Author Topic: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!  (Read 19916 times)


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #30 on: August 12, 2011, 01:54:51 AM »
Anyone who was expecting a Thursday update.....

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2011, 03:12:44 AM »
It's perfectly fine. It's not like our lives hinge on your every move. :3


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #32 on: August 12, 2011, 03:39:42 AM »
I know, but it 's bad to not do something you said you'd do.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #33 on: August 12, 2011, 03:41:03 AM »
Fair enough. Still, I think we'll live.


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #34 on: August 12, 2011, 04:30:30 AM »
Aye,  I'll work on it tomorrow, and  I guess it'll do for kickin off the beginning of 8th grade. Anyways, for the Mahou Sensei Mima story.... Character choices or blends? Post them here or PM me, whatever. Got an opinion? Let it rip and I'll write it!!
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 05:33:57 AM by Drakometar »


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #35 on: August 12, 2011, 11:12:36 PM »
Dimension 999: The Final Stand; There will Never be Buses in Gensoukyo

Cirno?s eyes darted from left to right as she ducked behind the pillar. She ignored the blood, carnage, and icicles behind her as she reloaded her Nitori-Perfect-Freezer.

It was the 5th year of the Gensou-Outsider War, and things had just turned grim, or at least, grimmer than usual. Flandre Scarlet and Cirno?s comrade Mystia had just been kidnapped by the Outsiders. Captain Fujiwara had sent her, Lieutenant Cirno, to recover the two. Cirno grimaced as she prepped her ice-themed gun for the bloodshed to come. She checked her equipment. There was her gun, of course. And she still had several bombs; three for regular, Master Spark-esque explosions and one for a suicide bombing. After she finished, the ice fairy?s grimace grew as she thought back to how the war started.

The Outsiders had been drilling underwater for oil. They had set off a bomb, a bomb that had broken the Barrier. Cirno had seen it herself, watched as the multicolored force field had shattered into millions of flashing pieces before disappearing as they neared the ground. When the humans that had caused the Barrier to break finally realized what they had stumbled across, they had immediately made it known that they had found a supernatural, illusionary country. Soon all sorts of people began pouring into Gensoukyo, from scientists and doctors to contractors and business men, all looking to scrape some sort of material gain from the ?newly discovered? Japan sized- land that had materialized before them.

Of course their greed had gotten the better of them, and, sooner than anyone ever expected, they began looting and kidnapping, making off with goods, humans, fairies, youkai, and even a god or two. Hakurei Reimu had tried to stop them, but she had been whacked over the head and added to Outsider spoils.

Naturally, a very angry Yakumo Yukari confronted them, blasting the offenders into puny pieces and reclaiming the shrine maiden. It only got worst from there. Before Yukari could conjure up a new barrier, the human war machines rumbled right over the ruins of the Hakurei Shrine (it had been destroyed by the blast; Reimu had been elsewhere at the time) and headed straight for the Garden of the Sun.

Kazami Yuuka naturally obliterated them. But that only served to motivate the humans, and they unleashed all sorts of unpleasant weapons on them. Thankfully, the Underground youkai came to their above-ground counter parts and Okuu had managed to ward off the nuclear bombs and prevent fallout. Yet the humans continued their assault, and eventually Gensoukyo had to muster up their own army, filled with people from every race and armed to the teeth with kappa issued weapons.  The fairies and had also undergone a change in their physical attributes, thanks to Yukari?s ability. They grew taller, stronger, smarter, with Cirno being the most powerful.

Unfortunately, with the uniting of Gensoukyo came the full brunt of the war. The humans had realized that the ones that they were fighting against were, for the most part, immortal and had organized special teams of soldiers to capture the members of Gensoukyo?s fighting forces. They had first made off with a few fairies and lower tier youkai, but soon they were making off with higher level youkai like tengu, kappa, and even an oni or two. Even the most hard-hearted fighters were disgusted by the abhorrable things Gensoukyo?s spies had found them doing to their prisoners. 

Everyone had suffered losses in the war. The Moriya Shrine had been destroyed, though its residents had escaped unscathed. The kappa had lost many of its members to the kidnapping groups. The tengu had fared no better, and the Forest of Magic had been completely looted, with only Alice Margatroid and Kirisame Marisa escaping. The residents of the Human Village and Eientei had abandoned their homes, preferring to scatter around Gensoukyo, providing service where it was needed. And of course the Scarlet Devil Mansion had gone absolutely mad when Flandre had been kidnapped a couple of days ago. Remilia Scarlet had actually flown into the Outside World and trashed some country called Russia, before Yukari dragged her back into Gensoukyo.

Cirno?s grimace disappeared as she heard footsteps. Voices reverberated down the hall as a small group of guards, just about to change shifts, headed down to the recreation room, where the soldiers had their breaks. Little did the guards know that an ice fairy had paid the recreation room a little visit, and that there was nothing left in the room but bloody corpses and scattered debris. Cirno tensed waited until the guards were right next to her pillar, before she jumped out and began firing. Icicles tore through the first man before he could even register that someone was shooting. The next guard was a little faster, and managed to get his hand near his gun before he too fell. One guard charged Cirno, but she ducked under his outstretched arm and stabbed her fingers into his neck.  The rest of the guards stood no chance, as Cirno dodged all their bullets while picking them off with her Perfect Freezer. When the last man fell, Cirno reached down and snatched the keys away from his belt and attaching them to her own.

She flew down the hall, shooting at anyone who dared show their faces. The alarm began to sound as the men and women tending to the prison realized that an intruder had managed to bypass their defenses and was heading straight for the Youkai Containment Area, a mile long structure built specifically for containing youkai and their ilk behind bars. More and more soldiers poured out of Shinki-knew-where, but they were disposed of the same way the guards had been. Cirno reached the Youkai Containment Area without a scratch, but as she flew in, an explosion several yards away from her blew her straight off course. She slammed into a set of metal bars, flying through them and landing on the floor below,her vision blurring as she banged her head. She stood shakily, but slumped as her head suddenly throbbed rapidly, crimson splotches dancing in front of her eyes.Cirno gritted her teeth and steeled herself for more pain, before rising to her feet, her black uniform now stained with her blood.  The Perfect-Freezer, which was still gripped in her hand, was thankfully unharmed.

A loud clapping sound echoed throughout the concrete pathway that Cirno had been flying through. She looked up and saw one of the more hated Outside figures within Gensoukyo: The leader of the Supernatural Capturing Militia. He was surrounded by what had to be the rest of the garrison; next to him was a gorilla-like woman wielding a grenade launcher. Cirno glared at her.

Oh, she is so going to pay..

?Well, well, well. So you are one of the lieutenants for Gensou-whatever.? Cirno?s glare changed to an inhumane grin that promised a slow, icy death. ?Yes, yes, you?re very angry and all that. So, here for your friends??

