Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Rika and Nitori's Garage Experiments => Topic started by: Blargel on March 04, 2012, 03:08:53 AM

Title: BulletForge news (Latest: New user registration disabled)
Post by: Blargel on March 04, 2012, 03:08:53 AM
What is it?

BulletForge ( is an alternative to other big filehosting sites for hosting your scripts. It's completely free and has no ads so upload scripts to your heart's content.
If you have any suggestions or problems, please post in this thread or contact me in the #danmakufu channel on (webchat ( Thanks.

Latest News

June 4, 2016
New user registration has been disabled until I find the time to handle user registration better. In the meantime, I've also lifted all IP bans since I'm not sure how many that I blocked were dynamic IPs anyways.

April 15, 2016
It finally happened. Ip blocking is implemented. Because some people just like to push their luck too far.

January, 7, 2016
The report button is not being used how I expected it to be used so I removed it. I only care if someone uses BulletForge to host something that is not a Danmakufu script. If you see something like that, you can let me know in this thread or on IRC in the #danmakufu channel on ppirc.

December 1, 2015
As requested, I've added the Library and Shot Definition categories. You should be able to search by those categories in the advanced search and select them as a category when making new projects.

November 11, 2015
I found a bug in my code that deleted certain downloads unexpectedly under very specific and rare circumstances. This bug has been fixed, but the missing files need to be replaced. If you have a copy of any of the missing scripts, please PM me. The list of affected projects is here (,12207.msg1221316.html#msg1221316).

July 23, 2015
I need to upgrade my plan for Heroku from free to 9$/month within the next 7 days if I want to keep running it because there are now too many projects. I can try to hold this off by removing some features that I think were stupid ideas and then cleaning up the database, but I should probably let everyone know about that first.

January 12, 2015
I'm going to be monitoring all unlisted projects (and probably all projects in general) every weekend from now on. If I catch you storing something you shouldn't be on here, your account is going to be deleted immediately.

August 14, 2014
Heroku is disabling old * domains on September 22nd, 2014 which are being replaced with * Any old links you have that used the domain need to be changed to point to

June 11, 2014
Heroku, my webhost, is going to move BulletForge onto their new router on June 18. There should be no issues.

May 21, 2013
Search engines should no longer be indexing unlisted projects. Sorting by updated date is now possible and the default if you're not sorting by anything.
The pages won't be immediately removed from search engines until their bots go through the site again. That can take anywhere from a week to a month.

February 26, 2013
I received a complaint from Lavalake that he and Qwertyzxcv were registered on BulletForge by someone else, causing their names to be taken already when they tried to register for real. Whoever is doing this, please stop. I do track IPs so don't make me go looking for who it really is.

EDIT: This is the first news post for this thread.

Short version: The domain expired and I can't get it back immediately.

Long version: My brother was the owner of the domain and he wanted me to pay for it after the first year was up. However, after it expired, there's a waiting period of some sort where his account could renew it before it goes on sale again. His phone was off when I tried to contact him earlier so I sent an email. Hopefully, he can just delete the domain and I can buy it immediately afterwards.

Update 3/6/2012: I've seen my brother in person two times and told him both times to delete the domain. He still hasn't done anything. :|
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: fondue on March 04, 2012, 09:33:52 AM
Very good luck, Blargel-san.
Can't wait to download some PH3 scripts :3
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on March 09, 2012, 08:38:20 PM
Godaddy is ridiculous and I cannot claim the name until next year. Until then, please use
I'm really sorry about this, especially because any links you used to have will be redirected to that godaddy landing page.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on March 14, 2012, 04:25:43 PM
Repurposing this thread as a general BulletForge news thread so I don't have to keep making a new thread every time.

I'm starting to work on BulletForge again so expect some changes in the near future. At the moment, I'm working on adding a drop down to select if your script is for 0.12m or ph3. When it's implemented, all existing projects will automatically be defaulted to 0.12m.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: fondue on March 14, 2012, 05:02:47 PM
I'm really sorry about this, especially because any links you used to have will be redirected to that godaddy landing page.
It's not your fault. But i cant belive why you have to wait until 2013
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Drake on March 14, 2012, 08:25:18 PM
why are you using godaddy D:
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on March 14, 2012, 11:48:36 PM
My brother was using GoDaddy. It expired and I was going to register it under NameCheap instead but GoDaddy decided to camp it like a jackass.

Feature update:
You can reach this page by the not very shiny but new Advanced Search button under the search bar now. Searching with that might be a little slow. I don't have an indexed full text search and adding that capability would cost me around 14 bucks a month, so we're sticking with creative sql statements. Yes, that's bad, I know.

...Someday that design will improve.

EDIT: Oh, I also made the searches case insensitive. They were case sensitive before, which would give completely different results when searching "reimu" versus searching "Reimu"
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on March 22, 2012, 11:38:23 PM
Oh god, I'm working on a new design (

But it actually looks decent. Yay.

EDIT: Surprise! We have a design. Go check it out. (
You can expect a few more changes in the forms and some more obscure places people don't really use some time in the future.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on April 20, 2012, 11:24:30 PM
I added the ability to keep projects unlisted as requested by Trickysticks.
Unlisted projects don't show up on the front page or in search pages, similar to YouTube's unlisted videos.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on June 28, 2012, 11:59:08 AM
The old domain is back. If you were too lazy to update your links to point at before, the links should be working again.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: fondue on June 28, 2012, 12:07:04 PM
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on February 26, 2013, 11:05:07 AM
I received a complaint from Lavalake that he and Qwertyzxcv were registered on BulletForge by someone else, causing their names to be taken already when they tried to register for real. Whoever is doing this, please stop. Even if you had the good intentions to just add projects under the proper name, you are preventing the actual owners from managing their own projects under their own real name. If I receive more complaints about this, I will IP ban the person (or people) responsible. In the meantime, Lavalake and Qwertyzxcv, I deleted your accounts, both your own and the fake ones. Please re-register with your correct name as quickly as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.

EDIT: Also, Hele, can you put a link to this thread in the information thread for easier access?
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Helepolis on February 26, 2013, 12:13:30 PM
Added to information thread.

I still need to reserve time to restructure it.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Ozzy on February 26, 2013, 12:23:46 PM
I'm also been under the impression for a while that there are multiple bulletforge accounts belonging to the same person. While I have no concrete proof, I do have my suspicions. I suspect that the multiple accounts are being used to spam downvotes on particular scripts. I have no idea if this is by the same person who stole Qwertyzxcv and Lavalake's usernames but I'm just throwing this out there.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Helepolis on February 26, 2013, 01:03:45 PM
Suspicions won't do us any good, let us not go down the road of accusations without solid proof. Either we can hope the person admits and apologises correctly so we can get over this childish issue.

Either way it is extremely rude. First plagiarism issues and now identity fraud? It is a good thing I have time again to roam RikaNitori more actively.

Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Ozzy on February 26, 2013, 01:13:05 PM
Suspicions won't do us any good, let us not go down the road of accusations without solid proof.
I know, I was just bringing it to the attention of other people so that they can perhaps be on the lookout. I wasn't trying to accuse anyone.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: PhantomSong on February 28, 2013, 10:51:12 PM
Phantom Səng is an impersonation of me, but I don't want to press any charges against the person... They had good intentions.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on March 01, 2013, 12:55:26 AM
Removed Phantom Səng's account. His comments on real Phantom Song's projects auto delete when I do that so I removed the whole conversation between the two to prevent it from looking like Phantom Song was having a conversation with nonexistant comments.

EDIT: Added ability for administrators (aka, only me) to delete accounts from the website instead of editing the god damn database every time. Comments written by deleted accounts will no longer auto delete and instead be attributed to "Deleted User" with no link to that user.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on May 18, 2013, 03:17:03 PM
OK. So I have a few suggestions for BulletForge.

Firstly, would it be possible for unlisted projects to NOT be searchable on Google? Apparently, unlisted projects can be searched up on Google.
Secondly, would it be possible for updated projects to get bumped to the top of the browse list? I realize that it's probably selfish of me, but nobody ever looks past the first page in the browse column (unless they're looking specifically for something). Doing this would make it easier for scripters who update their scripts to gain publicity for the newer versions (and it will also freshen up BulletForge's activity ratings, I think).

Doing the first is just a minor thing that would actually make unlisted projects unlisted. The second is more for personal reasons.

Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on May 21, 2013, 09:09:26 PM
I'll see what I can do about the unlisted projects. I thought I had already fixed that but apparently not.
The second suggestion is easy enough too.

EDIT: And done. Search engines won't update immediately and can take anywhere from a week to a month to remove the pages that they already indexed.

EDIT: There was a stupid bug where downloading a script would cause it to "update" the download counter, thereby changing the updated_at time stamp and pushing the project to the top of the recently updated list. It's fixed now, but the damage that was done while the bug was in effect can't be fixed. Sorry. :/
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on May 22, 2013, 10:29:33 PM
Oh yeah. Forgot.

I know that you've been doing a lot of stuff thanks to my nagging, but could you implement a method to replace uploaded scripts?
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on May 23, 2013, 01:58:05 AM
Delete the version and remake it? :V
I'm thinking I should just remove versions entirely but the database clean up would be messy afterwards...
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on May 23, 2013, 02:08:36 AM
Delete the version and remake it? :V
I'm thinking I should just remove versions entirely but the database clean up would be messy afterwards...

Oh yeah, and FYI, the last updated isn't showing the last updated projects. It's showing last downloaded. Still. (not complaining)

Also, would it be possible to display more entries at once? If I go to my projects page, only like 5 show. Same with versions (I nearly forgot that my old DDD uploads were still on BulletForge).

Sorry if I'm blasting too many complicated requests at once.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Ozzy on May 23, 2013, 02:11:56 AM
Is it really necessary to allow the hosting of old versions of scripts? I mean, why would anyone look specifically for an older version of something that has newer versions available? I think that it would be fine if that capability were removed to save space. Perhaps a system where when you upload a new version, the previous versions are deleted.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Helepolis on May 23, 2013, 09:34:53 AM
Good point Ozzy raises. If the script is exactly the same, but improved due to version change then I don't see a reason either to clutter bulleforge with bugged/faulty scripts.

But this cannot be complete stopped since it is a scriptwriter's discipline as well. If you keep spamming updates for every little bullet/function change (which I see a lot because the same threads are always bumped to top) then logically we're going to run into problems like these. Maybe we can encourage people to thoroughly workout their scripts before uploading. Logically singular scripts or simple plural bosses are exceptional, since those are mini-projects. I am more like talking about examples such as: "Player Script <Girlname>" version 0.1  0.2  0.3  0.4 0.41  0.411a 0.411abc (you get the idea)

While it cannot be forced, people should learn to release things once they are completed (a 1.0 version at least). Releasing a fixed release due to critical bugs or discovered issues is very common and falls under "patching". I am seriously raising my eye brows in confusion every time I see a thread being bumped for micro changes. Then again, it isn't illegal or against the rules particular. Just not classy. And I don't want to force dumb rules people should follow. RikaNitori has to stay a flexible and relaxed place and not constrained by guidelines.

I would like to raise people's attention by pointing out this discussion.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on May 23, 2013, 06:33:53 PM
Is it really necessary to allow the hosting of old versions of scripts? I mean, why would anyone look specifically for an older version of something that has newer versions available? I think that it would be fine if that capability were removed to save space. Perhaps a system where when you upload a new version, the previous versions are deleted.
I'm thinking I should just remove versions entirely but the database clean up would be messy afterwards...

It's a bigger endeavor than it sounds. Data clean up is a huge pain when the structure of the data changes so much. It's something I have been thinking about for a while (along with removing votes and comments because who the hell cares?)

Microupdating stuff
That's not something that can be easily enforced, unfortunately

Oh yeah, and FYI, the last updated isn't showing the last updated projects. It's showing last downloaded. Still. (not complaining)
EDIT: There was a stupid bug where downloading a script would cause it to "update" the download counter, thereby changing the updated_at time stamp and pushing the project to the top of the recently updated list. It's fixed now, but the damage that was done while the bug was in effect can't be fixed. Sorry. :/

Also, would it be possible to display more entries at once? If I go to my projects page, only like 5 show. Same with versions (I nearly forgot that my old DDD uploads were still on BulletForge).
There's a "show more projects" link somewhere on your page that'll take you here:
I should probably make it more obvious.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on June 12, 2014, 07:43:44 AM
My webhost is moving Bulletforge onto an improved HTTP router ( on June 18. There probably won't be any problems, but if anyone notices anything, please let me know so I can report it to them as well.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on August 15, 2014, 01:13:23 AM
On September 22nd 2014, Heroku is disabling old * domains to be replaced with their new * This means that if you have any links to because of the time when the domain was down, you should update them to point to instead. Regular usage of bulletforge should be unaffected.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Uruwi on January 06, 2015, 10:23:42 PM
You're not storing passwords in plain text, are you?
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on January 06, 2015, 10:32:22 PM
You're not storing passwords in plain text, are you?

Regardless, your password should be unique.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on January 07, 2015, 01:38:09 AM
Standard password salting and hashing. I have no idea what your passwords are.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on January 13, 2015, 12:39:25 AM
A while back, I implemented unlisted projects and then fixed an issue where search engines were still able to find the unlisted project. Shortly after I made this feature, I knew that it was possible store whatever the hell you wanted and then unlist it so that no one could ever find it. Today, I made it possible for admins (me, lol) to view all unlisted projects for review and promptly discovered that someone uploaded a project called "Hatate's Hentai". Luckily, it is actually a legitimate Danmakufu script and NOT hentai, but it made me realize that I really should keep an eye on this. As such, I'm going to go through all unlisted projects this weekend and all following weekends. If you have something that you shouldn't have, delete it now yourself. If I catch anyone storing shit that shouldn't be there, I'm deleting the entire account without any further warning. I'm not going to host dumb shit for free.

