Author Topic: Create your own Deities and Youkai!  (Read 46573 times)


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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #90 on: November 15, 2009, 03:21:11 PM »
I worship Formless God

I had a teacher who used to play radiohead during class once.



  • Media Analyst
Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #91 on: November 16, 2009, 01:51:58 AM »
I imagined someone more attractice, for some reason...

You imagined someone named Butts McKenzie to be attractive?

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #92 on: November 16, 2009, 09:30:21 PM »
I have done this only once before, and that was Saki, the worthless dodging human photographer. Sound familiar?

Anyway, I thought of this and it sounded not terrible, so here ya go.

Name - Sanji
 - Title: The Three o' Clock Fairy
Species - Fairy
Ability - Ability to create candy (usually toffee, licorice, and jelly candies)
Occupation - Minstrel. He (yes, he) can be seen entertaining children in the human village, playing happy marching tunes on his clarinet.
Stage - 2
Relationships - Daiyousei: flute student. Cirno: tormentor. Keine: Teacher. Prismrivers: Admirer. Yuyuko Saigyouji: Candy supplier.
Location - Human Village. Sometimes seen near Scarlet Lake or the Netherworld Gate.
Likes - Marching tunes, confections, Merlin Prismriver
Dislikes - Loud screechy noises, health foods.
Appearance - Short green hair, brown eyes. Wears a white marching band uniform, complete with hat and baton. Has a french horn strapped to his back.
Spellcards: Marzipan - De La Rossa, Calavera - Il Giorno dei Morti, Bolero - Fairy Trobadour.
Notes - Sanji is about as well educated as a fairy could ever be, which is not much. Keine lets him attend classes if he decides to come. Kids like him, and will follow him around the village as he plays his clarinet and tosses them candies. It helps that he's at most three feet tall.

Inspiration and theme song.


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #93 on: November 16, 2009, 09:37:16 PM »
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #94 on: November 16, 2009, 09:40:22 PM »
I do NOT have a grass fetish, E-Mouse!



Also, you forgot this.


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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #95 on: November 16, 2009, 09:44:16 PM »
Why was E-mouse dressed like a little girl when he woke up in Gensokyo? is there something he's not telling us~?
Wotters gonna' wot


  • Developer fairy
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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #96 on: November 16, 2009, 10:21:30 PM »
Inspiration and theme song.

Goddammit, Ruro.
How I wanted to say this just once~

And I thought that this song was just a dream of mine. Now it reminded my childhood. (And being weird for liking SM even though I'm a boy.)


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #97 on: November 16, 2009, 10:34:35 PM »
Ruro, you brought this upon yourself.

There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • *
Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #98 on: November 16, 2009, 11:25:01 PM »
speaking of which
i can't find that short short i wrote for ruro's birthday
does anyone have a copy somewhere

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #99 on: November 16, 2009, 11:37:21 PM »
Te Consegu? un monton de yaoi doujins



  • I am free to dream of my own dream
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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #100 on: November 19, 2009, 05:26:46 AM »
~Unheard Melody of the Impure Land~
Name: (First)Senritsu (Last)Yogoreru
Species: Oni
Stage: Final (*In hopes*But gasp, could there be an extra?)
Ability: Hear hidden melodies from nature, minds, and situations. Can also reveal them as well.
Relations: Hakushi Mahou (Servant...possibly friend?)
Appearance: (Still deciding...X_X)

Danmaku: Variety.

Spellcards: (Difficulty can change spellcards)
Seven Deadly Sins~First Sin: Sloth (Lazy spellcard. Too lazy may be too tricky)
Seven Deadly Sins~Second Sin: Envy (The bullets may be fast but anger can be easy to dodge)
Seven Deadly Sins~Third Sin: Greed (Look behind you! Absorbing bullets and throwing them)
Seven Deadly Sins~Fourth Sin: Lust (The grace of the bullets can captivate even the pure...)
Seven Deadly Sins~Fifth Sin: Pride (It may look good but there's always a loophole)
Seven Deadly Sins~Sixth Sin: Gluttony (Too many bullets. Girls are Grazing...)
Seven Deadly Sins~Seventh Sin: Wrath (Ultimate spellcard. Too many bullets, firing fast: Your Lunatic Spellcard)

Final spellcards after defeat:
Eclipse Sign~Born of Darkness
Eclipse Sign~Intrusion of Light
(These will be explained in the description)

Description: There was once an Oni in Makai, who enjoyed hearing the melodies of the ones suffering. Because of their sins committed and while hearing their apologies for it, she absorbs them into her mind and decided to create spellcards of each particular sin. In her own words, each sin was a different melody to her.