The man signaled suddenly. Two of his men dragged someone forward, gripping them under their arms. They roughly deposited the figure at their boss?s feet. Cirno?s eyes widened.

?Mysty!!!? Sudden screaming reached Cirno?s ears, as well as great creaks and booms. ?Flandre!!!?

Mystia, was, for all intents and purposes, completely ravaged. In all senses of the word. She was bloody, broken and naked. It didn?t take a genius (like Cirno) to understand what she had been through.

Flandre had been chained and chained and chained to a large, silver cylinder. The chains themselves where glowing strangely, and Cirno, being a genius, realized what they were. The cylinder was cracked, chipped, and dangerously close to being broken, for Flandre was making the best of her situation and was unleashing as much destructive power as she possibly could, wearing away at the pillar as she screamed in pain from the artificial, sunlight generating chains that strapped her to it. As soon as she caught sight of Cirno, her blood red eyes lit up and she began to struggle all the harder.

The man looked at the vampire with distaste. ?My, that wouldn?t do. We can?t you breaking that, you know. Titanium is very expensive, and it wouldn?t do for you to vaporize it, you know.? He snapped his fingers at the nearest soldier. ?You there, raise the power of the chains.? Flandre screamed as the artificial sunlight began burning her delicate skin.

?You MONSTERS!!!!!! YOU INCOMPETENT MONKEYS!!!! WHAT. ARE. YOU. DOOOOOOOOOOIIING!!!???? Cirno screamed, her face turning red from sheer anger and hatred. Her wings began to drip as white hot rage spread. Her body turned a bright, fiery red, but suddenly, her skin died down to her normal skin tone. The man, who had been grinning and panting as he beheld Flandre?s suffering, suddenly stopped and stared.

?Oh? Did the poor, poor fairy?s brain get overwhelmed by this?? the man jerked his head towards the still screaming Flandre. ?Is the poor, unintelligent fairy upset? Is the poor, poor fairy giving up??

Cirno lifted her hand and reached for the man. Just as she was about to turn him into a popsicle, she remembered something Captain Fujiwara had once told her.

..... Don't let the enemy get to your head alright? And never, ever lose your cool. If they mock you, if they taunt you, it's a trap. Without doubt, they'll be planning something. Humans are fickle, tricky creatures. Lose your cool, lose your freedom, or life, if you're mortal.

Cirno took a deep breath, and before long, her wings began to freeze again. Her skin became pale, and she exhaled, her heart as heavy as lead and her body loose and empty.

???. Won?t you let them go? You?re losing resources like this, and I?m going to break them out anyways. If you let them go without fighting back, you?ll be losing a lot of soldiers to me, you know.?

?No, no, no. That wouldn?t do at all. Not at all. They were bad girls you see? And bad girls have to be punished.? The man flicked his wrist at one of his goons, and the chains around Flandre grew brighter, and her screams grew louder.

??? You know, Flandre?s sister trashed ?Canada?. And Rumia ruined ?Los Angeles?. Don?t you feel bad that, by keeping and torturing Mysty and Flandre, you?ve indirectly killed so many people? Not including my little killing spree back there. Don?t you feel guilty at all??

?Not at all. Their deaths are for the greater good!  ?.. Or at least, that?s how my superiors are trying to put it. I don?t really care about them. The fools were in the way, and they died as a consequence. Oh well. Too bad. But my life is here, managing you youkai and blah blah blah.? The man suddenly extended his hand towards Mystia and stroked her cheek. ?Really though?. It?s a shame how you youkai refused to cooperate with us humans. Now we?re reduced to capturing you and the like. Such a beautiful race you all are. Shame you refused our offers of peace; we would have gotten along famously."

?Famously? Yeah right. Your actions; in other words, the actions that started the war, already proved to us what we needed to know. Peace is impossible with you humans. The only thing that comes with you is suffering.  You humans bowed to us, long, long ago. And you WILL bow to us, even if we have to eradicate your entire world to do so. Get your hands off Mystia, filthy trash!!?

?Oh?.? ?Hands off?, you say. I think it?s already too late for that. I?ve already had my hands on her, and in her as we??
He never finished that thought. For Cirno, who had healed, jumped and unleashed her frozen hell.

?Take this, human scum!!? Cirno shot the woman who had given her a taste of grenade, before spinning around to kick the stunned human man who had been caressing Mystia, catching him on his jaw. Cirno landed and shot at the chains binding Flandre, before whirling around in a circle, shooting and shooting and shooting. Humans fell, bone-chilling screams filled the air, and the bodies began to stack.

?Call reinforcements! Call for reinforcements!? The cry was taken up by all remaining soldiers.

?? Tch!! Flandre!? You okay?? Cirno yelled over the screams and shouts. She trod on the man who had been torturing the captives; his face was twisted in ecstasy. The man, Cirno decided, was definitely machosistic.

?? You..? The ice fairy from the lake?? Flandre managed to croak. The chains had weakened her more than ever, and the blonde had trouble standing. ?? Sis sent you..??

?Yeah! She was really worried! Come here!!? Cirno shouted. ?Bring Mysty as well!!?

?? Okay.. .? Flandre grabbed Mystia and stood from her slumped position in front of the pillar, which was now riddled with icicles and bullet holes. It looked ready to collapse. Flandre dragged Mystia and herself over to Cirno, mustering every ounce of her strength and occasionally attacking the soldiers surrounding them.

?Hang on you two, I?m getting you back!!? Cirno continued to shoot, until her Perfect-Freezer suddenly exploded in her hands. ?The hell!??

Mystia suddenly groaned and lifted her head. ?? Cirno?? Did they force drugs on me again?? Her voice, once so beautiful and melodic, was hoarse and scratchy.

Cirno grimaced and shook her head violently, her hands shaking in pain. The shards from her now-discarded gun had stuck themselves into her hands, and they were bleeding profusely from both the shards and from the force of the explosion.

Cries of, ?Her gun?s gone!!? and ?Let?s get her!? rang throughout the area from the seemingly endless amounts of soldiers. They began to advance as the thing that was harming them so lost its major advantage. They paid no attention to Flandre and Mystia, for they were too weak to escape and as such, could be captured again later.
Cirno?s shoulders began to shake in fury. She began to draw on her magical power, focusing it as best she could. She directed the power towards the center of the large room, where most of the soldiers where, and let loose.
A small disk of ice appeared within the mass of rabid soldiers, rotating somewhere near the speed of sound, growing bigger and bigger as it twirled, drawing murmurs of fear and suspicion as the soldiers beheld the relatively stationary, spinning Frisbee that had materialized near them.

