~Beyond the Border~ > Akyu's Arcade
Pokemon Sword and Shield
--- Quote from: Raikaria on February 28, 2019, 11:21:04 PM ---Calling it now; we got Fire/Fighting again.
Also Football Rabbit. Scorbunny. Score. And it's described as 'A Rabbit Pok?mon that is always running about, bursting with energy.' So Sportsbunny.
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My best guess is that Scorbunny's final evolution will be Fire/Rock, and that it'll kick around a chunk of rock as a ball.
--- Quote from: Raikaria on February 28, 2019, 11:21:04 PM ---Calling it now; we got Fire/Fighting again.
Also Football Rabbit. Scorbunny. Score. And it's described as 'A Rabbit Pok?mon that is always running about, bursting with energy.' So Sportsbunny.
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I thought it was an amalgamation of "scorch" and "bunny". :thinking:
--- Quote from: BT on March 01, 2019, 12:11:18 PM ---I thought it was an amalgamation of "scorch" and "bunny". :thinking:
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It's probobly both, but it's description on the Pokemon site and it's design [Sports tape around where he's nose is] and running around in the trailer clearly leans towards it being sporty.
Not to mention the whole football stadium thing.
--- Quote from: commandercool on March 01, 2019, 04:09:48 AM ---My best guess is that Scorbunny's final evolution will be Fire/Rock, and that it'll kick around a chunk of rock as a ball.
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Could be, although you don't usually associate Rock-types with speed.
That said it could become some sort of Fire-Rock Rugby bunny too.
Also considering they revealed the Fire starter first instead of the Grass starter [Who's first in the dex] you can wager Scorbunny's gonna be the starter with the bias from Gamefreak this gen; like Greninja.
Scobble is shy and blends into water to hide so I'd wager Ghost for a secondary typing there [Oh hey that also beats Fighting] although it having the same gimmick as Vaporeon is kinda... ugh.
Grooky could be anything really. It's a Chimp with a Stick that beats it on rocks to make noise? Not a lot of evidence for any secondary type there tbh.
I'm all in for Grookey, but that may only be the case because I used a fire and water starter each of the last two gens. Also, Scorbunny invited you to the party but forgot you even showed up, Sobble is your clueless younger sibling who has no desire to be at said party, and Grookey is your wingman for the entire night who also brought a ton of good snacks. At least this is my headcannon.
The only devil's advocate argument I can come up with in support of random battles is that non-random ones have a passive, static approach to them. You reach a new area and squat, waiting for a list of mons to show up. It's always only a matter of time and maybe weaving around other pokeys before you reach a target. There's a lack of tension and surprise, plus you don't have any input on when/where that rare pokey shows up. Then again, that goes with random battles too. I'm OK with random battles because it's what I've come to expect after 20+ years with these games, but there should be some kind of modifiers so that it's easier to hunt down the rarer ones, especially once you've caught/fought enough common pokeys. Or just give the player some modicum of control over which pokemon show up. Bait, sneaking, grass density, something.
Grookey looks like a Furby.
It's kind of creepy, but also slightly cute somehow.
I'm not super thrilled with any of the designs myself, but I guess Scorbunny's ok, as long as it doesn't go back to the Fire/Fighting standard that used to plague us.
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