Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 05, 2011, 11:51:31 AM

Title: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 05, 2011, 11:51:31 AM
--- Commencing...
-Connection established!
Welcome To The Elemental Plan-


"Your time is coming, Mortal. Soon, you will save or damn the world. It's your choice."


                                                                                                   The Elements Of Gensokyo

For so long, mortals have been living their own dull, somewhat pitiful life when compared to the lives of those who live in the mystical world of Gensokyo. Gensokyo had first appeared in the old japanese texts, when youkai, oni, and kami roamed the lands. After a certain time, it vanished without a trace, away from the quietly advancing, more skeptical world that had been evolving, to adapt to the changes it had made to it's own environment. Soon enough, the human race had taken over the world, with their technological advancements that would change the way they all lived. they no longer believed in God. In myths. In legends. Science was everything... And eventually, it would be the death of them. As they harvested the energy of the universe, they were unraveling a secret, so dark and terrifying, it would forever scar them for eternity; but no. They used it. Used it to their advantage, and, anti-matter was made.

God would never forgive them. No, they would all die. Perish in their own creation, so he stopped the flow of advancements, forever holding them in a state being able to make anti-matter, but unable to use it. What he didn't know was that with the anti-matter that was produced, void of all elements, it would be the bane of his very intention. It would release, the Chaos.

God slept. Nevermore, and forevermore.

His four children wept, at his misdoing, the Firstborn went to stop the Chaos from it's core. The second went to Gensokyo. The third made forth the Chosen Ones. The forth crafted Destiny.


Here, begins the story of the Chosen Ones, to save or damn the Earth. The Universe, and and everything that will and shall exist.


"I await your answer, child."


Rules(The most basic of them all, the rest in the sign-up thread.)

1) Sign-ups are still open!
2) You will begin your first post in the real life, the second post on your character will be by me.
3) Achievements are now... achievable!
4) I will control all Touhous, even yours, until you get your connection to them, and you will control that chosen Touhou.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 05, 2011, 04:30:48 PM
Bump bump. Alyssa pushed her hair back a bit. It was getting in the way of a book she was reading. In the crook of her left arm, she held her dear doll, Mira, tightly. Bump bump. The car kept its unsteady movements. Eventually, the car, or rather the limo, came to a creaking halt. Alyssa closed her book with her left hand, as well as placing a bookmark, as the other assisted in bringing the book to its side. It was quite a heavy book.. Alyssa walked like a princess out of the car, making sure she lined up after her mother in order to prevent any supposition of her being rude that might arise out of misunderstanding, a constant worry. The Royal Castle was quite grand today, as it always did whenever she occasionally came by. Noticing the family entering the doors, she followed suit, lagging almost at the back but yet still seeming quite normal.

The entrance room was simply remarkable in every form. The design was exquisite and the entire place pretty much shone. Still, nothing that amazed Alyssa, not ever since the first time she came here. She could not wait until dinner would end, just so that she could find a corner to read in again. Sustenance and then back to her books and dolls. That was what Alyssa did and there was largely no complaint about it. Life dragged on and her world gradually expanded as it did. It was not far too interesting a life but it was sufficient, and that was all that she needed.

Dinner went by, and Alyssa carefully and skilfully shoveled each mouthful as the incessant talking from either of her sides went on. There was not much to do but eat for her. No one was far too interested into talking to a girl who constantly seemed mute. To others, she just seemed like an uninteresting little girl with nothing to say.

"May I please be excused?" Alyssa kindly asked her mother, a ritual more than a courtesy.

"You may." The reply came from her mother. It was quickly said as she immediately returned to conversation afterwards. Alyssa lightly jumped off her chair, standing up and pushing it back a little bit. She left on her right side and pushed it back in, leaving with her book. She always went to the castle library, a little ways from the dining room but nevertheless close enough to walk to. It was a quiet, cosy place that rarely had visitors. The librarian sat indulging in all the surplus of stories and never really bothered to do much since there was so little to do anyway.

Quiet. Alyssa would sit here and wait until the dinner was over and all the conversations came to a close.

Just wait.

Waiting for it to end.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 05, 2011, 05:39:59 PM
There was a small, cluttered room. The walls were covered in rough sketches. Along one of the walls was a western-style bed. The room had a dresser with a radio along with a few miscellaneous objects, and a small bookshelf crammed with books. The most distinguishable feature of the room was the large desk along the wall closest to the door. It was covered in devices of measuring, schematics, and prototypes for devices not yet on the market. Sitting at this desk was a very sleep deprived man.

Newan yawned as he sketched in his notebook. It was full of sketches of general ideas, of schematics, of concepts. He was currently working on a hydrolysis device that would send the hydrogen into a processing plant to be turned into fuel, and would force the oxygen atoms to bond into breathable molecules. Designing the fuel processor had been simple enough, and as oxygen was unstable, it desired to bond into O2 with or without outside assistance. The only problem that was giving him ire was making the hydrolysis device more cost effective. While they had been able to colonize the moon, the lunar pioneers had been forced to return the next year due to budget restraints.

While Newan could have been working on the antimatter problem like all of his colleagues, he had decided it was pointless. As interesting as the stuff was, the only use for it he could see, aside from studying it, was as a weapon. Newan may not have liked humans very much, but for the most part, he was against war. While a few of his colleagues had said that they could find another use for it, he new nothing would come of their efforts. Everyone in the lab knew that he was one of the best engineers in the Northern Hemisphere, and even he couldn't find another use for antimatter. As such, he had decided to leave it up to the Physicists instead; while he did have a degree in theoretical physics, it was simply a Master's degree, not a Doctorate. The Physics Doctors were better suited for these things.

He yawned again, and checked the time. 2:00 A.M. He closed his notebook, and got ready for bed. While being essentially self employed (the laboratory was more of a tool than a workspace) did have its advantages, it also meant that he fell into unseemly habits like waking up at lunch time. He set the alarm for 9:00 A.M. in an attempt to wake up at a more reasonable time, and drifted off into dreamless sleep.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 06, 2011, 12:14:58 AM
The dull whirring of an electric fan was the only thing that broke silence in the idle room. Besides the turning of pages, there was nothing noisy, nothing chaotic to disturb the peace that hung in the room.

The cold breeze swept into the apartment room, chilling the resident. His legs shivered, but his eyes remained focus on the papers he had to read. His mouth moved, but no words accompanied his recitation. One arm rested on a table beside him, while the other was busy clutching the papers.

Vante scanned through the list again and again, making sure he pronounced each character correctly. It didn't take too long for him to tire of it.

"Why did there have to be so many characters? Paulit-ulit lang sila!" Despite having studied the Japanese language system for five years now, Vante could not get over the fact that it was bigger than any other language he knew. Even after such intensive studying, he could not treat it as a regular thing for him to practice.

The night was full, and he had been reviewing the full table of katakana since the afternoon. He was now sure he had gotten the pronounciation down, so he continued by writing the characters in the air. At the school he worked in, he had observed the teaching methods of his colleagues; they spoke continuously for one entire class, never missing a beat. He knew, of course, that they had spoken Nippongo all their life, and five years was not going to cut it.

So here he was, studying like crazy.

"I'm a teacher- assistant, even- and I'm still burning my brows like I did years ago," he grumbled. He would be a full-blown teacher after a year. Being assigned to mathematics, he was pretty excited.

Monograph after monograph, combination after combination, he traced. He could already imagine holding a whiteboard marker and writing across the board-

Right away, he put the list down and shook his head. "...that was too real. I'm not going to try that again," Vante got up, obviously startled, and walked over to his bedside. Laid against the wall was a rectangular black sheath with red edges. He opened it up and shot the contents upwards. Out came two bamboo sticks, one of them landing back, and the other taken by Vante.

He began spinning it loosely in with his fingers. Here was something to take his mind off stuff. The stick spun lazily and was barely kept in place.

Vante's eyes were now on the clock. It was only 8:30 PM, way too early to go to sleep. This was going to be one long night, he thought.

Vante strolled around the room, waiting for something to happen.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 06, 2011, 01:19:25 AM
Gale sat on the edge of his bed, his arms wrapped around his legs.  He glanced out the window of his apartment.  The sun was setting. 

There was absolutely nothing to do.  He had finished his textbook.  Again.  He had gone through some of the practice problems.  Again.

So here he was, bored out of his mind.  Again.

Sleeping wasn't an option, even if he was tired.  Some of his classmates were having a party in a nearby apartment, and he could easily make out the beat of the music being played.  Judging by the fact that even he was invited, most of his class was probably there.  For a moment, he considered just stopping by.

He quickly banished such a thought from his mind.  I'm just bored.  That's all.  Besides, I'd probably just annoy them.  And I know they'd annoy me.

But what was there to do? 

Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  Nothing had happened, nothing was happening, nothing would happen.

Gale's life was extraordinarily boring, and yet he still fancied it much more desirable than anyone else's.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 06, 2011, 02:12:35 AM
"I'm impressed," the man said. "I have to admit to doubting you, but you prooved me wrong."

"I did tell you it would work, Mr. Seito," Aesera said.

"Yes, you did. I was concerned, I'll admit, mainly because of how unconventional your plan was. Your reputation is certainly well-earned."

"I like to think so," Aesera replied. Aesera was in Japan on a business trip to conclude a business deal, and the 'business' part had just been finished. Seito, an executive in the company that had brought her in, had decided to take her to dinner as thanks, although Aesera knew what he really had in mind; no matter what the country, men were still men, and she was a very good-looking woman.

Aesera had been born and raised in the U.S.A., but English was not the only language she spoke. She did a lot of business with foreign-owned corporations, and was fluent in multiple languages, including French and Japanese. She was still working on Japanese writing, though; she could read it, but it usually took her a moment or two, nowhere near the automatic level she was at with other languages. But that would come with time.

"Well," Aesera said, "I thank you for the dinner, but my flight tomorrow leaves fairly early, so I'm going to return to the hotel and get some rest."

"Oh? I must admit, I was hoping you could spend the evening with me." Aesera chuckled. "What is it?"

"Oh, not really anything important," Aesera said. She did enjoy the reactions she got when she told people she was a lesbian, but that didn't mean that she went around announcing it to everyone. "It was a pleasure working with you, Mr. Seito," she continued, getting up from her chair. She donned her backpack-she'd gotten some interesting looks when she came in wearing it, but she didn't care; she had it with her at all times-and bowed. "I hope to have the chance again in the future."


NOTE: Although Aesera is speaking Japanese, I'm not going to be using Japanese honorifics, mainly because I don't know really anything about doing so. Just assume she's using the proper ones.

QUESTION: For the purposes of this roleplay, do compases function normally in Gensokyo? I ask because Aesera's survival kit includes one.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 06, 2011, 07:55:15 AM
(I need Orphea.Russ to post before I can drag all of you into Gensokyo... Or maybe I'll do it in my next post. Who knows? Oh, and by the way, my character is already in Gensokyo.)

"Really now, was that so hard?"
"Shut up, you insignificant littl-"
A squish is heard, before tearing and ripping emerges from the darkness.

----------The Hakurei Border

A Drago- No, I mean The Dragon, flies around the southwest corner of Gensokyo, too high to be seen by those on the ground, and shielded by a thick mist that cannot be penetrated from the outside. The people bellow do see some streaks of pink and red, but that's about it. Thunder clouds gather around the area, apparently circling around The Dragon. A purple glow emerges from the skies. The youkai in the area flee; The people too. Squish. Squish. Squish.

Tendrils of darkness emerge from within the border, furiously whipping around, destroying the life in the area, spreading the darkness that advances throughout the southwest border. A scorching wave of fire blasts through the border, as the tendrils retreat, only to soon come back with even more vigor. Red eyes glow from within the border, their stare emits waves of red lightning; Cracking the border. The Dragon releases another breath of flame, following by his upper body penetrating the border to devour the darkness. It worked. The darkness comes to a halt. The tentacles are furthermore held back by white crystals that have burst out throughout the southwest border, surrounding and piercing the blobs of abysmal energy.

But the crack has been made. Only Yukari can fix it. And to do so, It would cost her life. The border's infection has begun; The Chosen Ones will arrive in due time.

Yukari doesn't know about this, and, even with her wisdom and control of all borders, she is unable to fix the Hakurei Border without sacrificing her Life - But that would lead to even greater consequences. The slow decay of ALL borders. The Dragon roars in anger. Even those as far as Youkai Mountain, can hear distress and anger in it's unleashed voice.


"So, Byakuren, what are we going to do today?"

"Same old same old, child. We're gonna get more people to join our temple. We need more believers, anyway."

"You don't have to call me child like everyone else, Byakuren."

"Ohh? But it's just my way of calling people. I'm a monk, anyway."

"I know, Byak. I know."

Byakuren steps outside the Myouren Temple, stretching herself and being engulfed by the early morning sun. The other girl steps out too, fiddling with her iphone a little, as she looks around the Temple.

"Why was I called back here again anyway? Yukari said there was no problem with the Border like last time..." The girl asks, stuffing her iphone into her pocket.

"I don't know, child. Maybe it's your fate to stay with us in Gensokyo?" Byakuren giggles a little.

Kyouko stops sweeping the floor, turning to face Byakuren and the girl. She waves enthusiastically, and the girl waves back, Byakuren however, just gives her a smile.

"Where are the rest, anyway?"

"Probably sleeping. Kyouko wakes early to sweep the Temple, so she's always here. Oh, I almost forgot. Shinki's coming today." Byakuren says it with great joy.

"Your master?" The girl looks at Byakuren.

"Yeah. She says she wants to meet you."

The girl sighs. It's gonna be a long day.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 06, 2011, 12:42:08 PM
(Sorry, I haven't exactly been keeping a decent schedule as far as sleeping goes. >>;; )

Rhiseza walked quietly through the library, pulling a small cart of books along with her. Everyone else had left for the night, but as usual, she stayed behind to get more work done. I wasn't that she was a sort for workaholic, but more that she felt more at home here, really. So she continued walking through the library with the cart, placing books where they needed to go.

... She liked this. It was quiet here, nobody would disturb her. She could stay and think about everything, anything.

She looked back at the cart, and noticed it was empty now. Good. She removed one of her own books from her bag, made her way to her favorite spot in the back of the library. and started to read.
Just another hour, then I'll go home...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 07, 2011, 02:09:52 AM
---The Hakurei Border

Crackle. Crackle. The red lightning wisps around the massive crystals that have impended the darkness' way. Jolting and cracking the crystals slightly, the faint, reddish glow in the dark border reaches the end of it. The lightning strikes the edge of the border, with all the might it has, before fading away. The white crystals glow brightly, sapping energy from the darkness, but it is too late. One bolt of red lightning reaches the tiny crack that was made in the border. It expands the crack, before fading away. The Dragon roars in anger, releasing rainbow danmaku from it's body just like how the princess of the moon would. The darkness is pushed back even more, now to the back of the border. Massive pulses of rainbow energy envelope the skies in the southwest. The Dragon's servants scramble. Red and pink can be seen flying away from the southwest.

The Border had been penetrated.

--- Rhiseza
The area outside the library cracks, releasing furious purple light that penetrates through to the skies. No one sees it. It's late, and people are sleeping. The books in the library are affected by the dense, purple atmosphere that has covered the entire structure. They crumble. Into black dust. You jolt up in surprise as the ground shakes before your feet. Purple cracks rupture forth in the air around you. It's light engulfs all. You sink into a massive gaping maw in the earth. And in all of that, you could'nt even scream. You can hear your own hearbeat, increasing, as your fear does, but ironically, you also feel at peace... Like this feeling is that you've always dre-

"The Blade that shall cut through the heavens."

The voice shocked you. You land butt-first on the ground. Blood red flowers grow all arond you. They look delicate... so... unique... You have arrived in the underworld. Welcome to Gensokyo.

---Aesera (Compasses only work in the base land on Gensokyo. As in, doesn't work in Heaven, Underground or Makai.)

You walk along the streets in the late evening as the sun sets, setting a warm, orangy glow throughout the area behind and slightly in front of you. As you walk further and further up the road, purple light begins to engulf the sun's rays behind you. Cracks form on the buildings behind you as you walk; you never turn back. You never feel like something's happening. You feel nothing. But feeling nothing is mor- You stop in your tracks. Right infront of you, where the hotel is, or once was, in a massive, tentacled gap. You turn and run, only to see yourself confronted by the great purple cracks towards the abyss that lie infront of you. The tentacled blob advances, and you step back, only to fall into the purple light.

You don't know how long you have fallen, but finally, you land headfirst onto a bush. Well, you're a lucky one. Landing on that rock would mean d- A rock? Where are you?

You have arrived behind the Moriya shrine, just beside two large boulders and one behind looking much like a frog. Welcome to Gensokyo.


Really now? Your life, extraordinary? I doubt. But it soon will be. This all knowing, all seeing voice that echos through your head really doesn't sound like yourself. You wonder to yourself why you're actually thinking that way. As your gaze turns away from the setting sun for a moment, you notice a faint purple glow on your textbooks. You dismiss it as just your imaginations. Turning to look at the glow of the sun once again, you thought you saw your room move. Nah, but random hallucinations. Again. The sun seems more purple now. No, that's just your window. You pull your arms off from hugging your legs like a pus*y. Really now, there's no problem with this. You stand and open your window. You stick your head out, and sigh as it really was just your window. You close your eyes for a moment to embrace the last warmth of the day before it all turns dark before you. As you open your eyes, the sun is purple. And... it's rushing towards you... It's too fast for you to even react, let alone open your mouth. You are swept into it's raving course.

Hot. Really hot. You open your eyes to see you on a rocky cliff surrounded by fire. The word hell comes to your mind first, but where are the tortured souls?

Unyu? You hear from quite a distance behind you. You turn back and see a cave. You have arrived in the Hell Of Blazing Fires. Welcome to Gensokyo.

---- Vante

As you pace back and forth from the room, you seem to think that your room is closing around you. No matter, it happens when you're slightly stressed or something like that. And it doesn't affect your mental or physical health, so why bother? Another cold breeze comes in, blowing your papers off the table. You turn and scramble to get them all back in order before they're lost somewhere. As you gather them, you seem to think the words are purple as your eyes glance over them. A second look reveals that they are in fact, black. You keep the papers in order, and go back to spinning your bamboo stick. As it spins and spins, it seems to turn purplish in color. Too much Inception? Maybe. Who knows, anyway? As you continue spinning the stick, you look back up to the clock. 8:34pm. You blink, as it seems that time has passed too fast? Maybe, maybe not. You look back to your bamboo stick. A crack appears on it. Your mouth opens slightly. No voice comes out from it. You can't stop spinning the stick. Purple light ruptures from the crack. It engulfs you.

As you emerge from the purple cloud which is your mind, you notice to be surrounded by bamboo. And a yakitori stand. You have arrived in the Bamboo forest of the Lost. Welcome to Gensokyo.


A dreamless sleep is what you wish for, but God doesn't give you a dreamless sleep. In the middle of the black, hazy surroundings that you picture yourself in, you notice a purple glow. It's dim, but noticable. You get up, and start walking towards it... Closer and Closer you go, trying to get to it's source. Of course, you do get to it, only to see yourself up on a mountain of swords, before rolling down into the darkness once again. In the darkness now, you don't see the purple glow. You see eyes. All around you. Tentacles extending out to reach you, to tear at your flesh, to devour your very soul and being. To-

You wake up in a cold sweat, panting heavily as you stand, looking at the clock. 2:10 am. You spent 10 minutes sleeping. You lie back on the bed, and close your eyes, only to see that purple glow once again. You walk towards it... closer, closer, and open your eyes. Amazing. You're outside your window. And, falling. MY GO-

You fall into the purple crack in the ground. You actually feel yourself being caught before you open your eyes. You're in an awkward situation. In the arms of a... girl, as you can judge by her chest, as your head's burried in it. You have arrived outside Myouren Temple, in the...ahem... firm grasp of Nanaya Longinus, next to Byakuren and Kyouko. Welcome to Gensokyo.


You wait and wait, but the conversations almost never end. You fiddle with your spoon alittle, and look around. To you, it's quiet. But it's annoying. You turn to face the front again, only to fall back, now without a chair. Your arms flail in desperation, no sound comes from your hoarse throat. You grab anything near you! Anything! You grab your faithful doll. It seems to be smiling at you. The others don't seem to notice you falling through a huge, toothed jaw into the unknown. Well, it's too late for them to do anything anyway. As you fall and fall, you close your eyes, gripping onto  your little friend the doll ever so tightly, before light engulfs you, fading slowly. You open your eyes.

You're in the back of a store. A really messy one. You can hear noises out front.

"Oh, one just appeared right here?" It's a man.

"Yeah, one just did." Another man. You can see this one clearly. He has molten magma for skin, a head shaped like a demon, horns extending far back, lightning crackling around his body on the left and fire on his right. He slowly shifts back to look like a normal human... thing.

You have arrived in the back of Kourindo, with Rinnosuke and Azeri Zenxsoul, secondborn of God. Welcome to Gensokyo.

(Azeri is an NPC, who only Rinnosuke, and currently, Xin Xin's character only know. Oh, and Rinnosuke is his Touhou.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 07, 2011, 02:40:37 AM
(OOC: I had to do some digging to figure out who Nanaya was. Oh, and you just had to give me the awkward entrance, didn't you. :P)

Newan blinked, then jumped out of the arms of the girl who had caught him and onto the ground. "Um, thanks. And, er, sorry." With that, he began to assess his situation. So, I must have fallen underground, although I don't know why the underground would have a sky overhead. It's probably a false dome set there by the government to manipulate the people into thinking that they are on the surface. In that case, I probably shouldn't mention that I'm from the actual surface, lest I get arrested by their government for- no, now is not the time for conspiracy theories. I can deal with that later.

He turned back to the three girls at the temple. "Um. Hi. Where would this be, then?" Though his mind screamed at him for ignoring the fact that one girl had gradient hair and the other seemed to have dog ears- not to mention blue hair- he ignored it for now, knowing that questioning what was before him wouldn't get him anywhere. Not yet, at least. "I mean, usually I'd think this was a dream, but, well, you know..." Normally, he wouldn't be this flustered, but it seemed that he hadn't done as good a job of eliminating his primal urges as he had thought.

(OOC: I may as well get this out of the way before any actual fighting goes on. Will danmaku work essentially the same way it does in the games, just represented by text instead of seen?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 07, 2011, 03:13:23 AM
Gale looked at the seemingly endless fire before him.  Judging by the intense heat, it definitely seemed real.

He hesitantly took a deep breath through his nose, then began coughing violently.  The air smelled absolutely terrible, worse than anything he had ever smelled before.

I'm probably dying from carbon monoxide poison.  Sure, it's odorless, and I don't recall ever reading about hallucination as a symptom, but--

Wait.  I should be dead by now.  Large amounts of carbon monoxide--

Maybe I am dead.

Well, everything would make sense, then.  He was in a rather hellish place, after all. 

What am I thinking?  Hell doesn't exist.  I'm not stupid.  I'm obviously just dreaming.  That's the only thing that would make sense.  Although I don't recall ever having a dream as lucid as this one. 

He looked again at the cave behind him.  Regardless of whether he was dead or not, he certainly had no desire to stay where he was, and he did recall hearing a voice from what must have been inside the cave.  He began walking quickly in its direction.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 07, 2011, 04:19:39 AM
Okay, shit's stopped happening for now. Step one: look around. Where the hell am I?
An examination of the area didn't provide much in the way of answers. There was a nearby structure-looks like a shrine-but that was the only nearby sign of habitation. Looks like I'm on a mountain. A big one, too, I think.
With no immediate danger detected, Aesera moved on to another issue. Okay, gaps and cracks and tentacle-things, and I fell in and ended up here. Can this actually be real? And the answer was that it could. Yes, it seemed like something that shouldn't be possible, but there was always a chance that this was wrong. So yes, there may be only a very small chance that it was real, but there was a chance. Which made the best course of action obvious. If this isn't real but I act as though it is, I've lost nothing, but if it is real and I act as though it's not, that could potentially cost me my life. So I act on the assumption that it's real. Okay, step one: look through my pack and make sure I have everything. Then step two: change my clothes. Business attire is not appropriate at the moment.
Aesera opened up her pack and went through its contents. Okay, everything's here. Good. She took out her compass and examined it. Okay, this seems to be working properly. It's pointing in a constant direction, of course. May not actually be north, but it's good enough for my purposes.
Aesera changed clothes quickly, then folded up her business suit and put it in the pack. Much better. She removed a bottle of water from the pack before closing it. Okay, step three: check that shrine. If there are people here, that's my best chance to find out where I am and what's going on, and it's the best way for survival.
Aesera approached the shrine. "Hello? Is anyone there?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 07, 2011, 04:37:09 AM
Vante snapped out of his reverie to find himself in an entirely different place. For miles and miles, bamboo grew, obscuring anything he would have seen past them. The nighttime sky didn't quite help things, either. Finding that he was still spinning his stick, he shook his head, stopped his hand, and put the stick at his side. He whipped out his iPhone- why not- and checked for a signal, if movies were to go by.

He found nothing. What was I thinking, none of that stuff ever happens!

Beside him was a yakitori stand, which looked out of place in this bamboo forest, more so with the cook behind it. What would those be doing here? No one in their right mind would want to come here, he quickly assumed.

Curiously, he took a step closer to it, noticing that the stand's owner was probably unaware of him. Vante's head nearly met the cart as he stumbled forward. The nausea from the previous experience had befuddled his sense of balance, so as he leaned on his baston, his body rested diagonally instead of a normal straight.

Was this a  dream? Maybe he could find ask around; he would find out where he was, whether it was a dream or not, or if this was even real. Vante gathered his wits and went in front of the stand, facing its presumed owner. "Um, excuse me, but would you mind telling me where I am?" he asked politely. It was a wonder he even remembered politeness in the midst of chaos.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 07, 2011, 06:07:41 AM
(Yes yes, Nanaya is my own character. No, not the one for Tir Na Nog. I've posted Nana's sign-up in the sign-up thread, anyway. So, I'm both the godlike Gm and a player myself. Oh, and yes, Danmaku is the same as the games, but there will be physical fighting too.)


A woman turns from her cleaning up in the stand. As she turns, her long white hair blows in the constant, cold breeze that seems to penetrate through the bamboo. She tilts her head a little, before stuffing her hands in her red overalls. You notice papers being tied to her hair and on her overalls.

"So, it'h seems that you're new'h here, man. What can I get for ya?" The woman grins. "I surpose I can take one last orda' before I close shop, anehway." The cold breeze comes again, and you begin shivering, she however, doesn't.


The shrine's back is somewhat abandoned, you don't hear much, but you can feel as though you're being watched. It's not really that fun to be watched for your every move, is it? You scan the surroundings once more, and notice a few frogs in the distance. Nothing unusual, you can see a lake upfront, anyway. As you walk forward towards the shrine, you think that you can hear sweeping. Horray, salvation. Not. If this was real, randomly walking to the noise could cost you your life . Just like any other horror movie you've watched. As you call out to the sound, and perhaps anyone else in the shrine, you hear a low, knocking sound behind you.

As you turn around, you see nothing, so you turn back to face the front of the shrine. Knock Knock. It comes again. You turn. Nothing. You're starting to get annoyed at the noise, so you throw your arms back behind you, hoping to get, or startle whatever that's making that noise.

Kero! You caught onto something. Feels soft, silky. Like hair. You turn around to see that your hands on a small girl's head. Her hat on the ground. The eyes on the hat stare into your soul.


As you walk closer towards the cave, you start hearing random noises. Really random noises, like squeaks here and there, stomping, Ouching, and the occasional"Unyu!" Soon thereafter, you reach the mouth of the cave. You stick your head into it, hoping to just find a glimpse of hope that would successfully pull you out from the burning world of- Well, it's just really, really hot in here.

Just like hell. You constantly sweat, and walk deeper into the cave, only to almost be, hit by a fluffy... wing? You grab hold of it, only to hear another "Unyu!" You;re holding onto someones wing. It's a girl. With... wings... and an eye in her chest. that comes out of her shirt... Wha?

"...Hi! Who're you?" She asks.


After unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, stumbling into the, again, yet again... firm grasp of the - positioned in the center, most normal-looking girl, you ask the obvious question that people would ask in that situation.

What's your bust size? No! No! I mean. Uhh... Like where are you and such.

The girl that you landed on had, by now, ran away into the temple, leaving you alone with the more mature woman, and the little girl with weird ears. The smaller one just smiles brightly. So brightly that you uncontrolably smile back. The more mature woman giggles alittle.

"Looks like you scared off Nana."

"I what?" You respond

"First things first, child. You're not in a dream. You arrived here just like how she did, but... There arn't any... problems now, so I don't know why you're here."

"Wait wait, so where am I an-"

"Gensokyo." Byakuren nods as she says this.

"Go find Nana to ask more. I'm going to get an important guest soon."

You nod, before stepping closer into the temple.

"Oh, and take care!" The woman shouts. You arn't sure what that means, though. You're probably more confused on other things to bother about taking care of yourself now.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 07, 2011, 08:05:37 AM
Alyssa hugged her doll tightly. Something was wrong here. Looking at the two men in front of her, she felt unsafe, insecure, especially because one of them had momentarily seemed demonic. And how she entered here, what actually happened? It was odd and she had no idea where she had been teleported, or even when she had been teleported to. The fact that they spoke about her as if there were others who were in the same situation made her fret about whether this was one of those government experiments she reads about where random people are kidnapped without a trace. Still, there was no reason to go insane. This had already happened and there was no reason to rationalise her situation far too deeply without even looking what was in front of her. Long-sightedness means nothing if one cannot even get past what is in front of them.

"Who... are you people?" Alyssa warily questioned. It was not wise to ask for too much. A little was enough. Just enough to find out her immediate situation. She kept an aura of calm around her although the fact that she wrapped Mira tightly was evident that she felt unsafe. This place was unusually messy to her, even her toilets were often cleaner than this. Perhaps this might have even been the countryside, and her demonic mother found her unsuitable to be married off and dumped her here. Still, maybe this might lead to another life, a life better than the one she had been subjected to. That was all she held on to.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 07, 2011, 08:55:01 AM
Rinnosuke turns, walking closer to face the girl, sighing all the while. He then bends down and pats the girl's head. Azeri stands by his side, smiling.

"Why, hello there little girl. My name's Rinnosuke. You don't have to know his name." Rinnosuke points to the still smiling Azeri and gives a reassuring nod.

"We're not here to hurt you at all." Azeri then interjects, "This isn't some sort of secret government program. Thing." Rinnosuke turns to stare at Azeri, before the two of them break into laughter. It soon stops. Rinnosuke then ushers Azeri outside, as he reassures Alyssa that he isn't going to hurt her. He then sits on his chair and drinks the tea on his table.

"So, what's your name, little girl?"

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 07, 2011, 10:20:38 AM
"A-Alyssa. Alyssa Crendelheim." Alyssa muttered, watching each and every of Rinnosuke's actions. She scans him carefully, analysing him as if a machine. People are difficult to understand, and Alyssa knew that fair and well especially when she watched her mother act so docile in front of all the other nobles. It was beautiful in its complexity, but disgusting in its nature. It also gave Alyssa quite a fair bit of worry as she watched how Rinnosuke was so relaxed. She looked around the area, somewhat in boredom and somewhat in worry. She could not do anything so as long as she did not understand Rinnosuke. She proceeds to walk over to the table, standing opposite Rinnosuke.

"Where am I? I don't really recall how I got here and it's hard to feel normal if I don't know where I am, don't you agree?" Alyssa knew better than to question who that man was. Firstly, it would not have contributed to her situation at the moment. Secondly, he was just plain creepy and she definitely did not want to step on anyone's toes.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 07, 2011, 12:58:13 PM
Rhiseza hurriedly stood up, very confused now. And maybe a little bit scared. Wherever she was, she didn't recognize those flowers... Never seen them in any of her books before. Maybe they've been trying to create new kinds, or something?
... Yes, that had to be it. Now on to the next thing.
What in the name of all gods just happened. She didn't really know. She must have been dreaming. Yes, that had to be it. Purple cracks and the ground tearing itself open? Nothing like that could happen. No way.

And yet, where was she? This place didn't look remotely familiar, even from mythology... Was she even alone here?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 07, 2011, 01:13:18 PM
---The Hakurei Border

Darkness has now settled in the tiny gaps in the constant danmaku, gigantic white crystals, and the magical boundary itself. It lies in wait, as it has done what it can... For now. The Dragon has stopped it's roaring. The red and pink strips that fly around the area have stopped moving. Disappeared entirely. Chaos has been put to a stop? No. It's buying it's time. And once it's time comes, the universe will tremble, crumble, break, and burn forevermore. Despair will flood the lands of spacetime. Nothing will live. God will die. But for now, Chaos has done what it can to begin the infestation. The Corruption shall slowly spread throughout the border, and no one shall ever know. Or will they know, in time? God's slumber is calm...



"Alyssa. Such a pleasant sounding name, would'nt you agree?" Rinnosuke looks at her doll, and has already noticed how she acts. "You're a refined young lady, arn't you, madam?" Rinnosuke seems to know something. Something that includes you. Majorly. Rinnosuke drinks another sip of tea from his cup, sighing a little.

"Well, make yourself at home here. You're going to have to stay unti-" Loud bangs and rocks falling stop him in mid sentence. "Well, looks like I spoke too so-" Stopped again in mid sentence, as a blonde girl, wearing a weird, half western half... english witch outfit busts through the door, apparently by kicking it, holding a broom in one hand and a book in the other, she loudly proclaims...

"KOURIN! I'M HERE DA-ZE~!" The blonde witch? looks at you.

"Whos her, ze?"


There's the constant sound of water flowing, and a slightly warm breeze that comes from the direction of the river. Funny, it was cold a moment ago. The blood red flowers have a unique pedal shape, stem and leaves, after your closer inspection. You start to doubt that people could actually make new species of plants like these, so unnatural, so mysterious and gloomy, yet so, majestic in it's own way. Truely a puzzle of the soul. Now, on to the purple cracks. It seems to be like some fantasy movie, like when a magician summons a portal to get a demon from hell or something, just that it's mostly fire in those stories.

You look to your right, and in the distance, the river. You stride through the bloody flower field to reach it. You think you can make out a boat in the distance too.


(After You all have achieved your spiritual link, your Touhou is yours! And, I'll stop majorly bunnying your characters, so I can type more walls of text just for me~
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 07, 2011, 01:32:22 PM
... A boat? Maybe someone's here then.
Rhiseza hurried towards it, hoping to get some answers. Answers that make sense.
... Wait. It was cold but a few minutes ago.
What is going on here?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 07, 2011, 01:41:54 PM
Alyssa stared at the funny witch-looking girl. She seemed pretty hyper and flighty, not down-to-earth in the slightest. Alyssa was quite surprised by her entrance, and did not really know what to do. She only did what she could do, react with her gut.

"I'm Alyssa." Alyssa quickly answered. The shock only lasted for so long. "And who are you?" It was entertaining watching this funny girl jumping around like a child as if she were in a television show, and was greatly emphasising every single movement of hers. Alyssa kept her cool, however, and just continued looking at her without laughter.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 07, 2011, 01:53:33 PM
"No, thank you. I just need to get somewhere that looks safe."  Now that he thought about it, was he feeling hungry? He did feel kinda full, because he had downed three cups of water a few moments before getting whisked away to who-knows-where, but had his dinner been enough?

"Wait, you did say you were closing up, right? Could I come with you to wherever you're going? Or, at least, drop me off at a town or something?" For roughly five years, Vante had asked the same thing to friends and colleagues: a ride home "or something," as he would often add. However, anxiety began to build up inside him. He had never done that anymore after arriving in Japan, for fear he would be regarded as inconsiderate or lazy.

And now that he was- let's face it- lost, he even had the gall to make that same request to a total stranger. He could only brace himself for the reply.

(OOC: I have just appeared beside Mokou. :o Oh, so many ways to meet Mystia)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 07, 2011, 02:20:49 PM
"Er, you too, I guess." With that awkward farewell, Newan headed into the temple itself. While he thought it was odd that you would make a temple out of an overturned boat, apparently this "Gensokyo" was full of oddities.

Newan had no idea where to go, so he chose instead to simply wander around the temple, occasionally knocking on doors and calling out "Nana?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 07, 2011, 03:00:37 PM
"I--I--" stammered Gale, his eyes fixated on the eye in the middle of her chest.  There were many things that were strange about the girl, but the eye definitely took the cake.

It's just a dream.  She's all in my head.

But he had never dreamed of people--if that was the appropriate term--as strange and detailed as her.  He wasn't the most creative person in the world.

Well, it's still incredibly hot in here, and she's in my way, so...

"I'm Gale Halebeck," he said.  After a moment of hesitation, he added, "Just what in the world are you?  And where are we?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 07, 2011, 03:08:21 PM
It was all a matter of expectations. Someone who's likely going about life as usual isn't a likely danger, although coming out of nowhere isn't a good idea; better to call out so it doesn't look like you're sneaking up on them. But the noises from behind? A bit more concerning. Looks like it's just a young girl, though. Let's see, that looks like a Japanese shrine, so I'll try Japanese.

"Sorry," Aesera said. "You startled me." Not much else around here; does she live at this shrine? "Do you live here, little girl? Oh, I should introduce myself I'm Aesera. What's your name?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 08, 2011, 03:56:55 AM

Kero... The girl mumbles, pushing your hand off her head anc picking up her hat. She then promptly puts it on before looking back to you, pouting alittle.

"Yes, I live here. Kero. My name's Suwako. And you have a weird name." The girl fiddles with her hair and examines your clothing. Those eyes on her hat stare into the depths of your soul. "You don't look from around here. Where are you from?" She then promptly starts to speak a little english. "Do joo undarstand me?"


"Unyu?" The girl pokes your cheek and looks at what you're wearing, looking quite confused.

"You're a human. Why are you not dead? Why are you not in there?" The girl unconsciously flexes her large, bird-like wings, while the orange eye that somewhat resembles the Eye of Sauron from Lord Of The Rings, fluxtuates. The girl rubs her head with her right hand as she narrows her eyes. Funny, you thought you saw one of her arms have some kind of cannon or tube or something.

"And Gale is a weird name... Maybe..." The girl is confused again. "Oh! You asked for my name! It's Utsuho! And I'm a Yatagarasu!" Your mouth drops in surprise. What in this world...?


As you continuously call out in the long hallways, passing the occasional statue of a buddha and such, you begin to feel bored, anxious, and a little irritated. You notice something like a black skirt that had just waved past the hall in front of you. You step forward, calling out Nanaya's name, but soon enough, what you meet is not that girl which you awkwardly landed on. You find another girl, walking towards, what you can see, a garden, from the last door of the hallway. She's waring some black clothing that leaves her back exposed, for... Tentacles?

You notice three pairs of tentacles, three blue, three red. The blue ones look like long, thin paper-like ribbons with arrowhead points. The red ones look more like mechanical scythes.


"Erh? So you don't want to eat. And you're lost or somethin'?" The girl chuckles, pushing the washed dishes aside from the sink. "Dis' ere is called da Bamboo Forest of the Lost, anyway, so I'm not surprised you somehow lost your way here, human." The cold breeze is back again. "So, I'ma guess dat you're from the human village, so tell me, hows Keine?" The girl has, by now, finished cleaning up the yakitori stand and closed up. You stand alone in the cold breeze for a few moments before she comes out and stands next to you.

"Yeah, I'll send you back to the village if ya want, but it's late, and I would'nt take the chance ta' go back now... Eterni'ty hurts, ya know, human?" You have totally no clue what she's talking about.


"Erh? Name's Marisa-ze. Nice to meet you, Aly...ssa." The blonde girl has some trouble pronouncing your name, but no problem, it's all good, I mean, it still sounds the same. Marisa soon took a seat beside Rinnosuke, who was still calmly sipping his tea.

"So, Kourin, where'd you find her-ze?" Marisa tossed her broom to the side, and had taken one of Rinnosuke's random books on the table to flip through.

"She was lost, so yeah." Rinnosuke lied, and it was quite blunt indeed, it would be noticable to people who didn't know him well, but...

"Lost?" Marisa looked at Alyssa, before noticing her doll. "Fan of Alice, girl?" Instintively, you nod.

"Could you bring her to Alice for me, Marisa?" Rinnosuke holds back a laugh.

"What for-ze?" Marisa places the book back on the table, not "feeling" it to borrow it until she dies.

"Just do it." Rinnosuke sips his tea once again.

"Alright. Lets go, Girly." Marisa grabs her broom, adjusts her hat and barges out of the shop, waiting outside for you.


The breeze constantly shifts between warmth and icy coldness, and you get closer and closer to the river, and the suspicious boat, you hear snoring. Not the manly kind of snoring, but... You trip, landing face-first on some of those weird blood-red flowers. You arn't hurt thanks to the thick grass, but you do sneeze. Standing, you noticed that you tripped on a wooden stick of some sort. Traveling up it's length with your eyes, you see a wickedly sharp metal edge. It's a scythe, and next to it, is a more mature woman. Sleeping. Drooling.

Well, such a fun day.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 08, 2011, 04:19:45 AM
Gale knew a bit of Japanese mythology, enough to know what a Yatagarasu was.  From what he read, they symbolized something along the lines of divine intervention. 

This dream is making less and less sense.  Why would my subconscious care enough about Yatagarasu to make me dream about them?  And I don't recall ever reading about giant eyes.  Ugh...

"Uh..h-hello, Utsuho," said Gale slowly.  Judging by the cannon on her arm and the eye on her chest, this girl was dangerous. 

Well, if I anger her, she might just kill me.  Which would wake me up.  I'm not quite sure I want to go that far, yet.

Then he remembered something odd Utsuho had said.

"W-Wait...what do you mean...why would I be dead...and where's 'there?'"  He turned behind him, the valley of fire still visible through the entrance of the cave.  "You don't mean in the fire, do you?  Just what is this place?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 08, 2011, 04:41:05 AM

"Unyu... Humans can now live hereee?" The girl starts scratching her head, getting really confused. "So even if I did burn Gensokyo, nothing would happen?" The girl shakes her head. "I failed anyway... an- Unyu!" She just hit her own head with that arm-cannon of hers. Well, fantastic. Your question interrupts her train of self-thought and stuff like that. You can only imagine 6-balls in her head now, for some weird reason.

"Huh? Oh. Thats the Hell of Blazing Fires. Where Orin burns dead bodies to power up the place." Utsuho smiles. "For the Kappa in the mountain or something. I dunno. They didn't tell me much. I'm the source of their power, anyway." Utsuho points to the eye, as it sparks and crackles with energy, it closes, before opening to reveal a Nuclear-radiation symbol. It closes again and out comes the Eye.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 08, 2011, 05:04:51 AM
Oh, she's just a manifestation of my curiosity toward nuclear physics.  Of course.

Wait.  Did she say--

"Dead bodies?"  Gale suddenly felt even hotter.  "Gensokyo?  Wha..."

He looked at the confused expression on Utsuho's face and sighed.  She didn't seem to be able to answer more than one question at a time.  Why would my mind make such a stupid person-ish-thing appear in my dream?

It seemed like the only thing to do is to find someone else to answer all of his questions.  If I don't wake up beforehand, naturally.

"Uh...who's this 'Orin' you mentioned?  Can I meet them?"  As appealing as meeting this corpse-carrying Orin sounded to Gale at the moment, he really didn't think he could bear speaking with Utsuho in such blazing heat for much longer.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 08, 2011, 05:12:18 AM
"I understand you," Aesera said, still speaking Japanese, as this girl didn't seem very good with English. "And no, I don't think I'm from around here. To be honest, though, I don't actually know where 'here' is. I'm from a place called 'the United States of America', but I was actually in Japan most recently. I'm not really sure how I got here." Or if this is even real. "I just found myself over there, saw the shrine, and decided to see if there was anyone here. Which you are." Probably not alone, though. "Does anyone else live here? Any family or anything?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 08, 2011, 05:50:07 AM
(OOC: I would like to say that Vante is currently speaking in Japanese.)

"Keine? I... don't know anyone named Keine, sorry about that. And, I'm not from..." Vante hesitated to say the next line, but went through anyway, "the 'village.'" Thank goodness, nothing happened when he asked to be accompanied.

Not only did he not understand what the woman was saying, but also realized her weirdness. Her lavender-white hair reached down to her ankles; he would have shrugged this off as some crazy cosplayer thing, but it looked too real. She also had red irises, an eye color he had never seen before. That looked real, too. Her musings sounded like it would fit with an elderly person, and there was a really thick accent to her words.

Bamboo Forest of the Lost? That sounded like it would fit in fantasy, he thought. Maybe he was in a fantasy. But why didn't he feel worried yet?

"Oh, where are my manners. I haven't introduced myself," he did a short bowing of the head, "My name is Vante."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 08, 2011, 06:33:52 AM

"Vante, erh? Neat name, never heard it before. I'm Fujuwara no Mokou, da owner of dis' ere yakitori stand, and guide to those that come into the Bamboo Forest of the Lost." She pulled out her right hand from her overall's pocket and placed it on your head. You begin to feel warm again, even with the icy cold breeze sweeping through the area.

"Now, ya' said that you're not from the village, eh? Den, where might you be from, young man?" Mokou flips her hair a little, looking to the sky. "Mmm, looks like she isn't coming today, or maybe she wil- Wait a minute..." Mokou looks at the seriously confused expression on your face.

"I guess dat you have compleleh no idea what I'm talkin' bout', Right...? Because everyone knows about me and her..." Mokou sighs. You feel something ruffle in your pocket.


"Oh, the US?" The little girl looks into your eyes as the hat's eyes seem to follow your every movement. "I've always wanted to go there, but whatever. So, you're from the outside... Uhh, how should I say this... Welcome to Gensokyo?" Suwako fakes a laugh.

"Well, so you arn't dreaming at all, and I reassure you, this is real. Really real, you know like... Real real?" Suwako seems to understand what she herself is saying, but it's confusing to you. "This shine's called the Moriya Shrine, and I... was the main god of it, anyway, until Kanako came..." Suwako seems to pout, before smiling at you once again.

"I don't have, like a full biological family, but I do have, like... uhh, a family-family here. Wanna meet them?" You feel something ruffle in your pocket.


"Unyu...SURE! Lets go find Orin!" Utsuho grabs your right arm, as the earth around her flares up, turning bright red. My god, it's hot. Really hot. Utsuho runs out of the cave with you in hand before pulling you into the sky as she flies upwards at a significantly faster speed then a car. Somehow, you're having no trouble to hold on. That large rod thing helps quite a bit. As you fly further with Utsuho from the constantly burning pits of hell, it feels much cooler, but darker. Utsuho's glowing eye helps too. She could be a handywoman!

"Now's the hard part! And the most fun!" You hear Utsuho shout... Hard... and fun? This isn't goo- Utsuho makes a quick, low sweep around a pillar and flies straight towards a wall, before abruptly turning up and spinning through another cave of sorts, over and over, like an obsitical course, she tortures you with motion sickness, dizzyness and such, before finally coming to a stop, on some weird, marble-like material that covers the floor, of a mansion-looking area.

"Here's where master and Orin live!" You promptly get off Utsuho, holding back your urge to puke everything you have eaten in the last... like what? Three days?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 08, 2011, 08:03:13 AM
"I get that a lot," Vante said, replying to the name comment. To the last question, Vante only shook his head. He felt twitchy and his head ached a little, feeling the need to know everything Mokou was talking about.

He noticed that Mokou used a really formal way of conveying her name. "Hey, why do you use 'no' in your name? Isn't that an archaic way of introducing your name?" he asked. Vante had the realization that he might have been taken to the past, and this made the whole thing look like a surreal anime plot to him.

The ruffling in his pocket startled Vante, and immediately, his hand rushed to dig whatever was causing it out of his pocket.

"Are we going yet?" he asked.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 08, 2011, 08:27:20 AM
Alice? Alyssa wonders as she walks along after Marisa. Maybe she could have the answers she was looking for. After all, the people here did know that she was lost and if they were going to bring her to anyone it would either be to her death or to someone that has answers. It was probably the latter since she could not imagine anyone like Marisa bringing people to their deaths. Anyway, a more pressing question would be why she looked like an Alice fan in the first place. She paused for a moment in her head, still continuing to walk.

Alice... In Wonderland? THAT Alice? The shock blew Alyssa away just like that. She was in Wonderland, wasn't she? And that person leading her was the Mad Hatter's wife or something. Oh god, that doesn't make any sense either... Alyssa shook her head and flipped her hair behind her. She turned to Marisa. There was no point in pondering, if she could just go and find out.

"I'm ready."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 08, 2011, 09:04:09 AM

"Alright then, let's go-ze!" Marisa happy starts walking deeper into the forest, spinning the broom too. There isn't much to do as the two of you walk deeper into the dark forest. You can't really see the area clearly due to the trees blocking all the sunlight. The most fun you had during your little journey was helping Marisa pick the weird-looking, weird-smelling, totally weird, mushrooms. You do see some cute little furry things, though, like... Balls of fur with faces. OH GOD IT'S F.O.E!

I mean, uhh, yeah, that's about it. The trip's mostly silent, and you finally know the reason why Marisa isn't talking... She's listening to... An Ipod? She's humming too. It sounds familiar, you used to hear it somewhere in town, or something. You can't remember. Oh yeah, It's a Led Zeppelin song.

"Vikings are awesome-ze..." You hear Marisa say, and after a few more minutes, you finally see the bright rays of the sun.

"We're here-ze." Marisa pulls out her earphones and stuffs them in once of her large pockets along with the ipod. "Alice's house."

It's a large, white, almost mansion-looking house, but without a gate. It looks more like a cross between a western and an european house. (No, I'm not using the Hisoutensoku drawing of it.)


"Erh? My nam'? Ah, yeah, I'm from the Fujiwara clan. It's a lon' time ago, so it doesn't really matter now, I guess. I just like ta' keep the name the same as ol' dad's name was." Mokou puts her hand back into her overalls, sighing, as you ask if they were going.

"Naw, I don't think we'll go, or even make progress if we go, tonight. You could stay in my house if ya' want. She would'nt come into mai house anywaeh" Mokou points to the building just a few metres away from the Yakitori stand. "Oh, and about that "her" i was talkin' bout? Her name's Kaguya. We hate each other and crap, yadayadayada, we kill each other on a daily basis, yadayadayada. The works." You don't really understand what she meant by that, and you seem to hear her mumble something...

Maybe we didn't have to fight if I told her I- (Note that this is what you can hear from Mokou's mumblings.)

"So, what's da choice? Move or stay for da night?" Mokou asks as you pull out a paper note, with some words written on it.

The Phoenix and the Dragon, which would you choose? You may take one, but there is always the little bird in your heart.
(Meaning: Mokou and Kaguya, will you assist them in settling their feud? Or will you go on looking for Mystia?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 08, 2011, 09:38:06 AM
The scenery around the forest was a breath of fresh air for Alyssa. Regular life in her mansion was boring and the forest was relaxing in its nature. Still, it had its little quirks like the funny mushrooms she picked up and those odd balls of fur that she might or might not have been hallucinating. Still, she did not know where she was so perhaps this might have been some exotic part of the world. What really bugged her was the fact that, while Marisa looked like she came out of books in the medieval times, she was listening to music that sounded vaguely like, or was, Led Zeppelin. Still, her knowledge of music was not far too vast, so it was completely possible that she heard wrong.

The house was rather unremarkable. Nothing really caught Alyssa's eye. Still, the most regular of houses always hold the largest surprises. Hearing so much about this Alice person, the place must have been pretty remarkable on the inside. Alyssa held Mira tightly as she followed Marisa inside.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 08, 2011, 09:47:48 AM
Before shock could overthrow his mind, he pretended to wipe something off his mouth. So, he was talking to the daughter of a probably historical figure who has a grudge against a probably mythical character who, if he remembered correctly, came from the moon. What next, green pigs that steal eggs? And why wasn't he worried about any of this? He found the grip on his baston tightening as he pondered more.

"Well, I'll stay for the night. But you'll still bring me to the village tomorrow, right?" Truth to be told, this wasn't really interesting to Vante, but this sounded like overkill. More than a hundred years of hate? Despite it sounding outrageous, that was too serious. Maybe, he could help, and apparently, the note he took out was indicating that, too.

But there was the "little bird" as well. It'll have to wait, Vante told himself. Hopefully, he wasn't make the wrong choice.

(OOC: I have no idea what I am doing. Is Mystia in the Forest of Magic being a regular youkai, or near the Human Village being a vendor?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 08, 2011, 10:39:53 AM
Well, this was new. The scythe certainly wasn't helping her situation and she wasn't sure she wanted to stick around here any more.
Then again... Do I have a choice? I don't even know where to go.
So with that, Rhiseza sat up and... Er... Poked the sleeping person. And hoped that she wouldn't wake up and, say, try to kill her.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 08, 2011, 11:29:34 AM
(Well, Mystia flies around the Bamboo forest of the lost at night, all the way from the Forest of Magic, just so that she can compete with Mokou before they close shop. In the morning, she goes to the human village to sell her lamprey. So, shes only significantly hostile at night... Also...)

-Achievement Unlocked: Mythical Reunion, Vante. (EASY)
-Choose to use now? (Reward)

"Yea'. I'll send ya to da village tomorrow morning. I'll set up the guest room for you ta sleep in. I only sleep much lata, anyway." Mokou then proceeds to walk to the house, leaving you alone. You decide to follow her.  Inside the house, you notice that it's kind of... small, and old, for someone who's from a legendary clan of some sort. Quite obscure, actually. You don't seem to remember the word Fujiwara, unless it's that old samurai clan, or something. You can't quite put your tongue on it. Finally, the guest bedroom is done up.

"There ya' go. Have a good rest. We'll be up bright and early tomorrow to get to da village as soon as possible." Mokou walks out of the house and vanishes from sight. The sudden knock on the roof would indicate that somehow, she got on the roof.


You stand behind Marisa as she knocks on the door, before busting in by kicking the door, while shouting. "Yo Alice-ze! I'm home!" Funny, did she just say "I'm home?" Marisa steps in, throws her broom to the nearest wall, and sits on the neat white couch. As you walk in, you notice the array of dolls, each one different, in shelves, to the side near the staircase, and the others all dolls which are exactly the same. You clutch Mira tighter.

"Marisa, didn't I tell you to just use the doorknob?" You hear a girl's voice, around Marisa's age too. Down from the staircase comes down a... woman, by your perception, by the way she walks, her actions, all of it. Refined to an utmost limit. She wasn't trained, she was born this way. Here comes Alice Margatroid, Marisa's sweetheart, and... unknowningly, your Touhou. Along with her are two dolls, one that floats right next to her, wearing this cute little face which looks so cute that you could just HNNNGH, and the other, more dark and sinister looking, follows her at a distance.

"Oh, who's our lovely visitor?" Alice asks.


Your constant pokes and obvious rustling in the tall grass and blood red flowers don't wake the person up at all. She's either really tired, or plain lazy and is currently slacking. Now comes the warm breeze. It's refreshing, but it now carries the smell of honey. Weird, isn't it. Craning your neck to look around while trying to wake the sleeping woman, you manage to trip on your own foot. You're fantastic! You fall face-first into the woman's gigantic bust. It's comfy, but you know more then enough than to pull yourself up as soon as possible.

Once you've gotten off the woman, you hear a yawn from her, slowly opening her eyes.

"Erh? What are ya' doing here...? You arn't dead..." She doesn't cut you in half. What a relief.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 08, 2011, 12:01:18 PM
Rhiseza lets out a relieved sigh.
"I was... Hoping you could tell me, actually. I don't know where I am much less why."
Right, just... Try not to give it away. Just... Yeah.
Don't think about it.
... She may or may not be blushing a bit.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 08, 2011, 12:38:33 PM
So this was Alice. Alyssa looked at the girl, and noticed the similarities between them immediately. It was eerie in its nature, but it gave her a sense of calm. Perhaps she was the person who would give her answers, a doppelganger of sorts perhaps. In this weird world, she may be the only one who could truly understand her own situation, seemingly a person of the same personality as hers. What was exceptionally creepy about this place, however, was the multitude of dolls all over the place. Each and every doll was as if comparable to each of the characters Alyssa had connected with in each of her books. Some looked adorable, some were beautiful, and of course some were downright creepy.

"Hello, I'm Alyssa, Alyssa Crendelheim." Alyssa replies to Alice's question, bowing slightly as she does in respect. "I... don't exactly know what's going on here but... I hope I can find some answers here..."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 08, 2011, 01:21:38 PM
(OOC: Hopefully I'll be able to do more than one post in this per day for the next few days, possibly starting tomorrow. I'm just never on when all those other posts happen.)

Newan started in surprise. As odd as those tentacle things were, he decided not to ask about them for now. Apparently, weird things like this were common in "Gensokyo". the Gods Loved At least they weren't the tentacles from his dream. Something in the back of his mind was nagging him; something he should know about this person, or something that she looked like? He had the vague idea that she was some mythological creature, but he wasn't sure.

"Oh, hi. That Byakuren person outside said I needed to look for someone named Nanaya? Something about how she and I are here for the same reason, but I shouldn't be. I didn't quite understand it, but she said this Nanaya person can explain it to me. I'd appreciate it if you could help me find her."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 08, 2011, 01:29:44 PM
Okay, just accept it. If I can wind up in some unknown place after falling through a crazy gap-thing, there's no telling what else might be here. Gods, magic, any of that stuff should be considered possible. And at least I have a name for this place now. 'Gensokyo', huh? There may be significance to that name. "Yes," Aesera said, "I think I would like to meet them." Maybe one of them can explain things more clearly.

As she spoke, Aesera reached into her pocket to remove and examine whatever was in it.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 08, 2011, 02:33:04 PM
After a few seconds of breathing heavily, he finally turned his head to look around.  The place he was in was certainly an improvement to the Hell of Blazing Fires.  Looking up, he saw some large stained glass windows along the tall walls.

Huh.  Pretty.  Not sure why I'm still awake, though.

He turned to Utsuho again.  "Th-Thanks.  So, where is Orin?"

She said something about a master, too...I'd hate to meet whoever's in charge of her.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 09, 2011, 09:39:44 AM

Something ruffles in your pocket as you admire the large, stained glass windows. You stuff your hand in your pocket, and pull out a slightly crumpled note. You fold it straight before reading it.

The Nuclear Angel shall light your path, surrounded by the souls of those that once lived. Think about the heaviness on your back. Search your subconscious. A cat awaits in your heart.
(Meaning: Utsuho will bring you to Orin. Always check your back. Where's Koishi?)

You ponder the meaning of this, as Utsuho grabs your arm once again, pulling you further into the hallways of the dark, mansion. You feel alittle hotter, and notice that the area inside is turning blue and red. It could be just your imagination again, but then again... Eventually, instead of flying, the two of you run up staircase after staircase, to near the main room of the house? You surpose. You half-expect to see some random-looking weird thing in your way, but It's just a girl, standing next to a wheelbarrow that covers something. Oh, and you can see cat ears too.

"Heres Orin!" Utsuho smiles.


You pull out a note from your pocket, slightly confused, you read it.

As firm as the mountain, as calm as the river. Your heart shall stand steadily on even the most pointed rock. Ice may befall the little creatures here. Take care of them.
(You shall meet one who is like a mountain and a river, one who stands tall among the others, proud, stubborn, and yet calm, wise, and resourceful. Save the frogs from Cirno!)

As you attempt to decipher the unusual note's meaning, you get pulled over to the side of the temple by Suwako, making you unseen by what appears to be, another girl. Green haired, slightly modified miko outfit. Yeah, it's the shrine maiden of this temple. Suwako pushes you to the back of the temple, as you start to hear the sweeping noises once again.

"It's not wise to meet Sanae just yet. She'll just confuse you." Suwako nods as she says this. You hear a rumbling from behind the back door of the shrine.

"Hey, Suwako. What's that weird nois-" The blueish-haired woman had opened the back door, seeing you and Suwako together. She's slightly taller then you are, wearing weird clothes and a band-like object on her head with autumn leaves, and has a mirror of some sort on her chest.

"Who're you?" She asks.


The tentacled girl flinches, before turning around, with a look of shock on her face. "How'd you... see me? I thought I made myself invisible..." Now you look more confused than you was before. You open your mouth to say something, but no words come out of it. You blink your eyes, and the girl is gone. You also realise you can speak now.

"...What're doing?" You turn, to see that girl that you landed on. Oh right, Nanaya.

"I guess you talked to Nue. Or something."  You really have so many questions to ask.


"Oh, what a fine girl you are, Alyssa." Alice replies, returning your bow with a slight nod of respect. Marisa grabs a seat in the couch. "Sit, sit." Alice says, waving her hands slightly. The doll at her side starts to fly into the kitchen. Alice too, takes a seat next to Marisa. "So, how did you somehow, get Marisa to bring you here? We seldom get... human visitors." Alice smiles politely, right before Marisa interjects. You pull out something from your pocket and read it as Marisa replies to Alice.

The precious of the noble serves only her. Place it into your hands, and to the black-white's, and warmly await your award. The dollmaker lies in your heart.

"Kourin asked me to bring her here. No idea why-ze." Marisa has this, sort of smug look on her face, as she pulls out a book from one of her big pockets. You recognise it. It's one of the books Rinnosuke was reading before he talked to you when you first arrived.

"Oh, Marisa. Stealing's bad, you know? Just like how you stole my precious thing~" Alice giggles.

"It's alright-ze! I'm just borrowing it... But i'm keeping your precious thing." Marisa laughs quite loudly at their joke combination.

"So, how did you get here, Alyssa?" Alice asks.


"Yup, definitely not dead. And you have two... death dates?" The woman looks at you and shrugs, before pulling her scythe to herself. "So, you don't know why you're here. I don't know too. I was sleeping for the past, uhh, three hours. Don't tell boss that." She laughs. You feel something ruffle in your pocket. As you pull the object out, the woman talks.

"So, if ya wanna meet my boss, who could like, uhh, tell you why and how you got here and stuff, I could send you there, Or I could drop ya off at where you can go back to not being dead land. Haha, if you know what I mean."

You pull out a note, and read it carefully.

Death can only hold one for so long, it's icy grasp cannot hold you forever, that is, unless you're half human and ghost, where you're trapped in a state of being completely between both borders. The cherry blossoms will gather around you. Find the only different color in the sea of pink.
(Youmu is in your heart. Find the butterfly which doesn't belong to Yuyuko, somewhere in the gardens.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 09, 2011, 10:19:55 AM
OOC: I didn't quite get the note. Also, haha, very funny name-dropping -_-

Alyssa stared at her note for a while, not quite catching what it was supposed to mean. It took her a while before her reaction kicked in and she realised they were talking to her.

"Oh... I'm sorry... Did you ask... how... I... got here?" Upon speaking the question again, a heavy feeling struck her as she realised what it was asking for. She recalled how she fell through the gash, a gash that seemed absolutely monstrous in nature as she was completely engulfed in it, being pulled to that little shophouse. "I... fell through a... portal." A word that she never expected to use in real life conversation. 'Portal' was a word reserved for the world of fantasy, a world that she now seemed to live in.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 09, 2011, 10:31:54 AM
(OOC: I will use the reward later.)

Vante sighed. There was nothing to do now but sleep and wait for the morning to come.

He sat down on the futon that lay on the floor, placing his stick underneath it. Unmindful of the iPhone that was still in his pocket, he began to settle down in the bed. His eyes found the ceiling, and he stared at it like a puzzle waiting to be solved. Why was he here? Why was the "little bird" in the note important? Where was he, really?

Vante took a quick glance at his side. The aged wood reminded him a little of his childhood, when he would sometimes lie on the floor with only a mat separating his body from the cold tiles. But there was something different around here; he felt uneasy, as if someone was in the guest room staring at him.  Will anything be normal again, he asked himself.

It took a long time before he finally snoozed off.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 09, 2011, 01:21:05 PM

You fall into a deep sleep, dreaming of the world outside, your daily, somewhat boring life... And your could-be-future...
What was tha-
You have been awakened from your little ditty, to hear explosions outside, sound that somewhat sound like from a sci-fi show. Crackling lightning of sorts. Burning. Fire. You run out of the makeshift house, and to your surprise and amazement, you are blinded by constant, flashing yellow and red lights. Eventually, you manage to open your eyes as they adapt to the light. You see Mokou and another girl. In the sky. Shooting at each other.

The other girl has a beautiful complexion that you can see from the light of the half-moon, wearing a long, silk-like robe that glistens in the light. This has to be Mokou's arch nemesis. Kaguya. The one who if you remember, comes from the moon. As Kaguya and Mokou exchange blows, you notice that they both arn't bleeding, and in further examination, their blood evaporates instantly in the air. Their wounds slowly heal. There's the constant sound of bone's breaking, but... They arn't affected in anyway... this can't be physically possible.

"Spell card!" Kaguya and Mokou say in union. "Immortal Bird! Flying Phoenix!" Mokou's body lights up on fire, eagle-like wings of pure, scarlet flames burst out of her back. The flames on her legs twist and spin, finally becoming talons. She lets loose a roar, that sounds almost exactly like how a phoenix would sound like. It's like an eagle's screech with a low growl, together. "New Impossible Request! Mysterium" Kaguya shouts...

As a gigantic, ball, filled will tens of who knows how many, blue, round bullet shaped objects surround her. They prepare to engage...


"Portal, you say? Did you see a long-haired blonde woman with a parasol and... weird clothing, my dear?" Alice's face seems to indicate genuine concern for you. It's weird, you just met the person. "I don't think Yukari did this-ze. I mean, why drop her off at Kourin's place?" Marisa interjects before you can say anything, again.

"It's just the main idea, Marisa. Yukari would do anything and everything. Sometimes for fun too." Alice sighs. "So, my dear, where did you come from?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 09, 2011, 01:45:34 PM
Aesera gave a bow. "My name is Aesera. As I was just telling Suwako here, I don't really know where I am-Suwako said I'm from the 'outside world', but I don't really know what that means." She summarized what had happened. If gods and magic and all that exist here, it may not sound as crazy to them as it does to me.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 09, 2011, 02:20:38 PM
Gale stared at Orin for a moment.  He had no idea why she had four ears, but he decided to just let it go for now.  I'm just having a really, really weird dream.

"Uh, hello, Orin," he said.  His eyes drifted to her cat ears.

The note said something about a cat in my heart...why can't this dream just make sense?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 09, 2011, 02:28:22 PM
"Two death dates...?" ... Well that was more than a little confusing. Not more than the note, though. Half-ghost? Surely that's not possible...
"I think I would like to know where I am at least."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 09, 2011, 03:43:57 PM
Newan made a mental note to ask the tentacled girl where she got her cloaking device so he could study it and hopefully improve on it, then turned his attention to Nanaya. "Oh, I take it you're Nanaya? I'm Newan Kudo. I was talking to a girl with tentacles on her back, but then she vanished. Oh, um, sorry about falling on you earlier. I can understand you'd be startled if a person just fell out of the sky and landed on you like that."

Newan sighed as he explained. His original suspicions that this was a dream had returned, and this was way weirder than any other dream he had ever had. "So, the girl outside- I think she said her name was Byakuren- said something about how you and I are here for the same reason, but I shouldn't be here because nothing is happening. After that, she said to find you, because you'd be able to explain it more, or something like that. But really, if this is a dream, I'd rather just wake up now. If I'm not supposed to be here, I may as well just wake up and try sleeping again." Just as long as I don't have that other dream again... he added silently.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 09, 2011, 03:53:19 PM
Alyssa tightly gripped Mira. She wondered if she should answer the question honestly, or fake an explanation. Who knows who this Yukari person was, perhaps going through her portal meant something. But still, these people seemed like they truly wanted to help, their faces seemed interested, and there was not at all a sense of artificiality. Although the fact that Alice was so interested made it seem as if they might be interested in something other than herself.

"I... I didn't see any weird lady..." Alyssa hugs Mira as she says the next line. "I came from the Royal Castle in England, the castle's library to be accurate." She knew this was a risky thing to say, being a person of such a status made it that people might see her differently, and in a world like this where things don't seem as they should, it might not have been the best of ideas to tell them something like this.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 10, 2011, 02:41:49 AM

Alice listens intentively as you say that you're from some place called England. There's a glimmer of... surprise and such on her face when you mention the word "Royal" Well, you're guessing that they would now treat you better, maybe, maybe not. Marisa doesn't really react much, only looking quite bored indeed. she probably has no respect for you, yet. This world's confusing, isn't it? As you finish about the castle's library, the floating doll comes out from the kitchen with two cups of tea. Another, more french-like doll comes out with a cup of coffee. They serve the three of you. Tea for you and Alice, coffee for Marisa.

"So, It isn't Yukari. And you're like... a princess of some sort. Well, this makes it interesting..." Alice lifts up the teacup elegantly, taking a small sip before putting it down. The more, cute-looking doll suddenly plops on your head, bringing it's little legs up and down as it seems to listen in to the conversation. Marisa heartily gulps down the entire cup of coffee.

"Ahh, that hit da spot-ze!" Marisa exclaims, slouching down on the couch, not really caring much about your situation.

"So, you don't know why you're here and you're a little princess. Of course, we have to find out why you're here..." As Alice says this, the note glows in your hand. You should give it to Alice.

(The note from earlier means give Shanghai to Marisa while Alice is gone to receive a mushroom.)


"...Y-Yeah, I'm Nanaya. Nice to meet you... Newan." Katelin extends her hand out for you to shake it. You politely do so. "I wasn't startled that you fell out from the sky. That happens from time to time, and to normal humans too... rarely. I- It's just th-that..." You notice that she has pushed her head away to the right to avoid facing you directly. "Pervert." She mumbles.

"So... yeah... Uhh, You're from the outside, which is the world outside this place. Aka, our real world, where technology is everywhere and crap, where I used to play StarCraft 2 and stuff like that. It's going to be confusing to you at first, but you'll understand it later." Nanaya sighs, as she turns her head back to facing you. "Humans rarely are able to come here, and for them to somehow come, requires this land to either, be in danger, or to be pulled in after meeting a blonde woman with... really neat-looking clothes." Nanaya grips her hands together and starts to fiddle with her thumbs.

You have a utterly confused look on your face, but you are able to grasp the basic concept. Something ruffles in your pocket.

"You're not in a dream too. I don't know why you're here, but since you fell from the sky instead of suddenly appearing beside a wall or something, I doubt it's the latter." Nanaya starts walking to the main entrance. "Come, I'll show you about this world, called Gensokyo, and this certain place where I live. Myouren Temple."

You silently follow her as you pull out the note.

You shall seek one that seeks many. Seeker of the Seeker, she lies in your heart. The devil is coming.
(Nazrin is who you shall seek. Shinki's coming.)


"Erh? You're in hell." That surpurbly blunt sentence sends you staggering back, utterly shocked. Hell? This doesn't look like hell. Why are you here anyway? "So yeah, you're in the Higan. So now, tell me where ya' wanna go? I do have time to send you off before I have to..." She sighs. "Get back to work..."

"Oh, by the way, I'm Komachi. Nice'ta meet ya." She does some sort of hairflip that somewhat resembles Justin Bieber.


"Okku... Who's this?" Orin glares at you slightly, before looking back at Utsuho. You notice that you're surrounded by glowing blobs of white and blue. Astoundingly, you manage to ignore them quite well as they float around you, Orin and Utsuho.

"Unyu... He's a human I met in Hell!" Utsuho points in the direction of that blazing furnace you once stood in. Orin's shocked. Completely. Utterly. Her reaction's fast, grabbing you by the arm and throwing you to the floor.

"You! How did you survive the flames!? Wasn't it hot enough!? I thought that it's completely functional!" Orin's angry, and shocked. Your note glows in your hand.


"Oh, the outside...?" Kanako looks behind her, before turning back to the two of you. "Come in, come in. Let's talk inside." And with that, Kanako walks into the house, followed by Suwako and you. As you walk into the shrine, you realise that it's just like a modern-day house, just more japanese. Kanako takes a seat beside the glass dining table, in a, complicated sitting posture, as Suwako takes the seat next to her. You sit at the far back. Kanako claps her hands, and you hear the sweeping stop. "I'm Kanako Yasaka. God of this shrine."

You start explaining how you got here and such.

"So, from the outside erh? We were too. But anyway, this is Gensokyo, and the "outside" is just our normal world, where our Shrine maiden goes to school, and I drink beer all day. We're gods, so we don't have jobs... Hey, that rhymes!" Kanako says it, quite loudly.

Suwako Keros as a green-haired walks in with three cups of tea. "Oh, who're you?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 10, 2011, 02:58:38 AM
"Well... I'm not exactly a princess, just a noble." Alyssa takes a sip of her tea, almost mimicking Alice in her mannerisms. She looks at the little note in her hand, thinking of what it truly means. Suddenly, Alyssa notices that it starts to glow. It surprises her, and piques her curiousity. Perhaps Alice might have better luck with it, since they were in such a weirld world.

"Um... What do you think about this, Miss Alice?" Alyssa reluctantly passes the note to Alice. It would find more use in the hands of those who knew more about this world than she. She looks up from the corner of her eye and sees the two adorable doll feet shifting up and down. Alyssa then looks down at Mira, and then sighs in relief.

OOC: I've decided to remove the "Other" section where Mira might be sentient. I might decide to make a spirit possess her later, but for now she's just an adorable little doll.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 10, 2011, 03:00:42 AM
Newan blinked at her accusation. It's not like I did it on purpose... he thought, but decided that he shouldn't bring the matter back up.

Seek one that seeks? What is this, Seekception? And what's this about the devil? How did this get in my pocket, anyway? That's when something clicked in his head.

"Hold on. Myouren temple? As in, the Buddhist monk Myouren?" While he hadn't been in Japan very long, he had studied a good deal of Shinto and Buddhist stories and mythology, so he knew of a few mythological creatures and stories. Among these was the tale of Myouren, the Buddhist monk. "Hmm... I guess this underg- um, Gensokyo place knows about him too. Maybe it's more closely connected to Japan than I thought..."

(OOC: Yeah, I'm not sure whether I mentioned Newan's interest in Japanese mythology in this sign-up or Tir Na Nog's, but whatever.

A bit surprised at the whole Shinki thing, but I guess she has business with a certain Christ figure...)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 10, 2011, 03:07:02 AM
"And, uh... My name is Rhiseza. And... Do you know what this means, by chance?"
She holds out the note to Komachi. Maybe she'll get something a little clearer from her.
Or, given my luck, she'll be even more cryptic.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 10, 2011, 03:24:13 AM
Gale looked up at Orin's angry face, confused.  That shock should've woken me up.  Why am I still dreaming?

"What do you mean, 'survive the flames?'  I was never in them!" Gale said, still pinned on the floor.  He saw no reason to fight back.  "I just...appeared on the cliff."  Wow.  It sounds even dumber when I say it.

He turned to the side and saw the glowing note.  "What...huh?" he muttered.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 10, 2011, 03:47:13 AM
So she's Kanako. Looks the part of a god more than Suwako, certainly. Of course, that only shows that appearances can be deceptive. Anyways, this is good. A god has to be someone good to know. She might even be willing to aid me, although I'd assume she'd want something in return.

Aesera looked towards the newcommer. This must be Sanae. "My name is Aesera. I'm from the 'outside', at it seems you call it here."

Aesera turned back to Kanako. Okay, let's get this out there. "I think there are matters to attend to. My first instinctive desire, of course, is to get back to the world I'm from, but given what happened there, I don't know how much is left to go back to. And even if I did go back, there's no way to know it it's still happening or if it will happen again. So I think my first priority is to investigate, attempt to learn what exactly it was that happened and why. And given that the outside world doesn't believe something like that is possible, it would seem that Gensokyo is a better place to begin my investigation. But that brings up a problem, and I'm not referring to the fact that I have no idea where to start looking.

"You see, in the outside world, I'm quite capable of defending myself, but although I have seen little of Gensokyo, the mere existance of things such as gods and magic tells me that what I know would prove ineffective here. I realize that it may seem sudden that I'm saying something like this so soon after meeting you, but then, you are a god, so now that I think about it, you probably get asked for things by people you haven't met at all. Anyways, to get to the point, if I am going to investigate what happened, I will need to travel throughout Gensokyo, and if I am going to do that, it seems likely that I will need some variety of power. So I would like to ask if you could, in whatever manner, grant me power.

"Now, I understand that you would want something from me in exchange, so please, name your price. I will, of course, need to know what it is before agreeing to it, but there is very little that I am unwilling to do. So please, tell me what your price would be."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 10, 2011, 04:49:38 AM

"Yeah," Nanaya talks while walking towards the entrance, you following behind her. "Byakuren's... deceased younger brother. Hes's a legend in Japan, but he...was real enough." Nanaya lets out a fake laugh, before walking out the large door. "And, Gensokyo's inside Japan." You now stand next to her, the sun shining down on you. Byakuren's still standing further out, waiting for her guest that she said she was having. The sweeping girl with weird hair and ears looks at you, smiles and starts waving.

"That's Kyouko. She's new here, so treat her well." You wave back. "In the land of Gensokyo, there are many things that you would'nt believe possible, everything from fantasy novels comes in here, I guess." Nanaya sighs.


Alice takes the note in hand, reading it... She seems captivated by it, as if it's completely new, so alien, so interesting, mysterious... The note glows blue, brighter and brighter. Marisa and Alice don't seem to notice the glow, only you can... Slowly, the room is completely engulfed in the blue light... Alice and you close your eyes at the same time, envisioning a field of black death, before slowly reversing to reveal grass growing, trees, the sun, rivers, animals... You and Alice open your eyes, the world around you swirling together, crystals rupture from the ground, forming a dome shape above the two of you. Blue Lightning bursts from the tip, sweeping the two of you up into the air, surrounding the two of you like a tornado as your bodies flux together, combining, before snapping apart. It ends and everything's back to normal...

Your Spiritual and Chaotic Links have been made. Alice is now your chosen Touhou. Death of one would mean death of two.

-Achievement GET!
-Artful Sacrifice(EASY)
-Use Now?


Komachi takes a look at the note, before handing it back to you, getting on her boat with her Scythe. "So, to Hakugyokurou it is. Top speed, as requested. You arn't dead yet anyway, so you can't see your life." You have no idea what she just said. She beacons to you, and you slowly make your way onto the boat, and instintively grab on tight to the wooden side of it. "Let's go. This will be one hell of a ride." And off you go. In about ten seconds of speeding past countless fields of blood-red flowers, coins and such, you reach a white light as it engulfs the boat as you two move forward, into the light...

"Seeya" You hear Komachi say... As you fall off the river onto a bed of Cherry Pedals.


The note flies to Orin, and she grabs it, scanning through it, fast... slower... slower... her eyes now fixated ont he note, her face shows no more of that anger and confusion that once plagued her mind. Orin stands from pinning you, and you gasp for air. Eventually, you stand, next to Utsuho as Orin keeps staring at the note. It glows red, brighter... Brighter... Utsuho's eye glows and starts pulsing. She falls to the floor, unconscious. You hear a squeal from your back, but as you turn behind, you see nothing. The red light shines throughout the entire hall, through the stained glass windows, through the marble-like floor. Everything is becoming transparent. It's...

You and Orin close your eyes, and imagine yourselves surrounded by the suffering of people who are slowly being devoured by a weird, tentacled darkness. Gaping maws filled with rows and rows of teeth surround you, with red, strip-like eyes emitting bloody lightning. As the two of you open your eyes, you feel like you're being watched from all around you. Eyes close in around you, and finally, a yellow beam from bellow the three of you cracks the earth, and shoots up into the sky, cutting through the roof. You and Orin spin around in the beam, your bodies mixing, half and half, before snapping apart. You fall flat on the ground and Orin lets go of the note. It flies back into your hand.

Your Spiritual and Chaotic Connection is now ready. Orin is your chosen Touhou. Death of one would be Death of two.

-Achievement GET!
-Nuclear-Induced Insanity(EASY)
-Use Now?


Sanae quietly puts the three cups infront of you, Kanako and Suwako, before stepping back. Such a good girl.

"Oh, so you want to find out why you're here, how did you get here, and that you want to go back? You do know that that's not an easy task to accomplish, given that Gensokyo is more... Fantastic then a normal human from the outside could imagine." Kanako drinks the tea, before looking at the fridge at the corner. Sanae knows she wants beer, but she has a guest, so, Sanae doesn't give her what she wants. "Tsh."

Suwako listens in to what's happening, while the eyes of that hat STARE INTO YOUR SOUL.

"Well well, you want power? Such a straightforward and blunt question. No, more like demand." Kanako chuckles. "No. That's my answer. In Gensokyo, although almost everyone has the power to at least... make energy visible... There is no way that someone could, like, transfer energy or give energy to another. There won't be a price, because even as a God, there are things that I cannot do. I am not Oh almighty Christ like how people are now believing in the Outside. I'm just one of the many gods that inhabit this land."

So, you're at a dead end. But as you start to let your sorry heart overcome yourself, the note in your hand glows. It floats to Kanako. She grabs it, and starts reading it.

"My my, you're in for a treat, girl. Looks like I'll be helping you. An old friend of mine just asked for me to accompan-" Kanako freezes, the note glows blue, the words are now gone, as the note floats away from her hand. Suwako and Sanae are turning grey... No, not only them, everything is... What is this...? Kanako gets off the chair and stands in the middle of the room. A thousand, rainbow-colored, needle-like objects are generated from her body. Crystals, green in color totally devastate the ground around the shrine, slowly coming inward, as you and Kanako close your eyes, you see the universe in one, the milky way, going further and further, then screams. Horrifying screams of despair. The void of space bursts right in your mind. A red object expands where the Milky way once was... You and Kanako open your eyes from shock, the green crystals surrounding you, reflecting lights across the area, the light spinning around you, like that warp from star trek. Your bodies mix, and split. Everything's back to normal... Kanako's visibly stunned.

Your Chaotic and Spiritual Connection is established. Kanako is your Chosen Touhou. The Death of One would mean the Death of Two.

Achievement GET!
-As Resolute as the Mountains...
-Use Now?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 10, 2011, 04:55:26 AM
(OOC: I feel so behind the pack  :P)

"I see... so then, that girl who turned invisible... maybe it wasn't a cloaking device?"

Newan thought about this. All these strange things that had been happening: the tentacles, the gradient hair, the falling, Kyouko, Nue; all of it confused him as a scientist. There was absolutely no scientific basis for these things, and many of them were physically impossible. Yet, here they stood, challenging the laws of nature itself. He began to toy with the idea that Gensokyo had its own set of rules, but he wasn't sure how such a place could exist within Japan.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 10, 2011, 04:56:01 AM
OOC: Won't use the reward, but what does it do anyway? o_O?

Alyssa looks around, startled by what had just happened. Marisa seems to be indifferent, as if nothing happened. She looks at Alice, and they both have a mutual understanding that something was not right at that time. That moment, that moment was absolutely terrifiying, where something so absolutely mystical happened that Alyssa had only imagined, but never truly felt.

W-what just happened? Alyssa thinks to herself. She looks at Alice as if she might know the answer to her question.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 10, 2011, 04:59:38 AM
Unable to say anything else, Vante mouthed, "What. The. Hell."

The power play before him was surreal. Flames poured wildly out of Mokou, while the other one, Kaguya, was conjuring bullets upon bullets. These were the things he only saw on TV. Was this a dream? Was this a dream inside a dream?

Impact was imminent; Vante put his back against his host's house, ready to run back in if he was about to get caught in the outcome. "What are you two doing?" he shouted.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 10, 2011, 05:01:09 AM
"Wait, what's this Hakugy---" She stopped her sentence partway through (not like she could have pronounced that word anyways) as the boat sped through the same blood red flowers she'd been wondering about, and landed in a bunch of cherry petals.
"Wait, where did..."
... Too late.
"... Ngh... Great..."
She stood up carefully and tried to get her bearings.
As if that's going to happen. You don't know where you are, -again-, and now there's nobody around to help you.
Great going, Rhi. Just, excellent.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 10, 2011, 05:22:49 AM

Kaguya stops, craning her neck to look at you, right out of the house. Her blue, bullet-like objects that surrounded her started to falter. She body began to shake... "Mokou... You... You..." Mokou flinched, she knew what Kaguya was thinking, and this could be very, very bad. Kaguya turned back to Mokou, tears rolling down her marvelous, beautiful face. "Fujiwara no Mokou! You've betrayed me! Tonight, you will dine in hell!" Kaguya screamed of releasing her anger into the blue danmaku. They started getting bigger, turned red. "DIE!"

Mokou looked at her and you in disbelief. Kaguya had mistaken something, and, this was going to hurt. Mokou shot a large ball of fire directly at Vante, hitting the earth right next to him. "RUN, RUN YOU FU-" Kaguya had released her bullets, and one had just hit Mokou in the stomach, leaving a burnt hole in it. Slowly, it healed, but Mokou felt the pain. You can't run. Fear piles up inside of you. Your legs wobble like jelly, slowly turning to nothingness, well that's what you feel. You watch as the two historical characters exchange blows, and finally, come to a tired stop. Blood drips from the sky, hitting your face. Mokou's regeneration is getting slower...

"Spell card!" Kaguya exclaims. "New Impossible Request! Red Stone of Aja!" Red lazers fly in all directions out of Kaguya, with one, main, wide red lazer with red balls circling it as it comes at high speed towards Mokou. Kaguya laughs and laughs, as her tears fall and glisten in the moonlight. Maybe we didn't have to fight If I told you I loved you. Kaguya thought, as the lazer closed in on Mokou...

With one, sudden abrupt turn, Mokou grazed the lazer by less then an inch, flying straight towards Kaguya, avoiding the countless, streaming red beams that flew all around her. Mokou doesn't attack, but does something right out of one of those Shojo mangas or something. She hugs Kaguya. "You know I'll never betray you. Maybe, we didn't have to always kill each other if I said that I loved you." Kaguya faltered. Her beams of red light disappeared, crying.

You're completely, utterly, stunned for your life. Mokou whispers something to Kaguya, and she nods, before flicking her hand. You fall face-first onto the rocky ground, before awaking in a village. The human village. You shut your eyes from the sudden glare of light. You're next to a oil lanturn.

(WHO KNOWS WHAT THE REWARD DOES? Oh, and this will be the last post of me using Alice.)

Alice clears her throat, sipping some tea, her hands shaking as she tries to put down the cup. "W-Well, I... I think-k that it's time w-we go get ourselves some answers." Marisa grabbed her hat, which had somehow fallen off her head, put it back on and adjusted it. "Right-ze. Where do we go?" Alice finishes her tea, her hands still shaking, but her face doesn't show an expression of shock.



"Yeah, that girl was Nue. She has the ability to transform into anything and everything, and to hide herself. Etc. Uhh, you know, like a shapeshifter? Yeah." Nanaya sighed, before eyeing the note in your hands. "A note? How'd you get that?" Nanaya tries to take it from you, but you hold it away, for an unknown reason. "Meanie." She mumbles, as she steps down the flight of white rock stairs towards Byakuren, while you follow her, as she explains how Gensokyo works. Danmaku, the people, the rules, stuff. You notice in the bushes to the right of the stairs, a... tail? Looks like a mouse.


You stride through the cherry pedals, and notice that it's a garden, with cherry blossoms all around you, and a grand house in the center. You stride through forward, making your way closer and closer into the house. Once you've reached it, you start knocking the door to try to get someone's attention. Knock, Knock, Knock. No answer. Knock, Knock, Knock. No answer. Eventually, you get fed-up, and just open the door.

It's a nicely decorated house, with many paintings and pink stuff, mostly japanese. Well, it did look japanese on the outside, so, might as well be on the inside. As you stride through the halls, you reach a room where there's two openings to the left and the right, a pond on the right and a smaller garden on the left. You poke your head in and notice a pink-haired woman looking into the lake, while eating something that looks like a chicken wing. Roasted chicken wing.

(I really can't post walls of text until all of you get your links up. Hehe.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 10, 2011, 05:29:36 AM
I wonder... why is it so important that I keep this from her? This note... it's like it doesn't want me to hand it over.

Newan pointed to the tail in the bushes. "Um, is that also a person who lives at this temple?" To have a tail that big... must be a big mouse. Or, maybe it's like one of those cat girls you see in anime? I don't think I've ever seen a mouse version, but I guess it's not impossible.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 10, 2011, 05:42:14 AM
As you walk down the stairs, Nanaya doesn't reply to you question, but walks over to the bush, grabs and pulls on the mouse tail. You hear a squeak, followed by some "Let me go!"s. Nanaya drags the person out of the bush. The most distinct features of her are her ears, tail, and that thing that looks like a Nazi symbol pulled apart. "This is Nazrin. She lives in the temple too. She's a mouse youkai." Well, that was straight forward. "She can like, uhh, seek stuff, you know, find things that we lost? Right about there." Nanaya finally lets go of Nazrin's tail, allowing her to get up and dust herself.

"Newcomer? Welcome to the Myouren Temple." She holds out her hand and you shake it. The note in  your other hand starts glowing blue slightly. "So, what's ya name?" Nazrin's tail flips about left and right.

"My name is Newan."

"Neat name, never heard of it before." Nazrin replies, before looking at Nanaya. "And why did you grab my tail anyway?" Nanaya giggles. "Because our... newcomer, wanted to meet you and look at your beautiful face." Nanaya teased Nazrin. The note glows brighter. Nanaya turns to it.

"Why's i-" The blue light fires into the sky, making it rain. Everything freezes. The clouds are now dark, nothing can move except the rain. Your eyes twitch, attempting to scan the area. Something isn't right. From the sky, a large, black gash rips open, and gigantic tentacles slowly crawl down, grabbing Nazrin. She can't move too... Even more tentacles reach down from the blackened sky, grabbing you, pulling you closer, before you and Nazrin fall, the tentacles have disappeared. You're now... Underwater? No. You''re in energy. Blue energy. The surrondings seem like water, but they flicker between black and blue. The water-like energy that covers the current landscape twists and spirls into a whirlpool, before it's center shoots up, turning into a watersprout. No... This isn't... Nazrin's in the watersprout, spinning and spinning. You're getting sucked in... You try to swim away, but no no avail.

The current pulls you in, and you are swept into the center of the watersprout with Nazrin. Together, your bodies colide which each other ad the two of you start melding together, spinning to the top. The watersprout looks like a drill... At the tip, lightning strikes the two of you. You and Nazrin open your eyes in shock.

Your Spiritual and Chaotic Links are now fixed. Nazrin is your chosen Touhou. The Death of one would mean the death of two.

-Achievement GET!
-Use now?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 10, 2011, 05:57:03 AM
Just as Alice finishes her tea, Alyssa finishes in unison. They both act as if nothing is wrong, and to most people they would seem like a normal bunch of happy people looking for something to do, but in reality, only Marisa vaguely resembles that description. Both are stunned by what had just happened, but Alice less so due to how she was so used to odd things happening, living her whole life in Gensokyo. Alyssa had yet to come to terms with what she had just experienced, and had no idea what to truly say or do. The group stands up, ready to set off to find this Reimu person who was enigmatic to Alyssa.

As soon as they start to leave, Shanghai flies off of Alyssa's head, going next to Alice instead. Another doll, a more ominous one, Hourai, appears behind Alice out of nowhere. Alice is deep in thought as the group goes out into the forest, heading to the Hakurei Shrine to find Reimu, a person who would be able to help them in this situation. Alyssa had yet to know her, but this time she didn't really care. More importantly, she wanted to know what had just happened, and if this Reimu person would be able to help her to do this, then she did not really care who or what she was.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 10, 2011, 05:59:53 AM
Before he got up, there was a matter of filtering what happened last night. It was all real for sure, including the end. At least they made up. But it still scared the daylights out of him.

Thankfully, he didn't feel really tired or sleep-deprived, although his legs shook a bit. Checking his pocket, he was relieved to find his phone and the note still there. His right hand was clenched so tight he couldn't feel for anything he may be holding.

As he got himself away from where he was leaning, he took the note out again. "A little bird. Now, what could that be? Maybe it's a literal bird?" Mokou did represent a phoenix, the burning immortal bird, so maybe this one had something to do with birds.

He looked around, scanning his surroundings.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 10, 2011, 06:03:58 AM
-Achievement GET!
-Use now?

(OOC: XD Awesome name. Going to save it for now.)

The two stared at each other for a moment. "Did you just-" Newan began.

"Yeah, I think so." Nazrin answered.

The two continued to stare at each other for a moment, before Nazrin let out a sigh. "Well, that was interesting, to say the least. Reminds me of the time the black-white let me try one of her mushrooms she uses for her spells."

Newan tilted his head in confusion. "Black-white...?"

"Yeah, she's a witch who lives in the Forest of magic. Her real name's Marisa, but black-white is easier to remember."

"I... I see." Newan answered, though he wasn't quite sure that he did understand.

Nazrin turned to Nanaya, and whispered in her ear. "Um... something really weird just happened. I have no clue what it was, and I doubt Newan does either. There was all this rain and tentacles and stuff, and now, it's like he's... really there. I don't know how else to describe it, it's like he just has more presence or something. More presence than anyone I've ever met."

Newan continued to simply look on in confusion. While everything else that had happened was weird, this just took the cake. Nothing could explain what just happened, unless it was some sort of hallucination. That both he and Nazrin experienced at the same time. Was that even possible?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 10, 2011, 06:52:21 AM
-Current Gensokyo Time: 1:37pm
-Current Time in the Outside World: 3:37pm

---Newan's Scenario

"So, I hope you two experienced the same thing." Nanaya had put her arms around both of their necks from the back. "Enough with the talking about Marisa. We have work to do. " Nanaya sighed, something was happening in Gensokyo, but what? "So, you're here for a reason. A reason almost nobody knows. There's something affecting Gensokyo, but no one's hurt, or dead, or, exorcised. So, I don't really know what's up now. Yukari isn't the reason for why you're here too." Nanaya saw what happened, apparently.

"First," Nanaya pulled Nazrin's ear, prompting a squeak. "We're waiting for Shinki. As creator of Makai, she would know things that we don't. Lets go back in first. God knows how long it'll take for her to get here." Nanaya gives a wave to Byakuren, before pulling Nazrin and Newan into the Temple. Nanaya brings the two of them into a room near the far right, next to Byakuren's room. Opening the door, Nanaya lets them go. "Feel free to do anything you want while Shinki's on her way here." Nanaya slams the door shut, leaving Newan and Nazrin right outside her room.

(I just realised the tripple N. Newan Nazrin Nanaya.)

----Vante's Scenario

Well, It's in the afternoon, even though it felt like just ten seconds from when you fell on the ground. Kaguya must've did something to you. Nevermind that now. Looking around, you notice that you're obviously in a village, with few to no people strolling around, most of the shops are closed too. For what reason, you don't know. As you walk around the town, you notice that there's a large gathering of people near the center of town, with Truely Awesome MusicThe Group that Remixes Touhou Songs playing. There are three girls on the stage, each wearing similar outfits besides the color, playing a keyboard, trumpet and violin. Concert?

Next to them, you see an unmanned store, with a signboard saying "Out of Lamprey. Be Right Back."


As the three of you walk towards the exit of the Forest Of Magic, Marisa pulls Alice and you over to say Hi to Rinnosuke, and steal some stuff. After that fairly random encounter, the three of you start on your journey again. As you walk along the stone path near the exit, a man walks by you. He's wearing a brown shirt and long pants, and his face... He's that guy with Rinnosuke when you first got here. H-He... As you stand alone, Alice and Marisa upfront, you keep thinking about him, how he was...

Marisa and Alice call to you, and you flinch, before running to them. Marisa has been leading the way for sometime now and... Amazing, you've ended up in a gigantic lake of sorts. "M-Marisa, we were surposed to go to the village before going to Reimu's place. We're at Misty lake." Marisa grins. "About that. I thought we could get a short cut."

"Short cut? There's no short cut to the Hakurei Shrine from here..."

"Wait, where are we again-ze?" Marisa asks.

"Misty Lake." You reply, getting that infomation from Alice.

"Oh... Yeah... ON WARD THEN-ZE!" Marisa drags you and Alice back from where you came, eventually returning past Kourindo and reaching the outskirts of the Human village. You think you hear music playing.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 10, 2011, 07:09:27 AM
----Gale's Scenario
(I want an explanation. Oh, and most of TAM's works only need Lunasa. :V)

Vante sauntered on to the crowd, the musicians' performance ringing in his ears. The music was upbeat, but at the same time calming and pleasant. It was like three emotions mixed together...

Then he realized the time. It was the afternoon. And he just woke up. Right there, he felt his stomach rise in protest against his late waking, as well as his mouth. He mentally kicked himself, because he was not so tired last night, and yet he slept like a log.

But now, food and water was the more important issue. He did see a food stall beside the crowd, so he approached it and waited for the owner to come back. Lamprey sounded tasty, and his stomach wouldn't be complaining about whatever he gave it.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 10, 2011, 07:16:45 AM
(Wahahaha, sorry. Mistyped. I keep reading, playing on my Iphone, and typing at the same time. I'm a busy person, doin' busy things.)

---Vante's Scenario

Your patience is rewarded when a girl, wearing an apron over a weird costume, with two elaborate wings with pink feathers, walks in. As you look up at her, you notice her elongated ears. Looks like an elf. Her hat also has feathers. "Hi. Never saw you around before. Thanks for waiting, I just got a new stock of Lamprey!" The girl exclaims. "How many do ya' want?"

As she says this, you feel the note in your hand. It seems to be giving off a dim, blue glow. The musician's performance starts getting louder as it reaches the Climax of the song. There's a banner at the side, saying that they're currently playing "Phantom Ensemble", and will be playing Neko Miko ReimuMaiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle, followed by a song called Necrofantasia.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 10, 2011, 07:19:28 AM
As the two were left alone, Newan turned to Nazrin. "What do you think she meant by 'the same thing'?"

Nazrin thought about it for a moment, rubbing her ear where Nanaya had grabbed her. "Well... ever since she came around here, she and Byakuren have been pretty close. I guess those two experienced the same thing we did."

Newan considered this. "Hmm... so then, there might be others. Not only is assuming we had the only experience a violation of Copernican thought, the fact that Nanaya and Byakuren experienced the same thing proves that our experience is not the only one."

Nazrin blinked at him. "Eh? What's a Copernican? Sounds like some kind of nut."

"Copernicus was the first man to publicly theorize that the Earth and other planets in the solar system revolved around the sun, as opposed to the whole world revolving around the Earth. Since then, it has been a common approach of scientists to not believe that we are special; indeed, we are not in the only solar system, or the only galaxy, and we have no proof that other universes don't exist. We are not at the center of the galaxy, nor are we at one of the tips. To think that our experience was the only one would go against this approach."

Nazrin simply gave him a blank stare. "I have no idea what you just said, but you sounded pretty confident, so I guess I'll agree with you on whatever that was."

"Now you know how I felt when Nanaya tried to explain this 'danmaku' to me," Newan sighed.

"I'd say danmaku is pretty simple compared to all this 'universe' and 'galaxy' stuff," Nazrin retorted.

"I guess they are pretty complicated when you go into detail. But, there are much more complicated and interesting things out there. I'd tell you about them, but I don't think I'd have much luck. Anyway, would you mind showing me some of this 'danmaku'? It sounds quite interesting."

"Eh? You want me to shoot at you? You have no experience whatsoever, and while I'm tiny, you'd be surprised at how clever I am, especially with my spell cards."

"You have a point, but everyone has to start somewhere, right?" After all, if something really is happening, I'd like to at least stand a chance of defending myself...

Nazrin mulled it over for a few moments. "I guess you have a point. C'mon, I'll lead you to the area behind the shrine. There's plenty of space for me to let my spell cards off without damaging anything." With that, the two headed off.

(OOC: I didn't notice that, either. It's too bad it's not triple M; then they could be the three Mouseketeers, led by Nazr- er, Mazrin.

Man, I was not expecting this post to be so long. It was originally just going to be them discussing the other residents of the Myouren temple, but I guess it wrote itself along a different path.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 10, 2011, 07:44:45 AM
"Well, how much is one?" Vante asked. Wait a minute. Money.

He searched his left pocket in hopes of finding something to pay with, and found three 100 yen coins and two 500's. But considering that this was modern money and that this place didn't seem so modern, even finding the money wasn't exactly relieving.

But disregard that for a moment. The note was glowing now. Perhaps this was the bird? The wings did give a hint, after all.

(OOC: Does Vante have his stick with him? 'cause I think it isn't.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 10, 2011, 07:53:03 AM
---The Elemental Plane
--Lair Of The Eternity and Spacetime
-Hall Of Infinity
Throneroom of Creation

Three beings are seated on their respective thrones, with one man standing next to one who is seated. The Second Throne, Imperial Soulfire. There sat Azeri Zenxsoul, next to him, Rinnosuke Morichika. "So, it's back?"

"Yes, and this time, It's more powerful then before... Sister got corrupted, but... It isn't making it's move... Why?"

"Brother, don't worry. We got this, like old times." The Third Throne, Death's Light. There sat the thirdborn of God. "Rinnosuke, you have Father's first blade. You have to keep it safe, from anything and everything."

"I understand, my lord, but why are humans from the outsi-"

"Because, Katelin left her human self there the last time, and It helped stop Chaos. Maybe again, It'll work." The Fourth Throne, Angelic Rupture. There sat the lastborn of God. "Trust me, it'll work. I have already sent the Dragon God to delay Chaos even longer. Maybe, the humans can accomplish something not even Katelin could... Our sister split herself into two, for the sake of this universe."

Azeri opened his demonic jaw, revealing two seperate jaws to the side, lined with teeth, and one, more draconic mouth where a human one should be. "We must, trust in her... It is, for the best." He glanced at the first seat. Crystallic Evolution. It was left untouched.

"Father shall return, take his seat, and recreate the universe with us, if your plan with the humans fails... But what we have done over the countless millienia will be lost. And you know Father doesn't give arguments a damn." The thirdborn hissed.

"Recreation is a must if Chaos is let to roam free... But there is a factor we haven't considered...." The Fourthborn spoke with elegance. "What if Father is corrupted?"

Silence filled the Throneroom of Creation. "Then, we will fight to the death... Against our Father. With a one-to-millionth chance of winning." Azeri spoke. Rinnosuke sighed.

---Newan's Scenario

As Newan and Nazrin step out to the back, the two of you see Nue... Planting flowers, and petting them. "N-Nue... What are you doing?" Nazrin's confuzzled. Nue turns to see the both of you, and disappears. "Funny... Nue never acted like this... Shes always so headstrong and stuff... Atleast she talks to Byakuren and Nanaya..." Nazrin sighs and the two of you go into the middle of the field at the back, careful not to step on Nue's flowers.

As the two of you get ready to prepare your... training, in Danmaku, a bright flash appears in the sky, one that would even blind the sun.

"Spell Card! Darkness! Gravity Field!" The two of you look up, only to see the sun being covered by a dark shadow, before rings of darkness fire out from it and spin around the shadowy ball, firing tons of black bullets towards a lone black ball.

"Spell Card! Black Reversal!" The black ball bursts, revealing a small, blonde girl wearing black, who puts her hand up into the sky before all of the bullets and rings fly towards her hand, compressing, before finally becoming a small ball that she eats.

"Nice one, Rumia! You've improved."

"Than-Munch-ks Mast-Munch-er!" The blonde girl spoke while eating. You and Nazrin are still looking up, at her talking to that cloud of black smoke of some kind.

---Vante's Scenario

(100 Yen = 1US)

"They're 400 yen each. Kinda expensive, I know, but It's hard to get Lamprey in this season..." The girl's ears point down. As she talks about the season. "Business is really good, but I keep running out of stock, and I have to go get more. It's tiresome to run back and forth..." Her wings flap a little. "So, how many would you like?"

The musicians have finished what would presumably be "Phantom Ensemble", and have started playing that "Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle" It's a more uplifting song to say the least, Haha. You pull out your money and think of how many to buy. I mean, your stomach is growling like a horse when it's mating. Well that was lame. The girl hums to herself.

"Oh yeah, new guy, name's Mystia. Almost forgot, what's yours?" The note glows brighter...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 10, 2011, 08:11:20 AM
"I'll have two," he handed over the 800 yen without hesitation, "And my name is Vante. Nice to meet you." This time, he did not give the slight bow he always did. As a result of the nervousness of actually giving the money to the girl, his clenched right hand freed itself of its restricted position, with sweat now forming on it.

"Say, have you seen..." How was he going to put this? "...newcomers to the village often?" Was he the first new face in this strange place, he was tempted to add.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 10, 2011, 08:45:57 AM
Alyssa looks forward blankly, still troubled by having seen that odd man again. It reminded her that this world might be more dangerous than it seemed, especially with such people roaming around. However, that was something that she would have to worry about in the future. Right now, she was in a village, where the people seemed normal, and there was a vague sound of music that soothed her. As Alice and Marisa moved forward, she turned to the direction where the music came from. She felt like she wanted to go and listen.

"Alice! Marisa! Can we rest and listen to music for a little bit?" Alyssa asked in her most angelic voice. Alice and Marisa seemed to ponder over it for a moment, whether or not they could or could not waste this little bit of time taking a break.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 10, 2011, 10:31:58 AM
(You know what, I'm not gonna do Alyssa's scenario. Listening to music is your choice. If you do, I'll then write a follow-up.)

---Vante's Scenario

"Two grilled Lamprey, coming right up!" Mystia says, after exchanging names and greetings, preparing to grill some lamprey. As she starts preparing, you begin to smell the smell of... AWESOMENESS. As you ask her questions, she begins to cook the lamprey. "Nah, newcomers come, every three months to about a year, so they're really rare. Most of'em are from the outside, too. But most of them usually get eaten by other Youkai before reaching here." The smell is FUGGIN AWESOME.

The music has stopped now, and you hear clapping. Lots of it, with many villagers shouting "Encore!" After a few moments, the musicians play one last song. It's quite nice to listen too... Wait, where have you heard this? It's quite familiar. Oh yeah! It's that song from Little Busters Ex! That game! Mystia has finished cooking the lamprey, and now hands them to you.

"Enjoy!" As you grab the plate from her hand, your right hand brushes hers. The note glows brighter.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 10, 2011, 10:50:56 AM
(OOC: Getting closer!)

As he dug into the grilled lamprey, Vante couldn't help but think of salmon and barbecue. This thing was good! Easy to chew, and it didn't feel as slimy as it looked a while ago. Nevermind that it was hot, taste was always better when it came fresh!

"Mmm! Hey, Mystia, the price doesn't matter if the taste is much better! This really is more than its worth," Vante said in between bites. He breathed in more of the savory smelling air that rose from his food, making him breath deeper and faster.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 10, 2011, 10:54:46 AM
"Sure! Why not-ze!" Marisa chorused, seemingly lacking a care in the world. Alice sighed in slight disappointment that the trip would be delayed, but there was not much to do if Alyssa truly did want to rest for a bit. A journey so long can take its toll on a child so young. Alyssa ran eagerly to the area where the songs were being played. The signs that are nearby the musicians seem say that the last song that they were going to play had just ended. It disappointed Alyssa slightly, but fortunately for her, the yells for an encore encourage the troupe to start playing another song. Alyssa watched intently from the side, enjoying the song although not knowing its origins. Alice and Marisa stand behind her as if her escorts, and with a look that Alyssa donned, it would seem as if a princess was in town.

"I do hope it ends quite soon..." Alice sighs as she listens in. It's a nice song, there's no dispute about that, but she wanted to hurry up and get to Reimu so that she could sort things out faster. To her, as a youkai, her energy was still high and the journey left very short. Shanghai floated about, seeming to enjoy the song. Hourai stoned beside Alice as usual. To Alice, the song seemed to last forever. Why wouldn't it just hurry up... Alyssa, on the other hand, took her time to take a breath and enjoy the smells, sounds and sights of the village.

The smell of food sure is nice here in this village. Alyssa thought to herself.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 10, 2011, 01:29:06 PM
---Vante's and Alyssa's Scenario!
(Vante first. I'm combining the two since you're so close.)
As you munch happily on the hot, tasty, delicious, fantasmic, phantasm-modo like, grilled lamprey, the note in your other hand glows brighter. Mystia chuckles at your compliment. "Thanks. You've made my day by complimenting my food. I used to have it all the time, last time. Now people just come, order, pay up and say thanks before going on their merry way." Mystia sniffles suddenly, for completely no reason. Oh, there's the reason. The note flew on her face. Wait, you didn't let go of the note... The world turns yellow. You drop your roasted lamprey(Roasted and Grilled are the same... Right?).

Mystia pulls the note off her face, as it's blue glow, combined with the yellow surroundings, entwine with the two of you. The lamprey morphs, bulges, starts growing, weird, cancerous-like growths all over, before they burst into countless tentacles. It grows bigger and bigger as the spinning  yellow and blue light completely covers you and Mystia, and, the tentacle's vanish. All you see now is a complex series of floating images, uncomprehensable to your puny, mortal brain. You start imagining Cthulhu for some reason. You're gonna have to ask someone about that.

In the spiral of disorder, you and Mystia meld together, before being split apart as the world returns to normal.

Your Spiritual and Chaotic Link has been made. Mystia is your chosen Touhou. The Death of one would be the Death of Two.

-Achievement Get!
-Bird Of Prey
-Use Now?
You and Alice stand in shock as the scene where some stranger, and a weird bird-like girl meld together in a spiral of colours. The tentacles. The darkness. You could see it all. It's happening again, like how you and Alice finally got together. There's only one reason that this would happen.

There are people just like you.

As the scene ends, you and Alice stare at each other, before proceeding to meet up with Mystia and Vante.

(You can how communicate with other players! No real need for me until the plot advances/you leave the village. YOU GUYS SHOULD BE DARING ENOUGH TO USE THE ACHIEVEMENT REWARDS. RAWR.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 10, 2011, 01:40:39 PM
Achievement GET!
-As Resolute as the Mountains...
-Use Now?



Okay, I think I'm going to go ahead and assume that whatever just happened was not normal. "Right. Um, does anyone have any idea what the hell just happened?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 10, 2011, 02:14:33 PM
Pink hair?... I guess. I mean, I've apparently entered wherever this is through Hell, so...
She carefully started towards the pink-haired person.
"Er... Hello?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 10, 2011, 02:33:18 PM
"Marisa! Stay here for a while! I have to run off and do some errands! I'll be bringing Alyssa along as well!" Alice told Marisa as Alyssa ran off ahead of the both of them. They knew that something had happened, something that the two of them had went through as well, and they wanted to know what. Shanghai and Hourai stayed with Marisa, making sure she stayed were she was. That was their mistress' orders.

Alyssa, the short little girl, was the first to get to the duo. She stood there, staring at them. Alyssa had realised that she did not really know what to say to the two, she was probably in as much shock as they. Alice, fortunately, came by and broke the silence.

"Um, good afternoon. Are you two... alright?" Alice had a tinge of concern in her tone, but she was more curious about what happened than concerned whether they were alright or not, since this had happened once before to them and they came out fine.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 10, 2011, 04:20:36 PM
(Perhaps I should wait to use Nuclear Induced Insanity when Utsuho's not around.  Uh, wall of text incoming.)

Gale slowly stood up.  This dream was becoming less and less dream-like...but a dream was the only thing it could be.  Except a hallucination.

Oh, well.  It isn't real.  There's no harm in acting like it is, which seems like the only way to make any real progress here.

"'re a human?" Orin said, smiled in relief.  "I thought you were a zombie or something...I didn't want to cause any problems with the youkai up above..."

"Yes.  I'm a human."  Gale said.  "What just happened?"

Orin shrugged.  "I dunno.  This is weird.  And lots of weird stuff happens in Gensokyo."

"What's Gensokyo?" Gale asked.

Orin looked at Gale, surprised.  "Are you, uh, serious?  This is Gensokyo.  This place, this world.  Everything's Gensokyo."

"Ah...alright.  I'm from...another world, apparently."

"Huh?  Well...uh..."

Gale looked down at the unconscious Utsuho.  "What's up with her eye?  It seems like she has control over nuclear radiation, or something."

Orin nodded.  "Yeah!  She ate the sun god."


"Huh?  Well, it was in the Nuclear Furnace--all that fire you saw--and Utsuho ate it.  Anyway, then she decided she wanted to take over the world--"


Orin glared at Gale.  "Hey!  Let me finish!  But that would be a bad thing, so I sent a bunch of spirits up to the surface to lure someone down here to beat up Utsuho, and it worked.  Some human came down here and stopped Okuu from destroying everything."

Gale stared blankly at Orin.  "Um...okay.  So, uh...what does Utsuho do now?"

"She regulates the temperature in the Nuclear Furnace so that the gods up on the Youkai Mountain--oh, and the kappa, too--can perform experiments."

"Alright..." muttered Gale.  Scientists, here?  I think I'd like to meet them.  But did she mention gods?  Oh, whatever.  I feel like if I keep asking questions I'll just end up with more...ugh...

"Just one last question, Orin," Gale said, "for now.  What is this place?"

"It's the Palace of the Earth Spirits.  It's where my master and all her pets live.  It's pretty deep underground."  She looked up at the holes in the marble caused by the beam.  "Ooh, she's not gonna be happy with that.  And if some human appeared out of nowhere from some other world in the Furnace..."  She gulped.  "I should probably tell her."

She began hurrying off in another direction, pushing her cart in front of her.  Gale saw no other options, so he followed her.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 10, 2011, 04:51:37 PM
"Wow... that's much more incredible than I ever could have imagined," was Newan's only response.

Nazrin nodded. "Yeah, and those aren't even the highest level spells. You should see Byakuren's."

"So then, what did the smoke call that girl? Rumia?" Is she being trained by the smoke monster from that television show? I wouldn't put it past this Gensokyo place.

"Yeah, Rumia's a fairly weak Youkai. She's the Youkai of darkness, and she can make a ball of darkness around herself. I really only know about her by word of mouth." Although, it worries me that someone is training her. If the rumors were true, she's not at her full power right now. Why would someone want to return her to that level?

"Hmm... should we let them know we're here now?"

"Well, they probably heard us anyway, but I think we should just let them finish up. No need to interrupt them," Nazrin responded.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 10, 2011, 10:01:19 PM
(OOC: I'm going to use Mythical Reunion and save the second one. Do I have control over Mystia now?.)

Vante and Mystia stared at each other, not knowing what had just happened.

"What... just... happened?" they asked at the same time. Vante started rubbing his eyes, while Mystia began breathing deeply. There was more to the question, and they both knew that.

After what seemed like an hour (only five minutes), Mystia was the first to act. Grabbing a stool, she walked over to the side of her stall and placed it there. "Hey," she gestured to Vante, "sit over here. I'd be crazy to get you out of my sights, so why don't you stay?"

"We're going to need to talk about this," Vante took his place at the stool, trying futilely to discern the meaning of the... whatever it was.

"Oh, I'm not complaining. The stall's going to be on for a long time, though. If we're gonna talk, then probably when the crowd's gone, we could," the night sparrow resumed preparing for another customer, keeping the shock as inconspicuous as possible.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 11, 2011, 09:24:17 AM
(Yes, CrowCakes. *Swipes card* You have Control... Over Mystia. Oh, and you can interact with Alyssa and Alice too, so I'm not going to do your part, or XinXin's)
-Vante used Mythical Reunion!
-Pristine Dragon Scale Get!(Unknown use, as small as a bottle cap, in your pocket.)

-Aesera used As Resolute as the Mountains...
-Keystone Talisman Get!(Breaks if in life-threatening situations, in your pocket. Can be worn as a necklace.)

---Newan's Scenario

"Good job," The vibrating voice says, with such... arrogance. It's black, smoky form shifts and melds together as it speaks once more. "I think you're ready, but I'll only go half power, to see what happens." The black smoke fully compresses, revealing a woman, wearing bluish clothes, and long, silky green hair, and wielding a staff with a moon on it. You can't really see her clearly from the ground.

"Yes, Master!" Rumia shouts with much joy and enthusiasm. Two big, dark hawk-like wings emerge from the woman in blue, somewhat reminding you of Sephiroth. There could be a connection, but you have not yet seen any guys with gigantic swords on their backs, so you would'nt compare Gensokyo and Final Fantasy. Rumia readies her stance, and forces her hand to her head. You notice sparks of red lightning and the sound of glass slowly cracking. Something's happening...

"Yes!" The woman shouts, "More! You can do it!" Rumia starts sniffling, beginning to cry. There's blood dripping on her head and to the ground from her hand. It's almost like David and Goliath. There's almost no wa- Snap. Bones are breaking. You want to shout at her to stop hurting herself, but Nazrin stops you. You don't understand why she doesn't let you interfere. Is it because of her Master? Because of Rumia?

Rumia releases a scream from her throat, tearing off the ribbon that once held her power in check, in a seal. The seal's broken, you surpose as the sound of glass cracking has turned to shattering. Rumia smiles, before putting the ribbon back on. The woman laughs. "Your power drastically increased when you pulled it off. Now it's back to normal." Rumia pulls off the ribbon as she shouts, "Let the training begin!"

Rumia's small, child-like body starts to be enveloped in pure darkness. Rings lined up with runes surround her waist, wrists and ankles, before attaching themselves to her body. Her short blonde hair increases all the way to her chest, which grows significantly bigger too. Now taller, more mature-looking, and somewhat beautiful, the new Rumia opens her mouth. "Let's start, Master." Such a silky voice... You cover your ears as a loud bang is heard, the sky seems to turn dark on the area around her. Her right eye ignites, covering it with flames(Black Rock Shooter style, but it's red instead of blue.)

"Spell Card! Unholy Spark!" The green-haired woman shouts, releasing a green and black implosion from the tip of her crescent moon staff, before expanding and flying towards Rumia. "Spell Card! Blade Of AntiChrist!" Rumia exclaims as she charges at full speed to meet the incoming blast head on, a sword looking like a cross made of bone, tentacles and darkness, appear in her hands, as she swings it, the blast in cut in half, dissipating before your eyes. "One last thing." The green haired woman says.

"Spell Card! Twilight..." Her wings expand, cover the sun, engulfing all in complete twilight. She and Rumia fly up into the sky so high that you see them as tiny dots. The end of the sun's rule. She stands in mid air, pulling off her hat and holding it in her left hand. "SPARK!" With a snap of her fingers, a gold lazer about the size of the sun as you see it from here, unleashes from the black wings of the woman, carrying only Oblivion in it's wake. Rumia doesn't falter. "Spell Card! Event Horizon!" A vortex of black energy appears before Rumia, firing miniature beams of the one that the green-haired woman fired, only black. As the two being's powers colide, a shroud of grey covers the both of them before vanishing.

"You've learn well, my student, but you still have much to learn." The woman floats down to the ground with Rumia, landing on the roof of the Myouren Temple, looking at Nazrin and Newan. "Oh, Nazrin. Sorry about that. You may go on training your..." She eyes Newan, as Rumia puts back her ribbon. "Well, well, what do we have here? A human?" You don't respond, yet. "Name's Mima. Dis' Rumia." Rumia's back to her former, more childish-looking self now.

Achievement Unlocked!
-The Mother Of all Sparks(Normal)
-Use Now?

---Gale's Scenario

As you leave the unconscious Utsuho to fend for herself, there's some sort of rumbling from under you as you walk with Orin, who has, by now, slowed down. You notice her ears twitching as the two of you walk past countless of stained glass windows, brightly-colored statues and the occasional ball of floating white n' blue. As you approach the main hall, Orin's ears twitch again. There's a black, obsidian table in the front, and at the far end, sits a short, pink-haired girl with an eye on her chest.

The eye isn't attached to her chest like it is to Utsuho, but more like a floating, red one, suspended by long, thin red vein-like structures that seem to connect to various parts of her clothing. She sits there, silent for a moment, her eyes closed, before opening them. "Come my pet, and her friend human." How did she know you were human in the first place? "I see, I see. So something spectacular happened, and this human isn't just a random one that fell through, but one with significant meaning." As you and Orin walk closet to her, you start to ask many questions in your head, and begin to feel afraid, of how she knew what happened to you and Orin.

"Don't be afraid. No, the eye won't shoot lazers. No, I'm not from a dream. This isn't a dream, anyway. Don't worry about Utsuho, she can handle herself. Why I know what you're thinking? I can read minds." You're shocked.

---Aesera's Scenario(You now control Kanako)

Kanako walks out, sighing to herself. Once shes out of sight, you turn to Suwako and Sanae. "So, what just happened?" They seem to have completely no idea what you're talking about, and shrug their shoulders. You too, now, run out of the shrine, meeting up with Kanako, who seems to be sitting on some gigantic, pillar-like object. "What happened?!" You shout. You hear Kanako sigh.

"I don't know. It felt so... Alien... As if I was not a god anymore, having my power stripped away from me, then pushed back in... I...It felt like how I first came into Gensokyo." There's a slight pause before the next part. "I'll accompany you. To find why you're here, how you got here, and so on. I'll grant you my power. But first, we need to get to the Hakurei Shrine. We need to pay the Eternal Shrine Maiden a little house visit."

---Rhiseza's Scenario

The pink-haired woman flinches at the sudden appearance of your voice. "Oh," She turns as she says. "I didn't know we had guests. I'll get Youmu to serve us some food. Come come." She beacons to you as she steps up from the pond area, sitting on a wooden table. "Sit." You promptly take a seat at the other end of the table.

"If I remember, Komachi said you would come, I don't know why, as she gave such a vague explaination. Nevermind that though. We'll learn more about each other, and I can tell you what you want to know, as we wait for our food." Your stomach growls. "My name is Yuyuko. Yuyuko Saigyouji, princess of this land, called the Hakugyokurou. And this, is Gensokyo."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 11, 2011, 02:43:04 PM
Gale sighed.  Then it must be a hallucination.  Or this is a dream after all.

Turning to Orin, he whispered, "What's her name?  Er...and what is she?"

"Her full name is Satori Komeiji," muttered Orin.  "She's, uh, a satori."

"Um, okay," said Gale.  "Wait, is she the master of this place?  Is this place hers?"

"Pretty much.  I mean, she has a sister, but she's usually not around."

Gale felt relieved, and not just because there wasn't another satori roaming the mansion.  "Well, since she owns this big place, I'm sure she knows a bunch of people, right?  She might know someone who would know what's going on?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 11, 2011, 02:48:19 PM
"Works for me," Aesera said. "You're the one who knows this world. I'll follow your lead. I do have a couple of concerns before we depart, though."

"I see," Kanako said. "And what would those be?"

"Well, first, there's the rest of that note. It said I would meet someone, likely referring to you, but it also said something about ice befalling the 'little creatures'. Do you know what that means?"

"Yes, I believe I do. I believe it's referring to one by the name of Cirno, an ice fairy with a fondness for freezing frogs."

Ice fairy? "Right. Yeah, I'll definitely need a crash course on this world, but I'd say that let's save that for while we're moving. For now, let's move on to the other concern, namely that of who wrote the note. You seemed to know who it was, and it seems to me that whoever it was likely knows something about what happened. I think visiting this person after going to this 'Hakurei Shrine' is probably a good idea, but for now, I simply have this to ask: who wrote the note, and should we follow this person's instructions and protect the frogs from this 'Cirno'?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 11, 2011, 03:03:22 PM
"Okay, er... My name is Rhiseza, and... I have no idea what this place is if you'll excuse me for being so blunt."
She shifted a bit where she was sitting, trying to make herself comfortable.
Hopefully this person will actually give me an answer...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 11, 2011, 04:47:07 PM
(OOC: I'm going to save The Mother of All Sparks, but I'm going to use Cheese!)

Nazrin bowed a bit. "Hello, Miss Mima. And to you, Rumia."

Despite being so awestruck, Newan managed to follow suit. "H-hello Miss Mima, Rumia. Yes, I'm a human, from the Outside World. I-it's nice to meet you." With introductions out of the way, he turned to Nazrin. "If that's what Danmaku is like, maybe I should just stay out of it so I don't get obliterated..."

Nazrin laughed at this. "Oh, don't worry, that's just Mima. She's one of the strongest Youkai in all of Gensokyo, so you probably won't have to face anyone like her unless you decide to go incident solving or something. Besides, Danmaku is non-lethal. It's incredibly painful, but as long as both opponents stick to the spellcard rules, nobody dies."

Newan sighed. "Yeah, but if something really is wrong, and I'm supposed to deal with it, I just may have to face someone that powerful."

"Don't worry, you won't be alone."

(OOC: Right, so now I have something I'm wondering. If you plan on explaining this later, please just deal with it then. But, will we be making spellcards for our OCs, or will they be incapable of that as humans from the Outside World?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 12, 2011, 07:14:36 AM
(You could, with the help of your fellow Touhou, be able to make and use a custom spellcard for yourself. Of course, the spell card would'nt shoot danmaku... It would be like... "Spell Card! Ruffle Sign: Perfect Ruffle!" And then you perfectly ruffle someone's hair. After you engage with Chaos, and kill/absorb it, you are able to use low-level spell cards.

-Newan used Cheese!
-Weird Hilt Get!(A Sword's hilt, in your pocket. Unknown use.)
---Newan's Scenario

"Oh, boy? Scared of dear ol' Mima?" She chuckles, before waving Rumia off as she jumps into the sky, floating away in a ball of darkness. "I'm here to talk to Byakuren and Shinki once they arrive, but it'll looks like it will take some time." Mima turns to the far horizon and clenches her fist. "I heard there's something coming. Something big, that involves you, human." She turns back to you. "There are more like you, boy." Mima throws her arm over Newan's shoulder, probing his cheek.