The disk suddenly grew icy vines, complete with thorns, lashing out in all directions as it continued to rotate at high speeds. Anyone who even brushed against the tentacles was immediately reduced to giant blocks of ice, their faces frozen in the grotesque expressions they had on as they perished.

?C-Cirno??? mumbled Mystia. Her face, scratched, scarred, and dirty, had managed to put on an incredulous expression as she beheld her newly-powered up friend.

?Don?t worry. I?ll get you two out of here, no matter what.? Cirno said coolly as she watched her Ice Flower claim their victims. ?I promised everyone, and something like that has to be seen through. I?m not going to let them get away with what they did.?

The whirling Frisbee had become a variable hurricane, but it was starting to slow. Cirno frowned. It was supposed to last longer than that.

Guess my injuries were worse than I thought.... Shit.....

The humans stopped cowering once they realized that Cirno?s attack had ceased, and they began to advance. Cirno drew back and grabbed Flandre, who was carrying Mystia, before climbing onto the vines of her now-stationary Ice Flower. She dropped Flandre once she reached the highest point she could access, and created a crude ice sword, pointing it at the incoming wave of humans.

?Alright then, bring it on!! I?ll take on anyone!!!? Cirno began swinging as the first soldier reached her standing point. The soldier fell, as well as the next, and the next, and the next. Soon, a tall pile of bloody and mangled soldiers had piled up at the ice fairy?s feet. Behind her, Flandre and Mystia, who had finally regained her senses, were picking up the corpses and stacking them atop of each other. The trio began climbing, stacking, and w       , heading higher and higher on the mountain of ice, gore, and bodies. Occasionally, Flandre or Mystia would pick up one of the loose corpses and weaponize them, swinging or throwing it to knock back the enemy. Before long, Flandre began to slash at their adversaries with her claws, while Mystia swung the corpse of her torturer; the man that Cirno had riddled with icicles, knocking back anyone within a three-meter diameter of her.

Despite the fact that the trio was fighting back as best they could, for every soldier they defeated, another one took the place of the one before. The vampire, bird, and fairy were fighting a losing battle, and they wouldn?t be able to hold out much longer. Cirno backed up and bumped into Flandre, pressing some things into her hand and mumbling to Mystia as she swung her sword. Suddenly she pushed them both off the mountain of bodies and the girls toppled off the pile of carcasses. Mystia rolled down the side, over hot blood, cold bodies, and pointy metal weapons. Flandre had been protected by Mystia, and didn?t suffer as much, but even she was coated in blood and bits of flesh when they finally came to a stop.

?Come on Flandre! Don?t let go of that thing Cirno gave you and follow me!!!? Mystia grabbed Flandre, who was sitting in a confused pile, and dashed towards the cells of their fellow fighters, where the youkai, fairies, humans, and etc?s had been roused as the fighting began. Now they were screaming encouragement, curses, and pleas for help. Mystia grabbed the keys that Cirno had forced onto Flandre, and began unlocking the restraints and releasing the captives.  The former-prisoners began to head towards the fight, but Mystia suddenly let out a shout.

?STOP!!? The supernatural phenomena stopped and turned to Mystia, who had held out a hand. ?Don?t!! On orders from the lieutenant! Please come with me!! We?re going back to Gensoukyo!!? A cheer followed her words, and the Gensoukyans followed her as she went back to releasing the captives.

In the meanwhile, Cirno was badly injured, and her fairy immortality hadn?t kicked in yet. She was just as bloody and battered as the corpses she was standing on, and it didn?t look like she?d heal anytime soon.

??. Damn?. I hope Mystia, Flan, and everyone else is okaAAAAUGGGHHH!!!!? her almost-prayer was cut off as a bullet entered her chest, followed by more and more until Cirno toppled off the mountain. Cheers rose from the humans as their reinforcements marched in.

Cirno groaned as she tried to sit up. Her lungs had filled with blood, as well as being punctured. She wouldn?t last much longer. Soon her fairy regeneration would kick in, and she would be out for at least an hour, which meant that Flandre, Mystia, and whoever they had managed to release would be captured again. She couldn?t let that happen. She couldn?t!!

Cirno rose to her knees. She began coughing and vomiting blood, but stood shakily. The lieutenant could hear the sounds of celebrating masses all around her, from both humans and Gensoukyans. She smiled as the cheers from the humans suddenly became murmurs of fear and shock, before they became outright screams. Cirno reached into her hidden pocket. She wouldn?t get out of here. She knew that now. So she only had one choice.

Alright, useless, polluting, raping scum. Let?s die together. Forever.

Mystia looked around her. She and Flandre had released every youkai, fairy, human, and etc. in the containment center. Cheering had begun in the room that Flandre and Mystia had left Cirno in. She knew what had happened, and the songbird?s heart sank and shattered. She knew she wouldn?t be seeing the boisterous leader of Team 9 ever again.

Mystia fingered the last item Cirno had given Flandre, before activating it. A gap opened near her feet, and the released captives let out a roar of approval and began climbing in, one after another. Flandre tugged at Mystia?s arm.

?Mysty? Where?s Cirno?? Flandre asked, scarlet eyes wide and innocent.

Mystia?s eyes filled with tears and her already aching chest seemed to rip itself apart from the inside. Flandre didn?t know, she didn?t know the fate that Cirno had resigned herself to.

??. I?ll tell you when you get back. Go inside the gap, okay? Your sister and everyone else is waiting for you in Gensoukyo.? Flandre obediently climbed inside. Mystia turned and watched the rest of the Gensoukyans climb inside the gap, tears blurring her vision. She listened for any signs of Cirno all the while. Needless to say, she heard nothing but gunshots. When the last Gensoukyan climbed in, Mystia turned towards the gap and put one of her feet in. She turned back to the room she had left her friend in.

"Goodbye Cirno. Your legend will live on forever, I swear it!!"

The sparrow sorrowfully put her other foot in and fell into the gap just as an earsplitting explosion rocked the building, eradicating or freezing everything and everyone inside it.

Mystia was propelled farther into the gap at high speed as the shockwaves from the explosion forced her into Gensoukyo.

?What the!?!? Yukari stood and stared at the near naked, very bloody, and barely recognizable Mystia Lorelei in front of her. ?Another one!! Damn, Cirno really did her job!!?

?Ugh?.? The bird rose to her feet, covering anything that had to be covered. ?General?.?

The freed youkai, fairies, humans, and etc?s murmured in confusion. They were happy that they had been freed, but something was wrong?.

?Cirno?.. She? She?. Her final stand?? whispered Mystia.

?? What???

?She? She?s not coming back?. She forced us to leave???

The room exploded with activity. Flandre stared at Mystia, her eyes wide. Tears began to fill them as she realized the meaning of Mystia?s statement.

