Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 28, 2011, 11:47:26 PM

Title: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 28, 2011, 11:47:26 PM
This... Is the beginning of something... I can feel it...


You are... Wait... Who are you again? Oh, that's right...


Yes, you are Shino... Wait. You DO have a last name right? Of course you do! You don't remember it, duh! It's why you simply take the last name of that shrine you've been looking after... Which one was it again? Oh that's right!

You are... What now? Oh, right... Full title.

You are Shino, the Corrupt Maiden of Perversion; or in the more 'official' sense, the Corrupt Maiden of the Kanjou Shrine.

You have been in Gensokyo for... well... actually, it's pretty complicated. Suffice to say, you've seen a lot and missed a lot. Your latest return to Gensokyo, much to the dismay of some people, was during the 'Village Shrine' incident; when a shrine appeared at the end of the Human Village. You just happened to be inside it; you blame Yukari for this... And Remilia, for some unknown reason. Either way, Reimu & Sanae were not impressed; but they have left it be.

Since then, you have earned a name for yourself in Gensokyo... Obviously, for all the wrong reasons. Not to you, of course; but still, the wrong reasons. You have been kicked around pretty badly by some people; mainly Yuuka, who simply remains a target you've yet to fondle, and a handful of others. There are certain people who do not like you; but others just deal with you the same way anyone gets dealt with; via danmaku. You have a pretty balanced win/loss sheet; this, in part, is due to your training. This was struck up during a meeting with the head of the shrine. Of course, your reasons for the training are different to his; Kanjou wants to train you to get one over on Reimu, who shares a fierce rivalry with him. You, however, simply want to be strong enough to complete your 'perverted' goal of going through every girl in Gensokyo... And maybe beat the shrine maidens to an incident now and then. Since that's what shrine maidens do!

Today is a normal day. You are currently inside the Kanjou Shrine.


[WARNING! This is part of one HUGE project; as you're probably finding out with the stuff I'm mentioning. Shino knows as little as you, so you'll find out the same way she does.  :3 Thankfully, it's not crucial, but I thought I'd let you know any how.]
Obligatory 'This is not my art' line because I can't draw this good; let alone at all.  :derp: Also, whilst this is Shino, please watch what you do AND say. Nothing Explicit!
And before I forget... Speech actions in this game will be a little different. Whatever you say will be actually said and not just quoted. This makes it feel better to me.
Also, I haven't forgotten about everything else. I just need this right now.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dormio Ergo Sum on July 28, 2011, 11:52:51 PM
>People of interest that we have yet to grope
>Is there anything we need to attend to?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 29, 2011, 12:03:28 AM
>Successfully acquired targets?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 29, 2011, 12:23:25 AM
>People of interest that we have yet to grope
>Is there anything we need to attend to?

I left it blank so you had to ask. Just as planned!

>Whilst you'd love to have one, you feel like no one person can truly have you.
>Aya: A deal was struck between you two: you sign up to get Bunbunmaru before anyone else, she gives you exclusive pictures. Of course, you also help take said pictures from time to time. In short, you get on so well with her.
>Keine: A good teacher. Or a strict one. She doesn't approve of your antics, and you have felt her head-butt on several occasions. But you get on pretty well despite it.
>Byakuren: But you get on well with Byakuren more. She runs a temple in the village, which you know can take off as a ship too. She remains elusive to your 'charms' and you're determined to get her at some point.
>Kanjou: The shrine belongs to Kanjou; and you prefer it that way. He's no god, but you prefer it that way too. At least, if just to see Reimu complain endlessly about it. Kanjou trains you; and whilst your views on it are different, you wouldn't leave him alone.
>Yukari: She appears from time to time to 'cure boredom.' She has been known to send you off on wild missions for no reason; but you don't mind. You still hold her as a rival, of sorts; since you are still yet to 'technically' beat her.

>That's the main friendly ones, anyway.

>Your hands have one hell of a tight grip for a human. But this came natural to you... You think.
>You are a pervert. As such, certain smells give away anything from the location of someone to who it actually is. You know a few of by heart.
>Your danmaku skills are pretty good. Granted, some of them have been adapted to suit your 'style,' but you enjoy the fact it's sort of different. Your spell cards reflect this too, but we'll get to those later.
>As a maiden of Kanjou, you are pushed on every training session whenever the day arises. As such, you're very fit and healthy. But doing too much in a day can really take its toll on you.

>... Erm... What inventory? You just finished getting cleaned... You have nothing on you right now.
>Nice to know no one is around, or the doors aren't open.

>You have a list somewhere of people you haven't groped. You can't remember them all, but the ones on the top of your head are...
>Yuuka: She is the target you've fought after for quite some time. She easily kicks you away without breaking a sweat.
>Byakuren: Nowhere near as violent as Yuuka, but for some reason, she's just as hard to get. You've tried a lot of things too.
>Yukari: Every time you think you have her, she gaps you. You're still working on that latest plan of yours.

>Today is a free day. Kanjou holds a Training Session once every week; the next one being tomorrow. In his words...
<"Kanako pushes Sanae too much and Reimu does far too little. Once a week is more than enough; in fact, I'd say it's perfect."
>So, you have nothing to do today.

>Successfully acquired targets?

>Oh gosh, now there's an AWESOME list.
>It also has its own list; but again, it's not on you right now.
>Komachi stands out as one you gleefully remember.
>You also remember Remilia... But that's a WHOLE different story.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 29, 2011, 01:12:01 AM
>Go find the Awesome List.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 29, 2011, 01:18:45 AM
>Go find the Awesome List.

>You go looking for that list of awesomeness when you hear something outside.
>Sounds like something flew over the top of the shrine.
>Someone is early...
>And you're still not wearing anything.

>You think you have a few seconds; if that.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hero999 on July 29, 2011, 01:54:15 AM
> Go greet the guest in our birth day suit
> Grab, and equip suitable clothing for venturing outside the shrine.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on July 29, 2011, 02:09:12 AM
>Examine chest for usual growths.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 29, 2011, 02:29:03 AM
> Go greet the guest in our birth day suit
> Grab, and equip suitable clothing for venturing outside the shrine.

>Front Page GET!

>You look around for the nearest item and find... A TOWEL!
>Equip one White Towel!
>>This towel isn't just a towel; it's Hell-Proof. It does have some marks from Nuclear Encounters, though.

>Examine chest for usual growths.

>You do, however, check your chest first.
>Not big, but not small either. Pretty average actually.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on July 29, 2011, 02:30:40 AM
>Oh well. Ways to tweak that might be nice, but we'll keep it on the backburner.
>Head out and greet our visitor! Wearing nothing but a towel is pretty normal for us after all, right?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 29, 2011, 02:41:45 AM
>Oh well. Ways to tweak that might be nice, but we'll keep it on the backburner.
>Head out and greet our visitor! Wearing nothing but a towel is pretty normal for us after all, right?

>A bit of tweaking might be nice. How would you do that though? The thought never even crossed your mind before.

>And off we go. This is pretty normal for us any how.
>You slide open the doors to...


>A newspaper directly in your face.
>No really, right in the face.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on July 29, 2011, 02:43:21 AM
>Greet our good friend the paparazzi.
>Gather paper and skim the front page.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 29, 2011, 02:53:49 AM
>In particular greet her with fist shakings.
>"Aim for the wall, ya featherbrain!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 29, 2011, 03:00:54 AM
>Greet our good friend the paparazzi.
>Gather paper and skim the front page.
>In particular greet her with fist shakings.
>"Aim for the wall, ya featherbrain!"

>Stupid paper!

>"Aim for the wall, ya..."
>Ah, she has gone.
>Stupid quick tengu.

>You give the front page a quick glance and find no 'interesting' pictures.
>The main headline is...
>"Lunarian Betrayal: Did the little Rabbit really level Eientei?
>Oh, it's this again. Seems like Aya still hasn't given up on that war.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 29, 2011, 03:34:38 AM
>Have a look at the rest of the paper for the other headlines.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on July 29, 2011, 03:41:40 AM
>When and how do we usually get those delicious special photos from Aya?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 29, 2011, 08:29:26 AM
>Have a look at the rest of the paper for the other headlines.

>Standing in the open air of the outside, you decide to look at the rest of the paper.
>Upon opening it, you catch sight of some familiar pictures; hey, you took those.
>It's nice to see that Aya still puts in your section; Bunbunmaru really is famous for it now.
>Other articles inside feature...
>>Rating of three shrines of Gensokyo!
>>Impossible Flower Youkai Strikes Again!
>>On & On: The Mountain Shrine's Latest Party!
>>The Toll of Ones Sin: The 'Secret' Judgement Revealed!

>When and how do we usually get those delicious special photos from Aya?

>As for the photos, it's normally once a fortnight, or once a month if Aya is REALLY caught up in things.
>For example, she has done nothing but chase around for as many viewpoints and angles of the recent war. So much so, you'll probably be getting the next batch next week.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Helepolis on July 29, 2011, 08:43:57 AM
So we need to conquer Yuuka, Yukari and Byakuren? Fine with me.


> We might as well start with the person who is often wandering solo. Yuuka!
> Take interest in the headline "Impossible Flower Youkai Strikes Again!" we need some directions and information.
> Head out to the human village. She is often spotted in the village, we might as well check that out. Perhaps some people know what happened.
> Check whether you have health insurance how much lives and bombs we have
> Any spell cards? (as they are not skills)
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 29, 2011, 08:57:16 AM
>Don't actually leave yet. Let's finish the paper, get our stuff...
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on July 29, 2011, 06:08:58 PM
>A set of actual clothes would be useful to sneak up on some of the more cautious ones, if nothing else. Perhaps some atypical outfits to especially mask our identity...
>What's our section of the paper, and what does it normally include?
>What's this war thing, the Lunarian invasion?

Bad plan: Molest the Space Elf Princesses. Use this as blackmail to get their help in molesting Yukari.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 29, 2011, 09:43:53 PM

> We might as well start with the person who is often wandering solo. Yuuka!
> Take interest in the headline "Impossible Flower Youkai Strikes Again!" we need some directions and information.
> Head out to the human village. She is often spotted in the village, we might as well check that out. Perhaps some people know what happened.
> Check whether you have health insurance how much lives and bombs we have
> Any spell cards? (as they are not skills)

>Hmm, could today be the day we finally get our hands on Yuuka?
>You look down at the paper and read through the Yuuka article. [I'll post up the 'actual' article at some point; it has been a busy day.]
>"Impossible Flower Youkai Strikes Again!"
>>Reading it through, it seems like Aya is having no luck in getting a successful interview with Yuuka.
>>Her efforts have been thwarted thus far; despite her quickness.
>>Pictures of the Flower Field & Yuuka in mid-spark remains the only 'success' from her ventures.
>>Yet despite it all, she still avoids Aya's watch when in the Human Village; simply walking into the village and mingling around the shops in peace.
>>Aya is not pleased with this and is aiming to circle round to the Village at every chance she gets.

>Spell Cards!
>>Maiden's Sign: Wave of Romance!
>>>This card is pretty bright, compared to most of your other choices. Bright waves of 'love' engulf your opponents; bending inwards as it gets closer. You send out amulets too; because every shrine maiden loves using amulets.
>>Perversion Sign: The Mysterious Glomp!
>>>This is a very silly card; but you've won with this before. You dive in a specific pattern, or straight at your target, and attempt to collide with them. Of course, you also summon danmaku at your sides and amulets in a quick circle each time you dive. It takes a few seconds after each dive to ready the next danmaku charge; so sometimes, you improvise with how far you're flying out.
>>H Sign: Unthinkable Particle Works!
>>>This is a card that, whilst sticking true to what you are, is also a pure danmaku challenge. You position amulets around the area; these amulets seal the two of you inside. Your attack then starts with a laser grid being formed by the square. Two corners will fire normal, black danmaku towards the opponent. Your next attack sends out the same danmaku from yourself. However, it changes the already black danmaku into many tiny purple ones; scattering them to each side. It's a tricky card for even those high up there, but the energy level on your part is also very high.
>>Ultimate Lust: Death of the Highest Score!
>>>IF Kanjou didn't know you any better, he'd think your names were silly... yet pretty clever at being mysterious. Having thrown yourself at youkai willingly, you have learnt that some things are best left to chance. This throws everything hidden in your perverted mind out onto your target. Worse then that, it makes grazing anywhere in front of your direct position very hard. Danmaku circle outwards as amulets explode into particles once more. You make a blind dive once nothing else can be seen. You have knocked yourself out with this in the past; yet very few people have caught this card.

>Well, nothing will get done standing here...

>Don't actually leave yet. Let's finish the paper, get our stuff...
>A set of actual clothes would be useful to sneak up on some of the more cautious ones, if nothing else. Perhaps some atypical outfits to especially mask our identity...
>What's our section of the paper, and what does it normally include?
>What's this war thing, the Lunarian invasion?

>Actually, maybe we should change first; the towel was a one off.
>You head back inside and close the doors behind you.
>AH! There it is; what do we have here...
>>Shrine Maiden Attire
>>>It's the same sort of design as Reimu & Sanae; in other words, the 'default' attire. Yours, however, is a dark purple in the places where it would be red or blue.
>>>Your skirt is plain, like Reimu; though there is the odd black heart now and then.You're still in the process of making different versions; so it's pretty simple right now.
>>>Of course, everyone knows a maiden has detached sleeves. Yours are purple at the top, in the middle and at the end of the sleeve.
>>School Attire
>>>This one came with you, surprise surprise. A white shirt, a neck-tie and a black skirt.
>>Casual Attire
>>>What is this normallity?! Jeans? Another shirt? What is wrong with you? =P
>>Winter Attire
>>>Well, not really 'winter,' but it's the warmest stuff you have right now. Pullover/jumper and a skirt; though you normally wear a pantyhose with this combo too.

>Your article normally consists of you being... you. A couple of your pictures are picked from Aya, along with whatever you wrote about it, and stuck into a lovely article.
>You also write a sort of 'diary' entry with it; like any normal person does.

>The war in question is actually a bit of a mystery to you.
>It's about a war that happened whilst you were outside of Gensokyo; referred to many as 'The Great Lunar War.' Some call it 'The Third' while others call it 'The True Lunar War.'
>From what you've been told, everyone was involved in some way; some are still recovering from the effects. Kourindou, for one, has still not finished reverting the shop back to its true self.
>In fact, when you first saw the Garden of the Sun on your return, it had lost a significant amount of flowers and were not as tall as what they once were.
>Gensokyo won in the end, but Yukari said nothing more after that; you've never pushed Kanjou about it either.
>All you know is that Aya believes that one, if not more, of the rabbits were sent from the moon as spies to decide whether Eientei would help when the time came; and destroy it if not.
>You're not sure why she believes this though.


Oh lord, sorry that took so long. It has been a rough day.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on July 29, 2011, 10:32:19 PM
>What happened to Korindou?
>Do we know the way to Eintei, in case that strikes future fancies?
>What's our relationship with Tewi?
>How sizable is our inventory?
>How warm is it today?
>Have we molested ZUN

Favoring the school/casual to wear with shrine maiden as backup in case we run into something Incident Solution-worthy.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 29, 2011, 10:49:21 PM
>What happened to Korindou?
>Do we know the way to Eintei, in case that strikes future fancies?
>What's our relationship with Tewi?
>How sizable is our inventory?
>How warm is it today?
>Have we molested ZUN

Favoring the school/casual to wear with shrine maiden as backup in case we run into something Incident Solution-worthy.

>My mind hurts all ready.

>According to one of Aya's previous articles, the whole of Kourindou had been turned into some form of 'base of operations.'
>It had a very unique device installed into it, causing it to vanish from sight unless a door, or window, was open from the inside.
>Of course, it's not needed now; so Rinnosuke is still in the process of getting the shop back to being a shop.

>Not exactly. You know how to get to the bamboo forest, but after that, it can come down to luck as to how long you'll wander around before finding it.
>However, your status with Tewi is an amusing one. Each time Tewi has attempted to trick you, you've managed to slip by without harm. Because of this, Tewi usually takes you to Eientei as a result.

>Most of your outfits have pockets; the exception being the towel (obviously) and the shrine maiden attire; which you store items inside your sleeves.
>You do have a few bags you can take with you to keep things with you. One in particular is a backpack, but you hardly use that unless really needed.

>Pretty warm actually. The Sun is rising up and it promises to stay that way.

The very thought of this cripples every game in history.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on July 30, 2011, 02:32:53 AM
>How easily would one outfit fit in the pockets/sleeves of another?
>Have we molested Kanjou
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 30, 2011, 02:40:11 AM
I like your clothing ideals.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on July 30, 2011, 02:49:43 AM
Upon further considerations, the towel may in fact be more appropriate "GET SERIOUS" attire for Shino.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 30, 2011, 02:51:32 AM
Only when hotsprings are involved.

Related to this, we should try to find proper causal attire for Gensokyo, so we can blend in better.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 30, 2011, 09:22:21 AM
>How easily would one outfit fit in the pockets/sleeves of another?
>Have we molested Kanjou

>One outfit would not fit in your pockets. Your sleeves might be able to hold a folded skirt, but that would be annoying.
>Most of your bags can fit one outfit in it; your backpack, obviously, can hold more then 1.

>No. You have glomped him, though.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 30, 2011, 09:28:50 AM
>Go get our bag, then, after getting dressed in the causal attire, and have a look at our possessions.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 30, 2011, 08:02:14 PM
>Go get our bag, then, after getting dressed in the causal attire, and have a look at our possessions.

>Changing time!
>Removed White Towel!
>Equiped Casual Attire!
>>What is this normallity?! Jeans? Another shirt? What is wrong with you? =P

>Your bags are at the bottom, in the same place as your clothes; so it's pretty handy.
>Right now, there are only a couple; the others are being fixed after a little incident.
>>One bag sits at your waist level; meaning the strap on it is pretty long. It's a decent size, not taking up much space on show, but can at least fit one of your attires in their.
>>Your backpack is in here too; though you're pretty sure you won't be needing it today.
>>The other bag in there is a normal hand-bag; you'd normally let it sit on your shoulder or just hold it. You can't fit your clothes in there, though your towel could easily be folded into it and still allow for other things, providing it's not too big.

>Your possessions are easy enough to remember without needing to see them.
>>Your spell cards.
>>Your collection of Bunbunmaru papers.
>>List of people you have & have not 'beaten.'
>>A handful of books that are not yours, but you use (and need) them anyway.
>>Random items 'collected' from people as 'tokens of success.'
>>A folder of photos... SPECIFIC PHOTOS!
>>A little notebook & pen; because even Kanjou carries one around, and he is no reporter.
>>Money! You're not sure how much, but you at least know you have some.
>>DS. Well, you had to bring something with you; and the kappa have had fun tinkering with it so the battery doesn't die.

>You're pretty sure that's it, other then little bits and bobs.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on July 31, 2011, 12:25:00 AM
>Do we know of any local events happening soon?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 31, 2011, 12:29:52 AM
>Take the backpack, who knows what treasures we might acquire! And stuff in the shrine maiden clothes and the towel. And the money. And the notebook and pen.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 31, 2011, 12:47:42 AM
>Do we know of any local events happening soon?

>Not from memory, you don't.
>There hasn't been any word from the Hakurei shrine, party wise.
>As for the Moriya Shrine, Sanae is helping out at the Tengu Village enough to even think of hosting a party.

>The only day on your calender this week that means anything to you, event wise, is tomorrow; which is training day.

>Take the backpack, who knows what treasures we might acquire! And stuff in the shrine maiden clothes and the towel. And the money. And the notebook and pen.

>Equip Backpack.
>>Nothing fancy about this bag; it's black with purple hearts on it. It almost makes you feel like a kappa; helps that it's waterproof too.

>After wandering around, you find your notebook and pen where you left it last night; on the table. You pocket that, along with a couple of purses; each one different.
>Why you have two of them, you never know. Oh yeah, it was in case someone pinched one; you're prepared for that sort of thing.

>Currently in Backpack:
>>Shrine Maiden Attire.
>>White 'Hell Proof' Towel.
>>One Purse. Money Count: Unknown.
>>Notebook & Pen.

>Currently in Pockets:
>>One Purse. Money Count: Unknown.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on July 31, 2011, 12:58:58 AM
>Count both purses.
>Let's head outside!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 31, 2011, 01:37:28 AM
>Count both purses.
>Let's head outside!

>You pull out both of your purses and have a quick check through them.
>Purse A (the one from your bag) has 2,899?.
>Purse B (the one in your pocket) has 1,512?.


>You place your purses back where there were and head on outside.
>The Sun is shining and a gentle breeze hits you.
>It's so nice seeing Gensokyo in peace.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 31, 2011, 02:24:06 AM
>Look around. What kind of places are nearby?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on July 31, 2011, 04:32:08 AM
>Where's Kanjou usually hang out?
>Do we have an animal pet to rival Genji and Suwako?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 31, 2011, 08:29:58 AM
>Look around. What kind of places are nearby?

>Well, this IS the Human Village. There are carts being opened up, the school is a decent stroll away from you and the temple is normally open by now.
>After that, Kourindou is just out of the Village area; bordering near the Forest of Magic.

>Where's Kanjou usually hang out?
>Do we have an animal pet to rival Genji and Suwako?

>Despite everything you 'should' know about Kanjou, you never seem to know where he is when you need him.
>He turns up at the shrine everyday, without fail; but he never sleeps there.
>The only thing you do know is that you have seen him fly off towards the mountains from time to time; you're not sure why though.

>You don't have a pet. You wouldn't mind one; but at the same time, you feel better with having the place to yourself.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 31, 2011, 08:57:39 AM
>Let's have a nice walk and read our paper.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on July 31, 2011, 11:37:52 AM
>Ponder about Breasts as you read the paper.

>No really now. Breasts.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 31, 2011, 03:33:14 PM
>Let's have a nice walk and read our paper.
>Ponder about Breasts as you read the paper.

>No really now. Breasts.

>You pull out your recent edition of Bunbunmaru and begin to stroll into the village.
>Looking at the article 'Rating of the three shrines of Gensokyo,' you find Aya has compared each shrine to each other; in the hopes of pulling people to them.
>However, it seems like she's trying to divide them into who should go to what.
>Her article seems some what biased towards the Moriya Shrine, who she says 'all tengu must donate at least once to it's grand position on the mountain.'
>She seems to pick fun at Reimu; hardly mentioning her shrine at all, minus the usual 'lack of donations.' You, however, know that's not completely true; you saw a 2000? note in there a couple of days ago.
>The Kanjou Shrine gets a mixed review. Humans donate to it, though some go to the Myouren Temple instead because of 'a certain yuri fangirl.' Despite that, Aya seems to praise you; probably because you are her number 1 subscriber.

>The word 'yuri' immediately makes you smile.
>Ah, Gensokyo is full of potential!

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 31, 2011, 07:33:16 PM
>What other stories are there?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 31, 2011, 09:24:08 PM
>What other stories are there?

>Since you've read through the first two, you carry on to the following one; 'The Mountain Shrine's Latest Party!'
>Oh, how did you forget that Suwako had arranged a party?
>Aya seems to be taking this a little further then 'just a regular party' however. She believes that Suwako is doing this to allow Sanae to relax after her recent ordeal; 'much to Kanako's concern.'
>Of course, Kanako wants the best for Sanae, so this line from Aya is a little false.
>The party was last week, yet the article only came out today... Aya admits she had some 'issues' of her own. That's new for her.

>You glance on to the next article and...
>"Ah, Shino."
>You glance up from your paper to see a familiar maid from the SDM walking towards you; basket in hand.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 31, 2011, 09:28:47 PM
>Bow toward her.
>What's our relationship with SDM?
>And how many of them have we successfully "claimed"?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 31, 2011, 10:25:00 PM
>Bow toward her.
>What's our relationship with SDM?
>And how many of them have we successfully "claimed"?

>You bow towards; paper still fully out. Sakuya simply smiles back.
>"I see what Kanjou says is a little true; you do know your manners."

>It's mixed. For very specific reasons.
>Meiling is fine. You get on well with her. You have caught her a couple of times; one of these you actually lost mid-fight since you grabbed her whilst she was asleep. Meiling keeps a better watch on things now as a result; which gained some of Sakuya's praise; despite the circumstances behind it.
>Koakuma, to you, is the hidden gem of the mansion. Patchouli, however, is fully aware of your intentions and normally has Koakuma leave the library once you get inside.
>As a result, Koakuma has evaded you thus far. Patchouli has also avoided you too; but the reason for this is because of either Kanjou or Marisa. To put it simply, either Marisa invades the library, or Kanjou is already there.
>Sakuya is a fun one to describe. Cool and calm around her mistress; and more so away from her. Sakuya finds it amusing how you do things, but doesn't appreciate it when you do it (or attempt to do it) to those under the SDM. Sakuya does have a keen interest in you; this is down to your status as the Maiden of Kanjou. She'll address the importance of manners from time to time; normally after certain incidents. However, you remember an article in Bunbunmaru where it seems like Sakuya has picked up a few tricks from you.
>And for those to happen to HER of all people makes it even sweeter for you. Remilia Scarlet. She has ridiculed you, your potential, and has caused you pain, suffering, and a whole heap of rage to warrant a vengeful war. And boy did you ever give her that. Now, most of Gensokyo know you for one single thing; after the perversion title. It was the headline article a while back: 'The Charismatic Vampire Humilated!' Anyone who mentions the term 'Charisma Break' is often referring to your absolute love of breaking Remilia. To put it into perspective, you're the only one who puts Remilia in such a state and live to see the next day.
>Flandre, in the mix of all this, is torn between what to do. Her mind swings one of two ways.
>>A) Flandre will not like what you're doing to her big sister and attack you. Flandre is on your list of 'to get' for obvious reasons; getting close to her in this state is simply suicide.
>>B) Flandre laughs. When she does, she'll normally float around and giggle at her sister's predicament; sometimes even joining in as well. This has often led to Remilia taking her frustration out on both of you.
>Any other time, she normally stays out of sight. You don't mind it so much; providing you don't go looking for trouble against her. You know what she's capable of.

>In summary, Meiling is on the 'SUCCESS' list.
>Koakuma, Patchouli & Flandre are on the 'AIM FOR THE FUTURE' list. So to is Sakuya. But until you learn how to avoid bleeding from her attacks, you're not going to even bother.
>Remilia is on the 'RARE CASE' list. Who needs to do stuff like that when you can break the very essence of charisma out of her. OVER & OVER AGAIN!

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 31, 2011, 11:15:18 PM
>Do the faerie maids fear our name? Or do we not really consider faeries to be valid targets?
>"So why are you in town? Shopping?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 31, 2011, 11:30:54 PM
>Do the faerie maids fear our name? Or do we not really consider faeries to be valid targets?
>"So why are you in town? Shopping?"

>The maids at the mansion aren't that special; you normally leave them be. Likewise, they leave you alone too. Despite your 'war' with Remilia, they don't attack you. Maybe they do fear you.
>Having said that, some fairies, outside of the mansion, cause you more of a problem; Cirno being one of them. In fact, she still holds a win over your head; probably because you haven't fought her in a while. Good thing she doesn't say that to anyone else.

>You close the paper and fold it up; you keep it out though.
<"So, why are you in town? Shopping?"
>"As observant as ever, I see." Sakuya smiles back.
>"The best time to shop is when Milady does not require my services."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 31, 2011, 11:32:15 PM
>"Oh, so you have some time off? Got any plans?"
>This is exploitable~
>Try not to smirk!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on July 31, 2011, 11:44:35 PM
>"Oh, so you have some time off? Got any plans?"
>This is exploitable~
>Try not to smirk!

>Could it be... THE PERFECT CHANCE!?
>You do your best not to smirk; but it's obvious you're happy.
<"Oh, so you have some time off?"
>"Not exactly. Well, for now, I guess."
<"Got any plans?"
>Sakuya lifts the basket up a little.
>"Well, stocking up on groceries for the time being. After that, I have the Mansion to clean before I get some rest."
>She sighs at this point.
>"It gets tiring after a while."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on July 31, 2011, 11:56:34 PM
>Offer your hand.
>"Would you like my help at all?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: The Unlimited RR on August 01, 2011, 12:16:45 AM
>Offer your hand.
>"Would you like my help at all?"

>>Cue whatever Bishie sparkles you have to entice Sakuya into accepting.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 01, 2011, 12:20:00 AM
>Offer your hand.
>"Would you like my help at all?"
>>Cue whatever Bishie sparkles you have to entice Sakuya into accepting.

>You hold out your free left hand and smile.
<"Would you like my help at all?"
>That smile; it sparkles in the light.
>Sakuya chuckles a little.
>"I'm sure I can manage on my own. Besides..."
>She now gives you a bit of a glare; her right hand is now hidden from view.
>"You're planning something, aren't you?"


Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2011, 12:41:54 AM
>"You're so mean!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 01, 2011, 12:44:05 AM
>"You're so mean!"

<"You're so mean!"
>Wow, that came out surprisingly quick.

>"Says the one who torments Milady so much."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2011, 12:55:51 AM
>"Yeah, well, that's different!"
>Slow grin.
>"Though if you think I'm up to something, this makes me wonder what's going in that mind of yours, hmmm?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 01, 2011, 01:10:33 AM
>"Yeah, well, that's different!"
>Slow grin.
>"Though if you think I'm up to something, this makes me wonder what's going in that mind of yours, hmmm?"

>You're not holding back here.
<"Yeah, well, that's different!"
>"If you say so; though I'm sure others would say something else to that."
<"Well if you think I'm up to something, it makes me wonder what's going through your mind right now."
>You start to grin; Sakuya seems a little miffed.

>Sakuya replies in a pretty cold way; you know this tone.
>"Could it be that you're asking to die?"
>The basket is lowering; her right hand is moving slowly from behind her back.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 01, 2011, 01:12:41 AM
>Do we have ANY chance of out-speeding her?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 01, 2011, 01:19:19 AM
>Do we have ANY chance of out-speeding her?

>You're a human; she's a human. Your speed is sort of balanced with hers; so it's an even field.
>Of course, Sakuya can stop time; so it comes down to whether or not she uses it.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2011, 01:30:01 AM
Should we press it? I think we should press it.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 01, 2011, 02:16:06 AM
Press as in her... no, she'd expect that of someone of our reputation.

Instead, we should do what she doesn't expect-I suggest a frontal hug. Not a grope, not  a molest, just a pure and simple hug.

Hopefully that should give us enough time to do our work.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2011, 02:25:47 AM
Oh, I meant the situation in general.

>"...Why do you say such hurtful things?"
>Hug Sakuya. Don't don't try anything yet,
>Presuming we connect and don't get stabbed or judo'd, say, "How can I know what to expect from you when you keep sending mixed signals like this?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 01, 2011, 02:30:02 AM
>What do we know of the relationship between Sakuya and Remilia? Would the maid appreciate some... help on the matter?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 01, 2011, 08:30:33 AM
>What do we know of the relationship between Sakuya and Remilia? Would the maid appreciate some... help on the matter?

>You know that Sakuya serves Remilia; and does so with her very life. To Sakuya, if Remilia wants something done, she will do it for her; regardless of how obscure the request is.
>But there have been the odd time where Sakuya has, in your terms, trolled Remilia. Not often, but it happens. When it does, well, the article speaks for itself.
>Remilia, of course, is not amused. However, Sakuya tends to do it in her own way; which can off as being a bit sadistic. Of course, since Sakuya knows Remilia the most, she's the only one who can really get away with doing such things.
>She probably doesn't need any help on the matter; Remilia would just go through her if the pair of you teamed up.

>"...Why do you say such hurtful things?"
>Hug Sakuya. Don't don't try anything yet,
>Presuming we connect and don't get stabbed or judo'd, say, "How can I know what to expect from you when you keep sending mixed signals like this?"

>You pout a little as Sakuya prepares herself.
<"Aww, why do you say such hurtful things?"
>Sakuya blinks and smiles a little.
>"Well, you know exactly whOUF!"
>Seems like you caught the maid off guard long enough to hug her.
>You expect something; a knife or two, or maybe a throw over the shoulder.
<"How can I know what to expect from you when you keep sending mixed signals likKYAAA!"
>Seems like she wasn't having any more of that.

>Sakuya, in one swift move, sweeps your leg, allows you to fall to the ground half way before moving behind you; a couple of knives now coming down at you from the sky.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2011, 08:39:31 AM
>Try to roll out of the way.
>"See! And I did was talk with you a bit!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 01, 2011, 11:26:07 AM
> If you manage to roll away, make a quick dash to Sakuya. Stop infront of her face and poke her cheek. Step back before she kills you.
>"I bet you're angry now. You should be more clear when you give out signals."
>Think. Breasts. Pads?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 01, 2011, 01:47:24 PM
>Try to roll out of the way.
>"See! And I did was talk with you a bit!"
> If you manage to roll away, make a quick dash to Sakuya. Stop infront of her face and poke her cheek. Step back before she kills you.
>"I bet you're angry now. You should be more clear when you give out signals."
>Think. Breasts. Pads?

>On instinct, you roll backwards. The knives hit the ground seconds later; damn you timed that well.

>As you get back up, you glance round to Sakuya; who is still holding the basket. She isn't standing ready to fight, however; though you can clearly see a couple of knives in her right hand.
<"SEE! And all I did was talk to you for a bit!"
>"But we all know that you never just talk." She seems to smile again.

>You take this chance to dart towards her; with the intention of poking her cheek. TORMENT TIME!
>Just as you become within arms reach, Sakuya jumps up just as you stretch out your hand...
>Well... This is...
>Your hand has inadvertently poked Sakuya in the left breast. You can't resist grabbing it fully; and you do so in the single second you have.
>Sakuya is now flying backwards; with a kick propelling her that you just step back in time to miss. She does not look pleased.
<"Erm... I guess you're angry now. Maybe you should be more... erm...!"
>That look from Sakuya; you may want to think carefully about your next move.
>The basket is now on the floor.

>You can safely say that Sakuya DOES NOT wear pads. Such a satisfying reward for what's about to come.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 01, 2011, 02:22:55 PM
>Ok, we can do this. All we need to do is...
>FLASH KICK! ask her a distracting question, like "Got any post recently?"
>Dive for the basket-that should at least provide us with some time.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 01, 2011, 04:10:13 PM
>Ok, we can do this. All we need to do is...
>FLASH KICK! ask her a distracting question, like "Got any post recently?"
>Dive for the basket-that should at least provide us with some time.

>Follow up with something... Quickly!
<"Sooooo... Got any..."
>You dive through a gap, barely; oddly enough, in her actual direction.
>You reach for the basket and successfully grab it.
>However, you are now at the feet of Sakuya.

>"I do hope you're enjoying yourself down there."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 01, 2011, 05:01:22 PM

Our first major conflict.

Couple of ideas to play with:

1)Keep up the perverse aspect, maybe sensually lick her legs or something.
2)Actually seriously fight.
3)Try and convince her not to kill us.

>What is Sakuya wearing on her feet?
>Why is Sakuya attacking us again?
>If we couldn't dodge the knives, how could we avoid bleeding to death against them?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 01, 2011, 05:20:54 PM
>What is Sakuya wearing on her feet?
>Why is Sakuya attacking us again?
>If we couldn't dodge the knives, how could we avoid bleeding to death against them?

>Black shoes, of sort.

>Hmm, let me see, we didn't just 'accidentally' grab her.
>Although it probably didn't help when you tried to talk her into a 'potential trap.'

>You haven't quite mastered the art of not bleeding when being struck by knives.
>Grazing is the best option to you; whilst you may bleed a little, it won't be as bad as getting directly hit by them.
>A barrier would stop them outright; but you haven't mastered that yet. Hence why you're still grazing them when all else fails.
>To be fair, Sakuya shouldn't really be using them against humans.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2011, 07:28:34 PM
I was going to play up the mild perv angle, but we hit paydirt and now there's no going back. I wouldn't suggest fighting back. Just running for it, at most. But, let's try a slightly different angle, maybe we can walk away from this, or possibly profit more. We need only put her off guard, if we can get the opening.

>Stand right up as if nothing were wrong, and offer Sakuya back her basket.
>"Sorry I made you drop this."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 01, 2011, 07:58:40 PM
>Stand right up as if nothing were wrong, and offer Sakuya back her basket.
>"Sorry I made you drop this."

>You gather yourself together and stand up.
>You do your damn hardest to not look directly up as you do; oh the temptation.

<"Sorry I made you drop this."
>You offer the basket back to her, which you're certain has surprised Sakuya; judging on how she hasn't grabbed you yet.
>"... Wh... Why thank you."
>She takes the basket from you with both hands; watching you very closely as she does.


Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2011, 08:42:17 PM
>Look Sakuya in the eyes. Give a small smile.
>"That was an accident, even though it was a good one for me. I was just going to give you a playful poke in the cheek and try to get you to settle down. I know you're mad, but throwing knives around isn't going to accomplish anything."
>Slowly put our hands on her shoulders. No sudden moves, no gropes. Maintain eye contact. Keep our mind on the prize here.
>"You're upset, things just happened, and I understand. How about, instead of fighting and being angry, we do something else? Something better?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 01, 2011, 09:00:43 PM
>Look Sakuya in the eyes. Give a small smile.
>"That was an accident, even though it was a good one for me. I was just going to give you a playful poke in the cheek and try to get you to settle down. I know you're mad, but throwing knives around isn't going to accomplish anything."
>Slowly put our hands on her shoulders. No sudden moves, no gropes. Maintain eye contact. Keep our mind on the prize here.
>"You're upset, things just happened, and I understand. How about, instead of fighting and being angry, we do something else? Something better?"

