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Iced Fairy:

--- Quote from: Mea on May 26, 2015, 02:23:26 PM ---Is there something more psychologically satisfying about shorter lines? Like 8~12 words per line, as in novels? Or rather--the question I want to ask--is there some way to do that here? I suppose hitting the return key every so often could satisfy, though I'd imagine it would be terribly frustrating to people with smaller screens/browsers.

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Preferred line length on monitors and preferred line length on print media is different.  People reading online do better with longer lines.  I would advise highly against it.


--- Quote from: Iced Fairy on May 26, 2015, 05:06:29 PM ---Preferred line length on monitors and preferred line length on print media is different.  People reading online do better with longer lines.  I would advise highly against it.

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Hmm ok interesting. Probably wouldn't have, but now I know better. Thanks!

Okay so guess I shall turn to here for a bit. This seemed like the most appropriate topic for itfor it.

So, I'm working on a thing. A One Piece fanfic project, to be precise, and am about to finish up the first set of chapters I want to have ready for when I "launch" it and actually start posting it in places. But I am finding myself in need of one or two additional people who can read these chapters and give me some feedback before I do so, given that the one that I do have is a bit too involved with it, and the other person I did have and who was the reason I started rewriting about half of what I already had finally actually told me that despite his promise he doesn't have the time to give me any more feedback right now. I have one chapter left to finish up and then I'm going to go through everything I have for some touchups, and my current plan is to start "publishing" on May 14th (only because that's my birthday).

So, yeah. Looking for one or two people who want to read and give me feedback on nine chapters (ranging from ~2000 to ~3500 words each, plus a 500 word prologue) of One Piece story, and can do so preferably within a week. While extensive knowledge of One Piece is not required, it's written with the expectation that the reader is familiar with it. So, uh, drop me a PM if you want to help a guy out?

Is it wrong to just be kinda just kinda afraid to edit your work if only for finding how awful it is?  I've been kinda stuck working on an editing for a short story I wrote but every time I look at the prospect of editing it I just get rather depressed. I guess it might be because I just don't have any confidence in my writing.

If I can just get through the first pass I think it'd be cleaned up enough to send to a person who gave major editing help earlier but I just need to get there

Iced Fairy:

--- Quote from: Zelinko on April 12, 2017, 11:39:47 AM ---Is it wrong to just be kinda just kinda afraid to edit your work if only for finding how awful it is?  I've been kinda stuck working on an editing for a short story I wrote but every time I look at the prospect of editing it I just get rather depressed. I guess it might be because I just don't have any confidence in my writing.

If I can just get through the first pass I think it'd be cleaned up enough to send to a person who gave major editing help earlier but I just need to get there

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A lot of writers hate their work during the editing phase.  It's in fact so common that agents consider despair over the rough draft a normal writing phase.

As for getting past it... it's just something you need to do.  Not really sure what mental tricks might work.  Some people just rewrite the thing with the editing advice in mind to feel like they're getting past the old draft.  Most just plow through and grimace through the pain.  Find any old trick that works for you.


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