"Explain this Mystia!!" Yukari yelled. And the sparrow complied. The words poured out of her mouth, and tears began to fall. Rumia, who had arrived just in time to catch Mystia's explaination, walked up and comforted the sparrow. Wriggle, now one of the army's greatest spies, also came over and patted her back. Daiyousei had long since perished, in a similar manner to Cirno, and thus could not join in.

Yukari listened, enraptured. She couldn't believe that the little pest by the lake had grown so much. "... I guess she used a bomb. I don't think she's alive anymore.... That sort of bomb won't let Cirno regenerate...."

?Her? Her final words? Her final words were?.? Mystia's hand shook as she produced a small slip of paper.

?Yes?? Yukari leaned towards Mystia, her violet eyes wide; from guilt or shock, no one could tell.

The songbird handed over the note, which Yukari read aloud.

Eye'm the strongest!! And there will never be buses in Gensoukyo!


7 pages. First long story I ever wrote. (Well, the only one I ever liked.) Please tell me what you think, and any suggestions for my next short, Mahou Sensei Mima.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2011, 08:45:40 PM by Drakometar »

Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #36 on: August 12, 2011, 11:50:44 PM »
That last line means so much. So much more than I can think it to be. For a short story, I think it's a great first one.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #37 on: August 13, 2011, 12:07:18 AM »
Thanks so much!! So... Anyone have a suggestion for Mahou Sensei Mima? Marisa is Asuna, I have decided!! (No romace between the two, no way.)

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2011, 12:08:36 AM »
Ah, that was definitely one of your better ones. You didn't focus on making it funny, so you fleshed out the rest of it much better.

Oh yeah, it seems I'm the person in charge of cataloging your collection in the fanfiction list. Because of that, I guess I feel obligated to give you some constructive criticism. Take the following passage into consideration:

?You MONSTERS!!!!!! YOU INCOMPETENT MONKEYS!!!! WHAT. ARE. YOU. DOOOOOOOOOOIIING!!!???? Cirno screamed, her face turning red from sheer anger and hatred. Her wings began to drip as white hot rage spread. Her body turned a bright, fiery red, but suddenly, her skin died down to her normal skin tone. The man, who had been grinning and panting as he beheld Flandre?s suffering, suddenly stopped and stared.

?Oh? Did the poor, poor fairy?s brain get overwhelmed by this?? the man jerked his head towards the still screaming Flandre. ?Is the poor, unintelligent fairy upset? Is the poor, poor fairy giving up??

???. Won?t you let them go? You?re losing resources like this, and I?m going to break them out anyways. If you let them go without fighting back, you?ll be losing a lot of soldiers to me, you know.?

?No, no, no. That wouldn?t do at all. Not at all. They were bad girls you see? And bad girls have to be punished.? The man flicked his wrist at one of his goons, and the chains around Flandre grew brighter, and her screams grew louder.

??? You know, Flandre?s sister trashed ?Canada?. And Rumia ruined ?Los Angeles?. Don?t you feel bad that, by keeping and torturing Mysty and Flandre, you?ve indirectly killed so many people? Not including my little killing spree back there. Don?t you feel guilty at all??

Don't you find it a bit odd how Cirno goes from being red with rage, so much so that her wings melt, to calmly trying to negotiate a non-violent solution? Remember, rage doesn't just go away. Emotions last for a long time, and if Cirno were that angry, she'd probably just go right into freezing ass and taking names.

Also, maybe this is just me, but that guy seemed much more like he'd be a sadist than a masochist.

Oh, and about Mahou Sensei Mima, I'd say just use your own decisions. One of the most important things in writing is to make the story your own; if it's full of suggestions from other people, you may have a harder time writing it.


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #39 on: August 13, 2011, 05:13:55 AM »
Thank you, for your advice. Thank you for cataloging my fanfiction. Thanks! Alright, though I might still ask for suggestions. I will add extra lines in the 'Chiruno is pissed, Eye will freeze you RAWR' part, involving Mokou. .... I should fix up the ending as well, now that I think about it.... Yes.... I'll start on Mahou Sensei Mima.... How about a romantic comedy through the eyes of a cynical ghost, guys?
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 05:21:38 AM by Drakometar »


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #40 on: August 13, 2011, 08:21:48 PM »
Dimension 15: Reimu's Tea Shop!

The bell jangled as the door opened. Reimu looked up in shock. Not many people visited her tea shop, despite the high quality of its products. The sales were so bad, that eventually, Reimu had to buy the tea and snacks herself to stay out of the red. No one had entered the shop in a month. In fact, Reimu had been dangerously close to shutting down and selling her store to Morichika, a large company specializing in electronics, and moving back to her shrine near the mountains.

'C-Can I help you!?" Reimu mentally cursed her stutter. Now the customer would think her inexperienced.....

"Ah, yes, I'm looking for this type of green tea," the customer, a tall school girl with waist length green hair, walked over to Reimu's desk and handed her a note, "I can't seem to find it anywhere else..."

Reimu raised her brows. This tea was unique only to her store. It was no surprise that the girl couldn't find it elsewhere. Reimu felt her confidence as a shopkeeper swell, and she spoke. "No surprise. This tea is only sold in my store....... I can't help but wonder how you know of this tea."

"Oh, my guardians drink this sort of tea, but they recently ran out. Actually, I think they ran out a long time ago, but I don't think they noticed back then."

"... I see. Well, the tea you're looking for is back here," Reimu waved her hand at the girl. "I have the leaves and the powdered version. Which one? The powder is a little more expensive, but it has a rich, creamy taste if you buy that one. The leaves have more kick, and it's perfect for starting the day with."

"Oh...." the girl followed Reimu, who had strolled purposefully over to the back room where she kept her tea, expertly weaving past tubs and barrels full of leaves, powders, or bags. "So.... You look about my age.... Do you go to school?"

"Can't afford it. Homeschooled. So, will it be leaves or powder?" Reimu reached into her red and white apron and produced a clear plastic bag and a metal scooper. She then noticed the expression on the girl's face. "Hey, hey. Don't feel sorry for me. I don't need school. Now, leaves or powder?"

"Uh... Some of both, I guess." the girl blinked and scratched her neck. "..... So uh.... Do you sell anything other than tea?"

"Mocchi, rice crackers, and other tea snacks."

".... Nothing else...?"

"Tea accessories, tea brewing items, and anything related to tea." Reimu deadpanned as she scooped up some tea leaves and dumped them in the bag.

"Ah.... So that's all?"

"Yep. Nothing special. Here's your stuff. Two thousand yen total. One half bag of leaves and half bag of powder." Reimu watched as the girl payed, took her tea bags, and turned towards the door. Reimu put her scooper away and wiped the green tea dust on her apron. The bell tinkled and the girl was gone.

