Author Topic: Touhou musical tastes/questions  (Read 19983 times)


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Touhou musical tastes/questions
« on: June 11, 2009, 05:11:54 AM »
Hey guys, I'm wondering if I'm the only one who feels like the music in MoF/SA just isn't as good as PCB/IN. PCB in particular is the best imo. In another thread someone mentioned that they wondered why everyone liked PCB music so much but from what I could tell I was the only person who really thought it stood out that much.

To me PCB music just sounds so damn climatic compared to the others. Necrofantasia just makes me want to tear off my shirt and fly to the nearest maiden in distress, As does the final boss in the normal game. In addition there is alot of emotional variety between stage themes imo. IN was good too but it kinda lacked a standout song or part imo, most of it really seemed like one "spacey" song after another, where it gets progressively more and more spacey as you near the end of the game (though the extra stage is an exception).

With a very few select exceptions, I found music in MoF, and SA to be kinda dull in comparison. I really like the stage 1 theme in SA, but it's a bit weak overall for a "favorite" song in the game >=P.

I'm sure there are plenty of people here who like the music in MoF and SA, but I'm just curious if I'm really one odd exception or if there is even a slightly noticeable mass opinion regarding this matter. Personally I kinda hope there is in hopes that Zun recognizes this and makes a future Touhou game with music that is more appealing to me again (yeah I know stupid wish but hey. I can wish).


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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2009, 05:23:04 AM »
The greatest part in PCB was when you finish off Yuyuko. You get the majestic last-boss-exploding-noise, then BAM and you start a survival card. Halfway through the guitars kick in and you're like FUCK THIS IS GREAT and when the timer finally runs out, all the bullet explode into cherry and soar towards you with that crazy riff playing until it fades to white. Beating Yuyuko is probably the most satisfying normal Touhou occurrence ever.

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Vile Lasagna

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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2009, 06:23:11 AM »
The greatest part in PCB was when you finish off Yuyuko. You get the majestic last-boss-exploding-noise, then BAM and you start a survival card. Halfway through the guitars kick in and you're like FUCK THIS IS GREAT and when the timer finally runs out, all the bullet explode into cherry and soar towards you with that crazy riff playing until it fades to white. Beating Yuyuko is probably the most satisfying normal Touhou occurrence ever.


As for PCB vs MOF/SA, PCB is still my favourite touhou in many aspects music BEING one of them. MoF has some awesome music, namely Dark Road (FUCK YEAH!!!!), Foughten Field and Kero Destiny (yeah, suddenly I forgot the real name of tha one), but overall I think it doesn't feel as grandiose a WHOLE thing like PCB does. As for SA I think the music in that game is really awesome, with the exception of Stage 5 but it IS  SA stage 5 so my opinion may be quite biased. I'm not particularly fond of Yamame and Parsee's musics, but their stages themes are awesome, and when you get to Streets of a Former Hell it is INDEED FUCK YEAH! (I think the only bad part of that music is the switch to Onion Rings when it comes to the boss battle.. Not a bad music but...). Stage4 has great music and Satori has another amazing theme. The cherry on top being nuclear fusion which is simply awesome, it got me severely addicted to it.
rofl bye

Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2009, 06:38:20 AM »
In the old forums, I posted an idea to the effect of: Okay, so, the timeout card begins, and it's manageable so far, but then the trumpets begin and it becomes twice as dense with butterflies, and then Yuyuko whips out an electric guitar and begins playing the theme on it and the screen's covered in fscking FIREWORKS.

*cough* Okay, that said: I think MoF frankly has pretty damn good music, especially in the stage 1 theme and the last stage two stage themes and the final boss theme. Suwa Foughten Field is ... epic. It really gives a feel of "You're fighting the GODS!" there.

Nuclear Fusion, meanwhile, really lays on the "Oh shit, nuclear strike!" feel. It grew on me, I felt. The stage 5 and 6 themes ... not so much. I suppose I was expecting it to build on MoF's "sort of like a cross between Kagome Kagome and Ancient Temple, except moreso" and "We're about to hit an awesome climax here!" Deserted Hell ... well, it's hauntingly beautiful in its own way, but it just doesn't give the feel of "All right, we're almost at the end here!" that the stage 5 themes of the rest of the games did. Hellfire Mantle sounded like "roar, intense!" rather than the "Awright, we're at the leadup to the end here!" of the other games.

Sorry, I'm babbling incoherently now ...

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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2009, 06:58:49 AM »
Kero Destiny
Native Faith, I guess.
Also, I partially agree with Muffin's point of view. For me, it's not that I like a song or not, but if the actual atmosphere of the stage/boss combines with the song. And I think ZUN's descripitons of the songs tell how much they fit each stage (At least for me).

So yeah, you could say I love every song.

