Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 19, 2011, 03:54:53 AM

Title: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 19, 2011, 03:54:53 AM
Gensokyo. A land of beauty. A land of tradition. A land of humans and Youkai, living in something that can be called harmony on occasion. This ancient land is the result of the Great Hakurei Border, created by Yukari Yakumo, maintained by the Hakurei clan. Over the ages, the border has slowly been weakening; not enough to cause a problem, but enough that humans from the Outside World have been trickling in.

It was predicted that the Border would not have to be renewed for at least a few more millenia; however, the Border is starting to crumble apart. Nobody knows why; both the current Shrine Maiden of the Hakurei clan, Reimu, and the Border's creator, Yukari, have gone missing, and even their closest friends and servants do not know what has happened to them.

While many Youkai and humans choose to ignore these problems, a select few have decided that something must be done...


1. You do not control the other players' characters, unless they give you express permission to do so. This should be obvious, but I've had problems with it in the past. Also, while I will try to give you a good deal of freedom, remember that you don't control the whole plot. Having the whole group decide to go do something is one thing; having an NPC we're looking for walk by and talk to you is another thing. Just remember that you only control your characters, and you should be fine.

2. Respect the other RPers.

3. Have fun! This is just a game, so don't let things get you down.

4. Please, don't type lik dis or |1k3 7h1$. I'm not expecting you to be an English major or anything, but legible posts would really be appreciated.


Your character shall be an OC Youkai. You will choose a Youkai type, and this will help determine what canonical character shall be your first party member All sign-ups should follow this format:

Name: Self explanatory.
Youkai type: The fun part. Here, you choose what kind of Youkai you will be using. All player characters will be new Youkai; however, whether this is due to a transformation (such as human to magician or animal to animal Youkai) or just once that has recently come into existence is entirely up to you. Be creative, but try not to be too outlandish.
Gender: Again, pretty obvious. (i.e. Female. Rinnosuke be damned.)
Touhou character: The character who will be your partner and mentor. Please try to keep this related to geography; something like a rabbit Youkai with Hina is just ridiculous. Also, Yumemi, Chiyuri, Keine, Yukari, and Reimu are off limits, as are characters only from the written works.
Appearance: What distinguishes your Youkai from others of its type? Things like clothing (once you get some), eye color, hair color, etc.
Personality: Keep in mind that your Youkai type will affect the personality, but aside from that, do what you will with it.
Stats: The other interesting bits. The stats are:
-Intelligence: Not a measure of how much your Youkai knows, but how well it thinks. How analytical it is, how intuitive, things like that.
-Danmaku Prowess: The higher this stat is, the more powerful your Danmaku will be, and the harder it will be to avoid.
-Strength: A measure of physical strength. Don't just overwrite this as inferior to Power; physical strength can be useful, and with Reimu gone, certain people may choose to forgo the Spellcard Rules...
-Agility: Ties in a bit with Danmaku battles. Not only affects how well you dodge Danmaku, but other things as well.
-Stamina: How much you can exert yourself. Also applies in battle.
You start off with 1 in each stat, and can distribute 12 points across the whole board. At this point, no stat can exceed 5. Keep in mind your Youkai type; a magician isn't going to have very high Strength, but you can choose whether it has higher agility or intelligence, or things like that. In the same vein, your Type will affect how these stats grow. These stats won't be used for calculations or anything like that, they'll just be guidelines that affect how your character interacts with the world and situations thrown at them.
Background: You may not even have one, but if you do (animal Youkai or human turned Youkai) be sure to put it here.
Location: Where you start off.
Other: Anything else you find to be important. Completely optional.

My own character (as an example):

Name: Kanade

Youkai Type: Kitsune

Gender: Female

Partner: Hina Kagiyama

Appearance: Has red fur and deep blue eyes. Has medium length, darker red hair. She wears a plain white dress with a layered skirt, and sandals. She is a bit short, but not lolita.

Personality:A bit meek. Would rather sit and listen than speak up. However, she is highly intelligent, and tends to analyze things on her own. This leads to her going against the plans of others, as she has decided that her plan will work better. Doesn't necessarily dislike people, but doesn't trust them, either. She is very calm and collected, but a bit withdrawn.


-Intelligence: 5
-Danmaku Prowess: 3
-Strength: 2
-Agility: 4
-Stamina: 3

Background: Doesn't remember her past at all, aside from a few snippets of memories of a girl with glasses.

Location: Great Youkai Forest (Youkai Mountain)

I know this is a bit skeletal, but since these Youkai are all new, they don't really have to have much of a background.

And no, your Youkai will not have an Ability.

Once you get the O.K. From me, you'll be good to go! The first posts after my own will be your characters either starting off pre-Youkai if they transform, or just as them waking up for the first time. After that, I'll introduce you to your partners, and it will roll from there. You won't control them at first, but eventually you will gain control of them (them being the Touhou character you encounter.)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!

The RP itself will probably start in one to two weeks, depending on how much interest in this we get.

(To be updated later with my own character)

Actually, something I just thought of that I should bring up: I will be using my own character, but she shall be just as clueless as yours. In fact, she'll actually be a bit submissive, since I want to see what plans you devise. Also, just because she suggests a plan of action doesn't mean you should follow through with it; basically, in that sense, just treat her like any other player character. Normally in things like this you wouldn't see the GM use their own character, but not only is this what I'm used to due to previous RPGs I've run on other forums, but to me GMing without having your own character sounds boring. If I wanted to do that, I'd do a text Adventure. Remember that I'm also here to have fun with this~

Current players list:
# - Player - Character Name - Youkai Type - Partner - Location
1. Squawkers - Kanade - Kitsune - Hina - Great Youkai Forest (Youkai Mountain)
2. Marokuu - Sushikisu Ohuku - Jellyfish - Momiji - Youkai Mountain
3. Youkai Jesus - Arasoi Haretsu - Jinouga - Mima - Makai
4. Crow Cakes - Chiseki - Satori - Satori - The Underground City
5. Sonae - Sayuri - Spirit - Futo - Dream Palace Great Mausoleum (Whatever that means)
6. Guardian Tempest - Heal de Garde - Tsukumogami - Byakuren - Great Youkai Forest (Youkai Mountain)
7. German Flower Youkai - Hilde - Evil Valkyrie - Orin - Former Hell of Blazing Fires
8. Berzul - Yoshiko Nakamura - Poltergeist - Youmu - Hakugyokurou
⑨. MFZBdude - Ark - Yuki-onna - Cirno - Misty Lake
10. Hanzo K. - Hotaru Izumi - Tengu (Raven Type) - Utsuho Reiuji - Rocky Crag on the Western Face of Youkai Mountain (talk about specific...)
11. Reisen-tanith - Aref Beile - Inugami - Kotohime - Outskirts of the Human Village
12. cecilthebot - Sparkler - Fairy - Mokou - Bamboo Forest of the Lost
13. Sourfang - Minako Honjou - Pegasus - Shou Toramaru - Myoren Temple
14. XinXin - Mikan Huang - Human-type Youkai - Flandre Scarlet - Scarlet Devil Mansion

...Man, a lot of people starting on Youkai mountain...
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info)
Post by: Marokuu on September 19, 2011, 05:46:26 AM
I'll throw in a post to show that I'm interested, I'm a bit too tired atm to start planning out a character but I'll probably get to that some time this week (hopefully)

EDIT: Could it be possible to have a youkai that's transformed from an aquatic creature (jellyfish specifically)? I've gotten the idea stuck in my head now and it won't leave.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info)
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 06:47:11 AM
What. Competing with me? I hope your standards are high enough for me~ So I can finally RP like how I really want too. AND YOU TOOK ONE OF MY ACT 2 PLAYERS. FUU-
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 19, 2011, 06:53:29 AM
I'll throw in a post to show that I'm interested, I'm a bit too tired atm to start planning out a character but I'll probably get to that some time this week (hopefully)

EDIT: Could it be possible to have a youkai that's transformed from an aquatic creature (jellyfish specifically)? I've gotten the idea stuck in my head now and it won't leave.

Of course! I mean, it would probably have to be from Youkai Mountain or the Misty Lake (there are no oceans in Gensokyo) but that's perfectly alright. We might even get a certain dolphin mascot, phwee (if I can convince Rou to join... not sure if he's into these.)

What. Competing with me? I hope your standards are high enough for me~ So I can finally RP like how I really want too. AND YOU TOOK ONE OF MY ACT 2 PLAYERS. FUU-

I figured it's different enough from yours, and since we live on opposite ends of the planet it should be fine as far as not taking away from the other's attention and such. Also, WRYYYYYY.

Also, updated the rules with two new things, location and your Touhou partner. Decided that I may as well let people choose that. Now that I've come to fix this, I can finally sleep!
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Wolfsbane706 on September 19, 2011, 07:08:49 AM
Placeholder post until I can work out all the details and kinks.  I'm interested, definitely, but there's a couple spots I haven't figured out.  Like the name . . . .
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info)
Post by: Marokuu on September 19, 2011, 10:41:58 AM
Chill out bro, I'll have time for two RP's, unless school royally screws me over in some way >_>

And here is an early draft of my profile. Jellyfish are bloody fascinating creatures but they don't leave a lot of material for backstory, this girl could just as well have popped up out of thin air :3

Name: Sushikisu Ohuku (刺し傷  匍匐)

Youkai Type: Jellyfish Youkai

Gender: Female

Touhou: Inubashiri Momiji

Appearance: She wears what looks like a transparent raincoat poncho over a white, near transparent nightgown-like dress. Her eyes are gray and instead of hair she has tendrils ( that reach down to her waist. The physical build corresponds roughly to that of a fourteen year old human girl, sort of indicative of her simple nature.

Personality: Extremely simple minded, acts mostly on instinct and is not very trusting, if one were to ask for her life goals they would be "eating" and "not being eaten".


Background: She's a jellyfish that ended up in the lake at the top of youkai mountain somehow. Being a jellyfish she didn't have much of a personality (not to mention any sort of central nervous system to store memories) before turning and she hasn't had time to develop one just yet. As for the circumstances of her turning, when the lake was moved by the Moriya goddesses she was exposed to powerful divine magic. Over the years the magic, combined with gensokyo's inherently fantastical nature, accumulated inside her until she finally transformed into a youkai.

Location: Youkai mountain.

Other: Her "hair" contains stinging cells that, upon contact, will deliver a payload of poison. However, since she's not a very poisonous type of jellyfish, it won't cause more than some lasting discomfort if you simply touch them, this might change as she gets more used to her powers as a youkai. Getting completely entangled in them is another matter, even when she's newly turned.
NOTE: Her hair isn't made of tentacles, she can not control it to any degree larger than swinging her head around.

Christ this is bare-bones, and jellyfish don't even have bones!

But really, I've become way too hooked on this jellyfish idea to let it go now. I also kinda like to leave a lot of room for characterization (read: I'm bad at planning)
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: CrowCakes on September 19, 2011, 11:34:22 AM
Do fairies count? :V Just asking, because if they are accepted, then I might join.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 19, 2011, 11:49:29 AM
And so it begins~

I'll think about this today. I've already got something in mind~
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 19, 2011, 11:58:13 AM

I will draft in this OC I've been stashing... (,10565.msg697901.html#msg697901)

Yeah the CS will take me a while.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 12:04:07 PM

I will draft in this OC I've been stashing... (,10565.msg697901.html#msg697901)

Yeah the CS will take me a while.

Oh god the Tentacled Elder Dragons guy.

Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 19, 2011, 12:05:45 PM
BEcause I am:

-Can't mobilize quickly
-A GLA Rebel can outrun me really
-My power comes from my daydreaming, let me set in for a while
-Hey I know you can do better.
-You know rushing isn't my forte right?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Marokuu on September 19, 2011, 12:20:22 PM
Might not have been directed at me but:

-I'm bad at planing out a character ahead of time
-I'm moderately lazy
-Fuck, if you can squeeze any more detail out of an animal without a central nervous system, lungs, stomach or other defining traits without the ability of giving it more backstory than "Just turned youkai" I'd like to see you try. :V Other animals can at least claim to remember their pre-youkai life.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 19, 2011, 12:21:58 PM
Hey, it's either this or I resort to my stick figure OC back in Eastern Garden. (who has cartoon physics)
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 12:23:46 PM
Well, that's because my stuffies are like 100 WORDS FOR SHAT MON! I'll show you all what a Sign-up really is!
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 19, 2011, 12:28:07 PM
Yeah yeah, you elitist. Just like the ones I've seen in RoleplayerGuild.

Alright, I'll let you win and satisfy your desire to overwhelm us in your superior surge of expressing dominance. But keep in mind: I have a massive project in English....and the deadline's tomorrow. I procrastinated and forgot it, now I pay the price with the hours of my sleep. Also, I suck with CS's anyway.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: CrowCakes on September 19, 2011, 12:38:03 PM
Hey, hey! Don't fight in here.

Still waiting for a reply, just in case my question got drowned out a while ago.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 19, 2011, 12:39:56 PM
Hey wait a minute, are you accepting Tsukumogami's? Since I have no idea for general youkai.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 19, 2011, 12:41:49 PM
Do fairies count? :V Just asking, because if they are accepted, then I might join.

...I don't know why you'd want to be a fairy. I mean, I could use the same reason for them as Shinigami for why  they could die permanently, I guess... I dunno. I'll get back to you on that. I'll probably say yes, but don't quote me on that.

Also, I really hope that's all in good fun...

Hey wait a minute, are you accepting Tsukumogami's? Since I have no idea for general youkai.

Once Tsukumogami touches it up a bit and fleshes it out (because even he/she (can't be bothered to check, need to leave very soon) said that it's just a skeleton sign-up) I will.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 19, 2011, 12:44:31 PM
HEy Y.J., I better see something longer than this (, since I have no ability and therefore I leave it to you to write something that would really spice things up.

Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 01:02:07 PM
HEy Y.J., I better see something longer than this (, since I have no ability and therefore I leave it to you to write something that would really spice things up.