".... Yep, that girl is definitely coming back here tomorrow, no doubt." the lazy shopkeeper sighed and sat back down at the counter. 'Let's see.... She seems like the person to enjoy mocchi, so I'll just raise the price on this red bean mocchi and lower the price of this fruity one...."

Reimu's eyes suddenly took on a strange gleam as she reached behind her to grab a packet of chewy goodness from the cubbies behind her. "....... A customer is approximately ten yards away. Fortune must be smiling on me today...."

The bell rang once again as the doors opened. A silver-haired maid and a blue haired child walked in. "My! Sakuya, this place smells so musty!"

"It's the tea dust, Milady. If you take a deeper whiff, you can smell the individual teas." the maid, Sakuya, replied.

"Can I help you....?"

"Ah yes, we're looking for some sort of red tea." the girl replied, sniffing daintily.

"..... Red teas...... I see. I have some right here. Wait there, I'll get it."

Reimu slid off her seat and grabbed the chair she had just been occupying. She dragged it over to the left side of the room and stood on it, reaching for the highest cabinet and pulling out a wrapped box. "Okay. Red tea is a bit expensive here, but only because it's grown in Africa."

The child snorted arrogantly. "For your sake, I hope the tea's worth the trip here. You might just be shut down if it isn't."

"Sure, shut me down if you can. I only import the best of teas." Reimu handed the box to the maid. "Three thousand yen."

"Thank you very much. Come Milady, we must go shop for candy." Sakuya spoke in a cultured tone.

"Actually, I have some snacks that go great with that tea. I'll give you a ten percent discount if you buy now."
Both the maid and the master turned towards Reimu, who had replaced her chair and was now facing the cubbies full of snacks. "If you add milk and honey to the tea you just bought, it makes the snacks seem warm and freshly baked. Even better than candy. Little kids used to love this sort of sweet."

Sakuya and the child looked at each other. "... We'll take it."

"Three hundred yen please."

Sakuya paid, and took the box that Reimu had dug out. The box was decorated with little bats, and was filled with chews and cookies. The duo left the shop, with the maid smiling easily and the child with a pleased grin different from the cocky smirk she had entered with.

"..... Looks like I just scored me some regular customers. Good job Reimu. Good job." Reimu stretched and was about to sit down, when the bell tinkled again. The dark-haired girl looked up to see two blondes walk in. One blonde in particular had several packages in her arms, as well as one or two dolls.

"Heyas, this place is STOCKED! Look at all the teas!! Hey Alice, look there are lots of snacks here too!! Man, I want to try mixing all of these, da ze~!"

"Calm down Marisa. Keep your twitchy hands to yourself. Ah, Miss, are you the shopkeeper?" the more refined blond asked. At Reimu's nod, she spoke again. "I want to know if you have any Earl Grey and some snacks to go with it."

"Well yeah, this is a tea shop. I have what you want right here." Reimu walked over to one of the tubs that had been lined up in a row. "How much you want?"

"Enough for three weeks, da ze!" yelled Marisa from across the room, where she had been staring at a jar full of oolong tea powder.

"Yes, for once, Marisa is right."

"What are you talking about Alice! I'm always right!!" Marisa flung her arm around Alice's shoulders, causing one of her packages to drop.

Alice blushed and bent to pick up her dropped item, before straightening and yelling at her fellow blonde.

Reimu obediently scooped out a healthy serving of tea leaves as the girls had their lover's spat. "Alright, as for the snacks.... I'd give you something good for Earl Grey tea, but this might be better for girls like you." Reimu finished packaging the tea and handed it to Alice, who tucked it uder her arm, shifting several other packages as she did so. The red and white reached for a large cardboard box with a clear top that had been sitting on her desk. Inside lay two bird-shaped buns, decorated with frosting and fruit.

"Doves...? What did you mean by--?" Alice flushed suddenly. "Wait, no... We aren't like that...."

"You never know right? Even if you aren't like that, they taste great."

"Three thousand yen total. Come again."

The girls left, with Alice blushing madly and Marisa asking what was wrong. Reimu looked at the darkening sky, and began packing up to leave. When she was done, she flipped the sign from 'Open' to 'Closed', before leaving.

Mmm.... I wonder.... Will there be any coins in the donation box?
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 10:06:37 PM by Drakometar »

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #41 on: August 13, 2011, 09:21:19 PM »
Erm... was that supposed to continue?


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #42 on: August 13, 2011, 09:29:28 PM »
Originally, yes. Someone pressed reply while I was out. So I wrote a new story.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #43 on: August 14, 2011, 02:14:22 AM »
Ah. Well, you could always try typing them up in a word processor instead.

Anyway, nice slice-of-life there. You made something usually mundane interesting.


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #44 on: August 14, 2011, 04:43:40 AM »
Gonna redo the Alice and Marisa thing, doesn't seem very..... Well...... You know.
Also gonna spice it up to be less.... I don't know.


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #45 on: August 14, 2011, 10:07:18 PM »
Changed the titles and made them what they really were; little events that happened across different dimensions.


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #46 on: August 17, 2011, 01:15:52 AM »
What I Used To Be.

Meiling wiped the sweat from her brow as she strolled into the SDM's recreational room. Sakuy was already there, dozing on the couch. Meiling took a seat across from her and studied Sakuya's sleeping face, before turning her attention to the large glass windows. Sunlight was streaming through them, and the youkai's eyes could make out the individual dust motes that floated near the windows. Then Meiling yawned and shifted her body into a more comfortable position on the chair, and promptly fell asleep. And as she slept, her subconscious dragged up and old, old memory.......

Meiling stood proudly in front of the gates, facing the horizon. Her hands were wrapped around the hilt of an unsheathed sword, its point stuck in the hard earth, and a tattered, dark blue cloak had been thrown over her shoulders. A dark blur approached from the distance, stretching from one end of the plains to the other. Marching feet and chanting voices rang, and for a moment, that was all Meiling heard. Then, with expertice that only a master could have, she lifted her sword into a ready position, and, after a pregnant pause, dashed towards the approaching army of humans. The humans began screaming as they saw China's strongest youkai heading straight towards them, hefting the legenandary mountain-cleaving sword. Meiling crashed into the front of the army and began slashing and hacking. Heads began to fly as the youkai struck with terrifying precision.

Suddenly, Meiling was blown back by a huge explosion. The red head growled, and called out to the soldiers, who had backed away the second Meiling had fallen. "Gunpowder!! Cowards!!! Fight like men! Do you all still call yourselves honoured sons!! Fight!! Fight to honor your ancestors!!"