>You give off your nicest smile and look into Sakuya's eyes.
<"That was an accident, honest; though it was a pretty good one for me."
>"Well, you could certainly say that."
<"I was just going to playfully poke you in the cheek; I thought it might calm you down a little."
>"Who pokes someone during mid-fight? You really are an air-head at times..."
<"I know you're mad, but flinging knives at me isn't going to get anything done."
>"Now you're speaking like Kanjou."

>You place your hands on Sakuya's shoulders; slowly, of course.
>She keeps a close eye on you, but she doesn't move backwards.
>"What are you doing?"
<"Nothing. I just know you're upset since that happened; and I understand."
>"Do you now? So... why are you grabbing my shoulders?"
<"Because I want you to stop fighting. Instead of being angry, why not do something better with me?"
>Sakuya stares at you; her face bordering between confusion, shock and... blushing?
>"I'm not falling for your games, Shino." She replies coldly. "And only I may torment Milady."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2011, 09:19:08 PM
>So far, so good.  Keep hands on her shoulders. Let the smile dissolve into a frown, just for now.
>"Is it really that important to you, Sakuya? Have I really hurt you that badly?"
>Time to draw on everything Kanjou has taught us.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 01, 2011, 09:35:37 PM
>So far, so good.  Keep hands on her shoulders. Let the smile dissolve into a frown, just for now.
>"Is it really that important to you, Sakuya? Have I really hurt you that badly?"
>Time to draw on everything Kanjou has taught us.

>This is working!
>You keep your hands on her; frowning as you do so.
<"Come on Sakuya. Is it really that important to you?"
>"Well, important probably isn't the right word." She replies. "You have hurt Milady a lot."

>You focus on everything Kanjou has taught you thus far. Well, he hasn't taught you anything in the ways of perversion really; that was just a natural part of you.
<"Hurt? Does that mean I've hurt you that badly too?"
>Sakuya attempts to step back, but doesn't.
>She's not focusing on you properly any more.
>"I'm the one who throws knives here... I... I should be the one asking that to you."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2011, 09:50:00 PM
>Almost there. Almost there.
>"Yeah, maybe. But Sakuya? If it bothered you that much? I'm sorry. Okay?"
>Assuming she accepts the apology. "You have some time off, right? Why don't you come back to the shrine with me?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: The Unlimited RR on August 01, 2011, 09:58:10 PM
>Hurm.  Sakuya is showing a chink in her armor.  Keep the pressure on, but no overtly perverted moves for the sake of keeping any more knives from entering your hide.
>"Well...that situation was more because I...was trying to have fun.  Yeah.  I'm terribly sorry if it did hurt you."
>>Put on dem puppy eyes.  Bitches love puppy eyes.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2011, 10:08:08 PM
>Hurm.  Sakuya is showing a chink in her armor.  Keep the pressure on, but no overtly perverted moves for the sake of keeping any more knives from entering your hide.
>"Well...that situation was more because I...was trying to have fun.  Yeah.  I'm terribly sorry if it did hurt you."
>>Put on dem puppy eyes.  Bitches love puppy eyes.

>Don't do this yet. Step at a time, step at a time. We pull to fast and she realizes she's being lead.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 01, 2011, 10:10:05 PM
>Almost there. Almost there.
>"Yeah, maybe. But Sakuya? If it bothered you that much? I'm sorry. Okay?"
>Assuming she accepts the apology. "You have some time off, right? Why don't you come back to the shrine with me?"

>It's happening... It's working...

<"Yeah... maybe. But Sakuya, if it bothered you that much... I'm sorry."
>Sakuya looks back at you and sighs a little.
>"Well, fights here are started over some of the smallest things... Well, I should say sorry too."
>Sakuya smiles back at you; giving off an aura you've never felt from her before.
>Is this real? Is another one of your dreams about to come true?

>You perk up and smile a little more.
<"In that case, you have some time off, right?"
>"As I said before, I have a handful of time."
<"Then why don't you come back to the shrine with..."


>Oh, well, this can not possibly be good.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2011, 10:13:11 PM
>Wince. Do we know that voice?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 01, 2011, 10:21:46 PM
>Wince. Do we know that voice?

>You know full well who that voice belongs to.

>"How many times must I say it. NO DANMAKU INSIDE THE VILLAGE!"


Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 01, 2011, 10:30:18 PM
>Say nothing-for now.
>Consider-do we know if Sakuya has been caught with village danmaku in the past? From what Kiene said, it seems like a yes, but if we knew anything else that would be good.
>Check Sakuya's reaction.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2011, 10:31:49 PM
>Oh dear, opportunity!
>Quietly t Sakuya. "I got this."
>Call back, "It's alright, Keine! We've settled things peacefully!"


>What do we know about Keine? Are we on good terms with her? Has she fallen prey to us, yet?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 01, 2011, 10:55:59 PM
>Say nothing-for now.
>Consider-do we know if Sakuya has been caught with village danmaku in the past? From what Kiene said, it seems like a yes, but if we knew anything else that would be good.
>Check Sakuya's reaction.
>Oh dear, opportunity!
>Quietly t Sakuya. "I got this."
>Call back, "It's alright, Keine! We've settled things peacefully!"
>What do we know about Keine? Are we on good terms with her? Has she fallen prey to us, yet?

<"It's ok; I've got this one."
>Sakuya simply nods and takes a step back.

>You turn round to see a very angry Keine marching towards you.
>You can see why now; Sakuya forgot about the knives she threw earlier. In fact, one of them is sticking out of Keine's hat.

>Sakuya has been caught fighting inside the village before, but most of them weren't her fault.
>Several others have been warned about it too; including Reimu. According to Kanjou, Yuuka has never been warned once; though that's not to say she hasn't knocked out anyone whilst inside the village.

>You're on reasonable terms with Keine. Keine notifies you of events that happen in the Village, whilst you help her protect the Village when she's unable to do so.
>She has head-butted you (or 'caved' as you coin them) several times however; mostly because of your desire to capture 'a teacher.' Whilst you have done this, it's the other thing you want that is the reason it still happens.

<"Sensei! It's okay! All is peaceful in the Village now."
>Keine marches up to you and stops where the knives... used to be?
>"It normally is when she cleans up before leaving."
>You glance around.
>Sakuya is gone.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Kasu on August 01, 2011, 11:09:04 PM
> "Ah."
> So much for that.  Guess we'll have to try again at the next opportunity.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2011, 11:10:44 PM
>Sigh. So damn close...
>Look around. Can we see signs of her anywhere?
>"Oh, Sensei... Are you okay? No one was hurt, were they?"
>Hmm. Let's calculate this gamble and leave teacher catching for another time right now.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 01, 2011, 11:13:28 PM
>How much do we know about barriers?
>Consider making a barrier which traps Danmaku inside, stopping them from leaving the shrine, for example.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 01, 2011, 11:48:35 PM
> "Ah."
> So much for that.  Guess we'll have to try again at the next opportunity.
>Sigh. So damn close...
>Look around. Can we see signs of her anywhere?
>"Oh, Sensei... Are you okay? No one was hurt, were they?"
>Hmm. Let's calculate this gamble and leave teacher catching for another time right now.


>You look around for any sign of Sakuya; but nope, she has gone. So to have all the knives... Minus the one in Keine's hat.

<"Oh, Sensei! Erm... Are you okay?"
>"I almost had a knife in my head; how well do you think I feel?"
<"I...I mean, was anyone hurt?"
>"Thankfully, no." Keine sighs in the end. "Most of the kids were in school by that point."

>You think of leaving your Keine catching days for a little longer.

>How much do we know about barriers?
>Consider making a barrier which traps Danmaku inside, stopping them from leaving the shrine, for example.

>You know of what they are and what they do; which is the easy part.
>You are, however, still finding it tricky to actually make one work for you.
>If you could pull of something like that, with the right amount of thought & energy running through it, you could easily come up with something like that.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2011, 11:52:23 PM
>Might not be a bad idea, if Kanjou hasn't already set up something of that nature.
>"I should go try to find her. Please excuse me, Sensei."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: The Unlimited RR on August 02, 2011, 12:21:16 AM
>Consider the obvious option first and consider heading to the SDM.  Can we get there quickly (or at least before the sun sets)?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2011, 12:36:49 AM
>Before going to SDM. Consider the direction she was heading when we met, what would we find that way?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 02, 2011, 12:49:09 AM
>Might not be a bad idea, if Kanjou hasn't already set up something of that nature.
>"I should go try to find her. Please excuse me, Sensei."

>Well, Kanjou is the one who hones your skills. Though, he has warned you that your progress with this is starting to get annoying.

<"Perhaps I should go; and at least try find her."
>"When you do, be sure to tell her that I expect better behaviour from her."
>"And before I forget, I'll speak to you tomorrow after Kanjou has had his way with you."
<"Hai! Well, please excuse me, Sensei."
>With that, you walk on past Keine and further into the Village.

>Consider the obvious option first and consider heading to the SDM.  Can we get there quickly (or at least before the sun sets)?
>Before going to SDM. Consider the direction she was heading when we met, what would we find that way?

>If Sakuya would have gone anywhere, it would probably be back at the Mansion.
>You could easily make it there before the Sun sets; I mean, it's still morning.
>When you saw Sakuya earlier, she was already heading towards you; she did say she was going to do shopping.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2011, 12:55:16 AM
>Can we head to SDM via the market? If Sakuya's not done her shopping yet, she might want to do that before heading back...
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 02, 2011, 01:33:01 AM
>Can we head to SDM via the market? If Sakuya's not done her shopping yet, she might want to do that before heading back...

>Well, the market is usually spread out; most of it is in the heart of the village, with the odd stand near the entrance.
>Even then, you could just fly up and out; though you feel better going through the entrance for some reason.
>For all you know, she could still be shopping.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2011, 01:37:49 AM
>Head toward the market. Maybe we'll get lucky. If she goes back to SDM, we'd likely be out of luck anyways.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 02, 2011, 01:50:23 AM
>Head toward the market. Maybe we'll get lucky. If she goes back to SDM, we'd likely be out of luck anyways.

>Your feet start to guide you over to the market.
>It's not that far and, surprise surprise, it's pretty busy. Then again, everyone needs to live.

>You can't see Sakuya anywhere at the moment, so you wander around a bit.
>Knowing your luck, she may have already gone back to the SDM; you'll never know.

>You turn round a corner and... Well, well...
>There, a few stands away from you, is a familiar green-haired youkai with a parasol.
>That unmistakable outfit; it's the USC herself. (Well, that's what you refer to Yuuka as; even though Kanjou tells you off for it from time to time.)
>And even better is one simple fact: she hasn't seen you yet.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 02, 2011, 01:52:00 AM
>"And before I forget, I'll speak to you tomorrow after Kanjou has had his way with you."
>Take a quick look-can we see Sakuya?
>Consider our priorities-grope today or flag for tomorrow?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 02, 2011, 02:00:32 AM
>Take a quick look-can we see Sakuya?
>Consider our priorities-grope today or flag for tomorrow?

>Keine is a teacher. As such, she observes your progress from time to time.
>The times of these sessions vary; but some have been known to fall on the same day as Kanjou's Training.

>You quickly look around again, but you still can't see the maid anywhere.

>Hmm, which one strikes your mind most?
>You put your hands in your pockets as you thi...
>Did you just touch a piece of paper?

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2011, 02:06:41 AM
>Frown. Check the paper.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 02, 2011, 03:09:06 AM
>Frown. Check the paper.

>You frown slightly and pull out the piece of paper.
>It has been neatly folded up; so you unfold it.

>'Seems like time isn't on your side today. Nice try.'

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2011, 03:12:54 AM
Do we let her get away that easy? I say we don't let her get away that easy. After all, who has hesitations?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 02, 2011, 04:54:04 AM
>Oh hell no, she's not getting away with that one.
>About how badly beaten do we tend to end up after an M session with the USC?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 02, 2011, 11:26:14 AM
>Oh hell no, she's not getting away with that one.
>About how badly beaten do we tend to end up after an M session with the USC?

>That damn maid! She ran away and left us WITH A NOTE?!
>We'll be getting her for that!

>Pretty badly. You throw yourself at Yuuka and she knocks you out in a couple of hits.
>Well, that was the first meeting anyway.
>Now it's something like several hits before you call it quits. At least you can dodge SOME of her attacks now.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Kasu on August 02, 2011, 02:40:01 PM
> Have we ever actually managed to grope her successfully?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: J.O.B on August 02, 2011, 02:44:04 PM
I decided to take a look at this thread to see if it mentioned anything perverted.
> Have we ever actually managed to grope her successfully?
First post I saw.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 02, 2011, 04:42:56 PM
> Have we ever actually managed to grope her successfully?
>No. According to our list of people to bag, we need to get Byakuren, Yukari and Yuuka. Remilia* and Komachi have been hit, though.
>*Long story.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 02, 2011, 05:19:42 PM
> Have we ever actually managed to grope her successfully?
>No. According to our list of people to bag, we need to get Byakuren, Yukari and Yuuka. Remilia* and Komachi have been hit, though.
>*Long story.

>You wish! Yuuka has thwarted your attempts with ease; namely with a parasol across the head.
>No matter how many times you try, that smile is always there; that's the Yuuka you've been after for so long!

>Whilst Byakuren, Yukari and Yuuka are stand-out names on there, they are not the only ones on said list.
>And yeah... Remilia has one HELL of a story behind that.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Kasu on August 02, 2011, 06:38:13 PM
So then.  Who here thinks we should go for a stealth attack?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2011, 07:06:37 PM
I would say we should sacrifice this for the greater good.

We had Sakuya on the ropes, and it wouldn't be hard to put her back on them at this rate. However, getting mauled by Yuka would hurt out chances, as would news we've been up to our old tricks since parting with her.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 02, 2011, 07:09:18 PM
We could always strike up a polite conversation with her, to try and mess with her.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2011, 07:13:33 PM
Always plausible. And if she's seen Sakuya, it'd be helpful.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 03, 2011, 05:54:32 AM
>What is Yuuka currently doing? What's the stand she's nearby have for sale?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 03, 2011, 08:58:47 AM
>What is Yuuka currently doing? What's the stand she's nearby have for sale?

>Yuuka seems to be talking to the person at the stand; well, was talking.
>Now she seems to be heading away from it; looks like she is aiming to leave the village..
>The stand, unsurprisingly, is a flower stand.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 03, 2011, 03:44:28 PM
May I suggest

>Walk up to her calmly-and past her.
>Examine the flowers-what flowers do they have on offer?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 03, 2011, 04:22:17 PM
>Make sure we pass in front of her, though; this won't do any good if she never even knows we did it.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 03, 2011, 06:55:48 PM
>Walk up to her calmly-and past her.
>Examine the flowers-what flowers do they have on offer?
>Make sure we pass in front of her, though; this won't do any good if she never even knows we did it.

>You walk towards the stand and catch up with Yuuka as she's walking away.

>The flower stand has quite a collection of flowers; most of them being harmless.
>They are the same old common ones really; from roses to sunflowers to daises. Nothing new, but still beautiful to look at.

>You calmly walk up to Yuuka, before cutting across her.
>She glances at you, but doesn't see your face.
>Yuuka turns left; going down a path between two buildings.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 03, 2011, 10:57:37 PM
>Glance toward that path between the two buildings. Do we know where it goes?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 03, 2011, 11:10:39 PM
>Glance toward that path between the two buildings. Do we know where it goes?

>You look at the buildings.
>From what you remember, it leads back out on to the main area of the village; it's the same area where the main entrance to the village is.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: The Unlimited RR on August 04, 2011, 03:38:06 AM
>Evaluate our social link with Yuuka.  Would she welcome our company if we, for some reason or another, decided to join her?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 04, 2011, 08:25:06 AM
>Evaluate our social link with Yuuka.  Would she welcome our company if we, for some reason or another, decided to join her?

>Whilst you're inside the Village, she probably won't do anything to you... So long as you do nothing to her.
>Outside of the Village, Yuuka knows to be VERY watchful with whatever you do.
>Your actual stance with her is mixed (and messed up) as a result.
>She could be talking to you so nicely one second, and destroying you the next; whilst still addressing you nicely. But, that's probably because most of your conversations end up with you trying to grope her; which explains Yuuka's retaliation.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 04, 2011, 10:17:12 AM
So it seems now is the time for the choice. Do we go for the immediate and easy, or do we pursue what we've set up and perhaps get something worth pursing out of Sakuya?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 04, 2011, 03:40:38 PM
I would argue that we take more immediate pursuits, if only because I like Yuuka.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 04, 2011, 06:54:54 PM
I'm more inclined to play it sneaky and moxious for the most part; I'd rather seduce and mindgame people than primarily molesting by force and opportunity. Having a quick talk with Yuuka to confuse and possibly tempt her would be fun, but I'd rather not cut off too many opportunities in haste.

>How long does it typically take us to full recover from a beating from the USC?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 04, 2011, 07:44:43 PM
>How long does it typically take us to full recover from a beating from the USC?

>It depends on how much she does to you.

>If you're still awake when it's over, it'll normally take the trek back to the Village, after which it depends on who is around.
>>If Kanjou is on hand, your recovery is almost instant; though you will still be feeling the odd side-effect.
>>If you see Keine, your body will look fine, but the pain will last for a good few hours. You always complain when Keine does that, but to her, it's 'teaching you a lesson.'

>If you're knocked out, you have no idea how much time passes. According to Eirin, who treated you once after Reisen found you, you were out for 12 hours.
>Yuuka herself has said you've been out longer then that before.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 04, 2011, 08:07:35 PM
I agree with Mousse. Let's focus on mindgames and mysteryous allure for now.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 04, 2011, 08:45:40 PM
I agree with Mousse. Let's focus on mindgames and mysterious allure for now.
Seconding the second (fourthing?).

>Do we know if Yuuka understands flower language(as in, the connotations of certain flowers used as a gift)?
>Do we know flower language?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 04, 2011, 09:04:24 PM
>What does Yuuka think about uprooted or clipped/killed flowers for decoration or gifts, as opposed to keeping them potted or in the ground?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 04, 2011, 09:37:58 PM
>Do we know if Yuuka understands flower language(as in, the connotations of certain flowers used as a gift)?
>Do we know flower language?
>What does Yuuka think about uprooted or clipped/killed flowers for decoration or gifts, as opposed to keeping them potted or in the ground?

>Yuuka knows of the concept of flowers being used as gifts, and the like.
>Of course, she would never use them in such a manner; but she doesn't lecture humans on using them that way, providing they are not taken from the Garden of the Sun.

>You know of the 'language' you refer to, but have you ever used it? Not really.
>You have been given flowers; but never received them.

>Yuuka is on good terms with the flower stands in the village; so she has no problems with up-rooted flowers, so long as they continue to be cared for.
>Clipping flowers is a touchy subject with Yuuka. On one hand, if it is causing a problem to a majority of people, Yuuka will stand down; but she won't forget it.
>If it is not bothering anyone, and it is clipped for no reason, Yuuka will lecture the person responsible; saying flowers should grow so they may mature, like humans, as she has been known to say.
>As for dead flowers, no flower stays dead when Yuuka is around. Her aura seems to rejuvenate any weakening, or dead, flower to its original state.
>Anyone who is caught stamping a flower, never mind destroying one, is very likely to get hit by Yuuka for it.

>Anyone doing anything of the sort to any flower in the Garden of the Sun is either badly injured or knocked out. Thankfully, no one has gone there lately; especially after those events.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: The Unlimited RR on August 05, 2011, 04:16:18 AM
>Begin pursuit of our green-haired sadist.  If we can't grope her, we can at least try to help the social link improve by any means within reason.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 05, 2011, 04:30:48 AM
>As above, but don't dive for her. Keep three paces behind her, if we can. If she acknowledges us, reply politely.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 05, 2011, 09:06:44 AM
>Begin pursuit of our green-haired sadist.  If we can't grope her, we can at least try to help the social link improve by any means within reason.
>As above, but don't dive for her. Keep three paces behind her, if we can. If she acknowledges us, reply politely.

>You decide to play the adventurous card and begin 'stalking' the Flower Master of the Four Seasons.

>Yuuka is all ready at the end of the path; walking away to her right.
>You quicken your pace and see her heading towards the large open area where most of the buildings end.
>You continue to walk behind her; keeping a few steps behind.

>She hasn't noticed you yet.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: The Unlimited RR on August 06, 2011, 08:12:22 PM
>So far, so good.  Just pretend to walk somewhere in Yuka's general direction, but look uninvolved.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 06, 2011, 08:16:07 PM
>So far, so good.  Just pretend to walk somewhere in Yuka's general direction, but look uninvolved.

>All is well so far...

>You continue to follow behind her.
>Yuuka continues to walk away; heading out of the village area and towards the Forest of Magic.
>Wait... why is she heading to the Forest of Magic?

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 06, 2011, 08:33:04 PM
>Probably to lose us-we must act fast.
>"Hello, Yuuka-Chan!"
>Close the gap but leave room for personal space.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 06, 2011, 09:34:23 PM
>Probably to lose us-we must act fast.
>"Hello, Yuuka-Chan!"
>Close the gap but leave room for personal space.

>Is she on to us?

>You close the gap between the two of you pretty quickly.
<"Hellooooo, Yuuka-chan!"
>Yuuka turns around with that lovely smile on her face; her parasol spinning away.
>"I was beginning to think you wouldn't say anything."
>Least her hands are occupied.
>"So, what do I owe the pleasure this time, young maiden?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 06, 2011, 09:46:57 PM
>"Oh, I was just wondering how you were doing today, what brings you to town, the little things. Mmm, and maybe if you've seen a certain maid in the past few minutes?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 06, 2011, 10:10:21 PM
>"Oh, I was just wondering how you were doing today, what brings you to town, the little things. Mmm, and maybe if you've seen a certain maid in the past few minutes?"

<"Oh, I was just wondering how you were today..."
>"Some how, I'm inclined to think you have another motive."
<"Ah, Yuukarin; you're so cruel! I just wanted to know what brought you to town, is all."
>"It's not really any of your concern, Shino."
<"Aww. Well, maybe if you caught a glimpse of a certain maid, I might just leave in peace."
>"Oh, the cold-hearted maid."

>Yuuka seems to giggle.
>"I saw her at a stand. Come to think of it, she looked pretty red..."
>Her parasol lowers as she begins to roll it up; her eyes do too, but that smile remains.
>"Could it be that you're at it again; you lovely little pervert?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 06, 2011, 10:23:59 PM
>"Oh now you're just buttering me up. I didn't do anything to her."
>"Which stand?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 06, 2011, 10:30:16 PM
>"Lovely? Awww, I'm touched."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 06, 2011, 11:15:41 PM
>"Oh now you're just buttering me up. I didn't do anything to her."
>"Which stand?"
>"Lovely? Awww, I'm touched."

<"Lovely? Awww, I'm so touched!"
>"Your sarcasm is as rich as ever."
<"Yeah, I know you're just buttering me up. Besides, I did nothing to her."
>Well... sort of...
>"I'm finding that pretty hard to believe."

>You change the subject... some what.
<"Anyway, which stand?"
>"Oh I couldn't tell. She seemed in a bit of a hurry though."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 06, 2011, 11:32:54 PM
>"Where at? Time's running out!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 12:24:21 AM
>"Where at? Time's running out!"

>You're not pleased.

<"Ugh, where at? Time's running out!"
>"When that girl vanishes mid-run, you should know where."
>Yuuka sighs a little.
>"Sounds like you're desperate; such fond memories."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 07, 2011, 12:40:07 AM
>Consider the idea that Sakuya's time was running out before she needed to attend to her master.
>Also consider if she was running from Kiene.
>What's the weather like, currently?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 12:56:24 AM
>Consider the idea that Sakuya's time was running out before she needed to attend to her master.
>Also consider if she was running from Kiene.
>What's the weather like, currently?


>Perhaps Sakuya was running out of time from the very beginning; that vampire can be pretty demanding.
>Or maybe she was running from Keine...

>The weather is pretty sunny. A few clouds here and there; no threat of rain though.
>There's a bit of a breeze, but not much; it's keeping you slightly cool.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 01:08:31 AM
>"Which way was she going?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 01:16:05 AM
>"Which way was she going?"

<"So... Which way was she going?"
>Yuuka chuckles.
>"Oh Shino; did you not hear me? She vanished."
>Yuuka points her parasol at you.
>"Much like you're about to vanish if you don't get a move on~ <3"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 01:23:47 AM
>"Yuka, you mustn't be so harsh! But, thank you. You were a big help!"
>Presuming we don't get blasted, head back. Then, at the last moment, turn and add, "You're lovely, too!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 07, 2011, 01:32:04 AM
>"Isn't it funny how the prettiest things are always the ones right in front of our faces?"
>"Ma petite fleure c?leste <3"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 01:36:59 AM
I really hope that french is mangled and wrong.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 07, 2011, 01:40:48 AM
I really hope that french is mangled and wrong.
Wait, why?

edit: Une moment-pourqois?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 07, 2011, 06:20:27 AM
If you're quoting Meet the Spy, they mangled the French there too.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 07, 2011, 11:21:40 AM
If you're quoting Meet the Spy, they mangled the French there too.

I studied french at GCSE (think 15-16yrs), and looking over the statement, the most prominent mistake I can think of is the use of masculine "fleur" instead of "fleure", but there may be more.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 11:27:26 AM
I'm saying it because mangling French is exactly what Shino would do.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 11:42:12 AM
>"Yuka, you mustn't be so harsh! But, thank you. You were a big help!"
>Presuming we don't get blasted, head back. Then, at the last moment, turn and add, "You're lovely, too!"
>"Isn't it funny how the prettiest things are always the ones right in front of our faces?"
>"Ma petite fleure c?leste <3"

<"Ah, Yuuka, you mustn't be so harsh! Bu..But thank. You were a big help!"
>Yuuka stares at you for a few seconds, frowns for a split second, before smiling again; parasol still aimed at you.
>"Well, I guess you had better run off then. It's obvious what your motives are for today."
>You begin to head back towards the village, before turning back around to Yuuka; who had lowered her parasol.
<"You know, isn't it funny how the prettiest things are always the ones right in front of us?"
>Yuuka blinks and stares at you again; she seems to be muttering something.
<"Hey, what do you think, huh? HUH?! Ma petite fleure celeste~ <3"
>Flowers... Flowers are blooming around you.
>Yuuka is aiming at you once more; you can see that little spark of light readying.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 11:56:29 AM
>Get out of that side street and duck around a building!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 07, 2011, 12:09:27 PM
I'm tempted to leave a parting remark-should we?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 07, 2011, 12:50:42 PM
>No, don't run. Lower your head in pretend shame, before walking off, throwing some fake tears to the ground because Yuuka rejected your frenchy advance?
>Or maybe run.
>Grope? Nah, just think about it.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 04:42:52 PM
>Get out of that side street and duck around a building!
>No, don't run. Lower your head in pretend shame, before walking off, throwing some fake tears to the ground because Yuuka rejected your frenchy advance?
>Or maybe run.
>Grope? Nah, just think about it.

>Ah, the idea of playing it a little more is so tempting...
>Actually, even your head rejects that.
>You run away from the scene as quickly as you can.
>You think the flowers have stopped, but you're not... OHGOD!
>Your back gets whacked hard!
>You are currently flying well away from Yuuka; with a beautiful beam of light pushing into your back.


>Poke, poke.
>Something is poking your side.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 05:37:17 PM
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 06:06:46 PM

>You're not even thinking straight at this point.
>"Well, at least she isn't dead yet."
>"You sure that's a good thing?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 06:08:38 PM
>Do we know the voices?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 06:23:16 PM
>Do we know the voices?

>Your mind is a bit of a blur at the moment.
>One of them is definitely Kanjou.
>You can't quite place the other one.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 06:31:28 PM
>Open eyes. Try to figure out what's going on.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 06:39:34 PM
>Open eyes. Try to figure out what's going on.

>Ah, the sky is so blue...
>Obviously, you're flat on your back.
>There's someone in front of you...
>"You should really pick a better target for your morning call, next time."
>"Mokou, don't encourage her; you're not really helping."
>And someone knelt down beside you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 07:00:33 PM
>"I didn't even do anything this time..."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 07:17:14 PM
>"I didn't even do anything this time..."

>You begin to sit up a little.
<"Hey, I didn't do anything this time..."
>"Because I'm going to argue against a gigantic laser coming at me."
>You can hear Kanjou sigh next to you.
>"Honestly you two; I'm not playing the straight man to both of you again."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 07:19:42 PM
>That's just mean, and after we're in-
>"Crap! How long have I been out?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 07:31:50 PM
>That's just mean, and after we're in-
>"Crap! How long have I been out?"

>How rude of them! After all that and...
<"CRAP! How long have I been out for?"
>"Not long." Kanjou replies calmly. "Thankfully, Mokou saw what happened and..."
>"Saw?! I think I did more then just see the damn.."
>"Anyway... I was in the area. I'm sure you time these things on purpose."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 07:33:53 PM
>"Hey, did either of you see Sakuya just recently?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 07:39:29 PM
>"Hey, did either of you see Sakuya just recently?"

>Ah, too much of useless stuff.
<"Ugh, did either of you see Sakuya recently?"
>Mokou scratches her head a little.
>"Can't say I have."
>A bottle with green liquid is held out in front of you.
>"Not today." Comes Kanjou's voice. "But I can tell you where she is."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 08:01:44 PM
>Look expectantly at Kanjou.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 08:11:20 PM
>Look expectantly at Kanjou.

>You turn to Kanjou and stare; you want answers!
>"Well, first you'll have to come with me."
>Kanjou stands up and shakes the bottle in front of you again.
>"Which means, drink up; unless you want to sit around in pain all day."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 08:13:28 PM
>Drink up!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 08:26:34 PM
>Drink up!

>You don't question the contents at all and gulp it down in one.
>It tastes... kind of sweet actually. You can't pin-point a specific flavour; but it tastes nice.
>The pain in most parts of your body; specifically your face, start to vanish.

>"I thought you hadn't seen Eirin in a while?"
>"I haven't. Reisen dropped them off earlier."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 08:36:29 PM
>Awww, we missed Reisen?
>No! Eyes on the prize!
>"So where is she, again?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 09:00:40 PM
>Awww, we missed Reisen?
>No! Eyes on the prize!
>"So where is she, again?"

>Damn; missed them awesome thighs...
>ARGH! Forget the bunny; MAID, MAID!

<"Soooo, where is she then?"
>"As eager as ever." Mokou sighs. "I'll leave you be."
>"Thanks again, Mokou."
>Mokou begins to head away from you two.
>"Patience Shino; you'll find out soon enough."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 09:27:25 PM
>"Okay, okay. It's just, I kind of have a time window to worry about..."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 11:25:32 PM
>"Okay, okay. It's just, I kind of have a time window to worry about..."

<"Okay, okay. It's just, I kind of have a time window to..."
>Kanjou looks at you with a grin, before waving a piece of paper around.
>"Surely your common sense should tell you that you have enough time."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 07, 2011, 11:34:21 PM
>Do we recognize this paper?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 07, 2011, 11:57:22 PM
>Do we recognize this paper?

>It's got a bit of a red-ish tone to it; more pink, since writing would stand out better then normal red.
>Now that you think about it, it belongs to the SDM.
>And if you didn't know any better, you'd say it looked like the one you found in your pocket earlier.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 08, 2011, 12:02:13 AM
>Check pockets!
>Assuming the note is missing, grab for the one Kanjou has.
>If not, just try to take it normally.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 08, 2011, 12:05:49 AM
>Check pockets!
>Assuming the note is missing, grab for the one Kanjou has.
>If not, just try to take it normally.

>That son of a...
>You leap up and try to grab the note back from Kanjou; who side-steps you with ease.
>"Now, now; before you say anything, Mokou picked it up first."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 08, 2011, 12:21:10 AM
>"And you have it, you big jerkface!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 08, 2011, 12:32:20 AM
>"And you have it, you big jerkface!"

>You turn back around to grab again.
<"And now you have it, you big jerk-face!"
>"All right, all right; calm down."
>Kanjou chuckles a little and gives you the note back.
>"Come on; we had best get moving."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 08, 2011, 12:36:08 AM
>Pocket note sullenly.
>"Let's try to make this quick, alright? What do you need?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 08, 2011, 12:50:53 AM
>Pocket note sullenly.
>"Let's try to make this quick, alright? What do you need?"

>You put the note back in your pocket; you're not best pleased with that event.
>You begin walking with Kanjou.
<"Well, let's make this quick then. What exactly do you need?"
>"Oh, just a little errand. I'd normally do it myself, but I've got a bit of an issue to sort out."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 08, 2011, 12:59:50 AM
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 08, 2011, 05:27:05 AM
>Examine Kanjou.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 08, 2011, 06:35:30 AM
> Attempt to immolate. Fail horribly and fart while examining Kanjou.

>Gain Pyromania skill -1

>"Excuse me for that, and uhh, what did you want me to do?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 08, 2011, 12:10:34 PM
> Attempt to immolate. Fail horribly and fart while examining Kanjou.

>Gain Pyromania skill -1

>"Excuse me for that, and uhh, what did you want me to do?"

>Let's not do this. It's kind of dumb.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 08, 2011, 04:33:16 PM
>Examine Kanjou.

>You take a closer look at Kanjou, now that your head is not spinning anymore.
>Short, dark purple hair, with the back of it sitting just on the shoulders.
>Eyes are sort of hazel; though you recall a time when they certainly were not.
>Clothing wise, we have Black Hakama; with the divide of course. Kanjou is no miko!
>For the chest we have... a light blue Kosode? It's tucked into the Hakama, so obviously, the length of it makes you question which it is.
>Either way, there's a dark blue Haori over the top of that. Well, you say that, though the length of it is more like a Kimono; but that's Kanjou for you.
>Huh... You've never seen him wear this before...


>Enthusiasm; you have none!
>"Just a few books I need to give back to Patchouli." Kanjou replies. "I'm pretty sure a trip to the Mansion wouldn't hurt, right?"
>Kanjou winks at you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: XephyrEnigma on August 08, 2011, 04:37:42 PM
>Accept the task. Hey, at least now we have a reason to enter the mansion, right?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 08, 2011, 06:23:09 PM
>Grin in the process.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Mr. Rabi on August 08, 2011, 06:28:52 PM
>Consider possibility of running into Koakuma and/or Patchy while there.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: XephyrEnigma on August 08, 2011, 06:36:43 PM
>Consider possibility of running into Koakuma and/or Patchy while there.
>Also consider chances of running into the Sister.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 08, 2011, 06:56:21 PM
>Accept the task. Hey, at least now we have a reason to enter the mansion, right?
>Grin in the process.

>This... was almost just as planned!
>You can't help but grin.
<"Not at all! I'd be happy to go."
>"That's good to hear." Kanjou smiles. "Just don't cause too much trouble."

~QUEST #01~
Loaned for Knowledge
>>Kanjou needs some books returning to Patchouli. Since he is busy, it is now your task to return them to her.


>The two of you continue walking; seems like Kanjou is heading for the school building.

>Consider possibility of running into Koakuma and/or Patchy while there.
>Also consider chances of running into the Sister.

>You begin to think about the chances of encountering some of SDM's residents.
>>Koakuma normally evades you full stop; maybe she won't expect you this time...
>>You'll be delivering the books to Patchouli, of course you'll see her. XD
>>Flandre is a wild-card indeed. Part of you hopes not to run into her; but the chance is always there.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 08, 2011, 07:28:14 PM
[Catching up with thread and...]
>God damnit Yuuka(ri).
>Consider possibility of making amends with Sakuya-should we take the note with us?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 08, 2011, 09:53:07 PM
>God damnit Yuuka(ri).
>Consider possibility of making amends with Sakuya-should we take the note with us?

>Now that you can think straight again, you recall the event with Yuuka.
>She must have hit you with that laser; though you're sure it wasn't at full power.
>You then vaguely remember face-planting the wall whilst being sent flying.

>The chance of talking things over with Sakuya is still there... You hope.
>The note is on you; unless you drop it or something, it'll be with you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: The Unlimited RR on August 08, 2011, 10:34:43 PM
>"Alright.  I'll be doing this soon as I can leave."
>>How bad are our injuries now?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Mr. Rabi on August 08, 2011, 11:39:10 PM
>"Also, before I go may I have some more of that green stuff?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 09, 2011, 01:32:37 AM
>"Alright.  I'll be doing this soon as I can leave."
>>How bad are our injuries now?
>"Also, before I go may I have some more of that green stuff?"

>Your injuries have sort of faded. No markings or anything.
>There is still a little bit of pain; but nothing too bad.

<"Well, I'll be doing that then... as soon as I can leave, of course."
>"You can't leave without the books... At least you have your back-pack all ready."

