~Beyond the Border~ > Akyu's Arcade
Pokemon Sword and Shield
So who else has been playing this? I managed to mostly avoid spoilers and I've been loving the new designs from what I've seen so far Spoiler: except the Scorbunny line which is really challenging to look at. I've got my team of five Wooloos and their sheep dog gorilla and I'm not super far in, I haven't even gotten to the first gym yet, but I like what I've seen so far. I like that the overworld encounters from Let's Go are back with some twists, I don't like that the Let's Go ability to access your entire box from almost anywhere is back, but it's easy enough to just not use, and it makes checking my collection on the fly easier which is fine.
Anyone doing raids?
I've done quite a few IRL but the only reason they worked out is because I got carried. I've been moving through the game very slowly so all I have to contribute right now is level 35 Wooloos...
--- Quote from: commandercool on December 06, 2019, 01:23:16 PM ---I've done quite a few IRL but the only reason they worked out is because I got carried. I've been moving through the game very slowly so all I have to contribute right now is level 35 Wooloos...
--- End quote ---
My code is SW-5338-7555-3111. Feel free to join any of my raids. Getting people is so hard.
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