Several soldiers reacted rather violently at Meiling's taunt. They surged forward, their weapons drawn and caution thrown to the winds. Meiling let herself fall into the 'guard' postition, and blocked several sword blows in quick sucession, before launching her counterattack. She reached out and grabbed the nearest person, and flung him into the rest of the group, knocking them back and causing a few of them to fall over their own weapons. Meiling then grinned, and felt power well up in her. The youkai then took her blade, directed the point towards herself, and stabbed. Just then, her power exploded outwards, killing quite a lot of humans and utterly transforming Meiling. When the light from the explosion finally died, Meiling had gained possession of a black, reptilian tail, with a red tuft of fur at the tip. Her arms were also black, as well as being covered  in ridges. Her fingers and toes had turned into sharpened claws, and her face held traces of black scales. Horns sprouted from her ruby red hair, and she, the dragon youkai of the eastern mountains, stood in front of the now cowering army. Then Meiling smiled, and reached out for the nearest man once again. She spun suddenly, allowing her claws to rake across his face. She then lifted her leg, and kneed his neck. Meiling jumped suddenly, and let herself fall feet first onto the soldier beneath her. His head smashed into the rest of his body, and when Meiling got off, his body had been crushed in half. (Like a tomato!) The dragon grinned to herself, and cracked her knuckles.

"Alright, so who wants the honor of being able to do battle with the Rainbow Dragon?  Surely, your ancestors would be able to forgive your earlier cowardice if you shrug away your fear and die standing bravely against me, no?"

Meiling's arm lashed out suddenly, her palm intercepting the sword that had been about to cleave through her head. She spun, and her right arm took a large chunk from the man's chest. That seemed to enrage the rest of the men, for they let out throaty battle cries and charged. Meiling laughed, and began her counterattacks. She smashed the skull of one man, slit one man from neck to groin, and crushed the chest of another. And so it repeated itself, Meiling killing and crashing through the ranks of the once-organized men. Blood flew everywhere, blood and gore. She jumped over the spear men, dodged the arrows flying her way, avoided the cannons, and smacked away the swordsmen. One lucky man had gotten close enough to swing his sword once, but Meiling dealt with him before he could swing again. However, the one attack had done its job; Meiling was now missing a horn. Not that it mattered; she could live without one, and so she continued her slaughter, ripping off one or two limbs, crushing the legs of an axe man, and in general causing havoc among the lines of soldiers. She would win, the elation building up inside her. She would win, and she could then live in peace inside her temple. No one would dare try to capture her then, and she could practice her martial arts in relative pea---

And then she fell.

Meiling opened her eyes. Sakuya was standing over her, looking relatively worried.

"You alright, Meiling? You were thrashing about and grinning..... What were you dreaming about?"

Meiling lowered her head and smiled slightly. The dream had brought back nostalgic memories; memories that Meiling didn't know she had. But before she dwelt on that, there was something more important.....

"Sakuya-san.... THANK YOU!!!" Meiling sat up and wrapped her arms around the maid's waist, dragging her down as Meiling fell off the couch.

"For what?!! Meiling, get off!! Please, control yourself!!"

The gate guard let her grin imprint itself into Sakuya's stomach.

So that's why I like guarding gates.... I've been doing it since forever, haven't I?


If you're wondering what EX-Meiling looks like, go to Danbooru, first picture of the Extra Stage Girls pool. Warning; Danbooru.  -_-
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 09:00:19 PM by Drakometar »


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #47 on: August 17, 2011, 10:51:25 PM »
~('-'~) (~'-')~
Any reviews, requests, or advice would make me a happy person~
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 02:25:47 AM by Drakometar »


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #48 on: August 19, 2011, 05:41:53 AM »
Short Shorts Are Good For The Soul!

Elly fell to her knees and clasped her hands in front of her face. After she had adopted the traditional prayer position, she looked up and spoke in a loving, tender tone of voice. "I..... I am so, so sorry. Please, give me a second chance!!"

There was no response, and Elly's voice became desperate. "I.... I know I've been neglecting you, but.... Well, things have been busy, and my work load had doubled..... but I NEED you. I was overwhelmed by all the duties I had received, and ignored you in your greatest time of need..... But... If you'll have me, all that would be over. I..... The Elly you knew back then is back, and she's here for you once again. So please....." Elly leaned forwards for an embrace, but a sudden, elegant voice stopped her.

"Elly, are you proposing to the broken weedwhacker? Please hurry and fix it, so that you can get to work on the new garden. I don't want to go to the Kappa Village."

Elly pouted, but scooped up the weedwhacker and appropriate repair tools. "Yes Master...."

Love Spells Are Not To Be Used Near The SDM.

Remilia sauntered into the main room of her mansion, only to be greeted by the strangest scene that she had ever walked in on, the sparkling male vampire aside. She froze, her jaw dropping as her eyes jumped from one absurd image to the next. Her cheeks nearly ripped themselves apart as she beheld her precious, pure, innocent, and somewhat naive younger sister, STRADDLING a nearly undressed Komeji Koishi in what appeared to be an attempt to deflower the satori.

Remilia, attempting to protect her mental image of her sister, turned away from the two younger sisters and focused on one of the other absurd scenes; where her head maid, the ever-so-elegant Izayoi Sakuya, and her gate guard, the foolish, lazy, yet at times mysteriously wise Hong Meiling, were embracing near the stairs. Remilia turned her eyes away, and looked for the next out-of-place image; watching her two employees made her chest hurt; and she watched as Koakuma seduced an oddly subdued Patchouli. At the foot of the stairs, Alice was also straddling Marisa, who's face and upper body could not be seen by Marisa. Remilia assumed that they were 'making out' as most humans called it.

"Wh-What's going on....?" The vampire ripped the mob cap off her head and began pulling at it.

"Fufufu...." Remilia jumped, before whirling around to find half of Yukari, her torso and everything above it hanging precariously out of a gap.

"Yakumo Yukari!! What is the meaning of this!!" the vampire cried as she gestured towards the romantic scenery.

"Why, so feisty today Remilia! If you continue to act like this, I just might have to take you home with me~!"

"Bah, what nonsense is that!? Everyone knows you're out to frisk Reimu! Now hurry and answer!"

Yukari pouted, but responded. "Well, I merely manipulated the borders of lust and desire, and fanned the flames of love~!"

Koakuma pulled away from her master just in time to hear Yukari's claim, and managed to gasp, "No, Mistress Remilia!! It was the spellcards!!" before diving back at Patchouli.

"Spellcards? What about them...?"

"Oh, fine..... To be blunt, the satori used one of her love based spell cards while Flandre used one of hers, and Marisa arrived just in time to fire her Master Spark. They all collided and caused this.... Admittedly perverted scene....."

"How can I restore them!? Before Patchouli gets deflowered!!!" Remilia gestured towards the librarian, who's pajama bottoms were dangerously close to being removed.

"That, I won't help you with~" And with that, the gap youkai withdrew into her gap, leaving a flustered mistress, a blushing maid, a gently-smiling gate guard, two innocent younger siblings, a succubus and her master, and a pair of loving magic-users.

