion at the back of my mind.
"Purvis" he answers plaintively.
"So you've been up there for....2 and a half months? How was it up there?" I glance over to another suika trembling with blisters all over his body and tears in his eyes.
"Just the usual." His tone was unusually flat.
"Huh. Well, welcome to the fort. You guys must be tired, let me take you to your room..." I motion for HighZealot to throw me the keys to the dorms and lead Purvis to his bedroom.

"Hey, there's just a bed in here." Purvis begins to protest, but I slam the door behind him and lock it, barring any access to the room. I pick up my hammer and nail a sign on the door.

It's nothing personal. Just stay away from our legendary workers.

   12th Limestone, Year 107

Reports come up from the caverns that the southern wall is finally completed. Initial surveys indicate that there are no more underground creatures to speak of. The caverns are secured.

   24th Limestone, Year 107

Moldath died of thirst today, our first fatality in the fort since I had taken over. The poor suika just couldn't recover from the horrors of the undead horde and the acid jelly rain. His body is buried along with the other founders.

   3rd Sandstone, Year 107

The entryway is scheduled to be expanded into a proper entrance as explained last month. This shall be my last construction project along with the completion of the grand hall.

There are 3 bridges used to block the entrance into the fort. 3 more are made to be cheap (yet highly effective) defensive systems against the undead horde. It seems that crushing them into oblivion keeps them from ever coming back. Or existing, for that matter.

   12th Sandstone, Year 107

The grand hall is mostly finished. There are still a few finishing touches to be made, but structurally, it is completed according to Syanas the Hammersuika's design.

   27th Sandstone, Year 107

News arrives that yet another wave of migrants has arrived. The new entrance is far from finished, and the undead are everywhere. It is difficult to say, but I give the order that the new migrants are to fend for themselves until the new entrance is completed.

Hearing this, Mokou-Power comes up to me and demands that I lower the bridge.

"Are you going to let 12 suikas die in this wasteland!?"
"Are you going to be responsible for the undead horde killing over 50 suikas inside this fort?" I reply calmly.
"What have we been training for!? What are all our weapons and armor worth if we cannot even save our fellow suikas!" Mokou-Power yells furiously.
"You saw what happened when we brought the last migrants in. The horde was almost on top of us before we were able to raise the bridge. We won't be so lucky next time." I lower my voice to a whimper.
"But my brother-" Mokou-Power tries to argue, but realizes the situation. 7 suikas against 50 or so undead aren't good odds in any situation.
"My brother..." Mokou-Power smashes his fist into the wall.
"I'm sorry." I turn to leave. I can hear drops of water fall to the floor behind me. I dare not look back to see where it was coming from.

   18th Timber, Year 107

The suikan caravan arrives with 2 able guards. The air lock is far from finished, and it seems as though we would have to miss this opportunity. However, I am hopeful that the guards may be able to bring them in along with the rest of the migrants.

   20th Timber, Year 107

Maybe not.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Saber Nero on August 05, 2012, 11:45:29 PM
   1st Moonstone, Year 107

Winter arrives as I turn my attention back towards the caverns. I had thought they were secured, but reports show that another giant olm has appeared on the northern shores, occasionally going on land before slithering back into the water. The bridge is temporarily raised as I draw plans to secure the caverns even further.

   17th Moonstone, Year 107

It is time to pay my respects to Wymar, the only unrecovered suika of the original seven founders. There is already a slab in her memory, but Totaku wishes dearly for her body to be recovered for a proper burial. I start drawing plans to break down the wall.

The northern shore is also scheduled to be walled in. The only opening in the caverns will be the exit route for caravans should they be able to come in again. Hopefully, this secures the caverns for good, providing safe harvests of wood.

   1st Opal, Year 107

The wall is ordered broken down as I lead the military into the caverns, lying in wait behind the cage traps. Sounds of wet footsteps and shuffling can be heard beyond the wall as Grimlocked begins to take the wall apart. After he takes down the top half of the wall, a bloodied and rotten arm suddenly jumps over Grimlocked's horns and flies into a cage trap. I order Grimlocked to head back up as the rest of the wall comes crashing down to reveal the deformed, mutilated figure of Wymar.

Chaore takes a wild swing with his crossbow, mostly missing and scratching Wymar's foot. Anthy charges in with her steel axe and throws a heavy swing into Wymar's left arm, where it becomes lodged. Chaore takes a step back and swings again, missing everything but Wymar's toes. Anthy pulls on the axe, swinging Wymar around as I swing my hammer into her arm, a wet cracking sound echoing through the cavern. As Wymar loses her balance, Chaore takes one more swing and manages to pummel her in the stomach. I swing my hammer once more into Wymar's abdomen, where she finally collapses onto the floor.

"Take her away."
Totaku comes to pick up her corpse when he notices that Wymar is missing an arm.
"Uh, where's her arm?"
"I didn't see one on her when we started the fight." I look at the corpse, puzzled. The cage rattles noisily behind us.
"...Is that it?" Anthy ponders.
"Probably is. Take it back up with the body. The teeth too." Totaku points at Wymar's face, revealing holes where teeth should be.
"We didn't knock any teeth out, so..." Stuffman turns his gaze towards the stairs.

I begin to walk towards the stairs as CaptianArchMage rushes past me, steel pick in hand.

"Hey, what are you doing!" I call out to her.
"There's stuff to mine in there!" CaptianArchMage yells back with her baby on her back.
"It's not safe in there!" I begin to yell, but CaptianArchMage disappears up the stairs where a small scream and a wet thud echoes towards me.

I lead the military in to clean up the mess, but as I turn the corner, I see CaptianArchMage still running through the hall, and a beheaded suikan zombie on the floor.

"Did she just...?" Stuffman begins to ask before I run off in pursuit to bring her back.
"She just took down a zombie in one hit when it took 5 of us a few minutes to take down Wymar." Scotty297 said slowly.
"...Is it just me, or is this a little embarrasing?" Anthy says weakly, pawing at her horns.
"Who was this guy anyway?" Stuffman says abruptly.

Mokou-Power reaches into the zombie's pockets and pulls out a cloth. It reads 'NotAPirate'.

   13th Opal, Year 107

Arashi dropped his tools at the craftsuika's workshop today only to pick them back up and declare that the workshop was now his, then ran off in search of some rocks, gems, silk cloth, and logs. Maybe we'll have something not made completely of stone this time.

   3rd Obsidian, Year 107

The caverns are cleared of corpses, the copper picks retrieved along with most of the corpses, and resealed. The northern wall is also completed, completely barring the caverns from any underwater creatures. However, as there is still an opening in the caverns, the order remains in effect to keep the bridge drawn until the trees have grown back.

It is apparent that Wymar cannot be buried in an orthodox fashion. Thus, it is decided that she will lay the foundation for our new defensive system against the invading undead hordes. Our newly finished entrance, complete with traps and a trade depot, will be christianed with Wymar's blood. Her body is ordered to be dragged under the bridge along with her caged arm.

I pull the lever twice and listen to the crash of the bridge onto the floor, along with a vague sound of snapping metal and a wet thud.

The deed is done.

   7th Obsidian, Year 107

I stopped by Arashi's workshop today to check up on his progress when it becomes apparent he has made none at all. Instead, he flies at me, knocking me over, and starts growling in my face.

"I NEED GEMS!" Arashi says in a gutteral voice, bits of foam and spit dripping from the sides of his mouth onto my face.
"Don't we have tons of gems in the stockpiles?" I turn towards Patchy, who shrugs at me and walks away.
"THOSE GEMS! THEY'RE SUBPAR. YOU MEAN FOR A PROJECT AS GREAT AS THIS TO HAVE LOW QUALITY GEMS!?" Arashi face closes in on mine. He clearly hasn't had a bath in several weeks. Or brushed his teeth, for that matter.
"...I'll go get you some cut gems then." I crane my neck towards the dining hall and nod towards Patchouli. She closes her book and walks towards the jeweler's workshop. Arashi releases his grip on me and goes back to his workshop, sulking.

   12th Obsidian, Year 107

Arashi finished his construction today, a gabbro bracelet.
There aren't any humans around here, but if there were, I'd love to show our new bracelet to them.

   16th Obsidian, Year 107

Through the walls, I hear the familiar roar of a biokkuri ambush squad. No doubt they would add to the collection of the undead horde, so I paid it no mind.

   25th Obsidian, Year 107

I heard a similar roar today, only this one was much closer, near the old entrance. I suspected they were right on top of us, but as the entrance was sealed, there was no way in. The roars turned to shrieks, then silence. Then, there were sounds of wet footsteps milling about the ceiling and walls. The poor fools.

   1st Granite, Year 107

Noticing the untidy conditions of the workshops, I checked the basement to see that it was completely full. Orders were made to create another floor below this one for extra storage space, but alas, I can hear the lyrical voice of Lily White.

The signaling of spring also marks the end of my reign. I will remain on duty as the militia commander, but it is time for me to relinquish the title of overseer to the next poor bastard in this fort.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Saber Nero on August 06, 2012, 12:55:04 AM
And that's it for my run. Sorry I took all week (and a few hours extra) to finish, jury duty is giving me a really hard time in terms of sleep and concentration. I still have a week more to go before I'm done with it, but that doesn't matter anymore.

So what are the good points about my run?

The downsides?

The worst part about this run? Some of you may be wondering what happened to that last migrant wave and caravan. They pretty much popped up right near the undead horde of biokkuris, so there was no point trying to save them. The result is about 40+ mostly whole undead corpses roaming the surface across the entire map. Add in the two biokkuri ambushes near the end of winter, and you're going to have a ton of corpses to deal with if you want anymore migrants and caravans. If you can figure out how to take advantage of biokkuri pathing and atom smashers, maybe you'll have a shot at clearing the surface.



Good luck Pirate, you're going to need it!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Omba on August 06, 2012, 03:35:39 AM
Considering the situation you started out with, that's some really neat development.
Good thing you spotted the vampire right away. I guess he would make a good bookkeeper.
I'm... not too sure about using the atom smasher to solve the zombie problem.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Saber Nero on August 06, 2012, 04:22:07 AM
In the newer updates, vampires are apparently harder to find. You can't just look at their relationships and history and say, "Oh this is a vampire". The easiest way is to cheat and use Dwarf Therapist, but I also watched the vampire walk to the burrow while passing a couple of undead without running around like a ninny. That's the next best sign if you can catch it.

Also, atom smashers are pretty much the only way to permanently kill off zombies, and otherwise I also put a bunch of stone fall/cage traps behind the trade depot for anything else that slips past. It's either that or kill each one individually and drag them to the safe area, which is a pain and is most likely going to get everyone killed. Even magma doesn't do the job that well. I think I remember Helepolis trying to melt a zombie for 5 months and it didn't go away.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Raikaria on August 06, 2012, 11:18:33 AM
Specifically, zombies don't die in magma but 'dead' zombies will burn up and be destroyed, the inanimate body parts.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Pirate on August 06, 2012, 02:34:47 PM
Granite 20, Year 108
"You're in charge now."


"I said you're in charge. Now get out of here, I'm in the middle of my training."

Before long I found himself standing blankly in the meeting room, without a clue of what to do. "You're in charge now." Was what the previous commander of the fort, Syanas the gorgeous crazy hammersuika told me. Not that I actually knew what being in charge meant. I'm a pirate, I do pirate-y things. None of the governing stuff for me, no sir!

Great swinging ear lobes? Totally hot material.

Of course, I had no choice, because all the suikas were now staring at me for orders.

"Uh, just do whatever you were doing. Thanks." I mumbled. Some of them gave dubious looks, but others just grumbled a little as they went back to work. I swore I saw Totaku rotating his finger around his temple in the background. I told him to get back to digging.

"So..." I took a look around the fort. Everything seemed almost new to me, even though I've been around for nearly a year.


My eyes caught the sight of a bunch of levers. Levers! I used to pull them in my pirating days, if I ever had pirating days. I rubbed one of the knobs slowly, drooling as I thought what might happen if I pulled it.

"Uh," Scruffy raised his head from the fields of plump helmets, "I don't think you should pull any of that."

"A lever is meant to be pulled," I replied sharply, "and this, this lever is asking to be pulled. Hard."

Scruffy looked at Nyotor, who shrugged. Then he looked back at me.

"Well I don't know what those levers do either, but I'm sure there were notes that Sya-"

I wasn't listening. With a single grunt I slammed the lever down with all my worth, hearing the sweet grind of stone as the gears turned. I grinned and wiped my sweat in satisfaction, my lever pulling urges satisfied. I turned back, to see that a wall had now lowered itself. It was...a bridge?

"Hey! The outside!"

"There are corpses outside too, let's loot em!"

"Hey, wait!" I couldn't even say another word as I was stampeded over by a few suikas, all clamouring to stake their claim on the loot of their dead friends. I personally don't care about the looting, and I was just about to dust myself off and walk awa-


"Oh geez!"

"The undead!"

"I think I wet my pants!"

"Get back here you nitwits!" I roared. There was no time to waste. I scribbled a few places to be designated as a burrow and ordered everyone back in. More grumblings, but we got everyone safely in. What remained the problem was that those damned undead were going to do the same. I had to do something.

"Pull all the levers!"

Heliopolis dropped the mushroom he was about to put into a stockpile, "are you serious?"

"Pull them like you damned well meant it," I hissed, slamming one onto the right with a single thrust. A squelch. All the suikas who heard it immediately looked outside.

Did I just?

The undead were gone. Appeared in their place was the sickening blood, now smashed to paste under the bridge. Ah. I know what to do now.

"Read the notes," I finally said, "we're going to pull the ones at the entrance. All of them wretched corpses can have a little taste of suikan atom physics."

I enlisted the help of two other suikas to smash the levers left and right. Tempt them with an unguarded entrance, then smash them right out! We did this for quite awhile till most of the zombies outside the entrance were either gone or crushed. As I would later find out, this would be a good idea.

On an unrelated side note, one of our dead diagnosticians had risen and started haunting the fort. He was put to rest after being memorialised.

1st Slate, Year 108

Things were going swimmingly. And by that I meant that I was busy exploring the fort. It was tiring, going up and down. Everyone was doing their own designated tasks, so I had little to do, thankfully enough.

And then suddenly...


The sign of them first came when I heard thumping of footsteps above me. Steady, lively footsteps, not like the shambling shuffles of those accursed undead.

"Anyone home?"

"No one's here, I say we just head back..."

"Oh man, this place is creepy..."

Whispers. I started to panic. How were they supposed to get in? In a rare gesture of both sympathy and annoyance, Syanas informed me that the bridges I had been encrusting with undead blood were part of the entrance way for the migrants to get in. Well, blow me. I told everyone to stop smashing the levers and hoped that the new suikas could get in safely. After all, most of the undead outside must've been gone thanks to our cleansing...

"Hey, look! An undead!'

"It's alone, beat it up! Smash it into fine pulp!"

Oh dear.

The suikas finally arrived, some of them bloodied, but mostly triumphant.

"Where's your leader?" I inquired, upon giving some of them jobs to do.

"She's outside," One of them stated bluntly, "got her leg smashed open."

"Ah," I opened my mouth in realisation, "and, none of you thought of helping?"

My words were met with snorts of laughter. I guess not.

You have more worries than getting caught in the rain

Etur, that's the name of that poor suika. She started tantruming, shouting about how the world was so unfair to her. I know because I could hear her muffled cries above. Only Suika herself knows why Etur didn't freak out at the sight of the zombies. She must've been really pissed.

She came back eventually, but not before tantruming in the fort again. I wonder if I should have smashed her open when she came. Sounded like a really good idea then.

Bridges lifted, barriers up, then I realised we didn't have a hospital. Beds have been designated, but the room hadn't been carved out yet. I immediately ordered to miners to get to it. Furniture were safely installed in empty rooms incase we hadn't had enough room for everyone. I shuddered in disdain at the cramped rooms. Sure, they had plenty of furniture, but they were meagre quarters. I had always been told that every suika should sleep in good, spacious rooms filled with awesome. I shall have to fix this issue soon.

Totally built for comfort.

Thankfully, we had material for some traction benches, and spare cloth, crutches splints. Etur was put to bed in no time.

As for the military, I designated some of the suikas to join, although they had to do it without any sort of weapon. Seeing this, I told CaptainArchmage and the rest of the miners to get to digging into the cavern, in hopes that we would find something other than zinc. Some precious gems were uncovered, but nothing of use as of yet.

Disaster! Etur is growing thirsty! Before she was able to walk with her crutch to the barrels, but now it seems like an impossible task for her. We need to build a well. Now.

I don't exactly know how a well works, but hey, we have cavern water, and so I ordered a miner to dig a path straight above the cavern floor and installed a well. Now we have an unlimited supply of water. Hopefully.

Definitely Suika-falling-into-the-water-proof.

1st Slate

As the new month approached, something else did.

Hippie vans!

Will they make it? Will we finally have some wood to use?


Then there's the problem of whether I should risk the entire military for wood and these hippies. I decided to wait, despite seeing Syana's fingers itching to grab that hammer. I swear she's making me nervous.

The Parsees didn't make it. Guess I'll have to wait.


Hoho. Ohohoho.

Whoever sent them must be a sadist.

I've lifted the bridges for them to arrive. Hopefully they won't get mobbed by the undead before then.

They're here!


Hoho. Hohohoho.

Yuuka would've been pleased.

In retrospect, smashing them open with the stone fall traps would've allowed us to loot them, but there's always next time.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Pirate on August 06, 2012, 02:36:36 PM

8th Hematite

Scotty287 has been missing for a week. I have no idea what happened to him. Mayhaps a by product of my atom physics experimentation?

CaptainArchmage has given me wonderful news:


Finally! An ore worth kissing! Man the furnaces people, we're going to-

Ah, nevermind then.


The file name is 'pigeonsex' I couldn't help it.

The military is, for some reason, still incredibly lacking. I will have to keep an eye on this beast once in a while. It shouldn't be able to reach my fort. Or should it?

A seigakkuri corpse. The irony.


Wymar begins a mysterious construction. I didn't know how I had hare bones, but thankfully they were there when he needed them.


I've received reports that the uninvited guest has broken in from the caverns! Damn, why didnt' I think of blockading the doors?!

I hear Patchouli's cries below. The pigeon is going up, but it's only a matter of time before it heads down to kill off everyone mining below.

"CaptainArchmage," I turned my head sharply, "I'm afraid I'll need to put your mining skills..."

Oh perfect. Just perfect.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Raikaria on August 06, 2012, 03:59:29 PM
Always sleeping when you need them.

I'll fight the beast. I don't care if I'm retired. I'll hold it off.

Also this is inspiring me to try an Evil embark of my own again. Last time I tried I got dove by zombie sparrows before I even struck the earth though.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 06, 2012, 05:33:11 PM
Excellent work, both of you. Good to see you guys haven't had the fort doomed yet.

Pirate, do me a favor and press Tab to get rid of the minimap. You'll thank me for it.

Also FYI I meant for those dormitory walls to be dug out when I designated a hospital :V
You don't have to leave it in some weird wrap-around room thing
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Saber Nero on August 06, 2012, 07:45:01 PM
Not sure why those images aren't going back to original size when I click on them, some of them are really hard to read.

Also, nice to know the air lock is working. If you manage to get all the biokkuri corpses to path in and crush them, the next caravan should be able to arrive safely.

Which reminds me, the suikan caravan has had 0 profit 2 years in a row. Don't expect them to bring too much this year. And that's funny, I could've sworn I'd sealed the caverns up completely aside from the edge of the map. Maybe I missed something on the upper Z levels....
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Pirate on August 07, 2012, 01:44:31 PM

"Go daddy, beat him up good!"

Go Suikas! Show the sex pigeon how pointy our horns are!

This Peachick is badass

His heart isn't even working anymore. How is he not dead.

I have no idea what he's going to do with it, but he can hump it for all I care.

The beast is dead, hurrah!

I congratulate Syanas and the rest of the suikas for their hard work. Some of them grinned and stuck thumbs up. Some were not so lucky...

"Oh, hey my right horn is rotten! Heheh. Hahaha. Oh it's so funny."

Atis is doing his individual combat drill while his arm is dancing about in the caverns. He's a total role model, I tell you.


Oblivious to what was going on around him, Wyamar proceeds to finish his work, becoming a legendary engraver in the process.

spikes on a crown? That's like sticking birthday candles inside a cake.

Even in death the pigeon refuses to retract its necrophiliac nature

Of course, the pigeon isn't going down without a fight, no sir, it will fight till the end.



Having heard of the sex pigeon, more migrants decide to join. I attempt to smash the bridge on them, but Patchy slaps my hand away in time. Oh well, guess I'll bring them in then.

There weren't many migrants. One of them lost their way and was promptly munched on. Most of us were still bothered about the pigeon reviving again, so I had put most of my attention to it instead. Thankfully it was thrown into the refuse with little casualties during its reanimation.

Following Gosm the sex's revivals I have ordered the construction of a butchery and a tanner's workshop next to the refuse for easy processing, as well as more space dug behind so that more refuse may be put. Gosm was then successfully butchered without incident.

We're swimming in meat!

I hastily order a cook to get to preparing all this delicious meat. Oh, the sweet smell of sex pigeon meat is already in my mind. What ho!



*Hastily scribbled on a bloodied note*

Pirate has succumbed to injuries from a broken spine. He was, thankfully buried before he came back. I personally don't like him much but it seems like I will have to take on his name.

- 'Pirate' Wheelancient, 25th Galena

Atis has finally cracked under pressure. We subdued him, but many of us are miserable from the undead and killing. I might end up like Atis soon, if we don't have anything to cheer us up.

Many people have gone missing, including Arashi,  The cause of it, I do not know.

Chaore has turned melancholy, muttering about boneless skeletons. Make no mistake, this is a tantrum spiral. This might be the end of half the fort. Even the human merchants that can arrived here have gone insane for some reason. We could not order any of their wood.

Atis has revived and brought another suika to rest with him. I am beginning to fear for my life.

I gave up the mining expedition. For now everyone must start building better rooms for everyone. Rooms that will cheer us up even when we are not sleeping in them.


More migrants, on the other side of the land. I opened my bridges, hoping that they may join before the undead claim them.

They eventually make it without casualties, despite the undead humans lumbering outside.

14th Sandstone:

Highzealot has been possessed and took over a workshop. I pray he has the materials to finish whatever project he has in mind.


Now that suitable bedrooms have been carved out, I will start assigning them to the military suikas to cheer them up. That is, if I am ever able to recover any logs....


Periodic cleansing. When all the undead outside are more or less cleared I shall see if I can't cut down the trees outside.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Raikaria on August 07, 2012, 06:14:43 PM
R.I.P Pirate's Liver.

Am I still alive?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Pirate on August 07, 2012, 10:25:05 PM
Still alive.Tantrum spiral excluded, noone actually died from pigeon sex. in fact I didn't even enlist you in the army. just the military and ten other migrants I had enlisted earlier to get them into the fort.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 07, 2012, 10:26:15 PM
Huh? What's even reanimating? The pigeon I can understand since it takes long to get down to the refuse, but what killed Pirate? I thought you got all of it to the refuse?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Saber Nero on August 07, 2012, 11:09:54 PM
$10 says it's the bones and/or skin of the sex pigeon.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Pirate on August 08, 2012, 04:49:59 AM
Huh? What's even reanimating? The pigeon I can understand since it takes long to get down to the refuse, but what killed Pirate? I thought you got all of it to the refuse?