She also has commited every sin, which is not a bad thing for an oni. Sloth, for her laziness in Makai. Envy, because she heard of how humans lived enjoyably and became jealous. Greed, because she wanted everything she can't have. Lust, for her uncontrolled obsession over the beautiful and horrid-sounding melodies. Pride, because she thinks everyone is lowly. Gluttony, for her never-ending taking of everything others owned. Wrath, for her devastating anger if nothing gets her way.

She came out of Makai to Gensokyo sneakily because of her interest and got bored of where she was. She met a human male and began to take interest in him, revealing his potential while he was studying hard for magic. The human, thinking of her as a friend, was hated by the human village and left with her. They then resided at a small abandoned shack in the Forest of Magic while she taught him what she learned in Makai.

One day, a light fairy knocked into her making her unconcious.(Because it was a light fairy and an oni of course being from a world of darkness). The light fairy went inside her, thus causing her thoughts to be even more devastating. This is because of the chain reaction of light energy and dark energy. She asked for assistance from her only companion, to protect her while she was conducting her plot. He agreed willingly.

Annoying sounds were being created, and the human village could not bear it. Humans were unable to concentrate on work, unable to sleep, and even unable to continue their lives like before. Youkai started getting angry and went on a rampage.

The shrine maiden could not bear this as well in the end. So she set out to stop whatever was causing it. Others however, think they could solve it quicker or do better(hint hint: Marisa and other characters...hey as many as you like!).

In the end, the shrine maiden journeyed into the Forest of Magic, running into Senritsu's friend, who vowed to not let the shrine maiden go any further. The shrine maiden defeated him. As she continued, he attacked again with the remainder of his power but failed. She found the culprit on the edge of the forest of magic.

Senritsu: "♪..."
Player: "?"
Senritsu: "Do you hear that melody?"
Senritsu: "It's the melody of your funeral..."

The character battles and defeats Senritsu. However, she was not alone as the culprit came out. The light fairy, disappointed with the use of Senritsu and her prank, releases all of her power and Senritsu's to try to finish the shrine maiden off. The shrine maiden prevails and sorts the incident...for now.

There is one task that must be done...
...Before another comes in the future...
-Extra Stage-

(I apologize for being long on this. I've been thinking of it a long time. But if you want to make corrections, I don't mind at all if you do.)


~Magician of Luck and Chance~
Name: (First)Hakushi (Last)Mahou
Species: Human
Stage: Stage 5 Mid-boss and Boss, Final Mid-boss(if other character is included)
Ability: Extraordinary Gambling, demonic magic learned from Senritsu.
Relations: Senritsu Yogoreru (Concubine...possibly friend?)
Appearance: (Still deciding...X_X)

Danmaku: Combination of magic and items.

Spellcards: (Difficulty can change spellcards)
Luck Sign~Heads or Tails? (three coins fly and both flip. heads: the magic is successful. Tails: magic fails but quickly tries again. Each coin can vary, making it a unique spellcard.)
Risk Sign~Magic Roulette(A ball moves in circles releasing danmaku. Round and round it goes. Will it stop? Only the gambler knows.)
Poker Sign~Royal Flush(Throw tons of cards at the opponent in different colors. The best hand has already won.)
Trump Card~Ace of Spades (Anyone who draws this will surely have a death sentence)
Fortune Sign~Snake Eyes (Dice surround the player and slither around them, surrounding them in an almost unseemly escape of danmaku. The Lunatic Spellcard.)

There was a man in the human village whose gambling skills and swindling was extraordinary to everyone; Because of this, most people refuse to challenge him or make him take back his bets. While he knew his gambling was good and being convinced he could not lose, he decided to learn magic by taking old books and trying to teach himself.