>The two of you turn a corner and walk beside the wall that separates the school building, and it's small playground-area, with the rest of the village.
<"Ah, that reminds me... Can I have some more of that green stuff?"
>Kanjou shakes his head.
>"I'm afraid I can't. I don't have that many; plus, you won't need it just to go to the Mansion now."
>He glances at you again.
>"Unless of course, you really want to do something stupid on the way there."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 09, 2011, 01:50:16 AM
>Stick out our tongue at him.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Mr. Rabi on August 09, 2011, 02:01:52 AM
>"Maybe not on the way there..."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 09, 2011, 09:49:44 AM
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 09, 2011, 01:02:22 PM
>Stick out our tongue at him.
>"Maybe not on the way there..."

>You stick your tongue out at Kanjou; who chuckles slightly as you turn into the playground.
<"Well, maybe not on the way there..."
>You add on a wink at the end of the line; for the hell of it, of course.
>"Honestly; you really are a handful, you know."
>Kanjou ruffles your hair, before smiling, some what.
>"It's why you're the Maiden of Kanjou."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 09, 2011, 01:13:55 PM
>"You're a horrible flatterer, you know that? Keep it up."
>If he's got no more to add, it's time to head toward SDM!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 09, 2011, 01:16:23 PM
>We need to get those books first! No leaving yet.
>"Of course!"
>"So what sort of books are these, anyway?"
>Follow Kanjou over to wherever they are. Keep an eye on the sights, especially for appropriate targets.
>Molest Kanjou.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 09, 2011, 01:41:56 PM
>"You're a horrible flatterer, you know that? Keep it up."
>If he's got no more to add, it's time to head toward SDM!
>We need to get those books first! No leaving yet.
>"Of course!"
>"So what sort of books are these, anyway?"
>Follow Kanjou over to wherever they are. Keep an eye on the sights, especially for appropriate targets.
>Molest Kanjou.

>Kyaa~ Silly Kanjou!
<"You know, you're a terrible flatterer; keep it up."
>"I don't want to be hearing that from you, young lady."
>Kanjou opens the door to the school and wanders inside.
>"Besides, I bet you have a lovely target in mind all ready..."
<"Hehe, of course!"

>You want to get going right away; but you need them books first.
<"Anyway, what sort of books are they?"
>You keep up with Kanjou as you walk through a corridor.
>Your eyes dart everywhere; looking out for potential.
>"A couple of books from the outside." Kanjou responds. "Along with a couple of research books."
>Kanjou stops in front of a closed door, before looking at you; he seems pretty serious now.
>"There's also a book in there that you must not, under any circumstances, open or attempt to read."

>Why would you even do that?!

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 09, 2011, 01:45:20 PM
>Oh, now he's just begging for it.
>"Why not?"
>Why WOULDN'T we?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 09, 2011, 01:53:24 PM
>Oh, now he's just begging for it.
>"Why not?"
>Why WOULDN'T we?

>That's it, just push it more; you silly man.

<"Huh? Why not?"
>"It's a forbidden book."
>Kanjou seems to lower his voice to a whisper now.
>"Trust me on this Shino, there are some forms of magic that are still pretty taboo; even in Gensokyo."
>"Very few people have seen the contents of that book; Patchouli has requested that it stays that way."

>... You're testing me now, aren't you?

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 09, 2011, 01:59:53 PM
>"So are they aphrodisiacs or love potions?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 09, 2011, 02:10:47 PM
>"So are they aphrodisiacs or love potions?"

<"Are they, like, aphrodisiacs or love potions or..."
>Kanjou gently bumps you on the top of your head.
>"Can't you take something seriously for more then 5 seconds without being perverse about it?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 09, 2011, 02:13:56 PM
>"Well, what else would I actually be tempted to use?"
>"What sort of magic is it, at least?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 09, 2011, 03:07:16 PM
>Before that: "No."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 09, 2011, 03:28:27 PM
>Before that: "No."
>"Well, what else would I actually be tempted to use?"
>"What sort of magic is it, at least?"

<"Pfft, course not. I mean, what else would I actually be tempted to use?"
>"I pray you mean for outside of danmaku duels; otherwise, I'll not be amused."
>You pout a little.
<"Fine. Well, what sort of magic is it then?"
>Kanjou glances at the door and then back at you.
>"Best not to discuss that here."

>With that, Kanjou opens the door.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Mr. Rabi on August 09, 2011, 04:42:41 PM
>Glance around room for objects of interest.
>"So how many books will I be returning?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 09, 2011, 05:32:23 PM
>Is Kanjou usually this much of a wet blanket?
>Follow him in.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 09, 2011, 05:33:18 PM
>"So how many books will I be returning?"
>"While we're on the subject, how many books has Marisa returned?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 09, 2011, 08:03:43 PM
>Is Kanjou usually this much of a wet blanket?
>Follow him in.
>Glance around room for objects of interest.
>"So how many books will I be returning?"

>It either depends on his mood or what he is doing.
>You follow him inside to see a pretty cluttered room.
>Books, writing utensils, bags and jackets, among other things, are scattered around what desks there are.
>"Huh; guess Keine got the wild class today."
<"Erm, Kanjou... How many books am I returning?"
>Kanjou walks up to the desk in front of the blackboard and kneels down.
>"Only 5; not too much for you, I hope."

>"While we're on the subject, how many books has Marisa returned?"

>As you watch him pull out 5 books on to the top of the desk, you think about a certain thief magician.
<"I wonder how many Marisa would have to return..."
>You can hear Kanjou chuckle as he places the last book on the desk and stands up.
>"Lots, I'd imagine. I bet Koakuma has a list of what's missing."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Mr. Rabi on August 09, 2011, 09:26:30 PM
>"Which book is the one I'm not supposed to open?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: The Unlimited RR on August 09, 2011, 10:31:31 PM
>"Which book is the one I'm not supposed to open?"
>>"Will this book suck me into a magical labirynth if I do open it?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: XephyrEnigma on August 09, 2011, 10:51:22 PM
>If no, remember to peek when no one's looking.
>If that's all, then I guess its off to the mansion!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 09, 2011, 11:32:52 PM
>>"Will this book suck me into a magical labirynth if I do open it?"
>>>"Which of these will lead me to Patchouli's secret 'goodnight' collection?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 10, 2011, 02:01:26 AM
>"Which book is the one I'm not supposed to open?"
>>"Will this book suck me into a magical labirynth if I do open it?"
>>>"Which of these will lead me to Patchouli's secret 'goodnight' collection?"

<"Which book is it then? The one I'm not supposed to open?"
>Kanjou holds up a very weird book.
>The whole thing is blood red.
>There's some sort of black pattern going round the whole thing; looks kind of tribal & dark to you.
>"This one. It's...."
<"Something that'll suck me into a magical labyrinth when I open it?"
>"I... What?"
<"And then, I'll have to find a path that'll lead me to Patchouli's secret 'goodnight' collection!"
>Kanjou's face seems to be torn between staying serious and laughing.
>"Well... Er... To put it shortly... No."

>If no, remember to peek when no one's looking.
>If that's all, then I guess its off to the mansion!

>We'll have to take a peek at it later then. Hehe~
>You wander up to the desk and begin to place the books into your back-pack.
>As you reach for the one Kanjou has, he hesitates.
>"I know it's tempting, but I'll say it again, please do not try and open this book. It's not a request, Shino, but an order."
>With that, he holds out the book to you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 10, 2011, 02:05:59 AM
>Take it.
>"Okay, but only if you tell me what it is."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 10, 2011, 02:33:05 AM
>Take it.
>"Okay, but only if you tell me what it is."

>You take a hold of the book.
>The second you do, you feel something... strange. Slightly familiar, but at the same time, very different.
<"Okay, but only if you tell me what it is."
>Kanjou glances round the room before replying to you.
>"It's a book that contains 'forbidden' magic. The spells require a great deal of energy; never mind the fact that they are highly complex."
>"If not performed correctly, the damage that can be self-inflicted range from serious markings to death. Should they be mastered, however, and used repeatedly, the user would very likely fall into insanity; that would not benefit Gensokyo at all."
>"One of the spells in the book is currently active; on the book itself at that. That reason, I'm afraid, I can not tell you until the book is away from me."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 10, 2011, 02:41:47 AM
>Oh how disappointing...
>"Geez, sounds boring. Anyway, I'm off!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Mr. Rabi on August 10, 2011, 02:56:45 AM
>Begin walking away.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 10, 2011, 10:47:59 AM
>Give a half-assed good bye wave as you walk off.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 10, 2011, 11:19:50 AM
>Oh how disappointing...
>"Geez, sounds boring. Anyway, I'm off!"
>Begin walking away.
>Give a half-assed good bye wave as you walk off.

>Awwww; nothing of interest there...
<"Geez, sounds boring to me. Well, I'm off then!"
>You place the final book into the bag and begin to head off.
>You hear Kanjou sigh behind you and decide to at least wave good-bye before heading out the room.
>"Take care Shino."

>A few seconds later and you're outside the school building.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 10, 2011, 11:40:17 AM
>Head toward SDM with all possible speeds!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 10, 2011, 05:50:57 PM
>Head toward SDM with all possible speeds!

>There's only one thing on your mind right now... the SDM!
>As you start running, you quickly remember something very important...
>You take to the skies and dart away from the Village.

>Ah... Gensokyo. To think you used to call the Outside World home... You wouldn't give this up for the world.
>The life... the girls... the beauty... the girls... the sheer potential that this place has to offer... Did we mention breasts? Oh, and girls too!
>You can see the Scarlet Lake and instantly dip down towards it.
>Sure enough, the Mansion starts coming closer and closer.
>You fly over the lake and almost instantly drop down even closer.
>The water looks as fresh as ever. You're certain you see the odd fairy floating around, but they don't cause you any trouble.

>Before long, you're nearing the wall; and more importantly, the gates.
>You can see someone with long scarlet hair pacing up and down; doing some form of exercise.
>No doubt about it; it's Meiling.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Mr. Rabi on August 10, 2011, 06:21:07 PM
>Relationship with Meiling
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: The Unlimited RR on August 10, 2011, 10:14:05 PM
>See if you can surprise China Oh, wait...she's awake.  Well, just drop by and say "Hello, I have a delivery for miss Patchouli!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 10, 2011, 11:53:34 PM
>Relationship with Meiling

>Meiling is pretty ok with you. Having falling to your groping techniques a couple of times, she doesn't seem to be that fazed about it; though she does put up a damn good fight depending on her mood.
>That you know from previous experience; and your own share of loses. Nevertheless, you inadvertently made her more alert at her job; though recent events also played into it.

>See if you can surprise China Oh, wait...she's awake.  Well, just drop by and say "Hello, I have a delivery for miss Patchouli!"

>You drop down onto the ground with both feet and stride up to her.
<"Hey Meiling! I've got a delivery for Miss Patchouli!"
>Meiling stops pacing up and down, before turning to you.
>"Hello there Shino. Mind if I ask what it is your bringing in? Nothing silly this time, I hope."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Mr. Rabi on August 11, 2011, 12:12:04 AM
>"Nope, just a couple of books."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 11, 2011, 12:28:21 AM
>"Though I did see Miss Sakuya at the market earlier, has she come back yet?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 11, 2011, 12:34:25 AM
>"Nope, just a couple of books."
>"Though I did see Miss Sakuya at the market earlier, has she come back yet?"

<"Not this time; just a couple of books."
>"Ah, well, at least someone bothers to return them."
<"Indeed. I also caught sight of Miss Sakuya earlier; at..."
>"The market."
>Meiling chuckles slightly.
>"Yeah, I know; Sakuya-san told me when she came back."
<"So she's here?"
>"Indeed. You'll probably bump into her when you return your... wait... when did YOU start taking books too?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 11, 2011, 12:46:02 AM
>"I'm returning them for Kanjou, actually. Apparently he's got important stuff to take care of for now, so the miko becomes the errand girl."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 11, 2011, 12:54:48 AM
>"I'm returning them for Kanjou, actually. Apparently he's got important stuff to take care of for now, so the miko becomes the errand girl."

<"Actually, I'm returning them for Kanjou."
>Meiling looks a little stunned.
>"Hang on, why isn't he bringing them himself?"
<"Because he's taking care of something important... Well, that's what he said."
>Meiling crosses her arms; nodding as you talk.
<"Which means this lovely miko becomes the errand girl!"
>"And a feisty one at that!"
>She sounds almost as excited as you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 11, 2011, 01:15:16 AM
>"What'd Sakuya tell you, anyways?"
>What do we know about the layout of SDM? What sorts of places can be found in and around it? Gardens? Galleries? Private hideaways?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: The Unlimited RR on August 11, 2011, 01:17:38 AM
>Do I smell potential ally?  Let's first check our social link with Meiling.
>>Would she assist us in any Sakuya-centric escapades if we let her take a crack at her as well?
>>Would she help us if we ever decide to target Remilia?
>>Would she offer us some non-meatshield protection from the Little Mistress?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 11, 2011, 01:19:34 PM
>Do I smell potential ally?  Let's first check our social link with Meiling.
>>Would she assist us in any Sakuya-centric escapades if we let her take a crack at her as well?
>>Would she help us if we ever decide to target Remilia?
>>Would she offer us some non-meatshield protection from the Little Mistress?

>Could Meiling help us in our cause?
>>You're not sure. She normally tells you off when you think those things aloud; but she doesn't stop you from trying.
>>Not a chance. Meiling wouldn't dare stand against Remilia.
>>You're not sure. You do know that Meiling has a certain way of calming Flandre down when things get too hectic. But since Meiling is usually outside, you'd probably be on your own.

>"What'd Sakuya tell you, anyways?"
>What do we know about the layout of SDM? What sorts of places can be found in and around it? Gardens? Galleries? Private hideaways?

<"Did Sakuya tell you anything?"
>"Not really; just that her original plan for the day was diverted slightly. Well, something like that."
>She laughs a bit and begins to open the gate.
>"No harm in letting you in, providing you don't start anything on your way out."

>The gardens are beautiful to look at; there are some behind the Mansion too, but not as big as the one in front of you.
>Galleries you are unsure of. You've seen pictures every now and then hung up on the walls inside, but not enough to call it a gallery per se.
>If there were any actual rooms that are dedicated to that, then you haven't found it yet.
>Hiding spots are typically used by fairies when violent stuff happens; such as Flandre going on a rampage. You've accidentally slipped into a couple of them whilst inside the mansion.
>There aren't any outside that you're aware of.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 11, 2011, 03:36:31 PM
>"Thanks Meiling!"
>Head inside, and toward the library. Might as well get rid of the dead weight before starting the real work~
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 11, 2011, 09:09:09 PM
>"Thanks Meiling!"
>Head inside, and toward the library. Might as well get rid of the dead weight before starting the real work~

<"Thanks Meiling!"
>You walk on by as Meiling begins to close the gates behind you.
>As you marvel at the beauty of the gardens, you head straight for the door.
>No need to knock; I mean, it opens pretty easily.

>The inside looks a little gloomy; then again, it always did a damn good job keeping all the light out.
>You try to recall your way to the library; ah, there's the familiar dent in the ceiling you left some time ago.
>You wander on down for a while, thinking about how good it'll be to see Sakuya at some point once you drop the books off.

>Hmm, what was that? A laugh? Couldn't be...
>"Annnnnnnnnd, oops~"
>From around the next corner, a small arm flies past you and onto the floor.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: The Unlimited RR on August 11, 2011, 10:39:45 PM
>OSHIT.  Grazegrazegrazegraze
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Kasu on August 12, 2011, 12:58:01 AM
> Were there any other hallways besides this one that we've passed?
> If so, head back and book it down the closest one.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 12, 2011, 01:08:26 AM
> Were there any other hallways besides this one that we've passed?
> If so, head back and book it down the closest one.

>Don't run, just graze. We'll assess from there.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 12, 2011, 01:38:18 AM
>OSHIT.  Grazegrazegrazegraze
> Were there any other hallways besides this one that we've passed?
> If so, head back and book it down the closest one.
>Don't run, just graze. We'll assess from there.

>Oh no! OhnoOhnoOhno!
>Back the way! Right now... No wait; it may not be that bad...
>You step backwards regardless and prepare to graze the oncoming storm.
>You hear the jingling of crystals as a very young looking girl appears from round the corner.
>The blonde-haired girl is smiling; the remains of a doll suddenly drop to the floor.
>"Oh! It's the playful miko!" She sounds excited. "Are you here to play with my sister again?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 12, 2011, 01:43:33 AM
>Motion for the little sister to come near, as if we're going to tell her a secret.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 12, 2011, 01:54:12 AM
>Motion for the little sister to come near, as if we're going to tell her a secret.

>You say nothing to the little sister, but you motion for her to come closer to you.
>Flandre plays along and walks up to you.
>She looks curious; but still playful.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 12, 2011, 01:56:49 AM
>Whisper. "I'm just scouting today. I have a plan, but it'll take me awhile to make it work."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 12, 2011, 09:02:51 AM
>Whisper. "I'm just scouting today. I have a plan, but it'll take me awhile to make it work."

>Leaning towards Flandre, you whisper to her.
<"I'm just scouting today. I have a plan, some what, but it'll take me awhile to make it work."
>Flandre nods and smiles at you.
>"Well, she is resting at the moment; so that means you're free right?"
>Flandre puffs up a little; her eyes seem to sparkle.
>"Would you like to play with me?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 12, 2011, 09:59:45 AM
>"Not today. My target is...this is our secret, okay?"
>Assuming she agrees, "I need to do some things with Sakuya. Shhhh. She can't know. No one can."
>What is Flan playing like, anyways?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on August 12, 2011, 12:18:32 PM
>Pat Flan and ruffle her hair before you answer her.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 12, 2011, 03:01:08 PM
>Pat Flan and ruffle her hair before you answer her.
>"Not today. My target is...this is our secret, okay?"
>Assuming she agrees, "I need to do some things with Sakuya. Shhhh. She can't know. No one can."
>What is Flan playing like, anyways?

>You place your hand on Flandre's head and start to ruffle her hair.
>She closes her eyes as you do so; she giggles a little.
<"Not today, I'm afraid. You see, my target is..."
>You think about this for a little second and whisper to her again.
<"Actually, can you keep this a secret?"
>Flandre nods again; she seems pretty happy.
<"Good. I need to do some things with Sakuya you see."
>"Does that mean I can..."
<"Shhhh." You wink as you do this. "She can't know about it; no one can."
>"Hehe, I got it." Flandre giggles, before turning around; her wings just missing you... some how.

>Playtime with Flandre is normally danmaku; serious danmaku!
>She has her moments of playing with other things as well; but most of the times, it will ALWAYS lead to danmaku.
>She has a lot of dolls too; but as you can see, they don't stay in one piece for too long.

>"Can I come with you for a bit? I'm boooooored~"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 12, 2011, 03:23:24 PM
>"If only you could, heh. But no, it's one of those things were if there's anyone else. But, you know what you could do to help?"
>Let the anticipation build.
>"You know Patchouli's familiar? Keep her distracted. Nothing big, flashy, or unusual. We can't have people know she's being distracted."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 12, 2011, 03:55:48 PM
>"If only you could, heh. But no, it's one of those things were if there's anyone else. But, you know what you could do to help?"
>Let the anticipation build.
>"You know Patchouli's familiar? Keep her distracted. Nothing big, flashy, or unusual. We can't have people know she's being distracted."

<"If only you could, heh. But it's one of those things where... Actually, you know what you could do to help?"
>"What, what?"
>You pause for a few seconds; letting Flandre get herself hyped up.
<"You know Patchouli's familiar?"
>Ah, Koa~Koa?"
<"Er... yes. Distract her for me. Nothing big or flashy or unusual, ok. We can't let people know she's being distracted."
>"Ooooooo; sounds like fun! Let's go then!"

>With that, Flandre starts heading away from you; looks like she's going to the library.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 12, 2011, 04:08:12 PM
>Onward into the library ourself.
>Poor Koa, the sacrifices you make for us.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 12, 2011, 04:13:23 PM
>Onward into the library ourself.
>Poor Koa, the sacrifices you make for us.

>You follow Flandre on a course to the lbrary.
>You're pretty sure you can hear Flandre humming something to herself as she skips along.

>Ah, poor Koa-chan; the things you do for us... XD

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 12, 2011, 04:18:41 PM
>Do we see Patchouli anywhere?
>What's our relation with her, and what is her status as a target?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 12, 2011, 04:37:47 PM
>Do we see Patchouli anywhere?
>What's our relation with her, and what is her status as a target?

[Hmm, me thinks I wasn't specific enough; sorry. >< ]


>No sign of Patchouli yet; then again, you are still following Flandre on a course to the library.

>Patchouli is... odd with you. You haven't beaten her yet; but that's because SOME people (namely Marisa & Kanjou) show up at the worst possible moment.
>Her reason for being odd with you is quite simple...
>>She doesn't like you that much; you're loud, you're hyper, and to top it all off, you want to get up close and personal with herself and Koakuma.
>>However, there are 4 people who balance this out: Remilia & Sakuya, because the Mansion is to welcome anyone in Gensokyo. Kanjou, because you are 'his student.' And Marisa, because any time she barges in, it's normally you who chases her into Sakuya, who then chases her out.

>"Hehehe, here we are~"
>Flandre looks ready to blow the doors off...

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Kyo Tanaka on August 12, 2011, 08:20:41 PM
>...It's probably a BAD idea to let her blast down the door.

>Calmly open it.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 13, 2011, 12:06:04 AM
>...It's probably a BAD idea to let her blast down the door.

>Calmly open it.

>You quickly step in front of Flandre and open the door yourself; calmly at that.

>That smell... is that incense?
>Either way, you're met with row upon row of 'book-towers' as you like to call them.
>The endless library that is Voile.
>The floor is flat for now, but you know it takes up space beneath the mansion; meaning it has a lower floor too.
>You're reminded of the entrances from the floor above you as well, as you see some form of balcony running up there.

>Flandre flies in straight away; quickly being absorbed from view by the stands.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 13, 2011, 01:53:39 AM
>Look around for signs of habitation.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 14, 2011, 12:38:32 AM
>Look around for signs of habitation.

>You have a glance around; trying to see if anyone is about.
>You can't see anyone from where you are, so you decide to walk further in.
>If anything, you can at least hear signs of activity.

>"It's a Koa-Koa~"
>"Ah; the young mistress?"
>"Koa-chaaaaan, I want to get a book."
>"Uh... erm... of course!"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 14, 2011, 01:14:35 AM
>Atta girl.
>Continue to look around for Patchouli.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 14, 2011, 05:43:35 PM
>Atta girl.
>Continue to look around for Patchouli.

>First step complete~

>You wander around a little more; trying to find where Patchouli is at.
>It doesn't take you long to stumble on to a small, open area with a desk, a table beside it and a chair.
>There are a pile of books around, and on, the table AND the desk.
>The chair is empty.

>"I hope you're not here to play pervert again."

>That un-amused voice came from above you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 14, 2011, 05:52:13 PM
>"Why, are you hoping to talk me into it?"
>Look up.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 14, 2011, 08:07:33 PM
>"Why, are you hoping to talk me into it?"
>Look up.

>You look up above you and, sure enough, the familiar sight of a long purple-haired magician is floating down towards you.

<"Why? You hoping to talk me into it?"
>"Now would I suggest such a thing?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 15, 2011, 01:54:51 AM
>"But I'm actually here on business. I have something to return to you."
>Give her the books.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 15, 2011, 03:04:56 AM
>"Oh, Kanjou said this one has some boring curse on it, so be careful when you open it."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 15, 2011, 09:30:23 AM
>"But I'm actually here on business. I have something to return to you."
>Give her the books.
>"Oh, Kanjou said this one has some boring curse on it, so be careful when you open it."

<"Ahehehe... Maybe."
>Patchouli sighs as you remove your back-pack and start digging for the books.

<"But I'm actually here on business. I have something to return to you."
>You start pulling out each book and placing it on what little room there is on the table.
>"Ah, it's nice to see someone bringing books back."
>You stop on the last book, and hold it in front of Patchouli.
<"Before I forget, Kanjou said this one had some boring curse on it, so be careful when you...."
>Patchouli grabs the book before you finish and removes it from your grip.
>"Heh; it's funny that you call it a curse. But thank you, regardless."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 15, 2011, 10:18:57 AM
>"Well it's a bad magic thing, so of course it's a curse."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 15, 2011, 05:19:26 PM
>"Well it's a bad magic thing, so of course it's a curse."

<"It's a bad magic thing, right? So it's obviously a curse."
>"Well, it won't do me any harm."
>No sooner has she finished that line, she coughs a little.
>"Is... is that everything?"

>"Ah, little mistress, you must not..."
>"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand... POP!"

>Something can be heard shattering to your left; out of sight of course.
>Patchouli walks a few steps towards the direction of the noise before stopping; her eye-sight leaving you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 15, 2011, 06:28:40 PM
>"What was that?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 15, 2011, 06:47:38 PM
>"What was that?"

<"What was that?"
>"Sounds like Flandre is having a bit of fun again."
>Patchouli rubs her forehead a little.
>"I was starting to wonder where Koakuma was as well."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 16, 2011, 01:16:49 AM
>"Y'think they'll need any help?"

I assume we're not taking advantage of her not looking over here in hopes of getting to Sakuya.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 16, 2011, 04:04:58 AM
It strengthens our case, yes.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 16, 2011, 12:34:30 PM
>"Y'think they'll need any help?"

<"Erm... Y'think they'll need any help?"
>"They'll probably be fine... providing-they-don't-wreck-the-rest-of-the-library."
>Patchouli coughs a little more wildly this time; but stops a few seconds later.
>"Is... is there anything... else you need to see me for?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 16, 2011, 12:50:16 PM
>"Do you know where Sakuya is?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 16, 2011, 12:59:48 PM
>"Do you know where Sakuya is?"

<"Actually, do you know where Sakuya is?"
>Patchouli turns to look at you; frowning a bit.
>"I've not seen her, but I've been told she has returned from her morning errands."
>She takes a step toward you.
>"Perhaps I should ask again... You're not planning on doing anything, are you?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 16, 2011, 01:50:08 PM
>"You sure are mean to people who do you favors for free, you know that?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 16, 2011, 02:12:17 PM
>"You sure are mean to people who do you favors for free, you know that?"

<"You know, you sure are mean to people who do you favors for free..."
>"I don't recall how this is...."


>You can hear a couple of doors slam against the wall hard.
>If the entrance didn't get enough attention...
>"Ooooh; if it isn't Flandre. What are you..."
>"Play with me!"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 16, 2011, 02:32:00 PM
>Well, this is probably going to get in the way. Oh well...
>"Hey! How's it going?"
>What is our status with Marisa, and her status in our target book.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 16, 2011, 03:42:50 PM
>Well, this is probably going to get in the way. Oh well...
>"Hey! How's it going?"
>What is our status with Marisa, and her status in our target book.

>Oh great. This could ruin everything...
>Marisa is as playful as they come. She often encourages your antics; so you see her as an ally rather then an opponent.
>Of course, this also means that she gets in the way with certain things; normally your attempts on Patchouli, which you're sure she does on purpose.

<"HEY! How's it going?"
>You call out to get Marisa's attention. You get it very swiftly; followed closely by an on-coming Flandre AND Koakuma.
>"It's the yuri girl!" Marisa chirps as she flies down toward you. "Coming through, ze~"
>She flies right past you, swiping a couple of books from the table in the process.
>The red book wasn't taken. Did Marisa miss it?
>Flandre comes storming through; sending the table, along with the books, flying into the air.
>Koakuma stops in time, but the three of you (Patchy, Koa and yourself) are facing an immediate book shower.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 16, 2011, 04:06:47 PM
>Dive aside. Or failing that, behind one of the others.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 16, 2011, 04:49:31 PM
>Dive aside. Or failing that, behind one of the others.

>You dive to your left; right in the path of Koakuma, who was in the process of moving forwards.
>The pair of you collide; your momentum causing Koakuma to fall backwards.
>You both land flat on the ground; Koakuma on the floor with you on top of her.
>Books land around you; a couple of them hit your back.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 16, 2011, 04:54:09 PM
>Well, can't fight fate. Just lay there for now. We did take a spill.
>Hee hee.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 16, 2011, 05:11:00 PM
>Well, can't fight fate. Just lay there for now. We did take a spill.
>Hee hee.

>This moment is just too good to miss.
>You stay on top of Koakuma for a little while; it was due to an incident after all.
>Koakuma doesn't look that flustered; if anything, she seems worried.
>"Ar...Are you ok?"

>She obviously doesn't realise the situation she's in.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 16, 2011, 05:15:21 PM
>"I think so. The room's supposed to spin, right?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 16, 2011, 05:26:43 PM
>"I think so. The room's supposed to spin, right?"

<"Erm... I think so. The room's supposed to spin... right?"
>Koakuma laughs a little.
>"Books can be hard, you know."
>"If you have finished down there..."
>That's one unamused Patchouli speaking.
>"I'd advise you both get up..."
>As if to hammer the point in a little more, an explosion can be heard not too far off.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 16, 2011, 05:48:01 PM
>Get up. And take advantage of that process, we need to put our hands somewhere for balance.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 16, 2011, 06:04:17 PM
>Get up. And take advantage of that process, we need to put our hands somewhere for balance.

>You begin to get up; shifting your weight a little so you can get the right balance.
>Of course, you're not letting this moment pass you by.
>Your hands, yes both of them, press down on Koakuma's breasts.
>Ah, such a lovely size... *grope*
>She shrieks a little; closing her eyes in the process.
>You finally stand up as Koakuma begins to rise too.
>Patchouli, thankfully, is looking the other way. To be fair, a spray of multi-coloured stars would distract anyone.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 16, 2011, 06:33:34 PM
>Have a look at why there are stars everywhere.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 16, 2011, 07:19:28 PM
>Have a look at why there are stars everywhere.

>Just as planned! Your grin is so big right now it's...
>Woah! Lots of stars!
>Hey... is that Marisa flying over there? Looks like she's spreading her usual starry danmaku at...
>A Flandre who just cloned herself and flew off in four different directions...
>Patchouli is now beginning to float upwards.
>"Koakuma, I want the doors shut asap. We don't want Remilia to hear this racket."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 16, 2011, 07:23:21 PM
>Well crap! Let's get out of those doors before we get shut in.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 16, 2011, 07:44:08 PM
>Well crap! Let's get out of those doors before we get shut in.

>Wait what?!

>Koakuma is moving quickly; you'd best get a move on before you're locked in with them.
>You start flying back the way you came and realise a sudden problem...
>"There's one of me for each of you now~"
>Flandre, you're not sure if it's a clone or the original, is flying towards you.
>"So we can all play together!"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 16, 2011, 08:12:49 PM
>In a quiet hiss: "Stick to the plan, remember?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 16, 2011, 08:22:24 PM
>In a quiet hiss: "Stick to the plan, remember?"

>You hiss at Flandre as quietly as you can so the others don't hear you.
<"Hey, stick to the plan."
>"But I did that." Flandre smiles. "So now I'm having fun!"

>Red spheres are coming at you quickly.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2011, 04:12:43 AM
>Have we ever been able to deal with Flandre in a straight fight?
>In either event, run for it! Get some bookcases between the two of us!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 17, 2011, 11:57:50 AM
>Have we ever been able to deal with Flandre in a straight fight?
>In either event, run for it! Get some bookcases between the two of us!

>Not one-on-one, you haven't.
>It's normally you dodging every attack possible until either you escape or someone steps in.
>Your attacks, as of late, are starting to cancel a couple of her spells; but you haven't dared to push it further.

>You leg it, as quickly as you can; diving between a couple of bookcases to get her out of sight.
>You can hear that playful, yet sinister laugh from Flandre.
>The bookcase to your side explodes as Flandre dives through it; now chasing after you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2011, 01:03:41 PM
>"Explosions during a race are cheatinf, Flan!"
>Keep booking it. (See what I did there?)
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 17, 2011, 06:38:16 PM
>"Explosions during a race are cheatinf, Flan!"
>Keep booking it. (See what I did there?)

<"Explosions during a race are cheating, Flan!"
>"But it's fun!" You hear her shout. "Oh, I get it then; you're playing tag!"

>You start to see bullets fly past you and begin to pick up the pace.
>Flandre is fast, you know that; so you attempt to throw her off.
>You can see the end of the bookcases from here; the door is still open from when you came in.
>It's slowly starting to shut however.
>"Almost.. Got you~"



[I was tempted to put that pun in on my previous post; but thought against it. Thanks for that. :3 ]
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2011, 06:51:17 PM
>"Races are not tag!"
>Try not to get hit if we can help it, and keep heading toward the door.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 17, 2011, 06:58:14 PM
>"Races are not tag!"
>Try not to get hit if we can help it, and keep heading toward the door.

>This girl is too innocent; surely.
<"Races are NOT TAG!"
>You just avoid a huge sphere as you dart into the open space.
>The doors are nearing the point of being closed.
>Your ankles suddenly feel pretty cold.
>She's so close... so close...

>You get a quick chance to see what happened.
>Flandre's own clone flew straight into her.
>"Don't mind me, ze~".

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2011, 07:19:31 PM
>Don't mind her, make with the escaping. And then help shut the door if needs be.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 17, 2011, 07:48:39 PM
>Don't mind her, make with the escaping. And then help shut the door if needs be.

>You speed towards the door as quickly as you can.
>The sound of Flandre laughing behind you signifies that she's chasing Marisa now.
>You blast through the gap between the doors; just getting through.
>By the time you've rolled forward onto your feet and turned around, the doors have shut.

Loaned for Knowledge
>>Kanjou needed some books returning to Patchouli. Since he was busy, your task was to return them to her. This was a success; though you think Patchouli may not appreciate the raging Flandre you left with her.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2011, 07:53:34 PM
>Lean against the wall and catch our breath.
>Then look around and get our bearings. And look for signs of our prey...
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 17, 2011, 08:00:35 PM
>Lean against the wall and catch our breath.
>Then look around and get our bearings. And look for signs of our prey...

>You flop against the wall behind you and catch your breath; you just had one hell of an experience.
>Perhaps you'll think twice about bringing Flandre into the library.

>You begin to look around, only to find a group of fairy maids flying straight past you...
>"... I wasn't expecting you so soon."
>Along with a certain surprised head maid.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 17, 2011, 08:03:29 PM
>"Sakuya! How have you been?"
>Turn to greet her with a smile on your face, despite her unsightly disappearance earlier(dohohoho)
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 17, 2011, 08:15:45 PM
>"Sakuya! How have you been?"
>Turn to greet her with a smile on your face, despite her unsightly disappearance earlier(dohohoho)

>With a smile on your face, you turn to face the charming, yet very quick to vanish, maid of the mansion.
<"Sakuya! H...How have you been?"
>"Some what concerned with the noise coming from here." Sakuya says in her usual calm voice. "I can only hope you'll give me an explanation for this."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 17, 2011, 08:19:57 PM
>Do we have any idea where Sakuya's room might be?

It's a little late after running into her personally, but leaving her a 'retaliatary' note (love letter?) would be a cute thing to do.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2011, 08:25:45 PM
>"Marisa visited. And Flan was feeling rambunctious. It's probably best to let them handle it themselves."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 17, 2011, 08:30:54 PM
>"I was also returning some books on Kanjou's behalf."
>Do we remember any of the titles we returned?

Should we ask Sakuya about her disappearance earlier?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2011, 08:34:39 PM
>"I was also returning some books on Kanjou's behalf."

>Don't say this. It sounds like we're trying to explain off being up to something.

Should we ask Sakuya about her disappearance earlier?

Naw. No need to put her on the spot. We're trying to win her over, not guilt her. We'll save it for when we need to put her off guard if she gets too aggressive.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 17, 2011, 08:44:21 PM
>Have we ever tried giving Sakuya advice on new ways to torment Remilia?
>Has Aya ever gotten photos of such incidents?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 17, 2011, 08:48:25 PM
>Do we have any idea where Sakuya's room might be?
>Have we ever tried giving Sakuya advice on new ways to torment Remilia?
>Has Aya ever gotten photos of such incidents?

>Simply put, no. Finding random rooms is one thing, but you've never came across something that resembles her room.
>You have tried... A little anyway. Most have been met with such lines as 'I would never do such a thing to Milady.'
>Of course, she has gone ahead with a couple here and there; at least, that's what Aya has written up.
>One picture, however, was sent by Sakuya herself; she openly admitted it. The result was quite... spectacular.

>"Marisa visited. And Flan was feeling rambunctious. It's probably best to let them handle it themselves."
>"I was also returning some books on Kanjou's behalf."
>Do we remember any of the titles we returned?

<"Marisa visited."
>"Why does that not surprise me?"
<"And Flan was feeling ram...ram..."
>You stutter over your words; probably because you're still out of breath a little.
<"... very excited; so it's probably best to leave things alone in there."
>"Well, the little mistress is always in high spirits."
>Sakuya nods her head and signals some of the fairies to come to her.
>"Can I trust you all to keep a watch on things?"
>The fairies nod and fly away; only a couple stay around the doors.

>Sadly, you don't remember the titles of any of them.