Simple. I write sign-ups longer then that~
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 19, 2011, 01:05:06 PM
I could use some eye-candy, since I'm burning my hours off with this damn overnight project. Movie Review of Count of Monte Cristo(2002), sadly I forgot the movie elements to put in.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Marokuu on September 19, 2011, 01:25:42 PM
Threw in a small edit to add a little more detail to appearance and backstory. I could add some sort of occurrence in her past just to fill it out but in the end it would simply be pointless word-dumping for the sake of it.

I want to keep that slight tinge of realism by sticking to the fact that jellyfish physically don't have any way to record memories.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 19, 2011, 01:28:03 PM
Yeah, and do notice she can wilt in the sunlight like parchment pape if left too long.

EDIT: Meanwhile my initial concept is of a character who gets stronger the more offense is poured on her(and can return it as well). So someone like Wriggle could pose a serious threat to her by drastically reducing the strength of each 'hit' until the touching of the insect feelers would be enough to 'break the barrier'.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 19, 2011, 02:25:24 PM
Well, that's because my stuffies are like 100 WORDS FOR SHAT MON! I'll show you all what a Sign-up really is!

And then watch me out do you all~
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 19, 2011, 02:27:38 PM
Gah, Heal de Garde can wait! (you loyal vassal)

I'll post tomorrow, it's 11pm and I can't last much longer...
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 19, 2011, 02:34:37 PM
Hm. Maybe I should challenge YJ to a contest or something~
My Elements of Gensokyo Profile was well over 1000 words. Actually it was nearly 1500 words...

Oh oh! But don't let that discourage any one from joining! I'm just extremely descriptive is all~

Unrelated Note : YJ WHY YOU NO REPLY TO MY PM!?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Marokuu on September 19, 2011, 02:37:01 PM
I'm starting to get the feeling that the amount of words about to be dumped in this thread will be more epic than the actual stories the words will be telling :ohdear:

Well as long as it's split into proper paragraphs it's fine, no offense Sonae but your textwalls just make my eyes glaze over sometimes.  :wikipedia: Might just be because I usually get to read them when I'm tired :V
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 19, 2011, 02:41:31 PM
Eheh? Someone knows of me? And here I thought I was just a passing spirit~
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Marokuu on September 19, 2011, 02:46:44 PM
Eheh? Someone knows of me? And here I thought I was just a passing spirit~
Well it's really just your activity in Elements of Gensokyo that I've seen, I gotta keep up with it if I'm going to join in on act 2.

That will probably be when I demonstrate slightly more capability when it comes to profile writing, I've just sorta painted myself into a corner with this bloody jellyfish. Granted it will probably help that I'm already writing that profile and that I still have like a month left to tweak it more.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 19, 2011, 02:52:53 PM
I don't mean to disappoint you, but I have yet to see people keep up with me in terms of activity and post length~
Though if you want a race you can win, try a literal one that involves running~
Also Hope you know I'm not trying to be mean or anything. Just some friendly teasing~

Anyways Squawks, I gots a question for ya. Can our chara possibly have met some characters prior to the start of the story? Heard of them? Been brought up by them? Fought with them?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Marokuu on September 19, 2011, 03:00:00 PM
Haha, I'm not trying to put on a show of being some great RP:er that's being held back by making a stupid decision. Far from it, I only started RP:ing this summer and only really casually, if I hadn't slipped out of my habit of checking RPG every once in a while I would probably have joined EoG, but hey.

The only thing I was saying was that I personally find it a bit straining on the eyes to read text without some spacing in it, might just be my monitor's resolution though, it's fine on my iPod.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 19, 2011, 03:07:39 PM
Oh neither am I. I'm just writing like normal. Though my speech is more vague than my writings.
I used to rp a long time ago. Hell i can't even remember how long ago that was now. when I started out though I think I wrote tiny little posts. Like really tiny.
Then I got into rps that had rules against tiny posts.
And I guess that's where my development in writing really started.
Yeah I'm trying to work myself into splitting it apart, but it still feels strange to do.

Anyways would you happen to know a good way to get YJ to respond?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Marokuu on September 19, 2011, 03:19:49 PM
Yeah, when I started dabbling in Fan-fic writing I was told to space my text out more. It feels weird to start out with but it get soooo much easier to read for other people.

As for getting YJ to respond... *shrug* I just kept on answering fast after her first response. Dunno how you'd get her attention to start with.

Anyways this conversation would really have been better suited for PMs but oh well.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 19, 2011, 04:20:31 PM
Squawkers~ You're missing one extremely important part to your sign up sheet~
Their Abilities~
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 19, 2011, 08:43:23 PM
I knew something was missing to the CS.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 19, 2011, 09:52:15 PM
Anyways Squawks, I gots a question for ya. Can our chara possibly have met some characters prior to the start of the story? Heard of them? Been brought up by them? Fought with them?

Unfortunately, no. Don't worry, there is a good reason for this. Every OC must be newly born/created/what-have-you.

And at this point, Marokuu, you're pretty much Accepted, but feel free to change things. Of course, if you decide to scrap the Jellyfish idea, you'll need to have a new approval, but that is neither here nor there.

Squawkers~ You're missing one extremely important part to your sign up sheet~
Their Abilities~

I knew something was missing to the CS.

Teeheehee~ Or am I?

Anyway, a few things. First off, I'll be updating the first post with my own character, as well as the list of people joined and on reservation. Also, Yumemi is off-limits, and not because she's my character's partner (she isn't.) Let's just say, the opening info was very vague and broad. There's a lot more going on here~

Well, I edited in the Yumemi thing, but didn't get around to putting my character in yet. Will do that when I get home.

Note: Keine is also off-limits.

Final edit for this post: My character bio and player list are now updated.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 20, 2011, 12:17:39 AM
Don't like to double post, but there were a lot of edits made. Yay!
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Oldmansour on September 20, 2011, 02:07:18 AM
So, exactly what do you mean by "And no, your Youkai will not have an Ability."?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 20, 2011, 02:22:22 AM
So, exactly what do you mean by "And no, your Youkai will not have an Ability."?

Basically, some people were asking about the abilities thing (like Remilia's ability to control fate, Nazrin's ability to find things) and we won't have those specifically for the OCs.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Oldmansour on September 20, 2011, 02:35:58 AM
Let me guess. Too much room for people to abuse powers?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 20, 2011, 02:39:15 AM
Let me guess. Too much room for people to abuse powers?

Pretty much. Well, that and plot-related reasons.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 20, 2011, 06:39:50 AM
Pretty much. Well, that and plot-related reasons.

Ability/Spechul Skill: God's Power I mean, uhh. Right. Sign-up soon~
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: CrowCakes on September 20, 2011, 07:09:03 AM
Squwakers, if you won't accept a fairy, here's my CS.

Name: Chiseki (血石)

Youkai Type: Satori

Gender: Female

Touhou: Satori Komeiji

Appearance: The only defining trait she has are her long sideburns. Her hair color is gray, while her eye color is a normal black. She has slightly pale skin, as a result of being born in a place with no natural source of light. She wears a loose red one piece dress that has no design. She is approximately 5'6" tall, and has a thin, skinny body.

Personality: She is a soft-spoken character; she won't normally retort to other people unless they go way ouy of hand. Being a satori, she becomes very distrustful of people who have harmful, malignant thoughts and trustful of those who have genuine thoughts.

-Intelligence: 5
-Danmaku: 5
-Strength: 2
-Agility: 3
-Stamina: 2

Background: n/a

Location: Underground City

Other: n/a

Okuu, GT, do either of you have a gun? I was about to make a genderbent expy of Mukei.

Oh here it is! :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Marokuu on September 20, 2011, 10:12:38 AM
Oh bloody hell, now I'll have to keep myself from fawning over Satori OOC :V. Ohuku's mind might prove a tough nut to crack though, what with not having a mind until recently.
(I'm going to restate that fact until if sinks into my own mind, this character will have no experience of even semi-conscious thought from before turning... frickin' jellyfish, how do they work?)
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 20, 2011, 12:18:37 PM
Crow Cakes: If you have that one ready, then I probably won't be doing fairies. Too much of a hassle. Accepted!
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 20, 2011, 01:47:08 PM
Okay Imma list soem species that I'm pretty sure are allowed. don't quote me on any of this. Only listing species that have appeared in Touhou though.

Acceptable Species
Tsuchigumo (Please don't use this one...)
Beast Type Youkai (Kitsune, Hell Raven, Jellyfish, etc.)
Spirit (Phantoms included)

Questionable Species (Needs confirming from Squawkers. Those with * may not be allowed)
Jiang Shi

Denied Species
Human (duh...)

Species that may have had known other characters are probably not allowed either. Unless the human turned Youkai is coming from the outside (needs confirmation)

Also, certain species have natural abilities. Like a phantom's ability to go through things
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 20, 2011, 09:52:00 PM
Questionable Species (Needs confirming from Squawkers. Those with * may not be allowed)
Jiang Shi


Strikethrough means no can do. Still on the ropes about fae, I'll put more thought into it if someone else shows interest in them. Also, magicians need to have been born/what-have-you as magicians, not change from human. I changed my mind on human-to-youkai type youkai, no can do. Sorry if that messed up anybody's plans.

Also, shinigami are indeed off-limits. The whole "being death herself" thing kind of breaks the RP.

Edit: By the way, if you have an idea for a Youkai that isn't on that list, feel free to ask me. Sonae might have accidentally left one or two out, and I want to see how you guys can challenge me with creative Youkai anyway.

Edit again: Actually, I'll allow hakutaku since they won't have the whole history thing. Hakutaku are actually associated more with herbs than history, Keine is just... ZUNified.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 20, 2011, 10:23:57 PM
Actually, hakutaku are just plain associated with knowing a lot of stuff.
I can only guess that some would be like Specialist Wizards in D&D, they've focused on one particular sort of subject matter that some others have suffered for it.

Though they are associated with medicine as well.
Not much, but this oughta give folks some info on 'em.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 20, 2011, 10:26:50 PM
Though they are associated with medicine as well.
Not much, but this oughta give folks some info on 'em.

That's what I meant, medicine, not herbs.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 20, 2011, 10:32:06 PM
Amatsumagatsuchi < Reserved I mean obviously banned. Haha...

Writing sign up after school.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Wolfsbane706 on September 20, 2011, 11:29:33 PM
Finally putting in my profile.

Name: Ark

Youkai Type: Yuki-onna

Gender: Female

Touhou: Cirno

Appearance: Being a Yuki-onna, she's got white hair, although that silk-smooth white hair is shorter than it should be thanks to a certain baka.  Outside of that, Ark has no real noticeable traits.  Her eyes are an icy blue, her skin is cold to the touch and pale, and she wears a small blue dress, shamelessly stolen from Cirno's own wardrobe.

Personality: Usually quiet, but will frequently explode on anyone who manages to make her angry.  Fortunately for all parites involved, she's got a particularly long fuse, which prevents her from blowing up on Cirno 90% of the time.  More often than not, Ark can be seen working out a situation and trying to implement any solution she can think of, usually some way to avoid getting into trouble for Cirno's antics.

Intelligence: 5
Danmaku Prowess: 1
Strength: 3
Agility: 3
Stamina: 5 (Used mostly for running away.)

Background: N/A

Location: Misty Lake

Other: N/A
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 20, 2011, 11:37:28 PM
MFZB, you are accepted! Cirno finding you will be fun to write...
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Oldmansour on September 21, 2011, 01:50:30 AM
Another question. Is there a limit, per se, on what kind of 'object-turned-youkai' we can have? I mean, I have an idea for a ferrari-turned-youkai, but I had to double-check the plausability of an italian sportscar being in gensokyo. Not that strange objects from the outside appearing in gensokyo is impossible, but a ferrari seems.. a bit more excessive than others.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 21, 2011, 02:01:58 AM
-is left speechless-

wow. in a good way.

Also these stats are a pain to allocate to a newborn. Can I save some points?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 21, 2011, 02:24:30 AM
Another question. Is there a limit, per se, on what kind of 'object-turned-youkai' we can have? I mean, I have an idea for a ferrari-turned-youkai, but I had to double-check the plausability of an italian sportscar being in gensokyo. Not that strange objects from the outside appearing in gensokyo is impossible, but a ferrari seems.. a bit more excessive than others.

Eh... that depends. If it was like a karakasa obake in that the object itself becomes the youkai without much change that could be a problem, but if it's just based on the object, that probably wouldn't be too much of a problem... Or if it's like Kogasa in that the actual youkai is the girl, but having a ferrari in Gensokyo might break the RP a bit... Eh, if that's what you want to go with I'll make the final decision when you post the bio, but if you have a less complicated idea, I'd say to go with the less complicated one.

-is left speechless-

wow. in a good way.

Also these stats are a pain to allocate to a newborn. Can I save some points?

By what?

Not only are these points relative to the newborn, but there might not even be an actual gaining of stats. Like I said, it's just a guideline. It's more like a track for how your youkai will grow and develop than stats like you'd have in a JRPG or something. I haven't decided on that, but either way, the points are relative, and if you were to save them they wouldn't be worth as much. So, go ahead if you want to, but it won't serve much of a purpose.

Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Berzul on September 21, 2011, 02:27:25 AM
I will try out this game with my character from another game, because I can... (I never really mention her background but it is still possible to change it around :P)

Name:Yoshiko Nakamura
Youkai type:Poltergeist
Gender: Female
Touhou character: Youmu Konpaku of course
Personality: Carefree

Intelligence: 5
Danmaku Prowess: 4
Strength: 1
Agility: 4
Stamina: 3

Background: No background on this girl sadly... at least for now...

Location: Netherworld/Hakugyokurou

Other: Urameshiya!