Time passed and he learned some...but it was only childsplay. Flicker of a flame and tiny movement in the wind was all he can do. One day he wandered in the forest to look for ingredients rumored to improve his skills. He came across a peculiar shadow, nothing he has seen before. As he got closer to look, he stood in shock, realizing an oni was in front of him.

The oni grinned and decided to ask the human to escort her to the human village to destroy. She knew there was a barrier blocking her path. The man refused and intended to finish the oni off to prevent her from destroying yet. Only smoke came from his hands...the oni laughed loudly that even the crows flew out of the forest. Thinking that the human village was pathetic enough as it is, she aborted her plans...for now.

Before the oni parted, a request was made from the man. He told him his story of gambling and learning magic in the human village. The oni, who was bored with nothing more to do currently, decided to strike a deal. In exchange for giving him power and teachings of the magic she learned in Makai, he will be her servant.

He knew it would be a risk...yet he agreed. Days passed as the oni lived in a small shack in the Forest of Magic and the man came to visit her for training. After training he stayed with her for a while, having interesting conversations and laughter.

"Humans...interesting they's rare to see one who is not an idiot."

With the human village having their own events of Youkai invading, he thought that comment seemed different than other ones heard. It seemed like...they become friends.

One day after leaving the shack and entering the village, everyone was in an uproar on how he met the oni and they thought he was working with her. They even say he was becoming a demon himself. Useless to talk them out of what they were thinking, he was banished from living in the human village.

That was the only gamble and risk Hakushi lost so far.

Hakushi lived with the oni and had more magic training with her. With his gambling skills and magic, he used his chance and luck to improve his skills. Betting more power to use even more power.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 04:54:47 AM by MaronaPossessed »


  • Servant for Life~
  • Touhou Sweets~
Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #101 on: November 23, 2009, 07:06:00 AM »
I think I'll steal this template~

Fanfic character time...

(Fought as Youmu)

BGM: ~Tainted Judgment of Despair~
Name: Shiaku Yamaxanadu
Species: Yama
Stage: Final (Underworld Side)
Ability: The power to judge the guilt of others.
Relations: Shikieki (Predecessor), Komachi (Slave), Youmu (Enemy), Yuyuko (sent to hell)
Danmaku: Favors lasers and clumped 'walls' of bullets rather than the standard scattershots.
God's Judgment "Torment of Greed and Envy"
Her easiest attack,  a simple spread of bullet walls and lasers in a spiral pattern. Hard to capture, but should present no problem timing out to even newer players. This is due to Youmu's lack of these to be used against her.
God's Judgment "Humbling of Pride and Power"
This spellcard starts to become more difficult. Lasers work their way up from the bottom of the screen and back down again (you have to get in-between them, but not on top of them, and quickly), while the walls of bullets come in from either side to force horizontal movement. It's a survival card, as well, with the speed of both increasing as time goes on. All the power in the world won't help you beat it.
God's Judgement "Taming of Wrath and Lust"
Youmu's bane. Having spent years training to fight her in revenge for Yuyuko's (permanent) death, Wrath is definitely her strongest vice. This spellcard fires in Shikieki's familiar laser pattern - one beam down the middle, four that trap the enemy in - and walls of bullets come down from the top of the screen at high speed, requiring fast movement while constrained - much like VoWG. Shiaku's most painful spellcard.
******* Sign: "Judgement ** *** ***** ****" (Title 'censored' for plot reasons)
Two of Shikieki's signature laser formations, both auto-targting you. The goal of the card is simple. Avoid getting shot by one, and then while confined by its' lasers, avoid getting shot by the other. Rinse and repeat. While they might catch you off guard, it's not that difficult of a spell since it's highly predictable and contains no extra obstacles.

However, it does last for a long time, and will punish you for letting down your guard. Bombs, also, are highly useless against this spell.

...I believe that's the only OC for the fic. Guess I might put up more if any more appear as I write it...