Some corpses which didn't like staying where they are. How they died, I don't know. Skin rot maybe.

but man, they were seriously guerillas. One second they're disturbing people doing their jobs, then the next second they get clobbered by them military and I can't find them. Probably revived while they were getting hauled some where.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Totaku on August 08, 2012, 07:41:03 AM
Ok I finally got everything up to date! Took me a bit of time thanks to everything that's been going on.

Buy anyways, I do want to inform everyone that even though Syanas didn't exactly meet the specifications of the quest that was given, she's getting credit because I learned that several players were confused about what was meant by paying your proper respects. What I wanted was to have them bury the bodies IN the coffins, but apperently miscomunication in the description lead to confusion on what to do with the bodies. So in the end, let it go.... for now.

Next time I WILL be detailed on what I will want done. Also Pirate was suppose to have a quest, but because I was so busy I didn't have time to give it out (it would need a year's time to complete anyways. So I'll give it to the next person....
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
Post by: Pirate on August 08, 2012, 09:06:41 AM
Autumn. The dwarven caravan has arrived. Unfortunately, we had to lower our bridges to welcome the outpost liason in the middle of our cleansing operation, so there was the part about random zombies coming in to party

Stuffman is overzealous about no parties.

Stuffman, once again, charged forth, breaking a few of his own limbs in the process of dismembering a zombie. He'll be hauled to the hospital shortly after, but I have no idea how long he will take to recover, if at all. As his right arm dangled uselessly on the bed he assured me that they were only flesh wounds. I doubt it.


The caravan finally arrive. I swiftly went in to trade all their wood, charcoal and wood related products with the crafts we have.

Highzealot was scared to death by some ghost. As I haul his body off the ground, the spectre mumbled something to me.

You're next.

...I immediately send a suika to carve it a memorial.

With our broker gone I told Patchouli, with her master skill in judge of intent to replace him. She narrowed her eyes, and finally judged me to be a douchebag. I don't disagree. A few minutes afterward she told me she couldn't be bothered with all this brokering. She had, after all, a meeting to conduct

A likely story.

I finally got ahold of a craftsuika, Deler, to do the job. He seemed fairly willing, better than lounging about the dining room, he assured me.

With the amount of crafts we had, we were able to buy every metal object they had, as well as their wood. With my little knowledge of prices I attempted to trade with the least losses as possible.

Noticing that they had plenty of leather I proceed to buy most of them. around 50, to be exact. We do not have much opportunities to obtain it, and we would need to to craft leather armour for the military. Not the best substitute, but without lignite or coal to fuel our metal industry it would have to do.


As I lower the bridges for the merchants to leave, Mokou-power dashed out like a madman. He told me he was going to pick up equipment. I dismissed it as the ramblings of a suika looking for death.



The other suikas came out to help him in the dispatching of the monster. I grabbed his screaming body back into the fort in case he had any other notions of immortality.

I start the construction of the walls in a bid to build a safe area outside for suikas. One of the masons suddenly came down, paralysed, suffocating shortly after. I suspected it was the syndrome rain, and immediately ordered everyone back inside. The construction will have to wait.

Construction is halting. More undead come to disturb my masons. I'm afraid at least half of them will die. A necessary sacrifice, however.

More disaster.

The door guarder has arrived to take our doors.

I hastily ordered everyone back inside, but the corpses are refusing to leave my men be. I slam my axe into some, but more keep coming back. A recruit was killed in the massacre, and two others unconscious. We might have to abandon them.


The meilingkkuri arrived unexpectedly fast. I decide to abandon the two recruits and make a dash for it. we will be waiting for their corpses behind the bridges. Recruit Monom has finally snapped, attempting to attack all of us. I dodged some of his flailing fists, and he eventually calmed down. I could hear screaming above. Our recruits did not make it.

After a moment of guarding a door outside, it entered the fort


Corpses of suikas and undead are littered outside. I dare not touch them.


Patchy has a shot of inspiration.

An artifact artifact?

Stuffman has a suicidal intention. I drag him back from the bridges before he could chop any of the undead outside.


A kappa caravan arrives.

I dismiss Stuffman from the squad after he told me that he dreamt of munching on suikan meat. I wish not to have him murder everyone in a tantrum. A decent room has also been put aside for him.


A biokkuri squad ambushes before we have the time to complete the final wall. While I considered pulling back, some of the suikas are sleeping and hence would be destroyed within a second. We will have to attack now.

We drove them out, but not without sustaining a loss. We were, unfortunately, unable to kill most of them in order to obtain Biokkurinite.

Another tantrum spiral. I hope it ends soon. It seems as though someone had smeared the sex pigeon's extract over the staircase leading to outside. Many others have rotting body parts due to this. I will have to clear the stairway and build a new one.

Alas. Before I could do this, spring has arrived, signalling the end of my reign. I shall resign back to my military post and hope my predecessor will do a better job than I have.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Totaku on August 08, 2012, 01:40:11 PM
Since your done, I'm going to write up the next intermission segment... (I'm waiting for you to post your save) This will be for Grimlocke and onward....

As Marisa watch Suika survive as the mini copies survive, she became impressed with how well Suika was managing things inside and outside the fort.

"Wow, I know this was a bit of a challenge, but at least you managed to somehow survive to some degree in such a tricky situation. You even manages to (somewhat) bury you founders."

"Told ya I could do it!" Suika said with confidence as she took another swig of her sake from her gourd.

"I'm persoanlly curious how this will go, are you going to conqure the surface sometime?"

"Yeah, once I get some things establish...."

Just a short hair blond comes walking up seeing Marisa talking to Suika, Marisa turns and takes notice and waves at her direction.

"Yo Alice, whatcha doin' over here, daze?"

The short haired blond walks up toward Marisa and Suika and notices the "game" Suika has been playing.

"More or less, I just decided to go out for a walk, Marisa..."

"But you came all the way to the shrine? You must some kind of reason to come all the way here."

Alice hesitates for a moment before speaking again...

"I just want to take a different way today, I don't usually have time to go outside the forest these day since I have been busy working with my dolls."

"You really should do it more often."


Alice then looks over and notices all the miniture Suikas running around on the table on what looks like an undead world...

"What exactly is this?" Alice question...

"Oh it's just a little challenge Suika's been doing. She's been doing pretty good up to this point."

Alice examines the game Suika is playing and noticed all the strange things going on....

"Tell me Marisa, do you ever notice Suika's not giving a care about how she's storing her goods?"

"No why?"

"I personally think this is kind of messy to leave everything all around without storing them in thier proper container. It's like your home... just full of drunks."

"Hey, you know I have work on magic on a regular basis so so I have to have everything out ready as I work!"

"And when you came to my house?"

"But... that's a different case"

Alice's sigh knowing Marisa just trying to dodge the question.

"You know what would be interesting. Seeing if Suika here could one up you and make a clean and organize storage space for all the good to go in. Perhaps even make it possible to take it to where it's needed in short noctice too!"

"Hah, you think she'll do that?"

"Let's put it like this. If Suika can manage to clean up her fort here. I'm going to demand you clean up your home as well. Cause if a drunk can do it, so can you."

"Heh, you know what I'm up for a bet, I'll take it on. And if she fails, then I expect you to leave me alone about how I take care of my stuff."

"I suppose that's fine enough"

"Then it's on!"


Marisa's challenge
Surface housing:Build an basic above ground fort establishment in which the migrants and caravan from above ground can easily enter into to reach thier destination inside the fort. It must be built in the location where you first began building your fort (as in that small hill) (You must compelte this in 2 years before Spring.) Protip: If you already have a building in the works, you can find a way to connect it.
Alice's challenge
Tidy management: Create a storage room and store 90% of your belonging within bins, pots or any other storage device! (Must be complete be next spring!)
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: highzealot on August 08, 2012, 05:27:24 PM
Killed by a ghost... must have taken some sort of tactical genius.

Also, Grimlocke, don't bring me back yet. I'll have myself return on my own time in my own style.

Since your done, I'm going to write up the next intermission segment... (I'm waiting for you to post your save) This will be for Highzealot and onward....

That's supposed to say Grimlocke right?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Totaku on August 08, 2012, 05:29:57 PM
Killed by a ghost... must have taken some sort of tactical genius.

Also, Grimlocke, don't bring me back yet. I'll have myself return on my own time in my own style.

That's supposed to say Grimlocke right?

Yes, because I derped and was in a hurry. Also someone asked me to look over my stuff before submitting it since I have a known habit for grammer issues. (go figure) I'll let them do that and see how that goes when I introduce the next segment of the story.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Nuserame on August 08, 2012, 06:54:59 PM
Save loaded, general choas and disorder met, and some challenges to boot. Looks like I wont be short on things to do.

1st of Granite, 109
No trees to cut, good time for a break!

Or at least it would have been if it wernt for our insane beloved overseer barging into my room shouting:
'Guess what Grimlocked!'.
'Dont put my name in past tense, and im on break. Guessing can come after.'
'Haha no your not. Cause your the new overseer, you dont get breaks. Now you know, and im done! Good luck and stuff.'


At least I can make someone else cut the damned cavern trees...

2nd of Granite, 109
Dispite my inclination not to, I have decided to make a plan!

1st goal: This place is a mess. I dont like mess and so im digging out more storage space, removed the old upper stockpiles and ordered production of bins and beds. Also ordered the basement to be expanded so we have some place to put the endless amouth of loose furniture.

2nd goal: Make a proper entrance, and damn the evil rain, its going to be right where the the first entrance was! Added to that some trenches, tunnels and fortifications so we can pick off zombies and the like without risking out hides.

3rd goal: Finish and expand the quarters. In order to distract us from everyone dying from zombies and sex pigeon I have told our two best engravers, Wymar and Stuffman, to make us some nice decorations in the rooms. Decorations they chose to make of...

4th goal: Dig down for magma and get the metal industry running. Lots of stuff to melt here!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Saber Nero on August 08, 2012, 07:05:30 PM
How the heck is Stuffman engraving with 2 injured arms?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: highzealot on August 08, 2012, 07:07:08 PM
How the heck is Stuffman engraving with 2 injured arms?

Horns obviously. The equivalent of beards for onis.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Saber Nero on August 08, 2012, 07:31:18 PM
I'm pretty sure one of his horns rotted as well. And one of his legs is pretty much gone. He must be engraving on sheer willpower.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Nuserame on August 08, 2012, 08:25:11 PM
I'm pretty sure one of his horns rotted as well. And one of his legs is pretty much gone. He must be engraving on sheer willpower.

Hes actualy hauling slate now too, splints are powerful things. His horns are fine though.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Stuffman on August 08, 2012, 09:07:17 PM
I'm using my laser eyes. Why do you think I'm so good at it?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 10, 2012, 04:32:22 AM
Ooh! Make sure to dig out most of those ramps on the small hill!It'll save you a lot of headache!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Nuserame on August 10, 2012, 07:53:21 PM
(several pages in the jounal have been torn out here, the remains reek of alcohol)

Damned drink spill... following pages are rewritten:

13th of Granite, 109:

Plans for our first sally into the vile, blue, zombie-riddled outside are finished. Here is a general summary and scetch:

The level just below the surface. The red parts are hills of the level above it.

From below the surface the miners are to dig a trench surrounding hill we dug our very first entrance in. Acces to this trench from the fort is through a door in the pasture. Ramps leading out of the trench are to be dug away immediately, eventualy keeping all lands creatures from reaching the hill.

The military is to stand guard outside the trench as it is dug, as there are some small zombie birds and fluffy white kedamas about there.

I have also... delayed the Kappas departure for a bit, hoping that once we breach the surface they will run out and clear some zombies.

Our plan is perfect! Could have the outside fort done in a year!

In other news, we havnt finished the walls Pirate ordered built. The last built was obstructed by some trees, and while I and Pirate argued over who cut the thing down (I was on a break after all!) a particularly nasty zombie, a big hairy cow called a yak, or whats left of it anyway.
I didnt like the look in its eyes, and ordered the entrance shut so we could focus on other tasks.

5th of Slate, 109:


Plans realy only exist to go horrably wrong do they?

Weeell, we made some progress, right? Could have gone worse...

Ah, who am I kidding. It was a debacle from the moment we saw the cursed, nauseating sun.
Guess ill start at the beginning:

After we waited for the 'rain' to pass, the miners slammed the door open and dug for their lives. At least, untill they spotted the zombie ravens.
Suikas just dont have a functioning fleeing instinct do they. Ignoring the safety of the fort, 2 miners flew outside, followed by a chaotic mob of angry kappa and even angerier military.


Fairly soon all zombie ravens were cut down, and it might not all have been that bad if it didnt start raining again.
Pretty soon half the military ran back inside to treat their blisters, another was outside throwing a tantrum, shouting thing about hating sunlight and blue goop.

And thats when the damned yak came out. All we had outside by that time was a fleeing kappa liason, a fleeing miner and a recruit. Only the liason got away...
Knowing things could only get worse at this point, I ordered the miners to stop expanding the trench and get rid of the remaining ramps. They complied, untill they reached the last bit of ramp.
Heard them say something about 'Thats Totakus bit!'.

And Totaku nearly got to it, but the yak beat him to it. Like a true suika Totaku ignored the door and fled into a dead end. Once realising this however, he somehow stormed past the yak unharmed whilst screaming and flailing is pick about.

Shot at 2012-08-10

I was tired of this yak. Someone even gave it the name 'Sawmad'! I shouted the military from their hospital beds, ordering them to storm the horror all at once.
The previously tantrumming hammersuika fell, but Pirate and an unarmed spearsuika finaly beat the thing down. Now to drag it off without it waking up.

Next plan is to use stairs instead!

Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Raikaria on August 13, 2012, 01:19:52 PM
I might do a little intermission thing for this, sort of filler-style.

Specifically Adventure Mode, attempting to find this place.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Totaku on August 13, 2012, 03:05:21 PM
I might do a little intermission thing for this, sort of filler-style.

Specifically Adventure Mode, attempting to find this place.

That's actually not a bad idea at all! These are usually good fillers between the actual game if your real creative with your story. I just need to determine when we should consider doing this. Perhaps after the fort hit's it's 5th year or so?

Also Nuserame / Grimlocke,

I've taken a look at your post and as you currently stand, your still in Spring time, you realize that as of 12:30 PM (central time) today. It'll be 5 days. I wanted to let you know this as a heads up because you will have 2 more days to complete everything , write up the events and post the link or give up the turn and pass to the next person... Or at get to the summer so I can grant a two day extension if it'll be needed.

I felt it was important for you to know this since I have asked everyone to try to complete the one year run in a week's time.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Raikaria on August 13, 2012, 05:38:16 PM
I'd rather do it sooner rather than later, because:

1: It'll take more than a few attempts to even get to the fort, after all, you are at the mercy of the RNG Gods in Adventure Mode. [Unless I play an Elf but who wants to be an Elf in DF, and I'd die as soon as an undead showed up because herp wooden swords and low skills because AltY spamming is annoying]
2: Summer break is ending and Uni is calling.

Also, when I say you are at the mercy of the RNG Gods in Adventure I mean it. You're instantly screwed if you come across something with a fire attack, like a Futokurri or a Red Kedama, because once you're put on fire you CAN'T MOVE AND HAVE TO STAND THERE AND BURN. [Not sure if bug] Unless you manage to dodge or block the fireball, but even then if the fire spreads to you you're stuck and dead.

I think I managed to move once, and that was because my follower/thrown items killed or KO'ed all the Kedamas. Still died of Bleeding afterwards.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Nuserame on August 14, 2012, 09:52:31 PM
20th of Felsite, 109

Work is finaly progressing, despite the comlaints about the rain and the stares zombies give them the miners have done most the work on the trench.
At least untill they spotted a small band of fleeing Suikas outside. Work was paused to open the gate and shout the migrants inside the fort.

One of the stoneworkers got funny, kicked a coffin-making mason from his workshop and is now creeping around the fort gathering things.

23rd of Felsite, 109
Pirate lost it. Has been moping around the fort for a while muttering on about yaks, rain and sunlight. Yet another one of out few capable soldiers lost, think this is a good time to draft some of the recent migrants.

Having a look at our insane stoneworkers workshop revealed, I found out a rather interesting choice of material...

16th of Hematite, 109
Disaster! Again...

Should not have forgotten to send some Suikas to search around for Pirate after nobody saw him for a long time. Turns out he keeled over in an unused part of the housing quarters, not to be found untill he stood back up and immediately proceded to kill one of the farmers in his room.

In the resultant panic and disorder we lost several more Suikas, including Patchy and ThirdEyeGuy. All in all we have lost allmost a dozen due to failure to properly clean up corpses!

In other news, we now have a legendary gabbro coffer. Might have better been a coffin.

29th of Hematite, 109
Another Suika occupying a workshop, a farmer this time. Unlike most, he claimed a leatherworkers shop.

2nd of Galena, 109
Yet more Biokkuri invaders arrive! Why they are so eager to have this piece of wasteland is beyond me. Some humans with extremely poor timing arrived right after them. Didnt take them very long to either turn right back and run, or join the ever increasing zombie populations.

The invaders arrived at the worst moment though. The miners are still outside in the trench which has been progressing stupidly slow due bad weather, and the miners spending most their time in the hospital recovering from blisters. We have been unable to get them back inside due to a zombie having chosen to sit right by the entrance door, scaring off any miner trying to get past.

Tried to dig a second entrace, but the miners inside were busy sleeping and drinking, while the ones outside were busy panicking and dodging Biokkuri bolts. Only CaptainArchmage eventualy managed to get inside, the rest now sits in the increasingly crowded graveyard.

Our insane farmer has also finished his business in the leatherworkers shop. Came out carring a low boot of all things, had hoped he would make us some armor with all that leather he used...


1st of Limestone, 109
It is Autumn, the Biokkuri still havnt gotten tired, and we have been mostly spending time cleaning up storage, and digging some new tombs and wells.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Nuserame on August 14, 2012, 09:55:46 PM
Hereby requesting an extension.

You're instantly screwed if you come across something with a fire attack, like a Futokurri or a Red Kedama, because once you're put on fire you CAN'T MOVE AND HAVE TO STAND THERE AND BURN. [Not sure if bug] Unless you manage to dodge or block the fireball, but even then if the fire spreads to you you're stuck and dead.

I think I managed to move once, and that was because my follower/thrown items killed or KO'ed all the Kedamas. Still died of Bleeding afterwards.
Its a bug. Being on fire increases the temperature of the squared around you, marking them as something you character does not want to go. You can still move using alt+direction key (also useful for jumping off things and climbing out of water).
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Nuserame on August 15, 2012, 03:26:53 PM
Hmmmmmm what to do after finding out you died before writing your last journal bit.

Oh well, plenty more Suikas for resuika. Speaking of which, the recent... misfortune, ill just call it that, hasnt been very kind on the name Suikas. Ill post of a list of re-suika-ing once im done.

Pirate: Macesuika is the closest thing we had. Assinged you an axe.
Anthy: Spearsuika, same as pirate.
ThirdEyeGuy: Broker.
Mokou-Power: Legendary tanner!
Patchy: Mechanic.
GoombaGeek: Expert stone crafter, your on 'Make rock gourd/R'. Seemed fitting.
Chaore: Nother stonecrafter.
Arashi Kurobara: Gem cutter. The request was 'something chemical' but we ran out of lye makers. Least your name is green now.
Eerol: Bone Doc. Adequate (rusty)! Dont break bones!
Purvis: Surgeon. Also rusty adaquate... Name was actualy allready there but didnt show up untill now.
Maid Xan: Manager. Techinically there is a bit of you alive in the caverns, but that doesnt realy count.
Scotty297: Beekeeper.
Me!: Died a second time... reincarnated as brewer for a lack of woodworkers.

Other notables: Despite rather high-risk professions, Totaku, Captainarchmage and Syanas survived so far! Highzealot not resuikad as requested.

Also I dont think I let this many die... oh well, we got everyone on the play and spectate list now.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Nuserame on August 15, 2012, 10:16:46 PM
Notice to all workers assigned to refuse hauling:

When cleaning up corpses, you are required to take all the bits and pieces to the graveyard.
One of the farmers recent death by Miner Hideki's disembodied head is unacceptable!

Your concerned overseer, Grimlocke.

15th of Moonstone, 109:

Autumn felt like it went by in notime! The invaders resolved themselves as expected,

And what was left of them was eventualy cleaned up by the timely arrival of a Kikurri!

I am letting it rampage around outside a bit more, its doing us quite a service as a single, non-flying creature roaming around is far less of a nuisance to construction than many of them, some of which fly over or into the trench to pick our miners heads open. We will eventualy have to deal with it as we have yet to construct a gatehouse ouside to completely lock our hill off the the outside, lets hope it fits in the atomsmasher!

One of the farmers recentelly finished producing an artifact, one of the most medicre ones I have ever seen. Behold:

Suikas have died, mostly from their kin's zombies, migrants arrived to replace them, I am deaf to the screams...

Syanas also has lost her mind. The fate that seems to befall many of our military... I am forming a plan on seperating them from the rest of the fort. Hopefully keeps them from forming unneeded bonds.

And I am probably also losing my mind, because I have the strange feeling that I am slightly taller. My clothes dont quite fit right either, and before that all I had the most realistic dream ever of dying in the filth filled trench...
Surely such a thing cannot be real though.

Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Nuserame on August 16, 2012, 03:37:01 AM
3rd of Opal, 109:

It is days like these that make me suspect I wont go down in history as the greatest mastermind amongst overseer. Oh well infamy is also fame!

Just as everything was peachy with us holed up inside digging things and the Kikkuri roaming outside killing things, traders arrived.
Seeing as we havnt made a lot of proper caravan deals (as in, only 1) I decided to throw open the gates and see what got in first. It wasnt the traders, and dispite my fast reaction of ordering the smashy bridged to start smashing, the reaction of the lever pulles was... not as quick.
Would have been quick enough had it not been for the military that as amateurishly flailing their weapons or lack of weapons around nearby. The goons spotted the Kukkuri, and charged right for the smashy bridges.
I spent most the time after staring up close at the palm of my hand, but in the end 4 soldiers were smashed, 2 killed and 1 caged (and dead). The Kikkuri... caged.

This makes us officialy demilitarized!

Remilitarizing amongst the less use... uhm no, more talented soldiers is to begin at once.

8th of Opal, 109:

Cursed curses. Syanas keeled over, I ordered her remov- erm, honerably buried immediately, but she didnt agree. Out pityfull military gave her enough time to run through the graveyard, through a child, into the dining hall where she bit, horned and punched some eating Suikas before being run down again.

1st of Granite, 110:

As my last few decisions I have moved the hospital to the area where the less fortunate patients dont make the more fortunate patiens... less fortunate.

Convenientely located above the shiny new graveyard! Its marble! Its got proper coffins! And a pit for everything that doesnt fit in those! It also needs expanding.

With that finished, im done here. Time to hit the booze stock.

Notice to all workers and soldiers:

The year is done! All said and done! My job is over! Congratulations to those who surived and well, no congratulation to those who didnt. Hah!

Following is a summary of our grand achievements and grander failures:

 - The trench officialy completed a mere month ago!
 - The graveyard officialy completed a mere day ago!
 - The stockpiling officialy failed to meet quota! This is your fault for leaving so much garbage behind when dying.
 - We have replaced the crude marble mine boneyard with a worthy, though far too small, catacomb.
 - We have found out that regular hospitals in zombie-fying areas dont work well.
 - Our population dropped by around 20 despite the numerious migrants!
 - The avarage soldiers lifespan is around 2 seasons, the maximam, less than a year!
 - We have made 1 caravan deal. The rest ran home to have nightmares forever, or is smeared across the surrounding land for us to loot!
 - We have utterly failed to atom-smash the Kikkuri.
 - We succesfully atom-smashed our own military. Making the barracks in direct sight of to-be-smashed creatures was a bad idea.
 - We have accidentally caught the Kikkuri in a cage. Did not expect that to work.
 - The total death toll of our fort, including zombies, invaders and mundane creature, its now at 565.
 - Our fortress and surrounding areas contain 227 corpses and 236 severed bodyparts, 160 coffins of which 128 built, and 2555 pieces of clothing. Yes, 2555.

