Author Topic: MotK Custom Magic Set! (if this is in the wrong place I am sorry ;_;)  (Read 1040 times)


So I was just sitting around, messing with MSE, Photoshop CS2 and downloading as many templates as I could find and then, I thought (for once);

"Would it be a good idea to make an MotK Magic set?"

I then thought that this would be really stupid and no one in their right mind would want to contribute towards it...
Fuck it.
I wanted to do this kinda like an Unglued or Unhinged set but the problem is I have a lack of this thing called "creativity"
So I guess this can be a community thing! Kinda...
I'll try and get some of my own ideas in this but I'd also like some other people's contribution for ideas on cards. If I'm to make cards on actual members I'll just use the profile pictures you're using.
Also we need a set symbol, unique mechanics and some other crap like that but I feel as though I am up for the (not so) momentous task! And no, none of these cards need to be balanced or make sense.

But yeah if this is in the wrong place, I'm sorry I couldn't really see where else this would fit.