>"Perhaps I should offer you a drink, if you're so worn out."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2011, 08:49:47 PM
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 17, 2011, 08:53:12 PM

>Your nicest smile is go!
>"Very well then. Please, follow me."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2011, 08:54:31 PM
>Follow that maid!
>"Sorry Keine gave you a hard time earlier, by the way."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 17, 2011, 09:03:36 PM
>Follow that maid!
>"Sorry Keine gave you a hard time earlier, by the way."

>The pair of you begin walking away from the library; of course, Sakuya guiding you around the corridors.

<"I'm sorry Keine gave you such a hard time earlier..."
>"Oh, it should be me that must apologise for leaving you in such a situation."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2011, 09:05:38 PM
>"No need to apologize, but it makes me happy you just did."
>Do we know where we're going?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 17, 2011, 09:14:20 PM
>"No need to apologize, but it makes me happy you just did."
>Do we know where we're going?

<"No need to apologize. Though it makes me happy you just did."

>Sakuya glances at you with a smile on her face.
>"I'm glad to hear that then."

>You're not that sure; though you think Sakuya might be taking you to one of the dining areas.
>Sure enough, a couple of corners later and Sakuya opens a couple of doors to your right.
>Inside is one of the smaller dining areas; probably used when Remilia doesn't want any trouble. The table is still fairly big length wise, despite the fact there are only two chairs.
>There are no windows in here.

>Sakuya stands at the door; gesturing for you to enter first.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2011, 09:20:47 PM
>Walk inside, and glance around. "Oooh, nice and understated."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 17, 2011, 09:26:06 PM
>Walk inside, and glance around. "Oooh, nice and understated."

>You head on inside and look around the room.
>Apart from the table and chairs, there's not much else. A nice pattern running along the wall, and a picture frame or two, but nothing much else.
<"Ooooh, nice and understated."
>"Well, what can I say? Milady always gets what she wants."
>"So, what would you like?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2011, 09:29:43 PM
>"I'll have what you're having."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 17, 2011, 10:20:22 PM
>"I'll have what you're having."

<"I'll have what you're having."

>Sakuya stands there with a slightly puzzled look on her face, before nodding.
>"Then I shall be back in a moment."
>Sakuya closes the door behind her; leaving you in the room for the time being.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2011, 10:21:47 PM
>Have a look around until Sakuya comes back.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 17, 2011, 11:36:14 PM
>Have a look around until Sakuya comes back.

>You begin to have a look around, but before you even begin, Sakuya is back with a silver tray.
>On top of said tray are two cups and a pot.
>There seems to be a few snacks around it too.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2011, 05:13:32 AM
>"Oh, nice."
>Let Sakuya have a seat, then take the seat next to her, rather than the typical across fashion.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 18, 2011, 05:29:24 PM
>"Oh, nice."
>Let Sakuya have a seat, then take the seat next to her, rather than the typical across fashion.

<"Oh, nice."
>"It's not much; but thank you all the same."

>She places the tray on the table and begins to pour what appears to be green tea into both cups; doing so at one of the empty chairs.
>You take this chance to move the other chair next to it; though it is a little heavier then you were expecting.
>Sakuya places the cup to her right, where you end up placing your chair, before sitting down herself.

>"I do hope the little mistress didn't cause you too much grief."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2011, 05:35:40 PM
>"Oh, she just shot at me a little bit; you know, the usual greeting around Gensokyo. She's cute as a button, anyways."
>Sample that tea.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 18, 2011, 05:43:44 PM
>"Oh, she just shot at me a little bit; you know, the usual greeting around Gensokyo. She's cute as a button, anyways."
>Sample that tea.

<"Oh, she just shot at me for a bit; you know, the usual greeting."
>"Well, she doesn't always greet everyone with danmaku..."
<"I meant Gensokyo in general."
>Sakuya chuckles a little as she takes a sip from her tea.
<"Still, she's as cute as a button..."
>"That maybe so, but I enjoy seeing Milady flus- as her elegant self."
>You take a taste of that tea; ah, so delicious.
.It's not hot enough to cause you to attempt to cool it down, and it makes you feel a little more relaxed.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2011, 05:48:19 PM
>"Oh, I think you enjoy both things. And that's fine~"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 18, 2011, 05:59:11 PM
>"Oh, I think you enjoy both things. And that's fine~"

>An opening?
<"Oh, I think you enjoy both things..."
>"I didn't say anything else in that line."
<"Yeah, don't worry; that's fine with me~"
>"...You're not tripping me up with any of your nonsense, Shino."

>She takes another sip of her drink before reaching for one of the snacks.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2011, 06:01:52 PM
>"Yeah, you're too crafty for me."
>Have a snack.
>"I'm happy you're able to take some time out to have tea with me, though. I was afraid you'd be too busy."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 18, 2011, 06:12:15 PM
>"Yeah, you're too crafty for me."
>Have a snack.
>"I'm happy you're able to take some time out to have tea with me, though. I was afraid you'd be too busy."

<"Yeah, you're too crafty for me."
>"I don't think being crafty has anything to do with it."

>You reach for a snack as well; you pick one of the cookies.
<"Well, I'm happy you're able to have tea with me at least. I mean, I thought you'd be too busy."
>Sakuya smiles at you.
>"Well, I've done most of the chores all ready. Time isn't an issue for me; you should know that."

>You bite down on the cookie; pretty soft actually. Not that hard at all; but still tasty.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2011, 06:13:23 PM
>"These are good. Did you make them?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 18, 2011, 06:19:20 PM
>"These are good. Did you make them?"

<"These are good! Did you make them?"
>"Why of course; I wouldn't be much of a maid if I couldn't make something like this."

>"Still, I must ask why you came here. Surely my note alone wouldn't have warranted a visit to the library?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2011, 06:21:31 PM
>"Oh, Kanjou wanted me take some books back. But, well, that's not why I came first thing."
>Rest our head on her shoulder.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 18, 2011, 06:28:20 PM
>"Oh, Kanjou wanted me take some books back. But, well, that's not why I came first thing."
>Rest our head on her shoulder.

<"Oh, well Kanjou wanted me to take some books back."
>"Ah, he must be busy as usual."
<"Even so, that's not why I decided to come in the first place..."
>Before Sakuya can say anything, you lean to your left and rest your head on her shoulder.
>Sakuya doesn't quite know how to react; you can't see her face clearly so you're not sure if she's blushing or not.
>"I... I guess that.. Erm... I'd prefer not to have to resort to fighting you again today."
>Her voice seemed a bit shaky at the start there.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2011, 06:30:20 PM
>"Fighting's the last thing on my mind."
>Stay like that for a bit, see how she takes it.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 18, 2011, 06:43:51 PM
>"Fighting's the last thing on my mind."
>Stay like that for a bit, see how she takes it.

<"Ugh, fighting's the last thing on my mind."
>"Well, you tend to start them most of the time."

>You keep your head on her shoulders for a bit; hoping to get something out of it.
>Sakuya fidgets a bit before placing her right arm around you; her hand resting on your right shoulder.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2011, 06:48:50 PM
>Yes, yesssss, the plan comes together...
>Put an arm around her waist, and hug,
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 18, 2011, 06:55:15 PM
>Yes, yesssss, the plan comes together...
>Put an arm around her waist, and hug,

>This plan... it's perfect~

>You slide your arm around her waist, before hugging her.
>Sakuya seems surprised by this; in fact, you're pretty sure...
>"Sh...Shino... Would you mind telling me what you're doing?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2011, 07:00:11 PM
>"If you want."
>Lift our head from her shoulder, and kiss her on the lips.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 18, 2011, 07:30:50 PM
>"If you want."
>Lift our head from her shoulder, and kiss her on the lips.

<"If you want to know..."
>You lift your head from her shoulder and look into her eyes.
>Her face is pretty red at the moment; no doubt she's blushing some what.
>Yet she's trying to remain as calm as ever; such a tough maid.

>You close in on her and kiss Sakuya on her lips.
>Her hand, instinctively, grips your shoulder and pushes you back; holding on to you all the while of course.
>"I... asked you to tell... not to do..."
>You can't tell if she's upset, angry, or just plain flustered.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2011, 07:42:14 PM
>"Don't worry, Sakuya. Everything is going to be fine."
>Move our face a bit closer.
>"You've done such a great job with this place, with everything. Let me do something for you for once, mm?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 18, 2011, 08:03:17 PM
>"Don't worry, Sakuya. Everything is going to be fine."
>Move our face a bit closer.
>"You've done such a great job with this place, with everything. Let me do something for you for once, mm?"

>You smile at her; showing no ill intent towards her.
<"Don't worry Sakuya. Everything's going to be fine."
>"What's that supposed to..."
>You start to move your face closer to her; though she is doing her best to keep that distance where it is.
<"You've done such a great job with this place; in fact, with everything in general."
>"You...You're just flattering me now..."
<"Come on, let me do something for you for once. Mm?"

>Sakuya continues to look at you; her grip is starting to loosen a little.
>"Bu... But Milady could..."
>She pauses mid-sentence, like she has just remembered something, and seems to relax a little more.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2011, 08:05:53 PM
>"Milady could what?"
>Get a bit closer.
>"She would be happy for you, wouldn't she? That you found someone who cares about you? Let's just enjoy things."
>If she doesn't seem like she's about to bolt, kiss her again.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 19, 2011, 12:53:05 AM
>"Milady could what?"
>Get a bit closer.
>"She would be happy for you, wouldn't she? That you found someone who cares about you? Let's just enjoy things."
>If she doesn't seem like she's about to bolt, kiss her again.

<"Hmm, Milady could what?"
>"Something like this... would be unsuitable..."
>You start to move a bit closer.
<"She would be happy for you, wouldn't she?"
>"I don't know about that..."
<"Happy that you found someone who cares about you?"
>"I...I only care for my... my..."
<"Shhh; let's just enjoy this, ok?"

>Sakuya glances at the door, but looks back at you and closes her eyes.
>You kiss her on the lips again.
>Once again, Sakuya's grip on you tightens; but... she's...
>The two of you are kissing.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2011, 12:54:47 AM
>Slip her some tongue. We've been good today, and we deserve it.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 19, 2011, 01:00:49 AM
>Slip her some tongue. We've been good today, and we deserve it.

>... ... ... ...
>Your mind, it can't handle this!

>You decide to fully engage in this kiss; tongue and all.
>To your, some what, surprise, Sakuya plays along.
>This moment... You're sure you deserved this.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2011, 01:03:21 AM
>Let's put those hands to work, having so cruelly denied them all day. But start slow: Sides, back, running through hair, then work toward others things.
>Is Sakuya doing anything else, herself?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 19, 2011, 01:17:02 AM
>Let's put those hands to work, having so cruelly denied them all day. But start slow: Sides, back, running through hair, then work toward others things.
>Is Sakuya doing anything else, herself?

>Time to do what we've been waiting for all day.

>Your hands begin to wander; slowly of course.
>One hand runs through her hair; so soft.
>Your other runs down her back a little, before coming round and gently gliding over her breasts.

>Sakuya's grip on your shoulder is still there.
>However, her free hand is running up your shirt.

>The kiss, of course, continues.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2011, 01:20:18 AM
>We've shown what can be mistaken for hesitation today. It was, of course, cunning and calculation to get to this point. Let it no longer be mistaken that we're going for the gold. Don't be rough or too grabby. But it's time. And let Saukya do as she likes as well.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 19, 2011, 01:29:16 AM
>We've shown what can be mistaken for hesitation today. It was, of course, cunning and calculation to get to this point. Let it no longer be mistaken that we're going for the gold. Don't be rough or too grabby. But it's time. And let Saukya do as she likes as well.

>Nothing can stop your grand plan now.

>You hand grabs her; resulting in a slight gasp from Sakuya.
>Her response? She grabs you as well.

>She pulls away from you for a few seconds; whispering into your ear.
>"Perhaps, we should continue this else where..."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2011, 01:32:15 AM
>Follow her lead.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 19, 2011, 01:53:08 AM
>Follow her lead.



... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
(Request something from me here and I will kill you.)
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

>You're not sure how much time has passed, but you're certain of one thing...
>You must be in heaven.
>Comfy, grand looking bed, elegant room, goals achieved and...
>Oh yes, the hand clasped in your hand.
>"You truly are a corrupt Maiden, you know."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2011, 01:58:36 AM
>There's probably some play on words to be made with Maid and Maiden, but not like we could think of it right now whilst basking in the after glow.
>Squeeze that hand. "Would you have it any other way?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 19, 2011, 02:06:15 AM
>There's probably some play on words to be made with Maid and Maiden, but not like we could think of it right now whilst basking in the after glow.
>Squeeze that hand. "Would you have it any other way?"

>If there was a pun in there, you didn't catch it. Not when you're currently revelling in this moment.
>You squeeze Sakuya's hand.

<"Would you have it any other way?"
>"It certainly wouldn't be you, now; would it?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2011, 02:07:48 AM
>Snuggle up to Sakuya for a bit.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 19, 2011, 02:14:28 AM
>Snuggle up to Sakuya for a bit.


>You snuggle up to Sakuya, who simply holds on to you.
>If time could pass slowly, you'd want this to never end.

>"I do wonder what they'll think..."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: The Unlimited RR on August 19, 2011, 04:01:57 AM
>"Whatever it is, it's nothing like what I'm feeling right now..."
>>Moar snuggles!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2011, 05:22:30 AM
>"I guess, if you're worried about that, we don't have to tell them anything."
>Stretch over and kiss her on the anything nearby. Lips are preferred, but anything will do.
>"But I can tell you, you're welcome to come over to the shrine any~ time~ you~ like~"
>Punctuate the last few words with more kisses.

So, now that we've gotten the gold, do we go for platinum and iridium and other theoretical medals?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 19, 2011, 06:12:35 AM
I can conceive of no reason Shino would not.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 19, 2011, 12:49:29 PM
Full steam ahead ma boi!

Also, should we throw in a "Ma petite fleure c?leste" in there?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 19, 2011, 02:25:17 PM
>"Whatever it is, it's nothing like what I'm feeling right now..."
>>Moar snuggles!
>"I guess, if you're worried about that, we don't have to tell them anything."
>Stretch over and kiss her on the anything nearby. Lips are preferred, but anything will do.
>"But I can tell you, you're welcome to come over to the shrine any~ time~ you~ like~"
>Punctuate the last few words with more kisses.

<"Well, whatever it is, it's nothing like what I'm feeling right now..."
>"Are you even..."
>She stops herself after you snuggle into her some more; to which she sighs.
<"If you're that worried about it, we don't have to tell them anything."
>You give her a quick kiss on the lips.
<"But I can tell you now that you're welcome to come over to the shrine any (kiss) time (kiss) you (kiss) like~"
>Sakuya some how manages to stop your last kiss attempt, before doing one of her own.
>"Well, I'll be sure to come over whenever it's possible."
>"Besides, I'm sure Kanjou will be more understanding then Milady; so it's probably for the best."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2011, 02:31:08 PM
The people have spoken.

>"He better be, or I'll set his bed on fire."
>Give her a good hug squeeze, and enjoy some more afterglow for a few minutes.
>After the requisite time, ask, "You're happy you did this, right?" Be care to take a tone that's doesn't imply the opposite is true, because clearly it's not, but rather trying to prompt her to say something nice.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 19, 2011, 02:48:04 PM
>"He better be, or I'll set his bed on fire."
>Give her a good hug squeeze, and enjoy some more afterglow for a few minutes.
>After the requisite time, ask, "You're happy you did this, right?" Be care to take a tone that's doesn't imply the opposite is true, because clearly it's not, but rather trying to prompt her to say something nice.

<"Pfft! He better be, or I'll set his bed on fire."
>Sakuya laughs at this.
>"Perhaps I should challenge him again if he does."
>You give her a good hug-squeeze; enjoying another few minutes of being close to Sakuya.

<"Sakuya... You are happy you did this, right?"
>Sakuya strokes your hair a little.
>"But of course." Comes her reply. "After all, I..."

>Knock, knock, knock.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2011, 03:13:48 PM
>Whisper, "Pretend we're asleep, or are you going to timestop us out of this?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 19, 2011, 03:25:06 PM
>Whisper, "Pretend we're asleep, or are you going to timestop us out of this?"

>Timing! Lovely timing!

>You whisper to Sakuya, who hasn't moved yet.
<"Pretend we're asleep... or are you thinking of time-stopping us out of this?"
>"It's a light knock... So you needn't worry."

>Knock, knock, knock.
>"Sakuya-sama. Are you in there?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2011, 03:50:43 PM
>Do we recognize the voice?
>Stay braced for things to change suddenly.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 19, 2011, 04:10:35 PM
>Do we recognize the voice?
>Stay braced for things to change suddenly.

>Nope, you don't recognize it at all.
>It's probably one of the fairy maids.

>You expect things to change suddenly but... they don't.
>In fact, Sakuya is still beside you. She sighs, however.
>"Voile is a mess."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2011, 04:40:12 PM
>"Oh. Well, that's Patchouli's problem, right?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 19, 2011, 06:01:54 PM
>"Oh. Well, that's Patchouli's problem, right?"

<"Oh... Well, that's Patchouli's problem... right?"
>Sakuya shakes her head a little.

>"If left as it is, Milady would certainly not be pleased."
>She seems to chuckle a little.
>"Besides, we need to make preparations for the evening. That can't be done if the library is in a state."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2011, 06:10:39 PM
>"Oh well...Well, you don't have to go right now, do you?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 19, 2011, 07:40:51 PM
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
(Request something from me here and I will kill you.)
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Requesting something from here  :trollface:

But in all seriousness,

>"After all, I'm not sure about you, but I quite like snuggling like this."
>Snuggle up closer.
>Add this to our list of conquests when we get back.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 19, 2011, 08:34:20 PM
>"Oh well...Well, you don't have to go right now, do you?"
>"After all, I'm not sure about you, but I quite like snuggling like this."
>Snuggle up closer.
>Add this to our list of conquests when we get back.

<"Oh well... you don't have to go right now, right? I mean, I don't know about you, but I quite like snuggling like this."
>You snuggle closer to Sakuya, who giggles a little and holds you.
>"Unfortunately, I don't have much of a choice. The fairies were outside Milady's room, so she's probably getting ready to inspect."

>You remind yourself to add this to your lovely list later.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 19, 2011, 08:37:20 PM
>Sigh, give Sakuya one last kiss.
>"In that case, I'll return to the shrine. But whenever you need anything, you know where I am <3"
>Gather clothes.
>"Wait... which way should I take out again?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2011, 08:41:50 PM
>"And when can I expect to see you again? Or come to see you again?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 19, 2011, 11:31:07 PM
>Sigh, give Sakuya one last kiss.
>"In that case, I'll return to the shrine. But whenever you need anything, you know where I am <3"
>Gather clothes.
>"Wait... which way should I take out again?"
>"And when can I expect to see you again? Or come to see you again?"

>You sigh a little as your time has come to an end, it seems.
>You give Sakuya another kiss before getting out of the bed.
<"In that case, I had best return to the shrine. But whenever you need something, you know where I am <3"
>"Indeed I do." Sakuya replies; who is starting to get dressed again.
>You decide to do the same, and gather your bag while you're at it.

<"Wait... which way do I go to get out?"
>"Oh, you don't need to worry about that; I'll make sure you find your way out."
>"Then when can I see you again? Or come to visit you? Or..."
>Sakuya catches you off guard with a kiss of her own.
>"You needn't worry about such things. You can expect me at any time."
>She glances at her pocket watch and grins a little.
>"In fact, I may require your mind later tonight; so perhaps you should expect an evening call."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2011, 11:51:41 PM
>"I will indeed."
>Get proper dressed and ready to go.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 20, 2011, 12:08:56 AM
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 20, 2011, 04:10:04 AM
>"I will indeed."
>Get proper dressed and ready to go.

<"Oh, I will indeed!"
>That grin appears on your face again; an interesting turn of events.

>You get fully dressed at last and gather your belongings.


>Casual Attire [Equipped]
>>What is this normallity?! Jeans? Another shirt? What is wrong with you? =P

>Currently in Pockets:
>>One Purse. Money Count: 1,512?.
>>One Piece of Paper. Sakuya's Note from the Village.

>Currently in Backpack:
>>Shrine Maiden Attire.
>>White 'Hell Proof' Towel.
>>One Purse. Money Count: 2,899?.
>>Notebook & Pen.
>>Bunbunmaru Newspaper

>Sakuya is fully dressed by now too; waiting at the door for you.

>"Shall we get a move on, then?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 20, 2011, 07:42:51 AM
>Follow her out.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 20, 2011, 10:03:09 PM
>Follow her out.

<"Mmm; let's."

>You follow her outside of the room to the familiar looking corridors.
>Seems like it'll be a little hard tracing it back to her room; though you do your best in remembering the direction some what.
>A couple of minutes later, you both reach the familiar looking doors that lead to the outside.

>"I do hope I've not kept you away from anything."
>Sakuya opens the door enough for you to be able to walk through it.
>"I suppose I'll see you soon, right?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 20, 2011, 10:06:46 PM
>"You didn't keep me from anything, what could be more important?"
>Start for the door.
>"I hope so."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 20, 2011, 10:43:30 PM
>"You didn't keep me from anything, what could be more important?"
>Start for the door.
>"I hope so."

<"Please; you didn't keep me from anything. After all, what could be more important?"
>Sakuya smiles a little more as you say that.
>"In which case, I'm sure I'll see you later."
<"I hope so."

>You start walking out of the door before Sakuya gives a goodbye kiss.
>"Goodbye, Shino."
>You wink at her as you leave the Mansion.

>Ah, the sunlight is quite welcoming after all that.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 20, 2011, 11:10:03 PM
>Aaaahhh, it's a good day.
>Glance toward the sky, try to estimate what time it is.
>Make our way toward home, get a nice strut to informer the haters of their role going. We've earned it.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 20, 2011, 11:33:06 PM
>Aaaahhh, it's a good day.
>Glance toward the sky, try to estimate what time it is.
>Make our way toward home, get a nice strut to informer the haters of their role going. We've earned it.

>Gensokyo sure is paradise right now...

>You look up to the sky; trying to put to work an ability that doesn't come natural to you at all.
>You're fairly sure it's afternoon now; maybe even lunch-time.

>You start heading to the gate; destination, home.
>Meiling sees you coming, strut and all, since what you've achieved is something to be proud of.
>She starts to open the gate for you as you approach her.


>Wait what? No Available Quests here? I call shenanigans!
>Well, your list could be a Quest Item; but that's a daily thing for you.  :derp:

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 20, 2011, 11:34:27 PM
>Do we have sunglasses?
>If not, pretend we do.
>"Well, I suppose that's where her spell-card 'Sakuyas world' comes from..."
>Put sunglasses on.
>"And then there was me."
>"...Actually wait no, this is in poor taste. I wish her the best and hope to see her again soon."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 20, 2011, 11:39:57 PM
>"Lo, Meiling. Any problems out here?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 21, 2011, 12:29:34 AM
>Do we have sunglasses?
>If not, pretend we do.
>"Well, I suppose that's where her spell-card 'Sakuyas world' comes from..."
>Put sunglasses on.
>"And then there was me."
>"...Actually wait no, this is in poor taste. I wish her the best and hope to see her again soon."

>Surprisingly, you don't. Oh well, you'd love to rub this moment in either way.
>Though, it's not the same without them.

[What's this? An omake scene? Viewable at the End of Quest.]

>"Lo, Meiling. Any problems out here?"

>As you come closer to Meiling, you decide to acknowledge her.

<"Lo Meiling. Any problems out here?"
>Meiling grins and stands a little straighter.
>"No problems here, ma'am." She says sort of playfully. "Apparently, Marisa blew through one of the barriers out back; but nothing that can't be fixed I guess."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 21, 2011, 12:35:31 AM
>"She does that. Just put it on her tab."
>Pause for a moment.
>"Hey, I've been wondering. When do you get time off?"

Not planning on chasing Meiling. Yet.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 21, 2011, 12:44:39 AM
Good Idea.

Also, Omake? Sounds interesting.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 21, 2011, 11:54:49 AM
>"She does that. Just put it on her tab."
>Pause for a moment.
>"Hey, I've been wondering. When do you get time off?"

<"Yeah, she does that. Just put it on her tab."
>"Patchouli never hears the end of it, though."

>You stand there in silence for a bit before continuing on.
<"Hey, I've been wondering... When do you get time off?"
>Meiling chuckles a bit before leaning against the wall, now that the gates are closed again.
>"Well, if I get a day off, who's going to guard the Mansion? The fairies? Unlikely; they'll just mess around."
>Meiling pauses for a bit.
>"Unless, of course, Remilia needs an extra hand with errands for whatever reason. Then the fairies have to guard if 'Milady' doesn't find someone to fill in temporarily."
>Seems like she said that part as if to sound like a maid.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 21, 2011, 12:30:28 PM
>"So pretty much no. That's a shame. What do you guys do at night?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 22, 2011, 01:59:17 AM
>"So pretty much no. That's a shame. What do you guys do at night?"

<"... So no, pretty much?"
>"I suppose so; though I am allowed to have picnics and stuff out here providing I keep my guard up..."
>Meiling looks past the gates at this point.
>"And that Remilia doesn't catch me in the process.

<"That's a shame. What do you guys do at night then?"
>"That depends on Remilia. Me? It gives me a chance to go inside for a bit, since everyone is outside by that point... most of the time"
>Meiling seems to laugh a little here.
>"Funny how that works, huh?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 22, 2011, 10:01:08 AM
>"Yeah, for a certain kind of funny. Anyway, I'll see you later. Have a good day!"
>Depart townward, on foot.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 22, 2011, 04:40:25 PM
>"Yeah, for a certain kind of funny. Anyway, I'll see you later. Have a good day!"
>Depart townward, on foot.

<"Yeah, for a certain kind of funny..."
>You wave at Meiling as you start to set off.
<"Well, I'll see you later. Have a good day!"
>"Yeah, you too!"
>Meiling waves at you as you leave; walking on foot of course.

>Your belly growls a little.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 22, 2011, 04:56:00 PM
>How far is it back to civilization, and foodstuffs?
>Do we know of any places along the way?
>...What is along the way, anyways?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 22, 2011, 06:15:25 PM
>How far is it back to civilization, and foodstuffs?
>Do we know of any places along the way?
>...What is along the way, anyways?

>Not far. The lake is in front of you; so flying over that would be quicker then walking around it.
>On the way back, it's normally the lake and a sort of mini-forest area; which is on the other end of the lake.
>After that, it's plain sailing into the village. In fact, you'd probably hit the back of your shrine first as a result.

>Come to think of it, it's starting to get pretty misty around here.
>Ah, it certainly is the afternoon then!

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 22, 2011, 06:55:23 PM
>Fly on through if it's that much faster.
>Is there anything in the woodlands or the plain on the way back to town?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 22, 2011, 07:14:08 PM
>Fly on through if it's that much faster.
>Is there anything in the woodlands or the plain on the way back to town?

>You decide to shrug off the mist and fly on through it; since your flying speed is quicker than your walking speed.

>You don't recall there being much, of importance, to you at least. Fairies are usually spotted around the woods, and as for the plains, you see fellow humans wander around them, some of them tend to stuff outside the village; but not too far out.
>Youkai have been known to appear, but not nearly as much as they tend to do in the forests.

>Whilst you can't really see that far, thankfully, nothing attempts to stop and you eventually emerge into a visible path again.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 22, 2011, 07:32:18 PM
>Fly above the visible path-who knows what we might spot?
>Also what are we wearing?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 22, 2011, 09:31:50 PM
>Fly above the visible path-who knows what we might spot?
>Also what are we wearing?

>You continue your flying; maybe something noticeable will jump out at you.
>Or not... Just normal life as always. Oh well; least the shrine is getting closer.

>You're wearing... Your Casual Attire
>>What is this normallity?! Jeans? Another shirt? What is wrong with you? =P

>Wait a minute... There's something standing on top of the Shrine.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 22, 2011, 09:35:21 PM
>What colours can we identify from here?
>Moreover, do we know who it is?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 22, 2011, 09:47:02 PM
>What colours can we identify from here?
>Moreover, do we know who it is?

>Nothing stands out to you just yet.
>Oh wait... her skirt seems purple...
>You're beginning to convince yourself it's Hatate; Aya's rival tengu.

>As you get closer to the shrine, you call out to her.

>You hear someone, somewhere, echo your call; much to your amusement.
>The tengu notices you and simply waves; but doesn't take off.

>In fact, she seems to glance back the other way; almost like she's not paying that much attention to you at all.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 22, 2011, 09:52:25 PM
>Slip up on her from behind, and...HUGS!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 22, 2011, 10:13:02 PM
>Slip up on her from behind, and...HUGS!

>... Fine!

>You dart straight for her.
>The second you're in range...
>You grab the tengu from behind and hug her.
>She immediately falls forward.

>The two of you land in a heap on the floor; missing whoever was sitting there in the...

>"How did you not see that coming?"

>Oh, it's him again.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 22, 2011, 10:15:14 PM
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 22, 2011, 11:06:58 PM


>You tighten your hold on Hatate; who yells a little.
>"H..H..EY! Get off, will ya?"

>Hatate is flailing a bit, while Kanjou laughs.
>"This is... quite the scene."
>"Wha... You're... Supposed to help!"
>"Really? Maybe I should tell Shino you're ticklish..."
>"You're not helping!"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 22, 2011, 11:09:03 PM
I c whut u did thar

>We did deliver the books, right?
>If so, say
>"Books got delivered, Cap'n!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 22, 2011, 11:17:12 PM
>Then administer tickles. We wouldn't want to disappoint bossman.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 23, 2011, 12:29:05 AM
>We did deliver the books, right?
>If so, say
>"Books got delivered, Cap'n!"
>Then administer tickles. We wouldn't want to disappoint bossman.

>Of course you did.
>From your current hugging state on the floor, you manage to look up at Kanjou.
<"Books got delivered, Cap'n!"
>"I'm glad you got it done so quickly."

>You then decide to take his lovely words to heart... and start to tickle Hatate.
>Hatate is now flailing twice as much as before; laughing as you do so.
>"Kyaha! No.. NO! Sto.. Stop that! HATATATA! Let goooooo~"

>Kanjou is simply smiling at this; laughing to himself whilst taking a drink from his cup in the process.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 23, 2011, 12:50:57 AM
>Keep it up!
>And maybe subtly add Hatate to the list when an opening presents itself.
>What is our relation and exploitation status with Hatate?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 23, 2011, 01:22:46 AM
>Keep it up!
>And maybe subtly add Hatate to the list when an opening presents itself.
>What is our relation and exploitation status with Hatate?

>The tickling, you must not stop!
>Hatate is trying her best to get out of your grip, but it isn't working.

>You manage to tickle her across the top part of her chest; to which she squeals a little.
>"Oh; she's going red."

>Well, your relation with Hatate is everything it is right now. Friendly and playful.
>Though you're sure you've seen her act serious before, she has never been like that in front of you.
>As a result, Hatate plays with you because you support Aya more then her.
>You stand against this by picking fun with her when you have the chance; neither of you mind for some reason.

>This, however, is the first time you've managed to get her properly.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 23, 2011, 01:28:56 AM
>Have we ever made out with anyone in front of Kanjou?
>Oh well, he's encouraging us: Let's keep tickling, at least. Maybe sneak a little squeeze on those mounds of hers~
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 23, 2011, 01:42:50 AM
>Have we ever made out with anyone in front of Kanjou?
>Oh well, he's encouraging us: Let's keep tickling, at least. Maybe sneak a little squeeze on those mounds of hers~

>No, you haven't.

>You keep up the tickling; though it sounds like Hatate is really getting flustered here.
>Since you've tickled that part, you decide to sneak a grab while you're at it.
>If she wasn't red before, she certainly must be now.
>Over Hatate's laughing/squealing, you can hear some movement.

>"I think that's quite enough now."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 23, 2011, 01:49:29 AM
>"Awww. And it was just getting good."
>Let her go. Reluctantly. Try to avoid retaliation.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 23, 2011, 01:54:19 AM
>And poke her in the side.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 23, 2011, 01:58:02 AM
>"Awww. And it was just getting good."
>Let her go. Reluctantly. Try to avoid retaliation.
>And poke her in the side.

<"Awww. But it was just getting good!"
>You release your grip on her, after a few seconds of not wanting to do so, before rolling away from any additional flail attacks.

>"Ah.. ha... one of these days, you're going to..."
>Hatate flinches again, before diving for your leg. She misses, thankfully.

>"Now that you're on your feet, welcome back."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 23, 2011, 02:04:53 AM
>"Thanks, boss. What's going on, anyways?"
>Glance at Hatate for emphasis.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 23, 2011, 02:35:03 AM
>"I didn't interrupt any flirtings, I hope?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 23, 2011, 02:43:45 AM
>"Thanks, boss. What's going on, anyways?"
>Glance at Hatate for emphasis.

<"Hehe, thanks boss."
>"You really don't need to call me that."
<"So, what's going on?"
>You glance at Hatate, who is finally off the floor, and back at Kanjou.
<"I didn't interrupt any flirting, I hope?"
>Kanjou chuckles a bit before picking his cup off the shrine's floor.
>"Someone would have my head if I did something like that. I'm just tidying up some loose ends."
>He looks at Hatate this time.
>"It will be done, right?"
>"O...Of course! Excuse me!"

>With that, Hatate leaps off and takes to the sky.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 23, 2011, 02:49:40 AM
>"What kind of loose ends?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 23, 2011, 02:58:10 AM
>"What kind of loose ends?"

<"What kind of loose ends?"

>Kanjou takes his seat on the shrine's floor again and sips from his cup.
>"Lunar loose ends. Hatate told me that Aya is still digging around; which isn't that bad since I know how news-reporters love dishing out stuff after an event like that."
>He sighs at this point.
>"But some unknown oni got involved too. According to Hatate, she has gone underground; so she's simply making sure that it's just a one-off thing and nothing too serious."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 23, 2011, 02:59:31 AM
>Do we know what he's talking about?
>If not: "Huh?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 23, 2011, 03:01:52 AM
>It wouldn't do to have Aya hurt... those photos are great to have!
>Do we know where the/an entrance to the Underground is, should we wish to follow?
>Ponder the bust size of these anonymous oni.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 23, 2011, 07:11:48 AM
>So does that mean we're part of the Kanjou Mafia now?
>"You sure she's gonna be OK down there?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 23, 2011, 01:43:32 PM
>Do we know what he's talking about?
>If not: "Huh?"

>Nope, you have no idea.
>"The less you know, the better." Kanjou winks at you. "That oni is new here, so I'd give her time to settle down before you decide to go diving at her."

>It wouldn't do to have Aya hurt... those photos are great to have!
>Do we know where the/an entrance to the Underground is, should we wish to follow?
>Ponder the bust size of these anonymous oni.

>A hurt Aya means no photos for you.
>From what you remember, the entrance was in the mountains... somewhere.
>You do, however, know of an additional entrance at the Youkai Mountain; Sanae let it slip a while back whilst you were pushing for information.
>Too soon.

>So does that mean we're part of the Kanjou Mafia now?
>"You sure she's gonna be OK down there?"
>Mafia? You're pretty sure he wouldn't run such a thing. Though he does have [SPOILERS!]
<"Are you sure she's gonna be OK down there?"
>Kanjou nods and places his cup down.
>"She'll be fine. Unlike Aya, who'll stop to get a photo of everything, Hatate will focus on the main task at hand. I have every bit of faith that Hatate will manage it with no problem."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 23, 2011, 01:59:22 PM
>"So who is this oni, anyways? I mean, they don't just pop out of thin air. ...Do they?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 23, 2011, 02:48:40 PM
>"So who is this oni, anyways? I mean, they don't just pop out of thin air. ...Do they?"

<"So who is this oni anyway?"
>"If I knew that, I'd probably tell you."
<"They can't just pop out of thin air... Right?"
>Kanjou rubs his forehead a bit.
>"If it was Yukari's idea of a joke, I wouldn't be surprised."

>Kanjou looks at you a little closer.
>"We've had a couple of visitors today, apparently. Perhaps you'd better stick around for a bit. No one will donate to an empty shrine now, will they?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 23, 2011, 03:14:37 PM
>"Anyone I'd recognize?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 23, 2011, 03:20:41 PM
>"Sure thing. We expecting anyone to come by?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 23, 2011, 03:41:07 PM
>"Anyone I'd recognize?"
>"Sure thing. We expecting anyone to come by?"

<"Was it anyone I would have recognized?"
>"I was only told about it by Keine; I didn't actually see who they were."
<"Ok then! Erm... Are we expecting anyone to come by?"
>"Your guess is as good as mine."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 23, 2011, 10:33:55 PM
>"I'll hold down the fort, then, unless there's some emergency."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 12:53:09 AM
>"I'll hold down the fort, then, unless there's some emergency."

<"Well, I'll hold down the fort then... Unless there's some emergency."
>Kanjou sighs and looks up to the sky,
>"I'm pretty sure there won't be any incidents any time soon. Hurry up now, will you?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2011, 12:57:39 AM
>"Yeah, yeah, lemme get changed."
>Head inside!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 01:07:37 AM
>"Yeah, yeah, lemme get changed."
>Head inside!

<"Hai, hai! Lemme get changed then."
>"Take your time."