I have learned to stop worrying and love the zombies,

Your dearest former overseer,


The fortress map, for your viewing pleasure: (

That finaly concludes my turn. Completing the stockpile objective was, as you can see, not succesfull. Most imporant items are stockpiles but there is a vast, endless sea of socks, trousers, gloves, etc etc etc that would take more than a few years to get rid of. A magma garbage chute is recommended for the next players.

Also metal industry. Have severely neglected this, which is one of the reasons the military stopped to exist in my 2nd last month. (that and my worst attempt at atom-smashing yet, combined with DF AI being what it is...)

The outside needs a 7-tile wide wall built across the last un-covered bit. That or you can demolish the current entrance to surround the fort with trench completely.

For corpses inside the fort, using the Dump funtion worked best for me. I found the refuse stockpile job to be a bit too slow.

Link for save file: (
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Totaku on August 16, 2012, 05:36:26 AM
You failed to post the file up correctly.

I fixed it for you...

I will look over it and see how you did and see if you completed the task that was given... and the probably make a second post to top it off....
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 16, 2012, 06:24:37 AM
Hot damn, this is glorious

I never expected my little dirt hole in the ground to turn out so nicely <3
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Raikaria on August 16, 2012, 07:57:19 AM
I think atomsmashers don't work on Kikurri, but cage traps do. All Mega/Semimega beasts are atomsmashproof, but unless they're trapvoid a cage works.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Totaku on August 16, 2012, 04:52:53 PM
Ok I finally got this intermission segment done so here's what your tasks are for now....! (Also special thanks to not-a-pirate for proofreading and correcting the daialouge)

As the game proceeded, Suika?s fort survived yet another year. The undead continued to amass on the land her duplicates had settled upon and called home, but despite the losses incurred she continued to improve the fort, growing it to become more impressive than ever.

?How?s that?? Suika boasted cheerfully, taking a swig from her gourd.

Alice peered closer into the interior fort, and upon noticing that a good number of items have been placed to where they rightfully belong, save for the worn out clothing that the mini-suikas refused to contain in bins, smiled in satisfaction.

?Well, at least it?s better than Marisa?s house, I?ll say that much.?

?Hey, I already told you I?m a busy person, I have things to do, and they?re far more important than placing my clothes neatly in containers, ze!? Marisa retorted indignantly.

?Not having your clothes neatly in containers is one thing, having everything strewn about the room is another,? Alice muttered, ?in any case, if a drunk oni can manage her belongings, I think you can do the same.?

?But I...?

?I?m coming along to your house later on, Marisa, so don?t you forget,? Alice gave Marisa a final threatening glance before leaving, her dolls floating behind her.

Marisa gave an exasperated sigh and slumped over the wood floor, ?Sometimes I wish I didn?t have to be bothered by such small matters,? she grumbled before sitting back up, ?Well, I don?t need to worry about it now, so I?ll just keep watching this game of yours.?

?Fine by me,? Suika replied with a giggle.

At that time, Reimu and Yukari had stepped out of the shrine and continued their conversation there.

?Reimu, I hope you have been keeping the newcomers in Gensokyo in check. They might have settled down and cooperated for now, but you would do good to take precautions.? Yukari murmured with a flourish of her fan. Reimu, however, payed little attention to the warning, merely waving her head in dismissal,

?Yeah well, I?ll do it when I feel like it. I?m sure everyone knows how to get along with each other anyway.?

Yukari said nothing, merely looking ahead at the steps of the shrine. Two people came up then, a silver haired woman in a maid outfit, accompanying what seemed like a child dressed in an elaborate pink dress. Bat wings sprouted from her back, which flapped occasionally as she walked. Over her head was a parasol, held by the maid.

?Milady, was it necessary for us to come here?? The maid asked with a slight raise of an eyebrow.

?Sakuya, it?s been long since I?ve payed a visit. I think it?s a good enough time to do so now.?

?As you wish,? Sakuya nodded, and said no more.

The girl looked up then, and upon seeing the familiar face of Reimu, waved.

?Good day to you Reimu, It?s been awhile.? A smile tugged on her lips, as though delighted to see the shrine maiden.

?Same to you, Remilia,? Reimu nodded, returning the smile. A smile that seemed to expect something.

?I just wanted to meet with an old friend of mine,? Remilia replied.

?Ah,? Reimu nodded again, albeit seemingly slightly depressed. That emotion was instantly replaced by a badly disguised expression of ecstasy, when Sakuya proceeded to insert a few notes into the donation box. With big hearted gestures she invited Remilia inside, all of her vigor revived.

Remilia graciously stepped up, glancing the area with a satisfied grin. Her eyes settled upon Suika, bent over what seemed like a miniature piece of land. She gestured for Sakuya to follow her, and approached the oni with renewed curiousity.

?What is this?? She asked, sitting herself next to Marisa.

?Yo, Remilia,? Marisa grinned, ?Suika?s playing this game Yukari challenged her to, wanna watch??

?Oh?? Remilia leaned forward for a better glimpse of the playing field, ?what kind of game is it, exactly??

?A game where you can have fun!? Suika raised her arms wide with enthusiasm.

?Hmm?? Remilia tilted her head as she examined the field further, a confused look spreading on her face as she saw the mini suikas running about, ?They all look like you...what are you doing??

?It?s a survival game, Remilia,? Marisa explained, ?she has to make a fort and have her suikas survive.?

?Like a stronghold of some sort??

?Yeah, I guess,? Marisa gave a little shrug.

?Interesting,? A smile started to play on the vampire?s lips as she examined the fort further, stopping when she spotted a lone Suika isolated in its own room, ?Who?s that??

?A vampire,? Marisa put it bluntly, ?Suika?s got it under lock and key, no way anyone?s getting their blood drained here.?

Remilia?s features darkened, ??It?? You shouldn?t be treating her like trash. Give her a better living space, have her lend a hand, even.?

Suika tilted her head in vexation, ?what if she bites someone??

?Then she bites someone,? Remillia shrugged, ?listen, vampires deserve a much luxurious life style. I want you to give that vampire a room fit for royalty, as good as my mansion itself!?

Marisa cupped her mouth with one hand and rotated a finger around her temple at Remilia?s demand, but Suika was interested, ?so you want me to free it??

?You can take precautions if you want, but I don?t want her to be living like trash, got it?? Remilia gave an impatient frown, ?Sakuya has something to say too,?

Sakuya said nothing, merely giving her master a questioning look. If she had been taken aback by the sudden call, she did not show it.

?Take a look yourself, I?m sure you can find a part in the fort that requires work.? Remilia insisted.

Sakuya peered in, her eyes flickering between the various levels of the fort. At last she settled on the dining room, an engraved space, sparsely populated with stone tables and chairs. Suitable, and most definitely satisfying for the suikas themselves, but Sakuya thought differently.

?If I may, I believe that the dining room might require far more furniture. Decorations too, It looks almost bland without them.? She suggested, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

?How many, Sakuya??

?At least fifty, milady,? Sakuya replied, ?seventy would be ideal, however.?

Remilia puffed her chest with a prideful smirk, ?I knew you?d notice it, Sakuya, as expected of my head maid.?

Her gaze shifted to Reimu then, ?Well Reimu, I think it?s been quite awhile since we?ve had a chat...?

Reimu gave a troubled look, but upon remembering the donation generously given by Sakuya, nodded with almost unbelievable enthusiasm and invited the two inside, almost a little too hastily.

Yukari only gave a wry smile at Reimu?s response, and proceeded to sit herself beside Marisa.

?Are you finding the game...amusing?? She directed her question at Marisa, who grinned,

?It sure looks fun!?

?Good to hear,? She nodded, satisfied with the answer, ?I have been doing this for quite some time. Every year, actually. It is...a way to keep herself in check.?

Marisa raised her eyebrows, gesturing for Yukari to explain in detail.

?As a mountain oni, she has to be able to recall her basic instincts, and use them as she had back in the past. This game is a way for her to do so.?

?And, she?s doing fine??

Yukari only smiled, ?We?ll see. The long term is more important, after all.?

?Oh?? Marisa grinned, ?What goals you have in mind??

?Survive, and build an impressive fortress, that is all.?

Marisa frowned at that. It seemed simple, almost too simple, ?That doesn?t seem too hard.?

Yukari closed her eyes, ?Is it? We shall see. This game is without a reason, you know??


Sakuya's request - Adequate dining: Rebuild the dining room to hold a total of 50-70 table and chairs (in other words at least 50 tables and 50 chairs minimum) Objective must be completed before the end of the year

Remilia's Request - Vampire luxuries:Put your vampire in a room more suitable for his nobility. The room must be of "Grand Quality" (Bonus: Make the vampire into a noble for bonus approval from Remi) Condtion must be completed in 2 years.

Also after looking through the what you have done. Despite not having the clothes in bins (I realized they are worn therfore won't be put in bins) I'm going to mark your challenge a success!

Wymar, you still have to complete the aboveground fort quest and now the dining room quest before the end of the year.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Nuserame on August 17, 2012, 01:00:44 AM
I think atomsmashers don't work on Kikurri, but cage traps do. All Mega/Semimega beasts are atomsmashproof, but unless they're trapvoid a cage works.
They are that large? Checking... Oops, yes its a 4th the size of DFs default bronze colossus.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Wymar on August 19, 2012, 12:03:43 PM
1st Granite 110

It appears that I was appointed the overseer of the fort for the following year. That's good, as I have a couple ideas on how to improve this place.

First, we need to expand our dining hall. We don't have enough tables and seats for everybody, and there's bound to be newcomers sooner or later.
I told our masons that they should make 300 tables and chairs respectively. For tonight. We dine! IN THE HALL!

Was that over the top? Yeah I guess that was so. 30 of each is plenty enough for the moment.

Next, we have to appease our local Blood God. The others call him a vampire, or "that bloodsucking bastard", but I know how a vamp looks like and that ain't one of them.
Unfortunately the others are adamant about not sacrificing their blood to him so we have to do something else. Maybe rxpand his living area or something. Put a skull throne in there too.

2 Granite

( (
What do you mean we can't make any skull thrones? Yeesh!

22 Granite

Bloody miners are being lazy and everything. I gave them the choice between diging in the safe upper levels and exploring the lower caverns. That got them working.

26 Granite

AaronIII has been acting strange lately. He's been running around like in a trance, picking up bones and stuff. Whatever floats your boat, man.

11 Slate

One of our scouts has reported the sighting of another monster in the caverns.
I'm not sure if we have enough crossbows to shoot that thing.
Note to self: keep an eye on Patchy.

21 Slate

Migrants! Huzzah!
Unfortunately a few Suikas have decided that it's a clever idea to leave the fort and play around with the undead. Gappy especially has taken a liking to play tag with them.

28 Slate

Errol got crushed by an openig drawbridge. Oops.

In other news, Patchy has given birth. How does that even work, I mean we're all the same person of sorts aren't we? Argh, getting a headache! :colonveeplusalpha:

18 Felsite

Parseekkuris have arrived. That's both good and bad news. On one hand, they and the undead roaming theland will kill eachother. The bad news is that it won't last for long. Bugger.
Also, Gappy's still winning at tag. That's dedication.

5 Hematite

A group of kedamas decided to come for a visit. Sorry, doors closed.

6 Hematite

The Inabas started a siege on our fort. I guess theyg figured that they couldn't get inside, because later on they got reinforcements.

22 Malachite

More migrants have arrived. I assigned the militia as bouncers for the entrance which somehow kept almost everything out while getting most of the Suikas inside.
Too bad for those that didn't.

26 Malachite

Gappy finally got home. The militia held a welcome party for her and right now she's being escorted to her new home.
Rest in Pieces.

16 Galena

( (
A Weregecko has been sighted near the main hill. I shudder when I imagine it in my mind. Those eyes. Those soulless, everwatching, independently moving eyes.

28 Galena

The Blood God's new rooms are finally completed! Furniture made of the shiniest metals, my finest engravings, and an opening to provide him with sacrifices food. Yeah.
I have also promoted him to our Hammerer. Now I have a legitimate excuse to make sacrifices to him!

It is now finally Autumn. I lost "progress" during the entire summer period when I wanted to back up the save. Aderp.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: highzealot on August 20, 2012, 01:04:36 AM
I am going to kill that vampire on my turn. The only true Blood Gods are Armok and KHORNE AND HE DEMANDS THE BLOOD OF THAT VAMPIRE!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Wymar on August 20, 2012, 09:50:20 AM
I repeat my statement: Which one?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: highzealot on August 20, 2012, 06:51:05 PM
The one Remilia wanted you to build a room for. Khorne is displeased at it being called a Blood God and wishes its blood to be spilled.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Wymar on August 20, 2012, 07:54:35 PM
Ah well, I was about to have him do a deathmatch against the new vampire, but I think one of the zombies did that before him.

Also, the game is boring once the bodies stop waking up.

In other news, there's a Macesuika who's very cavalier about the whole "stay inside the freaking fort" thing.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 20, 2012, 10:01:38 PM
Ah well, I was about to have him do a deathmatch against the new vampire, but I think one of the zombies did that before him.
Somehow I don't think it was a vampire then. iirc zombies tend to not care about vamps.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Wymar on August 21, 2012, 10:18:46 AM
Yeah I dunno. They found a corpse that's been sucked dry but none of the dwarves that are still alive fit the criteria (Sans Purvis, but he's locked up). It could be that he got drafted and then died after attacking something. Zombies still defend themselves against aggressors, right?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Wymar on August 21, 2012, 02:12:29 PM
5 Sandstone

One of the Suikas has been found dead today. An autopsy revealed that it was a copycat killer trying to imitate our great Blood God.
Gotta keep my eyes open for any suspects. Then we can let the Blood God Himself deal with him.

17 Sandstone

One of the masons has been particularly secretive lately.
I hope that whatever he's making is going to be more useful than that cage that the other guy made.

21 Sandstone

The mason started working. I gotta admit, I'm a bit excited about the final result.

26 Sandstone

He made a table! That's pretty neat for the dining room. I think we have more than enough tables there, but you know what? Screw that, we can make more!
And it's definitively more useful than my crown, even if it's way less stylish.

22 Moonstone

It's been boring lately. Now that all body parts have been stored away and stopped revivng it's been very calm around.
The most dangerous thing that could happen is that somebody died from boredom and then starts killing everything.

Actually, with all those bones stored up it'd be a good idea to have somebody craft something with them.

6 Obsidian

That entrance above the farms that's been closed for ages because it kept squashing more suikas than it let in?
It's been finally upgraded and now we have an outward opening drawbridge-slash-zombiesmasher.

It's absolutely brilliant, I just tell some schmuck to repeatedly pull the lever, and whoever tries to get inside gets squashed.
It's like they're lining up to get slaughtered!
If something does get inside, the schmuck runs away, and the militia can handle the threat. The drawbridge has been empirically shown to stay closed practically all the time when that happens.
Only downside is that we lost a couple recruits who thought it'd be fun to punch some undead with nothing but their fists, but who cares about idiots?
Who do they think they are, Mike Tyson? Who is Mike Tyson anyway and why do I know his name?

12 Obsidian

There have been reports of not one, not two, not three, but four! Four yukkousei ambushes! Ah ah ah!
At least most of them came from the east where the dead stay that way, so if we're lucky they won't come back after bein inevitably being killed.

That reminds me, we still have the massive corridor to the eastern entrance. While less secure than the upper entrance, we should be able to smash more undead with it.

20 Obsidian

One of our recruits has absentmindedly ossupied a craftsuikashop.Thing is he wants some wood, of which we have none. The closest logs we have are, wait for it... by the eastern entrance.
This seems like as good a moment as any to start smashing.

1 Granite 111

What, my year's over already? But things just started to get fun! We probably killed a dozen zombies already (but, given the amount of dead inabas alone, that's like a drop on the hot stone).

The Blood God is pleased with his living quarters, and we also put a hatch above to send him some sacrificespresents. Lock something into the cell above, pull the lever, and down the legendary hatch it goes!

The dining hall contains roughly five dozens of tables and almost twice as many thrones. I'm kinda disappointed with that however, as I planned to have 75 tables with 2 chairs each. Oh well.

The hospital's empty, nobody's injured. Huzzah! My healthcare plan is best healthcare plan. And should somebody get hurt, I had a new well built that was slightly closer and far safer than the old one.
No more letting beakless mickingbirds or feathered rocketbeasts inside the fort because somebody got thirsty.

Aaaand that's it I guess (
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Totaku on August 21, 2012, 02:23:46 PM

You failed to post the link correctly. But it for you.

I need to now see if you completed the objective that were given to you.

In the mean time, I also have the next intermission to write up. So don't jump into the game too quick now high zealot. :P I should have the intermission written in the next hour or so.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Wymar on August 21, 2012, 03:06:08 PM
You failed to post the link correctly. But it for you.
I guess the constant 504's that I was getting didn't help. At all. Obviously.
I need to now see if you completed the objective that were given to you.
Remi's objective is good. Plus a Decent Office/Dining Room.
I'm fairly certain I have enough mobiliar in the dining hall, but I failed my personal mission of filling it up completely. You'll notice that there's chairs missing in the northern half.
YMMV on the above-ground fort thing. Inside the hill still counts as above ground, right?

Oh, here's a suggestion: kill at least half the current undead without atomsmashing them. AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAhem. I should stop with the manic laughter really.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: highzealot on August 22, 2012, 04:00:35 AM
Still waiting for that intermission.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Raikaria on August 22, 2012, 07:57:57 AM
Anyway, I'm gonna be working on my little Adventure Mode Intermission on this save file. Mission: Get to Crossedhorns.

It's like Vanilla Adventure, except with Fire Imps everywhere. And !!FIRE!! is fun.

I can post some things I bumped into in Adventure Mode, however now, just so you know I'm doing... stuff. The thing is if I die before reaching Crossedhorns that ain't the point.

So here's a couple of screenshots of a particually successful adventurer that evaded Red Kedamas until he died due to a stampede of Keemekaidous... or however you spell that Hatate one.


Fast traveling then suddenly a swarm of Yuukagusa appear!


By making sure no more than one at a time can fight me, they are dispatched with ease, however, you can't butcher tham for things to sell and trade to get actual armor.

Swordsmen are easily the best to start with since they can butcher things with their weapons instead of having to drop their weapon, drop a dagger, pick up the dagger, butcher, drop the dagger, pick up the weapon and then pick the dagger back up @_@


Just managed to die in a spiral of events, including this Yuukuri Alkice that wouldn't die and took my leg, followed by a fireball to my companion by a Futokurri, and them, as I'm crawling back to town before nightfall, I stumble upon a Biokurri camp, with several -Lords and even a Master Lasher. With one leg. So I can't even run.

I kept the game rolling after my death, however, to see what would happen, because a bunch of Black Kedamas showed up as well:

A master lasher died. To Kedamas. I don't even.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Totaku on August 22, 2012, 01:49:41 PM
Still waiting for that intermission.
Yes I apologize, I thought I get it done in time, but I got it done late, and notapirate ended up leaving for the day.... so I didn't get the edit work done till several the following day my apologize! So here it is without further ado!

Another year in the fortress passed. Suika gave a satisfied yawn and took another swig from her gourd. Things were still going well. Perhaps an accident or two had happened, but nothing major.

"Well Marisa?? She glanced at the magician, who had leaned forward for a closer look, ?what do you think??

"Heeeh," she furrowed her eyebrows, "this is just a trench isn't it?"

"It's above ground," Suika returned.

"hah," Marisa shook her head and shrugged, "really now, I'd think you could do better. You sure you oni aren't all talk?"

Suika pouted in annoyance, "of course, it's just that I had alot to deal with!"

Marisa smirked, "well, whatever then. Remember though, I still want to see if you can catch a thief soon."

Just then, Sakuya emerged from the door, carrying a tray with a teapot and cups.

"Interested in tea?" She inquired, hastily adding upon seeing the suspicious look on Marisa, "not milady's specialty, I assure you."

"Well, I'll take some of you then," With a flourish of her hat she stood up and swiped a cup for herself before settling back to her seat. Yukari, too, took one for herself with the help of her gaps, ignoring the brief glare from the maid.

"Oh?" Sakuya raised her eyebrows as she examined the dining room that Suika had been working on, "my my, you certainly have been busy. I?m glad you have managed to make the dining hall fit for use. Milady would be pleased.?

?Eheh, it was simple enough,? Suika giggled.

Remilia?s muffled voice was heard through the walls then, ?Sakuya, I want some more tea!?

?Yes, milady,? Sakuya called back, before bowing slightly to the two, ?I shall be going then. Do keep that vampire alive, I have no doubt that Milady would be fairly...displeased should something happen to it.?

With that, she turned to leave, closing the sliding door behind her.

Suika and Marisa were just about to return to the game then, when a faint groan emitted from behind the walls. A groan? Marisa?s ears perked up, but when she stood to find the source, the sound faded to nothing.

?Strange, must?ve been the wind,? she mumbled, but when she was about to return to her seat, the sound reverberated within the walls once more, in a far more eerie tone.

?Now now, I can?t you running about and scaring everyone else. You?re better off staying here, there are plenty of things to play with, after all.?

?Buuut I want to go tooooo?

?Sorry, but I?m afraid you?ll have to be a good girl and stay.?

?A-aaww, okayyy NyaaaanNyaaaan...?

Marisa frowned at the conversation. Dusting invisible dirt off her skirt, she told Suika she was going to take a look and left without waiting for a response; the oni was too preoccupied to care too much anyway.

Round the corner where she thought she had heard the voices, only the empty storage room greeted her, decorated with a gargantuan hole in the wall.

?Hm, I swore I master spark?ed the  other end of her shrine,? Marisa mused. Deciding that striding through the gaping new entrance was a good idea, she stepped in to find a new guest seated on the floor with Reimu and the others. Well, it seemed like a new guest, but the expression on Reimu said otherwise.

?My my, you certainly have quite the entourage, Reimu,? the guest, a woman in a simple blue dress giggled. She looked somewhat dignified with her posture, but at the same time her lips spoke of mischief. Another troublesome character had seemingly arrived.

?You could have used the door, Seiga,? Reimu pointed out, unamused, ?they?re there for a reason.?

?Oh?? Seiga raised an eyebrow at the sliding doors just next two her, ?well, it?s far easier if I came in this way.?

?It?s common courtesy.?

?Courtesy?? Seiga tilted her head briefly before chuckling, ?I don?t know what you?re talking about.?

Marisa left then, gingerly stepping through the hole and back to Suika.

?So, who is our new esteemed guest?? Yukari inquired, fiddling with her fan with a hint of boredom.

?Just a hermit, come to see Reimu, of course,? Marisa shrugged.

?Hm?? Yukari folded her fan with renewed interest, ?my, there are certainly plenty of them coming out of the woodwork now, don?t you agree??

?Guess so. Not that I really care.? Marisa leaned back, only to feel her head planting into something soft...

?Did someone mention me?? Seiga questioned, having opened a new hole in the wall and peeking in. She looked down upon feeling something hit her chest, giggling when the sight of Marisa?s expression met her eyes, ?My my, if you like them so much you could have always asked to touch them.?

?I-I don?t need to touch your boobs, ze!? Marisa hastily scrambled away from the hermit, her breathing now quick and heavy.