"DAMN IT YUKARI!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Alice's Completely Normal Day.

Alice capped her pen and waited for the ink on her paper to dry. It was a letter to her mother, the ruler of Makai. Today's letter mostly contained information on how Marisa had been annoying her, as well as the latest breakthroughs on her research and experiments. After having made sure that there were no mistakes or anything that could be misunderstood, Alice put the letter into an envelope, and sealed it into a small canister, which dissipated into the air after the puppeteer had tossed it into the air.

"Mmm. No doubt it's already on its way to Mother. Ah! Oh, no! Did I leave the fire on!!?" And with that, Alice rushed inside to save her dolls, all memory of her letter disappearing.


Yumeko, the original ninja maid, dashed to her master's room, neatly dodging any obstacles. So, after sidestepping a drunk succubus, jumping over Sariel, and ducking under a cart full of books, Yumeko stood in front of her master's chambers with barely a bead of sweat upon her brow.

The maid knocked, and entered as soon as she heard Shinki's barely audible 'Yes!'.

"Master, mail from young Alice." Yumeko spoke as she bowed with her upper body parallel to the floor, never looking up. She withdrew a small canister from her apron pocket, and held it out. The maid did not break from her position even as she heard her master's excited gasp, and did not look up as she felt the canister gently snatched from her hand. Yumeko allowed one corner of her mouth to twitch upwards. Her master had always been a little excitable when it came to the young mistress.

"Master, I shall be taking my leave now, if that will be allowed." Shinki looked up and nodded, smiling all the while.

"Ah..... So the little black and white witch has been bothering Alice, has she?" Out of the corner of her eye, Shinki saw one of her curtains move. "What do you think?"

A figure floated out from behind the cloth. Shinki's smile grew a little, and she reached under the chair she was sitting on to pull out a small box, as well as a few charms and a piece of paper. Shinki began scribbling on the paper, as the figure fit itself into the box. When Shinki had finished and the box's lid had closed, the charms sealing it shut, the ruler of Makai slipped the paper into a spare canister, as well as attaching the box to it by a string.

"Yumeko, can you please pick up a package?" At Shinki's call, the door to the room was flung open with surprising grace, and the blonde maid stood in the doorway. "Ah, so quickly too! Thank you! Can you please deliver this to Alice?"

"Of course." Yumeko took the package and canister from her master, and marched out into the hallway, before dashing away.


Alice gingerly opened the door to see Marisa's cheerful, grinning face.

"Hey, da ze! Let me have some teaAAUGH!?" Marisa's carefree exclamation was broken as an unidentified object fell on her head.

"Oh? Looks like Mother sent a present.... I wonder what it is?" Alice reached for the object that had bounced off a groaning witch's head, and promptly saw the words, 'Read the letter first' written on the box. The puppeteer popped the open the top of the canister, and shook the letter out from within. Alice opened the envelope, and read the letter.

Dear Alice,

I'm glad to hear that your research is going well. I am also sorry that you are being bothered by such a pest, so I'm sending something to help you with that. Oh, and please, do come to visit me sometime! Feel free to bring some of your friends as well, should you wish to. Yumeko also sends her regards, and Yuki misses you. I eagerly await your next letter, and I hope you'll have a nice week.

Best Regards,


PS: Sariel cut off a bit of its hair, for use in your work. You'll find it in a bundle inside the box.

Alice pocketed the letter and gently peeled off one of the charms, and, after deeming it safe, stripped the box of its only decorations.

The top of the box flew open, and a blue and white bamboo shoot popped out. Alice's eyes became blank, and her mouth dropped open in disbelief. Marisa stopped moaning about her head and her hat, and turned to stare. Then the bamboo shoot grew, and before long, a tall, green haired woman dragged herself off.

"Gwah.... That hurt..... Oh! Hey, I'm here already!" 

"Y-You're wearing a bamboo shoot...."


"Oh, hey! Marisa, how've you been? And you're Shinki's kid!! Heyas, nice to see ya two again-- Eh...?"

Mima stopped talking as she realized that Alice had fainted, and Marisa had been reduced to a babbling mess.

"OhShitOhShitMima-sama'sGoingToBeInTenDesires(Lol)Mima-sama'sGoingToBeInTenDesires(Lol)GABBURRGGPPHH...." Mima's apprentice, once so sturdy, had been reduced to twitching and foaming as her long-lost master appeared before her.

"Oh, well. I'll wait for them to wake up. Geez Shinki, your kid sure is excitable.

I will update this short series of shorts, and some of my other shorts at random times, so keep checking. And yes, I know that Ten Desires is already out, and I'm also pretty sure that Mima isn't there. I suck, don't I?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 11:07:53 PM by Drakometar »

Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #49 on: August 19, 2011, 11:43:55 AM »
This is why you never let anyone inside the SDM. Ever. :getdown:  :getdown:  :getdown:

Oh yeah can I make a request?,6591.msg696258.html#msg696258 (tl;dr: Hatate as a mercenary)

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Undying hunger
  • Om nom nom
Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #50 on: August 19, 2011, 01:01:27 PM »
The SDM, oh how I wish I could live there one day...

Don't worry, Ojou-sama. It's not as bad as it looks, come here and let Onii-chan show you why...


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #51 on: August 19, 2011, 03:40:22 PM »
Consider it done Crow Cakes.  :3  After I finish up my short shorts, I'll get to work. Ah, but do you have some sort of plot other than that one in mind, or shall I make it up?
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 07:08:06 PM by Drakometar »

Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #52 on: August 20, 2011, 01:35:24 AM »
Go make it up! I don't really care how it's done, but at least there should be GUNS. hehehehehehee

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #53 on: August 20, 2011, 05:11:43 AM »
Crow Cake's Story: Hatate Gets Paid To Hate?!

Hatate gently rubbed away the many smudges and blemishes that adorned her precious rifle. The firearm had endured many, many missions with her; the least she could do was tend to it.

The mercenary lovingly wiped it once more, before carefully easing the gun back into its well tended case. She then withdrew another black case; this one containing handguns. Just as Hatate began running the cleaning cloth up and down the side of her gun, the locks on her door clicked, and the thick oak door opened.

A pretty blonde woman in a lab coat entered, followed by a small, doll-like girl in red, Japanese-style clothing. The duo were welcomed by the barrel of a gun, as well as a few clicks as the safety was removed. The older woman immediately paused, and after a brief hesitation, smiled indulgently and held up her hands in a gesture of surrender. The girl behind the woman had similarly raised her hands.

"...... Welcome ladies. What business brings you to my humble adobe?" Hatate's face hardened. "And what gives you the FUCKING right to pick the locks and enter without permission?! You could have been shot!!"