Will also help to list other's locations :P
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 21, 2011, 02:32:37 AM
Hm... It would help if you fleshed out her personality a bit, but I guess we'll see that come through in the RP. Accepted, but it would be nice if you went into a bit more detail with her personality~

Oh, and that's a good idea, actually.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: CrowCakes on September 21, 2011, 03:16:18 AM
If I had found out that ghosts were grouped together with youkai-

*Crow headdesks

Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 21, 2011, 03:20:04 AM
If I had found out that ghosts were grouped together with youkai-

*Crow headdesks


Eh, it's more poltergeists and spirits than ghosts. If someone were to make a Youkai that was just a dead person, I wouldn't allow it.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Narouge on September 21, 2011, 04:22:17 AM
I'm interested in being a fairy. What i make the character depends. Can my character be paired with mokou? If so can i be a fairy whose aspect of nature is a "forest fire" mokou started? If so i would just need to right stuff down.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Marokuu on September 21, 2011, 09:46:21 AM
By the way, just out of idle curiosity, how long will you keep the signups open? I obviously don't know what plans you have for this but it's starting to look like we have enough people once the reserve?s get their profiles up (I mean, EoG is running on quite a bit fewer than this if memory serves).
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 21, 2011, 09:59:42 AM
I am editing my CS, it will be ready soon.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 21, 2011, 10:05:28 AM
By the way, just out of idle curiosity, how long will you keep the signups open? I obviously don't know what plans you have for this but it's starting to look like we have enough people once the reserve?s get their profiles up (I mean, EoG is running on quite a bit fewer than this if memory serves).

EoG is running on 7.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 21, 2011, 10:08:20 AM
Name: Heal de Garde ('Wandering Vassal of Eternal Loyalty')
Youkai type: Tsukumogami (Suit of Armor)
Gender: Female
Touhou character:  Byakuren Hijiri

Appearance: A black suit of armor ( with golden cross patterns all over it, including the visor, and red crosses by her shin guards. All there ever was revealed underneath it is her golden eyes, matching the visor of her helmet complemented by her sweet-looking face.
Personality:  Rather a stereotypical knight-like figure, very loyal. She will do whatever she can to fulfill whatever her (designated) 'lord'(or whatever title he/she prefers) asks her to do. Should her 'lord' die, she will faint and after several hours will wake up to find a new one. Preferring ones who are 'good', she might just follow anyone should she fall desperate. She has difficulties exercising her free will. "My lord, I will take this item for myself. What are your thoughts?"

-Intelligence: 3
-Danmaku Prowess: 2
-Strength: 4
-Agility: 3
-Stamina: 5

Background: A decorated piece of armor owned by a knight's family from the outside, hidden. It was cherished, played with the two kids, worn by the father when hunting or fending off youkai and served a noble purpose. It didn't stay that way though, after a month they were discovered by villagers. They helped the family move in the village, bringing with them everything but this, as it was too much of a burden to carry. A generation passed, the old shack is now a dilapidated ruin with no roof and little of the wall remaining. Eventually the suit of armor now gained sentience and clumsily walks out of the bare staircase from the plant-ridden basement looking for a new 'lord' as now her first ones has passed. She bears no ill-will against them, for she already served her purpose to them and now seeks to serve another.

Location:  Great Youkai Forest

Other:  Her ability is a modified form of the Royal Guard Style ( which incorporates fancy stances and coating herself in a crystalline glass-like material, soaking in raw force and can unleash it in a blinding flash of light and a force that sends the target hurtling towards the walls(if massed enough) or through 'spiking'/manifesting it into sizable objects. She has two types of energies, the kinetic force she absorbs and returns, and her normal stamina. Sadly, exhausting the latter will render the former depleted and incapable of regaining more. She can also soak in force through the object she manifested acting as a shield, but while she is focusing on it, she isn't capable of covering herself as a trade-off, thus when she is defending objectives more than she can cover with her body (resorting to a large barrier), a strong blow from behind will at least 'break' her stance. She only has a few options in danmaku, either shattering a chunk of it into 'barrier fragments' or by spawning a large shape and launching it with a firm strike, which commonly drains her of her 'reserve' if done repeatedly. Despite of her flaws, she is a formidable opponent especially to melee specialists.

Anyway do we have to abide by a timezone?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Berzul on September 21, 2011, 12:55:39 PM
Eh, it's more poltergeists and spirits than ghosts. If someone were to make a Youkai that was just a dead person, I wouldn't allow it.
Well I am going to bit flesh out things then.
1)She is not technically a ghost, she was "created" by someone.
2)She can't remember a thing from the past, thus might even not realise she is a Poltergeist at all.
3)She can forget things on usual basis.
4)Because of all of this, she is usually quite interested in very little details that might be just plain obvious.

Another thing is I would like to ask towards the "general character progression". What I had in plan would be her wandering of from Netherworld into Gensokyou and meeting one particular leftover Youkai, she would find interesting to follow. If that needs a change into something, like "Touhou character" since "The character who will be your partner and mentor" does not mean that one can be the "mentor" and another can be a "partner"...
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 21, 2011, 03:44:23 PM
Also to note my character is a spirit, so yeah. It wouldn't be good to have too many of one type.

Species I think would be interesting to have would be Fairy, Oni, Magician, Tengu, Tanuki, and Devil.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 21, 2011, 06:20:19 PM
It just so happens that i've been doinking around with the idea of running either an Oni, Tengu, or Devil.
Ala Koakuma naturally.
That is, if I bother to get off my arse and join in on this thing.

See, for concepts I have these. In tropes naturally.

Tengu: Snarky (, Forg ( (, Tri ( ( (, Easily gets Lost ( than Zolo, even worse than Ryouga!), Knife Nut (
(the baseline for a Tengu I used to run in another RP I used to be in)

Oni: Cannot Cook (, Tall, Good-looking(as far as Oni go) (, Loves to drink ( Like, really loves ( to. Also is a typical Oni in the vein of Fanon/Canon Yuugi.
(How most Oni are really.)

Devil: ?
I've got nothing on this one yet, nothing that Koa doesn't already do at least. I'll figure something out though.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 21, 2011, 07:10:35 PM
I'll look forward to your sign up then!
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Reisen-tanith on September 21, 2011, 09:25:57 PM
Just checking before I post,  Is the game still open to new Players?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 21, 2011, 09:30:39 PM
Other:  Her ability is a modified form of RoyalGuard (
No abilities allowed.

Yes it is still open. You're welcome to join.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Reisen-tanith on September 21, 2011, 09:38:06 PM
Name: Aref Beile
Youkai type: Inugami
Gender: Female
Touhou character: Kotohime
Appearance: Black ears and tail with white tips Clothes: Red Gee top *like a karate uniform*, armored bracers, Black beret cap with yellow badge insignia, Black pants with Armored Greaves. Eyes: green, Hair: black
Personality: A bit naive, sarcastic usually.  Fiercely loyal to anyone she trusts.
-Intelligence: 3  Danmaku Prowess: 3  Strength: 4  Agility: 3  Stamina: 4
Background: Animal youkai, Changed while hunting near the village in the fields. Kotohime found her while on patrol and brought her in for suspicious behavior. She later trained Aref as a police officer (Vet cop/rookie cop like stereotype for interaction)
Location: outskirts of  Human Village
 Other: Uses twin 3' blades strapped to her waist (if/once she gets them. maybe) will work as a police officer. some sleuthing skills (might be useful in the campaign)
Any problems?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 21, 2011, 10:03:32 PM
One problem with your sign up, Momiji has already been taken

You can either change it or if you really want Momiji, you can try and negotiate with Marokuu
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 21, 2011, 10:08:09 PM
Okay but I have to go to school.....dang.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Reisen-tanith on September 21, 2011, 10:14:13 PM
Dooooh. *face palm*...
hmmmm do pc 98 charas count? if so, Kotohime.
If not Reisen Inaba.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 21, 2011, 10:39:41 PM

Else Squawkers is getting pinned to the clothesline and he'll be staying ther for punishment.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Narouge on September 21, 2011, 10:42:55 PM
eh. i was bored and had time. So i made the character i was interested in making. Note eve if she as a fire aspect, i by no means need her to have any fire powers.

Name: Sparkler

Youkai type: Fairy (aspect of forest fires)

Gender: Female

Touhou character: Mokou

Appearance: Sparkler has bright red hair, with hints of blond flowing though it, which she likes to keep in a pony tail. She has brilliant orange eyes she likes to keeps from being hidden. She wears a simple yellow, red, and orange, striped dress (vertical). She very small framed, and doesn?t really think of it much.

Personality: She full of energy, and very passionate, once she gets her mind on something she heads full force to do or finish it, unless something else gets her attention. She somewhat intelligent, especially with things that interest her, like her aspect, she finds it fascinating or ?cool? as she puts it.

Intelligence: 3  Danmaku Prowess: 5  Strength: 1  Agility: 5  Stamina: 3
Background: She was born during a forest fire. She since been trying to figure out what caused it, and how exactly she going get out of here, or if she wants to.
Location: Bamboo Forest of the Lost, somewhere

Other: She knows how to start fires the ?old school way?. Rubbing sticks, magnifying sun light, and using the ?sparking rock?(flint), and other simple methods, having a instinctive understanding of fire. She however also knows how to put them out, and like to spread the ash, as it smells nice to her.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 21, 2011, 10:45:55 PM



Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 21, 2011, 11:18:15 PM
By the way, just out of idle curiosity, how long will you keep the signups open? I obviously don't know what plans you have for this but it's starting to look like we have enough people once the reserve?s get their profiles up (I mean, EoG is running on quite a bit fewer than this if memory serves).

Yeah, this is actually getting way more interest than I'd thought. I'll probably lock it later tonight, but re-open it if too many reserve?s out. We have what, 12 people interested/accepted/reserved now? Of course, I'll count interested as reserved, so don't worry Hanzo~

Anyway do we have to abide by a timezone?

Accepted! Nice detail there. :3

And what do you mean by that? If you mean you have to be in a certain timezone to participate, then no. I mean, it may be hard if you're halfway across the globe *coughYJcough* bu it really shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Another thing is I would like to ask towards the "general character progression". What I had in plan would be her wandering of from Netherworld into Gensokyou and meeting one particular leftover Youkai, she would find interesting to follow. If that needs a change into something, like "Touhou character" since "The character who will be your partner and mentor" does not mean that one can be the "mentor" and another can be a "partner"...

Don't worry, I wasn't saying there was a problem with your character. I was just saying that we can't have Youkai who are just dead people.

Basically, the Touhou character shall be both your mentor and your partner, if that's what you were asking.
It just so happens that i've been doinking around with the idea of running either an Oni, Tengu, or Devil.
Ala Koakuma naturally.
That is, if I bother to get off my arse and join in on this thing.

You totally should :3
No abilities allowed.

Let's clarify this first. Tempest, is it ability as in Remilia's fate thing, Reisen's eyes thing, etc.? Or is it just her combat style? I thought it was combat style.

Name: Aref Beile
Youkai type: Inugami
Gender: Female
Touhou character: Momiji
Appearance: Black ears and tail with white tips Clothes: Grey vest top, armored bracers, Black beret cap, Black pants with Armored Greaves. Eyes: green, Hair: black
Personality:  Fiercely loyal to anyone she trusts, otherwise very blunt and in a sarcastic mood.
-Intelligence: 3  Danmaku Prowess: 3  Strength: 4  Agility: 3  Stamina: 4
Background: Animal youkai, Changed while hunting on the mountain, found by Momiji, and trained by her in guard duty. (rookie cop)
Location: Youkai Mountain
Other: Uses twin 3' blades strapped to her waist (if/once she gets them. maybe)
Any problems?

Yeah, Kotohime is fine. Just make sure to edit your background. By the way, them turning into Youkai happens during the RP, not before, so you may have to change that as well. Once you fix those things, you'll be accepted.

eh. i was bored and had time. So i made the character i was interested in making. Note eve if she as a fire aspect, i by no means need her to have any fire powers.

Name: Sparkler

Youkai type: Fairy (aspect of forest fires)

Gender: Female

Touhou character: Mokou

Appearance: Sparkler has bright red hair, with hints of blond flowing though it, which she likes to keep in a pony tail. She has brilliant orange eyes she likes to keeps from being hidden. She wears a simple yellow, red, and orange, striped dress (vertical). She very small framed, and doesn?t really think of it much.

Personality: She full of energy, and very passionate, once she gets her mind on something she heads full force to do or finish it, unless something else gets her attention. She somewhat intelligent, especially with things that interest her, like her aspect, she finds it fascinating or ?cool? as she puts it.

Intelligence: 3  Danmaku Prowess: 4  Strength: 1  Agility: 5  Stamina: 2
Background: She was born during a forest fire. She since been trying to figure out what caused it, and how exactly she going get out of here, or if she wants to.
Location: Bamboo Forest of the Lost, somewhere

Other: She learned to start fires the ?old school way?. Rubbing sticks, magnifying sun light (having forgot the item she used), and using the ?sparking rock?(flint). She however also knows how to put them out, and like to spread the ash, as it smells nice to her.

Accepted! Since the RP starts with their birth, is it alright if she just already knows those things described in the Other section?

...I have a lot of editing to do.

Edit: And yes, Crow, this means that Fae are okay, so if you'd rather use your Fairy character, feel free to let me know and put up a new sign-up.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Berzul on September 21, 2011, 11:38:07 PM
Basically, the Touhou character shall be both your mentor and your partner, if that's what you were asking.
Yes that I why I am asking because I listed already things like starting with Youmu and ending on Kogasa. Who you would say would be better to fit this role then? Yoshika first meet Youmu in the netherworld, do some stuff around her, wonder off the netherworld, meets Kogasa, and sees her enough interesting to follow.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Reisen-tanith on September 21, 2011, 11:41:00 PM
Roger dodger Optimus Prime.
The changes are edited (just some word swaps here and there)
I should be able to play along with anything you come up with.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 21, 2011, 11:48:21 PM
Yes that I why I am asking because I listed already things like starting with Youmu and ending on Kogasa. Who you would say would be better to fit this role then? Yoshika first meet Youmu in the netherworld, do some stuff around her, wonder off the netherworld, meets Kogasa, and sees her enough interesting to follow.