?Ahah, is that so?? Seiga put a finger to her lip and smiled a most devilishly mischievous smile.

?Hey Seiga, if you?re done here, quit making holes and get out of my shrine!? Reimu called out with a scowl.

?But Reimu, don?t you want to amplify your powers? You have the potential. I can help you, you know?? Seiga returned with a cheery smile inspite of the annoyed shrine maiden.

?Not now!?

Seiga sighed, her expression a mild disappointment, ?Very well then, I shall return when you are less...busy.?

Stepping out and into the room, she closed the hole behind her with a little flourish of her hairpin. It was then that she noticed the table, or more specifically, what was on it.

?Explain it to her, Suika,? Yukari sighed. To Marisa, she gestured with her fan, ?Marisa, a word if you will.?

?Yeah...? Marisa nodded slowly and followed Yukari to the corner of the shrine, still staring at her chest. Somehow it seemed far smaller than before.

Seiga watched them leave, and sat next to Suika to watch her game, ?So, could you enlighten me as to what this wonderful thing might be??
?It?s a challenge!? Suika puffed her chest with a grin, ?I?m showing Yukari how we oni survive!?

Seiga did not take too long before a scheming smirk formed on her lips, ?my, there are certainly a lot of...corpses.?

?Yeah,? Suika frowned, ?they cause me alot of trouble, you know.?

Seiga chuckled softly, ?they only cause trouble because you don?t use them.?

?Nn?? Suika tilted her head, unsure of what the hermit was getting at.

?Have them fight for you, set them in an eternal arena battle with your enemies, even using them as a trigger is good enough,? Seiga smiled, ?the dead are meant to be your tools, Should you be able to use them well, mastering this land would no doubt be...incredibly easy.?

?Hmm,? Suika glanced back at the restless bodies, shuffling their feet as the roamed the slime infested land. Could she really? It was worth thinking about. Just then something formed in her mind. A memory of something...

?Oh right, you?re the hermit Reimu mentioned in the note??

Seiga chuckled again, ?Why yes, I?m here to bring out the inner most potential within her...? A lie, but she said it with such calm it could almost be seen as truth.


Seiga's Challenge: Undead labor workforce union Seiga wants you to put your dead bodies to good use! This one is pretty open for many ideas, though some include have them "operate" various things, set up an Arena (man vs. zombie), and maybe even a feeding pit! Use your imagination and be creative here! You need at least 40 zombie animated and doing whatever creative thing you cook up to be considered a success! Condition must be completed in 5 years (By spring 116)

Also yes, Highzealot, the condition for Remilia's challenge will not be complete unless the vampire lives to the end of the year.

So you'll have to deal with your vampire overlord, or kill him or her and lose the challenge.

And another reminder.... This is the last year for Marisa's "To catch a thief challenge" see if you can trap one before the end of the year!

You will have till Wendsday Morning of next week to finish the year and post the save! Good luck!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Wymar on August 22, 2012, 03:01:34 PM
Undead-powered dwarven suikan computer maybe?

Also yes, Highzealot, the condition for Remilia's challenge will not be complete unless the vampire lives to the end of the year.
Should be easy enough, just put a wall in front of the exits to his room and BAM assured survival.

And another reminder.... This is the last year for Marisa's "To catch a thief challenge" see if you can trap one before the end of the year!
Good luck with that, if undead inabas don't count then you'll have a hard time catching anything living.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: highzealot on August 22, 2012, 03:57:26 PM
Looks like I need to find a way to make the vampire die after the year is done.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Wymar on August 22, 2012, 04:04:34 PM
Build a doomsday device and pull the lever on Obsidian 28?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: highzealot on August 22, 2012, 06:09:18 PM
My soul was wandering the warp. Time holds no meaning there. I could see the grim darkness of the 41st millennium. I could see the Great Crusade. I could see the 21st century and there I see Gensokyo. The place were the Gap Youkai resides. The one who forced my soul into an oni and I will have my revenge. I can see great gods in the warp and they will bring me back and I shall be the herald of Chaos Undivided.

1st Granite 111

My soul has resided in the body of a miner. A female one. And a look up top and what do I see? Hoard of the undead! Close the damn gates. I had not returned here just to die my duty unfulfilled.

( (

So I have found the vampire. The one who calls itself a Blood God. Well then god of blood, Khorne demands your blood.

4th Granite 111

We appear to be low on drinks. The brewers seem to be busy doing lesser tasks. Well, blood has been spilled due to a revival happening before burial was completed. I'm sure Khorne is pleased at the death of the architect, Vucar Gikenadil.

( (

8th Granite 111

Has no one tapped into the powers of the brook. The fools. Looks like I will need to do it myself.

18th Granite 111

Mining appears to be slow for some reason. However, I have the perfect solution for the undead siege. A simple sacrifice to Khorne. A change from what is usually down here so I'm sure Tzeentch will also be glad. Goodbye Urist, you have a strangly dwarfy name for an oni.

( (

19th Granite 111

He tried to run out. Seems like he didn't want to lure the dead into the atom-smasher.

21st Granite 111

Oh look, someone gave birth. More potential sacrifices to the Chaos Gods.

( (

24th Granite 111

A ghost from the warp has returned. Why did no one make a slab for the guy?

1st Slate 111

While the oni sacrifices did not work, the red and white miko worked just fine. Now they will feel the wraith of Chaos!

( (

7th Slate 111

One of the oni has failed to complete their work. They have gone insane as a result.

16th Slate 111

We now have a supply of safe water. The powers of a brook are not to be underestimated.

( (

25th Slate 111

The diplomat has been left to rot. Now he's gone mad. Such chaos. It makes me smile. Up top only a few dead still remain standing. I wonder if our current force can stand up to them.

( (

(OOC: Should I go meet them in the open field and engage in glorious combat? Also, I was listening to this ( while I played. Oh and before I forget, is there anyone that needs to be um...reonied/resuikaed?)
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
Post by: Wymar on August 22, 2012, 06:19:30 PM
Unless you killed at least one page full of enemies, fighting them head on is suicide. Hell, even if you did, you wouldn't stand a chance. The militia is literally just a bunch of people who I've literally picked because they were useless.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 23, 2012, 03:08:49 PM
Who's even alive at this stage? I have to check the save, I think.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 23, 2012, 03:36:54 PM
hahahahaha oh wow this place is a rat's nest, in true Succession fashion, good job guys.
Apparently my character is dead again, I don't remember reading about it. In fact, alot of these guys are probably dead...

Keep better track of who's suika'd, people.

Alive (of last save)

You need to resuika all the former and future Overseers, to start. I don't see Pirate (apparently died god-knows how many times), me, Syanas, Totaku...
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Totaku on August 23, 2012, 03:39:58 PM
Wait I'm dead?! Since when?! I though I was doing well up till now. Oh well.... Looks like a lot of people need to be resuika'd big time!

Highzealot. Look through the list and resuika everyone!

Also I'm trying to contact Maid Xan to confirm that he's still playing. Because his turn is around the corner and appernetly he disppeared a month ago, so I am concerned....
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Raikaria on August 23, 2012, 03:58:42 PM
How am I still alive ._.

Am I a Legendary Anything?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 23, 2012, 04:05:32 PM
Only only checked long enough to look around and take a gander at that unit list, you're free to look at where you were at the last save yourself, though

@zealot: The best idea is clearly to make a bunch of zombie-powered Menacing Spikes traps
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Wymar on August 23, 2012, 07:12:39 PM
Meanwhile, on the other forum, we're discussing membership in the cult of Papa Nurgle (Seiga would possibly approve. Medicine definitely would. Yamame's only a honorary member so she doesn't count) and the usefulness of silver in the context of bashing in some undead skulls.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: highzealot on August 23, 2012, 07:16:45 PM
(OOC: I believe I have everyone back. Also, we have no fuel.)

( (

8th Felsite 111

Yes. YES! More blood for the blood god! More decay for papa Nurgle! MORE CHAOS!

( (

11th Felsite 111

More ghosts are appearing. As chaotic as they are, they are getting in the way of plans and must be sent back into the warp.

24th Felsite 111

I must become stronger. I must train. I must become the first super soldier of the Chaos here. I must use a danger room. It is mine. None else may use it. I will become the Champion of Chaos Undivided here and slay all that will not bow before us.

( (

25th Felsite 111

It seems Gappy has died of thirst. Not sure how with over 300 drinks but no matter. The chaos gods will bring the soul back and he will return.

( (

26th Felsite 111

People seem all to keen on dying. The unbelievers. They will not return today. Not until they strengthen their faith in the great Chaos Gods. They will free us from our slavery to the Gap Youkai.

( (

1st Hematite 111

Papa Nurgle loves to give us his gifts. However, those gifts are proving to be quite the danger. We're slowly taking more and more losses. Such is Chaos. It is now summer.

8th Hematit 111

Now the one that calls itself a blood god will die by this year's end. A simple trap. A cave in that shall kill the vampire.

( (
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Wymar on August 23, 2012, 07:18:39 PM
(OOC: I believe I have everyone back. Also, we have no fuel.)
Oh right, I didn't mention that here did I.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Totaku on August 23, 2012, 08:02:54 PM

24th Felsite 111

I must become stronger. I must train. I must become the first super soldier of the Chaos here. I must use a danger room. It is mine. None else may use it. I will become the Champion of Chaos Undivided here and slay all that will not bow before us.

( (

Welp, looks like someone's decided to ignore one of Yukari's core requests....

Time for a special event!

As Suika was playing through the game, Yukari quickly gaps in to peak at Suika and her work.... she notices to danger room that was constructed.

"Suika, has your kind truely lost it's way that you have to resort to using more devices?"

Suika looks up and noticed that Yukari was watching her from directly above.

"Oh, Yukari! You see, everything out here is really tough.... so I have to do something!"

"Really now, your kinda were so more into training in more brutal fashions, it's a shame your using a training device to do you."

"I can't help it....."

Yukari sighs, realizing that there's nothing she can do about Suika's choice

Seiga looks up and smile at Yukari as she clamly says unto her, "Come now, let the oni handle the game as she sees fit."

With that, Yukari returned back into the gap as it closed....

"Did I really make the right choice?" Suika questioned herself as she watched the one Suika privately train in the chamber.

"If you ask me..." Seiga said calmly, "this may for you benifit to ensure your survival..."

Yukari's Request: Fight like a proper Suika!: Handle all battle and training without using rapid training devices like danger rooms to train your Suikas. FAILED

This event has been recorded and thus cannot be reverted now that a training device was confirmed used.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: highzealot on August 23, 2012, 08:05:57 PM
Screw Yukari's request, I ain't no oni. I'm a dwarf cultist dragged into an oni's body by Yukari. That's my plot and I'm sticking to it.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Wymar on August 23, 2012, 08:08:54 PM
That, and nobody remembers the requests anyway. I for one didn't even know that one even was a thing.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Totaku on August 23, 2012, 08:29:55 PM
Screw Yukari's request, I ain't no oni. I'm a dwarf cultist dragged into an oni's body by Yukari. That's my plot and I'm sticking to it.
That's fine with me, I'm not against whatever choice one makes. The challenges are for those that want to attempt to try and follow the requests like a form of guideline, (Was hoping to encourage teamwork) course I have no real control over the outcome. So I'm not worried, the only thing the challenges affect are the "ending" of the core story. Not how we all play the game itself.

That, and nobody remembers the requests anyway. I for one didn't even know that one even was a thing.

Second post in the thread should of list out almost all the request (I need to update Remilia's, Sakuya's, and Seiga's though) Plus I need to update and reorganize them a little bit. But yeah, keeping track of the request isn't necessary, I just try to encourage it. :P
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 23, 2012, 08:31:38 PM
Danger Rooms are pretty lame, man. You need to focus more on having FUN
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Wymar on August 23, 2012, 08:45:49 PM
Second post in the thread should of list out almost all the request (I need to update Remilia's, Sakuya's, and Seiga's though) Plus I need to update and reorganize them a little bit. But yeah, keeping track of the request isn't necessary, I just try to encourage it. :P
Wait really?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: highzealot on August 23, 2012, 09:15:38 PM
What I really want is for Chaos Undivided to have an effect on the plot.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 23, 2012, 09:20:36 PM
But wouldn't it be more chaotic to have a bunch of self-training (and therefore less trained) dwarves then one danger-roomed one?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Pirate on August 23, 2012, 10:40:32 PM
Danger rooms are for sissies :(
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: highzealot on August 23, 2012, 11:25:45 PM, I think not. ( Now a danger room with 10 training spears used on an army 24/7. Now THAT is for sissies.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: highzealot on August 24, 2012, 05:07:50 AM

9th Hematite 111

Chaos is many things. It is not simply the spilling of blood for Khorne. It is also the rot and sickness of Nurgle. The pleasure and ecstasy of Slaanesh. And finally, the schemes and twisting plots of Tzeentch, Changer of the Ways, the Master of Fortune, the Great Conspirator and the Architect of Fate. The scheme we lack is the scheme for magma and the great metal. We shall dig deep.

10th Hematite 111

The pain. The danger rooms have seemed to increase in danger. The pain of the shattering bone. A gift from Slaanesh. And I have learned that there is no gift of Papa Nurgle out there. The soulless beings out there. They do not appear to be necrons but I suspect that the C'tan have already left their mark here. At least the slaves of the false-Emperor have not appeared.

16th Hematite 111

Look at that beast. Merely floating there scaring away my workers. We also do not have much ammo to spill enough blood to kill it.

( (

19th Hematite 111

This damn health care! I would not wish this on my worst enemies! I've been stuck in this ?hospital? for days!

27th Hematite 111

Another cavern has been discovered. It shall be walled off for now. Shame we do not have the power to take everything it will throw at us but I'm sure the plot of building a floor will please Tzeentch either way.

( (

3rd Malachite 11

Finally, things are going just as planned. The magma has been reached and we have found the great adamantine. Now, we know where the imprisoned daemons are.

(OOC: Hotkey to forges are shift+F1)

26th Malachite 111

Nyotor LizardHammer has been chosen to be the smith of Chaos Undivided. He will no longer do any task other than smith, drink or eat. As a result, his skills in combat will no longer be used.

( (

27th Malachite 111

A young one has felt the call of the dark gods. He has taken a crafts workshop and will hopefully has what he needs to create an artifact of Chaos.

9th Galena 111

I'm not one to usually question the Chaos Gods but what kind of artifact is a plain bone bracelet?

15th Galena 111

Not much to write about. Work is getting done slowly. The world also tries to surprise me. Didn't really work. Maybe if we had the actual person that thing represented, it would be surprising.

( (

18th Galena 111

Humans have arrived and they look to trade. We'll give them trade. That is if they even survive out them. Oh, there's also an ambush out there. Let's see if the humans faith in the false-Emperor will protect them.

26th Galena 111

The humans are holding out well currently. Much blood have been spilt. Hopefully my plan to get them in will work quickly enough.

( (

3rd Limestone 111

Fall has come and the humans faith has failed them. Blood has flowed today and Khorne is pleased. Though my plan almost worked.

20th Limestone 111

My work is coming along nicely. A shrine to Chaos. Maybe that will cause those above notice me. Specifically the one they call Suika.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 24, 2012, 06:02:19 AM
Well I suppose you got your just desserts with that Danger room

At least Magma Forging can't possibly be too dangerous for Nyotor

Also as a note you might want to revise some of that entry. A few members here don't yet know the wonders of Candy.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: highzealot on August 24, 2012, 06:16:40 AM
Edited the post a bit and here's something you can discuss while you wait for the next update. Did you know that the sacred number of Tzeentch is 9?

Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Wymar on August 24, 2012, 07:52:16 AM
Did you know that the sacred number of Tzeentch is 9?
Wait I thought that was an obvious thing already?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: highzealot on August 24, 2012, 04:14:24 PM
Wait I thought that was an obvious thing already?

Now think, who do we know is a ⑨ in Touhou?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Wymar on August 24, 2012, 05:13:25 PM
I mean yeah the only people who could be as stupid as fanon makes her out to be are faking it or human.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: highzealot on August 24, 2012, 05:14:50 PM
I mean yeah the only people who could be as stupid as fanon makes her out to be are faking it or human.

Ah fanon. You and your complete disregard for cannon.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Wymar on August 24, 2012, 05:18:59 PM
Wait, is this one of these things that I think are incredibly obvious but most other people haven't figured out yet?

Also, cannons are awesome. Kaboom!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: highzealot on August 24, 2012, 07:06:09 PM
Good news! I got a bunch of us and myself killed. Khorne is pleased at the spilling of blood and um...this is all part of my plan so Tzeentch is also pleased. Down to 36 of us left and SO MANY CHILDREN!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 24, 2012, 07:14:09 PM
Ah fanon. You and your complete disregard for cannon.
Except that Cirno's stupidity is completely canon? Didn't the whole ⑨ thing kind of enforce that to begin with?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Totaku on August 24, 2012, 07:20:53 PM
Except that Cirno's stupidity is completely canon? Didn't the whole ⑨ thing kind of enforce that to begin with?
Actually Cirno's "Stupidity" is a fanon thing. The canon traits about Cirno is that she's childish, determined, and naive.

The whole ⑨ thing, mainly was a joke ZUN put in the PoFV manual that pointed to Cirno as the 9th object on the screen and labled her an "idiot" though in truth she's more of what I mentioned above.

People ran with it and pretty much made it a continuous running gag in doujin works.

I strangely thought everyone knew this.

Rereading the Wiki points tha ZUN marked her as a child, and an idiot. Yet the dailouge I've seen really makes it debatable. I guess it's one of those things ZUN makes vauge. Still later work made Cirno seem more gullible and childish more than anything else.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 24, 2012, 08:30:26 PM
Rereading the Wiki points tha ZUN marked her as a child, and an idiot. Yet the dailouge I've seen really makes it debatable. I guess it's one of those things ZUN makes vauge. Still later work made Cirno seem more gullible and childish more than anything else.
That's kind of what I factored in as well. It seems canon enough if ZUN said it not once, but twice
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Raikaria on August 24, 2012, 08:46:07 PM
Also as a note you might want to revise some of that entry. A few members here don't yet know the wonders of Candy.

Yeah, in the event of people who don't know, the shiny stuff is the Candy, which blocks the Circus which holds in the Clowns.

Spoiler-Safe terms generically used for those three !!FUN!! things.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Nuserame on August 25, 2012, 02:55:44 AM
37 left? Thats... not much. Had over 70 when my turnd ended.

May want to tone down the bloodshed enough to let the next guy in line have something to play with.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: highzealot on August 25, 2012, 04:59:23 AM
27th Sandstone 111

After many weeks of work it is done. A small temple to the Chaos Gods.

( (

28th Sandstone 111

Migrants have arrived to join the Chaos Undivided. More hands means more work shall be done quicker.

3rd Timber 111

None of them made it in. One almost made it to the gates but died outside. What a glorious day for Khorne.

17th Timber 111

A caravan has arrived. Good, we could use fresh supplies. Meanwhile the miners will continue to work on mining a certain kind of metal.

19th Timber 111

Ok, who's the guy who decide to forbid the trade depot?

24th Timber 111

Heavy loses were taken. I died again and now I'm stuck inside someone's body. We're down to 36 of us left. The caravan also died. Well, I guess blood for the blood god?

( (

5th Moonstone 111

A possession has taken place. May the dark gods give us a powerful prize!

17th Moonstone 111

Minor flood. Thankfully walls were put up in time though it did hinder the mining efforts.

( (

25th Moonstone 111

A bone door. A much more useful artifact than the last one. It deserves to be a rightful door to chaos but we have no such place currently.

( (

26th Moonstone 111

Well, we've had multiple reports of dead things that we can't see being caught on fire and I have discovered the culprits. Dead Orinrin Hakutaku. The one you see standing is a zombie right after killing on of its own kind.

( (

6th Opal 111

Well, mining claims another live. Poor Raikaria, burned alive. Or maybe she's one of the lucky ones.

Candy (

8th Obsidian 111

All spirits have been put to rest. A shame but they were distracting. No events have been happening this last month but my plan shall soon be complete.

11th Obsidian 111

I've had the miners go look for ore. It's irritating to see that this place has a lack of good ore ready to be turned into weapons and armour. Still silver makes great blunt weapons and at least copper can be used for armour.

( (

12th Obsidian 111

The dead walk. The soulless creatures. A shame that they will not die this day but one day, this world and the next shall belong to Chaos Undivided.

( (

18th Obsidian 111

Here is the list of those still alive.

( (

(OOC: Looks like some of you are going to be stuck as children.)

1st Granite 112

A new year begins and a red dawn. Much blood has been shed and the Chaos Gods are pleased. However, the ultimate plan is not yet fulfilled. To those who died, never forget, all power demands sacrifice. Thank you for yours.

A note to Gensokyo

All power demands sacrifice. And pain. You hold no control over those mini-suikas such as I. Gensokyo will burn. There is no hope in delaying the inevitable. Chaos will find you as you move into the far future and no Imperium will save you. Now, lay down your arms unbelievers and bow before Chaos Undivided.

-Herald of Chaos Undivided

(OOC: And I created a potential prequel to ?The Imperium of Man Comes to Gensokyo?)

Save (
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Raikaria on August 25, 2012, 07:35:26 AM
Yay I'm deaded!

For the Blood God!

For Candy!

And I died in the most Dwarfish Sukian way... a Magma Accident.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Wymar on August 25, 2012, 09:44:58 AM
Ah ah ah ah, stayin' alive, stayin' alive...
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Nuserame on August 25, 2012, 02:02:29 PM
I devolved into a kid! The horror!

Hope I dont wake up as cattle next time I die.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Totaku on August 25, 2012, 02:42:17 PM
Ok I have the save, but I'm not going to have access to my computer to write my intermission segment today. Mainly because renovation is taking place in my place today.

This might be fine right now since I'm still waiting for hear from Xan to determine if he's still playing or not. So I'll be giving him till Monday to respond.

If he doesn't respond by Monday, I will consider him out of the picture. and his name will be removed from the list and I will take my turn.

I will be working on the intermission inbetween that time. And if Xan does respond, I will attempt to try to cover the intermission as soon as possible.

So please watch warmly while the player (hopfully responds) if not, I'll bump this thread on Monday.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 25, 2012, 04:12:34 PM
I'll just be down here smelting, where magma and zombies can't get to me.

Also hurr hurr Zombie Hakutakus. Lovely.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Totaku on August 27, 2012, 04:10:43 PM
Ok, since it's Monday here's the lowdown on what's going to happen....

Xan has not contacted me yet. And by Midnight tonight I will be declaring him gone and his name will be removed from the list.

I've also sent my intermission piece to go in for touch up and adjusting by NotaPirate. He said he doesn't have it ready yet though and will have it done by tonight.

So what will happen is, around Midnight, I will be posting that it'll be my turn if Xan doesn't contact me before hand.

Then I will posting the intermission piece (which should be done by then.) Then of course we'll see how I do with handling a Suika Fortress.

I've looked at the fort set up and I'm personally concerned.... I wonder how this will all play out...

A massive load of zombies on the surface, a number of zombies underground, and a small militia to fend off the threat....I really I can find a way to make something super effective in elminating the 100+ zombies that exsist on this map....
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: highzealot on August 27, 2012, 04:13:50 PM
Personally, I believe we have two choices. Hide out underground forever or use a much better danger room than I had.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 27, 2012, 06:36:31 PM
Best plan is to unleash magmadoom upon the surface world and cleanse the land of evil
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Nuserame on August 28, 2012, 12:44:33 AM
Magma is actualy suprisingly useless against zombies, they are just set on fire and stay that way. Not that you would be able to pump magma to the surface in a year.

