Author Topic: Ace of Spades! (CTF-oriented FPS + sandbox game!)  (Read 1426 times)


Ace of Spades! (CTF-oriented FPS + sandbox game!)
« on: May 27, 2011, 08:04:53 PM »
The website, a download link, information on the game itself and more can be found here, while some gameplay videos can be seen here, here and here.

You know how games often advertise that they have "fully destructible environments," but when you play them, you can really only destroy certain objects, and there are very few of those in the game? Feels bad, right? Well, not in this game. Much like Minecraft, this game really does have a fully destructible environment, aside from the bottommost layer of the map for obvious reasons. You spawn with fifty ammo in your rifle, two grenades, fifty blocks to use as you please, and two tools- a shovel and a pickaxe- which can never be destroyed/removed from your inventory.

The uses for rifles, grenades and blocks are all apparent, so what're the differences between the pickaxe and the shovel? The pickaxe is used for harvesting blocks and adding them to your inventory, which can hold a maximum of fifty blocks at a time. You swing your pickaxe at a block, and after hitting it three times, that block is removed from the environment and is now yours. The shovel is used for clearing larger amounts of blocks more quickly, but in return, you get nothing. By holding the left mouse button while hovering your cursor over a block, as soon as the digging animation ends, that block, as well as the two directly above and below it, are destroyed, without being added to your inventory.

To start playing, all you have to do is download Beta 0.5 from this page, just under the word "play," or this link, which is the exact same one. After you've installed it, don't try starting up client.exe. It'll just give you an error message. Instead, first, take a trip to config.exe and give yourself a name that isn't "Deuce." Please note that spaces can't be used, but underscores work just fine.

Finally, "readme.txt" is named that for a reason. It'll let you know how to change teams, bring up your map, color sample, (Which is something that just isn't used enough by people who simply aren't aware that it exists, usually Deuces), and more. Aaand now you're ready to play the game by connecting to any server that's up on this page. Hope to see ya in-game sometime! If you have any questions, ask away!

Additional information:
Adjusting the X and Y resolutions in config.txt STILL does nothing. When you play, you're forced to play full-screen whether you like it or not. Just press alt+tab to switch to other windows as necessary, or hit esc to exit entirely.

It comes with a map editor that people have used to make some truly incredible maps. Before, whenever you joined a server, you were guaranteed to see the usual mountains, hills and rivers. Thanks to the new map editor, you've got a chance to see some variety and creativity!

To kick griefers, whether they're on your team or not, hold the tab key to see what their ID is. It's the number to the left of their name; the one on their right is their score. Now, type /votekick [their ID here], and once 25% of the people in-game have done the same the griefer will be kicked! Not only does this kick them, it acts as a tempban as well! Best of all, if the majority of your teammates are Deuces who don't read the chat, or are on the opposite team and support the player who's griefing you, you can log out, change your name in config.txt, rejoin and vote again as many times as is necessary.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 08:21:36 PM by Eraiya »

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Ace of Spades! (CTF-oriented FPS + sandbox game!)
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2011, 09:06:59 PM »
I've been wanting to play the game but it'd never let me connect to a server. I've already got it downloaded and all, and it seems fun, but still.


Re: Ace of Spades! (CTF-oriented FPS + sandbox game!)
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2011, 10:40:23 PM »
Oh, that was mostly fixed several patches ago! Now, whenever you can't connect to a server, it's nearly always because it's full or because it just happened to go down right when you chose it!