Ah, yes, it could be that the first person your Youkai encounters isn't necessarily their mentor. Just know that Youmu wouldn't be a permanent member of your team or anything. By the way, sorry if I accidentally say Yoshika instead of Yoshiko. It's only one syllable away.

Roger dodger Optimus Prime.
The changes are edited (just some word swaps here and there)
I should be able to play along with anything you come up with.

...Don't call me that every again. :V

Anyway, good to hear. I'll go edit accordingly in the first post, and I'll put the most updated list in this post.

Here is the most recent list!

Current players list:
# - Player - Character Name - Youkai Type - Partner - Location
1. Squawkers - Kanade - Kitsune - Hina - Great Youkai Forest (Youkai Mountain)
2. Marokuu - Sushikisu Ohuku - Jellyfish - Momiji - Youkai Mountain
3. Youkai Jesus - Reserved
4. Crow Cakes - Chiseki - Satori - Satori - Chireiden
5. Sonae - Reserved
6. Guardian Tempest - Heal de Garde - Tsukumogami - Byakuren - Great Youkai Forest (Youkai Mountain)
7. German Flower Youkai - Reserved
8. Berzul - Yoshiko Nakamura - Poltergeist - Youmu - Hakugyokurou
⑨. MFZBdude - Ark - Yuki-onna - Cirno - Misty Lake
10. Hanzo K. - Reserved
11. Reisen0tanith - Aref Beile - Inugami - Kotohime - Outskirts of the Human Village
12. cecilthebot - Sparkler - Fairy - Mokou - Bamboo Forest of the Lost

Let me know if there are any problems!

Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 21, 2011, 11:53:43 PM
Oh noes, another one turned to ash!

Squawks, ya gonna have us meet our partners first or not?

Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 22, 2011, 12:14:02 AM
Oh noes, another one turned to ash!

Squawks, ya gonna have us meet our partners first or not?

Eh, it depends. Some people will meet their partners first, and some will be led to their partners through a chain of events.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Narouge on September 22, 2011, 12:38:13 AM
Good. a natural sense of fire, how to start it, and basics of how it works makes sense.... now i just have to wait for the moment she can learn about "fireworks".
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Oldmansour on September 22, 2011, 12:46:01 AM
Definately going with some form of equine-turned-humanoid-youkai, but I wasn't sure I should stick with your basic horse, or if a unicorn or pegasus youkai was acceptable.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 22, 2011, 12:47:47 AM
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 22, 2011, 12:50:28 AM
Definately going with some form of equine-turned-humanoid-youkai, but I wasn't sure I should stick with your basic horse, or if a unicorn or pegasus youkai was acceptable.

Those would both be perfectly acceptable. :3
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 22, 2011, 01:21:05 AM
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 22, 2011, 01:26:32 AM
Don't mind her, she's just obsessed :V
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 22, 2011, 01:27:40 AM
Pfft. Not even. Get ur facts straight
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 22, 2011, 08:14:35 AM
Hmmm, yeah it's a combat style of 'defend and overwhelmingly-counterattack'.

But looking at the similarities, it's a modified combination of Meiling's and Cirno's, except you replace ice with glass.

Also, a Kirin....unicorn with lightning summon?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 22, 2011, 09:28:25 AM
I've read that they are associated with fire.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: XinXin on September 22, 2011, 10:02:46 AM
Reserve a spot for meee!!
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 22, 2011, 10:25:47 AM
I'm getting excited for this, I can't wait to HOLD DA LINE!
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 22, 2011, 10:39:10 AM
Hold da line?

Ofc I'm excited. I've been so since I read the first post.

Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: CrowCakes on September 22, 2011, 10:40:40 AM
I might consider changing my char to a fairy. Hm, I wonder...

EDIT: Screw that, I forgot I wanted my fairy to have a power already.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 22, 2011, 10:43:11 AM
It's something from CnC GeneralsZH, you wouldn't know. But I just love that hammy Strat. Center sound.

And Crow, stck with the plan. Who knows...
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: CrowCakes on September 22, 2011, 10:49:48 AM

Oh, I still love this after eight years of not playing it.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 22, 2011, 10:55:29 AM
Trust me, the mods are now what keeps the game alive. (Shockwave and RotR for balance; Contra and Remix for Multiplayer-emphasis; I forgot the others)

In fact I was planning on shoe-horning Kassad in here with his damn handsome-sexiness(or whatever area available).
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 22, 2011, 11:31:34 AM
Hmmm, yeah it's a combat style of 'defend and overwhelmingly-counterattack'.

But looking at the similarities, it's a modified combination of Meiling's and Cirno's, except you replace ice with glass.

Also, a Kirin....unicorn with lightning summon?

I SHALL BE MALE. YES. MALE I SHALL BE. If rejected, I'm just going to stuff in one of my old sign-ups.

STOP MH3RDING. I'M CALLING JINOUGA. AND AMATSU. ALSO TOO LAZY TO MAKE MASSIVE SIGN-UP. Must... make... love with Mima... Still awaiting for Dormio. On TS. And for people to come and play dots.

Name: Eien No Ion, Arasoi Haretsu
              ^ Title                  ^Name

Youkai Type: Amatsumagatsuchi Jinouga, 牙竜種 (kiba ryu shu)

Gender: Male

Touhou character: Katelin Elntila SoulReaver Mima

Appearance: You cannot grasp the true form of Arasoi! His face is relatively human, besides for s yellow, jagged horn atop his forehead. Two other horns on the side of his head, above his temples run to the front for quite a length. He has teeth which resemble Rumia, but can be retracted at will to become normal teeth. With a dark yellow lower jaw and spikes protruding on them, he looks quite evil. His eyes are unique in a way that when he's angry, his eyes will flare gold and black, but in a passive state, he only has gold pupils surrounded by white.

He has a row of jagged, yellow spikes on his shoulders down to his forearms, with two additional rows flowing from his neck down to his waist. His clothes are specifically designed to have holes for these spikes, and are weighed. His shirt has a red cross, surrounded by a gold pentagram, and the rest is teal-greenish, up to his elbows. He wears two long gauntlets, both scale-like and teal, along with fingerless gloves. His pants are plain, long tealish pants which resemble Rinnosuke's. They're also scale-plated. His fingers are actually scaled, teal claws, tipped golden. Sharp and deadly,

Personality:  Arasoi is quite an enigmatic person, not really willing to talk much, or reveal much, unless you probe him enough, or get her mad, as he doesn't really think before he does things. However, at times when she does think, he thinks for a really long time, and the plans he can formulate after that train of thought are really, quite spectacular. If anyone is suited for the role of "mastermind" it's Arasoi, and he often has a great deal of insight and understanding about whatever happens in the world, and possesses considerable intellectual prowess, as well.

Arasoi usually doesn't abuse his power, and overestimates opponents, however, after finding them, weaker then he would expect, he has a tendency to toy with his opponents rather than use his full power from the that moment. If his opponent matches his skill, he will use her full power, even though it's not alot. Though he seems flaky and unreliable most of the time, when the safety or security of any being, is at stake, he won't hesitate to get involved, even if it means using others to do the work for him. He could easily be either a villain or a hero, depending on his whims too. Being as strong as a Diva is good.

Stats:  -Intelligence: 3  -Danmaku Prowess: 1337  -Strength: 5  -Agility: 5  -Stamina: 3

Background: Born as a Youkai, within the sacred land of Makai. He ventured Makai, exploring all parts of it's forsaken realm, and training himself on Demons. Since the Hakurei never did monitor whatever happened in Makai, Arasoi almost abandoned Danmaku, and used his strength and combat skill to his advantage. Only losing to Yuuka, his ability has increased over the range of even where Divas can go.

Soon after the release of Byakuren, Arasoi could now venture out into Gensokyo...

Location: Makai


Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 22, 2011, 11:50:23 AM
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 22, 2011, 11:56:50 AM
Nice sarcasm, too bad I'm General-izing.

"Don't werry Generul, the woarheads are on their wei." ~General Tao (with Chinese Engrish)
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: CrowCakes on September 22, 2011, 12:01:42 PM
YJ, which Touhou do you main in DoTS?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Oldmansour on September 22, 2011, 12:02:32 PM

Funnily enough, I did think about that for a while. Always did like the Kirin cycle of cards from the Kamigawa block, even though I don't know much about the original mythos. But then I thought, "Naw, unicorns are cooler." So I started working on a unicorn youkai partnered with Marisa.
Except I'd want to do something with her horn, as the touch of a unicorn's has a wide variety of powers, depending on the story. But as 'abilites' are a no-no in the game here, and I didn't want to play a gimped unicorn, I made this one instead:

Name: Minako Honjou (Silver feathers Dancing in the Wind)
Youkai-type: Pegasus youkai
Gender: Female
Touhou: Shou Toramaru
Appearance: Long white hair, almost always worn in a ponytail. Has a tail, with gold streaks in it. Two white wings with silver-tipped feathers. Eyes the color of opal.
Personality: Carries herself with a quiet confidence. Smarter than she lets on, she prefers to solve problems by hitting them rather than thinking about them, because it's more fun that way. Adell don't have that monopolized, after all. Fiercely loyal to her friends and loved ones, but loves to have a friendly scrap with them as much as she does does going for a drink with. Considers winged Tengu her natural rivals.

Intelligence: 4
Danmaku: 2
Strength: 3
Agility: 5
Stamina: 3

Background: Young even for a pegasus, she hasn't been around long, and flying for even less. She has been flying long enough, however, to run afoul of a pair of tengu when flying near youkai mountain, and to recognize the poistive enery surrounding the new Myoren Temple, which is why she build her roost not too far away from there.
Location: Myoren Temple
Other: (Once she begins her training) Has a talent for polearm weapons, starting with a simple staff, and a desire and talent for first aid and medicine.

Now, more questions.
Do we get to develop our own spellcards, or do we even get them at all?
Does this game use the 10 desires characters?
Do object/animal-turned-youkai possess the ability to return to the form they were born/created in?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 22, 2011, 12:09:33 PM
YJ, which Touhou do you main in DoTS?

Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 22, 2011, 12:10:16 PM

Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 22, 2011, 12:29:33 PM
Reserve a spot for meee!!


I SHALL BE MALE. YES. MALE I SHALL BE. If rejected, I'm just going to stuff in one of my old sign-ups.

STOP MH3RDING. I'M CALLING JINOUGA. AND AMATSU. ALSO TOO LAZY TO MAKE MASSIVE SIGN-UP. Must... make... love with Mima... Still awaiting for Dormio. On TS. And for people to come and play dots.

Name: Eien No Ion, Arasoi Haretsu
              ^ Title                  ^Name

Youkai Type: Amatsumagatsuchi Jinouga, 牙竜種 (kiba ryu shu)

Gender: Male

Touhou character: Katelin Elntila SoulReaver Mima

Appearance: You cannot grasp the true form of Arasoi! His face is relatively human, besides for s yellow, jagged horn atop his forehead. Two other horns on the side of his head, above his temples run to the front for quite a length. He has teeth which resemble Rumia, but can be retracted at will to become normal teeth. With a dark yellow lower jaw and spikes protruding on them, he looks quite evil. His eyes are unique in a way that when he's angry, his eyes will flare gold and black, but in a passive state, he only has gold pupils surrounded by white.

He has a row of jagged, yellow spikes on his shoulders down to his forearms, with two additional rows flowing from his neck down to his waist. His clothes are specifically designed to have holes for these spikes, and are weighed. His shirt has a red cross, surrounded by a gold pentagram, and the rest is teal-greenish, up to his elbows. He wears two long gauntlets, both scale-like and teal, along with fingerless gloves. His pants are plain, long tealish pants which resemble Rinnosuke's. They're also scale-plated. His fingers are actually scaled, teal claws, tipped golden. Sharp and deadly,

Personality:  Arasoi is quite an enigmatic person, not really willing to talk much, or reveal much, unless you probe him enough, or get her mad, as he doesn't really think before he does things. However, at times when she does think, he thinks for a really long time, and the plans he can formulate after that train of thought are really, quite spectacular. If anyone is suited for the role of "mastermind" it's Arasoi, and he often has a great deal of insight and understanding about whatever happens in the world, and possesses considerable intellectual prowess, as well. After living for such a long time, he has lost track of her age, and just says it as "Infinite", he can actually die, by the sword or magic, or poor living conditions, just like how a mortal would. But, he has been able to take care of herself over the past few, god knows how long. Currently, after getting intelligence and wisdom from the ages he has lived through.

Arasoi usually doesn't abuse his power, and overestimates opponents, however, after finding them, weaker then he would expect, he has a tendency to toy with his opponents rather than use his full power from the that moment. If his opponent matches his skill, he will use her full power, even though it's not alot. Though she seems flaky and unreliable most of the time, when the safety or security of any being, is at stake, he won't hesitate to get involved, even if it means using others to do the work for him. He could easily be either a villain or a hero, depending on his whims too. Being as strong as a Diva is good.

Stats:  -Intelligence: 4  -Danmaku Prowess: 1337  -Strength: 5  -Agility: 5  -Stamina: 3

Background: A rare, sealed-up youkai trapped within Makai. Along with the unsealed Byakuren, Arasoi managed to sneak his way out due to Byakuren's prison being right beside his. Arasoi was sealed as one of Byakuren's followers. One that was basically "The Guardian" of her temple. When the humans came to burn her temple and throw Byakuren into Makai, only he was the wall that defended that great fortress. Before all the others came out, that is... The first to defend and the first to fall. Being banished into Makai after an honorable battle, although being stopped by Byakuren many times. He wasn't allowed to kill anyone, or so she said.

And he did as told, sparing the life of the barrage of people that charged towards him. How he got defeated would be a mystery. The humans had torches, swords and such, but they could not pierce through Arasoi's skin...