  • I am free to dream of my own dream
  • and so I shall dream
Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #102 on: November 25, 2009, 02:37:35 AM »
God's Judgment "Torment of Greed and Envy"
Her easiest attack,  a simple spread of bullet walls and lasers in a spiral pattern. Hard to capture, but should present no problem timing out to even newer players. This is due to Youmu's lack of these to be used against her.
God's Judgment "Humbling of Pride and Power"
This spellcard starts to become more difficult. Lasers work their way up from the bottom of the screen and back down again (you have to get in-between them, but not on top of them, and quickly), while the walls of bullets come in from either side to force horizontal movement. It's a survival card, as well, with the speed of both increasing as time goes on. All the power in the world won't help you beat it.
God's Judgement "Taming of Wrath and Lust"
Youmu's bane. Having spent years training to fight her in revenge for Yuyuko's (permanent) death, Wrath is definitely her strongest vice. This spellcard fires in Shikieki's familiar laser pattern - one beam down the middle, four that trap the enemy in - and walls of bullets come down from the top of the screen at high speed, requiring fast movement while constrained - much like VoWG. Shiaku's most painful spellcard.
******* Sign: "Judgement ** *** ***** ****" (Title 'censored' for plot reasons)
Two of Shikieki's signature laser formations, both auto-targting you. The goal of the card is simple. Avoid getting shot by one, and then while confined by its' lasers, avoid getting shot by the other. Rinse and repeat. While they might catch you off guard, it's not that difficult of a spell since it's highly predictable and contains no extra obstacles.

However, it does last for a long time, and will punish you for letting down your guard. Bombs, also, are highly useless against this spell.

I smell a battle between mine and yours  :P :D


  • Sad Robot
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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #103 on: November 25, 2009, 03:14:31 AM »
I?ve got several half-finished characters for a fangame of my own which I?ll probably never get around to making. Have a couple of 'em:

Name:      Rabela
Stage:       Stage 1 boss
Species:       Yokai (Ittan-momen)
Ability:       Manipulation of loose objects
Age:         Unknown, but over 100
Location:      Low skies
Appearance:   Pale skinned with green eyes, blonde hair dyed blue at the tips. Wears a very large dress her legs are not even visible (is there anything under the dress at all  ;) ), adorned with several large buttons and with wide sleeves. Carries a bamboo pipe. Haven?t thought of a silly hat yet.

Weave sign: the warp and weft
Wyrd sign: Spindle, Shuttle, and Needle

A weak youkai made completely of cloth that flutters through the air looking for careless fliers to enwrap, attacking them by unwinding her body and lashing out with strips of cloth.
No matter how much she unwraps her body, her hands are always visible.

Name:   Beatrix
Stage:    Stage 2 boss
Species:   Manifestation of a children?s book, Tsukumogami?
Ability:   Control over the written word
Age:      110 since she was printed
Location:   Kourindou
Appearance:   Still working on it  :-\
Relationships:   Marisa, her previous bedtime book

A much loved children?s book, which has been owned and used with much love by a family down in the human village. After several generations, it gained a small spirit which wished to look after children. The book was until recently in the possession of a husband and wife of the family whose mischievous child had moved on, it sat on bookshelf with no purpose for years.

After several pages from a book of magic, which was stored on the same bookshelf, were ?accidentally? glued into the book, the spirit of the book has manifested fully and seeks children to protect and read to. However she has a dark side, scaring children to teach them caution.

Spellcards: None yet
My mouth is not so much a communications tool as an exhaust port for my brain.

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  • Servant for Life~
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Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #104 on: November 25, 2009, 06:06:47 AM »
I smell a battle between mine and yours  :P :D

Roffles. Then again, that would really suck for your char - the greater the force of each sin in her opponent, the harder the spellcard is.

Now to put up Yami~

Fanfic character time...

(Fought as Reisen)