"So, boy. You wanna learn Danmaku?" You freeze. You dare not oppose her, as you've seen that spectacular fight right above. However, you're also frightened to accept her training. If that fight earlier was training for Rumia, who knows what could happen to you.

"Not gonna happen." Nazrin speaks up. "He's my human, and I'm training you." Mima lets go of you.

"So, boy, got yourself a fine ol' girl." She starts to laugh.

"W-W-what? T-thats no-" Nazrin's furious.

"See ya, boy." Mima disappears into the ground. You should get on with training with Nazrin.

---Rhiseza's Scenario

"This place is basically a part of hell." That's even more blunt then you expected. "However, contrary to your belief as I expect, souls do not get tortured or burnt, or anything, here. They're peaceful butterflies. Yuyuko goes on to explain about the world, Gensokyo, and everything like that. Eventually, you hear the sound of footsteps.

"And that's Danmaku in Gensokyo." The finally stops. You manage to get the general idea, but nothing more then that. You surpose it's sufficient enough for now. The sound of footsteps grows louder before coming to a stop, and there's a knock on the door. "Come in" Yuyuko says.

In enters a girl, wearing some green dress with an apron over it. She has two katanas behind her, attached to her attire. She promptly removes the apron before serving you and Yuyuko food. You notice a colorless blob floating around her too. "Sit, Youmu. Let our guest ask us some questions as we eat." She nods, and sits down beside Yuyuko.

---Aesera's Scenario

"Note? What are you talking about?" Kanako examines you, before noticing and snatching the note from your hand. "There's nothing written on it." She hands it back.

"What? Impossible!" You look at the note, blinking multiple times. Nothing. There's nothing on the note.

"Well, I don't know why you would prevent Cirno from freezing frogs, but whatever. Anyway, let us make haste to the Hakurei Shrine. We can stop by the human village, though." Kanako walks into the shrine, and after awhile, comes out. "Lets go, Aesera."

You set forth down Youkai Mountain.

(You won't meet any Tengu for now, but you'll meet Hina and Nitori before reaching the human village. Aya will be in the village once you're there. Make your post about you meeting Nitori and your trek down Youkai Mountain. You have limited power to bunny Nitori.)

---Gale's Scenario

"Stop thinking that this is a dream, or anything like that. It won't do you good, human." Satori says, before she allows Orin to sit next to her, and you to sit on the other far end. "So human, tell me. What would you like to know?" You don't think before you speak, and start sprouting the general questions about the world. She seems to have that expressionless face on all the time. You can't read any of the signals she's sending. Kinda like Nagato from Haruhi Suzumiya no Yuutsu.

"Well, I would'nt know anything about this 'Nagato' or 'Haruhi Suzumiya'. But I can answer you about Gensokyo. You would probably need to go talk to Reimu to find out why you're here anyway." Satori starts explaining how this world works, and stuff like that. You feel a heaviness on your back, but ignore it.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 12, 2011, 07:32:08 AM
"This just keeps getting stranger," Aesera said. "You don't remember the note at all?"

"I do not," Kanako said.

"Well, I found it in my pocket when I arrived here. When I first asked for power and you told me no, the note began to glow, and it flew over to you. You read it and said that a friend of yours had requested that you accompany me. And then right after you said that, that strange... strange thing happened. I think that whoever wrote it probably knows a bit about what's happening. It said, 'As firm as the mountain, as calm as the river. Your heart shall stand steadily on even the most pointed rock. Ice may befall the little creatures here. Take care of them.' At least, that's what it said when I read it. I suppose it's possible that you saw something else. Anyways, does that mean anything to you?" Aesera then reached into her pocket and removed an unfamiliar object. "Also, do you have any idea what this is? Because it showed up as suddenly as the note, and I have no idea what it is."


OOC: It's the achievement reqard, of course.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 12, 2011, 07:41:10 AM
It would be like... "Spell Card! Ruffle Sign: Perfect Ruffle!" And then you perfectly ruffle someone's hair.


Also, Dining Sign: Good Manners)

Nazrin sighed, "Sorry about that. Mima can be a bit... eccentric. There are a lot of eccentric people in Gensokyo, actually. Anyway, let's get on with the training."

Nazrin walked a fair distance from Newan, then turned to him. "Right. I'm going to start with some non-spells. The most important rule of Danmaku is not getting hit. If you can manage to survive a spellcard or or wave of a nonspell long enough, the Danmaku will time out, and the spellcard will be considered defeated. Danmaku may look daunting, but a lot of it is just instinct. This would be easier if you could fly, but we'll have to ask Nanaya about that. I don't think I've ever seen her fly, but people in Gensokyo usually don't fly unless they're traveling long distances or fighting."

"Yes, I believe Nanaya explained the timing out to me."

Nazrin grinned. "Well then, let's get this started."

With that, Nazrin began producing wave after wave of purple bullets. Newan noted that they were moving slower than expected, but this was not unwelcome. He managed to bob and weave through the waves of bullets, although they occasionally nicked his arms or legs. It was as though time were slowing down. This is easier than I thought it would be. It must be the adrenaline. That, and she's probably going easy on me. Come to think of it, I'm taking this rather well. Arrowheads of energy are flying at me, and I'm acting like it was normal. If you think about it, all of this is completely impossible. She's not converting the energy as far as I can tell; she's just producing it. That's so wrong it's not eve-

Newan's thoughts were cut short by a bullet hitting his chest. He slumped to the ground, and commenced coughing.

Nazrin ran over to her fallen companion. "Oy! You alright over there?"

Newan tried to nod amidst his coughing. "Yeah, I think I should be alright. It's just... I wasn't expecting that kind of pain. It caught me by surprise."

"Yeah, it's pretty bad at first, but you build up a bit of a resistance to it. Not enough to stop the pain entirely, but it's better than nothing. You want to take a break?"

Newan shook his head, and began standing up. "No, I think my body is ready. Let's keep going."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 12, 2011, 07:53:00 AM
"I have never seen such a... rock." Kanako says, "I may be the god of the mountains, but this kind of...object doesn't really ring a bell. It's looking more like a fat nail then anything else. And with this string..." Kanako pulls on the necklace-object. "You could wear it. And whoever gave it to you would have done so for a reason, and it may be a good one, so I advise you to put it on."

Kanako starts walking down a lengthy slope, before strolling on a long flight of stairs as you follow her, slightly behind her. You put on the necklace as advised to do so. Around the middle of the stairs, you think you heard some whispering and crows, followed by some sounds like pictures getting taken, but you don't spot anything. You also do hear the occasional super-fast-flying thing.

"Ignore that." Kanako said. "Those are just the Tengu that live around here. There's a particular one called Aya, who likes to take pictures, but I doubt she would interact with us first. She did say yesterday that there's some important thing happening in the village." As the two of you reach the bottom of the stairs, you hear the sound of a large waterfall. The two of you proceed nearer to it.

---Newan's Scenario

"Continue?" A high, surprised voice comes from the door from the shrine that leads to the field where you and Nazrin are on. There standing is Nanaya, with Nue hiding behind her, hugging her arm too. She strides down the five stone steps to reach the grass bellow. "So, training your partner, Nazrin?" Nue's still hiding behind Nanaya, and if you remember, Nazrin said that she wasn't really like this before.

"Mima popped by as I was talking to Nue. She said you want to learn Danmaku. So I'm here to help. As fellow humans, we are considerably weaker then the residents of Gensokyo, but I did have some training with Byakuren, Nue, Mima and Marisa." You remember the last name she said. It's that black-white witch Nazrin was talking about. "But for now, since you can't fly, shoot bullets, be able to tactically lay down special skills, or use spell cards, I'll let Nazrin train you on grazing. If you're hit too hard, about five times the pain of that last bullet, don't be afraid to ask me or Nue for help. Nazrin can't really take the pain away from you, anyway." Nanaya pats Nue.

"Go on, show me what you got, Newan."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 12, 2011, 08:15:38 AM
"Sounds good," was Nazrin's only reply. Newan simply nodded. "Alright, let's kick this up a notch. Rod Sign: Busy Rod!"

Newan started as two enormous lasers jutted out from Nazrin, rotating up and back down to confine him. The bullets that appeared where the lasers hit solid ground were easy enough to dodge, but following Nazrin's movements while trying to dodge lasers and bullets was quite taxing. While Newan managed to dodge it fr the first few waves, he was finally caught by one of the lasers, as he was not fast enough to keep up with Nazrin at that point. While he didn't exactly collapse this time, he did slump to the ground a bit before assuming a sitting position.

Nazrin cancelled the spell card and ran over to him. "You're getting better at this, but I suppose I shouldn't expect you to be able to keep up with me just be running. Sorry."

Newan waved it off, "No, it's my fault for being out of shape. My line of work commands almost all of my free time, and I have a higher metabolism than most people, so I don't get fat. I'm just a bit out of shape is all."

(OOC: Right, I may as well use Mother of All Sparks now.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 12, 2011, 08:32:40 AM
(OOC: Well, I'm gonna continue in about 2 and a half hours time. In other news, I feel like buying stuff from Comiket, but Idk what to order via the one running the Kourindo shop here. I want Touhou shirts and figurines. Haha.

Also, once all of you reach Hakurei Shrine, Chaos will finally make it's move. Be prepared. Be very prepared. Inb4 "YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!")
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 12, 2011, 08:36:55 AM
(OOC: I figured something important would happen once we all rendezvoused at the Hakurei shrine.

Well, if you're continuing in two and a half hours, I'm out for now. No way I'm staying up until five A.M.

Oh yeah, inb4NuehasfallenforNewan. Because it's either that or the chaos is controlling her/affecting her.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 12, 2011, 08:56:16 AM
"A village is probably worth a visit," Aesera said. "We need information, and talking to people is a very good way to find it. Although... how much of what happens here do you know?"

"I keep tabs on this entire area," Kanako said, "but I do not see everything as it happens."

"No special perception, then?"

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. People do pray to me, you know. And it's amazing how much you can learn about people simply by what they're asking for."

"I see. Well, in that case, it may well be worth visiting the village."

"You know," Kanako said, "you seem to be taking this remarkably well. You've wound up in a world filled with what you would consider impossible, yet you do not even hesitate. You seem to have accepted things very readily."

Aesera chuckled at that. "Actually, I still don't think any of this is real, but it's best to go with the assumption that it is. See, if I assume it's real and I'm wrong, I don't really lose anything, but if I assume it's not real and I'm wrong, that mistake could very well get me killed. So regardless of how much of this is real-if any of it is-I'm going based on the assumption that it all is."

"Interesting. A very pragmatic attitude."

"Pragmatism works."

As the pair drew closer to the waterfall, Aesera became able to make out the figure of a blue-haired woman. She indicated the woman. "I don't suppose you know who that it, do you?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 12, 2011, 10:41:37 AM
A little girl approached Mystia's stall, but addressed both Vante and the night sparrow. "I'm fine, thank you," Vante answered.

"Same here," Mystia then enlarged her voice, "Now, what will it be for the little girl? One or two sticks of lamprey?" Bending forward, she secretively asked, "...did you see anything a while ago? 'cause it'll have to wait 'til later," she gestured to Vante, "If you want, you can wait beside him. Unless you're in a hurry, then I might make some considerations."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 12, 2011, 12:33:37 PM
---Newan's Scenario
(Your Achievement will trigger an event no one shall ever expect, well, except me. OR MAYBE YOU WOULD BE LIKE 'JUST AS PLANNED'?(

As Nazrin and you exchange a few sentences, you hear a whistle being blown. "Hey. Hey Newan!" You turn over to face her. "Think fast!" Whaa? You can't react in time... "Now! Nue!"

"Spell Card! Nue Sign: Undefined Darkness!" Nue shouts as she appears right above you, doing a somersault. She covers herself in a thick black blob of smoke... You run. You run as fast as you can, as fast as your legs can carry, as fast as your body is able to go. Well, you're running the wrong direction anyway. You ran straight where you faced. Not back to Nazrin. Into Nanaya. You collide into her chest. What a bad, bad mistake you've just made.

You look up from the sudden blackness that clouded your vision. You hear stuttering, a gasp. The sound of charging and bullets firing has stopped. It's all silent in this comfy, dark land. Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain. An extremely, world-shattering pain explodes throughout your body. Your legs start shaking and your body spasms, before being shoved to the grass behind you. Your back on the ground and your hands covering your precious crotch, you attempt to let loose a scream of pain, but you bite your lip to prevent it from escaping. Tears form on your eyes.

"Y-Y-You- P-P-erv-ert... Y-You... MOTHER FU-" Nanaya slams the door shut, and Nue vanishes too. After quite some time, you get up, your crotch still hurts, but no major injuries. You should stop training for a while and sort things out.

(Going to find Nanaya will fully unlock your Achievement, giving you your reward. Oh, and no. Nue isn't in love with you. Sorry. Teehee.)

---Aesera's Scenario
(You have to control how Kanako talks. I'll do very little of her speaking, so I'll just make this about Nitori.)

As the two of you approach the waterfall, the figure gets more and more clearer to you. It's a girl. And she's swimming. Well, staring at her from behind the waterfall would'nt do you two good, so you walk out to greet her, only to fall into the water, as you trip over some sort of green thing. Your hand brushed over it as  your body colapsed into the water, so you're guessing it's a cucumber. Kanako breaks into laugher.

"Nice one, Nitori! Even I never expected that!" Kanako smirks after she's done laughing. You pop your head out of the water.

"What? I never did anything!" The blue-haired girl says as you stare at her angryly.

"Here, Aesera." Kanako holds her hand out to you, as you grab it and pull yourself up.

"This here's Nitori. Our head honcho for our Industrialization project. And our friendly local Kappa." Kanako smiles to herself.

"Nice'ta meet you... Aesera."

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 12, 2011, 02:47:51 PM
When she turned to look at the other person with the colorless blob (whose name was apparently Youmu), her eyes lingered on the two katanas.
...Why would she need -those-? Especially here of all places...
"Well, um... Who are you, first of all? And... Why do you two have the little... Things... Floating around you?"
The first question was quite directed at Youmu, but the second was more open for either of them to answer.
I just hope I get answers I can understand...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 12, 2011, 02:55:14 PM
Why doesn't nothing make sense?  Whatever, Satori, it's still a dream.

From what he heard from Satori, it seemed like Reimu was a famous shrine maiden who had a tendency to get involved in all sorts of trouble.  She had probably encountered something like this once or twice before.  She also mentioned that Orin should know where her shrine was.  Orin grinned deviously when she said this.

"Okay, Master!" said Orin.  "I'll take him there!"

"Er...thanks," muttered Gale.  "Bye."

He followed Orin as she hurried out of the mansion.  After a minute, she suddenly stopped.

"Wait," she said, "I can always fly you up through Hell to Youkai Mou--"

"Let's not fly," said Gale.  "Never."

They continued on for a bit longer.

"Here's the exit," said Orin.  A large door stood before them.  The kasha pushed her cart off to the side and pushed on the door to open it.

"There.  Let's just hope we don't run into...well...never mind."

Gale raised an eyebrow.  Gensokyo was certainly a strange place.  And he wasn't quite sure he was ready to meet another one of its residents.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 12, 2011, 03:35:36 PM
OOC: I don't... know... why... but I feel compelled to use my "Artful Sacrifice" now.

Alyssa and Alice uniformly nodded and, deciding that they were not really in that much of a rush, sat down and waited to hear the full story. It was better than hearing half the story of something that might be the only thing they would ever see of this nature again. Alice beckoned for Marisa to come by, her stomach grumbling halfway as she did.

"I don't quite mind a lamprey, to be quite honest." Alice muttered to Alyssa and Marisa. Marisa nodded vigorously, although Alyssa was not quite eager, having only eaten her dinner perhaps only one or two hours previously.

Alice stood up, turning to Mystia to show that she was going to talk to her. "We'll have two sticks of lamprey, please miss."

"Weren't you eager to get to Reimu-ze? Why so hungry all of a sudden-ze?" Marisa questioned Alice, wondering why her mind was so fickle. Alice kept silent, shrugging as a gesture to answer Marisa's question, that she did not know. Of course, the reason was far more confusing than Marisa would have imagined.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 12, 2011, 04:05:35 PM
"Nice to meet you, too, Nitori," Aesera said. 'Kappa', huh? Okay, I'll ask Kanako to give me the crash course on Gensokyo once we're done here. "So, 'industrialization project'?"

"Yep!" Nitori said. "Kanako there got us a nice power source, so we've been getting a lot done!"

'Power source'? Hmm... water power, maybe? Or wind power? Actually, what exactly is Kanako a god of, anyways? If she's a wind god or something, that'd probably be pretty easy for her to set up. "What sort of power source?"


That was not the answer Aesera had expected. "Nuclear?"

"It's something of a long story," Kanako said.

"Yeah," Nitori said, "but it works! Anyways, Aesera, how'd you end up going... wherever you're going with Kanako? She doesn't exactly accompany just anyone."

"That's also a long story," Aesera said. "The short version is that strange things happened that involved both of us and we both want to know more. Kanako's taking me to the Hakurei Shrine right now, although I think we'll be stopping in a village first. Oh, and have you seen someone by the name of Cirno around here recently?" I'm not sure yet if I want to do what the note said, but information is always a good thing to have.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 12, 2011, 05:15:56 PM
(OOC: Eh, it was just a theory anyway. I don't really care, it's just what I was thinking at the time. Also, what's with you and this trope? ( I noticed you used it in other characters' scenarios, not just mine. It's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just a bit odd.)

Great. Just great. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

In this time, Nazrin had run over to his side. "You really screwed up this time," the sighed.

"Yeah. In all fairness, it wasn't intentional, but-"

"Yeah? Well, try telling her that. Making excuses isn't going to get you anywhere."

"Then... what should I do? Apologize for being something I'm not?"

"Well, just don't lead off with that. Look, once it actually matters, I think you'll know what to do. You've got your head on straight. Anyway, do you want me to take you to her?"

Newan shook his head, and turned back to the door. "No, this is something I have to do on my own."

Nazrin pulled out her rods, and stood still for a moment, before moving the rods around a bit. "Alright, I'm fairly certain she's in her room right now. Your human signature could be distorting the reading, but intuition also says she'd be in there."

Newan stared at her in surprise. "How did you...?"

Nazrin grinned, and put the rods away. "Let's just say, I'm good at finding things."

Newan took her word for it, and entered the temple.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 13, 2011, 12:55:08 AM
(For some reason when I read your OOC, squawkers, I thought you were angry at me or something. Oh, and I didn't know that trope existed. Also, If I remember, I've only used it for you. Haha... Also, posting in 3 hours. Be sure to stay up to 5 am to get as many posts as possible. A hahaha.) - typed on IPad.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 13, 2011, 12:58:48 AM
(For some reason when I read your OOC, squawkers, I thought you were angry at me or something. Oh, and I didn't know that trope existed. Also, If I remember, I've only used it for you. Haha... Also, posting in 3 hours. Be sure to stay up to 5 am to get as many posts as possible. A hahaha.) - typed on IPad.

(Yeah, I'm not angry. Also, really? I could have sworn you used it with someone else. Maybe I'm getting this mixed up with something else. I guess I'm just special, then. :3

...That, or Nanaya just draws these things to her, and it's going to happen with other characters when they meet her. Who knows?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 13, 2011, 02:03:16 AM
(Yeaaaah. Real Special. And I doubt others are gonna has the same treatment as you. Kekekeke. Who knows? Posting in 1.5 hours.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 13, 2011, 02:10:09 AM
(Yeaaaah. Real Special. And I doubt others are gonna has the same treatment as you. Kekekeke. Who knows? Posting in 1.5 hours.)

(Depending on how things go when Newan apologizes, this may turn out to be really bad, or just really funny.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 13, 2011, 02:27:13 AM
(Oh yeah. Give me a number from 1 to 5. It'll help me in determining which route will play out before Newan as he goes to find Nana. Maybe he'll meet Shinki. Somebodeh from the temple? Once he meets Nana will he be beaten to a pulp from her Mortal Kombat moves? Or will it be just pure awesome in unlocking the Mother Of All Sparks. Or, maybe, something so fantastic happens to Newan, that you, his creator, player and fellow RPer, will be left  Fapping like the mother fawking north star.........

I have an urge to write the latter, but I doubt I would. Maybe. I don't know.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 13, 2011, 02:37:31 AM
(Are irrational numbers okay? If so, e. Otherwise... four.

By the way, Sampson. Orin and Nazrin antics once they get to the shrine? I'm voting hell yeah.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 13, 2011, 03:02:58 AM
(There'll be more then one cat at the shrine, soooo. Hell Yeah! Also, looks like I'll write the scene that will make you Masturbate like the mother fuxkin fist of the north star. Or not. Maybe. Idk. 30 minutes and counting.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 13, 2011, 03:11:15 AM
(Oh yeah, I guess it makes sense that the whole Yakumo family would be present. Still, I wanted Sampson's permission for antics. At least there will be Nazrin and Chen antics.

I wasn't aware that the North Star was capable of masturbation. Therefore, I deduce that this scenario will make me "Masturbate like the mother fuxkin fist of the north star," which is to say, not at all. Logic!)

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 13, 2011, 03:25:11 AM
(Whole Yakumo family? Oh no. You're terribly wrong... Omw home. Takin a bath before I post.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 13, 2011, 03:30:08 AM
(...You wouldn't. You can't. That's just...

Holy crap, you're using Sokrates and Ellen, aren't you?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 13, 2011, 04:16:58 AM
(OH GOD NO. DA OTHER CAT. YOU FOUND OUT. CHANGING PLAN NAO. Anyway, I'm back home, and I decided not to go with the sex scene. Already took a bath, but I have'ta do a littl' thing before I can post. Gimme about 7 minutes.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 13, 2011, 04:20:32 AM
(Wait, what the hell? Sex scene? You were serious? That's unexpected, to say the least.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 13, 2011, 05:03:30 AM
---Newan's Scenario

You walk into the temple, strolling your way along the hallways. You clearly remember where Nanaya's room was, anyway. Beside Byakuren's. And Byakuren's room was clearly discernable. She hung a painting on the door anyway. Step by step, you go closer to the door which shall reveal your future. You could either be pummeled to dirt, which would be the most... horrifying thing you would see before you die. Nanaya's pretty strong anyway.

"Mmmph." You hear as you reach the door, your hand shakes as you're going to push it open. You freeze, and start shivering for a moment. You're afraid. Afraid of what Nanaya could do without anyone to save you from a grizzly death. "Ummmppphh-" Well, that sounded, erotic? You have no idea, but your curiosity had just flared. Something's wrong. "Mmmm."

Well, that's about it. You push open the door, only to see a white tail-like thing float through the roof. The only one that could do that is... well, you have no idea. You haven't seen someone who's like a ghost or something. As you scan the room, you notice Nanaya sleeping. She's on a pink bed, covered over with a silk-blanket with some images on them. You can point a few out, as some of the people in the Myouren Temple, but that's about it. You actually start wondering how she could go to sleep so fast after your little accident with her.

"Mmmphhh." She mumbles again as she turns under the blanket. She's kinda cute, and those sounds are kinda... erotic, so you don't feel like waking her up. You take a seat on the bed right next to her legs. Your hand goes up to her face, but you hesitate, before pulling back your hand. There's some pulsating feeling on your right palm, but you ignore it for now. Nanaya twitches in bed, and turns vigorously before mumbling again. You're just happy to not have been kicked off the bed. You turn to face her again. Some of the blanket has rolled off her now and s-

Oh god what is this. Sh- She's onl-ly wearing a... bra over her chest. You turn to face the window again, and spot Nazrin in the distance outside. She gives you a thumbs-up. You hear whispering from behind the walls. The voice sounds like Mima.
(That pulsating feeling in your palm will soon unleash itself in your first encounter with Chaos. That is your reward.)

---Aesera's Scenario

"Oh, going to see Reimu? Then I should'nt stop you now. I have things to do, and Rinnosuke's coming to deliver some goods, so I better wait back at my place before he just gives them to Chiyuri..." Nitori pats your head, and right before she jumps back into the water, says, "Human. I think I'll be needing you or some experiments soon. Maybe. Maybe not." She then disappears in the depths bellow.

The two of you continue down the Mountain, passing forests, rivers and streams, before you notice a shrine in the corner of your eye. The Hakurei Shrine? You think, but Kanako's quick speech cuts your suspicion in half.

"That's the shrine of Hina, the Goddess of Misfortune. I never really knew she had one when I first got here. She's missing a shrine maiden, and only a few people visit her shrine because of the Youkai in the area." You then realised you haven't met any Youkai in your trek. They must be afraid of Kanako. I mean, she is a god.

After a few more minutes of walking, you encounter a woman, with her hands raised in the sky, draining something from a Cat. "That's Hina. And she's absorbing that cat's Misfortune."

---Rhiseza's Scenario

"Oh, these? They're spirits. I'm princess of the underworld, anyway. The spirits that float around me usually take the form of butterflies, but they can change back whenever they want. That big one around Youmu is her other-self. She's my gardener, caretaker, and a half-phantom." The note glows in your hands, as Yuyuko starts eating the chicken. Youmu sighs, before taking some vegies. "Any more questions?" Youmu asks.

---Gale's Scenario

As the two of you go out of the Palace, through the gigantic door, you feel the weight on your back return, and it's starting to get irritating. To take, or not take action, is your own choice. As the two of you walk towards the town which you see, quite a distance more, you hear laugher, loads of it, the smell of Sake, and food. But then, Orin takes a sudden turn to the right, away from the town.

"This will be the fastest way to get to the surface. Nue once helped us open it up." As you consider who this "Nue" could be, Orin open a stone door in the wall of the gigantic cave, that houses the town and more, to reveal a small gap in the floor. Well, instead of looking like a gap, It looks more like a geyser of sorts. Orin jumps on it. "Come on!" You carefully step on it too.

"Three..." Orin grabs you arm.

"Two..." She pushes the cart to the corner of the room. "I'm not gonna need the cart in the outside, anyway. Okku will come collect it for me."

"Three!" She stomps her foot on the Geyser mouth, making a crack in the earth. You start to feel hot and steam blows out of it, before the entire thing just bursts and sends you flying into the air. For a few moments, you close your eyes, only to open and see that you're on some mountain of some sort, and there's a shrine next to you. Orin begins walking and drags you with her, and in the distance, you see a tall woman with blue hair, and a female beside her.

(You can now communicate with Aesera and Kanako!)


(I won't do XinXin and Crow Cake's scenarios because they're surposed to reply each other. Oh, and if Xin XIn wants to use Artful Sacrifice, just tell me.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 13, 2011, 05:07:19 AM
"Half-phan--... Wait a minute..."
She read the note again quickly and handed it to Yuyuko.
"Er, could you tell me what this means please?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 13, 2011, 05:15:38 AM
---Rhiseza's Scenario

Yuyuko takes the note in hand. "There's nothing written on it." She passes it to Youmu as Yuyuko goes back to Om nom noming the food. "Yes, Yuyuko-sama, there's nothing on it." She hands the note back to you. "Why, is there something on it that we can't see?" You look back at the note. There indeed is nothing written on it. Your open is agape, before you push it back to be closed. The note flares. Yuyuko doesn't seem to notice and continues eating.

Youmu abruptly stand up from her seat, reaching out towards you as the note flares more and more, pink in colour, as you stare deeper into it, the world flares up in a bright splash of pink and teal. You and Youmu see each other in an enclosed space, spinning around countless amounts of souls that crack apart, rupture each other, before falling into a sea of blood bellow. Hands of the fallen souls reach up and penetrate the bloody sea's surface, attemping to grab the both of you as you meld with Youmu, her Phantom-half spinning around the colision of two souls, and then, you snap back into two different people.

Your Spiritual and Chaotic Connection has been established. Youmu is your chosen Touhou. The death of one would mean the death of two.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 13, 2011, 05:19:03 AM
"What did... I... Just... What."
She shut her eyes tightly for a few seconds and counted to ten... And she was still there when she opened them again.
"That... Did either of you see that?"

( I feel weird, making these tiny posts like this. =x= )
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 13, 2011, 05:34:48 AM
Newan carefully got off the bed. While he would try to put the blanket back on her, he was worried that she would wake up while he was putting it on her, and cause yet another misunderstanding. That seemed to be happening to him a lot lately.

Instead, he chose to slowly leave the room. He had managed to enter without waking Nanaya up, and he figured he could do the same on the way out.

(OOC: Scenario one, in which Newan successfully makes his escape:)

Newan slowly exited the room, and carefully closed the door. He went over to the room where he thought he'd heard Mima, and knocked quietly enough to hopefully not wake Nanaya, but loudly enough for anyone in the room to hear him.


Nazrin watched in surprise as Newan left. Why is he leaving? Is she asleep or something? Maybe he wants to ask me someth-

It was then that she saw Nanaya on the bed. [/i]Did... did he just?![/i]

(OOC: Scenario two, whein Newan's escape wakes up Nanaya:

How many continues do I have left?)

(OOC: Scenario Three, Wherein something else happens:

...How the hell am I supposed to know?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 13, 2011, 05:35:51 AM
"Draining her misfortune," Aesera said. "Right. Okay, I really need some information here. I know that this place is called Gensokyo, and that there are things like magic and gods here, but that's really all I know. Could you give me an overview as we continue to the Hakurei Shrine?"

"That does sound like a good idea," Kanako said, "but before we continue, I think we have visitors."

Aesera looked where Kanako indicated, and saw that there were indeed people there. Two, to be precise. One looked fairly normal, but the other... A catgirl. Should've seen that coming. "Do you know who they are?"

"One of them," Kanako said, "but I have no idea what she's doing here, and I have even less of an idea of how she could've found a living human where she came from."

"Actually," Aesera said, "I think I have a guess about that. Whatever that was that ended up sending me here could easily have brought others here, too. I see no reason to assume I'm the only one. We should introduce ourselves, I think. Working together with them strikes me as a good idea."

"I am curious about why Orin's here. I agree, then."

Aesera and Kanako approached the new pair. "Greetings!" Aesera called out.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 13, 2011, 05:50:55 AM
(Not gonna do Aesera, cause Gale and Orin has ta' communicate with ya.)

---Newan's Scenario

Right outside the door, you hear Nanaya mumble again. She's still sleeping. GREAT! YOU MANAGED TO SAVE YOURSELF. Excitement fills your mind as you've rescued your soul from the death. Cthulhu-death style. Mindfawk and stuff like that. As you close the door, you hear Nanaya mumble yet again. Success. You've completed your mission of getting out of the clutches of hell itself.

"Boy, you're a brave one." You hear a voice say from behind you, as you're still facing the door. You turn and see Mima. "Peeking in on Nana' when she's sleeping. Bet you liked that scene, didn't you?" Mima chuckles. You remember that scene... You could've forced yourself on Nanaya, but you're not that kind of person. Such a good-hearted guy you are. "Well now, I think Nazrin wants to see you. Go back out ta' the field. Don't worry, I won't tell Nana anything." Mima begins floating through the roof. Now you've confirmed shes a ghost.

"Mmmphhh..." You hear Nanaya again. You should go talk to Nazrin.

(Shinki's coming once Nanaya wakes. You may attempt to enter her room later, with varying situations happening.)

---Rhiseza's Scenaro

You see Youmu nod, but that's about it. She stands, bows to Yuyuko. "Yuyuko-sama. I'll bring this human up to the surface." Yuyuko has a chicken bone in her mouth, turns to face Youmu, and nods. "Don't pick on your new girlfriend, Youmu..." Youmu instantly tries to defend herself. "Yuyuko-sama! I-" Yuyuko pulls the bone out of her mouth. "It's alright, Youmu. This human isn't surposed to stay here anyway, unlike that gunman..." She teases.

"Yuyuko-sama!" Youmu walks out of the room. You soon stand and follow her, after giving thanks to Yuyuko, who has now, finished all the food. She waves to you good bye, without exchanging any words.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 13, 2011, 05:59:30 AM
(I can't help it! It's a habit!
Also, exhaustion, how does it work.)

She kind of... Just... Watched the two of them for a moment, before following Youmu out the door, giving Yuyuko a brief bow beforehand.
"What was -that- all about?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 13, 2011, 06:14:49 AM
Newan sighed. Yeah, she definitely set that up. No way Nanaya would sleep without... that.

Newan left the way he came, but before he could leave the temple he was stopped by a series of events.

The first was the door he was about to open opening without his help.

The second was the stinging sensation of a hand  across his face.

The third was a beet-red Nazrin standing before him. "Well?! What the hell do you have to say for yourself?!"

Why me... "I take it you saw, then. Look, it was like that when I got there, okay? She was fully under the covers when I got there, so I figured I'd wait until she woke up. But then, she turned over, and the blankets fell off, and she was already... like... that," he said, struggling to keep the image out of his head.

Nazrin simply stared at him with a deadpan face. "Riiight. This is a bit too many misunderstandings, don't you think? Well, I think I know how to settle this. Let's see if you've been caught red-handed!"

At that, she grabbed both of his wrists, brought his hands to her face, and started sniffing them. "W-wait, what? What are you-?"

Nazrin sighed, and released her hold on his wrists. "Well, you don't smell like Nanaya, so far now I'm inclined to believe you. Umm..." She turned so Newan couldn't see her face. "...Sorry for hitting you..."

"No, it's alright. I'd take a slap from you over the torment that would result from Nanaya finding me any day. Erm, I have a request."

Nazrin turned back to face him. "Eh? What is it?"

Newan fidgeted a bit. "Well, you see, I can't very well talk to her when she's like that. So, I want you to come with me. You enter first, and feign surprise when you see... well, that. I'll stay back while you point it out to Nanaya. After she's... decent, call me in and I can have my conversation with her."

"...You know, it's a good thing we've got this bond thing. I wouldn't do this for most people, especially not some guy I met just an hour or so ago. Come on, let's go."

 "Thank you, so much."

The two returned to Nanaya's door. Nazrin knocked on the door, then slowly opened it. "Nanaya? Are you in th- EEK!!"

Newan winced from the hallway. Wow, that was pretty convincing, actually. Now, to let Nazrin make it so I can have a decent conversation with her... If not for the gravity of his situation, Newan would have chuckled a bit at his own pun.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 13, 2011, 06:52:28 AM

"Mmmpphhh-Whaa?" Nanaya tumbles out of the bed, the blanket falling over her. She had been awaken from that shriek. Slowly, she pops her head out and yawns. "Wazzap, Nazrin." Nazrin stared at Nanaya in surprise, not because she fell out of bed, and had messy hair, but at the fact that she was just wearing a bra and panties. Plus, they're black.

"What? Why do you look so surprised?" Nanaya looked at herself. "Oh, yeah. You haven't seen me sleep before, even though I've stayed here for quite some time now. Thanks for waking me, I think Shinki should be just about reaching now." Nanaya stretches, before going to pick up her clothes which she threw on the floor. Donning that white t-shit and a skirt, she sat back on the bed and yawned.

"What do you want to talk to me about? The only reason for you to have woken me is about Newan or something. Did he die?" Nanaya stretched her arms and cracked her knuckles. "Damn, that feels good." Nazrin turns to the hallway, and calls you in.


"I don't know, but I need to find out." Youmu says, before walking out into the garden, you following next to her. That Spirit-blob seems to be staring at you as the two of you make your way out to the long flight of stairs. "Any last questions, human?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 13, 2011, 07:03:22 AM
(OOC: Just for the record, Newan is only loosely based on me. He shares a few characteristics with me, but he's not a self-insert.)

Newan walked in, and immediately bowed. "I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean to! It was just, the first time, I had no control over where I landed, and the second time I was just trying to get away from the spellcard, and instinct kicked in, and the only thing I could think of was running, and-" he was cut off when Nazrin pinched his ear.

"Oy. It's good that you're apologizing, but now it just sounds like you're making excuses. That's not really helping your case." she turned to Nanaya, "Really, though, he's not a pervert. He's just... unlucky. Please, trust me on this one."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 13, 2011, 07:19:33 AM
(For the record, Nanaya is based on me. She shares most characteristics with me, but She's not a full-self-insert.)

Nanaya steps up from the bed, walking over to Nazrin and patting her head. "Good mouse." Nazrin pouts at her treatment. Nanaya then turns to Newan. She steps directly in front of Newan, staring into his eyes. Nazrin had, by now, let go of his ear. What Nanaya sees in your eyes is, fear, a little regret, the unknowning of the incident. No intent for it to be on purpose... But for some reason, when you look in her eyes, all of you see is...

Sadness. Sadness, Corruption, and a longing. Longing for... you? You don't know. They say that the eyes are the door to the soul. If that's true, and it could be, since this is place; Gensokyo, never really did abide by the laws of physics and common sense... Her soul is lonely, and... filthy black. She apparently has two souls?

You shrug it off as Nanaya pulls her face away from yours. "Right then. I can see that you didn't mean it. I forgive you. Nanaya puts her hand on your shoulder. Now, lets go meet Shinki, shall we?" Nanaya walks out of the room first, her hair hits your shoulder and her hand brushes your cheek. "Nazrin, you too."

As Katelin leads the way, with the two of you walking behind her, she thinks about Newan. It's weird, isn't it, Nana? No. It's not. I've felt this before. Longing. You're part of me and hes part of Xera. It's obvious, you know? What about the rest? Vuen and Azer had more tolls on their body. You would'nt feel that... Longing for them.
(The Children of God have been named.)

As the three of you reach the outside, you see Kyouko sitting next to Byakuren, who's sitting across a woman, with long, white hair and a single pigtail tied on her hair. She had six, floating, black and red-wings, and wears a red robe. Looks somewhat like Byakuren, just without that string-tied thing on her chest, and much simplier. The three of you approach them, with Shinki waving to you, and Mima popping her head out of the tree near them. Rumia's sitting on the tree too. Nanaya, you and Nazrin take your respective seats.

"So," Shinki starts off. "There's something happening in Makai. The seal where Byakuren was once in is weakening, but there are no youkai escaping. Only some dark energy. Gensokyo is also beginning to be infected with it too. It's within the border somewhere, and Iku Nagae has already told be about the Dragon God and him protecting the southwest part of the border." Byakuren stays silent. "So, you, human, and Nazrin, will have to go to the Hakurei Shrine. Byakuren already told me what happened, but she has other business with me in Makai, so she can't follow you two. Of course, Nanaya will be going with you, with Mima and Rumia as protectors." Shinki stands up. "Find Reimu. That's all I know."

"Come, Children, lets go prepare before we go." Byakuren stands too and strolls inside the temple.

"Newan, go in and take what you need with Nazrin. I'll talk to Shinki here. Come out once you're done." Nanaya turns to Shinki and the two of you nod and start going with Byakuren.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 13, 2011, 07:33:51 AM
"Well, Newan, is there anything you need?" Nazrin asked as they walked.

"Well, none of my things came with me, so I don't really have anything here."

"Alright, I just need to get a few things from my room. Do we need anything else, Miss Byakuren?"

With that out of the way, Newan's thoughts wandered back to Nanaya's eyes. That sadness... she really doesn't show it in real life. Is it okay to just bottle it up like that? And it felt like there were two of her... she does seem a bit bipolar, but that's a bit much...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 13, 2011, 08:11:00 AM
(I just realised I had named something wrongly. Haha...)

"Not at all, just take what you need, and go meet Nanaya. I'll take a while longer because I need to prepare to go with Shinki to Makai. Again." Byakuren sighs.

As you and Nazrin come out of the temple after packing a few things, you see Shinki sitting on that bench from earlier. Nanaya's standing, leaning on the tree behind her with Mima and Rumia. "Took ya long enough, boy." Mima smirks, before waving a circle in the air... What's she planning?

"Mima got us a straight route to the Shrine, but we'll have to meet up with some people before we go." Nanaya sets off first, into the clearing, and small forested area before they can reach the human village. Since the Myouren Temple is right next to the village, it didn't take long for the group to reach. Reading the signs, apparently there were some performances earlier, and there will be more soon. All of you walk deeper into the village.

You notice the large group, no more like everyone in the village, gathered in the center of it.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 13, 2011, 09:21:47 AM
(Successfully editted mistakes.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 13, 2011, 12:35:55 PM
Gale stared at the pair.  A human and...somebody who was almost certainly not human.

"Hi!  I'm Orin!" said Orin to the human, smiling.  She elbowed Gale in the side.  "The blue-haired one's a should probably say something."

Gale looked at the supposed god.  She doesn't look all that impressive.  Whatever, it's just my subconscious.

"Hello," Gale said quickly.  "I'm Gale.  Who are you?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 13, 2011, 03:12:27 PM
Okay, take it slow. Don't reveal too much right away. Get information on him first. "M y name is Aesera. If I masy ask, Gale, how is it that you came to be here?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 13, 2011, 03:51:42 PM
(OOC: Gah, I can't think of anything useful to post right now. So, I'm just going to wait until the Myouren group encounters other characters or gets to the shrine, or something else happens.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 13, 2011, 05:15:46 PM
"Er, yeah. Would you please stop calling me 'human'? Makes me feel unwelcome. ... Then again I probably am aren't I?"
She shifted in place a little bit. She really didn't belong in this... Gensokyo place.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 13, 2011, 07:17:10 PM
"I was sitting on my bed," said Gale.  "Everything started turning purple, and then I was almost sucked into it.  All of a sudden, I was in the...uh..."  He turned to Orin.

"Hell of Blazing Fires," said Orin.  "Okuu found him and brought him to me.  For a moment, I thought he was some zombie that I accidentally dumped in the Furnace.  But then this note he had started to glow and this light came out of the ground and started connecting us...and I knew he was human."

"And I knew she wasn't," said Gale.  "As if the bizarre--and undoubtedly unnecessary--cat ears were any indication."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 14, 2011, 01:42:16 AM
I was right. I'm not the only one. "Hold on," Aesera said, "you remember his note, Orin? Because the same thing happened to me and Kanako, but Kanako now has no memory of the note. She remembers the... whatever it was, but not the note. I should mention, Gale, that I am also from the outside world-that's what they call it here. I got here in a manner similar to you, only I arrived at a shrine on top of the mountain. A shrine belonging to Kanako here, and I don't mean in the miko sense. This may sound hard to believe-although given that you're with a catgirl, I would hope that your skepticism is fading-but Kanako is a god. After we experienced that... whatever it was, she decided to accompany me as I investigated what had happened. She recommended going to a 'Hakurei Shrine', and since she lives here and I don't, I thought it best to follow her lead. I also think it best for us to work together, but we may have different priorities. So: do you agree that it is important to find out what happened?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 14, 2011, 01:59:13 AM
Orin crossed her arms, thinking back.  "Well...I remember there was a note...but I forget what it said."

Gale turned to her.  "Just cryptic stuff about us bonding...and something about my back."  He frowned. It has been feeling heavy...whatever.  It's all in my head.

Gale cleared such thoughts from his head and instead focused on Aesera.  Could Kanako really be a god?  She looks small.  If she was--this is stupid.  I should stop.  Just a dream.  But I might as well go forward with it.  I'm probably going to wake up soon.

"Hakurei Shrine?"  He turned to Orin and asked, "Is that where Reimu lives?"  He received a nod in response.

"Well," said Gale, "it looks like we have a common goal for the time being.  Orin's master, Satori directed us to see Reimu, since she might know what's happened to us.  I think figuring out the situation concerning our appearance here would be the appropriate first step.  So, yes, I believe we should work together."

Hm.  Normally,  wouldn't even bother talking to people at length like that.  Well, this world doesn't make sense, after all.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 14, 2011, 02:05:10 AM
(Great to see you guise interacting with each other. I'm currently coming up with a stable plan for the RP for now. I already know what I'll do once everyone reaches Hakurei Shrine, but i'm having some problems on the journey there. Haha. Posting something later.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 14, 2011, 02:25:22 AM
"Two sticks, coming right up!" Mystia started up the grill, cooking the lamprey on it. She spread pinches of seasonings on them, all the while whistling a catchy tune (

Vante turned to the newcomers. "Well, nice to meet you. I'm Vante. I guess the same thing happened to you two?" He rotated his stick of lamprey and took a heaping bite out of it. Not waiting for a reply, he continued, "Who's this Reimu you're finding?"

Mystia stopped whistling for a while to answer for the other two. "Reimu? You don't know who she is?" she said with a disbelieving tone, "She's the shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine. She solves those big, big problems we like to call Incidents. She mostly kicks people's butts with bullets to find out the culprit, and it kinda works." Vante could hear her grumbling, "...every freaking time..."

He imagined the bullets that he saw Kaguya conjure. He stopped imagining what may have happened in an Incident when he realized that these bullets were fast and oh-so-many.

Soon enough, Mystia was finished with the grilled lamprey. She put them on a plate and presented it to Alice and Alyssa.  "Enjoy!"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 14, 2011, 02:29:25 AM
"That's good," Aesera said. "We'll go together for now. I've asked Kanako to give me an overview of this world on the way there, so you'll get it, too. First, though, I have a question for you. I understand that this probably all seems somewhat unreal, but if it is real, that attitude may very well get you killed. So let me ask you this: are you prepared to act on the assumption that this is all real?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 14, 2011, 02:35:30 AM
(Gonna force XinXin to come online to roleplay with ya, Crow Cakes.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 14, 2011, 03:03:23 AM
(OOC: I just realized that I never had Newan  noticed the sword hilt that just, y'know, materialized in his pocket. Rectification time!)

"Hmm... Looks like we just missed the Prismriver Sisters," Nazrin mused as they walked through the village.

"I take it they're the band that was playing?" Newan ventured, before realizing that something was in his pocket. Something that wasn't there before.

"Yeah, they're three sisters. Wait, what's that?" Nazrin asked, as Newan withdrew the hilt of a sword from his pocket.

That's odd... I don't recall putting this in there. In fact, I don't think I've ever even seen this thing before. Maybe it came with the note? I was pretty absent-minded when that was going on, but to miss something this big...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 14, 2011, 03:16:59 AM
(Gj. It's going to help you if Aesera/Guyj00meton9 chooses to break the necklace she/he has.)

"I don't think we should stop here. I mean, look." Nanaya points behind you, as Mima and Rumia take to the skies. "Mima could forgot we're here, and then leave us forever as they go do whatever they want. Mima's like that, and Rumia's forgetful too."

Nanaya had seen the sword hilt, but never really bothered to do anything about it. "Plus, since the performance is over, I don't think we should waste time staying. There's not much to do here, anyway." Nanaya looks over to the sign. "There's gonna be something later, but let's not bother, shall we?"

Nanaya begins walking out of the village by herself. You can choose to follow her if you want to.

---The Elemental Plane
--Distortion Of Rapture
-Citidel Of Space
Keystone Of Time

"So, they're all settled now?" A man speaks, and walks around the room, with each step, the ground flares up and melts, before reforming. Long, slender, brown skeletal wings flex as he thinks to himself. The wings constantly distort the space around them, and sometimes spark with electricity.

"Yes, they're all there now, with their partners." Rinnosuke swings his sword a couple of times, feeling it's lightness as it cuts through the air, producing a whirring noise. The other man's body slowly is lighted on fire, before his skin sinks under his muscles, and molten rock emerges from his body to take the skin's place, before solidifying into a solid.

"If they're in place, means that Chaos will start advancing again." The man releases a breath, a deep sigh, with a sort of rumbling from his toothed jaw(s). The crystal in his chest seems to light up too.

"Azeri, we must act now!" Rinnosuke slams his sword in the ground in one, quick motion, shattering the glass-like floor, before it reforms.

"No. Their destiny is in their own hands. We can only fight when they have done what they can. Those humans can't handle sister, anyway. Luckly, Sister isn't fully corrupted. She still has the sanity to be able to contact her human self. Unlike us, where we can't talk to the human parts of us." Azeri sighs again, flames start forming around him before vanishing as he takes his seat on a throne, shaped like a Demon's body. Rinnosuke soon takes a seat beside him.

"We just have to wait and see. Once they reach their first objective, I surpose Chaos will start. I won't let them die. This once." Azeri says. Rinnosuke beacons to his sword, still stuck in the constantly-regenerating glass floor, and the blade rips itself from the floor, before flying back to him. "Lets hope you're right, Azeri."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 14, 2011, 03:23:03 AM
Nazrin shrugged. "I wasn't really suggesting we stop, I was just commenting."

Newan put the hilt back in his pocket. "I'd rather get to the shrine and find out what's actually going on here. The sooner I can get home, the better."

Nazrin winced a bit at this comment, but said nothing as the two followed Nanaya.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 14, 2011, 03:28:36 AM
(Gj. It's going to help you if Aesera/Guyj00meton9 chooses to break the necklace she/he has.)

But would that help Aesera?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 14, 2011, 03:33:48 AM
(I don't really see how it would, unless it's this sort of "some things must break to build others" type of thing, or Aesera gains something out of it breaking. I'm personally guessing that breaking the necklace will help complete the sword, but I have no idea how that would help Aesera. Although, that would be too obvious.)

(Edit: Oh, so that's what it does. Well, staying in character is more important than going out of your way to do something for my characters' sake, so I guess we'll just see how things pan out.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 14, 2011, 03:34:35 AM
Gale stared at the woman for a second before responding.  She was certainly blunt.  It's like she can read my mind...which is something only a person in a dream would do...although this could all be confirmation bias...ugh.

"Naturally.  Regardless of the nature of this world, if it's real or a dream, I'm not going to do anything reckless.  If it's real, obviously I'm going to treat it as such.  I'm not sure why I would do otherwise.  If it's a dream, it's certainly a structured and detailed dream.  It wouldn't be hard at all to treat it like reality."

Orin rolled her eyes.  "Of course it's real.  Gensokyo's totally normal...not sure what type of world you lived in."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 14, 2011, 03:44:36 AM
(Yes, it would help the both of you, and breaking the necklace would only be a good choice if you're in danger and Kanako is about to die or something like that.)

Nanaya doesn't seem to take notice of the two of you following her. Maybe she doesn't know, or maybe she doesn't care. Either way, it's better, since she would'nt bash the hell out of you if you're with Nazrin. As the two of you walk deeper into the woods, you pass by many streams, rivers, and lakes, eventually coming to the foot of a Mountain. Nanaya hasn't spoken to the two of you, and you start to doubt the two of you were noticed by her.

"Hmm. The Aki sisters arn't here. Whatever." Nanaya goes over to a tree, and slumps on it, looking up to the mountain. "What do I see, what do I see... I see Moriya Shrine." Nanaya says to herself.

It's amazing how the shrine's so noticable even though it's on a mountain that's so high up. Usually there woudl be mist, but I guess the Tengu cleared it. You watch as Nanaya nods to herself.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 14, 2011, 03:51:34 AM
"Um... weren't we heading for the Hakurei Shrine, not the Moriya Shrine...?" Nazrin ventured. "I mean, in all fairness, I've never been there myself, but it doesn't seem that that's where we're headed now."

"Well, if you've never been there, you don't know if we're going the right way. I'm sure you know where you're going, Nanaya.)

(OOC edit: There, happy now?  :V)

(OOC: Wait, what happened to Shinki and Byakuren? Did I miss something?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 14, 2011, 03:53:15 AM
OOC: Got it.
"One where your 'normal' is our 'impossible'," Aesera said. "Youkai, magic, none of that exists. Kanako tells me that she used to reside in the outside world, though."

"I did," Kanako said, "but faith in gods is fading from the outside world, which left me with no choice but to come here."

Gods need faith in order to exist. Good to know. "Anyways, Orin, she could probably give you a better accounting of the differences than I can, since she's actually lived in Gensokyo for a while now. I think, though, that we should save that for another time.For now, I think it's more important that Gale and I learn the basics of this world, because not only are we new here, but given from our experiences with the whatever-the-hell-it-was connecting events, something's going on that's abnormal even by Gensokyo's standards-Kanako was visibly shaken after we experienced the event-and we're involved in it. And the more we know, the better our chances of making it through whatever's going on. So let's get moving. We're heading to the Hakurei Shrine."

"right," Kanako said. "Orin, lead the way. I'll give you two the basics as we move."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 14, 2011, 03:54:22 AM
(They're surposed to set off to Makai, not follow us, remember? Byakuren won't be there at the Hakurei Shrine, but she'll be with us after that. AND WHUT A 1-LINE REPLY? I DEMAND AN EDIT. Who do j00 think j00 are, Squawkers? Orphea.Russ? Lawl.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 14, 2011, 03:56:40 AM
(Ah, okay. And sowwy, I've been a bad RPer :ohdear:

Squawkers do their best now and are editing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.)

(OOC edit: Done.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 14, 2011, 04:09:17 AM
"W-Wh-at?" Nanaya freezes, slowing turning her head to see you and Nazrin, looking confused. "W-W-What are you doing here?!" Nanaya jumps up from the ground, clenching her right fist. She's angry, really angry, and you don't know why. Calm down, Nana. This is not the time to be fighting your friends. Nanaya releases her clenched fist, her body's shaking a little.

"I-I thought you were still in the village, eating, relaxing or something..." Nanaya looks down as she says this, before snapping her head back up to face you. "Who said you could follow me!?" Nanaya bites her lip to prevent herself from shouting anymore.

Learn to calm down, Nana. I hate to see myself be angry. And you know what happens when we're angry, don't you?

"S-So... What do you want?" Nanaya folds her arms across her sizable chest. "...It's important, right? If not why would you follow me?" She turns to face Nazrin. "And, something just told me to wait here."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 14, 2011, 04:17:37 AM
Newan blinked in surprise. "Wait, what? We told you we had no reason to stay in the village, so we followed you. You're the one who's supposed to be leading us to the shrine, remember?"

"Hold on... something told you to wait here? What kind of something?" Nazrin interjected. I didn't see anyone talk to her in the human village... Maybe it was back at the temple?

"Look, if you wanted us to stay behind, you could have at least said something like 'I need to run some errands before we get going, feel free to hang around the village if you want.' The way you were putting it, you were practically telling us that staying in the village would be a waste of time." Newan continued.

Nazrin shot him a 'don't provoke her' glare, but he didn't seem to notice.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 14, 2011, 04:59:35 AM
----This is the Chaotic Reversal
---All will Tremble,
--Within The Walls Of Nothingness,
-To burn and sear Forever,
And Nevermore.
Till there will be no more.


"Enough!" A mighty, clawed fist slams on the black armrest, sending cracks throughout the throne, shaking the earth itself. "Your impudence shall be the death of you." The being raises it's finger, and the servant in front of it, a human, is sent flying to a wall and back to face the thing. With a snap of it's finger, the human's body twitches, spasms, before erupting into blood, slowly spewing all of what it once contained onto the rocky floor. With a flick of it's hand, a white, humanoid shape is forced out of the blood by black tentacles that had been flung down from the celling, grabbing onto the limbs of the white humanoid. The soul is presented to the being.

"Such a delicate little piece... Of burning shit!" The being slams it's fist down again, and the soul is set on fire, screaming in pain. But the soul's screams cannot be heard. Just a silent, wavering humanoid, rolling on the floor till it's burnt into blackness. The being slants down on it's throne, as the tentacles extended from the celling retreat into it's crevices.

"Well well, since my servants have, failed me, let's see you try to come here, puny little shit." There's nobody in the hall except the creature and a tall, sword-wielding knight. The knight faces the gap in the floor from a distance, his pure black armor shining as the little light that can penetrate the walls shine through. his helmet completely covers his face, leaving only a small gap for his eyes. But in that gap, stares no eyes, only a cold, everburning blue flame. His sword, decorated with much majestic jewels, has all but been tainted in black. It's long, slender, edged blade is slightly worn from combat, but no matter. It can still cut through a diamond cleanly.

The knight grabs his black, skull-decorated shield from the floor, gripping it tighter as the sound of machinery moving grows louder. Soon, a hollowed-out elevator rises from the gap in the floor, and there standing, is a man, about 26 years of age, wearing white armor, covered in Crystal. His helmet looks similar to the black knights, only that it has crystals on it's back and front. The man pulls out his sword, a red, jagged blade with a wicked edge to it. Gungnir...

"Oh, wearing the armor I gave you, and using that... sword, from Azeri?" The being on the throne chuckles as the black knight goes into battle position. "Don't worry, I'll return that blade to Azeri. He wants to give that to some child in... Gensokyo, anyway." As the white-armored man walks forward, the being on the throne speaks once again.

"So, It has been many centuries since you had dared to challenge me. So tell me, what do you call yourself now? I commend you for your bravery."

"So, Hero, tell me, give me that epic speech of yours." The being laughs in a deep, deafening voice.

"I am the voice of freedom! I will bring an end too this madness, and return you to your former self... Katelin..."

"Wahahaha! My former self? There is no Katelin, only Chaos! You give such a... bold reply, and one of the most entertaining I've ever heard."

The being folds it's arms across it's chest. "You will do nicely."

---BGM :

The Black Knight and the white warrior take their respective stances, and ready themselves. "Begin." The being's voice erupts from it's throat like a volcano, such a strong command it has.

The black knight takes the first move, jumping in the air as easily as an aerobic expert could, even in that heavy, tainted armor. With a massive swing, his sword is sent flying downwards along with his body, attemping to crush the white warrior in one blow. The warrior expertly grabs onto the sword right before it connects, spinning around it and stabbing the knight in the waist, but before the quick stab could even reach his armor, the knight had thrown his shield into the chest of the warrior, sending him flying to a pillar of tentacles.

The knight gets into battle position, calling his shield back to him as it lands on the floor, before floating to his hand. The white warrior gives a charge towards the black knight, and the knight retaliates with a backhand slash. The blade of the warrior's sword and the hilt of the knight's own connect, but the knight, even in that heavy armor, manages to spin around the white warrior, causing his blade to pierce the armor on his back, although not harming him, there's now a spot open in the warrior's armor.

The warrior jumps back as the knight prepares to swing again, and as a result, the slash completely misses. Taking this window of opportunity, the warrior slashes the Knight's chest, but there's no mark, not even a scratch. The knight then throws his shield towards the warrior, making his block with his sword. As the warrior pushes the shield away, the black knight uses both arms to swing his sword down. But just in time, the warrior raises his own sword, blocking the blow completely.

As the knight stumbles, the warrior pushes his entire body forward, ramming the knight's breastplate and making a dent, before slashing the life out of him. But before he could even touch his flesh within that armor, through a line he just made in the knight's armor, the Knight turns, before sending a roundhouse kick to the warrior's face, and hitting his sword out of his hand.


"Enough." The being says, "You are a cunning warrior. One that fights with strength and skill. You have improved since our last battle, but not enough." The being jumps down from his throne, nearing the warrior. "We have found our Catalyst."

The being waves it's hand as it walks closer to the white warrior. A flash of bright, yellow and blue light emits from his hand, before an implosion of darkness overtakes it. A magnificent blade appears in it's hand.

"The Infinity Blade. The God Killer. The corrupted version of my Elemental Godsword." The being swings the blade around lightly, and it cuts the air with silence. "It took me a millennia to corrupt it. To unravel it's secrets..." The being draws closer to the white warrior, who is now, completely unarmed and to the mercy of the being.

---BGM : Repeat above^

"And finally, after all this time, I can..." The being stabs the warrior, right through his chest. There's no metal-clashing sound. Nothing at all. It slices cleanly through, all the way, like how a knife would cut through soft butter. A flash of blue and yellow light ruptures from the warrior's body, before sinking into the black sword, as the being pulls the Infinity Blade out. The warrior colapses onto his knees, and his body begins disintigrating while he is alive.

"The blade has tasted your blood. It now has your essence, your prowess, your soul." A surge of energy enters through the being's body. "Ahh, a strong one indeed - your progeny will serve me well." The being turns and walks to his throne. "Hybrid is dead. One of the Guardians of the Elemental Plane has fallen. And soon, with time, all will be mine..." The being throws off it's black cloak, revealing a ghoul-like creature, like an eldrich abomination, with multiple, green skulls around it, floating... You cannot grasp it's true form...

"Soon, Chaos will rule all."

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 14, 2011, 05:06:38 AM

"W-What? Y-You don't have to know who told me to wait here! Ok!?" Nanaya's angry again, and that was to Nazrin. Nanaya turns to face Newan, looking even angrier. "AND YOU!" You flinch. Oh what have you done wrong.

"Don't tell me the obvious crap, alright!? I just wanted to be alone! Alone so that I could think! Alone so that I can figure out myself! I...I..." Nanaya looks downs, before turning up to you again. "I would've come back later! Later... and to get you guys to come... With Mima and Rumia... S- So..." Nanaya clenches her fist really tightly now.

"So don't tell me what I should've done!" She raises her fist to punch you, but stops right as the fist reaches your cheek. You feel the air being pressed out of you from just fear itself. The air that gushed onto you cheek actually stings a bit. "D-Don't... tell me w-what to do..."

Nanaya turns, and begins running up the mountain. You should really go apologise. Again. Oh, you.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 14, 2011, 05:14:12 AM
Nazrin sighed, "See? I told you not to provoke her."

Newan turned to her, an angry smile on his face. "Yeah. I got that. Thanks."

He turned towards the mountain. So bipolar... it's not even funny. He began running up the mountain after her. "Hey, Nanaya! Wait!"

After he was out of earshot, Nazrin chuckled to herself. "And now, to find out what really goes on between those two." She began silently following them up Youkai Mountain.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 14, 2011, 05:27:24 AM
Nanaya had run up a considerable distance, and now sits under a big tree, hugging her knees. And that's what happens when the person you long for scolds you.

"It's not my damn fault!" Nanaya says to herself. I know it's not, Nana. I know...

"Why did he have to be part of Xera anyway. Not like I can control myself. Psh." Nanaya doesn't know that she's crying. Oh the irony. Don't cry, Nana. It's never your fault.

"C-C-Crying? W-Who's crying!? Damnit Katelin!" Nanaya wipes her eyes. "It's always your fault." Nanaya pouts. Hehe, sorry then. We're one, anyway.

"Not like we can help it, right?" Nanaya sniffs. Yeap. Sadly, the others can't communicate with their human parts.

Nanaya sits by herself, next to a stream under a tree, and you, after frantically trying to find her, finally discover her. You can still see her tears. Aww, did you hurt her so much? Maybe It wasn't you.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 14, 2011, 05:37:12 AM
Newan sighed, then got on the ground before Nanaya and bowed. "I'm very sorry, Nanaya. I really didn't mean to be so mean with that. It's just... I was irritable. I just want to go home, and even though you really didn't do anything wrong... That's why I snapped at you."


Nazrin smirked from behind the tree she was hiding in. Standing before her was a small mouse. Alright, little guy. See the big-jobs? I want you to go watch them for me, okay? I promise there's food in it for you.

The mouse gave the mouse version of a salute, then ran over to watch Newan and Nanaya. Time to be my eyes and ears, little guy.

(OOC: What are you talking about? Of course Nazrin has mouse clairvoyance.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 14, 2011, 05:47:21 AM
(Actually, you can choose to return to the normal world for some time after we reach Hakurei Shrine. YOU MAY HAS FAR SIGHT. BUT I HAS GMPAWAH.)

"It's not like you can go home anyway." Nanaya's voice is soft. "You're here for a reason. Something incredible and stuff. I doubt you can go home just like that." Nanaya stops hugging her legs and pushes them out. Her skirt's dirty now. "As long as you apologise then it's alright, I guess. Luckily I didn't kill you."

You're relieved. "...Yet." Nanaya adds. The fear just got back into you.

"Erh, sit with me. I have to wait for some people to come here anyway. Someone told me that they're more humans then just you. And they have experienced the same thing as you and Nazrin. And me. I don't really know why though. That someone didn't tell me the fully story."

"Damn hell..." She mumbles to herself. You'll find out in time, Nana. If I tell you, I'll get detected anyway. Nanaya pouts as you sit next to her. "Anythin' you wanna ask or something?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 14, 2011, 05:53:34 AM
(OOC: I'm aware of that, but Newan isn't.)

Nazrin watched the scene unfold. Ehehehe... I can feel it coming.


As Newan sat down, the fear fluctuated. Yes, she invited him to sit with her, so she couldn't be that mad, but on the other hand he was sitting right next to the most pain-inducing person he'd ever met. "Um... well, I guess I do have a question." [/i]No no no it's not worth the trouble no it'll be fine don't worry.[/i] "...Um, how do I put this? Er... why do you... hit me so much?"

He winced in anticipation of the slap that he knew was coming. Dammit dammit dammit
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 14, 2011, 06:40:06 AM

It was midday. The sky as blue as it could ever be, the sun sparkling bright in the sky, an odd cloud could be spotted every now and again floating past existance.

A girl in her teens was inside the house, rustling throught he only belongings she had. She grabbed objects like a lighter, some money, a bottle for water, and other things one would find useful during a hike. With a great sigh of relief the girl stood up looking pleased with the bag she had packed. One could say she was going for a hike, and they'd only be half wrong. This girl just shy of mature age was preparing for her departure from this hell house, a place she never wanted to be in the first place.
"...All ready" the girl whispered to no one in particular. She slung the bag over her and positioned it to her side. After a brief check, she nodded her head and made her way outside. The girl walked right out of the home without any hesitation. She strode with pride as she quickly made distance between herself and the house, and before not too long, the house was out of sight.

Her name was Ranna, but most didn't know that, as she often called herself just Ren.
Ranna walked along the road with no destination in mind. All she had planned was that she was going to leave and never come back, and that, she had already done.
After atleast an hour of walking, Ranna came to a turn off that seemed rather abandonned. Curiousity told her to take the turn off and go up a path lined by trees. She obeyed and pushed on. After climbing a steep hill, she came across an old worn road blemished with cracks. She walked on until she came to an opening in the trees, and there she stopped and took in the scenery. A great waterfall lied in her line of sight. It sparkled as it rushed and trickled among the many stones that made it's magnificent structure.
A thought quickly passed through Ranna's mind.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 14, 2011, 07:20:07 AM
Nanaya turns to you as you ask that question. She narrows her eyes, before turning away. She's silent. Too silent. Your fear is gone, for now, since she isn't slapping you. Or maybe shes waiting for you to put your guard down just like now. And she could just kill you. Right about now. You start wincing again, hoping that she doesn't utterly rip you to shreds. No response. Nothing. Only silence. You open your mouth, attempting to say something, but as you turn your head...

Nanaya isn't there.

You turn yet again, and this time, you see Nanaya sitting in front of you, facing you. Her face is close to yours. So close. You can feel her warm breath on your face as she stares into your eyes. This will, is uncomfortable. Your body's stiff now, and, with her so close to you, you feel another part of your body getting stiff. She continues staring into your eyes. You stare back.

You see it again. Anger. Sadness. Loneliness. and then, flithy blackness. You can't see anymore beyond that. Her face reaches even closer. Her lips are so close, you can almo- There, you see it. In the filth in her eyes, the longing, for you. Just for you. You don't know why, but there are two girls, identical, sitting back-to-back, hugging their legs, with darkness all ar-

Nanaya pulls her head back, and then stands up.

"Maybe you'll know why I always hit you. Maybe not." Nanaya turns to face the mountain path going up. She then leans on the tree, beside you.


You decide to sit and admire the waterfall before continuing on your trek up the mountain. You walk closer and closer to it, before sitting at the edge of a cliff, looking forward at the waterfall. As you admire it's splendor, you think you see darkness from under the pool of water. You ignore it and just admire the water as it glistens in the sunlight. You close your eyes for a moment, and you feel that you're falling... Falling.... falling... You open your eyes, and you're falling down the cliff, beside the waterfall, into the sharp rocks bellow. Just that... those arn't rocks...

Gigantic, eye tentacles rupture the earth, reach out and try to grab you, blood-red, stream-lined eyes emerge from all around you, as you decend further and further into the dark abyss. Then, a glow of light... Green light, Blue... Purple... You fall to the ground, or more likely, a tree. You're on a tree. The only tree here. Plus, you're surrounded by bamboo.

You are in the Bamboo Forest of the Lost. Welcome to Gensokyo.

(Haha, I rushed this and made it slightly crappy. Sorry.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 14, 2011, 07:38:03 AM
No. This can't... this isn't... Should I? If I told her now... no, I don't even know if it is. She's probably teasing me. Mocking me. But... her eyes... And there were two of her? And, that feeling... I have to tell her now. "Umm, Nanaya, the thing is-"

He was cut off by the loudest squeak he had ever heard. "TYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~"

Nazrin grabbed her mouth. Crap. Crap crap crap crap cr-

"Hiya, Naz." came a voice from over her shoulder.

She looked over to see Newan smiling that same angry smile. "What're you doing over here?"

Nazrin looked down, poking her fingers together. "Well, um... you guys were taking awhile, so I came to check on you. Y-yeah, that's it."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 14, 2011, 07:47:02 AM
(Gale, Orin, Aesera, and Kanako shall encounter Nanaya, Nazrin and Newan. And then Mima and Rumia appear. Will write up something later.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 14, 2011, 07:48:21 AM
"Thank you." Alice took her lamprey with one hand, paying Mystia with the other. "Reimu... does her job well. Her ends justify the means, so I don't complain much." Alice sighs a bit, taking a bite into her lamprey. Alyssa reluctantly takes the other lamprey, smelling it a bit. She recognises the smell as the fragrance that had tantalised her senses earlier on. The look is disagreeable, but she took a small bite of it, enjoying it thoroughly. However, as she was still quite full from the dinner earlier on, she gave the rest of her lamprey to Marisa, who eagerly chomped down on it.

"Anyway, answering your earlier question..." Alice continued reluctantly, remembering that odd incident again which was extremely odd. "Yes, Alyssa, this little girl here, and I had went through the same event..." She sighed as she turned to Marisa. "And Marisa, who brought Alyssa to me, is going to accompany us to Reimu's shrine. Something must be going on and we've got to fix it." Alice paused for a while, gathering her thoughts after telling Mystia her story. "So... what're you planning to do now? We don't mind company."

Alyssa looked at the lamprey Marisa was eating, thinking how odd it looked. "What're lampreys?" Alyssa asked all of a sudden, breaking the flow of the conversation.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 14, 2011, 08:58:27 AM
"Meh. Let's just wait here then. It's gonna take some time for the other people to arrive anyway. I didn't bring anything along with me, so if you have any food, give me some of it." Nanaya leans back on the tree, as Newan sits beside her and Nazrin stands, thinking about what happened earlier.

"So, what's there to do while we wait? Since I have no idea how long it'll take for them to reach." Nanaya asks, fiddling with a tree branch, seemlingly not caring about anything else.


Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 14, 2011, 04:26:23 PM
"Well, I think I have some cheese," Nazrin muttered, as she rummaged through her pack. "Ah- here," she said, handing a wedge to Nanaya.

"I honestly don't have any ideas either. I guess Nazrin and I could go back to the village for a bit, but then you wouldn't have anything to do." I wonder why she didn't hit Nazrin there...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 14, 2011, 07:01:30 PM
Could this be real?  I suppose that doesn't matter, at least right now.

Orin left his side to head to the front of the group.  "Alright!  To the Hakurei Shrine we go!"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 14, 2011, 10:57:31 PM
(I'll be here at around 1am Squawkers Time.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 15, 2011, 01:53:22 AM
As they walked, Kanako gave the requested overview of Gensokyo. She told Aesera and Gale about the different kinds of youkai. She told them about the variety of powers and abilities found throughout Gensokyo. She told them of realms such as Makai and the netherworld. She mentioned several notable individuals, including but not limited to: Keine, the human village's protector; Yukari, the Youkai of Boundries; Byakuren, the long-sealed Buddhist monk; the vampire Remilia; Kaguya, the moon princess; the nuclear raven Utsuho; and of course the shrine maiden Reimu Hakurei and magician Marisa Kirasame. Aesera found the information about Marisa to be particularly noteworthy. A human with no power who learned to use magic. That would seem to imply that I could do the same. It sounds like it would be a good idea to find this woman.

"Thank you, Kanako," Aesera said. "I think that about answers my immediate questions. I'll ask if I have any other questions. Gale, is there anything in particular you'd still like to know?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 15, 2011, 02:07:30 AM
"Yes," said Gale.  "You said that you came here from our world, Kanako.  Just how did you arrive here?"

This Reimu character certainly seems like she can't stay out of trouble.  And apparently she created some sort of spell card system?  She sounds like more of a god than Kanako is.  If this world really was real, you'd think the gods would have just a little more power.  Of course, the fact that there are gods to begin with should be proof enough this place is just a dream...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 15, 2011, 02:40:53 AM
Reimu's probably a good person to meet, too, Aesera thought. Another human with a good deal of power, although it doesn't sound like she had to work at it as hard as Marisa. Sounds like she has some sort of influence over Gensokyo. Makes her sound kind of like a god, although she is a shrine maiden, so there may be divine power at work there. Kanako, a god of the sky, has power over the wind and the rain; Reimu may be channeling a god of something else. Or maybe it's because of her shrine's connection to the border, and thus Gensokyo's seperate existence. I doubt she could change something like that with just whatever power she has on her own; it sounds like she gets substantial power from being the Hakurei Maiden.

"That wasn't too hard," Kanako said. "Suwako, Sanae, and I just focused what remained of our power and took our shrine through the barrier. I doubt you could understand a more detailed explanation."

"I certainly don't think I could," Aesera said. "What you've already said is enough. I may have more questions later, but I'm satisfied for now."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 15, 2011, 02:42:50 AM
(GuyUmeton9 and Sampson, the two of you can set course to meet Nanaya and Newan(Me and Squawkers))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 15, 2011, 03:03:34 AM
We're talking while walking. Feel free to have your group see ours coming their way.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 15, 2011, 03:08:02 AM
Gale opened his mouth in protest to Kanako's claim, but closed it when he realized she was probably right.  I doubt her explanation would make the slightest amount of sense, anyway.  Science doesn't seem to exist here.  Although Utsuho did have the nuclear power symbol on her eye-thing.  Did she say anything about...

"I heard Utsuho say something about Kappa," said Gale.  "So I imagine they're related to her nuclear power in some way.  What can you tell me about them?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 15, 2011, 03:09:43 AM
(We're just waiting at the place where your group will indefinitely pass through, because Nanaya knows you're coming.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 15, 2011, 03:26:25 AM
"They have been working on the reactor," Kanako said. "Voluntarily, I might add. After all, they are Gensokyo's top scientists. Although the outside world would still probably call a lot of their stuff 'magic', and there is most certainly a good amount of it that simply wouldn't work in the outside world. But let us save the conversation for later. There would seem to be people ahead of us, and they look very much as though they're waiting for something."

"They can't have known we'd be coming along this exact path," Aesera said, "but yes, I certainly agree with being cautious. I do think we should approach, though."

And so they did. And as they closed in, Aesera called out to them. "Well, hello there."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 15, 2011, 03:31:32 AM
"Yo. Knew you would get here, although it took you longer then expected." Nanaya stepped forward, before hugging Kanako. "Good'ta see you, Kanako. Hope you and Byakuren have resolved your faith-issues. I don't want to see the two of you fight." Nanaya stepped back. Orin's confused, she had never seen them before, well, it's obvious, Nanaya went went underground before, but she knew Utsuho and Koishi due to their misadventures in the surface. Which included burning the Myouren Temple's kitchen a month back.

"Name's Nanaya. This here is Newan and Nazrin. Many Ns, I know." Nanaya slumps back on the tree as Newan and Nazrin exchange greetings with the rest of the newcomers. Kanako stands next to Nanaya. "I heard Rumia and Mima are training now. They've come to the shrine once before, and blew up some of the lake. Doesn't really matter, though, since Suwako fixed it." Kanako sighs. "I heard that they're following you too. Is that true?"

Nanaya nods. "They're off somewhere, but I'm sure they will reach back quickly. Or, go to Hakurei Shrine first. Iunno."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 15, 2011, 03:43:07 AM
Newan turned to Nanaya, "So, is there anyone else we're waiting for?"

He sighed, and stared at the ground. So many people... I've socialized more today than I ever did throughout all of college. This is getting tiring.

Then he noticed that Nazrin was cowering behind him. "Eh?"

"C-cat..." she whispered, trembling. "She's a cat..."

Oh, yeah. Nazrin's a mouse. Introducing herself to a cat must have been painful.

(OOC edit: Right, so YJ has given me temporary control over Nanaya for a bit, as she said she won't be able to post as much for a bit. She just told me to have us set off for the Hakurei shrine, but XinXin and Crow Cakes aren't with the group yet. So, I'm going to wait for the two of you to catch up to us before we leave.)

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 15, 2011, 04:09:57 AM
Gale stared at the new arrivals.  Another human, it seemed.  And some sort of mouse who seemed rather afraid of Orin.  [/i]Cute.  Mice are still afraid of cats in this world.[/i]

Orin stared blankly at the mouse-girl.  "Uh...hello?  I'm Orin.  I work underground to haul...ahem, fuel for the Nuclear Furnace."  She went over to Gale and dragged him toward the rest of the group.  "And this here is Gale.  He came from some other world, like Aesera over there.  He and I did some light linking thingy and now we're traveling to see Reimu."

Orin squeezed Gale's arm.  Clearly, she wanted him to say something.

Sighing, he said, "Hello.  As Orin said, I'm Gale.  She also said everything that I could really say by now."

His thoughts returned to the kappa.  So...they're scientists?  But apparently they're "magical scientists."  Obviously.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 15, 2011, 04:27:13 AM
Nazrin squeaked as Orin got closer to the pair, but Newan's eyes lit up. "We did a weird link thing, too. Anyway, more importantly, a Nuclear Furnace? Back in the outside world, we use Nuclear power for energy, but I've never heard of it being used for heat. Hmm, what element do you use? Wait, no, that's silly, you probably just use magic here. Unless the kappa had something to do with it... Maybe I could try powering the electrolysis device with that? Oh, sorry, I guess I'm rambling."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 15, 2011, 04:28:39 AM
Another one. There's definitely something significant here. "I'm Aesera," Aesera said, "and I have three questions. First, one for you, Nanaya: how did you know we'd be passing by here, and why are you waiting here for us? And the second one is for both you and Kanako: how do you two know each other?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 15, 2011, 04:33:02 AM
(OOC: Darnit Guy

She didn't tell me how they met :ohdear:)

"Someone told me you'd come by, and I need to take you to the shrine," Nanaya answered, without missing a beat. "As for the last one, it's not really important right now."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 15, 2011, 05:08:23 AM
"Maybe not," Aesera said, "but maybe it is. I do think there are more important concerns, though, so here's a big one: the linking event that Newan described also happened with me and Kanako, and with Gale and Orin, too. Do you know of anyone else who has experienced such an event?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 15, 2011, 05:12:13 AM
"Byakuren and I went through the same thing. She's heading to Makai with Shinki right now. For now, though, we have no way of knowing how many people were affected. But, apparently there should be more people with us now, so I guess when there shouldn't be that'll be everybody."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 15, 2011, 11:23:35 AM
(OOC: Hold on, where's everyone right now?)

"Weeeeeell, we'd join you, but..." Mystia hesitated in saying the next line, because of all the business she'd miss.

"But?" Vante questioned, "Geez, you're just like the businessmen from where I come from. Always worrying about the money.

"Oh, nevermind," Mystia said resignedly, "Fine, we're coming with you. Just give me time to close up and keep the stall, and we can get going."

After Alyssa asked her question, the night sparrow took a lamprey out of a bucket, wiggling it for good measure. "This," she explained, "is a lamprey. Kinda like an eel, but, uh, different. I don't know the specifics." Mystia put it back, and began packing the cooking equipment back into the cabinets in the stall.

"Oh! Speaking of which, where do you come from?" Vante asked Alyssa.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 15, 2011, 12:37:43 PM
"Alright then. We'll wait for her to pack up and then we'll set off for the Hakurei Shrine." Alice decided, Shanghai bouncing up as if responding to Alice's emotions. Alyssa stared at the lamprey with a certain amount of disgust. Gensokyo's cuisine must have been sourced from stories of China or something. It looked awful, despite its taste and smell. Vante's question broke her train of thought, and she paused for a bit when he asked it. She realised, to her relief, that he only asked for where she came from, not for more. Her aristocratic position was something she did not want to divulge unless necessary.

"I'm from England, London." Alyssa replied, with a refined edge to the way she spoke. "And you?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 15, 2011, 01:24:04 PM
(Around the lower part of Youkai Mountain, a few minutes trek in the forest behind the human village. If you guise meet up with us, I may or may not just skip to the part where we're all at Hakurei Shrine.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 15, 2011, 02:30:55 PM
"Philippines, although I moved to Japan a year ago," Vante answered.

Mystia grabbed the handles of the cart and bolted in the direction of the marketplace. By the entrance, she parked her mobile stall, covering it with a large white cloth. When she got back, she was surprisingly not tired. Vante dismissed it as hyperactiveness.

"Okay, I'm done," Mystia stretched her arms and shook her wings. "Lead the way, magician."

Vante nearly expressed his confusion with a "What" and berated himself mentally. You're in a land where fantasy exists. Of course there are magicians, you idiot!
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 15, 2011, 03:04:04 PM
Gale stared at the new arrivals as they chatted with Aesera.  Hm...a scientist...I wonder if he thinks this is all a dream, too...

He was content, for the time being, to simply watch them talk, and listen to their conversation.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 15, 2011, 03:17:34 PM
"I shall, then..." Alice stated, standing up from her seat. Marisa and Alyssa followed suit, as Shanghai and Hourai took their places alongside Alice yet again. Marisa sighed in boredom, stretching and wondering what Alice had to do with Mystia. Alyssa, on the other hand, was collecting herself as she was gradually exposed to this new world. It was a change of pace, and the world was mystical as the books she had read. Her face kept a calm look; she kept to herself as she examined the world around her.

The forests around were much like the ones before, nothing new. The group trudged along, on their way to the Hakurei Shrine to find answers, except for Marisa who was just finding things to pass time on.

OOC: If you don't have anything else to do, you can just skip to Youkai Mountain in your next post Crow!
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 16, 2011, 02:51:40 AM
"Would you prefer I call you 'girl' or 'person'?"
"Ahah. Very funny. I would prefer if you call me Rhiseza, as is my name."
"I suppose I can do that. Anything -else-?"
"Yeah. Where are we going?"
"To the surface, of course."
Silence fell, as Rhiseza knew not what to say or ask.
Guess I should just hope this goes smoothly.
Not that it will, now that I've said that.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 16, 2011, 05:59:57 AM
Overcome with shock and fear, Ranna just stared forward, eyes wide and body shaking. Within a moment she realized the traumatic vision had come to an end. She sighed in relief between a breathe and tried to relax herself by convinicng her mind that she was just dreaming. She sat up and glanced around at her surroundings.
"They all look the same....", Ranna said in her head. She began to feel a panic inside her soul, and began to try rationalize the Situation.
"Okay, so I just stopped to gaze at the waterfall, and i fell off a cliff.", Ranna paused "......Nah there's no way..."
"After that, I was....swallowed by giant squids that live below the earth's surface." Ranna stopped and thought about what she had said. "....That's too farfecthed...."
Ranna sighed, "Then everything thing faded to black...."  She paused and looked up towards the sky for a moment, then continued.
"And now...." She said as she looked around making sure nothing was close by. "Here I am..." She finished.
Ranna rose to her feet and sighed heavily. "But where exactly is here..."
Just as Ranna was about to let out another deep sigh, a rustling sound came from the bushes behind her.
Ranna instantly froze, waiting for the creature to make another move. With lt's second movement came a low hissing noise. Ranna felt her heart begin to race. She knew she had only one option, so she took it and run. She ran and rana and ran, never once looking back at the path she has taken.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 16, 2011, 07:09:11 AM
(Current Gensokyo Time: 4:59pm. Current World Time According to Maribel and Renko: 6:59pm.

---Rhiseza's Scenario

Youmu leads you down a long flight of stairs, slowly descending, you notice all the white-blobs all around the area. It's cold too, but not cold enough to make you start shivering. Eventually, after about five minutes of walking, you finally reach the bottom of the stairs. Youmu grabs hold of your arm, for apparently, no reason. Her emotionless face doesn't tell you why too. She mumbles. "Prepare yourself."

All of a sudden, you feel gravity reverse, as if you were in space, and- Your train of thought is disrupted as you feel a blunt pain on your head. What's this? You're upside down. Youmu too, but she jumps and spins you around. Now you're on flat ground in the middle of the sky? You're standing among the clouds. Youmu grabs your arm tighter and throws you into the air. You open your mouth the scream, but no sound comes out from it.

You fall. Down. The clouds swiftly race past you, as Youmu leads the way, you see the green ground approaching closer, closer... Closer...

Bang! You hear. You're surposed to die, right? Right!? You open your eyes, to see yourself being held up from the ground by Youmu. She gently lets you on your feet again.

"The surface. Youkai Mountain to be exact. We're around the middle of it. Come, let us make haste." With that, Youmu starts walking.

---Ranna's Scenario

As you run and run, the wind blows on your face, making you shiver, even though it's not even evening, around 4, you think. Your constant running wears down your body, your spirit, your mentality. There's something approaching you. You can just feel it. Something dark and mysterious. Something not to be triffled with. You let loose a scream, and start running even faster, for your life. With adrenaline pulsing through your veins, your stamina still up high in the skies, you run like hell. But, it doesn't take long for you to colapse onto the soft, fuzzy grass bellow you. Your eyes close. Your strength drained out of you.

The last thing you see is a bright beam of light, and wings. Fire. It's hot.

"H-Hey! Ya' Okie' Ther' man?" You hear, before your slip into unconsciousness. After an hour, you wake to find yourself in a room of a house. Where are you?(The same room where CrowCakes/Vante once was)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 16, 2011, 01:28:49 PM
She hurries after Youmu after taking a moment to get her bearings again.
"Would you tell me what exactly that was, please? And what's Youkai Mountain? For that matter, where are we even going?"

(... I'm expecting to be told to shut up any time now, ehe. >>)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 16, 2011, 01:41:29 PM
(OOC: XinXin, is it okay for you to be the one to write the next part instead? I can't think of what to write anymore besides this.

BTW, Sonae, there's my a bamboo stick in the room you're in. You can take it and use it as a weapon.)

Before Mystia could take off, Vante came up from behind her and grasped her right shoulder tightly. "Um, Mystia, I can't, you know... fly. How big of a problem is that?" he asked.

Mystia's jaw slacked. She hadn't considered that at all. "Oh, it's big. Really big."

When Mystia refused to speak anymore, Vante suggested a way. "If I hold on to you-"

"No. Out of the question," the night sparrow immediately cut the human off. That would certainly hurt once she had finished flying for the day, with all the stress rushing in and all.

"Oh, come on! If you can drive a fully loaded cart by running and without breaking a sweat, then carrying a human shouldn't be so hard," Vante retorted, "And, besides, we're already way behind." In reality, there was no alternative to it.

Mystia carefully considered this for a while. "Fine," she said with as much calm she could muster, "but there's only one place you can grab on to, and that would be my legs." Apparently, she had done this before, with disastrous results. It was best not to them mention any further.

Vante did not object. Once the night sparrow had gotten off the ground, he clutched the limbs, but his hands' grip slipped until it anchored on her feet. Mystia barely overcame the weight on her, but was able to fly forward at a slow speed. She was obviously struggling.

"Be thankful I'm a youkai, otherwise I wouldn't be able to lift you," she reminded the human, "And, um, whatever you do, don't look up. I won't be flying so high."

Vante nodded, training his eyes on the view below. His grip began to shake. They flew forward, catching up with the other three.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 16, 2011, 11:41:57 PM
Ranna slowly opened her drowsy eyes, a low moan escaping through her lips. Her vision was blurred as she attempted to get to a seated position, the result was her falling back onto the futon. Her gaze reset to the ceiling. She raised her right hand, resting it on her forehead. Warm... she thought, ...but it doesn't seem like i have a fever...
As her vision cleared and sharpened, she blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the room that was only lit by the sun which shone into the room with a slightly paler light than she'd remember the sun having. She tried once more to sit up, this time, succeeding. For a moment she just looked straight ahead. She blinked then took in her surroundings.
"Where am I..." she mumbled aloud. After a moment she regained her composure and her gaze sharpened. Her dull and clueless expression vanished, being replaced with a cold and serious face. She examined the room very carefully, then her eyes widened slightly, and a slight gasp escaped her lungs.
"Where's my bag...!"
Ranna lept to her feet. A slight jolt of pain climbed up her leg and she looked down with a hint of surprise on her face. She looked down, but there was nothing there, then she caught a glimpse of a shadow on the futon where it shouldn't be. She bent down and felt where the shadow was. What...there's...something here... Ranna lifted the futon to find a rod of bamboo under it. She picked it up with her empty hand and examined it. She let go of the futon letting it flop onto the floor. Ranna stood back up, still with her gaze fixated on the pole.
"Why is something like this under the futon..." She mumbled to no one in particular. In the next moment she snapped back into the present. Ranna heard the faint sound of footsteps approaching the room. She quickly hid from view of the doorframe, and readied herself with the bamboo stick in hand. As she saw a shadow come through the opened door she held her breath. One....Two.....and...Go!
Ranna leapt out of the shadows and gracefully swung the stick towards the figure, stopping just before hitting it.

((Hope this post is okay :x and lol I planned to use the stick whether permission was given by you or not. Seeing as I was and still am going to return it to you when I reach the team. Also my character is a little more hostile and defensive than what I've seen so far from everyones characters, Which could likely be a nice edition to the team))


All of a sudden, you feel gravity reverse, as if you were in space, and- Your train of thought is disrupted as you feel a blunt pain on your head. What's this? You're upside down.

((I see wat you did ther...or think i do...))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 17, 2011, 09:08:27 AM


I mean uhh...

"Don't talk while we're walking. We can't afford to waste time, you know?" Youmu steadily increases her pace as you fall behind her. As you catch up, you notice a group of people gathered quite some distance bellow you. You tell this to Youmu, and all she just does is sighs.

"Let's go then." Youmu agrees to your pleas of taking you there, and you arrive near the group. You notice that there are three humans, and three-not-so-humans.

---Ranna's Scenario

"Woah woah." The white haired woman grabs the bamboo stick before you could even stop it above her head. It starts to get hot. "Ya' a enthusiastic littl' one. Iunno why, but ya' just like that other one that arrived a littl' earlier. My name's Fujiwara no Mokou. Ya' caretaka of the day." Mokou pulls down the bamboo stick from your hand. You're really confused. I mean, white hair? And it's so dayum long. Also, she has weird pieces of paper on her hair, overalls, and one as a big ribbon.

"Sit, right ere'" Mokou leads you to a wooden chair, before you nod and sit on it. Mokou stands, stuffing her hands in her pockets. "So, how'd ya' get here? And why'd you faint all of a sudden when you reached my store?" You cock your head to the side. Oh, yeah, so thats why you blacked out.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 17, 2011, 03:56:50 PM
Ranna is left speechless for a second. "Uh...I uh..." Ranna mumbled. She thought back to what had happened. She closed her eyes, and took a deep, relaxing breath. She opened her eyes.
"I don't know if you'll believe this...but this is what happened..." Ranna said slowly, taking another deep breath before continuing.
"I was running away. Far away. From a place I despised" Ranna said with a tinge of bitterness in her voice. " I came to an abandonned road, and something urged me to go along it. After a while of following the old road, I came across a magnificent waterfall. It captivated me...How the water sparkled in the afternoon sun, how the water sounded so pleasant, how the breeze felt so relaxing...." Ranna paused for a moment, took another breath, then continued, her voice showing slight signs of fear as she recalled the event, "...I closed my eyes...then the next thing I knew...I was falling, off the cliff and into the water wasn't water......a mass of tentacles radiated in the darkness....pulling me ever closer...." Ranna was now shaking slightly, her complexion had turned pale. "...but I just kept falling...falling and falling and falling...Then...there was light" She took another breath to calm herself, "And the next thing I knew I was in this Bamboo grove..." Ranna stopped and looked at Mokou. "Where am I?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 18, 2011, 08:54:15 AM
(UHH. I'll post like tomorrow. Or something. Haha.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 18, 2011, 12:33:59 PM
Alyssa looked into the distance as she rode alongside Marisa's broom. There was a cooling breeze that came as they flew, making the flight quite enjoyable. Eventually, the group could see Youkai Mountain in the distance.

"We're almost there-ze!" Marisa yelled in excitement. Perhaps she expected something interesting to happen, another one of the incients.

OOC: YJ, could you combine our groups? I don't have a clear idea of the situation at the moment, so yeah.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 19, 2011, 05:08:00 AM
(Ok, so Basically, Rhiseza and Youmu are currently with the rest of the group. XinXin and CrowCakes will reach Youkai Mountain at the same time as I Kaguya-Timehax Ranna. After that, everyone makes a post, and I skip to the Hakurei Shrine. Where the fun really begins. Also, I don't know if I'll be posting tomorrow. I have school work, or if I choose to skip school, I'll be going to a convention with my bro.)

---Ranna's Scenario

"Uhh. So you're just like that guy from earlier. It's kay. So, anyway. Name's Mokou, as I said before, and dis' is Gensokyo." Mokou extends her hand out towards you. You shake it. "I'm guessin' that you're from da outside, then. Well, I dunno bout' them blackness, light and tentacles, but sure doesn't sound like Yukari to scare people as she drags em' ere'." Mokou pulls out a small book, and shows you what appears to be a man. "Dis' da' guy that came here earlier. He's from da outside too. Ya know him?" Mokou sighs as she gives the book to you before stuffing her hands in her pockets.

"He did somethin' great for me, and I wanna repay him, I guess." You feel something ruffle in your pocket, emitting some strange light and heat.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 19, 2011, 05:30:11 AM
Ranna listens to Mokou with a hint of confusion expressing itself on her face. "Gensokyo...I've never heard of any place like that before..." She pauses and thinks for a bit before asking another question, "Gensokyo is still in Japan right? It's not like I've been transported to another planet or something right?" she asks in a worried tone.
As she listens to the rest of Mokou's explaination she titls her head to the side slightly and a confused expression appears on her face. "Yukari? Who's that?" she asks.
Ranna looks at the bookm Mokou handed to her and shakes her head slowly, "No...I haven't seen anyone like that before......wait" Ranna examines the picture again. "...That's the bamboo one i found under the futon." Ranna twitches a bit, as if she's remembered something important, and looks towards Mokou, "Where's my bag? The one I was carrying with me when i got here" Just as Ranna asks Mokou about her bag she twitches again, though not as obvious as the last time. She looks around then speaks again. "Um...Mokou...If you happen to know where my bag is could you please retrieve it for me?" She asks politely. As Mokou turns her back to the girl, she quickly digs into her pocket and fishes out the note. Ranna opens it and reads it in her head.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 19, 2011, 05:49:36 AM
The Note Reads: The Burning Phoenix dances with the Dragon. A celestial pair the two make, having forged with the will of a mortal. The fire shall guide your journey, while the Arrow of the Dragon will make the path clear.(Note that this Achievement is of Lunatic Difficulty)

You don't quite understand the what the note's saying. Actually, no, you don't understand it at all. What Phoenix? What Dragon? What Arrow? Well, judging from how in god's name you fell down into this Gensokyo, maybe Phoenixes and Dragons do exist. It all depends, as you haven't seen one yet. The note in your hand glows blue, and you drop it. As Mokou grabs your bag and comes back to you, the note wafts in the gentle wind blowing in from the open window, flying to her. Mokou silently bends down, and picks the note on the floor. Her eyes glance over the words. She extends her hand with the note, but stops, pulling it back to her as she stares at the note.

You open your mouth to question what she's doing, but before words could start flying out of your mouth, the note glows, brighter and brighter in a blue and red flame, mixing around Mokou's hands. She stares into the note, as if intoxicated by it, unable to let go, addicted by the swirling flames. You let loose a scream as the fires expand from Mokou's body towards you. Cornered at a wall, you're unable to do anything, but accept your fate. But fate, has other plans for you. The blue and red fires spin, turn, twist around you, distorting the space of the house. The floor bellow you seems to become darker, before plunging down at an incredible speed. You're floating now, moving your body violently, as the house itself seems to break into dust, and the entire bamboo grove around it seems to burst into blue and red flames.

The flames connect with Mokou, each one of their fiery tongues connected to her back, and then you see it. Wings. An eagle's wings. A phoenix. Blue and red flames burst all around you and her. Unconsciously, you walk closer to Mokou, and touch her. You feel something connect the two of you, something... merging...

Snap! Mokou drops the note, the world returns to normal. She stares at you in fear, confusion, and anger.

Your Spiritual and Chaotic Connections have been made. Fujuwara no Mokou is your chosen Touhou. The death of one would mean the death of two. (Achievement Unlocked!
The Bird of Eternity(EASY))

You hear a knocking on the door. Mokou swiftly turns and opens the door, walking out of you. You're stunned, completely silent and unmoving. Soon enough, Darkness overtakes you. You wake up surrounded by weird people you have never seen, and Mokou. Your bag's on your chest, and that bamboo rod thing is in your gripped right hand.

Welcome to Youkai Mountain. Everyone needed has arrived.

(Also, I forgot to give Orphea a Achievement, so...

Achievement Unlocked!: Ghost Busters!(EASY)

Right, so everyone, make a post, and I'll skip to Hakurei Shrine.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 19, 2011, 06:29:25 AM
((So I take it that achievement is for later))

Ranna slowly opens her eyes, gazing around dully. Then she comes back to the present. Her eyes widen and she leaps backwards into a tree, her head swinging back and hitting the tree. For a moment she's frozen before slowly lowering to her knees, holding the back of her head. A low muttering can be heard coming from her. Within a minute the pains vanished and she quickly looks up at the group in an attempt to stare down the most human like members of the group. after giving a short glare to everyone she realizes there is a girl with Cat ears atop her head standing next to one man who seems slightly disgruntled. As she turns her gaze towards another non-threatening male, she spots a girl with a rat-like tail and mouse ears. Ranna's face begins to show signs of confusion. As she continues examining the group she then sees a bird. Ranna's expression animates slightly before continuing her examination of the people infront of her. The last one she notices is a girl wearing a witch outfit.
"Who are you people? And where am I know?.....and....what just happened....there was fire....everywhere..." Her words turning to almost a mumble. The girl looks at Mokou with wide eye, then turns her gaze to the ground, afraid to look at Mokou in fear of what had just happened happening again.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 19, 2011, 06:37:27 AM
"You're in a place called Gensokyo," Aesera said. "Half of us are from what here is called the 'outside world', myself included. Each of us has... well, I'd say you and your companion likely expeienced the same event; if so, it should be obvious what event I'm talking about. So welcome. My name is Aesera, and my companion here is Kanako."

"My," Kanako said, "we seem to have quite the crowd here."

"Agreed." Aesera turned back to the newcommer. "You probably don't think this is real, but set that aside and assume it is, because if it is and you don't, that could get you killed. Do you understand?" Too many unknowns. If we're all headed to the same place, I'll have to evaluate them as we go. There are probably some liabilities among them, although I'll need a better understanding of the situation before I know who might be one. I'll just have to pay attention.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 19, 2011, 07:00:52 AM
Ranna looked towards Kanako and Aesera. "Um...Hello I'm Ra-" She paused, took a deep breath, stood up, and looked at the two. Her eyes seemed to be much colder than before. "Ren. Is what you can call me." She said with a slight bow. "So this is the new reality? Huh..." Ranna paused and looked all around. "...Any place is better than where I was" she muttered to no one in particular. Ranna twitched slightly then looked back at Aesera. "Killed? How dangerous is Gensokyo?" Ranna asked. Hm...If it's going to be dangerous, I'll need -that- She thought and without moving too much she scanned the surrounding area for something useful.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 19, 2011, 07:14:48 AM
(No no no, Marisa and Alice and Alyssa and Vante and Mystia arn't there, dummy(@Sonae))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 19, 2011, 07:17:01 AM
"Any place can be dangerous," Aesera said. "the difference is that here, the dangers are unknown, and you will see things you thought impossible. For instance, just take a look around. Those people who you probably think are just wearing costumes, like the catgirl and the mouse-girl? Those aren't costumes. They aren't human. In fact, of the half of this group that's from Gensokyo, none are human. Don't think about how that's impossible; just accept it. Oh, and magic exists here, too. So as I said, don't assume this is fake, because you're in an unfamiliar world that works much differently than the one you know."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 19, 2011, 07:20:00 AM
(Oh, and, Sonae, you control Mokou now. Be sure to use that Accent. Marisa will only drop off Alyssa before leaving, too, once XinXin and Crow Cakes post.)

Nanaya shrugged to herself at the arrival of the new girl. She had just pulled Mokou to the side to fistbump her before doing some weird handshake that seems like what a guy would do. After that little event, Nanaya stepped back next to Newan and Nazrin before beginning to talk. After clearing her throat just so that she can act professional.

"Well, there's two more to go, or the other two could already be at the shrine. Take your pick, all of you. Do we wait, or do we proceed to the Shrine?" Nanaya crossed her arms, she seems serious now. Nanaya sighed once again. "Hey, Hey now girl. What's your name? Oh, yeah, Ren. Stop looking around. There's nothing that could possibly help you around here." Nanaya slumps back down on the tree.  (Just Gonna assume that Everyone voted to stay for some reason.)


"Everyone, sit. Let's wait for our few friends that'll reach soon enough."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 19, 2011, 07:26:59 AM
Welcome to Youkai Mountain. Everyone needed has arrived.

((Idk bout you...but that means everyone is here to me.))

((Also can I sleep yet?))
{{Argh I guess not}}

Ranna just gave an unsatisfied 'I see...'
As she gazed around she remembered something Mokou had mentioned.
"Hey Aesera, who's Yukari?"

[[so like i can control Mokou now right?And is it okay if i play her a little different?]]

Ranna sent a slightly bitter glare at Nanaya. She muttered something to herself then moved around the tree she was closest to until she was in the shadows. There she sat and fiddled with her bag.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 19, 2011, 07:30:30 AM
(Wahaha, so Ranna dislikes Nanaya. No worries, You'll hate her soon enough if you dislike her now. Also, We has to wait for either CrowCakes or Xin Xin to post before I can proceed with the "Everyone has arrived" Also, Everyone Needed means the ones besides Alice, Alyssa, Mystia, Vante. Feel free to talk amongst yerselves.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 19, 2011, 07:45:00 AM
The group landed at the mountain, pausing for a break. Nervous and worried were Alice and Alyssa, for they knew not what was going to happen soon enough. For now, however, they should rest before continuing, lest they cannot fly properly.

OOC: Well I don't play Touhou that much and you know that so your description of how everyone is gathering at Youkai Mountain is confusing as hell for me. And now I have no goddamn clue what I'm going to do so I'm just going to assume we're stopping for a break. Obligatory post is obligatory post, so screw the length.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 19, 2011, 08:27:51 AM
"I don't know much," Aesera said. "I'm new here, too. Kanako did mention her, though. She called Yukari the 'Youkai of Boundries'. Apparently, Yukari can manipulate boundries, whatever that equates to."

"Which is hard even for me to say," Kanako said. "Nobody really seems to know just what Yukari is able to do. It is known, though, that she can open gaps from one place to another, even between worlds, but I don't think she's responsible for bringing you all here. She may have sensed something, though. Once we've checked in with Reimu, finding Yukari may be a good next move."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 19, 2011, 09:29:36 AM
The group landed at the mountain. There was only a little more trekking up in order to get to the Hakurei Shrine, just a little more. Alyssa and Alice were both nervous for what was to happen, what was going to have to be done. What kinds of trouble will be forced upon them in order to solve the mystery behind the note and the mysterious connection that seemed to form.

"Only a little farther..." Alyssa muttered to herself.

(DUMBASS. Hakurei Shrine is not on Youkai Mountain. Moriya Shrine is. XinXin u dumassssss. Edit your post. Hakurei Shrine is far from Youkai Mountain.)

Edit: Once CrowCakes arrives, I'll make a wall of text and our first few interactions in the Hakurei Shrine.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 19, 2011, 12:17:55 PM
(OOC: Sorry for not replying immediately. *points to custom title*)

"Well, dang, this is a lot of people," was the first thing Mystia said when she and Vante arrived. There were indeed a lot of people gathered on the mountain surface, with about half looking out of place alongside the other half.

Vante was understandably speechless. With all the strangers around it wouldn't be wise to go talking to them like he had already known them for a long time, as was his tone of speech. Mystia took notice.

"Hey, cat got your tongue? I can introduce you to the ones I already know. No need to feel so left out," she said in a laughing tone.

"Okay, go," Vante said unexcitedly.

"Yeesh," Mystia exclaimed, "you ain't a fun guy, are you? Anyway, do you see the one with white hair? The one with red pants?"

At the mention of the descriptions, his head turned, startled at the similarities to the one woman she already knew, who had white hair and red pants.

Mystia continued, "She's-"

"Mokou. Fuijiwara no Mokou," Vante, from his calm demeanor, was now reduced to just staring at the one mentioned.

"Yeah. Yeah, she is. Do you know her? Oh, no, wait. You got lost in the Bamboo Forest of the Lost, did you?" Mystia began laughing, not even bothering to contain her laughter, "You know, you were oh-so-very close to becoming the meal of the day, you lucky guy. It's a good thing no one tried to eat you!"

"Wait. 'Eat' me?"

"Well, sure! Your kind is a delicacy around here! It happens a lot, you getting lost there," the night sparrow was already clutching her abdomen because of her continued laughing. "Moving on, do you see the one with blue hair? That's Yasaka Kanako," Mystia pointed at the goddess discreetly, "Word is, she's a goddess who came in from the Outside World. Take my word for it."

Vante's gaping stare was redirected to the goddess of the Moriya Shrine.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 19, 2011, 12:31:56 PM
Newan simply closed his eyes and leaned on a tree behind him. Nazrin was now content that the cat-girl would not try to eat her at that time, but she was still very much on edge around the kassha. Boundaries, huh? If we could manipulate boundaries... wow. You could use that to kill someone. Hell, you could destroy everything with that power. This Yukari person is not to be taken lightly, it seems.

He then assessed the newcomers to the group. Hm. A bird, a foreign-looking girl, a... samurai? And then three normal people. Quite the circus group we have here. He imagined the kassha chasing Nazrin around for a circus routine, but waved the thought away. No, that's just too ridiculous, even for Gensokyo's standards.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 19, 2011, 01:38:28 PM
The Chosen Ones have Gathered. Begin the assault. Let none survive.

Deep in the border, lurks the darkness, slowing engulfing the rainbow Danmaku. Absorbing the Crystals which once impaled their blob-like bodies. Flipping their tentacles at the tongues of flame that penetrate the Border. Sapping deep into the power of the Dragon God. The Border is being corrupted. Chaos has taken it's first form, a parasitic living creature that shall infect the Border, eventually breaking it. And with this form, comes the first wave of Chaos. It's time.

We have waited. We have watched. We are infinity and one. We do not forgive. We do not forget. We never regret. Expect us. Together we stand as one, but yet none. Divided by zero, stuck in limbo.

The flames of the Dragon God have subsided within the Border. There is nothing to hold back the Chaos as it begins the long, three-year process of shattering the border, promptly cracking the earth's core, disrupting all gravity, as Earth is ripped apart. After the homeland which God once made is gone, all that is left, is the lone, dark universe, and the Elemental Plane. None will escape fate. Unless you change it.

Tentacles of Darkness reach out of the border, waving around the southwest sky, hidden by a thick mist. Once again, lightning flashes and ripples of red and pink appear through the thunderclouds. Iku is there, but... Why?


Deep within the bowels of Hell itself, the creator of Makai, with her student, and another woman, wearing the bones of a... Dragon, skin made of Celestial stars, as if looking into the far reaches of space, illuminated by Ice. The Thirdborn of God.


The Existence is the area where our Universe lies. Outside is the Elemental Plane, and bellow it, is the land of Chaos, The Paradox. Here is where the eventual, final battle of the first act will start and end. To live or die, the choices are yours. Destiny can be manipulated.


Slowly, Darkness reaches out from the ground of the Southwest of the Border, into Gensokyo. Iku is holding back the Chaos Infection above, unable to even look down to see that Chaos has broken through, but only a few enter. Only 8 blobs of pure, distorting energy break in, giving themselves a form, with eleven tentacles each, an elongated body looking much like a sea slug, a long neck with a sharp head above. The Spawns of Chaos take their first breaths into the world, as the grass turns black around them. They open their eyes. Six eyes, streamlines and glowing blood-red, blinking and pulsating with energy. Their toothed mouths expand and rupture out of their heads, revealing the masses of tentacles in their throats, and their long, black teeth. They start moving towards the north.

Towards Hakurei Shrine.

---(TimeSkip2ShrineArea. Everyone makes a post, sleep in the RP, or go up and talk to some people, before Chaos reveals itself to all players.)

The group, comprised of the Chosen Ones and their Partnered Touhou, except Byakuren, of course... Nanaya, Newan, Nazrin, Vante, Mystia, Gale, Orin, Alice, Alyssa, Youmu, Rhiseza, Ranna, Mokou, Aesera, and Kanako. Marisa had just came to drop Alyssa off, before heading back to the Forest for some business. She was really enthusiastic about this weird, but fun gathering of multiple people and random residents of Gensokyo, but she had something really important to do back at home, so she had no choice but to head back. Mima and Rumia are nowhere in sight, even though they were assigned to be the bodyguards of the three N's.

The group had made a stop at Hina's shrine, helping her out with one really troublesome matter, which shall not be revealed to the eyes of the players. After that, they went all the way down to the Human Village, and walked to Hakurei Shrine. Why not fly, you ask? Because some people refused, or could not carry their human partners. Namely Mokou, Youmu, and Nazrin(Too shaken by Orin.) Also, Nanaya could'nt fly without one of Byakuren's spells. As the group finally, after a long trek, reached the Hakurei Shrine, it was almost nightfall.

Gensokyo Time: 8:52 pm. Real World Time According to Maribel and Renko: 3:42 pm.

As they stepped into the Shrine, they saw a shrine maiden. Well, she wasn't wearing what a normal shrine maiden would be wearing, i mean, detached arm sleeves and exposing her sideboob, even if it's wrapped in a tight cloth, isn't really... what a traditional miko would wear. As the group conversed with Reimu, she had completely no idea what they were talking about, and even when it was late, Reimu had refused to let the group stay, until Vante managed to find some money, along with Nanaya's own, ten-thousand yen note, into the donation box. Nanaya was saving too.

Reimu assured the group that the guest rooms were already prepared thanks to Yukari, and that she would arrive tomorrow, or a few minutes later, to tell them about what happens. The group really needs some sleep. Walking such a long distance is tiring, anyway. Each person and their Touhou gets their own room too, thanks to the Youkai of Boundaries for expanding the shrine a considerable amount. Nanaya, on the otherhand, without a partner by her side, stays in the room where Nazrin and Newan is.

Soon enough, all will be revealed. However, fate and destiny have some other plans for the Chosen Ones...

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 19, 2011, 04:08:28 PM
The night was serene and cool, fitting for contemplation. Alice had fallen asleep in the room, being quite used to incidents and not truly feeling a sense of danger, being quite calm about it. Alyssa, on the other hand, wanted to know what was going on around her. She sat at the steps of the entrance, wrapped in a comfortable blanket. Her thoughts rushed like a river, flooding her mind with conclusions and analysis. A lot of it still did not make sense, however, but having met a goddess and other creatures only living in fantasy, she could not expect things to be as they seemed.

Judging from the name, 'Gensokyo', she assumed she must have been in Korea or Japan, but the colony here was an odd bunch that did not really suit any culture. She wondered if it was a possibility that she was dreaming lucidly, but she dismissed it simply because everything felt so real, yet... they were so unreal.

There were those people who claimed to be from the normal world, places like the Phillipines or Japan. They seemed to have been dragged into a situation much like herself, unwilling actors in a play that they were forced into. What the script had in store for her, she could only mutter a silent prayer that her life would be more eventful.

If only she knew the consequences of an eventful life.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 19, 2011, 05:33:10 PM
"I was hoping for more," Aesera said, "but it looks like Reimu doesn't know any more than we do."

"Indeed," Kanako said. "Yukari may, though, especially since it sounds like she knew we'd all be here and prepared rooms for us."

"We'll definitely have to ask her about this, then. But we can do that tomorrow."

Aesera removed a rope from her pack. She moved the small bedside table over beside the door, tying one end of the rope to one of the table's legs and the other to the door handle. "What are you doing?" Kanako asked.

"Security measure. If anyone opens the door, it'll pull the leg out and knock the table over, making noise. A lot more... basic than the sort of thing I'm used to, but it's what I have to work with, and it's better than nothing."

"I see. I don't think such a thing will be as helpful as you may be used to it being."

"Still better than nothing."

"Perhaps. I think, though, that you should leave your protection to me. Also, I don't' think there's much danger here. You can consider this a safe place."

"Doesn't change anything. Never hurts to be careful."

"Well," Kanako said, "I suppose that's true."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 19, 2011, 05:39:34 PM
Rhiseza and Youmu had both retired to their room, and neither of them spoke. It didn't take long for Youmu to fall asleep-- Or, at least, it looked like she was. Rhiseza didn't know if she -actually- slept. So, she picked up her bag and quietly stepped outside, heading around to the back of the shrine, pulled out a book, and started reading.
Not like there was much else she could do.
She wasn't at home anymore. She didn't even know if she was on the same -planet-, even. It definitely wasn't the same time because her clock said it was barely after 4, whereas it was dark out here. None of it all made sense, particularly the fact that her new... Friend? Companion? She wasn't sure... But she was a half-ghost and half-human. Youmu didn't seem to like her much either, but then again she was always bad at reading people. She still wasn't sure any of this was even real.

She laid down and stared at the sky, and waited. Either she was going to fall asleep from idling or she was going to lay there and see if she could identify the stars.

(Longest post ever.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 19, 2011, 06:14:24 PM
Gale sat on the bed in the room prepared for he and Orin.

"So," said Orin, "that was uneventful."


Orin sighed.  "I hope Okuu's okay...and I haven't been able to provide more fuel for the Furnace lately..."

"Oh.  What a shame."

She glared at him.  "Hey, no sarcasm from you or you'll be next in the Furnace!"

"Yes.  That would be productive."

Orin groaned.  "You're so annoying.  Don't you care about this whole thing?  Nothing like this has ever happened in Gensokyo.  Humans have never crossed the border like this."

Gale shrugged.  "Look.  This is all a dream.  It is the only logical explanation.  You're not real, the Furnace isn't real, Reimu isn't real.  Gensokyo isn't real.  The closest this place will ever get to being real is if it's some bizarre hallucination I'm experiencing that's been brought on by stress.  But, I haven't been stressed at all recently, so it's very unlikely that's the case.  It's a dream."

"You're hopeless!" said Orin, her voice rising in volume.  "This is all real!  Me and Gensokyo are as real as you.  Oh, well."  She smirked.  "You'll find out tomorrow.  Good night."

Orin curled up on her bed and promptly fell asleep.

Of course, this place being real has crossed my mind.  This is a very detailed dream.  I doubt I would be so stressed as to hallucinate like this, and I'm not sure why my mind would create something so odd.  But this place can't be real.  It would be interesting, although very disturbing and nonsensical, if Gensokyo was real, but I know it's simply not the case.

He looked at Orin's sleeping formed and yawned.  He was tired from all the walking he did earlier today.  He lay down on his bed and closed his eyes.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 19, 2011, 08:51:18 PM
((Wth. You calling Ranna fat!? I'm insulted. Very much so >: Especially since you be saying Nazrrin could carry Newan if she wasn't so shaken up. Ranna is light. And I believe Mokou is supposed to be decently strong))

The darkness of the night had already closed in on the shrine. A faint light could be seen where the sun was atleast 30 minutes before. The air quickly became cool and relaxing.
Ranna was leaning against the opened sliding doors of the shrine. She was staring out into the surrounding forest, thinking about everything that had happened. Silence enveloped the area. Ranna kept staring, as if she was looking past the forest, past Gensokyo. If someone were to walk over to her, she probably wouldn't notice them until they spoke. Her eyes remained fixated on the forest for atleast 15 minutes. Then she let forth a sigh and closed her eyes. So this is my new home eh? Gensokyo. She opened her eyes and lifted her gaze to the sky. She blinked, a hint of loneliness creeping onto her face. Another sigh slipped past her lips. I'll need to find someone who can tell me all I need to know about this world. But where would I find someone like that. She lowered her eyes back to the forest. After about 2 minutes of silence, she heard rustling in the bushes. She eyes sharpened and she cautiously and quietly began to sneak up on whatever was in the bushes. She slowly made her way towards the moving bush, holding her breath, she moved the bush aside with her foot. There she seen a small girl, the size of a child, dressed in a blue and white dress. However, she wasn't a normal child. Her hair was green, tied in a ponytail to the left of her head. This wasn't the strangest thing about her though. On her back were a pair of golden-lined, translucent wings. Ranna was puzzled, Wings? Who is this girl...and what is she... she thought for a moment. "Hey, what are you do-" As Ranna spoke the girl twitched and spun around to see Ranna standing there. Her eyes showed signs of fear, and before Ranna could finish her question, the girl flew off into the darkness of the woods. "" Ranna frowned and sighed. She looked towards the ground where the girl had been concentrated. There on the ground was some kind of object. Ranna bent down and picked it up. A rock...? She pondered as to why the girl had been so focused on what seemed to be an ordinary rock. She decided to put the rock into her pocket and ask one of the Gensokyo residents what it was in the morning. As she began to turn and head into the shrine, she spotted something of interest. Curiousity took hold of her and she waded through the bushes to the object of interest. It was a spry, slightly rounded branch. She pulled on it, bending it slightly. "...This might just work..." Ranna mumbled to herself. She turned and rushed back to the shrine, as she entered she made her way to her room trying not to wake anyone. She carefully opened the door to her room and crept inside. Mokou was lying on a futon on the floor eyes closed and breathing softly. Good she's asleep... Ranna thought with relief as she quietly snuck past Mokou and dug into her bag. Where is it....ah there it is. She retrieved a retractable knife from her bag, slipped it into her pocket and rose to her feet. She looked at Mokou. Okay...I didn't wake her. Now i just need to sneak out... She carefully stepped over Mokou and started to head for the door. As she took another step forward something grabbed hold of her leg. Ranna held her breath, her heart pounded, and she froze.
"And where'd ya think you're going ya little sneak." Ranna recognized Mokou's voice, though it sounded more serious than before. ....Crap... She thought.
"Well?" Mokou asked again, looking at the girl with only one eye open.
"...Um....I was....just uh..." Ranna searched for an excuse, her heart racing. "I was just getting some fresh air...that's all..." She said with a weak laugh. Ranna felt her ankle become warm.
Mokou's expression became more serious, "And ya need a knife to enjoy the fresh air?" She asked.
Ranna twitched slightly. Shit she got me... She tried to think of what to do. Then Mokou sighed. She released Ranna's leg and got up. Ranna turned to look at her. She gazed into Mokou's deep crimson colored eyes. They shone with a serious and strong glow.
"I'll come with ya. I need some air my self anyways" She said as she headed to the door. Ranna moved out of the way and watched as Mokou headed around the corner and out of sight. She felt something odd about her. Like she wasn't anything like the people she had met before. She was left speechless for a moment, then followed after Mokou.
As she approached Mokou, she noticed the moon had come out from it's hiding spot behind the clouds, faintly illuminating the shrine grounds. Ranna's gaze shifted to Mokou. She sat there, smoking looking concentrated deeply on whatever was on her mind. Her white hair glowed in the pale light of the moon. It was captivating, entrancing, like time was standing still.
After a few minutes, Mokou's eyes shifted and stared into Ranna's. "What'cha lookin at" She said somewhat coldly. Ranna twitched and remembered what she had been doing before her confrontation with Mokou. She stepped out into the cool evening air and she looked for the branch. There it is... She tredded towards it in silence.
"Hey, what ya think yer doing"  Mokou asked. Ranna didn't reply and kept walking. "Hey, it's dangerous in there, some youkai could jump out and make a meal out of you" She said, sounding slightly concerned. Ranna didn't listen and walked over to the branch. She examined it before pulling out the knife and beginning to cut the branch off. Mokou just stared at her in confusion. What's this chick think she's doin...geez
After a few minutes Ranna had successfully sawed the branch off. She tested the flexability and strength of the branch before she nodded and walked back towards Mokou. Mokou just looked at her with a puzzled expression. "What'cha plan on doin with that now?" She asked. Ranna blinked and looked towards Mokou in an uncaring way. "You'll see..." She said as she placed the branch on the shrine's floor and headed into her bedroom. Within a few moments she returned with some tape and some sort of line. Mokou looked even more confused. Is she planning on goin fishin or something...? She watched as Ranna took the tape and wrapped it around the middle of the stick. She then cut a slit into of the ends of the branch and tied the wire tightly to each end of the stick. She held up her product. A bow...? Mokou was even more confused. Ranna stepped out into the glow of the moon once more and enacted the shooting of an arrow. The Branch bent  smoothly. and flung back into place when the girl let go of the string. A slight smile spread across her face. She laid the bow down and turned her eyes back to the forest. She walked over and found a few straight twigs. She gathered about 5 and then made her way back to the shrine. She sat down beside Mokou and took out her knife and began to sharpen one end of the sticks while making a slit in the other. Mokou watched her, intrigued by her work.
"So yer like one of them archers eh?" she asked. Ranna nodded. "I learned back in the real world. Though I had better equipment there." She said, her eyes still fixated on the arrows infront of her.
"Eeh. Then why didn't ya just bring 'em along with ya?" She asked.
Ranna paused. Her smile faded for a moment, and her eyes went dark. "They were tooken from me..." She said with a hint of pain in her voice.
"Oh..." Mokou said, unable to find anything else to say.
Ranna went back to sharpening the sticks. After a few more minutes, she spoke. "...There. All ready" She said as she stood up, placing the knife into her pocket and the sharpened arrows where she sat. She picked up the bow with her left hand and placed an arrow in her right. She looked around for a target. She spotted a firefly on a tree a fair distance away. She took the arrow and set it upon the string. She fixated her eyes on her target, and began to pull back on the string. The bow creaked slightly as it was slowly pulled back. Then everything was quiet. Mokou looked at the firefly which harmlessly blinked a pale yellow light. She looked towards Ranna. She was still as could be, as if she had become a statue. Then, she let go of the string. Within the blink of an eye the Bow had moved back into it's original position. The arrow vanished, cutting through the night air with a woosh. Then a second later came the sound of the arrow hitting the tree. Mokou turned and looked towards it.
The arrow shook a little in place due to the energy of the string, but that wasn't what caught her eye. The arrow sunk into the tree, if only slightly, and on the arrow lay the firefly, skewered right through the center of it's tiny body. Ranna smirked slightly, with an air of pride.
"Well now aren't you quite the sure shot!" Mokou said with a large grin.
Ranna walked back over and took a seat again. "This will only be a temporary one till I know more of Gensokyo and can find better material" She said looking at her arrows, "These can only slightly pierce flesh at best. Nothing that could take on armoured enemies with..."
"Ehhhh. Well ain't that neat." Mokou said, still grinning. "You're not just our average outside visitor eh?" She said.
Ranna opened her mouth, "Average outsider...?"
"Yeah! every now and then sum strange person winds up 'ere in Gensokyo" Mokou says her grin fading slightly now. "They're usually all freaked out and dun know what to do with 'em selves. I've come across one er two of 'em in my time"
Ranna looks at Mokou with interest. "What happens to them?"
"Da lucky ones make it 'ere and can be sent back to their own world"
"Lucky ones?"
"Yeh, like all o' you guys"
"What happens to the...not so lucky ones?"
"They get eaten by youkai"
Ranna looks shocked, "Eaten?!"
"Woah woah now, no need ta shout" Mokou says in an attempt to calm the girl. "Not all people 'round 'ere are friendly now. Gensokyo is basically the land of Youkai. The Human Village is the only real human settlement in all o' Gensokyo. Though some like dis 'ere shrine maiden and that witch girl are humans even though they dun live in the village"
Ranna pauses and thinks for a  moment then speaks again. "What about you...?"
"What about me?" Mokou replies.
"Are you...a youkai?"
Mokou laughs, "Nah Ima a pure born human"
Ranna sighs in relief.
"Though I'm a little different from you and yer new companions here."
Ranna looks at Mokou with a puzzled expression.
"Les just say I've lived a lot longer than any of ya 'ere" She says with a grin.
Ranna looks unsatisfied with Mokou's answers, but doesn't push any further.
"Don't worry, I'll protect from them hungry youkai" She says with a confident grin.
Ranna nods and turns her head towards the sky. Countless specks of light cover the sky. It captivates her, seperating her from the present. A loud yawm from Mokou surprises her slightly, bringing her mind back to the present. Mokou stretches and lies back onto the floor. "Ain't this just great. This cool summer breeze an' all" Mokou says in a relaxed tone. She closes her eyes and smiles. As she rests silence envelops the two again. Ranna looks back up at the stars. It was beautiful. She had never seen a night sky quite like this in the outside world. The streetlights would always block out the stars, so it filled her heart with amazement to be able to see such a beautiful night sky, even if it would judt be once. Just this night, even if she were to die tomorrow, she'd burn this into her subconscious and treasure it in the depths of her heart.

((Lolololol didn't expect it to be this long or take me that many hours to write. And I think i dwarfed almost every other post on this page...))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 19, 2011, 09:59:24 PM
Newan sighed as he slipped into his futon. "What a day..."

"Yeah. Now, don't try any funny business, Newan~" Nazrin teased as she climbed into her own futon.

"Yeah, yeah. Good night."