Besides atom smashers theres water flow traps, cave-ins, obsidian traps, and of course the regular traps.

Water flow traps seem to be the most useful one here. Cave-ins and obsidian traps require tedious reloading, spike and weapon traps less so but will be saturated too quickly with 100+ zombies around.

To make a water trap you simply make water flow over a path sideways, into some ravine of death (or better yet, storage for when we need it. This could go well with the zombie pit objective). Do not use too much water, else they wont path through it. 4 squares wide flow should be enough, excess water can be removed though the bottom layer of magma (the one you cant obsidianize, it just evaporates the water), or a map edge in the caverns. If you do this, try to make as little actual flow of water as possible by using pumps, saves a ton of fps.

Detailing traps is Fun!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 28, 2012, 01:54:01 AM
If the game stays in siege mode, though, you'll never get migrants or traders again
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Totaku on August 28, 2012, 02:07:17 PM
Xan's a No show! He's now officially out of the game! His named will be removed from the player list since he has not been able to contact me. Sorry Xan, but you should inform me when you have to go and vanish.

This means it's offically my turn now! Also... INTERMISSION TIME!!! Once again, special thanks to Not a pirate for fixing up my script.

?Marisa, I recall an interview between you and the...religious head figures?? Yukari inquired with a flourish of her fan.?

?Yeah, I did,? Marisa yawned, ?well, not that I know what they talk about half the time.?

?I see,? Yukari furrowed her eyebrows in concern, ?It worries me somewhat. More than I would admit.?

Marisa turned her head sharply, ?What do you mean?? Yukari was usually never this bothered. Mildly concerned, perhaps, sometimes not even enough for her to even talk about. Whatever she was thinking, and had to confide in Marisa, it was definitely important.

?Reimu, you, and a few others resolved every incident by these people, yes, but even as they had settled down in Gensokyo, I cannot help but think. What else could they be scheming, now that their previous plans had been foiled?? Yukari closed her eyes in deep thought.

?You?re one to talk,? Marisa grinned, ?well, if they do anything me and ol? Reimu?ll beat em up as as always.?

?Well, as of now I can only tell you to be cautious. With every year come new visitors, individuals that widely differ. It will only be a matter of time...? Yukari trailed off, leaving an uncomfortable silence hanging above the two. At least she snapped her fan shut, and gave Marisa a wry smile, ?well, if you take the time to prepare, you?ll understand soon enough. It?s just Reimu that I am most worried about.?

?Well, if she doesn?t do her job someone else will,? Marisa shrugged, ?noone is just going to sit on their bottoms and wait for her to resolve the incident, especially not me.?

?I suppose,? Yukari nodded, ?Just remember Marisa, there is always something more to someone. Learn about them not just on the outside, but in the inside as well.?

?Heeeeh,? Marisa mused, ?I?ll think about it, I guess.?

The conversation ended there, and the two proceeded to walk back to where Suika was. Halfway
through, however, Yukari spoke up again, ?One more thing, was the hermit over there, by any chance, the same one you mentioned in the Symposium??

?Yeah, what about it?? Marisa raised an eyebrow.

?Be wary of her. We have no idea what she really wants, and the fact that she has no fear of youkai makes her seem suspicious. more so from what she has done, and tends to do.?

Marisa nodded, despite the lack of concern for what the hermit may do. She had more things to do than watching over a hermit, her magic studies being the priority. After all, if Seiga tried anything, It would be Reimu, Marisa, or some other person who would pounce on her in a second, as with any other potential troublemakers. So she gave little notice to the warning, only thinking of what Suika had been up while she was gone.

?It seems that quite a few events have unfolded when I was gone. Unusual ones, I might add,? Yukari mused, peering at the game with mild interest.

?Yeah,? Suika agreed, ?some of my clones even seem to have minds of their own.?

?Well, in a world where time flows differently, I suppose even personalities can form,? Yukari frowned, eyeing a note that had been left on a table in the fortress. Blurring the boundaries, she managed to retrieve the tattered note. What it read was so unexpected, so curious that she could not help but laugh, ??The Chaos Undivided?, is it? Your kind certainly have interesting personalities.? She gave another chuckle, before tossing the note into the air, letting it flutter to the ground.

Marisa gave what seemed like a look between amusing and off putting, ?Gensokyo will burn, that?s...interesting.?

?Interesting indeed,? Yukari nodded, ?perhaps even I do not understand fully how this creation of mine works.?

Seiga looked up, curious at the conversation the others were having, ?I see, so this map before us is a world. A world that was created by you.?

?Yeah!? Suika bobbed her head up and down, ?Yukari set it up to challenge me!?

?Ah,? Seiga nodded in unison, smiling as she did, ?how amusing indeed...?

Feeling a tap on her shoulder, Suika turned sharply around, to see Marisa with a curious expression.

?Well?? She demanded, ?managed to catch one yet??

Suika scratched her chin awkwardly, ?

?Heheh, really?? Marisa smirked, ?if you can?t catch a common thief, what can you do to stop me from zipping about and ?borrowing? stuff from you, huh??

Suika tapped her chin in thought, ?I could...smash you??

?Please don?t,? Marisa paled, ?look, I said catch a thief, not smash one to pieces, right??

Seeing Suika nod, she sighed a little and hopped up, ?well, it?s nice hanging out here, but I gotta go back and fulfill my end of the deal, before Alice drops by and clobbers me so, See ya!?

With that, she jumped on her broom and flew out of the shrine, leaving a trail of stars behind her, twinkling with the same enthusiasm that she had.
?Gensokyo sure has quite an amount of newcomers, doesn?t it?? Remilia asked Reimu, eyebrows raised.. The two of them along with Sakuya were walking out of the shrine, despite the glaring sun.

?Yeah, not that it matters,? Reimu shrugged, ?if anyone wants to try anything I?ll just beat them down. It?s my job anyway.?

Remilia flinched a little. She hadn?t forgotten how good Reimu was at danmaku. Turning over to Sakuya she beckoned her to go to the table where Suika and the rest were. She obliged without another word, and followed Remilia.

?How?s the vampire doing?? Remilia questioned as she neared the table, eying the fortress with a hint of concern.

?Shes doing...fine, I guess,? Suika looked over to the vampire, still alone in its room, ?there?s a good bedroom for her now.?

?Oh? That I?m pleased,? Remilia gave a pleased smirk, ?but, do tell me why she seems to be over there under a support beam??

Suika averted her eyes, fiddling her gourd with sudden awkwardness, ?well, you know, I thought it she?d look good under it and all...?

?Some strange tastes you have there,? Remilia muttered, mild suspicion written on her expression, ?well I?m pleased enough by your performance. Perhaps I might have you serve the mansion some day.?

?Do I get to have some booze?? Suika piped up.

?...I?ll think about it. Sakuya, let us head back,? Remilia nodded over to her servant, who gracefully headed to her side. With a dainty little hop Remilia left the shrine with the maid, her bat wings fluttering.

?Well, that?s a few guests gone,? Reimu sighed as she watched the vampire go with steady steps. She was glad to see them gone, not just Remilia, but the others as well. She had enough trouble serving and talking to them, nevermind cleaning after them. Sure, a ruckus once in awhile was fine, but sometimes there was just too much of that, not to mention that most of those who visit her end up driving off potential worshippers. At the very least, Sakuya had helped her out on the serving and cleaning end. Reimu was just about to head back and take a nap, only to see the other three individuals who were still in her shrine without showing a single intention of leaving anytime soon.

?...and a few others remaining,? she muttered, not the least amused. But there was nothing to do about it, so she sat herself by the end of the steps and looked onto her visitors.

?So Suika, when will this challenge thing end?? Reimu inquired.

?15 more years to go!? Suika commented cheerfully.

Reimu?s jaw was about to drop right onto the stone floor, until Yukari hastily explained, ?Time flows differently in that world, so the challenge will likely end at, perhaps a day or so? Well, twenty years is merely the minimum i had set for Suika,? she finished with another one of her wry smiles.

?Is that so?? Reimu gave a sigh of undisguised relief, ?well just don?t break anything, and bring some snacks next time.?

In response, Yukari pulled open a gap and stuck her hand in. After a few moments of rumaging a bowl of rice crackers dropped by Reimu?s side, ?in case you get hungry,? Yukari offered a smile, which did nothing to alleviate the suspicion that Reimu made no attempts to hide. Regardless, she stood up with the bowl telling the three she would prepare tea. She would have walked off then, had she not caught the sight of yet another strange individual, another girl, her blue hair tied to two small pigtails with hair bobbles, and covered with a green cap bearing a symbol. A girl who, yet again, Reimu unmistakably knew.

?Another one,? Reimu gave an unamused look before heading back into the shrine. Yukari or someone else can deal with Nitori and make her comfy. Reimu, on the other hand, was going to take a break; she was tired from cleaning the shrine and catering to her visitors.

?Hm, this device is picking up something, but I don?t see anything at all...? Nitori looked at her surroundings with a somewhat lost expression, sweeping what seemed to be a container of metal with a steel wire crudely attached to it. She continued wandering around, gradually approaching Yukari and the rest. Strangely enough, she noticed none of the three, only fixated at the ground and her surroundings. In fact, she might have continued to do so, had not Yukari gave a pleasant greeting to the kappa, ?good afternoon,? she said, giving a nod to the kappa.

It was then that Nitori finally looked up, and when she did, hastily jumped back in instinct, ?huh? Oh I?m so sorry I was just...? She paused, surveying her surroundings with renewed focus, ?eh? Isn?t this...?
?...the Hakurei Shrine, yes,? Yukari nodded again, ?you mean you didn?t know where you were??

?E-eh?? Nitori gave a flustered look, ?W-well, I just made this device you see, and it detects metal, so when I heard beeping from it I decided to search for some, and well,? she gave her surroundings one more sweeping look before asking in a timid voice, ?do you think there might be any here? I mean, that?s where my device told me to go...?

?There definitely are,? Yukari affirmed, gesturing to the table they were at, ?Nickel, copper, zinc, I assume you recognise some of these??

?Hmm?? Nitori took a look at where Yukari was pointing, her eyes lighting up as she identified every one of the metals listed, ?Yeah, I know these!?

She looked back at her device again, a somewhat crestfallen expression on her, ?Well, it works I guess, but if it can pick up such small deposits like these it?ll need some tweaking...?

?Why not have a seat and work here?? Yukari suggested.

?But I don?t have a...? Nitori clamped her mouth again when an entire workbench was pulled out of a gap and landed on the floor with a crash.

?What the heck was that?? Reimu?s disgruntled voice reverberated behind the sliding door.

?Oh, nothing,? Yukari cheerfully called back.

Nitori proceeded to poke the land with increasing curiosity, ?So, what is this strange map? It doesn?t look like anything I?ve seen.?

?Just a miniature world I?ve created for Suika,? Yukari smiled, ?A challenge to see if her smaller counterparts can survive, if you will.?

?Hmmm,? Nitori frowned, ?It?s strange isn?t it? Having an oni take this sort of challenge.?

?Perhaps,? Yukari shrugged, ?I do hope she can prove to be successful.?

Nitori gave another hum and continued scrutinising the fort. Her eyes darted from one mechanical building to another, her hands twitching as she did, ?That?s some really good engineering there.?

?Yeah, without them I wouldn't know what to do!? Suika nodded.

?But there has to be more you can do...? Nitori furrowed her eyebrows in thought. A moment of silence, before she finally snapped her fingers as an idea came to mind, ?I got it! How about a pump and plumbing system? I see magma and water below, you can definitely use these if you can manage to force it to the surface!?

?Oooh,? Suika widened her eyes. It hadn?t occurred to her then, but now that Nitori had suggested it, it definitely seemed like a brilliant idea.

?Oho?? Yukari mused, a look of amusement on her face, ?how very interesting indeed. Why don?t you give it a try, Suika??

Suika gave a cheery grin and nodded, ?sure!?


Nitori's Challenge: Oni Engineering! Nitori wants to see what your kind is capable of in terms of building your fort using mechanical devices. This chalenge is open, but I'm looking for some interesting creativity. One of the core things that will be needed is a water pumping system and a magma pumping system. Afterwards, use the said systems to come up with creative devices, traps, farming, waterfalls, ect. The more creative you are , the more likely you will succeed at pleasing Nitori. I will be juding the outcoming results in the end of the period. You have till Spring 117 to create an interesting system!

As of today, my turn officially begins. I will have to Tuesday, 9 AM central time next week to complete my run! Stay turn for updates as they roll in!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Raikaria on August 28, 2012, 02:56:08 PM
Undead: About the one issue in DF that !!MAGMA!! is not the answer for.

Although burning the bodies before they rise works.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 111
Post by: Nuserame on August 28, 2012, 03:10:57 PM
Good luck salvaging whats left of the fort, recommended is to lock everything up untill you got something good to kill off those zombies.

Also, Undead magma bug: The only bug that will never be considered a feature.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Totaku on August 28, 2012, 04:59:57 PM
Let's begin with a little intro of the passing of the torch....

Welcome to Crosshorns! Zombie Population:185, Suika Population: 35
Welcome to  the home of our Suika Fortress... 6 year and still kicking! We live quite happy lives underground! And as for me? Well I'm a cousin of my one of the earlier settlers that came here in the second year, he was a miner who worked hard and knew of zombie tag like no one's business. Yet somehow this cusion of mine met an unexpected death. The bigger problem is, no one knew the exact cause of the death either!

You want my opinion, I think someone's hiding secrets in this fort. And just trying to cover them up with the zombies as an excuse.

Sure the zombie is a big issue here, and apperently is the core reason we were all driven underground and put the entire fort on lock down. And our recent overseer seems pretty hell bent on paving way for what seems like the utter destruction. We are now down to 35 and as long as the zombies coninute to roam outside, we will never get more Suikas.

It is now spring time and the first of the month. We gather at the dining room in which Highzealot passes the torch to me as the overseer.

"My time has come to an end, as I the herald of the Chaos Undeviced, I pass thee the gourd upon you! May your reign be filled with destruction in it's wake...."

"Um.. ok.... thanks...." I said with a sense of hesitation.

I have to admit, Highzealot is rather strange for a Suika, she acts as if she's in an entirely different world. Talking about Papa Nergel and Chaos Undivided... it makes me wonder where she came up with this stuff... something tells me she see strange things in her sleep since coming here....

And as I prepare to make my speech I look around for a minute to see if everyone is here....

"Where's Purvis?"

"The False god is preparing to become part of the earth!"


Just then....




"I got rid of the biggest threat! It was my final act that I ensured needed to be done before I pass the gourd."

"But that was....!"

"A False Blood god, she needed to be eliminated...."

All I could do in plant slap my head on my face knowing that basiclly another Suika has now fallen to an untimely demise just as I was passed the torch... But I had decided right then I need to make my stand....

So I get into position and make my speech upon the small clan of Suikas that came to the overseer's "Passing of the Gourd"


Listen up everyone!

This is my year that I shall be the overseer that will help you all on achieving our goal. There are two major concerns that I must bring up! I've listen to the messaged spoke by The Great Suika in the Sky and she has told me that we need to find a way to elimiate the undead menace that now pleauge the surface. We have lived underground to way too long! And if problems contine to persist, they will only grow worse, which is why I will take upon my self to follow the words of the Great Suika in the Sky! We will eliminate the undead menace! But at the same time we must also remember what the Great Suika in the Sky has told us! She mentioned that we must also follow the word of the great hermit of the sky and the great kappa in the sky! We must make sure that not all the undead are killed off because they need to be put into good use.

We can't cannot run from the enemy no more! WE must make a stand, and WE must be able to face the threat! Living in this hole we made has cause nothing by concern and greif and we must be able to know how to use our skills to make use of the dead in this land and to make a fasinating device of engineering work! We have several years to complete it, but I will ensure that at least these things get started!

The time has come for us Suikas!

Let rise and show the great Suika in the sky that we can accomplish our goals!


And with that everyone went off to do thier thing... as for me.... I'm tired and I need a drink..... this year is going to be rough....
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: highzealot on August 28, 2012, 05:02:04 PM
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 28, 2012, 08:47:12 PM
Crossedhorns: (Suika) Population: 35 34
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Raikaria on August 28, 2012, 08:59:49 PM
Oh dear this will end up being !!FUN!!.

I vote atomsmash and abuse their pathing.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Nuserame on August 29, 2012, 03:49:04 PM
I stand by my water trap. Nothing like a revervoir full of zombies.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Totaku on August 29, 2012, 04:04:09 PM
First Month of Spring Day 1
With my turn finally in place, I decided to go and get some rest; I knew the big day was coming up, and I needed to prepare for what was ahead? At the same time, I needed to look at the road that was paved over the course of the fort's past years.

To my surprise it seems we have a lot to contend with?.

There are 34 of us now? 11 of us are children? the remainder are adults capable of work.

What we had before us were?

The Great Zombie Siege on the surface? 100 + zombies roaming around looking for blood. We are outnumbered practically 4 to 1 when we exclude the children?

Underground, a giant beak-less mockingbird that secretes a strange substance lurks in waiting?.

In addition, we have undead Orinrin Hakutakus underground. We have threats at all angles, but in order to deal with them we need a plan.

Our supplies seem to be a bit difficult to obtain, but I think it can be done? I'm gonna nap now? deal with the problem once I get up?

First Month of Spring Day 11

I began by deciding to recruit Arashi Kurobara into the Military, as he was merely doing nothing in the fort. He seems quite skilled so I decided he could serve a much better purpose being trained by the others in the military...

First Month of Spring Day 12

I Proceeded to set up military in position for a risky but simple mission. There was an Inaba corpse sitting in the front that needed to be removed from the area before I could begin the core part of the zombie cleanup operation. By doing this, I may be able to calculate the military's strength?

I proceeded to open the gate and let them in. And thus the military attacked right away, which showed promise? Sadly, by the end of the fight, Arashi Kurobara had died in the hands of the Inaba zombies?

I gave orders for the team to proceed to haul the bodies to the corpse dump pile...

First Month of Spring Day 13

A mysterious death had taken place inside the fort. A child was killed by something, but it was unknown what it was. The troops scouted around until they spotted an Inaba hand that managed to reanimate.
They proceed to attack it, and Syanas, managed to get some of her teeth knocked out. Other than that, the threat was eliminated and the part was safely dumped.

First Month of Spring Day 20

All dead bodies accounted for, Hideiki was relived from duty since he was complaining of being thirsty. As it stands right now, the Zombie extermination count stands at 30,  Suika Death count is at 5. Not that bad, to be honest. Most of the deaths were from children who decided they wanted to play under the bridge at the time when the zombies wanted to come eat them? serves them right for not listening to orders?.

First Month of Spring Day 30

I started work on mechanism for the construction of the another project I had in mind, and layed out plans for the building of the new training room which will compose of 3 areas. One which will serve for basic training? one that will serve for archery?. and one more? that will be a surprise? even the military themselves might not understand?.

Second Month of Spring Day 1

Hideki complained to me about going back to the switches. so I decided Wymar would take on switch duty instead.
His reaction timing was a bit debatable though?

Second Month of Spring Day 12
How did a zombie parsee get in here?! The fort is still in lock down so it can't be possible except through the bridge gauntlet and I'm pretty certain nothing passed through there. high zealot was the first to confront the parseekkuri and take it on, but she was soon overpowered. The team managed to get to her but sadly by the time they killed it, it was too late. She had gone to the great Suika in the sky to become one with her once again.
There was only one thing to do since the corpse was in a dangerous location? Flip the switch!

Sooner or later we will have to make a memorial for you once again?

Second Month of Spring Day 18

We're splattering zombies constantly now, and we're doing very well to be honest. We're now down to roughly 135 in the record.
Don't know how many are part of the siege, but I'm certain the ones we must watch for are the Inaba. They seem to all be part of the siege. Sooner or later this menace will be over..

Last month of Spring Day 1
The miners have successfully dug out most of the area for the new training facility. All's looking well at the moment. But I'll have to wait 'till after they are done before I can begin the next step of the program. In the mean time, I'll be working on doors.

Last month of Spring Day 10

You know what, I want to know if what my cousin did was fun?. when the crew opens the gate to lure the zombies in? I'm making a run for it? I've been waiting to do this for a long time? I must do this!!

Last month of Spring Day 11

Mayor Patchy's Notes:

A Strange thing happen that day, the levers were pulled as usual to lure the zombies in as Totaku commanded only the next thing to occur right afterward was that Totaku made a mad dash to the outside.

"Totaku what are you doing?!"

"I'm going do what my cousin once did! Play Tag with the zombies!!! I must experience this feeling!!!"

That very moment, he made a dash to the other end ignoring our orders to turn back, and grabbed an Inaba's foot and yanked it completely off of the undead corpse.

"This will bring me luck!"

And those last words we heard from him before he ascended up the stairs? I have no idea what possessed his mind to do this, so I have given everyone the orders to try and make an opening and lure Totaku back in.

Last month of Spring Day 16

Mayor Patchy's Notes:

Our attempts to lure him back to the inside have not be successful. We open one gate, the zombies start heading torward it, we open the other, and the proceed to that. It's almost impossible to get him to come back. To make matters worse, apparently the slime is taking it's toll on his body?.

I hope he returns soon?.
Also we got word that some strange creature is on the loose underground. A quadruped made of salt and a shell that shakes... sounds kind of scary...

Last month of spring of 25

Mayor Patchy's Notes:

We got word that our leader, Totaku, died as expected - doing what he seem to be enjoying the most? playing tag with the undead? this was indeed insane?. but nonetheless I guess I'll be putting myself in his position for a while and cleaning up Totaku's desk in the next few days.

In the mean time, I've ordered everyone to proceed to work and to stay by the levers since it seems working in numbers is way more effective.

Last Month of Spring Day 30

Mayor Patchy's Notes:
This day almost ended in near disaster as a human corpse made it pass the traps and by passed the team but thankfully are military made short work of him.

I went ahead and cleaned up Totaku's desk only to find a note?

"To those that find this, I am probably already dead, I have decided that it was important to learn to enjoy the thrills in life and I long yearned to see the surface once more, even at the cost of my life. But I had made preparations in advance?

I've already contacted my second cousin and hopefully if he manages to makes his way here and survive, pass the gourd onto him. He will likely be able to keep things going. He's much like me in many ways, and he too would be interested in my plans. Please be sure to give him these?

I look through the notes and find what Totaku has been writing about?.

It's practically down right disturbing. He claims that the Great Suika in the sky told him that the hermit's wishes were to make the dead into a tool which we can use?

But how can one harness the dead?! They're dangerous and mindless husks! Is he downright insane?! Or is the he been driven mad by wanting to fulfill the wish of a hermit? If such an entity exists, she must not be a very nice person to have said such things. Any fool that would say such things would drive a Suika insane in due time?.

And there was one more note? sketches to a plumbing system, but they were all hard to read? so it was difficult to say if they were even possible? but apparently it had something to do with pumping magma and water? This might be a good solution to making the fort more useful? but do we have the suika power to do it?
I'm not sure what's going on, but I know one thing is for sure?. thankfully Totaku's prediction was right about one thing? the siege came to an end?. thankfully after a season's worth of time and effort?. Hopefully the summer will bring us plenty of more things to come?.

Welp that's it for the Spring report.... Highzealot died, I died, Arashi Kurobara died, and a bunch of meaningless children got crushed.... but in the end the seige has been vanquished.... So mission complete?

Hopefully my descendent will come in sooner or later... I don't mind playing as Mayor Patchy, but I would like to start getting Suikas sooner or later...

Also no drawings cause the events seem a bit plain to me....