BGM: ~Break the Chain~
Name: Yami
Species: Half-Lunarian, Half-Vampire
Stage: Final (Lunar Side)
Ability: The power to summon nightfall and control the phases of the moon.
Relations: Remilia (Mistress), Sakuya (Admires)
Danmaku: High-speed, low-spread bullets and ramming attacks
Darkness Moon Break "Wake Up"
His first attack, and a fairly easy one. Due to Yami's chains that restrict his power, this 'attack' is simply a weaponization of the releasing of these restraints. It's simply a few fast shots that go in one direction and leave only a small trail of bullets behind.
Wolf Sign "Garuru of the Red Moon"
Similar in appearance to Laevateinn, Yami attacks with a long laser 'blade'. However, his is not quite as big, and mainly attacks in stabbing motions which require him to rush towards that side of the screen. When he strikes that side, several high density bullet spreads come out. (Think the shots fired by Scarlet Shoot.) Difficult due to both the speed of the danmaku, as well as his never sitting still.
Liquid Sign "Bassha of the Blood Moon"
Yami fires smaller versions of the large bullet types used in Remilia and Koakuma's attacks everywhere, them bouncing off the walls endlessly. This is a spell that starts out easy, but gets insane the longer it drags on. Timing it out is massively difficult.
Thunder Sign "Dogga of the Shining Moon"
Position Reversal. Stay near the top of the screen in the beginning of this spell, where he dashes to the bottom, sending out a wave of bullets that quickly annilates anyone at the bottom screen, before firing a few more waves that head upward. Once you've dodged those, he will head back up to the top of the screen, and repeat. A simple pattern with practice, but if you let your guard down for a moment or are surprised by his dashes from the front to back of the screen, you're not likely to capture it in combination with how your bullets won't be hitting him when he's in the front and you're in the back.
Madness Sign: "Dogibaki of Earth and Moon"
A combination attack. This spell is nightmare-worthy. He starts off with the standard Dogga crash forward attack, but when he fires off any given wave, one of the Bassha bullets that bounce around forever will be in it. When he returns to the top of the screen, he swings the Garuru sword, as well, on one side, forcing you to dodge on the other one or die. When he reaches the top, Yami smashes the sword into the top of the screen, causing a Garuru attack wave. While simple in theory, it's the wildly bouncing Bassha bullets that, when combined with this attack, make it a highly fearsome move.

Yami: EX Boss Form
BGM: ~Madness of the Broken Chain~

Emperor Moon Break "Wake Up"
Darkness Moon Break on steroids. His fast shots will turn and target you the moment they hit a wall the first time, causing high speed insane dodging from the first few seconds.
Madness Sign "Garuru Fever"
Not your friend. The laser blade he makes this time is larger, and in addition to stabbing at walls, he occasionally makes a sweeping movement that requires you to circle him to avoid... this is while you are dodging the bullets created from his latest stab, too.
Madness Sign "Bassha Fever"
In addition to the painful ever-growing number of bullets bouncing about, he now adds firing lasers into the mix just to make it even more cruel.
Madness Sign "Ixa Fever"
Charges you. Period. There's no bullets to be worrying about this time. Just a high velocity boss incoming. The only way to get damage in without bombing is to trick him into a vertical charge, and even then there's only a split second to hit him and get out of the way. Not too difficult, but hard to capture due to him rarely being in firing range of your bullets.
Madness Sign "Dogibaki Fever"
Oh god. Do not want.


  • I am free to dream of my own dream
  • and so I shall dream
Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #105 on: November 25, 2009, 09:47:37 PM »
Roffles. Then again, that would really suck for your char - the greater the force of each sin in her opponent, the harder the spellcard is.

Hm on your game...might as well send Hakushi :P

Nice story idea and characters btw:)


  • Servant for Life~
  • Touhou Sweets~
Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #106 on: November 26, 2009, 12:32:07 AM »
Thanks! I've been working hard on this.

Re: Create your own Deities and Youkai!
« Reply #107 on: November 27, 2009, 07:20:31 PM »
I've been making up Touhous for my original story Touhou Fusonkyou, or 'Irrational Fear of All', which will then have sequels once I finish IFoA. I've uploaded pictures of them here -> , as well as on Pixiv mainly under the tag 東方賦存恐 . Too bad I can't find someone who can draw in ZUN's style, or else I'd be in Touhou OC heaven.  ;D

My Japanese may be crappy on the profiles because I used Babelfish and Jeffrey's Online Japanese-English Dictionary. I won't bombard you folks with huge posts about the characters because I intend to make a small website for the story once I finish all of the bios and spellcards. Gawds, it really is hard to make up themed spellcards. I have a whole new respect for ZUN in that department. >_<;

For those who notice things well, I don't have a Stage 1 boss. That's because I'm using Parsee as the boss, and Kogasa as the heroine instead of Reimu or Marisa (for in-story reasons). IFoA takes place in the underworld, but in a different location from the Ancient Palace or Ancient City.