The boy sits alone in his former home as it burns around him. His tears evaporate immediately after forming in his eyes; the air around him is dry, and it hurts to breathe. He is curled up in the corner of what was once his room; he is too scared to so much as uncurl himself.
They... they've forgotten about me... I'm going to die... I'm really going to die... The boy resigns himself to his fate and curls up tighter. Why can't it just end already?

The fire slowly grows closer... closer... eventually, it is mere inches away. Nobody hears his sobs; nobody cares. The boy is truly alone, as the flames lick his body. The doorway opens, and the boy looks up in hope. He see the silhouette of a girl standing before him, pointing an accusing finger at him. She looks familiar, but he can't place her name. ?You killed me. You don't deserve to live. You deserve to die. Everybody hates you.?

Soon, the girl has multiplied into a circle of girls, pointing and laughing at the boy as he burns.
Stop... Please, just stop...


Newan jolted awake, panting, in a cold sweat. Another one... He sat up, and looked over at Nazrin. Good, it looks like she's still sleeping.

Since he didn't really feel like sleeping again at the moment, he contented himself with simply lying in the futon and staring at the ceiling. So then... this really isn't a dream? Things are going too quickly.

(OOC Edit: You know how I said in my character profile that Newan has chronic nightmares? Yeah, I was serious. Not the best nightmare ever, but horror really isn't my shtick.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 20, 2011, 12:05:20 AM
(First, i'll explain why Youmu, Mokou and Nazrin wouldn't fly. First, Youmu would just utterly refuse. Mokou has to have her flames on to fly, and if she were to carry Ranna with those flames, I doubt Ranna would still be alive. Nazrin wouldn't fly, because how would a mouse like a cat flying at high speed behind her? Also, will post the continuation in... A very long time. Busy day today.)


Nanaya was sitting along the window of the room, looking like she's only wearing a jacket. Newan had forgot about Nanaya's presence in the room. She turned her head to face him, her features illuminated by the moonlight.

"This isn't a dream. And I'm not gonna comfort you from your Nightmare. You're a man. Get over it." Nanaya hopped off the window, walking up to Newan before sitting beside him. She stretches her arms a little, proceeding to look Newan in the eye. She wants something from you. You don't know what, and will most likely never know.

But you do know one thing. You can feel her longing. Saddness, fear, anger. There seems to be a glimmer in her eyes. She presses her face towards yours, closer and closer, her warm breath on your face. Your lips brush over hers. Then you see it once again. Two girls, back to back, one surrounded by long, black tentacles and red eyes. The other by Crystallic structures in the ground. Nanaya's face goes in even closer, and, finally, your lips meet. Sealed with a kiss. But that's not it. You hear something. In your head, sounding like Nanaya.

The universe lies in your hands. The children of God await.

Nanaya breaks the kiss, her body twitching slightly as the strength is drained out of her. She collapses on the ground, asleep. You stare at Nanaya's body in disbelief, before putting her back in her futon. However as you do so, her jacket fell off, revealing... Oh god. This again. She was wearing this the last time you saw her sleep. Black. Laced Pa-

You snap out of it, hearing a squeak from the far side of the room. You're gonna get trolled by Nazrin tomorrow. Plus, now, another part of your body got stiff. You should sleep.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 20, 2011, 12:14:22 AM
((Okay :x Let the wait begin! Since it- oh wait Crow Cakes hasn't posted yet. :x What happens if her doesn't make it? And Good luck with your day try not to lose too much energy i suppose))

((Btw if everyone's done their activities for the night, and no one is coming out to say hello then Mokou and Ranna just go to bed/sleep at some point))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 20, 2011, 12:16:38 AM
Newan sighed as he got back into his futon. Why'd she have to go and do that? Really, it would be nice if she would actually give me a chance to talk to her about this. Even if I don't know why... I can't.

As he slowly drifted off to sleep, one last thought passed through his mind. How did she know I was thinking about this not being a dream?

Nazrin's heartbeat slowed as she lay in her futon. Ehehehe... I knew something had to be going on between those two.

(OOC: Good luck with your busy day!)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 20, 2011, 03:30:24 AM
(OOC: Just one day away and I'm way behind.  :()

Neither Vante nor Mystia was sleepy. The youkai was understandably active, because she was a nocturnal creature. Not wanting to create a ruckus this late at night, she resorted to humming to pass the time. The human, however, didn't feel right sleeping here. The shrine gave off some unsettling aura for him, like some chilly feeling.

Currently, both of them were sitting next to each other. It was a better time to talk than any, Vante thought. "You said a while ago that youkai would have eaten me if they could."

It took Mystia some time to realize he was talking to her. "Oh, yes, I did."

"Would you have eaten me?"

Still, none of them looked at each other. "Sure, I'd love to. It's just that," Mystia sighed, "when I tried the last time to eat someone, I got beaten up. Not just once, but more than ten times, I think. It doesn't seem so fun anymore when you know you're going to fail every time. And now that we've made some sort of freaky bond, I don't think you'd be happy if I tried."

"...what's going to happen tomorrow?" Vante's mile-long stare seemed to be focusing on something beyond the walls.

Mystia finally broke the no-eye-contact conversation with an annoyed expression. "You're one of those deep types, are you? I just can't understand your type, you know. Always thinking, thinking, and thinking, when you could be doing something else! What is there to think about?"

"Oh, there's everything. There's those conversations that go bad, those times when you're running late, those times when people get angry at you, those times that almost take your life-"

"What? You're worrying about that?" the night sparrow coughed briefly. She was already facing Vante, with her youkai eyes looking right into his. "You shouldn't worry so much, you know. Today is today, tomorrow is tomorrow. Today isn't tomorrow, so give it a rest."

This time, Vante was the one shuffling around to face Mystia. "Look at it this way: some people like saving their snacks for later, while some eat them right away. I'm the one who saves it for later, because I might get hungry later. Do you get it? If I have nothing prepared for something that might happen later, eh di, yari ako. I'll be caught unprepared."

Mystia nodded slightly. "It's true that it sucks getting caught unprepared, but it also sucks to spend a lot of your time having to get ready for that. It sounds really boring and sad seeing people do that, wasting all that effort."

"Well, to each their own, I suppose."

There was silence for a few minutes. Not wanting to end the conversation on a sour tone, Mystia picked it up again. "I've always wondered what you humans do in the Outside World," she traced the floor absentmindedly with her fingers, "What was your job before coming here?" It was only fair that Vante told her his story, since he already knew some of hers.

Vante looked at the night sparrow. "I was a teacher. An assistant teacher, to be exact. I don't know about you, but I find it fun to teach young people. Granted, I'm not from around here- Japan, I mean- but that doesn't make teaching less fun."

"Okay, so you're like Keine. She's also a teacher, by the way. So does it involve all those books and small characters and letters?"

"It does. But it's not just about that; it's about getting all that in here," Vante pointed to his head, "That's the first point of learning. The second one-"

"-is actually using it. I know that, 'cause we youkai have been doing that since forever," Mystia said.

She stood up, stretching her arms an unfurling her wings. "You should go get some sleep now. It's not good to stay up for so long," she went to the window and leaned on the windowsill, "I'm going outside for a while. See you in the morning~!" Bending diagonally, she beat her wings and flew out of the room silently.

Vante lay down on the futon in the same way he did at Mokou's house. He would wake up in the morning forgetting what time he had finally slept.

Mystia was about to settle on sitting on the shrine's rooftop when she saw Mokou. They were friends, but only because they would compete with each other in their businesses. The immortal had a human partner, too. How did she fare with her partner?

She began gliding towards the place Mokou and Ranna were lying down on. "Hoo, hoo, hoo," she hooted at the pair to get their attention, "Ah, that's a fine specimen there, Mokou!" she joked. "How's it going?"

(OOC: inb4Sonae reacts)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 20, 2011, 04:12:22 AM
((More like inb4 Sonae has a yawning fest... -yawns-))

Ranna looked toward the ...bird? that had approached them. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. "A little bird...? Mokou you have a visitor" Ranna said as she shook Mokou's shoulder. Mokou jolted up "What's goin on?" She said still a little sleepy. "Eeh...If it ain't Mystia Lorelei, what are you doing 'round the shrine at this time o' night? If that shrine maiden catches you doin somethin she don't like she'll tan yer hide" Mokou said with a smile as she stretched and yawned. "Damn it's been years since I got a decent sleep" She complained, "That there Kaguya keeps comin every night, nonstop" Mokou yawned again falling back onto the floor, "If she don't give me any breaks I'll be too tired to even move" Mokou brought her hands up behind her head like a makeshift pillow. Ranna just watched her display of movement before gazing towards the bird. "What do you mean by specimen? I'm not a science project..." Ranna yawned again, "...What time is it? It feels like the sun will come up at any moment..." She muttered. She looked at the bird again. Wings... she thought back and remembered the girl she had seen. "Hey Mokou, I seen this girl hanging around the shrine earlier, she had wings too, though not like the bird...they were...see-through i think...with gold on them..."
Mokou looked up at Ranna. "A girl wit wings eh? That was probly a fairy" She said sounding not too concerned.
Ranna looked puzzled. "A fairy...? Like those small things in children's stories?" She said.
Mokou looked at her with confusion "children's stories? I dun know much bout any o' those" Mokou sat up and yawned again. "No matter though, fairies usually aren't that much o' a threat, 'cept when they push you off cliffs or into rivers..."
Ranna looked slightly shocked "P-push you off cliffs?" She looked a little frightened.
"Yeh. Fairies like to pull pranks on people. Like steal yer meals or hide yer stuff on ya" She said as she sat back up. "Though they dun 'ave the same values as us humans so they dun think much o' it when they push ya off a cliff and you go splat" She finished. Ranna shivered at the thought of being pushed off a cliff as a 'prank'. Mokou looked back to Mystia and smiled slightly. "So how's yer business goin? People still enjoying yer grilled worms?" She said with a grin. Ranna looked a bit disgusted at the thought of grilled worms, but said nothing.

((If Crow Cakes doesn't reply before Youkai Jesus posts the other part of her post, then just consider this post void, that Mokou and Ranna had fallen asleep and Mystia decided not to disturb them))

((I'm gone for now, Goodnight))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 20, 2011, 06:07:03 AM
"For the last time, they aren't worms! They're lamprey! And, yes, the business is going fine, thank you very much," Mystia flew towards a tree and perched on its branch, shaking her head to refresh her senses. "There's not much to do, anyway. No one's going to tan anyone's hide anytime soon."

"Kaguya still keeps coming? Hahaha! At least you still got something to kill boredom with." Mystia turned her gaze to Ranna, cocking her head sideways. "I don't know what a science project is, but, damn, humans these days forget all those words they've used before. What a shame; they sounded nice, too..."

Mystia flew from the tree to another, peering into the dark forest behind her.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 20, 2011, 06:26:28 AM
"Well they look enough like worms to be 'em" Mokou laughed. She laid back onto the floor again and sighed. "More's gettin killed than just boredom" she said as she stared towards the ceiling as if she could see through it.
Ranna looks at Mystia with a slightly cold expression and says something under her breath, but Mystia is too far away to here it. Ranna sighs then gets up "I think it's about time I slept. If this Yukari person is really gonna show up tomorrow, I'll want to be awake when she gets here" Ranna says.
"Yukari eh..." Mokou mumbles as if she's forgot something important.
Ranna doesn't speak and gathers her newly made tools and heads for her and Mokou's bedroom.
Mokou just stays quiet for a minute or two before speaking up again.
"Hey Misty, What'dya think o' this whole mess 'ere" She says in a calm and serious tone. "Like, ya scared 'bout what's ta come? or what..." She finishes, fading off into a mumble, believing her question wasn't making any sense.

Mokou yawned, "Well Misty I know yer nocturnal an' all, but I'm not" So I'll be going to sleep now if ya don't mind" Mokou said with a small grin as she rolled over on her side and closed her eyes.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 20, 2011, 07:15:42 AM
The night grew older, gradually bringing along a stronger breeze, something that made Alyssa shiver under her blanket. After having thought so long, she figured that she should return to her room, retire for the night and restore herself for tomorrow. After all, there would be more to do, more to solve, more to wonder about even. She opened the front door of the shrine, returning back to her room for rest again.

OOC: Will edit this post if there's anyone who wants to interact, if not, it'll just be sleepy time for Alyssa.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 20, 2011, 07:50:52 AM
(Done with the convention and shit. Spent $215. Will post once im home. About an hour or so.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 20, 2011, 12:17:42 PM
Current Location: Past Yuuka's Mansion, past the sleeping Elly. Path to Hakurei Shrine.

The blobs of darkness continue their long journey towards the shrine, never stopping to rest, never being held back by the unnatural wind and weird energies that distort the area. They've passed by a sleeping Youkai instead of just killing and absorbing her into themselves; they have bigger fish to fry on this night. Lightning forks the skies as Iku single-handedly tries to hold back the Chaos from continuing to slowly break the border. Nothing will stop the Chaos, and almost nothing can. Iku's attempts totally backfired, the Chaos have started evolving due to her Lightning within the border, and soon enough, they will become strong enough to send more, advanced creations out of the border. The once green grass along the southwest of Gensokyo is now pitch-black, looking more like decayed tentacles then blades of grass.

The tentacled blobs approach the Shrine. They will reach, latest by midday. Soonest, by dawn.


Current Gensokyo Time: 8:54 am. Current Real World Time According to Maribel and Renko: 8:09 pm.


The glorious sun has came back to illuminate the world of Gensokyo once again, spreading it's warmth throughout the once cold land. The fading darkness says it's goodbyes, before retreating into the depths of where only god knows. The first to awake is Alyssa, being shaken-up by Alice, who woke at about 6. Somehow knowing that Alyssa had a late night, she allowed her to sleep for a while more before meeting the Youkai of Boundaries, who would so be happening to be drinking tea with her shikigami's shikigami. Cheeeen~!

Next to wake was Aesera, pulling herself up from the futon to notice that Kanako had a bottle of beer next to her. How she got it would be a complete mystery, and Kanako's too busy snoring away in Moriya land to even notice the sun shining right on her face. Sighing, Aesera attempts to wake her up, only to be hit in the jaw by a half-awoken, currently hung-over Kanako. With a throbbing pain in both of them, they make their daily preparations before meeting up with Yukari.

Mokou's up bright and early too, outside in the fields, stretching and talking to Chen as she flaps her wings of flame, giving them some much needed exercise. Ranna's up too, walking out of her room with her messy bed hair, waving to Mokou before yawning and walking back into her room, either not giving a damn, or not noticing Yukari and Chen.

Youmu apparently was up even earlier then Alice, trimming the bushes along the path to Hakurei Shrine, just like how a gardener would, with quick slashes of her twin Katanas, the bushes and shrubs actually look quite... awesome. Youmu's ghost half also helps her cool down while standing directly under the sun. Rhiseza's sleeping. Wonderful.

Orin wakes up, to see Gale beside her, staring outside while trying to get something off his back. Orin can't see anything on his back, but Gale assures her that THERES SOMETHING HEAVY ON HIS BACK AND HE NO LIKE IT. They spend about ten minutes conversing and trying to get something invisible off Gale's back, but to no avail. They should get ready to meet Yukari instead of fooling around.

Mystia's in a deep slumber, as she is a nocturnal Youkai, anyway, and her sleeping face is, kinda cute, so Vante doesn't wake her up yet, and instead, goes to get ready before waiting for Mystia to wake up.

Newan awakes with a pain on his chest, as if something heavy is lying on it. He opens his eyes to see Nanaya, without her jacket, ontop of him, still sleeping peacefully, and drooling on his shirt. Well, now he realises that either Nanaya sleepwalks, or just randomly sleeps on top of people. Nanaya's sleeping so peacefully, and you don't see Nazrin in her futon, or in the room at all, so you decide to put Nanaya in your futon and get up to prepare. After five minutes to trying your utmost best not to defile her innocence, you manage to put her in bed with a log of morning wood. You have to go find the toilet now. (ALSO, Nazrin saw this, happen.)

(Prepare yourself, the Rp continuation begins after one post from everyone.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 20, 2011, 04:02:32 PM
Newan yawned as he headed for the restroom. Well, isn't this turning out the be a fantastic day? Really, who goes and sleeps on other people?

As he stepped out into the hallway, he was greeted by the last person he wanted to see. Nazrin was already dressed, but hadn't been up for very long. She grinned a mischievous grin as she turned to face him. "Hello, loverboy. How are you this morning? I bet you're feeling nice and refreshed after maneuvering Nanaya into your futon. Oh, and let's not forget your oral adventure last night!"

"Hold on a second! Saying it like that makes it sound worse than actually is," Newan complained.

Nazrin giggled, "Whatever you say."

Newan let out a sigh, and headed for the restroom. If Nanaya doesn't kill me, that girl probably will.

(OOC: Was originally going to ship Nazrin and Shou here (basically, I'd have Nazrin say Newan can come to her for love advice, mentioning that she's the seme), but then I realized that I don't like that pairing. Besides, romance has no place in this RP... right? :P)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 20, 2011, 04:55:36 PM
"Gale.  There's nothing on your back," said Orin.  "Can we go now?"

"There's something on my back.  It's been bothering me since I got up."

"And I can assure you it's all in your head."

"Shut up," snapped Gale.  Apparently, everything is in my head.  This is a hallucination.  What did I do to myself?

Gale felt a burning pain in his back.  "Orin!  Stop pinching me!"

"Hmph."  The pinching stopped.  "Just because you're wallowing in self denial doesn't mean you have to take it out on me."

"Whatever."  He rolled his eyes.  "We'll go see Yukari now.  Happy?"


Both of them rather irritated with each other, they left the room to see the youkai of boundaries.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 20, 2011, 06:10:44 PM
((DAMN IT IM STILL YAWNING Not anymore, wide awake now...damn it nto again! Also long post is long.))

Ranna sat beside the window, the bright morning sun shining in on her. She gazed out the window as if she was in a trance. Her mind was empty for some reason. Her eyes seemed sad, or lonely, but most of all, they seemed hollow. Ranna sighed, collecting her mind, life returning to her eyes. She turned her head and looked towards the bow she had fashioned the night before. I guess I should practice a bit... She thought as she slowly rose to her feet and sauntered over to her weapon. She picked it and the arrows up off the ground. ...I should probably cover it up... She thought as she looked for something to hide it in. ....This should work... She thought as she pulled a sheet off the futon and wrapped it around her bow, hiding it from sight. After making sure it was covered, she headed for the door. She opened it and proceeded to head to the back of the shrine, where she could be alone. As she stepped out of the room, and unexpected event happened. She bumped into some guy, the impact causing her to drop what she was holding. Ranna remained stunned for a moment then noticed the sheets had partially unraveled, revealing the contents slightly at the tip. Shit...! She thought. Slightly panicked, she covered the bow and picked it back up, making sure it wasn't peeking out somewhere. She looked up to see the man she'd ran into. He looked a little less than content and somewhat tired, as if he didn't get as much sleep as he had hoped for. A thought of curiosity flew through her mind for a moment, then vanished into disinterest. "Ah...My apologies" She said in a mature and refined manner as she gave a slight bow. As she raised her head the man could see something in her eyes, it was cold... but not bitter or hateful...more When the girl noticed he had looked into her eyes she averted them. Without another word she wandered off, out into the sunlight, around the corner, and out of sight. The man paused for a moment in thought, then continued on his journey to the bathroom.

Mokou stood confidently in the bright sunligth that shone down from a cloudless sky. She smiled. For the first time in what seemed like years, she had gotten a decent sleep, and this filled her with joy. Mokou inhales the pure refreshing oxygen from the air, and releases the carbon dioxide in a long 'Hah!'. She steps back a bit and leans against a tree, slowly sinking down into a relaxing sitting position. She closes her eyes and enjoys the cool breeze blowing in the shadows of the trees. Now this is great...! She thinks to herself with a peaceful expression upon her face. After a couple of minutes, she hears some slight bickering from inside the shrine. She opens her eyes and looks in the direction of the sound, seeing a wiggling, rodent-like tail. It was a small grey youkai, a mouse to be exact. Mokou's eyes light up and a wide grin slides across her face.
".'ey Chen!" She says trying not to draw too much attention to herself. Chen turns and runs over to her. She looks at Mokou with an intrigued expression, her two tails flipping around happily. Mokou grin's and points into the house. Chen turns her head to look.
"Ya see that small girl in there?" Mokou says. Chen squints to try to see, but her eyes are too used to the sunlight and she can't see inside the unlit shrine too well. Mokou's grin widens becoming more devious. "That there girl, she's a Mouse youkai" Mokou says. Chen turns to look at Mokou excitedly, her two tails flipping about faster. Mokou motions for her to lean closer. Chen does so and Mokou whispers intoone of her feline ears. As Mokou finishes speaking, Chen's ears twitch and she turns her face to Mokou, eyes lit up with joy and excitement. Mokou grins and gives her the okay. Chen carefully but quickly skips over to the house, peeking around the corner to make sure the girl hasn't noticed her. Chen smiles brightly and steps into the house carefully, trying her best not to be detected. When she sees the Mouse girl hasn't become aware of her, she bounds forward tackling the Mouse. The two of them roll on the floor a bit before Chen leaps up and off of the mouse, who's still on the floor. Everyone's attention is drawn to the pair of youkai. Mokou tries hard to contain her laughter as the scene unfolds. Chen's tails flip back and forth as she watches the Mouse's reaction.


As the scene comes to an end Mokou lets loose into a fit of laughter. She's laughing so hard she falls over onto the ground. She's panting now because she laughed so hard. "Hah...hah..hah! That was priceless!" She says outloud trying to catch her breath. Chen daintly skips back over to Yukari, leaning her back against her as she picks up her cup and takes a couple licks.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 20, 2011, 06:56:33 PM
As Newan walked to the restroom, he heard some noises that sounded like some sort of tussle, and laughter. These people are weird. Without another thought, he continued his quest for restroom.


Nazrin panted as she ran out of the shrine, and flew to the roof. Oh... oh god... not again, please... She stretched out on the roof in the sunlight to calm down. That cat... I really hate her. At least the other cat didn't attack me...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 20, 2011, 07:47:50 PM
Ranna ignored the sudden ruckus that enveloped the shrine. There's not much order here is there? Where'd that shrine maiden go anyways... She thought to herself as she placed the sheet on the ground. She unraveled it and took her bow up in her hand. It was pretty good for a makeshift job, even though once the stick had been drained of life it would probably snap with the slightest of tension. Ranna sighed, longing for her old equipment. reluctantly she shook off her dismay and picked up an arrow. She knew she'd need better arrows to actually have them be lethal. She placed the slit edge on the bow's string and pulled back on it. For a moment, everything seemed to freeze, as if Sakuya was passing by time had just decided to stop moving forward. Ranna concentrated on a tree in the woods, and she let the arrow fly.
The arrow shook slightly before becoming still.
Ranna walked over to the arrow and withdrew her knife from her pocket. She made a small line where the arrow was in the tree. Looking sastified she put the knife away and pulled the arrow out of the tree. She gazed at the line she had made. It was close to the tip, very close. Ranna sighed. She walked out of the forest's shade and back under the sun. It was getting hotter, she could feel it. She imagined by noon it would be extremely hot, even inside the shrine. She wiped her forhead and sighed. If I had a wide area i could see how far this bow could shoot. She looked around hoping to find something decent. She sighed with disappointment as she gave up her search. She looked up to the sky, shielding her eyes from the bright sun. For a moment she thought about it, but she shook her head. No...Shooting upward is definitely a bad idea...
Next she faced her eyes to the ground. Taking the arrow in her right hand, she plunged it into the ground as best as she could. She retrieved her knife once more and made another notch on the arrow. She pulled the arrow back out. This time the distance was larger, and she was slightly more she stared at the arrow, she caught a glimpse of something in the corner of her eye. She swiftly lifted her head and looked around, but she couldn't spot anything. Huh....Maybe this heat is making me see things... She thought as she turned and walked back towards the shrine. She wrapped up her bow and took it back into her room. The heat out there would dry it out in no time. She thought as she closed the door to her room and she wandered into the main part of the shrine. She could see Mokou relaxing underneath the shade of a tree. Then she noticed there was two strange people here. One was a blonde woman dressed in fancy clothes, while the other was a cat girl. Her tails flipped back and forth happily as she drank her milk tea. Ranna looked around, the shrine maiden was no where in sight. She looked back to woman and the cat. Is this the infamous Yukari? She wondered, hoping someone would answer her question.

((Speaking of questions, I have a few of my own. Will Mima and Rumia show up? Or will Byakuren and Shinki return from their Makai tour? Also where'd Reimu go?))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 21, 2011, 01:28:51 AM
(Wahahaha. Those questions will be answered in my next post. Im at the doctors anyway. Posting soob. And Squawkers. BAWLS TO YOU. :/.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 21, 2011, 01:48:04 AM
((Okays~ I think I wont wait tonight since Im tired and bored as anything since i got no one to play with and Touhou in general hates me today))

((Also will chaos be using Danmaku? Or just ripping and devouring our flesh?))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 21, 2011, 01:50:07 AM
"Okay," Aesera said, "this just got stranger, didn't it? When you hit me, you felt it."
"Yes," Kanako said. "Apparently, we are linked in some way. That joining thing in the event we experience was, I would think, the creation of this link."
"We need to know how deeply the link goes," Aesera said. "Will one of us die if the other does?"
"It's possible," Kanako said. "I felt the pain you felt. I certainly would not rule it out."
"Agreed. But is there more to the link?"
"I do not know."
"Then we'll test it. Starting with this." Thinking was a normal action, but Aesera had never before tried to think at someone. But that's what she was doing now. She wasn't just thinking, but attempting to think at Kanako. [Can you hear me?]
"Interesting," Kanako said. "A mental connection." [I don't think 'hear' is the right word, though.]
"It's the one we have," Aesera said. "It will sufice. Let us move on to something else. Try to channel your power through the link-just a little at first, and build it up gradually."
"An interesting idea," Kanako said.
"And very practical if it works."
"Indeed. Very well, then. I shall try it."
OOC: I don't know if that can be done here or not, so I'll leave that part up to you, YJ
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 21, 2011, 02:07:05 AM
Rhiseza opened her eyes, only to be greeted by very bright light. Immediately, she shut them and rolled over onto her face. She -hated- the morning. That said, she pushed herself to her feet and sleepily walked back to the shrine's... Front? Or whatever the main area was.
"Still can't believe I actually slept outside... Been forever since I did that..."
She looked around, and then up again to try and discern the time. She guessed it was around 8:30, give or take.
"... The hell am I up so early for?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 21, 2011, 02:21:30 AM
(OOC: Is Yukari wearing her PCB outfit or IaMP/IN outfit?)

This was kinda weird. Vante was awake, but Mystia was sound asleep. The group might have to move soon, and it would be a chore to wake Mystia up.

He left the room and took a glance at the outside. Besides the other people in the group on the shrine grounds, there were now two new faces around. One had cat ears (most likely real ones) and looked like an eight-year-old, while the other stood imposingly, and Vante felt that everyone would immediately turn to her if she were to talk.

His stomach grumbled. Everything from yesterday was completely digested, and since he had only one meal for that day, it was no surprise. Hopefully, breakfast would come soon.

Something else was tugging at him, too. Now he needed to find a bathroom. He did see it last night; it was only just down the hallway where the bedrooms where.

"To the bathroom," he mumbled, sauntering over to it.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 21, 2011, 02:44:02 AM
Alyssa combed her hair using her hands, being quite skilled in morning grooming having to wake up in the odd hours of the day for whatever rubbish she was expected to do, so grooming without tools helped her wake up much later. It was quite a tricky way, but since now she was just looking out not to look like a complete mess, there was not much to do. Alice was not there with her, however Shanghai and Hourai were busily floating around, as if gesturing to tell Alyssa to go and find Alice. That was something they did not have to tell her to do.

Floating along the hallways, the doll duo eagerly went and searched for their master. In order to catch up, Alyssa had to run after them. It was not long after they found Alice making tea along one of the rooms with a sliding door facing the outside. Alongside her sat a girl with cat-like features, and one who was dressed quite oddly, although not quite different from what she saw nobles wear.

"Excuse me, I'm Alyssa Crendelheim," she gave a short bow, "Pleased to make your acquaintance." Alice then invited Alyssa to sit down, having Shanghai and Hourai to pour tea into the four cups that she found in the shrine maiden's kitchen. The tea looked quite different from the norm to Alyssa. Upon closer inspection, she realised that it was japanese green tea, something that she had never tried before. She took a sip, finding it quite interesting in taste, different from what she was used to.

"This is Yukari Yakumo, the Youkai of the Boundaries." Alice frankly put it, taking a sip of tea.

OOC: Sonaeee, is it possible you could edit your post just a little bit to include Alice, Alyssa and the two dolls? >_<?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 21, 2011, 08:04:10 AM
(The stage one Chaos(The ones headed your way) are highly resistant to Danmaku. They can only be hurt and killed by physical ways, like slash slash slash, or Mortal Kombat style. The later, more evolved Chaos are not that resistant, and can be killed with a Master Spark, or Royal Flare. Some Touhou characters have danmaku with severe side-effects to Chaos. One example, would be Cirno. WHY? NO-ONE KNOWS. Chaos can use low-level danmaku, but they prefer to go all physical and magical combat on you and rip your insides out and devour your soul before using your body. Also, Physical/Magical 1v1s are like... That pool in Danbooru called Gensokyo Tag Tournament, or Touhou 12.3.

And, guyumeton9, that mental connection, which will be revealed by Yukari soon, shall allow you to travel back and forth from the real world and Gensokyo. Your Touhou follows you through the worlds. Also, Yukarin is wearing her IN, all-dressed-up outfit.)

Within the Radius of Hakurei Shrine.
Party: Spawn of Chaos, Tier One( 8 ) - Hp: 97%
           Captured Hakurei Reimu( 1 )   - Hp: 13%
Bracer of Dragon Lightning( 8 ) - Set by Iku on all Spawns Of Chaos from when they set foot in the border. A physical blow will make the bracer disappear and Implode from within the Chaos, dealing 40% Hp damage.

After a few minutes of people going to the bathrooms, trying to conduct their energy into their links with their partners, getting things off their back, waking up, combing hair, and drooling, everyone arrived at the front of the Shrine, and took a seat next to each other. Chen is eyeing Nazrin from the roof, but she doesn't make any moves. Yet. Master Yukari has some explaining to do, anyway. With everyone here, besides Reimu and Byakuren, it was finally time for the reason for the humans to have come here, to reveal itself.

Yukari gently lifts up her cup of tea, sipping it softly before putting it down. Instantly, she falls into a purple gap and appears in front of the group seated. She keeps her fan, and beacons to Chen to come down from the roof and join her. Chen gladly jumps off without a sound, scaring Nazrin once again, before settling next to Yukari.

"So, I'm here to explain what has been going on for the past day, and to answer all the questions you have to ask me. First, I'll explain why you are all here." Yukari sighs to herself, a gap forming behind her and she takes a seat on it. All of a sudden, she seems to have her cup of tea with her too.

"You all are here because of one reason. Something's happening in Gensokyo. Something even I don't know. And it doesn't help that the Dragon God is so restless and angry about something. Nobody can even talk to him now." All of you also start to notice that Nanaya isn't here. "Something is trying to get into Gensokyo. That's all I know. I had no intention to take humans down here to help solve the problem, but the thing that has infected the Border probably came from the outside, and all of you just happened to fall into here. You should know by now that this, isn't a dream." Yukari takes another sip of tea.

"I don't know where Reimu went, but all I know is that she said that she had to do something important. Besides that, some of you may be thinking, Why should I help this world. It isn't even where I live in. You're terribly wrong. If Gensokyo falls, the next to fall will be the Earth itself. Me and one of Reimu's ancestors made Gensokyo to keep all magic hidden from the outside world, everything that you humans don't believe in, lives here. And if everything you believe in is gone, there will be no "human soul". All of the human race will become desolate. Filled with mindless abominations which were once lively people." Yukari sips her tea again.

"The Dragon God has disrupted something in the Border southwest of Gensokyo, but I do not advise you to go there. Even I, have never went there."

"Now, about that connection all of you made when you met your respective partners. That is the link between the two of your souls. If one of you die, the other will too. However, I can bend the border of life and death, just once or twice to save you from death. My energy is required elsewhere if whatever is causing this begins to break the Border. I know nothing more of that connection, since I've never sensed it."

After that, Yukari begins answering each of your respective questions about Gensokyo, and how it works and stuff.

"One, last thing. I saw a human on my way here. He was already dead. He was about, 60 years of age, and his soul was destined to be with Reisen. One of the Moon Rabbits here. Something killed him. I don't know what, but you people better watch your backs." Yukari floats down into the ground through a gap, and Chen follows."

Gale feels something heavy on his back once again. MAYBE HES GONNA DIE? Or something.
---(Also, that old man is/was Sourfang's character)---

Chaos slithers across the ground, with Hakurei Reimu in their grasp. They've almost reached the Shrine.

---(One more post from everyone, and it shall be your first fight.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 21, 2011, 08:43:45 AM

The prospect of such a concept to the young Alyssa did not please her in the slightest. She thought that perhaps she would be able to live a better life, along with all the people of this place, a place that seemed so wonderful. A life where she would not have to worry about manners or restrictions. Now, manners or restrictions were something that she would not mind having, so as long as she had the peace of mind that there would not be any worry of death. She gripped Mira tightly in her hand, taking a peek at Hourai sitting between her and Alice with Shanghai sitting on her shoulders. Somehow, Hourai seemed far more grim than she thought she was before.

Alice felt far more affected by this incident than the ones before. This was something that concerned the Hakurei Border, and even Yukari seemed worried about it. Yukari who rarely ever tried to sort out any incidents. The way she spoke was also severe, something Alice did not often expect out of her. She had to do something about this and, whatever happened, the universe seemed to be resting upon the shoulders of this ragtag group of humans from the outside world and residents of Gensokyo.

Alyssa could only stare at everyone else in the group. It seemed that she was going to be in their company for quite a while. She prayed in her heart that this "while" would be short, that they might solve this and she would get to go home. She would gladly trade in her freedom for peace.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 21, 2011, 12:58:52 PM
Newan looked at the table as he thought about what he had just been told. I could actually die. I'm not ready to die. I can't die. I still have a life to live. He stood up from the table, and began leaving. "Please excuse me for a bit. I need to think this over." He re-entered the shrine. Maybe I can get some solitude in our room. Nanaya's probably getting ready by now, so she'll be gone soon enough.

...He can't think about it over here? Humans are so weird. Nazrin sighed, then glanced at Orin. Right now, that Dragon God thing or whatever is the least of my problems. I guess I can trust the red-haired one, since she didn't attack me in the night, but the other one...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 21, 2011, 01:27:34 PM

As you walk back into your room, you see Nanaya still curled up in her futon, sleeping soundly and drooling. Well, what a marvelous sight, you have solitude until she wakes up, and you don't really think she'll wake up anytime soon. And so, you begin thinking about you start reflecting on your life, what could happen if you die, the future, the past, what you have not furfilled yet. Your constant thoughts are sometimes interrupted by a moan or a shifting beneath your feet, but you don't bother about that. It only reassures you that Nanaya is still asleep.

You then turn to her and start thinking more. She really has a lot to explain, and you want to know why she started a few events. You should wake her up. You don't hear the others outside, and you doubt Nazrin is spying on you.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 21, 2011, 01:35:48 PM
Newan sighed. She seemed docile enough last time someone woke her up, but that was Nazrin. Hopefully she won't hit me for waking her up... "Oy, Nanaya. It's time to wake up."

All the questions he felt like asking her rushed through his head.

(OOC: Rage. Short post is short.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 21, 2011, 01:46:17 PM
As you talk to Nanaya, trying to get your words into her brain so that she could wake up from her comfy sleep, you come to a dead end. She can't hear you. Well, you're stuck. After racking your brains on the pros and cons and, the potential consequences, you decide to shake Nanaya till she wakes up. This may be a bad idea, but Nanaya always has to stretch before she can do anything, so you're guessing she will feel sore once she wakes, unable to send you to hell.

"Oy, oy! Time to wake up." You shake Nanaya's body by holding onto her right shoulder, and you feel her slowly twisting around in the futon. After moments, Nanaya's closed eyes of love open up, and a half-asleep girl awakes before your eyes, with drool still on the side of her mouth. Nanaya doesn't seem to even notice you for now. She rubs her eyes and yawns again, before pushing herself off the sleeping position and sits up, beginning to stretch as you back off, not wanting to be hit. Since the futon's off, you see what she's wearing. That black br-

Nanaya cleans the drool off her cheek, before turning to face you. "What?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 21, 2011, 01:59:56 PM
Lovely.  This situation is making less sense by the minute.  Dragon god?  Soul?  This is too...colorful for my taste.

He turned to Orin.  "Are you sure there's nothing on my back?"

"Yes!  Nothing!  You're probably just insane or something."

"Yes, clearly that is the only logical conclusion," said Gale, rolling his eyes.

"Ow..." he muttered as Orin punched him in the arm.

"I told you!  No more sarcasm!"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 21, 2011, 02:03:26 PM
"Well, for one thing, Yukari is already here and you missed her explanation. Speaking of explanations, how about you explain what that was last night?" He sighed as he sat down near her, trying to avert his eyes from the black lace.

(OOC: I hate making all these short posts)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 21, 2011, 02:11:50 PM

"Teehee. You dislike me on your back?" You hear a voice. The heaviness still is on your back, and you feel something thin around your chest. You arn't really sure what it is though, and you are beginning to be irritated. This nonsensical dream really sucks hardcore. You reach over to Orin, only to realise you can't move your arms. "Want to get her for help? Aww, but the fun's just started!"

Suddenly, you feel the heaviness increase further, and your neck hurts a little too. You look down, and you see little blue, wire-like tentacles attached to an orb of some kind. Instintively, you reach out to the ball-orb, and probe it. It's squishy, and addictive too. You begin constantly rubbing and squeezing it. You think you hear muffled sounds from behind you, but you don't care about it. This ball is fun!

As you squeeze and squeeze, eventually, you hear moans and, erotic noises. You banish them from your mind and continue squeezing the ball in your hand. Orin and everyone around you doesn't notice this at all. After minutes of doing the same thing over and over again, your hand tired from the constant movement, you hear, from behind you.

"N-No... more... I'm... d-done..." A girl plops off your back, along with the blue ball and those tentacles. She's wearing a black and yellow outfit with a skirt and a hat. She's clutching her crotch and her face is really red. Orin turns, finally realising something's wrong.

"M-Mistress Koishi!" Orin hurries to her side. Did you do something wrong?


Nanaya yawns once again, stretching her arms more and cracking her knuckles. "Yukari? I don't care about her, and I don't need her explai-" Nanaya shuts her mouth. She had said too much. Oh no. Damnit Nana! You're just like me! Nanaya begins to release a combination of a sigh and a yawn, before letting her palm fly and smack herself on the face.

"Ignore that. So yeah, last night? What happened last night? I only remember that I said good night to you." Nanaya looks into your eyes again, but from a distance, now. You can't see much in her eyes. Probably because she just woke up? Nanaya also doesn't seem to care that all she's wearing is black, laced stuff. She tilts her head. "So, tell me what happened last night."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 21, 2011, 02:19:22 PM
"What," Gale said, looking at the bizarre sight before him.  "What."

Tending to Koishi, Orin said, "This is Mistress Koishi, sister of Mistress Satori...unlike her sister, Mistress Koishi has closed her third eye, and as a result can manipulate the subconscious instead of seeing it."

"Oh.  Yes, naturally," said Gale, instinctively moving to the side to avoid Orin's blow.

"You--" began Orin, but she decided against saying it, opting instead to roll her eyes and continue tending to Koishi.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 21, 2011, 02:22:05 PM
Newan blinked at her saying that she didn't need the explanation, but brushed the thought off momentarily. "Er... how do I explain this? Basically, I woke up in the middle of the night, and you were over at the window. We talked for a bit, then you suddenly decided to... kiss me." Newan braced himself for the impending slap.

(OOC: Yay, I'm not the only one being trolled =D)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 21, 2011, 02:39:23 PM

Achievement Unlocked: Climax Of the Subconscious (Normal)
Use Now?
---Koishi has joined your party! You can now control her. She shall always be on your back! And mess with your subconscious!


Nanaya's once tired face turns into one of anger, then shock, an impulse of fear kicks in, and then just shock. Weird choice of emotions, isn't it. It's as if she wants to hide something. Something important. She turns her head abruptly to the side, her face slowly turning red. You know it's turning red because she isn't completely facing the wall on the other side, so you can see, like half of her face.

"W-W-What're talking about?! I-I never k-kissed you!" Nanaya clenches her fist. Don't get so angry at me. I know you liiiike him anyway, so I helped yo- Nanaya facepalms herself again. "Damnit Katelin..." She mumbles softly. Somehow, you manage to hear that. Well sorrrrrry. I thought it would help you get laid faster. Nanaya slaps herself and mumbles again, before slowly turning back to you.

"D-Don't as-ask." Nanaya's still blushing profusely, and you're about 90% certain that she kissed you on purpose. "I-I'm s-sorry for k-doing what I d-did last night..." Nanaya turns her head to the side a little. "D-Did you l-like it?" Nanaya's face turns even more red.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 21, 2011, 02:48:36 PM
Katelin? Is Nanaya a nickname or something? "Well, how do I put this... um, I enjoyed it, but..." he stared straight into her eyes. "Don't do that again."

He turned away from her. "I'm not sure if I feel comfortable telling you why, but please know that it's not you. It's me. I'm sorry."

(OOC edit: Edited out him giving her the reason why he doesn't want this because it felt out of character, and not the type of out of character you find between parentheses.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 21, 2011, 07:20:46 PM

((Lol. Koishi lost her innocence))

((Lol poor SourFang))

Ranna listens closely to Yukari's explanation. She calmly digests what she says. So this is a life or death situation... She feels a pang of fear in her heart, but ignores it. She looks towards Mokou who was still laying in the shade of the tree. A cool breeze blew, making her white hair sway gently back and forth. Is she asleep? Ranna says in her mind with a puzzled expression on her face. As if it response to Ranna's speculation, Mokou's eyes open. Ranna, startled, twitches a little. Is this....what Yukari mentioned? About some sort of...mental connection? So Mokou can really hear my thoughts? She thinks, her stomach feeling a little unwell at the thought of someone being able to know what she's thinking. Mokou doesn't react. Ranna sits there looking even more confused than before. Mokou then yawns loudly and stretches, moving her limbs about in order to wake up her muscles which had been still in the same position for a while now. Mokou gets to her feet and stretches up towards the sky. She lets out a loud 'Hah!' then stands with a hand on her hip looking towards Ranna with a smile. Ranna is at a loss for words. Mokou grins slightly and motions for Ranna to come over to her. Ranna snaps out of her daze and walks over to Mokou, into the hot sunlight, and then under the cool shade provided by the tree. She looks towards Mokou.
"Well?" Mokou says as if she's waiting for something she knows is coming. Ranna comes back to her new reality.
"Why aren't you shocked by what Yukari told us?" She asks, keeping her eyes on Mokou's face which is just looking forward, and not facing the side.
Without moving her gaze Mokou speaks.
"It's just the same ol' same ol' isn't it? Maybe not for you outside folk, but Gensokyo's a battle 'gainst life or death" She says, sounding strong. "If yer not strong, you have'ta live in fear o' being eatin' by youkai. And if yer strong, well, it doesn't make too much o' a difference"
Ranna listens intently.
"I don't know 'bout yer outside world or whateva you call it, but from the looks of ya and them others, yer kind doesn't know how to rough it out"
"Rough it out?"
"Yeh. Like sleepin out under them stars, and 'aving to hunt fer yer next meal" She says still gazing forward. "Back when I was only a young'in life wasn't as luxorious as what you humans got now 'a days. Ya know, even we nobles 'ad ta work 'ard for our meals" She said.
Ranna looked surprised, "You were a noble?"
Mokou grinned and turned her head to look at Ranna, "Yeh, a long time ago, was 'ta daughter of the Fujiwara clan."
Ranna looked as if she was trying to recall something she'd forgotten. "What happened...?"
Mokou looked as her, questioning her question. "What 'appened?" She raised her gaze skyward as she recalled her memories from long ago, "My  father preposed to this commoner girl, and she gave 'em this impossible request" A hint of bitterness showed in her voice for a moment, "Course since it was an impossible request, he couldn't fulfil it. So she rejected his preposal" She said, a flame of hatred showing in her eyes, "But she didn' just settle fer refusing 'im, she decided she'd 'umiliate 'im in the process" She spoke the bitterness becoming clear in her voice. "My family's reputation was pretty much ruined. We were a laughing stock among them other nobles" she said her gaze lowering from the sky. " So I decided I'd get revenge fer my family, was gonna beat the shit out o' that little commoner girl" she said her mouth forming a slight scowl. "But I was too late. I found out that she was a princess from da moon. Wasn't really s'pecting that one." She said, scratching her head a little. "She'd already took off in 'er rocket and went back to da moon" Mokou put her hands in her pockets and leaned against the tree she had previously been laying under. "Since I couldn't beat ta shit out of 'er, I decided I'd go an' steal the present she left fer the emperor" She said her gaze cutting through the air. "When I found the damn thing 'is servants wer 'bout to throw it into that there Fujiyama volcano"
"Fujyama..." Ranna repeated, "Into Mount Fuji? Why would they throw it in there?" She said slightly shocked.
Mokou shrugged. "I 'unno" Mokou replied, "Somethin' bout it being really tall or sumthin'..."
Ranna just nodded slightly in agreement, not fully understanding the reason. "Did they throw it in?"
"Nah, Sakuya-hime wouldn't let 'em, she killed 'em all 'cept for Iwakasa and myself" She said, sorrow and regret seeming to come over her. She was silent for a few moments before shaking her head as to clear it of bad memories. "So ya wanted to know why I'm not as worried as the rest of ya?"
Ranna remembered her original question. Thay had gotten slightly off track. Ranna asked again, "Why aren't you worried about it, aren't you afraid of dying?"
Mokou just burst out laughing. Ranna was utterly speechless, eyes wide and shocked. Mokou laughed for atleast a minute before finally regaining herself along with her breath.  "Ahahahaha...! That was a good one!" She said wiping away tear that slipped out of her eye while she had been laughing. "People like me don't worry 'bout death." She said, seeming to still find Ranna's question hilarious. Ranna's face reddened with anger.
"What the hell..." She muttered, her face turning into scowl. "Gensokyo's residents are weird" She said trying to make it seem like she hadn't said something stupid. She turned away from Mokou, folding her arms and pouting slightly. She began to walk away before Mokou spoke again.
"Ey where ya think yer going?" She said with a hint of disastifaction over Ranna's reaction.
Ranna said nothing and continued on her way back into the shrine, eventually turning around a corner and disappearing from sight.
"...Eeh....." Mokou stood with a strange expression on her face, which slowly faded to a more serious frown. Seems I made her really mad... Mokou thought as she sighed and let herself slide back down to the ground leaning against the tree she has been resting against earlier. She looked towards the ground infront of her feet.
The sunlight had begun to inch closer and closer, overtaking the shade and making the once cool and comfortable ground hot and unrefreshing. Mokou closed her eyes and tried to enjoy the breeze while it lasted. After a few minutes, the heat that had been baking her vibrant red pants seemed to vanish slightly. Mokou opened her eyes. The sun seemed to have dimmed slightly for a momemt, but then returned to being bright and blinding. Mokou frowned for a moment.
Thinking it was just her imagination she closed her eyes once more, trying to enjoy the breeze which seemed to weaken, until it no longer blowed. A feeling of unrest rose in her stomach, but she ignored it as best she could, trying to sleep in an attempt to put her mind to rest.

((HERE IT COMES.....!!!))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 21, 2011, 08:32:28 PM
This was going to be difficult.
That or she was going to be useless in a fight. She didn't have a weapon and probably didn't have the strength to use one if she did.
... And as far as she knew she couldn't do magic.

Well this is going to suck.

(... Also, achievement using time.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 21, 2011, 09:31:56 PM
((Mima and Rumia are late for the tea party?))

((Also. Begin Documentation!  -floats off-  ))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 21, 2011, 11:39:11 PM

Achievement Unlocked: Climax Of the Subconscious (Normal)
Use Now?

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 22, 2011, 01:13:53 AM
OOC: Did the channeling attempt work?


"Well," Aesera said, "that wasn't exactly very reassuring."

"Indeed," Kanako said. "Not very informative, either. I was hoping Yukari would know more."

"We do still have someone we can ask," Aesera said. "Somehow, Nanaya not only knew we'd be coming, but knew where we'd be coming from well enough to wait for us along the way. And she knew that others would be coming, too. She may know something more about all this."

"Yes, that is possible. She's also something of an odd one out, being the only one of the group who seems to be without a partner."

"Yeah, that, too. We definitely need to talk to her."

"You seem fairly unfazed by Yukari's words," Kanako noted.

"I already told you: I'm accepting this world on its own terms. Given that, I see no reason to think what she said is impossible here."

"Even if you're still not ready to accept this as real?"

Aesera nodded. "Even if. Now come on, let's go find Nanaya."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 22, 2011, 02:56:57 AM
(Nope, channeling didn't work. It looked like it was working, but then stopped. As stated by one of my earlier posts before you met Yukari. DAMNIT SQUAWKERS. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO EDIT IT. Psh.)
--Gale used Climax of the Subconscious!
-+1 Koishi Route!!!!! GET!!!
Back To The 3N's room(Newan+PlotComing)

"Y-Y-You... I-I... Wha...?" Nanaya turns abruptly and stands up, grabbing her jacket off the floor and running out through the open window, hastily putting on her jacket as she runs into the woods behind the Hakurei Shrine. Newan stares at her sudden retreat in silence, unable to move, or even talk. His hand instintively reaches out towards her direction as her figure gradually fades into the darker forest, even in the bright sunlight. Around this time, Aesera and Kanako walk into the room, seeing Newan just stare blankly out of the window, and his hand reached out. Did Nanaya go somewhere?

In the dense forest, Nanaya finally stops running, leaning against a tree. Her muffled sobs are too soft to be heard from the shrine. It had been ages since she had once cried. How long has it been? Oh yes... Six hundred years. Nanaya turned her body around, slamming her clenched fist on the tree, her eyes flowing with tears as they drop to the grassy ground bellow. Nanaya let loose a scream, one not of fear, but of pain. It was then, when she grabbed a small, sharp object from her jacket, and stabbed it into her hand. WIth the object in her hand, she clenches her fist, and blood starts pouring around her fist.

"...Katelin..." Nanaya manages to say between sobs. A light blue, crystallic image appears behind the crying Nanaya, with a hand on Nanaya's shoulder. I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen. I thought Xera was more... loving. I just wanted the best for you...

"Shut up! For me, for me! Everything you do isn't for me!" Nanaya clenches her fist even tighter, as even more blood drips down.

Look at you. Wallowing in self-pity. The universe is crumbling around you, and all you think about is yourself. Katelin smiles and giggles. You really are me, arn't you? Katelin gives Nanaya an embrace, some soft and comfy, warm and filled with happiness.

"I-I'm sorry..." Nanaya pulls the blooded object from her hand, and wipes her tears away.

It's alright. It'll be alright. I'm slowing being Corrupted, but we're always one. Katelin begins to fade into nothing.

"I want him to love me..."

I won't change his fate for you. If he is destined to love you, he will, soon. I mean, he has all of Xera's denial and fear. Regret. Everyone of those humans are part of us. It's al- Katelin's body fades fully now, going into nothingness with a smile on her face.

Nanaya stops crying, wiping her tears and looking back to the direction of the shrine. She begins walking back, but, tumbles down to the grass bellow. She tripped over something. Something slimy and... It's a tentacle. It's black. It's... It's... Nanaya opens her mouth to scream, but the dark tentacles envelope her, and pull her to them. Chaos has captured Nanaya.

Spawn of Chaos ( 8 )
Hakurei Reimu ( 1 )
Nanaya Longinus ( 1 )

Back at the shrine, everyone is gathered back at the front. Newan had explained the situation to Aesera and Kanako before going back out with them, and in the horizon, they see, something black, more like many black, blobs. Tentacles. Green, glowing skulls atop their heads. Red, streamlined eyes. Death, all around them. And within their Grasp of their many tentacles, there lie, Reimu and Nanaya. Chaos has begun.

(After one post from everyone, the battle will begin. Also, Sampson has control over Koishi.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 22, 2011, 02:59:52 AM
(-- Hang on. What does my achievement do?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 22, 2011, 03:06:22 AM
(Oh, yeah, forgot about that.)
-Rhiseza used Ghost Busters!
-Orb Of Immaculate Distortion GET!(As small as a marble)
Description: A small, almost tiny ball of swirling darkness and weird symbols. They're constantly moving, and there seems to be an eye on the middle surrounded by constantly changing colors of the rainbow. It's use is unknown.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 22, 2011, 03:06:58 AM
"Right," Aesera said, "I'm going to go with: fuck."

"It's worse than you know," Kanako said. "The other girl is Reimu."

"Then the sentement is all the more approprate."

"This has to be the enemy," Kanako said.

Aesera drew her knife. And it was a real knife, one meant as a weapon. I'm not getting in range if I don't have to, but it's stupid not to have it out. "Then we'll just have to fight. Can you do, like, blades of wind or something like that? Something that could cut those two loose?"

"A good plan," Kanako said. "I'll try it."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 22, 2011, 03:11:38 AM
"Wow!" said Koishi, still wrapped around Gale's back, "That sure looks evil!"

"Uh, yeah," said Gale.  "And can you get off me?  You're almost as tall as I am!"

Koishi stepped back and went to Gale's side.  "Better?"

"Sure.  Uh.  So I guess we have to fight that thing."

"Yeah," said Orin.  "I'm not sure it plays by the spell card system, though."

Oh, yes, the danmaku stuff again.  One of the things Reimu had talked about.  Apparently she created it.  And now she's in the clutches of that...thing.

"Well, then what can we do?"

"Uh...well, I have a good arm, I guess, from pushing that cart around all day," said Orin.

"And I can manipulate the subconscious!" said Koishi gleefully.

"Yes.  I know.  But, thing is, I'm not so sure they have a subconscious to speak of..."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 22, 2011, 03:21:19 AM
(OOC: Alright, time to finally find out what the pulsing is.)

Newan simply looked on in horror. Nanaya? When did it... He felt his legs begin to tremble, before he had to kneel down. I... I'm responsible for this, aren't I? If I hadn't been so cold... But, then I would have just kept leading her on, and I couldn't do that. He felt a tear trickle down his cheek, followed by a back-hand slap from his mouse companion.

"Oy. Get it together, will you?" Newan looked over to see Nazrin. He expected a stern face, but she seemed to be smiling. "I know you two've got something going on. You don't want to let her down, do you?"

Newan turned back towards the Chaos. "Regardless of my own feelings... you're right. I let her fall into that thing's clutches, so I'm going to take her back." At that moment, he noticed that his hand was pulsing faster. It had been pulsing the whole time, but eventually he got used to it as it gradually sped up. Now, it felt more like one constant pressure than a repetitious pulsing.

He stood back up as Nazrin pulled out her dowsing rods. "That's more like it."

Nanaya... don't worry. I will save you!
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 22, 2011, 03:28:31 AM
(I'll give this a few hours before posting a wall of text. Since we still need XinXin, Crow Cakes, Sonae and Orphea. Uhh. Yeah.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 22, 2011, 03:42:14 AM
(I'll have gone to sleep and woken up again by then, so this makes me happy.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 22, 2011, 04:08:09 AM
Mokou leapt to her feet faster then she had ever done so before. She raised her arm as if she was going to backhand the air that was infront of her. Flames started to form from her hand, and Mokou was about to make the motion. In the next moment she froze, the flames which had not fully formed, disappearing from sight before they could even be seen.
Shit, the fucker's got hostages! Mokou's intense glare not phasing the revolting blobs.
If I use fire I'd burn em all! Mokou's brows furrowed even further as she tried to think of something she could do.
Then she had remembered what Ranna had shown her last night.
That! That'll work! Mokou spun around and launched herself into the shrine with a single leap. She skidded across the floor trying to turn and open the door to her room. When her sideways movement stopped, she flung the door open as hard as she could, taking Ranna completely by surprise. The poor girl thought she would have a mini heartattack.
"M-Mokou what's..." Ranna was cut off by Mokou's shouting
"Get your ass out here we're being attacked!"
Ranna's eyes widened. Attacked...
"Come on! This is no time for daydreams!" Mokou yelled as she darted back out of the shrine.
Ranna blinked in shock, then pulled herself together, grabbed her bow and her few arrows, and left to room. As she was about to race after Mokou, a thin wand caught her eye. She turned her head to look at it.
It was Reimu's gohei, that she'd seeemed to have left behind. Ranna gazed at it's thin but strong structure. Remembering what she was doing Ranna quickly snatched the gohei and rushed out of the shrine. As she turned her head to look shear terror erupted on her face. ....W-what the hell is that! She'd never seen such a foul and disgusting 'thing' before in her entire 17 years of life. Blobs of oozing darkness with green skulls and eyes like lasers, tentacles portruded from every part of their bodies.
Ranna's heartbeat sped up, going so fast she thought it would explode. She was frozen, unable to move another step.
Damn it what's taking that girl so long! Mokou wondered as she turned to see Ranna standing there, eyes wide as a deer in the headlights. and lips quivering.
Mokou was filled with rage, if she hadn't tried to hold herself back, she would have unleashed her eternal flames upon the girl and roasted her till only ashes remain. Instead she decided to scream at her.
Ranna nearly fell backwards at the roar Mokou let forth. She blinked realizing where she was. Her body shook with fear.
"SHOOOOOOOOOOOT" Mokou scream again.
With only a moment's hesitation she swallowed her fear and forced herself to load up an arrow. She pulled on the string as far back as she could, the branch looked as if it was about to snap. This time, there was no pause, and in a split second an arrow was whizzing through the air right towards a chaos spawn


((I hope this wont just be a one post battle. Cause I'm FIRED UP AS FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU*K))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 22, 2011, 04:23:51 AM
Rhiseza just stared out at the spawn.
"Ready?" She jumped at the voice only to see Youmu beside her, a hand on each sword.
"Absolutely not." Still unarmed, she didn't have much she could do to help. Sure, she had a little experience in fighting but that wasn't against... Whatever these were. Youmu had her swords. Everyone else had... Some sort of weapon. Or magic.
... Well, she had the... Marble... Thing... But she didn't know what it did. Besides, the odds it would help were... Low at best.
No. Stop that. Now's not the time for statistics. Just shut up.

She gave Youmu another nervous glance, and waited.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 22, 2011, 07:58:38 AM
-General Infomation:
Party: Spawn Of Chaos ( 8 ) - Hp: 100%
           Hakurei Reimu ( 1 ) - Hp: 10%
           Nanaya Longinus ( 1 ) - Hp: 12%
Equips: Bracer Of Dragon Lightning ( 8 )m 1 one each spawn.

Ascending the white, rock stairs of the Hakurei Shrine, eight blobs of a tentacled mass slowly shift their way closer to the Shrine. They're slow, and considerably slower then how a human can walk, so it means they're either, tired out, or saving their energy. At the back, held by two Spawns, is Reimu and Nanaya. They're both visibly hurt, with red gashes on their legs and arms, and blood dripping from their bodies. As the blood drips onto the two spawns holding them, they seem to fluxtuate between the colors red and black. Their bloodshot, streamlined eyes show no emotions at all, and crackle with the energy inside of them. Their toothed, gaping maws for mouths, open wide, and release a terrible, horrifying roar, as if it could probe the deepest parts of your thoughts. The group covers their ears, and begins to shake, feeling only one emotion: Fear.

Koishi looks around at everyone, slowly being forced to the ground just by this sound. A sound that would break the will of lesser men. One that invokes despair. Within that roar, Ranna had been able to fire an arrow due to Mokou's constant shouting. The arrow flew with deadly accuracy, directly at the one in the center, the one releasing that fearful roar. It struck the mass of darkness right imbetween the mouth and the eyes. The arrow snaps into half, and is absorbed into the being's body. There's no damage at all... As they slowly make their advance, the spawn that got hit spits out the arrow along with some black, acidic substance that burns the rocky floor. It suffered damage, internally, but it's tough. Too tough for a couple of arrows to take it down. Their black tentacles wave in the calm breeze.

Black orbs begin to emerge from the ground, taking form and absorbing the air and earth. They begin to swirl around the black beings, slowly giving them the energy of the surroundings, the atmosphere. Everything. The keystone talisman on Aesera's neck shakes slightly, as if afraid. Afraid of something more mysterious and unknown then it. The hilt too, with Newan vibrates. The sky seems to be closing in... A blood-red shroud emerges from the clouds, engulfing the entire landspace in a scarlet aura, covering the sun's rays. Everything is clear in vision now, there is no blockage to stop you from seeing far away. Everything that was moving has stopped.

An enclosed space. Only the humans, their Partners, and Chaos.

The other spawns rip open their mouths, beginning to roar once again. The group covers their ears, but this time, they hear nothing. Gale turns to look around first, as everyone still holds their hands to their ears, being careful. Gale notices Koishi smiling.

"You're all immune now~!" Koishi says.

The group stands straight up, looking at the advancing menace. This would be a tough fight.

...And only one side can walk out. Alive.

(You can choose to summon Tenshi, or wait till a... more important fight to summon her. Gaining the Hisou no Tsurugi will give you an edge in this fight, but having Tenshi herself would help alot in the next few ones. Choose wisely. Both Newan and Aesera(Squawkers and Guyumeton9), have to agree in using the Sword Hilt and Keystone Amulet to summon Tenshi. Summoning Tenshi will also give the group the Scarlet Sword Of Forethought.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 22, 2011, 11:52:53 AM
There was something absolutely wrong, and Alice and Alyssa both knew that very well. The creatures before them were planning to kill them, and Alice knew that they were not something of Gensokyo. They were something that lived outside the boundaries of the laws she knew, and that this was a battle of life and death.

"Get behind me!" Alice ran in front of Alyssa, throwing dolls filled with gunpowder at the slimy creatures, causing a very weak explosive magic within them to cause all the gunpowder to explode upon impact. A deadly attack, but the poor aim attributes to its effect as a distraction, Alice's main purpose for them. She quickly throws dolls into place in the air, holding them up with magical strings. She prepares to shoot them at-

"Hit the black orbs! They're doing something!" Alyssa screams, interrupting Alice's train of thought. Yes, why did she not spot them earlier? Her dextrous fingers directed all the Shanghai dolls at the three orbs surrounding one of the creatures. She released a blast of energy through each of her three floating dolls, piercing the orbs with a sharp magical energy. A great amount of precision ensures that the short span of the beam is extremely accurate and extremely strong at the same time.

At the back of the group, Alyssa stands hugging Mira. She could do nothing, having no battle skill, and only watched helplessly, giving helpful pointers to Alice and the others whenever possible, much like a strategist. Her body and mind stayed firmly on the battlefield, but her soul, her heart, could only worry and fear. She could only seperate it for now, and wait for it to end for a release of emotions. After all, she was still the young, naive girl deep down inside.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 22, 2011, 12:02:01 PM
The beam of red light penetrates three orbs floating around one of the spawns of Chaos, shattering the balls and causing them to release pulses of dark energy. The Chaos quickly gather and absorb the energy. As a result, they have all grown stronger, but are unable to constantly have power flow through them. The crackling within their red, streamlined eyes has stopped. One spawn lunges forward, extending it's tentacles as far back as possible, throwing itself directly at Alice. It's other tentacles extend forward, threatening to grapple itself on Alice and pull her into it's mouth, which is now wide open, gleeming with black teeth, and filled with tentacles inside.

Alice takes a quick step to the side at the last moment, causing the spawn to tumble to the ground... Just what it needed. A much smaller tentacle latches itself to the palm of Alice's hand, and a bigger one slams through the rocky floor, creating a fissure that expands outwards. Alice is unable to pull the small tentacle away, and she notices her hand slowly having purple veins coming from where the tentacle is. Expertly maneuvering Shanghai to cut the tentacle off, Alice manages to take to the sky before the fissure hits her.

Kanako, at the side, releases twin blades of concentrated wind, and another spawn jumps in front of the one that attacked Alice, taking the blow head-on, getting two of it's tentacles cut off. It's head twists and turns as the wind spins around it's body. Finally, it comes to a stop, looking up, with something like a smile on it's unreadable face. It's tentacles grow back, and it's colour fluxtuates to a more whiteish shade. It has absorbed the wind.

Back at the other group of slow-moving Chaos spawns, Reimu and Nanaya have tentacles covering their limbs and some on their faces, with one slowly reaching up into Reimu's skirt, the other going into her top. Naughty Tentacles. But seriously. Someone should help them.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 22, 2011, 12:32:30 PM
Nazrin looked up at the monstrosities before them. The hell? "Newan. As it is now, you're pretty useless. Besides, those things seem to absorb danmaku. So, hang back for now, okay?"

"I- fine." Newan bit his lip, and nodded in agreement.

"Alright. Let's see how immune these things really are." She flew forward to get in an attack on the Chaos Spawns. "Rod Sign: Busy Rod!"

I have to admit, I do hate not being able to do anything... He reached into his pocket for the sword hilt, but pulled his hand our without it. No, it's just a hilt. Besides, I have no experience.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 22, 2011, 12:55:36 PM
The twin lazers and constant falling danmaku bullets deal no damage to the spawns at all as they slowly close in. Little does Nazrin know, Kanako's wind blades wern't danmaku. They were just compressed wind energy being forced out at a high speed. The spawns of Chaos advance, and the whiteish one confronts Aesera and Kanako, while the other, now reddish one, faces Alice and Alyssa. Reimu's skirt is lifted even higher. It appears that Chaos is going to rap-

Veins pop out from her legs and arms. They're purple in colour, and constantly pulsing. The tentacles reach further around her body, attempting to defile the shrine maiden's innocence while converting her, to become one of them. The tips of her fingers start turning slightly black too. This will take some time. Reimu isn't one to go down easily.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 22, 2011, 01:17:33 PM
Okay okay... What to do now, what's the situation... Alyssa quickly scans the surroundings while Alice fends off the beast using her Shanghai dolls to skilfully distract it while dodging each of its attacks with grace and skill. Nazrin's difficulty in handling the creature with danmaku reveals to her and Alyssa the strengths of the beast, and Alice devises a plan in a minute. Her constant distraction with her Shanghai dolls was a plan that would eventually give Alice an opening. An opening to release a spellcard.

"Demonic Control "Return Inanimate"!" Alice yelled as she threw a seemingly harmless doll into the air. Seemingly harmless it was, but it was hardly harmless. Upon impact with the beast, a gigantic explosion of blue energy which reached a height matching the tallest building in the Hakurei Shrine exploded right into the creature's body, if you could call it that, and hopefully completely annihilated it where it stood. Alice made sure that she surrounded the area with a wall of Shanghai dolls should it not be the case.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 22, 2011, 01:22:07 PM
(Everyone should engage one spawn each. I'll post a battle scene tomorrow. Gonna sleep.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 22, 2011, 02:46:06 PM
Ranna watches as her arrow does no damage. She feels useless and she's frozen in the spot, not stiff, but as if her energy had been completely drained.
Mokou glared, her expression filled with negative, hateful emotions. If she had shown this to an unsuspecting human, they probably would have wanted to run as far away as they could.
Mokou was at a loss of what to do. If I use fire I'd kill Reimu and Nanaya......And Danmaku doesn't work 'gainst 'em......the arrows, and the wind, neither worked on 'em......Shit...Shit....Shit...!
There wasn't enough time left for thinking, if the abominations weren't defeated soon they would kill Reimu and Nanaya. Mokou clenched her teeth together. She closed her eyes and took a breath, seeming to calm herself.
In the next moment Mokou's eyes opened and she charged towards the chaos spawns. She slammed her boot down on the closest one. Using it as a stepping stone, she flung herself further into the crowd of chaos. As she reached Reimu, she began to rip the tentacles off her. Reimu seemed to be in extreme pain all the while, but Mokou ignored it and cleared the tentacle, occasionly crushing the tentacles that proceeded to craw up her legs. After she had cleared Most of the tentacles, she grabbed hold of Reimu and launched herself away from the monsters, using the one that had Reimu as a trampoline.
As she got a distance away from them, the pain in her body became more evident. She winced in pain, trying to ignore it best she could. Reimu lie in her arms, unconscious and bleeding. The red liquid dripped to the ground, coloring it dark red. The blood smeared over Mokou's shirt, staining it with scarlet. Mokou turned towards the ragtag group of humans and youkai.
"Someone get sumthin to stop 'er from bleeding!" She shouted.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 22, 2011, 03:12:13 PM
"That seemed to work," Aesera said. "Keep it up until you've freed those two."

after Kanako acknowladged, Aesera ran over to Newan. "Okay, what the hell are you doing? Don't just stand there, you idiot! The last thing we need right now is dead weight!" And what the hell's going on with this talisman? Is it reacting to something?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 22, 2011, 03:15:02 PM
(OOC: Y U NO FAIR, SCHOOL? Picking up from YJ's pre-battle posts...)

There it was, the black looming mass of formless spawns advancing towards the shrine. Why didn't Vante feel threatened? There was the risk of death now, so why wasn't he feeling serious about this?

Because there'll be a happy ending.

How sure are you about that?

I don't care. I'll make sure that there will be one.

You? Okay, then. We'll see what happens.

Stopping his internal monologue, he saw an arrow fly towards the black blobs, aggravating them. Along came the fear he was missing, but it soon dissipated, thanks to a girl with an external third eye. Come to think of it, she wasn't here a while ago.

While everyone was preoccupied with fighting, the blobs didn't seem to notice him yet. Vante took the chance to wake Mystia up, who was standing up sleeping. He took ahold of her shoulders and shook them wildly.

"There's already a war, and it hasn't even woke you up! What the hell, Mystia?" Vante, realizing that the night sparrow had barely stirred, forwent all subtleties and slammed his foot on hers.

Immediately, Mystia woke up. She could barely keep herself from screaming, opting instead for a suppressing "A-a-a-oooowwwwww..."

"What's wrong with you? And where are we?" she asked furiously.

"If you haven't already noticed..." Vante pointed at the battle that took place before them.

Adrenalin began to course through the youkai. "Ha, ha, ha! This is gonna be a rough fight!" turning to the human, she asked, "Which do we target first?"

"'re awfully enthusiastic, for someone who just woke up," Vante commented. Mystia ignored him with a "hmph."

There weren't many to choose from. There were only the idle spawns, or the spawns that were holding Reimu and Nanaya. The latter were obviously a priority.

"The ones holding Reimu and the other girl," Vante answered. He had forgotten the name of the other person being held captive.

"We're freeing them first... wait. You don't have a weapon, do you? Not like you can use danmaku."

"Oh!" And there, Vante remembered the bamboo stick he had brought to Gensokyo. He didn't bring it-

"Nevermind, I found it." On the ground in front of Vante was the same baston he owned. Maybe Mokou found and brought it. He took it and rotated it thrice.

Taking a look at the human's weapon of choice, Mystia wasn't so impressed. "I hope for your sake it doesn't break."

"I hope for your sake that you don't die," Vante countered.

"Ooh, says the human," Mystia mocked, "I'll take the one holding Reimu-" 

At that moment, Mokou went and rescued the mentioned person. "Oh great. I'll take Nanaya's and you just bat away any distraction."

She aimed between the girl's legs, where there was an exposed part of the dark spawn, and fired a spirit-like bullet. The familiar left behind a trail of cyan bullets that would later follow the path of their source.

After stretching once, the night sparrow began running (or was it hobbling) after her trail of bullets, now that it was considerably far. Her clawed hands stretched wide.

"Well, don't just stand there, Vante! Get your lazy bottom out of there, and follow me!"

Vante was caught off guard by Mystia's sudden burst. He remembered the contents of his pockets and put them on the ground, but the money, he kept with him, as well as a... rainbow scale? He pocketed it before running to catch up with Mystia. 

"This is stupid."

(OOC: How much more stupid can I get? Oh yeah, Mystia's own bullets can't harm her or her allies.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 22, 2011, 03:42:23 PM
Youmu charged towards the nearest blob and drew both swords, unleashing slice after slice on the thing, before stopping and moving off before it had it's chance to counter her.

Rhiseza on the other hand rushed to Mokou, who was holding an unconscious and very wounded Reimu. She didn't have much unless she was going to tear up her shirt... At least she could try to stop the bleeding though. So that said she reached out for the nearest wound and put pressure on it to stop the bleeding.
"If you have something sharp, I could use it right about now." She didn't even look up, focusing on getting Reimu to stop bleeding...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 22, 2011, 05:21:18 PM
Orin and Koishi charged toward a nearby abomination.

"Take that!" shouted Orin as she punched it.

"Aren't I awesome?  Fear my hat!" said Koishi, striking it as it was preoccupied with Orin.

"Um...rah, rah.  Go, team," mumbled Gale.  He knew he was no good against these things, and that the only meaningful contribution he could give would be to direct Orin and Koishi's strategy.  But they seemed to be doing pretty well on their own.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 22, 2011, 06:48:14 PM
Ranna, released from her daze rushed over to Mokou and Rhiseza. She placed her bow on the ground and withdrew her knife from her pocket, she flipped it in her hand, the handle pointing towards Rhiseza. She didn;t need to stay anything, her expression said her words for her. 'Here use this', or something like that.
Mokou carefully laid Reimu down on the ground, trying her best not to hurt her accidentally. After Making sure she was safe from harm's way, she nodded to the two girls and darted towards the battle.
Ranna looked down at Reimu. She's in this bad of a condition...and she's one of the strongest humans in Gensokyo... She raised her head and looked towards the battle unfolding before them. ...How do we even stand a chance against these?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 22, 2011, 07:20:03 PM
Rhiseza drew the knife from Ranna's hand carefully, nodding her thanks, then reached into her bag and pulled out a water bottle, wet her hands with it, and cleaned off one of Reimu's wounds before cutting a strip from her shirt and using it as a makeshift bandage, tying it tightly around the wound and then repeating the process with the next one.
"A second pair of hands would make this faster, you know." She glanced up at Ranna briefly before returning to work.

... Her only worry was that she was going to run out of cloth before Reimu ran out of wounds.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 22, 2011, 08:23:33 PM
Ranna looked towards Rhiseza, then down at her own clothes, then she looked at Reimu. Ranna took the knife off the ground and cut a piece off of one of Reimu's detatched sleeves.  She offered it to Rhiseza, as a way of saying 'Here will this work?'

((Not Describing her clothes here since I'm gonna draw them. But they aren't suited for bandages))

((Also too bad Yukari isn't here, else she could TRAIN the blobs))

((Question. What counts as Danmaku and What doesn't? Like, not all spell cards are danmaku. For Example Komachi's niceboat, Yukarin's Train, we need a plane now))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 22, 2011, 08:33:47 PM
"It will do. I'd prefer we didn't cut her clothing up much, leave it in as much of one piece as you can."

She finished tying another bandage around another of Reimu's wounds and started on a third one...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 22, 2011, 09:36:11 PM
"I'm sure the shrine maiden can always get some new sleeves." Ranna said as she cut some more strips.
"...There that should be enough cloth for now....Nanaya will need some too so we should try to save what little remains." Ranna said as she put her knife away in her pocket.
She rose to her feet and looked around, trying to find something that might be useful.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 22, 2011, 09:56:13 PM
Rhiseza made sure to cut enough strips for Nanaya, assuming she would need at least as many as Reimu, if not more.
... Of course, now her shirt was a good three or four inches shorter. Not that it mattered. At least it was a clean cut...
... But now they had to wait for Nanaya.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 22, 2011, 09:59:54 PM
Newan shot Aesera a quick glare as if to say 'don't remind me', then turned his attention back to the spawns. "Nazrin. Hand me one of your dowsing rods."

"Eh!? But you-" Nazrin began.

"Just do it. It's the closest I'll get to a weapon."

Nazrin complied, albeit begrudgingly. "Okay.The mice of the forest won't be of much help, and we'd probably just trip over them. Nanaya is the top priority right now, but it looks like the others have that one covered. You and I will go for the one on the far right, got it?"

"Right." As the two ran forth to attack the aforementioned spawn, he noticed that Nazrin seemed to be in her element.

"I'll take the front while you move around to the back. Regardless of whether or not you hit it, never stop moving, got it? We need to keep this thing on its toes. Er, tentacles. "

Nazrin began their attack with a side-sweeping slice while Newan moved around to the back to attempt to deliver a downward slash. He had no experience in battle, and the dowsing rod felt a little awkward, but the adrenaline made him not care.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 22, 2011, 10:47:08 PM
((inb4 Nanaya gets gangbanged with tentacles))

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 22, 2011, 11:14:11 PM
(Awh. One by one.)

The reddish spawn emerged from the blue blast, looking unharmed. Alice's exploding doll throw only had a minimal effect on the spawn. But that was more then enough. With the group of other, lance-wielding dolls around the spawn, all flying in and penetrating the spawn's black, blob body, one would indefinitely hit the damaged bracer. And it did.

In a flash of lit, the bracer breaks apart from the spawn, as electricity forms around the spawn, before going inside it... Soon enough, the spawn imploded into a ball as small as the bracer, before melting into the ground. One dead, seven to go.

The spawn that Kanako's holding back with her constant blades of wind start to deal no damage the whiter the spawn becomes. It constantly absorbs the wind, before finally manage to snag Kanako's leg and pull itself to her, releasing it's own version of a wind blade. A purple, gash-like object forms on the spawn's body before expelling outwards, going directly into Kanako's face. As the god she is, Kanako manages to quickly pull down an onishibura(sp), a big, rod-like brown object, from the skies, directly smashing the spawn into little bits and pieces. The white fragments slowly regenerate, only to be imploded from within due to the bracer breaking.

Six left.

Koishi and Orin's physical attacks arn't really doing much damage at all, and the spawn just ignores their attacks, heading straight for Gale. Their only means of attacking without Danmaku is this... But it's not enou. With this little firepower, it will never be enough. The spawn rockets itself towards Gale, tentacles flailing in the sky as it's gaping maw rips open, a black, spinning object appearing in it's mouth. Oshi-

The spawn stops. It stops in mid-air before landing on the ground. Koishi has her eyes closed, attempting to manipulate the thing's subconscious. It seems to be working, but the Spawn's subconscious isn't of itself, but of it's leader. Koishi envisions horrifying and soul crushingly despairing images that tunnel throu her mind, attempting to drive her insane.

But Koishi has held onto the Spawns's state of being for long enough. Enough for it's creator to snap all ties from it. As Koishi opens her eyes, The spawn pulses and leaks fluid from it's body, reeking the area with a putrid stench, expanding and contracting as it's jawed mouth rips open for one last time, roaring in defiance of Koishi's act. The spawn bites off the bracer on itself, causing it to end it's own suffering. Imploding into another blade ball.

Five left.

The one that Mokou had fought, and ripped off it's tentacles retreated to the far end of the group, next to the one holding Nanaya. It was unable to regrow it's limbs... Did something Mokou did stop this regeneration process?


Unknowingly, Mystia and Vante had been aiming for the spawn that Youmu had already weakened. Youmu's lightspeed slashing did some considerable damage, and the spawn didn't even have time to begin regenerating. With multiple slash wounds on it's body, Mystia's Danmaku, which would have done no damage at all, managed to reach into the interior of the spawn, causing it to begin burning from the inside. In a desperate attempt, the spawn managed to grab onto Youmu's arm and fling her to the ground, other tentacles about to cover and infest her.

Mystia's constant Danmaku reached the vital spots in the spawn's body, flaring up inside it, forming flames. The blue fire burns steadily, and the pain holds back the Spawn from being able to coordinate itself properly. Vante ran up to Youmu and managed to pull her away from the spawn as Mystia aimed her bullets at it's wounds. Even if the wounds were slowly closing up, Youmu was back in action, opening up new gashes on it's body. The Chaos was sent to a halt, as one of the bullets hit the bracer. And the spawn imploded.


Nazrin and Newan look turns slashing the spawn, constantly moving around to avoid being caught in it's waving tentacles. The spawn seems to not care anymore, and sank into the ground in the matter of seconds, appearing next to the last few spawns and the damaged one. They were surrounding Nanaya. Or, the spawn that had Nanaya. Slowly, the spawns began to merge with one another, Nanaya's body beginning to sink into the molding abomination of darkness and chaos.

The merging was completed, and what came out, was completely different then the tentacles blobs that the group was fighting earlier. This one had a human shape, with long, bony arms and legs, with two Long, sharp bony blades from it's forearms. It's head was just like the spawns from earlier, but this one was more humanoid. And it could speak. Three, green skulls attached themselves to the spawn's head, and hands. Tentacles began rupturing from it's back.

"None will survive..." It said in a low growl. This was a tier three Chaos.

It stood far from the area where the group was, silent now, calming looking at the others. Suddenly, Mokou, Koishi, Kanako and Nazrin were instantly pulled to the Chaos being, encased in tentacles and held useless, unable to move their limbs or speak. More tentacles began crawling up their legs and arms reaching for their groins and chest. The being pulled Mokou up first, using it's bladed arm to rip open Mokou's stomach area... Now only a deep gash. Mokou let loose a muffled scream as tears fell off her face, and blood leaked from the wound.

The other tentacles began proceeding to defile the other's innocence...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 22, 2011, 11:16:10 PM
(Train and Niceboat, etc, work on Chaos. Also, I don't think Newan and Aesera will summon Tenshi, right? Its too late now anyway.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 22, 2011, 11:17:59 PM
ALSO COMBAT POST IS ON PAGE 10. The lowest one.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 22, 2011, 11:26:12 PM
(Right. Time to use the marble?
Also, YAY, Youmu didn't get caught.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 22, 2011, 11:27:25 PM
(Yeah, no Tenshi until later.)

Newan looked in sheer terror at the monstrosity before them. "What the hell?!" It has Nazrin now...


Newan slumped down to the ground, on his knees. What am I supposed to do?! I can't fight that!


Nazrin and I couldn't even destroy one of those things, and now she's gone!


What the fuck do I do?!

Newan was nearly on the verge of tears. He realized that he really couldn't do anything to help in this situation. The only two people he cared about were about to be taken away. The pain forming in his hand didn't help.

Wait... what?


Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 22, 2011, 11:27:58 PM
(Right. Time to use the marble?
Also, YAY, Youmu didn't get caught.)

Using it or not, up to you.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 22, 2011, 11:28:53 PM
(I'm a little hesitant to use it because I don't really know what I'm supposed to do to... Activate it or whatever. Then again you probably aren't going to tell me are you?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 22, 2011, 11:46:14 PM
(I'm guessing that it works like an achievement.

By the way, the plot won't progress until everyone has a reaction post. At least, that's what she said on MSN.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 22, 2011, 11:54:35 PM
(... Meh. Here goes nothing, I guess.)
Rhiseza looked at what the blobs had 'merged' in to... And watched for a moment as it took Mokou, Koishi, Kanako, and Nazrin. What else -could- she do?
... Well, if ever there was a time now would be it.
She pulled the marble from her bag and stared in to it. If it did something she had to figure out how to use it. So she concentrated on it and... Tried to figure it out.
If you do anything helpful, now would be good...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 23, 2011, 12:19:14 AM
"Um, Koishi?" said Gale to the satori, who was still recovering from the attack.  "Uh...could you..."

"Never fear!" shouted Koishi, albeit somewhat incoherently.  "Unless you're a force of...Chaos!"

She launched an attack on the abomination's subconscious.

"Well, nice to see you alright," said Orin to Gale.


"I was being sarcastic."

"Oh.  Lovely."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 23, 2011, 12:20:26 AM
Ranna watched in sheer horror as the blobs developed into something else, and as it began to devour their newly found comrades, including her own. She was frozen, eyes wide. She couldn't close them, no matter how much she wanted to, even as she watched the monstrosity take hold of Mokou, pulling her in and plunging it's bone-like blade through her. There was an eruption of blood. It splashed out onto the ground, staining it a deep crimson.Blood dripped from the tip of the blade slowly, as if it was completely unaware of the situation at hand. Mokou's scream of pain muffled by the blood that had forced it's way up her throat and out of her mouth. Her eyes winced in unmeasureable pain. Unmeasureable, seemingly endless pain.
Ranna's entire body shook as the sight was burned into the depths of her subconscious. Her mind empty, devoid of any sort of thought. She felt a slight cold sensation on her cheek, that slipped away down her face.
Her vision began to blur, from  her eyes being open too long. Her heart felt like it was shriveling to nothing, and her vision slowly tinted red.
If her mind could say anything to the girl, it would be this:
I need to do something.
I need to save them
to save her!
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 23, 2011, 01:44:07 AM
"Once again," Aesera said, "fuck."

There wasn't much time. The thing had Kanako, and if Kanako died (assuming she could be killed; Aesera wasn't sure if a god could actually die), Aesera would die, too. And then Aesera felt something odd. A reaction? If we're supposed to fight these things, then it's not impossible that there's something special about us.

there wasn't much time to think. Okay, we've tried a lot already, so now it's time for something that'll be completely unexpected. "Newan," she said, "with me. This is going to sound suicidal, but charge the damn thing and punch it! We don't have many options," she continued, cutting off the inevitable protest, "and if we don't get Kanako and Nazrin out of there, we're dead, so don't object! And if your feeling weird like I am, you may be reacting to this thing, so don't back out if something happens. Free our partners, then free Nanaya. And... go!"

Aesera didn't wait for Newan's response. She simply charged, hoping that Newan chose to move in with her. She got as close to Kanako as she could, knife in hand. I hope this thing means something.

Aesera thrust her knife into the thing with as much strength as she could.


OOC: If Aesera's hand starts to pass into the thing or whatever, she'll let it happen and try to get some effect (the absorption, although she doesn't know that) from her hand.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 23, 2011, 01:57:01 AM
(Hm... I'm not sure if yours is a hand thing, but to hell with it, let's roll with it.)

Don't you get it?! I don't have a weapon!That's easy for you to say, when you have a- what the hell is wrong with me? This isn't the time to be thinking. We're in danger. Nazrin is in danger. Nanaya is in danger. This is not time to think. Just act! Of course, Newan didn't notice that he had already begun running at the Chaos creature on instinct. What he did notice was that what was supposed to be a punch ended up a bit... different.

(Short post is short.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 23, 2011, 02:31:41 AM
OOC: I was more thinking of the whole 'absorbing the chaos' thing. Is that not what you were going with?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 23, 2011, 02:36:20 AM
(No, I'm going off of the pulsing that's been happening in Newan's hand since I used the Mother of All Sparks achievement.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 23, 2011, 02:38:59 AM
((-this comment has been removed because she decided he can speak for himself-))


((-yawns- ....not again!!))

((Waiting for YJ since i have no idea wtf to do that wont hurt Mokou and them))

((Also I SEE A GREAT SCENE AFTER THIS FIGHT. If YJ would be kind enough to let me write up Mokou's reviving))

((4 new- ohwait, only one. OH GOD IM NIGHT BLINDED))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 23, 2011, 03:17:28 AM
(No, I'm going off of the pulsing that's been happening in Newan's hand since I used the Mother of All Sparks achievement.)

Oh. Didn't notice that part. *Edits post*
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 23, 2011, 03:33:34 AM
((Wish i could do sumthing))

((Also Aesera's character is very...different from all the rest. I guess more accepting, and more grown up, also fearless. It's interesting to have a wide variety of characters))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 23, 2011, 03:50:18 AM
((Aesera is simply taking things as they happen. Whether or not what she's experiencing is real, she is experiencing it, so she's going to act as though it is real. And also, she's far from fearless; fear can be good. Panic is what you don't want, but being fearless is not really a good thing. What she is is unconventional. She's doing something stupid, and she knows it's stupid. She's doing it precicely because it's stupid; she doesn't think an enemy would be prepared for such a stupid move))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 23, 2011, 04:16:32 AM
((So THAT'S why Cirno is strong against chaos!))

((Think I'll go to sleep soon, getting tired))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 23, 2011, 07:16:27 AM
(OOC: Which power does Mystia have, the one that induces nightblindness, or the one that drives people mad with her song?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 23, 2011, 07:27:01 AM
(Just saying, Mokou, Kanako, Koishi and Nazrin are being suspended by tentacles. And about to be raped before their organs are ripped out. You better save them. Ahahaha. It'll be really gruesome if you fail. Also, Mystia has both abilities, but Nightblindness doesn't work currently, and Chaos doesn't go mad. It's already mad.)

Edit: (DAMNIT I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE OTHERS TO POST. Only need for Crow Cakes and XinXin to post, but I can just manipulate XinXin however I want. I pmed Crowcakes when he was online to get him to post, but it apparently didn't happen. I'll just make the battle scene.)

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 23, 2011, 09:13:30 AM

Aesera and Newan take the first move, charging directly, stupidly, very randomly, at the Being of Chaos. With Kanako extended far back, Aesera can't reach her unless she manages to either slide to the side or jump over the being. Why doesn't anyone else help them... Why? Newan takes a quick look behind him before he reaches the being. Orin and Gale just standing there, useless, in shock. Alice has no dolls now, they've all been taken away, taken into that darkness in front of him. Alyssa the little princess. Standing by watching in silence, tears brimming in her eyes, unable to help. Ranna's looking in fear and shock too, at Mokou. With that gigantic gash on her stomach, and arrows don't hurt it. Reimu's knocked out cold, her bleeding has stopped, but that's about it, shes just dead weight. Mystia's constant Danmaku don't even leave a scratch, and Nanaya's inside that... thing. Vante can't do anything too.

The humans are completely useless, their partners made helpless, at the mercy of this abomination of chaos, and four of them, or maybe five, are about to die. This useless, ragtag group of people had to be chosen for a reason. If Yukari hadn't chosen them, who could have? Someone of a higher power? Or was it just a mistake. A miserable final attempt to save the world? There were only eight of them, now one, lone one, standing in front of them. What if these monstrosities had armies? Nothing will survive...

Youmu appears up front and center, shoving the running Aesera. Newan stops in his tracks.

"Humans don't have to die for us." Youmu grabs her other blade and pulls it out. "What these blades cannot cut - Nothing!"

Youmu charges forward, swinging each blade in rhythm, but all are blocked by the black arm-blades that the Chaotic Being has, each displaying master swordsmanship, but Chaos has the upper hand, I mean, it's fighting while holding four prisoners. And every tentacle is too busy trying to rip the prisoner's clothes off to deflect Youmu's blows. With another quick slash, Youmu fires a blue bullet in point blank range. It connects with the being's face, releasing some black smoke. Youmu immediately jumps backwards, slightly exhausted by the constant fighting. It's weird, she doesn't get tired easily... Unless that thing is absorbing her energy.

Rhiseza calls Youmu's name, and she turns, noticing her Half-ghost has become smaller. That thing is absorbing Myon, and will eventually, corrupt her. Youmu takes a step back, unable to charge back in without the chance of her becoming one of... that.

Kanako manages to pull a tentacle off her mouth, forming orbs of wind on her hands and attempting to throw them at the Chaos.

"H-Help!" Kanako shouts, before another black tentacle enters her mouth forcefully, beginning to rape her throat. (OH DAYUM.)

Aesera and Newan take their charge again, they have nothing to lose now. They could die either way, but dying to save their friends would be better then just rotting in the grasp of that thing without helping at all. Youmu falls to her knees as the duo rush forward, her energy spent, and Myon becoming even smaller. Why doesn't anyone help? Why are they just staring. Why? Why?

The being opens it's mouth, it's head covered with that glowing green skull. "One, by one." It claws Mokou's stomach again, reopening her slowly regenerating wound, revealing her organs. Liver, Stomach and Intestines. Tentacles begin crawling up her pants, ripping it in the process. Chaos drools at the sight of Mokou's incapitated body, unable to move, at it's mercy. It's drool is blackish green, and acidic, as seen as it drips on Mokou's shirt, slowly burning it and melting her skin. Mokou's constant screams of pain are silenced once again by a tentacle entering her mouth.

Why, why, why?

The duo reaches the being, and plunges their Knife, and fist directly into the black mess. Chaos turns it's head... smiling? It's jaw opens once again, and it begins to speak, as their arms are being dragged into it.

"Stupid honor and bravery will get you nowhere, humans. Let's try that again."

Chaos forcefully expels their limbs, causing them to fall back a considerable distance. Chaos stops with Mokou, and turns it's entire body to face them. "One, more time. Treat this as mercy."

---Within The Maelstrom of Chaos
Nanaya lies, curled up in a ball, surrounded by the horrors of the world. How did it end up like this? Will it all be gone? Will all of creation will be gone? If the Chosen Ones die before their time, won't it all have been for nothing?

"Katelin..." No responce.

"...K-Katelin?" Silence in the darkness


"Answer me! Talk to me!" Only the cold stare of the abyss lies in this swirling vacuum of nothingness.

"There is no Katelin."

"W-What are you talking about!? I'm right here! We're one!"

"Foolish. Only the firstborn of God ever existed. There was no human side of her... It's long gone. And now, you'll be my pawn."


"Don't be afraid. Embrace the darkness."


"Katelin left you to fend for yourself."

"Never! No! Get away from me!"

"That part of longing? That human? he will never save you."

"...No... K-Katelin... Help..."

"There is no more Katelin. Only Chaos."


"Come now. Join us..."


Nanaya's voice is gone from the darkness...

---BGM :

Aesera and Newan silently nod to each other, before charging once again, but this time, they have tasted Despair. Fear. Everything, every sin of mankind. There's nothing left for them. Except hope. What a knife once was, now turns to dust and floats in the wind. Aesera charges forward, her arm shivering in pain, but the pain is good... Right before it connects, out from the palm of her hand, is the tip of a lance. It expands, and splits into two. Red and Yellow, it pierces the dark hide of the Chaotic Being.

Newan follows suit, his hand pulsing finally stopped, and in it's place, a blade of pure light ruptures from his backhand, appearing to be as long as about how a shortsword would be like. With their new found weapons pierce the Chaotic Being, It roars, dropping Koishi from it's tentacled grasp, but the others are still held onto it. A tentacle finally rips Nazrin's top off, and begins entering her mouth from imbetween her breasts. another crawls up her leg. The being swings it's arms wildly, in an attempt to decapitate the duo. It misses, but send the two of them back quite a long distance...

You have his Mind. I grant you the Strength. Aesera hears, as the lance fully emerges from her hand. It's long, spear-like, twisting at the tip and expanding into two individual spikes, red and yellow.

You have her Regret and Sorrow. I grant you the Will. Newan hears, as the blade of light is surrounded by runes, and his right backhand, at the part where the blade connects, appears a blue crystal that melds with his hand and forms a glove.

Gale and Orin look at each other, before also charging. Chaos manages to whip out a tail from it's behind, swinging onto Orin's face. It's spiked exterior cutting her cheek, before swinging her to a nearby tree. Gale manages to get into striking range of the being, but is stopped as a large tentacle appears from the being's chest, flying straight at Gale. He puts his hands up in defense, a measly, failure of one. The sharpened tentacle rips through his hands, but Gale doesn't back off, even as he shouts in pain. He grabs onto the tentacle.

You have his skepticism, but you also do have his determination. I grant you knowledge. Runes float around Gale's wrists, ankles and neck, before attaching themselves to his body. Gale's head faces the floor, mumbling to himself as his eyes begin glowing black. "Braveheart."

Light whips out from Gale's limbs, ripping the tentacle that he grabbed in half, before Gale's wounds heal.

Ranna grabs her bow, and aims at the Tentacles that are about to penetrate Mokou's secret spot, the ones holding her up, and the one in the mouth. With about five, explosively quick snaps of her fingers, the arrows fly towards the Tentacles. It had did no damage before, but...

You have his coldness. Try to be kind to others. I give you the Power. The arrows flare up in shades of green and purple, their tips turning into the heads of dragons, and they connect with the tentacles holding Mokou, beginning to boil the Tentacle's insides, melt them, and Mokou drops to the floor, crawling for her life. Well, she can't die, but being tortured like that was much more painful then how Kaguya would have "killed" her.

Alyssa's tears fall from her cheeks. What could she do? She was just this little girl... You have her innocence, and her childhood. I grant you the state of being. Alyssa heard the words in her mind, but what could she do... She was just a girl, alone in this world... No. She had new friends, although they were a makeshift group of buddies that were chosen by some higher power, she finally, had people she could trust. And she would defend that freedom she was granted. Alyssa dropped Mira to the ground, but her faithful doll didn't fall to the floor. It stood next to her, turning slightly translucent and greenish. The doll flew forward, going through Nazrin, before flying back to Alyssa.

Nazrin's body began emitting light the same colour as Mira. The tentacles dissolved in the light, and Nazrin fell to the floor, unconscious.

Rhiseza was silent. Reimu was beside her, and now, Youmu too. Her eyes were closed, concentrating on the small marble-sized orb. What could she do? The orb began to sink into her hands. With two unconscious people beside her, what could she do? She was the assistant, the helper. The healer. and God would help her to be so.

You have her kindness, and her funny confusion. I grant you the Life. Black circles began forming around Rhiseza, circling her silently as her eyes were closed. It's ironic that they are black, because she had the power to... Give Life? The black circles shone light bellow them, and black, clawed hands emerged from her back, acting as arms too. They were black, but they shone holy light. Her own hands now, had gloves, with mysterious symbols on them. The Healer. The Savior. The Priest. The Pope.

Reimu and Youmu regained consciousness, and Myon was back to it's original size. Their wounds were slowly closing...

Finally, Vante. With this rainbow scale in his pocket, he pulls it out, making some random poses like how it worked in the movies. It apparently never worked like that. You have his cunning, and yet, his selflessness, and tiny, foolhardy self. I grant  you the Barrier. The rainbow scale began to expel smoke, but it wasn't black. It was blue. Blue and the colour of the universe. Vante's body changed with the process. He was the only one that heard more then a sentence. Vante. Ever heard of Dante's Inferno? And Devil May Cry?

A bone-tipped scythe fell from the sky, and ripped the ground where it landed in two. Vante stepped out of the smoke, his body covered with blue and purple demonic protrusions, like a someone from Devil May Cry 4 and Dante's Inferno. He picked the Scythe up. And smiled. With a flick of his wrist, the scythe flew at lightning speed towards Kanako, cutting the tentacles from her. Kanako fell to the ground, pulling off the tentacle from her mouth, mumbling something like an incoherent "Thanks" She began limping away. With the four, naked and severely injured, slightly defiled inhabitants of Gensokyo freed, only one remained.

Nanaya. And the tables had turned.

(Now, imagine yourself fading into black as you type your reply. Haha. With this ending song.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 23, 2011, 10:55:33 AM
(OOC: YJ I was going to post already why did you ninja post. Anyway, will Mystia, or any unaffected character for that matter, black out? Will edit to post later.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 23, 2011, 11:56:56 AM
(OOC: YJ I was going to post already why did you ninja post. Anyway, will Mystia, or any unaffected character for that matter, black out? Will edit to post later.)

No unaffected Character will black out. DERP.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 23, 2011, 12:29:21 PM
Mira flew in front of Alyssa as if gesturing to her, I am at your beck and command! Alyssa was still trying to get a grip on reality, having difficulty coming to terms with what was happening in front of her, living a sheltered life.

Alice turned behind and knelt down, holding a hand on Alyssa's shoulder as Mira floated beside her, glimmering as a hope for the group. "Alyssa, you can help them, just keep calm and you can help everyone! The dolls seem to repel the tentacles, so, you know what to do." As she spoke her last phrase, she gave Alyssa a pat on the shoulder, and turned around to make sure that the area around them stayed safe. Alyssa kept her head into the situation, quickly commanding Mira to fly over to the frontlines of the group, getting ready to protect whoever need be.

Whatever that voice was, whoever granted her this power, Alyssa knew she needed to use it now, and was thankful that she could. She wanted to protect this newfound group of allies.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 23, 2011, 12:38:43 PM
(OOC: Ignore this post.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 23, 2011, 02:12:18 PM
(OOC: Could anyone be so kind to tell me whom YJ has made Vante look like?

I now feel like I wrote this incorrectly. The scythe isn't going to fly back, by the way.)

The smile on Vante's face did not fade, in fact, it grew bigger. His body was shivering, trembling in sheer excitement of the newfound strength he had. The baston was also shaking under his intense grip. Why was he the one given power? Why not someone better than he was? There were plenty here who could fit the bill.

Even in this scenario, he found himself remembering the time he practiced.

"Do the thirteen strikes."

Once the fun started, it doesn't stop. That was basically the principle of arnis; you don't stop until you beat the other guy.

"Downward left. Downward right. Upward left. Upward right. Right stab. Upward left. Right, down to the floor. Back up to the left. Downward right. Downward left. Left stab. Right stab. Overhead," the instructor-slash-master would dictate.

This was the "basic combo," as anyone would call it.

Yes, yes, he was going to fight the Chaos spawn. He had to. He wanted to. Just imagining using the basics on it was enough to send Vante into his own little world inside his head.

Involuntary giggling escaped his mouth. Mystia, having seen all that had transpired, was more perplexed than she was surprised. "What just happened?" she couldn't think of anything else to say.



"Could you come with me?" By some primal instinct, they both knew what that meant: fighting the enemy. But even then, some tiny amount of apprehension took hold of Vante.

"My pleasure! This will be very messy," Mystia, flapping her wings once or twice, shot herself at the opponent. "No time for waiting~"

"Don't go overboard!" Vante followed suit, his eyes locked on what stood in front of everyone.

The bird's flight rose sharply as she reached the spawn, raking her claws against its chest and face. "It feels so good to be doing this again!" she followed it up with another familiar, creating another trail of bullets. Mystia landed a good distance away from the opponent.

The human finally caught up. Before the dark spawn could react, he went into the basic arnis striking stance: halting, then one simple hit against the left of the opponent.

"Well, I was going to do this anyway."

"Basic" didn't need to be boring. Whether the one who did it was an expert or not, each movement was an unceasing chain of action, fast and ferocious. As he executed the thirteen strikes, his feet moved along. The left foot moved forward first, then the right, then the left, along with each strike. Each impact was oddly satisfying, and it was a good thing that bamboo didn't break under large force.

The only drive he had were these panicky, desperate thoughts.
Die, die, die, die, die! I'm the one who will win! I must be the one! Me! Me! I don't want to die!
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 23, 2011, 03:11:38 PM
Looks like I was right. "Okay, people," Aesera called out, "Nanaya's still in there, so priority one is getting her out! Rip this thing open until we find her!"

Aesera charged, her new weapon ready. She'd never weilded a lance before, but given that it was clearly some sort of magic weapon, that might not matter. Hopefully its use will just come naturally.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 23, 2011, 04:22:33 PM
"W-What...?"  mumbled Gale as he looked at the whip of light that had suddenly appeared.

"Why don't I get a weapon?" said Orin, looking up.  "I'm not about to go back underground just to get my cart, you know."

"Well," said Koishi, "that was decidedly gross.  Cool weapon, though.  Gonna pass out.  Don't"  And so she did.

"Yeah, you should probably charge ahead," said Orin.  "Nowish."

"Fine, fine..."

Gale charged toward the force of Chaos, his light-whip dangling behind him as he ran.

( is a whip, right?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 23, 2011, 05:52:54 PM
Rhiseza felt the marble sink into her hand. It was... an unfamiliar feeling, to say the least.
You have her kindness, and her funny confusion. I grant you the Life.
... What did that mean? And what did the gloves and these new... Arm.. Things... Have to do with it?
Then she noticed Reimu awake and, more importantly, unwounded.
... The world moves in strange ways, it seems.
Youmu was back to her full capacity as well, or so it seemed. Which meant there was only one thing to do.

"Youmu, I have a favor to ask of you."
"What would that be?"
"Make sure it dies, please."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 23, 2011, 06:26:31 PM
((Starting with early on stuff))

Ranna silently picked up her bow. Her body had stopped shaking, and her expression had gone cold. Her eyes were closed as she stepped forward, raising her bow towards the enemy. She withdrew an arrow, and pull back on the string. Time seemed to slow for a moment. And she opened her eyes.
It swirled amongst her green eyes, overtaking them, and dying them a deep and magnificent violet.
As soon as her eyes changed, she let go of the first arrow. Before it could even hit the target she had loaded up another one with lightning speed. She let it fly, repeating the process. The arrows flew towards their destination, swirling with purple and green aura. They connect with their target, melting the monstrousity's flesh. Mokou falls from it's grasp, gasping for breath and still cringing in pain. She weakly crawls away from the creature with the little strength she has left. Her flesh slowly regenerating as she dragged her bleeding body across the ground.
Ranna, seeing that Mokou was freed from the monster and slowly gaining distance from it, turned her attention back to the  so-called Chaos. Purple and green swirled in her hand, forming into arrows.
Four down, and one to go...
She pulls the arrow back on the string, A violet mist like energy circled her body. She closes one eye. The mist begins to gather around the arrow, blanketing it with a mass of power. She lets go, and within less than a second the arrow is gone, flying towards the enemy with precision, aimed straight at it's throat.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 23, 2011, 09:36:22 PM
(Nonono not its throat yet :ohdear:

Note to YJ: Put this before Ranna's. Also, I'm going to go remove my last post. It was crappy.)

Newan looked down at the sword on his hand in confusion. This day is just full of surprises, isn't it? He turned his attention back to the Chaos, before charging forward, hacking at tentacles as he went. Nanaya... please be alive! Newan plunged his sword into the atrocity, tearing a hole in its front. He reached his hand into the hole, and began looking for Nanaya.

Please, be there! After a few seconds of searching, he finally found something. He grabbed on, and pulled with all the strength he could muster. Please!

(So yeah, sorry if this kinda overshadow's Aesera's action a bit, but I meant to post this this morning and ran out of time. Not to say her charge couldn't help. Feel free to be angry at me.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 23, 2011, 10:40:40 PM

With Vante initiating the fight, the constant slashing imbued with his now, demonic-strength, The Chaos Being is unable to it it's own power to block, or even parry the blows, even with those big arm blades. The never ceasing strikes, looking like they were from Marvel vs Capcom 3, gave the Being no time to recover, no time to regain it's strength and agility. Constantly being forced back with a rain of blows. Newan charged towards the being, his hand-blade just waiting to taste that thing's blood. It pierced the being's chest with one simple, swift stab, and Vante pulled back his attacks, allowing Newan some room.

The being stood there, petrified as if medusa had just stared in it's face. It began to rip open it's mouth, screaming and roaring disorientedly. It swung it's arms with vicious velocity, but it never even touches Newan. His hand goes deeper into the being, and it let's loose more horrendous screams. Immediately, it flails itself closer to Newan in the attempt to rip his head of, but is leached and immobilized by five whips of pure light coming from Gale. They burn the Being's flesh, with a sizzling sound, around it's neck and four limbs. Slowly being forced to it's limbs, Chaos manages to swing it's arm blade, detaching it...

Heading towards Gale. As it reaches his neck, the arm blade is deflected as Mira passed through Galw, granting him temporary invulnerability. Gale nods to the floating doll and pulls the whips further, causing the Chaos to push it's chest forward. Newan finally grasps something. It feels like a hand... He pulls with all his might...

With a ripping sound and a horrible scream of agony, a naked Nanaya, covered with tentacles, is forcefully ripped out from the Chaos Being. She spits a tentacle out of her mouth, her eyes hazy and confused, before blacking out. Newan pulls his blade upwards, cutting the thing's neck in half, and finally, Ranna's arrow flies through it's throat, burning a big hole in it. Chaos falls to the ground, a weakling now... Time to finish it.

Aesera walks over to the spawn, and stabs it in the head with the twin-pointed lance.

"I wanted to throw this at you fucker, but there were others, so this will have to suffice."

Aesera pulled the lance out, and stabbed it's chest. It began leaking bolten magma and green acid. It had finally ended. Chaos was almost dead.

"You have... Won t-the battle, b-but you'll never win the war... There are more of us... Countless more... And we will not stop until this universe is ours... We... Are... C-Chaos..." The being melts completely, sinking into the ground. The red aura around the Shrine disappears. Reimu shouts to the group.

"Go, take your friends and rest. We'll talk tomorrow..." Reimu walks into the shrine.

(Take your partners and go rest, talk, etc.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 23, 2011, 10:49:09 PM
((So we aren't all passing out?))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 23, 2011, 10:50:38 PM
(Of course not. The only ones down are Kanako, Nanaya, Koishi, Nazrin and Mokou. Even if Mokou is fully healed, it's painful for your insides to almost be ripped out)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 23, 2011, 10:54:49 PM
((Aww...Thought our power abuse was gonna knock us out))

((Also LOLOLOL Newan gets the two naked girls))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 23, 2011, 11:03:23 PM
Newan would have embraced the now-unconscious Nanaya if not for her lack of clothing, so instead he settled for turning away from her and letting out a sigh of relief as a tear of joy fell down his cheek. "Thank god..." Newan wasn't religious, but the gravity of the expression was not lost on him.

He turned back to Nanaya and, averting his eyes from the nudity before him, picked her up so he could take her into the shrine. Along the way, he stopped as he saw Gale. "Um... thanks, for back there." I guess I'll have to make two trips... no way I can carry Nanaya AND Nazrin, especially in their current... states.

Newan was silent the rest of the way as he went back to their room. He carefully set Nanaya inside her futon, then went back outside to retrieve Nazrin.

(OOC: And now, a post pause in case someone decided to talk to Newan.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 23, 2011, 11:33:41 PM
"I'm just going to go back to the shrine.  Maybe if I try hard enough, I'll forget everything that just happened," said Gale.

"And let me guess: I have to drag Koishi back, right?" asked Orin.


"You irritate me to no end."


Gale sighed as he walked back.  Nothing made sense anymore.  He had a hard time believing he was hallucinating, but it was the only explanation that made sense, especially considering the recent developments.  And why a whip?  Of course I get the naughtiest weapon.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 23, 2011, 11:52:13 PM
(I'm done brutally killing things now, I swear!)

Rhiseza and Youmu were both carrying Nazrin towards the shrine, and she hoped that they would run in to Newan on the way so she knew where to put her. But for the time being she did what she could for her, and just... Walked on with Youmu.
"... Do you have any idea what happened?"
"To what?"
"Well..." She gestured to the black arms, the ones she was using to carry Nazrin while she worked. "These, I mean..."
"I don't, no."
I don't even know what the voice meant... I guess I've got time to try and figure it out, though.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 24, 2011, 12:09:24 AM
As Newan exited the shrine, he saw that Youmu and Rhiseza were carrying Nazrin. "Ah, thanks. I can carry her if you want. Or, if you don't mind, you can carry her, since she's, um, topless."

Really, though, what a day it's been. It looks like it's only late morning or early afternoon, and we've already had a battle with some giant... thing, and all that stuff with the weapons happened... I hope this doesn't become a daily routine. Although, hopefully we won't have so many damsels in distress next time.

(Short post elicits a short response.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 12:13:09 AM
"Er, where do we take her?"
She blushed at the mention of Nazrin being topless, something she'd been trying very hard not to think about.
"And, um... Do you want me to... See what else I can do...?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 24, 2011, 12:16:58 AM
"Oh, er, follow me," Newan said, as he began leading them to his, Nazrin's, and Nanaya's room. "Um, if you could, that'd be great. I'd appreciate it, and I bet Nazrin would as well."

It was then that he realized something. Hm... Youmu's a swordsman...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 12:21:52 AM
She had Youmu let go and took Nazrin, laying her down and then immediately starting her bandage work.
"I could try for her too, if you need...?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 24, 2011, 12:27:56 AM
"Yeah, the fact that she spit up a tentacle worries me..."

Well, I can ask her about that later. Right now, Nazrin and Nanaya need medical attention.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 12:32:55 AM
She nodded. "I'll do what I can. Youmu, if you want--"
"-- Yeah. I know. I'll stay."
"If you're sure, then."
... She was definitely going to need more bandages for all of this. She really just didn't have enough for everyone.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 24, 2011, 12:40:40 AM
"Thanks. If you need help with anything, just, um, let me know. I'm not good with medical things, but I'll help however I can."

Actually, Reimu seemed pretty calm at the end there, considering what just happened... I'm still a bit shaken up myself.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 01:01:20 AM
"I could use more bandages, but other than that the only issue is clothing for them..."
"Yukari might be able to help with that if we can find her."
Rhiseza let out a sigh. She really wasn't fond of Yukari.

Not much she could do about that though.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 24, 2011, 01:14:12 AM
Aesera picked Kanako up. Well, she looks okay, Aesera thought as she carried the unconcious god to their room in the shrine, but I pretty much have no way to know if she really is.

Aesera carried Kanako into their room and placed her on her bed, then took a seat and examined her new weapon. Right. These things worked, and worked well. Physical blows in general seemed more effective, so I'll have to keep that in mind. I better make sure I know how to use this thing. But first...[/i

Aesera left the room and found her way to Newan's. Opening the door, she saw Newan and Rhiseza tending to Nanaya and Nazrin. "She's being cared for. Good. Please notify me as soon as Nanaya awakens. I'll be outside for a while, so look outside if I'm not in my room."

Without waiting for a reply, Aesera closed the door and made her way out of the shrine. Finding a suitable spot, she readied her weapon and began her practice session.


OOC: Does usage of the weapon come naturally, and if so, then to what extent?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 24, 2011, 02:35:27 AM
Q and A time! Haha. Posting in 3 hours or so. Also, guyumeton9, the only natural ability you can use expertly is throwing the lance. It's too long to parry weapons effectively, and you can't decapitate someone just with a swipe. Yet. Also, you cant block with it. Also, all of you can activate or deactivate your weaps/powers.

Names of weaps/powers.

Aesera : Lance Of Longinus.
Newan : Twilight Pisionic Blade( Blinkstrike)
Vante : God's bane
Gale : BraveHeart(Magic)
Rhiseza : Sanity's Eclipse
Ranna : Starlight Breaker
Alyssa : Mortality
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 24, 2011, 02:40:31 AM
"Hm... I'd ask Reimu if there were any spare clothes hanging around, but I have no idea where she is. For now, we can probably bring them to the room and slip them into the futons; that's what I did with Nanaya."

Newan then turned to Aesera as she entered the hallway. "Okay. I myself have something to ask her."

He turned back to the matter at hand. "Do you think we should move her back to the room before you continue, or do you need to do this as soon as possible?"

(OOC: On the whole, what are the characters' current mastery levels with their abilities?

Also, just assume that Newan deactivated the sword after the fight, before carrying Nanaya to the room. :P)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 02:53:14 AM
"It's not too urgent as of now... I think it'll be fine if we move her."
She stopped and stood up, turning to Youmu. "Do you think you can find Reimu?"
"I can try but it might not be so easy."
"Enough for me."
Youmu nodded and left to look for Reimu while Rhiseza turned to Newan. "Do you want to, or should I...?"

(Sanity's Eclipse? Sounds a bit... Off. But meh.
Also, what else did we get? Just the weapons or something extra?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 24, 2011, 02:54:54 AM
Ranna just watches as the entity melts away to nothingness. The red aura vanishing from the air. The shrine returned to a calm, peaceful state, as if nothing had happened. As if the battle that had tooken place was just an illusion. However, the strange transformations some of them had underwent, and the weapons they had summoned, remained in existence. The battle was a reality, their torn clothes, their ripped flesh, and the pain they felt were all real. A strange atmosphere hung over everyone, except maybe Reimu who seemed unfazed by the chain of events that had transpired right before their eyes. She had awoken in time to see the final moments of the hideous creature. So why was she not panicked? Ranna only gave the thought a moment's notice.
As Reimu began to depart into the shrine Ranna spoke to her, making her stop before going into hiding.
"Reimu..." She said, no emotion in her voice. "You should send out a warning to all of Gensokyo."
Reimu didn't say anything, or even bother to turn around. After she was sure Ranna had finished speaking, she continued on her way into the shrine.
Ranna continued to stand there, just staring forward silently. A few moments after Reimu had vanished, the group resumed activity, as if they were all waiting for her to leave.
Newan acted first, letting out a sigh of relief over Nanaya being safe, seemingly trying his best to ignore the status they were all in. With some hesitation, he picked up Nanaya's naked and unconscious body, and trekked back into the shrine.
Next to follow was Gale, who carried the same expression on his face despite all that happened, made his early retreat into the shrine, leaving a slightly beaten Rin to carry the unconscious Koishi indoors.
After Gale had vanished from sight and Rin had, with a little difficulty, taken Koishi and made her way into the shrine, Rhiseza and Youmu began to carry Nazrin into the shrine. The many black arms that extended from Rhiseza's body began to tend to Nazrin's wounds as they walked. As they reached the shrine, Newan came out and thanked them for the help, the sounds of their somewhat forced discussion fading to only mumbles as they disappeared into the shrine. After the sounds of their voices had faded, Aesera had picked up Kanako and started making her way back to their own room.
Ranna closed her eyes for a moment, resting them. As she opened them, the violet color which had taken over her eyes, began to swirl in them, shrinking until it took up residence in the lower half of her eyes. Almost everyone had gone inside by now, making a certain amount of silence take over the outside of the shrine, and with the silence came some other feeling. Emptiness? Sadness? Worry?
As the Green returned to her eyes, a certain amount of the sharp coldness left her as well. She looked at Mokou.
Mokou was still lying on the ground, gasping for air as she tried to endure the pain. Ranna walked over to her.
"....Mokou..." She spoke softly, almost as if it had been a whisper.
Mokou looked up at her, her eyes nearly closed due to the extreme pain that racked her body. In between breaths she managed to speak, "...What..."
Ranna was speechless for a moment, emotion returning to her face. Sadness and pain shone in her now multicolored eyes.
"...hah...Don't bother...with your...sym..pathy......I don't" She retorted, the words coming out with each exhale.
Ranna closed her mouth for a moment and looked to the ground, the light fluctuate in her eyes for a moment.
"...Well... are you gonna....just...stand there... like that...?" Mokou asked clenching her teeth in an attempt to lessen the pain.
Ranna's mouth opened slightly, but no words came out. She lowered to her knees and held out her hand to Mokou.
Mokou looked at the girl's hand, then back to her face. It looked mournful, and sad.
"...Didn't I...." Mokou didn't finish, instead she just sighed and struggled to raise her body from the ground. Ranna lowered farther, placing Mokou's arm over her shoulder. Mokou grimaced in pain as she managed to bring herself up from the ground. She held her stomach with her other arm. Ranna gazed at it.
There was nothing there. No wound, no blood, no scar. Ranna was amazed. She stopped her thoughts from slipping through her lips, deciding to save them for a better time.
Making sure they wouldn't fall back to the ground, the two slowly rose from the ground. Mokou's expression filled with pain as she stood, her empty hand grasped her stomach. Ranna watched as her partner endured the pain. Watching was the only thing she could do for now. She wasn't strong enough to carry Mokou by herself, and it seemed as though Mokou would have protested to being carried like the others were.
"...Well? Are we gonna move....or what...?" Mokou spoke.
Ranna blinked, coming out of her daze. She turned her head to face the shrine, and the two of them, slowly, carefully, and sloppily, made their way towards the shrine.

((Long post is long. Will continue if no interaction persues))

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 24, 2011, 03:03:35 AM
"I guess I can do it, actually. We've all been through a lot, and I think it's only fair that we all try to do what we can. Besides, she is my partner." As Newan picked up Nazrin, he thought about what she actually meant to him. I guess she's more than a friend, but not in the same way as Nanaya. I guess partner really is the most fitting title. He began leading Rhiseza to the room. It didn't take long, as the room was not far. "Here we are."

He entered the room quietly, so as not to wake Nanaya, then maneuvered Nazrin into her futon.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 03:14:55 AM
(Sonae, her black arms were helping carry Nazrin. Her real arms were doing the wound-tending. And I think she only has two extra arms... I could be wrong.)
"... What all do you make of this, I wonder? This... World. Gensokyo or whatever she called it."
She resumed patching up Nazrin's wounds, trying to multitask to keep her focus up.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 24, 2011, 03:17:19 AM
Newan shrugged. "It's... different. No other way to describe it." In layman's terms, anyway.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 03:31:31 AM
"I'm running out of reasons to believe this isn't real. But none of it makes sense either. I don't know whether I'm dreaming, or really here."
... Then she frowned.
"Though if this is one of my dreams, I have a sick, twisted mind. And sadistic on top of that."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 24, 2011, 03:32:57 AM
"Well, you can't feel real pain during dreams, right? Or any feelings, actually. I thought this was a dream, but it's too... real."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 24, 2011, 03:33:11 AM
((Ohwell. I'll describe em right next time.))

((We're not waiting for Crows this time?))

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 03:37:36 AM
"Just that... Logically, none of this is possible. Not from what I know. My... Friend... Is a half-ghost, yours is a mouse... Person... Not to mention the -others-..."
She let out a sigh and shook her head.
"Even if this is real... Why me? I'm hardly suited for -any- of this... I have trouble -running- most of the time, let alone fighting."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 24, 2011, 03:42:50 AM
"...Well, we were all chosen for a reason, even if we don't know what it is. I mean, look at me. No combat experience whatsoever, and I'm supposed to use a sword? Sure, it's crazy, but I have no reason to suspect that it's not real."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 24, 2011, 03:52:17 AM
"This isn't a dream."
Ranna's voice suddenly interrupted the two's back and forth chatter.
She stood, leaning against the open doorframe with her arms crossed. Her green and violet eyes gazing at them clearly.
"Think about it" She said calmly. "Have you ever had dreams in this much detail? let alone remembered them?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 24, 2011, 04:11:06 AM
Newan took advantage of the interruption. "Anyway, I'm going outside for a bit. I need some time to think about things. If anything important happens, please let me know."

He walked out the door, and out of the shrine. He found a large tree, and sat underneath it. No way I could tell them why. I hope Nanaya doesn't wake up for a bit. I'm too ashamed to talk to her right now. Who wouldn't be? I'm the one who made her run off. I'm the one made her go through that, right after finding out that I don't share her feelings. I bet she hates me right now. I wouldn't blame her. Hell, I hate me right now. Even if I did pull her out of that thing, it's not like I did it alone. I haven't even really redeemed myself. But what can I do? I can't just avoid her forever, and no matter what, I need to apologize for making her go through that. But it isn't enough.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 24, 2011, 04:23:01 AM
the lance was not the most agile of weapons. It was particularly unsuited for defense, but Aesera had her own agility to compensate; she'd just have to focus on avoiding strikes rather than blocking them. But it had its advantages, too. Aesera found that its use as a throwing weapon did come naturally, although nothing else seemed to. And in addition, she had quickly discovered that she could form and unform it at will, which, if nothing else, made retrieving it after a throw a non-issue. and, of course, it had some sort of property that made it effective against the enemy. I'll still want a new knife, though. I may not use it as a weapon, but it's still a tool I want to have.

Aesera took a break from her practicing and looked around. She noticed Newan take a seat underneath a tree. Looks like something's bothering him. And he froze up doring the battle, too. If he's having confidence issues, that needs to be taken care of right now.

Aesera approached Newan. "Hey. You look concerned about something. Are you holding up all right?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 24, 2011, 04:29:11 AM
"Hm? Oh, yeah. Just... thinking about some things." Do these people not know the meaning of personal space? It's so weird how many people I've had to talk to. In school, everyone always left me alone... Although, I guess she could be useful. "You seem like a reasonable person. Do you think I should leave Nanaya alone so she doesn't have to deal with me anymore, or just spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to her? I don't know which one would piss her off less."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 24, 2011, 04:31:40 AM
Ranna watched as Newan left the room and vanished from sight. She didn't say anything about it and turned her gaze back to Rhiseza who was busy at work with Nazrin's wounds. She watched, seeming to be waiting for Rhiseza to notice her.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 24, 2011, 04:42:29 AM
So it's about Nanaya. Aesera sat down beside Newan. "Well, first I need to know what you feel you have to make up to her for."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 05:08:31 AM
She finished what she was working on and turned towards Ranna.
"I know it's not. It's accepting that it isn't which is the difficult part for me. And for the record, yes, I have had dreams in quite good detail, which I remember."
She had a feeling this wasn't going to go that well. Then again she always got that feeling.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 24, 2011, 05:13:36 AM
Ranna opened her mouth for a moment, but closed it again. She had probably decided what she would have said shouldn't be said for some reason or another. She looked towards Nazrin.
"How did you treat her wounds?" She asked calmly.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 05:17:30 AM
"The only way I can, bandages. I'm not exactly some kind of magician."
Realizing she'd more or less snapped at Ranna, she looked down.
"... I'm sorry. I'm more than a little frustrated. I suppose it doesn't help I don't even know if these," She gestured with her extra arms, "Even go away, or if they do anything besides give me an extra pair of hands."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 24, 2011, 05:29:27 AM
Ranna gazed at the girl with her two toned eyes.
"Did you not see what happened back there?" She said, with a slight hint of irritation. "To Reimu, and even Youmu" She said pausing for a moment.
"Reimu, who was unconscious and full of wounds, suddenly healed right up. And Youmu who was weakened suddenly gained her energy back. Do you think that was really their own doing?" She spoke strongly, her eyes holding the same strength.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 05:43:56 AM
"Yes, I -know- they got back up. Am I supposed to believe that I can suddenly just magically make people better, then? I didn't even do anything!"
She slumped against the wall.
"I don't know any more than you do. I'm just trying my best to do -something- to help."
... And then, with a mumble, she added,
"Not like it's doing any good..."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 24, 2011, 05:50:31 AM
Ranna closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. She let out a breath that sounded almost like a sigh.
Ranna turned her body slightly. "Well, when you figure out how to control your ability, Come visit my room, Mokou could use a pain killer"
With that she walked off silently, disappearing from sound and sight.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 05:56:44 AM
"... If I even -have- this supposed ability..."
She waited for a moment, and then slapped herself -hard-.
"Knock it the hell -off- you idiot. Could there -really- be a worse time?"
She got up and started treating Nanaya. It was something, at least.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 24, 2011, 05:59:22 AM
((Imma go sleep for now. Soooo tired. I'll most another part between Mokou and Ranna when im more awake, Assuming YJ doesn't time skip us))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 24, 2011, 06:52:34 AM
(Righty. Once again. Pictures are somewhat accurate. Mostly just different colours. Haha so many references.)