In lighter news, someone brought to my attention that the advanced search functionality is not obvious enough to a brand new user. I will be making some changes soon remedy this (I didn't forget, I promise :3 ). The change will likely involve renaming the /projects page into the /search page since it makes it easier for me code-wise, so that's an early warning for people who may have links or bookmarks to the /projects page.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on July 23, 2015, 05:52:44 PM
There is now enough content on BulletForge that I am no longer able to keep it all or else I'll have to pay an extra 9 dollars a month. 9 dollars a month isn't that big of a deal, but this problem also arose because of some really bad design decisions I made. Before I start paying extra, I'd like to fix the stupid ideas I had first. As such, I'm going to remove some features that I think are completely unnecessary. Here's a list of stuff that I'll be getting rid of in the next 7 days.

Multiple versions per project - This was an awful idea and the biggest offender in general for database space. It was something that some other site was doing but it doesn't quite work for Danmakufu scripts. Projects and versions will now be merged into one entity and reuploading files without creating a new version will be allowed.
Win/fail voting - For a while now, I knew some people were spamming votes with multiple accounts since I had no account restrictions. The resulting score isn't very representative of the script's actual quality.
Comments on user pages - This isn't exactly a very used feature and with the lack of notifications (no I'm not going to build notifications), comments tend to be ignored anyway. I'll be keeping comments on the project pages though.

Before I go through with this, I'd like to know what everyone else thinks, and perhaps if there are any suggestions on what else may need changes or if I shouldn't get rid of some things. I'll likely begin working on these changes over the weekend so if there's any other concerns about BulletForge, please voice them now. Feature requests will most likely be refused though, since I'm trying to decrease database usage, not increase it.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Uruwi on July 23, 2015, 06:49:35 PM
There is now enough content on BulletForge that I am no longer able to keep it all or else I'll have to pay an extra 9 dollars a month. 9 dollars a month isn't that big of a deal, but this problem also arose because of some really bad design decisions I made. Before I start paying extra, I'd like to fix the stupid ideas I had first. As such, I'm going to remove some features that I think are completely unnecessary. Here's a list of stuff that I'll be getting rid of in the next 7 days.

Multiple versions per project - This was an awful idea and the biggest offender in general for database space. It was something that some other site was doing but it doesn't quite work for Danmakufu scripts. Projects and versions will now be merged into one entity and reuploading files without creating a new version will be allowed.
Win/fail voting - For a while now, I knew some people were spamming votes with multiple accounts since I had no account restrictions. The resulting score isn't very representative of the script's actual quality.
Comments on user pages - This isn't exactly a very used feature and with the lack of notifications (no I'm not going to build notifications), comments tend to be ignored anyway. I'll be keeping comments on the project pages though.

Before I go through with this, I'd like to know what everyone else thinks, and perhaps if there are any suggestions on what else may need changes or if I shouldn't get rid of some things. I'll likely begin working on these changes over the weekend so if there's any other concerns about BulletForge, please voice them now. Feature requests will most likely be refused though, since I'm trying to decrease database usage, not increase it.

Comments in general aren't very useful due to the lack of notifications. Maybe you can get rid of comments altogether.

You can also allow projects to keep only the n latest versions of themselves, though I'm not sure how much storage this would require.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on July 23, 2015, 07:56:32 PM
I agree with Fluffy on versions. Personally, I believe the limit should be 3 versions. This prevents people from keeping too many versions while also allowing for backups in case something went horribly wrong.

Additionally, if possible, it may do wonders to purge all unlisted scripts with less than 10 downloads made before 2014. There's a high chance that these versions are no longer in use and may have been replaced, or were never meant for public distribution and never actually got used.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on July 23, 2015, 08:20:29 PM
You can also allow projects to keep only the n latest versions of themselves, though I'm not sure how much storage this would require.
I agree with Fluffy on versions. Personally, I believe the limit should be 3 versions. This prevents people from keeping too many versions while also allowing for backups in case something went horribly wrong.
So the problem with database usage is that my host counts by rows of data, rather than actual size of the data. Currently a project is one row of data and a version is another row of data. A project with only one version still counts as two rows. A project with 3 versions is 4 rows. By removing versioning and merging the data together, I will be cutting the rows used by projects by more than half. I'll also be storing less on the filehost which is starting to cost me more and more money too.

Also, the biggest problem I personally have with versions is... it's written like a piece of shit. I hate looking at the code for it, lol.

Comments in general aren't very useful due to the lack of notifications. Maybe you can get rid of comments altogether.
If no one cares about comments, I'll remove them completely. It does seem pointless when most of the feedback probably happens on these forums anyway. Or Skype groups.

Additionally, if possible, it may do wonders to purge all unlisted scripts with less than 10 downloads made before 2014. There's a high chance that these versions are no longer in use and may have been replaced, or were never meant for public distribution and never actually got used.
I'm not going to do any purge because I can't know for sure if something is truly unneeded anymore. And I'm sure as hell not emailing everyone that it might affect about it.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Ozzy on July 24, 2015, 02:57:06 AM
I don't believe there is any real reason to have any versions other than the latest available. I can see very few times where it would ever be desirable to play a version of a script that ISNT its latest iteration. I think the version number should be kept as a descriptor for the project, but only as such. That way instead of writing "Update #1", "Update #2", etc. in the description someone would just be able to look at the version number and see that it has changed.

I agree with Fluffy on versions. Personally, I believe the limit should be 3 versions. This prevents people from keeping too many versions while also allowing for backups in case something went horribly wrong.
Bulletforge shouldn't be used as someone's backup in case they screw something up. It should be meant for finished or nearly finished projects. They can use their own backup system or file storage service for that.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Drake on July 24, 2015, 04:03:06 AM
Github max individual file size is 100MB; much more than most images and music people should be using for even full projects. Using git as version control for personal projects even without hosting on Github is a good idea.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on July 24, 2015, 04:23:57 AM
Heh, maybe everyone should just use Github. It's a hell of a lot prettier and more flexible than the shit I'm running now. This isn't even sarcasm, lol. How well does Git work on Windows nowadays anyway? It was absolutely awful when I first made BulletForge.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Uruwi on July 24, 2015, 06:35:02 AM
Heh, maybe everyone should just use Github. It's a hell of a lot prettier and more flexible than the shit I'm running now. This isn't even sarcasm, lol. How well does Git work on Windows nowadays anyway? It was absolutely awful when I first made BulletForge.

Pretty well; I can at least do basic stuff on the command line, and more advanced stuff should work. And I'm using a version that I downloaded when I made my first Github repository.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Ozzy on July 24, 2015, 01:24:37 PM
Heh, maybe everyone should just use Github. It's a hell of a lot prettier and more flexible than the shit I'm running now. This isn't even sarcasm, lol. How well does Git work on Windows nowadays anyway? It was absolutely awful when I first made BulletForge.
I use it to house test versions of my game, Ephemeral Unnatural Balance. I actually use the desktop app to run it rather than the command line and it works just fine for my purposes. I'll still publish the game on Bulletforge when it's ready though. I don't think Github is a replacement for Bulletforge as a lot of people I talk to don't really get how to use it.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on July 25, 2015, 12:36:57 AM
Yeah. git is not easy to understand for those without some training and Github itself is Open-Source, which means that any assets such as music files and custom graphics are given a full and irrevocable public showing. Additionally, there are repo size limits, and if you're the type that replaces music files all the time or keeps duplicate tracks, the overall size of a project balloons quickly and gets out of control.

