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Ask a Staffer Catch-22: Ask me things! Sakura Rurouni
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Hello Purvis:
How much you bench, bro?
Dead Princess Sakana:
As someone who writes and draws, would you say any of the two is harder? And if so, how?
Iced Fairy:
What got you into fiction writing?

How do you pick people to mine for research ideas? :3c

What literary genre or styles do you like best?
How do you choose to pass your free time?
When you want to write, how do you go about it?
Zengar Zombolt:
?En qu? has estado ocupada las ultimas... semanas? Casi un mes.
?Porqu? soy tu favorito?
?Donde estan las casas de nieve del a?o pasado?
?Porcentaje de masculinidad? 8)
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