>You wander into the shrine; making sure you close the doors behind you to stop anyone peeking.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2011, 01:24:25 AM
>Head to our room, take appropriate measures against interlopers, and change into our shrine maiden garb.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 02:09:38 AM
>Head to our room, take appropriate measures against interlopers, and change into our shrine maiden garb.

>No one shall be sneaking around and no one shall see you.

>A few minutes later, you are now in your shrine maiden attire.
>>It's the same sort of design as Reimu & Sanae; in other words, the 'default' attire. Yours, however, is a dark purple in the places where it would be red or blue.
>>Your skirt is plain, like Reimu; though there is the odd black heart now and then. You're still in the process of making different versions; so it's pretty simple right now.
>>Of course, everyone knows a maiden has detached sleeves. Yours are purple at the top, in the middle and at the end of the sleeve.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2011, 02:24:52 AM
>Return to the front of the shrine.
>Assuming Kanjou's there, says, "You happy now? I'll watch this dump, you go do your thing."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 02:38:03 AM
>Return to the front of the shrine.
>Assuming Kanjou's there, says, "You happy now? I'll watch this dump, you go do your thing."

>You head back out into the front of the shrine.
>Kanjou is still sitting there.
<"Right, happy now? Now you go and do your thing while I watch over this..."
>You notice that something has changed slightly. There are cupcakes around Kanjou.
>"Whoever said anything about me leaving?"
>Kanjou holds out one of the cakes to you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2011, 02:44:41 AM
>"You did, because you were talking about empty shrines and stuff."
>Take a cupcake! Devour!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 02:52:25 AM
>"You did, because you were talking about empty shrines and stuff."
>Take a cupcake! Devour!

>You frown; swiping the cupcake from him as you do.
<"You did! You were talking about empty shrines and stuff."
>"I was on about our shrine, silly."
>You eat through it instantly. Ah; so sweet! Strawberry flavoured too.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 24, 2011, 02:54:29 AM
>Do we associate strawberries with anything in particular?
>"Mmm, awesome."
>Try for another one.
>Do we have any idea where he might have gotten these? If not, ask.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2011, 02:54:37 AM
>Through mouthfuls of cupcake: "Yeah, if you were going to leave, it'd be empty. If you were staying, it wouldn't be."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 03:10:57 AM
>Do we associate strawberries with anything in particular?
>"Mmm, awesome."
>Try for another one.
>Do we have any idea where he might have gotten these? If not, ask.

>Not really; they just so happen to be a fruit you really like.
<"Mmm, awesome~"
>You go for another one and succeed.
>"Guess you like them then?"
>You have a sneak feeling that he wouldn't have been able to get hold of them that quickly...
<"Mmhm! How did you get these?"
>"A delivery. They came whilst you were in there."

>Through mouthfuls of cupcake: "Yeah, if you were going to leave, it'd be empty. If you were staying, it wouldn't be."

>You eat through another cup-cake, and leave your manners behind.
<"If yof were goif to leaf, it'f be empf. If you were faying, it wouldn't."
>Kanjou laughs a little.
>"Can a guy not take a break? Honestly."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2011, 03:13:27 AM
>"Oh, who sent 'em?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 03:09:27 PM
>"Oh, who sent 'em?"

<"Oh, who sent 'em?"
>"Why a charming human who wanted to thank us for our hard work."
>Kanjou smiles and chomps down on one of the cakes. To his side, you see a copy of a newspaper.
>"So, you going to tell me what happened out there?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2011, 03:20:51 PM
>"I got your books back, I didn't open the boring cursed one before you asked, Marisa dropped in, Flandre decided to play, and I got to have a nice spot of tea with Sakuya. It was a nice visit."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 03:29:09 PM
>"I got your books back, I didn't open the boring cursed one before you asked, Marisa dropped in, Flandre decided to play, and I got to have a nice spot of tea with Sakuya. It was a nice visit."

<"Well, I got your books back; I didn't open the boring book before you ask."
>"I wasn't going to."
<"That's when Marisa dropped in! Flandre decided to play at the same time. After that, I got to have a nice spot of tea with Sakuya."
>You giggle a little bit here.
<"All in all, a nice visit."
>Kanjou looks out toward the village and grins a little.
>"Tea? With Sakuya? With all of that going on? Next you'll tell me you two are lovers or something."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2011, 03:32:21 PM
>"And why would I tell you that? We just thought it was best to let Marisa and Patche handle it, since it was their fault anyways."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 03:45:18 PM
>"And why would I tell you that? We just thought it was best to let Marisa and Patche handle it, since it was their fault anyways."

<"And why would I tell you that? We just thought it was best to let Marisa and Patche handle it."
>"Hmm, if it happened in the library, I could see Sakuya leaving it be."
<"It was their fault anyway."
>"Any incident that happens at Voile is ALWAYS caused by Marisa."

>He sort of chuckles at this.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2011, 03:51:21 PM
>"I dunno, that little devil probably causes some trouble, too."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 05:56:20 PM
>"I dunno, that little devil probably causes some trouble, too."

<"I dunno, that little devil probably cause some trouble too."
>"I know, I know."

>Kanjou takes another bite out of the cakes and begins to stand up.
>"Here come the kids."
>He isn't joking. There seem to be a group of children running towards the shrine.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2011, 06:03:58 PM
>Get our game face on.
>What do we usually end up doing with kids?
>Do we recognize any of them?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 06:10:32 PM
>Get our game face on.
>What do we usually end up doing with kids?
>Do we recognize any of them?

>You don't really have a game face... but you have a BROOM! Which you did not steal, by the way. Not really, anyway.
>You start sweeping as a result; looking like you're doing stuff.

>Amuse them, mostly. They normally come to make a donation once every week; though some like to come running around because 'you're a funny girl.'
>You try to teach them... stuff, but it's either Keine who intervenes or Kanjou, who has just floated up onto the roof of the shrine.
>He left the cakes behind, though. Wonder if that was intentional?

>They are from the school; so you're bound to recognize them.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2011, 06:28:53 PM
>Let the little buggers approach.
>"Hey kids! How was class?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 06:56:12 PM
>Let the little buggers approach.
>"Hey kids! How was class?"

>Nothing you can do to stop them.
>As they come closer, you can see most of them smiling; that's always a good sign.
<"Hey kids! How was class?"
>"It was fuuuuun!"
>"And kind of scary... Miss Keine can be scary."
>"But it was funny; she had a knife in her hat."
>"Miss Kanjou, can knives be used to make a hat look nice?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2011, 07:18:23 PM
>"Well, you know how weird fashion can be. What'd you all learn in class today?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 10:21:03 PM
>"Well, you know how weird fashion can be. What'd you all learn in class today?"

<"Well, you know how weird fashion can be."
>You chuckle to yourself on that one.
<"So, what did you all learn in class today?"
>"I learnt not to annoy Keine-sensei!"
>"I learnt how not to use a knife."
>"I learnt not to ask Keine-sensei silly questions."
>Sounds like a non-learning day.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2011, 10:32:22 PM
>"The lesson is, don't fire off danmaku in town. Unless you're Yuka."
>Lead them over toward a nice place on the grounds for them to play.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 10:53:14 PM
>"The lesson is, don't fire off danmaku in town. Unless you're Yuka."
>Lead them over toward a nice place on the grounds for them to play.

>You can't help but laugh; children are just so amusing.
<"The lesson is, don't fire off danmaku in town. Unless you're Yuuka."
>No sooner have you mentioned Yuuka, most of the kids either squeak or shudder.
>A couple of them don't; but just nod their heads in what you think is them understanding.

>You attempt to lead them to a place to play, but a couple have wandered up to the donation box.
>A few others are looking at the cakes.
>"Miss Kanjou... May we have one, please?"

>There's one kid, in particular, who has started to tug on one of your sleeves.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2011, 10:54:15 PM
>Are there enough cakes to feed the munchkin horde?
>Look at sleeve-tugger.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 11:00:19 PM
>Are there enough cakes to feed the munchkin horde?
>Look at sleeve-tugger.

>Surprisingly, yes. That must have been a bigger delivery then you thought.

>You look at the sleeve-tugger and notice the girl in question has short, messy hair, with an odd mark down her cheek.
>"Where's Kazami?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 24, 2011, 11:07:54 PM
>Do we know of a Kazami besides Kazami Yuuka?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 24, 2011, 11:21:24 PM
>Do we know of a Kazami besides Kazami Yuuka?

>Not that you're aware of... Though it's not the first time someone has come asking for Kazami at the shrine.
>Come to think of it, you know this girl. She was attacked by a youkai not long ago, but was saved and taken into the village.
>The mark is what the youkai caused.
>It still looks kind of painful, even now.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2011, 11:46:22 PM
>Frown: "Which Kazami?"
>To the group, "Line up, I'll give you each one."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 25, 2011, 12:49:50 AM
>Frown: "Which Kazami?"
>To the group, "Line up, I'll give you each one."

>You turn to the group first; best to stop them running amok.
<"Line up first; then I'll give you each one."
>A chorus of 'YAYS' and such draw all the kids into a smart looking line.

>You turn back to the child by you and frown at her.
<"Which Kazami?"
>"Kazami Kazami~"
>"Now now; you can't go demanding her all the time."
>Oh, if it isn't Keine.

>She manages to get the girl to join the others in the line.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 25, 2011, 12:53:24 AM
>Go distribute pastries. One per kid.
>"Oh, hey Sensei. What brings you?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 25, 2011, 01:01:02 AM
>Go distribute pastries. One per kid.
>"Oh, hey Sensei. What brings you?"

>You gather the cakes and start to hand them to each of them, one by one.
>Once they all have one...
>"Thank you, Miss Kanjou."
>They say this and circle around a bit; eating, laughing and generally playing about.

<"Oh hey Sensei. What brings you here?"
>"Oh, just making sure that you don't start anything."
>Damn that teacher. She chuckles a little bit; so for once, she might actually be joking.
>"Well, actually, I just wanted to make sure they were ok. A teacher can grow close to their students, you know."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 25, 2011, 01:03:44 AM
>"Did you think something was going to happen to them? They shouldn't have anything to worry about in town."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 25, 2011, 01:49:40 AM
>"Did you think something was going to happen to them? They shouldn't have anything to worry about in town."

<"Did you think something was going to happen to them?"
>"We...well not really..."
<"They're in the village. They shouldn't have anything to worry about."
>Keine sighs and nods in agreement.

>"I know. It's just... I've been getting a little restless lately."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 25, 2011, 01:52:44 AM
>"Why, what's been bothering you?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: The Unlimited RR on August 25, 2011, 01:56:39 AM
>"I know. It's just... I've been getting a little restless lately."

>Must be that time of the month, eh? Sorry, sorry.  I should be hanged for that.
>"Trust me, you've got nothing to worry about.  I'm sure they'll be okay!"
>Offer whatever tea you have in hand
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 25, 2011, 03:45:58 PM
>"Why, what's been bothering you?"
>Must be that time of the month, eh? Sorry, sorry.  I should be hanged for that.
>"Trust me, you've got nothing to worry about.  I'm sure they'll be okay!"
>Offer whatever tea you have in hand

I'll deal with you later. =P

<"What's been bothering you?"
>"It's... I'm not quite sure myself."
>She looks pretty concerned.
>"It's like... When you've seen so much happen, I guess it starts to play with your mind a bit. But... it's worrying because it seems so real..."
<"Trust me, you've got nothing to worry about. I'm sure they'll be okay!"

>"Shino's right, Keine."
>Ah; when did he get behind you?!
>"Even if something happens, you're not alone in protecting this village. Byakuren's troubles aside, that temple will keep the balance. And we'll always lend you a hand."
>Since there's some tea that's still warm around, you decide to offer some to Keine.
>Keine smiles a little bit and nods.
>"You're right... And thank you."
>She accepts the tea.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 25, 2011, 03:57:08 PM
>"And if it's anything big, you know Li'l Reirei's going to on it it was a free buffet."
>Has anything bad happened lately?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 25, 2011, 04:24:14 PM
>"And if it's anything big, you know Li'l Reirei's going to on it it was a free buffet."
>Has anything bad happened lately?

<"And if it's anything big, you know Li'l Reirei is going to be on it like it was a free buffet."
>Kanjou chuckles; so to does Keine.
>"Well, with three shrine maidens around, I certainly shouldn't be worried."

>Not really. There was a rumour running around that an infamous youkai known only as 'Len' was running around after the Lunar War had ended; attempting to kill people in the name of 'vengeance.' According to Hatate, it was true. Aya, however, believes it was simply a rumour to scare people; since Hatate was never able to back it up with a photo.
>Other then that, not much. Just the odd youkai attack

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 25, 2011, 04:52:58 PM
>"So we can mostly just relax. And make sure they don't mess with Yuka..."
>Offer Keine a pasty.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 25, 2011, 06:00:04 PM
>"So we can mostly just relax. And make sure they don't mess with Yuka..."
>Offer Keine a pasty.

<"So we can mostly just relax."
>You follow up your tea offer with food. Keine gladly accepts and sits on the floor of the shrine.
>Kanjou follows suit.
>"If it could stay like this, I'd be very happy."
<"Now we just have to make sure they don't mess with Yuuka."
>"Oh I'm sure Yuuka won't be a problem at all." Kanjou responds.
>"Well, she hasn't caused any incidents in the village lately; so I'm beginning to believe that."

>The kids are scattering off for now; looks like they are going to play elsewhere now.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 25, 2011, 06:15:04 PM
>Precious flowers of the future they are...the li'l cake-grubbing jerks.
>"What has been happening lately, Sensei? You're usually on top of these things."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 25, 2011, 07:38:50 PM
>Precious flowers of the future they are...the li'l cake-grubbing jerks.
>"What has been happening lately, Sensei? You're usually on top of these things."

>Our future generation... cake-wanting little... MEH!

<"What has been happening lately, Sensei? You're usually on top of these sort of things."
>"And trust me, I still am... but..."
>Keine sighs and takes a drink.
>"I can only do so much; even with an ability such as mine."
>"It's not like everyone else doesn't feel..."
>Kanjou stops himself and glances at you.

>He looks serious all of a sudden...
>In fact... something seems wrong...

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 25, 2011, 07:45:07 PM
>"You look like I'm going to really hate what I have to say next."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 25, 2011, 09:23:28 PM
>"You look like I'm going to really hate what I have to say next."

<"You look like I'm going to really hate whatever is said next."
>"That depends on if you think it's too quiet or not."

>Come to think of it... it really is quiet.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 25, 2011, 10:00:21 PM
>"Well the kids left..."
>Sigh, look around.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 25, 2011, 11:02:21 PM
>"Quiet before the storm is all I can think of... wait."
>Can we see any villagers passing by? Any signs of life?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 26, 2011, 06:03:25 PM
>"Well the kids left..."
>Sigh, look around.
>"Quiet before the storm is all I can think of... wait."
>Can we see any villagers passing by? Any signs of life?

<"Well, the kids left...."
>You look around and see... nothing?!
>Everyone has gone. No people around except you, Kanjou, and Keine.

<"...M...Maybe it's the calm before the storm..."
>"But they were here..."
>Keine seems some what surprised and goes to stand up.
>Kanjou, however, places a hand on her shoulder.
>"I wouldn't move..."
>He's still whispering; and is focused on the empty scene in front of you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 26, 2011, 06:05:10 PM
>Observe this empty scene. Try to pick out of anything seems off.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 26, 2011, 06:14:24 PM
>Observe this empty scene. Try to pick out of anything seems off.

>You stare into the empty village; attempting to see if anything seems wrong.
>Apart from the lack of people, nothing else seems wrong.
>It's almost like someone put up...
>Kanjou leaps forward; rolling in mid-air whilst sending two dark purple balls forward.
>That aura; it's his energy.
>The balls shoot forward and collide with each other; sending out a barely noticeable shock-wave, of sorts.
>Something ghost like appears briefly, before vanishing.
>As Kanjou lands, people start to re-appear slowly.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 26, 2011, 06:17:48 PM
>"An illusion?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 26, 2011, 06:25:28 PM
>"Awww, you should have let be break it!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 26, 2011, 06:43:26 PM
>"An illusion?"
>"Awww, you should have let be break it!"

<"An illusion?"
>"It would seem so."
<"Awwwww. You should have let me break it!"
>"I think you break too many things as it is." Keine mutters.
>Kanjou looks around before walking back to the pair of you.
>"That was strange... it felt... different."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 26, 2011, 06:55:44 PM
>"So who did that, anyways?"
>Look around for suspects.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 26, 2011, 07:10:27 PM
>"So who did that, anyways?"
>Look around for suspects.

<"So who did that, anyways?"
>You quickly look around for potential suspects. No one catches your eye though.

>"I don't know." Kanjou shrugs. "I can't see Reisen doing something like this. Any ideas Keine?"
>Keine shakes her head.
>"The only thing I can think of, other then it being an illusion, was that it was a barrier..."
>Kanjou sighs.
>"But would she, of all people, do something like this on a whim; knowing people are going to get suspicious?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 26, 2011, 07:13:51 PM
>That wasn't us, was it?
>What do we know of Yukari and Reimu? They're technically both candidates, after all!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 26, 2011, 07:22:52 PM
>That wasn't us, was it?
>What do we know of Yukari and Reimu? They're technically both candidates, after all!

>Of course not. Why would you do such a thing?

>You know Yukari well; pretty well. Well enough to have been thrown through her gaps more times then you can count.
>At least she enjoys your company; listening to you sprout memes from nowhere and actually recognizing them makes her amazing. She still gaps you away when you try assaulting her though.

>As for Reimu, rival. Enough said. Reimu is not happy you were there when the shrine first appeared. She's also not happy with your conduct; calling you a 'fake miko who got lucky.'
>It probably doesn't help that she and Kanjou have... bad blood, to say the least. You're not sure how that all started, but you know well enough that Reimu & Kanjou do not get along.
>The only time they do is when Gensokyo is in trouble... And even then, Reimu still doesn't get along with him.

>Reimu aside, you're pretty sure Yukari could be behind this, since she could feasibly be any place, any time.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 26, 2011, 08:56:22 PM
>"What, you mean Reimu?"
>Kanjou might appreciate the joke, at least...
>"What was that ghost thing, though?"
>Did the ghost look molestable?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 26, 2011, 09:25:37 PM
>"What, you mean Reimu?"
>Kanjou might appreciate the joke, at least...
>"What was that ghost thing, though?"
>Did the ghost look molestable?

<"What, you mean Reimu?"
>Keine, who had just started drinking, spits out her drink instantly.
>Kanjou looks like he's trying not to laugh.
>"I...I'm pretty sure she wouldn't 'cause' an incident; not this, anyway."
<"That reminds me, what was that ghost thing?"
>"Ghost thing?"
>Kanjou looks a little puzzled.
>You're... not sure. It had a shape, but you couldn't make out much in the split second you saw it.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 26, 2011, 09:29:19 PM
>A little playfully: "Careful with the tea, Keine!"
>"Yeah, I saw some ghosty thing when Kanjou got rid of the barrier or whatever it was. But it vanished really fast."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 26, 2011, 09:37:27 PM
>A little playfully: "Careful with the tea, Keine!"
>"Yeah, I saw some ghosty thing when Kanjou got rid of the barrier or whatever it was. But it vanished really fast."

>Time to be funny..ish.
<"Careful with the tea, Keine."
>Keine looks a little red; you really caught her off-guard with that one.

<"Yeah, I saw some ghosty thing when you got rid of whatever that was... It vanished pretty quickly though."
>"Another illusion?"
>"Not this one..." Kanjou sighs; rubbing his forehead in the process. "Though it may narrow down our list a little."
>"No ghost can do this; not from what I know."
>Kanjou goes to say something, but the sound of a paper hitting his head distracts him.

>"I smell a scoop~"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 26, 2011, 09:43:33 PM
>"You really like doing that, don't you birdbrain?"
>Look toward the voice.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 26, 2011, 10:32:45 PM
>"You really like doing that, don't you birdbrain?"
>Look toward the voice.

<"You really like doing that, don't you, birdbrain?"
>"Good day to you too, Miss Pervert."

>You watch Aya take a few steps back as Kanjou begins to walk towards the doors of the shrine.
>"Well, it's your ever loving know-it-all writer Shameimaru here; fresh from observing the beautiful skies of Gensokyo."
>"With yet another different introduction." Kanjou replies in an un-amusing tone. "Keep it up; I could release a book full of them."
>"Kya, so scary~ Anyway, I saw your shrine had vanished so it HAS to be an incident."
>It should be noted that she has writing utensils at the ready; all the while her camera dangles on a strap round her neck.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 26, 2011, 10:42:31 PM
>Nab that paper while everyone's paying attention to Aya.
>"So it just looks like it's gone outside? Is there any earth or anything?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 26, 2011, 11:10:27 PM
>Making the kids vanish wouldn't be Reimu's style. Making a rival vanish, on the other hand...
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 26, 2011, 11:16:05 PM
^My thoughts exactly.
>"So how do we prevent it from disappearing again?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 26, 2011, 11:17:45 PM
^My thoughts exactly.
>"So how do we make it reappear?

>Actually, it's probably safe to assume that whatever Kanjou did disrupted the barrier and made the shrine reappear to the rest of the village. How easy that was for him is a more difficult question, and probably not one to discuss with Aya here.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 26, 2011, 11:19:39 PM
>Actually, it's probably safe to assume that whatever Kanjou did disrupted the barrier and made the shrine reappear to the rest of the village. How easy that was for him is a more difficult question, and probably not one to discuss with Aya here.
Edited to conform with quote
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 27, 2011, 12:21:34 AM
>Making the kids vanish wouldn't be Reimu's style. Making a rival vanish, on the other hand...

>Reimu wouldn't make kids disappear; no way. But making a rival shrine vanish... there's a motive!

>It's probably safe to assume that whatever Kanjou did disrupted the barrier and made the shrine reappear to the rest of the village. How easy that was for him is a more difficult question, and probably not one to discuss with Aya here.

>Whatever he did, he sure took care of it. Least the shrine can be seen again.
>You feel the need to ask him about it later; see how hard it was for him.

>Nab that paper while everyone's paying attention to Aya.
>"So it just looks like it's gone outside? Is there any earth or anything?"

>All eyes are on Aya, so you take your chance to...
>Huh; it's gone?

<"So it just looked like it was gone outside? Was there any earth?"
>"Indeed there was. In fact, I'd say it looked exactly like it did before the shrine even came here."
>"What are you thinking, Aya?"
>"I'm thinking that the culprit is...."
>She suddenly points her pen at Keine.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 27, 2011, 12:23:55 AM
>Frown, check where the paper fell with our foot.
>Do we know about sensei's history eating?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 27, 2011, 01:28:27 AM
>Frown, check where the paper fell with our foot.
>Do we know about sensei's history eating?

>You frown a little and try kicking around for the paper.
>You give a quick glance around too; and yet the only paper left is...
>They're both gone?!

>From what you remember, Keine can consume the history of something; hiding it from view like it was never there.
>When she's in her hakutaku form, Keine has the potential to change history; though you have never heard of her doing so. The same goes for her ability to 'create' history; a theory Aya has used before to explain the sudden appearance of a third (your) shrine.

>"I had nothing to do with this!"
>"A person who can hide anything hides the shrine in an attempt to trip up the lord of..."
>Keine's hat suddenly flies off and smacks Aya in the face. Keine looks very surprised.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 27, 2011, 01:32:01 AM
>"Yukari, get out here!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 27, 2011, 01:43:28 AM
>"Yukari, get out here!"

>Instant reaction go!
<"YUKARI! Get out here!"

>A few seconds pass by in silence...
>Followed by more silence.
>"... I don't think she's coming."
>"Maybe's she being a lazy a---"
>"You~ were~ saying~"
>A pair of arms rest on top of Aya's head. the familiar head of Yukari is above said arms.
>The rest of her body is out of sight; she's obviously half inside it.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 27, 2011, 01:47:41 AM
>"Hey 'Kari baby, what's with making the shrine and my paper disappear, huh?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 27, 2011, 01:53:43 AM
>"Hey 'Kari baby, what's with making the shrine and my paper disappear, huh?"

<"Hey there 'Kari baby. What's with making my shrine and my paper disappear, huh?"
>A group of fairies, three, in fact, come tumbling onto the floor through a gap.
>Two papers come flying out of another gap and smack you in the face.

>"Perhaps you may want to ask them first."
>"Wow; they actually followed me in the end." Comes Aya's voice.
>"You stupid tengu! You caused this!"

>Kanjou is simply standing around watching this unfold. He seems to be smiling though; though he is rubbing his head again.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 27, 2011, 02:02:55 AM
>Rub face. Then grin at Yukari.
>"So, you were watching out for me after all, hmmmm?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 27, 2011, 02:10:22 AM
>Rub face. Then grin at Yukari.
>"So, you were watching out for me after all, hmmmm?"

>The papers drop to the floor as the fairies begin to scramble away.
>Keine, however, is not letting them get away so easily, and grabs two of them.
>"Kyaa~ We're sorry, we're sorry."
>"We just thought we'd try a different shrine for..."

>You rub your face a little; you seem to be getting hit with these a lot lately.
>However, in all this racket, you grin at Yukari.
<"So you're still watching out for me after all, hmmmmm?"
>"I have no idea what you mean~"
>She goes back into her gap before reappearing beside you; again, still with half her body in the gap.
>"To answer your original question, the barrier wasn't my doing."
>"HA! It must be you then!" Declares Aya; now pointing at Yukari. "We never said it WAS a barrier."
>"To be fair, it depends on how long she has been watching for." Kanjou comments.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 27, 2011, 02:14:06 AM
>"Oh, 'Kari can't help but watch me sometimes."
>Is she beside us? Throw an arm around her.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 27, 2011, 06:26:38 AM
>Can we see through the gap enough to see what she's wearing? If anything? Hopefully not!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 27, 2011, 08:28:09 AM
>"Oh, 'Kari can't help but watch me sometimes."
>Is she beside us? Throw an arm around her.
>Can we see through the gap enough to see what she's wearing? If anything? Hopefully not!

<"Oh, 'Kari can't help but watch me sometimes."
>Since she's near enough to you, you throw your arm round her.
>Yukari seems to giggle; though Kanjou glances at the pair of you when he's not looking on at Keine telling the three fairies off.

>You can't see anything, over then the usual purple gap with lots of eyes.
>"It's not like I have anything better to do when watching Reimu."
>"The legendary Gap Youkai is a miko stalker!" Aya bellows as she starts writing stuff down. "Gosh, today is a day of revelations, huh?"
>"I told you I didn't do anything earlier~"
>"Because people are going to AHHHH!"
>And Aya falls to one of Yukari's typical tricks: the foot gap.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 27, 2011, 02:50:43 PM
>Give Yukari a companionably squeeze of the platonic nature.
>"What'd you do with her?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 27, 2011, 10:28:56 PM
>Give Yukari a companionably squeeze of the platonic nature.
>"What'd you do with her?"

>With your arm round her all ready, you decide to give her a quick, friendly squeeze.
<"What'd you do with her?"
>"Oh, nothing much." Yukari chuckles. "I'm letting her cool her head~"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 27, 2011, 10:37:08 PM
>"And go fishing?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 27, 2011, 11:00:12 PM
>"And go fishing?"

<"And go fishing?"
>Yukari giggles again; but the noise from the fairies attract her attention...
>In fact, said fairies are now flying away; seems like Keine has finished talking to them,
>"You know, you could have just..."
>"No, Kanjou; they can't just cause problems like this in the Village..."
>"I don't think they are of THAT level to cause a problem like that."
>"Oh I don't know." Yukari chirps in. "One of them could reflect my lasers."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 27, 2011, 11:03:11 PM
>"That's pretty impressive for a bunch of faeries."
>Give Yukari's shoulder a rub.  "You're so kind to protect us from the likes of them."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 27, 2011, 11:10:57 PM
>"That's pretty impressive for a bunch of faeries."
>Give Yukari's shoulder a rub.  "You're so kind to protect us from the likes of them."

<"For a bunch of fairies, that's pretty impressive."
>"Impressive or not, they should not be coming to the village to cause trouble!"
>Keine really is protective of this place, huh?

>You rub Yukari's shoulder.
<"You're so kind you know; protecting us from the likes of them."
>"Oh my, are you flattering me? I'm afraid you won't make me blush though."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 27, 2011, 11:19:54 PM
>"Would you like me to try my best?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 12:40:27 AM
>"Would you like me to try my best?"

<"Would you like me to try my best?"
>"Would you like me to gap you, yet again?"

>"Not this again..." You hear Keine mutter.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 12:43:00 AM
>"Depends on where, doesn't it?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 01:08:30 AM
>"Depends on where, doesn't it?"

<"Depends on where, doesn't it? <3 "
>You wink as you say this; causing Yukari to smile a bit more.
>What the?!
>Something just grabbed the top half of your chest... from inside your clothes no less!

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 01:13:01 AM
>Wide eyes, and probably jump a bit! Whether or not we're morally alright with this sort of thing, a surprise assault is a surprise assault!
>Is Yukari reacting at all?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 01:19:22 AM
>Wide eyes, and probably jump a bit! Whether or not we're morally alright with this sort of thing, a surprise assault is a surprise assault!
>Is Yukari reacting at all?

>Holy processing unit B... Wait, you're not a robot.
>Holy crap, surprise attack!

>Not that you mind... sort of...

>Yukari is smiling exactly how she was as you winked at her.
>Her hand comes back into view; you no longer feel anything there.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 01:20:47 AM
>"Well then....did you like what you found?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 01:30:50 AM
>"Well then....did you like what you found?"

>You calm yourself down and look at Yukari.
<"Well then... did you like what you found?"
>"Oh, I surely can't say such things here..."
>"I think that's enough from you two."
>It seems like Kanjou just gently punched Yukari on the top of her head.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 01:32:43 AM
>Welp. We have a hand on her shoulder, she's distracted...go for the gold.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 01:45:32 AM
>Welp. We have a hand on her shoulder, she's distracted...go for the gold.

>Kanjou has given you the perfect chance.
>In fact, it's too good to be true.
>"Honestly, I was only having some..."


>Yukari freezes instantly.
>Kanjou is the first to move; leaping backwards no sooner has he noticed where your hand is.
>Keine quickly legs it; time aside, you're pretty sure she doesn't want any part in this.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 01:47:53 AM
>This wouldn't be the first time we've been pichun'd in the pursuit of our goals.
>As such, don't stop until the explosions throw us clear.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 02:01:11 AM
>This wouldn't be the first time we've been pichun'd in the pursuit of our goals.
>As such, don't stop until the explosions throw us clear.

>Right now, nothing else matters.
>These hands... They must fondle!
>You continue on with your assault as Yukari begins to summon bullets and lasers around the pair of you.

>Something metal hits your back; you guess it's a signpost, judging on experience.
>You don't care though; you must keep this up.
>Yukari starts to allow the bullets to hit the floor around you; causing bits of wood to fly up.
>The lasers haven't started yet; but you get the feeling they will soon.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 02:04:11 AM
>Well, we had to get lasered sometime. Might as well enjoy the ride until then.
>"Oh 'Kari..."
>Is she blushing yet?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 03:03:36 PM
>Well, we had to get lasered sometime. Might as well enjoy the ride until then.
>"Oh 'Kari..."
>Is she blushing yet?

>It's going to happen at some point. Let's keep feeling up them ta-tas!
<"Oh 'Kari~"
>Yukari doesn't respond to you straight away, so you try to see if she's blushing.
>You think you see a hint of red, but you can't be sure.
>"You're waiting for a train..."


Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 03:08:23 PM
>Move. Toward the Gap Hag.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 03:11:56 PM
>Move. Toward the Gap Hag.

>You decide to move...
>Even closer into Yukari.

>You can see a big gap starting to open up.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 03:16:31 PM
>Given we've been nuked by Utsuho in the past, does this gap really worry us?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 03:22:19 PM
>Given we've been nuked by Utsuho in the past, does this gap really worry us?

>If you and your towel could survive Utsuho, what's a big, looming gap going to do?
>You can see something very bright coming towards you...
>Now you're starting to worry slightly.

>You hear something land on the floor behind you.
>Yukari's lasers are starting to fly around you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 03:25:44 PM
>There is only one solution.
>We still have a free hand. Wrap it around Yukari and give her a big ole hug.
>"You were a highlight of my day."
>A highlight. Teehee...
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 03:35:49 PM
>There is only one solution.
>We still have a free hand. Wrap it around Yukari and give her a big ole hug.
>"You were a highlight of my day."
>A highlight. Teehee...

>There's only one way out of this...
>You wrap both your arms around Yukari and give her a big hug.
<"You were a highlight of my day~"
>"... Why thank you~"

>A train emerges from the gap and starts speeding towards both of you.
>Your vision is suddenly blinded.
>"...This may feel quite weird..."
>Your weight suddenly shifts; awkwardly at that.

>Everything is silent; you feel very dizzy.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 03:39:27 PM
>"Uhhhh...I don't think it was supposed to feel like that..."
>Try to look around.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 28, 2011, 03:40:03 PM
>Note to self: save Yukari seducing to a candlelight dinner.
>Double note: No seducing people who can destroy the shrine-in the shrine.
>How old did Yukari feel?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 04:05:47 PM
>"Uhhhh...I don't think it was supposed to feel like that..."
>Try to look around.

<"Uhhhhh... I don't think it was supposed to feel like that..."
>Apparently so.

>Your vision returns; and you find yourself surrounded by trees.
>Wait, is that a building out in the clearing you can see?

>Note to self: save Yukari seducing to a candlelight dinner.
>Double note: No seducing people who can destroy the shrine-in the shrine.
>How old did Yukari feel?

>Mental note 01: Don't seduce Yukari until you're having dinner with her; preferably with candles.
>Mental note 02: Don't attempt to seduce people who can destroy the shrine AT THE SHRINE!

>From what you felt of her, she doesn't feel old at all.
>They were certainly big; and so lovely to just... KYAA~

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on August 28, 2011, 04:08:05 PM
>Move closer-what does the building look like?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 04:11:30 PM
>Does this place look familiar at all?
>Are we alone?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 04:18:52 PM
>Move closer-what does the building look like?
>Does this place look familiar at all?
>Are we alone?

>You begin to step a little closer to it.
>You can make out the fact it's not surrounded by trees; which are slowly easing up as you move.
>You're pretty sure it's Kourindou.

>If that's right, then you must be in the Forest of Magic.
>You look around again and see Kanjou with his back to you.
>He's leaning on a nearby tree; he doesn't sound too good.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 04:25:23 PM
>"Hey, are you alright?"
>Look in the direction where the shrine should be, in relation to Kourindou.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 04:30:30 PM
>"Hey, are you alright?"
>Look in the direction where the shrine should be, in relation to Kourindou.

>With Kourindou being where it is, the Village is straight ahead of it.
>You can't really see much though.

>You then look back at Kanjou.
<"Hey... are you alright?"
>"Ugh... I'll be fine... Just been a while..."
>Kanjou shakes his head a bit; like he's trying to shake something off.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 04:33:12 PM
>"You really shouldn't have gotten in the way of that."
>Do we see any signs of Yukari or gaps around?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 04:49:44 PM
>"You really shouldn't have gotten in the way of that."
>Do we see any signs of Yukari or gaps around?

<"You really shouldn't have gotten in the way of that."
>"It's... because of me... you're still standing. You're welcome, by the way."

>You don't see any of Yukari's gaps; let alone Yukari herself.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 04:53:20 PM
>"You didn't have to, I've had worse. But thank you. Now come on, let's get you back home."
>Go to over him a hand, or something to lean on.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 04:58:06 PM
>"You didn't have to, I've had worse. But thank you. Now come on, let's get you back home."
>Go to over him a hand, or something to lean on.

<"...You really didn't have to; I've had worse."
>"Hehe... I should know. But a train's a train..."

>You go over to him and offer a hand.
<"Thank you, anyway. Now come on, let's get you back."
>Kanjou leans against you as you go to his side.
>"I'll be fine once my head stops spinning... I keep forgetting what that does to me inside here..."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 05:00:09 PM
>"Inside here?"
>Start back toward town.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 05:04:48 PM
>"Inside here?"
>Start back toward town.

<"I..Inside here?"
>"The Great Boundary, to be exact."

>The two of you start heading out off the forest.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 05:06:25 PM
>"Oh, that. Right."
>Continue on back toward town.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 05:10:51 PM
>"Oh, that. Right."
>Continue on back toward town.

<"Oh that... Right."
>"Mm. At least it's nice to know it's not weakening any time soon."

>The two of you continue to walk to the village; passing Kourindou on the way.
>Someone is calling you both from behind.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 05:15:30 PM
>Do we know that voice?
>Either way, look back.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 05:27:19 PM
>Do we know that voice?
>Either way, look back.

>You're pretty sure you do.
>You turn around and see a girl with short white hair; though part of it is blue.
>She has three wings; two on her back and one on her head, along with two small horns.

>You call her Tokiko; like pretty much everyone else does. Apparently, no one knows her real name.
>She seems dressed... differently today though. She seems to be wearing one of Rinnosuke's long robes.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 05:38:21 PM
>What is our friendship and acquisition status of Tokiko?
>"Hey, what's up?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 05:50:34 PM
>What is our friendship and acquisition status of Tokiko?
>"Hey, what's up?"