After Arasoi was freed, he ventured Makai, exploring all parts of it's forsaken realm, and training himself on Demons. Since the Hakurei never did monitor whatever happened in Makai, Arasoi almost abandoned Danmaku, and used his strength and combat skill to his advantage. Only losing to Yuuka, his ability has increased over the range of even where Divas can go.

Location: Makai


While I would normally chide you for making a male, the bigger problem here is that this guy has way, way too much backstory. The background bit was really only for youkai who transformed into Youkai, but most of the players will start off with their Youkai being born.

Name: Minako Honjou (Silver feathers Dancing in the Wind)
Youkai-type: Pegasus youkai
Gender: Female
Touhou: Shou Toramaru
Appearance: Long white hair, almost always worn in a ponytail. Has a tail, with gold streaks in it. Two white wings with silver-tipped feathers. Eyes the color of opal.
Personality: Carries herself with a quiet confidence. Smarter than she lets on, she prefers to solve problems by hitting them rather than thinking about them, because it's more fun that way. Adell don't have that monopolized, after all. Fiercely loyal to her friends and loved ones, but loves to have a friendly scrap with them as much as she does does going for a drink with. Considers winged Tengu her natural rivals.

Intelligence: 4
Danmaku: 2
Strength: 3
Agility: 5
Stamina: 3

Background: Young even for a pegasus, she hasn't been around long, and flying for even less. She has been flying long enough, however, to run afoul of a pair of tengu when flying near youkai mountain, and to recognize the poistive enery surrounding the new Myoren Temple, which is why she build her roost not too far away from there.
Location: Myoren Temple
Other: (Once she begins her training) Has a talent for polearm weapons, starting with a simple staff, and a desire and talent for first aid and medicine.

Now, more questions.
Do we get to develop our own spellcards, or do we even get them at all?
Does this game use the 10 desires characters?
Do object/animal-turned-youkai possess the ability to return to the form they were born/created in?

Accepted! The bit with flying around may be a tad bit shorter in the RP, but otherwise this is fine.

I'm still on the ropes about that, but right now the OCs probably will not create Spellcards.
No. As I haven't played Ten Desries yet, I've tried to avoid any spoilers on that game. I know a bit, but not enough to have the characters in here without that leading to spoilers.
Probably not. I may change my mind about this, but I'm fairly certain the only Youkai we've seen revert to animal form was Rin, and I'm pretty sure it works differently for her.

And, YJ is right, the first person to be accepted with a Touhou character will get that character. Now, YJ has to do a different one, but if her next one has Mima and is excepted, and she posts it before you do, you're out of luck, Sonae. Sorry.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 22, 2011, 12:42:10 PM
So, when do we start? (apparently I missed something)

And second, for future reference, might it be fine for you to link the character list in the OP to their respective posts?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 22, 2011, 12:52:06 PM
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Dorakyura on September 22, 2011, 12:52:57 PM
stupid forum, stupid me... I just deleted my character description by accident, gdi >:(
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: XinXin on September 22, 2011, 12:57:07 PM
Name: Huang Mikan (黄密砍) [Huang being her surname, just letting you non-Asians know! In Asia, last names go first!]

Youkai type: Human-type Youkai(Think Meiling! Yes, I envision her to be the same type of Youkai as Meiling)(Much thanks Tempest!)

Gender: Female

Touhou character: Flandre Scarlet (Uuu~!)

Appearance: Mikan has long, flowing black hair reaching all the way to her chest should it be hanging in front of her face and, speaking of which, her chest size is normal, unlike her counterpart. As for her height, she stands at 160cm, nothing far too spectacular. At the beginning, she starts off in the generic meido maid outfit that can be seen on Sakuya. Later on, as she escapes the Scarlet Devil Mansion, she steals some of Meiling's clothing, fortunately finding an older pair that suits her, although slightly baggy. Along with that set of clothes, she found one of Meiling's hair ribbons, which she promptly used to tie her locks, creating a short little bundle of hair that neatly hangs from her shoulder, or at her back. She looks nothing like Meiling - but still hawt - so DO NOT EVER MIX HER AND MEILING UP, EVER, OR I WILL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF, JAOOOOOO!

Personality: She has a very calm disposition, rarely getting worried or frustrated. However, getting her mad will push her to limits wherein she will solve the problem to the best of her ability, a hyperdrive mode of sorts. So if you get on her bad side, you had better make sure you can fend her off. Note that this can also apply to determination, thereby making her an efficient worker under pressure. Either way, pissing her off is something hard to do since she is calm by nature. Otherwise, she is generally submissive to authority, namely, Flandre, Patchouli, Remilia and Sakuya, but note that Flandre is a special case in that when she does something stupid Mikan knows. She is caring of her charge, Flandre, even though she has not been here too long. Mikan is friendly to everyone she meets, however this is not to be mixed up with naivety. She knows where to draw the line, and maintains it well.

Stats: 12
-Intelligence: 1+3=4
-Danmaku Prowess: 1+2=3
-Strength: 1+2=3
-Agility: 1+4=5
-Stamina: 1+1=2

Background: Wherever she came from, she was found Remilia during one of her walks.


From there on, she was trained to be a maid, to be groomed like Sakuya. However, since she seemed to possess greater intelligence in comparison to the fairy maids, she was chosen to take charge of Flandre. Fortunately, Mikan's calm disposition and motherly instincts to care made her perfect to take care of Flandre, both as a companion and as a maid. It took an incredibly short time for them to become close. A short time later, the Scarlet Devil Mansion received news of the two missing barrier maidens, and that was when Flandre hatched her plan to take a little trip to the world outside the Scarlet Devil Mansion. After all, she was both curious about these "incidents" she had been hearing so much about as well as the world itself. Mikan, not truly knowing the threat that Flandre posed having never been told since it is not the best of ideas to scare away potential, agreed to her plan, only ever worrying about how Remilia would feel. Otherwise, she was convinced that Flandre would be safe, and she would be able to bring her home somehow. In actuality, she should have been worried about whether other people would be safe.

Location: Scarlet Devil Mansion (duh)

Please don't take the Meiling thing as a joke. Don't mix her up with Meiling, because they don't even look alike and it will get irritating >_>".
But yes, you may feel free to translate Mikan's name in Japanese if your character only sees it on paper somehow. Kurenai Misuzu~!

Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Marokuu on September 22, 2011, 01:28:33 PM
Ooh, so many characters popping up, this is getting exciting.... I was going to say something about the stat points but it slipped my mind, that intelligence of 1 will be sitting just right with me it seems :V
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 22, 2011, 01:42:32 PM
You can call Huang a 'Human-type Youkai'.

I'm off to bed as I plan off how to make my usage of ability seem like a complete amateur, or maybe through experience with her former owner....and possibly the cliche'd Human+Youkai Bandit Squad...I just don't know.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 22, 2011, 02:19:56 PM
The Feng Shui of this post has reached CRITICAL LEVELS
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Reisen-tanith on September 22, 2011, 03:36:58 PM
so correct me If I'm wrong but it looks like the plan will go like this.
1. wander around
2. change into youkai
3. meet partner
4. train/ learn
5. find each other
sorry I'm in an analyzing mode now...
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Marokuu on September 22, 2011, 03:38:42 PM
I don't know if there will be much wandering around pre-youkai. As I understand it your first post will detail your transformation, followed by squawks bringing in your partner.

stupid forum, stupid me... I just deleted my character description by accident, gdi >:(
This is why you should be geeky enough to write it down in a text document   :justasplanned:
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Narouge on September 22, 2011, 07:30:02 PM
added 2 points to my fairies states since most people had 17 and i had 15
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2011, 08:17:30 PM
Okay, think I've got a basic stat spread for the three types I might pick, using a similar convention as League of Legends for their general roles if a fight were to break out.

Stats: Tengu(Speed, Ranged, Assassin)

INT: 1+1(2)
DAN: 1+4(5)
STR: 1+1(2)
AGI: 1+4(5)
STA: 1+2(3)

Stats: Oni(Melee, Tank)

INT: 1+1(2)
DAN: 1+1(2)
STR: 1+4(5)
AGI: 1+2(3)
STA: 1+4(5)

Stats: Devil(Caster, Nuke, Ranged, Tank)

INT: 1+4(5)
DAN: 1+4(5)
STR: 1(Unchanged)
AGI: 1+1(2)
STA: 1+3(4)

Fun Fact: I ended up statting the Devil out as I was writing this post.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 22, 2011, 09:25:41 PM
Go wit teh Oni.
Great parties will ensue
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2011, 09:52:15 PM
I've been strongly considering that meself, seeing as how she'd essentially play like a genderbent version of F/SN!Lancer.
Brawler, has the general Oni Code of Morals(which amusingly enough, is not too different from my own.), and so on.
I'd just have to figure out a name, and avoid her falling into a few tropes I don't want her falling into.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Marokuu on September 22, 2011, 09:53:23 PM
I'll agree that the oni seems fun but... how do you make an oni without a backstory/newly formed?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 22, 2011, 09:54:40 PM
Newly born Oni?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Marokuu on September 22, 2011, 09:58:55 PM
Well, since the first post is supposed to be about the character waking up for the first time or something like that... I mean it works with youkai that are aspects of things, spirits, newly turned animals... but oni exist as a species, I'd assume that they don't just pop out of sake bottles... the same would go for satori tbh...

I guess these could just be chalked up as freak cases or something, I'm too tired right now to think about it.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 22, 2011, 10:02:35 PM

BEst answer.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 22, 2011, 10:08:52 PM
So, when do we start? (apparently I missed something)

And second, for future reference, might it be fine for you to link the character list in the OP to their respective posts?

Well, it's gotten a lot more interest than I ever expected. My best bet is either tomorrow, or some time this weekend.

As far as linking goes... eh, I guess I might, if I feel like it. I mean, come on, it's :effort: :P


While I appreciate the background editing, it has been brought to my attention that this type of Youkai is a dragon. You may remember, I personally crossed out dragon on the list Sonae proffered. As such, I would appreciate it if you would post that other profile you mentioned. I apologize for the inconvenience, but this is the best way to handle this in my opinion.

The dispute about Mima has also been brought to my attention. If not for the fact that she edited the post that contained it, you would know that Sonae had already stated her claim to Mima, so I do not hold that against either of you. Now, Sonae has posted her sign-up, which includes Mima. I'm going to assume that your other sign-up also includes Mima. Now, to just give it to Sonae would be unfair, as you did post yours first, as I am asking you to use a different sign-up. On the other hand, to just let you have Mima would be unfair to her, as she does have the proper sign-up, and she did state her claim at an earlier date. As such, I request that either the two of you settle this yourselves (in a civil manner, please) or let me take over. As you are both my friends, I will try to be as objective as possible. Now, of course, if your other sign-up does not include Mima, this is not a problem. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.

stupid forum, stupid me... I just deleted my character description by accident, gdi >:(

That's why you save it in a document first :V

Name: Huang Mikan (黄密砍) [Huang being her surname, just letting you non-Asians know! In Asia, last names go first!]

Youkai type: Human-type Youkai(Think Meiling! Yes, I envision her to be the same type of Youkai as Meiling)(Much thanks Tempest!)

Gender: Female

Touhou character: Flandre Scarlet (Uuu~!)

Appearance: Mikan has long, flowing black hair reaching all the way to her chest should it be hanging in front of her face and, speaking of which, her chest size is normal, unlike her counterpart. As for her height, she stands at 160cm, nothing far too spectacular. At the beginning, she starts off in the generic meido maid outfit that can be seen on Sakuya. Later on, as she escapes the Scarlet Devil Mansion, she steals some of Meiling's clothing, fortunately finding an older pair that suits her, although slightly baggy. Along with that set of clothes, she found one of Meiling's hair ribbons, which she promptly used to tie her locks, creating a short little bundle of hair that neatly hangs from her shoulder, or at her back. She looks nothing like Meiling - but still hawt - so DO NOT EVER MIX HER AND MEILING UP, EVER, OR I WILL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF, JAOOOOOO!

Personality: She has a very calm disposition, rarely getting worried or frustrated. However, getting her mad will push her to limits wherein she will solve the problem to the best of her ability, a hyperdrive mode of sorts. So if you get on her bad side, you had better make sure you can fend her off. Note that this can also apply to determination, thereby making her an efficient worker under pressure. Either way, pissing her off is something hard to do since she is calm by nature. Otherwise, she is generally submissive to authority, namely, Flandre, Patchouli, Remilia and Sakuya, but note that Flandre is a special case in that when she does something stupid Mikan knows. She is caring of her charge, Flandre, even though she has not been here too long. Mikan is friendly to everyone she meets, however this is not to be mixed up with naivety. She knows where to draw the line, and maintains it well.

Stats: 12
-Intelligence: 1+3=4
-Danmaku Prowess: 1+2=3
-Strength: 1+2=3
-Agility: 1+4=5
-Stamina: 1+1=2

Background: Wherever she came from, she was found Remilia during one of her walks.


From there on, she was trained to be a maid, to be groomed like Sakuya. However, since she seemed to possess greater intelligence in comparison to the fairy maids, she was chosen to take charge of Flandre. Fortunately, Mikan's calm disposition and motherly instincts to care made her perfect to take care of Flandre, both as a companion and as a maid. It took an incredibly short time for them to become close. A short time later, the Scarlet Devil Mansion received news of the two missing barrier maidens, and that was when Flandre hatched her plan to take a little trip to the world outside the Scarlet Devil Mansion. After all, she was both curious about these "incidents" she had been hearing so much about as well as the world itself. Mikan, not truly knowing the threat that Flandre posed having never been told since it is not the best of ideas to scare away potential, agreed to her plan, only ever worrying about how Remilia would feel. Otherwise, she was convinced that Flandre would be safe, and she would be able to bring her home somehow. In actuality, she should have been worried about whether other people would be safe.

Location: Scarlet Devil Mansion (duh)

Please don't take the Meiling thing as a joke. Don't mix her up with Meiling, because they don't even look alike and it will get irritating >_>".
But yes, you may feel free to translate Mikan's name in Japanese if your character only sees it on paper somehow. Kurenai Misuzu~!