Edit: Special Thanks to NekoRex for giving me a proofread version, because I usually have no time to look over my grammar. ^^:
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: highzealot on August 29, 2012, 04:06:43 PM
Meanwhile some where in the warp.

I died...AGAIN. What is this, the third time now? Sooner or later the great Chaos Gods will get bored with me and I'll stop being revived...or worse. They might give me to Slaanesh!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Nuserame on August 29, 2012, 06:44:45 PM
Hehehe, 3 significant characters dead, children crushed by bridges, over a hundred zombies murdered, and events were a bit plain. Were doing well.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 29, 2012, 09:02:03 PM
I think I just got what Totaku is planning to do with those zombies. He's going to make an archery range with some fleshy targets, right?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Raikaria on August 29, 2012, 09:11:45 PM
Meanwhile some where in the warp.

I died...AGAIN. What is this, the third time now? Sooner or later the great Chaos Gods will get bored with me and I'll stop being revived...or worse. They might give me to Slaanesh! make me an elf! Parseekurri!

Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Wymar on August 30, 2012, 10:56:58 AM
Mind you, that wasn't a single siege, but half a dozen consecutively invading armies that got undeadified.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Totaku on August 31, 2012, 07:55:15 PM
Ok time for the summer report! Also I want to correct one error... Patchy isn't the mayor, it's Patchouli... Which I'll admit it's easy to get confused since they are both named after the same Touhou character... but yeah sorry Patchy... ^^;;

First month of Summer Day 9
Patchouli's Notes:

According to the notes left by Totaku, I have been given orders to do the following, get full body armor of copper ready so that the army at least has some kind of armor to use, get gummy strings ready to be made into candy weapons. and to prepare the military room. I still question the intention of this room, but for now I will just let the crew do their thing.

First month of Summer Day 17
Patchouli's Notes:

The ghosts of the suikas of those that had died on the surface are starting to appear and pester other Suika in the fort.
 I've decided that we must put them to rest, so I've given orders to have them tombs made in their honor?. Hopefully this will resolve the issue or spontaneous heart attacks among our ranks.

Second Month of Summer Day 1

Patchouli's Notes:

We got word that some Suika migrants have arrived despite the danger of this land! This must be the people Totaku mentioned about would come. We must get them inside as soon as possible. I have ordered the bridge to be dropped outside in the safest areas to get the Suikas to come inside.

Second Month of Summer Day 10

Patchouli's Notes:

It seems the attempt have failed as the Suikas are currently being chased by the undead. This calls for a group effort. I've ordered everyone to abandon their post and get to the switches to put them in quick succession to get the bridge to open and close when needed to crush the threats as they come into the fort.

Second Month of Summer Day 11

Patchouli's Notes:

Gappy withdrew from society, talking about making some invention and ran off to the masonry where she started gather stones and metal. We left her to do her thing while we continued to work with the switches.

Second Month of Summer Day 12

Patchouli's Notes:

I must get some of them inside!  The zombies outside are guarding the fort entrance and refusing to let them in. There is little we can do if sit like this. I've decided to send the militia to the surface. It is our hope, if we want to get any of them in here. They'll all become victims of the dead if they remain out there.

It wasn't long after they reached the surface that our small squad managed to make work of the zombies that blocked the entrances. I was rather impressed with their effort. Most notable was Scotty who manage to single shot kill most of the undead that were outside.

Second Month of Summer Day 17

Patchouli's Notes:
The militia's effort paid off. We got 5 of  the migrants inside out of 15, and one of them was Totaku the III. I decided to have a meeting with him as soon as he entered.
"So you're the one that our previous overseer mentioned?"

"Yup I got a message saying that he needed my help so I thought I come by to see if I could lend a hand. I didn't know it was that bad out here."

"Oh trust me, it's been worse, but we have been pretty much stuck in this predicament here for as long as we settled here."

"Heh, well from what I can see here, I might be able to do something about the matter so count me in!"

"Then here, take these note your kin left behind and the gourd that we passed upon him!"

She looked over the notes to what was being given upon her to do and her face brightened up with excitement.

"I knew she had many great idea, but to know that she is still listening to the great Suika in the sky is great!" I think these plans need to be put together as soon as possible! I'm gonna go get some booze and get started!"

And with that she took off to head down to the drinks? At least my responsibilities are over? however I can't help but look at Syanas. She looked like a total wreck. Maybe zombie depression syndrome runs in her family.

Second Month of Summer Day 21

Gappy got all the items to begin construction on her project. I wonder what end up making? Hopefully it'll be worthwhile? All we know is that she used slate, tetrahedrite, oval and square slate cabochons, gabbo blocks, and earth spider silk. Weird combination if you ask me.

Second Month of Summer Day 22
Dr. Purvis the II (one of the new members) to arrive has treated Syanas from her injuries, all she had was blisters from being caught in the slime rain. She's returned to her duties, but is still feeling very depressed?

Second Month of Summer Day 25
Purvis has been diagnosing the patients. So far, one child had suffered from a fractured rib due to a zombie attack, while most of other patients who were exposed to the slime were dismissed with only minor blisters. Omba's condition has yet to be diagnosed.

We also got word that one of our militia members, Scruffy has gone missing. We haven't heard from him a week following the attempt to protect the fort from the zombies the were preventing the migrants from entering?

Last month of Summer Day 2

Omba's injuries were diagnosed, her right hand was damaged badly, it needed surtures, dressing and immobilization. She's likely not going to be using that hand for a while, so she's going to be using her left hand to wield her mace from this day forward. At least her hand wasn?t completely gone.

Last month of Summer Day 7
Gappy finally created the artifact she wat trying to create...
It was a mechanism.... well on the bright side, the gear seems to have alot of our history on it...

Last month of Summer Day 10

Omba's injuries have been taken care of. She will now return to the military to continue her training.

Last month of Summer Day 12
Human Caravan has arrived. It looks fairly light, so they should arrive fast, but I will need to make sure they get in safely.

Last month of Summer Day 18

An ambush! And they took out the caravan in the cursed lands? it seems the biokkuri are determined to stake their claims even if it means becoming part of the dead. Sometimes I wonder what possessed their minds to do such things. Perhaps even their brains had been addled far too much?

Last month of Summer Day 24

Once again, the new Syanas has fell victim to zombie depression syndrome, it seems like a family curse if you ask me? she just moping around looking depressed as ever,and I don't think there will be much we can do? All I can hope for is that she moves toward the safe zone so we can lock her in?. otherwise I'll be busy trying to make use of our new team I'm putting together?

Last month of Summer Day 30
Things are still going slow, however I think we are about to make some serious headway with our equipment and gear.
I've made preparations for the military room. The base part of it is almost set. And I shall have the squad ready to perform work duty in it as of this fall.
Sadly the ambush resulted in the biokkuris and humans boosting the zombie population again which will mean I will be sending someone to perform bridge smashing duty again...
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Totaku on September 02, 2012, 10:15:44 PM
A number of mishaps have happen in my home mainly because my parents has a tendency to forget that I have an air conditioner running and that when they run the microwave, they end up knocking out the power to my room resulting in my the lose of my progress...

I've already had this occur twice, and it's becoming very problematic.... so if the situation persist any more longer I may have to forfite my turn. I rathe not bring more burden than I already seem to be doing at the moment...

Also in the event I do make it through Autumn tonight/ tomorrow morning, I will also be asking for an extension. Because I have to do some designs tomorrow and need to complete them.

So long story short, if all goes well, I'll have this done by Thursday 9 AM.

I plan to abide by the rules thus why I've asked for the one time extension.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Nuserame on September 02, 2012, 11:12:05 PM
Hmm, normally kitchen electronics are grouped seperately.

You can try putting either your computer or the microwave on another power group, though you folks might not like all the wires running through the house ;)

Or save frequentelly, which is a good idea anyhow.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Omba on September 03, 2012, 01:24:13 AM
I'll unfortunately have to /out from the player list, seeing as I won't have any appreciable amount of time to dedicate to games in the next few weeks.
Good luck guys.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Totaku on September 03, 2012, 08:02:15 PM
I'll unfortunately have to /out from the player list, seeing as I won't have any appreciable amount of time to dedicate to games in the next few weeks.
Good luck guys.

Ok I'll be sure to remove you from the list then.

Anyways, I do have some good news. I do have the Autumn done.

I still have someone go through and prooferead my stuff. Also have to get to drawing. I want to draw something for this event, but a lot of time restrictions may prevent me from doing so. I'll see what I can do regarding the event.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Totaku on September 04, 2012, 01:31:29 PM
    First Month of Autumn Day 3

    I decided to enlist Notapirate into the militia since he could serve us well. He managed to take out a Kedama on his own while migrating to the fort when he first arrived. So what could go wrong with him serving the army?

    First Month of Autumn Day 4

    Highzealot seems to have obtained injuries when putting on his gear, He's had to check into the hospital to get treated? I've asked Dr. Purvis to look at him to determine what's happening.

    First Month of Autumn Day 6

    I got word that we have run out of copper bars, so I've went and asked the miners to dig up more Tetrahedrite to smelt for copper. I need to get our army fully geared up if we're going to get any migrants in here...
    First Month of Autumn Day 7
    Dr. Purvis excused Highzealot as he only got blisters. Apparently the boot he put on still had slime from the surface. Nonetheless, he's been treated. Seriously though, I wonder if we had drank too much to not know what's on our gear?.
    First Month of Autumn Day 11

    Working overtime to get the squad geared up to fight off the undead threat. We're making great progress, they should soon be ready...
    First Month of Autumn Day 17

    Everyone's fully geared now Preparing to launch the counter offensive against the undead. Which will mainly entail the army + bridge smashing. The militia is preparing themselves at the bridge gauntlet and I'm awaiting for someone to get to the levers.
    First Month of Autumn Day 20

    Things didn't go as planned. The militia seems to have forgotten to take responsibility and have abandoned Not a Pirate to take on the enemies themselves. As a result bridge smashing had to stop and in one attempt to hopefully stop the attack. Not a pirate got caught in the bridge as it lifted and got her horn broken off. It wasn't long after that she began to run away. I going to get the bridge lowered so we can get her back inside?.

    First Month of Autumn Day 25

    The militia manage to get outside rescue Not a Pirate, but it is too late? she had fallen victim to the wrath of the undead?. thankfully her body is in the safe zone, so she should be fine for now?.
    Second Month of Autumn Day 1

    Migrants Arrived, but in the worst possible place imaginable. The dead were just waiting to get a hold of them the moment they set foot in this land? We must try to get them in here?.
    Second Month of Autumn Day 10


    It failed?. no one made it inside?. and we lost a child in the process?. This has become very troublesome for me? our numbers our dwindling at a slow pace?.season by season?..
    Second Month of Autumn Day 15

    Omba's going through tantrums from the fall of her friend and the recent zombie attacks. She's already killed a Water buffalo in her rage. And apparently toss a few things in the process?. hopefully she won't go into a rage anymore than she has?.
    Second Month of Autumn Day 18

    Highzealot has been murdered by a ghost! It turned out to be the ghost of Grimelock! We need to deal with the getting this tombstones set up as soon as possible?. seems like ghosts are become a common issue now...

    Second Month of Autumn Day 20

    Someone didn't haul the Kimeemaru all the way to the corpse dumping area. I've had order to lock the room it was in till the militia was ready.

    The plan was simple? have Omba go in and distract the Kimeemaru and then have Scotty shoot the thing. Seemed simple enough? except when I learned that they Kimeemaru was pretty tough. It took 3 shots in the face before the thing collapsed! And worse of all?
    It managed to clamp it's jaws on Omba and ripped her right arm off!!! She was bleeding for a while, but some reason after the bleeding stopped, she just got up. I asked her about it and she just gave me a weird look. Maybe she was possessed or something.

    Second Month of Autumn Day 23

    Mayor Patchouli is now in a stranger mood and took over the jewelry shop. I wonder what she's gonna make?

    Second Month of Autumn Day 25

    Syanas finally died from her zombie depression syndrome that took about a full season before it took its toll on her through dehydration. As for now, we're hauling her body to be dumped?
    Second Month of Autumn Day 28

    Mayor Patchouli finally got started on the construction of her artifact? considering it's at the jewelry shop, I wonder if it'll be anything worth while?
    Last Month of Autumn Day 4


    Patchouli made a Crystal Rock Door, I guess it can be useful to decorate one's room, but look on the bright side, she can now produce cut gems with ease!
    Last Month of Autumn Day 6

    Rumor are Arashi Kurobara's ghost are toppling stuff now. I need to get those slabs done?. before things get more problematic

    Last Month of Autumn Day 7

    After giving the order earlier this year, the gummy strings from my previous predecessor are now in progress of being made.

    Last Month of Autumn Day 13

    Grimelocke was finally put to rest, perhaps now the mysterious ghost murders will be put to an end

    Last Month of Autumn Day 19


    The Suika Caravan has arrived! I'm hoping they can get here safely, I'll keep the gate open for them.

    Last Month of Autumn Day 23
    Ambushes! Ambushes Everywhere! The Biokkuri are really determined to do something about the land of the dead. They're coming in ever growing numbers? I still get a feeling they won't make it, but we'll see...

    Last Month of Autumn Day 25

A Caravan got destroyed by a band of zombies, thus the remaining Suika caravans left? and so another season without trading?.

    Last Month of Autmn Day 27

    With the end of the Autumn season at hand, we hear the sounds of the moaning of the dead aboveground disappearing?. It seems as if the biokkuris have managed to bring a large enough force to actually deal with the dead for once?. this is a frightening thought?

    Last Month of Autmn Day 30


I have meant to work on this all year long, but it seem to keep getting interuppted due to all the situations that unfolded. But today I've got the digging team ready to start the digging of the "magma plumbing system"

    Personally I wish this season went better, because it started out good, but slowly got worse? I have one more season to go

    before my turn ends?. I just hope I can make a big recovery from the downfall that has happened her? we'll see how Winter goes?

Also this season had a lot of memoriable event worth  drawing, but I've been tied up ATM, so I couldn't draw them out.... maybe later?

Anyways, one more season to go...
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: highzealot on September 04, 2012, 01:39:00 PM
Meanwhile, HighZealot's soul is raging in the warp while awaiting revival.

So lets see my deaths, last founder to die, died sometime during my turn, died twice during your turn I believe. I think I've only survived more than a year only once.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: NekoNekoRex on September 04, 2012, 02:17:20 PM
Killed by a ghost twice as well :3c
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Totaku on September 05, 2012, 06:40:38 PM
Boy in the midst of trying to make my deadline.... this last season got ugly.... and boy do I mean UGLY!!!

Also as a heads up there will be no interemission for the upcoming year. So when I give the save the next player can proceed.... if they dare wish to...

I'll have to say one thing.... I'm more use organizing larger groups. As handling smaller numbers follow the first year is like a weakness.... as an end result. Things have gotten pretty ugly. I just hope you all can find a way to handle it...

So I will just say... I'm sorry..... orz

I'll have this posted up later tonight or tomorrow morning.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 112
Post by: Totaku on September 06, 2012, 02:07:52 PM
Winter update!

First Month of Winter Day 3
I got word that the biokkuris couldn't stand up too well against ]the zombie threat eventually. They seem the handle the first few waves fine, but eventually they too fell victim. some retreated, while others have become part of the army of the dead.

As of the current count, there is 65 undead creatures in the area. The only thing I can do is continue what I have been doing for a while now…. wait and smash them to try to lower their numbers….

First Month of Winter Day 8
What's this? A dangerous human, what kind of lunacy is this? I could understand if this was a terrifying beast, but this here is nothing more than an ordinary human that I was warned about as if it was a threat. Whatever, the problem is not worth the time, and the human ran off in a panic….

First Month of Winter Day 12

Kedama sure are fast, I didn't even know this one sneaked into the fort till now… now that I think about it, didn't we kill one sometime ago INSIDE the fort?! I thought it was taken care of!

First Month of Winter Day 14

The Kedama managed to kill some small livestock and I the squad happen to beat the thing down eventually. We need to get rid of the bodies right away!

First Month of Winter Day 27
The remaining notes are written by Mayor Patchouli….
Totaku, Nekorex and Patchy are dead after a massive mishap with corpses and trying to manage the bridge went horribly wrong. Population is 22 now. The troops were sent to take care of theca mishaps.

Corpses that need to be taken care of consist of a goat, a kedama, and NekoRex.
Second Month of Winter Day 3

I learned that our miner Ellor somehow got outside, this is rather stance if you ask me since I was unsure how he got outside in the first place.
In an attempt to get Ellor back we open the bridge, but we had smash the zombies that were coming in, just then GoombaGeek, and 2 other Suikas made a B line to the atom smasher and killed themselves…

It was then I decided the Ellor was doomed thus I decided we need to close the bridge and forget about him. We had too many mishaps…. we can't afford anymore

Second Month of Winter Day 9

We could hear Ellor's screams from above, he had fallen victim to the zombies… it is sad we couldn't save him…

Second Month of Winter Day 12

I decided to take Mokou power out of the military so he could have time to cool down. He has been looking very depressed lately with the events that were unfolding...

Second Month of Winter Day 15
Mokou flew into a range and ripped out lever out of the lever room. Thankfully it was one of the useless ones...

Second Month of Winter Day 17
Omba destroyed one of the brewery in a fit of rage…. I've made orders to have the station repaired as soon as possible.

Second Month of Winter Day 26
Neko Rex's body was not properly dumped, thankfully Mokou Power (who was off duty) managed to beat it up easily while in a fit of rage. Which I found quite surprising!

Last month of Winter Day 1
Dr. Purvis is busy treating everyone from the fist fights. I'm aware we need to consider getting some control in this establishment, but everyone is getting worked up and tensions are mounting inside our home. I really hope this doesn't not result into disorder!

Last month of Winter Day 8
Hideiki and decided to attack me in a fit of rage. I was lucky to survive because Omba managed to get to him and beat him senseless with his shield till she fell. I have been taken to the hospital since then and I'm in a lot of pain, but I must continue to write to preserve the history of this Fortress...

Last month of Winter Day 14
Kapaa Carvans have arrived and thankfully it's within a safe zone for once, so maybe we will get out supplies inside for once!

Last month of Winter Day 20

All but one made it in and that one got destroyed by the zombies, so the kappas packed up and left… this is not good as we haven't had a single trade with anyone this year…

End of the year…
I lay here in bed, Dr. Purvis told me that I needed to be treated for broken legs and a broken arm. He told me I will ne using a crutch for the next few years since the injuries are pretty bad….

Though I wonder if this fort will ever get back to normal….

So far…

3 levels were destroyed, one that was useless and one that lowered the bridge in the underground cavran and one that was to one of the bridges that acted as a seal ( the middle one)
One murder happened as well

And out of everyone alive in the fort.

Only Dr. Purvis, the current Suika Militia are currently sane under the tense pressure. Mokou Power seems to be recovering, as for the rest, everyone is in a very depressed state….At this rate, the only way we will survive is if migrants come…… we really need them….

There, the file is set! Captain Archmage, it is now your turn....

You're going to have a lot of work to handle since we are in the midst of what could be a tantrum spiral.

Also there is no intermission, meaning right now Seiga and Nitori's quest are your only priority.

Good luck, cause you're going to need it!

also once again... I'm so sorry... orz

Also I'm signing up again.

And I'm also there's a Suika miner I forgot to name, you can name yourself to be that Suika if you wish Captain archmage
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Wymar on September 06, 2012, 02:14:06 PM
Oh crap. Am I dead or insane?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 06, 2012, 02:17:46 PM
Oh crap. Am I dead or insane?

I thought I made it clear, you died by going against the orders of the fortress burrow command and decided that you must go under the bridge, thus you and 2 other Suikas died via atom smashing.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Wymar on September 06, 2012, 02:49:27 PM
Nooooo now I can't even nom on other people's brains!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 06, 2012, 02:50:59 PM
Nooooo now I can't even nom on other people's brains!

Sorry I made an error, I mistaken you as Goomba Geek..

You are actually currently still holding on, but are VERY MISRIBALE. so you could crack at any given time.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: NekoNekoRex on September 06, 2012, 04:04:58 PM
Oh man, can we possibly survive this?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Power on September 07, 2012, 10:14:32 PM
How depressed I'm I compared to everybody else?  Also did I do anything else useful while I was depressed?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 07, 2012, 10:27:06 PM
How depressed I'm I compared to everybody else?  Also did I do anything else useful while I was depressed?

You killed a zombie in your depressed state... with your bare hands while in a tantrum. :P

On the plus side though, your recovering. You've gone from miserable to very unhappy which means you'll likely soon be free from your depression. After you take your rage out on some more things.... maybe. All depends on what Captain Archmage has in mind for you.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 10, 2012, 02:03:36 PM

I've come to notify you that it is now Day 4 on the timer and you haven't posted a report yet. I wanted to inform you this in advance since I wanted to keep you in touch with the fact you still have to follow the guidelines that are given.

As usual, you have till the end of the Thursday to complete the task, and if needed you can request for a two day extension.

please remember that you must complete a year's time and post the full report, season by season.

Also here's a filler by GoombaGeek to quench your appitites while you wait...

Meanwhile Komachi sets off down the brook to collect the souls of the dead and fix the re-animation problem.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Raikaria on September 10, 2012, 02:28:26 PM
Am I still alive?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: highzealot on September 11, 2012, 02:57:37 AM
When FPS gets too low, will we turn off temperature to avoid FPS death?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 11, 2012, 05:56:52 AM
Err, I think it might be important to post this since it's of importance regarding Archmage's situation:

Quote from: CaptainArchmage
As it is I'm not yet done with Granite... we're at around 30 FPS now though, so that's an improvement. I may need to ask for an extension, but I'll know closer to the day.

I think I'm going to remove the coffers from the hospital, since suikas keep shoving thread in there when other stuff needs doing.

In other news, I'm not going to be getting rid of the non-harmful ghosts. I've almost confirmed that ghosts can get suikas pregnant under certain circumstances, which is a good thing since the aboveground is crawling with undead and we aren't really getting any migrants.

We've also got some vile slime in the hospital now (as of 15th Granite), and the cleaning staff keep rioting, preventing the mess from being cleaned up.

Some of the miserable suikas (i.e. myself) aren't actually rioting at all (probably because of personality or not caring about anything anymore), but I don't know how long we'll last anyway. If we have a few more suikas, we could probably clean up more easily in here.

Well I think I said it before back in the beginning, but if you are really having complications we can consider using DF hack if the FPS is really becoming too slow for us the handle.

I have a high end computer here so in my game, it runs at 60 FPS, but I can understand if others here are running slower.

The only catch is, we MUST use DF hack ONLY to boost the FPS. Nothing more! Thus why we must mostly agree that this will be the option we must choose.

I talked with Syanas already, and she and I agree that we vote yes, to using DF hack. But only if we REALLY NEED to.

I say I'm going to allow options to be open here to ask if anyone else thinks we should use DF hack to help boost the FPS.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: NekoNekoRex on September 11, 2012, 04:13:20 PM
No matter what we do I expect to hit an FPS wall on my turn again, although I happen to have enough free time that shouldn't be an issue.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Nuserame on September 12, 2012, 12:02:53 PM
Downloaded the save and the game runs at 38fps avarage for me.

Seems like the right time to use DF hack fps improvements.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 12, 2012, 01:21:39 PM
Am I still alive?

Last time I checked in my save you were, I think, just misriable.


Extension granted to CaptainArchmage by request!

Also since most of us seem to be leaning in favor of this, I'll go ahead and say feel free to wipe out all clothes, toys, mugs, ect on the surface, leave armor weapons and bars alone. See if that boosts the FPS up significantly.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: NekoNekoRex on September 12, 2012, 04:35:12 PM
Body parts as well, assuming nothing has died in the Evil Zone recently
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 14, 2012, 02:39:44 PM
I'm here to remind you that you are now entering the 2 day Extension period CaptainArchMage.