>Friendship, unknown. You certainly haven't got her yet; but to be fair, you hardly see her.
>In the times you have seen her, she's normally been outside of Kourindou. So to see her wearing what she is, it's quite surprising.

<"Hey, what's up?"
>"What's up?! Is that all you can ask?!"
>She's pouting at you.
>"Rinnosuke needs you both for a second."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 05:53:26 PM
>Glance at Kanjou, then back to Tokiko.
>"What for?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 06:11:36 PM
>Glance at Kanjou, then back to Tokiko.
>"What for?"

>You look at Kanjou, who looks back towards the village.
>You then look back at Tokiko.

<"What for?"
>"I don't know; he just sent me out when he saw you walk past."
>"Why does he need both of us then?"
>Tokiko pouts again.
>"I just said I don't know."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 06:14:08 PM
>"Feel up to it, boss?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 06:16:46 PM
>"Feel up to it, boss?"

<"Feel up to it, boss?"
>"It's only a meeting." Kanjou sticks his tongue out at you.
>"Come on already!"

>Tokiko starts motioning for you both to follow her.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 06:28:17 PM
>"Well yeah, but you took a train, so no one would blame you if you refused."
>Follow that bird!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 06:42:19 PM
>"Well yeah, but you took a train, so no one would blame you if you refused."
>Follow that bird!

>You start following the bird.
<"Well, yeah... but you took a train. No one would blame you if you refused."
>"Trust me, it would have been worse if we actually took that hit straight on."
>"My levels seem balanced... I should be fine."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 06:59:15 PM
>"Levels balanced? Huh?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 07:23:47 PM
>"Levels balanced? Huh?"

<"Levels balanced?"
>"Energy stuff, remember?"
>"As in, I feel energy being restored in the places I lost it. I'm fine, so don't worry."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 07:35:19 PM
>Do we have any of this energy level malarky?
>Head for the shop.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 07:45:35 PM
>Do we have any of this energy level malarky?
>Head for the shop.


>You don't. It's a unique trait; one that you're not sure if it's a curse for Kanjou or not.

>You both head for the shop as Tokiko opens the door.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 07:50:12 PM
>Walk inside, have a look around.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 07:56:59 PM
>Walk inside, have a look around.

>You step inside Kourindou, followed closely by Kanjou.

>There's quite a bit scattered around the place; pretty small as a result, though if things were tidy in here, there'd easily be more room to walkabout in.
>It probably doesn't help that the centre of the store has a huge pile of random items.
>"I see you managed to get it out in the end." Comments Kanjou.
>"You have no idea how many kappa it took..."
>"That's enough out there." You hear someone call from the back.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 08:00:29 PM
>"Hey there! What'd you want?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 08:13:26 PM
>"Hey there! What'd you want?"

<"Hey there!"
>"Ah, so you both really did come."
<"What'd you want?"
>"I... have a bit of a situation."
>Tokiko goes to the window; looking outside for something.
>"I need one of you to cover the store for me."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 08:24:20 PM
>"How long, and what's in it for us? And why can't Tokiko do it?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 08:34:58 PM
>"How long, and what's in it for us? And why can't Tokiko do it?"

<"How long?""
>"A couple of hours at least."
<"What's in it for us?"
>"I can give you something for payment."
<"Hang on, why can't Tokiko do it?"
>"I don't want to run a shop." Tokiko replies. "I'm only here because I had an incident."

>"Rinnosuke... Did something happen?"
>Kanjou looks at you and shrugs.
>"Stay here for a sec."
>He starts walking towards the back.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 08:59:04 PM
>Is there a clock? Check the time.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 09:20:33 PM
>Is there a clock? Check the time.

>You look around for a clock and see one hanging to your right.
>Seems like it's 1:49pm.

>Kanjou walks into the back area.
>"... Do I even want to ask?"
>"For once... probably not."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 09:21:39 PM
>"He's not dead, is he?"
>"So, want me to watch the store?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 09:45:21 PM
>"He's not dead, is he?"
>"So, want me to watch the store?"

<"He's not dead, is he?"
>You're pretty sure you hear one of them chuckle.
>"No, he's not. But I'm not leaving him in this state."
>"You just need to get me to..."
>"No way! Doing it once a week is bad enough, but twice in a day; sorry, I simply won't."
<"Do you want me to watch the store?"
>Kanjou pokes his head back through.
>"I'll watch it; it's ok. You just need to head back to the shrine."
>"What's that going to do?"
>"If Yukari is still there, it'll make this a whole lot easier; unless you really want to get..."
>"I get it."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 09:54:21 PM
>"Sure thing!"
>Head out the door before he can change his mind.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 10:14:29 PM
>"Sure thing!"
>Head out the door before he can change his mind.

<"Sure thing!"
>You go straight for the door before he can say anything else on the matter.

>You quickly close the door behind you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 10:17:00 PM
>Back to the Shrine!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 10:20:46 PM
>Back to the Shrine!

>No beating about the idea this time; you dart straight to the Village as quickly as you can.
>No incident happens between your travel from Kourin to the Village.
>As you continue on, you spot Keine walking in your direction; who holds out both of her arms.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 10:50:32 PM
>Does this seem to be a hostile gesture?
>"Hello, Sensei!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 11:14:58 PM
>Does this seem to be a hostile gesture?
>"Hello, Sensei!"

>You believe it's more of 'please stop' sort of sign.
>So you stop.

<"Hello Sensei!"
>"Shino! What happened just now? Yakumo has been out cold since... whatever happened!"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 11:24:56 PM
>"I was too much for her! Let's go see."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 11:31:57 PM
>"I was too much for her! Let's go see."

>Your smile; it can't be matched.

>"So I was too much for her, huh?! Well, let's go see!"

>The two of you head back to the Shrine which, surprisingly, is still in one piece.
>There are marks from where the lasers; but nothing much else.
>Yukari, however, has her back flat on the floor; eyes closed.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 11:36:56 PM
>"Let's her her inside and laying down properly, huh?"
>Move to do this thing!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 11:47:56 PM
>"Let's her her inside and laying down properly, huh?"
>Move to do this thing!

<"Let's get her inside and..."
>"Leave her with you? Some how, I don't think so."
<"I was going to suggest we lay her down properly."
>"... I'm still not just going to leave her with you alone."

>You move to Yukari and stand above her; it's pretty weird seeing her like this.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 28, 2011, 11:51:02 PM
>Are Yukari's clothes in good condition? Perhaps we could give her a change~
>See if we can pick her up: Bridal carry, if possible. If she's too much, ask Keine for help.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 11:52:24 PM
>"Oh if something bad happens, you can just make a light snack of it. Besides, do you really want to be around when she wakes up?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 28, 2011, 11:58:20 PM
>Are Yukari's clothes in good condition? Perhaps we could give her a change~
>See if we can pick her up: Bridal carry, if possible. If she's too much, ask Keine for help.

>Her clothes look ok to you... though it seems like the top half have been torn here and there at the sides.
>Perhaps changing her might be a good idea.

>You go to pick up; in a bridal carry if possible.
>She's not heavy, but not light either.
>You strain a little, but you're pretty sure you've got this.

>"Oh if something bad happens, you can just make a light snack of it. Besides, do you really want to be around when she wakes up?"

<"If something bad happens, you can easily make a light snack out of it."
>"... I'll keep that in mind."
<"Put it this way, do you really want to be around when she wakes up?"
>Keine thinks about this for a moment and shrugs.
>"Then it's your fault if anything happens because of your... antics. I trust Kanjou will be returning soon."


Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 28, 2011, 11:59:49 PM
>"Yeah, he'll be here in a bit. He just needs to do a thing first."
>Carry her inside.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 12:08:37 AM
>"Yeah, he'll be here in a bit. He just needs to do a thing first."
>Carry her inside.

<"Yeah, he'll be here in a bit. He has a thing he needs to do first."
>"A thing? Well, he normally is busy. I'll see you later."
>Keine walks off whilst you get Yukari inside.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 12:10:38 AM
>Haul her inside, and place her in a convenient bed. Preferably ours.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 12:24:25 AM
>Haul her inside, and place her in a convenient bed. Preferably ours.

>You decide to carry her to your room... Your bed...
>What could be any more convenient?

>You place her down on said bed.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 29, 2011, 12:27:28 AM
>Would our extra changes of clothes fit her?
>... actually, is our current outfit in decent condition after that train incident?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 12:28:18 AM
>"Yukaaaaariiii, wake up~"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 12:37:51 AM
>Would our extra changes of clothes fit her?
>... actually, is our current outfit in decent condition after that train incident?

>You're not sure if they would fit Yukari...
>You look at your own clothes; you're actually okay. Guess Kanjou wasn't lying about it hitting you full on.

>"Yukaaaaariiii, wake up~"

<"Yukaaaaariii, wake up~"
>Yukari doesn't flinch; her eyes remain shut.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 12:39:53 AM
>Check her pulse, then her temperature via forehead.
>Then smooth her hair, just a bit.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 29, 2011, 12:40:57 AM
>About how long were we probably out over that?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 12:44:48 AM
>About how long were we probably out over that?

>You don't think you were gone for that long; though time seems to be playing tricks with your head today, what with being knocked out earlier, time flying at SDM and the incident just now.

>Check her pulse, then her temperature via forehead.
>Then smooth her hair, just a bit.

>You kneel down beside Yukari and check her pulse.
>Seems normal enough.
>You then check her temperature by placing your hand on her forehead.
>She feels a little warm.

>You then smooth her out just a bit.
>She seems to tilt her head a little bit.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 12:46:44 AM
>Gently say, "Yukari, time to wake up."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 01:21:58 AM
>Gently say, "Yukari, time to wake up."

>You whisper to her.
<"Yukari, time to wake up."

>Yukari stirs a little before slowly opening her eyes.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 01:24:51 AM
>Smile at her. Take a gentle tone.
>"Good afternoon. How are you feeling, Yukari?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 01:37:06 AM
>Smile at her. Take a gentle tone.
>"Good afternoon. How are you feeling, Yukari?"

>You give off a nice, relaxing smile.
<"Good afternoon. How are you feeling, Yukari?"

>Yukari blinks a couple of times; taking in her whereabouts, you assume.
>"... I feel like I'm seeing things..."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 01:37:48 AM
>"What are you seeing?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 01:40:07 AM
>"What are you seeing?"

<"What are you seeing?"
>"I'm... seeing the inside of a shrine that should have been levelled..."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 01:44:03 AM
>"I like to think of it as a miracle. Are you hurt anywhere?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 10:19:25 AM
>"I like to think of it as a miracle. Are you hurt anywhere?"

<"I like to think of it as a miracle."
>"...I'm pretty sure this isn't the Moriya Shrine."
<"Well, are you hurt anywhere?"
>Yukari fidgets a bit before responding.
>"It doesn't seem like it."

>She lifts her arm up and opens a tiny gap.
>She peers through it, then closes it.
>"Nothing lost, at least."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 01:39:24 PM
>"It makes me happy you're alright. I'd feel awful if something happened to you..."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 04:47:05 PM
>"It makes me happy you're alright. I'd feel awful if something happened to you..."

<"It makes me happy you're alright."
>Yukari looks at you and seems to smile.
>"You're just saying that..."
<"No really. I'd feel awful if something happened to you..."
>Yukari looks back up at the ceiling; closing her eyes as she does.
>"To say such a thing when I just sent a train at you... you are a crazy girl, you know?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 05:02:21 PM
>"I like to think I just fit in with the crowd."
>"So, did you like what you felt?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 05:47:38 PM
>"I like to think I just fit in with the crowd."
>"So, did you like what you felt?"

<"I like to think I just fit in with the crowd."
>"Well, you made the jump from crazy gatherings to crazy maidens quite well in my mind."

>You grin a little; remembering something from earlier.
<"Sooooo, did you like what you felt?"
>Yukari smirks and looks at you.
>"The question is did you enjoy it? Or should I ask whoever left that mark on you?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 05:58:24 PM
>"Well, you caught me off guard, so it's not as though I could really get into it. And Kanjou and Sensei were right there...though I guess the second one isn't a bad thing..."
>Pause for a moment. "What mark?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 06:09:15 PM
>"Well, you caught me off guard, so it's not as though I could really get into it. And Kanjou and Sensei were right there...though I guess the second one isn't a bad thing..."
>Pause for a moment. "What mark?"

<"Well, you caught me off guard, so it's not as though I could really get into it."
>"Because that really matters to you now?"
<"Kanjou and Sensei were right there! Though I guess the second one isn't so..."

>You pause for a moment.
<"Wait... what mark?"
>"What do you mean 'what mark?"
>Yukari chuckles.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 06:13:58 PM
>"Yeah, what mark? I haven't had time to check a mirror yet."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 07:10:36 PM
>"Yeah, what mark? I haven't had time to check a mirror yet."

<"Yeah, what mark? I haven't really had a chance to check a mirror yet."
>"Surely you can peer down your own top~"
>Yukari seems to be enjoying herself.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 07:20:19 PM
>Do so!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 08:22:55 PM
>Do so!

>You pull your collar forwards and peer down at your chest.
>There's a mark on the top part of your left breast.
>You don't need to put two and two together to know what kind of mark that is.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 08:24:41 PM
>Probably blush a bit, we were walking around with that kind of thing showing.
>" didn't answer my question."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 08:32:03 PM
>Probably blush a bit, we were walking around with that kind of thing showing.
>" didn't answer my question."

>You blush a little bit; you can't believe you didn't notice this sooner.
>"I wonder where you got that from?"
<"... You... you didn't answer my question."
>"You got distracted. So you answer me first~"
>Yukari is starting to sit up.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 08:33:47 PM
>"Oh, in your case?"
>"Completely worth it! And you?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 08:38:33 PM
>"Oh, in your case?"
>"Completely worth it! And you?"

<"Oh, in your case? Completely worth it!"
>You beam.

>Yukari shakes her head.
>"No, silly miko. I meant the question I just asked~"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 09:01:40 PM
>"Well...I didn't have time to really find out."
>"But I wouldn't mind trying it again."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 09:21:42 PM
>"Well...I didn't have time to really find out."
>"But I wouldn't mind trying it again."

<"Well... I didn't have time to really find out..."
>"You're a bad liar, Shino~"
>She chuckles as you smile.
<"Bu... but I wouldn't mind..."
>Yukari places a hand on your cheek.
>"You can't hide anything from me~"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 09:24:57 PM
>Lean into her hand a bit.
>"I wouldn't dream of it~ You wouldn't hide anything from me, would you?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 09:33:04 PM
>Lean into her hand a bit.
>"I wouldn't dream of it~ You wouldn't hide anything from me, would you?"

>You decide to lean into her hand... just a bit though.
<"I wouldn't dream of it~ After all, you wouldn't hide anything from me... right?"
>"That depends..."
>Yukari shifts her eyes a little and smirks.
>"If you told me the truth, I might just reward you~"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 09:38:43 PM
>"I was surprised, but I think it would have been great if not so short. So yeah, I think I liked it after the surprise part."
>Hold her hand to our cheek and snuggle up next her.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 09:48:27 PM
>"I was surprised, but I think it would have been great if not so short. So yeah, I think I liked it after the surprise part."
>Hold her hand to our cheek and snuggle up next her.

<"I... I was surprised, but it would have been great if it weren't so short."
>Yukari giggles again.
<"So yeah... I think I liked it after the surprise part."
>You hold her hand, which is on your cheek, and go to snuggle up to her.
>Yukari's other hand grabs your cheek; forcing you to stay where you are.
>"I'm happy to hear you say that... But you still avoided that question~"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 09:50:50 PM
>"Maybe you should ask again?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 09:54:14 PM
>"Maybe you should ask again?"

<"Maybe you should ask again?"
>"If I must..."
>She moves her face a little closer to you; her hands making sure you don't make any sudden movements.
>"Who gave you that lovely little mark? Don't play me for a fool, Shino; my gaps see all~"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 09:56:57 PM
>"Can you keep it secret?"
>Assuming she agrees.
>Shift a bit. "I'm really not supposed to say, was Sakuya..."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 10:01:39 PM
>"Can you keep it secret?"
>Assuming she agrees.
>Shift a bit. "I'm really not supposed to say, was Sakuya..."

<"Can you keep it a secret?"
>Yukari simply nods.
>You shift a little...
<"I'm not supposed to say... but... Sakuya..."

>Yukari looks at you with a smile and pulls away; removing both of her hands from you.
>"See~ How difficult was that? Now, for your reward..."
>She whispers into your ear.
>"Close your eyes~"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 10:04:48 PM
>This is definitely a trap.
>Close eyes anyways, we're an optimist...
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 10:33:55 PM
>This is definitely a trap.
>Close eyes anyways, we're an optimist...

>You sense a trap. You just know it.
>But you can't shake this feeling...
>You close your eyes despite this.

>A few seconds pass by and...
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 10:40:30 PM
>Can we identify that noise?
>Does passing though a gap have any sensation of motion to it?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 11:14:18 PM
>Can we identify that noise?
>Does passing though a gap have any sensation of motion to it?

>You do... it's the sound of Yukari being the biggest troll you ever know! [aka, it's one of the two distinct sounds her gaps make.]

>Yes; especially depending on what you're doing and where Yukari opened the gap to.
>However, your weight hasn't shifted... and you didn't feel anything either.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 11:17:23 PM
>Well, we'll wait for it. Let our ears do the seeing for now.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 11:21:01 PM
>Well, we'll wait for it. Let our ears do the seeing for now.

>You keep your eyes closed; allowing your ears to do the seeing for you.

>A good twenty seconds go by...

>Nothing happens.

>It's just silent.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 11:27:02 PM
>Very subtly peek.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 11:28:11 PM
>Very subtly peek.

>You take a very quick, very subtle, peek.

>You're still in your room.

>Yukari is nowhere to be seen.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 11:32:39 PM
>We'll just have to bring this up next time.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 29, 2011, 11:44:35 PM
>We'll just have to bring this up next time.

>You sigh in frustration.
>You remind yourself to bring this up next time.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2011, 11:58:46 PM
>Might as well tidy up a bit. We are expecting company tonight...
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 30, 2011, 12:03:31 AM
>Might as well tidy up a bit. We are expecting company tonight...

>You decide it's best to get on with everyday life and get to tidying.
>After all, you're expecting some company later.

>After a few minutes of making sure your room is still looking as fresh as ever, you cast your eyes on something hovering in one of the corners of your ceiling.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 30, 2011, 12:11:03 AM
>Examine this hovering thing.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 30, 2011, 12:14:36 AM
>Examine this hovering thing.

>You peer up at it.

>It's white. Ghostly white.

>It doesn't look like it's doing any harm though.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 30, 2011, 12:15:54 AM
>Does it have a shape or a size or apparent texture?
>Does it look at all familiar?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 30, 2011, 12:44:52 AM
>Does it have a shape or a size or apparent texture?
>Does it look at all familiar?

>It seems pretty small; sort of looks like Youmu's ghost half, but smaller... and less of a wisp following it when it moves.
>It's trying to move away... but it seems stuck.
>Either that, or it's just bouncing against the corner helplessly.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 30, 2011, 12:57:52 AM
>Can ghost-like things actually be touched?
>If so, reach up and try to help the little guy out of the corner.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 30, 2011, 03:33:32 AM
>How much experience have we had with non-Youmu ghosts? Positive or negative?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 30, 2011, 04:53:27 PM
>How much experience have we had with non-Youmu ghosts? Positive or negative?

>Oddly enough, not that much experience.
>You've seen the odd out-break of ghosts before, but you've never had a good or bad experience with them.

>Can ghost-like things actually be touched?
>If so, reach up and try to help the little guy out of the corner.

>You do recall seeing some ghosts petted and grabbed by various people before.
>There have also been times when they would simply fly straight through you; so you guess it depends on the ghost, or something.

>Regardless, you reach up for it; trying to give the little thing a helping hand.
>No sooner have your fingers touched it, it freezes in place.
>All of a sudden, you feel very cold.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 30, 2011, 04:59:28 PM
>Draw hand back.
>"Geez, sorry."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 30, 2011, 05:05:35 PM
>Draw hand back.
>"Geez, sorry."

>You draw your hand back instantly... though, it seems to move back slower then you expect.
<"Geez... ... sorry..."
>Time seems to be slowing down around you.
>The ghost is still.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 30, 2011, 05:06:47 PM
>Look around.
>"'Kuya? That you?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 30, 2011, 05:25:48 PM
>Look around.
>"'Kuya? That you?"

>You begin to look around... or try to at least.
<"'Kuya? That..... you...?"

~What can not be seen can kill the naked eye~

>There's a voice ringing inside your head.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 30, 2011, 05:33:56 PM
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 30, 2011, 06:07:55 PM


~What magic can be done can be un-done~
~It shall rise... The place of all things shall rise~
~And you will despair...~

>Time reverts back to normal and you fall onto your backside.
>The ghost is gone.
>"Hey! Anyone here?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 30, 2011, 06:28:38 PM
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 30, 2011, 06:34:27 PM


>You're not sure if that was loud enough for someone to hear.
>"Hello!" The voice shouts again.
>"Ugh, why are none of the maidens around today?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 30, 2011, 06:47:40 PM
>Call out: "Just a minute!"
>Quickly change into some new shrine maiden clothes. Or our causals if this is the only Shrine maiden outfit we have.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 30, 2011, 07:14:17 PM
>Call out: "Just a minute!"
>Quickly change into some new shrine maiden clothes. Or our causals if this is the only Shrine maiden outfit we have.

<"Just a minute!"

>You quickly get changed into whatever you grab first; which is your towel Casual Attire that you removed earlier.
>Hooray for jeans and a shirt!

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 30, 2011, 07:24:05 PM
>Hurry out to deal with our visitor.
>Did we recognize the voice?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 30, 2011, 07:40:30 PM
>Hurry out to deal with our visitor.
>Did we recognize the voice?

>You quickly move out of your room.
>For some reason, the voice doesn't sound familiar.

>You discover someone part of the way inside the shrine; like she's taking a quick glance around from the entrance.
>She has shoulder-length, pink hair with a couple of hair buns.
>The thing that stands out most, however, is her bandaged right arm; which runs all the way up into the sleeve of her shirt.
>She spots you and takes a quick step back; a metallic sound can be heard from her other wrist.
>That's when you spot the shackle on it.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 30, 2011, 07:46:39 PM
>Do we have any idea what the bandaged arm and shackle would imply about her?
>Raise an eyebrow.
>"Heya. May I help you?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 30, 2011, 07:50:21 PM
>"Sorry about that, my other clothes are kind of a mess and I needed to get changed."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 30, 2011, 08:03:16 PM
>Do we have any idea what the bandaged arm and shackle would imply about her?
>Raise an eyebrow.
>"Heya. May I help you?"
>"Sorry about that, my other clothes are kind of a mess and I needed to get changed."

>An entire arm bandaged normally implies an injury. Well, that's what common sense tells you.
>As for the shackles... The only people in Gensokyo you've seen with shackles on their wrists have been oni.
>But then again, you can't see any horns on this girl, so you're not sure if this girl is one or not.

>The eyebrow goes up in suspicion!
<"Heya. May I help you with anything?"

>"... Are you this shrine's maiden?"
<"Ehehe. Sorry about that. My other clothes are kind of a mess so I needed to get changed."
>"Well, no matter. One is better then none."
>She crosses her arms.
>"Have you seen Reimu? Or the mountain's shrine maiden for that matter?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 30, 2011, 08:07:58 PM
>"Not today, no. What do you what with them?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 30, 2011, 08:22:45 PM
>"Not today, no. What do you what with them?"

<"No; not today anyway."
>The girl seems to sigh in despair.
<"What do you want with them?"
>"I just need to find them." She quickly replies. "There's something wrong with their shrines."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 30, 2011, 09:35:54 PM
>"Ghost in the corner?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 30, 2011, 10:55:01 PM
>"Ghost in the corner?"

<"Ghost in the corner?"
>"It's not a ghost! Why does everyone keep saying that?"
>She calms down a little.
>"Anyway, their shrine was empty. And I mean empty as in no one is there empty! But they were both so clean and tidy; since when does Reimu actually clean her shrine properly?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 30, 2011, 10:58:55 PM
>DOES Reimu clean her shrine, to our knowledge?
>"Not a ghost? My mistake, then, it does look like one. What WAS that, then?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on August 31, 2011, 01:24:13 AM
>DOES Reimu clean her shrine, to our knowledge?
>"Not a ghost? My mistake, then, it does look like one. What WAS that, then?"

>From what you've seen of her shrine, if she does, she does a poor job of it.
>Marisa probably doesn't help though.

<"Not a ghost? My mistake then; it just looked like one..."
>"How can a ghost look like a spirit?"
<"What was.... what?"
>"It's a spirit. One I've been tracking since it surfaced."
>The girl glances behind her and looks at you again.
>"There weren't any reports on it till I found out this morning. Some tengu said the goddesses hadn't been seen; and some 'white ghost, spirit thing' flew out of it."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on August 31, 2011, 03:18:11 AM
>"Might be lucky Kanjou wasn't here, then."
>Look up.
>"Would it be able to hear us right now?"
>We have observed her physique via peripheral vision. Evaluate her tracts of land without direct ogling.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on August 31, 2011, 03:29:11 AM
>"Also, what's your name?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 01, 2011, 12:10:55 AM
>"Might be lucky Kanjou wasn't here, then."
>Look up.
>"Would it be able to hear us right now?"
>We have observed her physique via peripheral vision. Evaluate her tracts of land without direct ogling.

>You frown a little.
<"Might be lucky Kanjou wasn't here, then."
>"Kanjou?" The girls look puzzled. "But, I thought..."
<"Would it be able to hear us right now?"
>She shakes her head.
>"Not unless it's still around. Though it helps I at least know someone in the village saw it."

>You decide to sneakily apply your investigative eyes for some - oh let's cut to the chase; you're looking up her boobs.
>Not as big as Yuugi or Komachi, but they are a pretty decent sized. Bigger then you.

>"Also, what's your name?"

>Come to think of it...
<"Hey, what's your name?"
>The girl smiles a little.
>"My name is Kasen Ibaraki. I probably should have said so earlier."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 01, 2011, 12:18:41 AM
>Bow politely, "I'm Shino. Welcome to this shrine."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 01, 2011, 12:34:39 AM
>Bow politely, "I'm Shino. Welcome to this shrine."

>You bow to Kasen; politely at that.
<"I'm Shino. Welcome to this shrine."

>Kasen waves her hand to the side; like she wasn't expecting you to be so polite.
>"You don't have to welcome me... I mean, I did sort of poke inside."
>She glances around again.
>"This is... quite new, isn't it?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 01, 2011, 01:18:23 AM
>Nod. "But that's okay, I'm kind of new, too."
>"So, you wanted to see where the spirit was? This way, please."
>Lead her inside.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 01, 2011, 11:37:01 AM
>Nod. "But that's okay, I'm kind of new, too."
>"So, you wanted to see where the spirit was? This way, please."
>Lead her inside.

>Nod, nod~
<"Yeah, but that's okay; I'm kind of new too."
>"Kind of?"
>Kasen looks a little puzzled... or intrigued. You're not quite sure.
<"S..So, you wanted to see where the spirit was?"
>"Huh... Yes! Right away!"
<"This way, please."

>You guide Kasen into the shrine; or more specifically, your room.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 01, 2011, 05:36:29 PM
>If the spirit is not obviously somewhere in the room, gesture toward where it was and say, "That's where I saw it."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 02, 2011, 01:13:29 AM
>If the spirit is not obviously somewhere in the room, gesture toward where it was and say, "That's where I saw it."

>It has gone, so you point to where it used to be; in the top corner.
<"That's where I saw it."
>Kasen look at the corner and places her hand under her chin; her elbow resting in the palm of her other hand.
>"It did a good job of leaving without a trace... but..."
>She looks at you.
>"There's something I can't shake. Did it do anything to you?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 02, 2011, 01:23:09 AM
>"Well, I thought it was stuck, so I thought I'd take it outside. Then things went all strange when I touched it..."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 02, 2011, 01:29:09 AM
>"Well, I thought it was stuck, so I thought I'd take it outside. Then things went all strange when I touched it..."

<"Well, I thought it was stuck, so I thought I'd take it outside."
>Kasen seems a little puzzled by that.
<"Then things went all strange when I touched it..."
>"Strange? How so? Did it feel like something entered your body?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 02, 2011, 01:33:52 AM
>"No, but I heard a voice saying weird stuff..."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 02, 2011, 01:42:15 AM
>"No, but I heard a voice saying weird stuff..."

<"No... but I heard a voice saying weird stuff..."
>"A voice?"

>If you didn't have her full attention before, you do now.
>"This... is becoming a pain."
>She rubs her head a little.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 02, 2011, 01:49:17 AM
>Frown. This is unencouraging.
>"Um, things about stuff unseen and undoing magic and despair..."
>"I'm not sick, am I?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 02, 2011, 02:07:13 AM
>Frown. This is unencouraging.
>"Um, things about stuff unseen and undoing magic and despair..."
>"I'm not sick, am I?"

>This isn't going so well...
<"Um, it said some things about stuff unseen and undoing magic and despair..."
>"Such ominous stuff..."
<"I'm not sick, am I?"
>A quick smile appears on her face, but vanishes just as quick.
>"Fortunately, no. But... it would seem that I'm chasing something more then just the average spirit I've come across lately."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 02, 2011, 02:08:19 AM
>"Are they the ones that busted up your arm?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 02, 2011, 11:48:08 PM
>"Are they the ones that busted up your arm?"

<"Are they the ones that busted up your arm?"
>Kasen blinks before realizing you're talking about her bandaged arm.
>"This... is fine actually. There's nothing wrong with it."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 02, 2011, 11:52:24 PM
>"Ooooh! I though you were..."
>Well.  Now she is a valid target.
>"So what do we do now?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 03, 2011, 12:32:27 AM
>"Ooooh! I though you were..."
>Well.  Now she is a valid target.
>"So what do we do now?"

<"Oooooh! I thought you were..."
>"Don't worry; quite a few people think that too."
>New target ahoy!
<"So what do we do now?"
>"Well, an incident is to be solved by a shrine maiden, is it not?"
>She can't be asking you to..."
>"Finding out where Reimu went is important though. Those two have had enough fights as of late."

>Not this again.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 03, 2011, 01:21:54 AM
>"Might as well let them get it out of their systems, if you ask me."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 03, 2011, 01:29:10 AM
>Who's the 'those two' having fights that she's talking about?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 03, 2011, 01:39:13 AM
>"Might as well let them get it out of their systems, if you ask me."
>Who's the 'those two' having fights that she's talking about?

<"Might as well let them get it out of their system, if you ask me."
>"Are you mad?!" She almost yells. "I've heard enough of them fighting lately."

>Kasen, you believe, is going on about Reimu & Sanae; who have been in the papers, and have been the talk of the village... for the 'wrong' reasons.
>Kanjou described the whole thing as 'Shrine Maidens being defiant.'
>It started before the shrine appeared, but when it did show up, it gave them another excuse to fight against each other.
>It has been dying down a little... but Kanjou isn't having any of it; hence the additional training.

>"Wait, you're just saying that so people will just come here."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 03, 2011, 01:45:25 AM
>"Well, it brought you here, didn't it?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 03, 2011, 07:58:21 PM
>"Well, it brought you here, didn't it?"

>Don't you just love smiling?
<"Well, it brought you here, didn't it?"

>"That's... not the point!"
>She sighs.
>"Either way, it'd be nice if you at least helped me. Though..."
>She looks at you, up and down.
>"Don't you have anything better to wear?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 03, 2011, 08:33:54 PM
>Do we have any back-up shrine maiden outfits?
>If so: "Not really, my clothes kinda need to be patched up."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 03, 2011, 10:38:56 PM
>Do we have any back-up shrine maiden outfits?
>If so: "Not really, my clothes kinda need to be patched up."

>Yes, you do. But it's not here; it's... Actually, you don't remember.

<"My clothes sort of need to be patched up... so no."
>"The papers have said you were from the Outside; but you have to adapt to our clothing, surely."
>Kasen seems to be waving a finger at you; like she's telling you off.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 03, 2011, 11:59:21 PM
>"It's better to invest in the shrine than vanities like clothes, isn't it?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 04, 2011, 01:45:00 AM
>"It's better to invest in the shrine than vanities like clothes, isn't it?"

<"It's better to invest in the shrine than vanities like clothes, isn't it?"
>Kasen looks a little surprised to hear that.
>"You really aren't what the papers make you out to be, huh?"
>She smiles a little; placing her left hand on her hip.
>"Well, I should really be trying to find them. It would help if you could keep a look out for them too."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 04, 2011, 01:59:55 AM
>"Oh, and what have the papers said about me, hmm? Is that really the kind of thing you should be saying to someone you're asking for help?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 04, 2011, 06:33:28 PM
>"Oh, and what have the papers said about me, hmm? Is that really the kind of thing you should be saying to someone you're asking for help?"

<"Oh, and what have the papers said about me, hmm?"
>"I'm pretty sure you know what, since you read them too."
>She points at the paper that's in the room.
<"Well, even then, is that really the kind of thing you should be saying to someone you're asking for help from?"
>"I didn't mean anything wrong by it, if that's what you mean."
>Kasen starts to move towards the exit.
>"I should go now..."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 04, 2011, 08:21:34 PM
>"So, we just need to find the Red White and the other one? Not going to tell me anything about the spirits or whatever?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 10:23:46 AM
>"So, we just need to find the Red White and the other one? Not going to tell me anything about the spirits or whatever?"

<"So, we just need to find the Red White and the other one?"
>"I see you like forgetting their names as much as the last person does."
>She seems to wink when she says this; cutie~
<"Not going to tell me anything about the spirits and such?"
>"You're supposed to be good at improvising." She replies. "I don't mind if you exterminate it for me; as long as it doesn't bring any more spirits with it."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 05, 2011, 06:45:06 PM
>"Well, before I blow it up, you should at least tell me what it is. "
>Approach her, as if we were trying to get a better look at it/where it was.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 06:53:00 PM
>"Well, before I blow it up, you should at least tell me what it is. "
>Approach her, as if we were trying to get a better look at it/where it was.

<"Well, before I blow it up, you should at least tell me what it is."
>You start to approach her; acting like you're taking a better look at where the 'spirit' was.
>"It's just an evil spirit." She answers. "It'll do you no good with whatever you may be thinking of."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 05, 2011, 06:56:22 PM
>"So it's just like those things that cat underground likes to control?"
>Did it feel warm when we touched it?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 07:01:54 PM
>"So it's just like those things that cat underground likes to control?"
>Did it feel warm when we touched it?

<"So it's just like those things that cat underground likes to..."
>Huh?" Kasen stares at you; almost in surprise. "You've been underground?"

>You're not sure; everything went cold before you could really tell.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 05, 2011, 07:16:47 PM
>"Yeah, it wasn't too bad, after we got that silly crow back under control. Why?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 07:22:36 PM
>"Yeah, it wasn't too bad, after we got that silly crow back under control. Why?"

<"Yeah, it wasn't too bad; especially after that silly crow got control back. Why?"
>Kasen seems to be bordering between being impressed and shocked you actually went down there.
>"Nothing... I just didn't expect another human to have gone down there."

>She sighs a little and goes to walk backwards, but hits a wall instead.
>Trying to stay serious, she simply makes it look like she's leaning against it.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 05, 2011, 07:34:37 PM
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 07:41:32 PM

>Ah, too amusing; you let out a giggle.
>Kasen keeps her poker face; no sign of a blush at all.

>"Anything else you want to ask before I leave?" She finally asks.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 05, 2011, 07:54:12 PM
>"Well, it'd be nice to know where I can find you if I need you?"
>Would Kanjou mind if we just took off for this kind of situation?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 08:08:18 PM
>"Well, it'd be nice to know where I can find you if I need you?"
>Would Kanjou mind if we just took off for this kind of situation?

<"Well, it'd be nice to know where I can find you I need you."
>"I don't often tell people where I am..."
>She pauses for a second, and begins to walk out.
>"But if you see a shinigami in your travels, I'm sure they'll show you the way."

>If there's an incident, going out to sort it is pretty standard; it's what shrine maidens do these days.
>Kanjou wouldn't mind... but he has said in the past to only go out if the incident really needs solving; aka, urgent attention.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 05, 2011, 08:20:24 PM
>Walk out with her.
>"So, are these little guys actually causing any real problems?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 08:26:58 PM
>Walk out with her.
>"So, are these little guys actually causing any real problems?"

>You walk out with her; it's only fair after all.
<"So, are these little guys actually causing any real problems?"
>"Even if they aren't, they shouldn't be up here in the first place."
>She seems to mutter something under her breath after this.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 05, 2011, 08:29:41 PM
>"What was that?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 08:40:17 PM
>"What was that?"

<"What was that?"
>As you both go outside, she takes this chance to place some money in the donation box.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 05, 2011, 09:01:32 PM
>Position ourselves so she'll have to walk past us to leave.
>"Thank you very much."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 09:04:33 PM
>Position ourselves so she'll have to walk past us to leave.
>"Thank you very much."

