~Beyond the Border~ > Akyu's Arcade
Amaterasu totally remembered that game, its a lovely game which I finished 4 times xD
its a good game to play, I totally recommend, its an old ps2 game but oh well.
but the main reason I did this thread, is totally to give you Ama, my newest invention and autograph for ya! <3
It was also ported on the Wii and I'd recommend picking it up for either system.
awesome game, thou make me haf fits on the PS2
No ZUN. More Capcom. Please.
The whole Okami game was very good EXCEPT for crappy voice substitution.
--- Quote from: Cassie on April 28, 2009, 12:25:15 PM ---No ZUN. More Capcom. Please.
The whole Okami game was very good EXCEPT for crappy voice substitution.
--- End quote ---
But you will make Zun sad! DX
also, I love how they managed to do the voices, that way you only had to change the subtitles on the chars.
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