Aesera : The Lance of Longinus, a red, very long lance which first starts out looking like a spear, before the red metal coils and splits into two seperate spikes.

Newan : Twilight Pisionic Blade(BlinkStrike), a yellow, shortsword-length blade of pure golden energy, secured to a blue crystal atop a dark green glove.

Vante : God's bane, a demonic, black and red armor that covers your entire body, comes with a bone-Scythe. and

Gale : BraveHeart(Magic), Ability to summon whips of light(Only one unlocked), other abilities. (Nopic)

Rhiseza : Sanity's Eclipse, circles of darkness around your waist, and two long, black, energy arms. (NopicbutyoucancheckoutNarutobecausehisLifeKyuubiformhasthosearms)



---Mastery Levels(Max Level 20) HAHAHA. SO MUCH LIEK AN RPG. Anyway, out of 20, you can gauge how awesome you can use your weapon.

Aesera : Level 1: Melee. Level 2: Ranged

Newan: Level 2: Melee. Level 2: Ranged/Support

Ranna: Level -1: Melee. Level 4: Ranged/Support

Alyssa: Level -1: Melee. Level 2: Ranged/Support

Vante: Level 5: Melee. Level 1: Ranged/Support

Rhiseza: Level 1: Melee. Level 3: Ranged/Support

Gale: Level 2: Melee. Level 3: Ranged/Support


I could timeskip, maybe, maybe not. Iunno. Maybe I'll just get certain characters to wake up.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 24, 2011, 11:26:48 AM
OOC: Dear god, gone for school one day and this mass of text appears.

Alyssa sat alone at the steps of the shrine again, coming to terms with the world she had never bothered to acquaint with, a world that was far more gruesome than she had imagined. Mira seemed to again be in a blank state, as all dolls naturally should be. What had happened was supernatural, gaining powers like that. Sure they were useful, but why did she gain it? There was obviously a reason, and it was definitely linked to what Yukari had been talking about, and the encounter they had with those creatures. Why she was here, what she should do, all these questions stumped her. This was the first time that she had truly been in any turmoil of any sort, having lived her life with barely any worries. She heard footsteps approaching her.

"It must be quite confusing... isn't it?" A voice asked, probably Alice, Alyssa deduced. "I don't know much about the outside world, but I know that everything you don't believe in goes here." She spoke in a consoling voice, acting as an understanding figure towards Alyssa. "It may be hard for you to understand anything, since even I don't exactly understand what's going on, but all I know is that you need to stay strong." Her voice became to have an edge of conviction to it as she started to talk longer. "I know it's tough on you, since you're young, but understand that everyone is going through the same thing, so we'll be working together. If you need to talk, I'll be here, okay?" Alyssa immediately stood up after this, startling Alice slightly.

"Let's go and see if anyone needs any help." Alyssa promptly stated. Alice nodded, in full agreement of this, and quite glad that Alyssa seemed to understand.

The two eventually ended up finding Rhiseza and Nanaya, the former attemping to tend to the latter's wounds.

"Excuse me, Miss Rhiseza, do you need any help?" Alyssa calmly spoke from the open door as she watched Rhiseza struggle. "I would be glad if I could do anything to be of assistance." Alice stood behind, glad that she seemed to have matured from the time that she had met her until now. Alyssa wondered if her powers could be of any use to Rhiseza, but she supposed anything could help.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 24, 2011, 12:05:22 PM
(OOC: Welcome to my world, XinXin! Time jump plus wall of text, go!)

Mystia and Vante were back in their room, with Vante's demonic protusions and scythe gone, and Mystia's foot still being massaged by the bird herself. Both were sitting down beside each other, like the night before.

"Yes, I'm convinced this isn't a dream. And if it is, at least I have full control of myself. I never had that when I dreamt before."

"Okay, good. You're a smart one; outsiders usually keep telling themselves it's a dream, but that gets them eaten sooner or later. So can I ask you again: what happened a while ago?"

"Uhhhh, let's see. Oh, that's right, I don't know."

"Gosh, I should probably stop asking. It's making my head hurt."

"Yeah, and I thought you would get it the first time-"

"Shut up." Mystia was exasperated. The sudden rush of energy had left both her and Vante without anymore of it. Vante's head was about to use Mystia's shoulder as a head rest, but this was quickly averted with a shove.

Like last night, there wasn't so much to talk about. Only the seldom thuds of feet on wood and the unchanging view of wooden walls kept them company.

Vante was the first to strike some small talk. "...I heard you a while ago. You said something like 'being able to do something again.' What did that mean?"

The bird nodded. "In Gensokyo, we don't fight like how we did a while ago. Not entirely. We have rules to follow; they're called the 'Spell Card Rules,'" Mystia held her hand out and, out of sheer willpower and energy, formed a bullet, "This bullet here is usually what we use for fighting, but they can come in any shape or object. And if you saw before, there are also lasers."

"So, they kill? You killed a blob with one," Vante recalled the time when he saw Mokou and Kaguya fighting with their own mass of bullets. "And what about if there were a lot of them at once?"

"They... don't kill," was Mystia's immediate reply, "Huh. Come to think of it, how did those things die? Anyway, what if there were 'a lot of bullets?' Depends. Did they shout something before the bullets appeared?"


Mystia sighed. "Then that's a spell card. You see, everyone's got one, and every card is different. Okay, sometimes, two people have the same spellcard, but that's rare. The shrine maiden, Reimu, says it's for variety, but it's really just so that we can dump a whole bunch of bullets on opponents," she took out one of her own spellcards, waving it around in front of Vante, "Besides bullets, these cards can do a whole lot more. Mine's specialize in making you go nightblind. Then there are those that make people invincible, or really fast, some stop time-"

"What?" Vante sat upright at those last two words, "say that again?"

"You humans," Mystia grumbled, "If you're surprised, wait 'til I get to Yukari. Your jaw will have nothing to hold on to."

"Okay, so how does this tie in to not doing something?" Vante began to sound extremely annoyed.

"The rules say that we can only fight with bullets. There were some times we could go hand-to-hand, but that was all blunted by magic. Can you imagine how nice it feels to finally dig through skin and blood?" Mystia, as if smelling something fragrant, took a deep breath of the imaginary scent.

"...alright, I get it already, you're a sadist. You don't need to rub it in my face."

The youkai growled audibly. "Okay. Hey, I have a great idea: let's get that scythe of yours out and see who's the sadist here!"

"...can we just go rest now?" they said at the same time.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 24, 2011, 12:19:55 PM

Kanako awoke first, she wasn't really hurt that bad, only her throat and chest were. And so, with some stretching and flexing, she stood from the bed and began walking out of the shrine, looking for Aesera. Soon enough, she found her, sitting next to Newan, with that long, red lance. Kanako decided not to interrupt their private talk, but, they could'nt see her yet, so she just walked the other way, all the way around the two, and leaned against a tree beside them. Newan and Aesera were too busy talking to notice her, anyway.


Nanaya, even with her major wounds to her throat, arms, legs, waist and chest, after Rhiseza's amateur healing, they managed to just sore. But of course, they wern't completely healed, so her arms and throat were still injured. Slowly, Nanaya opened her eyes and tried to speak, but her voice was soft, muffled, as if something was blocking her voice from coming out. Rhiseza noticed this, scooting over to support Nanaya up.

"You should'nt get up yet! You're still injured!" Alice and Alyssa walked over next to Nanaya and helped her too.

Mira floated behind Nanaya, and looked at Alyssa. She nodded, and Mira flew through Nanaya. Suddenly, Alyssa felt a pain in her chest, and began tumbling to the floor back, Alice getting pushed to the wall as Alyssa almost fell on her. Rhiseza's black arms began emitting light, and Nanaya pushed herself back, turning to face the wall, and vomitting. Out came another tentacle. This one was severed. Most likely because Newan hadn't turned his blade off before he pulled Nanaya out. Nanaya vomitted once more, the things in her stomach black and gorey, before finally standing up. Alyssa and Alice were back on their feet, and Rhiseza was helping Nanaya walk. Once out of the door, Nanaya pulled her arm away from Rhiseza.

"T-Thanks. N-Now, go rest..." Nanaya's hazy eyes guided her towards the outside of the shrine, towards Newan, Kanako and Aesera. Rhiseza was visibly concerned, but she didn't say a thing. Alice sighed, while Alyssa just stood there, Mira beginning to play with Shanghai.

Nanaya reached the door, and opened it, loudly enough for Aesera and Newan to stop their conversation and look over to her. Nanaya gave a faint smile, before falling down to the grass. Her body twitched abit before she helps herself up before the two others could help. Or even Kanako, for that matter. She slowly walked towards the two.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 24, 2011, 12:31:31 PM
"Nanaya!" Newan ran over to support her. "You really shouldn't be up right now. We should get you back to your futon. We can talk there." ...But, there are people there...

He stepped away for a moment, before bowing as humbly as he could muster without falling over. "I'm so sorry! If I hadn't said what I said, you wouldn't have been captured... You wouldn't have gone through that..." Tears silently began falling down his cheeks. "I understand fully if you hate me... but please, let me make it up to you! Somehow!"

He then realized that Aesera was still there. He managed to regain his composure, then stood facing Nanaya. "...Sorry. Now is not the time for groveling. We need to get you back to bed."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 24, 2011, 12:36:10 PM
"You shouldn't be standing up so soon after that ordeal..." Alice sighed, slightly annoyed by the fact that Nanaya was pushing her limits for absolutely no reason. She used a row of Shanghai dolls positioned surrounding Nanaya's stomach yet not touching her to ensure that, were she to faint, she would fall into the safety of the dolls. Alyssa stood beside Alice on the side, looking at Newan, Aesera and Kanako talking under the shade of the tree. A short apology by Newan followed, accompanied by him asking her to go to bed. Alice nodded in agreement.

"You shouldn't be pushing yourself like this, Miss Nanaya..." Alyssa muttered in concern.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 24, 2011, 12:43:19 PM
"L-Look. I just p-puked two tentacles. I'm fine." Nanaya takes a look behind her. Dolls. Alright. She let herself fall onto the dolls. "Damn, t-that's comfortable." The dolls are surprisingly fluffy and soft to the touch. Nanaya gave Newan a quick glare, before turning to Aesera. "So I see you have a lance. Quite a nice one indeed. Looks like it's from that anime."

Aesera has no idea what Nanaya was talking about... She turned to look at the lance at her side, and saw Kanako at the tree.

"Yeah, I saw that. Evangelion. Pretty awesome. Kinda like Inception too."

Aesera stared in disbelief at Kanako.

"What? Yukari brought us some dvds we wanted, anyway. Sanae wanted to watch Inception, so, yeah. Suwako wanted Evangelion, while I just wanted Oblivion. Still waiting for Oblivion, though." Kanako looks to the sky.

Nanaya looks back at Newan. "We'll talk. Later." She turns over to Aesera. "I know you have questions. Come with me." Nanaya grabs Newan's shirt and tugs him along too. Alice and Alyssa stands under the shade of the tree with Kanako, as the dolls release Nanaya. Later, Nanaya pushes Newan into their room, with the apparently, still-out Nazrin. Rhiseza has went to Mokou's side.

"Aesera, you wait here." Nanaya closes the door, turning to Newan and sitting on her futon. Her vomit has been clean. Wonderful, the smell is gone too.

"What do you want?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 24, 2011, 03:09:41 PM
Oooooo-kay. Never thought a god would play video games. Or watch anime.

Aesera unformed her weapon and stood outside the room, waiting. Obviously those two have personal business to settle. I just hope Newan does the right thing. Never did hear what happened between them, but if it's something he did, he needs to take responsibility for it, and if it's something she did, he needs to forgive her. Hopefully, he realizes that.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 04:15:31 PM
(Wheeeeee overslept really sorry)

Rhiseza knocked quietly on the door.
"May I come in...?"
She sounded quieter than normal, but... That was probably to be expected, wasn't it?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 24, 2011, 04:47:55 PM
Ranna had re-entered her and Mokou's room, taking a seat in a near by chair. She stared forward at the wall, her multi colored eyes reflecting only a small amount of light, making it seem as if she was in a deathtrance.
Mokou sat on the floor, one leg stretched out while the other was bent. Her breathing was still a little rough, but it seems she was getting more used to the pain that had racked her body since she had been captured. Her face still showing hints of pain.
"Mokou..." Ranna said softly.
Mokou turned her head and looked at the girl who stayed still, her gaze still fixated on the wall.
"...I think you should explain some of this." She said, her voice sounding slightly shaky.
Mokou turned her head away, facing the floor in front of her. "...And explanation eh?" She said with a single breath.
Ranna waited for her to continue.
Mokou took a deep breath and released a slight sigh.
"That story I told ya...there's more ta it....than just that..." She said in between gasps. "I went up that mountain....a normal human..."
Ranna listened intently, not moving her gaze from the wall.
"...but...I...didn't quite...come down the same..."
Ranna's eyes reacted, coming out of their trance. She turned her head slightly to look at Mokou.
"When we the top of the...mountain" She said pausing to breath a bit, "That Sakuya-hime...she told us what we'd....nah, what they'd...been draggin up the mountain..."
"What was it?" Ranna asked softly.
Mokou's faced became mixed with emotions as she recalled the events. "It was the Hourai Elixir"
Ranna's eyes widen slightly. She wasn't familiar with this elixir, but she had remember hearing the name Hourai before.
"Isn't that the mythical island where immortals were believed to live?"
Mokou gave Ranna a weak grin. Ranna's eyes widen, realizing what she had meant. She sat speechless, unable to immediately believe Mokou was truly immortal. Her mind raced.
Mokou sighs slightly, "It's not as great as it sounds..." she said, taking another deep breath, "Even if I don't die, I still feel all the pain from my injuries. If I don't eat I'll be in pain, and I'll get really tired if I don't sleep" She said, gasping for breath, trying to hide the pain she was in.
"So you stole the elixir from them?" Ranna asked still a little surprised.
Mokou frowned with a hint of pain, regret, and sadness. "I killed Iwakasa for it..."
Ranna's eyes widen even more. "You...k-killed..." She was left speechless, mouth agape. "...Why...why would you do that..."
Mokou's frown grew deeper as she let out a more painful sigh. "Even I wonder why..."
Ranna didn't say anything, she just lowered her gaze to the floor.
"...He didn't deserve that..." Mokou said, her voice full of regret and sorrow. "He even..." She started, her voice turning into a low murmur.
The two of them fell silent. Not knowing what to say to the other. The silence persisted until there was a knock on the door. A voice soon followed, asking for permission to enter the room. Ranna got up from her chair and opened the door. It was Rhiseza.
Ranna bowed slightly and motioned for the girl to come in. Mokou looked towards the girl, hiding the pain from her eyes.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 05:09:02 PM
Rhiseza nodded and stepped inside. "I'm... Sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have acted like that in front of you. And..." She turned to Mokou. "I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier. I'm trying to work as fast as I can."
Without another word she knelt down next to Mokou and looked to see what all she could do. She didn't have anything to dull the pain...
"... If... If one did, hypothetically, have magic without knowledge of them... Is there a way to know for certain?"
She bit her lip nervously and waited for an answer. From either of them, really.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 24, 2011, 05:28:59 PM
Mokou was first to speak. "Try using it. That's the best way ta find out" She said with a strange gesture of her hand.
Ranna gazed at Rhiseza. She isn't even one bit surprised that a while ago Mokou's stomach had a huge hole in it...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 07:09:43 PM
It's kind of surprising that she can still even talk. I guess that's kind of normal for here though, isn't it?
"Well, I'll... Try, then."
She reached out and place her hands on Mokou's arm, and focused like she did with the marble.
If I do have this... Please work...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 24, 2011, 07:53:32 PM
"Ey ey, yer aiming fer the wrong place there. The pain's in my stomach" Mokou said just as the girl started to concentrate.
Ranna let out a sigh mixed with slight laughter. She looked out the doorway to see Nanaya was up and moving around. The slight smile that slipped across her face vanished. She watched as Nanaya walks past, not noticing Ranna's gaze, with Newan in tow, Aesera following behind them. Ranna strains her neck to watch them go down the hall and into Newan's and Nazrin's room. Oh yeah, she's in there with those two because her partner isn't here. Ranna pauses for a second, Now that I think about it, I've never seen her partner around since I joined the group...I wonder what kind of person her partner is... She wonders as she turns her gaze back to Mokou, who seems to have a lot more energy than someone who just had their stomach ripped open should have. Ranna turns her eyes back to the hall. Her eyes sharpening for a moment.
That girl definitely has some explaining to do...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 08:19:05 PM
"If this -works-, then it shouldn't matter that much, should it?"
She didn't even so much as open her eyes, trying to keep her focus.
I probably look a little stupid right now, if she's laughing like that...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 24, 2011, 09:59:16 PM
Newan thought for a moment, choosing his words carefully. He was nervous. His heart was beating fast, almost as fast as it had been beating during the fight. He briefly considered the idea that he might be falling in love, but decided that that would be ridiculous. "I... I want to make it up to you. I caused you to have to go through all of that. I need to take responsibility. If that means getting out of your life so that you don't have to put up with me anymore..." he bit his lip. "No. I don't think I could do that. I... I care about you too much to do that. After what I put you through, I'd give my life to protect you. So, please..." Why... why am I so nervous? I've resigned myself to this. I know what I'm doing.

"Feel free to hate me. Feel free to call me the scum of the Earth. Feel free to call me the most detestable person who ever lived. But please.. put up with me."

Newan had felt like this before. This feeling of immense regret, this feeling of self-loathing. This desire to be forgiven. He didn't know when he'd ever felt this way, but it was definitely familiar. However, despite how in the dark he was about when he'd felt this before, and despite how horrible this feeling was, a single thought kicked and screamed at the back of his mind. This thought was painful, yet reassuring. I've done worse.

(OOC: ...She forgot to put clothes on, didn't she? Or am I just missing that bit in your post?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 24, 2011, 10:29:52 PM
(Assumming her was clothed by her big ass jacket when Rhiseza tended to her. Haha...)

Go on. Go on. This'll be my final words to you. Nah, my final act.

Nanaya's body stumbled forward, her arms slowly raising up. You wince at the slap, and or cruel bashing up that you're about to ge right about... Now. But no, Nanaya, in all her assumed by you, cruel hatred, steps closer to you and hugs you. She hugs you really tight, almost allowing you no space to breathe. She is shorter than you, but it looks like, she can manage. Nanaya puts her hand on your head and ruffles your hair, her head moving in your neck.

She pulls away slightly for a moment. Her face is sort of blank, before turning red at the realization of what Katelin just put her up to. She could've pushed Newan right in the jaw, but no.

"D-Dummy. I-I would never hate the one I love." Well, that was a bold and straightforward statement. She kisses your cheek after tha, and hugs you tight once again.

"Why'd you hurt me?" Nanaya whispers. Apparently, Aesera can hear this conversation. You also think you heard a squeak. But Nazrin's out, isn't she?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 24, 2011, 10:48:02 PM
Newan tried to push the thought that there might be eavesdroppers from his mind. "I... I'm not completely sure. I think most of it is... fear. Fear of growing close to someone. Fear of opening up. Fear of the unknown. Fear of accepting the type of thing I used to hate. Most of all... I guess I was afraid that if I let it go any further, I'd start feeling the same way." He began laughing. "But, it's funny... I don't think I've ever even been in love. Who am I to fear it, to hate it? Love, relationships, caring... they're all just things I've always hated, for as long as I can remember."

Newan wiped the tears he hadn't even realized he'd shed. "But... I'm willing to try to put that fear and hatred behind me."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 24, 2011, 10:56:54 PM
Nanaya sighed. She didn't really know how to respond, but it was an improvement. Nanaya pulled away from Newan staring into his eyes. Before putting her hand over his eyes. Nanaya mumbles something about speaking and thoughts.

Suddenly, you feel a flux of energy within yourself, and you picture the cosmos in all it's glory. Your mouth dropsopen, and in that vision, a shrouded being walks closer to you. The closer it gets, the fear you once had for it, slowly loses it's binds on you.

The being reaches out and touches your face, rubbing your cheek.

"So you're her embodiment. I see." You stare in disbelief, unable to speak.

"This will be my, well, last act, to you!" The being carcasses your cheek.

"Fear is not there to stop you. Fear is there so that you can embrace it till there is no more. Till you can move on without it. Without fear, there would no reason for living. Everyday, people overcome their fears. No matter how minuscule they are." The being turns abruptly, and walks away.

"You do not hate. You regret. You regret and deny. You have, never hated in your life. Newan." The being vanishes. Nanaya pulls her hand off your eyes, and plants a soft kiss on your lips, before smiling and backing away.

"Aesera, you can come in now"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 24, 2011, 11:14:58 PM
(OOC: Woohoo, perspective change is a go)

Nazrin laid in her futon, faking sleep. At the moment, she was very embarrassed, for two reasons. One, she had just watched her two friends kiss multiple times, when even them getting close was enough to set her off.

The other reason was that she realized that she had recently been molested by tentacles. It didn't help that she was currently topless. While she had no clue who had carried her back, she had decided that, regardless of who it was, it was still fairly embarrassing. Especially if it was a guy, although the only male she could imagine carrying her back was Newan, which made it all the more embarrassing. Not the she felt that way about him, but she did have that connection thing, so she still thought of him as more than a friend.

Meanwhile, Newan had his own thoughts. What... what was that all about? Who was that? And what did she mean by "her embodiment"? Right after I thought I had everything sorted out, too... But, this whole ordeal makes me wonder. Why am I so afraid of love?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 24, 2011, 11:25:18 PM
(So, YJ. Does Rhiseza's attempt at using magic work, or no? >>)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 25, 2011, 12:35:52 AM
"Eehh..." Mokou mouthed in slight protest but then quieted to let Rhiseza focus.
Ranna watched intently from where she stood leaning against the door frame. She wanted to see the extent of Rhiseza power for herself, so she'd know their limit in battle.
After a few minutes there was a slight glow which grew brighter with each passing second. Ranna closed one eye and titled her head away slightly. Within another moment, the light vanished entirely.
Mokou gave a dull expression in response, blinking a few times. Then she closed her eyes and scratched her head, tilting it to the side slightly.
"So? How do you feel now?" Ranna asked somewhat plainly.
Mokou gave a puzzled expression. Then quickly leapt to her feeting, giving the other two a shock. Mokou looked as if she was thinking deeply. After a second of thought, Mokou shoved her hands in her pockets and strolled out of the room. The two girls watched her, speechless, as she effortlessly strolled out of the room. Ranna's faced held a strangely unsastified expression.
"...I guess it worked..." Ranna said. She shook her head. I should follow after her so she doesn't collapse or something... She thought as she dashed after Mokou.
She finally found her at the front of the shrine, standing between the shrine and it's gate, staring out over Gensokyo.
"Hah...hah...ah!...There you are. Are you sure you can be up  so soon" Ranna said, trying to catch her breath. She looked up at the sky. Huh...It looks to be getting later...i wonder what time it is... She decided to ask Mokou. "...Uh Moko- Wait where are you going!" She said, noticing Mokou had begun to walk away towards the shrine's stairs.
Mokou turned and shot her a grin. "Ya see these?" She said pointing down to her tattered clothes.
Ranna nodded, not quite understanding what Mokou had meant.
Mokou's grin widened. "I'm gonna get a new pair" Mokou said.
Ranna looked at her puzzled. "A new pair..."
Without responding Mokou turned and headed for the stairs.
"Hey! Wa-!" Ranna shouted after her but it was too late.
As Mokou reached the first step, a sudden burst of flames enveloped her. Ranna fell back in sheer shock. Her eyes wide as they could go. She gasped for air as the Fire sucked up the oxygen in the area. Mokou, flames shooting out of her back, launched herself into the air. As she did so a strong gust of wind over took the area. Ranna closed her eyes, putting her hand up to shield her from the flames that she surely thought were about to whip against her skin, giving her severe burns.
She kept her eyes close, her body shaking in fear. ...wait...what happened....why haven't I been burnt yet.? She wondered, slowly opening her eyes which swirled green and purple as she hesitantly opened them, returning to their default positions in her eyes when she had them open enough. She peeked through the gaps in between her fingers.
She opened her eyes fully and lowered her hand.
The flames were gone, completely, without a trace. As if they were just a figment of Ranna's own imagination. She gazed forward blinking every now and again, trying to figure out what had happened. She was speechless.
Aftter a few moments, she realized Mokou was gone. She looked around trying to find her. No sign of her.
"...Mokou...?" She said aimlessly. Then something caught her eye.
Something flying through the sky, it was already far enough away to not be recognizable. The thought passed through her mind but she quickly expelled it.
"There's no way....right...?" She said, barely able to believe what had happened in just a split second before her eyes. She sat there on the ground, still trying to figure out what had just transpired.

(Magic works cause Reimu walked away fine. Also, the Burst of flames made a great deal of noise, so if someone wants to come see what happened they are welcomed to))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 01:03:54 AM
Rhiseza stared in absolute disbelief as Mokou got to her feet and walked out the door as if she'd never felt better.
And then had to get up and hurry after Ranna, who went after Mokou. Only to find Ranna, without Mokou.
"... What in the world was all of that about?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 25, 2011, 01:08:40 AM
Ranna sat staring into the sky.
"I...don't really know..." She managed to spit out the words, still in awe of what had happened.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 25, 2011, 01:09:28 AM
Aesera entered. "Right. Okay, Nanaya, let's get right to business. I don't like doing this before you've had much time to recover, but there's no telling when we'll be attacked again or when something else will happen, so this needs to be done now. I want to hear everything you know about all this and how you know it, and this time, an answer of 'someone told me' isn't going to be good enough. But first, let's address this: I overheard your conversation with Newan."

Aesera continued over any objections or anything else. "Your relationship is between the two of you, and you can consider what I overheard about it to be forgotten completely. I heard something about words and thoughts, but it was soft and I couldn't hear it clearly. It was certainly out of place in the conversation, though. Under ordinary circumstances, that's something I would ignore, but the circumstances are far from ordinary. If it turns out to be unimportant, I will disregard having heard it, but if it's not unimportant, then I need to know what it is. So we'll start with that, Nanaya. Did what was said at the end there have any special meaning?" And since this world is magical in nature... "Or was there anything else that happened, like a vision or anything?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 01:16:41 AM
"... Well, at least she's better, right?"
She gave a weak smile, but failed to maintain it.
"You were right. I'm sorry. I should have listened."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 25, 2011, 01:24:08 AM
Ranna blinked, coming out of her daze. "It's fine." She said and she finally made her way up off the ground. She sighed and turned to Rhiseza.
"Is there any one else that was injured that still needs treatment?" She asked calmly, as if the shock and surprise a second earlier was just a passing hallucination.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 01:27:25 AM
"I think I could do a bit more for Nazrin and Nanaya... Other than that there's the god and the girl with the floating eye. Whose names I'm still not sure of."
She sighed. "I guess I should get on that, huh."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 25, 2011, 01:32:00 AM
At the mention of Nanaya Ranna had remembered her thoughts from before. Her eyes sharpened.
"I think we should check on Nanaya and Nazrin first. Make sure they're alright you know?" She said sounding calm. She thought back a bit, "Oh, the god's partner is with Nanaya too, so you could as her where the god is." She suggested, trying to hide a hint of seriousness from her voice.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 25, 2011, 01:56:27 AM
(Just for the record, Gale and company are all sleeping)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 02:12:38 AM
"... Nazrin first. Then I can go find Nanaya."
She started off but then halted mid-step.
"... You're welcome to come with me if you want."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 25, 2011, 02:22:22 AM
Ranna nodded and gave a soft smile. She walked with Rhiseza, into the shrine, around the corner, and down the hall, towards Nazrin's room.
The same room where Nanaya was.
Without anyone noticing, Ranna's smile changed into a slight grin.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 02:59:17 AM
(I thought they were outside...)
Rhiseza didn't notice- or possibly didn't care- and simply knelt down next to Nazrin, and removed the bandages before attempting the same magic.
Her hand glowed briefly before all of Nazrin's wounds started to rapidly heal up.
"And you can stop pretending to be asleep now."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 25, 2011, 03:36:23 AM
"Um... Hi?" Newan responded to the two girls entering unannounced. He then turned his attention back to Aesera and Nanaya. I'll let nanaya answer for herself. If she doesn't want Aesera to know what that was, so be it.

Nazrin was fairly startled at being caught, and bolted upright. "T-TYU! I wasn't pretending to be asleep! I, um... I just woke up, but I was trying to fall back asleep because I'm still tired. Yeah."

Newan sighed, and turned his attention back to Nazrin, Ranna and Rhiseza. "You weren't fooling anyone anyway. I heard you squeak earlier when Nanaya and I were talking. And put some clothes on, would you?"

Nazrin then remembered that she was currently topless, and fell back down in the futon, clutching the covers over her chest. Her face was visibly red. "T-tyu... Fine, no point in lying. Don't think I'll forget what happened between you two, ehehehe~"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 03:47:53 AM
"... I should ask but it would be rude of me. So instead,"
She got up, stood behind Nanaya, and put her hands on her shoulders, and her hands glowed once more.
"I'll do that and leave you two to your business."
With that she went to leave the room...

... And bumped right in to Youmu, who was carrying spare clothing. Perhaps somewhat unfortunately this sent the pile flying into the room...
... Directly into Nazrin.
"Gah! Where did..!"
"Watch where you're going, would you?"
"... Sorry, Youmu..." She meekly bowed her head.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 25, 2011, 03:52:18 AM
Newan simply put his face in his hands as Nazrin pulled the spare clothes off of her head. "Never a dull moment with this crowd..."

Nazrin took one of the spare shirts, slipped it on underneath the cover of the futon, then sat back up. "Anyway, I can see you guys are in the middle of something, so I'm just going to have some cheese." She pulled her pack over, and began rooting around in it for cheese.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 25, 2011, 03:53:52 AM
Aesera picked up the clothing and handed it back to Youmu, then reentered the room and closed the door. "Right. Enough distractions. We are awaiting your explaination, Nanaya."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 25, 2011, 03:54:15 AM
Ranna just watched the events. She averted her eyes when Nazrin had sat up without anything to cover her exposed upper body. When Newan spoke she turned her gaze to him for a moment. Then she noticed Nanaya standing beside him. She rose to her feet and moved closer to the group of three.
"Nanaya right? How are you? Are you sure you should be up so soon after...that...." She said, going into a bit of deep thinking. "I don't remember seeing you around when Yukari was here." She stopped speaking for a moment to allow Nanaya to answer. She looked around the room at the people that filled it. Her eyes sharpened slyly for a moment as a thought had cross, and was expelled, from her mind.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 25, 2011, 03:56:52 AM
Aesera sighed. "Do you not understand how important what she has to tell us might be? I'd like to give her time to recover, too, but there's no garuntee we have the time to wait. She can rest after she's done talking."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 04:03:13 AM
"... Oh. Right. I forgot. Where's the, uh... God person? I need to go check on her next..."
Youmu went and grabbed the extras meant for Kanako and Koishi, before waiting outside the room.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 25, 2011, 04:09:21 AM
Ranna gazed at Aesera. "She doesn't need to be asleep to rest. She can sit or lay down, which would work just fine I imagine." She spoke calmly trying to not sound rude. Ranna turned her gaze back to Nanaya.
"Another question. Who's your partner, and why are they not here during such a crucial time?"

((Derivate Work Completed! Will find some way to get it up...))

((After the questioning session Mokou will return. WITH FOOD))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 25, 2011, 06:45:51 AM
Nanaya gave a loooong sigh. She looked around the room. Ranna, Nazrin, Newan, Aesera. Right, and herself, and she would have to explain everything, well, everything she knew. Katelin had kept the most important things to herself, but Nanaya did know about Chaos...

"Alright. Come'ere. We're going for a ride." Nanaya waves all of you over, and Nazrin, reluctantly comes while a piece of cheese is still in her mouth. She was the only one from Gensokyo in this room, and she already said that she would leave them alone, but whatever. Nanaya begins mumbling to herself again. This time, even with all of you closer to her, you can't really hear what she's saying.

Y-You... S-St-t-ill wan-t-t me to hel-lp yo-u? I-I'm g-going to l-lose all cont-tact with y-ou. Nanaya facepalms.

"Just do it." She says loudly, before closing her eyes, and slapping her hands together, pushing them outwards and making a fist covered by a hand. "Awake."

The room explodes into pure energy, the surroundings dissipating and reforming into a much more, astral background. With grass on one side, the universe on the other, fire on the left, the sky bellow you, and the ocean above. Lightning crackles around the group, and large rocks form on their left, before a crystal seperates them all. Nanaya opens her eyes, looking around, as the others are purely stunned.

"H-How can a human have so much power?" Nazrin asked, fiddling with the Crystal in front of her.

"I'm not human. No one is." Nanaya spread her arms wide, and inhaled deeply. "I, You, We, all of us are embodiments of the gods. Not the gods like Kanako, but the creators. The actual ones who made everything. From dust, to the most complicated methods of spooky entanglement. The one God, had four children, and we, all of us, are part of them."

The landscape sinks, and the environment changes to normal, the room in the shrine. "What you fought, earlier, what... captured... me... is called Chaos. The sin of all mankind. The manifestation of hatred with the leftover energy of the universe, and yet, Chaos is not completely evil. Humans, and everything else, is made of four energies. Life, Spirit, Energy, and Chaos. Without any one of them, we would not exist. Chaos is, in it's truest form, a Paradox. Evil, yet not, Good, yet not."

Nanaya slumps onto the wall that had just reformed in the room.

"Elements comprise everything else besides living things, but they too, also require Chaos." Nanaya sighs. "Now's the bad part. Chaos was, originally just here for the sake of us all, they were once a good, kind, loving race, but a part of them, about 80%, split away from the peacefulness of their own realm, and set off to conquer the other realms. In response, the original God sealed Chaos in his strongest child, the firstborn. Each child of God has a boon and a bane. For the firstborn, her bane was Chaos." Nanaya looks at the others, before sighing again.

"With that, Chaos was sealed within herself, and within it's own realm, constantly converting the once peaceful plane into one of oblivion and sin. But since Mankind had somehow, managed to create and discover, the direct opposite of the Elements... Anti-Matter, and began experimenting with it, it slowly weakened the seal on Chaos, and... That's what we have now. It's a lot to digest, I know. And I want you guys to tell the others too. Now, I need some alone time."

Nanaya turns to face the wall, sighing to herself, as the rest step out. Nanaya, however, prevents Newan from going out. "If you guys have any questions, I'll answer them later. I just want to be alone." Nanaya looks at Newan. "With you."

Of course, the others didn't hear the "With you" part. EXCEPT NAZRIN BECAUSE SHES A MOUSE YOUKAI AND SHE TROLLS PEOPLE.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 06:57:53 AM
(So, what happened to Rhi during all of this? Just out of curiosity.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 25, 2011, 07:26:51 AM
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 07:54:04 AM
(Kind of what I was waiting on from Aesera, really, since I was going to go find Kanako next. But oh well, I'll wander and find Koishi.)
"So I hear you have healing abilities now."
"Yes." It was all she could say, really. Other than 'oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that and oh by the way I still don't think I actually have them', that is.
"Mind telling me how that happened...?"
"I know about as much as you do."
"Well, that's helpful."
"Yes. I would appreciate it if you would lose the sarcasm because I don't understand a damn thing about this place still."
"Still don't think it's real?"
"I know it is. I'm having a hard time accepting it."
"Why's that?"
"... Because I want to go home..."

A simple answer, but it was the truth. Youmu could see Rhiseza's expression fall for the second time in ten minutes. New record. I wonder if she's like this all the time.
But really, she couldn't blame her. Youmu herself kept worrying about how Yuyuko was doing without her there. Probably complaining about how her food isn't as good as it usually is, a humorous thought at that.
But as they wandered through the shrine they eventually found their way to the room where the cat-girl, the three-eyed one, and the other guy were supposed to be. Rhiseza knocked on the door. "Are you there...?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 25, 2011, 10:26:11 AM
(OOC: I'm just going to throw this out here, in case anyone wants to respond to it. inb4shortpostisshort)

At this time, Mystia began snoring, so she couldn't hear Vante leave the room. This was starting to be much like surfing online forums. Refresh on one site, go to another, refresh that site, go back to the other. As he headed out to the shrine's porch, he met Rhiseza and Youmu along the way, and decided to ask them something.

"Excuse me, have the two of you seen, um, Kanako?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 25, 2011, 12:25:32 PM
Nazrin tried to keep the smug grin off of her face as she left with the others. Once they (presumably) had all left, she pressed her ear against the door.


Newan watched as the other people left the room, before turning back to Nanaya. "I... I don't really know what to say. I knew Gensokyo was weird, but to think all those things existed... I have my own questions for you, but I'll ask them later. You obviously have something else you wanted to talk to me about.

Newan briefly thought back to the times he'd looked in Nanaya's eyes. The times he'd seen two girls, sitting with each other. Two girls who looked the same. The last time, when he'd looked and ones of them was covered in blackness and tentacles. Then, was that...?

Then, he thought about the strange being he'd encountered after Nanaya place her hand over his eyes. The words "her embodiment" rang through his head as he sat with Nanaya.


As she stood there, Nazrin readied herself for the embarrassment she knew was coming.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 25, 2011, 01:04:45 PM
(WRITTEN TO LOOK LIKE A SEX SCENE JUST SO THAT NAZRIN CAN TROLL NEWAN LATER. Also, there's no sex in this, so eet's ok. Furthermore, once everyone like, wakes up, you may proceed to Reimu to know what's happening now.)

"So, now you know where all of us are. And, you saw my... other self, didn't you?" Nanaya leans against the wall, facing Newan. "You saw, everything my soul has inside. The two of us are one, just like how you and your other self are one." Nanaya takes a step closer to Newan. "I want you to see more. To see, and know everything about me. I want you to understand me, finally..."

Finally? Newan has a look of confusion on his face.

"You don't know, but we've been together since, god know's how long." Nanaya turns away for a moment. "Y-You just never looked deep inside yourself..." She turns and faces the wall behind her, hiding something, well this isn't the time to hide things from the people important to you, right?

"E-E-Every-o-one will see their other parts, b-but I-I wa-want you to see my, fully, with no seals bound..." Nanaya takes a step closer to Newan, staring into his eyes, bringing her face closer and closer, slowly, approaching... the FINAL DESTINATION 5 -M18 last border... There, he sees it. The darkness, everything, the turmoil within her soul, and then, the place where there was longing, that tugging of the heartstrings of her soul. It was now white. White, and filled with brimming happiness and love. As Nanaya's face comes nearer and nearer, she begins blushing, very, very hard. Her warm breath's on your face again, her lips quiver in... curiosity and delight?

Finally, she kisses you, but she doesn't shut her eyes, and Newan don't too. She wants him to look inside of her, to know her. There, he see it, in the middle of the whiteness, are the two girls. One of them is slowly fading away. And that girl, is covered in darkness, despair, wrath, hatred. Slowly, fading into the darkness. The other girl, behind her, as they're sitting back-to-back, gets up, and looks at the direction of Newan...

As he stare at this scene before you, Nanaya pushes herself against him, forcing her entire body against his, and Newan is knocked back, against the wall now, but their mouths are still connected. Nanaya reluctantly, slides her tongue into his mouth, curling around Newan's own, beginning to move her head.

Back in the vision of Nanaya's soul, the slowly fading girl looks up too, and is pulled to stand by the one surrounded in whiteness. "So, Nana made you... feel love, just to see me? How... bold of her. My name's Katelin. Nanaya's other self. Pleased to meet you, embodiment of Xera." The girl pulls off her black hood, and reveals a face, looking almost exactly like Nanaya's. "If she managed to come this far, it means that she would want you to understand... us..."

Nanaya pushes herself against Newan harder, pulling her large, white-trimed yellow, oversized jacket off, to reveal that she... hadn't really put on anything else since the time she got up. That jacket was big enough to cover her entire chest and waist, down almost to her knees. Nanaya pushes herself further in, her tongue swirling around Newan's mouth, carassing every corner of it. Abruptly, Nanaya breaks the kiss, finally closing her eyes. Newan blink multiple times, staring at her completely red face, didn't she only do this to let him se-

Newan's train of thought is broken, like the YUKARI SPELLCARD BEING DEFLECTED BY YOUMU, as Nanaya forces you to the ground, her now-naked body sitting on your lower chest. She kisses you once more, her tongue rolling around yours and tasting you, before pulling up again.

"S-S-Sorry... I-I think I was I-I-Indulging too mu-uch." Nanaya sighs, before placing her hand imbetween her chest. "B-Bear with me." Nanaya begins to slowly, press her hand deeper into herself, and blood begins to drip down slowly. "T-The beginning looks awful, but the pain... feels nice... For some reason." Nanaya's fingers enter her chest, and soon, her entire hand is within herself, and slowly, she begins to move her hand inside her chest.

Yes, it looks awfully painful, and downright disturbing, creeping Newan out and making him, lose part of his raging pillar. Well, looking at her breasts bounce up and down as she moves her body, does start to raise his pillar... Enough of that.

Finally, the movement in her body stops, and she begins shivering, and her back aches back, but now, in pain. Nanaya begins pulling something in her chest. This action  sounds like fluid being rubbed against metal, and soft squeaking, before going silent. Nanaya begins to moan and groan, in a mix of pleasure and pain, as if this was... stimulating. Newan can hear voices too.

I'm making her sound like this. You like it, don't you? That voice sounds familiar. Oh yes, It's Katelin. I'm going to disappear soon, but through sheer will, Nana somehow managed to buy me some time...

"I-It hurts... Newan... I-It hurts!" She moans, as a white little object begins appearing out from her chest. "S-Somethings coming..." Her eyes are shut tight... "S-Something hot..." Nanaya pulls the white orb out, releasing a loud moan of pain and pleasure. This whole process was just surposed to be painful, but apparently, Katelin made her feel pleasure because... she wanted to?

The white orb floats, as Nanaya falls to the ground, breathing heavily and still moaning to herself. Newan pushes himself to a sitting position, his shirt now wet with... Nanaya's juices? And blood. Well, his pants too, but whatever. The orb floats in front of Newan, very slowly turning back. He can see the shape of a woman. She reaches her hand out, and then, an influx of knowledge and infomation enters his mind, forever imprinted in his memories.

"That, was what linked you and Nana together. And, now you know how your other part looks like. Finally, you will also know when and where we've been together, Newan..." The white orb floats back to Nanaya, pressing against her chest, causing a final moan from her, before entering back in. Nanaya slowly pulls herself up, her face still completely red as she grabs her jacket and puts it on.

"...Um... I'm... Done..." Nanaya mumbles. "N-Now, do you understand me?" Nanaya turns away. "M-My heart, body and soul are all yours..."

Nazrin's outside the room, with an unbelievable reaction. Time to troll.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 25, 2011, 03:10:32 PM
Aesera had left the room, but she reentered upon hearing 'I'm done'. "I'll leave you to yourself as soon as you answer the other question, Nanaya," she said. "You didn't tell me how you knew where Gale and I would be, or how you knew that others would also come along. You said that someone told you, so tell me: who told you? And I want more than just a name. Once you answer that, I'll leave you be."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 25, 2011, 03:14:02 PM
Gale awoke.  Sitting up in bed, he heard someone knocking on his door.

"Ugh..." he groaned.  He wasn't particularly sore, but it still seemed like he was hallucinating.

He opened the door.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 25, 2011, 03:24:29 PM
Ranna watched the change of scenery intently. She was surprised, but not drastically as when Mokou had vanished into a burst of flames. She absorbed everything, nodding in occasional agreement and understanding. I figured we weren't human. There's no way we could be, not after that... She says in her head.
Ranna twitches at the mention of gods. "The embodiment ofscarlet devil gods huh..." She mumbled. I've never really believed in any kind of religion... She frowned slightly, adding another question to ask after Nanaya had finished her explaination. She returned her mind to the speech. Her eyes widened at the mention of Chaos.
"The sin of all mankind...manifestation of hatred and excess energy..." She mouthed slowly. Her eyes sharpened as Nanaya said it's not completely evil, but she refrained from interrupting with a question. Nanaya continued on.
Ranna listened, with each passing moment wanting to speak in protest or inquire something. As Nanaya ends her explaination, Ranna opens her mouth to speak, but is cut off when Nanaya says she wants to be alone. Ranna shows disdain at being forced out of the room. She turns and looks back before the door closes.
So she's keeping Newan for something... Ranna thought of what it could be. She shook her head and turned back to leave.
As the group continued down the hall, Ranna split from the group silently without attracting any attention. She slipped into her room and closed the door. As soon as she was sure the others were gone, she let out a loud sigh and let her body slide down to the floor. She looked at her hand.
...So is this what it feels like to not be human... She thought, gazing at her palm.
It was no different from before she had been brought to Gensokyo.  Sorrow hung over her mind. Then, she remembered the so-called humans from the outside world. The despicable creatures that tortured her for their own enjoyment. Her sorrow vanished, leaving in it's place a somewhat satisfied feeling.
She wasn't one of them. That made her happy. But at the same time, it made her uneasy. Atleast being human made you sure of your existance. But, being an 'embodiment' of god? Her body began to shake for a moment. What does being just an 'embodiment' make us? Her heart became clouded, not knowing what her life would be like from now on, let alone how long she would live. She didn't even know if they were truly alive anymore. What if they were just some sort of puppet? that would disappear when it's usefulness has lived out? This possibility scared her more than anything else. She lowered her head and held her knees close, rest her head on them. She sat there, alone in the dim lighting of the room, silently. Silently, waiting.

((Ehhhh :x))

((Well I'm not rewriting my whole post to go along with Aesera so w/e))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 03:26:14 PM
"No, I haven't, actually. I need to go see her next, though..."
Then Gale opened the door, and she stepped back. "Oh, um... I wanted to come check on your friend. The one with the floating eye, I mean."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 25, 2011, 03:28:49 PM
((Also Mokou will come back when Ranna goes to the front of the shrine. So if anyone wants to get her to go out that might be a good idea))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 25, 2011, 03:29:09 PM
((Well I'm not rewriting my whole post to go along with Aesera so w/e))

((We'll just assume that Aesera didn't leave with the others, then.))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 25, 2011, 03:30:31 PM
((What about that near sex scene YJ wrote? Did Aesera watch all that? :x))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 25, 2011, 03:34:15 PM
"Oh, Koishi.  Well, then."

Gale walked back into the room, leaving the door open for the girl to follow.

"As you can see, she's unconscious."

"You can't...vanquish...the mighty Koishi..." the satori mumbled.

"Or not," said Gale.  "Uh, Koishi?"

Koishi opened her eyes.  "Mm...what?"

"Someone's here to see you."

"Oh?"  She sat up slowly.  "Hi!"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 03:42:47 PM
"I, um... I came around to see how badly you were injured and what I could do about it, so... If I may...?"
She glanced towards Gale before she sat down next to Koishi, quickly checked to see how bad she was, and then her hands emitted a brief glow as she did the same healing... Magic. Thing.
"I think that should do it... Youmu?"
Youmu nodded and held out some clothing to Koishi. "Reimu gave me these for you, so here you are."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 25, 2011, 04:09:50 PM
"Ooh...clothes!" said Koishi excitedly.  She smirked as she looked at Gale.  "No peeking when I put these on, m'kay?"

Gale silently turned around as Koishi put on her new clothes.

"Mm!  All not-slimy and clean!  Thanks!"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 04:33:03 PM
"... So, I'm curious. Why do you have that extra eye with you all the time?"
She turned back to Koishi as soon as she figured she was dressed. "... And what does it do?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 25, 2011, 07:02:09 PM
"I'm a satori," explained Koishi.  "Our third eye allows us to read the thoughts of others.  But people kinda don't like that because of privacy and stuff, so I just closed mine.  Now it has the opposite effect.  I can manipulate the subconscious instead of looking inside of it.  Whoopsie.  But it allows me to walk around unnoticed, so that's cool."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 07:39:10 PM
"Oh, I see."
... Then she remembered something. She turned to Gale, and...
"Hey, how come you have two partners and the rest of us only have one?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 25, 2011, 08:15:31 PM
"Well," began Gale, "I originally just had Orin with me."  He cast a glance toward the sleeping kasha.

"But after we came up above ground, I began to feel something heavy on my back.  Orin said she couldn't see anything, but it turned out it was Koishi.  I guess she latched on in the palace or near the Moriya Shrine.  I don't know why she decided to, and I honestly don't want to."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 09:13:38 PM
She glanced at Orin, noting that she didn't seem to be injured much at all.
"... Do you, er, need something else, before I go, then?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 25, 2011, 09:34:07 PM
"Nokie-dokie!" said Koishi.  "Although...what's your name?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 09:37:13 PM
"My name? Er, Rhiseza." She gave a half-bow. "Nice to meet you."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 25, 2011, 09:48:08 PM
"Okay!  Nice to meetcha too!"

Just then, Orin's arm sped in an arc into Gale's side.  It's as if she knows...

"Urk...I'm Gale."  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Orin's arm move again.  "Nice to meet you, too."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 25, 2011, 09:49:29 PM
(Where is Kanako during this time?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 25, 2011, 09:51:57 PM
((If you go look for Mokou in her room, Ranna will tell you~))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 09:56:42 PM
"And then that's Orin, right? Kind of a strange name... Though I'm not sure which is stranger, having a third eye or having cat ears and tails."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 25, 2011, 10:12:47 PM
Nazrin was about to re-enter the room for some good, old-fashioned trolling, but stopped when Aesera entered. Eh... No way I can take advantage of this while Little Miss Business is in there. Dammit, I need to strike while the iron's hot!

Instead, she leaned against the wall near the door. Still, to go at it like that so early... Man, those two must be some real horndogs! Sounds like she was really enjoying herself there... come to think of it, he was pretty quiet. I guess he's like that even in bed?


Newan had no idea what to say. Everything was a mess, a confusing mess, and Newan didn't know where to start. His thoughts were too disorganized to make any sort of sense. One minute he felt pleasure, the next confusion, then a bit of understanding, then pleasure again, then a bit of pride, then some fear... oh wait, that last one was always there.

Finally, he contented himself to collecting his thoughts while Aesera and Nanaya talked. That was... what? But that... no, no, wait. Okay, so Nanaya pulled... herself? She pulled herself out of her chest, then I was talking to her but not her, and it was actually Katelin...

Hold on. She said that I could see my other self now, and that I know when and where I've been with Nanaya... er, Nanaya and Katelin? I'm not sure anymore. Either way, I'm intrigued... Newan began searching his mind for images of this "other self", and for the memories of when he'd been with... them? He still had no clue.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 25, 2011, 10:30:44 PM
(TROLOLOLOL NAZRIN shortpostisshort. I'm on an IPad. Will post properly in 1.5 or 2 hours time.)

Nanaya coughed and sat down, her body shivering slightly. "My other self told me all of you were coming, ok? Her names Katelin. Firstborn of God. But she's..." Nanaya looks away. "Gone now. So you can't talk to her. Even I can't.

 "Everything will be revealed in time. Stop probing me for answers..." Aesera nods, and walks out.

---In Newan's mind.

After searching you memories, you find the imagine of your other self. A woman, with long, flowing blonde hair, green eyes... A slender figure... Wide hips and a moderate bust size. Smaller then Nanaya's. Then, her skin changes, forming ice, before black enery covers her... But it's not darkness. It's space. Her skin has stars, suns, galaxies... Bones start forming around her, giving her an exoskeleton... Of a dragon.

You snap back to reality.

"Enjoyed the scene?" Nanaya asked.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 25, 2011, 10:39:08 PM
((SOMEONE make Ranna come out of her room))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 25, 2011, 10:47:48 PM

("That's right, tyu! It's time to give the people what they've all been waiting for!")

"Um... well-" Newan began, but was cut off by the entrance of the last person he wanted to see at the moment.

Nazrin walked in with pride, elegance, and joy. She had finally gotten what she wanted, and she was going to milk this cow for all it was worth. "Why, hello there, you little horndogs. So, how was it? Didja enjoy yourselves? I'll bet you did~"

"Um, it wasn't what it... well, okay, it kind of was, but not to the extent you-" Newan began, but was cut off again.

Nazrin turned to him, fire in her eyes. "O-ho~? So it was that? For a minute there, I thought you were going to tell me this was another misunderstanding. Good to see you finally grew a pair. Speaking of, Nanaya, how was he?" She didn't wait for an answer, and instead changed her tone to a voice of mock pleasure. "'It hurts, Newan, it hurts!' Went a bit too rough on her there, didn'tja, tiger? Well, you're probably just inexperienced is all. I'm sure Nanaya here will show you the ropes, ehehe~"

Newan just sighed as he put his face in his hands. "Please, turn it off..."

Nazrin turned back to him, smirking like a crazy man. "Problem?" She then noticed the blood on him and Nanaya. "...Wow, you really did go rough on her. Didn't know you guys were into that sort of thing! You'd think Newan would be the M and Nanaya would be the S, but I guess you can't judge a masochist by her sadistic cover. I bet you used your new sword, didn't you? Didn't you?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 25, 2011, 10:49:02 PM
(Would love to, but I gotta go to school. :()
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 25, 2011, 10:52:46 PM
(Someone asked for this, so...

1) Azer'Wrath, The Elemental God. Creator of all, Destroyer of Darkness.
2) Katelin Elntila Soulreaver. The Aegis Of Infinity, Blessed with Crystal, Cursed with Chaos.
3) Azeri Zenxsoul. The Timeless Guardian Of Aeon, Blessed with Fire and Lightning, cursed with Blood.
4) Xera Magnaitezn. The Avatar of Doom and Unity. Blessed with the Universe, ice and Bone. Cursed with the Corrupton.
5) Vuen Exangiron. Bane Of all. Blessed with Justice and Light, Darkness and Oblivion, Cursed with the Abyss.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 25, 2011, 10:59:49 PM
(Xera Magnaitezn, also a dragon. Because she can.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 25, 2011, 11:00:18 PM
Gale remembered just how he met Koishi.

"Koishi is definitely weirder."

"You're damn right I'm weirder!" said Koishi emphatically.  "Weirdly awesome!"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 25, 2011, 11:03:26 PM

Nanaya began shifting uncomfortably, moving to a somewhat random spot on an attempt to hide something. Her face slowly turned red after Nazrin's... Trolling. Her overactive imagination didn't help at all in this situation. Eventually, she reached the place she wanted to hide from Nazrin. But nooooo, her mouse senses were tingling, and she saw that damp patch on the floor, under Nanaya. Hiding attempt fail.

Nanaya and Nazrin stared at each other. Nazrin's smile grew wider, longer, and there was a look of worry on Nanaya's now, extremely red face. Oh no. Troll time. Nanaya's mouth quivered.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 11:12:56 PM
"With that said I don't think I'd like my subconscious being manipulated..."
She looked nervously at Koishi.
"... Not that you are, right?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 25, 2011, 11:16:18 PM
"I wouldn't tell you even if I was!  I'm stealthy like that."

"She really wouldn't," added Gale.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 25, 2011, 11:21:07 PM
"Come on, Nazrin, just go already. This is way too uncomfortable."

Nazrin's grin continued to widen. "It may be uncomfortable for you, but just look at your girlfriend over there! Somehow, I doubt that's urine. I'll bet she's enjoying this so much right now! Thinking about the wonderful time you two had together... Man, who'd've thought she had TWO of it in her? Talk about horny. And here I thought YOU were the horny one! Man, you two are just MADE for each other! Why, you two will have kids in n-"

Nazrin was cut off as Newan slapped her across the face. She looked at him, at the intense rage on his face. "That's enough, Nazrin. I didn't want to hurt you since you're my partner and all, but seriously, GET OUT."

Nazrin sighed, "Honestly, I was just having some fun... no need to get so ang-"

"I said, get out."

"Fine, fine." Nazrin sulked as she left the room. Newan slammed the door behind her.

"Er... sorry about all that. I don't know what got into her." Newan was embarrassed, moreso than he thought he should've been.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 11:25:11 PM
"Just don't and I won't hit you. Which is saying something because I never hit people."
She could feel her left hand twitching as she said so.
"... And no sneaking into my room while I'm sleeping or anything, either."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 25, 2011, 11:36:40 PM
"I wouldn't do that..." said Koishi innocently.

Gale glared at Koishi.

"Alright, I probably would.  But I won't, just because you asked."  Koishi sighed remorsefully when she finished speaking.

"Mmph..." mumbled Orin, her face in her pillow.  "Sleeping..."

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Gale.  "You must be tired from all that fighting you did."

Orin's response came in the protrusion of a particularly offensive finger.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 25, 2011, 11:41:18 PM
"I-It's ok..." Nanaya mumbles as that red tint gradually fades from her face. "Nazrin just is like that. She was that way ever since I knew her." Nanaya gets up, walking over to the wardrobe and opening it, pulling out some spare clothes. Silently, she pulls off her jacket and starts to wear them. Newan's looking away now... So...

"H-Hey. Y-you can look if you want too..." Newan opens his eyes, only to see a now-topless Nanaya, but only for half a second before a shirt and pants fly into his face.

"Change to that. Wouldn't want people to see... That on your clothes." Nanaya pulls on her black shirt, and walks out of the room, heading to the outside of the shrine.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 25, 2011, 11:43:56 PM
"... Well, uh... I guess I don't mind as long as you don't mess with anything. Particularly me. Because then I'd have to hurt you."
... Then came Orin's complaint.
"That said... I... Uh... Should leave you three alone, huh."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 25, 2011, 11:51:42 PM
Newan shut the door, then changed into the new clothes. That doesn't excuse her actions, though...


Nazrin had left to the front of the shrine, and laid out under a tree. Maybe I went too far this time...


Newan finished changing, then exited the room before heading to the front of the shrine himself.

(Short post is short... :( )
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 26, 2011, 12:26:19 AM
Current Gensokyo time: 6:00pm. HUUHWHAT?

"Looks like time accelerated. No idea why, though..." Nanaya sits at the front of the shrine, looking into the still-ble sky as Newan sat beside her. "Just resting and fighting Chaos took six hours? I don't believe it." Nanaya sighs and leans on Newan.

"Hmm. I wonder what will happen in the end..." Nanaya contemplates, thinking deeply. "I bet you're happy that I can't bear to hit you... For now" She giggles. "Also, the last thing Katelin told me was too see Reimu, but I'm fairly certain Yukari took her away for now, that's why we don't see her sipping tea... D-do you..." Nanaya turns to face Newan.

"Have any questions or things on your mind?"

(Such a long character development session. And then we go home. AND SHIT HITS THE FAN.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 26, 2011, 12:38:25 AM
"Hm..." Newan looked at the sky in contemplation. "Actually, there is something. You obviously have a closer bond with Katelin than any of us do with the gods we embody. Do you think we'll ever get to meet them or anything?" The question was more for consideration than anything else. He didn't expect Nanaya to have an answer.

Nazrin was still laying under the tree. She had dozed off for a bit, but the sound of Nanaya and Newan's voices woke her up, as she hadn't been sleeping long. Hm... should I apologize now? No, I'll let them have their moment, for now.

"Still, what a day it's been. It's all been a bit too fast for me. I'm still worried I'll wake up and it'll all be some wonderful, yet horrifying dream. I don't think it is a dream anymore, but tat type of thing would be just typical. It would be a fitting nightmare, although it would feel different from the usual ones... Er, forget that."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 26, 2011, 12:52:18 AM
"Hm?  It's fine," said Gale.  "Orin's just a sourpuss."

Upon hearing Gale's latest snarky comment, Orin threw her pillow at him, hitting him square in the back.

"Actually, it does appear that you're in danger if you stay here, doesn't it?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 26, 2011, 12:58:18 AM
"... Huh? In danger?"
She quickly scanned the room, but didn't find much other than Gale, Orin, and Koishi...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 26, 2011, 01:08:00 AM
"You'll meet them, alright. You sure will..." Nanaya looks up to the sunset, as the sun slowly falls bellow the horizon, spreading it's warm, orangey glow before, sparkling, and emitting the seven colors of the rainbow, beaming the surroundings in fantastic colorings, the sky swaps between red, blue, green, and the others, before finally fading to black as the sun disappears from view.

"All of you want to go home... I... Don't really miss home that much..." Nanaya closes her eyes, leaning on Newan's shoulder. "Don't worry. When you wake up tomorrow, that wish of yours will come true. You can see the outside..." Slowly, with the beauty of the sunset gone, all that's left is a now, still tired Nanaya, falling into a deep sleep. She was, almost raped by Chaos, and tentacles were in her stomach, so she, without her other, god-part, is still an average human.

"...Katelin's... gone..." Nanaya mumbles, before entering that odd slumber of hers.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 26, 2011, 01:29:29 AM
Newan smiled a bit as she dozed off on his shoulder. I could get used to this.

Nazrin decided to take that moment to confront him. She spoke quietly, so as not to wake Nanaya. "Um... can we talk for a second?"

Newan glared at her, but nodded. "Um... the thing is... I'm sorry. I guess I took that a bit too far, huh?"

Newan nodded. "Yeah, you did. She seems, okay with it, but you really shouldn't have done that."

"Y-yeah... it's just, that's how I am..." Nazrin sighed. "Look, I'll try not to do that again, okay? It's just, when things like that happen, I just... react. It's like I'm an entirely different person."

Newan smiled, and ruffled her hair like a big brother would to his little sister. "It's alright. I know how horrible it would be to not be forgiven."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 26, 2011, 01:42:39 AM
Aesera immediately located Kanako. She didn't have to explain anything, though; she'd relayed everything Nanaya had said through their link. "Even I think things are starting to get crazy," Kanako said.

"It does explain something, though," Aesera said. " thought there may be some reason it was us specifically, and it turns out that I was right. I think that next, we need to try and determine who came from each got, but I don't think that'll be easy. When the... 'awakening', let's call it. When that happened, I heard a voice say that I had 'his mind'. That's really the only clue I have to go on. I assume that the others heard similar things, though, so that might be the first step. If nothing else, we can probably narrow dow th possibilities just by seeing who heard 'his' and who heard 'her'. Before we do that, though, there's something that has to be explained to everyone. Only Newan and I were in the room when Nanaya said that she was from the 'Firstborn of God', so the others don't know, and I doubt that even Newan realizes just what this means."

"And what does it mean?"

"Consider the fact that Nanaya was aware of her 'other self'. It was this other self, who she called 'Katelin', that told her where to wait for us. She's been in direct contack with her other self. She's different, and if the whole 'Firstborn of God' thing means anything, which it almost certainly does, then she needs to be our first priority."


"Meaning that the others are not going to readily accept what has to be done. If we lose this fight, that's it. Everything's gone, as corny and cliched as that sounds. And based on what I've heard so far, I believe that if Nanaya-and thus Katelin-is killed, we lose. If I am in a situation where I need to sacrifice my life in order to save Nanaya's, it would not be a choice between my death and hers. It would be a choice between my death and everyone's. I have accepted this, and the others will also need to do so, because Nanaya's life is more important than any of ours. Everyone needs to know that if they would have to to die in order to protect Nanaya, then they need to do precicely that."

There was a silence. "Well," Kanako said eventually, "that's, um..."

"An unfortunate truth. Come, let us tell the others. I have no doubt that they will resist the idea, but they still need to be told."

"Um, right." Kanako folloew behind Aesera, the two of them proceeding to the rooms of the others to see if anyone was there.


OOC: If anyone wants to run into Aesera, feel free.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 26, 2011, 01:44:26 AM
((INSTANT TELEPORTATION FTW! Nah I'll just say she left her room when Nazrin was making commotion. Ranna didn't wanna listen to it so she left))

Ranna stood at the front of the shrine staring at Gensokyo's multicolored sky. When she had heard the commotion from down the hall she had snapped out of her daze and listened for only a moment before she realized the drama was about sex. With that she had left her room without hesitation and decided she'd wait outside for Mokou. She stepped out of the shrine, seeing Alice and Alyssa still sitting where they had been when Mokou left. She ignored them and continued around to the front of the shrine.
As she came around the front of the shrine she covered her eyes to block the now setting sun from shining straight into her eyes. After her eyes adjusted she looked out over the landscape of the world. It shone with a magnificent golden orange tone, dyed by the setting sun. If weren't for the bright sun staring her directly in the eye, she would have took in the scenery.
Ranna took a deep refreshing breath, and let it out with a more pleasant sigh. She stretched her arms up into the air. Then her eyes caught a glimpse of something grey and she turned her head to look in it's direction.
There she seen the mouse youkai. She seemed to be pouting. Ranna wondered what was wrong but didn;t pursue the thought any farther and turned her gaze back to the sky. It was peaceful now, unlike earlier in the day. Ranna closed her eyes and enjoyed the cool evening breeze that blew against her face. A calmness enveloped the shrine.
Ranna flinched. Moo? A frown crossed her face trying to think of what could have made the sound.
A puzzled expression covered her face. Slowly, with a slight hesitation, she opened her eyes.
There was nothing there.
Ranna was even more confused now. She gazed around to see that nothing had changed. As she was about to shrug it off as her mind playing tricks on her, she raised her gazee skyward, and she realized what had made the noise.
There, in the sky, coming towards her was a winged ...ball? of fire. It was flying right towards her. Ranna's eyes opened wide, filled with shock. Then she heard it, clearly this time.
Ranna didn't have time to think. She obeyed the fire's command and took a dive to the side just before the fire landed.
The sound of a large blast, or more like an impact, erupted from the front of the shrine.
Ranna's dive sent her rolling across the ground a fair ways. Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to catch her breath. She stared at the ground for a moment before looking towards where she once stood.
Standing there was Mokou.
"Eheheheh...Woulda warned ya sooner if I'da seen ya there..." Mokou said scratching her head with a smile. She was carrying a box under her arm.
Ranna just sat there on the ground, speechless.
Mokou grinned, "Scared ya did I?" She laughed.
Ranna's face turned red with embarassment. "...What the hell were you thinking doing could've killed me.." She muttered trying to cover her embarassment with anger.
Mokou laughed it off trying to avoid that thought. "So where's e'eryone one at?" She asked, changing the subject.
Ranna pouted slightly, "Why the hell would I know..." She said turning away from Mokou. As she turned she seen Nanaya. An unwanted memory passed through her mind and her face got redder. She averted her eyes, looking towards the ground.
Mokou was still grinning. After a moment of laughing she took a deep breath and shouted.
Her shout caught Ranna off guard again and she nearly fell over. It seems her red face wasn't going to go away as soon as she'd hoped for.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 26, 2011, 02:40:27 AM
(YJ is giving me permission to control Nanaya for this post because she's busy playing Soku. Yeah, I don't get it either.)

Newan stared in fear as the fire approached. No... s-stop! Go away! He closed his eyes, trying to block out the fire from his sight and mind.

Nanaya was stirred by Mokou's yelling. "Eh? What's going on?"

"T-that girl has f-food," Newan stammered out, as he re-opened his eyes. Good, it's gone...

Nanaya looked up at Newan, and saw fear in his eyes. More than the fear that was always there. "...Is something wrong?"

"N-no. I was just a bit startled, is all. She appeared out of nowhere," Newan said, trying to cover up his fear.

Nanaya seemed to accept this answer. She had just woken up a few seconds ago, after all. "Hm... well, I'm not really hungry, kind of been vomiting all day, but you can go ahead without me."

Newan shook his head. "No, I'm fine here. Even if I do have to put up with these people since they're part of the group, I'd rather not have to deal with them any more than I have to." Besides, I'd rather not get near her at all...

Nanaya seemed to ponder this for a moment, then shrugged her shoulders. "Suit yourself," she said, before leaning her head on his shoulder again and dozing back to sleep.

Nazrin simply sat watching. "Well, I'm going to go eat." She stood up and left towards Ranna and Mokou.

Oh yeah, she was here. I must have forgotten about her because of the fire...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 26, 2011, 02:54:22 AM
Youmu and Rhiseza both came hurriedly towards the sound of the impact, just to find Ranna and Mokou.
Rhiseza promptly collapsed onto her hands and knees once she got there. "Damnit, I thought there was actually something -wrong-. Made me run all the way here for nothing."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 26, 2011, 03:07:13 AM
Mokou grinned and looked at Rhiseza. "Eatin's all fer nothin' eh? Reimu wont feed ya guys so I will" She said sounding kind of proud. She looked around a bit. "I doubt Reimu's got one of them fancy grilling machines, so we're gonna do it the old fashioned way!" She said confidently, taking the box in her arm and heading around to the side of the shrine.She looked around for a moment, then she spotted Nazrin. She made an exaggerated motion to get Nazrin to come to her.
Ranna just sighed and followed Mokou, her arms crossed, still wearing an unsatisfied frown on her face. As she passed Newan and Nanaya she gave them a sideways glance before continuing over to where Mokou was.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 26, 2011, 03:15:53 AM
Newan just glared at Mokou as she passed by, apparently not even noticing Ranna.

Nazrin, however, followed behind Mokou. "It'll be nice to have something with flavor for a change. Nothing against Byakuren, but her cooking is just... tasteless. It's not even bad, it just doesn't have a flavor at all. Completely ruins the best part about eating."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 26, 2011, 03:18:19 AM
"For the love of--what was that?" snapped Orin as she stumbled out of bed.

"A big kaboom!" said Koishi.

"Someone's a bit cranky today," muttered Gale.

"You better get used to it," said Orin as she walked out of the room.

"Ooh..." whispered Koishi to Gale.  "She doesn't like you very much."

"Yes.  Insightful."

The three made their way to the source of the noise.

"Yay!" shouted Koishi.  "Food!"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 26, 2011, 03:36:24 AM
Youmu gave Rhiseza a disapproving glance before following Mokou.
Rhiseza pushed herself to her feet, dug her inhaler out of her bag, and quickly used it before following as well.
I still don't get why she doesn't like me.
... Okay, no, I get why she might but I don't know for sure.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 26, 2011, 03:41:01 AM
"I'no right? Taste is the best part!" She said still grinning. "So Naz, mind helpin me to set this 'ere up?" She said cheerfully.
Ranna, who had just passed Newan, caught a faint glimpse of his glare towards Mokou. Mokou didn't seem to notice at all, as if nothing could ruin her good mood. Huh...? ...Did he just...glare at her? She wondered bringing her eyes forward. Did Mokou do something wrong or something? Enough to hold a grudge? She remembered Mokou almost slamming her into the ground with a swirling kick of fire. ...Well I wouldn't rule out that possibility.... She though wanting to left out another sigh. I hope he's not the type to hate people without even giving them a chance...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 26, 2011, 03:53:12 AM
Nazrin nodded excitedly. "Sure, I'd love to help." It was then that she noticed Newan's glare towards Mokou, as well as Rann's glance at Newan. She ran over, and whispered "Don't hold it against him," in her ear. "I don't think he likes fire."

Nazrin had seen Newan's reaction to Mokou earlier, but had simply decided not to bring it up. He's got a lot of fear going on in there. Whatever his reason is for fearing fire, it's probably a good one. Maybe I should ask him about it later.

(Newan and I may not care about Ranna's opinion of him, but Naz is his buddeh. She's gotta stick up for him.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 26, 2011, 03:59:57 AM
Mokou grinned digging into her box.
Ranna leaned in to her the mouse youkai's whisper. She nodded her head in understanding and looked as though she was thinking deeply for a moment.
Mokou motioned for Nazrin to come over so she could whisper to her. Ranna gazed over the contents of the box. A metal rack...some flavorings and spices...and... As she seen the last thing she held her stomach her face turning red. She hoped no one would notice as it had already began to get dark.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 26, 2011, 04:03:39 AM
Nazrin walked back over to Mokou. "yeah?" she whispered. She then looked over the contents of the box as she listened to Mokou.

(OOC edit: Oh my god one line. This is so short, it shouldn't even be legal.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 26, 2011, 04:10:12 AM
Mokou bent down a bit and whispered into the mouse's ear.
"Can ya use yer dowsing to find something i can stand this on? Like something that can hold it up above the fire?" She whispered for only Nazrin being able to hear.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 26, 2011, 04:12:05 AM
"Ooh!  Ooh!" said Koishi, nearly hopping with excitement.  "Whatcha doing?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 26, 2011, 04:19:48 AM
Mokou grinned and turned to the girl. "I'm making food fer us all. Since Reimu'd rather watch us all starve rather than buy food fer all o' us" She said still sounding cheerful. "Don't'cha worry though, I make da best yakitori in all o' Gensokyo!" She said with confidence.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 26, 2011, 04:26:45 AM
"... I just have one question. What's yaki-however you say it?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 26, 2011, 04:37:03 AM
Nazrin nodded in response to Mokou's request, then took a few steps from the others, before closing her eyes and pulling out her dowsing rods. Okay. Concentrate. Focus. Take deep breathes. In, and out. In, and out.

Newan watched with interest as his partner prepared herself for... something. He couldn't tell what. It seemed almost as though she was glowing, although he knew she wasn't. It was as though there were a greater presence there.

"O great god Bishamonten, who guides us even now. Lend me, your faithful servant, the power to find that which must be found!" The glow seemed to circle around her, and when she opened her eyes, there was a fire within them. She took off the ground without a word, flying off into the dark azure sky.

Nazrin returned a few minutes later with... was that the grill of a truck?

As she landed, she held it out to Mokou. "Got this from the kappa. Apparently it's from the front of a 'car'."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 26, 2011, 05:06:46 AM
"Yakitori is grilled bird, chicken to be specific." She explained to Rhiseza.
She turned and watched Nazrin as she began to glow, eventually taking off into the sky. Mokou was still grinning, thinking Nazrin would get the job done.
Within atleast a minute Nazrin had returned, and in her hand she held a grill.
Mokou's grin faded as she stared at the object. Her expression was odd, like she was disappointed but didn't want to tell Nazrin she had failed.
Ranna sighed heavily, nearly placing her face in her palm before she offered to head inside and look for something that might be of help. Mokou gave her an 'Ah thanks' kind of look as she disappeared into the darkness of the shrine.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 26, 2011, 05:08:53 AM
Nazrin was very confused at Mokou's reaction. "...What? They called it a grill. Isn't that what you use to make yakitori? Kinda odd how it was on a 'car', though..."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 26, 2011, 05:16:46 AM
"Oh. Well... I guess I'm not particularly hungry but I'll try some. And... Hang on, why do you have parts for cars here?"
She stared at the grill Nazrin had returned with...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 26, 2011, 05:52:51 AM
OOC: I just noticed something. YJ, why is Aesera tied with Alyssa for lowest combat skill levels? Placing her skill with the lance at level 2 I get, but why's her melee skill at level 1? I did mention that she has martial arts training in my sign-up, right?

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 26, 2011, 05:55:27 AM
Mokou started to think deeply. "Hmm...what could...." She stopped mid-sentence, a devious grin spreading quickly across her face. Ranna, who had returned without luck, sat behind Mokou now, waiting for something to happen. The Mokou spoke, getting her attention.
"Ey Ranna and...someone else..." She looked around. the people the surrounded her didn't seem to be all that strong looking. She frowned as bit trying to decided who would be the strongest. She looked back and forth between the two makes that were close by. None of them really looked that impressive. Finally she let out a sigh and spoke again.
"Ranna, Youmu, ...uh...I don't believe I know yer name, you there by Koishi and Orin." She said gesturing towards Gale. She turned and gazed in Newan's direction. "And you there" She said pointing right at him. "You'll all come with me to the front o' the shrine fer a moment" She said, making sure they all heard her, then she turned to Nazrin. "You'll..take that back to the Kappa, they prolly need it more than any o' us 'ere" and finally she turned to Rhiseza, "You'll get a rag ta clean the top off with"
She looked around to make sure everyone nodded in agreement. which they should if they don't want to starve to death. After a Moment of nodding heads Mokou sent them all off, including herself, to the direction each of them were supposed to go.

((I would like to know why i have lvl -1....))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 26, 2011, 07:45:50 AM
OOC: I just noticed something. YJ, why is Aesera tied with Alyssa for lowest combat skill levels? Placing her skill with the lance at level 2 I get, but why's her melee skill at level 1? I did mention that she has martial arts training in my sign-up, right?

Alyssa is just a little princess, so that's she shes the weakest, back onto you... The lance is just too long for you to be able to use it in direct combat, unable to slash properly, or block, parry, or stab. In time, however, you will gain the ability to reduce the lance's length, widen it, or make the two tips into one. Even though it's lightweight in your hands, you can't possible be able to be swinging around a really long lance, as behind you, someone might get hit. Or even around you if you turn. Henceforth, your melee with the lance is, low. However, you with your increased strength due to your martial arts training, and with the lance's lightweightness, you are able to throw it easily, and you can aim too, since it doesn't like, steer off course.


Also, me and Squawkers will resume posting in about... 5 hours.


Sonae, you want to know why your melee is -1. You want to know why? Because you're using a damn bow! You shoot arrows, not run in and stab people with them! Damnit!
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 26, 2011, 09:06:58 AM
Ah, so that was all just weapon skill. Got it.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 26, 2011, 09:18:13 AM
(OOC: I now hate time. Why can't I ever find enough of it?)

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Mokou, cooking yakitori. She's doing this on purpose, isn't she?"

Mystia was now wide awake, with Vante at her side, checking his iPhone. The battery charge of the gadget was dropping slowly, and in probably a day or two, it would go bye-bye.

"What's wrong with chicken?" he asked.

Mystia's stare could have bore holes into him. She thought about her next words carefully, her eyes concentrating on the distant trees. "Did the wings tip you off, or should I let you see my ears? It's all feathery, you know, and-"

In simpler terms, she was a bird, and she was offended.

"Oh! Sorry!" Vante blurted out almost angrily, "Sorry, it slipped my mind. It's not everyday I get trapped in a different world and bound to a magical creature which so happens to be a bird."

"Quite true. I still don't get anything to eat," Mystia crossed his arms, and moved towards the place Mokou had just left. Her ears twitched.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 26, 2011, 02:30:43 PM
Nazrin hesitated, then flew back to Youkai mountain, muttering about how what she found was still a "grill", so shouldn't that work?

Newan reluctantly got up, then scooped up Nanaya in his arms before heading back into the shrine. He went back to their room, then placed her in her futon. As he slowly put her in, silently, Nanaya opened an eye.

"H-Hey. Come closer." Newan obliged. And got his reward.

Nanaya kisses him on the lips, before pulling away, going back into her deep sleep.

As he set her down, he noticed that she still looked rather cute while she was sleeping. He smiled a bit, then headed to the front of the shrine to help with the grill.

(Why have these last few posts been so short  :qq:)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 26, 2011, 02:53:24 PM
OOC: God, I understand you, Crowcakes...

Alyssa watched as the candid conversation between Vante and Mystia went by. It was quite humorous how the conversation panned out, Mystia being a bird and all. Still, the delicacy that Mokou was planning to cook sounded quite interesting being called "yakitori", much like many of the things in this world. Except, this was just grilled chicken, so Alyssa did not expect far too much from it. The lamprey was extremely odd, on the other hand.

Alice, on the other hand, rested on the walls of the shrine. Shanghai and Hourai flew about happily, or at least in Hourai's case relatively happily, and they seemed to be quite happy with their new friend Mira, who sat and watched. That only drew more attention to Mira, a confusing doll. Who, or what, was it? Alyssa could only wonder as it happily kicked its legs back and forth like it was alive.

Like a human being.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 26, 2011, 03:03:10 PM
(If possible, I want you guys to finish this bonding session, and I'll make a gigantic wall of text of Reimu talking and stuff like that, and we can all proceed to the next Arc, where shit hits the fan. Because I suddenly want to go to the Arc after the "Going back Home" arc. Also, don't bother Nanaya. She'll just be sleeping the whole time. Haha.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 26, 2011, 03:08:44 PM
(Edited at YJ's request.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 26, 2011, 03:47:05 PM
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 26, 2011, 03:55:16 PM
(...Wait, the food is already ready? What?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 26, 2011, 04:40:22 PM
(FFFF that's what I get for skimming in the morning...)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 26, 2011, 04:44:29 PM
(Eh, it happens to the best of us.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 26, 2011, 06:44:59 PM
As Newan came to the front of the shrine Mokou waved him over. The group was standing around the donation box waiting for Newan to come over. The moon had already surfaced, spreading it's pale illuminate over Gensokyo's landscape. Mokou's colorless hair shone in it's pale silvery light. When Newan had finally approached the box Mokou explained what they were doing.
"So we're gonna lug dis box over to the side of the shrine an, we gonna use it for a grill!" She said, confident in her plan. She looked at Ranna, "Ya carry the cover kay, and watch our path so we don't trip or anythin'" She said.
Ranna responded with a nod of her head and removed the cover from the donation box. It wasn't too heavy, but it was big and hard to hold onto. After getting her grip on it, she nodded and headed around to the side of the shrine. Mokou grinned slightly.
"Okay now, Youmu and uh...what's yer name again?" She asked scratching her head with a smile and a weak laugh. "Yer gonna tip it over a bit to yer side 'kay? Then me and him'er gonna lift er so you two can get yer hands under it, then we lug it back'ta the group" She said preparing herself for it.
"Okay on 1...2...3! Tilt!" She said. They did as she had said and Mokou and Gale slid their hands under the box, lifting it a little off the ground. Then Youmu and Newan got their hands under it. "Now lift!" She exclaimed.
The group lifted the the donation box with one, somewhat sloppy, joined movement. The boxs wobbled in the air a little before becoming steady in their grasps.
"Woah now...Okay, let's get a movin'!" She cheered as the group carefully started to move the box to the side of the shrine, every now and again someone moved to far over bumping into the person beside them, or someone nearly lost their balance and the team had to freeze on the spot to re-balance the box. For an empty donation box, it sure weighed a ton.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 26, 2011, 07:14:29 PM
Over the years, Newan had developed the upper-body strength of a child due to a lack of any sort of exercise- the only thing that kept him thin was his unnaturally high metabolism. However, his complete and total lack of muscle density meant that he was having more trouble than the others. While he managed to keep the box at the same height on his end as the others, and was somewhat successful at masking his grimace, his arms were trembling. I shouldn't have come over... How was I supposed to know this thing would be so heavy?

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 26, 2011, 07:50:52 PM
Mokou stumbled slightly due to having to trek backwards to her destination. She bumped into Newan, pushing him a bit. If it hadn't have been her elbow that hit him, then he probably wouldn't be sore in the ribs.
"Ah my bad, didn't mean ta do that" She said with a smile and a weak laugh. After making sure there was nothing to trip her anymore, the team began moving once more.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 26, 2011, 07:58:57 PM
"N-no, it's f-fine..." Newan said as the group continued. Thank god it was just her elbow...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 26, 2011, 08:00:37 PM
Rhiseza ran inside, looking around for a rag. It didn't take her that long to find one, and she used what was left in the first bottle of water to wet it before she ran back.
"Got a rag for y--... That looks heavy."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 26, 2011, 09:17:05 PM
(OOC: I'm going to use my other achievement now. Don't mind me, I'm just being silly here in this post.)

Mystia stood on the side, watching Mokou and the others haul the donation box away from its place.  She didn't say it, but her facial expression was practically screaming "look at me and notice that I'm angry so that I have an excuse to be angry." Her twitching became more erratic, eyes, ears, and wings, while her now clenched fists trembled in anger. Vante refused to comment, because it would probably set her off.

In a bout of spite, the night sparrow decided to play an old-fashioned prank. Taking a deep breath, she began singing one of her nightblinding songs.

"She's an evil enchantress
She does evil dances
And if you look deep in her eyes
She'll put you in trances
Then what will she do?
She'll mix up an evil brew
And she'll gobble you up
In a big tasty stew
Sooo... WATCH OUT!" (

Granted, the lyrics didn't fit, but the bird's tone was annoying. (During this time, Vante was covering his ears from the grating voice. "Even here!" he moaned.) With the final line came orbs of murky black that found their way to the movers.

"Now, to wait for the magic," Mystia smiled mischevously, her posture smug and laid-back.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 26, 2011, 10:41:03 PM
((I'll post later. Going out for YAKITORI))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 27, 2011, 12:23:53 AM
Aesera and Kanako's wanderings eventually brought them outside the shrine. "Ah," Aesera said, "this is where everyone is."

"It looks like Mokou's making us a meal," Kanako said. "I had heard that she runs a yakkitori stand, but I didn't expect her to have her things with her."

"I don't think she does. That's not exactly a true grill she's using. It looks like she's just improvising. She has a grill substitute, and fire's not a problem, so yeah, I don't think there's any issue there."

"She can't cook yakkitori if she doesn't have any, though. She had to have that with her, at least."

"I suppose so. This presents a dilemma, though. Everyone's just relaxing at the moment, so this is hardly a good time to bring up the issue of Nanaya. Breaking the mood like that would only result in greater resistance to the idea. So we'll wait on that."

"All right. We do have to wait for the food to be ready, though."

"True. However, that is time that can still be put to use. A few of the youkai here you mentioned in your overview of Gensokyo, but many of the others you didn't mention, and even the ones you did you didn't say too much about. But now that we find ourselves working with them, I'd like more detail on all of the youkai here."

"Very well," Kanako said. "We'll start with..."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 27, 2011, 12:46:56 AM
Will resume posting in 3 hours :<
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 27, 2011, 01:44:13 AM
"Here's good!" Mokou said as the group placed the box down carefully on the ground.
She reached into the box and fished out the money they had bribed Reimu with when they had first arrived at the shrine.
"Who wants it?" She shouted holding the money up in the air.

After the give away, Ranna and Rhiseza cleaned the lid thoroughly. By now Nazrin had returned, without the car's grill. With almost everyone present, Mokou shouted once more.
"Let the feasting begin!"

The cool night air was calming, and Ranna imagined most of the group enjoyed taking it easy like this.
Soon enough the smell of meat cooking filled the air, the scents of various flavorings following along. The scent was so fantastic you could nearly taste it.
As Mokou was grilling dinner, her vision began to blur, despite looking into the brightly dancing flames. Mokou squinted in an attempt to clear her now foggy vision. Then she remembered -that- was here. She glared Mystia with a smile of irritation.
"Mystia~" She said, her face showing how ma
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 27, 2011, 02:24:46 AM
(Hm... Seems to be a bit of cut off at the end there. Eh, whatever.)

Newan sighed as the donation box hit the ground. Finally... When he left for the back of the shrine, however, he was interrupted by a tapping on his shoulder.

"Oy. You're not eating?" Nazrin asked, her arms folded. "Nanaya's inside, so you don't have to go stay with her or anything."

"I'm not hungry," Newan responded, as he turned and continued on his way to the back of the shrine.

Nazrin saw through his lie, and placed her hand on his shoulder as the other hand rummaged through her pack. "Wait. At least have some cheese. You haven't eaten since breakfast this morning." Her hand stopped for a moment, before pulling out a wedge of what appeared to be some sort of gouda.

"Thanks," Newan said, taking the offered cheese, before returning on his path to the back of the shrine. Nazrin frowned a bit, then sighed, returning to the night's festivities.

As Newan walked to get away from the others, he looked around. Huh. It's way darker than I thought it would be. It's the same moon and the same star, so you'd think It'd reflect the same amount of light. Maybe it's behind a cloud? He craned his neck to get a better view. How odd... I can't even see the sky from here. It's like a dense fog rolled in or something, but it feels pretty dry. How strange... Well, I wouldn't be too surprised if Gensokyo has some odd weather phenomena.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 27, 2011, 01:42:31 PM
The Achievement List
-Mythical Reunion(EASY, VANTE) -Used
-Artful Sacrifice(EASY, ALYSSA)
-Nuclear Induced Insanity(EASY, GALE)
-As Resolute as the Mountains(EASY, AESERA) -Used
-Cheese!(EASY, NEWAN) -Used
-Bird Of Prey(EASY, VANTE)
-Mother Of All Sparks(NORMAL, NEWAN) -Used
-Bird Of Eternity(EASY, RANNA)
-Ghost Busters!(EASY, RHISEZA) -Used
-Climax Of The Subconscious(NORMAL, GALE) -Used


(Since I'm so damn pissed at the fact that this little... OM NOM NOM AND GO TO SLEEP session, is taking a little too long... I'll just make it gone and done with. Also, no, Nanaya isn't more important then all of you. Don't think that I made her superior to all of you.)


The rather, exciting night of bonding with your suddenly-introduced partners, fellow humans, and eating of the roasted birds, has come to an end. With Mystia playing a prank on everyone before you slept, everyone had some trouble even going back into the shrine, well, until Mokou used Nazrin to find Mystia, and threatened to beat her to a pulp. All of you, after that delightful meal, dozed off into a deep slumber. In that darkness, there no things that went ploop or squish in the night. It was a breezy time, and peace was achieved in your dreams... Or so you think.

-Aesera's Dream.

A man, fully clad in armor, walks side by side with another man. His skin is made of pure, molten rock, he has three, vicious mouths, one seperates his torso from his lower body, the other seperates his right arm from his shoulder, and one where a normal mouth should be. With long, red teeth, he and the man in armor discuss about you. You can hear your name being said several times, but you can't make out what they're saying. The man in armor finally shakes hands with the other, demonic-looking man, and walks the other way. From the front, comes a new guest.

He's wearing a tux, and a hat. With a snap of his fingers, the demonic man summoned chairs and a coffee table out of the pitch-black space they are in. They start discussing about something... About you, again. You don't understand this dream at all. Nothing connects... The demonic man's arms changes during the duration of their little chat, forming long, rocky spikes atop his shoulders, as a pair of wings, all bony and fleshless, emerge from his back. Horns rip out from his head and curve backwards, and two more, weird protrusions appear on his cheeks. Finally, he points to you.

"You have my open-mindedness. My intelligence. My capability. Use them well, Aesera." The vision fades to black, and you enjoy the peace within your mind you so crave for...

---Vante's Dream

As you fall deeper and deeper into your sleep, Mystia's movement and sounds don't bother you anymore. The blackness overtakes your mind, clouding the vision you once had as your eyes close...

You see yourself floating, as if atop a lake or the sea. The sound of constant water flowing gives you a sense of serene peace, deep inside of you, with your longing to go home, just like everyone else. That longing, fades away. Your eyes open as you float upon the black ocean, the sky spiraling around you, as two blobs of light appear beside you. Left and Right.

"I've always played video games in this century. I thought you might like it if your powers were based on them. You should go try out Dead Space 2 tomorrow when you go home. Maybe you'll like it..."

The two balls spin around you, illuminating the landscape, and you sink deeper into the black ocean, without hesitating, you accept this, and... Your sleep takes you away.

---Newan's Dream.

You're sitting in the darkness, atop a chair, chained to it. You panic, shiver uncontrollably, shout, scream. The darkness waves around you as this happens. There seem to be walls. And they're closing in. You scream and scream, shove yourself, pulling on the chains, trying to stand up, unable to move at all, totally, physically disabled to his piece of crap that restains you. And then, light. All around you. Light...

The chains tighten more, pressing so hard that they cut into your flesh, grazing your bones, as you bleed from all your limbs, you hear a tearing sound. You open your eyes and hold back your screams of pain. The light... Is fire. Fire engulfs the walls, slowly spreading around you, forming a circle, a pentagram, a star within. Another circle... And then, the flames on the floor, burst into walls of fire, reaching up to the celling, surrounding you. Another tearing sound. It's more distinct.

The chains are gone... But you're stuck in this small room, filled with fire. You're afraid. So very afraid. Fear. Despair. Terror. Horror. Insanity. A hand reaches out from the flames, unburnt. Your only hope of salvation. You take the slim chance, and grab the hand. It pulls you. Through the flames, through the walls...

"You are entirely me. You have a fear of fire. You are scared inside. Scared deep... Treat Nanaya and Katelin well, would you?" Then, a peaceful, calming sensation fills you completely... And you drift off into the darkness.

---Ranna's Dream.

As you sleep, you imagine yourself looking up into the dark sky, looking at the beautiful stars, the birds, the far away planets that you can make out. Yes, peaceful indeed. The stars and the sky were your only friends last time... Last time... That voice told  you to be kinder to others...You put your arms behind your head, supporting it as you cross your right leg over the left, still staring into the heavens above.

There's someone beside you. A man, he's wearing a black jacket, a white shirt within, and jeans. The jacket covers his face from view, but you can see, through his arms, that his skin is red. "You have my coldness. My loneliness long before. You really need to help others, treat them well. Don't you agree?" You turn to face him, and his face glimmers in the moonlight. His human face.

With a smile on his face, you begin to feel comfortable, calm. Peaceful... And you sleep.

---Gale's Dream

A dream within a dream. Koishi's hugging your arm while you try to sleep. Orin's constant snoring doesn't help too. Well, whatever. There's this constant breeze that flows through the room, so you manage to close your eyes, and imagine yourself back at home... Sleeping on your well-missed bed... Under the air conditioning of your room... With your mathematics that made sense, proper english and none of this fantasy-like happenings around you... Darkness comes to take you away now...

You lie in a bed of sunflowers, staring into the cold sky, as the moon hovers around you. There's a woman beside you, holding her parasol up above her head, even though it's the night. A hand comes down on her should and she looks up. "Yo, Yuuka." The woman smiles, but doesn't do anything. The man bends down and looks at you face-to-face. You can see his scars. Scars from the millions of battles he has been through. With two, strong arms, one pitch-black, one white as light. The woman named Yuuka bends down too.

"He's the one?"

"No, no. He's just... another part of me. The one is the part of Brother."

"I see. Well then, nothing more."

Yuuka and the man walk off into the fields together, side by side. And then, the everlasting embrace of nothingness overtakes you...

---Alyssa's Dream

Alice and you sleep in two seperate futons, next to each other. Alice has Shanghai and Hourai by her side, while you have Mira. The dolls seem to constantly look at each other, as if... They were talking. On both of their smiling faces, you can actually feel the happiness. Alice has already fallen asleep, as the breeze flows into the room.  You blink a couple of times, imagining your little castle in England. As the little princess you are, you shut your eyes, hugging Mira tightly, as you descend into the depths of the unknown.

You awake, in a small, lonely black room, and a woman walks around you, circling and staring at you. You try to move, to stand, to speak, but you can't... It's almost as if invisible ropes have binded you to her will.

"O-Oh. Sorry about that." The binds snap, allowing you to move. Instantly, you get up, and clutch yourself tightly... Eh... Where's Mira...?

"Sorry to say... Your... other half perished. He went to fight... me... I-I didn't do it on purpose... Chaos did it..." The woman turns her head. "That other, older man's body Yukari said about, was another part of your other half... You're lucky that you wern't ripped apart when your other half died..." The darkness fades. "Little girl, I know what you're thinking. All your questions will be answered in time..." You fall.

---Rhiseza's Dream

You fall asleep next to Youmu, her ghost half providing plenty of coldness in the warm room, since yours is the only one where the breeze can't come in. The floatin white thing rests between you and Youmu, and you slowly, fall... into it's white... fluffy-looking...

You're floating in the air, surrounded by thousands of specks of light, glistening and shining.... This world is just a plain... endless labyrinth of millions of specks of light. They flare up all around you, over and over again. You stare at the ones directly above you, their marvelous brilliance emits unseen auras, that change your mind...

You think you see a man walking up to you. He walks directly past you, and a gush of wind flies by, pushing your hair back. "Know yourself. And know everything. You have what I always wanted before my ascension." You fall back down, and the shining lights disappear into nothing. You slumber.

Current Gensokyo Time: 10am. Current World Time by Maribel and Renko: 3:00pm.

Wake up...
The time is right...
Wake up...
Awaken and all shall tremble before you!
Rise up, Daughters of Corruption!
Yuuka Kazami. Sariel. Meira. Kotohime. Kasen Ibara. Kana Anaberal. Yumeko.
They are under you, Slave. Use them well, and do not fail me. Or you shall never know life.

A black, clawed hand slams on the armrest of a throne, shaking the halls of the black palace. "This time, the real world will fall."

Back in Gensokyo...

At this time, a large impulse of energy flows into the Shrine, entering all of you and your partners, jolting those still asleep, and surprising those awake. Reimu and Yukari emerge from a gap in the front of the Shrine. Everyone has assembled here about an hour earlier, awaiting Reimu's arrival. She came back just in time. The others were getting bored. Especially Mystia. Yukari enters back into the gap, and brings out a rice cracker for Reimu. The both of them then proceed to sit on the gap.

"Right. So, I've decided. I don't want you to stay here anyone. So all of you can go home." Well, that was blunt. A little too blunt, almost as if she hates all of you. "This incident will not be resolved by me. I can't resolve it, anyway, neither can Yukari." Reimu sighs and bites on her rice cracker, beginning to speak again with her mouth full. "Sho js goh bak ang get dis ovar wif." She chews and swallows.

"Yukari's already manipulated the borders of time for the day in the real world to reverse for a little. It stops once all of you reach back home. She's already informed Renko and Maribel."

Yukari doesn't speak at all, as she covers her mouth with her pink fan of hers.

"I dunno how all of you will go back, but you better find out, and get it done."

Reimu walks back into the shrine silently, ignoring all of you and your unanswered questions.

"Mmm. Someone told me that your links will send you home." Yukari finally speaks. "I can activate your links further, but just this once. This young lady has business elsewhere."

Yukari sinks into her gap, vanishing without a trace. And soon enough, all of you have a tingling feeling... A weird... sort of comfortable feeling, mixed with the emotions you experienced when you first entered into Gensokyo. Yukari's head pops out, upside down, from a new gap that has just been formed.

"Done!~" She winks and goes back into the gap.

Achievement Unlocked!
-Chaotic Discovery

In a blink of an eye, a rainbow vortex appears infront each of you, and in the end of it, you can see where you once were before you came into Gensokyo...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 27, 2011, 01:45:10 PM
Arc Two of Act One has begun. Page 18.

                                                                                       The Rapture Of All Mankind

Also, I noticed that all of our posts are significantly shorter then those like on WUFTD. And stuff. Maybe because all of theirs have everyone being able to control other Touhous, while in this one, you can only control yourself an your partner. Act Two will have much more freedom, allowing longer posts. I will also have my ACTUAL expectations of RPers.

Act two is like a sequel, to those of you who are confused. It'll have new characters from other players that have developed an interest in this, and i'll allow returning players. Sweeeeeeeeee. Hope all of you will join back.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 27, 2011, 03:15:27 PM
I'm well aware that Nanaya is not more important than the others, but Aesera thinks she is.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 27, 2011, 03:27:58 PM
Alright then.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 27, 2011, 03:51:12 PM
I lose access to a computer for -one night-, and this is what happens.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 27, 2011, 06:44:21 PM
((What Orphea Said.))
((Would Have replied earlier but i couldn't get ahold of the laptop. and the normal computer is slow as fuck all.))
((Basically the remainder was just Mokou threating to fry mystia up. Food dished out. food is GREAT Ranna offers Newan Food, after a bit of talk they start turning in and going to bed. Za end))
((Will read and try to get on msn Kay that's done.))
((So um...what will be going on now? Also will the corrupted attack on sight or will uh they try to decieve us by appearing peaceful then we wake up to see them standing above us with a knife? I want to be decieved by Yuuka~~))
((Also will we meet maribel and renko? [I know Maribel has seen Mokou before so if she seen her on the street she'd recognize her.))
((New playas? Where~!))
((Ohhhh ACT 2 not ARC 2 :x No fresh meat for a while then))
((Wait. If you're expecting longer posts. What will you expect from me? :x ))
((aLSO How many ARCS will there be?))
((Also I hope we will get some time to relax and be decieved by pc- WHAAAAT ONE ISN'T PC-98))
((Yuuka, Sariel, Meira, KanaAna, Kotohime, Kasen?, Yumeko))
((What's Kasen doin here :x Also was expecting a LOT more PoDD characters than that.))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 27, 2011, 08:12:24 PM
(Well then, I guess I'll start us off?

Use: Chaotic Discovery (I'm guessing that every single one of us got this one, right?)

Newan looked into the vortex, at what he called home. A chance to go back to his normal life. A chance to forget that any of this had ever happened, to forget that these people existed. A chance to end the nightmare. He could easily walk into the vortex, catch up on his work, and pretend that none of this ever happened. A chance to resume his normal life, full of superconductivity and amps and chemistry. Full of things that made sense.

And yet... he liked this Gensokyo. It was like a new discovery, something new to learn. It was like college, only more exciting and not as full of people. He felt more alive here then he had since the excitement of moving to Japan died down. Even if some of the things that had transpired here felt like a nightmare, and more were to come, this was one nightmare he didn't want to wake up from.

Newan wondered for a moment if he was being forced to leave or if he could stay, when  he felt something tapping on his shoulder. He turned around to see Nazrin standing there, hands on hips, a quizzical look on her face. "Well? Are you just gonna stand there, or are we going to the Outside World?"

Newan blinked in confusion. "What do you mean 'we'?"

"I mean you and me, obviously," Nazrin replied, a completely serious look on her face.. "I mean, Miss Yukari said that we could go back because of our link, right? So, it only makes sense that I go with you."

Once again, Newan began to laugh. He looked her over, listing off the oddities of her attire in his mind. Dowsing rods. That crystal hanging from her neck. Mouse ears and a tail. Gray hair. That weird gray vest. "Looking like that? Please, even by Japan's Standards, you look weird."

"Meanie..." Nazrin pouted, puffing up her cheeks like a little girl.

"Alright, fine," Newan sighed. "I'm sure we can get you some new clothes to hide your... mouse... ness. It it's just your gray hair, you wouldn't look that out of place." Newan heard Nazrin's cry of victory as he turned to Nanaya. "So... what about you? You said earlier that you didn't want to go home, but we probably won't be gone for too terribly long..." Newan wanted to add in that he had more than one spare futon at home despite his lack of visitors, but decided against it in the presence of Nazrin.

Nanaya didn't respond, so Newan turned back to the vortex, and entered. He was followed by Nazrin and Nanaya. Here goes, I guess...

(OOC edit: That last sentence was authorized by YJ. So yeah.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 27, 2011, 11:01:25 PM
(OOC: Just to make something clear, can our Gensokyo partners go to the outside world? Also I'm going to use Birds of Prey and Chaotic Discovery.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 28, 2011, 12:11:04 AM
Q and A session. WRRRRRY.

Yes, your partners follow you to the outside. However, you're only spending up to four days there...

Yes, all of you have Chaotic Discovery.

Why is Kasen there? Because I think her powers have not been fully revealed after Wild and Horned Hermit. Aldo, I hate Gengetsu.

Four Arcs: Awakening Of The Chosen Ones, Rapture Of All Mankind, Resurrection Of Corruption, Singularical Paradox.

The Daughters of Corruption can use trickery or instantly attack. Up to them.

Half of you will meet Renko, the other half will meet Yukari and Maribel.

Mima and Rumia are somewhere in the outside world... Maybe they can help?

Koishi is unable to enter the vortex.


>Achievements used.
>Chaotic discovery.
You can now summon Tenshi in the outside world, after Using the two items you and Aesera have.
>Birds of Prey and Chaotic Discovery.
Mystia can summon Tokiko(Only in Gensokyo). Gained small stone idol.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 28, 2011, 12:23:38 AM
(Last post edited at YJ's request.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 28, 2011, 01:11:03 AM
"Right," Aesera said, addressing the group as a whole, "we're going through. Once we reach the other side, leave the logistics to me. I'll take care of food, lodging, transportation, whatever we need; I have money, and I also know people. I'll arrange for whatever we need. Remember to keep the supernatural nature of your partners hidden. I wouldn't worry too much about outfits or animal features-people will just assume you're dressed up in costume-but no magic or anything else like that. Not unless truly necessary, of course. And it should be fine if people can't see it being done, but if in doubt, don't do it. Let's go."

Aesera entered the vortex, with Kanako right behind her.


OOC: Remember, Aesera is a very successful businesswoman, so she does have the money and connections she claims to. And she's also the type of person who would collect favors, so yeah, she can handle the logistical end of things without much difficulty.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 28, 2011, 01:13:43 AM
(Guys, I think Aesera may be a member of the Yakuza ;_;)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 28, 2011, 01:17:39 AM
((OOC: No, but she would be if she thought it would provide a net benefit to herself))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 28, 2011, 01:18:44 AM
(Also, All of you will appear in seperate locations. But all in Japan, assuming al- Crap. Forgot about the English Princess. Nevermind then, sending her to Japan too. Writing now.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 28, 2011, 01:23:15 AM
((OOC: No, but she would be if she thought it would provide a net benefit to herself))

(XD I was kidding, actually. Man, Aesera is like some kind of benefit-oriented robot (No, I'm not suggesting that she is.))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 28, 2011, 01:24:58 AM
((OOC: Yes, you were obviously kidding; I just went along with it.))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 28, 2011, 01:38:07 AM
Ranna gazed forward at the vortex leading out to where she had been before coming to Gensokyo.
"Eehh...That doesn't look like a house..." Mokou's sudden comment made Ranna jump slightly.
"Ah...No, that's not my home" Ranna said calmly. Home eh? I guess I don't have a home. She thought too herself. She wondered why we were going to the outside world too, but that wasn't a concern at this moment.
"Well? We gonna go?" Mokou said, a grin slipping on to her face. Ranna opened her eyes, they shone with silent strength. "Yeah." She said as she strode forward. Mokou just smiled and placed her hands in her pocket. Ranna made sure to grab her bag before heading back. As she approached the vortex with Mokou, she looked at Mokou wondering if they'd really meet on the other side. Mokou responded with a grin. Ranna, now feeling reassured, stepped into the vortex, Mokou at her side. The two of them, disappearing into the vortex.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 28, 2011, 01:46:35 AM
The three Ns step into their portal first, entering a spiraling, shrinking tunnel, surrounded by every colour imaginable. It doesn't take long for them to reach the outside, though...


Newan falls first, his back hitting the floor, before Nazrin lands on his, further adding to his pain. Nanaya hops out of the vortex, standing next to them. All of you are in Newan's room. The room with those random sketches, A western-style bed. The room had a dresser with a radio along with a few miscellaneous objects, and a small bookshelf crammed with books. The most distinguishable feature of the room was the large desk along the wall closest to the door. It was covered in devices of measuring, schematics, and prototypes for devices not yet on the market. Well, such nostalgia finally entered Newan's brain as he pushed Nazrin off and stood up, noticing that his notebook was all over the floor.

Quickly gathering his notes back and stuffing them into his book, he settled in his messy looking, science-filled room. Nanaya laid down on his bed, looking at the celling.

"The outside, huh? I think dad's forgotten about me. Where are we, anyway. I would assume Japan, but there are factors that could prove me wrong."

"We are, definitely in Japan." Newan assures her.

Nazrin sniffs the room. "It's dusty in here. Dusty and smelly. Do you ever clean?"


Aesera and Kanako went into their portal next, entering the same stream of endless, flashing rainbow lights until they touch the ground, standing on their feet. They're back at the place where Aesera was walking back to her hotel... Well, now's mid-day, and shes walking in the streets with a tall, blue-haired woman who has something looking like a prezel made of rope on her back.

"Wew, it's been a long time since I've come back. I wonder if my games are out." Kanako says, as you lead her to the hotel. Along the way, they get some mysterious stares, a few stalkers with cameras, and other, random people coming up to them and asking for Their names.

Well, for some reason, there are Otaku's here. But why here? Isn't this the business district? Oh, whatever now. They come to the hotel's lobby, and proceed to take the elevator up to the room. After a few more stares, the two of them enter the room and close the door.


Ranna and Mokou look at each other as they fall through the rainbow colored hole in the spacetime continuem, finally, they fall and hit the ground with a hard thump, atop steep hill, in front of a old worn road blemished with cracks. An opening in the trees lie behind them, as if surprised to see them, as they sway in the breeze. The scenery. It's marvelous... A great waterfall lied in her line of sight. It sparkled as it rushed and trickled among the many stones that made it's magnificent structure.

"Yeah. Looks like Youkai Mountain." Mokou stuffs her hands in her pockets. "So, where's ya' house, anehway?"

"I guess, I don't have one... Well, It's not really... my home, anyway..."

"Well come on, let's be goin' now." Mokou starts walking towards the worn road, as if she knows the way. Ranna quickly runs up to her and leads the way...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 28, 2011, 01:54:41 AM
You have full control of the events that happen in the outside world, as I'll only control Chaos and the Daughters of Corruption. This will allow you to have some time with your partner, do some important things, maybe go to what you're surposed to do, like a job, or something, go shopping. Anything. Be creative. This will allow much longer posts. Although, you should really check your computer in your room at night... Maybe someone sent you an email?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 28, 2011, 02:10:28 AM
"Next!" Vante walked straight through, into the vortex. Finally, home.

Mystia, on the other hand, did not follow right away. There was still her wings to consider. They were blatantly visible, and they were as organic and receptive as she was. No excuses of "it's a costume" for her. Her ears were easily concealable, though; a bandana would solve that.

With those things in mind to ask for later, she walked in to the vortex.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 28, 2011, 02:19:14 AM
Vante and Mystia fall, much slower, for some reason, as they enter through the vortex. Vante felt something ruffle in his pocket. Something small and hard. As they feel through, he pulled out a small idol, that seemed to distort the time they spent in the spiraling hole. So that's why it feels much longer then the others. Mystia closed her eyes and her wings flapped violently, trying to make her stable in this constantly, downwards-pushing effect that's happening. And then...


Vante lands face-first on his desk, before Mystia lands ontop of him, on his back, causing a loud noise to come from Vante. Something between a squeal and a "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH"

In front of your head, is another one of your bamboo sticks. Your papers are all over the place, and Mystia apparently doesn't care, going to lie on your bed. You quickly gather your important notes, and pack them orderly.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 28, 2011, 02:32:59 AM
You have currently, a energy level to be able to stay in the outside world for at most, Five Days. With one and a half days to relax and live your own, boring life. On the night of the second day, something will happen. On the third day, Half of you will meet with Renko, the other half with Maribel. A few, other characters will appear too. On the forth day, the group may choose to confront of Daughters of Corruption, or do... something else. Something important. On the last, and final day, you will be forced to engage against the Daughters of Corruption.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 28, 2011, 02:33:52 AM
"Damn," Aesera said, "we're seperate. That's what happens when you rush ahead too quickly."

"Did you have a plan?"

"I wanted to exchange contact information," Aesera said, "but everyone started going through before I could. So we'll need to find them some other way."

"Do you have any ideas?"

"Actually," Aesera said, "I do. We simply need to do something that would draw attention to ourselves, preferably in a way that only the others would properly understand. And it just so happens that I have something in mind."

"And what is that?"

"A freak storm," Aesera said. "Something big, sudden, and inexplicable. Most of the others' partners seemed to at least have heard of you. They know you're a god of the sky, so I'd expect at least most of them to be able to put two and two together. Center it on where I'm staying; that'll signal where they should go. Oh, and the stranger you can make it, the better. So try for something that looks like it should cause a lot of damage, but don't actually let it cause damage-unless you can make the damage itself odd, of course. Give it some really odd wind pattterns. Do whatever you can to make it stand out. Maybe see if you can arrange debris to fall in the shape of words, really get people wondering 'what the fuck'. give it religious coontations; that'll really get people talking. I want this to be a major news story; it won't do any good if none of the others know about it."

"I'll see what I can do," Kanako said, "but if I'm to center it on where you're staying, we should go there first."

"Then follow me."


OOC: YJ, is that something that Kanako would be able to do here? To what extent do her powers remain in the outside world?
Also, use Chaotic Discovery.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 28, 2011, 02:35:13 AM
Newan shrugged at Nazrin's accusation. "You get used to it after awhile. I would have cleaned the place up a bit if I'd known I'd be having guests, but being pulled into Gensokyo was rather... sudden. Besides, being a mouse, you probably have a more acute sense of smell than us humans. I can barely smell anything."

Nazrin twitched her nose at his explanation. "I guess. You should still clean up more often, though."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Newan responded, absent-mindedly. Ugh, I forgot about work... well, whatever. I can always check my E-mail later. Besides, the lab is pretty much just a tool anyway. Even if they are paying me, I'm still my own boss. "Anyway, I'll go make some tea. I'll show you to the living room, it's much less cluttered."

He led the two women out of his room into a somewhat narrow hallway that led to a flight of stairs. "That's the guest bedroom, and that's the restroom," he said, pointing in turn to the room opposite his, then the room at the end of the hallway not occupied by stairs. The doors to both rooms were currently closed, not allowing them to get a better look of the rooms.

Newan then led them down the stairs, into a much larger room. In the center was a small coffee table, flanked by a couche on one side and a television on the other. In an attaching room was the kitchen, which was strangely clean. Nazrin made a sly grin at Newan. "So, rice balls for dinner?"

"Instant noodles, actually," Newan replied nonchalantly, garnering an "urk" from Nazrin. "It's not that I'm poor, I just don't really have the time to make intricate meals on most days. I can cook okay, I just don't really see the need all too often. Since you two will be staying here for a bit, I guess I'll have to go shopping later... Anyway, make yourselves at home, and all that. I'll go make the tea." He then walked into the kitchen and began making the tea.

Nazrin sat down on the couch, and looked around. "Hm... At first I thought it was just the bed, but this whole house is pretty Western. I guess your name doesn't sound Japanese, either, but your surname does... any real reason for that?"

"Well, I'm Japanese a few generations back," Newan answered from the kitchen. "We never changed the surname, but our family stopped giving their offspring Japanese names after they moved to America. I was never able to figure out what kind of a name 'Newan' is."

He then returned with the tea, placing a cup before each of his guests before sitting down next to Nanaya.

(So, I was thinking about it and decided to Google "Newan". Apparently, it's like a dairy science laboratory in New Zealand or something.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 28, 2011, 02:47:14 AM
Before taking off after Mokou, Ranna stops and dashes over to the ledge. Slowly, she peeks over it, looking down towards the bottom, where the tentacles reach up for her as she fell through the abyss, into Gensokyo. She slowly, gazed down at the bottom.
At the bottom was just the dark waters that likely hid sharp rocks from view. Ranna felt relieved to see the water at it's bottom, but she knew she definitely didn't want to fall to the bottom again.
"Hey! Ya glued to da ground or somethin?" Mokou shouted.
"Ah...! I'm coming" she replied quickly running over to where Mokou was.
Mokou grinned, "What were ya lookin for?" She asked.
"I wanted to see if that...thing...I seen was still there..." Ranna responded calmly.
"That thing? What thing?" Mokou looked a little confused now.
Ranna didn't really want to explain it, but she did anyways.
"When I first came to Gensokyo, I was falling to the bottom of the waterfall." She said, " that time, there was tentacles at the bottom"
"Tentacles...?" Mokou repeated softly, looking slightly puzzled.
"Yeah like..." Ranna paused. Now that I think about it...those monsters...they had the same tentacles.... She gazed at Mokou. "They were the same..." She mumbled.
"The same?" Mokou questioned looking even more confused.
"As those monsters that attacked us at the shrine." Ranna said looking as though she was deep in thought.
"the monsters..." Mokou looked even more confused, but then realized what she was thinking. "Woah woah woah...does that mean what ever was controlliung that uh...what'd they call it....uh.....Chaos! Yeah that's it" She said with some body language that almost matched what she was saying. "You saying that Chaos was the ones that brought ya ta Gensokyo?"
Ranna thought for a moment. "Hmm...I don't know really..." She said as she took in a breath. "It doesn't make sense for them to drag us to Gensokyo if they could have just killed us here..."
"Hmm...Maybe they were too lazy an' were 'oping the youkai o' Gensokyo would do it for 'em?" Mokou suggested folding her arms behind her head.
A frown formed on Ranna's face. "I don't think so...If they had killed us here, then we wouldn't have gotten a chance to get partners and become stronger..."
"Eehhh...Yeh yer right..." Mokou mummbled.
The two of them fell silent. They were stumped. None of this ordeal made any sense. Chaos, Embodiments of gods, the powers they recieved, all of it perplexed them.
After a while, Ranna let out a sigh. "Sitting here trying to figure out things wont do us any good...we don't have enough information" She said, looking a little frustrated.
"Yeh. we should get going" Mokou said starting to walk forward. After a momet, she slowed to a stop and spoke again. "So uh, where we goin?" She asked with a weak smile.
Ranna thought for a moment before answering.
"We're going home" She said vaguely.
Mokou looked a little unsatisfied but didn't say anything.
"Come on lets go" Ranna said as she began walking down the path that led to the open roads.
"Ah! don't leave me behind now!" Mokou said running to catch up with her.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 28, 2011, 02:54:05 AM
Current World Time According to Maribel and Renko: 3:17pm.
>Aesera used Chaotic Discovery.
-Kanako can now summon Sanae into the Real World.
(Also, Kanako's powers are diminished somewhat because of the outside world's energy affecting her. Less faith, less power. Plus, her shrine's completely gone, so only the really devoted still remember about Kanako Yasaka, Suwako Moriya, and Sanae Kochiya. And there's only a few, countable devoted left... So, she's unable to make a "WHAT THE FUCK!?" storm. But, can summon Onoshiburas, and make a miniature hurricane. Miniature as in tiny compared to a normal one. Really tiny. Not really that devastating though. Blades of wind and other offensive spells, still are usuable in their full power. You should make one more post, saying how your attempt was almost a complete failure, but however, you managed to use the energy from Kanako's link to stretch the whole of Japan, successfully linking the other Touhous together telepathically. Get new clothes for Kanako too.)

Nanaya crossed her legs as she stretched her arms on the sofa. Her face shows no expression at all, but Newan and Nazrin can just guess that she's bored. Really bored. Awkward silence fills the room, and Nanaya shatters the silence.

"It's only like what, three in the afternoon. And, we've got nothing to do." Nanaya lets out a sigh. "Do you have like, games or something? Or do I have to go out and buy some?"

"I may have a few games, but I don't reall-"

"Fuck it, I'm gonna buy some later. Mr science and maths. Your room already said that you're into that kinda stuff." Nanaya interjects, sighing to herself again.

Nazrin sits there quietly, pulling out more cheese and munching on it. "Oh, yeah. I'll cook dinner." Nanaya says, and gives you a shush when Newan tries to talk. She picks up her cup, drinks it steadily, before putting it down, releasing an "Ahh" from her mouth.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 28, 2011, 02:58:30 AM
"Ooh!  Another world!  I can't wait to--" began Koishi, before she was interrupted by Orin.

"Uh, didn't Yukari say something about links and stuff?  I think she was getting at the fact that only we Genoskyians partnered with an outsider can go through."

"Really?"  Koishi began pouting.  "That sucks!"

"I doubt you'd care much for my world," said Gale.  "It's a bit less...exciting than this place."

Going back to the real world?  This is some funky hallucination.

"Yay.  Going with you, Gale...I can't think of anyone better to spend time with."  Orin rolled her eyes.

"I hope we land in Japan," said Gale, "because those cat ears are going to attract a lot of attention.  The feeling's mutual, by the way."

Orin felt her cat ears.  "No kasha?  You did say your world was pretty boring..."  After thinking for a moment, she turned to Koishi and said, "Mistress Koishi, could I borrow your hat?"

"My hat?" repeated Koishi.  "My glorious, badass hat?  Well, I guess...but if you get any hot sauce or anything on it, you better watch out."  She took her hat off and gave it to Orin, who placed it on her head.

"There," she said to Gale.  "Better?"

"Not really," he said.  "You're still ugly."

Orin scowled at her partner, then pushed him forward into the vortex, entering it herself immediately afterward.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 28, 2011, 03:09:53 AM
Newan shrugged at her irritation. "I don't have much around the house because I don't have much free time. Most of my free time is spent reading. Sorry for not being a gamer."

Nazrin glanced nervously between the two. This isn't good... after they were doing so well yesterday, too!

"Anyway," Newan said, taking a sip of his tea, "I'll go with you to get your games or whatever. We need to get some new clothes for Nazrin anyway, and it would be weird for me to go out and buy women's clothing on my own. Plus, there's the matter of groceries for dinner..."

"Eh? Didn't you hear what Aesera said before we entered the portal thing? We can just pass this off as a costume."

Newan shook his head. "No, we're getting you regular clothes. If you're going to be in the Outside World, you need to blend in. I don't care what Aesera says, she's not the leader of our group or anything."

Nazrin sighed. "You don't like her, do you?"

"...I don't like people in general," Newan answered, casting another awkward silence over the room.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 28, 2011, 03:35:58 AM
Gale and Orin flew through the portal at full speed, the restless, blueish souls around Orin getting distorted and sent back out of the portal, into Gensokyo. Orin almost lost hold of her mistress's hat too, but eventually, the two of them made a very smooth landing in Gale's room. Well, it's midday now, and that party the other night has been long over, so there's nothing much to do in your plain, boring room.

"Fantastic. This is boring." Orin mumbled, waiting for another one of Gale's sarcastic comments, but it never came.

Gale was out, flipping through his textbooks, looking for the sums he just did. They were there. Everything was here. This was still a dream! Right? Right? He scanned his entire room, outside of his room, and even more, only to meet the confused gaze of Orin.

"What are you looking for?" Orin rubs the rim of Koishi's hat.


In the middle of the length of the awkward silence, Nanaya pulled her face closer to Newan and whispered in his ear. "But you like me, don't you?" Nanaya pulled back, as a red tint began to crawl over Newan's face, before fading. Apparently, Nazrin was too busy thinking about outside world's clothes and her cheese to notice.

"Oh, yeah. I'll get the groceries, since I'll be cooking something extra special." Nazrin looked up, her face bright and happy, ears twitching slightly and tail waving. She's really, really happy about Nanaya cooking. Newan looks at Nazrin and clicks his tongue.

"O-Oh, yeah! Nanaya cooks like a pro! Really! She said before that she learnt how to cook by watching Master Chef. She even cooked in Hell before!" Nazrin's tail swishes even more.

Newan tries to pass a pun, or smart comment, but he would, eventually fail, or maybe not...? "Sounds like Hell's Kitchen to me." Nazrin's tail stopped swishing, and she looked confused, before remembering something. She then began laughing.

Nanaya, on the other hand, was less then amused. "Not. Amused. Good try, though." Nazrin finished her laughter. In a flash, Nanaya grabbed the remote control from the coffee table, and turned on the TV. Amazement happens.

For the first time in Newan's life, he sees Nanaya's brightest, most epic smile. In responce to what? WHAT?

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Nazrin stares at the TV that suddenly flashed on, a little afraid, curious, and suprised. "What's this?" She asks, only to be shoved off the sofa by Nanaya, who was shouting. The Tv was showing an anime, with large, mechas, drills, and the galaxies.


Even more action and japanese music come from the TV as Nanaya increases the volume even louder, and Nanaya begins shouting along with the main character.

"Remember this. This the drill that will pierce the heavens. And that hole...will be a path for those that follow. With the thoughts of the defeated...and those yet to come. With those two thoughts, with 20 spirals woven in, there's NO WAY we can lose!! Tengen Toppa. Gurren Lagann."


After about ten more minutes of this, Nanaya finally calms down, turning the volume down, as the credits roll. She turns to see Nazrin laughing her ass off, and an irritated, but smiling, chuckling Newan.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 28, 2011, 03:43:38 AM
"I'm sorry, Ms. Laoresk," the hotel clerk said, "but your reservation expired at checkout time this morning."

"I'm aware," Aesera said. "It's not a problem. I need a new one, anyways. Preferably something a bit more... upscale than what I had before. There's usually a free luxury suite or two, right?"

"Um, yes, but we require advance reservations for those. You'll have to settle for-"

"Let her have it."

The clerk spun to face the newcommer. "Ah-oh, um, yes, sir!"

"And don't charge her for it, either." The man approached Aesera and bowed. "Ms. Laoresk. It's a pleasure to see you again. I apologize for not greeting you before; I hadn't realized you were here."

"I usually don't make a big deal out of these things. I came as a normal guest because I saw no reason to be anything more. Now, however, circumstances have changed."

"How so?"

"It's personal."

"Ah, I see."

"The room is yours, Ms. Laoresk," the clerk said, handing her a keycard. "We kee the luxury suites in top shape at all times, so the room is ready immediately. We hope you enjoy your stay."


"That was... interesting," Kanako remarked as the pair rode the elevator up.

"That man is one of the executives of this hotel chain," Aesera explained. "I'm a business consultant, and they brought me in a while back when they were in a somewhat tricky situation. I was planning on dropping his name to get access to the luxury suite, but it seems he was actually present himself, so I didn't need to."

"And you were going to pay, too?"

"I have been very successful," Aesera said. "Money is not a concern."

"I see. And why did you want the luxury suite?"

"Size. We can fit a lot of people in it, and the idea is to gather everyone here. I thought it best to simply have us all gather in the same room, rather than worry about who is where. That's why I gave them everyone's names and told them to have any of the staff direct those people to me if any of them show up."