>You deploy quick movement to position yourself in a way that will force Kasen to go past you.
<"Thank you very much."
>"If only Reimu was a little more like you." Kasen smiles as she goes to walk past you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 05, 2011, 09:23:34 PM
>As she walks by, induct her to the list.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 09:35:09 PM
>As she walks by, induct her to the list.


>Just as she walks by, your arm swings forward instantly.
>Wow, do they feel gooooooood~
>Kasen, caught completely off guard, shrieks a little in shock; her movement stopped by you of course.
>Your instinct cries to grab the other... but should you...

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 05, 2011, 09:39:07 PM
>Follow our instincts, they've never mislead us before.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 09:43:22 PM
>Follow our instincts, they've never mislead us before.

>And you follow up with a complete capture.
>Fondle, fondle...
>Kyaa... so nice and...
>Kasen grabs both of your wrists; tight grip and all.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 05, 2011, 10:07:28 PM
>Let nature take it's course.
>"Not so tight, now..."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 10:14:49 PM
>Let nature take it's course.
>"Not so tight, now..."

>Ah, what could ever happen next...
<"Not so tight, nowooooooooooooooah!"
>Your weight shifts very suddenly.
>You are being thrown clean over Kasen and... this is going to hurt...

>Well, at least you'll bounce a little and...



>You just got thrown through the shrine's floor; down onto the ground below it.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 05, 2011, 10:18:04 PM
>Does she seem to be lingering at all?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 10:20:44 PM
>Does she seem to be lingering at all?

>Yeah... that really hurt...

>"Ah...I...I'm sorry!"
>You can see her head at least through the lovely hole she just created.
>She holds out her bandaged arm to you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 05, 2011, 10:23:30 PM
>Take it. Try to shake off the dizzies and the hurting.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 11:16:44 PM
>Take it. Try to shake off the dizzies and the hurting.

>You grab hold of her hand and start being pulled upwards.
>You attempt to shake the dizziness out of the throw, not to mention the...

>... Wait a second.
>Her hand... doesn't quite feel right.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 05, 2011, 11:29:15 PM
>What feels weird about it?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 05, 2011, 11:53:16 PM
>What feels weird about it?

>It doesn't feel... like a normal hand.
>It's not flesh... it almost feels like it doesn't keep the shape it's supposed to be.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 06, 2011, 12:21:46 AM
>Oh well, let her help us to our feet.
>"You're arm's kind of funny..."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 06, 2011, 06:39:05 PM
>Oh well, let her help us to our feet.
>"You're arm's kind of funny..."

>She manages to pull you out of the hole and up on to the floor.
>"...Sorry about that..."
<"...Your arm's kind of funny..."


>And with that, Kasen runs off; not another word coming from her.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 06, 2011, 07:25:17 PM
>"I'm glad you wish Reimu was more like me!"
>Assess floor damage.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 06, 2011, 07:32:17 PM
>"I'm glad you wish Reimu was more like me!"
>Assess floor damage.

>You wave as if nothing happened.
<"I'm glad you wish Reimu was more like me!"
>Your yell catches the attention of a couple of villagers; who seem to sigh and continue on with their day.

>You take a look at the damage...
>It's a pretty decent-sized hole; you can clearly see what bits were snapped off when you flew down.
>It'll need some time fixing it, since 'patching it up' would be the equivalent of making a trap out of it; someone would fall through it.

>That slap is starting to sting a bit too.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 06, 2011, 07:37:34 PM
>Massage our wounds.
>Do we have the around the shrine to fix the hole?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 06, 2011, 07:48:15 PM
>Massage our wounds.
>Do we have the around the shrine to fix the hole?

>You give your wounds a little rub; ouch~

>You don't have anything around you can really fix this with...
>Unless a well placed stop-sign told people where the hole is...
>Wait, how did that get there so soon?!

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 06, 2011, 07:49:10 PM
>Prod this sign.
>Then look around.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 06, 2011, 08:02:22 PM
>Prod this sign.
>Then look around.

>Is everyone after your shrine today?
>You poke the sign out of curiosity; it's real all right.
>It doesn't look like an actual stop sign though. It seems like there's some form of... wheeled contraption in the centre of the sign.

>You look around and see nothing...
>... Until you realise there's a piece of paper stuck to the sign too.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 06, 2011, 08:25:08 PM
>Read that note!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 06, 2011, 08:56:41 PM
>Read that note!

>You swipe the note and...

-Rinnosuke stuff sorted. Keep an eye on the shrine; I'll see you tomorrow. Double appointment; so meet outside Alice's House, nice and early of course.-

>Kanjou's writing; no doubt about it.
>Scribbled in writing that is different to the first part, however, is...

-Here's a sign of the future; I call it... Charisma.-

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 06, 2011, 09:00:29 PM
>Does the second part resemble any handwriting we know?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 06, 2011, 09:10:53 PM
>Does the second part resemble any handwriting we know?

>From your guess... Yukari.
>In fact, she has done something like this before... so yeah, got to be Yukari.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 06, 2011, 09:16:05 PM
>"Oh 'Kari, I knew you still cared."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 07, 2011, 08:00:09 PM
>"Oh 'Kari, I knew you still cared."

<"Oh 'Kari, I knew you still cared."

>Airing out your thoughts to thin air is always nice; just on the off chance she might actually hear you.
>"And I'm finally back~"

>... a tengu is fine too.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2011, 08:06:50 PM
>Which one? The place is lousy with 'em recently.
>Turn to face the newcomer. "Welcome back, you alright?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 07, 2011, 08:13:11 PM
>Which one? The place is lousy with 'em recently.
>Turn to face the newcomer. "Welcome back, you alright?"

>It's Aya.

>You turn back round to her; she looks pretty beat.
<"Welcome back. You alright?"

>"Ha... I'll be fine." She replies; rubbing the back of her head a little. "That gap really caught me by surprise."
>She stares at you for a bit.
>"Slacking off, are we?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2011, 08:24:07 PM
>"What? Are you kidding? I did so well I even got us some donations just a minute ago!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 07, 2011, 09:01:31 PM
>"What? Are you kidding? I did so well I even got us some donations just a minute ago!"

<"What? Are you kidding? I did so well I even got us some donations just a minute ago!"

>"Ooooo, such a busy pervert." Aya chuckles. "If things are doing so well, what's with the hole in the floor?"

>Damn it, that tengu is fast with that.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 07, 2011, 09:07:31 PM
>"These things happen, you know."
>Did we ever collect up the latest paper?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 08, 2011, 01:36:46 AM
>"These things happen, you know."
>Did we ever collect up the latest paper?

<"These things happen, you know..."
>"Well, I never expected something like that to cause such damage."
>Aya has her notebook out; looks like she's in her zone again.
>"So, how did that get here? Did Yukari do it? Were you angry and bought it from Kourindou?"

>Of course you did; it has been in your backpack since the morning.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2011, 01:39:21 AM
>Didn't Aya deliver a new one before the Yukaricaust?
>"It was probably Yukari. You know how she is."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 08, 2011, 03:00:17 AM
>Didn't Aya deliver a new one before the Yukaricaust?
>"It was probably Yukari. You know how she is."

>You recall there being another news-paper.
>Then you remember that it was probably Hatate's; seeing as it was nearby Kanjou at the time.

<"It was probably Yukari. You, of all people, know how she is."
>The tengu chuckles a little; scribbling away as she goes.

>"So another fight, huh? I could get a scoop if you two fight anymore today."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2011, 03:13:01 AM
>"Mmm, maybe. So, what's been happening today?"
>Try to figure out where the Kakashi Spirit News got off to.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on September 08, 2011, 05:56:40 AM
> "Any new .... fun?"

(Also, when I archive-binged this and got to the bit with Sakuya, I briefly wondered if they were following the Maid RPG "seduction" rules)
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 08, 2011, 09:25:18 AM
>"Mmm, maybe. So, what's been happening today?"
>Try to figure out where the Kakashi Spirit News got off to.
> "Any new .... fun?"

<"Mmm, maybe. So, what's been happening today?"
>"Nothing; save for the incident earlier."
<"Aww... So no new fun?"
>"Ayayaya~ Always thinking about the breasts, huh?"

>Kanjou probably took it with him; either that, or someone else took it; it's not in your sight.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2011, 09:43:25 AM
>"Not always, just when the opportunity arises."
>"So have you heard anything about those weird ghosts that aren't ghosts?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 09, 2011, 12:29:15 AM
>"Not always, just when the opportunity arises."
>"So have you heard anything about those weird ghosts that aren't ghosts?"

<"Not always, just when the opportunity arises."
>"Isn't that every other time, though?"
>Oh snap, you walked into that one. ;)

<"Anyway! Have you heard anything about weird ghosts that aren't ghosts?"
>Aya tilts her head a little before flicking through her notebook.
>"You mean spirits? Can't say I've heard anything; though some youkai in the forest are going on about some 'mysterious energy' that passes by every now and then."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2011, 12:36:34 AM
>"Which Youkai?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 09, 2011, 12:45:20 AM
>"Which Youkai?"

<"Which youkai?"
>"It doesn't matter."
>... Hmmm.
>"To be honest, that puppeteer seemed interested in it. She said it felt... ancient."
>Aya laughs a little.
>"Youkai these days; always so touchy~"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2011, 01:01:26 AM
>Let's not jump on that double entrende. Or point out she's a youkai, too.
>How have our experiences with That Puppeteer been?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 09, 2011, 01:29:36 AM
>Let's not jump on that double entrende. Or point out she's a youkai, too.
>How have our experiences with That Puppeteer been?

>The temptation to follow up... oh, it just cries for it.

>That Puppeteer, also known as Alice, has a pretty solid defence; her dolls will attempt to cover as much ground as possible.
>You claim to have groped her, but Alice says otherwise.
>>Actually, this needs explaining. You caught her sides to poke a bit of fun, causing a reaction from Alice to pull her dolls toward you. They ended up going straight into her breasts.
>>Alice dug herself even deeper by saying she had control over them; to which you trolled your way through with a 'so you touched yourself in front of me' line.
>In other words, to avoid the embarrassment of such an event, Alice allows you to say you have groped her, on the condition you don't say what actually happened.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2011, 01:35:07 AM
>We cannot be content with mere boasts.
>"Maybe I'll ask her about it. It is pretty weird there's fake ghosts showing up all over. Oh, hey, do you know where Reimu and Sanae were? That Kasen woman was after them."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 09, 2011, 01:42:34 AM
>We cannot be content with mere boasts.
>"Maybe I'll ask her about it. It is pretty weird there's fake ghosts showing up all over. Oh, hey, do you know where Reimu and Sanae were? That Kasen woman was after them."

>Little things like that are fleh~

<"Maybe I'll ask her about it. It is pretty weird that there are fake ghosts showing up all over."
>"Hmm, you're right there; though it could be down to anything these days."
<Oh, hey, do you know where Reimu and Sanae were? That Kasen woman was after them."

>At the mention of Kasen, Aya's eyes widen a little; like the name is ringing bells in her head.
>"...I can't say I know for sure." Aya replies. "Though I'm pretty sure I heard Momiji going on about Sanae going down the mountain to the reactor."
>She pauses for a second.
>"Hmm, maybe it's their fault..."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2011, 02:04:18 AM
>"Huh, maybe. Have they been up to anything recently?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 09, 2011, 03:08:37 AM
>"Huh, maybe. Have they been up to anything recently?"

<"Huh, maybe..."
>Come to think of it...
<"Have they been up to anything recently?"
>Aya shrugs.
>"I haven't heard anything. If something was happening in Former Hell, I'd have known about it by now; I'm pretty sure those gods would be all over it too."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2011, 03:10:51 AM
>"Probably not, then. Oh well. Keep an eye open for them?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 09, 2011, 11:36:59 PM
>"Probably not, then. Oh well. Keep an eye open for them?"

<"Probably not, then; oh well."
>"Ehehe, sorry Shino~"
<"Can you keep an eye open for them?"
>"Both eyes, of course." Aya grins. "Nothing escapes my camera, even on my worst day!"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 09, 2011, 11:55:34 PM
>How long would it take to get to Casa de Alice from here?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 10, 2011, 12:03:46 AM
>How long would it take to get to Casa de Alice from here?

>You'd be diving into the Forest of Magic to find it.
>Since youkai love roaming around in there, it'll depend on whether you encounter anyone or not.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2011, 12:11:18 AM
>Oh they know not to get in our way~~
>"I think I'm going to go see what Alice has to say, in the meantime. And maybe look around that one place where Sanae was."
>Find some paper and leave a note for Kanjou: "Incident Brewing? Be back later -S <3"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 10, 2011, 01:29:42 AM
>Oh they know not to get in our way~~
>"I think I'm going to go see what Alice has to say, in the meantime. And maybe look around that one place where Sanae was."
>Find some paper and leave a note for Kanjou: "Incident Brewing? Be back later -S <3"

>Unless they want a groping, they'll steer clear of you~~
<"I think I'll go and see what Alice has to say in the meantime."
>"Perhaps I should tag along with you~"
<"Maybe. I should probably look around that place you said where Sanae was heading too."
>"You don't have to do everything for me, you know?" The tengu chuckles.

>You look for some paper, but Aya hands you a small sheet.
>"Can't waste time now, can we?"
>You leave a note for Kanjou; stating that there maybe an incident brewing and you'll see him later.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2011, 01:59:08 AM
>Place the note somewhere where he can find it, and head toward Alice's!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 10, 2011, 02:00:21 AM
>Is Aya faster than us? If so: "You're faster. We'll get there sooner if you carry me."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 10, 2011, 02:18:43 AM
>Place the note somewhere where he can find it, and head toward Alice's!
>Is Aya faster than us? If so: "You're faster. We'll get there sooner if you carry me."

>You think about where to put the note, before leaving it on the table inside the shrine.
>Of course Aya is faster then you; she's a tengu.
<"You're faster then me. Maybe we'll get there sooner if you carry me!"
>"No way." Aya forms a cross with her arms. "I need my hands in case I see something interesting."

>With that, the two of you head away from the shrine and out of the village.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 10, 2011, 02:41:46 AM
>"I could always just hold on to you."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on September 10, 2011, 05:30:50 AM
> Mental image: riding along on her back, with our arms wrapped around ... her front~ ...
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on September 10, 2011, 02:07:27 PM
>"More importantly..." *blush* "Aren't I 'something interesting'?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 10, 2011, 04:19:53 PM
>"I could always just hold on to you."
> Mental image: riding along on her back, with our arms wrapped around ... her front~ ...

<"I could always... just... hold on to you."
>Ah, the image of riding on her back; your hands well placed around her...
>"I don't think so." Aya says flatly. "You'd weigh me down."

>"More importantly..." *blush* "Aren't I 'something interesting'?"

<"More importantly..."
>You blush a little.
<"Aren't I something interesting?"
>"That you are." Aya smiles. "But I can't dedicate an entire paper on you now."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on September 10, 2011, 09:13:19 PM
> "Awwww, fine~!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2011, 09:14:55 PM
>"Are you calling me fat?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 10, 2011, 10:30:08 PM
> "Awwww, fine~!"
>"Are you calling me fat?"

<"Awwwww, fi... wait... are you calling me fat?"
>"Of cours... wait, no; that's not what I meant!"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2011, 10:40:25 PM
>Dark look. We gotta milk this for a moment.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 10, 2011, 10:49:45 PM
>Dark look. We gotta milk this for a moment.

>You give Aya one evil looking look.
>You're not letting this one slip.

>"I...I said I didn't mean it. You're just kind of pl... I mean..."
>She's getting a little flustered.
>"Ayayaya~ Maybe I should go..."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2011, 10:59:42 PM
>"Awww, I was just hoping to trick some compliments out of you."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 10, 2011, 11:09:55 PM
>"Awww, I was just hoping to trick some compliments out of you."

<"Awww, I was just hoping to trick some compliments out of you."
>Aya seems to calm down a little.

>You are rapidly approaching the Forest of Magic.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2011, 11:38:26 PM
>Shoulder pat. "Of course!"
>Into the forest!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 10, 2011, 11:43:17 PM
>Shoulder pat. "Of course!"
>Into the forest!

>You pat her shoulder.
<"Of course!"
>"Good. Sorry about that~"

>With that, the two of you dive into the forest.
>"Hmm... which way was it again..."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 10, 2011, 11:52:46 PM
>Look around. Which was was it again?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 11, 2011, 12:41:36 AM
>Look around. Which was was it again?

>You take a look around and see plenty of trees around you.
>Most have been marked; obviously from scars of battles.
>It has been quite a while since you last when to Alice's house; in fact, you don't remember the way.

>"Perhaps this way~" Aya says as she takes off; flying to your left a little.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on September 11, 2011, 12:50:16 AM
>"Hey, w-wait up!"
>Follow her.
>Now how do we lure an alice towards us?...
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 11, 2011, 12:59:53 AM
>"Hey, w-wait up!"
>Follow her.
>Now how do we lure an alice towards us?...

<"Hey! W-Wait up!"
>You quickly dart after her; thankfully she isn't going too fast.

>Luring Alice in depends on where she is.
>If she's inside her house, it'll be pretty hard to do that; her dolls tend to watch over the place.
>If she isn't, then there may be a chance to surprise her.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2011, 01:20:16 AM
>Follow that birdbrain!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 11, 2011, 05:39:58 PM
>Follow that birdbrain!

>You follow the birdbrain known as Aya, who is twisting this way and that; mumbling to herself about which direction it was.
>By this point, you have no idea where you are...

>Oh hey look, a clearing...
>And suddenly, Aya is spinning in mid-air; like something just hit her...

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on September 11, 2011, 07:39:00 PM
>Guard up, look around-can we see any trace of anything that might have attacked Aya?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 11, 2011, 08:46:29 PM
>Guard up, look around-can we see any trace of anything that might have attacked Aya?

>She hurtles down towards the ground; it really must have caught her off guard.

>You slow down quickly; attempting to spot anything around you before it's too...
>You spot what looks like string; and I mean you can barely see it.
>It's a good thing you slowed down enough to avoid contact with it though.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 11, 2011, 10:35:14 PM
>Look around. What is the string connected to?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Vhaltz on September 11, 2011, 11:00:38 PM
>Go check if Aya's fine before examining the string
>Do we recognize the string type? doll strings, perhaps?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 12, 2011, 01:59:33 AM
>Just check Aya from where we are; we don't want to spring the trap on ourselves.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on September 12, 2011, 04:33:57 AM
> We don't want to string the trap, either!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 12, 2011, 02:42:44 PM
>Look around. What is the string connected to?
>Go check if Aya's fine before examining the string
>Do we recognize the string type? doll strings, perhaps?
>Just check Aya from where we are; we don't want to spring the trap on ourselves.
> We don't want to string the trap, either!

>You glance down to see Aya sprawled out on the ground; she looks like she's out of it.

>You take another look at the string.
>It doesn't seem like the usual string Alice uses with some of her dolls; in fact, if it caused Aya to stop in mid-flight, it has to be have been enhanced with some form of magic or something.
>You attempt to see if it's connected to anything, but something tells you it's simply tied to the trees.
>Looking down, there is more of it; but there are gaps between each of them.
>You'd say it's enough space for you to fly into without hitting them.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2011, 08:38:41 PM
>Aya's out cold? Well then, here's our chance...
>Steal her wallet.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 12, 2011, 08:44:17 PM
>Aya's out cold? Well then, here's our chance...
>Steal her wallet.

>You look down at Aya again and something runs through your mind...

>You go down to her and decide to take her wallet.
>You have taken Aya's Wallet.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2011, 08:45:42 PM
>Did she react?
>Have a look through it.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 12, 2011, 09:06:09 PM
>Did she react?
>Have a look through it.

>Not in the slightest, it seems.

>You go to take a look at it when you spot a doll out of the corner of your eye.
>It is holding what appears to be a lance.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2011, 09:23:39 PM
>"Hello Miss Doll!"
>Rummage through that wallet.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 12, 2011, 09:34:15 PM
>"Hello Miss Doll!"
>Rummage through that wallet.

<"Hello Miss Doll!"
>The doll races back towards the house.
>You have a feeling it might become a bit noisy in a minute.

>Regardless, you look through her wallet.
>You spot a couple of photos, money and bits of paper folded up.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2011, 09:45:27 PM
>Examine the photos, then the paper.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 13, 2011, 04:23:54 PM
>Examine the photos, then the paper.

>You take a look at the photos.
>One is of Aya and a couple of tengu you've not seen before; they all seem happy.
>Another one is of Hatate and... Momiji? Momiji seems a bit un-happy; not looking at the camera; perhaps Aya took the picture then?
>You spot a third one; and you smile a little. It's one of you and Aya together; you're eyeing up her chest whilst she has, what appears to be, a tight grip on your shoulder.

>You pull out the piece of paper, but before you can un-fold it, you notice a swarm of dolls gathering around the house.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 13, 2011, 09:42:21 PM
>Take a quick look at the paper.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on September 13, 2011, 10:33:28 PM
> Get ready to flee. Just in case you can't talk or grope your way out of this.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 14, 2011, 12:57:56 AM
>Take a quick look at the paper.
> Get ready to flee. Just in case you can't talk or grope your way out of this.

>You quickly unfold the paper and take a peek at it.
>It looks like a letter... A letter that is addressed to Momiji...

>The dolls scatter from the house; a few heading towards you.
>It looks like they are about to throw lances at you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 14, 2011, 01:00:19 AM
>"Hey, we're just visiting!"
>Put the letter back, and if time permits before being lance'd, replace the wallet.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 14, 2011, 01:16:42 AM
>"Hey, we're just visiting!"
>Put the letter back, and if time permits before being lance'd, replace the wallet.

>You start to put the letter back and seal the wallet.

<"Hey, we're just visiting!"
>The dolls screech to a halt; lances still ready to throw.
>You go to replace the wallet but a lance whizzes past you; causing you to leap away from Aya.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 14, 2011, 01:18:48 AM
>"Hey! I said we're just visiting!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 14, 2011, 01:33:35 AM
>"Alice is going to get upset if you get broke for no reason, so just back off!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 14, 2011, 01:37:30 AM
>"Hey! I said we're just visiting!"
>"Alice is going to get upset if you get broke for no reason, so just back off!"

<"Hey! I said we're just visiti--"

>Another lance grazes past you; causing you to dive into the clearing.
<"Alice is going to get upset if you get broke for no reason. Back off!"

>The dolls gather round you, but don't throw their lances at you.
>It seems like they're thinking... wait, dolls don't think, do they?

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 14, 2011, 01:39:29 AM
>"We're just here to talk with Alice about that weird power she felt, geez!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 14, 2011, 02:14:27 AM
>"We're just here to talk with Alice about that weird power she felt, geez!"

<"We're just here to talk with Alice about that weird power she felt!"
>The dolls seem to circle around you a bit before lining up a path in front of you; leading to the door of Alice's house.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 14, 2011, 02:20:51 AM
>"Thanks, let me make sure Aya's going to be okay, first."
>Does she seem better than before?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 14, 2011, 07:05:22 PM
>"Thanks, let me make sure Aya's going to be okay, first."
>Does she seem better than before?

<"Thanks. Now let me make sure Aya's going to be okay..."
>You go to move back to Aya but some of the dolls block off your path; seems like forward is your only option now.
>You can, however, spot Aya; she has not moved from her position.
>Hopefully she'll be okay.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on September 14, 2011, 09:28:52 PM
> Puff up cheeks in annoyance.
> "Jeez, I was just going to check on her!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 14, 2011, 10:54:57 PM
>How danmaku-capable are we, anyways?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 15, 2011, 12:32:02 AM
> Puff up cheeks in annoyance.
> "Jeez, I was just going to check on her!"
>How danmaku-capable are we, anyways?

>You puff up your cheeks; you're getting annoyed.
<"Jeez, I was just going to check on her!"
>The dolls remain in place, but at least the ones making the path are too.

>You'd say you're pretty capable.
>Spell Cards aside, you can whip a good mixture of patterns; some times even rivalling Reimu, though that really depends on how you are on the day.
>Of course, Kanjou has helped with that; meaning you've still got room for improvement.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 15, 2011, 12:47:08 AM
>"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to insist on looking after her. Move aside, please."
>Approach the dolls. If they do not move aside, push past them (or duck under if that'd be easier.) If any give us trouble, they get the danmaku.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 15, 2011, 01:55:12 AM
>"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to insist on looking after her. Move aside, please."
>Approach the dolls. If they do not move aside, push past them (or duck under if that'd be easier.) If any give us trouble, they get the danmaku.

<"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to insist on looking after her."
>The dolls stand (or float) their ground.
>You take another step towards them.
<"Move aside, please."
>They move backwards, but quickly come back at you; lances primed.
>You immediately take them down with a wave of purple danmaku.

>This triggers the movement of every doll behind you.
>Every. Single. One.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 15, 2011, 02:32:18 AM
>"I told you, I need to look after her!"
>Turn, give them a few more purple waves, and move when we have to.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 15, 2011, 02:43:32 AM
>"I told you, I need to look after her!"
>Turn, give them a few more purple waves, and move when we have to.

<"Ugh! I told you I need to look after her!"
>You turn around and give them a few more waves.
>They are prepared for it, unlike the smaller group, and scatter in different directions.
>A few lances fly past you, as a few others begin firing danmaku in your direction.

>You take evasive action and graze some of the bullets; but there's so many, if they all started firing, it would become mighty...

>"YO, ALI..."

>Half of the fairies suddenly stop and turn towards the direction of a very familiar voice.
>"... Bad time to call, huh?"
>Marisa?! From what you make out, she looks pretty beaten up.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on September 15, 2011, 03:02:34 AM
> Consider the utility of screaming.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 15, 2011, 03:13:59 AM
>"Get these stupid things off me!"
>Fire on those who keep hassling us.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 15, 2011, 03:32:33 AM
>What do we know about Alice and Marisa's relationship? And what both of them think of us, and Aya?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 15, 2011, 09:09:25 PM
>What do we know about Alice and Marisa's relationship? And what both of them think of us, and Aya?

>You make jokes about them being a couple, but they are not.
>Alice simply sees Marisa has a partner; another magician in the field.
>Marisa, however, does play along with your jokes; winding up Alice can be fun until you get pelted with dolls.

>As for what they both think of Aya, Marisa just deals with her until she leaves; after all, Marisa has encountered her a lot.
>Alice, on the other hand, has been getting more and more annoyed at the tengu; to the point where she started setting up...
>Oh... you mentally face-palm at the fact that you forgot all about the 'defence system' she threatened to put up after Aya's recent visit.

> Consider the utility of screaming.
>"Get these stupid things off me!"
>Fire on those who keep hassling us.

>You think about screaming; but... oh forget it.
<"Get these stupid things off me!"
>Half of the dolls fly over to Marisa, who quickly dives towards Alice's house; sending out some stars in the process.

>The rest of them turn back to you, but thankfully, you've taken advantage of the distraction and launched a ring of danmaku towards them.
>You consider trying out one of your latest tricks, and watch as the danmaku explodes into tiny cluster bullets; causing a few of the dolls to explode.
>Good job! Now you're dodging lances, bullets AND exploding dolls.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on September 15, 2011, 09:22:34 PM
> Yep, time to scream now.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on September 15, 2011, 09:35:38 PM
>God damnit Aya.
>"Marisa! Make sure Alice turns off these defences, ok?!"
>Spell cards list
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 15, 2011, 10:20:35 PM
> Yep, time to scream now.
>God damnit Aya.
>"Marisa! Make sure Alice turns off these defences, ok?!"
>Spell cards list

>AYA! Damn you, you silly birdbrain!
>This is too much for you.
<"MARISA! Get Alice to turn these things off!"
>You don't hear a reply; but the sound of a window smashing can be heard.

>Spell Cards!
>>Maiden's Sign: Wave of Romance!
>>>This card is pretty bright, compared to most of your other choices. Bright waves of 'love' engulf your opponents; bending inwards as it gets closer. You send out amulets too; because every shrine maiden loves using amulets.
>>Perversion Sign: The Mysterious Glomp!
>>>This is a very silly card; but you've won with this before. You dive in a specific pattern, or straight at your target, and attempt to collide with them. Of course, you also summon danmaku at your sides and amulets in a quick circle each time you dive. It takes a few seconds after each dive to ready the next danmaku charge; so sometimes, you improvise with how far you're flying out.
>>H Sign: Unthinkable Particle Works!
>>>This is a card that, whilst sticking true to what you are, is also a pure danmaku challenge. You position amulets around the area; these amulets seal the two of you inside. Your attack then starts with a laser grid being formed by the square. Two corners will fire normal, black danmaku towards the opponent. Your next attack sends out the same danmaku from yourself. However, it changes the already black danmaku into many tiny purple ones; scattering them to each side. It's a tricky card for even those high up there, but the energy level on your part is also very high.
>>Ultimate Lust: Death of the Highest Score!
>>>IF Kanjou didn't know you any better, he'd think your names were silly... yet pretty clever at being mysterious. Having thrown yourself at youkai willingly, you have learnt that some things are best left to chance. This throws everything hidden in your perverted mind out onto your target. Worse then that, it makes grazing anywhere in front of your direct position very hard. Danmaku circle outwards as amulets explode into particles once more. You make a blind dive once nothing else can be seen. You have knocked yourself out with this in the past; yet very few people have caught this card.

>Dolls are exploding. You are running out of places to move to rapidly.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Vhaltz on September 18, 2011, 03:01:35 AM
> We've already had enough of a beating from Yuuka lately so we don't really want to leave it all to that Marisa whom we're not sure even heard us, do we?
> Gotta buy us some time and safety for now, so use Wave of Romance to attempt to blow away the exploding dolls, maybe even follow Marisa in if we get a chance to.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 18, 2011, 11:21:58 AM
> We've already had enough of a beating from Yuuka lately so we don't really want to leave it all to that Marisa whom we're not sure even heard us, do we?
> Gotta buy us some time and safety for now, so use Wave of Romance to attempt to blow away the exploding dolls, maybe even follow Marisa in if we get a chance to.

>Yuuka beat you up enough, let alone everything else that happened earlier.
>Yet, you don't want to leave all the hard work to Marisa.

>Time to bring out the dakka!
>You move back from the dolls exploding range just enough to whip out a spell card.
<"Maiden's Sign: WAVE OF ROMANCE!"
>Some of the dolls begin to move backwards, but are way too late.
>A sudden wave of hearts are cast out from you; taking a portion of the attacking group immediately.
>As they start bending, it's clear enough to see that you are using way too much danmaku for a group of dolls.
>Explosions go off in every direction before you even send out your amulets; which you do anyway, since it's clear this is overkill by this point.
>Several dolls are scattered on the ground, while the majority of them explode.
>Through the noise, you can hardly hear anything else...

>You caught the end of that, however; and it wasn't from Marisa.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 18, 2011, 11:53:23 AM
>Cancel the card and take a moment to get our breath, if the dolls aren't giving us any trouble anymore.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Vhaltz on September 18, 2011, 03:47:36 PM
>Danmaku shooting stop.
>Alice? or did somebody else beat us here?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 18, 2011, 06:06:49 PM
>Cancel the card and take a moment to get our breath, if the dolls aren't giving us any trouble anymore.
>Danmaku shooting stop.
>Alice? or did somebody else beat us here?

>You cancel the card quickly; you've done enough damage.
>You catch your breath as you do so since the dolls won't be troubling you any more...

>"See? I told you, ze~"
>"Did you have to go that far though? I mean, really!"

>Yeah, you can make out the blonde, short-haired Alice with Marisa running up behind her.
>Marisa looks even more roughed up. How is she still standing?

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on September 18, 2011, 08:54:41 PM
> Watch Alice and Marisa. TARGET LOCK ACQUIRED
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 18, 2011, 09:02:28 PM
> Watch Alice and Marisa. TARGET LOCK ACQUIRED

>You decide to watch the two; they seem to be approaching you.

>"Well, they are your dolls; you shouldn't have attacked her~"
>"It's a Tengu Defence System; the second the wire..."
>Alice looks at you, then glances around.
>"Wait... where's..."
>"See? No actual bird here. Why not check to see if she's a bird-brain, ze~"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Vhaltz on September 18, 2011, 09:12:12 PM
>Check if she's still where we left her before or if she's really just vanished.
>No wonder if that were the case, seeing as Alice put up a defence system specially for her, do we know exactly what Aya was trying to achieve here?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 18, 2011, 10:58:14 PM
>Look toward Aya for a moment; is she still where we left her? If so, is she obscured from Alice.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 19, 2011, 01:53:19 AM
>Check if she's still where we left her before or if she's really just vanished.
>No wonder if that were the case, seeing as Alice put up a defence system specially for her, do we know exactly what Aya was trying to achieve here?
>Look toward Aya for a moment; is she still where we left her? If so, is she obscured from Alice.

>Guess Alice really wasn't lying after all.
>Aya was only tagging along with you; that and showing you the way.

>You look to see if you can see Aya from your position.
>You're pretty sure you see her crawling away; she has had a rough day, it seems.
>Her camera, however, is right where... oh dear; does she know she dropped it?
>Seems like she's gone far enough into the trees to keep her out of sight; you should know, you can't really see her anymore now.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 19, 2011, 01:57:59 AM
>If Alice is distracted, nab that camera.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on September 19, 2011, 11:41:42 AM
>If Alice is distracted, nab that camera.
>Try to pocket it, if we can-we don't want Alice thinking we are going to photo her.
>Why were we looking for alice again?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Vhaltz on September 19, 2011, 11:45:28 AM
>Do we really want Alice to know Aya was here with... disregard that, checking the pictures in the camera for any relevant to our interests is our top priority right now.
>Pretend to go look for Aya and find a safe spot to eye the camera content (if we manage to snatch it) in order to avoid trouble with either sides.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 19, 2011, 09:00:12 PM
>If Alice is distracted, nab that camera.
>Try to pocket it, if we can-we don't want Alice thinking we are going to photo her.
>Why were we looking for alice again?
>Do we really want Alice to know Aya was here with... disregard that, checking the pictures in the camera for any relevant to our interests is our top priority right now.
>Pretend to go look for Aya and find a safe spot to eye the camera content (if we manage to snatch it) in order to avoid trouble with either sides.

>Alice continues looking around; walking in the direction to your left.
>You quickly run off to the right and make a bee-line for the camera.
>As you near it, however...

>Oh come on!

>"Hey, where are you going?"
>Alice, it seems, has turned her attention back to you.
>The camera is no longer in the area.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on September 19, 2011, 11:03:32 PM
> And ... quickly decide whether to reveal that Aya was ever here.
> Remind us, what's our status on conquest of Marisa and/or Alice?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 19, 2011, 11:42:39 PM
> And ... quickly decide whether to reveal that Aya was ever here.
> Remind us, what's our status on conquest of Marisa and/or Alice?

>You play the innocent card! Because that always works.

>You think about whether or not to reveal the fact that Aya was here or not...
>Should you?

>Alice: You haven't groped her; but you made her dolls do so for you. [I can't summarize it, so see this link. (,10376.msg710813.html#msg710813)
>Marisa: A story and a half with this one. In short, you have.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Vhaltz on September 19, 2011, 11:53:14 PM
>Considering Aya's infamy here, it would probably be best to pretend we got distracted and set off the defences accidentally when coming over to investigate the incident. She gives us nice pictures from time to time, too.
>Attempt to take out the piece of paper in our pocket while we turn around, pretending we were just looking for it after dropping it mid-fight.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 20, 2011, 02:39:37 AM
>We don't need to do anything so complex.
>"I was just checking something real quick. So, I've heard you've been feeling weird powers? Maybe it's connected to those fake ghosts running around?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 20, 2011, 08:29:47 AM
>Considering Aya's infamy here, it would probably be best to pretend we got distracted and set off the defences accidentally when coming over to investigate the incident. She gives us nice pictures from time to time, too.
>Attempt to take out the piece of paper in our pocket while we turn around, pretending we were just looking for it after dropping it mid-fight.
>We don't need to do anything so complex.
>"I was just checking something real quick. So, I've heard you've been feeling weird powers? Maybe it's connected to those fake ghosts running around?"

>Perhaps you should just pretend like, oh what the hell. It's too complex.

<"I was just checking something real quick."
>"Maybe she is a bird-brain then."
<"Hey! Anyway, I've heard you've been feeling weird powers."
>"Well, I certainly would call them different..."
>"Oh, I know what you mean." Marisa chirps in. "It feels nostalgic whatever it is."
>"How can something feel nostalgic to you? You're way younger then me."

>You cough to get their attention back.

<"Perhaps it's connected to those fake ghosts that are running around."
>"Fake ghosts?"
>"She means spirits, ze~"
>"Why would they be floating around?"
>And she has turned to Marisa again.
>"You said you solved that incident with the others; and I'm pretty sure evil spirits aren't lingering around up here anymore."
>"Because you'd know that, having stayed up in your home for ages."
>"Th...that's because I'm busy; unlike you."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 20, 2011, 09:28:24 AM
>"So, what did you feel?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 20, 2011, 07:49:59 PM
>"So, what did you feel?"