That said, git is amazing if you know how to use it. Which most scripters unfortunately do not. And on Windows, Github is... less manageable than the Unix command line git.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on July 27, 2015, 03:34:40 AM
At midnight tonight (PST), I'm going to put the site on maintenance mode and remove comments and voting. Removing versions will come next weekend.

EDIT: Maintenance complete. I browsed around a bit and everything seems fine, but please report any issues if you do run into any.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on July 27, 2015, 02:05:44 PM
Front Page: Most Downloaded and Latest columns seem to have different widths. Is this intentional?

Also, when you remove versions, please make sure there is a way to keep the description text somewhere so that it's not lost by accident. I ask this because if I were to create a new version without having copied the version text, and the old version is automatically purged, the description text for the old version will not be recoverable.

And I'm going to be an a** and request a feature (a checkbox option) that will render the description box for a project using Markdown :)
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on July 27, 2015, 04:35:21 PM
Front Page: Most Downloaded and Latest columns seem to have different widths. Is this intentional?
They're the same size. They look different because the left column's text doesn't go all the way to the end.

Also, when you remove versions, please make sure there is a way to keep the description text somewhere so that it's not lost by accident. I ask this because if I were to create a new version without having copied the version text, and the old version is automatically purged, the description text for the old version will not be recoverable.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this, but there aren't going to be versions anymore. If you have a new version, you would just upload a replacement file and edit the description and version number.

And I'm going to be an a** and request a feature (a checkbox option) that will render the description box for a project using Markdown :)
I'm sure there's some library I can use for that, but I'll worry about that AFTER I get the other stuff done.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on July 28, 2015, 09:43:42 PM
So the lack of project comments immediately hit me in the face just now.

We can no longer contact script creators via comments anymore. This makes feedback and questions hard, because it may not be possible to contact the scripter. This is why I'd like to request a feature for sometime in the future.

Basically, account 'linking' with MoTK, where you would be able to post you MoTK User ID (e.g. mine is 9024, you are 1580, Helepolis is 65) and that would add a link on your user page and/or on all project pages directly to your MotK Profile, allowing easy access to the PM button and alternate modes of communication. It's not secure, of course, but it would make contacting easier since not every new scripter posts a contact link/please post comments and feedback here link in the description (nobody really does that...)

Implementation would be the following: (sorry that I can't send a pull request on github - I have absolutely no idea how the website is structured)
Add a fourth option for the ID input - requires an integer value (such as 9024 for me)

On user profile page (, a contact link (e.g.
Code: [Select]
<a target="_blank" href=";u=####">MotK</a>, where #### is the ID input on the profile page) would be placed somewhere near the top of the page, perhaps next to the person's username <h1>

On the project pages, a contact link would be placed somewhere near the top of the page as well, perhaps to the right of the version number

I know that this kind of thing would take quite a bit of time to get working, but I believe it would help greatly
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Helepolis on July 29, 2015, 05:49:37 AM
We can no longer contact script creators via comments anymore. This makes feedback and questions hard, because it may not be possible to contact the scripter.
Did the authors read their comments then? It is an author's own responsibility to decide whether people want to contact him/her for feedback or not. He/she can still give out an e-mail or location for contact or point at locations. If an author adds none of these, obviously it isn't asking for direct feedback.

Basically, account 'linking' with MoTK, where you would be able to post you MoTK User ID (e.g. mine is 9024, you are 1580, Helepolis is 65) and that would add a link on your user page and/or on all project pages directly to your MotK Profile, allowing easy access to the PM button and alternate modes of communication. It's not secure, of course, but it would make contacting easier since not every new scripter posts a contact link/please post comments and feedback here link in the description (nobody really does that...)
Lets not do this. Mainly because of security issues.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on July 29, 2015, 09:50:51 AM
I also do not believe we should add the feature you are suggesting. The best idea I can come up with is to have an option where the email you registered with is publicly displayed if you turn on an option. In general though, I'm expecting that most users of BulletForge are actually linking to BulletForge from somewhere else so that most people would already know who to contact elsewhere to give feedback.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Drake on July 29, 2015, 10:01:38 AM
I'm expecting that most users of BulletForge are actually linking to BulletForge from somewhere else so that most people would already know who to contact elsewhere to give feedback.
I agree mostly because of this. BulletForge has always been primarily for a sort of subject-specific centralized hosting; social aspects have never really been a thing, hence the motion to remove comments in the first place. It's like how we utilize Pastebin, where the actual discussion is outside and Pastebin is just to host content.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on July 29, 2015, 01:49:07 PM
I also do not believe we should add the feature you are suggesting. The best idea I can come up with is to have an option where the email you registered with is publicly displayed if you turn on an option. In general though, I'm expecting that most users of BulletForge are actually linking to BulletForge from somewhere else so that most people would already know who to contact elsewhere to give feedback.

Personally, I believe that the e-mail option is insecure in the long run because it opens up possibilities of unmoderated mass-spamming, hate mail, etc.

Also, the issue remains that MotK is NOT the only place that uses Bulletforge, although RaNGE members greatly benefit from the service. I'm specifically referring to cases such as where Shijimi Nono used Bulletforge to release SCC to the Western Touhou Community. If the game crashed due to locale issues, most people would have no way of contacting him without comments (unless they happened to be following his Twitter).

Additionally, the name a scripter registers with is not always immediately linkable to a specific user on MotK, and most new scripters ask for feedback without providing a way to SEND that feedback (and they won't even realize the problem unless they browse the description text carefully to see if they forgot something, since they may consider it normal to not get feedback).

Just giving my two cents, because I've seen the project comments used for linking pastebin reviews or bug reports in the past.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Helepolis on July 29, 2015, 02:58:05 PM
@ Blargel, funny the same thing crossed my mind. E-mail optional field to enclose/disclose to public.

@ Sparen
Curious, what makes you think that commenting won't cause spamming / hate as well? A mail option is far more secure, because the author has ability to decide whether to show or not (Blargel had explained this). Objectively, letting the author control is wiser and better. 1) They have control to enclose/disclose 2) Less moderation/control from Blargel required. Additionally, comments means sort of create a "social platform" and the question is whether that is desired or not. Do we really need comments for the projects? I don't remember the Japanese equivalent having this (correct me if wrong). I think you're looking at things bit too much from a scripter's POV, but you're missing other scenarios and which is why the comment section is by default least favourable. Not saying your arguments are bad/wrong, but based on the described scenarios they are not favourable.