Vile Lasagna

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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2009, 07:00:04 AM »
I think Utsuho herself is quite to blame for how Nuclear Fusion is. Kanako at least TRIES to pretend she's different but Utsuho IS "Oh, I pwn you! lolz!". So I don't think there's much space in her music for something besides random flaunting of ridiculous amounts of power. VERY different from the battle with Yuyuko.... (Meh, not very different than the one with Kanako, except utsuho didn't need to copy Sakuya....)
rofl bye

Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2009, 07:30:50 AM »
I used to think like that. Thought that there was something missing in MoF's and SA's music. Maybe I just didn't like the atmosphere (I really like IN's spacey atmosphere for example). But for whatever reason it's grown on me. I don't have many favourites there, but I don't mind listening to it. With some exceptions. I still don't like Suwa Foughten Field in its unarranged form. And Hellfire Mantle is one of the worst pieces of "music" I've ever heard.

On the other hand, I don't get the Border of Life/Necro-Fantasy/Necrofantasia hype either. PCB had some nice tracks, but those weren't them.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 01:38:39 PM by tootbrush »


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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2009, 07:43:28 AM »
MoF has the best soundtrack in the series IMO...although if the full version of UFO keeps up the quality the first half has it may very well surpass it.
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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2009, 07:57:17 AM »
With a very few select exceptions, I found music in MoF, and SA to be kinda dull in comparison.

MOF music dull? Do you even turn on the volume of the music? I can't think of any stage in MOF that is not suitable or dull.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2009, 08:39:12 AM »
MOF music dull? Do you even turn on the volume of the music? I can't think of any stage in MOF that is not suitable or dull.

Yeah I gave it another go. I find the stage music actually is pretty good. Maybe I just got desensatised cuz of how much I enjoyed pcb's music...or maybe I don't get to pay too much attention to it cuz I played MoF so little before beating it that.. well, I didn't comfortable enough with the stages to really notice the music much.

I find the boss music for stage 1-4 to be dull still though. As the extra stage boss.

I re-listened to the SA music.
Stage 1 music is good, stage 2..well. suits the stage, not sure if it really makes me enjoy it much though.
I like the stage 4 boss track.

I don't like nuclear fusion though. I admit it suits the boss in a way, but it just.. I don't enjoy listening to it.

I'm VERY picky with my musical tastes though.

Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2009, 09:19:02 AM »
Musical tastes huh? I love pretty much every ZUN-made song. 95% of them or so. I haven't really counted. I'd say that PCB's soundtrack is very good but i like the MoF one better. I would also say that MoF have the next best conclusion next to PCB. Virtue of Wind God + Stage 6 Boss Theme (forgot how to spell it) is just awesome.

So if you ask me there is no bad Touhou music. Unless fans start to remix it. That might end up as a catastrophe but it can also improve the songs or breathe new life into them.


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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2009, 09:46:34 AM »
I haven't listened to PC-98 versions so I cannot judge those. But only one track is so far disappointment for my personal taste: Ichirin's theme in UFO demo. I somehow have the feeling it is a bit uninspired. While the stage music is good.

Kogasa's and Nazrin's theme surely got me good. So UFO promises some good tracks.

Quote from: Drake
The greatest part in PCB was when you finish off Yuyuko. You get the majestic last-boss-exploding-noise, then BAM and you start a survival card. Halfway through the guitars kick in and you're like FUCK THIS IS GREAT and when the timer finally runs out, all the bullet explode into cherry and soar towards you with that crazy riff playing until it fades to white. Beating Yuyuko is probably the most satisfying normal Touhou occurrence ever.

Fuck yes. Definitely one of the best climax songs + danmaku action among all Touhou.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 11:12:37 AM by Helepolis »

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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2009, 10:24:55 AM »
Best music hands down is actually SA in my opinion, I learned to love the Cock. (you know which one song it is)

Utsuho's theme was awesome.
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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2009, 12:42:21 PM »
IMO MoF's music is very...relaxing. Not too upbeat (save Native Faith and Suwa Foughten Field), and I think ZUN tried to make it much more related to folklore whatever-they call-it music since it's related to gods and such.

SA was more cave/underground music. Although I disliked how most of the stage themes are very bland IMO.


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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2009, 05:48:50 PM »
IMO MoF's music is very...relaxing. Not too upbeat (save Native Faith and Suwa Foughten Field), and I think ZUN tried to make it much more related to folklore whatever-they call-it music since it's related to gods and such.

SA was more cave/underground music. Although I disliked how most of the stage themes are very bland IMO.
Stage 2 of SA is one of the best, and Stage 5 is great, but other than that it was a bit weak, yeah.  MoF gets credit for five awesome stage themes (2, 3, 5, 6, E) - PCB only has three (3, 5, 6).  IN, though, has four (1, 2, 3, 6) (No, I do not like Cinderella Cage, bite me).