>The giggle catches Marisa's attention; who smirks before diverting Alice's attention back to you.
<"So, what did you feel exactly?"

>"It felt like a wave of magic; quite an old one, actually."
>"Did it come from your gri..."
>"No. But it did have... a trace."
>Marisa leans forward a little; almost like she heard a keyword in there.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on September 21, 2011, 12:16:24 AM
>"An old wave of magic or a wave of old magic?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 21, 2011, 05:06:14 AM
>"What kind of trace?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 21, 2011, 07:13:25 AM
>What do we know about Alice's past, and her Grimoire?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 21, 2011, 10:51:18 PM
>What do we know about Alice's past, and her Grimoire?

>Her Grimoire is as much a mystery to you as is her entire past.
>You are some what aware that Reimu and Marisa have fought against Alice when they were younger; and you know that this happened inside Makai.
>However, you don't know the full details; Yuuka, of all people, was the one who told you about it... but you got the feeling there was something she wasn't saying.

>"An old wave of magic or a wave of old magic?"
>"What kind of trace?"

<"Do you mean an old wave of magic or a wave of old magic?"
>"... I mean it's a type of magic I haven't felt in quite some time."
>"So you mean a wave of old magic then?"
>Alice forces a doll to whizz by the side of Marisa's head.
>"Enough, already."

<"So what kind of trace was it?"
>"It felt like it came from somewhere in particular."
>Marisa suddenly gasps.
>"Do you mean that... this thing came from... from..."
>"I'm not saying that's the case." Alice says as cool as ever. "But it certainly had hints of such a place."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 21, 2011, 11:11:12 PM
>"You're being mysterious. What kind of place are you talking about?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 22, 2011, 08:01:46 PM
>"You're being mysterious. What kind of place are you talking about?"

<"You're being mysterious."
>"It's a magician's code!" Marisa chirps.
>"I wouldn't call it a code; it's quite common in my eyes."
<"What kind of place are you talking about?"
>"The place where..."
>"Oh come on Alice; you don't need to keep this up all day." Marisa chuckles as she pats her on the back.
>"It's Makai, isn't it, ze~"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 22, 2011, 08:16:57 PM
>What do we know of Makai?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 22, 2011, 09:12:11 PM
>What do we know of Makai?

>Location wise, you have no idea where it is; you know there is an entrance somewhere in Gensokyo, but you also know that it has been sealed for a very long time.
>You know Alice is originally from there; and that Byakuren was sealed there as well.
>Alice has told you about Shinki, the 'god' of Makai... though it's normally Marisa who tells you more since, for some reason, Alice doesn't like talking about it too much.
>You also know that it's not ideal to spend time in there; since you're human, and, since you are no magician, humans do not take well to the 'air' there.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 23, 2011, 06:44:28 AM
>"That's bad, isn't it?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 23, 2011, 10:56:33 AM
>"That's bad, isn't it?"

<"That's bad... isn't it?"
>"It depends..."
>Alice sighs before Marisa ruffles up her hair.
>"Come on; be a little happier! If it's some sort of scout from Shinki, then it's good...."
>Alice tries to bat Marisa's hand away.
>"I hate you sometimes, you know."
>Marisa moves back a little before shrugging.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 23, 2011, 11:04:46 AM
>"Depends on what? What're you two talking about?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Momijibot on September 23, 2011, 02:18:26 PM
>"She loves you too, Alice."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 23, 2011, 05:45:10 PM
>"She loves you too, Alice."
>"Depends on what? What're you two talking about?"

<"Aww; she loves you too, Alice."
>"Ugh, this is no time for your silly little shipping thing."
>"Hey, it's not..."
<"Okay, okay. It depends on what, then?" You cut Marisa off. "What are you two going on about?"
>Alice grits her teeth, but Marisa steps forward.
>"Alice believes the spirit thing is from Makai. And that means, someone may be spying on us."
>"Not us." Alice murmurs. "All of Gensokyo."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on September 23, 2011, 07:05:24 PM
(Let's see, what's the most Shino-ish response to this ...)

> Ponder power perversion potential.
> Add quest: Determine if we can gain control over this power to spy on all of Gensokyo!
> In the meantime, affect concern. "So someone from Makai's spying, huh? Who could it be?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 23, 2011, 08:46:39 PM
>"And why?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 24, 2011, 12:11:33 AM
(Let's see, what's the most Shino-ish response to this ...)

> Ponder power perversion potential.
> Add quest: Determine if we can gain control over this power to spy on all of Gensokyo!
> In the meantime, affect concern. "So someone from Makai's spying, huh? Who could it be?"
>"And why?"

>You some concern; rightfully so.
<"So someone from Makai is spying on us, huh?"
>"Well, I'm not entirely certain it is... it just has a trace."
>"But surely a trace is enough to warrant a search th..."

~QUEST #02~
That Spirit's a Spy!
>>A spirit has been floating around; attracting the attention of magicians and hermits alike. Alice seems to believe it may have come from Makai, but is unsure.
>>You become determined to see if you can use the spirit to spy on all of Gensokyo; aiding in your life-long dream of perversion.


<"Still, I wonder who it could be..."
>"More importantly, why would they do it?"
>Oh snap; Marisa thought ahead of you.
>"If it was, erm, from the castle, they could have been searching for anything..."
>Alice mumbles through the majority of that line.
>"But if it's from someone else..."
>"Hey, don't be so down." Marisa chirps in, yet again; you could almost say she's trying to lighten her mood up.
>"I mean, there is not many people that would associate themselves with spirits; much less..."
>Marisa stops herself suddenly; her eyes widening.
>You can't tell if it's because of an idea or if she's in shock.
>Before either of you can say anything, Marisa mounts her broom and dives into the trees; out of sight.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on September 24, 2011, 02:47:33 AM
> "... I hate it when people do that!!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 24, 2011, 08:25:50 AM
> "... I hate it when people do that!!"

<"I HATE it when people do that!"
>Alice sighs.
>"Guess you've been having a lot of people do that lately?"
>A couple of dolls float over to the trees; probably to examine that defence system.

>"So, what will you be doing now?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 24, 2011, 10:27:14 AM
>"Guess I'll be checking out Makai? If I can even get there..."
>Look toward where Marisa went. Do we see any sign of her, or whatever's in that direction?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on September 24, 2011, 01:59:03 PM
>"I'm guessing you don't want to talk about it though, huh?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 24, 2011, 11:43:25 PM
>"Guess I'll be checking out Makai? If I can even get there..."
>Look toward where Marisa went. Do we see any sign of her, or whatever's in that direction?
>"I'm guessing you don't want to talk about it though, huh?"

<"So, guess I'll be checking out Makai then?"
>"You don't have to..."

>Marisa shot into the trees to your right; meaning, she pretty much went back the way she came in.
>You can't see her at all.

<"Well, I'm not sure if I can even get there."
>"You can't."
>Alice sounds pretty angry.
<"...I'm guessing you don't want to talk about it..."
>"It's not that." Alice grimaces. "You just can't; it's sealed after all."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 24, 2011, 11:47:56 PM
>"Then how'd you suppose people like Marisa can enter? Is there some special requirement?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 25, 2011, 12:00:15 AM
>"Then how'd you suppose people like Marisa can enter? Is there some special requirement?"

<"Then how'd you suppose people like Marisa can enter?"
>"She told me about a ship, but that was different."
<"Then is there some sort of special requi..."
>"For the last time, no!"

>Alice seems to yell at this point.
>She stays silent for a few seconds before turning towards her house.
>"Just go."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: GuardianTempest on September 25, 2011, 12:18:53 AM
>"Alright, but you don't have to be so pushy."
>Do as she says and head back, but at the same time devise a plan.
>Try to be more sensitive to her emotions next time.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 25, 2011, 08:45:28 AM
>Let's not leave yet.
>"Wait. If things are getting out of there, doesn't that mean it's not actually sealed anymore?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 25, 2011, 02:50:10 PM
>"Alright, but you don't have to be so pushy."
>Do as she says and head back, but at the same time devise a plan.
>Try to be more sensitive to her emotions next time.
>Let's not leave yet.
>"Wait. If things are getting out of there, doesn't that mean it's not actually sealed anymore?"

<"Alright, fine. But you don't have to be so pushy."
>You start to turn away as Alice begins walking to her house, before you suddenly decide against it.
>You turn back to Alice.
<"Wait! If things are getting out of there, doesn't it mean that it's not actually sealed anymore?"
>Alice continues walking away from you.
>"It's only a spirit." Her voice seems to be bordering between anger and... sadness? "It could have easily came back with that ship."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 25, 2011, 04:52:14 PM
>We were on that ship, right?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 26, 2011, 02:25:22 AM
>We were on that ship, right?

>You were indeed; back when you weren't a shrine maiden.
>Unlike the others, who returned with the ship, however, you didn't; so you don't know if anything else went back with it.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on September 26, 2011, 03:00:33 AM
>Then how did we get back?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 26, 2011, 08:38:12 AM
>Then how did we get back?

>...Now that you mention it, you really don't know how you got back...

>Your memory from back then seems to be a bit hazy, apparently...

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on September 26, 2011, 08:49:05 PM
> Add quest, to be followed at our convenience: Determine what happened there, and/or whether our memory can be restored by groping someone
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 27, 2011, 08:25:31 PM
> Add quest, to be followed at our convenience: Determine what happened there, and/or whether our memory can be restored by groping someone

~QUEST #03~
The Unspoken Return
>>Having journeyed into Hokkai, and released Byakuren, you seem to remember very little else of what happened afterwards.
>>You decide to find out the answers as you continue your rounds around Gensokyo.


Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 27, 2011, 08:45:15 PM
>"If you say so, Alice, But there's apparently kind of a lot of them, I don't think they could have all hid..."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 27, 2011, 09:22:01 PM
>"If you say so, Alice, But there's apparently kind of a lot of them, I don't think they could have all hid..."

<"If you say so, Alice. But, apparently, there's kind of a lot of them, I don't think they could have all hid..."
>"What do you know?!"
>Alice has stopped moving;
>One of her arms are by her side; her hand, from what you can tell, is clenched.
>"Do you know how long it has been? Do you?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 27, 2011, 09:43:47 PM
>"No. Um, how long has it been?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 27, 2011, 10:24:19 PM
>"No. Um, how long has it been?"

<"No... Um, how long has it.."

>"I thought she might have sent someone after me; something, at least, all that time ago. But nothing came. So I moved on. But..."
>She looks up towards the sky.
>"Ever since Marisa went with that ship, I've been holding onto some hope that she might find something there. But she didn't. I haven't seen them for so long... and yet... oh, why am I even telling you this?"
>She's shaking a little; like she's trying to move but can't.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 27, 2011, 10:28:55 PM
>"Because I'm a friend. Don't worry."
>Approach. And if she doesn't shy away, put a hand on her shoulder. "You can whisper it, if you want."
>Can't give the crows too much bait.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 27, 2011, 10:40:33 PM
>"Because I'm a friend. Don't worry."
>Approach. And if she doesn't shy away, put a hand on her shoulder. "You can whisper it, if you want."
>Can't give the crows too much bait.

>You start to approach her.
<"Because I'm a friend."
>"I don't think I ever re-call calling you a..."
>You place a hand on her shoulder.
>She flinches a little; but she doesn't move.
<"Don't worry."
<"You can whisper it; well, if you want to that is."
>"You... Ugh, this is... yet another thing you're going to hold over me, isn't it?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 27, 2011, 10:50:47 PM
>"Never, geez..."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on September 27, 2011, 10:55:43 PM
> "Huh? What do you mean?"
> Consider the possibility of pretending we have multiple personalities, and the "innocent" one is unaware of all the lewd stuff committed by the other(s). (In fact, this might be useful if Sakuya decides to ... follow up, and is wondering how faithful we've been.) Consider who would actually fall for it, too ...
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 27, 2011, 11:01:34 PM
If Sakuya expected the likes of us to be faithful...

I've got a plan, Muffin, don't worry~
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 27, 2011, 11:06:52 PM
> "Huh? What do you mean?"
> Consider the possibility of pretending we have multiple personalities, and the "innocent" one is unaware of all the lewd stuff committed by the other(s). (In fact, this might be useful if Sakuya decides to ... follow up, and is wondering how faithful we've been.) Consider who would actually fall for it, too ...

<"Huh? What do you mean?"
>"What I mean is... ugh, it doesn't matter..."

>The thought of having different personalities is something you've thought of before.
>Whilst it's a good idea, and your act is pretty good, certain people pick it apart quite well; it probably doesn't help when the papers (and incidents beforehand) say what you're actually like.
>Some do fall for it; but it really depends on how much they know and the situation.
>Of course, not everyone knows if you've done stuff to others... Though you don't want to add too much trouble onto your pile.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 27, 2011, 11:16:25 PM
>"Yes it does, Alice, or you wouldn't be like this over the whole thing."
>Shoulder squeeze.
>"Even if it looks insignificant, it can still be very important for other reasons."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 29, 2011, 06:31:44 PM
>"Yes it does, Alice, or you wouldn't be like this over the whole thing."
>Shoulder squeeze.
>"Even if it looks insignificant, it can still be very important for other reasons."

<"Yes it does, Alice!"
>"And what makes you say that?"
<"Because you wouldn't be like this over the whole thing if it didn't matter."

>Alice tenses up.
>You squeeze her shoulder a little.
<"Even if it looks insignificant, it can still be very important for other reasons."
>You hear a sob; at least, you think you do.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 29, 2011, 07:03:35 PM
>Give her a hug. We'll keep prevertedness to a minimum for the time being.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 29, 2011, 11:55:55 PM
>Give her a hug. We'll keep prevertedness to a minimum for the time being.

>You wrap your arms around her; giving her a comforting hug.
>"Damn it..."
>Alice begins to cry.
>"Why... I... I should be... stronger then this..."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 30, 2011, 02:19:00 AM
>"No one's strong all the time. No one's invincible."
>Back pat.
>"Just let it all out, and tell me what you want."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on September 30, 2011, 09:28:28 AM
>"No one's strong all the time. No one's invincible."
>Back pat.
>"Just let it all out, and tell me what you want."

<"Hey, no one's strong all the time."
<"No one's invincible."
>You pat her back; rubbing it without a second thought as well.
<"Just let it out; tell me what you want."
>Alice doesn't move from her spot; but you're sure the tears are flowing right now.
>"I... I moved on... and yet... I just want... to hear something..."
>"Don't... don't tell anyone... I... I..."
>She seems to be struggling with words again; no surprise really.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 30, 2011, 02:38:37 PM
>Switch up the backpat with a more comforting rub.
>"Who do you want to hear from? Someone from Makai?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 01, 2011, 09:50:08 PM
>Switch up the backpat with a more comforting rub.
>"Who do you want to hear from? Someone from Makai?"

>You begin to rub her back; Alice is really in a state right now.
<"Who do you want to hear from?"
>"Isn't that obvious?"
<"From Makai, right?"
>She remains silent for a few seconds, trying to ease up on her crying, before turning to face you.
>Her face... you wouldn't think this was the same serious Alice you remember seeing so many times before.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 01, 2011, 09:53:51 PM
>Smile at her.
>"It's not obvious to me. But I guess if you don't want me to know, that's fine."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 01, 2011, 10:09:37 PM
>Smile at her.
>"It's not obvious to me. But I guess if you don't want me to know, that's fine."

>You smile at her; she really does need someone right now.
<"It's... not that obvious to me. But I guess if you don't want me to know..."
>"It... it's not that... It's just... she was sort of... like a mother to me..."
>Her tears are easing up a little; she's making no effort to try and wipe them away though.
>"I guess... part of me broke somewhere along the line..."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 01, 2011, 10:43:51 PM
>"If she's that important, there's nothing wrong with wanting to hear from her again. I mean, even when you leave family behind, no one expects you to toss them out of your heart forever, right?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 02, 2011, 01:28:04 AM
>"If she's that important, there's nothing wrong with wanting to hear from her again. I mean, even when you leave family behind, no one expects you to toss them out of your heart forever, right?"

<"If she's that important, there's nothing with wanting to hear from her again."
>"You...You're right... But..."
<"Even when you leave your family behind, no one expects you to toss them out of your heart forever, right?"
>"I... I do keep them close... It's just..."
>Alice looks away; she finally starts wiping some of her tears away.
>"She may still be angry at me... for running away in the first place..."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 02, 2011, 01:37:29 AM
>"She didn't approve of you coming here, huh?"
>Give a proper hug.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 02, 2011, 07:44:08 PM
>"She didn't approve of you coming here, huh?"
>Give a proper hug.

<"She didn't approve of you coming here, huh?"
>"She... she didn't even know I left..."
>You give her a proper hug.
>Alice hesitates for a moment, before wrapping her arms round you.
>"... thanks..."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 02, 2011, 08:06:44 PM
>"No one could blame you for feeling bad about that, it's just a bad situation for everyone. Probably couldn't even send a message back, if Makai is sealed and stuff."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 02, 2011, 08:17:57 PM
>"No one could blame you for feeling bad about that, it's just a bad situation for everyone. Probably couldn't even send a message back, if Makai is sealed and stuff."

>More hugging!

<"No one could blame for you for feeling bad about that; it's just a bad situation for everyone."
>"But... I still don't know why I followed in the first place. Looking back at it now... it was pretty selfish of me..."
<"I guess it didn't help with Makai being sealed, so you couldn't send a message back or..."
>"That miko..."
>That sounded... quite dark...

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 02, 2011, 08:21:29 PM
>"What about her?"
>Release hug, but still keep a good comforting grip on her shoulders.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 02, 2011, 08:29:32 PM
>"What about her?"
>Release hug, but still keep a good comforting grip on her shoulders.

>You stop hugging her, but grip her shoulders instead.
<"What about her?"
>"That... was her fault..."
>Alice is still hugging you, though you can feel her hands clench; scrunching up the back of your clothes.
>"Marisa I forgave. That ghost... thing... I've never seen her since the incident. And Kazami..."
>She frowns.
>"Is untouchable; more so then ever. But Reimu... she acts like it never happened... Perhaps I should teach her a lesson..."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 02, 2011, 09:19:11 PM
>"I know just the lesson you should teach, too."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on October 02, 2011, 10:38:17 PM
> Hmm. Potential angle of leverage, at least in making her feel better: If there hasn't even been the possibility of any communication whatsoever, how does she know that her mother-figure was/is angry?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 04, 2011, 12:12:06 AM
> Hmm. Potential angle of leverage, at least in making her feel better: If there hasn't even been the possibility of any communication whatsoever, how does she know that her mother-figure was/is angry?

>Alice did just say Shinki didn't know she left; but seems to believe she is angry with her... Maybe you can try and make her feel a little better... some how.

>"I know just the lesson you should teach, too."

<"Well, I know just the lesson you can teach her!"
>You think you hear her chuckle a bit.
>"Coming from you, it's bound to be perverted..."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 04, 2011, 12:23:06 AM
>"Well, I can do that too, if you want."
>C'mon, give us the green light!
>"But, I was thinking, you write a letter for your mother, then make Reimu deliver it, and then bring back a reply. Barriers aren't a real problem for her, after all."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 04, 2011, 12:40:56 AM
>"Well, I can do that too, if you want."
>C'mon, give us the green light!
>"But, I was thinking, you write a letter for your mother, then make Reimu deliver it, and then bring back a reply. Barriers aren't a real problem for her, after all."

<"Well, I can do that too... if you want."
>"Because you don't normally do that already."
>So hard to please...

<"Actually, I was thinking... maybe you should write a letter for her and force Reimu to deliver it."
>"... And how would she..."
<"Reimu would have to bring the reply back. Besides, barriers aren't really a problem for her."
>Alice loosens her grip on your back and tries to step back; your hands are still on her shoulders, so she doesn't get far.
>"That's... a possibility... But I..."
>Suddenly, her face has a new sense of determination about it.
>"I want to get her to remove the barrier!"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 04, 2011, 12:49:45 AM
>"Hey, give me some credit, I haven't done anything to you now, have I?"
>Frown, and ponder for a moment. "About the barrier, is that okay to do? I mean, I don't know anything about Makai, so I don't know if the barrier's there for a reason or if it just got put there because it seemed like a good idea at the time or what."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 04, 2011, 02:01:55 AM
>"Hey, give me some credit, I haven't done anything to you now, have I?"
>Frown, and ponder for a moment. "About the barrier, is that okay to do? I mean, I don't know anything about Makai, so I don't know if the barrier's there for a reason or if it just got put there because it seemed like a good idea at the time or what."

<"Hey, give me some credit; I haven't done anything to you right now, have I?"
>"Well, I guess so..."

>You frown; allowing a pause to think for a moment.
<"Would it be okay to bring that barrier down? I mean, I don't really know much about Makai, so I don't know if it's there for a reason or if it just got put there because it..."
>"It kept more youkai from coming up to Gensokyo."
>Alice stops you dead on the spot.
>"Marisa told me those exact words came from Reimu." Alice continues.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 04, 2011, 02:49:14 AM
>"What kind of Youkai?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 06, 2011, 12:08:18 AM
>"What kind of Youkai?"

<"What kind of Youkai?"
>"Does it really matter? Most of them just wanted to see Gensokyo..."
>She grits her teeth a little.
>"Between Reimu and Yuuka... I don't know who killed the most... From what I heard at the time, anyway."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 06, 2011, 12:33:44 AM
>Do we know Reimu to be a killing sort?
>"Well, some are pretty dangerous, but I see your point. Look, I can't promise you that, I just don't know enough about everything that happened. But at the very least, we're going to make it so you to come and go freely, okay?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 06, 2011, 12:56:12 AM
>Do we know Reimu to be a killing sort?
>"Well, some are pretty dangerous, but I see your point. Look, I can't promise you that, I just don't know enough about everything that happened. But at the very least, we're going to make it so you to come and go freely, okay?"

>Not really. You hear her go on about 'exterminating youaki' but never really see her doing so; she does beat some of them up for absolutely no reason (quote 'she was bored') though.

<""Well, some are pretty dangerous... but I do see your point."
>"Why thank you."
<"Look, I can't promise you that; I don't know enough about what happened. But... I can at least make it so that you can come and go freely. Okay?"
>Alice blinks at you for a few seconds; almost surprised to hear you coming out with this.
>"I guess the 'Kanjou' surname does do something to you... Thank you. It is, indeed, the least we can get out of this."
>She looks a little happier now.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 06, 2011, 01:01:41 AM
>Ruffle her hair a bit. "Well, I don't like seeing friends be sad. And it seems like a pretty reasonable request."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 08, 2011, 09:21:26 AM
>Ruffle her hair a bit. "Well, I don't like seeing friends be sad. And it seems like a pretty reasonable request."

>You ruffle up her hair; she closes her eyes before batting your arm away a couple of seconds later.
<"Hey, I don't like seeing friends be sad. And, to me, it seems like a pretty reasonable request."
>"But... it still feels like I'm asking for a lot."

>She begins to head back towards her house.
>"I'll be needing to make preparations, however, since you managed to take out a lot of my dolls."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 08, 2011, 06:28:01 PM
>"Yeah, you should probably find a way to take them off high alert like that. So, you're feeling better, right?"
>Is her back turned?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 08, 2011, 06:41:28 PM
>"Yeah, you should probably find a way to take them off high alert like that. So, you're feeling better, right?"
>Is her back turned?

<"Yeah... you should probably find a way of taking them off high alert or something."
>"I am still working on that; trail and error, I guess, shall do for now."

>She continues to walk away from you; back turned.
<"You're feeling better, then?"
>"A little, I guess. Still a long way to go yet."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 08, 2011, 07:11:00 PM
Well, now we have a moral situation. On one hand, she's still feeling kinda shitty. On the other...she's got no defenses and has her backed turned.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on October 08, 2011, 07:16:02 PM
We're Shino. Do you even have to ask? Besides, nothing cheers the ladies up like a little lovin'~
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 08, 2011, 07:29:52 PM
Quite, but I'd like to think even Shino has some things that are off bounds, like abusing the grieving. Now the question becomes: Do we go for the usual, or aim long-term like we did with Sakuya?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on October 08, 2011, 07:41:09 PM
True, only a slimeball would take advantage of her grief like that.

On the one hand, going for long-term would be a bit more slimeball-ish, especially since we'd have to juggle her and Sakuya. One the other, just a bit wouldn't be as much fun. Still, I say, if we do go for this, just go for a little bit. Even if she's on our list, she's not official.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 08, 2011, 07:57:37 PM
Well, it's not like the endboss isn't going to be the concept of monogamy.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on October 08, 2011, 08:10:35 PM
Oh, I thought the endboss would be Rinnosuke. Who would want to grope THAT? Ugh.

Well, thoughts, anyone else? We're pretty much at an impasse here.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 08, 2011, 08:13:42 PM
Naw, not an impasse, just figuring out the next step. And we know it, now.

>Welp, if she's feeling better, and has her back turned...let's go for the gold, from behind!
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 08, 2011, 11:53:11 PM
>Welp, if she's feeling better, and has her back turned...let's go for the gold, from behind!

>With her back turned, you decide to get this done officially; once and for all.
>You sneakily move forward, swing your arms around her, before groping the top part of her chest.


>Blinding yell from Alice aside, you fell em up; pretty average really, not big at all.
>Whatever dolls were left in the area are now flying directly towards you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 08, 2011, 11:58:12 PM
>"I'm glad you're feeling better!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 09, 2011, 01:33:02 AM
>"I'm glad you're feeling better!"

<"Ahhh, I'm glad you're feeling bett-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
>A doll explodes at your feet.
>Alice flies away from you, whilst the explosion sends you backwards; very, very quickly.
>You spot a few dolls in the distance; you think they are the reason why Alice is going that way, bar the explosion.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 09, 2011, 02:07:52 AM
>"Don't you want to save those?"
>Run for it! We'll come back for Aya later.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 09, 2011, 03:23:02 AM
>Don't run. Deal with the dols. We should make sure Alice knows we were serious about what we said.
>"Come on, Alice, I was just playing!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 09, 2011, 03:37:51 AM
>Run. We've had enough 'splodes today. But do shout that.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 10, 2011, 01:15:46 AM
>"Don't you want to save those?"
>Run for it! We'll come back for Aya later.
>Don't run. Deal with the dols. We should make sure Alice knows we were serious about what we said.
>"Come on, Alice, I was just playing!"
>Run. We've had enough 'splodes today. But do shout that.

>The second you feel your feet on the ground, you get to running straight away!
<"Come on Alice, I was just playing! After all, you should really save them for later"

>You're not sure if Alice said anything at that point, but you manage to dive into the trees and run for your life.
>Without a direction in mind, you keep running away; you've had enough explosions for one day.

>You don't hear anything behind you now; you think you're alone now.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 10, 2011, 01:25:19 AM
>Look back.
>If the coast is clear, slow down.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 10, 2011, 01:41:10 AM
>Look back.
>If the coast is clear, slow down.

>You glance behind you.
>Seems like no one is there now.
>You ease up on the running and begin to gain your breath back; it has been a tiring day.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 10, 2011, 02:06:08 AM
>Let's double back and find that tengu.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 10, 2011, 02:22:43 AM
>Let's double back and find that tengu.

>You begin to go back on yourself in order to find Aya.
>She had crawled out of sight earlier, so maybe she didn't get far...
>In fact, you're pretty sure...
>"Over here..."
>You can just hear Aya's voice from your right.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 10, 2011, 02:50:27 AM
>Head right.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on October 10, 2011, 05:37:44 AM
> Feel a momentary stab of guilt for taking advantage of Alice's feelings like that.
> Which is to say, it is the guilt that is getting stabbed.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 10, 2011, 01:01:21 PM
>Head right.
> Feel a momentary stab of guilt for taking advantage of Alice's feelings like that.
> Which is to say, it is the guilt that is getting stabbed.

>You feel slightly guilty for taking advantage of Alice the way you did...
>But that isn't very you, so you stab the guilt away; how convenient.

>You head to your right; whilst you don't see Aya straight away, you see her sitting down against one of the trees.

>"So... How did it go?"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 10, 2011, 06:47:45 PM
>"Well, she thinks these things came back with the buddhists' ship out of Makai. And how're you feeling?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on October 10, 2011, 07:27:33 PM
Before that,
> "It went verrrrrry well!"
> Grin like the cat who ate the canary. And grabbed its chest.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 11, 2011, 10:32:42 AM
Before that,
> "It went verrrrrry well!"
> Grin like the cat who ate the canary. And grabbed its chest.
>"Well, she thinks these things came back with the buddhists' ship out of Makai. And how're you feeling?"

<"Oh, it went verrrrrrrrry well~"
>"Ah, that's to be expected from you~"
>Your grin is so big right now; no one can evade those hands of yours.

<"In short, she thinks those spirits came back with the buddhists' ship when it came out of Makai."
>"Hmm, hmm. That sounds pretty feasible to me..."
<"And... are you ok?"
>Aya groans a little as she moves a little; remaining on the floor for the time being.
>"Once my head stops spinning, I'll be fine... It's a little hard to fly straight after an impact like that..."
>She pauses a little and winks at you.
>"Plus, I can't stand flying slowly; injured or not."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 11, 2011, 07:10:31 PM
>"Do you need to lean on my shoulder?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 11, 2011, 07:28:14 PM
>"Do you need to lean on my shoulder?"

<"Do you need to lean on my shoulder?"
>Aya chuckles a bit.
>"My... what a true supporter of mine you are~"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 11, 2011, 07:31:42 PM
>"I'd just feel bad if you walked into a tree."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 11, 2011, 09:03:59 PM
>"I'd just feel bad if you walked into a tree."

<"Hey, I'd just feel bad if you happened to walk into a tree."
>"Now what do you take me for? A bird-brain?"

>She stretches out one of her arms towards you.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 11, 2011, 09:22:42 PM
>"Only sometimes."
>Let her get an arm around us, and put one around her upper back. Or waist, if she has appendages in the way of her upper back.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on October 12, 2011, 05:12:58 AM
> If upper back is available, wrap your arm all the way around so that one hand can go on her chest.
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 12, 2011, 05:16:40 AM
> If upper back is available, wrap your arm all the way around so that one hand can go on her chest.

>Don't do this just yet. We have torturing to do, first. In fact, let's start on that!
>"Soooo...what's this I hear about you keeping a picture of me with you, mmmmm?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: E-Nazrin on October 12, 2011, 05:29:33 PM
>How often do we get to molest Aya, anyway?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 13, 2011, 10:01:37 PM
>How often do we get to molest Aya, anyway?

>Depends on how long she sticks around for.
>The pair of you have messed around several times already; she keeps attempting to take snap-shots of you when she can, while you keep trying to grope her.

>"Only sometimes."
>Let her get an arm around us, and put one around her upper back. Or waist, if she has appendages in the way of her upper back.
> If upper back is available, wrap your arm all the way around so that one hand can go on her chest.
>Don't do this just yet. We have torturing to do, first. In fact, let's start on that!
>"Soooo...what's this I hear about you keeping a picture of me with you, mmmmm?"

<"Well, only sometimes~"
>"I'll take that over an 'everyday' reply, any day."

>She wraps an arm around you as you pick her up off the ground.
>Aya is now standing, albeit leaning on you for support.
>Your arm is around her back, your hand resting on her side; Aya has her arm, now, round your neck.

>You think about groping her from here... but you're going to let this build first...

<"Sooooooo~ What's this I hear about you keeping a picture of me with you? Hmmmmm~"
>Aya pinches your arm in a direct reply.
>"It's just a picture reminding me of my biggest supporter."
>Aya chuckles a little.
>"Ever since you came along, Bunbunmaru has really picked up."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 13, 2011, 10:30:56 PM
>"Don't you go around pinching your gravy train like that. and, it's really picked up that much? Why?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 13, 2011, 10:43:13 PM
>"Don't you go around pinching your gravy train like that. and, it's really picked up that much? Why?"

<"Don't you go around pinching your gravy train like that..."
>"Oh come on, you like it really~"
<"Wait... it's picked up that much? Why?"

>Aya giggles again.
>"Why do you think? You're not the only person who likes perverted things in Gensokyo; just... a lot of people don't show it as openly as you do."
>"Besides... it's more fun this way; having you around."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 13, 2011, 11:15:31 PM
>"Oh I think you know what I'd like. But it's good to be appreciated."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 13, 2011, 11:24:47 PM
>"Oh I think you know what I'd like. But it's good to be appreciated."

<"Oh I think you know what I'd like."
>"Wouldn't be much of a reporter if I didn't."
<"But it's good to be appreciated, at least."
>"Indeed! Between the two of us, there's nothing Hatate and her silly paper can do to beat us."

>Aya points to your left.
>"That way."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 13, 2011, 11:30:02 PM
>Head leftward.
>What's toward the left, anyways?
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 13, 2011, 11:36:35 PM
>Head leftward.
>What's toward the left, anyways?

>You begin walking in the direction Aya pointed.
>You're not sure; you have a sneak feeling, however, that it might be the way out.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 13, 2011, 11:49:26 PM
>"Not in a million years. you always keep pictures of your best customers with you? Who was in there before me, hmm?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 14, 2011, 12:07:34 AM
>"Not in a million years. you always keep pictures of your best customers with you? Who was in there before me, hmm?"

<"Ha~ Not in a million years!"
>You spot Aya smiling at that point.
<"But... do you always keep pictures of your best customers with you?"
>"Well, not exactly..."
<"Who was in there before me, hmm?"
>"N... No one." Aya sighs. "Whilst I delivered it to everyone, no one really credited me that much."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 14, 2011, 12:15:57 AM
>Give her a hug with the arm we got around her. "Well I give you credit."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 14, 2011, 12:39:24 AM
>Give her a hug with the arm we got around her. "Well I give you credit."

>You give her a good ol' hug with the arm you've got round her.
<"Well, I give you credit."
>Aya hugs back; though with a little less power then yours. Probably down to her state.
>"Thanks for that~"

>The trees begin to ease up.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 14, 2011, 01:08:40 AM
>"In fact, when we get back, I could show you just how much credit your worth."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 14, 2011, 12:58:51 PM
>"In fact, when we get back, I could show you just how much credit your worth."

<"In fact, when we get back, I could show you just how much credit you're worth."
>"Oh no you don't~"
>Aya pinches you again.
>"The tengu wouldn't stand for it if I got distracted by a human. Besides, you're my loyal supporter; our games bring enough attention without anything else added to it."

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 14, 2011, 07:57:42 PM
>"Then we don't tell them, and they won't know."
>"Besides, are you really telling me that you're not tempted?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 14, 2011, 09:47:21 PM
>"Then we don't tell them, and they won't know."
>"Besides, are you really telling me that you're not tempted?"

<"Then why not say nothing to them; they'll not know any better."
>"Because it's going to be that simple."

>You grin a little.
<"Oh come on. Are you really telling me that you're not tempted?"
>"We mess around enough to be tempted. But I'd rather see you with another human and write up a..."
>Aya stops herself.
>"Ah, now that would be telling. It would sell, either way~"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 14, 2011, 10:36:07 PM
>"Why isn't it that simple?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 14, 2011, 11:11:14 PM
>"Why isn't it that simple?"

<"Why isn't it that simple?"
>"I'm not the only nosey tengu, you know~"

>The trees finally part; you're outside of the forest now.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 14, 2011, 11:24:02 PM
>"Would you get into trouble?"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 14, 2011, 11:50:49 PM
>"Would you get into trouble?"

<"Would you get into trouble?"
>"Well... it's... I try my best not to get caught by others."

>Aya tries to stand on her own, removing her arm from around you.
>She wobbles a bit, but she remains on her feet.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 14, 2011, 11:59:09 PM
>"That's not what I asked, though."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 15, 2011, 12:07:06 AM
>"That's not what I asked, though."

<"Well, that's not what I asked."
>"Then maybe I mis-heard you."
>Aya steps away from you before spinning around a little.
>She clutches her head mid-spin; obviously, she's still feeling the effects of her fall.
>"Perhaps I'll come round tomorrow and finish our little chat then~"

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 15, 2011, 12:11:09 AM
>"Well, you're welcome to come rest at the shrine. I do mean that without any undertones."
>"Unless you prefer them, anyways."
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 15, 2011, 12:52:53 AM
>"Well, you're welcome to come rest at the shrine. I do mean that without any undertones."
>"Unless you prefer them, anyways."

<"Well, you're welcome to come rest at the shrine."
>"Perhaps I'll pass..."
<"I mean that without any undertones~"
>"...I'll still pass."

>More grinning!
<"Perhaps you prefer them, then."
>"Oh, it's not that... I have stuff to do like everyone else does~"
>With that, Aya kicks off the ground and flies upwards.
>Her flying is shaky to say the least; but it seems like she's not having too much trouble.

Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 15, 2011, 12:56:56 AM
>"Go lay down somewhere!"
Title: Re: This is an Unprecedented Shino Affair... WHAT?!
Post by: Tamashii Kanjou on October 15, 2011, 01:02:00 AM
>"Go lay down somewhere!"


>Tap. Tap.
>"Oh Shinooooo~ I think you forgot something."
>Is that... oh you're kidding right?!
>Someone swings a familiar looking signpost around.
>"Hellish Sign ~ STOP HELEPOLIS!"

Please stand by for Shino's Quest, Part 2~ <3