The luxury suite was, well, luxurious, but Aesera didn't take the time to enjoy it. "Well?"

"I can do something,' Kanako said, "but it's less than you were hoping for. There is less faith in me in this world, so my power as a god is diminished. My other power-such as what I used in yesterday's battle-is unaffected, however."

"What can you do?"

"I should be able to manage a small hurricane."

Aesera thought for a moment. "Well, a sudden, localized hurricane would certainly draw attention. It wouldn't be the kind of story-of-the-century thing I was hoping for, but it should still be a pretty big story. Very well, then. Do it. And remember to center it on this building. Also, I think that you should allow it to do some damage to other buildings but none to this one, in order to make it stand out more as the place where we are. Do try to avoid any loss of life, though."

"Sure," Kanako said, and she began.


OOC: YJ, I'm not sure what to do with the whole link thing, so I'll leave the next bit for you.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 28, 2011, 03:50:14 AM
Newan couldn't help but grin at Nanaya's antics. "So, I take it you haven't watched anime in awhile?"

Nazrin was rolling around on the floor, laughing uncontrollably. "Oh my god... she... she... oh god, my sides... giga... giga... drill... oh god, that hurts so good..." after a few more minutes of this, Nazrin finally calmed down. "It's good to laugh like that every now and then..."

Newan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I don't think I've ever laughed that hard."

Nazrin stopped smiling for a moment, and stared at him. "...All you did was chuckle. You're obviously an adult. Of course you've laughed harder than that."

Newan shook his head, still smiling. "No, I haven't really laughed much since..." He trailed off.

Nazrin stared at him for a moment, then raised her eyebrow. "Since...?"

"Oh, no, it's nothing. I just haven't laughed in awhile," Newan said, shaking his head again. The smile was still on his face, but it looked... forced.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 28, 2011, 04:08:28 AM
Kanako stood in the middle of the room, her eyes shut, concentrating on the skies outside. She imagined a hurricane, a vortex of wind that would devastate the landscape and the buildings around it. No, what came out, was completely different. A beam of light shot up through the roof, entering the atmosphere, and spiraling out of control, before releasing a wave of energy throughout Japan, sparking the magic that all people from Gensokyo had within themselves.

Mystia blinked a couple of times, she could hear voices... Orin pulled Koishi's hat off her head, thinking that she too, had heard something. Nazrin's ears and tail twitched, mumbling to herself. Mokou stuffed her hands in her pockets, not doing much. Youmu sighed to herself. Alice stayed silent. In gensokyo, the only ones that have not walked into the portals are Alice, Alyssa, Youmu and Rhiseza.

Every being from Gensokyo that has a human partner has their spiritual lines linked, forming a web of infomation. They can now talk telepathically to others, but are unable to read the other's minds.

"I don't know what happened, but now, I can talk to the others." Kanako said, looking at Aesera. "Since that's done, you should relax a little, stop being so uptight. So, serious about everything. I mean, even though I'm a god, I do go in 4Chan and troll people. Take a Cirno Pill. Life isn't all Serious business. Even if we do have this force of Chaos constantly hunting us."

Kanako sighs.


Nazrin sighs. "I felt a jolt of electricity. Did you like, put a conductor here or something?" Her ears and tail twitch, and Nanaya, her face burning red, begins to sit down and becomes quiet. That was really... Just embarrassing...

Nanaya abruptly stands up, her face still really red. She turns and walks away, up to Newan's room.

"I-I'll be sleeping. I'll buy groceries later..." Nanaya disappears from view, leaving Newan and Nazrin alone in the living room.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 28, 2011, 04:13:23 AM
(Note: This post was written before the previous one...yeah)

This doesn't make sense.  Everything's how it was before.  I remember it perfectly.  Nothing is different.  This all feels the same as it did before.  This is real.  That was real.

"Hello?" said Orin.  "Say something."

"It's real," said Gale, not bothering to turn around.  "It wasn't a dream.  It wasn't a hallucination.  It's real...I mean, there's still a chance, and I know it's true...but I feel that it's real, I know that it's real..."  He began looking around his room, eyes flickering from wall to wall, his head moving rapidly.

" do you know it's real if you also know that it's...not?"

Gale shook his head.  "I know the only logical explanation is that it's a hallucination...but I can't think for a single reason for such a hallucination to occur.  And I feel that it's real, it's what keeps coming to mind..."

"Then it's real!  How many times do I have to tell you?"

" just doesn't make sense.  It's not logical...everything I've learned would tell me it can't be real."

Orin shrugged.  "What can I say?  You can't do anything about it, real or fake.  Even though, y'know, it's obviously real..."

Gale sighed.  "I know, I know, but...fine.  Fine."  He went over to his bed and sat on it.  "I'll accept it as real.  I know I shouldn't, but I guess there's no harm in it..."

Orin walked over to Gale's desk and glanced at the books on it.  "What is all this?" she asked as she flipped through the pages of one of his textbooks.

"A physics textbook, most likely."


Gale got up and walked to his desk.  "The study of...everything, basically.  The universe.  The study of its forces and the movement of matter...stuff like that."

She dropped the book back on the desk.  "Well, I can't understand a single thing that book said.  Partly because it's not in Japanese."

"That's English.  I come from another country, the United States of America.  This is Japan.  They're separated by an ocean."

"An ocean?  Can't say there are any ocean-things in Gensokyo."

"A big body of water...this world seems to be much bigger than yours..."  His voice trailed off as he returned to his thoughts.

"Well," said Orin, looking down at her clothes, "do you think I'll pass for normal around here?"

Gale glanced at her green dress and red braids.  "No," he said, "not at all.  And I don't intend on wasting money on new clothes, either."

Orin frowned and suddenly grabbed his arm.  "Yeah, look.  If we're going to be walking around in public, the last thing I need is for people to be staring at me."

Gale sighed.  "Fine, fine...the whole 'kasha' thing might cause a bit of a stir if you were found out, so I guess we'll need to minimize the attention on you...and you obviously don't intend on staying in here...fine.  We can get new clothes for you.  But don't take the hat off, okay?"

Orin nodded, then smiled slightly.  "Good...let's go!"  By the arm, she led Gale out of his apartment (he had just enough time to lock his door) and into the world of humans.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 28, 2011, 04:22:40 AM
Newan watched her go. "Alright." When he returned his attention to Nazrin, he saw that same sly grin on her face. Not again...

"Aren't you going to join her? I'll bet she'll be lonely, sleeping by herself. Why don't you keep her company?"

Newan's face turned red at the thought. "P-please, don't even imply things like that. I've known her for three days."

"Oh? That didn't stop you yesterday~" Nazrin teased.

"I told you, that wasn't what it looked like. Anyway," he said quickly, in an effort to change the topic, "What was that about a conductor?"

"Oh, there was a jolt of electricity or something. You... didn't feel it?"

Newan shook his head, "No, I didn't feel anything. And, believe it or not, I don't have much technology in this house. I have some measuring devices and things like that, but most of the actual machinery is supplied by the lab I work at."

Nazrin rested her chin in her hand. "Is that so... still, that leaves the question of the electricity..." Ugh, it felt like suddenly realizing that there was a cat behind you...

(Accidental cat remark of provocation sent to Orin? Perhaps!)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 28, 2011, 04:59:35 AM
"You can contact them, then," Aesera said. "Even better. Get their locations and tell them to gather here. If they need any travel arrangements, have them tell you and I'll make them."

"Sure," Kanako said. "You really shouldn't be so serious all the time, though."

"relaxation can come once other things have been taken care of. There'll be time for that as we wait for the others to get here, so don't worry. I just have a couple things I want to take care of right now."

"ALl right."

As Kanako relayed Aesera's words to the others, Aesera booted up her laptop and connected to the hotel's complimentary wireless network. First, I check my messages.


OOC: Were other people able to see the tentacle-gap stuff? Or have any other strange things been happening? Because that's something Aesera's going to check on right away.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 28, 2011, 05:01:34 AM
"Did you feel that?" asked Orin once she stopped shuddering.

Gale nodded.  "It was like electricity..."

"I feel like I just saw that mouse, Nazrin..."

"And what do you want me to do with that enlightening gem of information?"

Orin glared at him for a second before responding.  "I dunno.  Maybe we can communicate somehow or something.  We haven't seen any of the others so far."

"That's because we've only been in my apartment.  But do what you have to do.  Telepathic communication seems to be the least unusual of possible developments."

Orin focused her thoughts on Nazrin, imagining that the mouse was right in front of her.  Uh...hey? she thought.  What's...up?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 28, 2011, 05:06:20 AM
(Nope, no one saw the Tentacle-gap stuff, and nothing weird happened. Funny, isn't it. Posting soon.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 28, 2011, 05:10:26 AM
"T-tyu!" Nazrin yelled, as she dated behind the couch, shivering.

Newan looked behind the couch at her. "Eh? What's wrong?"

Nazrin just shook her head, her teeth clattering in fear. "T-the cat... S-she's r-r-right there..."

"That's odd. I don't keep any pets," Newan mused.

"N-no. Not that kind. It was the kasha. I-it's like she's right there..." Nazrin continued to shake in fear.

"Oh, it's her. Look, she's not going to hurt you, okay? We all have a common goal here. Besides, she didn't seem all that interested in eating you anyway."

Nazrin shot him a death glare, but managed to calm down a bit. She tried to find the source of the message, and sent her own back. Um... are you the kasha? How are you talking to me?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 28, 2011, 05:21:35 AM
"Why are you on my bed?" Vante placed the stone figure on the lone table, along with all the papers that had flown away. "It isn't even day-"

"Look outside," Mystia flatly stated, her face buried in the pillows. Because it was daytime in Gensokyo, but not yet night in the Outside World, Mystia's sleepiness carried over. Why is the sun out why is the sun out why is the sun out...

"Oh. Too bad for you, then." He sat down on a computer chair, swiveling his way to the front of the computer at the other side of the table. Surely there was going to be e-mail, since he had been away for, what, two or three days?

His inbox had only one new e-mail, and it was from the school he was working in. All these Japanese establishments were always quick to notice an employee's absence, as he had once learned eleven months ago. But back then, he had a valid reason for being absent. Now that he was stuck in some sort of supernatural war of sorts, explaining would be out of the question.

So what was an ambiguous enough excuse? Family matters? He was living abroad; Gensokyo or abroad, he would be away for a long time. The Japanese did treat family matters as a serious thing, so maybe they would let it go.

As he typed the reply, Mystia remembered the appearance conundrum she had contemplated on a while ago. "Vante, you wouldn't happen to have a kimono, would you? Or whatever it is that's inconspicuous in the Outside World." Her voice was still muffled.

Did he? He hit the "send" button, having finished composing the mail, stood up, and went over to his closet. In the far end of the clothes rack was the rarely-used dress, neat and flattened from disuse.

"Yeah, I do," he tossed all the components of the dress on her, and upon feeling them, Mystia grabbed them immediately. Getting up from the bed, she examined the size of the kimono. A bit too long, but nothing folding can't fix. It was colored brown, just like the one she wore at the Human Village.

"I'm going to change. Where-"

"Left door, the one near the exit."

(OOC: Why is the sun out why is the sun out why is the sun out)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 28, 2011, 05:23:17 AM
"Did she respond?" asked Gale.

Orin nodded.  "She just wanted to know how we were communicating..."

I don't know.  There was this shock, and then I almost became aware of you for some reason...and it looks like we can communicate through our thoughts.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 28, 2011, 05:30:27 AM
Nazrin nodded her agreement, despite the fact that the kasha was not actually there. Yeah, I felt it, too. I wonder if we can talk to the others, too?

"Um... What are you doing?" Newan asked, seeing the mouse nod to no one, apparently.

"Oh! Um, for whatever reason, I guess I can talk to the kasha with my thoughts."

Newan sighed, rubbing his temples. "Gensokyo's weirdness is starting to affect the Outside World... that's just great."

Nazrin pouted a bit, before returning to her conversation with Rin. Anyway, I think- oh, hold on, someone else is trying to... think? at me. Indeed, this was when Nazrin received Kanako's message.

(Short post is short =/)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 28, 2011, 05:40:27 AM
Aesera checked her email. Nothing, no news, no business, only One new message. When she clicked the message, her laptop seems to not want to display the email, so, after clicking it a few more times, the message popped up, along with a low-pitched growl, followed by a whirring noise. After the noises have stopped, the  message was fully displayed.

Sender: C

Everything else was listen under <N/A> even the date and time sent. In the message, there wrote...

"Hello, Embodiment. One day and 8 hours from now, someone will die. Someone, named Tamashii KanjouHELLYEAHHIM. The police will rule it as an unfortunate accident. Good luck."

Soon thereafter, this message was sent to every other person's email.

Aesera quickly pulled up the news, searching for anyone named Tamashii Kanjou, and while at it, to see if anything... unusual had happened. Nothing came up on the latter, but the former... He's a head monk of a shrine, somewhere in Japan. In particular, somewhere in the outskirts of Izumo City. About one hour west of Matsue. Aesera quickly informed Kanako this, and she relayed it to the Gensokyans.

Someone's going to die. Something, that me and Aesera assume, are instrumental to this plot that Chaos is planning. We all have to meet at Izumo City, tomorrow night. Be there.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 28, 2011, 05:57:32 AM
The urgency in the telepathic message startled Mystia. Her movements froze up until it had been completely relayed, by which time she had already fixed the kimono on herself.

She bolted out of the restroom. Her breathing began quickening. "Vante, do you know where Izumo City is?"

Vante, who was recharging his phone, raised an eyebrow at the question. "Yes... why?"

"Someone's going to die there."

"Hm. And why does that involve us?"

"Look, I got a psychic message," Mystia explained, "In particular, it was Kanako who told it. I'm sure of the voice."

"I find that hard to believe. And so?"

"Juts listen!" Mystia demanded, "She said it might be Chaos who will put that plan in motion. And you aren't going to leave that alone, are you?"

"Well, I guess I can't," Vante sighed, "When did she say it would happen?"

"Tomorrow night."

"Whoo boy, nighttime. Can't get any better than that. I just hope that isn't a lie," he gathered his two bamboo sticks and put them back in their casing.

Mystia plopped back onto his bed, burying her face in it again.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 28, 2011, 06:00:03 AM
Nazrin blinked in shock for a few minutes. "Someone... someone is going to die?"

Newan wheeled at her in surprise. "Wait, what?!"

"The wind god, Kanako, just told me that someone is going to die tomorrow, and we need to be at Izumo city."

Within seconds, Newan had retrieved a laptop from his room. "Tokyo to Izumo. Two-hundred minutes to Okayama, three hours to Izumo. Six hours and twenty minutes total. Add on an extra forty minutes for preparation and orientation, seven hours. When do we need to be there?"

Nazrin blinked at his quick response. I guess he's used to using those things... "Um, tomorrow night. I'll ask her more about it." Nazrin then imagined the wind god before her. Um, what time exactly did it say? Also, where did you get this information, if you don't mind my asking? "Out of curiosity, what is that... thing?"

"This? It's a computer. This one doesn't have many programs on it, I mostly use it to access the internet. Ah, you don't know what that is," he said in response to Nazrin's puzzled look. "Basically, it's a massive network of information that can be accessed from most of the world, as long as you have a computer."

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 28, 2011, 06:02:28 AM
OOC: I wish to use Artful Sacrifice and Chaotic Discovery!

Alyssa looked at the vortex before her. It seemed as if it was going to be time to return to where she belonged, where she was safe and where she was at peace. She understood one thing, however, that this peace was temporal and those slimy, black creatures would one day be seen and fought again, perhaps at an even more dangerous level. Something unimaginable. She thought about what she dreamt about the night before, that woman and how she told Alyssa some interesting things. It ended up opening up more questions than answers, and it made Alyssa have a tighter grip on Gensokyo. Gensokyo where untold things happened and mystical dreams became reality. This was the life that Alyssa wanted to lead, but to sacrifice peace for that? It was a question that grabbed a hold of her heart.

"Come on, Alyssa, let's go." Alice interrupted her thoughts, holding her hand and walking through the portal together.

The two woke up sitting side by side at the table in the library. The first thought the both of them came up with was "hide Alice" and the two quickly stood up and started walking through the library, trying to get lost. It was a plan in and of itself, but they both knew it could only last so long. Alyssa quickly gave Alice a summary of the situation at hand, and they both put their keen minds to work.

"The Queen?" Alice exclaimed, surprised. Queens were things that Alice had never met or seen before, only read about. The world of Gensokyo was a very different one. Alice quickly shut her mouth, canning up her surprise and looking around warily. They had to find somewhere to hide. Shanghai and Hourai were told by Alice to 'play dead' while Mira acted how she used to, hanging from Alyssa's tight grip. Alyssa could only wish Yukari gave them a better entrance than just pop them back where they were, and then run off happily.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 28, 2011, 10:03:05 AM
>XinXin used Artful Sacrifice and Chaotic Discovery
XinXin pissed me off by bullying my in Hisoutensoku when I'm training Komachi.
The items have no effect...
Usage failure.
Blue Screen Of Death Commence.
I mean, uhh, throw personal issues out of the window when It comes to RP, so...
Alice can now summon her precious thing! In Gensokyo.
Alyssa gained Weird Black Button(T-shirt).

The Time is 4:00. Everything is peaceful, while a dark, ominous aura seems to cover the land of Japan. The one two who are not in Japan are Alyssa, and Alice. But this will soon change. The first day will be the only full day everyone can relax, make themselves comfortable, rest... and prepare for the upcoming battle that awaits them all. Kanako has sent, every Gensokyan the time, and place of the impending attack on a certain person named... Tamashii Kanjou. Aprox, Tomorrow, night, around 11:30pm, at a shrine, in the outskirts of Izumo City.

Of course, the others have to get human clothing for their partners... As you would'nt want to get, one, stared at, stalked, taken photos of, or molested in trains. Damn Otakus.

Mystia already has... a kimono? But that would'nt work. Go with the times. You're at least have to take the train for about half an hour, and at most, around seven hours.

There's nothing much to do, except go about your own daily life...


Alice and Alyssa were looking around, finding places to hide... Finding a good, spacey area within this labyrinth of walls... Before, they fell, somewhat comically, into a hole in the ground. Just that, it wasn't a hole. It was one of Yukari's gaps. As they fell through the gap, instantly, they plummeted from the celling onto a huge bed. Where? In Japan. Where exactly? In Aesera's Hotel room. Fantastic.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 28, 2011, 10:11:33 AM
(OOC: Ain't no need to go with the times, bro.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 28, 2011, 01:29:12 PM
"I think," Kanako said, "that we can call this Yukari's doing."

"Then why doesn't she do the same with the others?" Aesera asked.

"Because it's Yukari."

"...Right." Aesera walked over to the pair. "Hi."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 28, 2011, 04:18:49 PM
"...Any luck?" Newan asked as Nazrin made her way back to the couch.

"No, she never responded. She must be busy," Nazrin responded.

Newan remained silent. I see... well, nothing to do about it now. May as well check my E-Mail while this thing is down here. e maneuvered to his E-Mail, which was empty aside from the one message they'd all received. I guess they just assumed that I'm still in the preliminary stages... After a bit of trying, he managed to get it to open, but began regretting it when it started affecting his computer. When that was finished, he read the message. "...11:30 tomorrow."

"Eh?" Nazrin asked. She had been munching on a piece of cheese, finishing off the rest of her now cold tea.

"The person's name is Tamashii Kanjou. According to this message, he's scheduled to die at 11:30 P.M. tomorrow. The rest of the group probably received the same message."

Nazrin stared at him for a bit. "It's just an... 'E-Mail'? How do you know it's not a prank?"

"One. It refered to me as 'Embodiment'. Two. My computer didn't want to load it, and it isn't full of attachment data, so it's probably not natural. Three. The sender was listed as 'C', which can only stand for one thing."

Nazrin finished his thought for him. "Chaos..."

Newan nodded in agreement. "Exactly. Anyway, if it's at 11:30, we may want to leave an hour earlier. Izumo is a medium-sized city, so combing all of it may take awhile, especially since you may not be able to fly in public here."

"I see..." Nazrin said, nodding her understanding. "So, what do we do until then?"

"Wait until Nanaya wakes up, I guess," Newan said, shrugging. "She said she'd get the groceries for dinner, and you can't really go out to buy clothes looking like that. As such, we'll need to get your measurements before we leave, but only Nanaya should do that for obvious reasons. I'll need to be there to show her around the city to wherever she needs to go, so I guess it'll be just you here."

Nazrin pouted again. "What'll I do hwile you two are gone? What if you start a make-out session and I'm not there?!"

"Calm down, calm down. We won't do anything weird while we're out." Well, I can't guarantee that knowing it's Nanaya, but if something does happen I'd rather you weren't there... Newan added to himself. "A-anyway, I'm sure you can find something to do while we're gone. We won't be gone long, anyway. I could show you how to use the television."

"Um, thanks," Nazrin said, as she watched his demonstration.

(And now, to wait for Nanaya to wake up / take too long to wake up and we wake her up manually / something else happens.

Woah, was not expecting that to be such a textwall.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 28, 2011, 11:53:03 PM
The midday sun beat down on the unshaded highway.
Two girls, one who appeared to be somewhat untravelled, and another who seemed to be somewhat of a deliquent.
They were only half wrong in their estimations.

The two walked along silently, ever making progress on the road to who knows where.
Ranna didn't speak, as she seen to reason to do so. Mokou on the other hand, wasn't quite as silent as her partner. Every now and again she'd ask a pointless question in an attempt to start of conversation. However none of these attempts were any bit successful. The closest thing to a conversation was when Mokou pointed towards a oncoming car and said "Hey Ranna, it's that that there thing Nazrin got from ta Kappa?" to which Ranna responded with a couple stuttered sounds that Mokou couldn't make out. Aftter that the silence dragged on for what seemed like days.

Ranna looked up at the sky, shielding her eyes from the brightness of the sun. She wondered how many hours had passed since they had begun their journey down this long open stretch of highway. She sighed, unable to read the time from the sun's position in the sky. She had never really learned to do this, but decided to take a shot. As she expected she couldn't tell a single thing. That might be a useful skill in Gensokyo... she thought before looking back to the road ahead.

Mokou trailed behind. Having given up on initiating a conversation, Mokou just trailed behind Ranna, hands in her pocket. After a while, Mokou's unchanging expression sharpened.

'Someone's going to die. Something, that me and Aesera assume, are instrumental to this plot that Chaos is planning. We all have to meet at Izumo City, tomorrow night. Be there.

Mokou hears the words in her head, but says nothing. She just grins slightly, muttering to herself.

Ranna gazes across the street to see a sign saying what the next turn off is. She turns and speaks for the first time in atleast an hour.
"Hey Mokou..." She says, looking towards her.
Mokou doesn't respond. She just stays where she is, unmoving.
"Mokou, what's wrong...?" She says over the sounds of passing vehicles.
Mokou doesn't reply, she just grins as if she's planning something.
Ranna sighs and starts to walk forward once more.
"Where's Izumo City?"
Ranna turns to see Mokou staring right at her.
"Izumo City...? Why do you..." She says, pausing for a moment. "That's..." Ranna's words turn to undecipherable mumbles. I remember that name...That's close to.... Ranna stops.
Mokou waits for her to continue her thought. After atleast a minute, she gives up and speaks first.
"Ya gonna finish 'er what?" She says, looking a little confused.
Ranna starts to move forward without saying a word.
"Ey, where ya think yer goin?" Mokou says, running to catch up.
"I''re going to head into town" She says as she looks down each long extending road that leads off into the horizon. "There's plenty of stuff I'll need for our adventures..."
Mokou looks at5 the girl, looking slightly confused. "Adventure...? Oh ya mean going back home?"
Ranna nods. "I'll need you to tell me all about Gensokyo and what I'll need for it" Ranna explains. "You'll help right?"
"Ehh...I have no reason not to help ya." Mokou says. "We're partners, friends, like...buds, ya know?" Mokou says as she leans her arm over Ranna's shoulder.
Ranna briefly slip out from Mokou's grasp and swiftly dashes across the street.
"Whatever you do, don't get hit. The last thing we need is a commotion like that..." Ranna says, shivering at the possibility.
"Yeah yeah" Mokou says, waving it off. She breaks into a run as soon as she sees no cars. In one quick dash she makes it across the road. Ranna is left somewhat speechless.
"Ya comin or not?" Mokou calls with a grin on her face.
Ranna shows a hint of disatisfaction as she quickly crosses the street and follows Mokou down the turn off to the city.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 29, 2011, 01:19:50 AM
(Meh. I'm deciding to do all your activities, if you need to, until night, seperately. This makes it easier because all of you arn't on the time I'm on.)

Current Time: 5:00pm

Nanaya finally pulls herself, yawning and rubbing her eyes. She sits up straight on the bed, stretching and constantly yawning. Damn. I haven't slept that well since I went to Shinki's mansion. After a few moments of blinking, more yawning and stretching, Nanaya falls flat on the bed again, resting herself on that comfortable, long-missed feeling on being on a bed.

Nanaya mumbles to herself as she stuffs her head in a pillow, rubbing her face in it. Like a child. Really like a child. Nanaya flips herself around, and pulls another pillow from under her, beginning to talk to it and move it around, like it's alive. She uses her hands to talk to it too, and a random, imaginary scenario plays out in front of her.

"Go! Missur FrogPillow! Attack the sky!" Nanaya says, as she maneuvers the pillow to fly in the sky, making lazer sounds, before using the pillow to fall on her face and hugs it. She proceeds to grab the pillow from under her head, and position it on her chest, while the other stands on her knee. She begins to make random shooting and metal-clanging noises.

"Mastaaaaaaa... SPARK!" Nanaya throws the pillow on the other one, sending it flying to the wall as Nanaya constantly makes more sounds. Quickly, she jumps off the bed and grabs the pillow, noticing a... soft toy. It's a hedgehog. With a brilliant smile on her face, Nanaya grabs the hedgehog and spins around with it, hugging it tightly.

"I'll name you... Hedgy!" Nanaya grabs the other pillows and jump back on the bed, beginning to play once again. As Nanaya threw the pillows up and down above her, she used Hedgy to attempt to deflect the pillows, with little use, but she's happy. She then proceeds to hug all three of them and cuddle together.

Little did she know, Newan and Nazrin were staring at her through the gap in the slightly ajar door.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 29, 2011, 01:36:16 AM
Newan couldn't help but facepalm at Nanaya's play. Ladies and gentlemen, Nanaya. He pulled Nazrin away from the door. "Don't laugh," he whispered in her ear.

She snorted a bit as she covered her mouth with her hand. He face turned red as she tried not to laugh.

Never thought she'd get such a kick out of that old toy. She's like a little girl. ...Still, I guess it was kinda cute, Newan remarked, silently. His thoughts were cut off by a sound he really didn't want to hear. He quickly went into the restroom and closed the door.

Nazrin couldn't control her laughter anymore. "Ahahaha! Oh my gahahaha! What was... what was that? Ehehehehe! Ferdy! Oh my... ahahaha... haha... ha." After a few minutes of laughter, the realization of what she just did hit Nazrin, as she turned from the door of Newan's room in fear. She thought she could hear snickers from the bathroom. Damn coward...


Newan was sitting on the floor, leaning against the bathroom door. That idiot... Still, I wonder why Nanaya slept in my room. Maybe she forgot where the guest bedroom was? Or maybe she'd just rather have a bed than a futon. I wouldn't put it past her.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 29, 2011, 02:19:58 AM
Soon thereafter, Nanaya went out of the room, looking radiant, and really excited about something. She came out to see Newan sitting on the floor, leaning against... Well, where the bathroom is. There's loud laughter coming from the bathroom too. Nanaya doesn't really know why

Nanaya pulled Newan up, still smiling, before opening the door and pulling Nazrin out, before hulling them to the living room. Nanaya sat down first, oblivious to what happened earlier.

"So. We need to get Nazrin some clothes for tomorrow, and we need groceries." Nanaya pulled off her jacket and threw it to Nazrin, revealing her, well, black "clothes"

"Wh- Why do I have to wear this?" Nazrin looked at the jacket, before looking back at Nan-

"...C-Could you go get something to wear?"

Nanaya looks at herself and shrugs. "Doesn't really matter... Right?" She turns to look at Newan, who's covering his face. Oh, right... She forgot about him... Nanaya's face turned to a light shade of red, before she ran up, slowly walking down after moments of silence filled the house.

"U-Uh, sorry." Nanaya came back down, her that white shirt of hers and jeans. "So, anyway, we need to get stuff. Nazrin, go get a hat, and let's go." Nanaya pulls out her wallet to check for money. 100,000 Yen. About 1000USD.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 29, 2011, 02:46:24 AM
"There should be a hat lying around somewhere in the guest room," Newan said.

"Okay." Nazrin ran in, then returned a few moments later with a straw hat on her head. "Why do you keep a straw hat in your guest room?"

"It was there when I moved in. I guess the movers forgot to get rid of it or something," Newan answered, nonchalantly. He then began leading them out of the house. The door was right in the living room, so it didn't take long.

They found themselves on a small street, although the hustle and bustle of the city could be heard not too far away. A few children could be seen playing off in the distance. "We should get Nazrin some new clothes, first. I know a place not far from here that should do the job, and it's not too terribly expensive." He led them through the street, and they were soon into the larger part of the city.

"I don't like driving, so I tried to get a place close to the main part of the city," Newan explained. "Really, Tokyo is more city than residential areas anyway. It's like how, with the old theory of inflation, you'd get pockets of areas that finished the inflation process and were forming actual galaxies and such due to quantum fluctuations, but the rest was still inflating. The city part of Tokyo is that inflation."

"...I have no idea what you just said," Nazrin said, staring blankly at him. "Are all you science guys this hard to understand?"

"Oh, it's not that hard once you- oh look, we're here," he said, cutting himself off. Before them was a massive clothing store, looming over most of the buildings in the immediate area. "Welcome to the largest clothing store in all of Tokyo. Well, probably. I haven't seen any bigger, but I guess I don't get out much. It's still big."

"...And we'll find what I need in there?" Nazrin asked, unamused. "...Fine. Let's get this over with." She walked into the doors, but jumped back as they slid open on their own. Newan simply walked through, so after a few second, Nazrin timidly entered the store.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 29, 2011, 03:10:18 AM
Nanaya looked around the store, before walking off alone. Newan and Nazrin went to find... "Woman's Clothing" As they walked through the store, walking pass the Children's section, pass the Men's section, they reached where they wanted to go. The woman's section. Although Nazrin was... A youkai, her size would'nt really determine her as a full grown adult, but just enough for her to be around 18.

They looked for a more, casual area within the section, and walked by the more expensive, glamorous-looking area. A lady promptly approached them, before they could continue.

"Evening sir, looking for something for your girlfriend?" The lady giggles a little.

Nazrin chuckled to herself. "Yeah, we need something extra sexy."

Newan turned to look at Nazrin in shock, before his face turned to one of "Shit I just got trolled"

"Oooh, having... A night together? Right this way!" The lady led them on into the lingerie section, giggling as Newan was forced to follow Nazrin.

Of course, Nazrin just had to choose the most revealing, most expensive ones there, and out they came with just a light-teal, one-piece dress, and two very, very revealing pairs of lingerie. As they approached the counter, after Nazrin practically forcing Newan to spend lots of money, with many stares and laughs by other random strangers and the cashier, they walked out.

Nanaya was standing outside, waiting for them, already having bought the groceries. Funny, none of them saw her go out... And the most interesting thing is, she's wearing extremely large, pointed shades. They're orange in color, and reminds Newan of that anime they saw before...

Nanaya was smiling, having two bags of groceries and one... bag of... games. Games. GAMES.

Nazrin didn't care, and she was thinking to herself. About how she would troll Newan later. The three of them walked home after an uneventful day, but tomorrow... would be much, much different.


In a dark alley of a street, a short girl with long, red hair stood, glaring at them. Her blood-red eyes seemed to have some sort of, killing intent. She whipped out her long Katana, as tentacles wrapped around it.


Yes. Soon, the girl will appear. Soon. Kotohime.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 29, 2011, 03:37:04 AM
Newan rubbed his temples as they left the store. Nazrin simply smirked. Ohohoho, they're going to have some fun tonight~ Should I bring it up now, or wait? Hm... I'll bring it up now. "So, Newan, how do you like the present I got you?"

Newan cast a sidelong glance at Nazrin. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh? I thought you'd like seeing Nanaya in her new lingerie~"

"There's nothing to like about being trolled," Newan responded, annoyed.

"...Trolled? You mean like Parsee?" Nazrin asked.

"What? No. Trolling is when you... how do I put this... basically, it's being annoying just for the sake of it. Kinda of like what you keep doing." Newan answered. "And really, I've had enough of it."

Nazrin pouted, before returning to her sly grin. "Oh? In the store, it looked like you liked~ it~"

"Dammit Nazrin, you know I... do I put this?" Damn, how do I put this? What are my feeling for Nanaya, exactly? I have no clue what love even feels like, and that would be ridiculous. We've known each other for three days.  So then, how do I-

He was cut off by Nazrin snapping in his face. "Oy, oy, snap out of it. I know you want to see Nanaya in that lingerie I bought her, but you can wait until tonight, can't you? Do you really want to imagine it so early? You don't want to ruin the surprise~" She elbowed him in the ribs.

Newan briefly imagined it, then waved the thought off, his face beet red. "D-don't even say things like that! Of course I wasn't!"

Nazrin continued to grin, then turned to Nanaya. "You're going to love my gift, and I'm sure he will too~"

Newan sighed. "Finally, we're home. Nazrin. Shut up."

Nazrin pouted as they entered the house.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 29, 2011, 04:27:52 AM
Current Time: 6:50 pm

After reaching home, Nanaya was silent for the whole walk back, and was still silent as she put down the groceries in the kitchen, before going to Newan's room, pulling out two DVDs, around six games and a soft toy. It's a furry frog. Nanaya had named the soft toy, Froggy, as stated by a hand-written piece of paper attached to it. Nanaya put the DVDs beside the games, and the Frog on the games, while the Hedgehog was on the Dvds.

Nanaya went downstairs, silent, ignoring Nazrin and Newan, and proceeded into the kitchen. Grabbing an apron on the way, she began to prepare, while humming a song.

The smell that comes from the kitchen is magnificent, tantalizing the other's taste buds as if they could just... Well, taste them. Nanaya constantly hums, smiling as she cooks. To think that one could learn just by watching a T.V show...

"Hey. Hey. Is the food ready yet?" Nazrin inquires, almost drooling.

"Not yet. But it will be, patience is a virtue, anyway. Learn to wait, young padawan."

"Pada-what?" Nazrin tilts her head to the right.

Nanaya giggles as she cooks. "Nothing, nothing." She thinks to herself, mumbling again, before continuing to hum that song. It's been a long time since I've been this way. I'm usually not so... friendly, and calm. I usually am violent. Haha. Katelin's rubbed off on me.

Soon thereafter, Nanaya pulls off her apron, having successfully cooked a four dish meal, looking as if this was a restaurent, she holds them on the plates perfectly, and puts them on the table. In the middle, some weird-looking, deep fried things, next to a plate, with three big pieces of King Salmon fillet. Three Souffles, and three bowls of rice.

Nanaya sits down, stretching, watching Nazrin and Newan as they stare intentively at the food, just wanting to devour it all...

"Well, since the chef is done... Time to eat."

The three of them engorge themselves in the food, and eventually, Nazrin gets forced to wash the dishes, and of course, forced by the Grand Chef in the house. After eating, an uneventful night falls.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 29, 2011, 04:47:32 AM
Newan yawned. It hadn't been a long day, but it had been fairly tiring. "Right. Nanaya, you can sleep in my bed, since you probably haven't been able to sleep in a real bed in awhile. Nazrin, you get the guest room. I'll sleep in the living room."

"Eh? Why not the guest bedroom?"

"Sharing a room with two girls was bad enough. I only accepted those terms by necessity. I'd like to think I'm not some lecherous guy who just shares rooms with girls like that."

Nazrin's sly grin returned. "Oh, I'm not worried about me. Nanaya's the only one who should be worried about sharing a room with you~"

Newan glared at her, then rolled his eyes. "Good night."

He walked down the stairs into the living room, before laying down on the couch. Not that comfortable, but it'll do.

Nazrin said her goodnight, then retired to the guest room where she curled up in her futon. ...The Outside World is boring.


The house was burning. Newan got up from the couch, looking around. The hell? The house was already in a complete blaze. He was surprised he hadn't been woken up by the fire alarm. Must be broken or something...  That was when he heard the cries for help.

Newan ran into the hallway, and up the stairs. They seemed to drag on forever; debris of his now burning house fell all around him as he ran. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he reached the hallway. Both of the doors he was concerned with were already open. The guest room was a bit closer, so he checked it first. Much to his surprise, Nazrin wasn't there.

 So, he turned to his own room. There, tied to his bed, was Nanaya. Her mouth was gagged by duct tape, and her wrists were tied together to the bed. She glared at him as he entered. He ran over to her, and pulled off the gag before undoing the rope around her wrists. "I'm so glad you're safe... where's Nazrin?"

He looked into the eyes of what he thought was Nanaya. She grinned a wide, evil grin at him. Her teeth were sharp, and yellow. Suddenly, she was not Nanaya, and this was not his home. He was back in the forest, and Nanaya was the Chaos. In its grasp were both Nanaya and Nazrin. They cried out for help, but he was too paralyzed to move. Slowly, the tentacles reached towards him, but he could not move. Eventually, he was in its grasp. It swallowed him whole, and inside it was a room of pure fire. Newan watched from some other perspective as his whole body burned to ash.


Newan jolted awake once more, in a cold sweat. He was on the couch, his house was not on fire, and Chaos was nowhere to be seen. Another nightmare... You'd think I'd be used to them after 19 straight years.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 29, 2011, 04:58:33 AM
Aesera and Kanako had left Alyssa and Alice in the room and exited the hotel (after Aesera informed the clerk that their presence in the room was with her permission). Aesera wasn't worried that people would place Kanako as supernatural, but her outfit did stand out, and sometimes that was not desirable. So the pair of them had gone shopping. Kanako had gotten several nicely inconspicuous outfits, wheras Aesera had bought more athletic wear; she had only brought the one set with her, but it was looking like she might and then at her insistance, the pair had wandered through several stores on an ordinary shopping trip (and yes, she found a copy of Oblivion). Now they were on their way back to the hotel.

"Okay," Aesera said, "tomorrow's going to be interesting. The message said that this 'Kanjou' is going to die, and implied that we need to save him. This may be accurate, but it may also be a trap. So we'll need plans for both possibilities. I've got some ideas, but I'm still formulating. I think, thought, that we should perhaps not all go. Maybe have one group go and anoither stay behind. We need to join up with the others first, though, starting with Nanaya. She went through with Newan and Nazrin, so hopefully she's with them. Contact Nazrin. Ask her to confirm that Nanaya's there, and ask her to get their location. Once I know where they are, we can decide on a meeting spot."

"All right," Kanako said. Nazrin, can you hear me? It's Kanako. Aesera wants to know your location and if Nanaya's with you.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on August 29, 2011, 06:04:03 AM
OOC: Sorry >_< I do hate timezones very much...

"Oh... hello..." Alice replied, rather dazed by what had just happened. After talking for a while, Aesera and Kanako decided to leave the hotel room, deciding to go and shop for clothes. After all, Kanako couldn't go around wearing those kinds of clothes in the real world forever. Alyssa and Alice thought for a while about the idea, and decided that, with no money, let alone Japanese yen, they would be unlikely to be able to buy anything. It was a bit too late to ask Aesera. The pair eventually concluded that their clothes were unlikely to attract far too much attention, sighing at their forced decision.

Alyssa looked out of the window and thought about what would be happening back in England. Any moment, they would notice that she was missing and the librarian would remember that strange girl with her, resulting in a wild goose chase to find the presumably kidnapped, or killed, Alyssa. She sighed in discontent at the fact that she would probably get a scolding as soon as she got back, rather than them showing their relief. The dolls found a seat each on the knobs of the cupboards, staring eerily at each other yet again. Aesera could be shocked if she opened her door to this.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 29, 2011, 08:33:28 AM
Rhiseza and Youmu arrived at Rhiseza's apartment, not too far from the library where she worked. It wasn't a very big place. Just a main room with a laptop, a bathroom, bedroom, kitchen. There was the issue of Youmu's outfit and swords, however.
"Right. We need to find you some new clothes... And you'll have to leave the swords. If you need we can try to find something but you shouldn't need it. Or if you prefer you could stay here while I went out."
"I don't trust you with my clothing, not yet."
"Good, because I have terrible fashion sense."
With that Rhiseza helped Youmu remove her katana and short sword, then changed into a shirt which wasn't cut up, and a pair of cargo pants while she was at it, before both of them left the apartment and headed to the nearest shop.
... This was going to be difficult.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 29, 2011, 12:49:18 PM
(First, a reply to Guyumeton9. Also, I've already told Orphea to take control of her own life so that she can post longer instead of me godmodding for her to do something boring. Since, I said I'll be doing all of your morning-night shit individually, this may be confusing.)

Kanako had asked the question to Nazrin telepathically, around the time when Nanaya was being her childish self in front of the TV, and Nazrin just managed to answer Kanako, while laughing the whole time.

Ahahaha... Giga... giga... Yeah... with Nanaya and Newan... Wahahaha.... giga... she... she... meet at Izumo shrine... ahahaha... Nazrin lost control of her mind and continued laughing.

(Now, on to Squawker's current scenario.)

Waking up in the middle of the night in cold sweat isn't a good thing, right? Newan gets off that, weird, but comfy sofa, and proceeds to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. After gulping it down, he slowly walks back to the sofa, sleepy, still a little frightened and agitated, he got back onto the sofa, somewhat violently. He really didn't want to have another nightmare like that, and whoever saw his face could tell.

Although the confusion after waking up from a "horrifying experience" with fire, Newan almost walked back into his own room, but turned when he hit his foot on the wall. His foot still hurt, but whatever, this comfy, mystifyingly large sofa was good enough... And he had these lukewarm blankets that can protect him from the cold of the night.

As Newan settled in, the blankets moved a little, and they... Felt a bit too warm.

He pulled up the covers gently, to reveal what appears to be a sleeping, curled up Nanaya beside him. She turns a little, but is completely asleep. She looks... cute. Also, she's not... wearing much, so Newan just puts the covers over her again.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on August 29, 2011, 09:45:11 PM
Newan briefly pondered all the possibilities of what could come of this, and whether or not he should go back to his own bed. Nanaya came here of her own accord. If I went back to my own bed, she'd probably just get in my bed again, knowing my luck. On the other hand, this is uncouth, and Nazrin will troll me. As he laid there, he slowly feel into sleep. Well, whatever. She's slept on me before, so this isn't much worse. Besides, this is strangely... comforting. Newan fell back into sleep.

From the corner of the room, a lone mouse watched, before scurrying up the stairs to report to its master...


Nazrin waited silently in the guest room. Soon, the mouse she had sent to do her watching for her returned, bearing its message. Ehehehe~ I knew those two would do something. Surprised they chose the living room. "Anyway, what do you have for me?" she whispered.

The mouse squeaked a few times, and Nazrin gave out a disappointed sigh. "Man, that's it? I must have missed it. After I bought Nanaya that lingerie, too... I thought putting it in the door to Newan's room would be a big enough hint. Oh well." She returned to her futon, and soon, Nazrin also fell asleep.

(I should have been more clear the first time Nazrin used her mouse scout. it's not so much that she uses clairvoyance, it's just that she talks them into watching and listening, then reporting back to her on what transpired. Useful? Yes. Useful for more than trolling? ...Maybe.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 30, 2011, 12:31:08 AM
(Durrrr... WIting for the rest of you is borrrriiiiing.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 30, 2011, 12:34:38 AM
"Gale, everyone's staring..." said Orin as she navigated through the crowds of people on the sidewalk with her partner.

"That would be because know, you."

"I know, but..."

"Oh, look, the mall," said Gale.  He led Orin into the crowded building.

Before stopping at any stores, Gale stopped by a bank outlet to withdraw some money.  He handed the bills to Orin.

"Here," he said.  "What you need to do is go into a clothing store," he said, pointing to the store across from them, "and find some clothes you want.  Ask a person working there to lead you to the dressing room.  Make sure the clothes fit.  Then go up to the counter--wherever there's a large line in the store--and hand the money to the cashier.  They'll put your clothes in a bag and give you change."

"Hang on," said Orin.  "Can't you help me when I'm actually in the store?"

"Well," Gale said, "there's nothing more boring than clothes shopping, and it's honestly not that hard.  I'll be in the internet cafe next door, though," he added, pointing to the outlet next to the clothing store, "so if you really need my help, you can come and get me.  Just don't leave the store while wearing or holding unbought clothes from the store in any way.  Okay?"

"What's the internet?"

"You...really don't want to know."

"Er, okay.  Thanks for the help," she muttered before hesitantly walking to the store.

Gale went inside the internet cafe and accessed one of the computers there.

(OOC: sorry for the delay...busy...)

I wonder if I've gotten any emails in the meantime...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 30, 2011, 12:37:11 AM
(And now, the conclusion...
Because attempting to post while it's difficult to keep your eyes open is not fun. Also, damnit I'm easily distracted.)

Their short walk to the store was mostly without incident. Youmu got a few odd looks, but other than that not much was noticeable. The store itself was a relatively small place, though Rhiseza had always come here when she wanted new clothes.
"You'll want something that blends in a bit better here... Like this, maybe." She picked up a short-sleeved, collared shirt and held it up to her. It was a dark green with white flowery patterning on it. "Only a little different from what you have now, right? And then... Hrm..."
The pair went on through the store, picking up several different outfits for Youmu and a few new things that caught Rhiseza's fancy.

"... Damn, did we really take three hours to do all of that? I'm either out of practice or not used to doing this."
"Or quite possibly both," Youmu emerged from the bedroom in a plain white shirt and black skirt.
"... That actually looks better than I thought it would. Anyways. Sleeping arrangements... you can take the bedroom, I'll just sleep on the couch."
"No, you take it. It's your home."
Rhiseza glared at her for a moment, with that look that just said 'there's no point in arguing with me on this just do it'.
"...Fine, I'll take the bedroom."
"Good. Now... Hm... I should make dinner. Maybe see what I missed while I'm at it."
So saying, she got up from her seat on the floor in front of the couch and entered the kitchen, powering up her laptop as she looked through things to see what she'd make. Except she stopped when she read the email she'd had waiting for her.
"... That's odd..." She mumbled before starting to cook dinner for both of them. Just make whatever. Don't screw up and it'll be fine.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 30, 2011, 12:56:05 AM

As you check through your email, you get a weird message. You click on it, but the computer just refuses to open it, as if the computer is... Afraid. After a while of scratching your head and constant clicking, the computer opens the email with a weird Whurring sound.

Sender : C

Everything else is either blank or left as N/A.

"Hello, embodiment. Tomorrow, at 11:30pm, a man will be killed. His name is Tamashii Kanjou. The police will state this as an Unfortunate accident."

Just then, you feel something looking at you. Staring into your soul. Something with such killing intent... Such dark energy...

You snap from your trance, abruptly getting up and looking around... Nothing. Time to get back to Orin.


You look at the email. It's description is completely blank, with no sender, time, or date at all. The subject is labeled as N/A. Clicking the email makes the computer whir loudly, refusing to open it. After a little messing with command prompt, you manage to open the email. There's even a sender now.

Sender : C

"Hello, embodiment. Tomorrow night, at 11:30, a man named Tamashii Kanjou, will be killed. The Police will label it as an Unfortunate accident."

Youmu runs out of the house with her blades, drawing them in an instant. The sudden movement gave you no time to react, but you establish your connection with her.

Youmu! What's wrong?

Kasen! She's... Not surpose to be here... How...

You hear slashing noises, and an exchange of blows. You rush outside, only o see Youmu unharmed, and a tall woman... Before she fades to black.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on August 30, 2011, 01:22:59 AM
"Kasen? Someone from Gensokyo then."
"Yes, but... She shouldn't be here."
"... Either these things got tech savvy, or they can just tell where we are."
"Tech savvy? What does--"
"There's a message from someone called C. I had to force it to open, and then this... Kasen person appeared. I'll need to check my machine now but I don't like the idea of them using our computers to find us..."
"I'm not sure what this... Computer... Is, but if it allows them to find us we need to take care of that."
"Yes, yes, I'm already on it."
With that she ran a thorough check of the laptop, only to find... Not much of anything at all. She transferred a sort of... Image... Of the email to Youmu before deleting it entirely.
"I've done a full check... There doesn't seem to be anything there at all. I've deleted the message itself in case it was that, but..."
"Who's Tamashii Kanjou?"
"Honestly, I don't know. But if this is from who I think it is and I am damn sure it is, we need to stop them from doing what they intend to. Think we can find the others?"
"It shouldn't be -too- hard. We can manage I think."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 30, 2011, 01:39:38 AM
"Yes, Nanaya's with them," Kanako said. "They want to meet at Izumo Shrine."

"We should meet elsewhere beforehand," Aesera said. "Tell Nazrin to relay that to Newan and Nanaya."

"Nazrin is... otherwise occupied,"  Kanako said. "I get the feeling she's having far too much fun with something."

"Teasing Newan and Nanaya perhaps. She and I both overheard an... interesting coversation between the two of them."


"It was private, and I promised them I wouldn't sare what I'd overheard. I will, of course, bring it up if I think that doing so is necessary, but right now, it is not."

"I see."

"We have other concerns, anyways. If the shrine is the meeting place, then it will be up to us-hopefully joined by Alyssa and Alice-to set things up."

"Set things up?"

"If Kanjou is in danger, then we need to convince him of this," Aesera explained. "The problem is that he will, of course, be unlikely to believe us. So we'll have to give him a reason to."

"What do you have in mind?"

"One of us, wearing a disguise-that's why I picked up all that 'wierd stuff' while we were shopping-will attack Kanjou. Nothing will convince him of danger like being attacked. Then another of us will come in and 'rescue' him, driving the 'attacker' off. The attacker will then remove the disguise and meet the rescuer outside, along with the rest of the group. We'll have Kanjou's attention, you can be sure of that."

They reached the hotel and entered. "I don't see why you needed the knife," Kanako remarked. "You have a much better weapon at your disposal."

"It's not just a weapon. It's a tool, and one I don't like being without. I realize it's not useful against our enemy, but I want it anyways."

Eventually, the pair returned to their hotel room and entered. "We're back!" Aesera said.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 30, 2011, 03:24:03 AM
The two girls walk along the street, coming closer and closer to crowds of people who are absorbed in their own tasks. As the pair comes more into view, a few people begin to notice and gaze in their direction. Ranna just ignores their aimless stares and moves forward, while Mokou doesn't seem to notice them at all, or she doesn't care in the slightest. Ranna wondered why Mokou didn't mind being stared at. I doubt Gensokyo has this many people around...So why isn't she bothered? Oh, she used to live in Japan, that's right...but she should still be a little bothered...
Ranna sighed at Mokou's lack of concern for her surroundings. Her abrupt sigh causes Mokou to come to a halt. She looks at her as if she wanted to know whats wrong.
Ranna frowned slightly, "Mokou...why aren't, why don't you care about people staring at you?" Ranna asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable about asking her it.
Mokou gives Ranna a slightly confused look. "Why should I care? Should I be worried bout people starin at us?"
Ranna turns slightly red, though Mokou doesn't see it. "I guess not..." She muttered, "...But if you see someone eying us with ill intentions, it's definitely a problem." She says, thinking about what she wanted Mokou to keep an eye out for. " someone is staring at my bag, it's good to be wary of them. If they make a move towards me or my bag, then that's when you should step it and stop them." She said, hoping Mokou would agree.
Mokou just shrugged slightly. Ranna frowned even more.
"It's not like I'd let ya get stabbed or something..." Mokou said.
Ranna breathed a sigh of relief. Good, I don't have to worry about being attacked or anything... Ranna analyzed the streets, her eyes sharpening. She wasn't familiar with this city, which meant, it's residents weren't familiar with her. Ranna had gained quite the reputation as a 'deliquint'. Though she wasn't a bad kid and she didn't do anything illegal, due to her constant running away and her defensive hostility, she was know to run or struggle if she was captured by someone. If she concluded that the one attacking her wasn't stronger than what she could handle, then, she'd defend herself. She's also ran from police that tried to drag her back to her foster home.
At the thought Ranna's eyes widen. Shit! I can't walk around freely if the police are looking for me... She gazed around, hostility eminating from her eyes. There was no sign of law enforcement, or any missing posters for that matter. Ranna let out a sigh of relief.
"What's da matter?" Mokou's sudden question made Ranna jump. Ranna turned to her, slightly panicked and a little red.
"Oh! It's nothing." She said falsely.
Mokou's eyes sharpened "Hmm?" She gazed intently at Ranna, who could feel that her lie was found out. Mokou sighed slightly. "Well if it's not a concern it's not a problem" She said, frowning for a moment before giving Ranna a small grin.
Ranna nodded. Feeling at rest, she decided to continue on into the city, Mokou following at her side.

As they walked along deeper into the city, they gathered more blank stares. Some whispered to their friends about the two while others were a little more vocal. The pair didn't mind though.
"Okay... let's see.." Ranna said as she pulled out a notepad and pencil. "We need to get supplies...or rather I do, since you're already prepared for Gensokyo" She said, casting a sideways glance at Mokou.
"Eeh..." Mokou mumbled, looking around at the scenery.
Shops filled the sides of the street, each with their own promises such as sale 20% off, or buy this and you win something. Mokou wasn't particularly interested in this, but she would get bored if she looked at the ground the entire time.
"So..." Ranna started, "Tell me all i'll need for Gensokyo."
Mokou looked at her oddly for a moment, "All you'll need fer what?"
"In case of certain events. Like a spare grill"
Mokou made a motion, it was obvious she got the message. "Oh! well les see...Spaare clothes always helps."
Ranna quickly wrote down 'Spare Clothes' on her list. "Next item."
Mokou thought for a moment. "Well...Gensokyo doesn't have yer fancy lights there" She said, pointing to a street light.
Ranna looked at where she pointed. She's good, she easily picked it out even though they aren't lit...
Mokou continued, "So...some sorta light would be good..." She then laughed a little, "Though if ya got me around ya wont need somethin' like that" She grinned.
Ranna nodded and wrote down 'Flashlight'.
"Hm...ya already got a weapon don'tcha?" She asked, remembering the bow Ranna had left at the shrine.
Ranna opened her mouth slightly. That's right...I wanted to get a new bow... As she began to write down 'Bow', she stopped herself. Couldn't I just... She thought as she held her hand out, seeming to have forgotten where she was.
"Woah woah woah now! Didn't ya hear 'em tell ya not to use magic 'ere?" Mokou said, sounding slightly panicked.
Ranna gazed at her, slightly speechless. The colors in her eyes swirled slightly before returning to normal. She blinked a few times then shot quick glances to her surrounding. She covered her mouth slightly. Shit...I can't believe I nearly blew our cover... She thought, her face becoming redder by the second.
Mokou sighed and shook her head, "Geez, I gotta watch everything don't I?" Mokou said, as if she was an adult taking care of a child.
This only served to increase Ranna's embarassment. She turned her face away from Mokou, not wanting to look her in the eyes.
"Ya gonna finish yer list or ya done wit it?" Mokou asked.
Ranna turned her attention back to her list. "Oh...uh...what else would I need in gensokyo?" She asked, the redness in her face all but vanishing.
"Hm...I'm not really sure...What kind of stuff ya got 'ere?" Mokou asked trying to think of something the outside world would have. She then remembered Kourindou. "Ah what was that thing again...yeah! an umbrella!"
Ranna looked at Mokou then wrote 'Umbrella' on her list. She wasn't sure if it'd serve a purpose or not, since Ranna didn't mind getting wet, but she decided it's better to be safe then sorry. She then wrote down various things, such as 'Scarf', 'Boots', and 'Jacket'.
Mokou watched as she wrote down on her list. "So what else ya need ta know?"
"Hm..." Ranna gazed around, as if looking for a hint. "Tell me about Gensokyo's landscape." She said hesitantly.
"Eeh...Well there's the Bamboo Forest of the Lost where I live." She said with a bit of a grin. "Eientei is in there"
"Eientei?" Ranna asked, "What's that?"
"It's a place where some lunarians and rabbits live" Mokou replied sounding a little dull.
"Lunarians...? and rabbits..." Ranna was puzzled.
"People from da moon" Mokou said
Ranna looked a little surprised, but it faded. "So they are similiar to Aliens?" She asked.
"Eeh, yeh I guesso" Mokou shrugged it off and proceeded to the next location. "The Human Village is near the Bamboo Forest, but you wont need any supplies fer there...maybe a helmet..." Mokou said, rubbing her head a little.
"A helmet..." Ranna had no idea what Mokou meant.
Mokou shook her head, "Nah, nevermind it. uh, next is..." She pondered for a moment. "Oh yeah, that Temple." she said.
"The Myouren Temple. It's a temple originally intended for youkai, but humans are welcomed there too"
"Huh...Youkai and Humans..."
"It's owner is Byakuren Hijiri, she named da place after her bro. Ya know that mouse? She lives there"
"I see..."
"Hmm...there's alot of dull forested area where youkai can be found. Those kinds o' areas ya'd rather avoid ya'know?"
Ranna nods in understanding.
"Well lets see..." Mokou says, racking her memory. "There's the Hakurei Shrine, which you seen, There's Youkai Mountain, where we met e'eryone"
"Wait, what's Youkai Mountain?" Ranna inquired.
"Youkai Mountain is the tallest Mountain in Gensokyo. As it's name states, it's da home to tons of youkai. including the Kappa an' the Tengu"
"Tengu...I think I've heard that word before...Kappa maybe too...what are they?"
"The Tengu are a species o' youkai. They're really nosy, and they like ta take pictures o' ya" Mokou said. "The Kappa are a water lovin' youkai, they also love to build stuff and take it apart."
"Hm...So the Tengu are like the Paparazzi, and the Kappa are like Engineers..."
Ranna frowned slightly. She didn't know how to explain what 'Paparazzi' was to Mokou. She just shook her head and changed the topic. "So if the Kappa love water, there's lakes and rivers in Gensokyo right?"
"Yeh, what about 'em?"
Ranna thought silently to herself and nodded, adding another thing to her list.
Mokou was confused but didn't pursue the topic further. "Well, fer locations there's the Forest of Magic, Misty Lake, a few other locations you'd do best ta avoid, like Nameless Hill, The Garden of the Sun, an' them places that're really hard ta get to, like Makai, or the Netherworld"
Ranna was a little surprised. "That's alot of places..." She said dumbly.
"Yeh, there's more too, like Higan and Hell" Mokou said.
"Okay slow down a bit" Ranna said with a bit of a frown. "Okay, what's Higan first of all?"
"It's where the dead go to be judged, it's connected ta Gensokyo by the Sanzu River."
"Huh...So it's not truly part of Gensokyo?" Ranna asked.
"Yeah, Gensokyo can access other realms like Heaven, Hell, and the Netherworld easier than yer world can" Mokou explained.
"Hmm...I'll take a guess and say...Heaven's in the sky, and hell is in the ground" Ranna said, sort of jokingly.
"Oh wow, yer good at guessin!" Mokou said, seeming surprised and amazed.
Ranna gave her an odd expression and continued on. "So where's the Netherworld?"
Mokou's expression changed to an unsure one. "Uh...I'm not quite sure..." She said, as if making an excuse. "I can't really find out for myself either" She said with a laugh.
Ranna looked intrigued by Mokou's comment. "Why not?"
Mokou smiled, "Cause I can't die." Her smile changing into a grin. "People who no not of death can't know the Netherworld"
Ranna felt slightly saddened by her comment. "...Would you like to see?"
With that question, Mokou fell silent. Her smile becoming faint.
"I don't know..." She said, a hint of regret in her voice.
Ranna wished she hadn't asked the question, and wished that they could change the feel of the conversation.
As if in response to Ranna's thoughts, Mokou continued on with her explanation.
"The Misty Lake is the lake on the shore of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, as it sounds, it's always Misty there"
Ranna shook off the the negative emotions and turned her attention to the discussion once more. "Scarlet Devil Mansion?"
"Yeh, the devil's manor. Vampires live there"
"Wait a second, Vampires?" Ranna asked, slightly shocked by the presence of a more European monster existing in Gensokyo, which seemed to be very Japanese at it's core.
"Yeh, two o' em I hear, though I've never seen the second one" Mokou says as she puts her hands back in her pockets.
"Hm, why not?" Ranna asks, interested in these so called vampires.
"Eeh...I hear no one really sees 'er, because she's locked in the basement."
"Locked in the basement?" Ranna feels her stomach twitch slightly with fear.
"Yeh, that an' no one really wants ta see 'er," Mokou says, "From what I've heard, even I wouldn't wanna run into 'er"
Ranna was speechless. Someone even Mokou is afraid of? She felt her spine tingle with fear. What kind of person would even an Immortal be afraid of? She thought she also didn't want to meet this girl.
"So..." Mokou stretches her arms and yawns. "That's about it, Gensokyo in a nutshell" She concludes.
"Ah..." Ranna says dully.
"So we gonna move on or keep standin here attracting more attention?"
Ranna then realized they had been standing there in the middle of the walkway, talking loud enough for people to listen in without trying. Her face turns bright red as she looks towards the ground.
Mokou grins, "Oh come on, no need to be shy~" Mokou teases her.
Ranna glares at Mokou and starts walking off without her.
"Ey, don't get so mad!" Mokou says chasing after her.
The onlookers, though they have changed, watched as the two walked off into the town. The sun's warm evening glow enveloping their fading figures.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 30, 2011, 10:13:35 AM
-=[People waiting for the Morning...]=-
1) Me~ (Nanaya)
2) Squawkers (Newan)
3) Orphea.Russ (Rhiseza)
4) Crow Cakes. (Vante)
People still trapped in their posts...
1) Sonae (Ranna)
2) XinXin & Guyumeton9 (Alyssa, Aesera)
3) Sampson (Gale)

Once the last 4 people complete their boring day, the eventful happenings begin...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on August 30, 2011, 01:45:30 PM
(OOC: I'll go attempt to build character now. And, YJ, you're right.)

In a test to see whether Mystia's disguise would work or not, Vante decided to force her to accompany him to the market to buy dinner. The night sparrow, whose inhuman features were hidden under a kimono and a bandana, was very confident that she wouldn't be noticed.

The results were a bit disappointing.

As the two walked, every passerby, whether foreigner or local, gave a questioning stare at Mystia's attire. Tourists would wave it off as some cosplay thing, but the rest would mutter "weird girl." Well, no one does wear a handkerchief around their hair when they wear a dress. Worse, Mystia could hear it. Her only reprieve was that her wings were still folded up, unmoving, and not giving her pain. No one could notice the figure of the wings.

"It's not working."

Again, Mystia was startled at the telepathic message. But the voice... She focused her own mind on Vante, and thought up her own message.

"Gee, great eye. And how did you send messages to my mind."

This made Vante look back at Mystia. He stopped before he could step onto the road which separated them from the wet market.

"Hoo boy, you sound pissed. I wondered how you were able to get that message a while ago, and since we have a connection, I thought, why not?" he said, leaving the details unmentioned, "Apparently, it worked, although I wasn't expecting it to. If you want, I can buy clothes for you later. Does that sound fine?" he let her catch up beside him, keeping his voice soft so that no one could overhear him.

"How the hell do you think of these things?" Mystia asked, a bit bewildered. "And, yes, buying new clothes is probably a good idea."

"I don't know."

Fortunately, the youkai was able to blend with the market crowd quite well. In five minutes, they were able to find a stall that sold lamprey and buy enough for dinner and breakfast (to which the night sparrow protested). The prices were a bit high, but no amount of haggling from Vante or, surprisingly, Mystia could change it.

Vante held the plastic bag with lamprey in it as the two entered a clothing store.

"Now, what do you want: pants or a skirt?" he asked. Predictably, the clerk stared puzzled at Mystia, but didn't say anything. She only greeted "good evening," to which they reciprocated.

"Pants? Like the one Mokou wears?"

"Yes. Like the ones over there," he pointed at one of the visible racks that had pants hanging from them.

Upon recognizing them, Mystia shook her head. "Nevermind. A skirt it is."

There were quite a few skirts in the store. All of them had a solid dark color. They were knee length, which they found out after a short lesson by the human on how to get the clothes. ("Get it by the clothes hanger.") Mystia was a bit picky that time, so she looked for and found a plain magenta-colored shirt and skirt. That was the only color closest to her usual outfit.

After fitting and buying the clothes, Mystia had to endure another round of stares while they went back to Vante's apartment.

A thought came across Vante's mind. "Mystia, where did you leave your clothes?" She never did mention that.

"Uh... on that table thing under the large mirror."

He could guess that meant "on the sink."

The night sparrow was quick to begin cooking dinner, once they had come back. Soon, the pungent smell of grilled lamprey filled the apartment room.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 30, 2011, 09:32:36 PM
As day slowly faded into night, the two walked further and further away from the city crowds, to a residential district in the eastern part of the city. As they travelled, the lampposts turned on their yellow illuminate and lit up the nighttime streets. Along with the night came an unusually cool breeze. Ranna shivered slightly. She had forgotten about bringing a jacket when she had ran away. Maybe she hadn't planned to be close to the sea. Or maybe she just wasn't prepared enough for living outdoors. She sighed at her obliviousness.
As they walked along the quiet streets, they came across fewer and fewer people, until they hadn't seen anyone for over 20 minutes.

They both walked on silently, not even breathing a word. It wasn't that they were mad at eachother, it was just they were exhausted. They had walked for hours on end, and despite that the sky was now speckled with stars, and that the Moon quietly glowed in it's place, as if it had decided that it was no longer neccessary for it to extend it's pale light onto the artificially lit mechanical world. Despite this, they still hadn't arrived at their destination.

About 40 minutes later, Ranna's face brightened slightly into a smile as the unlit house came into vision. "We're here"
Mokou looked at her for a moment blinking, her expression somewhat uncaring. She turned her gaze to the house. "Hmmm...." She mumbled.
Ranna's smile faded, "What's the matter?" She said, her disappointment with Mokou's reaction showing.
"Eeh...It's nothing. So we gonna go in er what?" Mokou asked, smiling slightly.
"Oh" Ranna turned her attention back to the house and rushed over to the door. She turned the doorknob.
It was locked.
Ranna closed her eyes for a moment, a smile beginning to spread across her face.
"Eehh...Is somethin' wrong?" Mokou asked, not quite understanding her hesitation.
Ranna looked up, her smile now visible. She gazed at the second lock. Unlike the first, it wasn't a handle, but a more rounded shape. Ranna grasped it and fiddled around with it for a moment. As her hand's movement slowed, there was a loud 'click'. With a gentle movement, she opened up the lock revealing a spare key hidden inside.
Mokou gazed in awe. She didn't know what to say even though she wanted to speak. Ranna, unaware, continued on, returning the cover to it's place and unlocking the door. She turned the doorknob and pushed the door open.
Both of them gazed into the dark hallway that extended to the back of the house. the only light being the artificial light creeping in the doorway and the pale luminesence coming through the large glass doors at the other end of the hallway.
After a long pause, Ranna let out a breathe and started into the house, Mokou hesitantly following after her.

After a few minutes of inspecting the house, the two made themselves comfortable in the kitchen, drinking water to quench their thirst and hydrate themselves.
"Huh, so ya live in a place like this eh? Ya must be lucky..." Mokou said, thinking about her poor insulated shack.
Ranna shook her head. "No, not really...I may call it my home, since it was where I lived for so long, but..." Ranna became silent.
Mokou frowned. "Even if yer not in it much, it's still yer home, nothin' can change that" Mokou said
Ranna looked at her, slightly shocked. A weak smile covered her face. "...I guess your right..." She mumbled. Seeing as I have not where else to belong... She raised her downcast eyes to gaze at Mokou. Her mouth slightly agape. Maybe...just maybe... She thought, her spirit lifting, hope existing once more.
The sudden sound of someone's stomach growling in hunger shattered the atmosphere of the conversation. Mokou looked a little shocked but said nothing, while Ranna was making another stuttering noise. Her expression twitching and her face turning a little rose colored.
"So ya got any food 'ere?" Mokou said cheerfully.
Ranna was speechless, not to mention slightly annoyed and embarassed. On impulse she would have said something like go look for yourself. But she stopped herself and took a deep breath. She didn't think there was much left in the house as far as food goes. most of the stores would have been closing by now, so if she didn't manage to find food they'd likely have to wait until morning to eat again. Ranna didn't like the thought of that. They were up so early this morning Ranna barely had any time to eat anything. To make things worse, when they arrived in the real world, they had already timeskipped past lunchtime. Ranna wished she had thought about food earlier when they had been in town, but the thought never crossed her mind. Ranna sighed at her stupidity.
Eventually she found some rice and decided to make that. No matter what it was, it was still better than no food at all. Sort of.

After eating Mokou stretched her arms up into the air and declared she was going to go outside for some air. Indeed, even Ranna found it a bit stuffy in the house. Ranna remained inside however. She was thinking about everything. Everything that had happened, and who she was now. Within just a matter of days everything she knew and believed to be true had been shattered to pieces. Gensokyo, Gods, Chaos, Magic, Immortality. She would have never dreamed her world would be turned upside down like this. Never in a million years.

Mokou stood outside in the cool breeze. It was refreshing, but it was warmer than Gensokyo's nights. She figured it had to do with all the lights and buildings around. With a slight sigh she made her way onto the roof with a thud. She laid down and gazed towards the sky, the same as she'd do in Gensokyo on clear nights like tonight. The sky of the outer world didn't seem as fabulous as Gensokyo's star sprinkled sky. She prefered Gensokyo's wide expansive sky to the outerworld's distant and faint one. She sighed, gazing towards the city from the corner of her eye. Though she didn't know of the entire size of this city, she imagined it alone was larger than the whole of Gensokyo. She wondered what was really happening to Gensokyo. Why was this so called Chaos attacking their ideal paradise? What was it's goal? Countless questions flooded her mind. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh.
"Looks like this will be quite the incident..." She said to no one in particular.
As she went through the many thoughts in her head, she remembered the voice she had heard earlier.
'Someone's going to die. Something, that me and Aesera assume, are instrumental to this plot that Chaos is planning. We all have to meet at Izumo City, tomorrow night. Be there.'
Mokou had deduced from the sound of the woman's voice, and from the mention of the woman named Aesera, that Kanako was the one who had spoken in her mind. She didn't remember the god having any sort of telepathy or anything of the such, but that wasn't really the issue here. Chaos was planning to kill someone here, in the outside world. Mokou started to get a sour feeling in her body. She didn't like the sounds of it. Hah...I might as well try some telepathy myself. Not gonna get anywhere without more info Mokou grinned a little and closed her eyes. She pictured Kanako and concentrated.
Dialing Yasaka Kanako, please wait for your call to be connected... She thought with a grin, awaiting some sort of reply.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 31, 2011, 01:42:38 AM
Tamashi...who?  Whatever.  I can't do anything about it.  The email didn't even say where his body would be found.  But that feeling...

He shuddered as he recalled the dread he felt after he had finished reading the message.  It was as if something had crawled inside him and died a slow, painful death.  Wow, I'm certainly acting emo today.

He logged off the computer and headed out of the store.  He hoped Orin hadn't broken the law while he was gone.  That might cause problems.

A few seconds after walking into the store, he heard Orin's voice.

"What'cha think?"

Gale stared at Orin in her new clothes.  She was wearing a green blouse, gray shorts, sandals, and--of course--her mistress's hat.

"It's passable," said Gale.  "Now, can I have the change back, please?"

Orin pouted as she handed Gale his money back.  "You're just filled with negativity today."

"Indeed.  However, you aren't filled with money, so my bad mood will most likely continue."

Orin rolled her eyes.  "Yeah, the way, I'm hungry."

"Oh, of course.  More expenses."  He sighed and said, "Fine.  I'll take you to the food court.  Just don't take off your hat, okay?"

", anyway, did'ja do anything fun while I was gone?"

"Well, I got an email warning me about a certain Tamashii Kanjou's impending doom, but other than that, nothing."

"Oh.  Who?"

"No clue."  Gale stopped walking and looked around.  "Here we are.  Find a table and sit down.  I'll be back with food.  Don't die.  Okay?"

"Yeah, whatever..."

And so they both went their separate ways for the time being.  Orin was hungry, after all.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 31, 2011, 03:27:58 AM
"Interesting," Kanako said.

"What is it?" Aesera asked.

"Mokou's attempting to contact me, and aparently she's quickly become familiar with telephone answering machines."

"Mokou," Aesera said. "The immortal. Perfect. She can be our 'attacker' for Kanjou. She can be fought against without worry of injuring or killing her, so the 'rescuer' doesn't have to worry about holding back. Makes things look more real that way."

"I see." [I hear you, Mokou. Aesera would like me to relay a proposal to you. She wants to fake an attack on Kanjou to convince him that he is in danger, and she thinks you would be the ideal 'attacker' because of your immortality, her reasoning being that we wouldn't need to hold back against you since you can't die.]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 31, 2011, 03:43:19 AM
Mokou grins at hearing Kanako's reply. Yo where you guys at anyway? She asked,
As she listened to the rest of Kanako's message she frowned. Eeh...I might not be able ta die, but I still feel all the pain... Mokou mutters slightly at the thought of beign used as a human shield. ...Tell Aesera to imagine 'erself in my position... She sighs then conitnues with her message. Anyways, who's this Kanjou yer talking about? Is he the on that's gonna die? Also can ya give me all the info so I can tell Ranna? I'm not sure if she's gone to sleep yet or not, but she seemed a little busy last time I saw 'er......As fer faking an attack...Sure, I don't mind, it's been a while since I've let loose on something. Guess ya could say I'm fired up haha... Mokou grinned weakly at her terrible pun.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 31, 2011, 05:44:20 AM
Kanako relayed Mokou's words, and Aesera laughed. "Tell her that if our positions were reversed, I most certainly would do as I'm asking her."

[Aesera says that in your position, she would do what she's asking you to do,] Kanako sent. [And given some of the other things she's said and done, I believe her. She seems willing to do whatever it takes to get things done.].

Kanako explained to Mokou what they knew so far, then turned to Aesera. "She seems willing to go along with the plan."

"Good," Aesera said. "Let's get some rest, then. We'll meet in Izumo tomorrow, then head to the shrine."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 31, 2011, 07:05:32 AM
(Oh noes! Xin Xin busy... We can do the "tomorrow" scene soon.)
Guyumeton9 and Gale have to end their days so that I can type many walls of text.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 31, 2011, 02:58:56 PM
((That was supposed to be the end of mine))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on August 31, 2011, 07:43:59 PM
Mokou grinned. Yeh yeh, that's what they all say till they're in so much pain they can't move for a week
She listened carefully to the details of the warning. As Kanako finished, she thanked her for the info and told her she'd tell Ranna.
As the conversation ended, Mokou sighed and raised her gaze back to the sky.

Ranna sighed as she left her room. Her hair was still dripping wet from the shower she'd had. She'd already gotten dressed into some pajamas. She imagined she'd sleep much better tonight than she had at the shrine. A comfy bed and pajamas was better than sleeping in her normal clothes on a futon. She looked out the window at the end of the hall. It was dark outside, though not as dark as Gensokyo's nights. Just then she realized Mokou had gone outside. She turned and headed for the stairs when she felt a cool breeze blow past her. She turned and looked at the closed door that lead to the attic. Huh...that's weird...I don't remember leaving the window open... She thought. After a moment of hesitation she headed up the stairs to the attic. As she reached the top the cool breeze made her shiver. She looked at the window.
It was open, allowing the night breeze to come into the house. She walked over to it and looked out. Who... She thought looking around. Then she decided to call out to her. "Mokou? You out there?"

Mokou opened her eyes at the voice. "Huh...Yeh I'm up 'ere" She replied, rubbing her eyes.
Ranna looked a little confused. She looked down, leaning out the window to see the entire backyard. "Where the hell are you?" She asked.
"Up 'ere" Mokou said as she sat up.
"Ranna turned her head to see Mokou on the roof. She frowned. "How the hell..." She muttered.
"Ey, come up 'ere. I need ta talk ta ya" Mokou said.
Ranna looked even more puzzled. "How am I supposed to do that?"
Mokou frowned a little "Here I'll help ya up" She said as she moved closer and extended her hand towards Ranna.
Ranna looked a little surprised but nodded slightly and took Mokou's hand. She stepped up on the small ledge and made sure the window would stay open. She looked up at Mokou as if saying she was ready.
Mokou grinned and pulled Ranna up. Ranna felt her body be lifted from the ground and float for a moment towards Mokou. As she landed on the roof she froze for a moment, afraid she'd slide off to her doom. After about a minute she was convinced it was safe and carefully turned her body around and sat on the roof. The wind blew against her body, making her shiver. Mokou seeing this, moved closer to Ranna. Ranna was slightly stunned but it faded to red. After a few minutes of silence Mokou sighed and laid back.
"So I talked to Kanako"
Ranna looked at her confused. "What? How? Kanako was here?"
"Nah" Mokou started. "Earlier on I got a messaeg from her"
Ranna gazed over Mokou. "Message...?" She didn't remember seeing Mokou with a phone at any point in time.
Mokou pointed to her head. "In 'ere."
Ranna was even more confused for a moment. "You mean...Telepathy?" She said.
"Yeh" Mokou said resting her head on her folded arms.
Ranna frowned. "So you have telepathy too?"
"Nope" Mokou said dully.
Ranna was even more confused now. "What?"
Mokou shrugged. "I don't know, suddenly I just heard 'er voice in my head, so I decided I'd try ta put my voice in hers"
Ranna was lost. She didn't understand it at all.
"Anyways, that's not the point. The point is the message I got."
Ranna's expression became serious. "What message?"
Mokou recited the contents of the message. "Sender :C, Hello Embodiment, Tomorrow night, at 11:30, a man named Tamashii Kanjou, will be killed. The Police will label it as an Unfortunate accident." Mokou finishes with a sigh and a frown.
Ranna frowns and thinks about it. "C..." Her eyes widen and she looks at Mokou. Mokou's expression is dead serious.
Ranna's expression turns to one of worry and a bit of fear. "...So they're going to attack the real world too..." They both fell silent.
Mokou was the first ot make another sound. She stretched her body and yawned. "Aesera wants us to all meet in Izumo city to save him"
"Izumo City..." Ranna thought for a moment. "Who is he?"
Mokou shrugged. "Some monk at some shrine on the outskirts of Izumo City"
Ranna's subconscious opened for a moment, releasing a memory of her distant past.


There stood a small girl, trying to hold back her tears, trying to be strong.
"Hello there young lady" a man had said to her. She turned and looked at him. He had a warm and friendly smile on his face. He patted her head.
"Are you lost?" He asked.
The girl shook her head.
"Then where are your parents?"
The girl shook her head again, tears welling up in her eyes.
The man frowned slightly. then smiled again. "You see that up there?" He said pointing up a large set of stairs.
The girl looked up them, at the top she could see what he was pointing to.
It was a shrine. With a large shimenawa across the front. Before it stood a large torii gate.
The young girl stopped crying as she looked up at it.
"Would you like to come up for some tea?" The man asked her with a smile.
"Ranna!? There you are!"
A woman suddenly yelled. The young girl turned around, a smile spreading across her face as she seen the woman. She ran over to her.
The woman kneeled and hugged the girl. "Thank god you're safe! I was so worried!" She said as she held the child tightly in her arms. She looked at the man. "Thank you for finding her!" She said with much gratitude. "Is there anyway I can repay you?" she asked.
The man shook his head and smiled. "There's no need to reward me. A good deed is it's own reward" He said.
"Sumi? Where are you?" A man shouted before coming into view. "Oh there you are. Did you find her?" He asked as he rushed over to her.
The woman turned to him with a beautiful smile, her eyes welling up with tears of happiness.
The man's face brightened with a smile as he put his arm around her and leaned his head against her head, which rested on his shoulder.
The image of a perfect family.
That's what came to the monk's mind.
As they thanked him once more they began to walk off, the father carrying his sleeping daughter, her head rested on his shoulder. His wife was beside him, staying close to him as she could.
As they walked off into the distance the little girl opened her green eyes and gazed back at the monk.
The monk simply waved with a warm smile on his face as they walked out of sight.


Ranna's head lowered and she fell silent.
"So tomorrow we gotta head ta Izumo bright and early to help save 'im" Mokou finished, bringing her gaze back to the sky, unaware of Ranna's sadness.
After a moment of silence Mokou could hear the faint sounds of someone crying. She sat up and looked around a small frown on her face. She gazed at Ranna.
A tear glistened in the moonlight as it slid down her face. Mokou's frown grew.
"Ey ey, what'cha cryin' about?" She asked sounding kinda confused.
Ranna twitched then swallowed. She wiped her face with the back of her hand. In a choked voice she said it was nothing.
Mokou frowned even more. She sighed and laid back again looking at the sky. "Ya know I can't read yer mind 'er anything." She started slowly, "But I'm gonna guess it's not about the monk" Mokou watched Ranna to see if there was any reaction.
Ranna didn't react. She just sat there silently.
Mokou sighed and turned to their link to get Ranna to snap out of it.
Ya know, somethings are better left unsaid, but if it hurts that much to not say it, it's prolly a good idea ta say it.
Ranna flinched at the sudden voice in her head. She turned to Mokou, who just grinned reassuringly.
A faint smile showed on her face for a moment. The night air whistling through the trees was all that could be heard for what seemed like forever.
"My parents..." She mumbled. As if the wind wanted to let her speak, it died down just before she spoke, so Mokou heard her clearly. Mokou frowned.
"Ya know..." Mokou started, her frown fading as she gazed at the starry field above them. "Just because they're gone from this doesn't mean they're gone forever..."
Ranna looked at her, her eyes reflecting the silvery light of the moon along with a tinge of hope.
"When someone dies...they go to a certain place. Most go to the Netherworld..." Her eyes show hints of sadness.
"So...just can see them again..."
Ranna's eyes widen. She looked down. "...Really...?"
Mokou nodded and closed her eyes, her expression still showing sadness.
A faint smile filled with hope slid onto her face. She didn't say anything, she just smiled and closed her eyes.

After about 20 more minutes of enjoying the cool air Ranna headed inside, seeming to be tired. Mokou however didn't follow, but stayed outside for longer.
She didn't speak, she just thought silently to herself as the night passed. She thought about her life, her life that was devoid of death, and the fact that she'd never die. She thought about her lonely existence, fated to live forever and watch as everything around her slowly faded away to death. She wondered what it would be like in another 300 years from now, or even a thousand years from now. As her life moved along she'd have to watch as all those that lived now eventually met their end. Keine, the Shrine Maiden, the Magician, the Maid, the Vampire, even the Youkai of Boundaries. Eventually, all of them would die. Whether it be tomorrow, or a hundred years from now, they would eventually die and rest in the afterlife.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on August 31, 2011, 08:17:36 PM
"That was tasty, I guess," said Orin as she and Gale reached their apartment.

"It's okay.  The food where I grew up is a bit different, though."

"Whaddya mean?"

"Hm...there are hot dogs, hamburgers--"

Orin smirked.  "You eat dogs?  Cool."

"No, they're--actually, they might have dog meat."

"Whatever.  It's getting late, though, and I'm still tired, and--wait.  You only have one bed."

"It appears so.  Looks like you'll have to sleep on the floor."

Orin punched Gale in the arm.  "  Have fun, good night..."

She climbed on top of his bed and smiled.

Gale rolled his eyes.  "I hate you," he said, sitting down in his chair and resting his head on his desk.

And so their day ended.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 01, 2011, 08:57:16 AM
(Right. Morning. One by one now~)
Day Two of the Outside World.
Time: 9:10 am.
Must-Do-Life: Save the head monk of a shrine, whose name is Kamashii Kanjou. Location, outskirts of Izumo. Time, 11:30pm.


Gale awoke to a snoring Orin, in the early hours of the morning. His back ached as if Koishi was still hanging on, but this time, it was just because of constantly sleeping in an awkward position. Not even on the floor. With a throbbing headache to go along with the continuous, blunt pain on his back, Gale made his way to the bathroom to prep himself up.

After the usual, he walked by his room, glancing at the still-snoring Orin, all over his bed, drooling over his pillows. She's so troublesome, and now, Gale's gonna have to wash those pillows. Gale walked around his house, completely bored, the only sounds being that snoring from Orin, that kind of sounded like "Zzznnnyaaah." Well, eventually, Gale walked into the room and looked out of the window.

He looked out of his window, at the sun as it rose higher and higher. There seemed to be a shadow in the middle of the sun. Gale strained his eyes to look at it, fear inside him growing more and more. The shadow drew what seems to be a very long stick, waving it around as the sky slowly turned dark. Gale flinched at the sudden burst of blackness from the shadow, stepping back.

He could hear a ringing in his ears. Meira... Meira... Meira... It went...


Newan awakes with some weird pain on his chest, staring at the eyes of a quite... happy Nazrin. She's covering her mouth and forcing herself not to burst out laughing. She's trying so hard that her entire face is crimson red too. Newan shakes his head a little, before Nazrin takes a step back, almost unable to hold herself back from laughing. Newan has completely no idea why she's so... excited about something.

"...What...?" Comes from the mouth of a half-assed, still tired Newan. Him speaking only further increased Nazrin's "GONNALAUGH" factor. She begins to cover her mouth with both hands. And her tail, before pointing to his chest.

Newan looks down, only to see what seems to be a bulge bellow his blankets. This can't be good, and this being funny to Nazrin makes it even worse. He slowly lifts the blanket, only to see a... Well, still-sleeping, completely naked Nanaya, curled up on his chest in a very... awkward position. This sight instantly makes his, as Kanako would say, "Onoshibura", stand.

Nazrin begins to laugh. An extremely obnoxious and infectious laugh. However, Newan was not amused in the slightest, and the outburst of laughter only make him more cross and embarrassed. Nanaya shifted due to Nazrin's laughter, her hands touching a place that should not be touched at the moment. This act causes Nazrin to laugh louder, and grip her stomach in pain.

Unable to control herself any longer, Nazrin falls forward onto Nanaya, pulling her to the ground as she continues her laughing streak. Nanaya yawns and opens her eyes slowly at the commotion and the sudden blunt pain that hit her arm. Opening her eyes reveals a laughing Nazrin, who is currently gasping for air. Turning her head reveals a fully erect Newan, covering his face with his hands. And of course, like the girl she is, she runs back into Newan's room.


Vante awakens, apparently having fallen asleep right beside Mystia. Her calm, peaceful face while she breathes on his own... Vante jolts up from the bed, walking to the bathroom to prepare. There's a feeling that something is watching him, but he shrugs it off. This is his house, anyway. Furthermore, Mystia's still sleeping.

After taking a bath and doing the usual, Vante goes back to wake Mystia. After a few rough shakes and a tap to her head, Mystia yawns before opening her eyes, dark rings bellow them. She's really sleepy, isn't she?

Releasing another yawn, Mystia grabs her hat. "What time is... it?"

"Around nine."

Mystia colapses on the bed again, stuffing her head on the pillow which now smells like lamprey. "I'll wake in two hours..." Mystia rubs her head on the pillow, before falling back to sleep. With a sigh, Vante goes out of the room, giving Mystia some time to sleep. That feeling's back again, like someone really is staring at you... Someone with an intent...

There's this newly arrived ringing sound too, and it's played in such a way that it sounds like a voice... A voice saying...

Kana... Kana... Kana...


Youmu awoke at dawn, going about the house to clean it up, even going outside to look at plants. Rhiseza climbed out of bed soon after, as tired as someone who didn't sleep at all. They slept at around midnight after the encounter with Kasen, so she can't be THAT sleepy, could she? Rhiseza slumped down on the nearest chair in sight, which was in the living room, next to a table. There, a cup of hot tea has already been prepared by Youmu. She picked the cup up and drank her hearty little cup.

After being alone in the room for some time, the sounds of swords clashing and fists pounding together makes Rhiseza's body twitch, before she rushes out of the house.

There stands, Youmu, drawing her dual Katanas. Her white, blobby ghost half floats around her in anticipation. Up upon a large boulder is the woman you saw yesterday, wearing a chinese-like dress, something like a chongsam, with her hair tied into two buns, an arm wrapped in bandages, and her eyes, completely black, releasing some sort of smoke from them. Kasen makes the first move, rushing down and running towards you, her fist extended, almost touching your face. But Youmu is faster then Kasen, bringing her Katana on her bare fist, clashing with it.

There's no damage, but in the light of day, you think you see some blood. Kasen immediately retreats.


Mokou's looking out of the window, admiring the scenery that she has never seen in her life. There, she spots something... Or someone, that she would never expect. Out in the nearby park, squatting on the floor with a Parasol, is Yuuka Kazami. She's smiling at some sunflowers. Mokou jolts to Ranna, shaking her awake.

"Ranna! Ranna! Ge' up now! Ya' have'ta see dis!" Constant shaking doesn't really work on Ranna, so Mokou does the more direct approach. She punches Ranna in the arm, immediately waking her.

"Huh wha-" Ranna is pulled up from the bed by Mokou, who drags her over to the window. Outside, she sees a green-haired woman smiling and patting Sunflowers. Green-haired... Green... It means that she's not from this world, is she?

"Who's her?" Ranna asks, still rubbing her arm.

"Yuuka! The strongest Youkai around in Gensokyo. Strongest strength, not danmaku."


---Aesera and Alyssa

Aesera was up bright and early. She always had to be, anyway, since she was a businesswoman, and you should never be late for work. Kanako, on the other hand, is still snoring loudly, holding onto a bottle of beer from who-knows-where. Alyssa and Alice slept quietly in the guest bedroom, but have by now, awakened. They're sophisticated, polite ladies, anyway.

After waking Kanako up, the four of them begin discussing plans about tonight. About how to get to Izumo and how to save Kanjou. After that, Kanako just lazes around the place, while Alice teaches Alyssa how to make dolls. For today, Aesera has work, but... Won't it be dangerous if Kanako wasn't around to protect her just in case? I mean...

There's a bump(or more likely knock) on the door. Alice stops her sowing and walks up to the door, before being stopped by Aesera in that "I'll handle it." face. Opening the door reveals that they have a package. After doing the things that are needed to be done to successfully have the package, Aesera sets the package in the living room before closing the door.

Upon closer inspection, the box seems to have a mysterious aura of some kind. Like the one an oni or demon would have. Kanako forcefully plows through the other three of you, and rips the box open. As the God she is, she isn't afraid of demons.

Inside, there is are two small balls, each with six wings. On one ball, the wings are like an angels', but pure black. On the other, there are mysterious black runes on the more demonic-like wings.

Kanako frowns at the sight of the first one, but picks the second one up.

"This ball represents Shinki. Goddess of Makai. Byakuren's mentor, and if you remember, Byakuren is Nanaya's partner. So this will be of use..." Kanako sets the ball down, before picking the other one up. "This one... With dark angel wings... Yukari once told me a story when I was with Eirin, Yuyuko, Yuuka and Byakuren. This... represents Sariel. The Angel of Death... And this is a bad sign... A really bad one..." As Kanako sets the second one down, it cracks and shatters as a deep, vibrating voice echoes through the room.

"Kanjou is ours. Do not interfere, for you will face Despair in it's true form... You will all die under Chaos."

The shards of the ball disappear along with the voice.

Tonight, you will find Kanjou. Tonight, you will fight The Sisters Of Corruption. Tonight, you will save a live, or fail miserably. Tonight, your lives are in your hands.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 01, 2011, 10:34:57 AM
(My god. I can't edit on an iPad. FUUUU-)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 01, 2011, 12:37:32 PM
Following Nanaya's departure, Newan glared at the still-laughing Nazrin. She was now rolling around on the floor, still laughing uproariously. Newan rubbed his temples in annoyance. He had never changed into pajamas, so he was still wearing his clothes from yesterday. He could tell that Nazrin wasn't going to stop laughing any time soon. "I'm going to go take a bath. I'll make sure to keep it warm in case anyone else wants to take one." Although she was still laughing, Nazrin looked up at him, and he could see a new wave of laughter appear. "I meant after I'm done, of course," he added, in irritation.

Newan went up the stairs, and turned to his door. "Good morning. I'm going to go take a bath, so when you're done in there I'll need to get a change of clothes afterwards. I'll keep the water warm so that anyone who wants to take a bath after I'm done can do so." Somehow, he managed to avoid the obvious question of "Why were you sleeping on me?" as he was used to Nanaya's... weirdness, by now.

He then headed over to the bathroom to take a much-needed bath. His first form of true relaxation in four days.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 01, 2011, 02:00:51 PM
(Typin on IPad, again. I also have a super awesome godlike surprise for everyone of you all when we reach Izumo... Also decided to list down some stuff.)

Nanaya: Half of The First Born Of God.

Newan: Half of The Third Born Of God.

Gale: Attitude and Mind of the Forth Born Of God.

Aesera: Mind of the Second Born Of God.

Vante: Body and Power of the Forth Born Of God.

Ranna: Power of the Second Born Of God.

Rhiseza: Body and Spirit of the Second Born Of God.

Alyssa: Power Of The Timeless Guardian(Who is dead).
(Time for a short post like one of Orphea.Russ' I want more trolling before we go into SRSBSNS MODO!)

Nanaya lay still on Newan's bed, her head beside two soft toys, one of them was that hedgehog, while the other was that fuzzy frog. Along Newan's table was his laptop, spewed all over with games and two DVDs. Nanaya sighed to herself, kicking open the nearby cupboard to take a towel for... Later use.

She looks at the ajar door, thinking to herself. He doesn't seem to have remembered it all... Should I help him?

Nothing in her head replied. Katelin was gone, fully corrupted, not here to assist anyone of them. Without Katelin's massive reserves of power inside of her, Nanaya was weak. Unable to fight like the rest, just a hindrance. But a cornered dog will still bite, and in due time, she would fight. No matter what.

Nanaya grabbed the towel and wrapped it around herself, heading to the bathroom. There stood a slightly confused Newan, and before he could say anything, Nanaya looked down and blurted out some words. Some words like...

"C-Can I-I go wit-th you? I-In there..." She points to the bathroom right beside them. Extraordinarily, Nazrin is nowhere to be found, most likely messing with the TV. And not Trolling... For now.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 01, 2011, 07:26:11 PM
As Mokou shakes Ranna in an attempt to wake her, Ranna moans in protest to being rudely awaken. Mokou disregards her tiredness and gives her a swift punch in the arm. Ranna groans and rubs her arm. She slowly opens her eyes and gazes sleepily at Mokou. "mm...Wha...." She says, still making noises.
"Ya gotta get up! Right now!" Mokou shouts at her as she  grabs her by the arm and yanks her out of bed. She pulls her over to the window and points out at the woman. "There!"
Ranna rubs her eyes and waits for her vision to focus. As she gazes dully out the window she sees red and white.
"Huh...Red-white...?" She mumbles, the shrine maiden flashing in her mind. As her eyes clear and focus, she's able to see the details better. She looks at her, the drowsiness gone from her eyes. Green hair...wait a second...sunflowers? Isn't it a little to early for sunflowers? She thought, her mind starting to move.
"That there's Yuuka! She's one o' the strongest Youkai in Gensokyo!"
"" Ranna twitches, glancing around wildly. "Wait what?! We didn't get magically transported back to Gensokyo right?!" She asked, sounding entirely confused.
Mokou blinks "Uh...not that I know of..." She scratches her head and averts her eyes.
"Then, we should still be in the re- I mean, the outside world." She looks back at Yuuka tending to the flowers. ", how is someone from Gensokyo here?!"
Mokou makes an odd expression, something between a frown and sheer confusion. "I'unno..." she mutters.
Ranna glances at her then back to Yuuka. "Well what now?"
"What ya mean what now?"
"Are we gonna find out why she's here?"
Mokou looks a little surprised then shakes her head violently. "Nononono! That's a bad idea!" She shouts.
Ranna looks at her puzzled. "Why is it a bad idea?"
Mokou looks slightly panicked. "She's one of the strongest! What if we piss her off?"
Ranna frowns. "Then we just wont piss her off." Ranna turns and starts heading down the stairs.
"But but...." Mokou's objections turn to muttering as she follows Ranna down the stairs.
Ranna gazes down through the window, still seeing Yuuka there. She slips on a pair of shoes and heads out, despite still being in her pajamas. Mokou follows her, visibly unwilling to confront the flower-petting youkai.
As the two approach, Ranna starts off politely.
"Good morning miss Yuuka"
Mokou sticks close to Ranna, still frowning uneasily.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 01, 2011, 07:37:02 PM
"Someone's playing games with us," Aesera said. "This is good."

"Excuse me," Kanako said. "How is that good?"

"It means they don't take us seriously."

"Because they don't think we're a threat, I would assume. That's not good."

"It is, because it means they're likely to underestimate us. And that is something we can use to our advantage."

"Oh? Do you have a plan?"

"Not yet," Aesera said, "but I should have something figured out soon. For now, let's focus on getting to where we need to be. We'll go to the shrine as regular visitors and scope out the area. Alice, what precicely is the level of connection you have with your dolls? I know you can control them, but could you perhaps see through them? If, say, we hid a couple at the shrine, could you use them to observe the place?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 01, 2011, 09:39:05 PM
"... I have a really bad feeling about her," Rhiseza wiped a hand across her face, picking up any stray blood that might have landed on her.
"It must have been the eyes, and the fact that she tried to kill you."
"Yes, yes, very funny. Could they at least be polite enough to wait until I've had a wake-up call?"
"I don't think they're very concerned about being polite."
"Why Youmu, how very observant of you."
... This earned her a bit of a glare from Youmu. Rhiseza smiled. "It's all in good spirit." With that she went back inside the apartment, with Youmu following behind after making absolutely sure Kasen was gone. "Also, thank you for the tea, but next time, try mixing them together. Always gives it an interesting taste."
"... I will try to do so in the future, then."
"And please, leave the cleaning to me. It's not that messy anyways."
"... Very well."
"Now go have a bath or something while I make breakfast."
"I am quite capable of--" Rhiseza cut Youmu's protest short quickly. "As am I. You're a guest in my house and I will not have you doing all of the work here. If you don't want to go bathe that's fine by me, but do something to relax for crying out loud."
... After a long moment of silence, Youmu turned and went to the bathroom, muttering.
"Stubborn little girl..."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 01, 2011, 10:28:24 PM
"U-um... I g-guess that's alright..." Newan said, opening the door. I know that co-ed baths aren't that weird in Japan, but I'm still a bit uncomfortable about the idea since I was raised in the West... Still, it's perfectly normal here, so I guess I shouldn't turn her down. Besides, she'd probably kick me. "U-um, after you..." he said, holding the door open for her, before following her in.


Nazrin was messing around with the television. She had pressed a thing that made the people stop making sound, although you could still see the picture, and she was trying to remember how to fix it. Because of this silence, she overheard Newan and Nanaya's conversation. Ehehehe... I'll let them have their fun for now, but soon... Once the door had closed, she went up to the guest room to find the mouse from the night before.

After a few minutes of searching, she found him rummaging through her bag, probably looking for the cheese. "Oy oy, calm down now. I know I said I'd give you some, but that doesn't mean you can just look through my stuff." She puleed the mouse out, resulting in a small squeak, before opening up a sealed pocket and pulling out a bit of cheese. "Now, I have another job for you. Obviously, this one won't go unpaid, either," she said, handing him the cheese, as he bit down on it happily. "Okay, I want you to go over to the door between this one and the room the big lady came from, and be my senses again." He squeaked a bit, resulting in a frown from Nazrin. "...Fine. Double the cheese this time." Another squeak. "Don't push your luck."

The mouse gave out a disappointed squeak, then jumped off her hand and out into the hallway.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 02, 2011, 03:32:00 AM
OOC: Sorry for the missing time, I have my preferrably unspoken reasons. I'll just catch up from where it's convenient.

"I could try doing that but I'll have to have an active connection with them. I need to actively channel magic into them in order for me to be able to see through them. It's not really a battle skill, since they immediately stop working once that connection is broken." Alice explained with a sigh.

"If that's the case I would think it would be better that we scout ourselves." Alyssa broke in, staring at the rest relatively cynically. "I could ask Mira to grant the scout invulnerability so maybe only one of you should go?" She looked disappointedly at the box. In shows, when people did that they were usually stupid and too proud of their powers. In real life, she could only hope that the case would be similar.

"Maybe Mira could act as a scout herself? Just how much is she capable of communicating Alyssa?" Alice asked, sounding relatively encouraged by the idea. Alyssa shook her head, knowing that it would definitely not work.

"She can only give gestures, nothing more. Would that be enough?" Alyssa was desperately grasping at ideas, hoping that one of them would work. The two looked at Kanako and Aesera, hoping that their ideas would help.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 02, 2011, 03:35:35 AM

Yuuka Kazami, the Youkai of Flawahs, turns her head to the side and looks at Mokou and Ranna. Slowly, she stands up, and the sunflowers seem to tilt upwards, facing Yuuka. She seems to have a cheerful face, with a constant smile on it. She holds up her pink parasol, spinning it slightly.

"Mokou. And a human. My, my, what Yukari said really was true." Yuuka's still smiling,

"Y-Yeah! S... S-So, w-what are ya' doin' h-here?" Mokou stutters, her voice showing fear.

"Cat got your tongue, Immortal?" Yuuka's smile widens a little bit, and she stops spinning her parasol.

"K-Kinda..." Mokou's bluntly honest, obviously afraid of Yuuka. Her arms are shaking too.

"I bet you remembered what I did to Kaguya, didn't you?"

Mokou gasps, before turning away. "J-Just tell us, why are ya'ere?"

"I made myself at home here. No one bothers me, and I'm living peacefully in a house of a human."

"A-A human? Who w- I mean, I see..."

"Now if you excuse me, I have some tending to do." And with that, Yuuka walks off, deeper into the park, leaving the shaking Mokou and Ranna alone. A short conversation, but even that, was enough to make Mokou fearful. Terrified, even more so then when she encountered Chaos.

"Why are you shaking so much?" Ranna asks.

"It's Yuuka. YUUKA. She's as strong as Mima and that other vampire sister. She can rip me to shreds in an instant if I'm not completely defending."


"And I'm Immortal."

Well, that explaination was enough. One of the strongest Youkai is in the outside. But... Why? Ranna also has seen a black orb floating across the skies.


Nanaya tilts her head facing to the ground, before walking in her face so red that it could just release steam now. She stepped into the bathroom, before Newan came in too. Nanaya closed her eyes, beginning to mumble to herself, concentrating really hard. Come on... There has to be... something... Like a phantasm! Like Fate/Stay Night... Like... Like...

The bathroom seemed to wobble. The door slammed shut, the room glowed blue. It's walls melted into pure energy, the celling expanded, the floor colapsed. The bathroom reformed into a big, expensive room. With a bigass tub and everything. Nanaya opens her eyes. Now there was completely no energy left from Katelin inside of her. This was the last time she could use power, and the bathroom would fade back to normal when Nanaya left it.

"Like what I did?" Nanaya smirks, tilting her head to the right happily.

"Y-Yeah! It looks awesome!" Came from a quite excited Newan.

Nanaya pushed a button on the wall, and cold water began flowing into the bathtub. In an instant, Nanaya threw the towel she was wearing on Newan's face, jumping into the tub. "Yeah. Cold water. Awesum." She then turned to Newan. "I-If you want... I-I can make it warm if you w-w-wanna come in..."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 02, 2011, 04:13:44 AM
I've resigned myself to be okay with this. "U-um, sure... t-thanks..." Normally I'd just turn the heat up, but this isn't really my bathroom anymore... Newan looked around the room. Still, this is really nice... Even if I'm not poor, I'm not exactly rich, either... Once the water warmed up a bit, he gingerly took his clothes off and walked over to the bath, before getting in and sitting far away from Nanaya, facing away. "Um... I know co-ed baths are normal in Japan, but I'm still not used to it... S-sorry..."


The mouse sat there, watching. It's tiny brain couldn't comprehend why Big Mouse Nazrin would want to see something so unrelated to food or cats, but it continued to watch anyway. After all, food was food.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 02, 2011, 04:17:14 AM
"We're all scouts," Aesera said, "all four of us. We're going to visit the shrine as, well, visitors, and get a good look around as we do. Alice, what you said you can do with your dolls is more than enough. As visitors, we won't be able to examine the entire shrine; I doubt Kanjou will allow us into his bedroom, for instance. We won't be able to explore the entire shrine ourselves, so that, Alice, is where you come in."

"You know," Kanako said, "I really should be used to how well you've adapted to all of this by now, but it still manages to surprise me."

Aesera simply continued. "I want you to do two things, Alice. First, I want you to use your dolls to scout out the areas of the shrine that we will not be able to enter without arousing suspicions. And second, I want you to leave a couple dolls hidden within the shrine. If you can see through them, then we can use that to keep an eye on Kanjou while we meet up with the others. Then once Mokou arrives, we'll use her as a fake attacker to convince Kanjou he's in danger. That way, he'll be more likely to believe us when we tell him that. And then when the real danger arrives, we eliminate it."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 02, 2011, 05:17:39 AM
Nanaya faces the wall as the water turns warm, and Newan steps in... All the way at the other side of the tub. Nanaya mumbled to herself after Newan said that it was... uncomfortable for co-ed baths to involve him. His name already did imply that he's from America or something, but whatever. Nanaya's name is also Katelin, anyway...

She slowly slid to the other side of the tub, hugging Newan from behind. With a flinch, Newan slowly turned his head back.

"W-What are you doing?"

"Silly boy. I want us to be to-ge-ther" Nanaya forced herself to not stutter, and hugged Newan closer, her face burning red. Her breasts press against Newan's back, causing his pillar to rise considerably. Newan, as the stable, fully controlled person he is, is able to not just go off and make love to Nanaya. Nanaya trails her finger along Newan's chest, before she licks his cheek.

"I wonder, when will you remember your past. and all the lives before the current one." Nanaya then backs away, her face still scorching red. It was at this moment, that she spots the mouse, who she splashes water on, sending it running out of the bathroom, never to return.

After a further, uneventful bath, where the two Ns' help each other wash up. Nothing more, they walk out of the bathroom, the room slowly turning back to normal.

(I'm too lazy to write a proper scene thing. Anyway, everything will turn serious once we reach Izumo.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 02, 2011, 05:54:12 AM
Ranna watches dully as the conversation plays out before her. She didn't get why Mokou was so afraid of her. Though she acted as though she was quite strong, Ranna wasn't sure if she was scarier than what they first encountered in Gensokyo, but she had a feeling Chaos was much more fearsome. More fearsome than whatever Gensokyo could throw at them.
Mokou, after a few deep breaths, finally calmed down and headed towards the house. Ranna however didn't move. Her mind's gears were turning, and quickly at that. They was so many questions. Almost too many. ....Something....doesn't seem right... As Mokou called to her, she snapped out of her daze and followed her back into the house.

After returning to the house, Ranna promptly got dressed and stuck town pieces of bread into this strange machine. Ranna told Mokou it was a toaster, but she didn't quite get it. She waited and waited, but nothing happened. She wondered what was the point of a machine that just ate bread, but when Ranna came down and poked it it spit out the bread, solving the problem. As the two muched on their toast, Ranna decided to start a discussion.
"Mokou what do you think?" She says quietly
"What do i think about what?" Mokou asked looking a little confused.
"About Yuuka"
At the mention of Yuuka, Mokou twitches slightly. "W-what about 'er?"
Ranna looks at Mokou, her expression is serious. without speaking she gazes out the window.
"I don't buy it."
"Buy what?"
"Yuuka's story. It's too...strange..." She said, remembering how cruel humans could be. "There's no way she could live peacefully here without getting bothered by Humans."
"Huh...Why ya say that?"
"Because..." She pauses. "...Humans like to ruin other Human's lives."
"But she's not-"
Ranna shoots Mokou a glare. That meant, you know what I meant.
"Eehh...." Mokou voices.
Ranna thinks for a moment. "Hey...have any youkai, or humans, from Gensokyo moved out here before?"
"Uh..." Mokou scratches her head. "Not that I know of"
"Exactly. I'm pretty sure that people can't just come and go as they please" Shr said, "Well...except for Yukari..."
Mokou nods.
Ranna then realizes. Wait a second...didn't she... She looks at Mokou wide eyed.
Mokou just blinks at her, looking convused.
"Didn't she say Yukari at the start?"
Mokou looks like she just remembered sometghing and starts thinking. "Yeh, ur right..."
"Why would she mention Yukari?
"Uh...Maybe Yukarin gaped her here?"
Ranna shook her head. "No not that, but it's what she said."
Mokou stays silent but still looks confused
"She said Yukari told her something"
Mokou looked shocked for a momemt then serious. "So that means..."
"....Yukari is leaking information about us"
The two look at eachother and give a complicated look. With that last line the conversation ended and the two of them focused on finishing their toast, the building wrapped in silence
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 02, 2011, 06:38:43 AM
"Okay," Aesera said, "we've got things to do. Kanako, contact Mokou and tell her the plan. And warn her that we may be looking at the involvement of people from Gensokyo. Get that warning out to everyone else after that. Do it while we move, though. Come on, people, let's get going."

As Aesera led the way out of the room, Kanako contacted Mokou. [Mokou, Aesera and I are leaving for the shrine right now with Alice and Alyssa. We're going to scout out the shrine before meeting up with you and the others. And be careful; we just discovered that there's a good likelyhood of people from Gensokyo being on the other side. Have you seen any evidence of this?]


OOC: Sonae, definitely be sure that Mokou tells Kanako that Yuka mentioned hearing something from Yukari. I'll be having some fun with Aesera's reaction to that one.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 02, 2011, 01:43:56 PM
As they exited the bathroom, Newan turned around to see that it had reverted back to his old bathroom. He let out a sigh of disappointment. "And it was so large and fancy..." He then turned back to Nanaya. "Well, I'm going to go get some things ready for the trip. I should be done in a few minutes." He went into his room, and began looking around. First, Money for the fare. Let's see, the website said one way was just under 20,000, there are three of us going both ways... oh boy, that's a lot. Too bad they don't have a JR pass. He let out a sad sigh as he opened up his wallet. ...I guess I'll have to use a debit card. At least I know I have enough there.

He sat down in his chair, and looked around the room again. An umbrella is a must, but I only have one, so we'll need to stop at the department store to get a new one. I'm not sure if I have enough bento boxes for all three of us, so I'll want to check that later and buy some at the store. Normally I'd bring a first-aid kit for this type of thing, but we have that healer girl. ...Doesn't change the fact that this whole ordeal is going to empty my wallet. He slumped back in the chair, before finally noticing the state of his room.

His bed was completely messed up with... damp... covers... he decided to ignore that for now. He had noticed a few things on his laptop, but he looked back at it to see that Nanaya had filled his computer with games and movies. On his bed was a note between the frog and the stuffed hedgehog; we walked over to open it, to find a note that said "Here's the money for the trip later," along with... 60k yen. His eyes widened at the site. "How did she...?"


Nazrin waited for Newan to enter his room, then stepped out into the hallway for some good, old-fashioned trolling. "Why, hello there, Nanaya. You two sure had some fun in there, didn't you? You turned him on as easily as you turned on the water~"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 02, 2011, 02:22:14 PM
Nanaya gave a quick shove to Nazrin, smiling all the time. "Listen. You can't troll me when I'm alone. You of all people would know that, little mouse." Nanaya proceeded to give Nazrin's forehead a little flick. "You've trolled me when I was with Newan... B-But that's d-different!" Her voice stuttered, remembering all those... She shook her head, and proceeded to flick Nazrin's forehead once more, getting a squeak from her.

"Go troll him instead of me, or something. I have things to do." And with that, Nanaya walked off into the guest bedroom, taking out Nazrin's bag and pulling clothes that she somehow sneaked in, a blue t-shirt with some... Still-frozen Ice crystals? They're in the shape of a 9 surrounded by a ball. She also pulled out a short, black skirt and kneesocks. No idea how she got that all into Nazrin's bag with all that cheese in there.

After wearing them, she proceeded to sit in the sofa in the living room, turning the TV on to find some anime to watch. This is Japan, anyway.

(Short post is short, and a surprise will come soon enough. Killing And Joking Over U)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 02, 2011, 05:41:50 PM
Mokou twitched suddenly, drawing Ranna's attention to her.
"...What's wrong?" Ranna asked.
"It's another Message from Kanako" Mokou says.
Ranna blinks and looks forward, out the window. "Tell me" she says lowly.
Mokou nods slightly and repeats the message. "The four of 'em are gonna scout the shrine before we all meet up" She says.
Ranna listens silently.
Mokou then gasps slightly, her eyes wide. "She be careful. That there's a good chance that, people from Gensokyo are..."
Ranna's eyes widen. The two look at eachother seriously. Time seems to freeze for just a moment, then the two get up and move around quickly.
"Tell her we'll be heading there soon...." Ranna paused and thought about it. "...Tell her sunset. That's when we'll be there. Also tell them to send some sort of signal, so we know where to find them" She said as she quickly cleaned up the table and put things away.
Mokou looks at her for a moment, wanting to ask something, but she remains silent.
"I'm going to prepare a bit" Ranna says as she heads up the stairs. Mokou's voice stops her though.
"Should I tell them about Yuuka?" She asks.
The room goes silent again. Ranna thinks for a bit then answers. "Tell her...we haven't been attacked...but we'll be cautious"
Mokou looks at her, completely confused. Before she has a chance to protest Ranna heads up the stairs, disappearing from view. Mokou clenches her teeth. I can't just ignore her presence....she's dangerous...and if she's on the other side... Mokou frowns and looks down.
Kanako. We'll be there by sunset, and.....while we haven't been attacked...we've met someone really dangerous... An uneasy expression came over her face as she stared out the window. A bad feeling looming over her.

((Perfect oppurtunity to use it!))

-Achievement - Bird Of Eternity - Use
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 02, 2011, 09:18:40 PM
(Finally, free time!)

Gale stared at the shadowy figure before him, unsure of how to react.

"Orin," he said loudly.  "Wake.  Up."

Orin grumbled to herself and rolled over in the bed.

"Ah...okay then.  Uh, who are you?  Are you...Meira?" he said to the figure.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 02, 2011, 10:09:18 PM
Nazrin stammered as Nanaya brushed her off like it was nothing. "But... but..." Her posture drooped as she sighed in disappointment. "You're no fun, Nana..." Then, her ears perked up as she remembered something. That's right... there's still Newan... all hope is not lost!


Newan heard a knock at the door, and absent-mindedly answered with a half-hearted "come in."

The door opened to reveal a troll. "Hello, Newan.How was your bath?"

"Oh, it was fine," Newan answered. He had no reason to believe that Nazrin knew that it hadn't been just his bath.

"Oh? Just fine? You have high standards, now, don't you?" Nazrin asked, her sly grin appearing.

Newan froze. "...What do you mean?"

"Well, if sharing a bath with Nanaya and having her press her breasts against you is just fine, you must have pretty high standards," Nazrin explained, faking innocence. "Soon, I'll bet your hinger won't even be satisfied by se-" she was cut off by Newan slamming the door on her.


Newan sighed as he sat back in his chair. So annoying... She seemed like a good enough person at first, but now that Nanaya's gotten... super physical, it's like she trolling me 24/7. Why do I even put up with her?


Nazrin walked down the stairs, then slumped in the couch near Nanaya, pouting. "Meanie..." She pictured Newan, scolding her. He's so mean... I was just trying to have a little fun...

Well, excuse me for being annoyed at her trolling. Stupid brain, making me feel guilty...

Nazrin jumped a bit. Wait, you heard that?!

Eh?! You're really Nazrin, not just my mind imitating you?

Y-yeah... It's just like when I was talking to Kanako and the cat. I wonder how long we've been able to do this?

I don't know, either...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 02, 2011, 10:12:25 PM
(Finally, free time!)

Gale stared at the shadowy figure before him, unsure of how to react.

"Orin," he said loudly.  "Wake.  Up."

Orin grumbled to herself and rolled over in the bed.

"Ah...okay then.  Uh, who are you?  Are you...Meira?" he said to the figure.

Meira isnt in front of you! Shes a black figure like 100 miles away with a killing intent.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 02, 2011, 11:11:41 PM
(Edited previous post so I can finally have Newan and Nazrin discover their telepathy. Up next on the discovery train, talking to Xera! If Nanaya is half of Katelin, and Newan is half of Xera, it stands to reason he can talk to her. Of course I'm not crazy.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 02, 2011, 11:21:57 PM
"We may have a problem," Kanako said. "Mokou tells me that she's already run into someone. She said that they weren't attacked, but that it was someone dangerous."

"Okay," Aesera said, "ask her who it was. Also ask her if whoever it was seemed to know about our little group, and if so, ask if she has any clue how this person knows about us."

"All right." [Mokou, who was it that you met? And Aesera would also like me to ask if this person knew about our group, and if so, if you have any idea how she might have come to know about us.]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 02, 2011, 11:37:15 PM
Mokou looked at the staircase, still feeling uneasy.
Yuuka...It was Yuuka. I don't think Ranna wants us to gang up on her though. She looked back out the window before turrning and heading out the the backyard.
Mokou had leapt onto the roof and she sat on the front side of the roof, facing the street. She looked around carefully. She sighed in relief seeing that Yuuka hadn't come back. She gazed out at the sky. The bad part is though... She thought about it for a moment. She wondered why Yuuka mentioned her. Was Yukari on Chaos's side? Or was Yukari the cause of all this? Or was Yuuka not involved? There were too many questions. Mokou let out a frustrated groan and sent another message to Kanako.
She mentioned Yukari.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 02, 2011, 11:56:38 PM
(Oh.  I read it as her being close and blocking the sun that way and I'll shut up now)

All of a sudden, Gale felt very silly.  The figure was a bit further away than what he had originally assumed.  That's what I get for doing things in the morning.

"Ugh..." groaned Orin, who had finally gotten up and was now behind her partner.  "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing.  Absolutely nothing."

"That's great."  Orin looked at the figure that was very far away.   Yeah, far away.  "I don't want to know."

"Neither do I," said Gale.  "Anyway, what do you have planned?  You're the one used to the absurd, after all."

Orin shrugged.  "You said something about a guy dying today?  I guess we can start there."

"We know incredibly little about the guy, though," said Gale.  "There are a lot of people in Japan."

"Well, the others might now," said Orin.  "Remember, the telepathy?"

Gale glared at her.  "Of course I remember.  Go ahead, do your thing."

"By all means, Mr. Poor-Social-Skills-Without-Any-Particular-Desire-To-Improve-Upon-Them."

"That was absurdly long, Wendy."


"It doesn't matter.  Just start with the telepathy."

Orin sighed, rolling her eyes, and concentrated on sending her thoughts out.  She remembered the mouse Nazrin, and directed her message to her.

Uh...hey.  Nazrin.  You awake?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 03, 2011, 12:04:13 AM
Nazrin and Newan's conversation was cut off by a message from Orin. Nazrin switched her attention to the cat. [Y-yeah. Why, what's up?] I hope talking to the cat doesn't become a routine... even if she is more civilized than the other one, she's still a cat.

(Oh man, short post is short. Also, I think the brackets thing is a good idea. Good job, GuyIMetOnline.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 03, 2011, 12:27:01 AM
(Ooh, it is a good idea...)

Orin's ears perked when she received the reply from Nazrin.

[Have you heard anything about this dude--Tamashii Kanjou--that's gonna die today?]

She turned to Gale.  "Anything else you know about him?"

"No.  The email didn't say where he lived or anything like that."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 03, 2011, 12:34:01 AM
[All we know is that it's supposed to happen at 11:30 P.M. in Izumo City,] Nazrin responded. [I'm thinking our group will probably leave relatively soon so that we have time to get our bearings and such.]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 03, 2011, 12:42:58 AM
(I see many Orphea.Russ styled posts. Anyway...)
Ranna used Bird Of Eternity!
>gained Feathered Charm! (necklace)
>Mokou can now summon Kaguya(Gensokyo)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 03, 2011, 12:44:59 AM
[Okie-dokie.  We'll try to make it, too.]

"Yeah, so it looks like the dude's gonna kick the bucket in Izumo City at eleven-thirty.  So we should leave?  I have no idea where that is."

"It's a city in Japan.  I'm not entirely sure where it is.  Let me check..." said Gale, opening the laptop on his desk.

After a few minutes of typing and searching and loading, Gale closed the device.  "It's four hours away.  What fun."

"Yeah, yeah," muttered Orin.  She turned to face the menacing figure in the sun.

She visualized its form, and tried sending her thoughts to it.  So...can ya hear me, sun lady?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 03, 2011, 12:51:01 AM
(...It's already 7:30 P.M.? Wow, you guys slept a LONG time.

And yeah, one-purposed conversations like this tend to be kinda short.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 03, 2011, 12:59:26 AM
(I could've sworn it said AM....brb, flagellating my reading comprehension or whatever)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 03, 2011, 01:04:06 AM
(Have fun with that. Oh well, it happens to the best of us. Especially when we're tired...)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 03, 2011, 01:39:59 AM
(Sun lady? You mean Meira? Alright. Also i r on an Iphone~)

Orin's constant attempts into a mind-telekinesis speak to the sun-woman failed conpletely, but the influx of energy has alerted the woman, making her vanish without a trace. However, the dark trace on the sun still remains for a moment, showing the shape of a man.

This shape too vanishes into nothingness. Orin tilts her head and yawns, not really thinking much about this.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 03, 2011, 02:02:03 AM
(Yup, Meira)

"Aw, she disappeared..." said Orin.

"Wha...?"  Gale looked out the window and saw that Meira had disappeared.  "Oh.  Creepy.  What were you doing?"

"Uh, trying to mind-talk with her.  Do you think I'll regret it later?"

"Yes.  Most likely."

"So, when are we leaving for the city?"

Gale looked at the clock on his wall.  "We might as well leave now.  Public transportation is always crowded around here, so if we actually want to do something, we should head out.  Just use the bathroom before you go."

"Coolio.  How exactly are we getting there?"

"A bus, I'd imagine."


"You'll see."

Once they had everything in order, the pair left the apartment.  Gale made sure to grab his wallet, which contained his credit card and ID, before leaving.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 03, 2011, 02:42:29 AM
After the voice in his head faded away, Vante decided a bath would clear his now jumbled mind. This was probably another Chaos antic.

As quietly as he could, he went back in his room. Last night, he was able to convince Mystia to sleep the entire night, so that she could be awake and alert on their trip to Izumo. It worked too well. From the eyebags he saw a while ago, he could tell that her forced sleep overlapped with her normal sleeping time.

Opening the closet, Vante took out a black shirt, blue jeans, clean underwear, and a jacket to ward off the cold spring wind. The cold climate of Japan was bad enough, and it was worse that only summer and the first half of spring was warm. Instead of his black shoes, he also took a pair of sandals and socks.

Quietly stepping out of the room, he put the jacket, shoes, and socks on the couch in the living room. He took the rest with him to the bathroom.

Mystia couldn't dream. All she saw was black. Her sleep felt like only five minutes. It was no surprise that her body stuck stubbornly the bed when Vante slapped her awake.

"The bed's so soft and warm. I don't want to get up," her eyes were still closed, although she was awake.

The male stood over her, already fully dressed and ready to leave. "It's already been two hours. If you don't want to get up now, then we'll leave after lunch, which I don't think you'll need."

"...what time is it?"

Vante paused. It was probably best to scare her awake. "One o'clock in the afternoon."

Being the groggy person she was right now, Mystia couldn't see the obvious contradiction in her partner's words. Her eyes widened. "What?" she scrambled out of the bed, but only to land face-first on the floor.

"On second thought, you might need the lunch after all," Vante walked over to the awkwardly positioned girl and nudged her with his foot. This made her push herself off the bed and fully onto the floor.

The night sparrow looked drunkenly at the walls to find the clock. It was eleven in the morning. She'd been had.

Anger replaced her morning grogginess. "If I could rip your eyes out, I would, right now."

"Aw, too bad," Vante grabbed Mystia's new clothes and promptly dumped them on her. "Come on, take a bath or something. We're going to leave early, whether you like it or not."

At this point, Mystia was already on her feet, clothes in hand. "Wait, how long will it take to get to Izumo?"

Vante recalled the online map he checked earlier. "Four hours by train to Hiroshima, then another trip by bus to Izumo itself. I just don't know how long the bus ride will be." He left out the price of the trip. 36,000 yen for both of them was going to drain his emergency money box, which he had already emptied.

"What's a train? And what's a bus?"

"Uh, you'll see. Oh, and, could you tell all the Gensokyo people that we're going to leave already? I just want to see what they and their partners will reply."

So the night sparrow individually contacted each of the Gensokyo partners. Youmu, Kanako, the cat, Nazrin, Alice, Mokou, and... that's all of them. [Um, hi, this is Mystia. Just wanting you to know that me and Vante are leaving for Izumo already.]

(OOC: I feel my posts are getting worse and worse.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 03, 2011, 02:45:34 AM
"Aesera," Kanako said as the group exited the hotel, "I think we have a problem. the individual that Mokou saw was none other than Yuka Kazami."

"Yuka," Aesera said. "You mentioned her in the overview. the crazy flower youkai, right?"

"Yes. She's here, in the outside world, and I got the impression from Mokou that yes, she does know about us."

"Any clues as to how she knows?"