Boss themes? PCB has four (3, 4, 6, P), IN has SEVEN (2, 3, 4A, 5, 6A, 6B, E) (LCMS is CONSPICUOUSLY OMITTED FOR BEING OVERRATED), MoF has six (2-E) and SA has only three (2, 4, E).

For me, it's almost a tie between IN and MoF for awesome, but Mokou takes it for IN.  PCB has a couple good stages and a couple very boring ones, and not enough awesome boss themes either.  IN's are largely superior, and MoF's feel is a massive point in its favor.

And on Nuclear Fusion:  It has the raw power of a nuke, but little to say musically speaking.  SA was really a mixed bag for me...though it has Koishi (and her theme), so it automatically wins several awesomeness awards.  Plus, SA has the best ending (not credits) theme in the series (The Earth Spirits' Homecoming).

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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2009, 08:38:26 AM »

EoSD... I used to love it, but it's kinda hard to compare to anything after due to quality levels.  They don't even feel quite the same as the other games do... T.T; Not that it's bad, but...

I don't care for most of PCB's music, save for the final boss & stage tunes (The way they're built is just wonderful, to build up to such powerful tunes).  Ancient Temple and Till When? aren't bad either, and I enjoy Doll Judgment a lot, but the rest of the music... ... bah.  I forget most of it.

IN, I absolutely adore Maiden's Capriccio and Love-Colored Master Spark, and Voyage 1969 is my favourite final stage song in the series, excluding maybe one other.  Eastern Youkai beauty is also damn good, and Mooned Insect would be my favourite stage 1 theme but for UFO.  Final boss tracks are damn good too (Love Lunatic Princess), but most of the stage music I don't pay much attention to, and I've stopped caring for Invisible Full Moon and Deaf To All But The Song.

PoFV, I'll just say that I dislike most of the tracks except Poison Body, Wind God Girl, and, of course, Fate of Sixty Years (Which makes up for the rest of the soundtrack)

MoF is good overall, but I find I pay the music little attention and don't find it too memorable, excepting, of course, Sanae onwards.  Faith Is For The Transient People I waver on whether or not I like it, but Cemetary of Onbashira is my second favourite final stage song, Suwa Foughten Field may be my favourite final boss tune, and Native Faith is love.  Oh, and Dark Road.  But again, I forget most of the rest.

SA to me is the best so far.  Although A Flower Studded Sake Dish and Nuclear Fusion have kind of stopped growing on me, the rest hasn't.  Dark Blowhole is my favourite Stage 1 boss tune, Green-Eyed Jealousy is the only stage 2 boss theme I find worth remembering, but stage 4, 5, and Extra are just heaping piles of awesome.

...Oh, then there's UFO.  God damn ZUN, if the rest of the soundtrack is as good as what was in the demo, SA will be beaten in my mind.

And StB.  Odd fact: StB I actually lve the title/menu music for.  Most of the time, menu, credit, and ending music is forgotten by me, but...


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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2009, 09:09:45 AM »
I don't know that there's any songs I don't like... I'll just go through this on a game-by-game basis.

EoSD: So many awesome songs. <3 Even if the quality isn't as good as the later games, it still has so many great pieces. One of my favorites musically.
Stages: 3,4,5,6,EX
Bosses: 2,3,4,5,6,EX

PCB: Not as much sticks out to me in PCB, but it still has some amazing tracks. I think I will agree that Yuyuko's boss fight and music choreography is epic win though.
Stages: 2,3,5,6
Bosses: 2,3,4,6,EX

IN: Amazingness. Great music here, there's a lot to love. Probably my 2nd favorite behind EoSD. Cinderella Cage, Lunatic Eyes, History of the Moon, Lunatic Princes... so much good.
Stages: 1,2,3,4,5
Bosses: 1,2,4,5,6a,6b

PoFV: Uhhh... yeah. I really just don't care much for the music in this game... it's all just remixes that don't do the originals justice. I will say that Komachi's theme and Fate of Sixty Years are great though.

MoF: I haven't spent enough time playing this game to really know much about the music, but Suwa Foughten Field and Native Faith are infinitely amazing, I absolutely love them.

SA: Besides having my favorite character in it (Parsee ftw), SA has some amazing music in it. Parsee's stage theme and boss theme are both golden. Sanae's stage and boss themes are greatness as well. I actually love Rin's themes as well.
Stages: 2,3,4,5
Bosses: 2,3,4,5

I would have to say EoSD takes the cake for me, with IN a close 2nd and PCB and SA tied for 3rd.

Alice Fact

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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2009, 05:58:16 PM »
Touhou music generally sucks. Remedy this by turning it off or getting soundtracks from other games.
Regarding score threads: For the time being, I'm not going to be online much; I would suggest that you simply do as you normally do, because I will come back and I will want those threads when I do.