I will need you to get the report and to give me your status. As it has been a week now and no actual gameplay reports. (other than being stuck in Granaite back long ago)

You will be required to complete your run by Sunday at 9 AM [Central Time]. (as I had been a bit busy slightly messed up on the deadline)

So please have it ready by then.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 16, 2012, 07:01:45 PM
Well, it's 6 hours past the deadline, and no sign, or word from him.... I was hoping he at least drop the save or something....

I think I can say that because of the rules, his turn is now null and void. (though if he did managed to get a save from post DF hacking saved, I might accept it...)

With that, though, I'm going to say this...

GoombaGeek, it's now your turn! You're going to have to deal with the calamity that is before you....

You will have till Sunday of this time to complete the work. Good luck and God Speed!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 16, 2012, 10:33:28 PM
A message from Captain Archmage....

Whoops sorry, I got confused between AM and PM for some reason, and the FPS and Real Life events held me back. I've got a post DF hacked save available if you want it at:

Here's the reports:

WHAT IS THIS WITCHERY? So apparently Suika Fortress runs faster, even with operational graphics pack, on DF in WINE.


As Archmage, I have called down my magics clean the surface up. All the slime has been wiped up, and I'm having it wiped when it gets too thick. I've also had some of the junk on the surface transported to the 'smasher. There's a lever for atomsmashers, but I could not find the atomsmashers so I used the main gate instead.

Well we managed to get in a bunch of migrants. Our population is no longer ridiculously low. Unfortunately, some pieces of corpses got tracked in, so we had a few zombie incidents. The current incarnation of Totaku is a militia commander, and helped clean up the mess. Also, Anthy dehydrated and we had him or her taken to the tombs. Or the garbage stockpile, somewhere where (s)he won't be moving around much. I shut down the hospital, since apparently that means "grab every single piece of cloth and shove it in there." We have more important things to do.

I've also forbidden all the corpses, since the Suikas seem to want to haul them around more than necessary.

Morale has improved, but Totaku is now miserable for some reason or other.

Note: I DF hacked some water around Totaku in order to dislodge her. There was some kind of freaky bug where she was getting all kinds of jobs but never ended up going anywhere, trapped in the entrance hallway. I also confiscated a plump helmet she had (I've fixed the stuff on the squads list). She got moving when I deconstructed the bridge she was standing on, and got something to drink. Nothing was really gained or lost besides the bridge, which was connected up to some lever (no idea which one) and deconstructed by normal means. I have no idea whether this was a bug or what - no burrows or alerts were in place. It had me bothered for a bit that we had an everlasting-in-stasis Suika there.

I'm going to smash up more of the surface junk to get more FPS - we're still around 30-50, which is really slow.

In other news, we're building a new depot which can be airlocked off from the rest of the fortress. This should force traders to make the right decisions when they come to the fort.

Patchoulli is up and about. However, a ghost attack incapacitated one of our mini-suikas. F@ck, I've had an incompetent engrave a slab for the ghost. I need to put in an order for crutches.

Interestingly, Patchoulli hasn't made any mandates yet.

A caravan arrived on the surface, along with a bunch of ambushes. I'm going to sit this one out.


The undead wiped out most of the ambushers, however, there are still some camped outside on the non-slimy part.

I'm having a tunnel dug for caravans to use.

So I guess we can let Goomba Geek continue on from Archmage's save? Hopefully he can get things done in a year and a half.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: NekoNekoRex on September 17, 2012, 02:56:11 AM
I wish I got 30 FPS on these saves :/

You people don't have to deal with 9FPS games like I do
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Nuserame on September 17, 2012, 07:53:49 PM
9fps after the cleanup? Painful... so yeah, most useless advice ever, but it might be a good time to get an upgraded compy.

Which can actualy be done fairly cheaply if you dont care to play the newest games on highest settings too. All you need for DF is a faster processor after all (provided you got enough memory).

Though I doubt any of that will happen in the next few weeks, which is when the new round of turns rolls around.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: NekoNekoRex on September 17, 2012, 09:44:31 PM
I was being general. This particular fort gives me like 5 FPS due to the size of the embark

I'm broke, otherwise that's one of the first things I'd be buying.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 17, 2012, 11:46:50 PM
Update from Goomba Geek...

First it was a cave crocodile.

Then a drawbridge.

This is no way to run a dubiously related clan of stone-crafters.

When did I even get here? I don't remember. Am I dead?


Well, okay. Let's look around. Who's alive?

Twenty-one suikas. That's abysmal. That's terrible. But maybe that's enough.

Our bookkeeper worked some spell to destroy everything on the surface. Apparently it was too hard on his eyes. Ever since then, he's been walking around complaining of a headache. And he was our last overseer.

Some guy says he's the "Soul of the Warp" and should be re-instated as captain. I call him a bloody nuisance. It looks like a large number of our suikas have legendary skills. I guess that's how they survived this place. Well, I'm no stranger to that. Ever since I made that horn, it's like every rock just crafts itself under my hands. Well, we had a little meeting about who should be in charge here.

"Captain Archmage, do you-"
"Ow! Damn! Migraine!"
"What about you, High Zealot?"
"I am the warp."
"Yes, and what do you do?"
"I plumb the abyss no mortals dare tread. I alone comprehend the vast infinities of beyond. I am the warp."
"Come back when you're ready to actually work, buddy. Anyone else have any objections?"
"As a legendary tanner, I feel that-"
"Real work."
"Tanning is real work! What else keeps all these skins from coming alive and smothering us?!"
"Real work."

Outside is a hellhole. A few zombies roam about, eating kedamas. Moaning comes from a deep trench. But inside is all clear, it seems. For now. However, our entry defenses consist of a bizarre arrangement of drawbridges hooked up to a roomful of levers. Well, at least someone was thinking clearly for a second when they worked up the collective effort to make an aqueduct providing us with fresh water. Now then, we have some entrance fortifications to rebuild. We've got a 5x5 square of cage traps. Cage traps?! We have a legendary mechanic and he'll be risking his life to carry off a lock of animated hair in a cage during a siege? Too much effort! This year, we're getting a new pit full of zombies, and my plan is absolutely flawless. No way it can go wrong.

Pictures to come.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: highzealot on September 17, 2012, 11:49:06 PM
I've been changed into a crazy guy. Tzeentch must be proud of me.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Wymar on September 18, 2012, 08:00:20 AM
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 19, 2012, 05:30:17 AM
Here's another report from Goomba Geek!

Quote from: GoombaGeek
After a quick tour of this place, I see an astonishing amount of effort dedicated to a grand entrance hall and a few lavishly engraved and designed rooms. This seems odd, because we only have 21 citizens left. On the other hand, when the undead aren't murdering the populace and the zombie sealed under the floor ("Kikrost", they said) isn't clawing at the walls it's surprisingly peaceful in here. Sure, there are clothes everywhere, but our farms are doing great and with such a low population we can last a while. Usually we get some migrants in the spring, but I don't see them yet. Hopefully they'll bring some stone-masons so we can colonize the surface and bring a new reign of peace and prosperity to Crossedhorns.

Meanwhile, the three-slit experiment is being set up, and so is "The Grinder". A giant block of swooshy weapon traps works, but does it have style? No! I plan on sealing off the entrance and re-working this section with lots more pointy spikes and better. Of course, weapon traps cause zombies, and they can jam. Luckily, sitting one z-level below the entrance is an infinite source of groundwater, and further below is a cavern. I think we can work something out involving drainage and auto-cleaning - although it would make the first cavern layer more or less uninhabitable (unless zombies are less tough than I thought - they'll be getting lots of fall damage). Once the defenses are up to snuff, we can focus on making some nifty towers and whatnot.


There were maybe ten.

Only one got in.

Out of two who were competent with a hammer, a few markssuikas, and some farmers, do you know who made it?

Do you?

A fish dissector.

Through some horrible twist of fate, at least seven noble suikas died trying to fight their way into the only place they could ever call home, and yet once the dust clears, all we see is a fish dissector, a useless burden on society, treading on the broken backs of his fallen comrades, probably whistling merrily too, and waltzing into our main gates just before the drawbridge slams shut and seals his few surviving friends' fate.

The reason? We have two entrances in the same hill. For no reason whatsoever! I'm sealing off the top one. In fact, the most worthwhile thing I could do this year would be to dig tunnels to the map edges, openable from inside, so our migrants can start surviving. This is how we regain enough strength to do anything.

EDIT: We also lost some nameless farmer, so we're still at 21 suikas.

Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Wymar on September 19, 2012, 09:53:54 AM
Convince the dissecter that the undead crawling about are fish.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 19, 2012, 08:20:04 PM
Quote from: GoombaGeek
The only named death so far is AaronIII, actually. Nobody else is even slightly unhappy.

I keep getting impressed by all the grand dining rooms and multi-level constructions. It means I don't have to waste any time on non-diabolical non-traps :P

So to protect the MigrantKwik(tm) entry tunnels, I'll be using two bridges hooked up to different levers and two Hatch Grinders. The design of a Grinder is something I got off the wiki, and it rocks:


The hatch covers are hooked up to the pressure plates, so when Bogey 1 steps over the hatch cover and on the first plate, here's what happens:


Of course, he doesn't care, because he isn't going that way, but in his blind rush forward, he steps on the trap and takes damage. Then he steps on the next plate...


Onoez! Abort! Turn around! He goes over the trap again, until...


So, every non-flier non-trapavoid creature that paths in will go back and forth until an impact knocks it into a pit below or kills it (watch out: overly heavy/powerful traps may knock it into the fortress). The pit will be self-contained, although for added kicks we can hook it up to the Main Flusheroo (it's called that now, because I made/initiated/am still making it so I get to name it) so that all our zombies end up in one place.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 23, 2012, 06:11:56 AM
I notified Goomba Geek as of 2 PM today he had one day to complete his run... he notified me with this in a post on the board....
Quote from: GoombaGeek
Right, right, sorry.

I'll work on it. I probably won't finish all the engineering before next spring, but I have managed to pare us down to one entrance inside the pit-moat (which was a great idea). What we really need, other than map tunnels, are traps on the only way across the moat to knock zombies in. Unfortunately nobody can successfully create them without getting murdered.

I sure hope he has a juicy story coming up with this, and if he needs an extension, he knows who to ask...
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 25, 2012, 06:31:35 PM
One extentions request and 2 days later I pestered GoombaGeek and he gave me this report....

I can't do it!

Okay, so I got until mid-autumn. Then a black kedama got in through an entrance I couldn't figure out how to close, Patchouli ran outside and got slaughtered by a disembodied head (not a yukkuri but someone's actual head). Population is still at 21. If anyone wants this save (with my designations and plans) then you can take it, but things pretty much went to hell and I don't expect anyone to play it - it would be nice if the person next year could implement the tunnels and aquifer-drowning traps, though.

It's pretty funny how fast my dreams were crushed by this place. Am zipping up the save now, but it probably won't upload until I get home after school (they frown on large file transfers with their internet, funnily enough). Patchouli is dead in the non-blighted region and some poor sucker named AaronIII died really early on. There aren't any other named deaths I found. However, all our migrants are dead. For the next turn... dig the migrant tunnels first... I was totally unprepared for all the entrances and bridges we have. Most of the levers don't even work, and they're right next to the kedama-blighted entrance, meaning that instead of a secure fort you get Noob cancels Pull Lever: Interrupted by black kedama corpse x9999. And zombies are bum-rushing the fort and we have one person with a weapon skill: I checked.

This is pathetic :U

He will be posting the save sometime today hopfully, since he says he had it zipped. So I'm going to hope he delivers on his promise. From there it'll be NekoRex's turn....
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Wymar on September 25, 2012, 11:35:37 PM
So GG somehow managed to make everything somehow worse.

Okay, so I got until mid-autumn. Then a black kedama got in through an entrance I couldn't figure out how to close, Patchouli ran outside and got slaughtered by a disembodied head (not a yukkuri but someone's actual head). Population is still at 21. If anyone wants this save (with my designations and plans) then you can take it, but things pretty much went to hell and I don't expect anyone to play it - it would be nice if the person next year could implement the tunnels and aquifer-drowning traps, though.

It's pretty funny how fast my dreams were crushed by this place. Am zipping up the save now, but it probably won't upload until I get home after school (they frown on large file transfers with their internet, funnily enough). Patchouli is dead in the non-blighted region and some poor sucker named AaronIII died really early on. There aren't any other named deaths I found. However, all our migrants are dead. For the next turn... dig the migrant tunnels first... I was totally unprepared for all the entrances and bridges we have. Most of the levers don't even work, and they're right next to the kedama-blighted entrance, meaning that instead of a secure fort you get Noob cancels Pull Lever: Interrupted by black kedama corpse x9999. And zombies are bum-rushing the fort and we have one person with a weapon skill: I checked.

This is pathetic :U
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 26, 2012, 07:06:14 AM
So GG somehow managed to make everything somehow worse.

Did you not noticed I already posted this?

Anyways, I'm giving GG till 8 AM to post the link, otherwise, his turn will be marked as incomplete.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Wymar on September 26, 2012, 09:09:36 AM
Did you not noticed I already posted this?

Anyways, I'm giving GG till 8 AM to post the link, otherwise, his turn will be marked as incomplete.
Did you not noticed I already posted this?
No, because apparently firefox doesn't want to update its pages whenever I reload a tab :V
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on September 26, 2012, 02:09:10 PM
Ok, Goombageek told me that the save was invalid, and that the fort entrance was sealed off. I would of accepted it since this was for the sake of the game to be HARD. But he can't find time to post it so his turn will be marked Null and Void....

Welp, I know what ending I'll have to write up now.  Well actually I don't  but I get the gut impression I know what ending I WILL have to write up if things don't improve.

So, for the sake of the event.... this event will be ROLLBACK'D to CaptainArchmage's save.

And as a heads up for you GoombaGeek, be prepared to have everything ready next time so you don't end up stuck like this. This will serve as a warning to any player who plays and doesn't post the save.

Anyone that doesn't get a chance to post the save following the completion of their turn in a day will get a warning first. Second time will result within in being removed from the participant circle. (They can still spectate) for a week or two. (This is so they can have time to get things straighten out on their end.)

I'm just adding this in as a safety measure. Course if you can get things done in a timely matter, and post the save we can keep things going. ^^;;

Anyways NekoRex, you will be using CaptainArchmage's save.

Rex, because your computer is slow, I want to see if you can hopfully make it to the beginning of spring by Wendsday 9 AM of next week, this'll mean you'll have to do Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: NekoNekoRex on September 26, 2012, 08:47:46 PM
5FPS isn't that slow. I'll be spending a lot more time on doing these then the lot of you, but I should be hopefully able to crank out a season in a day

If not then hopefully my amazing updates will be worth time extensions.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: NekoNekoRex on September 26, 2012, 08:57:46 PM
5FPS isn't that slow. I'll be spending a lot more time on doing these then the lot of you, but I should be hopefully able to crank out a season in a day

If not then hopefully my amazing updates will be worth time extensions.

Edit: Aah, I'm no doing a full year. Darn shame. Oh well.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Nuserame on September 27, 2012, 02:43:26 AM
Looking forward to these amazing updates with confidence  ;)

Also thats one way to edit a post hehe.

Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Wymar on September 27, 2012, 06:53:22 AM
You'd be surprised how often the opposite happened to me.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: NekoNekoRex on September 27, 2012, 09:42:00 PM
And from the ashes...


I, NekoRex, return!

Now let's just have a looksee around here before we get start-


I mean, what the hell?
What the fuck does this lever do?





Alright, NekoRex, keep it together. You're the greatest and first founder of this awful mess.
All we gotta do is...
Move the levers and mark them, secure the entrance, build walls around to block line of sight to prevent mishaps, rebuild a few bridges,...

...try and hope migrants come inside,...
...make use of my 20something peons,...

...and build slabs for our 100 or so dead comrades.
For that I'll have to dig a new room under the stockpiles which I will officially designate as "Slabtown".

Alright... now let's get to work...
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Wymar on September 27, 2012, 11:49:23 PM
That left lever opens the hatch leading to the Blood God's quarters.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: NekoNekoRex on October 02, 2012, 07:57:12 AM
Malachite 13 (this save put me in the middle of the summer)
And so things went underway. The entrance rebuilding got started, the levers were getting moved, and slabtown started getting dug out. Everything was going quite well.
Outside, I watched a yak get mauled by zombies. Left a pretty impressive trail of blood.
In fact, there are quite a few trails around here. Neat.

Anyways, the rest of this update is provided to you by Shrinemaiden IRC Enjoy!

Malachite 15
[19:45] <NekoRex> fuck I have migrants
[19:46] <NekoRex> shoul I try to make them military or something
[19:48] <NekoRex> they'r hell not going to get inside running around and sending the entire horde after them
[19:49] <NekoRex> whoever designed these magma forges are the worst, they'res holes right open just inviting some fire imps inside
[19:52] <NekoRex> gdi my entrance fixes aren't done either
[19:53] <NekoRex> those migrants have literally 0% chance to get inside I think without a huge amount of luck and military banding
[19:53] <NekoRex> I at least want to see them make it to the safe zone though

Malachite 18
[19:54] <NekoRex> I like how the only thing between me and about 8 zombies trapped in a moat is a single locked door
[19:55] <PurvisHasLeftThisTimestreamNWS> *Make a platform over them, turn them into archery practice*
[19:56] <NekoRex> That would require unlocking the door
[19:56] <NekoRex> and going outside
[19:56] <NekoRex> both of which are awful ideas
[19:56] <PurvisHasLeftThisTimestreamNWS> *You build up and over the door*
[19:57] <PurvisHasLeftThisTimestreamNWS> *The going outside part is harder to fix, though...*
[19:57] <PurvisHasLeftThisTimestreamNWS> *At least until you make a good cover for your murder platform*
[19:57] <NekoRex> uh oh, I think that I had more migrants before
[19:58] <NekoRex> but I didn't notice
[19:58] <NekoRex> and they died
[19:58] <PurvisHasLeftThisTimestreamNWS> *Whups*
[19:58] <NekoRex> that must be where that yak cow came from that had like 5 zombies after it
(Note: That wasn't actually the case as far as I'm aware)
[19:58] <PurvisHasLeftThisTimestreamNWS> *Nwo you have to figure a way to bury the fuckers*
[20:02] <NekoRex> you don't "bury fuckers" in suika fortress
[20:02] <NekoRex> you crush them with a drawbridge then you make them a gravestone
[20:03] <NekoRex> an only if you're lucky enough to get them to your drawbridge

Malachite 22
[19:59] <NekoRex> this one migrant won't move
[19:59] <NekoRex> he's just like frozen there with fear

Malachite 23
(Note: Eventually I put him into the military)
[20:26] <NekoRex> >go pick up equipment
[20:26] <NekoRex> >it's all forbidden
[20:27] <NekoRex> >still going anyway
[20:28] <heartsriker> Yeah stupid fucks
[20:31] <NekoRex> why do they not listen
[20:31] <NekoRex> zombies are after him now
<Later in the day>
[20:35] <NekoRex> well I inadvertently killed the runner
[20:35] <NekoRex> oh well
(Not pictured: More militaried migrants not going towards the spot I wanted

Malachite 24
[20:46] <NekoRex> holy shit
[20:46] <NekoRex> they're making it
[20:46] <NekoRex> they're getting to the point
[20:51] <NekoRex> one made it in
[20:54] <NekoRex> this is my greatest achievment

Malachite 26
[20:55] <NekoRex> all they have to do is kill one undead and they'll all be in
[20:56] <NekoRex> 7 survivors

Malachite 28
[21:02] <NekoRex> the only casualties were chens
[21:03] <NekoRex> and all the animal pets from the migrants
[21:03] <NekoRex> these losses are acceptable
[21:04] <NekoRex> oh and they're all nearly miserable
[21:05] <heartsriker> Lmao
[21:10] <NekoRex> archmage is going to be so pissed when his cat inevitably dies
[21:16] <heartsriker> Neko it would  be funny if the migrants end up going mad
[21:16] <NekoRex> yes it wouldn't

Malachite 29
[21:16] <NekoRex> ps Pirate your custom profession is now "Armok's Chew Toy"
[21:17] <heartsriker> what
[21:18] <NekoRex> well you have died innumerable times
[21:20] <heartsriker> bull
[21:23] <heartsriker> i've only died twice
[21:23] <heartsriker> reported deaths anyway
[21:23] <NekoRex> archmage got a new pet cat today
[21:23] <NekoRex> too bad about his old one
[21:24] <NekoRex> pirate your death toll is at least 5
[21:24] <heartsriker> what
[21:24] <heartsriker> how
[21:24] <NekoRex> it's on the dead list
[21:25] <NekoRex> you died 5 times in the first 3 years
[21:26] <NekoRex> that or those are little pirate bits
[21:26] <NekoRex> no wait those are individuals
[21:30] <NekoRex> I counted 9 instances of Pirate being deceased
[21:31] <NekoRex> he's the Tidus of Pirates
[21:34] <NekoRex> I'll give you something useful to do in a bit

Galena 4
[21:35] <heartsriker> i only want to fight
[21:36] <heartsriker> set me as maeksman
[21:36] <NekoRex> I'm not doing military atm
[21:36] <NekoRex> and marksmen are useless
[21:38] <heartsriker> my archers in my new fort
[21:38] <heartsriker> killed undead like badasses
[21:38] <NekoRex> cool, well, I'm focusing on making the fort not a deathtrap atm
[21:41] <heartsriker> neko so how are you not making the fort into a death trap
[21:41] <NekoRex> I'm moving the levers for one
[21:41] <NekoRex> and I'm slabbing all the dead suikas

Galena 5
[21:41] <NekoRex> I HAVE NO CARPENTERS
[21:41] <NekoRex> WHY
[21:44] <NekoRex> so totaku and omba are the new carpenters
[21:44] <heartsriker> nice

Galena 7
[22:08] <NekoRex> next on my list of priorties is to build atom-smash bridges on this trader path / ulimate undead destroyer
[23:01] <pirate> are the stonetraps still there?
[23:01] <NekoRex> yeah
[23:01] <pirate> Replace em with hammer traps
[23:01] <pirate> it's annoying to reload them
[23:01] <pirate> hammer traps deal more effective damage and reload automatically
[23:02] <pirate> saves a bunch of mechs from dragging stones close to undead
[23:03] <NekoRex> hmm

Galena 13
Digging a shortcut to the traders so that the suikas don't have to walk through the entrance area. Fun.