Kanako hesitated. "Um, yes. Apparently, she... mentioned Yukari."

For a few seconds, everyone was silent. Then Aesera spoke. "Was she lying? Misleading us?"

"I don't think Mokou thinks she was," Kanako said.

Shit. "Okay, we have a situation. This could be a trick, but it's stupid to just assume that. We need to be ready for if it is and if it isn't. If it is a trick, no action needs to be taken, so we'll work on the assumption that it isn't. Kanako, contact the others. All of them. once you have, relay to them what I'm going to say."

"Okay." [Everyone, it's Kanako. Pay attention; this is important.] "Ready. Go ahead."

"We have a situation," Aesera said, Kanako repeating her words to the other youkai over the telepathic link. "Evidence has been discovered that points to the following: we have been compromised. Others from Gensokyo are here, in this world, and at least one of them knows about our group. Even worse, evidence points to this individual, one Yuka Kazami, having learned about our group from none other than Yukari.

"All of us have passed through Yukari's gap. She may have done something to some or all of us as we did. Use whatever means you have to examine yourselves and your partners for magical traces of any sort. If Yukari added something, find it and get rid of it. Assume that we're under observation at all times. This telepathic link she probably did not expect, so it should be safe to use, but still, be careful of what you say even over it.

"Find whoever of our group is nearest to you and join up with them. Do not remain on your own any longer than you must. Be alert at all times, and if you see anything suspicious, let the rest of us know immediately."

Aesera looked at Kanako. "That's all."

"It's been sent to the others," Kanako said.

"Good. Alice, you and Kanako need to examine us in whatever ways you can. If you'd need to do something that would attract attention, we'll go back into the hotel for it, but you need to examine us, and yourselves, as thoroughly as possible for any enchantments or anything. Use whatever spells, whatever extra-human senses, whatever anything you have, got it?'

"Yes," Kanako said.

"Good. If we need to go back into the hotel, let's head back in. If not, then do your thing right now."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 03, 2011, 03:04:29 AM
Nazrin blinked as she received the message. [...I'll relay the message, but I think you're being paranoid. I may not know much about Yukari, but I do know that she treasures Gensokyo more than anything else. We're working to save it, there's no way she'd work against us.] "Oy, Newan, get down here."

There were a few seconds as Newan opened the door, and walked down to the living room. "Yeah, what? Why couldn't you just tell me through the telepathy thing?"

"This is something you both need to hear.," Nazrin answered, as Newan sat on the couch. "According to Kanako, Yukari told a powerful Youkai about us, which apparently means that she's working against us. She said to check ourselves for magic or something, and assume that we're always being observed. This is ridiculous, since Yukari loves Gensokyo too much to work against those trying to save it. She's the one who maintains the border to keep it separated from the Outside World, after all."

Newan pondered this for a few moments. "...I agree. Unless she was somehow corrupted during the past day or so, there's no way she's working against us, it's just too unrealistic." Newan sighed, rubbing his temples. "...Still, I don't think we should rule it out as a possibility... gah, I wish there was someone we could ask... about... this..." he said, realization dawning on him as he turned to Nanaya. "Hey, Nanaya, what kind of relationship do you have with Katelin? If you could summon her like that, could you talk to her, too?"

Nazrin gave him a blank stare. "... Who the hell are you talking about?"

"It's not important right now," Newan answered, absent-mindedly.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 03, 2011, 03:15:36 AM
As the pair walked through the busy streets of Tokyo, Orin relayed Kanako's message to Gale.

"Well," said Gale once she was done, "we saw that girl in the sun, Meira, remember?"

"Her?  Oh, yeah, I remember.  She definitely knows we're here."  [So, Kanako, we've met one of those Chaos-aligned youkai you mentioned...we think.  She was all the way in the distance, sort of like a shadow in the sun.  Apparently her name's Meira.]

"But," continued Orin, "I can't imagine Yukari of all people to betray us to the Chaos.  In Gensokyo, she's a god in all but name.  She's that powerful.  Sure, she's lazy, but...she's not malicious."

"Hm.  Orin, do you know the group closest to us?"

"I dunno, let me check..."  ['Kay, all of you.  So, we need to know who's closest to us at the moment.  Gale and I are in Tokyo right now, and we're going to Izumo City to see what we can do about that guy that's supposed to die today.]

While Orin waited for a response, Gale asked, "Do you have any idea on how to these 'magical traces' Kanako mentioned?"

Orin shrugged.  "I dunno.  Can't say I've ever done something like that before.  Maybe if I searched you I'd feel something, since we're bonded and everything, but I don't think now is a good place to do that."

"Enlightening.  A bus is an even worse place to search, but--thankfully--we can afford to wait an hour or two before boarding one.  I can't see any better course of action than just waiting for someone to respond to you.  But let's at least make it to the bus station."

The pair continued their journey, waiting for a reply at any moment.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 03, 2011, 03:30:44 AM
[Understood. Rhiseza and I will leave as soon as she has finished bathing and we have done the necessary checks.
It may also be of use to note that Kasen has attempted to attack us twice now.
With that she sighed and resumed waiting outside the bathroom.
By Kanako, this girl took long showers.
As if on queue, she heard the water stop running and the shower door open, as well as the bathroom door. Rhiseza walked quickly to her room.
... Not quickly enough though, and Youmu's face turned red when she noticed Rhiseza didn't have a towel on. Luckily her view was interrupted as she entered the bedroom and turned the corner, allowing a moment of peace before she saw a head peek out from around the corner, looking at Youmu in surprise before retreating, and the distinct sound of the closet opening and hangers being pulled back and forth.
After about a full three minutes, Rhiseza rounded the corner again...
"... I hope you enjoyed the view because that's the last time you're seeing that."
Both of them looked away, blushing more than slightly.
"K-Kanako said to check for any magic on us and try to stick with someone else as much as we can."
"I'm not sure who's closest... Mind asking a little bit."
[Rhiseza would also like to know who of you is closest to us, given Kanako and Asera's advice.]

(... Well, I managed to throw something together at least.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 03, 2011, 04:03:31 AM
Nazrin received Orin's message. "Hey, Newan, how far away is Tokyo?"

"Eh? We're in Tokyo, actually, remember?" Newan responded.

"Oh, yeah." [We're actually in Tokyo as well. While I do think Kanako and Aesera are being paranoid, there's strength in numbers.] "Hey, where should we meet up?"

"Meet up?" Newan asked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to fill you in. We're going to meet up with Gale and the cat. They're in Tokyo, too."

Realization dawned across Newan's face. "I see... so he's that Gale..."

"Eh? You know him from somewhere else?" Nazrin asked.

"Oh, I've given some guest lectures at the university he's studying at. One of his professors mentioned him after one of my lectures. I wasn't really thinking about all that when we first met, I guess. Anyway, let's meet in front of his university. It's not far from a train station."

[Newan says to meet up in front of Gale's University. I don't know what a University is. Do you?]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 03, 2011, 04:32:50 AM
[  Hang on, I'll ask Gale...]

"Gale," said Orin, tugging on his shirt, "there's another group in Tokyo.  They said to meet in front of your university."

"Okay."  Gale started to walk in another direction, then stopped, a confused look on his face.  "How did they know what university I go to?"

Orin shrugged.  "I dunno.  Nazrin doesn't even know what a university is...and neither do I, but whatever.  Her partner--uh, Newan, I think--"

"Did you say Newan?  Newan Kudo was a guest lecturer I've had once..."  When he realized that Orin didn't understand much of what he was saying, he added, "A university is where you go to learn so that you can get a job."

"Oh.  Well, to the university, right?"


[Okay, Nazrin.  Apparently a university is where you go to learn in this world.  Also, Gale said he's seen your partner-guy before.  He was a  Or something like that.  Anyway, we're heading to the university now.]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 03, 2011, 04:43:42 AM
[Yeah, that's what he told me. Ugh, it's like these people aren't even speaking Japanese sometimes. We'll meet you there.] "So then is everyone ready?"

Newan nodded. "Yeah, we can always just get Bento on the way to the station or something. There's some leftover rice in the fridge, I'll go make us some rice balls for breakfast in a minute." He then turned to Nanaya. "Er, sorry about that. Anyway, do you have a way to talk to Katelin or something?"

(Darn short post, being all short and stuff.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 03, 2011, 05:04:05 AM
(OOC: ...I didn't say where I was, did I?)

"Wait," Mystia said abruptly. The pair was walking down the a less crowded part of Tokyo, as evidenced by addresses printed onto some shop signs to the sides. The night sparrow had traded her hat for the bandana she wore last night.

Vante stopped walking.

"Kanako has another warning. She thinks Yukari's been tricking us. Yuka is here, too."

"Who is Yuka? Is she also from Gensokyo?"

"Sure, she is. It seems she got to the Outside World and knows about us through Yukari. Which means that Yukari is a lying backstabber, because Yuka has no human partner. None that we know of. I'm not sure. Also, the cat from the underground-"

The continued talking to each other through their mental link as they continued walking.

"Let me get this straight. Kanako is saying that Yukari's helping someone- is this Chaos were talking about?"

"Er, no, she didn't say."

"So she's playing with two sides."

"You can't really trust youkai, remember? Also, Kanako says to join up with any pair who's near." Mystia couldn't sense any abnormal magic from either of them. That meant that either there wasn't anything, there was something but it was too small, or her senses were dulled.

"Well, is there anyone near?" This Yukari was a thick-faced liar and snitch, he concluded.

"Yeah. Rin, the cat from the underground, is in this city. I guess I'll be calling her, right?"

"Please do."

Breaking away from the psychic dialogue, Mystia sent a message to the cat in question. [Hey, Rin, we're in Tokyo, too. Should we join you, or something?]

"We'll have to wait for her reply," Mystia spoke, shaking Vante from the almost dream-like conversation.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 03, 2011, 05:39:37 AM
Mokou listened to the message that Kanako sent. Of course, she didn't react as she already knew that information. She sighed as Kanako's message finished. She looked back towards the sky

As Ranna digged through her bag, she felt something strange. What the hell....a feather? She grabbed hold of the object and pulled it out of her bag. It was a feather alright, one tied to a necklace. Ranna frowned. I don't remember packing this... She shrugged and put in back in her bag. She retrieved the money out of her bag and shoved it into her pocket. She changed her clothes into something more practical for battle, that wouldn't be too strange. In the end she deciced on dark clothes that would make her hard to find by human sight in the darkness. As she pulled on a glove she remembered something she had 'gotten' at one point. She got down to her stomach and looked under the bed, after a bit of rummaging she pulled out a box. She opened the cover slightly. A shiny, metallic like object could be seen from the corner. Ranna let out a deep breath and took it out, hiding in somewhere on her. AHAHAHAHAHA NO ONE CAN KNOW WHAT IT IS

As she exited the room, she walked down the stairs. "Mokou I'm-" She paused noticing Mokou was nowhere to be found. She looked around for a bit, then she remembered last night and she gazed upward. She's probably up there again... Ranna headed back up the stairs and up into the attic.
When she arrived the window was closed. How'd she... Ranna thought as she opened the window. "Mokou?"

Mokou was awoken by the sounds of the window opening and Ranna calling to her. "Uh...yeah I'm 'ere, what'cha want?" She responded.
Upon hearing her reply, Ranna carefully climbed up on the window's ledge and onto the roof, she closed the window firmly, making sure the lock fell back into place. She proceeded up the roof to find Mokou.
"Where...oh there you are." She said as she took a seat next to Mokou on the roof. "So any updates?"
Mokou glanced at Ranna then back at the sky. "Not really, just stuff we already know." She sighed. "Everyone is asking where eachother is though"
Ranna twitched, something like a frown on her face. She groaned somewhat then spoke, "Tell them all to say their location if they want to find out if they are close to anyone else"
Mokou nodded and relayed the message to everyone.
Ranna took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. "Anything else?"
"Others have run into people who should be in Gensokyo"
"Shit..." Ranna thought for a moment. "Okay tell all of them this"
Mokou nodded and listened.
"What ever you do, even if you see someone who shouldn't be here, do NOT instigate anything with them. Starting fights wont help, especially if they aren't our enemies. However, if they attack first, defend yourself. If it comes down to bloodshed....Do whatever you can to stay alive."
Mokou relayed the message to the entire group. "Is there anything else?"
Ranna looks at Mokou. She then realized, Mokou hadn't looked much at her the entire conversation. She hesitated then spoke. "Depends if you're hiding anything"
Ranna's guess was right on the money. Her comment recieve a twitch from Mokou who tried to hide her face, as it clearly said she'd been found out.
Ranna glared at her. "Mokou..."
"Fine fine! I told them about Yuuka"
Ranna glared at her even more. "And let me guess, Yukari too?"
Mokou nodded weakly.
Ranna nearly yelled at the girl for it. "Fuck..." She thought for a moment. "Okay tell everyone this."
"If anyone happens to run into Yukari, absolutely do not attack her! It's not confirmed she's betrayed us, hell, Chaos could have just tricked her into telling Yuuka for all we know. If Yukari was seriously against us, we'd probably all have died in our sleep last night. Including Mokou."
Mokou frowned at the last comment but relayed the Message anyways.
Ranna releases a stressful sigh. "There's one more thing."
Mokou sighs and rolls her eyes.
"We need to know what we're up against. If anyone knows anything about the youkai we encounter, we need to know it. Their abilities, strengths, weaknesses, everything. We need to be ready for them when they do strike."
Mokou is silent for a moment before speaking.
"That all?"
Ranna nods as Mokou looks back to the sky.
"So what now?" Mokou asks.
"We wait for them to scout the shrine, then we make our move" Ranna replies, gazing out at the city in the distance.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 03, 2011, 05:46:41 AM
"Katelin's gone. Totally gone." Nanaya faces the floor, thinking to herself. "All the residual sanity and energy of herself is all corrupted now." She releases a long sigh, wiping something from her eye. Probably a tear. "I miss Katelin."

Nazrin's just staring in confusion, going something like "WHO WHAT HOW WHEN WHY?"

"Ya' know what happened to the bath just now? Yeah, I just used her remaining energy on that useless task. But whatever now, that little energy was surposed to vanish sooner or later." Nanaya then turned to Newan. "And yes, I could summon Katelin out as a thought projection, but it would'nt last, and after that, she would immediately vanish along with all the power vested in me."

She then stood up abruptly, her skirt being lifted slightly. "Let's go, shall we?" Pulling Nazrin and Newan up, she grabbed a small sling bag, in it, her Iphone and other stuff.

All of them then stepped out of the house, ready to go to Izumo. Right as Newan was locking up the house, Nanaya gave him a little kiss that Nazrin didn't see. Cheese time for her.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 03, 2011, 06:03:15 AM
Newan also looked at the floor in contemplation. "I see..." However, they were soon out the door, and the thought was dashed from his head by a sudden kiss from Nanaya. Newan blushed a bit, but decided not to voice his opinion since Nazrin hadn't noticed.

Nazrin stopped for a moment as she received Mokou's message. "...Mokou says not to confront Yukari if we see her, and to report to the group about any Youkai we see."

"I see..." Newan half-responded. His thoughts were elsewhere as they picked up a few bento boxes from the convenience store. His thoughts were elsewhere as they walked to the university. Finally, he voiced his question. "...If you could talk with Katelin... do you think there's any chance I could talk to... what was... oh yeah, Xera?" he asked, turning to Nanaya as they approached the University. "I don't really know what to think of what Yukari did, so some outside assistance would be helpful... Besides, I feel I should meet the person I embody, you know?"

Nazrin continued to give him a blank stare, but had learned by now to simply ignore things like this.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 03, 2011, 06:23:17 AM
"Mokou said that we shouldn't be agitating the others from Gensokyo, and that if we see Yukari, don't attack her. Not that we -would-..."
"Right. Not sure about the others though."
Rhiseza sighed, picked up her bag (now loaded with more food, a decent amount of bandages, more water, and a few other personal things), and shouldered it.
"Time to go then." With a nod towards the door, Youmu left first, scanning the area for any signs of Kasen. Once satisfied she wasn't here, she motioned for Rhiseza, who stepped outside and locked the door behind her before moving quickly to the car.
"In," and both of them did. Rhiseza started it, and started onto the road without even strapping herself in.
[Rhiseza and I are headed out. We have room for two more if anyone needs.]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 03, 2011, 07:00:22 AM
"Maybe you can talk to Xera. Maybe not. But most likely, yes, I mean, you're half of her... And if you're unable to, I could just ask Byakuren to talk to Xera for you." Nanaya then flinches. "Funny... Byakuren hasn't... communicated with me, for some time..." She shivers, and closes her eyes shut, trying to find out the reason why Byakuren never talked.

Hey! Hey! Byakuren!

Hello, child. Isn't it a fine day? Anything the matter?

Oh! It's... nothing really, just wanted to know if you're alright.

I'm alright, Nana. Also, give my blessings to everyone.

"I will, Byak. I will." Nanaya says out loud, before turning to Newan. "She's alright, and probably not with Shinki anymore." They then continue walking to where they must go, along with a quite confused and agitated Nazrin following behind. Nanaya sneaks in a little kiss on Newan's cheek while Nazrin doesn't see too.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 03, 2011, 07:16:38 AM
Newan nodded his understanding, trying to disregard the kiss. "I see... while, I'll try to contact her later. We have things to do now. It looks like we're here."

(And now, it's time to wait. Too tired to post anything else.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 03, 2011, 09:32:59 AM
(Harro. Im here to tell everyone of you that tomorrow, Day 2's climax shall begin, maybe with the surprise, maybe without it. :/. Hope your surprise is feeling better tomorrow. *Huggies our Surprise*)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 03, 2011, 04:27:11 PM
"I don't really have many abilities for these sorts of things so I can only scrape the surface as most magicians. Kanako might have better luck, but I'll still do my best " Alice explained, sighing as she scanned the four as far as she could. Nothing as far as she could tell. "Well... with what I have so far you all seem to be fine." She stopped channeling magic through her body. Perhaps her grimoire might have better luck but most of the time the magic there was offensive in nature with spells like those few and far between, so there was little point in checking.

"Under the assumption that Kanako doesn't find anything either, we ought to start off for the shrine. The more time I have to strategically set up my dolls, the better.  First, let me clarify two types of dolls that I'll be using for this mission. The first is the doll with a weak and worthless string. This one can easily be kept where it is for as long as I want it to be, and won't be broken by any sort of interruption except the cutting of the string. The second is the doll with a magical string that can be manipulated by good control of hands. This one will only work for as long as I keep it up with energy. Once the connection breaks, it is rendered as useless as the former." She took a short pause to make sure everyone could keep up.

"I will probably only be able to place long-term scout dolls in places that we can access, since I can't control their movements. But I'll still be able to send one or two controlled scout dolls to go to places that we normally won't be able to, and those will only operate until we leave the shrine, after which I will find some way to dispose of them." Alice described her battle plan to the others, and took a short breath before continuing.

"I want you all to help me by making sure that when I place the dolls, no one notices. For the ones that will only be for short-term use, I will need you to make sure Kanjou is sufficiently distracted by perhaps loud noises. Once all my dolls are set up in good hiding places, you all can do your own scouting from there and I'll watch from a good hiding place. I'll make sure you'll all be under my careful watch." Alice finally took a long breath and concluded. She was quite sure that as long as her portion of the plan succeeded, the rest of the mission will be safe and simple. "Understood? Any questions, suggestions or better ideas?"

Alyssa listened in and nodded to show that she understood her plan well and good. As for the others, Alice waited for their opinion.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 04, 2011, 02:02:42 AM
"Noises won't be necessary," Aesera said. "there is a far better method of distracting Kanjou. We will be visiting his shrine, after all; all we need to do is ask him about it. Kanako, how much do you know about such shrines?"

"I know my own quite well, of course," Kanako said, "but I never concerned myself too much with the history of others. I was far more concerned with the gods themselves."

"That's more than enough. You can approach Kanjou as one with an interest in Japanese mythology and ask him of the mythology of his shrine."

"A good idea. I'll do that. And by the way, I cannot detect anything upon the two of you, either."

"Then let's proceed to the shrine. Follow me."

"You know the way?"

Aesera took a map from her pack. "I can find it. Follow me."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 04, 2011, 03:09:05 AM
"And here we are."

Gale had led Orin to the entrance of his university's campus.

"Cool place," she said.

"It has a good curriculum."  He looked around, looking for Newan and Nazrin.  "Looks like the others aren't here yet."

"So we wait?"


Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 04, 2011, 03:22:33 AM
(OOC: Sampson, I'm waiting for your reply. Also, treat my next post after this as a timeskip.)

"Mystia, we need to go back to my house," Vante suddenly remembered that he had left his bamboo sticks and the little stone statuette in his room.

"Look what happened to the one who wanted to leave already. Well, Rin hasn't replied yet, so there's still time for that." Both human and night sparrow turned back and started walking the distance back to Vante's apartment.

The walk back was relatively quiet.

"Hey, do you think that Yuuka might have tricked whoever heard her?" Vante asked.

"...that's smart. I didn't think of that," Mystia acknowledged, "If she did, then it's working well, but how would we know what she's thinking?"

"So it's possible."

"Of course! It's the duty of youkai to spread disorder in any way possible," the girl said as-a-matter-of-factly.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 04, 2011, 03:23:29 AM
As the three approached the campus, Newan noticed two others off in the distance. "That must be them." Soon, they could make out the figures of Rin and Gale. "Hey. Sorry for the wait." As they got closer, Newan gave Gale a quick once-over. "Hm. Yeah, I definitely remember you. You were there for my series of lectures on anti-matter, I think. I wanted to talk about something more in my field, but they weren't interested..." he said, with the last bit under his breath.

Nazrin couldn't help but shiver a bit as they approached the cat. "U-um, hi again..." She proceeded to hide behind Nanaya.

Newan gave Nazrin a questioning glance, but shrugged it off. "Anyway. I presume you're both ready to go?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 04, 2011, 03:47:50 AM
"Mokou thinks you're wrong about Yukari," Kanako said as the group walked.

"I doubt she's the only one," Aesera said.

"She's not. I'm rather doubtful myself that she's working against us."

[As am I,] Aesera replied through her private link with Kanako, [but the enemy doesn't need to know that.]

[Excuse me?]

[It's simple. I think it's a trick. The enemy's playing games with us, remember? I think Yuka's mention of Yukari is more of the same. She wants us to start freaking out.]

[And you're giving her what she wants?]

[Yes,] Aesera replied. [I'm pretending that I believe it, although soon, I'm going to 'slip up' and say something that indicates I don't believe it.]


[If the enemy wants to play games, I'm quite willing to oblige. After all, I happen to have a certain fondness for mind games. I think our enemy is observing us, and I want them to know I'm playing games right back at them.]


[So that the enemy asks that question. I'm going to present them with a puzzle, but I don't care what solution they come up with, because none of it matters.]

[Hold on. This crazy mind game of yours is a distraction?]

[Indeed. I've got a few plans of action I'm working on, but the important part remains the same: I want the enemy to fall into the trap of out-thinking themselves. They'll know I'm tricking them, and they'll know I want them to know that. Which will lead them into a circle and occupy them with a riddle that has no relevance.]

[Shouldn't you tell the others we're faking it?]

"The best performance is given by one who doesn't know it's fake," Aesera said aloud. "Don't worry about it," she added in response to quizzical looks from the other two.

Aesera turned her attention to another matter. If Nanaya can contact her other self, then perhaps the rest of us can do the same. She pictured the figure from her dream, and thought 'at' it the same way she did to speak telepathically with Kanako. [Are you there? Can you hear me?]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 04, 2011, 04:05:45 AM
--Aesera's Mind.

A spark of red and yellow light emerges from the darkness. Slowly, it grows faint, but you can sense it's energy still lurking inside of you. You imagine the being in your dream. That demonic man, who talked to you briefly before you slept completely.The spark reignites, forming a ball of energy within your mind. Your eyes are closed shut, and you concentrate with all your might.

Kanako shakes you, as you begin sweating furiously. You feel your limbs grow weak, turn to a sloppy substance. Well, that's what you feel like now. Kanako begins shouting, and you hear it as muffled sounds as "Aesera! Aesera!" You fall to your knees, unable to snap out of this trance. In your mind, the spark grows bigger, and bigger, before engulfing the entire area within your head.

You actually tried to contact me, didn't you?

Your body twitches, and you jolt upright, seeing yourself in the middle of a large hallway, everything seems to be made of glass. In the far end, you see that man. The man that you're a part of. The Secondborn of God. Beside him is another, slightly shorter man, with spiky grey hair and a blue robe, wielding a sword that glows with the seven colours.

It's not time for you to see. I commend you for your efforts, Aesera, but you must return. I am unable to help you... Yet.

The grey haired man swings the sword in a comical manor, before standing at attention once again.

But I will tell you this. You cannot kill the Chaos alone. Save Kanjou, and do not put Alice's dolls in the shrine. That will be your biggest mistake.

You gasp, as images of the future, horrific deaths of Alice and Alyssa as the doll's strings turn into Chaos's links to Alice, before they engulf her in purple energy, spikes rupturing out of every hole possible, tentacles ensnaring her pierced body and pulling her into the Abyss. Alyssa vanishes, her soul being torn out of her fragile body and pulled along with Alice.

Now go, Aesera, and do not try this again. It will take too much of your energy... I will come for you when it is time.

You snap out of it, and notice that you're flat on the ground, panting and sweating like you've just ran a marathon. Kanako's beside you, calling for you.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 04, 2011, 04:12:36 AM
(I wish for everyone to board their respective trains, get it done with and arrive in Tamashii Shrine in the outskirts of Izumo by today. Tomorrow will be the part where you confront the Daughters Of Corruption and save Kanjou.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 04, 2011, 04:15:33 AM
"Yes, I remember you, too," said Gale.  "Your lectures were enlightening."  Another scientist.  I wonder how he's coped with the whole Chaos ordeal.

Orin raised an eyebrow at Nazrin as she hid behind the woman.  "  You're kind of pathetic."  She looked at the woman.  "Have we met?  The last couple of days are a blur...anyway, I'm Orin, and my boring partner over there is Gale."

"Anyway," said Gale, "we are ready to go.  How did you plan on getting there?  We were going to go by bus, if only for the cheapness of it, but if you had something else in mind, we'll go with you."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 04, 2011, 04:24:54 AM
The explanation waited until they boarded the train. ""Okay," Aesera said once the group had gotten seated, "slight change of plans. Alice, I still want you to use your dolls to scout the shrine, but make sure they exit and come back to you. Don't leave any in the shrine. I've just been informed that leaving them would be a very bad idea."

"Informed by who?" Kanako asked.

"Myself, in a sense. As Nanaya is able to contact her other self, I attempted to contact mine. I succeeded, in a way, but not very well. My other self told me not to try it again, and that he would instead contact me when the time came. And Alice, he showed me visions of the chaos corrupting you through your dolls, which I assume is why you shouldn't leave them in the shrine. So be very careful with your dolls from now on."


OOC: YJ, I'll leave the shrine-scouting scene up to you, since, well, you're the one who knows what the place's appearance and layout is. Barring a responce to someone else's post, I have nothing important to add between now and then.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 04, 2011, 04:26:41 AM
(Oh man, YJ gave me temporary control of Nanaya. I don't care if she thinks this is boring, I hate godmodding without express permission, so have a disclaimer.)

"Er... thanks," Newan said in response to the compliment.

Nazrin scowled at Orin's remark. "Even if I'm a Youkai now, my natural instinct to get away from cats is still there. It doesn't help that the last time I saw a nekotama, it attacked me."

Nanaya gave Orin a blank stare for a moment. "...I'm Nanaya. My partner isn't here right now."

"We were planning on taking the train. It's faster, so we'll have more time to prepare," Newan explained. "Although, my wallet would rather we take the bus..."

Nanaya shook her head. "No. We're taking the train. Let's go, already."

Newan shrugged. "The train it is, then." And so, he lead the group to the train station, Nanaya walking to his right with Nazrin off to the side a bit.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 04, 2011, 04:39:06 AM
Gale and Orin followed the three others as they headed to the train station.

"Can you believe that mouse?" grumbled Orin.  "Comparing me to a nekomata...ugh!"

"I can believe it," said Gale.

"Yeah, but you only say that because you want to piss me off--"

"Is it working?"

"Yes.  Anyway, she actually thinks that nekomata and kasha act the same way...we kasha are much more dignified!  We're elegant, graceful--"

"Don't you cart corpses around all day?"

Orin glared at her partner.  "That doesn't change a thing!  And I cart those corpses so that they can heat the Furnace, which allows the kappa to do science!  So there!"

Gale shrugged slightly.  "I suppose you have a point."

They both became silent and continued following Newan and his company to the train station.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 04, 2011, 04:51:19 AM
Nazrin couldn't help but overhear their conversation, but decided against joining in. She completely missed the point... she's still a cat, and I'm still a mouse.

Finally, the group arrived at a train station. He pulled out the yen Nanaya had given him, and used it to pay for three one-way tickets. After a bit of walking around the station, the three of them managed to find the line they were looking for, just as a train pulled in. "Ah, good timing. Looks like we won't have to wait," Newan said, as the three of them boarded the train. They took some empty seats, with Newan sitting in-between Nanaya and Nazrin.

Nanaya looked around, before sighing and leaning her head against the side of the train. "Trains are so boring..."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 04, 2011, 05:06:16 AM
Gale paid for one-way tickets, just as the group before them did.

Gale and Orin followed Newan and his group to find a train, and entered the same one as they did, sitting down next to each other.

"So this is a train, huh?" mumbled Orin.

"No.  This is a bus," said Gale, rolling his eyes.

Orin punched Gale in the arm.  "Ha, ha..."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 04, 2011, 05:17:29 AM
Newan raised an eyebrow at the two of them. "...You two certainly have a good relationship."

"Well, they say that the more you fight, the closer you are," Nazrin said, a hint of a sly grin showing on her face. ...Nah, I don't think they'd be as fun to troll...

Soon, the train was in motion, carrying the five towards their destination. Newan looked at the floor, uncomfortable. ...I forgot about the whole anti-social thing. Well. This'll be a boring trip.

[Hey, what's wrong? You've been pretty quiet over there,] Nazrin asked across the link.

[Er... Well, I'm not used to talking to people. You and Nanaya are exceptions. The thing is, I don't really like people, so I've never talked to them much. Things like lectures are alright because I can just focus on the lecture itself and not the people I'm lecturing, but actual conversations are a bit outside of my comfort zone.]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 04, 2011, 05:19:00 AM
(OOC: Quotation marks are messages between Vante and Mystia, while brackets are messages to other Gensokyo natives.)

"Rin isn't going to give us a reply anytime soon."

"Okay, then. Let's run."

Vante had already gotten his bamboo sticks, strange stone token, and some more money, just in case of unforeseen emergencies. So while they ran as fast as they could through the urban crowds, they discussed about the inevitable melee with Chaos.

"It's gonna be kinda risky for you to fight in close combat with Chaos."

"Danmaku won't work in the Outside World, either. That's for sure." With almost no trace of magic in the Outside World, Mystia could safely assume that danmaku would not be an option. "Although... I could sing my way to annoying the enemy."

"How does that even work?"

"No need to know. You'll see it when you see it. The trouble is that all attention will be on me, and that's why you're going to be my personal bodyguard for the night." A smirk formed on Mystia's face.

Vante frowned.

Once they reached the train station, Vante instructed Mystia to wait by the entrance to the boarding area. He was able to buy the tickets quickly, allowing them adequate time to board the train way before it was going to leave.

"This is a train. Wow," the girl dead-panned, "So we're going to sit here for the next four hours? It's kinda boring in here, don't you think?"

This time, it was Vante's turn to grin. "Wait 'til you see a stampede of people trying to come in. It won't be pretty. And for a first-timer like you, I hope you don't run out of breathing space."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 04, 2011, 05:35:23 AM
((Still Waiting....I need the scouting to begin/happen before we take off. I'll also need the sun to start setting. The fake attack will happen before it gets dark, but after the sun is outta view. Time by now should be like what? 1pm?Aesera and co. arrive at like 2pm-3pm maybe? then they signal us to move out. Remember that Ranna is only a short train ride away from the city.))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 04, 2011, 07:53:47 AM
The two boarded the train, glad that Aesera had broken out of that odd moment of blacking out. Alyssa almost forced Mira into her as a gut reaction, but she woke up before she risked that act which would attract much attention. Aesera's new insight on the situation shattered the previous plans set up. Alice pondered over it for a moment, and had realised that, true to what Aesera said, it would make sense if the darkness could spread through her dolls as well. It seemed as if she would have to set aside some of her dolls for the timebeing.

"I'm glad that... whoever it is gave me feedback on the plan. I don't fancy myself an ally to those monstrous creatures. I will ensure that my dolls will be kept near and ready." Alyssa looked at Mira, who was sitting obediently on her lap as if her child. She wondered if Mira posed a threat to her too, in the sense presented earlier. She might consider being more careful with using her. Alyssa looked out dreamily outside the window. Japan seemed quite a dense concrete jungle. It reminded her much of London's scenery, sighing as she stared on.

OOC: Nothing from me either, just as Aesera said. I can't think of any good conversations so feel free to start one!
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 04, 2011, 11:13:41 AM
Current Time: 6pm. WHAT? HOW CAN THIS BE?

The first to arrive was Rhiseza along with Youmu, standing in the outskirts overlooking a big shrine. Forests of lush greenery surround a big, red temple. At it's entrance, two large, aggressive-looking stone lions stand upon pillars of stone. Their paws outstretched, each atop a ball. In their mouths, lies a gold ball. They stand, guarding the large entrance, which are two big red wooden doors, that are now wide open. The sun is setting, and atop of the red roof of the shrine, one can see the sun at it's tip, just like how one can see the sun's rising and setting in stonehenge. It's large wooden main structure seems to resemble the Hakurei Shrine, but the onoshiburas along the walls remind some of Moriya Shrine.

Why it took the group so long, who knows? But now, time for business. Aesera, Kanako, Alice and Alyssa arrive next, following shortly by Mokou and Ranna. They admire the shrine's majestic beauty, but only for a short while. There are still people in the shrine, saying their prayers and talking to the mikos. Behind the people, there lies a donation box looking much like the one in Hakurei Shrine. Standing behind it is the only monk in the shrine. Kanjou. Kanjou Tamashii.

Almost after noticing Kanjou, Kanako spots something atop the roof. Something green, waving in the wind, and a pink parasol. There stands Yuuka Kazami, the Youkai of Flowers. The sun sets behind her, giving her body a kind of grand aura of sorts. Looking like you're from a movie there, Yuuka.

Nanaya, Newan, Nazrin, Gale and Orin arrive, with Orin running up first to the group. The breeze comes and flows through the area, along with a flying Mystia from the east, who doesn't seem to care about the people in the shrine. The people can't see her, anyway. On the ground walks Vante, spinning one of his bamboo sticks.

Time to set their plan into action...

Or not?

Kasen waits in the trees, her eyes completely red, hiding... Lurking... Stalking...

---Nobody is allowed to post until the Surprise comes.---
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 04, 2011, 01:18:26 PM
---The Elemental Plane
--Voids Of Mystery
-Cove Of Enlightenment
Meltdown Genocide

No! Rinnosuke! You can't!

But I must! Gensokyo will fall after this... I have to...

You may be God. You may be god and my partner, Azeri, but nothing you say will change what I shall do!

...But... You'll fail! Chaos will take over you...

There is a chance. There is always a chance, Azeri. Believe in the me.

But that hope of yours is only a flicker.

As long as I can achieve what The Original One has failed to do...

Hybrid confronted Chaos! The Original One sought out an alternative...

Alurmi is gone. So is Acinaces. The Guardian perished. Even Destiny failed! What can you hope to achieve?! Rinnosuke?!

But I have the blessings of all of the Children! I can succeed!

All of them had our blessings! But look what has happened... Chaos took them all. Their souls, their bodies. And they turn our friends against us!

Trust me, Azeri, like how you trust your embodiment.

...Fine then, go. I wish for your success. I will withstand the pain.

"Then I shall go upon this endeavor. I will bring back the Blade Of Alexstrasza. I will awaken the guardians of the world."

"Be wary. If you fail, Gensokyo is lost. And what drove Chaos insane, will emerge. There are much greater evils than Chaos."

Rinnosuke walked out of the cave, pushing the floating, metal chains away as he swung his sword, cutting the air with a zing-like sound. He had much to do. Much to gain, much to accomplish. But the problem was this... Could he do it?

Outside of the cavern, Rinnosuke pulled off his clothes, revealing a shining, blue crystal armor that encased his entire body. It stuck to him like another layer of skin instead of something you put on yourself. Lightweight and extremely hard, this was one of Katelin's finest armors. Blue Crystaskin. Pulling up a small crystal from his robes, he pressed it on his forehead. The blue crystal grew and grew, completely covering his head, taking the form of a helmet. After a little stretching, Rinnosuke swung his sword in the air, rippling the energy in the atmosphere.

A gash appeared where he swung his blade, growing in size as seconds past. Rinnosuke turned back to look at his partner. Azeri was shreding tears, tears of lava. One of his friends was about to be taken away, and he could not stop it. Rinnosuke would not listen, and he would learn the hard way, but he believed, deep in his rocky core, that Rinnosuke could succeed, along with the embodiments.

Rinnosuke turned back to the newly-made portal, glowing with blue and purple energy. With a smile on his face, gripping his sword tight, he stepped into the portal. Into Gensokyo.

Just as planned. The dark figure grinned in the moonlight.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 04, 2011, 04:08:37 PM

It?s times like these? where things seemed a little too boring.

Sure, his ability didn?t help the matter. He could relate it to things seen in movies or TV shows, but to actually use it? it made what normality he was used to, suddenly seem boring. He called it a curse at times; though he couldn?t help the fact it had helped him for the most part. But even then, it wasn?t something he liked doing. In fact, using it to gather more people to the shrine was wrong; so he never thought about doing it.
No matter who pushed him to do so.
It seemed pretty busy, regardless. People flocked to his shrine for unknown reasons; wishing aside, some were simply there to confirm rumours of such an ability. Of course, he never showed it. In fact, it was only those that had pushed with ?information? that got to see it. But they weren?t normal? They were more like him. Come to think of it, he hadn?t seen them for a while now?

Well, apart from the spirit.

?Just giving you a warning.? He remembered the spirit chuckling. ?I felt something a little? nostalgic.?

Had it come from anyone else, he would have just shrugged it off as another person wishing for something from the past. But this was from her? from a spirit that had seen so much. A spirit who knew what was chasing him? It was the sole reason he had trained with her; if anyone knew how to defend themselves, she would. But it was different for a variety of reasons. It wasn?t training to fight? it felt more like training to stay alive.

?If you can?t hold up against me, how do you expect to hold up against them??

He watched on as the shrine maidens went to their business; talking with visitors in such a gentle tone. To think he had come a long way from having only one shrine maiden? in fact, it seemed quite some time ago. Ok, so part of it WAS down to his ability; but he hadn?t had complete control of it at the time? in fact, he still didn?t; but it was certainly better then what it was. His family had seen the progress their shrine had made and, suddenly, he was performing roles that really belonged to people older then he was. Though, he often felt older then he actually was; so maybe it went hand in hand.

No? that?s because of my ability; isn?t it?

He couldn?t tell if it was the amount of concentration he needed to use his ability that made him feel older, or if it was the duties he was having to do as a result of what he had done. Either way, that mysterious lady who told him about Gensokyo? the spirit who insisted on training him?

Yes? this really isn?t a normal life.

A couple of visitors approached him from in front of the donation box. Today was simply a normal day.

Yet? He could shake that feeling he had. The feeling of something happening? something bad.

It was probably at that point he noticed it. Something that was certainly not normal. He wasn?t sure if it was the huge circular rope on the back of one person, or if it was the sudden increase of people appearing.

?Huh? seems like it won?t be such a normal day after all.?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 04, 2011, 04:13:29 PM
(All of you can resume posting... Now! Hope you liked the surprise. I have another one soon~!)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 04, 2011, 05:04:30 PM
(OOC: Welcome to the group, Kanjou!)

Newan turned to the group. "So... what next? I say we go up and visit the shrine like you normally would before going to scout, but someone else may have a better idea," he said, making sure to keep his voice low.

"I think we should get the scouting done first, then hold the false attack as soon as we can so we have a reason to talk to him," Nazrin said, doing the same.

After giving his input, Newan made sure to back away from the group a bit. He was on edge with Mokou being there. I hope I don't have to be around these people much longer...

Nazrin gave Newan a worried look. [You sure you're alright over there?]

[Like I said, I don't like being around people. On top of that, the fire girl is here...]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 04, 2011, 06:36:17 PM
Overhearing Newan and Nazrin's conversation, she spoke up.
"A group go up and visit like normal. Say you're a tourist or something, and you happened to see a sign and decided to come and see the shrine for yourselves" She said with a gesture. "Since you'll be 'tourists' you have the excuse to look around. Explore any accessible place. If everything goes good we might not need to get inside the shrine." She said calmly. "It might be a better idea to take him to a more isolated place if Chaos is going to attack him. The last thing we want is to involve innocents who may be around"
She glanced around at the people in the group. "The ones who should go up shouldn't cause too much of a scene, So they should be people who wont stick out too much" She thought for a moment, looking around at all the faces here. She frowned, realizing there were many who would stick out too easily. She let out a sigh and spoke.
"Okay, First who's going to stay back here in our safety zone," She paused, looking at them all. "Mokou, you'll stay here"
Mokou looked confused and tried to speak but was cut off by Ranna.
"You'll stay here and guard Nanaya" She said. "Nazrin you'll also stay here, and act as a sort of communication line"
Mokou looked at Nazrin. "Couldn't Naz use 'er ability to determine where Chaos is hiding?"
Ranna shook her head. "We don't know who, or even what, is going to attack him." She looked to Alyssa and Rhiseza. "Ch...I'm reluctant to leave both of you here, because if something goes wrong, we'll need a healer...but if Chaos suddenly attacks you two, we wont have a healer at all...So I think it's best you two stay with Mokou"
Ranna turned her gaze to Mystia. Seeing her flying gave Ranna an idea. "Mystia, do you think you can watch the skies? Like fly up there and make sure nothing is coming that way. Just make sure you're not seen by people."
She gazed at the remainder of the group. "Gale....and Orin for that matter.....I don't know where would be best...Mystia shouldn't be alone..."
Ranna sighed for a moment, her expression becoming serious. "Aesera, Kanako, Alice, and Vante will head up to the shrine to scout. I'll be taking Youmu with me."
She glanced at each and every one of them before finishing her speech.
"Any objections?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 04, 2011, 06:46:25 PM
Newan raised an eyebrow at her. "Uh-huh. And what do you propose I do? I'm not going to just sit around doing nothing, you know."

"Well, you've got no objections from me, anyway," Nazrin said, putting her hands behind her head. "Scouting around sounds boring. Besides, I'd rather stay here, where it's safe. Not that I'll turn tail and run if we have to fight, but as much as I want to save the guy, if I can help without having to fight, I'd rather do that."

"I'm not staying here," Newan interjected, suppressing the urge to shoot a glare at Mokou. "I'd rather have a look around than stay here." Even if Nanaya's here, I'll have nothing to do with Mokou. Besides, I can always take Nanaya with me. She doesn't need the fire girl to protect her. "Besides, I think I can handle protecting Nanaya, so she can scout around, too."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 04, 2011, 07:12:58 PM
Ranna's eyes sharpened into a glare. The violet in her eyes swirled, making her even more intimidating.
"You can go scout. But Nanaya is staying here. She's basically an innocent civillian. I'd prefer that Chaos doesn't take hostages this time around." The violet in her eyes swirledd as if mocking Newan. "Do I have to remind you about last time? Do you really want that to happen again?" a scowl crossed her face. "Next time, we might not be so lucky. Next time, we might not be able to save everyone..." She looked down for a moment then turned her sharp gaze back to Newan. "I don't care what you do, as long as it doesn't endanger the whole group." She loosens up a bit releasing a breath. She places her hands on her hips, "Remember, we're all in this together. We're the embodiments of Gods, chosen to fight against Chaos. Fate has us chained here. So rather than fighting amongst ourselves, we should get along." She says with the faintest of smiles.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 04, 2011, 07:26:38 PM
Newan winced a bit at the memory for a moment, but his blank expression soon returned. "Let me make one thing clear, girl. I have no obligation to work with you, or your little plan. Even if we have the same goals, you're just another person. I have no reason to 'get along' with you, or any of the people here for that matter. As soon as all this is done and over with, I'm forgetting any of you ever existed. Besides, your little plan doesn't even explain anything. You're just deciding who goes where. No actual plan, no demeanor, no real action, just placement." He turned away from the group. "...Nazrin. I'm leaving now. Let me know when someone thinks of a real plan." With that, he walked off into the forest.

Nazrin watched him go, then turned back to the group, laughing nervously. "Ehe... sorry about that. He... he doesn't like people very much, and he's kind of on edge today. Don't take it personally." [What the hell, man?] She tried to contact Newan again, but he never responded.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 04, 2011, 07:32:31 PM
"... Understood." Rhiseza sighed and sat down on the ground, pulling a sketchpad out of her bag and started drawing, mumbling to herself as she did so. Youmu simply nodded to Ranna, though she did seem a bit uneasy.
"Just tell me when you're ready, then."
... Something about this doesn't feel right...
I know. I feel it too. Just be careful, alright?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 04, 2011, 07:39:02 PM
"Sure," said Gale in response to the girl's suggestion.  "Although I hope you mean that we'll follow Mystia on the ground as she flies.  I lack the power of flight, sadly."

"I'm fine with that," said Orin.  "As long as I get to see Gale get a good, old-fashioned beating from the Chaos."

"Last time I checked," dryly stated Gale, "I'm the one with a weapon.  Can't say you contributed much to the last battle."

"If not for the fact that punching you would be counterprodutive--"

"And having the Chaos beat me up wouldn't?"

Orin rolled her eyes.  "Whatever.  Anyway, we're both fine with following Mystia," she said.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 04, 2011, 08:01:00 PM
As Newan began, the color in her eyes flickered. All kindness drained from her eyes and a bitter glare replaced the faint smile. As he finished saying he wouldn't work with them. Ranna brought her arm up with lightning speed. In her hand was a knife, the same one she had in Gensokyo. She pointed it directly at Newan, her eyes now entirely violet. She glared at him for a moment, then spoke.
"If you wont work together with us," She said, no emotion in her voice. She flipped the knife in her hand, the handle facing Newan. "Then kill yourself"
An awkward silence over took the group. Mokou was speechless, not believe this turn of events.

---After Newan's response to the above and his continued speech...

Ranna sighed and let her arm fall to her side, she put the knife away and closed her eyes. She crossed her arms and stood as if she was leaning against something that wasn't there. She reopened her eyes. They had returned to normal, but now they seemed a little...below the weather.
Mokou gazed at her worriedly.

As the others agreed to go along with the plan, Ranna seemed to cheer up a bit, giving a weak nod. She took a deep breath, clearing her mind of the event that had happened.
"Okay. Everyone should have atleast one Gensokyo resident with them. Since they can communicate with eachother, they can send warnings to the others if something goes wrong." She said calmly, not mentioning Newan or suggesting anyone to go after him.
She turned her gaze to Aesera. "One other thing. We'll need to clear the area once we've secured Kanjou, Preferably without causing issues"
She turned to the rest of the group. "I and Youmu will secure Kanjou, we'll be taking a more hidden route up there, as to not cause suspicion."
Her eyes flickered for a moment with an idea. She turned to Nazrin. "Hey, do you think you could search for Magic? Or youkai?"
"Oh..." Ranna said as she remembered something. "Also, no one draws their weapon until we've got the area clear. The last thing we need is the police hunting us down"

((Also no civillans see this or hear the groups conversation))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 04, 2011, 08:17:19 PM
Nazrin glared at Ranna a bit before shaking her head. "The thing is, I could find them, but the Youkai here would pretty much let block out any reason for me to do so. It's like asking if I can find hay in a haystack." I don't like this girl. Even if Newan was a bit rude there, telling him to kill himself just because he doesn't like them is way out of line. Honestly, if she's so set on us working together, she should be a bit less willing to kill us off.


Newan yawned as he leaned against a tree. Honestly... Telling me to kill myself because I don't like her plan? How juvenile... People like her are why I hate humans. They're all a bunch of childish idiots.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 04, 2011, 09:01:40 PM
Ranna stared at the mouse. Before She could speak, Mokou intervened.
"Ey ey! That's enough fightin' now. Keep 'er up and I'll 'ave ta toast yer rear!" She said, managing a weak grin.
She turned her head and looked towards the forest where Newan had went. she frowned.
['Ey Naz, what's wrong wit that kid?] She thought, looking at Nazrin.

Ranna didn't say anything to the mouse. She turned her gaze towards Aesera, the seriousness returning to her face.
"So are we ready to begin?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 04, 2011, 09:15:23 PM
I don't know... I know that he doesn't like people, but that was still a bit much. Plus, he's never been that rude to Nanaya or I before. He's seemed kind of irritable ever since we came here, but I don't know why... Well, whatever. I've seen that he's a good person at heart. I'm sure he has his reasons.] Then, Nazrin realized something. She bit her lip as she remembered Newan's previous reaction to Mokou. ...And I'll bet Mokou's part of it...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 04, 2011, 10:03:11 PM
[Hmm...People that don't like people...] She followed her arms behind her head. [I don't think he has a choice with you...yer his partner after all.] Mokou sighed and looked up at the sky. The sun had already fallen behind the mountains, it's light still visible in the sky that way. Her eyes sharpened. They needed to hurry up and put their plan to action. Before it's too late.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 04, 2011, 11:10:05 PM
"Remind me never to get on her bad side," whispered Orin after hearing the girl's declaration.

"See?  There are worse partners than me," responded Gale with an even quieter whisper.

"Uh, so," said Orin loudly to the girl, "What way is Mystia heading?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 05, 2011, 12:54:40 AM
(So many short posts. I guess we have to wait for the others till we can go rawr. And stuff. By Request Of Kanjou, his character's name will be changed to, Hitomi Kenshou

Nanaya had followed Newan into the forest in hopes of finding him. She had left abruptly from the rest of the group, silently enough that nobody noticed in their constant talking about plans and their fake attack on the head monk. Ranna was quick to anger her by saying... hurtful things to Newan, but all she gave Ranna was a side glance. She knew that Chaos never would obey deadlines, but maybe once or twice they would. It all depended on who was the commanding officer of the attack. Slowly following Newan as the treked through the woods for some random tree wasn't really worth it, but whatever.

To her, Newan ment everything, even if he didn't understand. He had gained his past memories from centuries ago, but hadn't really put them to use. Or to even visualize them. As Newan slumped down on a tree, Nanaya approached him from behind. After giving him some time for him to think about what has happened, Nanaya crept up and attempted to stuff herself between the tree and him. It works, although not perfectly, Newan felt something brush on his back, before an embrace. Nanaya hugged him from behind.

"Foolish boy. Arn't you?"

Newan was still silent, but Nanaya wasn't.

"You know you mean the world to me, don't you. You just have to look deep inside yourself to find out."

"And the truth will be known."

It was then where Newan felt something spark in his mind. Something that agitated him. Something horrible, before calming down.

Hello, Newan. That took longer then expected. I am Xera, and you are my embodiment.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 05, 2011, 01:16:46 AM
(For the record, I had Newan try to access those memories when Katelin granted him access to them, but you missed it or something.)

Newan tried to look back at Nanaya without hitting her head. "Hey. Sorry about flying off the handle back there. I was going to come back soon. Thanks for coming to visit me, though."

He then turned his attention back to Xera. For some reason, Newan wasn't startled by Xera talking to him. It was as though he were expecting it. As though this was how it had always been. It's nice to finally talk to you, Xera. I contemplated contacting you on the train, but decided against it. So then, might as well take this chance to talk, even if I don't know what to talk about. Or maybe I do? That's up to me to decide. Or is it us, now? Is the embodiment truly a separate entity, or just an extension of the original being? I do wonder.

He looked around the forest for a bit, too lost in thought to truly notice Nanaya. So then, I presume you have something you wished to talk to me about? As interesting as existential philosophy conversations are, I wouldn't contact you for no reason, which means I have something to ask you about, even if I don't know what it is. That, or you have something you need to tell me.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 05, 2011, 01:33:15 AM
OOC: I guess I forgot to mention it, but Kanako's wearing a somewhat less conspicuous outfit (she put it on before leaving the hotel, but I guess I forgot to actually put that part in). She's dressed in much more ordinary-looking clothing right now in order to avoid drawing too much attention.


"My original plan was to scout now, but wait until tonight to actually make our move," Aesera said. "That's be smarter than starting while so many people are here, I think. Alice, remember, send dolls inside to look around, but make sure you bring them back to yourself. Kanako and I will distract Kenshou as originally planned. I'll want a couple others coming in with me and getting a good look around the public area of the shrine while Kanako and I speak to Kenshou. Alice, let Kanako know when you're done, and we'll make our way out naturally and regroup. We'll assess our information and decide on a course of action at that time, so for now, let's hold off on grabbing Kenshou unless we find evidence that he's in immediate danger. I'd prefer to wait until tonight if we can, and assuming we do, I already have a plan to get in and get him to come with us. But that can wait until later. Regardless of what we do, Kanako and I will distract Kenshou, so even if you all decide you'd rather grab him now-which, again, I advise against-Kanako and I are going in. And Kanako, keep whatever magical and spiritual senses you have open. And make sure to do a thorough check of Kenshou."

"Of course," Kanako said.

"In that case, let's move." With that, Aesera entered the shrine, Kanako following right behind her.


OOC: Yeah, so that's Aesera's preferred plan. Go with it or Ranna's or whatever; Aesera's distracting Kenshou either way. And YJ, it is, of course, up to you if Kanako detects anything relating to Kenshou having some sort of ability, but if she does, well, I'll most cetainly enjoy writing Aesera's reaction.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 05, 2011, 02:07:36 AM
(If you remember, I said that Kanako noticed Yuuka Kazami on the roof of the shrine, with her Parasol. Also, Kanako does detect Kenshou having an ability similar to all of you, but on a much more larger scale with much more potential and energy.)

Nanaya stuffs her head in Newan's back, rubbing her head constantly, making muffled noises. She hugs him a little tighter.

Neither, If I may say. You are not an extension, or a separate being. You are me, and I am you. I just ripped half of my entire existence. My being, my energy, my mind, my memories. Everything, ripped in half, and given a form. We share the same feelings, and everything else - That is why you can't love, and yet, you must, and will. Katelin and Nanaya are ours.

You are everything which is mortal about me. All I am left with is what that a God has. Mortals have a way of thinking. A way of speaking, of doing things which can drastically change the world. I can see, that as a mortal, all of you; Every embodiment, will break down once. And that is when Nanaya comes in. To pull all of you out from that endless sea of despair. We're here too...

Newan shudders at the thought of everyone becoming halpless in the mind.

You may contact me at any time - any moment, but do not use me for power in front of Nanaya. You'll make her angry that you haven't overcame... Our fear.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 05, 2011, 02:26:53 AM
I see... so then, you could say I'm not really an individual... he looked up at the sky. I guess I'm alright with that. I just want to live my life, even if it's not mine alone. Although, it does make me wonder what happened between you and Katelin to make Nanaya so... forceful... he thought, recalling all the... experiences he'd had with Nanaya. He went a bit red, but dismissed the thoughts.

A-anyway, I'll try not to use your power in front of Nanaya if I can help it. And the thought of everyone losing it is kind of... frightening, I guess. I suppose it comes with the territory of being us. He could feel something nagging at the back of his mind- something he had forgotten to do, or something he should keep in mind. He dug at it for a moment, but experienced pain, for some reason. It was as though it was a thought that didn't want to be dug up. Or that he didn't want to dig up? He wasn't sure. He waved the thought off, and the pain subsided.

"Anyway, we should probably get back to the others soon," Newan said, remembering that Nanaya was still there.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 05, 2011, 02:37:45 AM
...Forceful? You mean dominating, don't you. Ahahaha... Xera's laugh slowly subsides into just a faint giggle.

I didn't know that Katelin's... primal lust is in Nanaya. Most likely not, but perhaps maybe a little...

Nanaya pulls her head off Newan's back, and ruffles his hair a little. She begins walking back to the shrine, while grabbing his hand and pulling him along. Eventually, the two reached back into the group.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 05, 2011, 02:50:57 AM
Primal lust? That worries me...

Nazrin turned to the two as they approached the shrine. "There you are. Oh, I didn't notice you left, Nanaya. Anyway, I was just about to contact you, actually. It seems everyone's in agreement with the plan, but we won't be implementing it until later tonight, when this place is less crowded. For now, we're just going to scout around a bit."

"...I see. I guess it can't be helped, then. I'll go scout around on my own, then. If Nanaya has to stay here, I want you to stay as well. You're the only person I trust with her safety," Newan said, shooting a quick glare at Mokou at the end before looking back at Nazrin. [Did she say anything after I left?]

[You mean Ranna? No, she didn't say anything about you after you left. ]

[I see...] "Anyway, I'm going to go scout now," he said, before heading off to the shrine to do some looking around.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 05, 2011, 03:26:03 AM
(Everyone is offline. Unable to continue FUUUU-)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 05, 2011, 03:35:51 AM
OOC: Missed the part about only Kanako noticing Yuka. Assume she shared that with the group.


The pair made their way through the shrine. They didn't move particularly quickly; the idea was to blend in, so they acted like all of the other visitors.

They approached a shrine maiden first. The maiden greeted them appropriately, but when Kanako began asking about mythology, she was soon out of her depth. "You're, um, very knowledgeable," she said to Kanako. "I'm afraid I don't know quite the level of detail you're asking about."

"Not surprising," Kanako said. "I'm something of an expert on Japanese mythology." [Which is to be expected, since I'm a part of it,] she remarked to Aesera.

"I see. Well, I think Kenshou might be able to answer your questions."

The maiden directed the pair to Kenshou. [Aesera,] Kanako sent as they approached him, [I'm getting something significant from Kenshou, and it's not anything that was added. It's similar to what I can feel from you, although the potential seems much greater.

Aesera paused for a moment. [Okay, this just got serious. Change of plans.] We need to get his attention. Let's hope he has some idea he's not normal, because this is our best chance. She walked right up to Kenshou. "Kenshou. I know this is improper, but we need to talk in private, and right now. You don't know who my companion and I are, and we know little about you, but we know this: you are in danger, and it involves your power."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 05, 2011, 03:46:26 AM
Ranna looked down towards the ground. I guess no one will sleep tonight... She thought, feeling slightly drowsy due to the lack of anything to do. She refused to let her body show it though. After a bit, Kanako and Aesera made their way up the long stone steps towards the shrine. It was dark now, and it seems the mikos had lit the laterns. However despite the tim they'd spent sitting at the bottom planning, Ranna didn't recall seeing anyone come down the stairs...odd.
The lack of activity began to take it's toll on her. She was getting impatient. She had wanted to take the monk to safety long before the attack had begun. But it seems the rest would prefer to wait. Ranna frowned. This isn't going to work...

Mokou had made herself comfy, figuring this would take a while. She laid with her arms behind her head, eyes closed. She remained like this for a while.
As she heard rustling in the bushes, she lazily opened one eye. Seeing that Newan and Nanaya had returned. she stretched her arms up into the air and yawned loudly. She sits up and looks around at the group. one mo- She's cut off by a needle like feeling in the back of her mind. She quickly turns to gaze around, but sadly sees nothing. A bad feeling begins to nag her. With a frown she ignores it and lays back again.


As Mokou heard about Yuuka being here, she nearly jumped right to her feet, gaining a strange gaze from everyone. She laughed and smiled weakly, as if she was saying sorry.
Ranna. Yuuka's here.
Ranna's eyes widen in shock. then she became serious. "Youmu" She said as she faced the half ghost girl. Her eyes shone in the pale light of the moon. "It's time to head up."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 05, 2011, 04:11:19 AM
Alyssa waited worriedly next to Mokou. She could not stop staring at the shrine, looking around for everyone. It was a sense of duty that she wanted everyone to be safe, an instinct of sorts, especially Alice. After all, it was as if they shared a body. If anything happened to Alice, Alyssa would not know what to do. In fact, she would probably be dead if that happened.

[Alice, please be careful! You're the one in the position of greatest danger with your doll strings giving the largest range of attack for the enemy, always make sure they don't go astray!]

[Alright.] The doll master replied, her dolls scouting the area dutifully. She made sure that she covered every inch of the shrine that she could, and while doing so made sure that she knew everyone's locations. As the one being able to cover the largest and most varied areas, she took it upon herself to make sure everyone was alright. Everything down to the slightest detail was being watched. Still, the inability to use a mass of dolls made it quite difficult for Alice to scout every area. She had to make do with the few dolls she had and exploit them well. She had covered all ground, all except the roof. Where Yuuka Kazami lay in wait.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 05, 2011, 07:43:47 AM
(OOC: I'm very sorry for not being able to post earlier.)

"Okay, I'm heading outside the shrine grounds. Come along now," Mystia walked towards the entrance of the shrine area. There was no one to the side of the torii, so from there she took flight.

Not long after, she spotted Yuka Kazami in plain sight standing above the shrine itself.

The panic that Mystia felt was so great she abandoned flight entirely, wildly flapping on her way down. This was the fear youkai fed on. Her senses were heightened, urging her to flee. Her body told her that there were more predators hiding and lurking about. Where?

 " the forest," Mystia's eyes began to widen in realization. The forest surrounded the shrine completely. They already knew. If they were all waiting there, then...

They had been played into this.

"Vante, if you haven't realized already, we have just walked into a trap. We're surrounded. One slip up, and we're as good as dead!"

"...yes, this is a trap. They have just forced us into their terms of playing. Now that I think about it, it's going to be really hard to get out of this. Stay where you are- no, scratch that, fly as high as you can. I hope that brilliant plan you had works at high altitude, too.

Remembering the previous experience, Mystia retorted. "You're going to use me as bait?"

"Two things can happen, if I listened correctly. Either they get attracted to you, or to Gale and Rin. Now, think. Maybe you can start the plan if the enemy comes either way. Maybe it'll attract both parties. If that happens, who gets the jump?"

"It won't change anything, genius!"

"Bzzt! Wrong. It will put both groups on equal ground. Since we have just walked into their trap, they have the advantage, but if we strike first, we get the advantage of first strike. Those two will cancel out."

"Why are you so out of your mind? Your just relying on 'if.' If it doesn't work-"

"The first can still work. Just do it. I'll tell the others."

"You are insane, you know that?"

"Yeah, we'll see." Vante stopped mentally talking and went to find Aesera and Ranna to inform them of the situation. We're playing into each other's traps.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 10:20:28 AM
In any normal day, a sudden rush of people would have been fine. In fact, he was sort of used to such things. But this felt different...

Like it was the calm before a raging storm.

He wandered to the side a little; trying to get a grasp on a situation he knew nothing about. Amidst the people, he was sure some just didn't belong... but he couldn't put his finger on it. Yet... He couldn't shake the feeling that they weren't just here for sightseeing.

Maybe she was right... Perhaps THIS was what she was warning him about.

He moved back to the donation back; waving at a couple of people who bowed towards him. It seemed like everyone was going about their usual business at least; disregarding anything else that was happening. That was when he noticed one of the maidens gesture towards him.

Well, let's see what problems they bring; shall we?

The two who had spoken to the maiden approached him; the time seemed to take longer then it should have. One of them approached him the second they were close enough; almost any normal manners had gone by that point. He was about to bow towards her, but no sooner had her words came out, he knew he didn't need to.


He remained silent for a few seconds; letting the words sink in. He glanced at her partner, then back to the girl who had spoken.

"...I don't know how you know... But I'll guess this is about 'them,' isn't it?" He whispered.

He didn't need to wait for the reply; if they were indeed here to warn him about those that were after him, the least he could do was move to the back of the shrine.

Slowly of course; no need to cause suspicion to the maidens.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 05, 2011, 10:40:39 AM
"Master... Just a little longer..."

"My patience grows thin, Slave. If you fail in your task, you will know no solace."

"Y-Yes, Master. I know what must be done."

"Send Sariel after them. I do not care about the petty deadlines you have set."

"B-But master! The oth-"

"You already have five of them in the area. Don't tell me they can't handle those pitiful mortals."

"They have partners, master!"

"Partners...? Why was I not informed of this earlier?!"

The dark, clawed hand slammed down on the black throne, rocking the entire hall.

"M-Master, we need Kotohime, Meira and K-"

"Then get it done."

With a wave of his hand, the man bowing before his vanishes into a gust of wind, swiftly exiting the room.

Within the forests around the shrine, rustling sounds emerge, and only those with keen senses could hear it. Meira has arrived. Beside Kasen, they hide behind trees and block their aura from being detected. Soon, just two more...

But the impatient Angel Of Death cannot wait - It is not night yet! But still... She must strike! The hour is at hand, she knows the others have sensed Kasen and her presence. Yuuka stands only as a distraction; one claiming to be from Yukari. This is the perfect chance... The utmost time to strike...

Alice loses control of every scouting doll, unable to regain control. Something is interfering...

Sariel rips the skies with a swift movement of her hand, bursting into the outside world from behind Mokou, Nanaya and Nazrin. With a swift push of her wings, she flings herself towards the head monk. Kanako flinches, and spins around just in time; Punching Sariel in the abdomen, sending her flying to a wall. Mystia immediately heads for Sariel.

The people begin screaming. Running, total chaos. Panic engulfs the mikos, and they too, begin running for their lives. Sariel pulls off a part of an onoshibura from her chest, releasing what seems to be a low growl from her throat, before flying right back to Kanako, one hand clenched tight, the other holding a small card.

"Aesera! Move!" Kanako shoves her to the ground, bringing an uppercut to Sariel's chin. But she uses this opening in Kanako's side to do something else.

"Spell Card! Death's Embrace!" Waves of sprawling dark bullets fire from her hands, hitting Kanako in the stomach and sending her crashing behind Kenshou. Aesera is quick to run to her side, from her arm emerging that long, red double-tipped lance. She prepares for the throw, but if stopped by Kanako's hand.

"They're playing by the spell card rules. And if so, we must comply." Aesera lowers her lance in confusion, before seeing a flying Orin.

"You think little traps would work?!" Meira bursts from the woods, throwing Gale towards Orin. They collide in mid-air before landing ontop of each other.

Kasen immediately runs towards Youmu, who swings out her two blades. "Spell Card!" The two of them shout in union.

Orin pulls herself off Gale, as Meira stands before them, pulling out a spell card. "Spell Card! Spirit Finale!"

Meira charges forward, a vortex of red danmaku trailing before her, and twin yellow beams firing towards Orin. Orin swiftly dodges and maneuvers through the danmaku barrage, giving Meira a nice punch to the cheek, before kicking her to propel herself in the air. "Spell Card! Corpse Spirit, Vengeful Cannibal Spirit!" The two engage.

Newan is seen running out of the shrine, colliding into Vante. Kotohime jumps from the roof, spinning her tentacle-blade, before unleashing a black wave from it, hitting Newan and Vante off their feet. She returns to a battle stance, her black blade gleeming in the grey light.

Meanwhile above all the madness, Yuuka stands silently on the roof of the shrine, waving her finger in a circle... Grey light expands from it, quickly covering the entire surroundings, every normal human has stopped. The sound of the wind halted. Closed Space. She then vanishes.

---Time Speeds Up in Closed Space. Current Time : 10:21pm

Current VS:

Youmu vs Kasen
Sariel vs Kanako, Aesera and Mystia
Meira vs Orin and Gale
Kotohime vs Newan and Vante(Not using spell card rules)
Ranna, Mokou, Nanaya, Nazrin, Alyssa and Alice are currently not engaging.

Hitomi Kenshou is in danger of dying by: Danmaku or Physical.
                                                        dying from: Sariel The Angel Of Death.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 05, 2011, 11:54:46 AM
(Remember to read the page before this for Kanjou's post~! <3 Also, I think he'll be posting only once/twice/trice a day, unlike the rest of us. So this gon' be slowww~)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 05, 2011, 12:35:50 PM
(OOC: I'm sick and exhausted, so I won't be posting often. I just thought I might want to say it now, although I'd rather be writing some wisecrack lines for Mystia.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 05, 2011, 03:01:35 PM
[Nazrin. Are you still with Nanaya?] Newan asked as the sword formed on the back of his hand.

[Yeah, I'll be there in a-]

[No. Stay there. Don't abandon Nanaya unless absolutely necessary. Got it?]


With that out of the way, Newan focused on Kotohime. Vante's the better fighter. so he should be the main frontal assault. I'd be better as a distraction. He conveyed this with a simple "I'll distract her," before running forward at Kotohime. However, before he was within what he believed to be her sword's range, he weaved around behind her to deliver a horizontal slash.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 05, 2011, 03:09:41 PM
Fine, I'll play by the rules. For now, at least. "Kenshou, let's move."

Aesera took Kenshou by the arm and led him down to where the others were. Getting him to the group. Just as the enemy no doubt expects. I just hope I'm right about what'll happen next.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 05, 2011, 03:11:33 PM
"W-what the?" Alice muttered under her breath. Shanghai, who had been sitting next to Alice all this time, quickly unsheathed her knife and sliced off all the strings. Alice sighed in relief. As far as her senses went, there was no darkness spreading to her. Perhaps there might not have been a threat in the first place, but Alice did not want to take chances. Wait, what was that other energy she was sensing? Hostile forces? She had to go and protect Kenshou fast.

[["Everyone, I've lost control of my dolls! I don't know what's happened, but I want you all to be careful! Kanako, you're with Kenshou, right? I'll be going over to you and Aesera. The rest of you, keep alert for any surprises the enemy might have in store!"]] Alice notified all the youkai as she jumped off from her hiding place, Shanghai and Hourai following her as she went to find and protect Kenshou.

[Alyssa, be careful.] Alice muttered over their telepathic connection.

[Understood] Alyssa quickly replied, tense but ready for anything.

OOC: I can talk to all the youkai at once right? If so, [[ = Youkai, [ = Alyssa. If not, just ignore my youkai communication of the post. It works without it.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 05, 2011, 04:40:40 PM
Well, I'm not even sure why the Meira girl thought two-versus-one was a good idea, but I suppose I'll join in.

Now, how do I get this whip thing out?  Let's see.

He focused his energy, visualizing the whip, and then he felt a sudden warmness in his right hand.  It was the light whip (obviously).

He had very little time to think of an actual strategy, as Orin was busy engaging Meira with a whole lot of bullets.  So, he decided on simply charging at the warrior from the side.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 05:52:51 PM
In the blink of an eye... everything changed.

He didn't have time to register the sudden charge. The appearance of something he hadn't seen before; something threatening at that. The shrine had been plunged into absolute chaos; funny at that, since that was the name of what was chasing him in the first place.

He didn't have time to move as one person flew right past him. He had seen this sort of thing before... but he wasn't used to it yet. Despite his ability, he was only human; he could still die to this.

It was at that very moment he felt his arm being pulled by the girl who spoke to him first. He picked up his pace quickly; running with her as he knew every second mattered in this situation. He wasn't sure what to keep his eyes on most; the figure that had stormed the shrine, or the rest of the people around him.

"This is... happening too fast."

There had to be something he could do... In fact, he could indeed do something... but he needed time. And he certainly didn't have that right now.

"...Mima." He muttered. "Where are you?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 05, 2011, 06:31:24 PM
Mokou jolted up by the sounds of ripping and wings flapping. She leapt up only to nearly be ran into by Sariel who flew forward at a dangerous speed. Mokou barely dodged her dive, the gust of wind that followed knocked her backwards and she fell onto the ground. She rubbed her head for a moment and got back up. "Ey! Watch where yer goin ya angel bitch!" Mokou shouted to no avail. Sairel had already vanished up the stairs and to the back of the shrine where her target was.
Mokou frowned, still not seeming to be aware of the danger at the moment. She turned to the group. Seeing they were all safe she sighed in relief.
"So someone mind tellin' me what in 'ell is goin' on?" She said.

As Ranna and Youmu made their way up the stairs,  something flew past them, bringing with it a strong gust of wind. The gust nearly knocked the unprepared Ranna over. As she regained her balance she looked in the direct it had went, but seen nothing. "What the..." She didn't get time to finish speaking. Before she could realize, Youmu had pushed past her, swords in hand. Youmu deflected the first attack, then as if in unity, the two shouted.
Ranna was surprised at how fast their attack had commenced. She glanced back at the group. Seeing they were safe she calmed down slightly. Then she heard another sound and she spun around to see Newan and Vante were being attacked.

Mokou, seeing Kasen and Kotohime attack glared at them and readied to rush up the stairs and join the battle. Then she felt eyes looking at her. She looked over at Ranna.
She was staring at her, as if saying don't move, you need to protect them.
Mokou looked at the group. The only ones able to fight being herself and Nazrin. Reluctantly, she nodded.
With Mokou's reply Ranna dashed up the stairs towards the battle grounds, being careful to not get caught off guard.

Mokou glanced from side to side, making sure nothing was coming from the forest.
"Nazirn, think there's anything you can do?" Mokous expression was sharp. She glanced at the group. Damn it...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 05, 2011, 09:37:40 PM
Nazrin shook her head in response. "As much as I want to join the fight itself, Newan told me to stay with Nanaya at all costs. Not that I feel compelled to obey his every order, but if he trusts me with Nanaya's safety, I won't betray his trust. If they decide to attack us I'll fight back, but for now I need to focus on keeping Nanaya safe. I may have some spellcards that could hit from here, but I'm worried about hitting others in our group. "
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 06, 2011, 12:26:29 AM
Alice was vulnerable. Alone with no control over her other dolls besides Shanghai and Hourai now. Or course, she would'nt know until she tried to use the dolls... Alice ran, as fast as she could, into the shrine, past Youmu and Kasen, who payed her no heed, past Vante, Newan and Kotohime, who gave her a passing glace. Past Orin, Gale and Meira, too busy fighting to notice her. And then, in the sight range of Kenshou...

Alice was sent flying, her head crashed on the wall, emitting a disgusting cracking sound. Yes, her skull cracked, but Alice was a youkai. She could still fight. She would heal. Getting off from the rubble, Alice stood straight up, facing the newly arrived adversary. It was a ghost, more like a poltergeist. Kana.

"K-Kana! B-But Why?"

"Silence. Do not speak to me when you are about to die."

"W-Why...? W-We were friends..."

"Oh, you will have lots of friends... When Chaos brings you to  your end." Kana's eyes turned completely black, as in staring into empty sockets in the dark, she lunged forward, pulling out a spellcard.

"Spell Card! Phantom Wave!"

A thick, pulsating wave of Danmaku, colored blue and black, rippled around Alice, while from Kana, curvy beams fired towards Alice, while letting lose danmaku at their sides.

Newan had pulled his weapon out. That blade of pure energy sitting on a crystal attached to a blue glove, which appeared in an instant. Swinging it directly at Kotohime was a bad idea. The tentacles grabbed the energy, began compressing it, crushing it... But with Newan's concentration, the energy flared up again, burning the Tentacles through. Kotohime jumped back, whirring her sword around, before slamming it into the ground. The crack glowed a grim, grey light, before tentacles burst out around Vante and Newan, attempting to grab hold of them

Vante was by now in his defensive form. With those bones and brown crystals surrounding his body, the tentacles did no harm, and with a swing of his scythe, they were cut. Vante ran towards Newan, severing the tentacles that held him. Vante pulled Newan up, and they both nodded together. They were men, and they knew what to do.

Vante threw his scythe, clashing with Kotohime's tentacle-blade. It spun and spun, causing Kotohime to move along with the direction, if not, get cut. Newan took this opening to his advantage, running in and stabbing Kotohime's arm with a swift push... But to no avail. She was gone, now above the two, bringing her glowing, black tentacle-covered sword down on their opening.


Gale summoned up his light whip, only to have it being banished by a flying Orin, that once again, hits him directly. Meira laughs, cracking her knuckles as Orin got up from Gale.

"Do not use that whip of yours. If she's playing by the spell card rules, we'll have to too." Gale stared in Orin in confusion. Spell card rules...?

Orin pulled out another spell card as Meira did too. "Spell Card!" they shouted in union. "Apology "The Needles of Yore and the Vengeful Spirits in Pain"" Orin flew up into the sky, a thousand, sharp danmaku began flying out of her body.

"Samurai's Honor!" Meira dashed above Gale, towards Orin,  star shaped danmaku engaging.


Kenshou and Aesera ran up and up the shrine, trying to get away from the rampaging Sariel bellow. Kenshou had mumbled about Mima... But she hasn't come, and Kanako was losing the battle...

A loud bang is heard, almost like a gun shot, but to those who were from Gensokyo, all would know what it was. Kanako had been hit by a danmaku bullet. Straight in the chest. She fell to her knees, panting and sweating, very unlike a god.

"Is that all you've got? You're a God. a GOD. I'm just an Angel. Oh wait, The Angel of Death." Sariel lifted Kanako's chin up to see Kanako's angry, exhausted face. With blood trickling down her forehead, Kanako did something unexpected. It looked much like a move from Oblivion. She shouted. It wasn't a normal shout, she had released a stored-up ball of concentrated wind. MUch like a Dragonshout.

It sent Sariel flying back, gripping her ears in pain before she slammed into an onoshibura. Kanako stood up, clapping her hands together as a wooden, pretzel-like object appeared on her back, along with four onoshiburas.

Sariel stood up, cracking her knuckles and flexing her wings. The two declared their spell cards.

Current VS:
Sariel(80%) vs Kanako(30%)
Meira(90%) vs Gale and Orin(90%)
Kotohime(80%) vs Newan and Vante(100%)
Kana(100%) vs Alice(90%)
Kasen(74%) vs Youmu(60%)
(I'll give you guys permission to bunny the Daughters Of Chaos so that you guys can fight it out in your own posts instead of waiting for me. And don't make it one-sided. Also, don't defeat them. Kanjou, you can post by going something like "MIMA. MIMA. MIMA.")
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 06, 2011, 12:35:54 AM
((-can't do anything but wait patiently-))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 06, 2011, 01:11:11 AM
Mima. That spirit lady Kanako mentioned. The one almost nobody ever sees. "Call to her," Aesera said. "If you're like the rest of us, then you should be able to speak with her telepathically."

Aesera led Kenshou to the now small group. "This is Kenshou," she said. "Kenshou, I'll introduce everyone later. Right now, we have work to do. Mokou, go help Kanako against Sariel. Nazrin, you go, too."

The mouse, of course, refused. "Go," Aesera said. [Kanako, tell Nazrin I have a plan.]

Kanako relayed the message as Aesera continued speaking. "Nanaya, we're Kenshou's guard.Stay ready; the enemy could come for us at any time." And they will when it's just humans here. Someone'll attack. They'll think we've fallen into their trap, but they were never the ones setting the trap, now, were they? If I'm right, they'll be in for a nasty surprise.


OOC: I've never played the PC-98 games, so I have no knowledge of Sariel's spellcards. Because of that, I'm not going to post about Kanako's battle with her. Sonae, assuming you have Mokou do as Aesera says, you can do that fight (if not, I'll just leave it to YJ).
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 06, 2011, 01:12:49 AM
OOC: I've never played the PC-98 games, so I have no knowledge of Sariel's spellcards. Because of that, I'm not going to post about Kanako's battle with her. Sonae, assuming you have Mokou do as Aesera says, you can do that fight (if not, I'll just leave it to YJ).

Go make the fight scene. Make up random cards. Nobody from PC-98 has spell cards anyway. I made them all up.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 06, 2011, 01:24:45 AM
Newan brought up his own sword to parry Kotohime's attack, but wasn't able to block more than the brunt of the attack and received a nick to the left shoulder. He winced in pain as he brought his sword down, only to have it parried by Kotohime. They were in a lock, when Nazrin relayed Aesera's message to him. [...Works for me] he thought back, pushing Kotohime back with his blade. He nodded to Vante. "You're the better fighter. I'll leave her to you." He then headed off to join Nanaya and Aesera. "I knew someone would be able to come up with a decent plan around here."

Nazrin sighed. Well, it beats waiting around... She flew over to help Kanako. Eventually, she saw caught up to the God and the Angel. I'm way out of my league here... well, whatever. "Always wanted to know what happens when you combine Spellcards. Search Sign: Gold Detector!" She held out the appropriate card, making sure not to hit Kanako in the proceeding rain of gold.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 06, 2011, 02:01:04 AM
As Mokou heard Aesera order her to help Kanako, a wide grin slid across her face. "Right on it!" She said as she darted up the stairs. She ran up them with leaps and bounds in an attempt to get to Kanako faster. As she reached the top of the stairs, she could see Sariel standing infront of a wounded Kanako.
[Kanako! Get outta the way!] She shouted through the telepathic channel. Her body outlined by a glowing crimson light.
Without a moment to spare Mokou pulled out a spellcard and shouted.
"Spellcard! Forgiveness! Honest Man's Death!"
With that streams of bullets shot out from her body, one flying straight at Sariel. In response, Sariel flapped her wings, preparing to take off above the bullet swarm and follow with a dive to tackle the girl. Mokou grinned.
Before Sariel could put her plan to action, Mokou had aimed a laser straight at the girl. As it's pinpointing light crawled but her body, it began to shine brighter. As it reached her stomach it lit up with an intense bright blue. The laser hit its target, square in the stomach, knocking the corrupt angel out of the sky like a bird that was shot midflight.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 06, 2011, 02:42:12 AM
Nanaya was silent the entire time. Something was bothering her, something that she knew was coming. Something that would happen, she knew what it was, and she would have to be the one that solves it. Such heavy responsibilities lie on one who never chose to be an embodiment. It was something horrible, something that could change their plans all together.

Sariel laid on the floor, panting and gasping for breath. She begin to stand, only to be rained down by bullets from Nazrin. A weak spell, but still dangerous to a weakened and defenseless Angel. Sariel colapsed to her knees, her body trembling furiously. The now motivated trio begin declaring spell cards, raining bullets down on Sariel. Many explosions and cracks were heard, before smoke covered Sariel. The assault stopped.

There lay a broken Sariel, mentally and physically. "Kill... Kill... Kill..." She constantly mumbled. The black in her eyes began to fade, her wings trembled, her body twitched erratically. Finally, she stood up, mustering all of the power inside of her.

"If I'll fall... All of you will come with me..." Sariel spat on the ground, what seemed to be black blood. Acidic too, as it burnt the floor. The multiple horrendous burnt, bleeding wounds on her body did not stop her. Nothing would.

"Spell Card..." Kanako flinched, she sensed an energy like never before... Energy from Reimu. Immediately, she began forming Danmaku. Mokou did too, Nazrin faltered, but raised her rods in preparation.

"Mimicry..." The trio rained blue, red and grey bullets down on Sariel as she struggled to raise her arm. She clicked her tongue, and another spell card appeared in her hands.

"Spell Card. Mimicry." The bullets connect, hitting Sariel's front, back and top, burning her, but she doesn't relent.

"Abyss Nova! Fantasy Heaven!" Immediately, the bullets from the trio in the sky were repelled, rendered useless. Sariel jumped up, her body glowing gold, brighter as each second past. Seven balls of pure darkness, surrounded by cracks, emerged around her, spinning.

"Move! Move! Move!" Kanako turned and fled, flying as fast as she could. Mokou's phoenix wings emerged from her back as she too flew with Kanako. Nazrin scampered away too. But they were too slow! Sariel was fast, suddenly. Really fast. In a swift movement of her wings, Sariel appeared before them once more, her body now shining brightly.

Orin's ears twitched she sensed power much like... Utsuho! She turned to Gale, and shook him. "Okkus' here! She's here! She's-"

A sudden burst of yellow light from the center of the shrine rippled out in all directions, pulsing with energy and pure nuclear power, Kanako, Mokou and Nazrin slammed into the walls, extremely hurt. But this was not the end. Mystia flew in, firing her Danmaku as the black orbs flared up. Kanako raised her hand to Mystia, her mouth making out something like... "Save yourself..."

A burst of black and purple light engulfed the area, completely desolating the shrine. It's middle portion now ripped apart, along with it, Mystia, Kanako, Mokou and Nazrin. After the light faded away, all that stood was a mortally wounded Sariel. The four were not dead... yet... And Sariel had no energy left to dispose of them.

Beside Sariel stood another woman. A newcomer. Yumeko.

Now VS:
Yumeko(100%) Vs None
Sariel(3%) Vs None
Meira(90%) vs Gale and Orin(90%)
Kotohime(80%) vs Vante(100%) - No Spell Card Rules
Kana(100%) vs Alice(90%)
Kasen(74%) vs Youmu(60%)

Now Exposed: Aesera, Kenshou, Nanaya, Newan
Out Of Combat: Alyssa, Rhiseza
Unable To Fight: Kanako, Mystia, Mokou, Nazrin
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 06, 2011, 03:36:00 AM
"I'm not gonna let this happen..." Alice threw out a few dolls into the air, sustaining them wi-

And the dolls fell to the ground, much like dolls were supposed to.

"W-what the?!" The danmaku came fast. She had to act fast. Shanghai and Hourai were still around, floating protectively around her. There was one thing she could do, with these last two dolls she had surrounding her. She had to create an opening for some sort of escape, but if she just jumped she would merely fall into another trap.

"Hah! Welcome to your grave!" The beams started converging at Alice, and the waves started closing in and taking effect as a wall, a wall that was starting to lock Alice in. "You can't get away!"

"Shanghai... Don't fail me now!" Alice jumped and flied high in the air. Stray beams attempted to crash into Alice, but it only made her flight slightly rocky due to the danmaku that was constantly shooting out of it, which did little damage.  She pulled out a spellcard and stared straight at her adversary, her old friend. "CURSE SIGN! "SHANGHAI DOLL"!" She yelled and, with a flourish, pushed one hand forward, shooting out a purple beam that rippled with energy. The beams that came from Kana could not stand the force of this attack, immediately fading away. "I'm sorry but I don't plan on dying today!" The beam grew stronger as did Alice's resolve.

"What's this!?" Kana's reflexes did not keep up with the beam flying towards her. After all, for a while it still did look as if those beams were hers. She jumped away but Alice predicted it, at least to the best of her ability. The beam blasted into Kana's upper half of the body, her face and torso. This halted her spellcard, and dealt a considerably amount of damage to her. However, the life of Alice's spellcard was equally short-lived, and it died down, Kana falling to the ground.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 06, 2011, 03:43:24 AM
So they did have a few tricks ready. "Newan," Aesera said, "get in there and keep the new girl busy. I've got a plan, but I need you to buy me some time. Kenshou, Nanaya, with me. And Kenshou, keep calling for Mima."

Aesera pulled Nanaya and Kenshou back. "Kenshou, this may not make a lot of sense, but don't ask questions. I'll explain later. Nanaya, I need a signal. I'm pretty sure my other self is ready for this, but I can't contact him without taking myself out of the picture for a bit, so I need something that'll get his attention and tell him 'now'."

"I have his mind," Aesera explained. "Presumably, then, he and I think alike. And when I look at the current situation, I see a perfect opportunity for a trap. The enemy's taken the bait, so now it's time to spring the trap. What I don't know is if it's us or our other selves who have the next move. If we signal them and something happens, we'll know it's them, and if nothing happens, we'll know it's us. And which it is determines our next move. So give me a way to signal them, and now."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 06, 2011, 04:11:59 AM
Newan winced as Nazrin hit the ground. [Nazrin? Nazrin?! NAAAAZRIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!] But there was no response. He then heard Aesera's plan of action, and a grin appeared upon his face. "I was hoping you'd say that." He ran forward to meet the newcomer. "I will be your opponent."

The maid made the first move, wordlessly firing off a volley of blades. Newan was caught surprised, and as he rolled out of the way one of them hit his cheek, creating a long mark. I guess the danmaku training at the temple paid off... He used the momentum from his roll to move towards the maid, and jumped up with an uppercut slash. The maid parried it with one of her own blade, but not before receiving the tip of the blade to her stomach. Newan followed up with a sideways slice, which just barely nicked the maid as she parried again, this time kicking him away and charging jumping up, firing off more swords. This time, Newan was better prepared, and managed to dodge completely sideways without getting hit, but this put more distance between the two of them. Dammit, this isn't getting me anywhere... I know I'm just trying to keep her busy, but we just keep exchanging small hits here and there.

...Hold on. Earlier, when that one girl was corrupting the blade, I was able to focus my energy to undo the process. I wonder... He looked down at the blade, and focused on it, trying to pile some more of his energy into it.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 06, 2011, 07:39:28 AM
Mystia, seeing the chaos and impending danger to Kanako, swooped down and began her attack earlier than she had wanted. Her danmaku ("It still works.") did nothing to impede the Angel.

As the later explosion hit her, a thought passed her mind. Maybe she should have just stayed up in the air?

"She should have stayed up,," Vante murmured, referring to Mystia. She was currently out of commission, so his plan of having her sneak on Sariel from above was gone.

The scythe he throw was currently unsummoned, and Vante drew his two baston, which were now wrapped in a thin, colorless aura. He was in a neutral stance.

"Well, shall we give each other the respects?" he said to Kotohime. Two things: one, it just didn't feel right to fight like this without the proper start. Two, he was going to merely counter the attacks he was given. Offense, as demonstrated by Newan, didn't seem so to fare so well.

Kotohime stood with great seriousness engraved in her face. "Even in this chaos, you still choose to do so?"

"I chose to have the time. Why not?" Vante shifted his left foot away from the right foot. He did a quick, full bow, and Kotohime begrudgingly reciprocated.

Vante's opponent went into her offensive stance, but Vante merely held his weapons in a neutral hold. "Well, should I attack first?"

The girl came down on him first with a stab. Stepping sideways and back, Vante held his right stick laterally and swung at her with the left. His breathing heightened.

Kotohime skipped backwards and retaliated with a diagonal swing aiming for her opponent's head, which was blocked again.  With both sticks, Vante struck her this time on the neck in succession, but there was no apparent damage except for a flinch and some considerable imbalance in Kotohime's stand.

She recovered quickly and rushed forward, blade held vertically and level with her body. Vante pushed against it with his sticks, but was only able to stop her advance. He stumbled a backwards, still holding up his weapons against Kotohime's blade.

(OOC: Did I bunny too much?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 06, 2011, 07:42:46 AM
(OOC: Did I bunny too much?)

No. I would like people to bunny as much as you do. A little more would be better too. This allows longer posts.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 06, 2011, 08:30:48 AM
"You fight well, for a mortal." Kotohime mumbles, pushing her body's weight against the blades. "Maybe in a few centuries, you'll be able to fight me." Kotohime releases the grip on her sword, jumping back as the blade begins spinning, emitting black light, which in turn, turns the tentacles into worm-like creatures with mouths. Vante immediately jumps back, almost being bitten by them. Kotohime walks forward slowly, grabbing the still-floating sword and turning it back to normal.

Vante and Kotohime exchange blows, with a slash here. A lunge here. A stab here. a defensive maneuver here. It was just endless, weapon-to-weapon combat, neither one of them faltered, neither one of them relented.

Kotohime was getting sick of this. It was boring, and she was growing restless. Finally, she stabbed her sword into the ground, before getting into what seemed to be a martial arts stance.

Vante too, like the gentleman he is, puts down his two bastons. Assuming a more taekwondo-like stance.

Kotohime had a smirk on her face, this would be an easy fight. Easy to throw in blows, but not easy to do harm. Vante's armor covered his whole body, and never did it hamper with movement or agility. The two converged on each other, raining blows down. This sequence of events took place for quite some time, before Kotohime began to feel tired. She had to end it, here and now.

She went in with a feint. A totally obvious move. So obvious that Vante would'nt even suspect it to be a feint. She threw herself and her fist directly at Vante's chest, leaving a wide opening. Vante fell for the bait, moving his arm towards her side and another towards her chin. Kotohime reacted just in time, jumping up and spinning, she managed to kick the sword off the ground, dislodging it. Kotohime brought the sword down in a curvy motion...

It connected. With a loud shattering sound, the blade pierced Vante's armor, reaching into his back, threatening to break his spine. But no, Vante couldn't die. Not now, so he did the only thing possible. Bring her down with him. Vante swiftly moved his hand up, right behind Kotohime, before his trusty scythe emerged from thin air, cutting through bone and flesh of the youkai.

Kotohime fell to the ground, the scythe still lodged in her back. Vante fell face-first to the ground, exhausted, in pain, the sword still in his back too. But he wasn't dead.


Kana lay on the floor, silently smiling. Alice walked over, looking at her childhood friend, now lying in despair. Then, laughter. Laughter from Kana.

"Oh Alice, young mistress Alice..." She flinched and jumped back, moving Shanghai and Hourai to her side once more. Kana was slowing beginning to stand.

"You still remember, that I'm a ghost. Right?" Kana disappeared into oblivion, a thousand echoing voices booming around Alice. The sound was so loud and horrendous that Alice fell to her knees, covering her ears. Alice's eyes snapped open, and looked around. The surroundings seemed to be blurry, wavy, as if this was all an illusion...

The sound stopped, and Alice regained her footing. But fear had replaced her noble heart. All around her, stood all of her old childhood friends. Everyone from Makai. Even her very own mother. They looked at her in anger, resentment. They were holding daggers of sorts, all made from rock.

"You left us..." They said in union. "Left us all..." Alice trembled, she was afraid, so dearly so.

She remembered her past. She left everything behind. Even her caring mother.


Nanaya was silent at Aesera's demand. Contacting the others? Impossible. She had exhausted all of Katelin's energy for... other things. She turned to Aesera, her eyes pleadingly wanting her to just get everyone and run. Nanaya was crying. Why?

"There's no way. No way I can get them. No one can... Not anymore... Maybe next time, but... Not now..." Nanaya sniffles, wiping her eyes. This had happened before. Four hundred years ago. This had happened before, but back then, the "heroes" could call upon their otherselves. Not anymore.

"W-We should go... We should all go... I don't think we can win this..." Nanaya had an unsteady voice, very much unlike her old self. She was surposed to be arrogant, headstrong, always full of pride. But something had reduced her to what she never wanted anyone else to see. Her true self. A fearful little girl, hiding from the world.

Aesera grabbed Nanaya's shoulders, and shook her hard. "And lose everything we've fought for?!" She pointed to the fallen, and those still fighting for their lives.

"Look! We won't be able to leave! We may be losing, but if we wo-"

"No... I'm not more important then all of you. If one of you die, we all die." That statement shocked her. Aesera has always thought that Nanaya was much higher above everyone else...


Crash. Kenshou fell to the floor, grabbing his leg. The still injured Sariel had shot a danmaku bullet. It trailed off course, but it still was able to reach it's target. and do damage. Sariel grinned to herself, before she totally went black. Kenshou was immobilized, his leg was fractured. Aesera rushed over, helping him up. There seemed to be no other threat... Everyone else was occupied...


Yumeko was getting angry. Angry that Newan wasn't up to her standards at all. Fed up, she threw down everything she was holding, before punching Newan in the face, with full strength, sending him flying and hitting a wall. Newan is mortal. He wasn't like those from Gensokyo. he could die. Easily. Newan was on the ground, sitting, leaning on the now-broken wall, panting and bleeding. Yumeko walked closer to him.

"You've not entertained me enough."

Newan spits blood, coughing and clutching his arm in pain. The energy blade flickered, before winking out of existence. Without his will, the blade would not come back.

"Oh? No weapons now?"

Yumeko picked Newan up by the collar, and began punching him rapidly in the stomach, chest and face, before throwing him back down to the ground. Bones were broken. Muscles were torn. His spirit was shattered. He had no will to fight anymore. Among everyone else, he was the most cowardly. The weakest.

Yumeko laughed, kicking dirt on his face and spitting on him. "Is that all you've got? Really? Oh wait. I bet, if I killed one of your friends in front of you, you would get angry. Just like all those TV Shows!"

Newan turned his head instintively to Nanaya, only to see that she was slowly breaking down, crying, unable to help. Yumeko noticed this.

"Oh? You want her to die? Sure!" In a flash, Nanaya was thrown from where Kanjou and Aesera was, by some unseen force directed by Yumeko calling her over. Nanaya fell face-first to the floor, coughing and crying. Yumeko pulled her up, her shirt almost getting torn apart.

"So... How would I want to torture you first...? Oh! I know!" Yumeko's fingers grew sharp, not the nails, but the fingers themselves, as if they became miniature drills. Yumeko scraped her middle finger around Nanaya's face, making it bleed, before she pulled her hand back, slowly approaching to rip her eyes out. Nanaya stared at Yumeko's sadistic face, choking and crying to herself. She had no powers at all. Nothing. Just like an innocent civilian.

And Newan was right beside them.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 06, 2011, 10:42:59 AM
(OOC: YJ, status update, please.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 06, 2011, 11:39:46 AM
Current VS:
Sariel(0%) - FATALITY - Kanako(2%), Mystia(2%), Nazrin(2), Mokou(10% and counting)
Yumeko(89%) - VICTORY - Nanaya(100%, Inability to fight), Newan(10%)
Kotohime(1%) -TIE- Vante(30%, May be able to fight)
Meira(90%) vs Gale and Orin(90%)
Kana(80%) vs Alice(70%)
Kasen(63%) vs Youmu(57%)

Now Exposed: Kenshou(70%), Aesera
Out Of Combat: Alyssa, Rhiseza
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 06, 2011, 01:25:29 PM
Ranna watched the many battles before her. Flesh being ripped open, bones being broken, blood being spit up. Her eyes were wide. She felt as if she was stuck. She couldn't intervene when these so called Spellcard Rules were in play. She watched as the 4 battling the Angel had been expelled. She watched as Vante and Kotohime stuck their weapons into each other's back. She watched as Newan was beaten to a pulp by Yumeko. The colors in her eyes seemed to dance with excitement. A purple and green aura began to swirl around her. Her eyes closed. She clenched her teeth, her body shook with helplessness. Then Yumeko changed targets.
Nanaya was dragged over to her, suspended in the air by Yumeko's strong grip.
There was no more time to think. Rage filled her, the colors swirling faster and faster. Her hand twitched into somewhat of a claw, then the swirling aura gathered.
They materialized into a bow, a much better one than the one she'd left at the shrine. It was much stronger, resilent, and powerful.
She opened her eyes. They were violet once more. She swiftly brought her bow up, aiming at Yumeko. The aura returned swirling and materializing in her other hand, forming an arrow.
She pulled it back, power beginning to swirl around the arrows, like moths drawn to a flame.
"Let go of her Bitch!" She shouted as the arrows flew at Yumeko.
They hit their target. One sunk into the clawed hand that was about to injure Nanaya. The next few dug into her arms, one in each.
Yumeko frowned. She dropped Nanaya and turned her attention to Ranna.
"What was that for..." She muttered, shaking the two arrows off her arms. Ranna watched in terror, eyes wide in horror. Yumeko grabbed hold of the arrow and pulled it out of her hand, blood leaking from her wounded hand. She threw the arrow to the ground and slowly began walking towards Ranna.
Ranna was frozen, her body shook violently with fear. Her attack didn't even phase the demonic maid. All she had done was serve as a decoy, a distraction, a delay to an inevitable doom. She couldn't move, enough though she wanted to run, her muscles wouldn't allow her.
The maid walked over to the girl, frowning all the while. Then she spoke, her voice rife with annoyance.
"You think your little toys can really damage me?" She asked in a cocky tone. As she got closer a smug grin slowly slipped onto her face. "Those things. To me, are equivalent to a fly bite." She said as she swung her fist at Ranna's chest.
They blow connected, knocking the air out of the girl. She fell to the ground, gasping for oxygen.
Yumeko smiled sadistically and laughed. "How pathetic you humans are!" She shouted. She stomped her foot down on Ranna's hand as hard as she could.
Ranna stuttered a raspy scream of pain. The pain shot through her arm, paralyzing it. She wouldn't let herself weep in pain as she called for help. She bit her tongue, holding herself back.
The maid laughed at the girl, being taken down by so little. She moved her foot back and forth, grinding her hand into the ground.
Ranna screamed in pain. She could feel her skin being torn open as it was forced against the rough concrete. She bit her lip hard, trying to dull her pain. She couldn't take much more of this...

Mokou was in the cracked wall gasping slightly as her broken rib cage slowly healed back into place. She opened her eyes to see the horror of the battle. Kanako, Nazzrin, and Mystia lay around her, unconscious and injured. Vante lay on the ground, a sword lodged into his back. Kotohime's body fallen with a scythe in her back. both of them bleeding profusely. Alice cowered in fear of a ghostly threat, her mind slowly being broken away. Meira and Orin battled vigorously with their danmaku as Gale was left knocked to the ground uninjured, but expelled from the fight. Kasen and Youmu's relentless blows clashed, their danmaku flurried down on each other. Newan was disabled from the battle, his bones broken and blood seeping out wherever it could. Yumeko held the powerless Nanaya up in the air, preparing to claw her eyes out. Nanya choking and crying as blood dripped down her cheek. Sariel had made a final move, injuring the man they were all trying to save. Ranna, Aesera, Alyssa, and Rhiseza were the only ones left uninjured. Mokou clenched her teeth tightly as she breathed in and out, her body slowly recovering. 20%
The sudden shouting got Mokou's attention. She slowly turned her head to see Ranna aiming right at Yumeko with her bow drawn and an arrow in hand. Mokou shifted slightly. 22%
"No....don't do it...." she mumbled in an attempt to stop the girl. But it was too late. The arrows took flight, landing on Yumeko, drawing her attention to the now frightened Ranna. The maid dropped Nanaya and made her way towards Ranna. 26%
Mokou's heart sped up. Her body shifting and twitching, trying to muster the strength to get up. Her body refused to comply. you dumbass....! 29%
Ranna was frozen, shaking in fear at the sight of the maid, who didn't even flinch when the arrows had dug into her flesh. The maid had finally gotten to the frightened girl and unleashed a blow to her chest, knocking her to the ground gasping for air. 35%
Mokou tried to force her muscles to work. Come on come on come on! Work dammit! I need to save her! She clenched her teeth. 38%
Slowly her body sloppily began to move slightly, digging her nails into the dust from the debris. 41%
The air around her seemed to waver slightly, as it does in a desert, or on a hot day. She slowly brought herself up to a seated position, gasping for air, pain stinging her lungs. 44%
Her body shook, as if attempting to stop Mokou from moving any more. She stopped for a moment, unable to push herself any further at the moment. 45%
Then she heard a weak scream of pain. She opened her eyes wide and gazed at Ranna.
She was on the ground, her body racked with pain. Yumeko stood before her, grinning with insanity. She stomped her foot onto Ranna's hand as hard as she could, nearly crushing. After a few seconds she continued with her torture, grinding her hand into the pavement. Ranna screamed in pain again, the flesh of her hand ripping open as it was forced into the rough pavement. Mokou watched, eyes wide. She clenched her teeth together as tight as she could. 49%
Come on! I need to stop her!...I need to...get... She forced her body onto her knees. She gasped for air, a trickle of blood coming from her mouth. 52%
Mokou raised her eyes, shooting the devil's maid an intense glare. A glare of someone who was willing to kill. 54%

The maid grinned with satisfaction. "Ah...Torturing humans is so much fun~" She said as she made a sword appear in midair. She grasped it with her right hand, pointing it at Ranna's weak body. "Now where should I cut you...~" She said, tracing an invisible line around her body as she looked for a place to sheath the sword. She looked at the girls legs. She put pressure on the sword, the tip of it cutting her flesh. She dragged it along the back of her leg, making a wide gash in it. 57%
Ranna screamed in pain as she felt the blade tear through her muscles. Her eyes wincing in extreme pain. Unable to hold back any longer, tears began to form in her eyes. 59%
Yumeko just smiled sadistically. She looked at the girls neck, then at her back. She grinned. "Yes...there would be most excellent..." She mumbled with a slightly psychotic laugh. She brought her blade up, hovering just above her target. Blood dripped from it's tip, the clean part of the blade glistened in the moonlight. "Farewell in the underworld, you pathetic little maggot" She said as she began to lower her sword, its tip piercing Ranna's back, drawing blood. 60%

At that moment, Mokou mustered all the strength in her body. She forced herself to her feet. An orange light began to swirl around her entire body as she stood to her feet. She gasped as she wobbled slightly. She clenched her teeth again. She glared at the maid, who had stopped, but didn't even bother to turn to look at her. A frown covered her face.
Mokou's crimson eyes were full of anger. Anger, and...
A killing intent.
"Get...get....." She muttered.
The maid turned as gazed at her with boredom. "Ah...what was that? I can't hear you I can't hear you~" She said dully, mocking her.
Mokou's eyes widened with anger as she shouted as loud as she could. OHSHI- SHE'S PISSED
At that moment, Mokou's surroundings burst into flames. Fire consumed her body, illuminating the entire batlle field with a vibrant orange. Wings of fire spread from Mokou's back. They were huge, larger than the ones from earlier, much larger. The fire danced excitedly, spreading across the rubble of the building, setting the shrine ablaze.
Mokou thrust her body forward launching herself towards the maid.
Yumeko was shocked. She quickly spun around to face the oncoming threat. She threw her sword at her.
Mokou collided with the sword, its blade sunk into her shoulder, it's hilt resting just before her. The speed at which the two met had drove the blade into, and straight through Mokous shoulder.
But Mokou wasn't gonna let that take her down, she flew straight towards the maid, fire trailing after her.
Yumeko was taken aback at Mokou's determination and stepped back slightly, releasing Ranna from the weight she had applied to her foot. Ranna, gasping and in pain squinted in the bright light of the fire.
Yumeko began to form another blade, but she was too late.
Mokou had reached her. She charged, tackling the maid.
Yumeko's body was flung back until it hit a tree. She slammed into the tree, coughing up a small amount of blood due to the impact. She probably had a few broken ribs, but she wouldn;t need to worry about that.
Mokou stood before her, her hands on the demon's stomach. She held tightly, her hands forming claws, her nails digging into her enemies skin. She was breathing heavily, as if no matter how she tried, she couldn't get any air. Blood dripped from both ends of the wound, splatting on the ground. Her shirt stained all the way down with blood. Mokou raised her head and faced the maid. Mokou glared at her, eyes sharp as a hawk. Her face was serious.
"Ya know....It's been years since I've killed should be'll be the first of Chaos's minions to die by my hands...." She said. looking up at the maid. She smirked. "...Congratulations."
As Mokou finished she dug her nails in deeper, flames errupted from her hands, burning through the maid's clothes, and next, her flesh.

Yumeko screamed in pain as the flames attached to her body. A weak sizzling could be heard with a faint plume of smoke rising. Her flesh began to turn black, peeling open, exposing the layers of red meaty flesh below.
She screamed even louder now as the flames whipped against her raw flesh, mulitating it. Blood covered Mokou's hands as she held onto the woman, refusing to let go.
As if in response, the tree behind Yumeko caught on fire, the wood crackling and snapping, smoke rising as the leaves turned to ash.
Mokou's body began to shake, she was losing her energy. She winced as the pain started attacking her body. Not yet....I can't.....not....yet....! As she thought that the fires intensified, trying to work their way inside of the youkai.
Yumeko screamed in agony, the pain so intense she couldn't move. All she could do was hope someone would save her, or that Mokou would pass out. Seconds felt like hours, but no one moved, too afraid of the fire that assaulted the shrine. She was running out of time.
Suddenly Mokou's body froze shaking weakly, her eyes wide. She lowered her gaze and looked down at her chest.
A small tip of metal portruded from it, dripping with blood at its sharp point.
Meira had rushed over, thrusting her blade into Mokou's back and through her chest.
Mokou began to shake violently.
Meira withdrew her blade, blood following.
Mokou's body began to wobble, her eyes losing their light, and fading. Mokou's grip on Yumeko was shattered, her arms falling to her sides. The fire Mokou's body was releasing, from her hands and her back, had dissipaited until a weak smoke was all that remained, and even that was not there for long. Mokou collapsed, her body falls to the ground, bleeding and unconscious.

((Lolz, took both my characters out...))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 06, 2011, 02:59:48 PM
With a swift kick to the ribs, Nanaya is sent flying to the wall, crumbling beside Newan. Coughing blood and still crying, Nanaya curled herself up and whimpered next to the injured Newan, still having this weird inability to move.

Yumeko took slow steps towards Ranna, clenching her fist. Melee against a constant barrage of arrows isn't that much of a good idea. But it was... Doable?

Ranna took light steps back. The arrows seemed to have no effect on Yumeko. Of course, some went into her body, disappeared soon thereafter leaving a burn mark and a hole. But nothing would stop Yumeko. With a sadistic grin on her face, she broke into a sprint, so abruptly that Ranna didn't even have time to react. Right as her finger pulled on the bow, her face was caught in Yumeko's hand... Flying straight to the floor.

The ground cracked. Blood spat out from the hole. Ranna's head was almost crushed. But she wasn't head, and no bones were broken. No bones were... broken? She opened her eyes, only to see a mess of red and green energy above her face, holding up Yumeko's hand. Yeah, the back of her head hurt, and she was immobilized, but she wasn't hurt anywhere else. Or dead.

Yumeko pulled her hand out from the mess, only seeing a disfigured head. Strange... There were no sounds or screams at all. She could'nt be dead. Oh right, she's mortal. Yumeko turned around,  now somewhat injured, walking over the Nanaya and pulling her by the hair, getting a muffled "walp" from her.

She grinned once more, her fingers becoming those sharp claws...


The sound of flesh being torn. Nanaya threw her head back, before it tilted to the right. Yumeko had thrust her whole hand in her stomach, before pulling it out and licking the warm red trickling fluid. Ranna pulls herself out from the ground, her aim steady once more, about to shoot...

What's that...? It's a red dot...? It's so bright, so shiny...!

Ranna colapses. As Yumeko reaches for Nanaya's eyes.

Current VS:
Sariel(0%) - FATALITY - Kanako(2%), Mystia(2%), Nazrin(2), Mokou(10% and counting)
Yumeko(60%) - VICTORY - Nanaya(50%, Inability to fight), Newan(10%), Ranna(80%, Energy overload)
Kotohime(1%) -TIE- Vante(30%, May be able to fight)
Meira(90%) vs Gale and Orin(90%)
Kana(80%) vs Alice(70%)
Kasen(63%) vs Youmu(57%)

Now Exposed: Kenshou(70%), Aesera
Out Of Combat: Alyssa, Rhiseza
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 06, 2011, 03:10:24 PM
Not yet. Aesera formed her lance and threw it. Yumeko ducked to the side to avoid it, but it wasn't there. Aesera quickly unformed and reformed it in her hand and threw it again, piercing Yumeko's leg.

Aesera ran up to Nanaya and slapped her in the face. "Snap the fuck out of it and fight!"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 06, 2011, 03:21:46 PM
((btw i've been writing for more than two hours now, so if you could please move Yumeko over to Ranna. That'd be best))
((Will be finished soon))
((DONE.  Post updated, Newan BSOD Enabled Initiate NAO!))

Status update Post-Pyromaniac galore;;
Mokou (0%) -She's unconscious, but the Tree, Shrine, and rubble, are still on fire.
Ranna (40%) -Injured. Can hardly breathe. In no condition to fight.
Yumeko (30%) -In extreme pain but she's a youkai, of course she can walk when she's just been nearly cooked alive.
Kanako, Nazrin, and Mystia are all at risk of burning to death.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 06, 2011, 03:48:37 PM
"W-what is this..." Alice looked all around at the people surrounding her. All of her friends, all of whom she had left behind, abandoned for the upper world. She missed them so and always wondered how they were... perhaps... this was what they thought of her. That she left them in Makai after supposedly just going to visit her new friends for a while. She had never contacted them for several years, living seemingly peacefully in her new home. "I... I didn't mean to... I just... forgot to... I... didn't remember to..." Guilty. She felt guilty for leaving them all behind. And now that they were back here to haunt her, she felt as if she missed them, but that she didn't deserve their forgiveness.

"You... left... us..." They all raised their daggers of cold, hard rock at Alice, ready to strike. Her mother stood right in front of her. The blade fell.

"MIRA! PROTECT ALICE!" Just as the dagger struck Alice, Mira's light engulfed her, Alyssa commanding from behind. The blade did not hurt her, dissolving into dust. "Snap out of it!" Suddenly, all of the people before Alice became who they truly were to her. Moving statues devoid of heart and soul. They weren't her friends. That wasn't her mother. She was getting out of there, fast. But it reminded her to visit Makai when she was free, that was one thing. To clear something that she should have cleared a long time ago.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 06, 2011, 06:36:58 PM
The running; how much could one person run before being worn out like this?

The fights around him were simply too much for him. His mind couldn't focus. He couldn't see straight. If only he had anticipated such an event beforehand...

Call to her? Would she really hear me?

The thought bounced around his head. If she was right, then some how, Mima would be here... But something told him, she wasn't going to come. Why would she now? She only came when she felt like it; she would come when someone needed her... right?

The girl introduced him to the group; quickly assigning them orders and instructions. So many questions he wanted to ask... She was right though; there simply wasn't enough time to answer them.

All he could do was hope they did something.

"So powerless..."

Another mutter; this time, degrading himself. All the training he had done... and in front of this, it felt like nothing could be done. This angel was simply over-whelming; the attacks that showered both the angel and the group attacking it were too much to focus on. He looked in every possible direction; seeing how badly everyone else was doing. By this point, he knew the shrine wouldn't last; but it was his own life he was most concerned with.

~Mima... Where are you?~

If anything, it was worth the shot. If Mima was connected to him, who knows... She just might appear....

"Nothing... I don't feel anything..."

Yet she still insisted! This girl... She wasn't placing her hopes on him... was she? Surely not. An ability can only do so...


He looked around and realised there was a way. A chance. If he could bring anything he thought of into reality... Could he bring something to help him fight... The threat of death was still there, but surely it's better to fight then to stand there and die.

This was his chance!

He began to block out the voices around him; the fighting... the sound of violence. If he could concentrate just enough, he could do something. There was still hope. The energy inside him began to stir a little; not much, but it was a good sign. It was working at least. He had to focus on something... Something that could...


He didn't need to guess what had happened as he felt his weight shift suddenly. The fact his concentration had snapped was one thing; but the pain in his leg was rapidly reminding him why it had happened. Having said hardly anything since the fight began, he simply screamed in pain; the level of pain greater then he had ever felt before.

~Mima, damnit... where are you?!~

His mind was a blur now; he could still see what was going on... but the pain was making it hard to focus on.

~Mima... Please... Help me...~

"Someone... help..."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 06, 2011, 09:55:29 PM
(OOC: Sonae, what were you doing? Now I'm all  :ohdear:)

Well, what a great turnout!

Both Vante and Kotohime were on the ground, leaking blood like a broken faucet. Contrary to what the supernatural Kotohime believed, the human was still alive, but she couldn't see that. All she could see was gloating at the fallen opppnent later on. That, and her vision was rapidly wobbling. She was still in no condition to stand up. There were many strike wounds on her, making her feel sore all over.

However, Vante's only big injury was the sword lodged in his back. Through gritted teeth, he reviewed the situation. Okay, I'm finished screwing around here. Something's happening with Yumeko and some other people. Four are still fighting. The shrine is burning. What the heck.

What the heck?

The fire was not full yet. It was still only burning away the base of the shrine, but it still was enough to cause alarm. The ones down in the shrine were now a priority. "These idiots will get a word from me later," he growled inwardly. Rhiseza wasn't doing anything. She could help.

With his next course of action in mind, he slowly got up. First pushing himself up, then kneeling, then staggering up. The sword caused him great pain; he wasn't screaming his head off, so the pain would have to release itself from the form of a nosebleed. He pulled the blade off, and its tentacles threatened to attack him. Vante pulled them off quickly and threw it to the left.

Kotohime was angry, fearful, and surprised. "How are you still alive, mortal?" her voice wavered at the last word.

The human's breathing melded with a seething anticipation. "We both had an advantage, but mine served me better. What was it that you said to me a while ago? Oh, that's right; in a few centuries, I'll get better!"

He started walking forward to where his opponent lay. She tried to get up, but Vante kicked her hard in the abdomen. "Ha, ha, ha. I don't need those hundreds of years to kill you. I can do that now."

Before Kotohime could retaliate again, Vante brought his heel down full force on her neck. To make sure she was going to die, he kicked it hard. He did not see the carnage he had created, since he now put his attention to Yumeko. Dislodging his scythe, he threw it at the maid with the same spin he had used on his now dead opponent.

As it was about to hit her, he did three things. First, he called out to Yumeko. "Oh, Yumekoooo! Lookie here!" Second, he grabbed his two baston on the sides not far away. Third, he made a mad dash for Rhiseza.

Rhiseza was understandably surprised, for the lack of a better word. Grabbing her by the wrist, he said to her, "Come on, there are people waiting to burn to death. Do you want that to happen- no, I don't think so. Hurry up!"

Just for fun, as he passed by Yumeko, he threw one of his sticks at her, hoping to bean her on the head.  "On second thought, don't look here! Your opponent is in front of you!"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 06, 2011, 10:04:42 PM
(OOC: Gah, should have posted sooner. Well, whatever, this still works.)

Newan grimaced as Yumeko attacked Nanaya. No... Not now... Why am I such a coward? Why am I so weak? ...No. None of that matters now. All that matters is that I save her. Stand up, Newan. He attempted to stand up, but the pain was too great, and he winced as he fell back down. I said, stand up. Stand up right now, or she'll die. I said, stand up! He slowly managed to stand up...

Only to watch Ranna save Nanaya. His eyes widened. I... I couldn't help her? But... no... He fell to the ground again, and watched as Ranna was also tortured. Nanaya fell beside him, but he didn't notice. He was too ashamed.

That was when the fire hit. A mass of flame in the form of a phoenix, all around them. Newan gasped, holding his head between his hands, closing is eyes, trying to block out the pain. The fire was everywhere. It was hot, burning, painful. It was choking him. The nagging feeling in the back of his head returned, but this time, it was a constant drumming, charging at his mind, wanting to be known. Finally, that memory broke through his mental barrier. That painful memory, bringing the rest with it. Eight years of memories flooded into his head, and it was only the pain that kept them from being truly heard. All he heard was a name, over and over again in his head. Nagisa. Nagisa. Nagisa.

For the first time in his life, he felt a new emotion. It was pure, undying hatred, fueled by fear. He didn't know when he'd stood up; all he knew was that the maid was holding on to Nanaya again. He passingly also noticed Aesera's presence, as well as Vante's, but that was unimportant now. All that mattered was that he saved Nanaya. Nothing else mattered.

He worldlessly charged forward, hacking and slashing at the maid over and over. She had been on the ground, so his assault caught her by surprise, but she was fast to react. Over and over he slashed, relentless in his assault. He was in pain, more pain than he'd ever felt in his life. But he didn't care. He didn't stop, simply keeping up the assault. He could see a sweat drop form on the maid's forehead as she faltered, being too slow in a parry. He caught sight of blood as he sliced through her arm, ripping through tendons. He was disappointed to see that his cut had only gone in an inch or two, but kept up the assault, not giving the maid a chance to rest.

Yumeko couldn't help but grin as she continued her defense, finally managing to through in some blows of her own now that his assault was beginning to slow. ?My, you're an interesting one. What motivates you? Pride? Love??

Newan remained wordless for a moment. The adrenaline was beginning to run out, and his sight and hearing were blurring. He could see fire in the corners of his eyes, but chalked it off to a bit of brush burned by Mokou's attack. Finally, he answered. ?Fear.? The fire was getting closer now, and he realized that it was a construct of his own mind. Something was trying to get his attention. He knew what now, but ignored it, continuing his assault.

They kept this up for a moment, the fire growing ever closer. Finally, he falter in his parry; Yumeko took advantage of the opening and sent a stab straight for his chest. Newan managed to angle away to protect his heart, and risked it all on one last attack. He thrust his sword at her chest, but wasn't awake to find out if it had even connected. The blade was inches away from her heart; that was when the fire and memories overtook him. Newan collapsed on the ground, blacked out, drowning in a sea of memories. Memories he had locked away nineteen years ago.



The boy sits alone in his former home as it burns around him. His tears evaporate immediately after forming in his eyes; the air around him is dry, and it hurts to breathe. He is curled up in the corner of what was once his room; he is too scared to so much as uncurl himself.
They... they've forgotten about me... I'm going to die... I'm really going to die... The boy resigns himself to his fate and curls up tighter. Why can't it just end already?The fire had already reached the wall behind the boy and was burning his back, but he didn't care. In his head, he went over all the people he'd never see again. Mom... Dad... Big Brother... and... and... He cries more at the thought of the last person to leave his life forever.

?Oy, how long are you going to sit there feeling sorry for yourself?? The boy looks up in shock. Standing in the doorway is the person he cares most about. The person he could least stand losing. The person he loved more than anything else in the world.

?Nagisa!?? He asked in shock. ?W-what are you doing here??

The girl was about his age with long, black hair. She rolled her eyes at him as she ran over and held out her hand. ?I was worried about you, idiot. You can't just go and die on me like that, you know??

The boy managed to stand with her help. ?B-but it's dangerous here! What if we
both die??

Nagisa grinned. ?Sheesh, have some faith! Besides, thinking about things like that won't get you anywhere.?

The boy nodded. ?I guess...?

Nagisa rolled her eyes, then grabbed his hand. ?Well, come on!? She began running with the boy in tow. The pair maneuvered their way through the burning house. The boy looked at the home he had grown up in, that he would never see again. He thought about how easy it wad for the house to burn, how close he had been to dying.


?Hey, stop spacing out on me, now!? Nagisa yelled at him as they made their escape. But the boy wouldn't move. The fear had a hold on him once more.


?Didn't you hear me? I said- look out!? Nagisa dived at the boy as a support beam fell from the roof. She managed to knock him our of the way, but she was now trapped underneath the burning beam.

?Nagisa!? The boy cried as he re-mobilized. He moved to remove her from beneath the beam, but it was too hot to touch and she was lodge too far underneath it for him to get her out.

Nagisa coughed, and pointed to her right. ?Go. Now. The door is close. You can still escape.?

The boy shook his head. ?No! I'm not leaving without you!? The tears began evaporating off of his face as he cried.

?...Do you want my death to be in vain? There's nothing you can do. Please, just go.?

?I... I'm so sorry...? the boy sniffled. ?If I hadn't been so scared, you-?

?Don't worry about that.? Nagisa said, a smile returning to her face. ?I'd rather it end this way.?

The boy stared at her in surprise. ?But... why??

Nagisa motioned for him to come closer. He obliged, and she put her hand behind his head, and brought him close to her face. Their lips met, and lingered for a moment before she released her hand and he broke away. ?If you haven't figured that out yet... you really are an idiot, Newan. Now, go.?

Newan backed away, slowly at first, before breaking into a run for the exit.
Nagisa... I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have loved you... I shouldn't have let you love me... I want to forget... The last thing he saw before blacking out was his father outside the house, as Nagisa screamed out in pain from behind him.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 06, 2011, 11:50:07 PM
(Let there be WARRRR)

Spell Card rules?  Lovely.  Fights based on arbitrary rules.  There are no rules of fighting.  But, I shouldn't be surprised...

"Well, I'll just stay out of the way, then," muttered Gale, backing off slightly, but still keeping a close eye on the fight.  The instant Orin fell, he'd take her place. 


He focused his energy on Orin, not sure if what he was doing would work, or if it was against those ridiculous rules.  He was trying to enchant Orin and make her a better match for Meira.

It seemed like Orin sorely needed that boost.

"Ergh...ah..." she groaned, hit by a flurry of danmaku.  Without warning, she turned into a cat and began jumping around, spraying danmaku each time she landed.

"What?  This!" shouted Meira as she attempted to dodge the angled shots.  A few bullets grazed her, which only made her angrier.

"Take this, you accursed feline!" she said venomously.  With lightning-fast speed, she charged toward Orin, unleashing a homing burst of bullets as she did so.

Orin jumped out of the way, but not before being scratched by Meira's sword and some of the bullets.  She transformed back into a human, still with all of the clothes she had on before that, inexplicably.  Even Koishi's hat.

"Ooh...good one...but how about this?"  Orin jumped back, launched a flurry of danmaku and a series of large wheels at the sword-wielder.

Meira simply stood still as the bullets flew toward her.  "Enough of these silly games," she said, a devious smirk forming of her face.  She jumped above the bullets--not before being grazed by a few of them--and landed in front of Orin, slashing her with her sword, unfazed by the bullets that struck her.

"Ergh..." moaned Orin, "Mistress...Koishi's...hat..."  She laboriously felt her head for any damage to the hat.

"Poor little cat-girl," said Meira, raising her sword above her head.  Gale quietly walked toward her while her back was turned.  "She tried to play with real people, and--"

"Actually," said Gale, who was within an arm's reach of Meira, "I don't think anyone from Gensokyo can really call themselves a 'real person.'  Seriously, it's like a incredibly clogged sink, but whatever."  He unleashed his whip of light.  "But since you broke the Spell Card rules--thanks, by the way, for that--you have to face me, now.  Thankfully, since you've just stared at me while I've been talking to you this whole time, you seem to be showing honor instead of reason, which contradicts the whole 'breaking the rules' thing, but--"

"For the love of God," said Meira slowly, her body in a combat stance, "just shut up.  I barely even noticed that you were here, and now I'm thankful I didn't until now.  Die."