The woman took her time thinking. "Mmmm.... I don't believe it. A mercenary with a conscious. Quite a rarity......."

"Shut up and get to the point. What do you want, and why are you here? No smooth talk please. I've had enough of smooth, silver-tongued snakes for a life time."

"Yes.... News of Yasaka's assassination has reached mine ears, as well as other.... Scientists in hiding."

"Enough of your mindless chatter, less you prove to be a waste of time. State your business!"

"Miss Himekaidou, please. Do calm down. Perhaps some tea--"


The woman's eyes were wide with shock. The girl who had been behind her was now next to her, her arm extended, as if to catch the bullet, but Hatate, sniper extraordinaire, had not been aiming at either of them. The bullet had buried itself into the wall several meters behind the girls. The bullet hole was still smoking, and the girl in the red dress glared at Hatate, her hand clutching a knife, while the blonde had brought out what appeared to be a small bomb.

The mercenary, on the other hand, had withdrawn yet another handgun, an her gloved hands were steady as she pointed her dual weapons at the intruders.

"Drop all your weapons, or I'll kill you where you stand. If you try anything funny, I'll shoot."

"And if you shoot, I'll move, Miss Himekaidou." The woman tucked the bomb into her coat and nodded to the girl, who hid her weapon. "Please, we mean no harm. We are merely here with a.... Preposition, if you will."

"A preposition? Let me guess, you want me to kill someone." Hatate deadpanned. "Tell me your name, your occupation, as well as who they are and why you want them dead."

"You are so quick to judge...... But I suppose you are correct." The woman placed a hand over her heart. "I am a scientist..... Dr. Alice Margatroid. I hail from Bucuresti."

"Long way to go. From Romania to Japan, that is."

"Indeed. At any rate, I am attempting to create the perfect human-robot hybrid. It has been my dream for a while now."

"Get on with it."

"Very well. In any case, certain people, powerful people, have threatened to... Er.... Expose my.... unethical deeds...."

"....... Let me guess, a few sacrifices for the greater good? ..... Not another one....."

"That's not true." Hatate glanced at the girl, who had finally spoken. "Miss Margatroid doesn't want to do that! She wants to help the people live their lives peacefully, without hurting others!! I'm living proof of her kindness!!"

The mercenary sighed, and turned to Alice. "Who's the girl, and what does she have to do with all this?"

"My retainer, and one of my adopted children. She volunteered for the experiment after I saved her from a life of death and decay."

"A 'Pet the Puppy' moment, huh."

"I'm sorry.....? What's that supposed to mean, Miss Himekaidou?"

"Find out yourself." Hatate's glare could have melted steel. ".... Miss Margatroid. I ask again; you wish to become my client?"

"Ah.... Yes, I suppose. I mean, yes. I do...."

"Good. Now, I want you to understand one thing about me and my clients." The brown haired mercenary lowered her arms and placed her handguns back inside their case. She also tugged off her gloves and placed them on the table that she had been standing behind. "I value the trust between me and my client, probably more than I should. If you attempt to backstab or betray me, then leave."

"Why would I--!?"

"People with more influence and power than yourself have tried, in an attempt to gain something with my death. In their lust to gain, they ended up with nothing. Don't let yourself become the same way, alright? Now, if you're really sure, sign here." Hatate produced a contract, as well as a ballpoint pen.

Alice stepped forward, signed, and placed a piece of paper on Hatate's desk. The mercenary gave the scientist and her experiment a nod, and, after they had left Hatate's house, put her gun case away and glanced at the paper.

"What the!!! Well, I'll be a skirt-flipping tengu with a cell-phone!! Just what sort of enemies have you made Margatroid!!?? Damn....." Hatate pressed the tips of her fingers to her forehead, and began rubbing away her headache. ".... It looks like this job will take longer than expected....." The mercenary got out of her seat and headed into the living room, where a large bird cage sat in the corner of the room. Inside the cage was a single crow, which Hatate pulled out. She reached into a basket inside of the cage, and withdrew a piece of paper and a small bit of lead. The mercenary scribbled down, 'Visiting you tomorrow; buisiness trip. Love, Scallop.', and attached the note to the crow's leg. When she finished, she threw the bird out of the window, and watched as it became a distant speck against the clear blue of the sky.


Ugh, the personalities are all wrong...... I made Hatate look like some dandy old guy in a fancy suit, or possibly Reimu, and Alice just feels so.... REMILIA-ish..... The off-characterness....... IT BURNS!!!  :fail:
« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 05:00:05 PM by Drakometar »

Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #54 on: August 20, 2011, 06:21:40 AM »
I am crying tears of joy. Why can't I write anything nice? Whyyyyyyyy?

Like I said, you don't need to follow the whole idea. Especially
the Koishi idea
. I'm still slapping myself silly over it.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Undying hunger
  • Om nom nom
Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #55 on: August 20, 2011, 02:46:19 PM »
Why can't I write anything nice? Whyyyyyyyy?

Oh but you already do, Crow. And I wish I had dreams like yours... the only Touhou-related dream I ever had (and remembered) one about me meeting Marisa at some party somewhere and she brings me to this portal thingy somewhere and I just woke up all so suddenly...

(getting off-topic)
Oo I'm looking forward to seeing how this one will turn out. Never thought of Hatate as a mercenary before. Never really thought of her as someone who can handle guns so well, either :V


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #56 on: August 20, 2011, 03:59:06 PM »
You write well Crow, no matter how you deny it. I never really saw Hatate as a mercenary either, but now that Crow dreamt it, I SEE IT. I've had a handful of Touhou dreams, but the most vivid one was where Yukari tried to host a murderous game show in an elevator, and she tried to kill me. Akwardly enough, the dream ended with an ice cream party with giant tea cups...... I wonder if I can milk a story out of that? Read the story again, I'm updating it.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 05:45:00 PM by Drakometar »


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #57 on: August 21, 2011, 05:07:26 PM »
Ugh, I hate the way I wrote this story. Give me a few days ro rewrite and finish the story...
« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 05:23:07 PM by Drakometar »


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #58 on: August 23, 2011, 05:34:27 AM »
Celebrating 800+ views by revising several shorts. Look out for it, yeah?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 10:36:21 PM by Drakometar »


Re: Touhou Alternate Shorts; The Stuff of Illusions!
« Reply #59 on: August 23, 2011, 11:04:39 PM »
Yuuka blast my stories with a Master Spark, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS!?! EVERY TIME I TRY TO TYPE 'Gilgamesh' IT COMES OUT AS GILGAMESH! Actually, any Gilgamesh comment turned into Gilgamesh. Excuse me while I stew.

Look fowards to a story where Shinki and Gilgamesh comment on the Incidents they missed. By the way, Gilgamesh is M-I-M-A.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 11:09:21 PM by Drakometar »