Galena 18
[23:06] <NekoRex> lol traders are here
[23:06] <NekoRex> they're not staying long for sure
[23:06] <NekoRex> I hope they go away
[23:06] <pirate> the'll prlly just get killed
[23:07] <NekoRex> yeah. next season the path should be ready
[23:07] <pirate> caravans are simply a way to increase undead count
[23:07] <NekoRex> then we'll have safe trading
[23:07] <NekoRex> even the path isn't in the undead zone
[23:09] <pirate> let's hope they don't try to wage war on us before them
[23:09] <pirate> you know, all those lost caravans
[23:09] <pirate> make something with the silver to
[23:10] <NekoRex> i assigned it
[23:11] <NekoRex> it'll probably take forever tho

Galena 19
[23:18] <NekoRex> what
[23:19] <NekoRex> which fucker left the "suikas save refuse from outside" order on
[23:19] <NekoRex> no wonder they're constantly trying to go outside every time I open the front door

Galena 22
[23:33] <NekoRex> how the fuck are you people having trouble getting traders and shit
[23:33] <NekoRex> I opened the door and they're just coming right in with no problems
[23:34] <NekoRex> I'm even building a wall on one of the openings to the main entrance while the door is open

Galena 23
[23:38] <NekoRex> right now the biggest threat to my fort is an undead hampster arm

Galena 25
[23:51] <NekoRex> my tunnel is flooding for literally no reason
[23:56] <NekoRex> It's the aquifer
[23:58] <pirate> lolwtf
[23:58] <pirate> we had an aquifer?
[23:58] <NekoRex> yeah, on the good area
[23:58] <NekoRex> part of it at least
[23:59] <pirate> ooooh well done
[23:59] <NekoRex> good thing I reacted quickly

Limestone 1
[00:08] <Syanas> This should be right after tokaku's run isn't it?
[00:09] <Syanas> Or was Grimlocke after him?
[00:09] <Syanas> Whatever the case, a lot less undead are outside now.
[00:11] <NekoRex> yeah
[00:11] <NekoRex> or was
[00:11] <NekoRex> autumn has come
[00:12] <NekoRex> one of the humans eventually did die tho
[00:12] <NekoRex> so I didn't get any trading
[00:12] <NekoRex> oh well, traders are useless
[00:12] <Syanas> So are our shallow metals.
[00:12] <NekoRex> hahaha
[00:14] <NekoRex> on the other hand I got 7 migrants in!!!
[00:18] <Syanas> Awesome.
[00:18] <Syanas> It's been a while since our migrants exceeded 4.
[00:18] <NekoRex> we have 28
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: Totaku on October 04, 2012, 01:52:02 PM
Neko Rex was suppose to post the Autumn report last night, but I guess tired out.... so....

I'm going to go ahead and notify everyone he requested for the 2 day extension. and that it'll last till 11:59 PM of Friday. Which will be when I am off work. So he's going to have to make sure he has everything done by the time I get off work. (He knows when I go to work. So he's got an idea of what kind of pattern I have.)
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: NekoNekoRex on October 04, 2012, 11:59:18 PM
In a highly futuristic, but seemingly mundane world... a dwarven fortress manages to survive in the 'winderness'

Autumn Report today, Winter Report.... later today.
I might go to bed early because I have stuff to do Friday, but I'll probably have Winter done today, barring no weird errors.

The first month of autumn was boring. More work continued on my plans to open the fort to traders and crush zombies, while continued it's progress. Other minor things include caging stray Chenkurris (although the named ones won't go in), and crushing a few zombies here and there.

Sandstone 3
Success! Dwarven Foot-shape sensing ground-probing technology has detected a number of incoming visitors to aid in our plight! Living ones (it can detect heartbeats as well)!
They seem to have come from the right direction, too! In a matter of days (this planet spins at a ridiculous speed), they'll be inside and subject to the warm beams of our Dwarven Automatic Lightspreading Device.

Sandstone 7
The migrants got in with no zombie interference at all!
This brings the population to 37!

Sandstone 14
One of the zombies made it past our defense line of Dwarven Matter Elimination And Defense Barrier Machines, known affectionately as Dwarven Atom Smashers. Thankfully, some prepared citizens took him down without difficulty. He was moved to the nearest dump zone, which unfortunately turned out to be our animal cage stockpile.
 Due to the Zombification Curse, we now have a new Fortress Mascot, much like our first god-awful year here. Never mind this man was formerly one of our own.

Timber 10
Curses! In spite of our progress on S.L.A.B.Town, which utilizes Spectre Lessening Auto Barriers, ghosts have begun to arise from their graves!
We must advance the progress on S.L.A.B.Town with much haste!

Timber 14
Blast! Out Undead Intrusion Detection System is reading numbers off the charts! One of those accursed Necromancers must have sent a wave of his underlings our way!
They should be free to shuffle around until the Trader Entrance / Advanced Atom Smash Line is complete.

Timber 18
Many laughs were had today as our Dwarven Ground-Viewing Satellites picked up a SECOND invasion of Biokurris. In a strange and hilarious twist, they also seem to have brought the Goblin Leader to the fort for battle.
This is mere days after the zombie invasion began. The only regret is that the leader is joined with a squad of biokurris wielding Flesh-Burrowing Needle Launchers, and as such a zombie advance on the leader will be very difficult.
At the very least though, we take much pleasure in knowing the leader himself is completely unarmed and defenseless.

Timber 20
Some idiot decided to walk outside on the orders that he needed to "cage animal".  He chose... poorly.
Whoever authorized an animal outside (of which there are presently no living ones) needing caged will be punished. We will investigate this.

Timber 22
The Biokurris seem to be having a fun time killing zombies in the zone that is not Zombie-Blighted. We had to close the entrance to prevent their entry though.
Much less work for us in any event.

Timber 23
It seems the Biokurris are also having fun walking around in the Blister-Forming Slime Rain, as they show signs of Blister Bleeding and are trailing it everywhere. Even the leader is enjoying it!
Annoyingly, this also marks the Biokurri Retreat, and the Biokurri Master escaped with his life intact. It is incredibly unfortunate, but cannot be helped.

Timber 26
ANOTHER civilian went outside, yet again under orders to "cage animal". The offending cage has been Matter-Eliminated, with all it's Chenkurris.
The brave man made it back inside however, through sheer luck. A commendable feat.

Winter has now come upon the land, but the progress of our fortress continues ever onward.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: NekoNekoRex on October 05, 2012, 01:54:32 PM

 I have enacted a new project I will undoubtedly complete by the end of the year. I call it: Operation Winning Suika Fortress. The plan itself, simple, but grand.

Moonstone 15
The Super Smash Bridges, the Ultimate Atom Smashers, The Critical Crushers, it is complete! No longer will the delicate timing of a single atom-smashing bridge mean doom for the fort! No! Timing won't be an issue when the enemy must pass through FIVE Atom Smashers, followed by THREE MORE!

Moonstone 26
Slabtown has also been completed!
Ghosts shall no longer be a threat to the suikas, so long as future overseers keep up the trend of slabbing the dead!

Opal 13
Yet another project has been completed!
Behold! The zombie archery range! why fire at BORING stationary targets when you can hit moving ones? Even better, if I kill them, they just come back!
I can use the bridge lever to block and reveal line of sight to them. The bridge is on their side, so they might get crushed by accident when the bridge lifts, but it's not like I can't just put more in there if they all get crushed.

Opal 25
I have engraved the entire dining hall, increasing it's value threefold, and giving more happy thoughts to all who dine within!
Another achievement to add to the books!

Yet another half-month passed without note. The constant stream of undead is making doing things harder, especially in regards to completing Operation Winning Suika Fortress. But progress has been made, slowly but surely!

Obsidian 15
As if to congratulate my success, the Kappas have arrived with their caravans with their wagons, testing out my new path.
 A rousing success!

Obsidian 18
PirateX had a harrowing journey in the outdoors, in the name of Operation Winning Suika Fortress!
But he heroically came back, alebit injured. Somebody give him the finest treatment this fort has to offer! Stat!

Obsidian 20
Those biokurris are going to RUIN my operation if they get inside! This cannot be happening now, of all times! Blast those invaders!

Obsidian 21
I cannot allow this! The biokurris will not jeopardize my Operation!
I will complete this operation, even if it means DOING IT MYSELF!


Obsidian 22
I have made it to the final stage of my operation! Enemies close in on all sides! But I will do this! NOTHING CAN STOP ME! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!








Obsidian 24

The biokurris went to my Trader Entrance after killing the undead themselves! I will be avenged!

Totaku, hearing my final cry, has rushed out to complete the wall!
Totaku, you must... avenge me! Use this completed wall.... to conquer.... the surface.........

Obsidian 26
Totaku, hearing my last wish, has taken vengeance on the first of many.

Starting with the blasted biokurris responsible for my death.

The biokurris will be the ones to test out the FULL POWER of my atom-smashing might.


Obsidian 29
To coincide with my plans, a bridge has been built along the walls of the outside area I have conquered on this year. This is only the beginning, however. I hope my future successors will use the gift of this outside land wisely, and build a mighty castle over my remains!

(although naturally I immediately respawned in another suika)

Granite 1
And so spring has arrived. My next player should have a much easier time with my improvements  to our fortress, or at least less mishaps.



About all I can think of! Don't make my sacrifice in vain! TAKE VENGEANCE!

I'm too lazy to post the save atm, but I will once I take a nice, long nap.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 113
Post by: NekoNekoRex on October 05, 2012, 10:38:40 PM
Nyawn, here's a save, nyo
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 114 (Abandoned?)
Post by: Totaku on October 08, 2012, 05:12:30 AM
Scruffy took his turn... and well.... see for yourself....

Quote from: Scruffy
Ok, this is one of the most confusing forts I have played (and I have played drunken fortress) so I will need a moment to get oriented.
I got a good idea for the magma/water thingie but I doubt that I will have enough suikas to finish it in time.

Wait, our workshops and staircases are directly connected to the magmasea? Uh, oh. That might cause trouble since my Nitori's challenge idea involves the "down below"


17th Granite
-Began massmanufactoring floodgates, mechanisms and other gizmos needed for Nitori's little request.
Falling water+magma=obsidian. Obsidian + critters bothering our candy miners? Science!
-Another forgotten beast.
-Fort seems stable so concentrating on the project.

24th Granite
-Crud. Ran into semi-molten rock. I have to move the whole project. Had to spend plenty of time on redesigning. Have to build more plumbing to get enough magma and water to the new position

15th Slade
-Some migrants arrived yet picked a bad place to arrive on the map. Poor Suikas died before reaching the gates

15th Felsite
- a Parsee caravan arrived. Those atomsmashers in the depot passage proved usefull again.
- Some random zombies oni were pestering the sleeping suikas. Oh, and I think that one ate Aaron111.
- Raikaria widrew from the society and ran outside.

25th Felsite
-Burrowed everyone and closed the gates. Too many suikas were wandering outside and getting devoured.
-Scotty, Raikaria, HighZealot and some others were found dead. Seems like some undead got inside. A darn building destroyer destroyed the doors on a room containing a few zombies.

3rd hematite
-I got it contained but lost many of the named suika

5th hematite
-scratch that. The militia bled to death and starting causing trouble. The staicase can't even be sealed because of the fort's design.

12th Hematite
-only a handful of suikas are left. The fort will fall again.

17th Hematite
-The only survivor is an engraver that got stuck outside. The gate is closed so he can't get back inside. Abandoned.

Do you suppose I should savescum? I didn't get past the early summer and it would be somewhat hard to reclaim and I suppose that I could keep the fort alive.
So, I would like to redo it if possible. I will post the save tomorrow.

I'm going to post my responds to this in a bit... because what happened here pretty much set up something that I must do now... please wait warmly for the next post....
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 114 (Abandoned?)
Post by: NekoNekoRex on October 08, 2012, 07:47:21 AM

I just went through all that trouble of making the fort impenetrable and you ruin it on one season

Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns (BAD END)
Post by: Totaku on October 08, 2012, 10:02:53 AM
Let me give you the run down.... because of the fact Scruffy abandoned the fort. This automatically counts against one of Yukari's request. The one which you have to survive the fort for 20 years without an incident of everyone's death or abandonment.

Because Yukari's request is part of the "Core" request that you have to accomplish through the whole game, it has a rather huge % rate. Therefore failing it knocks you down a peg instantly in the ending rank.

There was three endings I deviced up for the game....

1. The Best End which requires you to complete 90% or more of the request.

2. The Normal end which requires you to have above 75% but are below 90%...

And then... there's this...

The Hakurei Shrine, home of the famous shrine maiden Reimu Hakurei. Recently Reimu had a number of visitors come over to the shrine because of a game Suika was playing that seem to grab the attention of everyone that passby. Humans, youkais, hermits were all visitiing, but sadly Suika could not perform her tasks that she was given by Yukari and the others all that well and in the end the Fortress she attempted to build came to a crashing end...

Everyone was a bit disappointed by Suika's performance as it seemed mediocre even the standards of an oni and Reimu was at her wits end seeing all the freeloaders that were hanging around her shrine for no reason...
"OK you guys, you had you're fun! The shows over! I want everyone out of the Shrine right now!" Reimu shouted as she kicked the table that contained the game with all the tiny inhabitants within.

Yukari closes the gap on the table to seal up the world  just as the table lands on the ground upside down.

"You heard me everyone! Get going!" Reimu shouted as she waved her arms in the air....

Soon everyone at the shrine got up from where they were sitting and started to leave... except for Reimu, Yukari and Suika...

"Why are you still here?!" Reimu said as she glared at the two youkai...
"Well, you see Reimu, we were hoping that by playing a simple game as we waited for you to come back we would have a little get together once more like old times. Things have changed here in Gensokyo in the last few years since the new religion groups started to show up..." Yukari explained.

"Yeah, well at least I didn't have to deal with annoying youkai that tried to make a scene out of things. I just had to deal with the region groups and thier conflicts. They aren't as annoying as some youkai I've known..."

"Surely you don't mean us do you? We use to have quite a conversation back in the days. I was hoping we could continue the trend like we use to."

"Yeah we're sorry Reimu..."  Suika said drunkenly.

"Well as much as I would like to take a nostalgia trip back to the past, I cannot bother. You two are really pushing the envelop with your little game and I got little to no donations from the whole thing! Yukari, if Suika can't be more impressive than this, I have no reason to have her come here and play this little game of hers!" Reimu explained as she pointed at the two youkai.

"I'm certain she can improve, it's just she's rather... rusty."

"Well how about I give you and the oni a running start in your training then? You've been stalling me for too long! GET OUT!"
Reimu whips out her gohei and yin-yang orbs and begins to chase after the two youkai as they flee...

"Suika.... I'll be honest with you about one thing..."

"What's that Yukari?"

"You really aren't much of an oni as you use to be, you really are need to work on your skills, your kind would see you as an embarrassment ..."

Suika Fortress Ending No.3 BAD END
As an oni, you are an embarrassment to your own kind! There's no way they let challenge fail this badly!
Next year, try working as a team to complete 75% of the request given to you without failing too many of them.

And there you have it folks! That's the ending you got as an end result of failing too many events, not working together as a team and dying to top it all off.

But while I'm at it I'm going to reveal to you all the request you had and we're going to face if you did make it to show you just how challenging this was...

Yukari's Requests
Survival of the Fittist: Keep the fort going for 20 years and don't let your fort die off! FAILED! 15%

The Suika Kingdom: Establish a full fledged Kingdom complete with a king by the end of 20 years! 10%
The Busy world of the Suika: Survive with at least 150 Suika by the end of the 20 year period! 10%
Fight like a proper Suika!: Handle all battle  and training without using rapid training devices like danger rooms to train your Suikas. FAILED! 10%

Marisa's request
We the Founders:Keep the Founders alive at all cost! Do not let them die (exception is old age of course) FAILED! 2.5%
Proper respect of your fellow founding Suika: Bury your founding Suikas in a proper burial site) Condition must be completed before next spring SUCCESS 2.5% repair to We the Founder's Quest.
It takes a thief...: Capture an Inaba or Yukkudaiyousei thief... ALIVE! FAILED! 2.5%
Surface housing:Build an basic above ground fort establishment in which the migrants and caravan from above ground can easily enter into to reach thier destination inside the fort. FAILED! 1%

Alice's request
Tidy management: Create a storage room and store 90% of your belonging you own, trade, or taken within bins, pots or any other storage device! SUCCESS! 1%

Sakuya's request
Adequate dining: Build a dining room consisting of 50-70 tables and chairs SUCCESS! 1%

Remilia's Request
Vampire luxuries:Put your vampire in a room more suitable for his nobility. The room must be of "Grand Quality" SUCCESS 2% (3% bonus if vampire was of royalty [he wasn't]

Seiga's Request
Undead labor workforce union You need at least 40 zombie animated and put into use in some beneficial way inside the fortress (like the undead shooting range rex made) 2.5%

Nitori's Request
Oni Engineering! make a unique water pumping system and a magma pumping system. Afterwards, use the said systems to come up with creative devices, traps, farming, waterfalls, ect. 2.5%

Now for the one's you never got to...

Sanae's Request
Bringing Miracles the Cursed Lands: Clean out the undead from the surface! Get rid reduce the zombie population down to 20 on the surface (I was going to go count them to) 2.5%

Youmu's Request
Master of combat!- Make a markssuika and a melee suika both at a professional level on the weapon they use and make them the leaders of your army. 2.5%

Yuyuko's Request
Emergency Food Supply: Make enough food that it is triple the amount of the present population 1%

Yuugi's Request
A Suika without her horns...: Create a magma bathing chamber for the exiled Suikas that have lost thier horns. For they are not one of them! 2.5% (2.5% bonus if a Suika did lose both her horns and you use the device to burn her alive)

Koishi's Request
Can you see me sis?: Create a picture of a heart with the eye on the surface so Satori can see it and realize her sister is nearby. 1%

Orin's Request
Corpse fuel: Deliver dead bodies to the magma chamber to be burned and destoied entirely 2%

Utsuho's Request
Onsen time!: Create a natural hot spring consisting of if 4/7 water and below the ground by one z level  7/7 magma. 2.5% (no I didn't expect you to use it, I think it would kill you if you did. :P)

Futo's Request:
Fire Starter Set the surfaces ablaze with fire to rid of Futo's fears. 1%

Miko's Request
A place fit for a King: Create all the living establish for you're recent noble of royality and use the most valuable metals (minus adanamtine) to make hit room (This includes chairs, tables, walls and floors!) 2.5%

Kasen's request
Wildlife Preserve Remove all undead that you encounter entirely (including those from Seiga's quest) and capture and tame wild animals. Attempt to at least 6 different kinds and get them to repopulate. 2.5%

Komachi's Request
River crossing: Create an artificial moat/ river that spans 18 squares in length. 2%

Byakuren's Request
Peace among different races: Maintain a peaceful relation with all those you can maintain piece with for the remainder of the game 2%

Murasa's Request
Sink to the depth - Create a water pit that sinks to the 6-8 z levels  and cannot be escaped from. 2%

Shou's Request:
 Valuable artifacts Make an artifact that values at 100,000 Suika bucks 2.5%

Tenshi's Request
Tower to the heavens Build a tower that reaches to the highest z level. 2.5%

Reimu's Challenge: AKA Final boss challenge
Tonight, we dine in hell!: Breach Candyland, kill the clowns, and build a dining room in the depth of candyland itself! 10%

Together the points should tally to 100% if all are completed. And a bonus if you managed to do some extra stuff in some.

So now where's does this let us stand....

Pretty much the official game is pretty much over. But I'm generous enough to let you all have fun with it if you want.

Here's what I want to ask you...

Would you be interested in continuing Y/N

If you continue...

All request will be removed and marked null and void.

Game will still end at year 126.

You will have absolute freedom without the rules hassling you.

Other than that well, can't say much since it will be just be a standard succession game. So nothing special. Just make it to the end (if possible)

I'll let you all decide on this and if the majority agree, we will let Scuffy have a second chance to redo his turn. But only the players can make this call.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns: (BAD END)
Post by: NekoNekoRex on October 08, 2012, 10:33:01 AM
continue? y/n
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns: (BAD END)
Post by: Nuserame on October 08, 2012, 10:58:04 AM
Weeeell, that all went downhill quickly. Think we gave it a run for its money though, credit to Nekorex for getting it back on its feet.

And I like the effort put into the story and challenges! Wish we coulda gotten to more of it, and will be waiting for whatever comes next.

In the mean time I see no harm in continuing the current fort. Continue? Y
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns: (BAD END)
Post by: highzealot on October 08, 2012, 04:56:21 PM
Continue? Y/N

Now we shall create our own story. One not related to the happenings in Gensokyo. One completely decided by the players. ROLEPLAYING FOR THE ROLEPLAYING GOD! STORIES FOR THE STORY THRONE! LET THE GALAXY READ!!! Who knows, maybe we'll end with something like Headshoots or Syrupleaf.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns: (BAD END)
Post by: Wymar on October 08, 2012, 05:07:40 PM
Now we shall create our own story. One not related to the happenings in Gensokyo. One completely decided by the players. ROLEPLAYING FOR THE ROLEPLAYING GOD! STORIES FOR THE STORY THRONE! LET THE GALAXY READ!!! Who knows, maybe we'll end with something like Headshoots or Syrupleaf.
Oh noooo!!!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns: (BAD END)
Post by: Totaku on October 09, 2012, 01:31:58 PM
Ok I've tallied the votes right now 4 Ys right now, I need at least one more player interested to move this onward.

I'm in the middle of deciding if the remainder of this game will be held over at Bay 12,  since the official game is over. I think what I will be doing is going over the post and updating the history of the story to the time of abandonment.

Afterward have the official part over at MotK's RPG section (because it's a community game project, just on a larger scale) and probably going to have everyone play the rest from here since everyone who remained have a Bay 12 account.

Other than that, I will probably be starting work on Suika Fortress modding again since the game is over and we're now about to enter free mode. (If one more Y is given)

Hopfully by next year, we will be able to work as a team and maybe this time we'll gun for a good ending. XD Cause so far everything I did worked out well.

I just hope that next time, I get to show off more of the story. But oh well, we lost (before the half way point in fact), so it can't be avoided.

Anyways looking to see if others want to continue this...
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns: (BAD END)
Post by: Wymar on October 09, 2012, 02:03:45 PM
ᴎ/λ ?ǝnu!ʇuoↃ
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns: (BAD END)
Post by: NekoNekoRex on October 09, 2012, 03:38:39 PM
I'm temp-banned from Rumia's Party Games so I'd purrfur to be able to see it continue on Bay12 in any event
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns: (BAD END)
Post by: Wymar on October 09, 2012, 10:34:15 PM
Well Tot declared the game dead in the mod's development thread, but I doubt that he noticed my vote by that point.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns: (BAD END)
Post by: Totaku on October 10, 2012, 05:21:10 AM
Well Tot declared the game dead in the mod's development thread, but I doubt that he noticed my vote by that point.

I think you should of read again what I said in Suika Fortress mod thread...
The Offical game is over. The entire game itself on the other hand isn't. See when I restart the game on free mode. There will not be a story line or anything of the like. Just surviving till 126. Everything I put into the story mode will be anabandoned since we all have failed already at surviving.

The game will continue as planned over at Bay 12 since there is enough votes. Course my current debate will be if I will participate in it here on out. I got a lot on my plate as is now. I just plan to talk to the MotK staff to see if this game can be moved back to RPG to be archived since the official game is over. ( I mean it's not going to do much here except auto lock after 15 days of inactivity.) I just need to sort out the history like I mentioned earlier.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns: (BAD END)
Post by: Totaku on October 17, 2012, 07:11:53 AM
OK, I've finally finished archiving the history of the events that played out in the official game!

With this the official game is done, since there was a bit of lack of communication here. I can safely say that the players that remained here are also bay 12 players too. So I've decided to put the game in "Free Mode" in which it'll continue where it left off, but without any storyline to it like it had before hand.

Because of this, I'm going to see if Pesco can archive the official game in MSF, since all the other games that were played here were archived there as well.

If anyone wants to see if anything results from free mode, you're all welcome to go to the bay12 thread for the remainder of it's life. (Assuming it'll pick up that is)

Note: This thread of the game will be archived on the 22nd, so if there are any final words regarding the official game, please feel free to say something about it now.

As usual, thanks for you're participation in this year's Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge. Hopefully by next year I'll have plenty more FUN in store for you...

Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns: (BAD END)
Post by: Wymar on October 17, 2012, 12:26:48 PM
So yeah I've allocated any potential DF time to editing the wiki thing, so I'm probably kinda out.