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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2009, 07:23:48 PM »
Touhou music generally sucks. Remedy this by turning it off or getting soundtracks from other games.
Troll much? :P

Since I forgot to mention EoSD and PoFV:
EoSD has only a couple good stages(5, 6, EX) but Centennial Festival is hands down my favorite Extra theme (though Alice in Wonderland and Tomorrow Will Be Sunny are close).  Bosses...come on, it's got the strongest theme! (2, 4, 5, 6, EX)  And Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial is far and away my favorite track in all of Touhou...
(Sakuya :wub: )

PoFV is mostly reused stuff, but it's got Poison Body, Fate of Sixty Years, and FLOWER LAND.  That is a zetta underrated track, people.

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Vile Lasagna

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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2009, 07:34:27 PM »
Troll much? :P

Pfft, he's an amateur.
rofl bye

Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2009, 10:11:15 PM »
i overall preffer songs from MoF/SA, mainly due to the new synthesizer ZUN used, but some songs from PCB/IN easily match them, especially Border of Life.

Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2009, 12:47:15 AM »
I think every song PCB and onwards perfectly captures the intended mood when you play. Be that epicly destroying an undead queen, dominating a myriad of autumn Gods, going on a moonlit journey through a forest or taking on a hell-raven at the center of the earth with the fury of one thousand suns. So far, I think UFO is no exception to this and ZUN is only getting better at what he does. I don't think it's a question of whether or not I like his style of music, it's really about how well the music suits what's happening in the game. Taking on a childish God of the earth? Boom! Upbeat piano plays throughout, giving you the fast paced feeling of an Extra Boss. Treading the streets of a former hell? Yer fucking right the music is gonna be dark and gloomy, or "bland" as somebody said... Really now.

Touhou music suits the mood of the games perfectly -- I wouldn't have it any other way.


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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2009, 02:25:28 AM »
I like History of Moon very much. Not only that, I also like most of IN musics.

Orin's theme in SA is like a joke, it called "Be A Good Cheer" if I'm not mistaken.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2009, 07:34:40 AM »
I like History of Moon very much. Not only that, I also like most of IN musics.

Orin's theme in SA is like a joke, it called "Be A Good Cheer" if I'm not mistaken.

I think it's well-done "comic relief" so to speak though given how dark and gloomy stage 4 is, and how "heavy" stage 6 is..and how freakishly hard stage 5 is >=P

edit: not to say I particularly enjoy her music compared to the others I mentioned.


Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2009, 09:01:03 AM »
I think my favorite song would have to be Satori's third eye from SA. I especially like some of the remixes of it.

I actually like a few songs here and their but not most of them. However songs like Lullaby of Demonic Hell the SA stage 5 theme and Youmu Konpaku's Theme from PCB stage 5 boss theme get stuck in my head.

Alice Fact

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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2009, 03:31:24 PM »
Troll much? :P
Pfft, he's an amateur.
Well, that's my personal opinion. I could listen to near anything over most Touhou music ("most" because some tracks do manage to catch my interest, but nothing from the Windows games).

Right now, you're more of a troll than me.
Regarding score threads: For the time being, I'm not going to be online much; I would suggest that you simply do as you normally do, because I will come back and I will want those threads when I do.

Vile Lasagna

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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2009, 08:00:03 PM »
Who, me? That accusation is completely outrageous and has no foundation whatsoever on my behaviour, previous posts, general attitude and self-presentation!

Look at me, I didn't even start a thread about Letty failing heavily at admin in the IaMP AI thread...
rofl bye


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2009, 08:54:21 PM »
I think he's referring to theshim. As for you, well.. Telling someone that they are nooby troll is kinda like saying they're not a troll imo.

Honestly though, Igb. Do you really dislike Touhou music in general and enjoy other games? I find it hard to believe anybody can like gaming music in general (games with commercial music doesn't count) without liking Touhou's. I know alot of people that woudln't enjoy Touhou's music, but pretty much all of them prefer to listen to their own music with like every game.


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Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #28 on: June 14, 2009, 02:32:48 AM »
I think he's referring to theshim. As for you, well.. Telling someone that they are nooby troll is kinda like saying they're not a troll imo.

Honestly though, Igb. Do you really dislike Touhou music in general and enjoy other games? I find it hard to believe anybody can like gaming music in general (games with commercial music doesn't count) without liking Touhou's. I know alot of people that woudln't enjoy Touhou's music, but pretty much all of them prefer to listen to their own music with like every game.
He was referring to PutridRavioli and his response was entirely sarcastic.

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  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou musical tastes/questions
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2009, 03:11:05 AM »
He was referring to PutridRavioli and his response was entirely sarcastic.
I know lasagna is being sarcastic. However just having a sarcastic post doesn't mean a question in it isn't neccesarily a question still.