Also last thing we want is moderation on Bulletforge to remove spam / toxic messages. In my opinion, the vote win/fail should be also be omitted. It adds nothing to the project it self. I don't believe Bulletforge should become a platform for reviewing scripts whether they are nice or not. Upvotes (win) can also mean circlejerking and other activities.

Also, you're mentioning yourself: MotK is not the only place. Indeed, even more of a reason to make it a more neutral place where people can upload their work without worrying about things. Again more of a reason to let the author's decide on how they wish to expose their mail / contact. If most new scripters need feedback (which is what you're claiming without actual proof) then they should provide contact info/directions in their zip/package or description. I don't think we're in any position to enforce specific guidelines for this.

Finally, not carefully reading descriptions/directions is in my eyes human error/choice. Again not a solid argument to enforce this.

Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on July 29, 2015, 10:13:15 PM
@ Sparen
Curious, what makes you think that commenting won't cause spamming / hate as well? A mail option is far more secure, because the author has ability to decide whether to show or not (Blargel had explained this).

I should have been more clear on this. I am referring to the fact that your e-mail is publicly available if you choose to let it be, and roaming spambots can discover your e-mail and start sending you all kinds of advertisement junk for **** enlargement, etc.

Obviously, this kind of security problem cannot be fixed once a spambot has accessed Bulletforge, since the damage has already been done.

Also, you're mentioning yourself: MotK is not the only place. Indeed, even more of a reason to make it a more neutral place where people can upload their work without worrying about things. Again more of a reason to let the author's decide on how they wish to expose their mail / contact. If most new scripters need feedback (which is what you're claiming without actual proof) then they should provide contact info/directions in their zip/package or description. I don't think we're in any position to enforce specific guidelines for this.

Finally, not carefully reading descriptions/directions is in my eyes human error/choice. Again not a solid argument to enforce this.

Understood, and your point is clear. I've been under the assumption that we should be giving feedback and constructive criticism to scripters regardless of whether or not they want it, mainly because that's what I've been doing ever since I started. It's something I learned from having my scripts reviewed, and I never really stopped to consider the fact that some scripters might not want feedback.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on July 30, 2015, 01:31:09 AM
If I wanted to, I could make some sort of private messaging system, but that feels like overkill.

In my opinion, the vote win/fail should be also be omitted. It adds nothing to the project it self. I don't believe Bulletforge should become a platform for reviewing scripts whether they are nice or not. Upvotes (win) can also mean circlejerking and other activities.
That was already removed in my last maintenance.  :3
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on July 30, 2015, 03:24:21 AM
If I wanted to, I could make some sort of private messaging system, but that feels like overkill.

As long as it has an e-mail notification system built in, it would work. Otherwise people wouldn't notice that they have PMs.

I believe it's a suitable solution, though not a priority.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Ozzy on July 30, 2015, 04:36:51 AM
I should have been more clear on this. I am referring to the fact that your e-mail is publicly available if you choose to let it be, and roaming spambots can discover your e-mail and start sending you all kinds of advertisement junk for **** enlargement, etc.
Is this really a legitimate possibility?
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Drake on July 30, 2015, 04:50:06 AM
That will happen with any publicly-accessible website with emails displayed in plaintext anywhere. You just get a crawler to look for strings that look like email addresses and poof you're on a list. This is why for example you can't publicly access email addresses on this forum; instead you have the option to email and the details are hidden behind the back-end.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on July 30, 2015, 10:24:11 AM
I just checked and there's now a free tier for sending email that limits me to 400 emails per day. That sounds like more than enough. With this, I think I can just have a button where you just send a message directly to someone's email through BulletForge. That sounds like something I should probably protect with a captcha though. Or just only allow logged in users to do send emails and put a captcha on the sign up page.

This is going to be more in the future though, of course. In the more immediate future, this option means I can implement an automatic password reset thing finally.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on July 31, 2015, 03:10:46 AM
Double post because kinda important.

I'm strangely motivated to work on BulletForge so I'm going to take it down for maintenance again tonight at midnight (PST of course). When it comes back up, versions will be removed. Please note that only the latest version will be retained. The latest version is defined as the latest version that was created, regardless of which version was actually updated most recently.

There might be some new features and/or some design changes, too, depending on how motivated I am. (The retarded looking forms have been bugging me for a while now but CSS is a pain and I haven't had the motivation to fix them.)

EDIT: Maintenance complete. Besides removing versions, I also fixed the way the forms looks so they don't look as derpy. I haven't deleted the versions in the database yet so if there's something wrong, I can change it back temporarily while I figure out what went wrong. I also implemented a way for BulletForge to send emails, but there's no option from the frontend to use it yet. I'll finish that over the weekend probably and we'll be able to do automatic password resetting and a secure way to send feedback to people.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Helepolis on July 31, 2015, 09:31:34 AM
Oh indeed the win/fail was removed. I see.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on July 31, 2015, 09:47:09 AM
The version functions will be missed dearly ._.;
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on July 31, 2015, 02:06:50 PM
Some complaints and requests

"Delete" button next to download - "Are you sure you want to delete this project's download?" makes it seem like you're deleting the entire project, not like you're replacing it with a new version.

Edit Page: The gray labels are way too big for the text they contain, and they could use a lot of padding on the right, since they're basically touching the input fields. Given that the images are shrunken so much, it makes no sense to waste the space and shove all of the input fields to the right. Additionally, the description text for each category is not aligned with the input fields but actually begins to the left of the input fields.


Edit Page: Danmakufu Category Dropdown text has text cutoff issues due to letters such as g having their bottom parts slightly shaved (MacOSX Mavericks, Safari 7.1.7, do not know if this occurs on other browsers)
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on July 31, 2015, 04:22:40 PM
"Delete" button next to download - "Are you sure you want to delete this project's download?" makes it seem like you're deleting the entire project, not like you're replacing it with a new version.
Got any better wording? What the heck should I call the actual script? It's called an "archive" in the database, but asking if someone wants to delete the archive is confusing too.

Edit Page: The gray labels are way too big for the text they contain, and they could use a lot of padding on the right, since they're basically touching the input fields. Given that the images are shrunken so much, it makes no sense to waste the space and shove all of the input fields to the right. Additionally, the description text for each category is not aligned with the input fields but actually begins to the left of the input fields.

Edit Page: Danmakufu Category Dropdown text has text cutoff issues due to letters such as g having their bottom parts slightly shaved (MacOSX Mavericks, Safari 7.1.7, do not know if this occurs on other browsers)
CSS is hard. It's better than before, just live with it for now. It's also a default style for something I'm using... the only thing I did was make the input fields slightly taller and with some padding so that it didn't look ridiculously cramped. The gray labels aren't too weird looking after you get used to it. I don't see any text cutoff issues in Firefox... people use Safari? Fiiiiiiine I'll test in Safari too, lol.

EDIT: Oh, please, that's barely noticeable.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on July 31, 2015, 04:27:59 PM
Got any better wording? What the heck should I call the actual script? It's called an "archive" in the database, but asking if someone wants to delete the archive is confusing too.