She swung at Gale, and he lurched backwards, striking his weapon at the body of the samurai.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 07, 2011, 12:35:02 AM
(Edited previous post to include the memories and such. Read them if you want, Newan will probably have to summarize it at some point anyway.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 07, 2011, 01:05:57 AM
As the battle continued around them, Aesera pulled Nanaya to her feet. "You may be hurt," she said, "but you're not dead yet. And how'd you get hurt? You just let that bitch do it to you. So let me ask you this: what the hell is wrong with you? I don't care how things look; the one thing we can't do is give up. If you can't call your other self, then use whatever power you do have! If you have none, take up your weapon! If you don't have one, then run up to the enemy and punch it!

"You say you can't contact Katelin, but it sounds to me like you've just given up. Well, don't! You're going to get in there and fight! And you're not going to be alone. It's going to take every one of us to do this, Nanaya. All of us. You, me, Newan, Gale, Ranna, everyone! So stop acting like we've lost, because we haven't! So do not give up! Get ahold of yourself, and if you don't have any power, then you fucking find some! Now come on! We've got a battle to win!"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 07, 2011, 02:24:25 AM
Yumeko lies on the ground, now severely injured by a berserked Newan, a hit to the head from Vante's baston, fire and a barrage of arrows. However, everyone around her is either unable to fight. or  like Nanaya. Unwilling to. Aesera was shouting at her, asking her to fight, for everyone else is doing so. It's like they have to win this. They just had to. But they could not, it was not their destiny to be able to win this. It never was.

Yumeko slowly gets herself up, dusting her wounded body. Aesera is too busy trying to get Nanaya into fighting to notice. A hand falls on her shoulder, making her turn, only to see Yumeko's bloodied fist before she pummels Aesera to the ground. She doesn't even have time to bring out her lance. After around five constant punches, Yumeko kicks Aesera's waist, which lifts her and throws her to the wall.

Yumeko was smiling. Still smiling with all those horrendous gashes and burns on her body. She slowly stepped closer to Aesera, lifting her chin up.

"Ooh, such a pretty one you are."

Aesera spat on Yumeko's face, undaunted by her sadistic smile.

"You remind me of Yuuka." After that, Yumeko gave Aesera a tight slap to the face, before lifting her up and stabbing her in the stomach. Just like what she did to Nanaya. Yumeko threw her to the ground, wiping Aesera's spit off her face.

"The little girl can't talk no more? Aww. How sad."

She began to walk towards where Gale, Orin and Meira were fighting. With Gale striking his whip forward, Meira thrust her sword forward, making the whip spin and entangle itself around the blade. It worked, almost perfectly. She then pulled Gale in with full force, followed by an elbow to his chin and chest. Gale grunted in pain, lashing Meira with the whip on his other arm, only to be halted as Meira kneed his crotch before pushing his away.

Gale had been rendered useless with a foul move. Gale trembled on the ground, gasping for air and clutching his crotch, tears coming from his eyes due to the excruciating pain. Orin ran over to his side, her face showing one of concern, for once, she was actually caring for Gale. Until Meira's sword came flying in between them, almost cutting Orin's arm in half. Yumeko was in arm's reach of Orin. Meira smiled sweetly, as Orin was jabbed once in the back.

Once in the waist. Once in the neck. Once in the shoulder. Meira ran forward, gripping her sword tight as she stabbed through Orin before letting go. Orin fell to the side, Meira's sword in her abdomen.

Now, who was left? Oh yes, Youmu was still fighting Kasen. But she could handle that.

Meira walked together with Yumeko towards Nanaya. Newan, who had once protected her with that sudden impulse of rage was now unconscious. She was the one that could cause the most trouble. They knew she had no power, and yet, they were compelled to make her at the top of the list besides Kenshou. The monk was still in the middle of the rubble, calling out to Mima. Watching the devastation that had happened...

A doll flew towards Meira at lightning speed. It flew and circled the duo, wanting to prevent them from reaching Nanaya. The doll was Mira, and Alyssa never controlled it. As if it acted on it's own...  The two then turned their attention to the still-standing Alice, along with Alyssa. They began to converge.

Alice had regained control over all of her dolls, and had set them to work, all in the surroundings were dolls, hiding, waiting. With just a flick of her finger, Alice could impale the enemies with thousands of lances. But no. She could'nt move her hands at all. Why? Why? Because these were the people she left in Makai. The fear came back on it's own, along with Kana floating out of the ground.

"Looks like my job is done~" Kana says in a sing-song tune, floating towards Yumeko and Meira. Alice shivered uncontrollably. She was about to be killed by her childhood friends. Their eyes black in color, Completely void of soul or emotion. Alyssa tugged on Alice's arm, about to cry. Like the little girl she is, she began to beg for Alice to save them. Alice turned her head slowly, revealing that she too, was crying.

She had left all of her friends and family in Makai, never visiting for god knows how long. And here they are, as vengeful shells of their former selves. But Alice had a smile on her face.

In the palm of her hand was a small card. Alice opened her mouth in pain. "Spell Card... Dolls "Lemmings' Parade"" It was a devastating card. One of the top tier, her second best card, but in such a short range... It could kill herself too. The card flared. Kana immediately shouted in the loud, beaming noise.

Meira and Yumeko turned and ran. But it was too late. Twenty dolls emerged from the ground, charging forward, grabbing ontop their legs and dragging them towards Alice. Before imploding. The explosion was so loud, so big, that it could be seen and heard from miles away. The two heroines and their three enemies were caught in the epicenter of the blast. The spell had mowed down the enemies.

All all that was left was a badly injured Meira and Kana.

Yumeko was totally out of the game now, but so was Alice and Alyssa. Such an... Artful Sacrifice.

The other two panted, wiping the blood from their mouths. This was enough.


Nanaya stopped crying. She had seen every one of her newfound friends experience pain that they never felt before. Pain beyond their worse nightmares. Nanaya slowly stood up, with that hole in her stomach, what could she do? She strode towards Kana and Meira. The duo could still fight, and could kill Nanaya if they wanted to. But not if she was prepared.

Nanaya put her hands into that large hole Yumeko had made in the stomach. She began pulling on the whole, clawing at her insides. Screaming in pain, before she fell to her knees once again. She had ruptured her internal organs, but for what? For what?

I was already on my way. Why did you have to do so much?

Kenshou winced, looking up into the now night sky. It was 11:30. A single star flared up in the sky above. Nanaya screamed in pain once again, slamming her fist on the floor. Kana and Meira looked at Nanaya, apparently wallowing in self-pity, wanting a quick death. Meira smiled.

"If what is what you want. I shall grant you your wish." She stepped closer to Nanaya. Closer. Close enough to notice what she had written on the floor. In her blood.

I cannot run, yet cannot fight,

I cannot win, yet resist with might;

I cannot see, but I can feel,

I cannot breathe, and cannot heal;

I cannot hear, but I can say,

Nanaya Longinus, this is the way.

Meira stepped back abruptly, unprepared for what was about to happen.

The Blade of Time might block our way,

Nevertheless, we shall whisper until it rusts away.

The Door of Space might lock our doors,

Nevertheless, we shall knock until it soars.

Eternity exists in the prayers of our hopes,

Which rest on incessant slopes.

In the twilight after our darkest fight,

May the sun come out a break the night.

We've even pieced the Door of Space,

Why not slay the fiend and claim our grace?

The Blade of Time won't block our way.

My heart is where your whisper stays.


Nanaya's limbs glowed. Crystals burst from her skin, covering her arms and legs. Her organs repaired themselves with Crystal. The gaping hole in her stomach was closed up with Crystal. She stood up, Her head thrown back, her body arched. The Crystals glowed Red. Meira and Kana rushed forward, Meira leading the charge, her fist being thrown forward... Only to be met with a punch to the side. She was sent flying, before Nanaya rammed her body on Kana. Both of them flew in different directions.

Crystals started growing on Nanaya's foreheard and shoulders, forming horns and shoulder fins. Nanaya ran forward to Meira, pushing her back and grabbing her arms, kicking her one in the stomach. With a battle cry, she threw her to the ground, jumping above her and raining a blow of punches down on her. The sharp crystal shards pierced her flesh, grinded her muscles, tore her bones apart.

Kana ran forward, grabbing Nanaya and pushing her to the side. But she was stronger now. Powerful. Nanaya used both her arms to grab their heads, running with their bodys trailing behind, before slamming them into a wall. This was followed by an uppercut to both of their chins simultaneously. They were sent flying, before Nanaya jumped above them, Meira above Kana, and pushed them to the ground. A large crater was made where they impacted the floor.

Nanaya pulled the both of them up, smacking their skulls together before throwing them across the destroyed shrine with a kick. They collided with each other, before landing on a wall. Unconscious.

Nanaya fell to her knees, unable to fight. The crystals sunk back into her body, and she too went into the darkness.

The single star above the sky seemed to fly down slowly. And it was. Evenatually, the glowing ball of light appeared beside Kenshou. Out from the ball, emerged Mima.

"Sorry I'm late. Had to assist someone in Gensokyo."

Yuuka stood where the entrance of the shrine once was, smiling at Mima, her eyes pure black.

"Mima... Against me?"


(Kanjou has control over Mima. Go make a Mima vs Yuuka fight. Either one can win. Up to you<3~)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 07, 2011, 03:12:37 AM
Status Update:


1) Hitomi Kenshou(70%) With, Mima(100%)
2) Aesera(30%)
3) Nanaya(1%)
4) Ranna(30%) With, Newan(10%)
5) Vante(40% and Regenerating) With, Rhiseza(100%)
6) Alyssa(1%) With, Alice(1%)
7) Gale(20%) With, Orin(10%)
8 ) Youmu(40%)
9) Kanako, Mokou, Nazrin, Mystia(All 1%)
1) Sariel(0%)
2) Kotohime(0%)
3) Yumeko(0%)
4) Kasen(54%)
5) Kana(0%)
6) Meira(0%)
7) Yuuka(100%)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 07, 2011, 03:23:08 AM
Gale slowly opened his eyes, blinking to flush the tears from them.

He collapsed on his back, his groin still throbbing from Meira's assault.  She really doesn't play by the rules, does she...

He breathed slowly, the pain slowly fading.  He eventually turned to the side, and he opened his eyes wide with surprise at what he saw.

Orin was still on the ground, face up, Meira's sword in her chest.

That's not good...not good at all...

Memories of Orin helping him as he lay on the ground, still unable to move after Meira's attack, whizzed through his mind.

I...I have to return the favor...I guess...

Her clothes was torn in pieces from the danmaku and Meira's blade.  He tore off a long strip of cloth and put it to her side.  Wincing, he pulled the blade from Orin's chest, pushing down on the wound with his hand to stop the sudden flow of blood.  Pushing her upper body forward somewhat, he managed to tie the cloth around her abdomen, temporarily stopping the bleeding.

He looked all over her body.  She was torn all over from the battle.  Three of the wounds--barring the one he had just tended to--were particularly nasty, and showed no signs of magically healing any time soon.

He quickly tied another piece of cloth tight around Orin's neck, hoping that no major nerves were destroyed.

"Mrgh..." she grunted, her consciousness momentarily restored.  "Hurts...Gale...mmph..."  She promptly became unresponsive once more.

He looked around desperately, seeing no one around him that was conscious.

Nevertheless, "Help!" he shouted.  "Help!"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 07, 2011, 03:29:18 AM
(Right, so. I'm not going to be here most of tomorrow so instead I'm going to give control of Rhiseza and Youmu to you guys. Because damnit being busy sucks.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 07, 2011, 03:30:27 AM
(...Fine. All of you will be able to bunny Youmu and Rhiseza. Of course, someone has to make a fight scene between her and Kasen~ I'm not gonna do it. Wahahaha.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 07, 2011, 03:47:10 AM
(Not me. I suck at writing fight scenes. Can't you tell? =D)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 07, 2011, 03:50:14 AM
There we go. When are the others going to realize that we have some things going for us, too? Note to other self: next time, let me have a little longer between when I get the clue that lets me figure out what's coming and when it comes.

Aesera pushed herself on through the pain. It was there, but she knew how to push it aside. She picked up Nanaya and carried the unconscious girl across the battlefield to Rhiseza. "She comes first," Aesera said as she set Nanaya down. "Then do me and Vante. And tell Youmu to call everyone who's still up to her aid. Mima can handle Yuka; everyone else should focus on the only other enemy who's still moving."

"Um, okay," Rhiseza said. [Youmu, Yuka and Kasen are the only enemies left. Call the others over to help you with Kasen. I'll make sure that anyone who's hurt survives.]

Youmu did so, and Rhiseza turned back to Aesera. "Why Nanaya first?"

"Because she's out completely, and there's no telling how badly she just drained herself. I may not be a doctor, but I can tell that the rest of us can wait a few minutes for your aid. Nanaya I don't know about, so do her first. Some of the others may be similarly high priorities, so do all of them before you do those such as myself and Vante."
OOC: Same here. I'll leave the fight to someone else.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 07, 2011, 04:38:05 AM
OOC: Alyssa and Alice are pretty much ZZZing away right? Nothing to post for them except their final thoughts from my point of view. I don't mind bunnying the fight scene for R&Y but I don't know how to start the battle since I don't really remember what was happening with Youmu so yeah. Oh yes, and YJ do I get control of Mira or is she under your control. Also, this is an incredibly short post since there's nothing much to post about >_>.

As much as the illusions before her were illusions, they still had a resemblance to the ones she loved. How could she destroy them? How could she kill them all in cold blood? There was no way her heart could stand the pain of watching them all fall to lances of her strategically-placed dolls. There had been only one answer. Fall with them.

Yumeko, Kana and Meira were destroyed

Alice and Alyssa were taken out of combat.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 07, 2011, 09:59:15 AM
((JUST AS PLANNED!!! I call writing the fight scene~))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 07, 2011, 10:57:15 AM
"Rhiseza, I'll go and get everyone still stuck at the shrine. Take your time in healing everyone else," Vante continued on his way to pick all three who were stuck at the ruined building.

He was mysteriously regenerating, but this didn't hamper the pain he was feeling from the stab wound in his back. With every step he took, the gash sent sharp signals of pain throughout his body. Considering that he was running, it was a very miserable experience. Oh, the things he did for stuff.

"Ow ow ow ow ow aaa-ow ow ow..."

The shrine was still in danger of burning up quickly. Kanako and Nazrin were still slumped against the outer walls of the shrine, and Mystia, having been knocked out of flight, was out of immediate harm, but could still get licked by the flames. Vante braced himself as he rushed to the former two, picked them up by their abdomen, and slowly made his way away from the burning mass of wood.

That was a very, very stupid mistake. He could feel the back wound practically splitting open as the combined weight on his shoulders began making his shoulder sag. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa-owwwww..." he moaned as he walked. Passing by his downed partner, his eyes twitched. Well, at least it wasn't as stupid as what she did.

Since he was already in a lot of pain, he might as well put himself neck-deep in it. So, he ran back to Rhiseza and Aesera.

Okay, maybe this was as stupid.

(OOC: Guy, I leave your imagination to that last line.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 07, 2011, 03:02:57 PM
Current Plans:

Kanjou types the Mima vs Yuuka scene.

Sonae types the Youmu vs Kasen scene.

With the eventual win, proceed to hull selves back to rest.

Maribel, Renko, and Yukarin. Get.

Surprise! #2


Spechul Guest #1(Kanjou) dies in a blaze of glory.
Surprise! #2 does something.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 07, 2011, 04:10:33 PM
((At School atm. I'll do the Rhiseza scene first then when i get home I'll do the YoumuKasen fight. Still thinking of spellcard names anyways))

Rhiseza watched as the battle dragged on. One by one her comrades fell, their damaged bodies expelling blood onto the ground. It was terrifying. The shrine was lit up like a torch, devouring the oxygen only to fill the air with black smoke. Wood snapped, glass shattered, everything slowly turning to ash. The sound of weapons continually clashing could be heard all around. Stabs, Explosions, Punches, Danmaku. Flesh torn, Bones broken, organs punctured.
This wasn't a battle anymore. This was a massacre.

Her body shivered at all the sights, these sights that would be engraved into her subconscious and would haunt her for years to come.
Mokou was laying on the ground, unconscious, blood oozing out of her destroyed body. There was a sword through her, right through her, and it was deep. Rhiseza dreaded having to remove that sword. By the time she'd have gotten to the immortal her flesh probably would have begun to close in, making the sword even harder to remove. Ranna was on the ground, barely able to breathe. If her lungs were damaged Rhiseza would have to tend to her very soon, if she didn't, Ranna might stop breathing. Gale was on the ground, slumped beside an uncoscious Orin, calling for someone to help his wounded partner. Orin was bleeding, a sword also through her body. She would need to be taken care of before she died, unlike Mokou, she wasn't immortal. Kanako, Nazrin, and Mystia were all unconscious, however, their flesh didn't seem to be torn. She imagined they'd be the easiest to heal, assuming that they didn't burn to death in the shrine's rubble. Newan was unconscious, wounded, but...that didn't seem to be why he fainted. Alice and Alyssa were unconscious. Alice had used a suicidal move in a last attempt to finish off the enemies, unfortunately, taking both of them out. Nanaya had ripped her insides apart by her own doing, blood dripping from the gaping hole in her body. Aesera had taken a small beating, but seemed fine, and Vante, despite the wide slash in his back, was up running around like it was nothing. Rhiseza felt a terrible pain assault her heart. No she hadn't been injured. Presented with this sight of carnage, her heart couldn't help but to hurt. Her comrades, friends, and partners were strewn upon the ground like garbage. Some of them being beaten to a pulp, while others sacrificed themselves nobly for the rest of the team. Rhiseza began to cry, tears staining her cheeks.

((Awshit I need ta go to class now. Will finish later))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 07, 2011, 07:44:25 PM
As it flashed out in front of him, he knew, he just knew, that hope was still with him.

?Sorry I?m late.?

Mima, the spirit he had met some time ago, who had stuck by and trained him, was finally with him again. She looked down at Kenshou?s condition and frowned.

?It must hurt? I?m sorry for taking so long.?

?Don?t worry about me?? Kenshou muttered; still in pain from the damage caused. ?They need you more then me.?

With that, Mima turned round and glanced at Yuuka; the memories of the past flowing quickly through her.

?It certainly has been a while, hasn?t it? Kazami??

Yuuka grinned as she walked forwards slowly.

?I?d like to think it was only yesterday~?

That speech pattern of hers never changed; always sounding so playful. Mima knew the level Yuuka was on; she had fought along side her before, after all.

?Tell me,? Yuuka continued. ?Have you finally decided to play by the rules??

Mima slammed her staff down on to the path with force; crumbling the path before her. A magic circle quickly surrounded her; wave upon wave of danmaku were starting to spiral upwards.

?Now why would I ever limit my magic like that??

Yuuka smiled as she stopped in her tracks.

?Just like the old times, huh~?

And with that, Mima unleashed her first attack. The tower of danmaku around her began to spiral outwards; the main cluster homing in on Yuuka?s position. Yuuka leapt up off the ground and took to the skies; taking note of the position of each wave. She expected Mima to follow up, and saw the thin lasers pass in-between the clusters.
Not that strong, but enough to leave a mark.

Yuuka turned elegantly past each one; grazing some of the stray bullets for no reason. Perhaps it was because she was fighting Mima, testing each bullet for any sort of added aura that the spirit might have laced it with. It was when she caught Mima moving upwards that she finally returned an attack of her own. She waved her parasol through the air and emitted several thin lasers of her own. However, unlike Mima, she made sure to attack with beauty and grace. It was how she always fought; like it was a game. Half of the lasers stopped just in front of Mima before gushing forth a curving stream of bullets. Mima had enough time to deflect some of them with her staff, before grazing the lasers which hadn?t stopped beforehand.

?Honestly Yuuka, you can?t??

To her shock, the bullets came back as quickly as she had returned them. It cut across the tip of her shoulder and caused a quick curse word to fly from her mouth. After everyone she had fought against, the one thing she forgot was how much Yuuka?s attacks would hurt her.

?You silly little spirit~? Yuuka chuckled. ?Did you forget I have the Ultimate Magic??

?Maybe?? Mima sighed; the pain quickly fading. ?But I?m no youkai.?

She whirled her staff around several times before pointing it back at Yuuka.

?And I?ve been a magician far longer then you.?

Yuuka could see it flashing in her eyes; that little sparkle of light. She was going to try and fight her with that? Yuuka held out her parasol; knowing what spell was going to come next. The staff fired not a laser, but a huge stream of bullets. To anyone else, it looked like a huge laser. As it flew towards Yuuka, several balls floated out from it. This was Mima?s intention. If Yuuka attempted anything sneaky, they would be sure to follow her. On anyone else, such an attack would be best used last; but on Yuuka, anything that could wear her energy down should be used at all costs.

At that point, the stream engulfed Yuuka and a bright light flashed around them.

[Teehee~ Next part coming up after a couple more posts. <3]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 07, 2011, 09:04:01 PM
Rhiseza was brought back to the state of emergency before her by Aesera's strong voice. Many of tthem needed healing, and they needed it now. She nodded at Aesera's request, her extra arms bursting out from her back. She bit her lip. Please work....
She held her hands out in front of Nanaya and began to focus. Her hands starting glowing with a pale light. She focused harder. Visually there seemed to be nothing happening, nothing at all. However, after a while the light faded. Rhiseza let go of the breath she had been holding in and panted for a moment before wiping her forehead. Next she reached into her bag for her bottle of water and a cloth. She dabbed it with clean water and began to clean the large wound in the girl's stomach. After wiping away all the dirt and blood, she took a deep breath and held out her hands again.
This time, a light glowed at the edge of the torn flesh, slowly repairing it. As the skin returned, Rhiseza's body began to shake slightly, her face slightly red. For a moment, the regeneration stopped, followed by Rhiseza nearly falling back.
"Hah...hah....hah...." She panted wiping the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand. After regaining her breath she looked back at Nanaya's unmoving body.
"I...wont be able to clean the blood out of her organs..." She said weakly to Aesera. "....I'm sorry..." She said, on the brink of tears. Snifling, she wiped her face with her other hand. She held her breath and put her hands out once more. This time she finished repairing Nanaya's skin. She sighed in relief, looking at her work. She was happy, happy she could help, but she wasn't done yet. She still had to heal everyone else. There was no way they could make their way home like this after all. She looked at Nanaya's face for a moment, relieved to see the girl breathing faintly. As she noticed the cut on her face, she dug into her bag for a bandaid. She retrieved one, cleaning off her hands before peeling the wrapper off and applying it to Nanaya's face. Feeling done with Nanaya, she turned back to Aesera.
"Who next?" She asked, sounding slightly stronger.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 08, 2011, 12:30:18 AM
The most major of Orin's wounds were all wrapped up.  Gale sighed, relieved that she wasn't seriously bleeding anymore.

But I can't just leave her here...

Mustering up his strength, he lifted her body up and managed to wrap her arms around his neck.  It was uncomfortable, but at least he wasn't dragging her feet across the ground.

He had walked for a minute or two when he saw a familiar figure, the girl he saw earlier, hunched over some other familiar figures.  He thought he could make out Aesera, the girl he met a couple of days ago.

He was several yards away from her when she stopped whatever she was doing, and said something he couldn't make out.

"Can you help me?" he asked, speaking loudly enough for her to hear him from a small distance away.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 08, 2011, 12:42:19 AM
Rhiseza turned her head at the sound of Gale's voice. She was silent for a moment but then spoke. "I can try" She said. She gazed over the two, looking at all their wounds. She felt another surge of pain rack her heart. She thought for a moment. This battle....did we really win it? Aster a moment of sadness she spoke to Gale again. "Lay her here and I'll see what I can do"

(Description of her wounds would be helpful along with if you want her to wake up now or later))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 08, 2011, 01:36:41 AM
Vante came stumbling over, clearly in pain yet still carrying Kanako and Nazrin. "Good," Aesera said. "Pushing through pain. That's something you need to be able to do when necessary. Just realize that pain is there for a reason, that it is how the body tells you that you're injured. Push it aside when you must, but never ignore it."

Aesera turned to Rhiseza. "Help Orin, then do these two. Then we move through the area, and you treat everyone starting with the most severely wounded. Also, prioritize humans over youkai; we're not quite as resiliant as they are."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 08, 2011, 05:32:49 AM
(Just a reminder, Mima has the Twilight Spark. And the spell cards from Touhou Pocket Wars Evo Plus. The Twilight Spark is less devastating then the one from Touhou Soccer, though. Textwall and summary after Kanjou is done with the fighting.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 08, 2011, 07:59:15 AM
(Note to self, never go to bed early ever ever ever again.
That said I'm back now.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 08, 2011, 09:48:46 AM
((If you don't mind Imma finish with Rhiseza's healing cause me and Squawkers got plans. Also I;m almost read to write the fight scene))

Rhiseza nodded to Aesera's reply and turned her attention to Orin. She unwrapped her wounds, cleaned them, then rebandaged them with new cloth. She exhaled and wiped the sweat of her forehead before inhaling deeply, holding her hands in front of Orin. A pale glow illuminated them as slowly, the flesh began to recover. After she was finished with Orin, she pulled out another bottle of water and took a drink. She gazed at the shrine, which was still on fire, slowly burning away to a heap of ash. She paused for a moment, then turned to Aesera.
"Can you go get Mystia before she burns to death?" She asked, a hint of negativity in her voice.
She sighed and turned her attention to Nazrin and Kanako. Huh...they dont seem to be that badly wounded... She thought, glancing over each of their bodies. ...Whatever, I still need to try and heal them... She exhaled, placing a hand on each of their bodies. She breathed deeply, then held in the oxygen. He palms rested on ther chests, No, not their breasts glowing with a faint light. After about a minute, the light faded and Rhiseza wiped the sweat off her brow. ...That should....what? She watched in surprise as the two of them recovered their consciousness.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 08, 2011, 11:05:04 AM
"Pushing through pain is something I've done for eighteen years. Of course I'd know. The problem is that I have to finish everything before I can attend to myself." With that, Vante comically fell to the ground, refusing to move. "Oh, don't mind me, I'll be up after a minute."

But for all the eighteen years he had begun to struggle with life, it didn't prepare him for this. Two rice sacks over his young shoulders were now his independent life on his income, and more recently, two people over his shoulders. Mundane school days progressed into the mundane college life and into his soon-to-come job. In all this, he tried to find some reprieve, so that he could enjoy.

So, genius, what now? What next?

He would tease Mystia, or keep talking to her. That always worked with his siblings. Come to think of it, it had been a long time since he last saw them, or even heard from his family.

Yeah. Eventually, she'll get tired of that, and she'll probably stop answering. Or maybe she'll start answering back? Ah, wait, that was the point. But for the more important question... everything still going to go smoothly? Is this going to end well?

For his own sake, it had better. He had better make it happen. He couldn't imagine what would happen otherwise. His belief that everything would go their way, would go his way, was so adamant.

"Mystia..." Despite her idiocy, he found himself compelled to watch over her, if not for her sake, then for his own. If not for genuine kindness, then for selfishness. He wanted company.

Was he beginning to feel lonely? Why was he even entertaining the thought? This was why he kept friends to a minimum: all this crap began swimming in his mind. This crap made him feel bad and inefficient. Not the things you would like to find and feel in yourself.

So that's what you want. Company. The mere prescence of someone else. Oh, you poor thing. Wait a minute, I'm talking about myself. Dang, this self-deprecation is deep! Of course, this was also why he was never quite the introspect. His own mind was so tangled up.

Hearing Rhiseza's request pushed one of his angry buttons. He tilted his head off the ground and to the side.

"I'll go, I'll go. It's not wise to leave all the injured open without protection. Aesera's the only one fully capable of fighting, so she should stay. Please, think a bit before you ask. I know you have a good intention, but, please, use that coconut of yours. And I also know it's not wise for me to be overexerting my body, so don't tell me." As if he was getting out of bed, Vante rose.

He felt the soreness of his body once more as he ran again. It felt like forever before he reached the shrine. The night sparrow, who still lay face flat, had caught a very small flame on the tip of her shirt's sleeve. Vante staggered forward, almost panicking, and untied the bandana wrapped around Mystia's forehead. Holding the four corners together, he used the cloth to beat the fire out.

"Come on, idiot, time to get up," he muttered. He took the girl up carefully, like he was cradling a child, and ran.

Running like hell, again, took a lot of effort.

(OOC: I feel so stereotypical when I go character developing. To whoever will be posting and mentioning about Vante's run back, make sure he falls face flat and mutters under his breath afterward. For the lulz, of course. :V)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 08, 2011, 12:35:20 PM
(OOC: Sonae, if Orphea is back, you really should relinquish control. The only reason you were bunnying in the first place was because Orphea was gone.)

Nazrin winced as she opened her eyes. While Rhiseza's healing had helped, the girl could only do so much, and Nazrin was still in a good deal of pain. Not nearly as much as during Sariel's attack, but it was still there. She looked around a bit as she sat up. Finally, she turned to Rhiseza. "Thanks. Where's Newan? Is he alright?" She then remembered that they could talk over their link. [Oy. Newan. You there, or what?] But there was no response. She sighed, then watched as Vante returned with Mystia, before falling flat on his face. Nazrin thought she heard him mutter somehting, but wasn't sure. "...Is he going to be okay?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 08, 2011, 12:35:55 PM
((If it was Ranna that had that coconut comment directed at, she'd be mad. or atleast irritated. And she'd point out the other two are already preoccupied, and that an amateur trying to throw a lance at the enemy could end fairly badly. Also Sorry Crow Cakes, I'm going to direct you to the next to be brought over.))

Rhiseza watched as Vante fell to the ground, a worried expression covering her face. As she asked Aesera to get Mystia, Vante had reacted, ridiculing her for asking Aesera to help. She lowered her head a bit, feeling ashamed. She watched silently as Vante forced his bleeding body to get up and go save Mystia. After a few minutes, he came running back with the youkai in his arms.
"Ah...lay her down here" Rhiseza said, gesturing to a spot on the ground.
As Vante placed her down he stood up again, wobbling slightly.
Rhiseza wanted to say something, but stopped herself, remembering his reply. Her head lowered again. After a moment she spoke.
"Next can you bring Ranna over here?" She asked, trying to sound polite.
Vante agreed and sluggishly began heading to where she was. As he ran Rhiseza watched him. She jumped slightly as she watched him fall to the ground, flat on his face.
Worry filled her expression, but she stopped herself from rushing over to him. ...Yeah...If I did that... She thought, imagining him yelling at her for not tending to the others first.
Reluctantly she turned her attention to the night sparrow. She put her hand on her chest and began healing her.
As she  healed Mystia, she glanced around at the ones remaining to be healed. Ranna, Mokou, Gale, Newan, Alice, Alyssa, Vante, Aesera... As she counted them, she heard the sound of metal hitting metal from behind her. She spun around quickly to see Youmu and Kasen battling. Relentlessly, neither one of them wanting to be defeated.
....and Youmu She thought with a sigh. It was going to be a long night indeed.
As she finished tending to the night sparrow, she turned to Aesera, who just stood there the whole time. For some reason, it made her mad. "Aesera, can you please go and get Alyssa?" She said, a hint of rudeness in her voice.

((Crow Cakes, your choice, you want Mystia awake or not?))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 08, 2011, 12:37:48 PM
(You really should turn on the thing that tells you when a new post has been made while you were typing.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 08, 2011, 12:43:41 PM
((It is on))

Rhiseza turned to Nazrin. "Newan..." She thought for a moment then looked around. After a moment she spotted him.
"Ah...! Over there" She said as she pointed in his direction. She glanced at Nazrin. She still seems to be in pain, but atleast she's awake... she thought with a sigh of relief.
She turned her gaze to Vante at Nazrin's question. "...I don't really know..." She thought the worry returning to her face. After a moment she turned to Nazrin and spoke.
"Do you think you could bring Newan over here so I can heal him?" She asked politely.

((Oh geez so many people are on))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 08, 2011, 01:40:57 PM

What do you want?

Oh come on! Don't be like that...

Shut up and piss off!

Hey, I'm trying to be nice over here.

Well I don't need you to be nice. Just leave me alone.

You were the one that wanted to die.

...No I did not.

Denial. Why else would you have summoned be through oh I don't know. Maybe by writing those damn poems in blood?

But you said I could do that!

They would'nt lose that fight! It's not their destiny to!

B-But T-They... H-He...

You have to learn to control yourself. You're me, you know?

I never wanted to be.

And that is why you are me.

Katelin SoulReaver. This is the way.

Nanaya Longinus. This is the way.

This is the way. This is the way...

The path that must be followed by all who live.

The pitiful life within every mortal's soul.

Death's cold grasp will claim them.

And there will be no end.

Burning bright.

Forevermore and Nevermore.

Oh how you will mourn their passing.

How you regret. How you wallow in despair and self-pity.

Such a tragic fate is bestowed upon you.

What a terrible burden to bare.

Are your shoulders tired from all this?

I bet they are.

And yet, you cannot let go.

You will never be free.

You will never know the meaning of Freedom.

What comes next?

There is no heaven or hell.

Only judgement and nothingness.

Alone forever.

Atop the skies so high...

Or will you persevere? Or will you break free from the limitless cycle?

Will you trudge through the path of lies and hatred?

Will you solider on, forgetting those whom you once loved?

Will you pierce the shroud that conceals it all?

Will you touch the Heavens?

Nanaya's insides began to rot. Rot and dissolve. Everything within her frail body began to just liquify. Before it crystalized. Hardened, white shards of crystal emerge from the primordial ooze, reshaping every border, every law, every unimaginable thing began to function, process. With the crystals making the shapes of the organs, and they began to work.

Her crystal heart beat. Her white lungs expanded and contracted as she breathed. She lived, once more. Broken, but alive. Shattered, but surviving. Ruined, but working. Devastated, but able.

This is the way.

There will never be sanctuary. Unless you find it within yourself.

Everything breaks down at a point. And it is up to them, and the people around them to get everything back in order.

You are everything mortal about me. You know what to do.

Nanaya opened her heavy eyelids, body twitching slightly in the moonlight.

"I know the way."

Mima's staff glowed in the light, reflecting her face. She had the power. The power she wanted Rumia to learn. She could end this in an instant. Or maybe she could not?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 08, 2011, 01:50:59 PM

Rhiseza flinched at the sudden movement of Nanaya's body. She watched, startled and shocked as her work undid itself, as Nanaya's organs began liquifying. She felt her muscles tighten, her heart pounded. She could only stare in disbelief at the sight. The melting, the crystalization, and the life. She stared speechless as Nanaya opened her eyes and began to breath.
"!" She spoke her voice raised slightly. "W-w-what are you d-doing up?" She stuttered. "W-what just...happened...." She said in awe.
However Nanaya hadn't stayed awake for very long, within moments she had returned to a comatose state. Rhiseza let out a disappointed sigh

((Now if someone could bring the rest of the team over that'd be great~))



Ranna was lying on the ground. She knew her mind was racing, but for some reason she couldn't acknowledge those thoughts. She inhaled and exhaled as best she could, but no air seemed to be coming in. Her body felt heavy, like all of her muscles had given up on the concept of movement. She could feel a dull stinging pain from her leg. For some reason it also felt cold, but she couldn't turn her head to see. All she could do was stare forward. Each breath becoming slower and slower. Her vision beginning to blur. At one point, she felt something cold run down her face, but her mind refused to acknowledge anything. Everything was fading, as if only her mind existed now, and her body was somewhere else. She couldn't even feel her heartbeat anymore.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 08, 2011, 02:10:47 PM
OOC: Aesera's not fully able to fight (she's at 30% in the most recent status update). Although that wouldn't stop her from doing everything she could, of course.


"Kanako," Aesera said, "are you well enough to move? Most of the others are down, and we need to bring them over here so Rhiseza can heal them. And I'm not leaving Nanaya, especially not after what just happened."

Kanako got to her feet. "I am a god," she said. "I'm somewhat more resiliant than most."

"Good. Can you bring the others over here? Start with Alice and Alyssa."

"All right," Kanako said. As she ran off to get the Alices, as Aesera had come to think of them, Aesera knelt down beside Nanaya and waited for her to wake up. She had questions, about what had just happened and about the 'way' Nanaya had muttered about in her sleep, and those questions needed answering as soon as possible.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 08, 2011, 02:15:56 PM
"All right," Kanako said. As she ran off to get the Alices, as Aesera had come to think of them, Aesera knelt down beside Nanaya. "Nanaya, what the hell just happened? And after that, what 'way' do you know?"

Could you edit your post to realise that Nanaya is like, sleeping. It should be unconscious, but whatever, say sleeping. Haha. Because if I post, it'll be too short.


Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 08, 2011, 02:45:43 PM
(Squawkers: As far as I'm aware it only tells you someone's posted when you hit 'preview' or 'post'. I -cooould- be wrong, this has been known to happen. But, if Sonae wants to keep control for a bit longer, I'm willing to let her.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 08, 2011, 05:24:40 PM
"Thanks," said Gale quickly once Orin was healed.

"G...Gale..." came a weak voice from below him.  Orin seemed to be slowly regaining consciousness.


She lightly punched his leg.

"There goes my sympathy."

"I had...a sword in me.  I don't get...sympathy?"

Gale shrugged.  "Eh.  You'll live."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 08, 2011, 10:01:48 PM
Nazrin nodded at Rhiseza's request, before running over to pick up Newan. On the way, she was interrupted by Nanaya. ...The way? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Eh, whatever. It's Nanaya, she's always doing weird crap like that. She then ran over and picked up Newan, He's surprisingly light... she mused, as she flew back over to Rhiseza. She ligtly put him down on the ground, near Nanaya. "There.He looks a bit beat up, but I could hear him breathing."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 08, 2011, 10:36:53 PM
"That's good..." She said with a faint smile. She looked at the many wounds on his body. Before beginning she cleaned off her bloody hands and took a sip of her drinking water. Then she turned and dug into her bag, retrieving another cloth since the first was dirtied with blood and other things. She poured some water on it and began cleaning his open wounds.
Next she put her hand on his chest and focused. She could hear the sounds of the bones snapping back into place. After a couple of minutes, she had healed his broken bones and torn muscles. She took a few deep breaths and another mouth full of drinking water. She then held out both her hands and began healing his flesh.
After a couple more minutes, the glow faded from her hands and she wiped her forehead. She looked at the patchwork she had done.
His flesh had regenerated, his bones repaired. She thought for a moment. The only thing left is...
Rhiseza turned to Nazrin and spoke. "Would you like me to wake him up?" she asked.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 08, 2011, 10:43:59 PM
Nazrin bit her lip, then nodded. "Y-yeah. I mean, the more people we can have up and moving, the better. Especially since we'll need people to carry back those who haven't woken up yet..." Still, I wonder what happened to him to make him so beat up...

(Short post is short. Fuuuuuu-)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 08, 2011, 10:58:14 PM
Rhiseza nodded slightly and looked at Newan. She smiled. " we go" She said a litlle excited.
The girl held out her hands which began to glow with a faint light. For about thirty seconds there was silence, then the glow faded away.
The two of them sat there, holding their breath, waiting for Newan to wake up. Ten, Twenty, Thirty seconds passed with nothing happening.
After another thirty seconds Rhiseza lift her head a bit and laughed weakly. She scratched her head, a confused expression on her face. "Ah...aha...aha...I must have messed that up" She said, giving herself a slight tap on the head. "Let me try that again" She said, her arms shaking slightly. She held out her hands again, this time focusing harder. Eventually the glow dissipated and the two held their breath again, staring at Newan. Once again, nothing happened.
Rhiseza's body began shaking, worry filling her face. She closed her eyes and thrust her hands out, trying as hard as she could to heal him.
This time, her entire body glowed with a pale light, making her stand out in the dark of the night. After about a minute, Rhiseza's healing came to a halt. She was panting and sweating profusely. Her face was filled with worry and sadness. She didn't speak, she was too ashamed to do so. She bit her lip.
It didn't work.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 09, 2011, 12:16:52 AM
[Apologies for taking so long. I have had one horrid mood-rending day. This took a lot longer then expected.]

Mima didn?t need to concern herself with anything else. The shrine was already destroyed, the people around her were busy with their own problems, and Yuuka had taken her attack dead on. The orbs whizzed around; picking up traces of energy Yuuka must have been exerting. But it didn?t matter; even if the youkai survived the attack, she had to be worn out from it. As the light subsided, she realised something was wrong.


Something stabbed her back and came out through her chest.

?Ah? You really have forgotten, huh~?

Yuuka was behind her; parasol impaled through her. The one thing she forgot was Yuuka?s ability to split herself; it was part of her Duel Spark combo, but she had forgotten the youkai could use it in any situation. She was a spirit, so she didn?t have to worry about bleeding? but the pain was still there. And boy did it hurt.

?I?ll take that as a thank you.?

Mima grabbed the tip of the parasol pulled it forwards. The handle jabbed at her back, but it pulled Yuuka forward too. In one swift turn, she planted her staff into the side of Yuuka?s face; sending her hurtling towards the ground. Despite the effect it had had, Mima was sure she could still see Yuuka smiling; did this youkai never know when not to do so? She grabbed the handle of the parasol from behind and removed it from her back; ignoring the pain as she did. With this, she had the one thing Yuuka cared for; the flower that never withered.

?Let?s see you fight without this??

She pointed the parasol at Yuuka, who had managed to land on the ground on both feet, and tried to picture the spark that the flower youkai was known for. It was one thing to use it; but another to enhance it with such an item. The light began to flicker as Yuuka began to move upwards; flowers sprouting around her in the process. Mima had to move; she just wasn?t getting the energy to flow properly. Her staff emitted multi-coloured danmaku; chopping away at the flowers before they could reach her. To anyone below, she must have looked a little funny; fighting with a hole in her chest. Yuuka had positioned herself in the air once more; slowing down a little as the flowers spawned yellow danmaku towards her. No matter how evil Yuuka might be, her attacks were still such a sight to behold. Mima twirled around; her staff casting off a few huge spheres to at least block the oncoming storm. Even without the parasol, Yuuka?s strength was on the level of an oni. To think that the match would be over by removing Yuuka?s weapon was simply asking to be beaten. Mima continued to watch Yuuka float there before realizing a horrid mistake. The space she had given her gave her enough time to double again. If she didn?t close the gap, Yuuka would easily dodge another attack; or even worse, divert the attention of the attack with another double.

?Damn you, Kazami.? Mima muttered. ?You?re showing me up, aren?t you??

She floated down towards the ground; keeping a close eye on what Yuuka was doing. The youkai was moving; slowly, but moving towards her. Perhaps Yuuka knew what she was going to do; perhaps not. As Mima neared the ground, she quickly muttered an incantation; waving the staff around in an ominous fashion. The sound of flowers sprouting up from the ground caught Mima?s attention; but it didn?t distract her fully. The flowers had engulfed her by this point; but it didn?t matter. No sooner had her staff hit the floor again, a wave of energy flashed out; ripping the flowers to shreds. 5 orbs floated out around; one even going past Yuuka herself. Yuuka froze in place for a couple of seconds, frowned for a brief moment, before smiling again.

?Such a nostalgic feeling~?

?You don?t even know??

Mima pointed the staff at her again as Yuuka began to move forwards. The bullets flew out in a curvy manner; the direction it was heading in, however, was a straight line. Yuuka dived into the waves; taking each bullet on the side without a second glance. It was the first thin laser through her ankle that caught her off guard. The 5 orbs had started to shoot themselves; firing a mixture of bullets, lasers and spheres. The space to graze in was becoming too narrow for her.

Mima had her. She had her right where she wanted her! Yuuka took another laser square on; this time through the side of her chest. Unlike Mima, the blood began to show instantly; a youkai was flesh and blood after all. She waved her arm out in front of her; directing anything she could muster towards where Mima was. Any flower that sprouted, however, was destroyed instantly; and very bullet was cancelled out by Mima?s staff. For once, the smile dropped from Yuuka?s face?

?How foolish of me??

Mima felt the opening? no, more like the end. It was like Yuuka was welcoming defeat; despite the lack of screams and yells, Yuuka was not dealing with trap she had walked into. Mima pointed the parasol towards the barrage she had made and chuckled. She had started so badly, and this was her reward?

?Too bad Yuuka?? Mima smirked. ?Looks like this is the end.?

The light began to glow from the tip of the parasol; the energy finally flowing freely through it.

And then the parasol left her grip.

A stray flower flipped upwards; catching Mima?s wrist on its path. The parasol flew out of her hands and into the storm. Mima tugged on the flower and wrenched it from the ground, before turning back around and directing her staff at the show in front of her.

But she was too late.

She had been distracted for just enough time for a gap to have formed in the wave of bullets from her end. The 5 orbs were still shooting, but Yuuka had a space to breath in. And she took it, without hesitation. She could clearly see Yuuka bleeding; her legs were marked from the lasers and her clothes were steaming. She had taken a bullet or two to the head, evident from the blood trickling down.
And yet? she was smiling.

Her arm caught the falling parasol and quickly opened it. In one swift flick, she dispelled the bullets around her; causing the area to suddenly free itself from the storm she had been stuck in. The orbs still fired down at her, but it didn?t matter now; she had all the time she needed.

?Such a shame?? Yuuka said; an evil tone could easily be recognised from her words. ?I was expecting so much from you.?

Mima summoned the orbs to descend; if anything, they would at least cut her off. Worst case scenario, they would soften the impact from Yuuka?s attack. Her staff began to form a barrier as a precaution whilst the orbs continued to fire?

?It?s sad, isn?t it~?

She couldn?t have fallen for it a second time.

Sure enough, her arms were grabbed from behind and her staff clattered to the ground. The orbs were no longer descending; nor were they shooting. Yuuka, with parasol in hand, muttered the two words that Mima could no longer protect herself from.

?Master Spark!?



The explosion of light began to die down as the blast caught most of the people by surprise. It was always said that Marisa could never truly replicate the original spark without the use of her hakkero; Yuuka knew too well why that was the case. She coughed up a little bit of blood; the spark destroyed the clone she had produced from the stray flower, which affected her more then it should have done. Perhaps it was a last ditch attempt from the spirit to actually injury her; though she had certainly received enough to be classed as ?injured.?

?Now then??

Yuuka turned around to the direction of where the scream came from; the direction of where Kenshou sat.

?What shall I do with you? <3?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 09, 2011, 12:27:14 AM
Nazrin watched as Rhiseza attempted to wake Newan up. She laughed nervously as Rhiseza failed. "U-um... I-I'm sure he's just too worn out or something. Yeah." She tried three times. Three times. No way in hell this is her fault, and no way it's just him being tired. But then... Newan... Why? [Newan? Can you hear me? Are you there? Newan?!] But still there was no response. Nazrin trembled, then fell to her knees. She grabbed his wrist, and checked his pulse. ...He's still alive. But then, why won't he wake up? She started to cry, and rested her head on his chest. Newan...


There is a dark room. Two chairs face away from each other in the middle of the room. In one chair sits a man In the other sits a boy. The boy is pouting; the man is frowning. Finally, the boy speaks up. "...Nazrin is calling for you, you know."

"I don't want to wake up. Not like this. Not with you here."

?...She's already seen me. When we linked together, she saw the real us. She saw me. I'm the one who's really been talking to her anyway. I know her better than you do. The same goes for Nanaya. Even if you think you're there, talking to them, I'm pulling the strings.?

?...I can't stay asleep forever.?

?I agree.?

?...But I won't leave this room until you go away.? There was the sound of the only door out of the room locking. "Of course, that lock won't stop you from going away."

?...So that's how you want to play. Even if I'm the real you, you have dominance over this body. It makes sense that you'd be able to lock both of us in here.?


?Well, then. It's time to wake up.?


Nazrin opened her eyes as Newan slowly sat up. The tears of sadness were soon replaced by tears of joy. She hugged him as he looked around. "You're alive! Thank goodness, you're alive! I was so worried about you..." She pulled away from the embrace, and saw that Newan was staring at her with blank, expressionless eyes. "Are you okay? Why aren't you saying anything?" He simply continued to stare. She slowly backed away. "P-please, stop... this isn't funny, Newan." He continued to stare. Nazrin wiped her tears and continued to back away. [I-is it something you don't want to say with other people around?] Nazrin asked, a bit of hope returning. But it was soon dashed by Newan's lack of response. If he had heard her, he had shown no signs of it.

Nazrin returned her stare for a moment, then shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes once more. "...He's gone." She looked over to watch the battle, hoping to take her mind off of it, only to see that the battle was already over. "...This can't be good."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 09, 2011, 02:44:41 AM
>"He's not dead," Aesera said. "If he was, then you'd be dead, too." But we have other concerns. [Kanako, did you see what happened?]

[Mima lost.]

[Yes, but Yuka's pretty drained herself. Get in there and finish the job. I'll bring the others over for healing.]

[Got it.]

"Change of plans," Aesera said. "I don't want to leave Nanaya right now, but I'm going to. Kanako's finishing up where Mima left off. Rhiseza, heal me right now, then I'll go bring the others to you."


Kanako changed course. Mima was down, so someone needed to finish off Yuka. And Kanako might have just recovered, but Yuka was doing a lot worse; finishing her shouldn't be too hard.

Kanako didn't waste any time. Before even getting to Yuka, she called down a couple onbashira at the flower youkai.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 09, 2011, 03:32:41 AM
Mystia woke up. When she took into account that she had been knocked out, she sat up abruptly. This caused all the blood in her to rush to her head.

"Ow... what happened?"

(OOC: EXTREMELY SHORT POST!  :colonveeplusalpha:)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 09, 2011, 03:38:17 AM
"I know that, but it's like he's not even there..." Nazrin said, as Mystia got up. She then turned to Mystia. "We were fighting that Angel, and she used this freaky spellcard that knocked us out. Most of us are either recovering or knocked out right now, and Kanako's going to finish off Yuuka." Nazrin bit her lip when she mentioned recovering, and turned her attention back to Newan, who still seemed to be staring blankly. He's like a baby that doesn't know how to make sounds...

(Also a short post :V)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 09, 2011, 04:09:59 AM
"The way..." Nanaya was sleeping. Why was she sleeping? Enemies were still around. Aesera sat beside her, still injured, waiting for her to awake from this slumber. Oddly enough, Nanaya seemed peaceful. Yuuka was smiling sweetly, walking closer to Kenshou. Mima was on the ground, injured, a hole in her chest, unable to fight. Unable to move. Why hadn't she just blew Yuuka up? Because she didn't want to.

Nanaya continued on her journey in sleepland, Aesera quickly changing plans to leave her after Rhiseza is done. Kanako prepared to engage the weakened Yuuka. She had a chance, just a tiny chance, but that would be enough to win. Yuuka was the strongest youkai. Even if wounded, she could fight like no other.

This is the way.

The way that all must follow.

Enough. I get it, Katelin.

Enough of the sorrowful poetry and all that Nostradamus-like prophecies?

Just get rid of them, ok?

You do know that I'm not in control anymore, right? I mean, I'm FULLY corrupted.

If you're so corrupted, how are you talking to me?

My sanity is within you, silly. And also, I'm God. What else is there to say? Even if I'm fighting myself, with no clear winner, as God, I am able to make just a little tiny part of me defy all reason.

Don't abuse your powers like that.

Abusing, overusing, whatever.

Just end it already. I don't want Mima to die.

You mean be exorcised.

Get Brother here.

Fine. I had my fun teasing you~

A crackle of red energy begins from Nanaya's hand, slowly seeping into the ground and trailing towards Mima. In a bolt of lightning from the ground, flames started sprouting around Mima, taking form... A humanoid covered in flames and lightning. A hand reaches out to brush away the strands of hair on Mima's face, the fire and lightning apparently not doing any harm. Mima's lips curl into a slight smile, her empty eyes having something like a glimmer of sorts.

"Knew you would never leave me to die."

The humanoid smiles, lightning engulfing them both. "Of course, Mima. We've been together for so long, anyway." It gives Mima something like a kiss to the forehead before lifting her up, supporting her as she got on her feet. Her weak, twitching body with a big hole in her chest doesn't really allow her to fight with Yuuka. Kanakos' got her anyway.

Nanaya still slept, dreaming... Dreaming...


Mima dusted herself, adjusting to the pain, enduring it. The being of flames and lightning looked in silence, his hand extended out. Mima placed her hand in his, and took a few steps, before it released her. Folding it's arms and lying back on just air, it watched Kanako and Yuuka converge on each other. Mima stood beside the being, the hole in her chest slowly reforming.

"Need help with that?"

"No no. I'm fine. It's alright." Mima turns to look at the ongoing battle. "It's goin' to be fun, watching a god and Kazami duke it out."

"The winner should be Yuuka. It's no surprise."

"But it'll be entertaining."

"Only to you, Mima. I for one, dislikes violence."

"Yeah yeah, go shed your manly tears, Honey."

"...Who asked him."

Mima giggled.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 09, 2011, 04:10:39 AM
"I know that, but it's like he's not even there..." Nazrin said, as Mystia got up. She then turned to Mystia. "We were fighting that Angel, and she used this freaky spellcard that knocked us out. Most of us are either recovering or knocked out right now, and Kanako's going to finish off Yuuka." Nazrin bit her lip when she mentioned recovering, and turned her attention back to Newan, who still seemed to be staring blankly. He's like a baby that doesn't know how to make sounds...

(Also a short post :V)

Sariel's spellcards arn't freaky! Those last two were Reimu's and Utsuho's!
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 09, 2011, 07:26:33 AM
Aesera returned with the Alices and set them down beside Rhiseza. then she turned to Newan. "Okay, something's not right with him. It may be related to whatever's going on with Nanaya; I'm not really sure what, but the two of them seem to be connected in some way."

"Rhiseza," Aesera said, "heal the Alices, then keep an eye on me. If this goes like it did last time, I shouldn't need you for anything, but I want you ready just in case. Oh, and it doesn't seem likely, but there is a chance there'll be more fighting, and if so, I may be unable to defend myself. I'm hoping it's easier the second time around, but it may very well not be, so just be aware of that."

"I'm going to attempt to contact my other self," Aesera said. "Last time I tried, he told me not to do it again, and that he would contact me. But we need to figure out what's going on with Newan and Nanaya, and this seems like our best bet. He may be able to do something."

Aesera guided Newan over next to Nanaya and sat him down. Then she sat down between them and placed her hands on their heads. "Ley's hope my other self can do something." And I should remember to tell him to give me more of a chance to figure out the plan next time, too. As before, she focused on the figure from her dream and thought 'at' it. [Sorry for not following instructions, but I need your help on this one.]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 09, 2011, 07:41:00 AM
A jolt of electricity shot through Aesera, making her body shiver and twitch uncontrollably. However, it soon subsided, only leaving a constant, musical hum.

You need my help? Why, I'm right here.

With that one statement, Aesera flinches, her concentration snapping and her thoughts suddenly racing. Instintively turning to Mima, there stood a humanoid shape, encircling it was fire and electricity. All around it, as if it was made of them. But inside of her, she knew that this was either a projection, or a smokescreen-ish cover. She had seen the true form of her other self. And even as demonic and frictional as it was, that was it's true state of existence.

The being turned it's head slightly to the right, where Aesera was.

"You called?" Mima turned to look too, sighing to herself, the hole in her chest now closed significantly.

"She's your intelligence?"


"Doesn't look like much."

"Hey, that's my mind you're talking about."

"Sorry, Honey." Mima giggles once again.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 09, 2011, 09:13:37 AM
"I don't take that as an insult," Aesera said. "Looking underwhelming can be quite useful. People are more likely to underestimate you that way."

"Okay," Aesera said, "it seems clear that you two know each other. I'd like some information about that, but there are more immediate concerns to be dealt with first. Mima, Kanako is picking up where you left off with Yuka; I expect that she can win without much trouble given that Yuka's worn out from the fight with you, but if you think she could use some assistance, feel free to give it to her."

Aesera faced her other self. "You're the one I'm concerned with right now. I need to know what's going on with Newan and Nanaya, whether any action should be taken, and if so, what those actions are."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 09, 2011, 09:16:30 AM
Mystia's eyes widened. Now she remembered.

"The explosion... the fight's still going on, isn't it? Oh crap, oh crap, I didn't even get to fight!" the night sparrow sputtered. She tried to stand up, but all the heat in her head would say otherwise.


She needed to get her bearings. Okay, she had her clothes on, her body was intact, her wings hurt a lot, and her ears were free. The bandana wasn't on her head anymore. The surroundings were a bit gray. Two fights were going on. Yuka was here, fighting with Kanako. Two others she barely recognized were also here. Most of them weren't fighting anymore. Among those who weren't fighting, Vante was present.

She crawled towards her human partner and poked him. After one poke, he didn't respond. She poked him again and again until he looked up at her. Miraculously, his glasses survived this giant ordeal, although there was a slow, steady flow of blood from his nose. What happened to him?

"What do you..." he slurred, "Wait. You know what, let's talk later. I feel tired like never before, and now that you're awake, angry." With that, he resumed putting his face to the floor.

That, she did. There wasn't much that she could do, since laying down was the only sensible thing to do. So, she talked. By mind.

[Nazrin, now that I have the short version, why don't you tell me the full story? You won't need to talk.]

(OOC: Cue!)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 09, 2011, 11:50:42 AM
"What. You want me to go back in and fight Kazami?"


"Do you believe that I can even lift my staff?" Azeri looks at the crescent moon-tipped staff lying on the ground. With a swish of his hand, the staff flies towards him, and he promptly grabs it.

Aesera looks over to Azeri. "What about you?"

"I'm not here to fight. I was here to prevent my little Ghost from dying."

Mima turns to look into Azeri's glowing, molten eyes. "Really, is that all?"

"Yeah. I would'nt have come here other then that. Well, maybe more, I admit, but that's not important now."

"Now then," Azeri crosses his arms, his body still surrounded by flames and lightning, making it unable to see the expression on his face. "Nanayas' just having a heart-to-heart talk with Katelin. I mean, she did kill herself to talk to her." Aesera's mouth opens, with some intellectual crap going to spew out at any moment, only to be stopped by Azeri.

"She's not dead now." With that flat statement, Azeri looked towards Newan.

"Just like old times, ain't it, Mima?" Mima silently nods, sighing to herself.

"Xera's embodiment broke down. Inside. Something snapped within him, and he has to get it straightened out. Like... Getting MindBleach. To bleach his mind of that mindfuckery stuff in that brain of his."

"Just like how Xera did long ago." Mima adds, turning back to the fight.

"Now, if there's nothing more, me and Mima would like to watch this little fight."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 09, 2011, 12:37:25 PM
(Well, Nazrin has never met Utsuho to my knowledge, but I guess she'd know the Reimu one. Besides, I'm fairly certain I worded as "she used" instead of "she had" so it's not that big of a deal. I could be wrong, though.)

[Actually, I myself only woke up just recently, so I don't know much aside from what I told you. Rhiseza's just been healing people while Miss Mima and Yuuka fought. It also looks like Nanaya's been hurt pretty badly.]


"They're talking about us, you know."

"I know."

"Why don't you just stop this foolishness and get out there already? Being a vegetable is kind of embarrassing."

"I'm not going out there until you leave. That's final."

"...Why do you hate me so much?"

"...You should be asking yourself that question. You're the one who killed yourself, not me. I'm just the part of your mind that was left over."

"W-what are you talking about? You're the one who killed me. Who ignored me for nineteen years."

"I didn't know you were even there."


Newan looked up at Azeri from where he was sitting. Even with the fire there, he remained unresponsive.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 09, 2011, 02:58:13 PM
Within Alyssa's unconscious state, her mind slowly wandered to the things that had happened. Eventually, her heart called out for one thing, answers. She started searching, calling, for the woman in her dreams.

(OOC: SHORT POST IS SHORT :colonveeplusalpha:)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 09, 2011, 03:20:10 PM
"I want to know how Nanaya was able to call you," Aesera said, "and I really want to know what the hell happened to her if you're saying she died or something. especially since whatever she did may very well have been in response to me. And in a more general sense, I want to know why this whole 'embodiment' thing is necessary, why you can't just fight the chaos directly. I also want to know if there are any more handy little tricks I can do like forming that lance. But if there's nothing that I need to do for Nanaya and Newan at the moment, then I suppose I can wait until the fight's over as long as I do get my answers; running blind like I've been doing makes this a bit more difficult than it really needs to be."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 09, 2011, 04:04:30 PM
"Easy. She called Katelin to call me. We are siblings, you know?" Azeri tilts his head a little. Everyone in their familiy does that. "She just had to make herself overly-extreme. In a death sense. It's actually kind of dumb, if you think about it. But whatever, the girls on their side are like that."

Azeri then begins to shake his head.

"You really want to know? Why we can't fight?" Silence.

"You really do have my mind, don't you?..." Silence.

"Gods are unchanging. They can not learn, they can not evolve, for they are perfection in your eyes. However, humans can rise above that. Humans can change, can learn, can become better than they are now. In time, anything can be understood, any boundary passed. Gods too are blinded by their biases, and are unchanging, while humans can evolve, can improve.

You humble humans can see with not only your eyes, but with your mind, making conclusions. With work, diligence, and perseverance, one can see more than the gods, for the gods are a permanent standard, while human perception is a variable.

In the end, there is nothing that one can not improve on in themselves, and that is why one may supersede the gods, blind in their perfection.

If Heaven, Hell, and Earth were to merge into one, then, while the demons and angels would fight, being led to do so by their masters, and while they would be more powerful than most humans, the living have a power others do not. They can make choices.

Choices make you human, choices let you choose what you do, who you are, who you serve, and what you think.

Is it not better to choose what you do, who you follow, than to fight in a war because it is your nature?"

Azeri looks up the skies.

"We are unable to do things mortals are able to do. Chaos is the reason for that. Our bane. And yet, we require Chaos. All Life needs Chaos. Our Boon."

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 09, 2011, 05:35:14 PM
Rhiseza watched Newan in silence. There was nothing she could say. Nothing she could do. Nothing at all.
As Aesera finally brought Alice and Alyssa over she tended to them.
They weren't too injured on the outside. Rhiseza placed her hand  on their bodies, hoping to heal anything inside them that was damaged. As she finished she wiped her forehead and looked around.
Youmu was still fiercly fighting Kasen, but their energy seemed to be fading by now. Kanako had engaged Yuuka. Newan was vegetating, Vante was lying on the ground, face down. Aesera was talking to...something...that had appeared from Nanaya. Nanaya's alot more than meets the eye it seems... She thought, gazing at the girl's body.
As Rhiseza moved her gaze around she came to Ranna who STILL HASN'T BEEN BROUGHT OVER lay on the ground. Then she noticed something that made her heart skip a beat.
Ranna wasn't moving any more. At all.
Panic filled Rhiseza as she hurriedly scrambled to her feet, only to sloppily lose her footing and fall on Nanaya.
"Ah...ah! I'm s-sorry!" she said, moving her body off the girl and rushing over to Ranna.
As soon as she got to her she fell to her knees and pressed two fingers against the girls neck.
It was faint, very faint, but it was beating, weakly.
Rhiseza let out a quick sigh of relief and got to work.
She cleaned the wound on her leg and bandaged it. She then flipped over her body and felt for any broken bones. after a few moments she held out her hands and started to heal the girl.
Please don't be too late, please don't be too late...!
After about a minute, the light faded. Rhiseza bit her lip, hoping for the best.
Seconds felt like minutes, and minutes turned into hours.
Nothing happened.
Rhiseza's body began to shake violently, tears welling up in her eyes.
Please let her make it!

((Also Gj Azeri to ignore his dying embodiment))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 09, 2011, 10:14:23 PM
"Right," Aesera said. "I still want to know of any other abilities I might have, and I still want to know exactly what the hell just happened to Nanaya and why. For now, though," she continued as Yuka blasted Kanako into the ground, "my partner needs my help. Actually, that's another question: why do we have partners? We'll wait until Yuka's dealt with for that, though."


"You don't die easy," Yuka said, "you know that?"

"I am a god," Kanako said, getting to her feet. "Killing me is killing the sky, and that cannot be done."

"You know," Yuka said, "I've always wanted to try something like that. Killing the sky, hm? Should be interest-"

Yuka was cut off by Aesera's lance piercing her leg from behind. Kanako quicly took advantage of the opportunity and dropped an onbashura on Yuka, then grabbed her and threw her into the ground at Aesera's feet.

Aesera formed her lance again and aimed for Yuka's chest.


OOC: I don't know if you want Yuka to lose yet, YJ, so I'll leave off here and let you decide how it ends up.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 09, 2011, 10:58:00 PM
After a few minutes passed, Ranna began breathing raspy breaths in and out. Rhiseza let out a loud sigh of relief.
After making sure she had healed all of Ranna's wounds, she turned and called to Nazrin.
"Nazrin, would you be able to help me with Mokou?" She called as she herself got off the ground and headed over to the immortal.
Blood stained her shirt all the way down. The sword was still through her. And they needed to get it out.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 10, 2011, 12:15:24 AM
"Heh? Oh, sure," Nazrin said, as she ran over to pick up Mokou. That was when she noticed that the tree Mokou was leaning against was on fire. The shrine was also on fire. "...This day just gets better and better." She picked Mokou up, careful not to cut herself on the sword, and brought her over to Rhiseza. "...Right. I'm just going to pull this thing out as fast as I can. if you heal while it's still in there, the wound could close up on it, and that wouldn't be good." She took a deep breath, then closed her eyes and pulled out the sword. This thing is stuck in here better than I thought... With a bit of a struggle, she finally managed to extract the sword.

Unfortunately, she didn't have a good enough grip, and the sword flew out of her hands. It flew through the air a bit, then lopped off the head of Yukari, who had been hiding in the bushes. BAD END.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 10, 2011, 12:57:04 AM
Posting in 3 hours.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 10, 2011, 12:58:07 AM
"...Okay there we go!" She said, lying Mokou's body down. She wouldn't need to heal her cause the immortal would heal naturally. But the girl decided to give a shot at making the pain go away before she woke up. She held out her hands and they emitted the same glow as the rest of the time. As the glow faded she looked at her patient. Her wounds hadn't healed up, Rhiseza took that as a good sign and headed over to Vante. She kneeled beside Mystia and began to get to work.


Youmu and Kasen dashed back and forth, handing out blows as they passed eachother. Youmu quickly turned, and shouted.
"Spellcard! Obsessor! Slash of Eternity!" Youmu shouted. With a quick movement from Roukanken, she vanished, moving too fast for human eyes to keep up with. Kasen also, could not keep up with her speed. Instead she focused and called out her next card.
"Spellcard! Sutra! Soulles Chant!" She shouted as her body began to glow, releasing small white bullets with a few blue lasers in all directions.
Youmu was taken by surprise, but was quick to slice through the danmaku with her sword. However it seemed that was just what Kasen was hoping for.
Within a moment the hermit was infront of her, swinging her fist towards the half ghost who was left wide open.
Youmu swiftly pulled out Hakurouken with just enough time to block. The power clash emitted a cloud of dust. The two of them leapt back out of the cloud, and stood for a moment trying to catch their breath.
"Hah...hah...It seems you've improved Youmu..." Kasen said, holding her left arm.
"...The same to you..." Youmu replied.
With that the two of the shouted once more, engaging in combat.
"Sakura Sword! Disappearing Elegance!"
"Beast Contract! Pact of Agression!"
Youmu began the attack, charging at Kasen,. her blade glowing faintly. She dashed around, attacking with slashes from all sides. She bombarded Kasen with Sakura danmaku as well.
Kasen blocked the blows one by one, a few getting through here and there. She clicked her tongue in annoyance, unable to summon her 'soldiers'.
As the first wave of slashes came to an end, Youmu stopped, charging for her next attack. This was Kasen's chance, and she took it. She spread her arms wide,as if she was about to summon danmaku above her.
Youmu seeing this, charged faster, in an attempt to cut her off. As Youmu made her dash, Kasen grinned with satisfaction.
As Youmu sped towards the hermit, a bird dashed at her, nearly running into. Youmu, being caught of guard, stopped her charge and drew forth Hakurouken, readying for the assault.
Abotu a second later, a massive choir of crows could be heard, cawing from all around. Youmu glanced around wide-eyed. In the next moment, atleast a hundred crows rose from the forest, all diving for Youmu.
The half ghost batted them away with her swords, occasionally being snapped at by a passing bird. Kasen laughed loudly.
"They'll keep you busy for a while!" she shouted as she summoned more birds. "Have fun Youmu!" She said as she began running up the stairs towards the shrine.
Shit...! Youmu turned and, without hesitation, flung her Ghost half right at Kasen.
Kasen was hit in the back, knocking her onto her face, and subsequently cancelling her spellcard.
"You're opponent is right here where do you think you're going?" Youmu said, turning her attention to her downed enemy.
"You...." Kasen muttered as she glared at Youmu. She slowly rose to her feet, a black aura surrounding her.
Youmu sharpened her eyes, preparing herself for whatever would come next.
Kasen smirked, pulling out another spellcard.
"Spellcard! Stampede of the Lower World!" She shouted.
Youmu readied her blades, retrieving one of her own spellsards. As she readied to announce it, she realized Kasen's card didn't do anything. She glaced around in surprise, looking for the attack. Kasen just grinned.
Then, the ground below Youmu collapsed, turning the stairing into a landslide. Youmu lost her footing, getting swept away by the sea of crumbled rocks and dirt. Her sword pulled away from her. She was wide open. And that's when Kasen striked.
The hermit appeared right in front of her jabbing her in the stomach with her first. She let loose a flurry of blows onto her defenseless opponent. She finished with a kick, using Youmu as a trampoline, she flung herself back to the top of the stairs. Kasen smiled at the pile of rubble that lie at the bottom. Youmu was no where in sight. After regaining her breath, Kasen turned and strode towards the rest of the group, turning her back on the stairs.
"Spellcard...Hell Realm Sword..." a muffled voice came from the rubble. An wunaware Kasen not even stopping.
"200 Yojana in One Slash!" Youmu shouted from beneath the debris. Kasen opened her eyes wide and turned to catch a glimpse of Youmu speed up the stairs and make a long gash up through her body.
Kasen fell to the ground, clutching her stomach and chest that had been slashed open, blood leaking from it.
Youmu, who now stood behind her, fell to her knees, her entire body aching from being crushed by the broken stairs. The two of them gasped for air, trying to regain their strength.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 11, 2011, 08:26:56 AM
Will post in three/five hours. I'm outside in a bigass electronics store using their mac. Kay.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 11, 2011, 12:16:17 PM
(Since Kanjou's feeling too down to do this, I'll be taking over. Durr.)

Kasen began crawling towards Yuuka, still in pain from battling Youmu. As the hermit she is, she has better endurance then a swordswoman who never really trained on her body. Youmu lost all the strength she had, even just by supporting herself on her knees, and fell flat on the floor. Youmu's out. Completely, totally, covered in debris too. Blood from Kasen's chest dripped onto the ground, staining it crimson red in the moonlight.

Aesera's second lance flew towards Yuuka at a, well, marvelous speed. It rocketed towards Yuuka's chest, only to be deflected by her parasol. It's now worn, torn and broken, but still able to be used as a melee weapon. Another lance formed in Aesera's hand, it's red and yellow tints illuminated in the moonlight. Kanako took to her feet, running towards Yuuka in hopes of doing... Something. Anything.

The lance flew...

The sound of metal clashing with some sort of glass is heard throughout the area. A loud, deafening blast. The lance hit straight on with the parasol, it's two tips both being caught in it. Aesera tried to form another one. Red energy gathered in her hand, slowly forming... No. The lance did not form. It could not. She turned to Azeri, who was smiling beside Mima.

She had asked him question after question, about the whys, the hows, and the what ifs. And also what else she could do. The lance flared up in red energy as Azeri grinned, along with Mima's smirk, the two of them looking like a duo of evil-doers.

The lance's tips began to swirl, twirling around one another, forming a straight, one-tipped lance. Completely straight. Like how a lance should be. A hexagon of orange, pulsating waves emerged from the Lance and covered it, constantly moving. Yuuka threw the parasol down, and began to fly. The lance pierced through Yuuka's pink parasol, flying straight beside Kanako's face, before impacting a piece of rock which began to melt.

Kanako was taken aback from the shock, but quickly recovered and flew up with Yuuka. The two of them began exchanging blows. Aesera could form lances again, and she did as so, throwing one right at Yuuka. The lance twirled and became straight, flying twice as fast, Yuuka almost got hit square in the forehead. Looking down, Kasen had reached into proximity of Yuuka, holding up a small card.

Aesera formed another lance, this one aimed at Kasen.

"Spell Card..."

She let the lance fly.

"Global Force."

Kasen, Yuuka, and the bodies of the Corrupted disappeared in a flash of light. The lance flew through the area where Kasen was, impacting a rock beside Nazrin, scaring the life out of her as the rock began to melt.

The fight was over.

They had won.

But the enemy lived.

(Nao, go hull yourselfs back together and go rest in some random hotel. Or something. Use Aesera's money and connections.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 11, 2011, 01:34:37 PM
(OOC: I'll probably be the last person to post on this again. Oh well! Back to sleep.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 11, 2011, 03:11:19 PM
"That was close," Kanako said as she landed beside Aesera.

Aesera nodded. "Yes. Kanako,  go get everyone together and make sure they're all okay. I'll arrange for a place to stay for the night, but first, I have a couple more questions for my other self."

Aesera returned to Azeri. "Right. I'd like the other answers now. There's no telling when we'll run into something nasty like this again, and I need to know as much as possible before then. And add this to the list of questions: why were those people assisting the chaos?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 11, 2011, 03:20:02 PM
OOC: So I'm under the assumption Alyssa couldn't call the Timeless Guardian?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 11, 2011, 03:20:51 PM
Azeri sighs, slowly turning to Aesera. All the while, rubbing his unmaterialized, flamming chin. Mima smiled, sweetly for a change, clinging onto his arm.

"You have my mind. Figure it out yourself."


Mimq breaks the silence by exchanging glances between Azeri's face, and Aesera's hardcore serious face. Giggling all the while. Azeri sighs yet again. "Did you see their eyes? Pure black. Abyssal Black. The darkness of nothing. They did not help Chaos because they wanted to. They were manipulated. Corrupted. Taken over."

Aesera was silent.

"Their minds are not their own." This comes from a whimpering Kanjou, limping towards Mima.

"Darling. Bring Kanjou to a safe place."

Mima nods, Slowly floating off while carring Kanjou on her staff. A ghost does heal fast, but not instantly. Anyway...

Azeri turned back to Aesera, inspecting that wound on her stomach. "You may be me, but you arn't immortal. Take care. And stop asking me what to do. And for power. Earn and learn it yourself." With that he disappears in a flash of crimson flames.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 11, 2011, 03:21:30 PM
OOC: So I'm under the assumption Alyssa couldn't call the Timeless Guardian?

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 11, 2011, 03:25:16 PM
OOC: Wait, then who's the woman in her dreams?

EDIT: Nevermind, reread the post.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 11, 2011, 04:54:51 PM
Nazrin sighed, then got up from where she had been sitting. "Well. At least that's over..." Although, knowing our luck and the fact that they just vanished... I don't really want to think about that for now. She turned back to Newan. "Still, what are we going to do about him? I can't even get a response from him, let alone find out what the hell is going on with him. It's the most I can do to take care of him while he's like this."


"...You know, it was dark being dead."


"And scary."


"And boring."


"But I was still there. Even if you killed me, I was still there. I've always been there. She's already met me. So have all the rest."

"I guess I'll have to kill you properly next time, then."

"You wouldn't. Now you know that it wouldn't do anything."

"I can try."

"That I'd still be here, that I'd return eventually."

"Even so, I'd forget about you for a time. Ignorance is bliss, after all."

"Should a scientist really be saying that?"

"That's beside the point."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 11, 2011, 06:05:49 PM
((Orphea you have your characters back now))

Ranna slowly opened her eyes, gazing at the starry night sky above. She laid there, breating in and out.
So I'm alive... she thought. She turned her head to the side. There she saw Mokou.
The immortal was lying there, eyes closed, breathing softly, as if she were sleeping.
Ranna slowly turned her gaze to the sky. They were alive, both of them. So why wasn't she filled with happiness? She looked all around, taking in her surroundings.
The bodies of their teammates were littered on the ground, unconscious, or just about. There was no sign of their enemies anywhere. The shrine was destroyed, smoke rising from it's ruins. The monk was nowhere to be seen.
So we failed... an air of sadness hung over her. She closed her eyes and moved her head back to center. She thought about everything. How powerless, and helpless they all were. If it weren't for their partners, they'd probably all be dead now
We can't go on like this...
Ranna opened her eyes and gazed at her partner. She was unconscious, breathing in and out slowly, as if she were asleep. Ranna gazed back towards the sky.
She saved me didn't she... She thought, feeling thankful to the immortal. If it wasn't for her...I wouldn't have lived...
The girl closed her eyes, resting her tired body. Waiting for some form of hope to arrive. As they were now, they'd never be able to defeat Chaos.
Never in a million years.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 11, 2011, 09:27:08 PM
Rhiseza hurried to Youmu, ignoring the fact that she wasn't supposed to exert herself like this. She shoved a bunch of debris off Youmu, before she pulled her out from under the rest and started dragging her back towards the rest of the group, tripping over nearly everything on the way. By the time she got back, Rhiseza had scraped up her arms and legs rather badly. Ignoring it, she set Youmu down and, with a brief flash of light, healed Youmu.
With that done she went and dragged Aesera over as well, healing her stomach wound, and then retrieved her inhaler from her bag before taking a quick couple of doses.
"I think... That's everyone..." And with that she sat down next to Youmu, who was unconscious still.

(Ffffffuuuu wireless.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 12, 2011, 01:42:22 AM
5 hours till post.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 12, 2011, 10:51:05 AM
-Current Status-
Kanako(63%) - "I'm a God. I can take care of myself."
Mystia(28%) - Healing
Mokou(50%) - Immortal Regeneration
Nazrin(70%) - "Eating Cheese regenerates me~!"
Youmu(20%) -Healing
Orin(20%) - Healing
Alice(20%) - Healing
Aesera(60%) - Healing
Nanaya(100%) - Sleeping
Vante(48%) - "Ouch my back hurts."
Rhiseza(100%) - YUNOFIGHT?!
Alyssa(20%) - Healing
Ranna(38%) - Healing
Achievements Unlocked:
Aesera - Curiosity Killed The Cat(Hard), Just a Flesh Wound(Lunatic)
Vante - Mortal Kombat(Hard), Gracious Victory-Honorable Defeat(Lunatic)
Gale - Breaking The Rules(Hard)
Rhiseza - Little Miss Princess(Easy)
Ranna - Genuflection(Phantasm)
Alyssa - Wall Of Dolls(Easy)
Everyone - To Save Or Damn the World(Normal), Resurrection Unleashed(Spechul)
Achievement: Resurrection Unleashed.
Unlocked Hirenko.

(I SEE NEWAN AND AESERA FORGOT TO SUMMON TENSHI. AND KANAKO FORGOT THAT SHE COULD CALL SANAE KOCHIYA. WRRRY. Please proceed somewhere to rest. I will post properly once everyone is away from the ruins, and in some hotel or something.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 12, 2011, 12:46:37 PM
(OOC: I'd like to say that for another day, I won't be posting. Which is why, for the next 20 hours, I'll allow anyone to bunny my characters!)

*Crow runs off to bed
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 12, 2011, 02:12:05 PM

((Oooh! Really really~?! Yays more characters to play!))

((Will likely edit this with a post once i think of what to write))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 12, 2011, 03:08:22 PM
(Do Newan and Aesera know that summoning Tenshi is what their things do?)

(Also, what's the method for Kanako summoning Sanae?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 12, 2011, 03:20:29 PM
(They do not know that they are are to, or that their items do that. How to summon Sanae? Get Kanako to 100%. draw a magic circle. Summon, Cthulhu style. Get to typing to hull everyone to a resting place like a hotel)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 12, 2011, 03:49:03 PM
After hearing a commotion, Ranna sat up and gazed forward.
"So it's over..." she mumbled. She turned to her partner.
Mokou was still out.
Ranna sighed and began to move her arms. She stretched them wide over her head and took a deep breath. She gazed at her hand, the one that had been crushed. She wondered if it was just a bad dream. It would be wonderful if it was, but the pain told her it wasn't. It stung slightly and she couldn't move it without her body resisting.
After inspecting the rest of her body she gazed around.
Mokou was out, beside her, but Ranna didn't think she'd be out for too much longer. Vante was lying face down on the ground with Mystia kneeling beside him looking slightly worried. Orin was lying on the ground, Gale sitting beside her. Alice and Alyssa were both unconscious, lying next to each other. Youmu was laying on the ground, twitching in pain. Rhiseza looked like she was going to have an asthma attack. Nanaya looked like she was sleeping, while Newan sat beside her. Wait...he's alright? Ranna thought, her body moving slightly. Nazrin was beside Newan looking worried. Kanako seemed to be fine, and Aesera was standing, looking like a leader.
Ranna slowly shifted her body and rose to her feet. She looked around at the disaster for a moment, then slowly made her way over to the group. The first person she approached was Newan.
"...Hey what happened..." She asked as she reached them. She looked down at Nanaya who was calmly sleeping. Ranna frowned slightly but looked back towards Newan and Nazrin.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 12, 2011, 10:10:40 PM
Nazrin looked at Ranna for a moment, then looked back at the ground. "...He's not talking. I can't even get any sort of response out of him. That person said that something's wrong with his mind, but I can't figure out what it is. And if we can't fix him before Nanaya wakes up..." Nazrin gulped at the thought, then turned her attention to the whole group. "A-anyway. We should probably get going. Almost everyone who's going to wake up any time soon is up, and the grounds of the shrine aren't the best place to rest. I suppose we could all go our separate ways again, but it might be more convenient to stick together."

Nazrin stood up, and brushed dirt off her skirt. "I'm new to this place, so I don't really know what it has to offer as far as housing goes."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 12, 2011, 11:22:34 PM
Ranna gazed at Nazrin, looking surprised by what she said. She listened to her carefully, not missing a word.
"That person? Who?" She asked as soon as Nazrin had finished.
She turned her eyes to Newan. She frowned slightly and stepped closer, bending her knees to lower herself to Newan's level. She looked at him with a dull expression. Then she rose her hand.
She flicked him in the head, the impact releasing a low sound.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 12, 2011, 11:38:56 PM
"I didn't catch his name..." Nazrin muttered, then watched as Ranna flicked Newan. She waited a few moments, but he never responded, just stared at Ranna. "...Like that. He doesn't respond to anything." ...I'm taking this strangely well. My friend and partner is a vegetable, and I'm just sitting here explaining it calmly. Sure, it's scary, but it feels... normal. Like this is supposed to happen, and it's just nature taking its course. You'd think I'd be more worried about him.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 13, 2011, 12:02:31 AM
Ranna frowned in a disappointed manner. The violet in her eyes swirled for a moment before returning to their place in her eyes. She sighed and and got up, leaving the group with not even another word. She turned her attention to Aesera.
"So what's our plan now?" She asked, her tone slightly irritated.


Mokou slowly opened her crimson colored eyes. She gazed forward, her eyes slightly empty and weary. She breathed in and out slowly, bringing oxygen back into her lungs. She turned her head to the side and gazed at the people who were standing, talking about something. As her vision cleared she could see Aesera and Kanako, talking to....Ranna?
Mokou smiled weakly and close her eyes, resting her tired and aching body for a little longer.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 13, 2011, 12:21:09 AM
"Well, I'm feeling not-dead enough to get up now," said Orin, forcing herself to sit up.  She looked up at Gale expectantly.

He rolled his eyes.  "Fine," he mumbled, giving an outstretched hand to Orin for support.

With a slight struggle, she managed to get into a standing position.  "So," she said, panting, "what happened?  Who died?"

"Well," Gale said, "I'm pretty sure Meira's dead.  But...uh..."

"You weren't watching?"

"Well, I couldn't let someone attack you while you were sitting there being useless, could I?"

Orin smirked as she laboriously walked with Gale.  "Aw.  You really do care."

Gale sighed.  "No, I'm afraid.  I just need someone to talk to people for me.  I'm sure you understand."

"I am reasonably exhausted enough to not punch you.  You should be lucky."


"Now what do we do?"

He shrugged.  "Rest, I guess."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 13, 2011, 01:52:59 AM
Right, looks like I've got some stuff to think over. Let's get everyone somewhere to rest first, though.

Aesera took her cell phone out of her pack and hit the speed-dial. Before long, the call was answered. "Aesera! What's going on? You've been missing since the meeting! Where are you?"

"Izumo Shrine," Aesera said.

"A shrine? What's going on?"

"I can't tell you, so don't ask."

"What do you mean, you can't-"

"We went over this when I hired you, Grace," Aesera cut in. "If I say not to ask, you accept that. Understand?"

"Um, yes."

"Good. Find a hotel close to the shrine with availabilities for tonight. Eight rooms, two people per room. Cost is not a concern. Do it now, and give me the hotel's location as soon as you have."

"Yes, ma'am."

Aesera ended the call and turned to Kanako, who had landed beside her. "Who was that?" Kanako asked.

"Grace. Functionally, she's my secretary. She'll get us rooms for the night. Come on, let's gather the others. As soon as Grace gives me a location, we'll head over there for the night."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 13, 2011, 08:16:39 AM
(I'm not posting how da hell we get there. Bring everyone there so I can continue. : <.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 13, 2011, 10:03:59 AM
Ranna sighed and walked away from the group. She leaned against the shrine's gate and looked up at the sky.
Stars speckled the sky, twinkling faintly. The moon was high in the sky, glowing peacefully. Ranna closed her eyes, sinking deep into thought.


As time passed, Mokou finally reopened her eyes. A slight frown slipped on her face for a moment, then vanished with a sigh. She sat up, effortlessly.

Ranna, catching a glimpse of movement in the corner of her eye, turned her gaze in Mokou's direction. She gave a look of slight surprise and spoke after a moment.
"Mokou..." She said, as if it slipped out without her knowing.
Mokou turned her head and looked at the girl. Her expression was somewhat annoyed.
"Yeh?" She replied.
Ranna gazed at her, still in a slight shock. After a bit of thought, she spoke again.
"...Are you sure you're ready to get up?" She asked, sounding a little concerned.
Mokou frowned. and sighed under her breath. "Yeh yeh, I'm fine."
Ranna didn't respond, understanding Mokou didn't want to be bothered by things like that. She silently walked over to the immortal and held out her hand.
Mokou looked at Ranna's hand, then at her face. She moved her body and got to her feet without any trouble.
Ranna pouted as her face turned slightly red. She pulled back her hand and folded her arms, frowning all the while, avoiding any gazes.
Mokou rose her arms over head and inhaled deeply. She stretched them wide and exhaled loudly. After a bit of stretches and cracking body parts, she let out another breath and turned to Ranna, a slight smile on her face.
"Ya ready?"
Ranna looked at her, her frown gone. "...For?"
Mokou grinned. "To go home"
Ranna blinked, looking a little surprised. She glanced at Aesera and the others, who hadn't seemed to hear their conversation. Hesitantly, Ranna nodded.
Mokou grinned and motioned towards the gate with her head. She turned, her back facing Ranna, put her hands in her pockets, and started walking towards the stairs.
Ranna watched her for a moment, speechless, then she nodded slightly and followed. The two of them leaving silently, not stopping for a moment. They walked, out the shrine gate, down the broken stairs, and down the road, disappearing from sight completely.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 13, 2011, 01:02:57 PM
(OOC: 20 hours are over. Derp. My post looks bad.)

Mystia began poking her human partner again. This did nothing to alleviate either of them. Vante still refused to talk, and Mystia was getting bored and sleepy. The night sparrow was getting a bit worried, now that she saw the full extent of Vante's injuries.

She nearly forgot about her new telepathy link with her partner, as she was too busy fretting about finding out what really happened while was out.

"Oh, hey, I can talk to you now! Without talking! Wait, that didn't sound right..."

"...of course, not! It took you long to find out. So what do you want to hear now?"

Weirdly, Mystia could almost feel  Vante's angry and tired words. "Geez, you're a really grumpy guy right now. Okay, I just wanted to know what happened after the big explosion thingy, so that... uh... so that I can figure out what I would've done. Yeah, that's right!"

"...and the girl talks."
Before Mystia herself could react, Vante continued. "Just kidding, just kidding. How much do you want to know? I didn't see everything, by the way."

"What happened to Sariel? And what happened to you? You screwed up, didn't you?"

"...Sariel's attack damaged herself, so it didn't take long for someone else to beat her. I think she exhausted herself to death. She was able to land a hit on the monk, though it was nothing serious. My own fight, well... it... scared the life out of me, to be honest. Kotohime, I think that was her name, was way too fast, and I was only able to barely block all of her attacks. In the end, we ended up with each other's weapons in our backs."

Mystia's voice rang triumphantly in Vante's mind. "If I were there, the fight wouldn't have even needed to be that long! Just a quick song, then "bam!" you win."

"But you weren't there."

"Yeah, but still!"

"...if you didn't do what you did earlier, maybe you could have done that. Speaking of which,
ano ka ba, swooping down like that? You should have just sung, like you keep saying."

"Excuuuuuuse me, I wouldn't have the time for that! Kanako was in danger! They were using danmaku, too, so I couldn't sing anyway."

"...hmm, okay.  But-"

"Oh, I just remembered! I could have used a spell card! That would have been so much better, because that would surprise anyone!"

sayang, no? What a waste!"

Mystia didn't catch the sarcasm. "You talk funny."

"Whatever! Now that you got what you wanted, be a good girl and wake me up when something happens, or if we're about to leave. Okay?"

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 13, 2011, 02:11:30 PM
After a call back from Aesera's Secretary, Grace, informing them about a hotel... The nearest one, about five miles away, the group set off. Injured, slowly healing members of the group being supported by the Gensokyans. Towards this "Hotel Kirakuya" they went. There were no people anywhere, everywhere was silent, dark... As if... Chaos had killed everything in the vicinity of the area. Soon, they stepped into Izumo City. A sudden influx of energy was felt, penetrating all of their senses, flooding their minds.

There were people. The stores were open. There were lights, everything was on. Aesera turned back, and noticed the grey sky fading away towards the shrine. That's right.

The closed space that Chaos had made.

The shrine was not destroyed. It had never been.

Everything was normal.


After getting many awkward stares by numerous people, getting tired, eating a very late dinner at a restaurant, because reaching Hotel Kirakuya and settling in. The Presidential suite, the most high-class of them all, with a gigantic size and numerous room to fit them all, such a sight to behold. Each partner and their Touhou took a room, but like always, Nanaya went with the other two Ns'

(Such a short update indeed! Character Developement time! Head out in the afternoon! Hirenko, has arrived!)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 13, 2011, 04:06:21 PM
((Yay for being different and roughing it out!))

The two walked on silently, finally reaching the train station. Even as they stopped and waited for the next train, they didn't speak. People passing by stared for a bit before continuing on their way to their destination. The two of them didn't care though, they were tired and sore, the only thing they thought about now was getting home and resting.
After a while, the announcer finally called out the train they wanted to take. Ranna stepped forward and looked for the train. Mokou followed, not knowing what to do. After a bit Ranna stepped back, Mokou doing the same, as the train pulled up. After it came to a stop and the doors opened, Ranna walked in, Mokou following behind her, and looked for a seat. The train was most empty except for a few people here and there. It was past midnight after all. Most normal people would be sleeping at this hour. Neither of them were normal, so them being up this late wouldn't be considered too odd. The two girls found seats and sat down without a word. The people who had already been in the train turned their heads and looked at them strangely, but it didn't bother them the slightest.

Mokou was sitting beside Ranna, glancing around uncomfortably. She looked from one end to the other, that passenger to this passenger, out the winder here and out the window there. The train ride had lasted well over an hour now, and she was getting impatient. She mumbled to herslef under her breath and turned to Ranna.
Ranna was leaning slightly, her eyes closed, looking like she would fall over if the train came to a sudden stop. Mokou frowned and let out a low mutter. She looked back out the window for a second, watching the night scenery pass by.
The distant city of Izumo was aglow with a thousand lights. The lights were much better than the light of a firefly's light. It was entrancing. The moon's light was overshadowed by the city lights, only really noticeable on the surface of the water. The forests were dark and silent. Mokou wondered what the outside's forests were like, what lived in them, and how vast they were. After a few minutes, the lights of the city faded, and only darkness remained. Mokou, looking a little disappointed turned her gaze back to Ranna.
She was still in the same position as earlier. She breathed in and out softly, her face looked peaceful, not cold or afraid or angry, but just peaceful.
Mokou opened her mouth to speak, but stopped herself. She looked back to the window for a moment and thought about it. She opened her mouth again, but was interrupted by a sound similar to a bell. It chimed loudly throughout the train. It was followed by an announcement, saying the train would stop soon. Mokou turned her attention to Ranna who hadn't moved.
"Ah...Ranna" She whispered. No response. "Ranna" She spoke louder this time, but the girl still didn't respond. Mokou took a deep breath and opened her mouth, preparing to speak.
Before she could even let out a 'Ra', the girl opened her eyes, the peacefulness in her face vanishing. She turned her gaze to Mokou.
"What" She said, her voice was dull.
Mokou blinked, slightly surprised. "Uh...That voice said this thing's gonna stop" She said.
Ranna closed her eyes. "I heard"
Mokou mumbled lowly and scratched her head, not knowing what to say.
After a few minutes Ranna let out a mix between a yawn and a sigh. She moved her body, waking up her sleeping limbs with a little difficulty.
The train gradually slowed to a stop, opening its doors and allowing its passengers to leave.
Ranna stood up and turned her gaze to Mokou.
"This is our stop" She said calmly as she headed for the door.
Mokou nodded, slightly surprised. She got up and followed Ranna out the door, away from the station, and down the road home.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 13, 2011, 04:38:12 PM
"Are you sure that we shouldn't go after Ranna and Mokou?" Kanako asked, having pointed their departure out to Aesera after she'd seen them leaving the shrine on their own.

"Yes," Aesera said. "Actually, I'm surprised Ranna's the only one who left the group. What just happened has to've brought home the reality of just how dangerous this all is. Perhaps that was the real point."

"The real point of what?"

"The attack on Kenshou. It wasn't a trap set by the enemy, I'm sure of that. They were lured into attacking Kenshou. I realized that when you told me that he was like us; that made him an obvious target, too obvious. The battle there was set up not by the enemy, but by our other selves. I thought at first that it was a trap for the enemy, but now I think that the intended outcome is exactly what happened. The point of that battle was to show us just how dangerous this is going to be. I realized that, of course, but I doubt the others did. Now they do, and there's bound to be resistance to the idea of continuing because of it. Everyone's just come face-to-face with the reality that they may very well die."

"I see."

"We can contact Ranna through Mokou if we need to. For now, let her work things out on her own."

Aesera found an open space and formed her lance. "What are you doing?" Kanako asked.

"Training. I have reason to believe that this weapon is capable of a lot more than I've been able to do with it, so I'm going to practice with it. I have no doubt that I will at some point eed its full capabilties."

"What are you going to do?"

"It seems to respond to will, so I'm going to see just what I can will it to do."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 13, 2011, 09:58:17 PM

?We?ve set up a workshop this Saturday for schedule planning at the elementary school.  Would you be interested in joining us for it??

?Uh.?  Her heart sank when she saw the quiet smile on her professor?s face.  ?I?I don?t think I?m going to be able to do it this time??

?Oh, I see.  Just let me know when you?re able to, okay??



The whistling of the wind was giving her chills down her spine, but not from the cold.  She had been on edge all day, spending her classes fidgeting and her free time looking over her shoulder at every turn.  Turning down the offer to that workshop was the straw that broke the camel?s back, even if she had declined because she was feeling too anxious to even concentrate on the professor's lectures.

She was not feeling good right now.

Even now, she had withdrawn into her jacket, clutching her thermos in her hands as she stared out into the horizon.  The plastic bag sitting next to her was still filled with snacks, yet she had no appetite.  Somewhere out there, something was out there, like a star going super nova in the next galaxy.

She pondered this as she took a sip from her thermos.  Mmm, cocoa?the little om-nom-nom machine would?ve wanted some of this, and all the snacks she had with her.  Come to think of it, she had bought too much.  She should have given some of it to Mary and Renko before returning to her dorm and climbing onto the?

??Wait, what am I doing on the roof?  She?s not coming today.?  She stuffed the thermos into the plastic bag and crept back across the roof towards the ladder.  The second her feet hit the balcony, she zipped into her room.  The sliding doors were slammed and the curtains drawn tight.  It was like running up the stairs in a dark house: she always had that horrible feeling that something was going to come out of the dark and eat her, only this time it felt much worse.

Now that she thought about it, she had spent all of her free time after classes flitting about town, never staying in one place for longer than ten minutes.  She probably wouldn?t have run into any of her friends like that.

She flopped onto her bed, abandoning her food and drink on the desk already cluttered with books and papers.  Right about now the ghostly woman would be appearing, and she would still be sitting on her roof, waiting for her.  Then she could pretend she was a magical girl; that was always fun, considering that all she needed was a frilly dress to make it happen.  However, that was not happening today and had not happened in a while, and she was instead curled up under a blanket, letting the hum of the ceiling fan lull her to sleep...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 13, 2011, 10:49:58 PM
Nazrin glanced nervously around the three Ns' room. Newan was staring at the ground. "...So. I guess you've probably realized by now that something's wrong with him," Nazrin said, looking at Nanaya. "I don't know what's wrong with him, but I haven't been able to do anything about it. So, please..." Nazrin sniffed, trying to hold back a tear. "Please, help him..." but she was unsuccessful. She began crying, drawing Newan's attention but not gaining much of a response from him.


"...You idiot. You made her cry."

"Hmph. I'm not the one that locked us in here."

"Oh really? If you're the original me, shouldn't you be the one in control? Even if I've had more time to develop, I'm nothing more than leftovers."


"I may have locked us in here, but you know as well as I that you can unlock that door. But you won't. Because you're scared."

A chair falls over as the boy stands up. he wipes tears from his eyes. "Shut up! You have no right to say that, when you're the one who was too scared to even talk to them!" The sound of a sword materializing. The man stood up, and turned to face the boy. On the back of his hand was a glowing sword. There was a moment of silence, then the boy spoke up again. ?...I see. So you're going to kill me again."

"I'm tired of dealing with you. I'm tired of being locked in here. If you won't leave, I'll force you to go away. This time, you won't come back. I'll kill you for real."

"You know it won't work. It didn't work last time, and it won't work this time."

"I held back last time. We were still the same then. Now, we are separate. I don't have to worry about killing off myself."

The boy smirked, as the same sword materialized on the back of his hand. "Heh. I'd like to see you try. This time, I can actually fight back. I won't just stand there and let you kill me."

And so, without further discussion, the two attacked. They were equally matched; each strike was met with a parry, each thrust with a counterattack. The battle went on, neither one stopping or even slowing. Their energy was infinite, and neither showed any signs of tiring. After all, everything was at stake for the two. Neither one could afford to lose; whichever one lost would surely be struck down by the other. Finally, they jumped away from each other for a moment, catching their breaths.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 14, 2011, 06:45:02 AM
OOC: YJ, it's up to you if Aesera succeeds in getting the lance to do anything.


After a while, Kanako decided to ask about Newan's condition, and Nazrin reported that it was unchanged. "Aesera," she said, "Newan's still unchanged."

"He's got his own problems to work out," Aesera said. "My other self told me what's going on with him. Still," she unformed her lance, "it is worrying that there hasn't been any change yet. Perhaps I should provide a stimulus." And not just words. Those are good, but if there's anything I can be as sure as possible that he's still aware of, it's the most basic and most powerful of physical sensations.

Aesera went to Newan's room and just went ahead and opened the door. "Sorry, girls," she said as she entered the room, "but this may be important."

Aesera stood in front of Newan. "Okay, Newan. If you can hear me in there, then snap out of it. I don't know exactly what's going on in there, but you need to resolve it. If you're dealing with an aspect of yourself that you don't like, then resolve to change. If it's more like two different sides of yourself, then I'm pretty sure the correct answer is that both are important, and that they should come together. If it's fear, stop fighting it, because fear is good. Just don't let it control your actions, because then it becomes panic, and that isn't good. Or maybe it's something to do with your other self, in which case you need to realize that you are not the same person as your other self, but you own person who has a part of him. And don't fight that, either; you'll need whatever qualities of his you have. But regardless of what the problem is, one thing is the same." Aesera punched Newan in the face, hard enough to hurt but not enough to truly injure. "You need to snap the hell out of it!"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 14, 2011, 08:08:15 AM
"We're here."
Just like that, she shut the door behind her, kicked off her shoes, and dropped her bag right there.
Just like that?
Just like that.

She carried the now once again unconscious Youmu to the bedroom and laid her down. She'd barely been able to walk up here by herself.
Sighing and shaking her head, Rhiseza turned back towards the front door and retrieved her bag.
You never leave without that thing do you.
I have simple pleasures...
More like simple addictions...

She put on the headset and sat down in a chair in the corner of the bedroom.
Is it too much to ask for, just to have all of one's troubles just leave...? Even briefly...?
Some would say yes.
Then I say to hell with them.

... She laughed. At herself. Arguing over stupid things like this. There wasn't a point to it, she just... Did. Sometimes she wondered why she never argued about more important things.
... You're thinking about her again.
Yeah... I am... Not a day goes by I don't miss her...
It wasn't your f--
Shut up. Just shut up. There had to have been something I could have done for her.
... The more you run, the more it will hurt...
Like I care.

With that she just drifted off in her chair.
And for the first time in months, she started crying again.
... And nobody was there to see it. Just as she liked it.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 14, 2011, 08:38:24 AM
Alice sat quietly in the living room, Shanghai and Hourai accompanying her on the sofa, both resting on beside her right side. Mira sat beside the two dolls, staring into space as if in deep thought. Alyssa was on the left side of Alice and the both of them were silent as they sat and thought about everything that had happened up until then. They occupied a good length of the sofa. Both Alice and Alyssa feared the future that they would face, and considered the future that they could instead face.

Alyssa could go to back to her parents, where she could lead a life in peace and security, although would never be able to see, to feel, the world for what it was ever again. Never to be free. Would that be something she could sacrifice to be able to sleep at night without worrying about people or creatures out to get her? She also considered the ramifications of there being a missing person in this battle. Would her, and consequently Alice, missing be a blow to the group? Would her missing result in the battle against Chaos to fail? All because she wanted to stay alive?

Alice could return to her home in Gensokyo, although the levels of safety would probably force her to seek refuge in Makai instead. She would likely stay there until the incident gets resolved, if it would ever, and after reflecting on today, she imagined she'd probably be able to rest easy alongside her mother and friends who are likely to altogether have to power to fend off any spawn of Chaos until the incident could get resolved. In the end, she would be betraying her friends in order for her safety, her own selfish wants. Is that something she was willing to do in order to stay alive?

"I... don't want to die..." Alyssa murmured.

"Neither do I... But..." Alice paused for a moment. "But..."

Mira appeared in the middle of the two, patting them on the back.

And they both knew the answer.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 14, 2011, 11:26:06 AM
Even after receiving that punch from Aesera, nothing happened. Newan never did move, let alone flinch. He stayed there, his unyielding eyes telling a tale of a soul fighting for survival. Fighting with itself. Aesera sighed, and walked out of the room. This was as much as she could do. There was nothing else left to try...

The rain of swords fell from the skies, barraging each of the two within Newan's mind. Himself, and Himself. With such ferocity that even the Gates Of Babylon would be ashamed. Standing there, with eyes of steel, was the man. Wielding his unearthly, spectral blade of radiance. Gritting his teeth as he faced his adversary. A little boy - His past. That part who he locked deep away within himself, never wanting for it to reopen once more.

There stands the little boy. Battered to the bone, but still unbroken. His body had rejected him. Rejected everything about him, locked him in a dark, lonely room. He never falters, never stops, his eyes - Eyes of incredible determination. One alike to the mans', but even much so, thrice as sharp, hard as steel.

They clash, iron against iron, clanging their metallic, yet spectral swords together in an endless dance to the death. Nothing hampered them. And nothing will.

Nanaya was silent, looking into Nazrin's teary, pleading eyes. She wanted the old Newan back, instead of this silent pile of crap. It was late, and Nanaya was out of energy. She had died back then, and was brought back.

It took a big toll on her body.

Nazrin cried, sobbing to herself, knowing that something happened to him. But what exactly? Was he injured somewhere in the mind when Yumeko attacked him? Was that psychological warfare that just killed his mentality?

Nanaya stepted forward, turning her head to face Nazrin.

"This will be a cliche." A blunt statement, one like all the others Nanaya had made. And mustering everything she has inside of her, she used it all.

With a simple lift of Newan's chin, staring into his unbound eyes. Cold, desolate, like any no-man's land would be. She would never see this anymore, and she would never want to see it forevermore.

Until Nevermore.

Nanaya kissed Newan, pressing her lips against his, her eyes wide open, scorching through his icy barrier to his soul - A relentless, torrent of water extingishing the forbidden flame. And deep inside, Katelin smiled. Just like Xera, Newan had broke down.

Newan never flinched at Nanaya's sudden kiss, just stoning away, his breathing shallow and weak. Deep inside of him, the battle continued. The slashing, the stabbing. The killing. Finally, the two warriors had reached their limits, facing each other in arm's length, unable to raise their weapons once more. But they would never stop, never relinquish this chance to escape, or banish the other.

A lone woman walked between the berserked warriors in No man's land. With skin of Ice, illuminating the wonders of the astral plane, covered in bones of a Dragon. There stood, Xera SoulReaver. Thirdborn of God. Along with her, finally in full view, was another woman. One that both of the Newans' flinched upon noticing. Katelin Elntila SoulReaver. Firstborn of God.

With Crystals almost everywhere, covering her body like some sort of armor, a jagged scalemail to be exact. She strode peacefully, humming to herself in No man's land. With three pairs of wings, an Angels, a Dragons, and one of pure hatred and Destruction - Satan's. Her fingers and feet were claws, much like those of Chaos you had fought in Gensokyo, but pure white and covered in Crystal. Her beautiful, lock black hair, held in place between a helmet, also made out of Crystal, resembling a Dragon's head. A long tail curls up on the ground, energy sprouting from the numerous larger crystals.

She grabs the Man, and lifts him up, staring into his now distraught face. Xera looks down at the little boy.

"You never want to face your fear. Your regret. Your past. Like her. Chill the fuck out and grow a pair. You're a man. A man that Nanaya loves so dearly."

Xera pats the boy's head, ruffling his hair.

"You've done well, holding out on your own." She smiles sweetly, but her voice is as serious as Aesera. "However, engaging with your warden was a bad choice."

Katelin gives the man one tight slap, and just the wind from it, makes the dark space echo out in fear.

"Listen. You'll break. All mortals do. But always remember, mortals will learn, evolve and grow. Fear is nothing! The past was nothing. The future is in your hands." Katelin throws the man to the floor and shoves him with her foot. Hard.

"But there will be no future if mortals are like you." Katelin then turns her slightly angry expression into one of sorrow. "And there will be no love." She turns, and walks away.

Xera pulls the man the the boy closer together, still smiling. "If the three of us are one, for better or worse, we'll have to be one. No fights, nothing. The both of you have to just wake up. Get over yourselves."
-(After More Character Developement or so...)

The sun rises. It's dawn. Everyone is awake, gathered together at the huge living room. Silent, waiting for a conversation to start. They were determined, yet fearful. And all sorts. The absence of Ranna also contributed to their worries.

And they were about to have more.

An email was sent, yet again.

Sender: C
Hello, embodiment. Great job of repelling us. But we will return, deadlier then ever. We can never truely die.
Today, at 9:30pm,  girls named Hirenko, Maribel and Renko will be killed. The police will claim it as a Freak Accident. It shall be at Kyoto University.

Along with one, more "friendly" email. In the form of a gap popping up beside Kanako.

"Hello~!" Yukari says.

(Mira can move on her own. Aesera can only will the lance to become One or split into two(sharp ends). You should type out more on the NIGHT before going on with the MORNING with a nice linebreak.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 14, 2011, 12:24:57 PM
"...tell me something."

Vante laid down on the soft bed, his body feeling as heavy as lead. Mystia was sitting down on a chair beside the television set. She had seen inns before, but these "hotels" were amazing! They were on a totally different level.

"Yeah, what?" she voiced quickly. The cold air in the room and the softness of the seat's cushion was giving her some unexplainable feeling. She wanted to run around the room and do silly things until she tired out, but she had no idea why she was even thinking about that.

"What do you think about this mess with Chaos now?" Vante sank farther into the bed, his voice just ringing above the thick blankets.

"I don't know. All I want to do is kick their sorry butts to the next few millenia and get on with my life. But then again, I want to eat some humans along the way. Hmmmmmm.... Oh yeah! This is a great time to show how powerful I am!" Mystia's train of thought derailed rapidly.

"You sound childish," Vante flatly stated.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm over three hundred years old! I'm not a child!"

"Hm, does shouting your age and jumping up and down on your seat sound or look mature? Oh, I wonder." His last line was extra loud, just to rub it in Mystia's face.

"...come to think of it, you are right," the night sparrow admitted. No, what she was doing wasn't sounding mature.

"...nevermind. Hey, what do you think will happen tomorrow?"

"Well, knowing the- hey, I didn't get to ask you anything yet!"

"What does that have to mean?"

"Since you asked me something, I get to ask you something. It's only fair that way."

The human peeked his head out of the covers. He was beginning to believe that Mystia was really just a kid who refused to grow up. "Go ahead and ask."

"Because you asked me how I felt, I'll ask you the same thing: what do you think about this fight with Chaos?"

This was the question he hoped she wouldn't ask. "I guess I care about this thing a bit too much, but at the same time, almost not at all."

"I thought all humans cared too much," Mystia got up from the chair and switched over to a chair near the transparent sliding door that led to the balcony of this room. Her eyes darted to every part of the room, and to every star shining in the night sky outside.

"It's a bit hard for me to accept that I should be part of this. Why can't it be someone else's problem?"

"Right, I forgot that humans were selfish," the songbird began whistling a high tune.

There, she said it. Vante remained silent. She had already said what he really thought.

"So what do you think will happen tomorrow?"

If Mystia's mind had only one good thing about it, it was that she still thought like a predator. Several years around humans did nothing to change her mindset. "It's not going to be like a fairy tale, that's for sure. If they want us dead or out, and if they want it badly, they might come for us again. They're obviously playing with us, but in their defense, it's fun playing with prey. Can I scrape some meat out of your wound?"

"No. How do you figure these things out? Normally, people I ask don't come up with anything detailed as that."

"Once a youkai, always a youkai, I guess. We like watching humans squirm, especially when there's nothing to be worried about. I'm not saying that there is nothing to be worried about, though."

Seeing that he had nothing more to ask, Vante decided to stop the conversation. "True. Good night! You might want to sleep."

"What? You're just going to leave me here alone?"

"I suggest you go sleep or something. Just make sure that in the morning, you aren't going to drool on my lap."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 14, 2011, 03:44:25 PM
((Can I just skip to morning? I've got nothing for character development atm. they both tired and want to sleep, so that's wat they do))
((Also I thought Hirenko was like, Hi Renko, not a name. It's actually kind of confusing))
((So we aren't going to meet up with Renko and Maribel? and CHAOS WILL NOT SUCCEED!))
((I'll burn more than just a shrine down if I have to! AHAHAHAHA))
((Please be new ppl attacking, please be new ppl attacking))
((Actually it'd be kinda neat if this battle is more of a battle of wits/science instead. Just for a different flow and a once in a life chance to make our characters' knowledge of the outside worthful))
((Also reccuring bosses usually piss me off FUCK YOU SEYMOUR))
((If we have a science battle, could have Rika, Rikako, Chiyuri, and Yumemi attack))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 14, 2011, 04:41:46 PM

She rounded the corner and the grey stairs came into her vision, but the sudden turn was too much on her; she felt as though the hands of gravity were dragging her down by the arms and legs and pushing on her head.  In the moment it took for her to take another laboring step forward, a pair of hands clasped around her upper arms, pushing her to the floor.

?Get off me, Ohm!̩̼̣̻̓̋?  She struggled against the other girl, but she felt crushed by her weight.  Ohm, who was so slender, weighed like a ton of rocks.  Using this to her advantage, she dug her knee into her gut and pushed her left shoulder down.  It hurt.

?逃͓̺̰̦̙̦̮͗͂͛͗ͦͫげ̳͖͈͚͈̰ͯてͤ҉は̗̲͎͇͍ͅ駄͙̤̜̪̬͇̦目̙,̘̭̬̦̩ͅ ̧̀陽͔̣蓮͕͕̝̫ͪ͆ͪͨ̀̾.̫̩͉̜̮̦̈́̀ ͔ ͖͍͐̋͛̔ͦͤ̊?̬̳̟͎͢待̻̙̼̰͔̈́͊̈̓̿っ̶̻̝̇ͤ̓ͩ̔͛̎て̸̖ͣ͌͌ͭ́ͨ̄?̮̬͒̓͒ͤͥ ̎ͦ͏っ̨̙̼̫̘̾̏ͅて̹̙̲͚̒言̸̤̽̈́́った̻̂の̶に̱͇̯̦̖̱̿ͫ̄̽?̦̮̹̯͑͗ͧ̔̔ͣ̚ͅ?

She squeaked as Ohm grabbed her right arm with an iron grip and held it up.  In her other hand was a syringe.  She wanted to struggle, but found herself unable to move.


There was a demure smile on Ohm?s face.  ?I know.?

The needle went into her arm.  At once her arm felt like lead, and then lost feeling.  She inhaled, preparing to scream, but she found that she couldn?t quite work her lungs properly.  She couldn?t breathe, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts




She woke up to discover that she had been sleeping on her arm.  Shifting to a more comfortable position, she fell back into a more peaceful sleep?just five more minutes, and then she?d get up.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 14, 2011, 05:22:57 PM
Rhiseza felt a sharp poke in her side. Opening her eyes sleepily, she saw Youmu who surprisingly was doing much better.
"Time to wake up."
"... Yeah, alright..."
She pulled off her headphones, closed her laptop, and yawned.
"... Rhiseza, may I ask you something?"
"Er, yeah, go ahead."
"You were crying. Even when you were asleep. Why?"
"... I..." She stopped for a moment. She knew why but...
"... It's not important. I'm fine now."
"Are you?"
Most of her wanted to just say 'No, I'm not alright', but the words wouldn't come.
"Bothers you that much...?"
Rhiseza just turned and left, not saying another word.
"You have to tell me what's wrong."
"No. No I don't."
Running away again... I don't get you.
You don't have to. You're me.

Youmu sighed. "This is going to be impossible."
Shaking her head, she just left to shower. She was going to get bugged about it anyways so she might as well do it herself...
"Why couldn't I get the ability to just read her mind? Would be so much simpler..."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 14, 2011, 10:16:33 PM
"I am all sorts of exhausted right now," mumbled Orin as soon as they entered their room.  "I just wanna sleep..."

"And I'm tired of your complaining," said Gale, sitting on one of the beds.

"At least that Aesera chick got us this room."

"Yeah--wait.  Aesera...who?"

Orin rolled her eyes as she reclined on her bed.  "You know...that girl.  Uh, the one that we saw first on the mountain that one time."

Gale tried to remember the day he landed in Gensokyo.  It felt like a blur, but he felt like he could recall his meeting with Aesera.

"Yeah.  Her.  I remember now."

"You haven't talked to any of the others, have you?"

"Nope.  I don't talk to people unless I need to."

"Your life must be pretty boring, then."

"Well...who are you to talk?  You haven't exactly been a social butterfly, you know."

"Well...I don't run into many strangers in the mansion.  Just Mistress Satori, sometimes Koishi, and Okuu.  I don't really get to meet new people."

"I have a feeling our limited social skills will harm us later--"  He glanced at Orin.  She was asleep.

"Never mind."

He closed his eyes and let himself escape to a place far away from the trouble he had gotten himself into.


Gale opened his eyes.  He looked at the clock near his bed.  It was morning.

He looked down at himself.  He didn't bring a change of clothes to the city, since he wasn't expecting to stay the night.  Oh, well.  Worse things could happen, as he already knew.

He slightly pushed on Orin's shoulder to wake her up.  After a few seconds, she finally opened her eyes.

" it morning?"


"Ugh..." she mumbled as she sat up.  "I'm sore all over..."

"Well," said Gale, "I'm going to the lobby.  I need a break from being around you for so long."

"If you weren't so far away and I wasn't so groggy I would punch you so hard right now."

She mustered up the willpower to stand up and walked toward him.

"I'm bored.  I'm following you."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 14, 2011, 10:25:00 PM
The boy looked away, and pouted. "No. He's mean. He killed me, and tried to kill me again." Tears began rolling down the boy's face. "I hate him! I hate you both! I was dead for nineteen years! Nineteens years of dark, boring, scary isolation. I-" he was cut off as the man knelt down and wrapped his arms around the boy.

"I know. You were lonely. You were scared. And I'm sorry. I know this will be difficult for you. You're still a child, and you've been gone form this world for almost two decades. Chances are, the fear will never go away. But we can work past it. Someone once told me that fear is not there to hold you back. I think I finally understand what she meant." The boy was still crying, but he accepted the embrace, and returned it with his own.

"...Just promise me one thing. Promise me that we'll see her again. I... I need to see her again."

"I promise." With that, the two slowly melted into each other, until there was only one. He slowly stood up, and looked around. Finally, his eyes settled on Xera. "Well then. If you'll excuse me." He walked over to the door; No Man's Land had shifted back into the dark room it once was. He gulped, then slowly opened the door, as light entered the room.


Newan suddenly became aware of the fact that he was being kissed. For whatever reason, it actually felt pleasant this time. Setting that oddity aside for a moment, he pulled away from the kiss. "Er, sorry. I-"

Newan was cut off as Nazrin glomped him, "OhmygodI'msogladyou'reokayyouhadmesoworriedyo-"

"Woah, calm down," Newan managed between coughs. "By the way, could you let up on the hug? You're suffocating me..."

Nazrin paused, then released him. "Fine. Really, though, you had me worried there. I'm just so glad you're okay..." She wiped the tears from her eyes, then smiled at him. "Yu'd better not do that again. Anyway... what happened?"

Newan thought about it for a moment, then decided he didn't really know how to explain it. "I just... found something I had lost."

"...That's a cryptic answer," Nazrin said, frowning. "Anyway, you two probably want some alone time~" She stood up and left the room.

"...That was your doing, wasn't it? ...Thanks," Newan said, turning back to Nanaya.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 15, 2011, 01:38:26 AM
"Time for some rest," Aesera said.

"Are you sure?" Kanako said. "Newan may still need some prodding."

"I tried to snap him out of it with physical stimuli. The next thing to try is an emotional stimulus, but that's Nanaya's job. You can tell about her feelings for him, can't you?"

Kanako nodded. "It is fairly obvious. I don't think Newan's feelings are the same, though. Anyways, what about Nanaya? Didn't you want to ask her about what happened to her?"

"She's concerned about Newan right now. That's where her thoughts are. I'll speak to her after that's been resolved. Now come on, let's get some rest."


"Okay," Aesera said after reading the email, "looks like they're taunting us again. Kanako."


"We're doing recon, and right away. I don't want any last-minute surprises this time around." She looked to the group. "Kanako and I will do this alone. If we run into trouble, we'll call for backup. But first," she turned to Nanaya, "I need a word with you, Nanaya. In private, I think."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 15, 2011, 02:58:03 AM
If you has nothing to do for the night, skip to morning. Ill end the night in one post.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 15, 2011, 10:00:40 AM
((....Uh...So are new ppl attacking or what? Also if you'd please answer my pm, since I can't post till then))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 15, 2011, 10:22:17 AM
(Post on without me. I'll be a bit busy nowadays so I'll tell you when I won't post, usually if my characters won't be doing anything of note, unless it's character development)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 15, 2011, 03:50:05 PM
-Night Ending Sequence-

Nanaya looked at Newan's now... Happy face. Nazrin had already left the room, and Nanaya had solved everything needed. She smiled, making Newan abruptly jerk back, as if remembering something. And he did. After that reckless, emotionally tiring fight with the boy inside of him, he was able to access his past. All of it. Nanaya's eyes gleemed with the radiance of a thousand suns.

"Just like many years ago. You broke down like this." Nanaya said, in a somewhat sing-song voice.

Newan looked at her, images of his life before entered his mind. Old ruins... A cave... Light... Water... Nanaya...

He snaps back, shaking his head slightly. Nanaya giggled, approaching him slowly. "You've had a rough day. Sleep."

With a swift motion, Newan is pushed back onto the bed, his eyes getting closed by Nanaya. "Sweet Dreams..."

Nazrin was outside, snicking to herself, watching through the crack of the door. Watching Nanaya get into the same bed as Newan. Watching her take it all off~ All of it~. This was the best trolling material Nazrin will ever get. For now.

(With a rush on this, It's reaaaallly short. Was playing with Dormio, Trance and co. earlier. Also have homework and doing stuff for Kanjou. You may now proceed with the morning crappp. ALSO, IF ALL OF YOU FORGOT ABOUT LAST SENTENCE WHERE I MADE YUKARI APPEAR IN THE ROOM WITH ALL OF YOU, GO READ IT.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 15, 2011, 09:22:06 PM
The morning sun shone brightly through the window and onto Ranna's sleeping face. The sudden light illuminating her field of vision abruptly woke her up. Lazily and sleepily, she rubbed her eyes and looked up. The dusty room was the same as she remembered from months ago, but was vastly different from the one of her childhood. She looked around, still dazed and drowsy. After a few seconds she laid her head against the pillow, resting for a bit longer. However, the sun didn't want this and shone warmly in on her body. Ranna groaned in protest, but this just seemed to make it all the more annoying. Reluctantly, she began to move her body, stretching her weary limbs and yawning every now and then. After she finished stretching she sat up and looked around. Eventually she spotted a clock. She squinted to see it, her eyes still blurry and tired. It read 9:45 am. Ranna yawned again, looking slightly unsatisfied. She wanted more sleep, but she was awake now. Reluctantly she got out of bed and stumbled out of the room.
She walked out of the room and down the hallway, heading for the stairs. As she proceeded towards the stairs, she glanced at the guest bedroom. Ranna slowed to a stop and turned towards the door. Hesitantly, she opened it and peeked in.
On the bed was Mokou, her white hair glistening in the morning sun. Her long hair was tossed everywhere, covering the bed where her body didn't. Her face was soft and peaceful. Ranna frowned at the thought of having to take care of hair that long. The immortal was still wearing her bloodied clothes from yesterday's battle. Ranna pouted slightly, hoping the blankets wouldn't get too dirty. It would be a pain if she had to clean blood off them. As Ranna gazed at Mokou's attire, she realized that her shirt was worn and browned, like being burnt multiple times, but her pants didn't have the same kind of fading. Her pants weren't burnt at all, along with that, they were covered with slips of paper. Huh...Some sort of ward or something? She wondered.
Ranna twitched slightly and looked at Mokou's face. She was still asleep. Ranna decided to let her rest, incase there was another battle coming. So she quietly left the room and closed the door, making sure not to wake her. With that Ranna took a breath and headed down the stairs.

Ranna was sitting in the kitchen, eating the breakfast she had just made. On the table across from her own was Mokou's, still untouched.
She's still not up... she thought, taking another bite of toast. She closed her eyes, resting them for a moment.
Ranna jumped slightly at the sound. D-did she fall out of bed? She wondered. She turned and looked out the glass sliding doors behind her.
Outside she saw Mokou stretching her arms wide into the air. Ranna gazed out, surprised by what she saw, she nearly dropped her toast.
"M-mokou..." She mouthed, still shocked.
She watched as the immortal stretched out her body. She let out a breath upon finishing and turned her head slightly. That's when she caught a glimpse of Ranna. She opened her mouth for a moment, then turned and headed in.
"Ey, aren't you up early today" She said casually.
Ranna made a weird expression for a moment. "Did you just...jump out the window?" She asked.
Mokou blinked and looked at her with a bit of surprise at what she had asked. "Yeh, what about it?"
Ranna coughed a bit, having swallowed too fast. Mokou stared at her with confusion. After regaining her breath she shook her head and spoke.
"I-it's nothing, ignore it." She said turning her head a little. "Your breakfast is ready"
Mokou smiled, "Good I'm starvin' 'ere!" She said as she sat down energetically and began munching on her toast.
Ranna took a sip of her drink calmly.
"....So" Mokou said, swallowing and taking a drink of her own drink. "Anythin' we need ta do today?"
Ranna frowned slightly. Was does she think last night was? A party? Ranna sighed.
"Why don't you ask the rest of them? They're the leaders are they not?" She said, sounding a little irritated.
Mokou made an 'oh yeah!' sort of gesture. "That's right, forgot about that" She said.
Mokou quickly finished her breakfast and sent a message through the link.
[Ey! Any of ya up over there?]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 15, 2011, 11:13:35 PM
Newan opened his eyes. He looked around, expecting to see yet another horrifying image. There was no such image, just the room of the hotel. He gingerly got off the bed, apparently not noticing Nanaya. Everything felt different to him. Everything was a bit more wonderful, a bit more impressive. He reflected on this for a moment, before shrugging it off. He only briefly thought about his job as he went to his laptop.He even smiled as Nazrin entered the room, already dressed for the day. [Good morning, Nazrin.]

[My, you're chipper today. Does it have anything to do with last night?] Nazrin asked, the sly grin forming over her face.