Accepted! Good to finally have somebody from the SDM.

I'll shoot someone if I don't get Mima.

Name: Sayuri
Youkai type: Spirit
Gender: Female
Touhou character: Mima
Appearance: Short hair, Hitaikakushi. Dress with frilled ribbon. Ghostly tail. Will load image once it's finished
Personality: Fairy-like. Cheerful, Curious, Energetic, Playful, Innocent. She's unaware of what she is, and thus, doesn't act much like one.
-Intelligence: 3
-Danmaku Prowess: 5
-Strength: 1
-Agility: 5
-Stamina: 3
Background: She's a newborn. Doesn't have one yet.
Location: Somewhere near the Hakurei Shrine
Other: Being a Spirit, she has the natural ability of being able to pass through objects. She can also understand her fellow spirits

Putting this on hold until the Mima dispute is settled.

so correct me If I'm wrong but it looks like the plan will go like this.
1. wander around
2. change into youkai
3. meet partner
4. train/ learn
5. find each other
sorry I'm in an analyzing mode now...

Eh, not much of step one, step two happens first, and stuff may happen between your step 2 and step 3. Also, 4 and 5 may happen together.

added 2 points to my fairies states since most people had 17 and i had 15

Fair enough. I'll have a look at it.

Well, since the first post is supposed to be about the character waking up for the first time or something like that... I mean it works with youkai that are aspects of things, spirits, newly turned animals... but oni exist as a species, I'd assume that the don't just pop out of sake bottles... the same would go for satori tbh...

I guess these could just be chalked up as freak cases or something, I'm too tired right now to think about it.


Best answer.

^This. That, or um... Eh, I'll figure out a way to make it work. Like make her grow very quickly throughout the RP or something. Or, Hanzo could make a young Oni. It would be more convenient if you went with something else, but don't let that stop you.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 22, 2011, 10:22:57 PM
You can pull off a Gong the Hawkeye and say you're an oni who just revealed himself/herself after dormancy.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: CrowCakes on September 22, 2011, 10:40:03 PM
That wouuld mean that Hanzo's oni should be doing nothing of interest before appearing, right?

Just to clarify, I'm starting at Chireiden? Near the Palace of Earth Spirits?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 22, 2011, 10:41:24 PM
That wouuld mean that Hanzo's oni should be doing nothing of interest before appearing, right?

Just to clarify, I'm starting at Chireiden? Near the Palace of Earth Spirits?

Yes, and yes. I thought Chireiden was just the official name of the Underground City?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Sonae on September 22, 2011, 10:44:31 PM
The Ancient City is pretty much it's name. Like the Human village is called the Human Village
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Berzul on September 22, 2011, 10:51:11 PM
Yes, and yes. I thought Chireiden was just the official name of the Underground City?
東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism (romanized: Touhou Chireiden, lit. Eastern Palace of the Earth Spirits)
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2011, 10:54:33 PM say, she was just plain out cold due to not getting any booze?
Y'know, like how in this one tabletop rpg, vampires go into something called torpor when they don't get any blood.
(That's my interpretation of why Oni are always drinking, they downright need it to keep going, otherwise they pass out for who knows how long. At least, until they get more booze that is.)

And it just so happens that a minor earthquake manages to knock a jar of booze down onto her, where it then shatters, due to her harder-than-hard head, allowing the booze to get into her system via traces through the skin, as well as some ending up in her mouth. (talking from experience here man, I've had water balloons busted over my head, so I know how that sorta thing works.)
And then she wakes up and tries to go on a crazy adventure to get more booze pronto before she zonks out again.
Luckily, finding Yuugi or somesuch shortly before passing out in mid-brawl.
Yeah, the idea is that she finds Yuugi or Suika, ends up getting into a hasty brawl with 'em due to really needing booze(Yuugi for a quick drink, or Suika for the gourd itself.), and ends up zonking out again mid-fight, but keeping her stance like a real fighter, even despite that.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 22, 2011, 11:01:33 PM say, she was just plain out cold due to not getting any booze?
Y'know, like how in this one tabletop rpg, vampires go into something called torpor when they don't get any blood.
(That's my interpretation of why Oni are always drinking, they downright need it to keep going, otherwise they pass out for who knows how long. At least, until they get more booze that is.)

And it just so happens that a minor earthquake manages to knock a jar of booze down onto her, where it then shatters, due to her harder-than-hard head, allowing the booze to get into her system via traces through the skin, as well as some ending up in her mouth. (talking from experience here man, I've had water balloons busted over my head, so I know how that sorta thing works.)
And then she wakes up and tries to go on a crazy adventure to get more booze pronto before she zonks out again.
Luckily, finding Yuugi or somesuch shortly before passing out in mid-brawl.
Yeah, the idea is that she finds Yuugi or Suika, ends up getting into a hasty brawl with 'em due to really needing booze(Yuugi for a quick drink, or Suika for the gourd itself.), and ends up zonking out again mid-fight, but keeping her stance like a real fighter, even despite that.

The only problem is, you really can't have much of a backstory at all. Like, a week before the RP timeline starts at most. If you can handle that, go for it.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Updated with new sign-up rules)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 22, 2011, 11:27:49 PM
Sorry for the double post. It has been brought to my attention that YJ's character is not a dragon, but a thunder wolf. However, he has one more stat point than he should, so you'll need to fix that. Once that and the Mima issue are settled, you'll both be accepted, and we'll only have GermanFlowerYoukai and Hanzo left. As such, sign-ups are now locked unless any of our reserved players drop out. Sorry, but fourteen is a LOT of players.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 22, 2011, 11:32:02 PM
My only real stumbling point would be the short amount of time to work with.
I guess I could play teh Devil instead, and play like a snarky 4th Wall Observer.
Afterall, 5 INT's gotta count for something here.

I'm thinking a blend of Archer, Rin, and Caster, with shades of Neco-Arc.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 22, 2011, 11:56:18 PM
Note: it was pointed out to me that YJ's character had one stat point too many, so his Intelligence was dropped a point with her permission.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 23, 2011, 01:22:13 AM
So, the eventual solution that was reached is that Sonae would use Futo instead of Mima, which means that I have to spoil the game for myself, which I'm still a bit irritated about. I know I said there wouldn't be any TD characters, but this was the only solution I could find. By the way, anyone else who says "Oh does that mean I can use TD characters now? :derp:": don't try me :D
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Sonae on September 23, 2011, 02:04:49 AM
Okay. I'm really tired right now. I haven't gotten my usual 12hours of sleep in a few days. So imma sleep and IT. WILL. BE. GREAT.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: CrowCakes on September 23, 2011, 03:04:39 AM
Sonae, maybe you could use Yuyuko and save Squawkers from spoiling TD?

*Crow is shot
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 23, 2011, 03:09:28 AM
Sonae, maybe you could use Yuyuko and save Squawkers from spoiling TD?

*Crow is shot

Dude, you have no idea how many times I tried to convince her to use Yuyuko instead. But nooooooo, it has to be an evil spirit.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Amraphenson on September 23, 2011, 04:07:46 AM
Damn, would've liked to sign up. I'll keep this here in case.

Name: Suzutsuki
Youkai Type: Tsukumogami (Doll/Unique)
Gender: Male
Mentor/Partner: Alice Margatroid

Appearance: Appears to be a young, teenage boy of about 14. Long black hair in the back, shorter around his head; usually braided. Dull grey eyes. Short and a bit skinny. Parts of him have been replaced by doll parts, most significantly his right arm and shoulder.

Personality: Mellow and softspoken. Generally has to be prodded for any sort of response. Does as he's told, but silently mulls over the actions of others in his mind. Once he decides on something, he's impossible to sway off the path. Strange disregard for his own life, but protects others obsessively.

-Intelligence: 3
-Danmaku: 1
-Strength: 4
-Agility: 4
-Stamina: 5

(Possible) Background: About a century ago, a set of large mannequins was lost down a ravine. The parts were smashed across the river floor; some were taken off by the current, while larger pieces sunk to the river bed and stayed there, unused and forgotten. The parts normally would have qualified to become a tsukumogami, but the scattered formation of them and their shattered forms prevented them from truly gaining sentience; instead they smoldered there, filled to the brim with unused magic. But when a young man fell into the ravine himself, the parts were given a vessel. By attaching themselves to the boy's corpse, they managed to create a single, intelligent being...albeit one who's nearly completely unique, as far as tsukumogami go. After wandering through the neighbouring Forest of Magic for god knows how long, he was taken in by a curious Alice Margatroid, who was interested in the prospect of another way to create an intelligent doll.

That's all that he knows, anyway.

Location: Forest of Magic

Just PM me if the slot opens up, or otherwise use the character as you will. Glad to contribute in any case.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Oldmansour on September 23, 2011, 06:48:36 AM
Dude, you have no idea how many times I tried to convince her to use Yuyuko instead. But nooooooo, it has to be an evil spirit.

Well, why not Yuka, or Medicine? Might not be ghosts, but they're every bit as evil. And spoiler-free.
Still can't believe there's actually competition for mima, of all people.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 23, 2011, 06:59:31 AM
Well, why not Yuka, or Medicine? Might not be ghosts, but they're every bit as evil. And spoiler-free.
Still can't believe there's actually competition for mima, of all people.

Yuuka is Dorakyura's. And Mima for awesome badassery and sexyness
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: XinXin on September 23, 2011, 07:14:18 AM
Hey, Squawky, do I necessarily have to start out as becoming youkai or can I start out at SDM? Perhaps if the details of transformation are necessary, I'll be willing to do a flashback. After all, I'd prefer Flandre and Mikan have more prior interaction so I can jumpstart my RP well. If not, I don't mind starting out being found by Remilia. It doesn't affect me far too much to the point that I'll protest XD.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Marokuu on September 23, 2011, 07:26:28 AM
Ooh, my fingers are starting to itch with desire to get this started, if the first post was made during the weekend I could get of to a great start despite the fact that I just got an annoying school assignment.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 23, 2011, 09:02:27 AM
If you want REAL evil try the Saigyou Ayakashi...but you have to get through Yuyuko though, maybe along the lines of:
Every now and then, during his/her spare time as Yuyuko and Youmu isn't looking, __________ seeks to the dead structure known as the cursed cherry tree, the Saigyou Ayakashi. He/She forms a small conversation and settles an agreement: Meet up regularly, avoiding detection by the two as they discuss plans. Bonus points if the tree turns into a Loli.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: XinXin on September 23, 2011, 10:20:58 AM
Saigyou Ayakashi wants MOAR BLOOODDD. :barf:
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 23, 2011, 11:49:19 AM

DoW references aside, that should be ideal to the likes of whomever.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 23, 2011, 12:24:20 PM
Damn, would've liked to sign up. I'll keep this here in case.

Name: Suzutsuki
Youkai Type: Tsukumogami (Doll/Unique)
Gender: Male
Mentor/Partner: Alice Margatroid

Appearance: Appears to be a young, teenage boy of about 14. Long black hair in the back, shorter around his head; usually braided. Dull grey eyes. Short and a bit skinny. Parts of him have been replaced by doll parts, most significantly his right arm and shoulder.

Personality: Mellow and softspoken. Generally has to be prodded for any sort of response. Does as he's told, but silently mulls over the actions of others in his mind. Once he decides on something, he's impossible to sway off the path. Strange disregard for his own life, but protects others obsessively.

-Intelligence: 3
-Danmaku: 1
-Strength: 4
-Agility: 4
-Stamina: 5

(Possible) Background: About a century ago, a set of large mannequins was lost down a ravine. The parts were smashed across the river floor; some were taken off by the current, while larger pieces sunk to the river bed and stayed there, unused and forgotten. The parts normally would have qualified to become a tsukumogami, but the scattered formation of them and their shattered forms prevented them from truly gaining sentience; instead they smoldered there, filled to the brim with unused magic. But when a young man fell into the ravine himself, the parts were given a vessel. By attaching themselves to the boy's corpse, they managed to create a single, intelligent being...albeit one who's nearly completely unique, as far as tsukumogami go. After wandering through the neighbouring Forest of Magic for god knows how long, he was taken in by a curious Alice Margatroid, who was interested in the prospect of another way to create an intelligent doll.

That's all that he knows, anyway.

Location: Forest of Magic

Just PM me if the slot opens up, or otherwise use the character as you will. Glad to contribute in any case.

Yeah, if anyone leaves before it starts, I'll let you know.

Well, why not Yuka, or Medicine? Might not be ghosts, but they're every bit as evil. And spoiler-free.
Still can't believe there's actually competition for mima, of all people.

If you want REAL evil try the Saigyou Ayakashi...but you have to get through Yuyuko though, maybe along the lines of:

No no no, it has to be an evil spirit  ::). And I don't really see the Ayakashi working out well as a partner.

Hey, Squawky, do I necessarily have to start out as becoming youkai or can I start out at SDM? Perhaps if the details of transformation are necessary, I'll be willing to do a flashback. After all, I'd prefer Flandre and Mikan have more prior interaction so I can jumpstart my RP well. If not, I don't mind starting out being found by Remilia. It doesn't affect me far too much to the point that I'll protest XD.

It would be preferable if you started out with the transformation.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 23, 2011, 12:27:29 PM
It can do telepathy....somehow, maybe due to some prophetic <swear word> which keeps it in flatline harmless. Besides, evil spirit or not, it's EVUL!! OR settle for a genderbent Don Simoun.

"My child, you have great potential. I have what you seek, we must discuss. I have been looking for...."

You know the routine, except of course it's only limited in the Netherlands world.