You can clarify: "Are you sure you want to remove the download for this script? Note: The project will say intact."
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Uruwi on July 31, 2015, 04:44:44 PM
Provide an option to directly replace the download as well.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Helepolis on August 02, 2015, 07:58:42 AM
Just noticed Blargel that if you search for projects (or list view), in the short summary it says: "Versions: 1". Think this information is now not required either since you removed it.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on August 02, 2015, 12:39:26 PM
It says "Version" without an s. That's the actual version number, not how many versions there are. The author can edit it to whatever value. I left it there so that the author can leave an indication that something was updated.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on August 13, 2015, 09:23:38 PM
Just an inquiry:

How much has our content shrunk by? 80%? Just asking, because it'd be nice to know just how much space the versions were taking up.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on August 13, 2015, 11:09:33 PM
I did not delete the versions yet and do not plan to until the end of the month to give time for people to report any issues with the way I'm handling the data now. However, when I removed voting and comments, the database shrunk by 24%, from slightly over 10k rows to 7.6k rows. I expect that dropping versions will free another 2k rows or so.

Also, apologies for the lack of work recently on this. I'm still planning to implement stuff but work has been super hectic recently so I've just been sleeping and relaxing whenever I had free time.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on August 13, 2015, 11:27:12 PM
However, when I removed voting and comments, the database shrunk by 24%, from slightly over 10k rows to 7.6k rows.

...My god. Were those two things really taking up so much space?!
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Drake on August 14, 2015, 02:35:28 AM
It isn't that surprising when you're talking about just the database. More individual pieces of content are naturally going to take up more rows, regardless of the number of attributes in the table. That being said, many rows isn't a bad thing (10k rows is generally a small scale anyways), nor does it necessarily use tons of space, but the issue was mainly with Blargel's host metering by number of rows.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on October 11, 2015, 04:51:52 AM

As of today, I believe a Spambot has paid a visit to dear ol' Bulletforge, dumping 3000+ downloads on in what was basically an hour or less.

It made its way to the featured script, and then either a) AJS was hit by a spambot or b) He legitimately got enough downloads to make it back up

Regardless, I believe that, if possible, the criteria for Featured Project should finally be changed and/or downloads be visible only to uploaders.

P.S. I have not downloaded and tested the legitimacy of the project in question. It may in fact be a legitimate script.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: AJS on October 11, 2015, 04:56:20 AM
P.S. I have not downloaded and tested the legitimacy of the project in question. It may in fact be a legitimate script.
It's not.  I downloaded it and it's just nearly 300 MB of creepy Touhou fanart, MP3s, and some internet shortcuts to what appear to be creepypasta websites.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Drake on October 11, 2015, 06:44:23 AM
Oh god, RIP Blargel's bandwidth bill. Somebody needs to take that down ASAP.

It's also against policy to upload anything not scripts so what the fuck
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on October 11, 2015, 07:05:03 AM
It's gone. So is the user. Fuck you, whoever did that.

Since a ton of people actually emailed me about that (thanks guys), I think I should make it easier to report a bad project. I'll be implementing a report button some time soon so it'll be easier to get a hold of me if someone is being a shit head.

EDIT: Also, what the fuck Gmail, I'm watching this thread on purpose so why did you automatically mark MotK's emails as spam.
EDIT 2: Suggestions on how to choose a featured project that can't be easily abused by a spammer would be welcome. I have no ideas as of now. I want it to be consistent for all users at any given time so just choosing a random one every time is not ideal to me.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Drake on October 11, 2015, 07:34:16 AM
I'm not too sure how your database is structured but having a uniqueness constraint on [whatever is counted that ranks projects] should be enough provided that the direction of spambots isn't to mass-create users. But then you'd have to keep track of which users/IPs download a project, for example, and that might be an unwanted overuse of database space.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on October 11, 2015, 08:14:14 AM
Yes, that would be too much database usage. It'd be worse than votes previously since votes were optional but these would be populated as long as someone hits the download button.

EDIT: New report button
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on October 13, 2015, 12:09:45 AM
While cleaning up the uploads that were leftover from the versions thing from a few months back, I found that there are a few users that are quite careless with what they upload. Please please PLEASE, do not upload things that are unused in your scripts. Like this thing. Holy shit. There's over 490MB of MP3s and shit.

The person who uploaded this shall remain anonymous, but in case the author is not paying attention to these forums, I've also sent an email. I think there are a few more uploads like this which I will also be checking now.
EDIT: Scratch that, I got a delivery failure notice when I tried to email him via the registered email. PLEASE USE A REAL EMAIL ADDRESS TO REGISTER FOR BULLETFORGE  :(
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on October 13, 2015, 01:55:24 AM
You may want to require new users to agree to the terms of use in a confirmation e-mail.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on October 13, 2015, 02:30:01 AM
That's too much work to implement for now. Maybe when I also implement automatic password resets, I'll do that too.  :ohdear:
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on October 24, 2015, 02:31:35 AM
This is a post requesting confirmation that the report system works.

As of right now, there should be multiple reports on (, which is a piece of blatant plagiarism.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on October 24, 2015, 10:25:30 AM
I highly doubt the person uploading this is going to be heeding your notice. I think they updated the project as an excuse to outright remove it. ....
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on October 26, 2015, 01:36:30 AM
(Sorry for late reply... notifications about replies to this thread keep getting sent to my spam folder for some reason)

This is a post requesting confirmation that the report system works.
I tested it before I posted about it man, lol. The report is sent directly to admins (me only currently) and not to the uploader. I've gotten a reply to the uploader and I'm trying to get him to understand why he needs to remove it. He does not appear to speak English as his first language.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Drake on October 28, 2015, 03:26:44 AM
Suggestion that you should just blatantly have a 100~150MB upload hard limit or something so people being wasteful for whatever reason are actually just forced to change things before uploading. The only projects that have reason to top 100MB are full games with lots of content; going through the pages on bulletforge there are only a handful that actually do this and have good reason to be above 100MB, and even those could probably reach it with a little effort.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on October 30, 2015, 05:49:02 PM
Suggestion that you should just blatantly have a 100~150MB upload hard limit or something so people being wasteful for whatever reason are actually just forced to change things before uploading. The only projects that have reason to top 100MB are full games with lots of content; going through the pages on bulletforge there are only a handful that actually do this and have good reason to be above 100MB, and even those could probably reach it with a little effort.

The limit was actually supposed to be 300MB but I apparently accidentally set it to 500 instead. I chose 300MB because that was just enough to allow Stuffman's game to be hosted (remember that thing?). In other news, I will need to implement a user/ip ban system soon because apparently some people just don't fucking want to listen to me when I suggest that they don't upload shit that is 99% copypasta work. I'll work on that this weekend and then deal with that one guy (you guys that have been reporting stuff know who I'm talking about).