[Yeah, it was probably that. I feel like a new man,] Newan replied, misunderstanding her meaning.

Nazrin immediately burst out laughing. "Ahahaha! I wasn't... I wasn't expecting... that response!" She fell to the ground, rolling around and smacking the floor.

"...That's not what I meant," Newan said, blushing a bit. He sighed, and looked at his laptop, trying to take his mind off the troll. What he found surprised him. Newan sighed, closing his laptop. "They're doing it again. We have to go to Kyoto University this time."

"Again? Ugh, I'm sick of all this fighting..." Nazrin complained between bouts of laughter.

"Same here. You think you have it bad, try doing all this as a... well, not really human I guess, but close enough," Newan agreed. Calling myself an "embodiment" just sounds weird. I'll just stick to human for now.

This was when Nazrin received Mokou's message. [Our little trio is up, but I don't know about the others. Where are you guys? We were worried about you, you know.]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 15, 2011, 11:50:26 PM
"Ah! Naz responded" Mokou said suddenly.
Ranna looked at her, chewing on another piece of toast. "What's she say?" She said in a muffled voice.
"She says 'er and Newan and Nanaya 're up" She replies. "They don't know if anyone else is awake yet"
"Hmm..." Ranna mumbles, "Any news?"
"Ah, let me ask." Mokou says, turning her attention away from Ranna.
[Ey Naz, anything 'appen while we weren't there?And we're at Ranna's place] Mokou grinned. [Worrying 'bout me?] She laughs a bit.
Ranna watches as Mokou contacts Nazrin. To anyone who wasn't aware, Mokou would seem like she's gone crazy. Ranna held back a sigh and continued munching on her toast.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 16, 2011, 12:11:25 AM
Nazrin puffed up her cheeks. [Of course I was worried. Nobody knew where you went. Anyway, um... well, not much happened, actually. We just ended up in some "hotel", whatever that is. It's like a really big tavern,] Nazrin answered, deciding not to mention Newan's breakdown. [Also, we just found out that more people are going to be attacked, at a place called "Kyoto University." I think Newan mentioned Universities before, but I don't remember what they are...]

(Short post fuuuuuu-)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 16, 2011, 12:36:33 AM
Mokou's carefree went serious. She turned to Ranna.
"More people are being targetted"
Ranna's face also became serious. "Who?"
"I'll ask" Mokou responded.
"Also ask when" Ranna added before taking a sip of hot chocolate.
[Naz, who's bein targetted? and when?
Ranna thought while waiting for Nazrin's response. She remembered the battle from last night. A pain tingled in her body. She closed her eyes for a moment, then took another sip of her drink.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 16, 2011, 12:44:12 AM
[Let me check] Nazrin said, as she turned her thoughts to Newan. [Newan, can you give me more details on the thing at the University?]

[Um, it's supposed to happen at 9:30 P.M. to people named Hirenko, Maribel, and Renko,] Newan answered, as Nazrin relayed this information to Mokou.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 16, 2011, 12:46:15 AM
[If you count having a messed-up sleep schedule, then I am. Seriously, I don't know if I should be asleep or not! Where are you, anyway, Mokou?]

Following her companion's advice, Mystia had slept half the night away. She didn't feel as sleepy as yesterday, so just to make sure, she decided to wash her face. Taking a bath wasn't an option because she didn't have extra clothes, and she didn't know how to operate the thing for taking baths.

After one look at the sink, she groaned. More Outside World thingies.

It wouldn't hurt to experiment with it, though. There were two big knobs, and she twisted the one on her right. A steady stream of water came out of the curving thing in the center. Putting her finger to it, she found that it was really warm. She cupped her hands, filled it with the water, and splashed it on her face. Good stuff.

"How do I turn this off..." She tried twisting the other knob, but that only made the stream stronger. She yelped as she twisted it back. The problem was solved when she twisted the first knob back, the water becoming weaker until it stopped completely. Looking around, she took a random towel and rubbed her face in it.

"So much for all this complicated stuff," Mystia whined. How did humans learn to do these things?

She looked for Vante, who was already awake, and found him leaning on the balcony outside the room. The air was cold, but that was nothing new for either of them. Vante was flicking through the two e-mails that Chaos had apparently sent when the girl approached him.

"Vante," Mystia shook him, "what are you doing?" She stole a glance at his iPhone, but backed away when she saw all the letters. She couldn't recognize them.

"I guess you were right. Chaos is coming again tonight, this time in Kyoto."

The girl laughed. "I told you so! But where's Kyoto?"

"Kyoto?" Vante had to hold back a sigh, "How should I say this... ah, do you know the old capital of Japan?"

"Yeah. It's Heian-kyo," Mystia said. She still remembered.

"We call it Kyoto now."

"Oh, I get it! So is it more crowded than Tokyo?"

What is there to get? "Not exactly. Kyoto's more of a laidback town now. It's much more quiet there."

They stopped talking and continued to look outside, but not for long once Mystia's stomach made an abrupt grumble.

"Oh, wow, that sounded cool- and now it hurts."

Vante laughed.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 16, 2011, 01:12:08 AM
As Mokou recieved the message, she said it aloud.
"At Kyoto University, at 9:30pm, people named Hirenko, Maribel, and Renko will be killed"
Ranna's eyes flickered for a moment, then her expression was one of depp thought. "....Renko...and Maribel...." She thought for a whle on it till she finally remembered.
"Oh yeah! I have heard those names before" Ranna said with a snap of her fingers.
Mokou looked at her, slightly confused. "Where ya 'eard 'em?" She asked.
"When we were leaving the Hakurei Shrine. Reimu mentioned those names!" She said proudly.
"Eeh..." Mokou looked up and thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yeh, I think yur right there..." Mokou still looked slightly confused, possibly becaus her memory was a little fuzzy about that. She changed her expression to a plain one. "Should I tell Naz?" She asked.
Ranna looked at her for a moment and thought. "...I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell her"
"Kay" Mokou replied.
[Naz, Ranna says Reimu mentioned those names before we left Gensokyo.]

As the two sat there silently, Mokou spoke up suddenly.
"Mystia replied" She said dully.
Ranna nodded and took another sip of her drink.
[We're at Ranna's place. Are all of ya together or did anyone else leave?] She asked.

After about a minute, Ranna finished her drink and promptly cleaned up. After she had finished she headed up the stairs quickly.
"Ey! where ya goin?" Mokou shouted to her.
Ranna stopped for a moment and spoke.
"I'm going to get ready" She said.
With that silence took over once more.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 16, 2011, 01:16:49 AM
Im surprised all of you are missing one point.

"The more friendly email, in the form of Yukari popping up beside Kanako."

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 16, 2011, 01:18:53 AM
Newan and Nazrin are still in their room. Where Yukari is not. :V
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 16, 2011, 01:36:54 AM
And I was going off of the part in your post where you said everyone was together. And Aesera considers her questions for Nanaya to be more important than anything she has to say to Yukari (also, she intends to ask Yukari for a gap to Kyoto to cut down on travel time for her and Kanako, although she will insist that just the two of them go through the gap, since it's just a recon run; she'll want everyone else to get there via more normal methods).
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 16, 2011, 01:41:11 AM
((Grrr. I have plans. Excellent Plans. So if you'd please. Have Kanako reply to Mokou and then we get funneh phone calls Fien ten. But I still want to have Ranna be the one to go...))

After a couple minutes, Rann comes down the stairs, her bag over her shoulder filled with stuff. Mokou looks at her oddly, then speaks.
"Ya goin somewhere?" She asked.
Ranna shot her a sarcastic look. "Whar go you think I'm doing?"
Mokou frowns "Whatever then..."
"Mokou" Ranna says offering the immortal a clean shirt.
Mokou looks at it then back to Ranna. "What about it?"
"Put it on. You can't go out in broad daylight with blood all over you" Ranna says, head towards the door.
Mokou looks down at her shirt. She wasn't even aware of it. She made a strange expressopn and hesitantly headed upstairs to change her shirt.
After about a minute she came back down.
"Kay, let's get movin" Mokou sad with a small grin.
Ranna nodded as she opened the door, locked it, and headed towards the station, Mokou following behind her.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 16, 2011, 01:48:37 AM
Other people've replied to Mokou already. Kanako doesn't have anything to add right now.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 16, 2011, 11:52:17 AM
As the two girls walked down the road, Ranna initiated a mental conversation.
Did anyone else reply? She thought, glancing at Mokou.
Eh? Nah no one else replied yet. Mokou responded, putting her hands in her pockets.
Try contacting people individually, starting with Kanako.
Kay Mokou closed her eyes and focused on Kanako.[Ey, Kanako, ya up er what?]
Ranna thought to herself as she walked, then she remembered something.
"Mokou" She said, turning to face her partner. "What about Mima?"
"Eh? What about 'er?" Mokou asked, slightly confused.
"Didn't that monk summon her?"
Mokou thought for a moment. "Uh, no idea, I was out"
Ranna clicked her tongue. "Damn...Just ask Kanako if she can contact Mima okay?" She said.
Mokou paused for a moment, then agreed. [Ey, Kanako, think ya can try ta contact Mima?]
The two continued walking, waiting for a reply from the goddess. Eventually they reached the train station.
They boarded the train heading for Kyoto. After a while they found seats in the packed train.
"Ey, why's there so many people 'ere?" Mokou asked, not seeming to mind the people around, who glanced at her when she spoke.
Ranna sighed. "It's cause people are heading to school or work around now" She said, not moving her gaze to Mokou.
"Ohh..." Mokou said in a quiet voice. As she was about to open her mouth and ask another question, Ranna stopped her.
Don't talk outloud here, It'll draw attention to us.
Mokou looked at her for a moment, then looked slightly disappointed. She rested her arms behind her head and closed her eyes. So what's your plan?
Ranna closed her eyes for a moment. I'll be infiltrating the university.
You'll be on the roof, watching the skies. Make sure no one suspicious flies in.
Yeh yeh, So what do I do if they attack?
You attack back
Mokou grinned slightly. Fine wit me
Ranna opened her eyes, looking slightly pleased. As for the rest of the team...I need to find out about them. She inhaled deeply and exhaled. So Mokou, can you find out who has something useful they can do?
Liek wat?
Ranna thought for a moment. That mouse youkai...what's her ability?
You mean Naz? She can find things
Hm...So she can find anything as long as she knows what she's looking for?
Yeh, that's about right
Hm...That's good, really good...Contact her and ask her if she could help
Got it. Mokou focused on Nazrin. [Ey Naz, I got a favor ta ask of ya
Ranna thought for a moment. Ask her if Newan is good with computers as well
Mokou nodded slightly. [Also is Newan good wit computers?]
As they waited for Nazrin's response, Ranna told Mokou to tell Kanako about the ones being attacked. She relayed that Reimu had mentioned their names and then turned back to Ranna. Anyting else?
Ranna paused for a moment then replied. Nothing at the moment...For now we rest She glanced at Mokou sharply. I don't want you falling asleep on the job
Mokou smiled weakly and scratched her head. Don'tcha worry, I'll be as alert as can be!
Ranna closed her eyes and leaned her head back a bit, resting her mind and body for the fastly approaching mission.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 16, 2011, 01:53:21 PM
"You failed me." Lightning forks the skies.

"A thousand times and over." Thunder crashes against the heavens - If there were any in this accursed land.

"This will be your last chance. Sariel is gaining her sanity back. I will reseal their souls and corrupt them once more." The black, clawed fist slams against the black throne, just like it has done many, many times. The room shook, the walls echoed out in wails of sorrow and terror. The black knight stares at the pitiful mortal before him, cowering in absolute fear. With a kick, the Knight sends him rolling towards the Throne.

As his now-fragile body hits against the black, shiny surface of the stairs leading to the seat of Chaos, the room vibrates with... Pleasure. With a flick of his finger, the being on the throne flings the whimpering man slamming against one of the walls, his back arching in pain as a scream of pain and despair reverberates throughout the room.

"Kill them. All of them. Kanjou was a distraction. He was key to my first plan, but no matter." The being relaxes his hand, and the being goes limp, falling onto the floor.

The man emits a soft yelp, before slowly standing up once more, his black robe now torn and tattered, revealing his face...



The man, looks exactly like Gale...

Black flames erupt from the black, darkened ground. The Abyss, as the ground was called, appeared anywhere Chaos was. The higher-ups could create a closed space, not allowing The Abyss to have permanent effects, though. Revealing themselves to human eyes would be too disastrous to comprehend. The Chosen Ones were still around, they could not make their move until they were eliminated.

A lone woman drags her body across the blazing black plains, a multitude of different-shaped orbs circling around her body. Pulling off her cloak, and whipping out a long, black lance... There stood Aesera, with only pure fire in her unflinching eyes. Shifting across the ground and being followed by countless black, blobby spawns of Chaos. Their slender red eyes glow within the land, the green skulls on their head emitting a ghostly teal light.

Nevermore and Forevermore, standing as a shadow. The shadow of their hearts. Men and woman of equal power of the Chosen Ones. One entire group, lead by none other then Gale. The Paradox.

Complete, corrupted versions with every manor reversed then their true selves. As the Being has powers untold, and with his old connections with the Gods... He could call upon their Embodiments... Their fears. Their worse nightmares, anything.

A blackened hand reached out from the skies. Pulling itself free from the rip in the skies, jumping down and landing with a swift move. This one has the body of an aged man. One with primal, forgotten energies from the leftover pieces of Chaos. From the dead soul of Hybrid. His embodiment exists. And behind him, many more. Kanjou and Hirenko stepped out from the darkness, all of them forming a circle.

Very soon.

Current Time: 10:00am.

Nanaya crawled out of bed, the blanket wrapped around herself, yawning and cracking her knuckles from beneath the blanket. Newan was over there, standing and faceing Nazrin, while Naz was talking telepathically. This was discernable to Nanaya because of that look on Nazrin's face whenever she's concentrating. Looks like a cross between a Pout and a Forced-Closed face.

Still in her custom-make bed robe of blankets and pillows, Nanaya stumbles out of the room, pulling Newan and Nazrin along. Together, they sit down in the bigass living room with the others.

And this was when Yukarin popped out.

(Guyumeton9. Just get Nanaya to follow you in. Shoot me the questions.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 16, 2011, 02:19:22 PM
((I'm confused. I think my mind got fucked...))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 16, 2011, 02:43:42 PM
[I don't think Mima's part of our link,] Kanako replied to Mokou, [although she and Kenshou seem to have the same link that we do with our human companions. If you have something to ask her, one of us can relay your questions.

Kanako followed as Aesera led Nanaya to a seperate room. "Okay," Aesera said, "you probably have some idea of what this is about. My other self appeared during the battle, and I asked him about what happened to you. He said that you died, Nanaya. So please explain exactly what happened, starting with when you went dangerous after my little speech and ending with the end of the battle."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 16, 2011, 03:04:49 PM
((I'm confused. I think my mind got fucked...))

Basically I'm saying that the next fight will be Chosen Ones VS Chaotic Versions Of Yourselves and Gensokyans VS Chaotic Versions Of Themselves.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 16, 2011, 03:49:45 PM
Nanaya just tilts her head when Aesera talked about Azeri appearing, and herself dying. With a blunt and straightforward statement, it was all answered.

"I killed myself."


"Y-Y-You WHAT?" Aesera actually stammered. It was a first for this business woman of sorts, being able to give speaches and talk to clients without wavering. But the thought of self sacrifice, along with the thinking that Nanaya is the most important, made her like this.


"I killed myself. And with that, I called Azeri here." Aesera jerked back a little, but then resumed her serious posture, with more knowledge in her head.

"His name's Azeri, erh?"

Nanaya nods, continuing on. "So I wrote stuff in my blood before I died. Stuff I wasn't surposed to use, like, forbidden stuff, ya know? Katelin scolded me for that too." Aesera sighs.

"Yeah, so that's about it." Nanaya walks back to the living room, slowly hugging Newan from behind. She's still wearing that combination of the blankets and pillows.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 16, 2011, 04:03:58 PM
[Um... What favor?] Nazrin asked. [Um, Newan how good are you with "computers"?]

[You've been asking a lot of weird questions this morning. Anyway, I'm an engineer, not a programmer, so I'm good with computers but I can't usually create new programs.]

Nazrin gave him a blank stare for a moment, then shrugged it off. [He said he's good with computers.]

All this happened within the span of a few seconds; Aesera and Kanako had left with Nanaya, so Newan turned his attention to Yukari. "Good morning, Miss Yakumo. I must admit, I'm a bit surprised to see you out here."

Nazrin shot him a quick glare. [Well, of course. Miss Yakumo has the power over boundaries. She can go anywhere she wants.]

[...That's a scary thought,] was Newan's only response, as he was cut off by a hug from Nanaya and realized that she was only wearing her makeshift robe. "H-h-hi..." He turned a bit to see Nazrin covering her face, snickering. [Be quiet, you.]

[Oh, don't worry. I would never dream of trolling you in Miss Yakumo's presence.]

[Why? Out of respect?]

[No, she does a much better job of it than I do,] Nazrin said, matter-of-factly.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 16, 2011, 04:53:25 PM
After a few minutes of silence Mokou spoke up.
We got replies She said, sort of bored.
From who? Ranna casted Mokou a sideways glance for a moment, then returned her eyes to the passing scenery.
Kanako and Naz, which one first?
She says she don't think Mima is part o' our little link, but she's got somethin' like this one we usin right now
Hm... Ranna thinks for a moment. Has Mima showed up since last night? or anyone else for that matter?
I'll ask Mokou says, focusing on Kanako. ['As Mima or anyone else shown up since last night?]
Mokou looked back to Ranna. Done
Okay. What did Nazrin say?
She wants ta know what sort of favor we want 'er to 'elp wit Mokou paused for a moment then continued. Ah, she also said Newan is good with computers
Ranna seemed to react to this, she gazed at Mokou with a faint smile on her face. Get her to ask Newan if he's any good at hacking
Mokou blinked, confused, and sighed, scratching her head again. [Ey Naz, can ya ask Newan if he's any good at 'hacking']
Mokou turned back to Ranna for a moment. What about that favor?
Ranna looked at Mokou, not moving her head. A GPS
A wha? Mokou asked, puzzled.
Ranna sighs, Ask her if she can track something and determine it's distance from herself
Mokou frowns, still confused. [Naz can ya determine somethin's distance from yerself and track it?]

corrupted versions with every manor reversed then their true selves
Chosen Ones VS Chaotic Versions Of Yourselves and Gensokyans VS Chaotic Versions Of Themselves
((Anyways in a more serious manner. It'll be like, reversed, Corrupt!Ranna would be a physical fighter correct? or a Close-range? If im not right please explain what it'll be like.))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 16, 2011, 05:23:55 PM
Nazrin rubbed her temples. [Newan are you any good at "hacking"?]

Newa shot her a glare. [Why are you asking me all these weird questions?]

[Mokou wants a favor of us, apparently.]

Newan shuddered a bit, remembering the fire from earlier. [...No. And I'm done answering her questions.]

[Er... He said no, and that he's not going to help. And, I can't really tell exactly how afar away something is. I can tell if it's near or far, but since different things give off different readings, it's not very exact.]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 16, 2011, 08:02:33 PM
Mokou frowned and glanced at Ranna. The girl noticed this and asked.
Is something wrong?
An uneasy expression came over Mokou's face. They aren't going to help us...
Ranna looked shocked for a moment, but it was quickly replaced with anger. She clentched her teeth, looking down to hide her expression.
Mokou frowned with concern, but didn't speak.
After seemingly endless minutes of silence, a voice chimed throughout the train. It's muffled words not really reaching Mokou.
Ranna sighed heavily and got to her feet.
"We're here" She said, her expression emptied of all the anger that had swelled up before.
Mokou gazed at her for a second, but then nodded and also got up.
The two exitted the train amongst the crowd of departing passengers. They stepped out into the station and continued out of it. As they came to the street, Ranna pulled out a map and located their destination. She traced back to the station with her fingers, then looked around. She then pointed towards one of the many busy streets.
"That way." She said, somewhat excitedly.
Mokou just nodded, not seeming to care as much as before.
Rann's smile faded as she lowered her arm. A slight frown appearing on her face. After a bit she put the map away and started heading down the street towards the university, Mokou following behind her, hands in her pocket. Neither of them spoke as the tredded to their goal.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 17, 2011, 02:17:22 AM
[Kanako and Mima are not with us. We don't know where they are.]"Okay," Kanako said, "I don't know what I was expecting, but that wasn't it."

"I need to know more," Aesera said, "but I don't think she's willing to talk about it right now, so that'll have to wait. Although there is something I can determine right now."

Aesera returned to the others, followed by Kanako. "Yukari," Aesera said, "I would like for you to transport myself and Kanako to Kyoto University, where the next targets are supposed to be. Just the two of us; this is a scouting run. Everyone else, travel by more ordinary methods and meet us there. I'll cover any costs. Anyways," she turned back to Yukari, "before you do that, I have three questions for you. First: the enemy's targets are named Renko, Hirenko, and Maribel. I doubt you know of them, but I figure it can't hurt to ask, so do you know anything about them? Second, do you know the current location of Mima and her human companion, Kenshou?

"And as for the third question, I don't want you to give any details, as I think the person in question would rather such things remain unsaid, so I'm just going to ask this in general, and I just want a straight 'yes' or 'no' answer. You said previously that if one of us were to die, you might be able to manipulate the border of life and death to revive that person. As of right now, have you done this for any of us?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 17, 2011, 02:21:44 AM
Mima and Kenshou are currently MIA. Mima took Kenshou somewhere~ He will return on the next dat, though. But I doubt Kanjou will be RPing as him. Hurr. Posting in an hour.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 17, 2011, 02:24:26 AM
*Edits post in accordance with this information*
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 17, 2011, 03:07:02 AM
As the pair rounded the corner, the university came in sight. Ranna smiled. "That's it there" She said as she broke into a run towards it. Mokou followed after.
As the two got close enough, Ranna stopped, catching her breath for a moment. That's when Mokou spoke up.
"Kanako replied. She says Mima ain't with 'em" Mokou said without much concern.
Ranna gazed at her then thought for a moment. "Hm...Well it's fine for now." She looked up at the large building infront of her. "Mokou, think you can get on the roof without too much noise?"
Mokou frowned slightly. "I can try..." With that she took a step forward and leapt into the air, her fiery wings sprouting from her back. With one flap of them, she was gone, high into the sky.
Ranna watched in awe for a few seconds then looked around to make sure no one saw. After making sure, she sighed in relief.
So I'm up 'ere what'cha want me to do now?
Keep watch for now She started towards the building, on her way catching a glimpse of a security camera. "tch..." She muttered lowly. Mokou, ask the whole team if they can get access to the security cameras
What're those?
Ranna sighed. Nevermind that, just forward the message.
Consider it done
Ranna let out a breath, relaxing her tense muscles. She reached into her bag and pulled out a hat. She headed into the building cautiously.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 17, 2011, 10:30:03 AM
Aesera asked Yukarin~ many question. As the serious person she is, everything was so serious. Yukari could'nt help but giggle a little behind that pink fan of hers at Aesera's constant seriousness.

"Mmm. They're aiming for Maribel and Renko." Aesera shoots forward to add in a "Hirenko", but was waved away by Yukari. "It's only those two who are of the most concern to me. Yes, I know them. I know them very well. I can't go into detail, but I can tell you what they're abilities are."

Aesera nodded as Yukarin began to speak again.

"Maribel has the ability to see Gensokyo in her dreams. Renko has the ability to know what the point of time and where they are by looking at the sky. Hirenko has the ability... To manipulate the Elements." Aesera was deep in thought after that, thinking what do these people had to do with Chaos. She opened her mouth to give out more questions... But...

"You must not tell Maribel and Renko about me." Yukari turned towards the others. "None of you must."

Aesera had questioned Yukarin about if she had saved anyone from death. She nodded, and looked at Aesera. "You."

"What? Me?"

"Yes. You."

"But I never died! Let alone become unable to mov-"

"When you had that hole in your stomach, your heart stopped. Mortals arn't surposed to take that much damage. Vante survived because of that armor. Ranna only exhausted her energies. And Gale... Lived by just pure luck and endurance." Yukarin winks at Gale, apparently knowing something about him...

"So, if I die once more, I won't come back?"

Yukarin nods, and Aesera sighs. "Youmu died too. The rubble and Kasen's single fist to her back practically snapped every bone in her chest. I was, however, able to get her back. She's half-ghost, anyway."

Nanaya's now away from the living room, wearing some clothes. Yukari adjusts her position to face the other group, waiting for Nanaya to come back. Once she did, it was time for some... Fun. With a wave of her fan, gaps began to form bellow everyone of them. They looked like dark, purple eyes leading to somewhere, unknown to them all.

"I won't send you and Kanako to the university, Aesera."

Aesera opens her mouth once more.

"I'm sending all of you.""


Everyone of you fall through the gaps...
Plummeting through the countless eyes and purple spectrum of energies that vibrate within this cosmos of gaps, the group reaches their destination, opening their eyes to the world - Gaining control of their senses once more. They're sitting across a large table, in a MacDonald's Store. Really, Yukari?

Hirenko had just woken up, still very sleepy and irritated by that nightmare. Instintively heading up to the roof, still in her bed-wear and ruffled-up, messy bed hair, hoping to catch a glimpse of the black-winged, green haired version of Sephiroth. Of course with two wings.

After waiting for quite some time, no one came. Only the smooth blowing of the wind and the gleeming sun accompanied Hirenko. She shifted uncomfortably, waiting for a little longer... Nah. She was sweating from the heat, and even if there was this constant blow of wind, she was hot. And she was hungry. Her stomach just growled an awful growl.

Dragging herself slowly towards the door to go back down, she heard a soft Meep. Turning slowly, in hopes of seeing Mima, Yukari or anyone else... She was greeted with an aura of expanding darkness. Not quite like a ball, more like an expanding ring from... Rumia. Her features were illuminated in the sunlight. Long, silky blonde hair, pointed ears. A bust size comparable to Mima's own. A bigger body frame, with curves and such. Even her dress was different, and the most prominent thing she had, was that Sword. Looking like it was made of pure bone and Darkness, shaped like a cross. Runic words, coloured blood-red, covered the sword.

Looking at Rumia's face... her hair... That ribbon was gone. And Hirenko knew, this was not that little ball of devouring and moeness anymore.

Mima once said, this was how her Student was truely like.

"S'up." Ex-Rumia said, in her silky voice, with some sort of accent identifiable like a cross between Aussy and Brittish.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 17, 2011, 01:37:13 PM
Hirenko was not exactly sure what she was doing on the roof again.  She was still drowsy, and the dream from last night was still fresh in her mind.  After a while, it became clear that Mima was not going to show up, no matter how long she waited.  What needed to show up, on the other hand, was breakfast, as her growling stomach dictated.

She finally gave up and climbed down from the roof, and that was when she saw Rumia.  When she first saw the aura of darkness, she was expecting to see the little girl who she had gotten so used to seeing, but this...she didn't remember Rumia being taller than her.  In fact, she looked more like an adult than Hirenko herself.  In the half-asleep state that she was, Hirenko could only stare.  Her eyes finally rested on the sword that "Rumia" was holding, and she felt chills going down her spine.  She suddenly felt very small in her bedclothes and completely unarmed while standing in front of her was...

...still sort of Rumia, as registered in her mind.  Not knowing how exactly to react, Hirenko answered to Ex-Rumia's greeting in the only way she knew how.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 17, 2011, 03:15:33 PM
With a swish of her hand, Rumia made the bone-sword disappear into sparkles of black light, slowly fading away. Her aura too, faded slowly as she descended to the ground. With one steady hand clasped atop your head, she ruffled her hair. Funny, you was the one that always ruffled Rumia's hair.

"So, how are ya, littl' Hiiirenko." She drags on the I sound, almost as if she's making fun of your name. Like the smaller Rumia. Sitting down on just air and stretching her arms, she gives a loud yawn.

"I haven't been out in the daytime for a loooong time. And I didn't sleep yesterday. Had to take care of Mima-same and Kenshou."

Kenshou? You've never heard of him, from Mima or anyone else. Could they be keeping secrets from you? You're still sleepy, and hungry, so you don't bother to ask any questions yet, and just points to the door. Rumia nods.

"Yeah. I heard that stomach of yours. And your tiny little half-opened eyes don't give the signal that you're awake." Rumia stands up, and begins walking to the door. You follow shortly after, waving your arms slightly. That was weird, when did you like to wave your arms? Oh yeah! You love doing that~

As you walk down the stairs with Rumia, she seems to have back her dark aura again, and you notice her dress changes and those runes on her wrists and neck. Before you can even question her, she begins speaking.

"You're probably wondering why I'm like this. You remember that Mima told you that I wasn't how I used to be?" You subconsciously nod and wave your arms very slightly.

"She trained me hard enough that I was able to revert like this by taking out that seal on my head - The ribbon." You enter your house, along with Rumia. She eagerly jumps on the couch and begins to stretch herself up.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 17, 2011, 03:51:02 PM
Even if she wasn't completely awake, Hirenko found this role-reversal rather odd.  From the moment Rumia went and ruffled her already-messy hair, she even started to wonder if she was having another dream.

Still, it was too early to ask questions, so she just followed Rumia down the stairs and back into the house.  The air conditioning felt like heaven after being outside in that heat, not to mention the sudden blast of cool air helped her become more awake.  Hirenko took this opportunity to try the age-old trick of pinching her cheek to see if she was dreaming.  She winced, and realized that no, she wasn't dreaming, and Rumia was still here.

...That's right, someone from Gensokyo had finally appeared!  Questions started swirling around in her head: where has everyone been?  What in the world is Mima doing?  Who's this Kenshou person?  Was something being hidden from her?  If so, what?  She never got the chance to ask any of this, however, as Rumia started speaking before she could open her mouth.  Something about being able to revert between forms.

Now more awake than before, Hirenko took a seat on the nearest stool.  She sat up perfectly straight--perhaps trying to look even a little bit dignified--and reached for a hairbrush sitting nearby, which she promptly started to run through her messy hair.  As Hirenko was doing this, Rumia ended her brief monologue to stretch.  Hirenko interpreted this as her chance to say something, but now she just had to find somewhere to start.

"Sounds like a lot has been going on," Hirenko began.  "Unlike things on my end.  But yeah, I do have a lot of questions...umm..."  She paused, trying to get her mind in order.  "Um, like, how are things in Gensokyo...?  How's everyone doing?"

Ahh, that was a stupid question...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 17, 2011, 05:22:37 PM
I died. Next time's it, then. Except that not necessarily. It doesn't seem like Yukari brought Nanaya back, so I need to know just how the hell Nanaya came back. And Azeri didn't seem too willing to discuss it-which worries me, since I'm his mind and there are only very few situations under which I'd withhold information from someone who I knew had need of it. So I'll have to ask Nanaya.

"Well," Aesera said after Yukari gapped the entire group, "this won't look at all suspicious."

"Is that why you wanted it to just be the two of us?" Kanako asked.

"Yes. The idea is to look for these people. Two of us looking for them wouldn't look too strange, but a group this large of unfamiliar people suddenly appearing and looking for specific people? That might raise a few eyebrows. If nothing else, it'll attract attention, and I'd rather avoid that kind of attention. So, new plan: Kanako and I are going to find these people. Nanaya, I want you with me-and yes, you can bring Newan and Nazrin if you want to, but I have more questions for you about what happened yesterday, so only do so if you're comfortable with them hearing about what happened. The rest of you, split up-but always stay with your partners, of course-and scout the area. Look for locations that we could use to our advantage in battle. I'll make sure that the targets get to one of those locations by the time of the attack, and we'll engage the enemy there. Kanako, Nanaya, let's go."


OOC: YJ, if Nanaya refuses to go with Aesera, then just have Aesera and Kanako go without her.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 17, 2011, 05:51:51 PM
Newan rubbed his eyes as he looked around. "Well. That was... disorienting, to say the least." He thought back to Yukari's words. That's... surprising. We never even saw them die, or anything like that. I thought it would be like in one of those RPGs, where when someone dies they just lie there until you revive them. But no, it was more like she just made it so that they never died at all...

Nazrin sniffed the new place they were in from her seat. "...It smells like cheese in here. But... weird cheese. Cheese but not cheese. "

Newan gave her a questioning look, but was cut off by Aesera. "Well, it's not like I'll attract much attention. I've only been out of college a few years, and I could easily pass myself off as a student, especially since I managed to graduate earlier than most Doctors. Either that, or someone will recognize me as Newan Kudo, and will assume that I'm merely touring the premises. Nazrin looks young enough to blend in, as well." He noticed Nazrin  shooting him a quick look, but ignored it as he then turned his attention to Nanaya. "Of course, I understand if you'd rather we weren't there, but I'd rather be there to protect you. Don't take that the wrong way, Aesera. I made a promise, and I intend to keep it."

[I'll have you know, I'm over one thousand years old! I'm older than Byakuren!] Nazrin informed him, a bit ticked.

[...That's odd. Most girls like it when people say they look young. I guess it doesn't work that way in Gensokyo.]

[Youkai grow more powerful as they age. Well, most of the time, anyway...] Nazrin explained, a bit sorely at the end. Newan decided not to press the issue farther, as he and Nazrin stood up.

"Anyway. Regardless of whether you want us there, Nanaya, we're going anyway. Even if it means being out of earshot and protecting you from a distance."

[...You must be more comfortable around people to say something like that now.] Nazrin observed.

[I guess you're right.]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 17, 2011, 09:23:32 PM
Mokou was laying on the roof, looking up at the sky in a daze. It had been nearly an hour since they went their seperate ways, Mokou to the roof, and Ranna inside the building. Nothing had happened since then. Nothing at all.
Mokou sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. "If it stays like this I'll end up asleep..." She muttered aloud, no one there to hear her.
She opened her eyes and let her head turn to the side. She took a breath, which even this world's air wasn;t as clean as Gensokyo's. A slight frown slid across her face for a moment. Just as she was about to close her eyes, she caught a glimpse of movement from the corner of her eye. She opened her eyes and looked in the direction of it.
It was a butterfly, softly and silently dancing through the air. Mokou watched it move around in a circle, then flutter towards her. Her eyes glued to it, she raised her hand out, like she was pointing weakly. After a bit of erratic movement, it calmly perched itself on Mokou's finger, It's wings gently moving as does a person's chest when they breathe.
"Hm..." She made the sound low enough to not disturb the resting insect. "So nature still flourishes here despite that humans have taken over..." She mumbles, gazing at the intricate patterns on the creature's wings. A faint and warm smile slips across her face. A sense of peace flows through the air.
Mokou's eyes widen as she jolts up. The startled insect flies away panicked and terrified.
She had felt it just now, a strong erruption of energy. She looked forward, breathing quicker than before.
"The hell..." She muttered. She clenched her teeth slightly. "...Shit."

A lone girl wandered through the halls, looking around in slight amazement. The building was huge, larger than any she'd been in before. If she had to traverse the entire thing along, it'd likely take her hours.
She had changed her clothes to something a little more feminine then what she had been wearing. Something that wouldn't look too strange or too suspicious. As she wandered the wide halls of the university, she'd carefully gaze into rooms through the window of the door, making sure she wasn't seen by the students that sat in the room taking notes, looking around, or doing some other thing to pass the time.
As she reached the end of the hall, she came to a large staircase that led up to the floor above it. After making sure no one was coming down the hallway from behind her, she headed up the stairs cautiously.
As she rounded the corner at the top of the stairs, beginning to head down that hall. She heard a door open. Her heart skipped a beat as she rushed back to the safety of the staircase. As the door opened, she could hear the voices of the many people who filled the room, most prominently the professor's. Her heart pounded as she heard footsteps, then the sound of the door closing, along with it, muting the many sounds that flowed out freely. She held her breath, hoping that the person wasn't going to head her way. After a few seconds, the footsteps faded, getting further and further away with each passing moment, till they had disappeared completely.
The girl let out the breath she was holding in, panting slightly. "That was close..." She whispered to herself. Slowly, she peeked around the corner.
The hallway was empty again. She sighed n relief and continued on her travels through the huge building.

Ey Ranna! We got a problem!
The sudden voice in her head made her jump. She covered her mouth quickly, preventing any high pitched or loud sounds from getting out. After a couple of seconds, she looked around and sighed heavily.
Geez...! You shouldn't surprise me like that...I nearly screamed. She said to the immortal as she regained her composure.
Huh? Nevermind that this isn't the time for it! Mokou replied, seeming slightly panicked.
Ranna looked around and eventually found a place where she could hide for the moment. She quietly entered the dark room, devoid of people. She closed the door behind her and moved to a place where she wouldn't be seen if someone looked in the window of the door. The sunlight shone in the windows of the dark room, illuminating it enough for Ranna to see. From the window, she could see the dormitory.
She sighed slightly then turned her attention back to Mokou.
What's wrong? She asked calmly, trying to act reasonably.
I just felt a strong burst of energy
Ranna's eyes widened for a moment, then sharpened. Where at?
Uh...a little ways away from where we are now I think.
Ranna bit her lip slightly. Is it Chaos's doing?
Uh... The immortal paused for a moment. ...I don't think was more like...
Mokou hesitated, an eerie silence overtaking their minds. ...Yukari
Ranna's eyes widened. She was speechless, she didn't know what to say, or even do for that matter. Was Yukari helping Chaos? Ranna shook her head. This was no time to think up conspiracy theories. She took a deep breath and focused on Mokou again. Have the others sent any messages since then?
Mokou made an uneasy sort of sound. Nothing. Nothing at all
Ranna muttered to herself. Did you try contacting them yet?
Not yet, no...
Okay, start there, see if they know anything. Specifically mention Yukari and tell them you felt her power. Okay?
Got it.
With that the conversation ended. Ranna let out a stressful sigh and sauntered over to the windows.
She gazed out the window at the dormitory that could be seen from where she stood. Her mind began to race as she looked out at the deserted campus. No one was wandering around out there, everyone was in their classes or not around at all. Atleast that's what she thought. That's when she caught a glimpse of some movement. She focused her eyes on it.
On the roof of the dorms, she saw a person. She was too far away for Ranna to make out specific details, but she could tell it was a girl.
She watched carefully as the girl wandered on the roof a bit before heading towards what seemed to be a ladder. Suddenly she stopped and turned. Ranna followed the girl's gaze and looked to where she was looking. Her eyes widened in fear, her heart pounded, and she couldn't breath, as if all the oxygen had been drained from the room.
There stood a mature looking woman, her blonde hair shone in the sunlight. She was tall, her body curved gracefully. People might even call her a beauty. But that wasn't what Ranna was terrified about. It was what she had next to her that made Ranna's heart skip a beat.
Beside the woman was a sword, forged of bone and darkness. larger than the woman herself. It's edge glistened in the sunlight, and on it's blade, was a red the same color as blood.
Ranna fell backwards, her legs giving out, too afraid to stand and watch. She gasped for air, her entire body shaking violently. Her mind raced, not stopping for even a moment.
She sat on the floor, eyes wide, body shaking, and breath raspy. Panic filled her being. The first question that crossed her mind, she couldn't fathom the answer.
What do I do...?

As Mokou broke from the mental conversation, she bit her lip slightly. She scratched her head with a low moan. Things were getting complicated, and fast. With a slight sigh she stood up and looked down at the many building below. The traces of Yukari's energy had vanished almost as soon as it had appeared, making it impossible for Mokou to track it's whereabouts. Typical Yukari.
Reluctantly, Mokou focused on the youkai of their group.
[Ey, Did'ya guys feel that?] She started, a feeling of uneasiness hanging over her.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 18, 2011, 12:21:13 AM
[Sure, I did. We just passed through one of Yukari's gaps. Anything wrong?]

Being unceremoniously dropped in the middle of a fast food restaurant was not funny. The sudden jerk downwards almost made the pair throw up. Mystia's stomach ache worsened quite a bit, causing her to rest her head on the table she sat in front and clutch her stomach.

Vante was worried about more things, however. Anyone could die at the snap of a finger in battle. If the first target was supposed to be listed under "unfortunate accident," how did the next one, a "freak accident," happen?

"Aesera," Vante called out, "if we're only supposed to head to the university later, I don't think we should be looking anywhere else."


Vante raised his eyebrow upon hearing the message. He turned to Mystia. "Well, what do you want to eat?"

Mystia sat up in confusion. "Huh?"

"What? I didn't say anything."

"You did. You said 'hungry.'"

"Really? Oh, I was just saying stuff to myself! I didn't think I'd get carried away or something."

To stave off any curious looks from anyone who saw them talking mentally, he kept up with the actual conversation. "Well?"

"Uh... Anything that I don't need to open my mouth wide for."

"Come again?"

Mystia sighed. "Anything that's easy to eat!"

"I'll be back in a while," Vante stood up from his chair, pushed it back, and approached the line at the counter.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 18, 2011, 01:13:21 AM
"Don't forget who's sending these messages," Aesera said. "We fight where they tell us to, we're entirely on their terms. Instead, we should pick a location that might offer us advantages. And do realize that we can most certainly control where the enemy attacks, because it's not a location they're targeting. It's three specific people, so they'll need to attack where those people are. So all we need to do to draw the attack to a specific location is make sure that the targets are there. We'll choose a place that offers defensive advantages and set up there ahead of time so that we're in the defender's role. So check throughout the campus, and check nearby as well. Let me know through our partners of any promising locations. Once we decide on one, I'll make sure the targets get there. Kanako, Nanaya, let's get going."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 18, 2011, 01:26:03 AM
Lovely.  Gale looked over at Orin.  It would've been funny if she took us to a Wendy's instead...

"A restaurant?  Looks different from the food court..." said Orin.

"Eh, it's fast food.  Not exactly my first pick for breakfast, but whatever.  Want anything?"

Orin shrugged.  "I'm not that hungry..."

"Neither am I, I'm afraid," said Gale.

"So.  More dead people, huh?"

"Well, if we have our way with things, they won't be dead."

"I know that," said Orin, "but...yesterday almost killed me...and your fertility..."

Gale shuddered at the memory.

"I just don't want to have everything repeat itself," she continued, sighing.

"I...don't know what to say about that.  It's not like we can do nothing."

"I know, I know...but having a sword stuck in you kinda changes your perspective on things."

"I'd imagine."

"So," muttered Orin, "what are we doing?  Those people over there have a plan...and we...don't."

Gale shrugged.  "I generally don't deal with situations like these in my daily life."

"I know!  I'll ask the mouse!"  She added under her breath, "It's so much fun to freak her out..."

[Hey, mousey...what'cha doin' about this whole email thing?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 18, 2011, 01:44:59 AM
Nazrin was caught off-guard by Orin's message. [Um, I actually don't know. We're going with Nanaya, Aesera and Kanako to do some scouting, but I don't really know what to do... All we really know is that they're supposed to die here. We don't even know why they're here, if I recall correctly. I'm about as clueless as you... I'm guessing Aesera will want to have the whole group re-group once we're finished with the scouting, but you may want to ask her yourself.]

(I hate when I can't make my posts any longer...)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 18, 2011, 03:58:47 AM
[E-eh...] Mokou was surprised by the straightfoward comment. [Y-yukari was with you guys...? Why wasn't I told?!]
Mokou frowned and turned her attention to her partner. Ey, Nothin' ta worry 'bout, Yukari's with us. She said to the girl.
Minutes passed in silence. Mokou's frown deepened, her uneasiness returning. Ranna...?
Reluctantly, she turned her attention back to Mystia. [Where are ya all?]

((Not much to post since it seems I'm the one that's forgotten now... ): ))
((Up ta you guys if you feel Rumia's presence or not, or maybe it's up to YJ))
((Is Hirenko going to classes? Though i guess not..))
((YJ, Ranna ends up in Maribel or Renko's class. Whichever one. Then she'll make her way into their club and stick with them for the remainder of the day. Aesera can take Hirenko I spose))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 18, 2011, 04:23:01 AM
Rumia stretched a little more, her joints cracking and her body beginning to relax on the couch. She turned her face slightly to face Hirenko. "Gensokyo, erh?" She nods, having not been in Gensokyo for such a long time.

"It's fine. Quite the same actually. There's some commotion, and an incident which Reimu isn't solving - For once." Reimu, not solving an incident? Either she's just plain lazy or she's... Unable to do it. The latter makes you imagine the worse.

"So yeah, that same incident is now right here in the outside world." Rumia's tone begins to change, into a more serious and direct tone. "I'll cut to the chase. You're in danger." In danger? How? Why? From who? These questions along with those of Mima flow in and out of your mind. You're beginning to be able to control yourself now, having been awake for quite some time.

"There's this group, called Chaos. They're like darkness and such. Darkness filled with malice that I can't control." Isn't Rumia the youkai of darkness? If she can't control it, that would mean... "You know about this "bible" you humans read for religion and stuff?" You nod.

"Well, Chaos is Satan. And yet God at the same time. And what they bring is Revelation. Without the angels and the trumpets. Only doom, despair, agony and oblivion." You gasp, thinking of what might befall on the world... But still, why you?

"It's not only you that has to fight to survive and save. There are others. Others from the creation of this universe. This plane of existence." That's slightly vague, but whatever. It implies that you have allies. Rumia then sighs and clenches her fists. "You'll die. Today. Either that or be saved. And your life depends if the world will be saved... Or be damned to burn in eternal flames."

"I'm your guardian, for now. And I'll do the best I can to prevent you from your death." Rumia stands, and swings her hand. A strong gust of wind spins around the room, before forming a black sword. As if it's made of Shadow. It's different then the one she wields, one more curved and without those blood-red runes. Or bones. It seems to have a life of it's own, moving ever gently on the air.

"Your weapon. Shall be your Shadow. And your darkness, will be your light." Rumia hands you the blade and you grasp the ethereal hilt of it, experimentally waving it. It feels good.


The group is now at a random Macdonald's, planning and waiting. They're within walking distance to the university, so it's alright. They split into several groups, Aesera, Kanako as one, Nanaya refusing to join them. The three Ns are then formed into one group, while Vante, Mystia, Gale and Orin are one. Alice and Alyssa are one group, joining together with Rhiseza and Youmu.

Ranna and Mokou are currently not present, and Mima along with Kenshou are missing.

I'm going to put this university "adventure" into a Text-Adventure just to test it out. Imput your commands and I'll direct you on what's happening. This will prevent really tiny useless posts. When any fighting begins, It will revert into this long text-wall type'a thing. However, for Hirenko, Rumia, Mokou and Ranna, you'll still use this text-wall type style. Until you reach the uni or something happens.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 18, 2011, 04:33:24 AM
((....Another person not reading my posts?))
((Well I'm fine with writing long posts...but I think we should talk so i can understand better. I have questions that aren't getting answered here...))
((But unless you wanna come on msn now, then im gonna sleep))
((Going to bed at 2am my time))

((Everyone make sure to read YJ's post at the bottom of page 29))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 18, 2011, 05:35:05 AM
>Depart for the university.
>Once outside: Aesera: "It's unfortunate that nanaya doesn't want to talk. She killed herself and survived without Yukari's aid, I need to know how she's still alive. But if she's not willing to talk about it, then it'll just have to wait. Unless Azeri feels like talking, but I don't think he does."
>Kanako: "Worried you'll die again?"
>Aesera: "If Yukari's to be believed, it happened once already. I have a few other questions for Nanaya, too."
>Pair: Head towards the university.
>Aesera: "There are, however, other concerns. For one, I don't understand why the enemy did that enclosed space thing yesterday; I didn't expect making a scene to be something they'd want to avoid."
>Kanako: "A good point. What do you think?"
>Aesera: "That I need more information. I may experiment a bit if they do it again tonight. Or ask you to experiment; I may be otherwise occupied."
>Kanako: "With what?"
>Aesera: "Last time, the enemy escaped. That cannot be allowed to happen again. I can't be certain that any of the others will be able to do what is necessary, so that job falls to me. Whenever one of the enemy goes down, I am going to kill that person. Last time, we let them live, but that just means they'll be back. No matter who our enemy is, we will need to kill them."
>Kanako: Pause.
>"And you're okay with killing people?"
>Aesera: "I'm not even going to ask myself that question. It doesn't matter, Kanako. I will do what I must, regardless of how I might feel about it."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 18, 2011, 06:11:11 AM
Well then, time for traditional starters for these things! I already know the Skills, inventory, and quests, so...

>Nazrin: Check chest for usual growths.
>Newan: Give questioning glance. "Well, then. Shall we be off?"
>Head to the University.
>Assuming nothing happens on the way there, look around once we reach the campus. Does anything seem off, or suspicious?

Hm... Hopefully this will last for the next four pages so that we can get attacked by Kasen on the 1000th post or something. That's always fun~
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 18, 2011, 06:19:33 AM
After finally regaining her composure, Ranna slowly gets to her feet. She carefully peeks out the window, looking towards where the woman and the girl had been.
They were gone, both of them, without a trace.
Ranna let out a sigh of relief and slid to the floor, her back against the wall. She breathed deeply, calming her mind as best as she could. After a few minutes, She decided to speak up.

On the top of the building, the immortal sat, looking utterly bored out of her mind. Waiting for something, anything, to happen. That was when she heard Ranna's voice ring in her head.
Ranna! She thought, almost leaping to her feet with joy. What was wrong? Ya didn't reply earlier She asked.
I was...just a little...too deep in thought... She responded hesitantly. She took a deep breath and changed her tone. Anyways, we have a problem.
Eh? What's wrong? She asked, slightly surprised and confused.
I seen something...disturbing...
Like what?
A woman...with a sword of bone and darkness...and blood red markings.
Mokou was left speechless for a moment, giving Ranna the change to continue speaking.
So I want you to tell the others a suspicious perosn has been spotted. I'll try to locate the targets as soon as possible As she said this to Mokou, she rose to her feet and headed for the door. She carefully opened it, exitted the room, and proceeded down the hall. On her way to find one of the girls.

Mokou frowned. [Ey e'eryone! There's been a strange woman spotted, with a giant sword of darkness. Just givin all o' ya a fair warnin.]

((Okay people srsly. No one told Mokou Yukari was there, no one asked where they were, no one explained the plan, nothing. What's up with that?))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 18, 2011, 06:22:30 AM
>Nazrin: There doesn't seem to be any developement... You can't compare your bust to any other of the humans you've met either. Besides Alyssa, becauses shes so young. Thinking of Nanaya's chest makes you pout.

>Newan: You give a questioning glance to Nazrin, but she doesn't take notice of it. Nanaya follows you all thr while, somewhat silent.

>The two of you head to the university. All goes well. You soon arrive at the main pavilion, near the security guard's area. There's nothing you can see that's off, but Nazrin says theres some weird energy here...

>Nanaya pokes your arm. You turn and she points to the guard up front. Still silent.


>You and Kanako reach the university before Thr Threr Ns. You sign in as a businesswoman coming here having a fake proposition with the principle. A member of the staff that comes to confirms this mistakes you as some other person, giving you full entry.

>In the university, you see a few statues lined up front, leading to the General Office. You can hear some people unstairs and such. There's a path leading to the dorms, one to the canteen and others that branch out to some other places that you do not know of.

>Kanako says that there's something off with this university...

(Since im outside, I cant do textwalls~ Only dis. Sonae, just wait till I get home.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 18, 2011, 06:31:27 AM
((Okays. I;mma sleep now though, try to get up early and talk with ya. Basically, just have Ranna find Maribel. Or Renko. She'll stick with em for the rest of the time before the battle.))
((I'm excited for Aesera and Kanako to run into Rumia.))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 18, 2011, 06:37:41 AM
>Newan to Nanaya and Nazrin, quietly: "Follow my lead."
>Walk up to the guard.
>Newan: "Excuse me, sir. I'm here to give a lecture. These are my assistants. I believe today's was sub-atomic particles? I have quite a few scheduled this week."
>Nazrin: "U-um, yes, that's correct, Mr. Kudo." [Sub-whatsit whachamacallits?]
>Newan: [Not important right now.]
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 18, 2011, 06:47:00 AM
>Newan to Nanaya and Nazrin, quietly: "Follow my lead."
>Walk up to the guard.
>Newan: "Excuse me, sir. I'm here to give a lecture. These are my assistants. I believe today's was sub-atomic particles? I have quite a few scheduled this week."
>Nazrin: "U-um, yes, that's correct, Mr. Kudo." [Sub-whatsit whachamacallits?]
>Newan: [Not important right now.]

>The guard takes a few looks between your "assistants" and you.

>"Mr Kudo, eh? We don't have many lectures today. Since, from what I heard, the students had some roughing up with uhh... What was it again? Ah yes. Anti-Matter. Them professor Chiyuri said that there would'nt be anything today."

>"So, no can do, sir."

>The security guard shakes his head, but eyes Nazrin and Nanaya. "Athough, your assistants..." He eyes Nanaya's chest and Nazrin's legs. Have you not had experience in this, you would'nt even notice these subtle things.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 18, 2011, 06:58:33 AM
>Newan: [...Nazrin. Did you see that?]
>Nazrin: [Yeah. Don't worry, I know what to do. Even if I don't like it...]
>Nazrin: "Oh my, that's too bad..." She lifted up her skirt slightly. "Are you sure you can't let us in? I'm sure we could handle some Anti-Matter. After all, the worst it could do is damage our clothes, as long as we're careful..."
>Newan held back a tear. You have no idea how wrong you are...
>Nanaya caught on. Nanaya: "I guess we'll just have to leave..." She lowered her shirt collar a bit.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 18, 2011, 07:17:17 AM
>Aesera: [Off how?]
>Kanako: [I'm not really sure. Also, Mokou says she saw a woman with a sword of darkness. Reminds me of the stories I've heard about Rumia. And of the training she's supposedly been doing with Mima recently.]
>Aesera: Pause to digest this information.
>[Okay, that's way the hell too many coincidences. Get Mokou to direct us to this woman. And, Kanako?]
>Kanako: [Yes?]
>Aesera: [Have Mokou tell Ranna that I understand how this may be hard for her, and that I'm always available to help if she's having problems handling it all. And tell her that we only left her alone because she seemed to want to be alone.]
>Kanako: Relay this to Mokou.
>Pair: Follow Mokou's directions to the woman.
>While moving: Kanako: "I have to say, you made an interesting choice of name for your little 'proposition'."
>Aesera: "Scheherazade?"
>Kanako: "Yes. An odd choice. Is there a reason for it?"
>Aesera: "Just a personal one. I happen to have a liking for her. You're familiar with the 'Arabian Knights' story, I take it? Scheherazade delays her execution by telling stories until the king falls in love with her and spares her life."
>Kanako: "I'm familiar with it. I actually met Scheherezade, while I was in the area to meet with local dieties. The legend's actually surprisingly accurate."
>Aesera: "I would have loved to meet her myself. She was a very clever woman. Not to mention how expertly she played the king."
>Kanako: "What do you mean?"
>Aesera: "If she had even once directly tried to avoid her execution, it would have only hardened the kind's resolve. She goes in with a plan that's very much in my style. She arranges for the king to overhear her tell stories, and keeps the stories up for almost three years. But she does nothing during those three years. She buys time but does nothing with it. That's the only reason she got away with it; she gave no indication of any desire to actually do something, to avoid her execution, anything. She didn't have to do anything, because she knew that there's an enormous difference between killing someone you just met and killing someone you've known for almost three years. All she had to do was live; the king's own mind did the rest, just as she knew it would. A much simpler plan than what I tend to favor, but the style's still there."
>Kanako: "Mind games. I guess I can understand why you'd admire her. Come to think of it, you remind me of her in a way."
>Aesera: "And what exactly did you think of her?"
>Kanako: "That despite being a god, I did not want to get on her bad side. I only met her once, but I could tell that she was an extremely dangerous woman."
>Aesera: "Unquestionably."


OOC: Yeah, so I kind of pulled that stuff out of nowhere, but I thought it would be a good way to show some things about Aesera's character, so yeah.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 18, 2011, 07:31:50 AM
>Newan: [...Nazrin. Did you see that?]
>Nazrin: [Yeah. Don't worry, I know what to do. Even if I don't like it...]
>Nazrin: "Oh my, that's too bad..." She lifted up her skirt slightly. "Are you sure you can't let us in? I'm sure we could handle some Anti-Matter. After all, the worst it could do is damage our clothes, as long as we're careful..."
>Newan held back a tear. You have no idea how wrong you are...
>Nanaya caught on. Nanaya: "I guess we'll just have to leave..." She lowered her shirt collar a bit.

>The security guard lifts an eye brow, somewhat intrigued wherr this could lead too.

>Nanaya and Nazrin has completely different ideas, as Newan could tell. But the security guard could not. He took glances at the two females, before turning to Newan. "You have two seductive accomplices, eh?"

>Nazrin takes the lead, walking ever so close to the security guard, lifting her skirt a little higher. Her tail still cant be seen, though. She begins to wrap her hands around the man's arm, as his hand slowly reaches down...


>Nazrin instintively squeaks. She was not prepared for this. And how, she could'nt get herself out. You feel a deep anger beginning to boil in you. You feel like punching the guy. Nazrin's plan failed, but maybe...

>Nanaya pulls her shirt down a little, walking toaards the man. He reaches put to grope he- A loud crack is heard. Nanata delivered a sudden punch to his chin, dislocating it and making him unconscious. Success.

>Nanaya adjusts her shirt as Nazrin slowly backs off from the man lying on his seat. You sigh, and walk into the university. Success indeed.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 18, 2011, 10:14:55 AM
(OOC: Heeeheehee. This will be it for now; I've been really busy today.)

>Mystia: Mentally whine about being hungry.
>Vante: Come back with two sandwiches and give one to Mystia. Hope that makes her stop.
>Vante: Ponder on whether narrow spaces or wide space would better for battle, as well as confined and open spaces. Ask Gale for comments.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 18, 2011, 11:54:40 AM
(Will do Guyumeton9's once Sonae posts.)

>Mystia: Mentally whine about being hungry.
>Vante: Come back with two sandwiches and give one to Mystia. Hope that makes her stop.
>Vante: Ponder on whether narrow spaces or wide space would better for battle, as well as confined and open spaces. Ask Gale for comments.

>Mystia whines and complains about her stomach growling, and about food and so on. She pouts and looks cute~

>You come back after buying not one, but two Sandwiches. Wait, Macdonald's don't sell sandwiches... You got two Cheeseburg'arz. You have one to Mystia. She sniffs the food, before opening it up and examining it. Before throwing the pickles on the floor and heartily munching down on it.

>"Vante~ Oh you." Mystia says with her mouth full.

>You think about combat situations. I mean, war is all about location... location... and location. Ok, also includes mysterious powers. You ask Gale what he thinks of locations for battle. She gives scientific comments about how they depend on many factors, from the abilities of the fighter and the enemy, all the way till the wind direction and speed. You notice that Orin is horribly bored and confused.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 18, 2011, 12:37:56 PM
Hirenko set down the hairbrush, finding her hands too shaky to hold it.  Trying to maintain her composure for as long as possible, she listened to Rumia talk, and her words sunk into her head.  Was this what, she was finding out about it now.  It had been years since Hirenko had read the bible, but she remembered the book of Revelations, and it was basically one big mind screw.  She imagined Chaos would be like that, only evil and dark like Rumia was currently describing.  Hirenko took a deep breath and looked at her "options".

Today, there was a good chance that she was going to be killed.  And if she did, everything would go to hell.  However, was the chance that she was going to live to see tomorrow.  In her mind, that chance was a lot more narrow than dying, but she should at least cling on to that hope.  Besides, she wasn't alone.

Hirenko took the black sword in her hands and gave it a wave.  Somehow, the weight of the situation felt too heavy for her to comprehend, but she would be fine.  She repeated those words in her mind.  It was going to be fine.  She could trust Rumia, but she also had to pull her own weight.  After all, it's the patient who chooses to take the medication when it's prescribed, and has as much impact on their recovery as a doctor.


...And that was all she could say.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 18, 2011, 01:44:09 PM
"Don't mention it. It's a duty of a friend to help a friend. Even if she's in great danger, so on and so forth." Rumia lay down on the couch, relaxing herself, almost dozing off. "It's been a really long time since I've been in this body. Hope you don't mind if I fall asleep or something" You nod, still thinking about how Chaos would be. As you drive further into your thoughts about Chaos, you almost drop the blade Rumia had given you. It flares with abysmal might. Fury beyond what you could imagine, untold secrets of destruction and devastation.

You realise you've been staring into the blade's shadowy tip all the while. Intriguing, this blade has the very essence of Rumia. And the secrets it tells you, are far more then what Darkness truly means. There's something odd about this blade, something really odd. As if it's staring right back at you. As they say, if you stare into the Abyss long enough, the Abyss will stare back into you.

The void and the cosmos... Everything... A burning descent from the heavens above. Eyes, many, many eyes. Tentacles. A firm hand clasps your head, shaking you.

"Oy oy. Don't go staring and channeling your energy into this thing." Rumia says, continuing to shake you. You soon snap out of it. This blade has a hypnotic effect on you. You thought you stopped looking at it, but you could'nt resist... That feeling you got about being watched is still there, as if it entangled with your mind and is refusing to leave. Rumia bends down and looks into your eyes.

"That blade is attached to my soul. My soul, my power... And energies from deep within the border. Me and Mima took a long time to get that energy." She begins to go closer to your face. "Tell me. What did you see?"

You describe the eyes, space and time, fire, tentacles. And Darkness. You remember there were voices, beings talking in a language unknown to you. Eldrich Abominations. You're beginning to think those things from H.P LoveCraft's mind are Chaos. But oh, how could you be so far from the truth?

"I'll project into your thoughts. What Chaos is."

Rumia pulls herself back, leaving a finger on your forehead. She traces around your eyes, draws symbols on your face. It tickles and feels comfortable, for a weird reason. Your face has no marks or anything, she's just tracing~ And soon enough, Rumia pulls her finger back. "Observe" She says, and your eyes shut. All you see is black, until a river, shimmering light engulfs your vision. And you see it.

You're standing upon a cliff, a hill of flames. Black and red, burning and scorching everything to ruin. The nightmarish cries of people in agony, wanting to be saved. Blood runs deep from the surface to the earth's core. The sea is red. The skies cry blood. The sky is cracked to a billion pieces of hands, faces and bodies, twisted and in pain, crying for help and mercy. Darkness covers everything. There, you see it. Or, them.

Hundreds, thousands of blobs, covered with tentacles. Like sludge monsters, with a long neck supporting a sharp head. Streamlined red eyes cover their bodies, along with green, floating skulls. And then, many different other types of them. Some look like animals, corrupted to the core with Tentacles instead of limbs, skulls atop their heads. Pure black, some still retain their limbs and hands, more hand many claws and sharp horns. Even the humans were not spared. Skulls on their arms and heads, they walk in a zombie-like manor, roaming the desolate landscape.

You snap back out soon after, panting and sweating. "That was Chaos." Rumia said.

But what you saw in the blade was not Chaos. It was something... With a darker, more insane intent...

(Act 2 stuff up thar)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 18, 2011, 02:51:43 PM
"Oh, god..."

Hirenko felt a dizzying sensation, her mind having just been assaulted with two nightmarish visions; she might have been swaying on her feet, even.  The blade was still clutched in her hand so tightly that her knuckles were probably turning white, but she did not look at it.  She did not need to see either of it again, the Chaos or the void.  The images repeated in her mind over and over again, and she started to have trouble telling them apart as they seemed to meld together in her mind; the void splitting and running red, black stains blocking her vision and a shaking sensation as her mind started to fill with screaming, overshadowed by incessant chatter in a language she couldn't and didn't want to identify

What was the worse of the two: hell, or waiting for the other shoe to drop?

And yet she couldn't put the blade down.  She wanted to, but she was almost too afraid to leave it alone.  Also, she didn't know where she was supposed to put it.  A brief image of her walking down the street as usual with the sword in her hand entered her mind, and she found it rather bizzare.  Humorous, even, if she was looking to get expelled.  Even as all of this was unfolding, those unaffected would continue their daily routines unaware of what was going on...and she still had afternoon classes.  Hirenko considered calling in sick; she certainly felt nauseous.

As if to take her focus away from all of this, she looked down at the sleeve of her shirt.  That's right, she was still wearing bedclothes.  She would have been showered and dressed at this point, but that routine had been interrupted when Rumia arrived.  Of course, life and death situations tended to be more important; you couldn't do simple, mundane things like picking out outfits when you were dead, after all.

An moment of silence passed.  What was she supposed to do now?  How was she supposed to react?  Was there anything else that needed to be said?  As these thoughts raced through her mind, Hirenko felt more and more awkward standing there in her pajamas.  She needed to get dressed in something she wasn't going to be sleeping in.

"Um, I should probably get changed into something other than this," Hirenko said, lifting her arm.  "I'll be right back..."  With that, she turned and started for the stairs.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 18, 2011, 05:04:42 PM
>Newan: Sigh, rub temples. "Well. That's one way to take care of that."
>Nazrin: "Sorry about that... lackluster performance. I've never had to0 seduce anyone before..."
>Nanaya: "Just shut up and let's go already."
>Look around, now that we're inside the University. What pathways are there? Are there signs over any of them? Also, do we see anybody?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 18, 2011, 09:37:08 PM
>Vante: Right, we forgot about the opponent's abilities part. Pick up the pickles Mystia dropped and place them on tissue. We don't want to look bad, even under these circumstances. "Mystia, you can't just throw stuff anywhere."
>Mystia: What do we care? Cue classic "Why~?"
>Vante: Go on to discuss how there are laws saying that littering is not allowed, and how we look bad if we do that.
>Mystia: Silly humans and their laws! "You humans, what's it with you and rules?"
>Vante: Don't reply, because we don't want to raise a moral argument with her.
>Ask her what she thinks about fighting in narrow/wide/closed/open space.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 19, 2011, 12:52:59 AM
Mokou recieved the message and frowned. Ey Ranna, where'd ya see that woman?

Ranna startled by the sudden voice, was brought out of her daze. That woman? Images of the previous scenes flashed in her mind, making her uncomfortable. She inhaled deeply to stop her body from shaking.
I saw her on the roof of the dorms. There was another girl too, a civillian girl... She paused for a moment, thinking about what could have happened to the girl. When I looked back to the roof...they were both gone...

Mokou was speechless. No way... Her body began to shake slightly. ...No way... She clentched her teeth. We couldn't have lost already...
Ranna is silent, not wanting to believe it either, but they couldn't trust anyone besides themselves. Chaos wasn;t a kind creature, it wouldn't spare anyone. If it were left alone. Everything would be obliterated. With no exceptions, what so ever.
Mokou's expression became sharp. Shit...
[Kanako, we might have a problem. Ranna lost sight of them, they both vanished. The woman was with a student on the roof of the dormitory. The student was female, an innocent civillian...What's your location right now?]

Ranna took a deep breath, shaking off the bad feeling that was nagging her mind. She continued on, turning the corner and heading down another hallway. As she walked along the hall, gazing into the rooms, she caught a quick glimpse of a girl, dressed in all purple, wearing a white mobcap. Her blonde hair was slightly wavy and looked soft. Something about her looked familiar, but Ranna couldn't figure out what it was. Unable to remember the nostalgia the girl caused in her, Ranna shrugged it off and continued on down the hall.
As she reached another turn, Mokou's voice resounded in her head.
Ranna stopped, turning to look back down the hall, making sure she wasn't being followed. She leaned against the wall, just around the corner from the next staircase. Her eyes became serious. What?
Mokou hesitated then continued. ...Aesera says she understands how hard this all is...And that's she'll be there for you if you need it.
Ranna was completely caught off guard by the sudden message, so much so that she was left speechless. Her gaze lowered to the floor. Her face was red as could be.
...Ranna? the immortal's voice echoed in her mind. Ranna's expression turned to something of a pout, her face still red. Finally, she stuttered out an answer.
W-why is she worrying about me? Isn't there others that need encouragement more than me? Like that little girl.
Mokou is slightly surprised, but then laughs under her breathe. Yeh yeh, miss tough girl~ Mokou says mockingly.
Ranna makes a few unsatisfied sounds. Her embarassment not seeming to lower in the slightest. She can imagine Mokou grinned widely at her, making her even more embarassed.
Ranna's brought back to reality by the loud sound of the bell ringing. It resounded all across the campus. Even if you weren't on the university grounds, you could still hear it a fair distance away. Mokou, Aesera, Kanako, Newan, Nazrin, Nanaya...even the ones that were still back at the mcdonals could hear its chime.
Ranna snapped out of her little battle against embarassment and realized something.
...Shit that's the lunch bell!
Silence wasn't even given a milisecond to return. As soon as the bell had stopped ringing, the classroom doors opened with a loud chorus of muffled voices.
People came out from everywhere. The sudden burst of sound and commotion hurt Ranna's ears that had been used to eerie silence.
Ranna covered her ears. I need to get out of here...! She thought. Instinctively, she retreated around the corner and headed up the stairs.
Unfortunately, her escape was a total failure. As she came around the corner and darted up the stairs, she ran into someone. Their bodies collided with eachother. Ranna's foot shifted and her body was dragged to the ground by the force called gravity. Her body hit the ground hard with a thud. Typical First Meeting
"Hey! You okay?"
A voice says above all the noise and commotion.
Ranna looks up at the source of the voice. Before her stands a girl, dressed in black and white. She has short brownish-red hair and brown eyes, and atop her head is a black hat.
"Mm..." Ranna mutters to herself, nearly forgetting the role she's supposed to be playing. Her expression changes drastically, but the girl doesn't seem to notice.
"Ah, I'm sorry about that, I'm new here and not used to things" She says innocently, laughing it off weakly.

After Mokou finishes her mental conversation with Ranna, she turns her attention back to Kanako. [Kanako, tell Aesera Ranna says thanks, that's she's fine. She says you should focus your efforts on Alyssa before you think about her.] Mokou's smile changes to a grin. [Don'tcha worry! I got 'er covered!] Mokou finishes with confidence.
At that moment the bell rings.
Mokou frowns slightly. "What the hell..." She mutters, looking towards the roof's entrance. She shrugs it off and turns her back to the door.
Just then, the sounds of the door being unlocked and opened can be heared from it. Mokou spins around quick, eyes slightly wide. "Shit...!" She whispers under her breath. She quickly looks around for a hiding spot. "Tch..." She leaps into the air, her wings instantly sprouting from her back, and with one great flap, she flies out of sight.
"Ah finally! Seems that lock is getting stickier everyday" Some random girl walks out into the open sun and sighs. Behind her follows a boy and another girl. Typical Lunchtime on the Roof
Mokou watches from her hiding spot on the small part of the building that houses the entrance to the roof. She's lying down, trying to be as flat against the ground as possible. She peaks over the small ledge and watches the people silently. what do I do... Mokou wonders, analyzing the situation she's in.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 19, 2011, 01:44:04 AM
>Kanako: "She was seen with a human girl at the dorms."
>Aesera: "Then I was right. She's here as somebody's partner. Which means we need to get over to the dorms, and right now. Tell Mokou to keep an eye out in case Rumia exits the building. If she doesn't leave, then we've got a much smaller area to search. And if she does, tell Mokou to follow her and lead us to her."
>Kanako: Relay this to Mokou.
>"Also, Ranna thinks you should worry more about Alyssa than her."
>Aesera: "Alyssa's not the one who left the group. Ranna kind of singled herself out with that one."
>Pair: Head for the dorms, to the building where Rumia was seen. Have the Scheherazade conversation while moving.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 08:12:53 AM
>Newan: Sigh, rub temples. "Well. That's one way to take care of that."
>Nazrin: "Sorry about that... lackluster performance. I've never had to0 seduce anyone before..."
>Nanaya: "Just shut up and let's go already."
>Look around, now that we're inside the University. What pathways are there? Are there signs over any of them? Also, do we see anybody?

>You rub your temples and sigh, before commenting. Doesn't help much.

>Nazrin apologises but is shot down by Nanaya, unable to do much.

>You look around the University, There are three ways you can currently walk to, the first, straight ahead path leads to the General Office. There are many statues here. You'll walk bellow the clock tower to access here. To your right are the workshops, along with some other, more practical classes. To your left are parking spots, a pavilion, a random shop and the place where people park their bicycles.

>Vante: Right, we forgot about the opponent's abilities part. Pick up the pickles Mystia dropped and place them on tissue. We don't want to look bad, even under these circumstances. "Mystia, you can't just throw stuff anywhere."
>Mystia: What do we care? Cue classic "Why~?"
>Vante: Go on to discuss how there are laws saying that littering is not allowed, and how we look bad if we do that.
>Mystia: Silly humans and their laws! "You humans, what's it with you and rules?"
>Vante: Don't reply, because we don't want to raise a moral argument with her.
>Ask her what she thinks about fighting in narrow/wide/closed/open space.

>You grab the pickles off the floor and place them in a random tissue you got them inside the MacDonald's. You tell Mystia how people can't throw random trash anywhere they want to. She responds with a "Why~?"

>You begin discussing about laws and how littering isn't allowed in the outside world. Mystia doesn't really care at all and watches you fail horribly when it reaches the fines and punishments part. She insults the general laws set by the government too. You immediately stop talking to not raise an argument up about the moral system here in the outside world.

>"It depends~" She says in a singsong voice. "I mean, if it's not by the rules, I would prefer to fight in a small space so I can just sing~. If not, I'm  not picky when it comes to Danmaku."

>Kanako: "She was seen with a human girl at the dorms."
>Aesera: "Then I was right. She's here as somebody's partner. Which means we need to get over to the dorms, and right now. Tell Mokou to keep an eye out in case Rumia exits the building. If she doesn't leave, then we've got a much smaller area to search. And if she does, tell Mokou to follow her and lead us to her."
>Kanako: Relay this to Mokou.
>"Also, Ranna thinks you should worry more about Alyssa than her."
>Aesera: "Alyssa's not the one who left the group. Ranna kind of singled herself out with that one."
>Pair: Head for the dorms, to the building where Rumia was seen. Have the Scheherazade conversation while moving.

>You and Kanako discuss about the general idea the both of you have about that girl, before telling it to Mokou.

>As you head for the dorms, particularly the one right at the back. It was the same building Rumia was seen. You have a conversation about Scheherazade.

>Eventually, you reach the female dorm, and proceed to head up to the roof. You saw her there anyway. You're silent along with Kanako, and don't disturb any other students even if you get stares from some of them. You reach a dead end. The highest floor has no access to the roof, but looking at the building plan, this one dorm next to you somehow leads to the roof staircase. Maybe It has a door at the top or something?

>There's a notice behind the building plan. It's very old and worn, almost illigible, but you are able to make out a few words. "Student H... ..........................ladder to acc.... roof... glass... Permission Granted."

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 09:28:37 AM
Also, Ranna and Mokou GET! You are now allowed to go dungeon-style text-RP with everyone else.

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 19, 2011, 09:37:26 AM
>Alice and Alyssa decide that they should go look around a bit
>Wait for response from Rhiseza and Youmu
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 10:02:09 AM
>Alice and Alyssa decide that they should go look around a bit
>Wait for response from Rhiseza and Youmu

>Awaiting response from RolePlayer: Orphea.Russ...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 19, 2011, 10:10:02 AM
((Aww...No more long posts for a bit.))
((Do Renko and Maribel have a club room? I assume they would somewhere))
((Also I've asked her to post but she still hasn't...))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 10:10:36 AM
((Aww...No more long posts for a bit.))
((Do Renko and Maribel have a club room? I assume they would somewhere))
((Also I've asked her to post but she still hasn't...))

Yes. It's somewhere~

And just wait, then.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 10:18:20 AM
Main Quest:
-The Elements
          * Chaotic Invasion(Part 2/2)

Sub Quests:
-Something is wrong with this school...
-Advent Cracking
-Soul Of The Border

Inventory as a Group as a whole: (You can use commands to discover the items still unnoticed to characters.)
- Sword Hilt (Newan)
- Keystone Necklace/Amulet (Aesera)
- Weird Feathered Idol (Vante)
- Egg Of Shinki (Kanako)
- Feathered Necklace (Ranna)
- Chaotic Skull Fragment (Ranna) - Unnoticed by Wielder
- Shadow Blade (Hirenko)
- Epicenter Totem (Orin) - Unnoticed by Wielder
- Weird Black Button (Alyssa)

Unused Achievements:
Aesera - Curiosity Killed The Cat(Hard), Just a Flesh Wound(Lunatic)
Vante - Mortal Kombat(Hard), Gracious Victory-Honorable Defeat(Lunatic)
Gale - Breaking The Rules(Hard)
Rhiseza - Little Miss Princess(Easy)
Ranna - Genuflection(Phantasm), Chaotic Discovery(Normal)
Alyssa - Wall Of Dolls(Easy)
Everyone - To Save Or Damn the World(Normal)

Give commands to learn more...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 19, 2011, 10:43:00 AM
((Wait a sec. When'd I get something like that? Plus, A correction, I've only used one achievement))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 10:44:06 AM
((Wait a sec. When'd I get something like that? Plus, A correction, I've only used one achievement))

Notice it says UNUSED achievements. Not USED.

And notice that the fragment is UNNOTICED. Aka, you dunno.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 19, 2011, 10:49:50 AM
((Yes but I've only used one achievement so far, That being Bird of Eternity))
((Also my feathery necklae is missing))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 10:53:08 AM
((Yes but I've only used one achievement so far, That being Bird of Eternity))
((Also my feathery necklae is missing))

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 19, 2011, 10:59:38 AM
Alyssa's Weird Black Button from Artful Sacrifice/Chaotic Discovery combo be missing. Might as well add that Alice can summon Marisa as a side note somewhere so ya don't forget and shiz. Yeah :X.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 11:00:56 AM
Alyssa's Weird Black Button from Artful Sacrifice/Chaotic Discovery combo be missing. Might as well add that Alice can summon Marisa as a side note somewhere so ya don't forget and shiz. Yeah :X.

Didn't you use those Achievements? Oh yes. You did.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 19, 2011, 11:24:51 AM
(What does my blue dragon scale do, exactly?)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 19, 2011, 11:38:51 AM
((Question. Are the items all once use only?))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 11:56:09 AM
(What does my blue dragon scale do, exactly?)


((Question. Are the items all once use only?))

Of course.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 19, 2011, 12:18:39 PM
Oh yeah, forgot I had those.

>Use A Thousand Wills All in One
>Now that the adrenaline had faded, Nazrin became embarrassed about what just happened. She looked down, her face red.
>Newan didn't seem to notice. "Er... How does right sound?"
>Nanaya: "Sure, whatever."
>Head right!
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 12:22:51 PM
Oh yeah, forgot I had those.

>Use A Thousand Wills All in One
>Now that the adrenaline had faded, Nazrin became embarrassed about what just happened. She looked down, her face red.
>Newan didn't seem to notice. "Er... How does right sound?"
>Nanaya: "Sure, whatever."
>Head right!

>Achievement will be used after Dungeon-Crawler style text adventure is done.

>Nazrin is now visibly red, facing the floor.

>You head right. You head towards the workshops, looking around. There's this huge industrial-like workshop where students are cutting metal, glass, plastics, all that stuff. There's a few storage rooms, a wood room and a Design and Technology staff lounge. At the far end, there's a staircase leading up... And down. The door to the down-stairs is locked. There's something odd...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 19, 2011, 12:25:16 PM
>Newan: "That's odd. Why would they lock the stairs off?:
>Get closer, and observe the lock to the stairs. Is there a sign anywhere that says what this leads to, or why it's locked?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 12:28:28 PM
>Newan: "That's odd. Why would they lock the stairs off?:
>Get closer, and observe the lock to the stairs. Is there a sign anywhere that says what this leads to, or why it's locked?

There's a very, very, incredible old sign. It says "D... Failure... E..."

There are five locks, all are very, very rusty and untampered with. You could just break them. The door itself seems to have an omnious aura. There's a window above you too, and it doesn't seem to be showing the staircase above...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 19, 2011, 12:31:17 PM
>...Le's not break that down. Not while people are still here.
>Instead, head upwards!
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 12:33:59 PM
>...Le's not break that down. Not while people are still here.
>Instead, head upwards!

>You head up, reaching the second level. There's a small spraying-area to your right, and going straight will EVENTUALLY, lead you to the main hall. It's doors are open. There's probably something going on there. To your left is a big stretch of hallway, with Art rooms on the left and Innovation centers to the right.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 19, 2011, 12:35:51 PM
>Well, that's probably going to be crowded. Head back down!
>Sneak a peak into the office. Does anyone seem to be paying attention?
>If not or there's nobody there, Nanaya: Break that door down.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 12:57:11 PM
>Well, that's probably going to be crowded. Head back down!
>Sneak a peak into the office. Does anyone seem to be paying attention?
>If not or there's nobody there, Nanaya: Break that door down.

>You walk back down the stairs~

>You look into the office. No teachers are present. Funny~

>Since there's nobody in the office, you choose to break down the door. Using Nanaya's skills. But no, she refuses. She walks to the back of the staircase, right at the space seperating the down-case and the higher up. You can't see her. Apparently there's a large gap. She calls for Nazrin for her bag, and she silently obliges. After hearing a few ruffles, unzips and stuff, Nanaya pokes her head out and calls for the both of you to come in, to avoid attracting attention. There may be no teachers, but there are students.

>In the gap, it's a little small, but still alright. You can't be seen from the outside. Nanaya begins taking off her clothes. You gasp and turns around, Nazrin beginning to chuckle. After just moments, Nanaya puts on a uniform just like the ones from the university. She walks out and goes into the nearby workshop. Grabbing a saw and busting the locks open with a few grinds.

>Access to Basement is now open,
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 19, 2011, 02:43:24 PM
>Get something quick to eat, because damnit Yukari.
>Go head off to find Alyssa and Alice.
>Explain to Youmu why places like this exist, when she asks.

(Sorry, not having net after eleven sucks...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 19, 2011, 04:04:40 PM
Heyyyy. Guess what. My parents JUST decided that it was a good idea to ban me from computer for three weeks, because of exams, barring Fridays and weekends, thereby destroying my motivation to study properly since I foresee no fitting reward for this since I largely don't care for results, but that's irrelevant. Expect a post during the weekend. I'll let katelin bunny me in the meantime unless I can help it and add my edits over the weekend for the more recent posts. Otherwise I'll be missing for the most of this event because of stupid decisions.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 19, 2011, 07:14:23 PM
Hirenko trudged up the stairs, leaving the Shadow Blade on her bed as she grabbed a change of clothes and headed for the bathroom.  About ten minutes passed, during which she took a shower, blow-dried her hair, and got dressed.  Instead of her pajamas, she was now wearing a light blue dress reaching her knees, with quarter-length sleeves and a duffel coat over her shoulders.  After playing with her hair for a few minutes, she settled on a few barrettes and hopped back downstairs, sword in hand.

> Retrieve shoes from front door.
> Head back to the room Rumia's in.
> "Hii.  What should we do now?  Breakfast?"
> Well, we are very hungry...

> _
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 19, 2011, 09:28:58 PM
((Full Achievement list for all who are wondering))

The Achievement List
-Mythical Reunion(EASY, VANTE) -Used
-Artful Sacrifice(EASY, ALYSSA) -Used
-Nuclear Induced Insanity(EASY, GALE)
-As Resolute as the Mountains(EASY, AESERA) -Used
-Cheese!(EASY, NEWAN) -Used
-Bird Of Prey(EASY, VANTE) -Used
-Mother Of All Sparks(NORMAL, NEWAN) -Used
-Bird Of Eternity(EASY, RANNA) -Used
-Ghost Busters!(EASY, RHISEZA) -Used
-Climax Of The Subconscious(NORMAL, GALE) -Used
-Chaotic Discovery(NORMAL, NEWAN) -Used
-Chaotic Discovery(NORMAL, AESERA) -Used
-Chaotic Discovery(NORMAL, GALE)
-Chaotic Discovery(NORMAL, VANTE) -Used
-Chaotic Discovery(NORMAL, RANNA)
-Chaotic Discovery(NORMAL, ALYSSA) -Used
-Chaotic Discovery(NORMAL, RHISEZA)
-Curiousity Killed The Cat(HARD, AESERA)
-Just a Flesh Wound(LUNATIC, AESERA)
-Mortal Kombat(HARD, VANTE)
-Gracious Victory-Honorable Defeat(LUNATIC, VANTE)
-Breaking the Rules(HARD, GALE)
-Little Miss Princess(EASY, RHISEZA)
-Genuflection(PHANTASM, RANNA)
-Wall of Dolls(EASY, ALYSSA)
-To Save Or Damn the World(NORMAL, NEWAN)
-To Save Or Damn the World(NORMAL, AESERA)
-To Save Or Damn the World(NORMAL, VANTE)
-To Save Or Damn the World(NORMAL, GALE)
-To Save Or Damn the World(NORMAL, RANNA)
-To Save Or Damn the World(NORMAL, ALYSSA)
-To Save Or Damn the World(NORMAL, RHISEZA)
-Resurrection Unleashed(SPECHUL, ALL) -Used?

((Should I Bold the Used?))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 11:10:35 PM
>Get something quick to eat, because damnit Yukari.
>Go head off to find Alyssa and Alice.
>Explain to Youmu why places like this exist, when she asks.

(Sorry, not having net after eleven sucks...

>You om nom a Happy Meal.

>They're right beside you.

>You explain to Youmu why there are fast food restaurants around and what they do. She says that these fast food things are like Mystia's or Mokou's store.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 11:16:34 PM
Hirenko trudged up the stairs, leaving the Shadow Blade on her bed as she grabbed a change of clothes and headed for the bathroom.  About ten minutes passed, during which she took a shower, blow-dried her hair, and got dressed.  Instead of her pajamas, she was now wearing a light blue dress reaching her knees, with quarter-length sleeves and a duffel coat over her shoulders.  After playing with her hair for a few minutes, she settled on a few barrettes and hopped back downstairs, sword in hand.

> Retrieve shoes from front door.
> Head back to the room Rumia's in.
> "Hii.  What should we do now?  Breakfast?"
> Well, we are very hungry...

> _

>You already have you- Oh. Shoes GET.

>"You have to dress like that? Humans and their ediquites..." Rumia touches your hair and rubs it a little. "This hair. So niiiice." You ask about breakfast once she's done with your hair. She just responds by nodding.

>You could go om nom in the canteen, or go somewhere else~



Also, the uniform Nanaya is wearing is that thing they give the students doing Creative Design in zen workshops.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 19, 2011, 11:28:49 PM
> Maybe not the canteen; that's usually if we have no time to kill.
> "We could try a cafe in town...but what am I going to do about this?"
> Hold up the sword.  If we take it into town, we're going to get arrested...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 11:37:09 PM
> Maybe not the canteen; that's usually if we have no time to kill.
> "We could try a cafe in town...but what am I going to do about this?"
> Hold up the sword.  If we take it into town, we're going to get arrested...

>"Oh, who said you were going to hold it like that?" Tunis snatches the blade from your hands and thrusts it forward. Your eyes widen, your mouth hangs in sudden shock. Right before a bloodcurdling scream is pulls out forcefully from your throat. Bad end. Why did you trust Rumi- Wait... You're alive?

>Rumia pats your head and sighs. "It doesn't even hurt. Don't scream dammit." You look down at your chest. The blade is slowly seeping into your body, eventually being fully inside you. "You can pull it out whenever you want to. And don't scream when I stab you again. Not like it hurts or anything..."

>Where should you om nom nom? Also, the others may have heard your scream.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 19, 2011, 11:54:36 PM
> Fume.  "Well, I thought you were going to kill me."
> Speak quietly; someone has probably heard us already.
> Well, if worse comes to worst, we can just make something up.  Like, we saw a spider on the wall.  Knowing us, that would be the most believeable excuse.
> "Anyway, breakfast, let's go to a cafe in town; it'll be better than the canteen."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 19, 2011, 11:57:36 PM
>Newan: "...That works, too."
>Proceed to the basement with caution!
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 19, 2011, 11:59:16 PM
> Fume.  "Well, I thought you were going to kill me."
> Speak quietly; someone has probably heard us already.
> Well, if worse comes to worst, we can just make something up.  Like, we saw a spider on the wall.  Knowing us, that would be the most believeable excuse.
> "Anyway, breakfast, let's go to a cafe in town; it'll be better than the canteen."

>Rumia giggles "Oh you. You and your suspicions."

>You walk out with Rumia, preparing to head to a cafe in town. A firm gasp clutches your shoulder. "Hello, girl." The sound of a blade of drawn behind you. Rumia growls. "You..."



You can give commands, but you can't do else other then talk for now. Till Guyyoumetonline comes in. Since that hand on your shoulder belongs to Kanako.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 20, 2011, 12:02:11 AM
>Newan: "...That works, too."
>Proceed to the basement with caution!

>You walk down into the basement, Nanaya leading the way. The door slams shut behind you, causing Nazrin to squeak and run back to the door, trying to open it to no avail. There's something odd about this. Something really odd. You feel for a light switch and flip it on. What you see almost makes you puke.

Mangled bodies, dried and decomposing, hang from the celling. Blood is dried up on the floor in weird symbols and such. There are more disgusting mutilated bodies on the floor, with an agonizing death written all over their face. However, there's no smell at all...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 20, 2011, 12:02:42 AM
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 20, 2011, 12:19:22 AM
>Newan: Don't puke don't puke don't puke
>Newan: Don't get scared don't get scared don't get scared
>Nazrin: "...Oh, god..."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 20, 2011, 12:31:51 AM
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 20, 2011, 01:36:33 AM
>Orin: "I sense a disturbance in the--"
>Gale: "I have no idea how you even are able to reference--"
>Orin: "--mental state of Nazrin!"
>Gale: "Oh.  Huh?"
>Orin: "I think she was just traumatized just a tad."
>Gale: Did she ever respond to you?"
>Orin: "Don't think so."
>Gale: "Plan B?"
>Orin: "We have one?"

>Gale turns to Vante, who appears to be squabbling a bit with his partner...Mystia, was it?
>Gale: "So.  It looks like the others have decided to be proactive and head out to the university already.  But it seems like you're still here, so..."
>Orin: "Oh.  You gonna ask them to go with us?  'Cause we kinda don't want to be all by ourselves, y'see."

>They wait for a response.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 20, 2011, 02:10:16 AM
>Aesera: "You must be Rumia."
>Turn to Hirenko.
>"This makes things easy. Rumia probably knows who Kanako is, so credability isn't so much of an issue. You need to listen to me, because you're in danger. You and two others. My name is Aesera. Three people are in danger: Renko, Maribel, and Hirenko. Which are you?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 20, 2011, 02:27:09 AM
> Freeze up.  Do not turn around.
> "Um, Hirenko..."
> Of course we're in--wait, Renko and Maribel, too?  Oh, no...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 20, 2011, 02:59:23 AM
>Aesera: "Hirenko. Got it. Kanako, let everyone else know that you and I have found Hirenko. Hirenko, do you know where the other two can be found?"
>Kanako: Let them know, and also relay any information Hirenko gives us about the other two.
>Aesera: "Hirenko, we need to talk about a few things. Is this a good place, or would you rather go elsewhere?"
>[Kanako, can you sense anything like you could from Kenshou?]
>Kanako: Can we?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 20, 2011, 07:12:11 AM
>Vante: "Sure." Finish the cheeseburger and tell Mystia that we're going with Gale.
>"We might want to look for closed spaces first." Tell them why if we ask.
>Mystia: Omnomnom! We hear them, but we'll butt in later.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 20, 2011, 07:53:17 AM
((Nevermind my last OOC post. I negotiated a balance between work and play time so now I can post at night! So expect posts to be spread by 24 hours, except on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 20, 2011, 10:46:06 AM
>Newan: Don't puke don't puke don't puke
>Newan: Don't get scared don't get scared don't get scared
>Nazrin: "...Oh, god..."

>You manage to not puke or shit/piss your pants. Nanaya almost bursts out laughing at how horribly bad you are at controlling your fear and/or resistance or horrible things. "I've played too much games to be afraid of this." She says.

>Nazrin also resists puking. Nanaya raises an eyebrow at this.

>"Deeper we shall go!" Nanaya leads the way, the now-dim light only allowing you to see a fraction of the area where you're in. Nanaya ventures into the darkness up front. You and Nazrin are still... standing there. Should'nt you do something before Nanaya gets herself killed?

>Aesera: "Hirenko. Got it. Kanako, let everyone else know that you and I have found Hirenko. Hirenko, do you know where the other two can be found?"
>Kanako: Let them know, and also relay any information Hirenko gives us about the other two.
>Aesera: "Hirenko, we need to talk about a few things. Is this a good place, or would you rather go elsewhere?"
>[Kanako, can you sense anything like you could from Kenshou?]
>Kanako: Can we?

>Awaiting Hirenko...

>Kanako is unable to sense anything from Hirenko like from Kenshou. Rumia also has this enveloping aura of immense power which could be blocking Kanako's abilities. To be honest, Kanako is really still in surprise. and fear. She hasn't seen Rumia like this before... And that sword is still pointed at her chest.

>Rumia grits her teeth. "The two of you may sound like normal. But I'm not taking any chances. I know how Chaos works."

>Orin: "I sense a disturbance in the--"
>Gale: "I have no idea how you even are able to reference--"
>Orin: "--mental state of Nazrin!"
>Gale: "Oh.  Huh?"
>Orin: "I think she was just traumatized just a tad."
>Gale: Did she ever respond to you?"
>Orin: "Don't think so."
>Gale: "Plan B?"
>Orin: "We have one?"

>Gale turns to Vante, who appears to be squabbling a bit with his partner...Mystia, was it?
>Gale: "So.  It looks like the others have decided to be proactive and head out to the university already.  But it seems like you're still here, so..."
>Orin: "Oh.  You gonna ask them to go with us?  'Cause we kinda don't want to be all by ourselves, y'see."

>They wait for a response.

>Vante: "Sure." Finish the cheeseburger and tell Mystia that we're going with Gale.
>"We might want to look for closed spaces first." Tell them why if we ask.
>Mystia: Omnomnom! We hear them, but we'll butt in later.

>Mystia noms the burger(s).

>Gale does not ask why you prefer to look for closed spaces.

>Proceed to university's campus grounds?

>If you do, encounter Security Guard. WHUT DO YOU SAY?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 20, 2011, 10:49:32 AM
> "Uh, I guess...Maribel and Renko would be..."
> Oh, shoot, where are they at this time in the morning?
> "Wh-what did you want to talk about?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 20, 2011, 10:53:11 AM
((*COUGH* I'll be posting very soon))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 20, 2011, 11:04:23 AM
> "Uh, I guess...Maribel and Renko would be..."
> Oh, shoot, where are they at this time in the morning?
> "Wh-what did you want to talk about?"

>They should be at their clubroom, getting ready to go somewhere. They usually would go to either some place in town or go somewhere veeery far.

>Awaiting Guyumeton9
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 20, 2011, 11:46:46 AM
((Going back in time a bit))

"Ah, welcome to the campus then! Name's Usami, what about you?" The nearly monochorme girl says with a gring.
Shit! A name...a name... After a moment of hesitation she speaks up. "'s...uh...Shi...Shiina..." Ranna says, pretending to be nervous.
"Ah...Nice to meet you then! I'll see ya around then!" The girl says with a grin before she dashes off down the hall.
Ranna's gaze remains fixed on the girl. She watches as the girl stops at one of the classrooms doors. She grins energetically as she speaks. Ranna strains to hear her words but fails. Ranna sighs and jsut continues to watch. As Usami stops speaking, a girl, dressed in all violet comes out of the classroom. Her expression is gentle, refined, elegant, and most of all, pleasant. Ranna watches as the two interact. Like friends do.
Ranna's gaze lowers, a feeling of loneliness hanging over her.
After atleast a minute of silence, Ranna feels something bump into her, making her stumble forward slightly.
"Ah. Sorry bout that" Says a male student as he smiles weakly. Ranna just gazes at him, with no emotion in her eyes. An image of Red and White passes through her mind, snapping her out of her daze. "Ah...!" She mumbles under her breathe. She turns to the stairs and makes her way up them, being sure not to collide with the now trickling stream of people heading down them.
As she reaches their top she looks around for another staircase. Nothing. As she's about to let out a sigh of disappointment, she spots a door. Over top of it is a faintly glowing red sign that reads 'EXIT'. As Ranna lowers her gaze she spots a much older, faded sign. She squints to make out the remains of the message.
"T...r...of..." She mumbles aloud. Trof? What the hell... After a second she gets it and opens the door heading up the stairs.
As she climbed them, a small group of people passed by her, heading down the stairs. The conversed with each other, not taking note of Ranna's presence. Ranna froze in the spot. The group didn't notice and kept on walking, till they were out the door and out of hearing range.
...Shit...shit...shit shit shit! She clenched her teeth and darted up the stairs, swinging the door open with all her might. It slammed against the wall loudly, waking Mokou up and makign her jump.
"Ey ey! What'cha think yer doin?! There's some people tryin' ta...oh it's you" Mokou shouted at her, not realizing how bad that would have been if it had been someone else instead of Ranna.
Ranna looked up at Mokou in shock, then let out a sigh of relief. "Hah...good, they didn't see you..." Ranna said, relieved.
Mokou gave her a confused look. "Who? Oh yeh...there was people up 'ere wasn't ther?" Mokou said. She let out a yawn and stretched her arms into the air. After a bit more stretches, she stood up and jumped down from her hiding place. "So 'ow was yer scoutin?" She asked happily.
Ranna gave her an unbelievable look and sighed with a slight facepalm. "Don't tell me you were sleeping the entire time..."
Mokou's expression changed to one that spoke for itself. Saying something like 'shit she got me!'. Mokou averted her eyes and laughed falsely. "W-well...I wasn't asleep the whole time..." She said lowly.
Ranna shot her a glare for a moment but shook off her anger. "Did anything happen since the last time you contacted me?" She asked, not getting her hopes up too high.
"Nup, nothin' at all" Mokou said confidently.
Ranna glared at her in disbelief.
"Ey ey! It's true!" Mokou said in defense.
Ranna sighed, reluctantly believing the Immortal's story. "...So has everyone arrived already?" She asked, changing the subject.
Mokou thought for a moment, "Pretty sure they're all 'ere now"
"That's good" Ranna said, her expression losing it's negativity. "We should probably all meet up about now"
"Ya want me ta send that ta e'eryone?" Mokou asked, putting her hands in her pockets.
Ranna thought for a moment then nodded.
Mokou grinned slightly and turned her focus to the rest of the youkai. [Ey e'eryone! Time fer a meetin'! We're on ta roof at the moment. Decide on a meetin' place an' tell us!]
"It's done" Mokou said, turning to Ranna.
"Good." She said, thinking about something.
"So 'ow was yer scoutin'?" Mokou asked.
Ranna frowned slightly. "I didn't find anything"
Mokou frowned. "Oh...So what now?"
"I don't know, I'm trying to think of that myself..." She responded.
Mokou shrugged and sat against a wall, moving into a relaxing position and closing her eyes with a sigh. "So we wait?"
Ranna looked at the immortal and closed her eyes for a moment, nodding slightly. "I guess so..."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 20, 2011, 12:39:39 PM
>Alice and Alyssa listen in to Gale and Vante's conversation.
>Alice senses something odd as well.
>Alice: "True, there's little point in waiting here for them. We ought to go for our own investigations ourselves."
>Alice stands up and picks up Shanghai and Hourai, who are playing dead.
>Alyssa does the same, except with Mira.
>Alyssa: "There... isn't much to do here..."
>Alyssa: "Gale, Vante, Orin, Mystia, mind if we join your crew? After all, the more there are of us the better."
>Alice turns to Rhiseza.
>Alice: "Rhiseza, Youmu?"
>Ready to leave once the rest are.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 20, 2011, 01:04:21 PM
>Alice and Alyssa listen in to Gale and Vante's conversation.
>Alice senses something odd as well.
>Alice: "True, there's little point in waiting here for them. We ought to go for our own investigations ourselves."
>Alice stands up and picks up Shanghai and Hourai, who are playing dead.
>Alyssa does the same, except with Mira.
>Alyssa: "There... isn't much to do here..."
>Alyssa: "Gale, Vante, Orin, Mystia, mind if we join your crew? After all, the more there are of us the better."
>Alice turns to Rhiseza.
>Alice: "Rhiseza, Youmu?"
>Ready to leave once the rest are.

>Awaiting Orphea.Russ...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 20, 2011, 02:43:56 PM
> "Ready to go when you are."
> Follow Alyssa and Alice, have Youmu keep an eye out for any of the others from Gensokyo, or of the like.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 20, 2011, 02:58:46 PM
>Aesera: "Rumia, Kanako tells me that Mima's been acting as your teacher. She was present for the last battle, and knows that I am an embodiment of Azeri. We don't know where she is, but she was badly injured in the battle, and now I'm wondering if she went to you for help. If you know where she is, then you can just ask her to verify that I'm not an enemy."
>"As for you, Hirenko, what we need to talk about is the current situation. I need to know how much you know about what's going on, and then we need to fill you in on the plan to keep you and the others alive. But first, let me know where Maribel and Renko are so one of the others can go to them."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 20, 2011, 03:14:15 PM
>Aesera: "Rumia, Kanako tells me that Mima's been acting as your teacher. She was present for the last battle, and knows that I am an embodiment of Azeri. We don't know where she is, but she was badly injured in the battle, and now I'm wondering if she went to you for help. If you know where she is, then you can just ask her to verify that I'm not an enemy."
>"As for you, Hirenko, what we need to talk about is the current situation. I need to know how much you know about what's going on, and then we need to fill you in on the plan to keep you and the others alive. But first, let me know where Maribel and Renko are so one of the others can go to them."

>Rumia withdraws The AntiChrist Blade. It vanishes into an aura of darkness. She sighs. "Mima, you say? Now now. All the more for me to suspect you as the enemy. Kanako doesn't even know that she's tutoring me." You flinch. You were not prepared for this chanhe of events. You feel a sharp pain in your arm, and you clutch it tightly, biting your lip to prevent shouting. There's nothing in your arm. Nothing. It just hurts like hell inside. You look up at Rumia, a ball of red energy forming in your other hand.

>"Mmm. Looks like you arn't one of Chaos. But I'm not taking the risk you changed sides." Your arm hurts more, beginning to sting. Tears well up in your eyes and you practically strangle your arm. Kanako troes to stop Rumia, but she shoves her off. "I could kill you in seconds, Yasaka."

>Hirenko looks at Rumia and shakes her head, almost pleadingly so. The pain fades away. Rumia is silent. Hirenko and Kanako's stomach growl. Rumia smiles a little, although visible hungry too.

>Awaiting Himiko.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 20, 2011, 07:09:03 PM
> Be careful.  We're not sure what we're supposed to say or not.
> "Usually they're preparing to go on outings at this time.  I haven't run into them this morning, though, so I'm not sure exactly where they are right now."
> Well, we really have no idea what they have planned...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 20, 2011, 07:21:32 PM
((I have a question. Himiko, is Hirenko part of the Sealing Club?))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 20, 2011, 07:31:43 PM
((I have a question. Himiko, is Hirenko part of the Sealing Club?))

((No, I'm pretty sure she's not.))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 20, 2011, 08:33:00 PM
((Ah damn...So there's no reason for Mokou to intervene))

>Finally fed up with doing nothing, Ranna decides to head back downstairs to the main office.
>She waves to Mokou, telling her to stay here and inform her if something important comes up.
>Mokou nods casually. She really doesn't seem to be taking this too seriously...
>With a sigh Ranna heads down the stairs, arriving on the third floor without any problems. She begins to backtrack her way down the hall, past the blonde girl's classroom, around the corner, and down the hall.

---Currently Heading down the hall on the third floor. Heading towards the staircase that leads to the 2nd floor. 100ft away.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 20, 2011, 10:05:07 PM
>Both: Try to keep up with her as best as we can.
>Nazrin: "...Hey. I haven't been around many corpses, but don't they usually smell?"
>Newan: "You're right... but I can't smell a thing. Odd..."
>Nazrin: If it looks safe, try to pick up a rock and throw it at one of the corpses. If there are even any rocks down here.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 20, 2011, 10:20:06 PM
((I have a question. Himiko, is Hirenko part of the Sealing Club?))

My God, where did that come from?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 20, 2011, 10:22:16 PM
> Be careful.  We're not sure what we're supposed to say or not.
> "Usually they're preparing to go on outings at this time.  I haven't run into them this morning, though, so I'm not sure exactly where they are right now."
> Well, we really have no idea what they have planned...

>You could check the clubroom. If they're not out yet, they should be there. Until Renko drags Maribel out. Also awaiting Guyumeton9...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 20, 2011, 10:24:05 PM
> "Ready to go when you are."
> Follow Alyssa and Alice, have Youmu keep an eye out for any of the others from Gensokyo, or of the like.

You set off towards the University before the last four, reaching there quite fast~ However, somehow you took a roundabout and wound up at the second entrance at the side gate of the campus grounds. There's a security post here.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 20, 2011, 10:26:45 PM
((Ah damn...So there's no reason for Mokou to intervene))

>Finally fed up with doing nothing, Ranna decides to head back downstairs to the main office.
>She waves to Mokou, telling her to stay here and inform her if something important comes up.
>Mokou nods casually. She really doesn't seem to be taking this too seriously...
>With a sigh Ranna heads down the stairs, arriving on the third floor without any problems. She begins to backtrack her way down the hall, past the blonde girl's classroom, around the corner, and down the hall.

---Currently Heading down the hall on the third floor. Heading towards the staircase that leads to the 2nd floor. 100ft away.

>You reach the general office with a few stairs. Mokou is probably going back to sleep. You head where you're surposed to go. Hey, who's the blonde girl you sorta remember? YOU DO KNOW THAT RENKO HAS BLACK HAIR.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 20, 2011, 10:29:11 PM
>Both: Try to keep up with her as best as we can.
>Nazrin: "...Hey. I haven't been around many corpses, but don't they usually smell?"
>Newan: "You're right... but I can't smell a thing. Odd..."
>Nazrin: If it looks safe, try to pick up a rock and throw it at one of the corpses. If there are even any rocks down here.

>Nanaya is lost in the darkness in the basement. You can't find her.

>Nazrin tosses a rock at one of the hanging corpses. As the rock touches it, it splits unto half and spews out still-beating organs on the floor, the body sriveling up. Now theres a putrid stench and that act wants to make you puke. The corpse twitches rapidly too.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 20, 2011, 10:47:51 PM
((That was Maribel. AND RENKO'S HAIR IS BROWN))
((-starts praying-))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 20, 2011, 10:51:54 PM
>Both: Run towards the direction we last saw Nanaya in, try to ignore that stench.
>Newan: "Nanaya! Are you there?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 20, 2011, 10:56:39 PM
((That was Maribel. AND RENKO'S HAIR IS BROWN))


>Ranna comes down the stairs slightly worn out from climbing so many damn flights of stairs.
>As she passes by she catches a strange shut door with a...lock?
>...What... She thinks to herself, wondering why such old fashioned locks would be used today.
>However she shrugs it off and continues to the office.
>As she enters she gazes around.
>"...The hell? Did everyone leave for their lunchbreak?" She mutters, slightly bothered by this oddity.

iPad auto correct sucks so damn hard. Will edit.

>You look around. There's nobody here. What to do, what to do? And you do know that you're not looking at the main office, you're looking at the DnT office.
>Glance at the clock for the time

((-starts praying-))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 20, 2011, 10:58:51 PM
>Both: Run towards the direction we last saw Nanaya in, try to ignore that stench.
>Newan: "Nanaya! Are you there?"

>You run forward, shouting for Nanaya. No response. And then you hear low growls and hisses. Many of this. Nazrin squeaks and clings to your arm.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 20, 2011, 10:59:06 PM
((What's a DnT?))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 20, 2011, 11:40:02 PM
You set off towards the University before the last four, reaching there quite fast~ However, somehow you took a roundabout and wound up at the second entrance at the side gate of the campus grounds. There's a security post here.
>Wonder how we got lost, exactly.
>Approach the security post anyways, keep Youmu on alert.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 21, 2011, 01:18:10 AM
>Proceed to university's campus grounds?

>If you do, encounter Security Guard. WHUT DO YOU SAY?

>Gale and company reach the university campus, but are stopped by a security guard.

>Gale fishes through his pockets and eventually pulls out his wallet, which he conveniently took before heading out of his apartment the day before.  He takes his student ID out of it and shows it to the guard.

>Gale: "Uh, hello, sir.  I'm Gale Halebeck, student at Tokyo University...uh, I'm here for the open lecture on..."
>He glances at a nearby poster.
>Gale: "...On, uh, poison ivy.  Yeah.  Expanding my interests."
>Orin (whispering): "You suck at this whole 'smooth operation' thing."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 21, 2011, 01:37:36 AM
((What's a DnT?))

Design and Technology/Creative Design
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 21, 2011, 01:41:41 AM
((Eh. Well Ranna wouldn't walk into there. She's looking to hack the system not photoshop))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 21, 2011, 02:03:41 AM
>Kanako: "I make it my business to keep tabs on the land in which I live. I've heard the rumors."
>Aesera: "They're preparing to go somewhere. Where would they be doing that 'preparing'?"
>"And Rumia, I've seen what people under the influence of the chaos look like. You can see it in their eyes. We don't have that look. And if you think there's any chance that I'd willingly be on its side, than you either know nothing about the chaos or far more than I do, because I've seen nothing but unprovoked attacks from it, and based on that, it's an enemy. And, again, Mima saw me in the last battle. Azeri, whose embodiment I am, came to Mima's aid, and I was there, too. The three of us spoke for a bit before I went to go end the battle. Ask her about it. Or I can bring you to Nanaya, if you know who she is, and she can also verify that I'm not your enemy. Or just kill me. Just don't waste time, because we don't have a lot of it. And, Rumia, if you know anything about the chaos, then you should know that if it wants Hirenko dead, not even you will be able to fight it off on your own."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 21, 2011, 06:15:57 AM
>Wonder how we got lost, exactly.
>Approach the security post anyways, keep Youmu on alert.

>You reach the security post, seeing a man walking about. Youmu is alert, looking about for anythig suspicious.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 21, 2011, 06:21:34 AM
>Gale and company reach the university campus, but are stopped by a security guard.

>Gale fishes through his pockets and eventually pulls out his wallet, which he conveniently took before heading out of his apartment the day before.  He takes his student ID out of it and shows it to the guard.

>Gale: "Uh, hello, sir.  I'm Gale Halebeck, student at Tokyo University...uh, I'm here for the open lecture on..."
>He glances at a nearby poster.
>Gale: "...On, uh, poison ivy.  Yeah.  Expanding my interests."
>Orin (whispering): "You suck at this whole 'smooth operation' thing."

>"...Poison wh-" The guard looks at the poster before rushing into his little cubicle thing, pulling out a another poster. It says "AntiMatter: The Energy of the Future."

>He then absent mindedly allows your entrance. "You seem to be a smart lad. Hope dis'll work." He then looks at Orin. "But I'm going to have some problems with this girl. Doesn't look like she's here for the science."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 21, 2011, 06:23:05 AM
>Kanako: "I make it my business to keep tabs on the land in which I live. I've heard the rumors."
>Aesera: "They're preparing to go somewhere. Where would they be doing that 'preparing'?"
>"And Rumia, I've seen what people under the influence of the chaos look like. You can see it in their eyes. We don't have that look. And if you think there's any chance that I'd willingly be on its side, than you either know nothing about the chaos or far more than I do, because I've seen nothing but unprovoked attacks from it, and based on that, it's an enemy. And, again, Mima saw me in the last battle. Azeri, whose embodiment I am, came to Mima's aid, and I was there, too. The three of us spoke for a bit before I went to go end the battle. Ask her about it. Or I can bring you to Nanaya, if you know who she is, and she can also verify that I'm not your enemy. Or just kill me. Just don't waste time, because we don't have a lot of it. And, Rumia, if you know anything about the chaos, then you should know that if it wants Hirenko dead, not even you will be able to fight it off on your own."

>Rumia is silent.

>Awaiting Hirenko.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: CrowCakes on September 21, 2011, 10:34:55 AM
>Vante to security guard: "I'm with him, and so is she." Point to Mystia.
>Ask Mystia mentally: do we look like we're older than Gale?
>If asked who he is:
?If yes: "I'm an alumni."
?If no: "I'm here to go to the library to get some books. He's going to class, while I get some extra reading material for him."
>Mystia: Are we wearing our bandana? Poke Vante's fabric case.
(OOC: The case is slung over his shoulder.)
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 21, 2011, 11:07:34 AM
> "...Okay, I trust you."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: XinXin on September 21, 2011, 12:40:41 PM
((I'm under the assumption I'm with Gale and Vante, if not post change))

>Alice wonders what that card Gale took out was.
>Alice is still awkwardly carrying her dolls and her grimoire.
>Alyssa wonders what to do since she's so out of place.
>Alyssa looks around, and realises Youmu and Rhiseza are missing.
>Alyssa goes to Vante and pulls at his sleeve, gesturing for him to lower his body so she can whisper to him about them.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 21, 2011, 01:38:38 PM
((I'm under the assumption I'm with Gale and Vante, if not post change))

>Alice wonders what that card Gale took out was.
>Alice is still awkwardly carrying her dolls and her grimoire.
>Alyssa wonders what to do since she's so out of place.
>Alyssa looks around, and realises Youmu and Rhiseza are missing.
>Alyssa goes to Vante and pulls at his sleeve, gesturing for him to lower his body so she can whisper to him about them.

Post Change. Nao.

>Vante to security guard: "I'm with him, and so is she." Point to Mystia.
>Ask Mystia mentally: do we look like we're older than Gale?
>If asked who he is:
?If yes: "I'm an alumni."
?If no: "I'm here to go to the library to get some books. He's going to class, while I get some extra reading material for him."
>Mystia: Are we wearing our bandana? Poke Vante's fabric case.
(OOC: The case is slung over his shoulder.)

> You look about the same as Gale. You are one year older, anyway. However, you just say that you're going to the library while he's in class.

>Mystia is not wearing her Bandana. However, she has hidden her ears in that cap or hers. Which looks weird to outside people. The security guard shakes his head.

>"That's not gonna do. Two weird girls and another, almost random guy?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 21, 2011, 02:41:55 PM
>You reach the security post, seeing a man walking about. Youmu is alert, looking about for anythig suspicious.
>Look for a way past him, if there is one.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 21, 2011, 02:43:55 PM
>Look for a way past him, if there is one.

>You could climb over the fence. However, that would lead you to somewhere you can't really see from here. Also a few walls. Or, you could always crawl through the sewers. But that's disgusting. However, that provides the best cover...
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 21, 2011, 02:57:44 PM
>Aesera: "Thank you. Now, let me repeat the previous question: where would Maribel and Renko be doing their 'preparing'?"
>Kanako: Relay this location to the others and ask that whoever's closest get over there as fast as possible.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 21, 2011, 03:11:28 PM
>Decide that maybe it's best to just try and get inside normally. Try to come up with something if asked why we need in.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 21, 2011, 04:03:38 PM
Yays~ It was turned to ash~
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 21, 2011, 06:43:19 PM
> "Their club room, which"
> Where's Mary's and Renko's clubroom located, specifically?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 21, 2011, 07:08:15 PM
((On the other side of the campus. Not inside the school building Whoops, that's not my jurisdication...))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 21, 2011, 10:15:46 PM
> "Their club room, which"
> Where's Mary's and Renko's clubroom located, specifically?

>Their clubroom is located on the level above the hall, all the way to the right, next to the student's council meeting area. Hell, there's even a lift nearby their clubroom that takes you just in range of the canteen.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 21, 2011, 10:18:35 PM
>Decide that maybe it's best to just try and get inside normally. Try to come up with something if asked why we need in.

>You walk in normally, before getting stopped by the guard. He explains that the side gate is only used by students exiting and staff from the school. You could either walk to the front or take another way in... Like one of those options given to you.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: 日巫子 on September 21, 2011, 10:23:09 PM
> "...It's on level above the hall, near the student council meeting area all the way to the right.  If you take the lift near there it'll take you to the canteen."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 21, 2011, 10:26:55 PM
>Ranna comes down the stairs slightly worn out from climbing so many damn flights of stairs.
>As she passes by she catches a glimpse strange shut door with a...lock?
>...What... She thinks to herself, wondering why such old fashioned locks would be used today.
>However she shrugs it off and continues to the main office.
>As she enters she gazes around.
>"...The hell? Did everyone leave for their lunchbreak?" She mutters, slightly bothered by this oddity.
>She glances up at the clock for the time.
>She's speechless, and disturbed by what she sees.
>The clock on the wall is digital, but that's not whats wrong.
>The numbers eerily flicker, two numbers appear seperately.
>The first number is 0:00. This appears to be the normal number.
>The second number appears when the clock flickers, like it was possessed or something.
>It says 6:66
>A really bad feeling sends a chill through Ranna's body. She quickly averts her eyes and tries not to think about it.
>Seeing that no one is in their office, she cautious heads down the hall.
>The first office she sees she heads into, closing the door carefully behind her. She turns her attention to the Computer.
>After shutting the door she takes a seat infront of it and begins searching.
>Search for names 'Maribel', 'Hirenko', and 'Renko' in the student registry.
>Is there anything strange on the desktop?
>Does anything pop up?
>Does the search say anything strange?
>Does the computer recieve an email during this time?

>The clock does not say 0:00 or 6:66. They say 12:48.

>You walk towards the hall. There are no offices near this area. The main office is near the entrance. You just left the Design and Technology staff office.

I'm warning you to not give random crap like those clocks showing numbers to accelerate the plot or make me have to put random events in. You do not decide what happens. I do. This may be a dungeon-crawler style text adventure for you. But that does not mean you can change things randomly. I also never said before that there was an office outside the hall. I think I describes the hall clearly enough that there is only those art stuffs nearby.

Although I'm allowing greater control and higher standards for Act Two, this is Act One. I will not hesitate to have you killed off if you attempt to make things happen which are not happening or mini-mod. Like you've done before. You probably didn't know you were minimodding before, but I let that slide. No more of this, please.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 21, 2011, 10:29:21 PM
> "...It's on level above the hall, near the student council meeting area all the way to the right.  If you take the lift near there it'll take you to the canteen."

>Awaiting Guyyoumetonline.

>Rumia is becoming visibly irritated. Most likely hungry. Make that very hungry, if the ammont of food she eats is the same as she once was. Heck, it could even have increased. Who knows?
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 21, 2011, 10:38:20 PM
((Okay I give up, fuck this little piece of shit, I'll just wait for it to be over, Your text adventure bores me anyways.))
((Since you didn't give me anything to work with all you gave me was 'Glance at the clock' am I supposed to do with that? OH DEAR GOD THE CLOCK HAS NO NUMBERS))
((Maybe if you actually talked with me about this shit we could work something out))
((Right now it's just boring. It's all one liners and shit, and it's just plain annoying. Hell even some others don't like it and say it's boring))
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 21, 2011, 11:30:47 PM
>Newan: Produce sword, try to ignore the fear.
>What is the geography of this room? Are we still in the stairwell, or are we on the basement floor now?
>Where do we think the sound is coming from? We includes Nazrin with her mouse ears.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 22, 2011, 12:02:17 AM
>Go and head around front with Youmu. Trying to get in here with the guard there is probably not such a good idea.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 22, 2011, 12:30:09 AM
>Ranna is informed by Mokou of the location of the club room.
>Head for it. If something gets in the way SHOVE IT OUT OF MY WAY go around in without causing incident.
>When Ranna arrives, knock on the door and wait for an answer.
>If there is no answer for over a minute, knock again louder.
>If there is still no answer, Open the door slowly and cautiously say "I'm coming in..."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 22, 2011, 12:39:02 AM
>Newan: Produce sword, try to ignore the fear.
>What is the geography of this room? Are we still in the stairwell, or are we on the basement floor now?
>Where do we think the sound is coming from? We includes Nazrin with her mouse ears.

>You focus your will, drawing the energies within your very soul. The blue glove forms on your hand, along with the blade.

>It's a big, long hallway of sorts. You're on the basement floor.

>The sounds are coming from all around you. You think you see eyes in the distance. Nazrin is visibly, really scared now. She's tearing up too.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 22, 2011, 12:47:14 AM
>Go and head around front with Youmu. Trying to get in here with the guard there is probably not such a good idea.

>You head to the front slowly, but as you're just about to reach the main gate, Youmu runs towards town, almost drawing out her blade. You run and run, not able to catch up with her. Suddenly, you begin to fall backwards. Your eyes slowly close. And darkness embraces you.

>You wake up next to Youmu, in a... Toliet. You walk out to see Youmu, along with many rooms. It's quite quiet. And there's air. conditioning.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Orphea.Russ on September 22, 2011, 12:49:17 AM
> ... Wonder what the hell that was about.
> Make sure nothing's out of place on either of them.
> Youmu: "We're inside, where are the rest of you?"
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 22, 2011, 12:51:23 AM
>Ranna is informed by Mokou of the location of the club room.
>Head for it. If something gets in the way SHOVE IT OUT OF MY WAY go around in without causing incident.
>When Ranna arrives, knock on the door and wait for an answer.
>If there is no answer for over a minute, knock again louder.
>If there is still no answer, Open the door slowly and cautiously say "I'm coming in..."

>You reach the clubroom and knock, wait and knock. You open the door, only to see nobody:
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 22, 2011, 12:53:45 AM
>Newan: [Nazrin. We're going to run for it down the hallway.]
>Nazrin: [W-why d-down it? Shouldn't we g-get away?]
>Newan: [That door was locked. Besides, we need to get Nanaya first.
>Nazrin: [O-okay...]
>Both: Make a break for it down the hallway.
>Newan: Have sword ready to strike in case anything jumps out at us.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 22, 2011, 01:17:09 AM
>Newan: [Nazrin. We're going to run for it down the hallway.]
>Nazrin: [W-why d-down it? Shouldn't we g-get away?]
>Newan: [That door was locked. Besides, we need to get Nanaya first.
>Nazrin: [O-okay...]
>Both: Make a break for it down the hallway.
>Newan: Have sword ready to strike in case anything jumps out at us.

>You and Nazrin run and run, dashing down the hallway. You hear distorted, horrible screaches and grunts. Screams and howls of pain. Nazrin clutches your arm tIghtly, whining a little and almost crying. Finally, you stop. Mutilated bodies lie all around you. Everything is leaking old, brown blood. And there. You see it. A constant, ever growing mass of grey... Nazrin finally cries. You puke. You tilt your head up slightly. Beginning to tire... Tire?

Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sonae on September 22, 2011, 01:19:03 AM
>Ranna slowly walks in, gazing around carefully.
>Ranna: Mokou we have a problem, they aren't here.
>Mokou: [Ey, Kanako, we gotta problem 'ere, they aren't there]
>Ranna examines the room for any possible clues.
>Is there a computer in the room? Or any open books?
>Ranna gazes around the room, making sure not to miss anything. Eventually she spots something red and white. She turns and looks at it. It's a small slip of paper (
>Pick it up and examine more closely. Huh... this looks familiar (
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Sampson on September 22, 2011, 01:19:26 AM
>Gale: "Ah...her?"
>He glances at Orin.
>Orin clears her throat, clearly expecting Gale to say something.
>Gale: "Well, sir, she found a book from the library on the floor of a restaurant we were in..."
>Orin folds her arms over her chest.
>Orin: "Y'see...I didn't bring my...uh, purse or anything like that, so I had to stuff it down my"
>Gale turns to the side and rolls his eyes.
>Orin: "I am a lady...and it would be embarrassing to just pull it out."
>Gale (totally deadpan): "It's a very small book."
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 22, 2011, 01:20:50 AM
> ... Wonder what the hell that was about.
> Make sure nothing's out of place on either of them.
> Youmu: "We're inside, where are the rest of you?"

>You wonder about what happened Youmu sighs, only saying one word. "Yukari."

>Nothing is out of place.

>Everyone responds... Except Nazrin.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 22, 2011, 01:26:01 AM
>Crap roll out of the way NOW
>Be ready to counter
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 22, 2011, 01:28:46 AM
>Gale: "Ah...her?"
>He glances at Orin.
>Orin clears her throat, clearly expecting Gale to say something.
>Gale: "Well, sir, she found a book from the library on the floor of a restaurant we were in..."
>Orin folds her arms over her chest.
>Orin: "Y'see...I didn't bring my...uh, purse or anything like that, so I had to stuff it down my"
>Gale turns to the side and rolls his eyes.
>Orin: "I am a lady...and it would be embarrassing to just pull it out."
>Gale (totally deadpan): "It's a very small book."

>The guard rolls his eyes and sigh. Before relenting.

>"Fine. Yall look like a good bunch anyway." He allows you in. You begin walking towards the main office.
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 22, 2011, 01:29:24 AM
>Brace ourselves for the dreaded 1000th post
Title: Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo - Act One: Borderful Infestation Parasite
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on September 22, 2011, 01:36:08 AM
>Crap roll out of the way NOW
>Be ready to counter

>You roll to the side, Nazrin falling on you too. The two of you colide into a corpse. Nazrin yelps. You're in no shape to counter whoever just shouted at you.

>"Sakuya! Right!" You hear, seeing a flash of red light. "GUNGNIR!" A long, arrow-like shape pierces the darkness, only to be stopped in it's tracks by long claws in the dark. A loud roar echoes throughout the room. "It caught Gungnir..." The figure throws the red arrow thing back at whoever threw it first, only for it to be dispelled.

>"My Lady, it is immune to my time manipulation..." you hear an agitated tsh.