Really, it HAS to work. Or you could just extract the essence of evil from it.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: CrowCakes on September 23, 2011, 12:31:27 PM
Writing about first experience is going to be FUN. Although I can forsee future problems with Satori having to leave the underground.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Sonae on September 23, 2011, 12:59:24 PM
No no no. It's not that at all.
It's my character's creation that's the problem
If I could have had Mima, and YJ would have settled for Marisa, or Medicine, or something. Then there would have been no problems.
But she wouldn't give up Mima. And the only way I could have it still work without totally scrapping my ideas is to use a TD character.
If I didn't have one of the two I'd have to completely scrap my entire character.
I wont be spoiling any of the characters Backstories. Hell, not even touching the Extra boss.
So I wanted Mima for plot reasons, while YJ just wanted to have a matching set and someone she can drool over.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 23, 2011, 01:02:12 PM
Then all costs we need NPC's to fill that void(on that last aspect).

I say we make another one! (lolwut)
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Sonae on September 23, 2011, 01:12:34 PM
Another what?
And I don't want ppl to look at me like im the villain or something here ;-;
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Reisen-tanith on September 23, 2011, 01:18:28 PM

DoW references aside, that should be ideal to the likes of whomever.
warhammer references...Check.
also on Mima... could it be possible for 2 people to work with her?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Sonae on September 23, 2011, 01:23:39 PM

I don't think that crossed any of our minds.

But at this point It's somewhat too late. Squawkers already knows their appearances and full names. So going with that now would make it all for nothing.

-All player characters will be newborn Youkai
-The character who will be your partner and mentor. Please try to keep this related to geography
-but since these Youkai are all newborn, they don't really have to have much of a background.
-Anyways Squawks, I gots a question for ya. Can our chara possibly have met some characters prior to the start of the story? Heard of them? Been brought up by them? Fought with them?
-Unfortunately, no. Don't worry, there is a good reason for this. Every OC must be newly born/created/what-have-you
-Species that may have had known other characters are probably not allowed either.
-Strikethrough means no can do.

A Jinouga is a Behemoth Ripoff Fanged Wyvern. And a Wyvern is a Dragon. It doesn't matter if it doesn't look like a dragon or not, it's still a dragon.
Keine doesn't look like any sort of animal yet she's apparently an animal type Youkai during the full moon.
I and a few others are still bothered that Youkai Jesus's character seems to be quite overpowered, not to mention that it IS a dragon despite not looking like one.
If I may do so, I request Youkai Jesus changes her character's species.
As far as the rest of us go, we aren't particularly strong Youkai. So It's somewhat unfair for her to not only have an unusually strong partner, but also have an unusually strong OC.
I suggest she tone it down slightly. And not have any dragon in any way, since it's not allowed.
She could use This Behemoth ( or even a Raijuu would work.
The form of a white and blue wolf (or even a wolf wrapped in lightning) is also common

So if you could please change the species it'd make us all happy.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Dorakyura on September 23, 2011, 04:30:57 PM
to lazy to bring back my complete background story :(
(Head hits table critical, table parrys. Table hits head with riposte, head dies)

Name: Hilde (Hiruda ヒルダ :o)

Youkai Type: Evil Spirit (Former Valkyrie (since Valkyrie's are already spirit kind of thinks xD), bound to a halberd)

Gender: Female

Touhou: Orin

Appearance: Hilde's appearance is like a 20-22 years old woman (I don't need lolis :V). She looks quite feminine for hear strength. She has middle long dark black hairs and her eyes have an orange to red colour. She wears a black dress with golden ornaments on it. On top of it she wears a darkblue/golden armor, that covers here chest and here shoulders, and vambrace on her forearm.
Her 2m long halberd is always with her, without it she would lose her physical from. When she's not moving, you may see the shade of her tainted wings.

Personality: She is calm and even-tempered to others, when she's not in fighting mood. In battle, she throws herself onto the enemy to cut it down with her halberd.
She can be very sardistic.

-Intelligence: 1+3
-Danmaku: 1+1
-Strength: 1+4
-Agility: 1
-Stamina: 1+4

About the Stats: She lacks agility because of her armor and the heavy halberd she carries. But her intelligence and strength make that even.
Her danmaku is mainly generated with her halberd (like Meira or Youmu with her sword). Since it's a big weapon she cannot create it very fast so it's not very effective in a direct battle.
Her armor and weapon can be used to defend herself and others and she can take a few hits.

Background: Once long before, Hilde was one of the great valkyrie. She was known as the spirit of battle and had the ability to revive the dead on the battlefield to win with disadvantages in numbers.
After Odin, the Lord of Valhalla, forbade all valkyries to interfere in human matters, she grew tired of just watching so she oppose Odin's orders and gone back to earth to have some fun.
[She became evil bla bla, her wings and hairs changed into a black colour]
Odin was not pleased to see someone go against his orders, so he sended his son, Thor, to earth to punish her. Her strength was no match to Thor's and she tried to hide in the Underworld of Hell.
But even there, Thor was able to find her and she lost her last battle.
Thor, with his overwhelming power crushed her to oblivion and nothing left except a lone halberd.

Location: Remains of Blazing Hell

Others: Some additional information, she lost her old abilitys and her memories, she only has her old appearance and personality (kind of), so she is back at the beginning as everyone else, have fun with the intro :P
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Sonae on September 23, 2011, 05:31:36 PM

So all that bullshit was for nothing?

Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Dorakyura on September 23, 2011, 06:13:12 PM

So all that bullshit was for nothing?


what are you talking about?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Narouge on September 23, 2011, 08:09:08 PM
what are you talking about?

probley has nothing to do with ya. Since they just figered otut hey could both just been traiend by the saem partner.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Dorakyura on September 23, 2011, 09:05:14 PM
probley has nothing to do with ya. Since they just figered otut hey could both just been traiend by the saem partner.

I know that he wasn't talking to me ^^ well be trained by the same partner is more effectiv xD
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 23, 2011, 09:43:58 PM
Think I've got a few ideas.
I'm torn between the Tengu or the Devil though, the Oni might be a bit too tricky to work around given how they don't just spring up overnight.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 23, 2011, 09:57:37 PM

I don't think that crossed any of our minds.

But at this point It's somewhat too late. Squawkers already knows their appearances and full names. So going with that now would make it all for nothing.

A Jinouga is a Behemoth Ripoff Fanged Wyvern. And a Wyvern is a Dragon. It doesn't matter if it doesn't look like a dragon or not, it's still a dragon.
Keine doesn't look like any sort of animal yet she's apparently an animal type Youkai during the full moon.
I and a few others are still bothered that Youkai Jesus's character seems to be quite overpowered, not to mention that it IS a dragon despite not looking like one.
If I may do so, I request Youkai Jesus changes her character's species.
As far as the rest of us go, we aren't particularly strong Youkai. So It's somewhat unfair for her to not only have an unusually strong partner, but also have an unusually strong OC.
I suggest she tone it down slightly. And not have any dragon in any way, since it's not allowed.
She could use This Behemoth ( or even a Raijuu would work.
So if you could please change the species it'd make us all happy.

Here's the problem with this. Regardless of whether or not he's technically considered a "Wyvern", I'll be treating him the same. Besides, wyverns =/= dragons. I just didn't want any full-fledged dragons in this. Whether he's a Jigouna or a Raijuu or a Behemoth doesn't matter. He's the same character, and those things are similar enough that I don't really care. I know you're just going to accuse me of playing favoritism again, but this is actually pretty objective. YJ shouldn't have to change her Youkai type to something that's virtually the same just because one person doesn't like it. And if it's true that other people think her character is overpowered, I'd appreciate it if they told me via PM.

Of course, as far as using the same character, all I know from TD is Futo's appearance,Miko's appearance, Mamizou's appearance, and that one other boss's appearance. I really wouldn't mind if you had the same partner; in fact, I'd like it quite a bit. If you're both okay with it, you should totally do that so I don't have to spoil TD for myself.

to lazy to bring back my complete background story :(
(Head hits table critical, table parrys. Table hits head with riposte, head dies)

Name: Hilde (Hiruda ヒルダ :o)

Youkai Type: Evil Spirit (Former Valkyrie (since Valkyrie's are already spirit kind of thinks xD), bound to a halberd)

Gender: Female

Touhou: Orin

Appearance: Hilde's appearance is like a 20-22 years old woman (I don't need lolis :V). She looks quite feminine for hear strength. She has middle long dark black hairs and her eyes have an orange to red colour. She wears a black dress with golden ornaments on it. On top of it she wears a darkblue/golden armor, that covers here chest and here shoulders, and vambrace on her forearm.
Her 2m long halberd is always with her, without it she would lose her physical from. When she's not moving, you may see the shade of her tainted wings.

Personality: She is calm and even-tempered to others, when she's not in fighting mood. In battle, she throws herself onto the enemy to cut it down with her halberd.
She can be very sardistic.

-Intelligence: 1+3
-Danmaku: 1+1
-Strength: 1+4
-Agility: 1
-Stamina: 1+4

About the Stats: She lacks agility because of her armor and the heavy halberd she carries. But her intelligence and strength make that even.
Her danmaku is mainly generated with her halberd (like Meira or Youmu with her sword). Since it's a big weapon she cannot create it very fast so it's not very effective in a direct battle.
Her armor and weapon can be used to defend herself and others and she can take a few hits.

Background: Once long before, Hilde was one of the great valkyrie. She was known as the spirit of battle and had the ability to revive the dead on the battlefield to win with disadvantages in numbers.
After Odin, the Lord of Valhalla, forbade all valkyries to interfere in human matters, she grew tired of just watching so she oppose Odin's orders and gone back to earth to have some fun.
[She became evil bla bla, her wings and hairs changed into a black colour]
Odin was not pleased to see someone go against his orders, so he sended his son, Thor, to earth to punish her. Her strength was no match to Thor's and she tried to hide in the Underworld of Hell.
But even there, Thor was able to find her and she lost her last battle.
Thor, with his overwhelming power crushed her to oblivion and nothing left except a lone halberd.

Location: Remains of Blazing Hell

Others: Some additional information, she lost her old abilitys and her memories, she only has her old appearance and personality (kind of), so she is back at the beginning as everyone else, have fun with the intro :P

Accepted! Just know that you can't have anyone from her backstory actually appear in the RP.

Think I've got a few ideas.
I'm torn between the Tengu or the Devil though, the Oni might be a bit too tricky to work around given how they don't just spring up overnight.

Sounds good! I'd like to start on or before Sunday, but don't rush. Take however much time you need.

Edit: Looked through YJ's profile again, and found something I missed the first time. It talks about how he's been around for a long time, and things like that. As I've stated multiple times, the RP begins with their birth/transformation. I'd appreciate it if you actually fixed that this time. Also, having known Byakuren before the RP starts is not accepted.

Edit again: Actually, how about this. Please post your other sign-up you mentioned so I can take it into consideration. I won't necessarily scrap Arasoi, but it would be nice to have something else to look at instead.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Dorakyura on September 23, 2011, 10:19:59 PM
Accepted! Just know that you can't have anyone from her backstory actually appear in the RP.

I never thought about that :-)
Odin and Thor would destory everything muhahahaha
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 23, 2011, 10:21:11 PM
Looks like I have an evil counterpart/rival.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 23, 2011, 10:47:48 PM
Also, I'd like to make it clear that I'm not mad at Sonae, and I'd appreciate it if you guys weren't, either. She had a legitimate concern, after all. We can't have fun if people hate each other.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: CrowCakes on September 23, 2011, 11:07:42 PM
Oh yay another guy starting in the Underground! But who'll look after the Palace once we leave, though? :V
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 23, 2011, 11:13:51 PM
Y'know, I've been playing Battle Moon Wars a lot lately on the Real Robot route, so maybe I'll pick the tengu instead.
Let's see....How'd this go....?

Name: Hotaru Izumi

Youkai Type: Tengu(Raven Type)

Gender: Female

Partner: ?


Personality: Somewhat easy to confuse. Prefers to always be moving. Has a weakness against glass, for obvious reasons. Could easily be termed "Birdbrain". Loves shiny things, has an especially strong fondness for knives.
She has a simplistic mind, but she sometimes has her moments of startling lucidity.

Intelligence: 1+1(2)
Danmaku: 1+4(5)
Strength: 1+1(2)
Agility: 1+4(5)
Stamina: 1+2(3)

Background: ?

Location: Rocky crag on the Eastern Face of Youkai Mountain.

I'll come back and edit this with the partner, appearance, and backgroundish later, once I've got all that hammered out.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 23, 2011, 11:17:00 PM
I thought those were Magpies.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 23, 2011, 11:19:37 PM
Oh yay another guy starting in the Underground! But who'll look after the Palace once we leave, though? :V

Okuu, obviously. :V Or Koishi.
Y'know, I've been playing Battle Moon Wars a lot lately on the Real Robot route, so maybe I'll pick the tengu instead.
Let's see....How'd this go....?

I'll come back and edit this with the partner, appearance, and backgroundish later, once I've got all that hammered out.

Of course. Looks good so far, though.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Reisen-tanith on September 23, 2011, 11:43:37 PM
This is just me thinking but... what if someone started on the moon... like an astronaut turned moon rabbit?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 23, 2011, 11:48:58 PM
This is just me thinking but... what if someone started on the moon... like an astronaut turned moon rabbit?

No characters from written only, no celestials, and no lunarians. Take a wild guess.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Sonae on September 24, 2011, 12:05:09 AM
Wait that applied to partners? The no Celestial/Hermit/Lunarian
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Narouge on September 24, 2011, 12:08:12 AM
So when we going do this? when it starting?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Dorakyura on September 24, 2011, 12:34:04 AM
Oh yay another guy starting in the Underground! But who'll look after the Palace once we leave, though? :V
leave it to Koishi or Okuu  :derp:
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 24, 2011, 12:43:30 AM
Wait that applied to partners? The no Celestial/Hermit/Lunarian

More specifically, nobody only from the written works. Eirin or Reisen would be okay, for instance.

So when we going do this? when it starting?

I'd like to start on or before Sunday

Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Sonae on September 24, 2011, 12:45:00 AM
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: CrowCakes on September 24, 2011, 01:14:44 AM
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Sonae on September 24, 2011, 01:22:53 AM
Why don't you then?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 24, 2011, 03:29:47 AM
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Sonae on September 24, 2011, 03:36:39 AM
YJ The Yuuka thing needs to go too, Squawkers replied to me in this topic about no contact. Also what do you mean by Divas?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 24, 2011, 03:37:33 AM

That is better.