EDIT: On second thought, I'm not sure I wanna go down the path of moderating stuff like this. It sounds like if I start doing this, then I'll get dragged into more and more issues future into the future and I really don't want to spend more time than I need to. I also don't know people well enough in this community to be comfortable assigning moderators to do the job for me and there would also be inherent bias in favor of the MotK community if I choose moderators from here. Honestly, the report button was created for reporting content that weren't scripts at all, like that dumb Kogasa thing from earlier. I wasn't expecting people to use it to report real danmakufu scripts, even if they were plagiarized or something similar. In retrospect, that was a dumb assumption on my part. At this point, I'm not sure entirely sure what I want to do. I'll probably implement user and ip bans anyway in case of future trouble and then finally give a way for users to send emails to other users like I was talking about a while ago. That way other people can yell at people for me. :V
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on October 30, 2015, 06:33:25 PM
I think it's probably best that you start getting like one or two admins for Bulletforge. Like Drake or something? :U
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Helepolis on October 30, 2015, 08:00:11 PM
2 cents++

Imo, last thing we want is subjectively and heavy opinion based script reporting and hunting. As far as I know the Japanese upload place for scripts and such isn't moderated either and people just seem to do fine there. At least, that is the general impression(?).

Somehow I keep getting the feeling that the mind set and behaviour of our western fanbase is often the problem. Perhaps not entirely justified for me to express this feeling but left and right noting the posting behaviour of people plus various locations on the net somehow makes me iffy about it all. It is something that Eastern fanbase succeeds in doing better (i.e: Doujin works and guidelines)

There is a reason RikaNitori is a no-drama zone and for some reason this has been generally well maintained. Few little incidents here and there but nothing dramatic. This isn't because of any iron ruling or heavy moderation. But more like creating a clear statement and laying down the rules of the game. From there on it is community driven. Members pass down indirectly the "behaviour rules" to each other and keep each other close.

Plagiarism is not nice and frowned upon, but to start a form of battue is in my eyes poisonous behaviour. If the person is a roaming member of MotK, then perhaps we can engage dialogue to ask reasoning. If the person is not a member of MotK then there is not much we can do. You could e-mail the author yourself and ask kindly to stop the plagiarism but that too shouldn't become a battue. I know how easy it is to conduct to mass-cyber bullying/hunting. The report button as Blargel had pointed out should be used to report bad things such as: Piracy, porn, disgusting stuff, non-danmakufu etc. So it doesn't becomes a dumping site. And that would require some admin-based moderation, but nothing really else than that I would say.

Last thing I prefer to see is Bulletforge drama spilling to our forums or other way around. I am glad the win/fail voting disappeared, a good step towards a neutral non-biased dnh hosting site.

Curious what others think of it.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on November 11, 2015, 07:22:11 PM
I've discovered a few projects with broken download links and investigation shows that the files had gone missing on my file host. This was caused by a bug in my code that's triggered very rarely, but that I've fixed now. The only problem now is that I had no back ups of the files so I'm hoping that a few people here who download stuff like crazy can help. Here is a list of the affected projects. Crossed off items have been handled.

Pending fixes:
And one unlisted project that I'll obviously not be linking.

Handled (some may have just been deleted):

If anyone has a copy of any of these project, please let me know so I can fix these broken downloads. If you are the project owner, you should be able to remove the download and readd it yourself if you still have your script. I will also be sending an email to the affected users about this so that they know.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: TresserT on November 11, 2015, 07:35:39 PM
Phantasmagoria of Something or Other isn't worth fixing in it's current state, so I removed it instead.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on November 11, 2015, 07:36:24 PM
I've discovered a few projects with broken download links and investigation shows that the files had gone missing on my file host. This was caused by a bug in my code that's triggered very rarely, but that I've fixed now. The only problem now is that I had no back ups of the files so I'm hoping that a few people here who download stuff like crazy can help. Here is a list of the affected projects.

I currently have the following:
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on November 11, 2015, 07:38:46 PM
Please upload the scripts to another filehost and PM me the links. I'll also cross off the list as things get fixed.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: KrackoCloud on November 12, 2015, 08:59:13 AM
Just handled

I found some old files and just zipped it up - may be broken, but I think it should be okay.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Trickysticks on November 24, 2015, 06:45:45 PM
Would it be possible to request a new category for things like shotsheets and libraries of various types? I've noticed quite a few of them scattered across Bulletforge and think it would be nice to categorize them under one search term, making it easier for people to find DNH resources that are free to use. I know that there were/are some storage space issues though, and I'm not certain how a new category would affect that.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: GizmoTheDragon on November 24, 2015, 06:51:56 PM
Would it be possible to request a new category for things like shotsheets and libraries of various types? I've noticed quite a few of them scattered across Bulletforge and think it would be nice to categorize them under one search term, making it easier for people to find DNH resources that are free to use. I know that there were/are some storage space issues though, and I'm not certain how a new category would affect that.
I agree. I'm making a preset sprite library that includes most sprites used in canon Touhou games. I don't know where to post it when I'm done with it, though. A new category would be helpful.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on November 24, 2015, 10:13:55 PM
That's easy enough and it won't affect the database in any significant way. I don't know about hosting sprites in general, but for shot definitions and libraries it would make sense. What would the categories called? Or should I just group them together into a single category since they're kind of related?
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on November 24, 2015, 10:21:39 PM
That's easy enough and it won't affect the database in any significant way. I don't know about hosting sprites in general, but for shot definitions and libraries it would make sense. What would the categories called? Or should I just group them together into a single category since they're kind of related?

'resources' is too generic, so I suggest having two categories - one for 'shot sheets' and one for 'code libraries'.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Trickysticks on November 24, 2015, 10:50:54 PM
I think having one category would work as well; they are indeed related and it can be a one-step method of finding everything that's free for the taking. Calling it resources does sound a bit generic, but they are resources after all.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on December 01, 2015, 09:53:27 PM
I ended up making two new categories instead, "Library" and "Shot Definition". It's a very minor change so it should be working, but to be honest I didn't test anything at all, lol.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on January 07, 2016, 06:26:30 PM
Okay guys. The report button is really clogging up my emails. It was added in response to the retarded Kogasa Halloween thing which wasn't a Danmakufu script at all, but just a dump of images and mp3s. I was hoping people would use it to let me know if someone uploaded something that wasn't a script. I was not expecting people to start reporting plagiarism, broken scripts, or (yes, seriously, people have done this) that a script is poorly made.

However, it's clear that I cannot stop people from actually making these reports because not everyone reads these forums. As such, the report feature will be removed. If you see plagiarism, please just ignore it. It's not like anyone loses anything from plagiarism in this community. However, if you do find an upload that is not a Danmakufu script, feel free to let me know in this thread or IRC in the #danmakufu channel on ppirc.