Anyway, as far as him being overpowered goes, let's just leave it at him not starting off as powerful as a Deva. I mean, by the end of the RP all the OCs will be quite powerful anyway, so him being as strong as a Deva won't be so odd. Since these stats are just guidelines, he'll be strong for how long he's been around, but he wouldn't beat Yuugi at the beginning. In other words, all that training in Makai will be cut a bit short, and he won't be quite that powerful until later.

So, as soon as Hanzo posts his profile and Sonae reposts hers, we should be good to go, unless there are any more problems.

Edit: Also, I'm assuming the backstory doesn't mean that he actually met Yuuka, just that (at the end of the RP) she is the only one who beats him in raw strength.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Sonae on September 24, 2011, 04:35:37 AM
Name: Sayuri
Youkai type: Spirit
Gender: Female
Touhou character: Mononobe no Futo
Appearance: WHAT I STILL HAVEN'T FINISHED DRAWING HER Short hair. Hitaikakushi. Dress with ribbons. Frilly sleeves. Ghostly tail.
Personality: Cheerful, Curious, Playful, Innocent, Energetic. Fairy-like.
-Intelligence:  3
-Danmaku Prowess: 5
-Agility: 5
-Stamina: 3
Background: Newborn spirit. Doesn't haver a background.
Location: Dream Palace Great Mausoleum
Other: She can pass through walls, just like any other spirit. She can also communicate with her fellow spirits
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 24, 2011, 04:42:43 AM
Name: Sayuri
Youkai type: Spirit
Gender: Female
Touhou character: Mononobe no Futo
Appearance: WHAT I STILL HAVEN'T FINISHED DRAWING HER Short hair. Hitaikakushi. Dress with ribbons. Frilly sleeves. Ghostly tail.
Personality: Cheerful, Curious, Playful, Innocent, Energetic. Fairy-like.
-Intelligence:  3
-Danmaku Prowess: 5
-Agility: 5
-Stamina: 3
Background: Newborn spirit. Doesn't haver a background.
Location: Dream Palace Great Mausoleum
Other: She can pass through walls, just like any other spirit. She can also communicate with her fellow spirits

Thanks. If you could give a hair color or something that would be nice, but I suppose it can wait until you post the picture...
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: CrowCakes on September 24, 2011, 04:50:05 AM
I give up. You win, brain. :colonveeplusalpha: Squawkers, can you see if I can still change my CS ? I have a new one.

Name: Mukei (無形)

Youkai Type: Spirit

Gender: Female

Touhou: Yuyuko Saigyouji

Appearance: Her hair, which has long sideburns, is white, while her eyes are red. She wears a black shirt with long sleeves and a long, white skirt, with a white border and black border respectively. She is approximately 5'6" tall.

Personality: Mukei is reluctant and a bit paranoid. At the sign of immediate danger, she hides or flees, but when talking with people, she has no fear of being blunt or silly. She tends to behave with a prankster-like behavior.

-Intelligence: 3
-Danmaku: 5
-Strength: 1 (She's a ghost)
-Agility: 5
-Stamina: 3

Background: n/a

Location: the Netherworld

Other: n/a
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 24, 2011, 04:52:39 AM
I give up. You win, brain. :colonveeplusalpha: Squawkers, can you see if I can still change my CS ? I have a new one.

Name: Mukei (無形)

Youkai Type: Spirit

Gender: Female

Touhou: Yuyuko Saigyouji

Appearance: Her hair, which has long sideburns, is white, while her eyes are red. She wears a black shirt with long sleeves and a long, white skirt, with a white border and black border respectively. She is approximately 5'6" tall.

Personality: Mukei is reluctant and a bit paranoid. At the sign of immediate danger, she hides or flees, but when talking with people, she has no fear of being blunt or silly. She tends to behave with a prankster-like behavior.

-Intelligence: 3
-Danmaku: 5
-Strength: 1 (She's a ghost)
-Agility: 5
-Stamina: 3

Background: n/a

Location: the Netherworld

Other: n/a

Mind explaing a bit more? Specifically, is she the ghost of a person?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Sonae on September 24, 2011, 05:13:11 AM
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Amraphenson on September 24, 2011, 06:42:29 AM
dem stats.

Oh, and if anyone ends up in the Forest of Magic, feel free to use Suzutsuki as an NPC for whatever purposes.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: CrowCakes on September 24, 2011, 07:59:01 AM
Mind explaing a bit more? Specifically, is she the ghost of a person?

Yes. I should add that to the sheet.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: CrowCakes on September 24, 2011, 08:07:27 AM
As per Sonae's request: Squawkers, can you disregard that second CS? I'm going to stick with the first one.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post. I can't think straight.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Marokuu on September 24, 2011, 08:17:43 AM
Good riddance, I was just about to comply with your previous request and shoot you :V

Joking aside, squee we're so close to having the full group now. If this starts before the weekend is over I'll be a happypanda jellyfish.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 24, 2011, 03:04:38 PM
As per Sonae's request: Squawkers, can you disregard that second CS? I'm going to stick with the first one.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post. I can't think straight.

Don't worry, I was going to reject it anyway on the grounds of it being a dead human. There are reasons I can't allow that.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2011, 05:05:02 PM
Ravens and Crows collect shiny things too, not just Magpies.
I should know because there's an ornery ol' Raven that lives in my backyard.
We have shouting matches sometimes. :3

Anyhow, I think i've got the background and appearance all hammered out.
(Is it wrong that she looks like an Arcuied expy? :ohdear:)
I just gotta make sure the background's all clear and such.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 24, 2011, 05:06:09 PM
Ravens and Crows collect shiny things too, not just Magpies.
I should know because there's an ornery ol' Raven that lives in my backyard.
We have shouting matches sometimes. :3

Anyhow, I think i've got the background and appearance all hammered out.
(Is it wrong that she looks like an Arcuied expy? :ohdear:)
I just gotta make sure the background's all clear and such.

Sounds good! I take it you've also decided on your partner?
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 24, 2011, 08:52:32 PM
Welp, think I've got this all hammered out.

Name: Hotaru Izumi

Youkai Type: Tengu(Raven Type)

Gender: Female

(Eventual)Partner: Utsuho Reiuji (How's Okuu her partner? well, time will lead there..)

Appearance: Initially, a large and imposing-looking Gold-colored Raven, one that borders on almost majestic.
As a youkai, she looks fairly abnormal as far as Tengu go, with one additional quirk. her hair, upon exceptionally close inspection, is actually very fine, hairlike feathers. A holdover from her past.
Hair: A bright, golden blonde, abnormal as far as Tengu go. close to shoulder-length, but stops a bit short of the shoulders.
Eye Color: A vivid, startling red, quite peculiar as far as bird-tengu go.
Build: About average, looking somewhere between 15-18.
Clothing: A relatively simple-looking brown Kimono, though that may change.
(All of these Build, Eye Color, and Hair Color things are all subsets in the Appearance tab. Don't mistake that for anything else, it's just how I do things.)

Personality: Somewhat easy to confuse. Prefers to always be moving. Has a weakness against glass, for obvious reasons. Could easily be termed "Birdbrain". Loves shiny things, has an especially strong fondness for knives.
She has a relatively simplistic, if strange mind, but she sometimes has her moments of startling lucidity. Frequently says strange things, which only a fairy could truly understand.

Intelligence: 1+1(2)
Danmaku: 1+4(5)
Strength: 1+1(2)
Agility: 1+4(5)
Stamina: 1+2(3)

Background: She was once referred to by the local Tengu as "The Golden Raven of The Crags", an abnormally large, powerful, fast, and majestic-looking example of the Raven species. They often remarked that it wouldn't be long before it became a Youkai itself, if it wasn't already.
How right they were. however, a particular oddity is that she was born with vivid, bright gold feathers, a peculiar quirk of genetics, or perhaps magic, that was also partly responsible for her abnormal speed, power, and size as a Raven.
It's speculated by many a Tengu that as a chick, she was raised in the depths of the Forest of Magic, or perhaps somewhere else with a high concentration of magic, due in part to the golden feathers. The younger tengu often wildly speculated that she was actually born of a Celestial Raven, straight from Bhava-Agra itself.
Others still held fast that she was from some previously unknown area of Gensokyo. In truth, nobody knows. The legend that's been going around is that somewhere in the past, a Celestial Raven encountered a Raven from the Forest of Magic, the result was a single egg which housed the young Hotaru, when she was but a chick.
That egg, bathed in the misama deep within the forest, and powered by a bloodline previously never-before-seen, eventually hatched a raven the likes of which had never been seen in did it all work you ask? Well, sometimes even Gensokyo doesn't know what's happening with itself.
For one thing, how could a Celestial Raven breed with a Raven steeped in the Misamas of the Forest of Magic? Nobody knows really, some say that the legendary Youkai of Boundaries was bored and decided to tinker around.
Others say that a wayward Kappa had managed to get samples from both, and artificially create the egg. Others think that the so-called "Celestial" Raven was actually a young Lord Tenma himself, bored, and looking for something new. Of course, no Tengu would say that directly. Nobody really knows the truth about that for sure.
Eventually however, she moved to the Youkai Mountain when the pickings in the Forest of Magic were too slim. Occasionally, she'd attempt to attack these strange winged people(Tengu) for flying in her territory, one of which was even Lord Tenma himself! Though she didn't know that, but they'd usually always manage to have the wind on their side for reasons unbeknowst to her.
How the tables have turned. Now she is one of those winged people she so desprately tried to take down for flying in her territory....however, she's forgotten about all of that now, what with going beyond being a Raven and all.
She made her home in a small cavern on western face of the Youkai Mountain, collecting shiny things in the forests surrounding the mountain, often lost knives, daggers, shortblades, tanto, and other similar things.
Another thing she also had an inordinate fondness for were rings, which she'd make her nest out of. She seemed sharper than normal ravens, due to the fact that she'd arranged the blades she had gathered as if she were making a runway with them.
Not too long before becoming a youkai, she had collected her one-thousandth blade, something many warriors only dreamed of....even if the ones she collected tended to be old, sometimed rusted almost clean through, and sometimes even missing the hilt, sheath, or even the blade itself.
Of course, she doesn't remember much of this anymore now, having long forgotten the reason behind anything she did as a Raven, or if she even exsisted prior to now. but now that she'd discovered speech, she's become enthralled with talking.
However, her way of speaking can be considered rather...bizarre.

Location: Rocky Crag on the Western Face of Youkai Mountain.

Phew...I was actually up late getting all the backstory stuff hammered out.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 24, 2011, 08:56:36 PM
Welp, think I've got this all hammered out.

Phew...I was actually up late getting all the backstory stuff hammered out.

Accepted! Just a note to other players, she won't encounter anyone from her backstory and have them recognize her, because *insert "I have reasons" quote here*

Anyway, time to go get this thing started!

Edit: The final list, just for the heck of it. Might be useful.

Current players list:
# - Player - Character Name - Youkai Type - Partner - Location
1. Squawkers - Kanade - Kitsune - Hina - Great Youkai Forest (Youkai Mountain)
2. Marokuu - Sushikisu Ohuku - Jellyfish - Momiji - Youkai Mountain
3. Youkai Jesus - Arasoi Haretsu - Jinouga - Mima - Makai
4. Crow Cakes - Chiseki - Satori - Satori - The Underground City
5. Sonae - Sayuri - Spirit - Futo - Dream Palace Great Mausoleum (Whatever that means)
6. Guardian Tempest - Heal de Garde - Tsukumogami - Byakuren - Great Youkai Forest (Youkai Mountain)
7. German Flower Youkai - Hilde - Evil Valkyrie - Orin - Former Hell of Blazing Fires
8. Berzul - Yoshiko Nakamura - Poltergeist - Youmu - Hakugyokurou
⑨. MFZBdude - Ark - Yuki-onna - Cirno - Misty Lake
10. Hanzo K. - Hotaru Izumi - Tengu (Raven Type) - Utsuho Reiuji - Rocky Crag on the Western Face of Youkai Mountain (talk about specific...)
11. Reisen-tanith - Aref Beile - Inugami - Kotohime - Outskirts of the Human Village
12. cecilthebot - Sparkler - Fairy - Mokou - Bamboo Forest of the Lost
13. Sourfang - Minako Honjou - Pegasus - Shou Toramaru - Myoren Temple
14. XinXin - Mikan Huang - Human-type Youkai - Flandre Scarlet - Scarlet Devil Mansion
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 24, 2011, 10:36:21 PM
Alright let's do this!
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Sonae on September 24, 2011, 10:53:14 PM
Please head to The New Generation (Story) to start roleplaying.

-bows kindly-
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 24, 2011, 11:04:57 PM
Actually it's kinda hard coming up with post.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Narouge on September 25, 2011, 12:58:16 AM
yes, now to born in a fire mokou made by missing that moon bitch.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Sonae on September 25, 2011, 02:04:52 AM
Yes it is hard to make a decent 'birth'

For example Mine will most likely break all the rules~
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 25, 2011, 05:16:20 AM
[via PSP]

I will return from this road trip, curently in restaurant.

pls wait warmly until return
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 25, 2011, 05:18:43 AM
[via PSP]

I will return from this road trip, curently in restaurant.

pls wait warmly until return

Tempest do their best and are eating now. Please watch warmly until they are finished.

From now on, Tempest are plural. So says the GM.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 25, 2011, 11:07:46 AM
I have return to continue my righteous cause of ascension!
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: GuardianTempest on November 04, 2011, 11:32:02 PM
I'm back to get to work.
Title: Re: The New Generation (RP Sign-Up and Info) (Sign-ups closed to new entrants)
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on November 04, 2011, 11:33:09 PM
Welcome back! Not much has happened due to my partaking in NaNoWriMo, so you didn't miss much.