EDIT: I may have a solution where I can bring back comments without using my own database so people can leave a comment on the project. Then, people can warn others of plagiarism there.
EDIT2: Nevermind, it costs money.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: PabloHijiri on April 10, 2016, 03:41:13 PM
Hello, I'm new here in MoTK, I don't speak English very well, but there's something that has been bugging me since I read Aka Kyuketuki's post: Who or what is Silvero? And why did she/he copy scripts and post them with a virus? After a little search, I found Silvero's account in Bulletforge, where she (she calls herself a "she") mentions two names: Nb and Misaki Rindou. I remembered that Nb was the one who post an horrible script called "kokoro love paprika", following the same routine of copy-pasting that Silvero had. Then, I searched Misaki Rindou's channel in youtube. Misaki post a video showing the "Sweat Dreams" (that one with a virus), and today I saw a video where he/she argues with someone called "pigal gogo 2". Well, after watching pigal gogo's video and finding that pigal gogo's first channel and Slivero's channel were closed, I thought "What if Silvero, Nb and Pigal Gogo are the same person?". I don't know how dangerous a bot with two accounts in bulletforge could be, so I want to ask someone well-versed in that topic to help me investigate them.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: TresserT on April 10, 2016, 05:20:39 PM
That's the common belief afaik. Pigal gogo, silvero, and nb are all the same person. Misaki Rindou is someone who's been actively doing stuff against silvero. There are also, like, 3 or so fake silvero accounts like shilvero and si|vero made by various people to mock the real silvero.

Given the nature of the thing, I doubt silvero is a bot. Probably just a troll. And the best way to kill a troll is to ignore them. Plus, I'm pretty sure blargle is already aware of what's going on. He might be able to implement IP bans or something but that's on him. There isn't much point in you or I "investigating", except to kill time, because there's not much you or I can do. Unless you want to make another fake account, or spam her youtube page, or w/e.

Really, the best thing to do is: 1) If silvero uploads an edited version of a script you made, report it to Blargle. 2) If pigal gogo uploads a video of a script you made, or a script silvero "made", report it to youtube. 3) Don't give her the attention she wants.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: PabloHijiri on April 10, 2016, 09:10:19 PM
Thanks a lot, TresserT. I'm glad to see someone answer me. I will be more careful with the things I download.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Helepolis on April 11, 2016, 06:40:46 AM
I am merging this with the BulletForge thread. Not because the thread is invalid but it is difficult for this forum section to have clustered threads.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: iVAwalys on April 11, 2016, 08:08:18 PM
So, is Silvero's new masterpiece, Phantasmagoria of Broken Moon, actually safe to download?
After the previous one, I'm kinda worried.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on April 11, 2016, 10:39:11 PM
They're both safe, but why download them???

Magic of Dango seems to trip up my antivirus, though it might just be Norton being Norton. I wish I could just use another one but ugh... I technically have no say in what I use because of certain parental figures enforcing their preferences, but oh well.

I'm kind of requesting that Magic of Dango be removed on the grounds that it's passive-aggressive hate speech against select individuals in this community, by the way...
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on April 11, 2016, 10:46:29 PM
I'm kind of requesting that Magic of Dango be removed on the grounds that it's passive-aggressive hate speech against select individuals in this community, by the way...

*cough loudly*

I actually find the attempts at hate speech entertaining, from the #Text["Sparen cant read this"] to the ObjCutin_SetSpellcardS3("Sparen is iluminati", 255, 0, 0);

In the end though, it's Python's script that is being stolen.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Drake on April 12, 2016, 03:28:07 AM
does anyone hate on me i need to know
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Helepolis on April 12, 2016, 07:35:32 AM
Imo, last thing we want is subjectively and heavy opinion based script reporting and hunting. As far as I know the Japanese upload place for scripts and such isn't moderated either and people just seem to do fine there. At least, that is the general impression(?).

.... omitted TL DR ......

Last thing I prefer to see is Bulletforge drama spilling to our forums or other way around. I am glad the win/fail voting disappeared, a good step towards a neutral non-biased dnh hosting site.
I want to re-quote this post of mine because it suddenly feels quite relevant

Few to nobody seem to have studied / phrased opinion/thoughts about.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on April 12, 2016, 09:53:37 AM
Sorry o.o It's my fault for bringing it up in the first place.

I'm just kind of surprised something like this is still allowed though...
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on April 12, 2016, 04:06:39 PM
Sorry o.o It's my fault for bringing it up in the first place.

I'm just kind of surprised something like this is still allowed though...

It's a gray area within a gray area when it comes to this kind of thing. True, Silvero may have attacked my Youtube channel using Youtube's broken video reporting guidelines, but the fact remains that he hasn't done anything worse than threats at Youtube channels and stealing our work. We can ignore his attacks and .dat our files, and that should be more than sufficient to contain any (or at least most of the) possible damage.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on April 12, 2016, 06:40:17 PM
It's a gray area within a gray area when it comes to this kind of thing. True, Silvero may have attacked my Youtube channel using Youtube's broken video reporting guidelines, but the fact remains that he hasn't done anything worse than threats at Youtube channels and stealing our work. We can ignore his attacks and .dat our files, and that should be more than sufficient to contain any (or at least most of the) possible damage.

Well, yes we can be happy about that, but it's not like previous works can be 100% prevented from being defaced in the future. Whoever downloaded the current versions of say, Talos's works, will still have the sources all ready to edit even if we dat everything currently up... I mean, yes in the future that's entirely possible, but...

( I'm also kind of glad I get this kind of entertainment over on youtube, I'm bored most of the time so~. <3 )

I kinda think we should drop the topic before hele gets mad. :u
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on April 15, 2016, 04:45:00 PM
I finally implemented blocking users by ip. I took the heavy-handed way (and code-wise the easier way) and anyone I decide to block will be unable to access Bulletforge entirely. It's not just user registration or making projects. If you push your luck too far, you will lose access to everything on BulletForge.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Agent17 on April 18, 2016, 05:01:37 PM
Can a "Forgot Password ?" option be added on the Login page ? This would be useful (especially for me).
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Blargel on April 18, 2016, 05:30:50 PM
Sorry, I've been planning to implement that but it was more difficult to do than I expected. In the meantime, if you PM me what email you registered with, I can change your password and send an email with the new password.
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on May 28, 2016, 04:53:00 PM
This is a disclaimer regarding Battle with kirby on Bulletforge. (

As of the time of writing, this script contains scat, pornographic material, and other such material (I highly advise not browsing through the image assets - even if you're curious, just move it to the trash bin and delete it from your computer). It is highly recommended that you do not download it - please wait warmly for it to be removed. It is unknown if the download contains viruses.

As of the time of writing, there seems to be no connection between the accounts suikun and suikuh. It seems that suikuh is impersonating suikun's account. There is a possibility that Silvero (known for code theft, attacks on members of the community, etc.) is responsible for this.

Stay safe and have a nice day.

Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: IP Blocking implemented)
Post by: Sparen on May 29, 2016, 06:19:14 PM
The project has been removed from Bulletforge.

Requesting a moderator to lock this thread.

No longer necessary, merged with actual thread where it belongs. -Hele
Title: Re: BulletForge news (Latest: New user registration disabled)
Post by: Blargel on June 06, 2016, 04:35:16 PM
I disabled new user registration for now. We weren't getting many legitimate registrations anyways. For now, if someone needs an account, I can still create one, but I will only do so if someone else can vouch for this new user. If this new user ends up being a problem user, I will no longer trust whoever vouched for him.

Also all IP bans on the site have been lifted since no one can register anyway.