Author Topic: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai  (Read 277440 times)


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #360 on: December 17, 2018, 08:56:29 PM »
> Look at the yellow haired daemon
> "Oh my, you are quite the perceptive one aren't you!"
> "Well have fun!  We know we will~"

> Can we make a flat ring shaped barrier?  Like circle but don't fill in the center

> "Why? What are you going to do?" the blue-haired daemon asks.

> You could probobly manage it.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #361 on: December 17, 2018, 10:15:29 PM »
> "We will watch while you attack the boss and take the loot you have earned"
> "Don't forget to come back at the end for the gem"

> Form a small ring barrier behind us just for practice and to make sure we can (Don't let them see this), dispel it afterwards


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #362 on: December 17, 2018, 10:45:51 PM »
> "We will watch while you attack the boss and take the loot you have earned"
> "Don't forget to come back at the end for the gem"

> Form a small ring barrier behind us just for practice and to make sure we can (Don't let them see this), dispel it afterwards

> The blue haired daemon grumbles about why they have to do everything.

> You can't form a barrier behind yourself; you kinda need to see what you're doing.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #363 on: December 18, 2018, 12:11:35 AM »
> Yeah better not clip into something or ourselves!
> Follow them and find a cliff/mountaintop we can hide behind to watch the scene we have elegantly set up play out.  Prefer further away than near, not being seen is more important than a perfect view
> Once hidden repeat the ring barrier attempt


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #364 on: December 18, 2018, 07:59:35 PM »
> Yeah better not clip into something or ourselves!
> Follow them and find a cliff/mountaintop we can hide behind to watch the scene we have elegantly set up play out.  Prefer further away than near, not being seen is more important than a perfect view
> Once hidden repeat the ring barrier attempt

> You and the others fly to a high-stationed bit of floating road.

> You rather quickly see the yellow deamon sneak up behind a bulky-looking male with green hair, and use some sort of magical rope to hold him in place. The blue deamon then cracks him around the head with a glowing fist.

> With some effort, you manage to make a O shaped barrier.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #365 on: December 18, 2018, 08:07:31 PM »
> Keep watching, this is entertaining after all
> How many of them are there (that we can see)

> Try and form the O shaped barrier around something existing, like a strand of hair, to see if it damages what is in the middle when it's formed
> Try forming another O shaped barrier that intersects the first one like links in a chain


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #366 on: December 18, 2018, 09:23:31 PM »
> Keep watching, this is entertaining after all
> How many of them are there (that we can see)

> Try and form the O shaped barrier around something existing, like a strand of hair, to see if it damages what is in the middle when it's formed
> Try forming another O shaped barrier that intersects the first one like links in a chain

> The red-haired daemon actually dosen't seem to go down from the smack, and breathes a stream of flame from his mouth. The two other daemons avoid it, but the magical ropes fade away. The daemons fire the energy blasts they did at Louise and score a clear hit on the red-haired daemon however, who tried to dodge but was still unbalanced. This seems to knock him out.

> You cannot see anyone else from here.

> Nothing happens to the hair in the middle of the barrier.

> The two barriers shatter on contact with each other.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #367 on: December 18, 2018, 09:30:53 PM »
> Keep watching, if they leave follow behind them but stay hidden
> Whisper "There must be more, it can't just be the red haired one"
> Whisper "Louise, how many do you think there are, and what do we do with the knocked out one?"

> Try forming two separate ring barriers (not interlinked) then touch them together
> Then try forming two interlinked rings but make sure the actual barrier parts don't touch eachother, ones ring should go through the center of the other


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #368 on: December 18, 2018, 11:35:59 PM »
> Keep watching, if they leave follow behind them but stay hidden
> Whisper "There must be more, it can't just be the red haired one"
> Whisper "Louise, how many do you think there are, and what do we do with the knocked out one?"

> Try forming two separate ring barriers (not interlinked) then touch them together
> Then try forming two interlinked rings but make sure the actual barrier parts don't touch eachother, ones ring should go through the center of the other

> "They said there were two and the boss. If they are lookouts, they're probobly stationed in different places." Luci says.

> Louise holds up two fingers. She still appears unable to speak, but her... blue-ness is fadeing.

> "I'm unsure we'll have to do anything to that one. If they beat the Boss; or we do, they'll probobly fall apart as a gang anyway." Luci states.

> The barriers break on contact.

> Nothing happens, although maintaining two barriers is rather taxing. Even forming one with a hole in took quite some focus.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #369 on: December 18, 2018, 11:45:37 PM »
> Dispel the barriers

> "So let's give them the crystal and tell them to leave Wonderland?"


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #370 on: December 18, 2018, 11:54:13 PM »
> Dispel the barriers

> "So let's give them the crystal and tell them to leave Wonderland?"

> "The boss would probobly need to be taken down first." Luci says. "They seem scared of her, and if she's not stopped she could just do this again. Besides, they've only taken out one of the others. There's still one member and the Boss."

> The yellow and blue-haired daemons start flying off deeper into the Wonderland.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #371 on: December 19, 2018, 10:27:49 AM »
> Pursue!  Stay hidden though


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #372 on: December 19, 2018, 06:30:30 PM »
> Pursue!  Stay hidden though

> You carefully follow the two daemons.

> A pink-haired female daemon comes into view, looking out away from the Wonderland. The two daemons both fire several blasts of energy at her, the surprise attack catching her completely off-guard. When the smoke from the explosion clears, she's on the ground, not moving.

> The two daemons seem to be talking to each other now.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #373 on: December 19, 2018, 07:53:17 PM »
> Does she look alive?
> Stealthily get closer with our priority on not being seen and try and hear what they are saying
> If they head off pursue them (again don't be seen)


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #374 on: December 19, 2018, 08:34:23 PM »
> Does she look alive?
> Stealthily get closer with our priority on not being seen and try and hear what they are saying
> If they head off pursue them (again don't be seen)

> It is difficult to tell the difference between merely unconscious or dead at this distance. Unless there was something obvious that indicated the latter.

> You get closer. It sounds like they are discussing plans on how to fight the Boss.

> You hear a quiet fizzle sound, and then hear Louise mutter "That took long enough."
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #375 on: December 19, 2018, 08:55:13 PM »
> Whisper "That was impressive Louise!  Is that your ability?"
> Whisper "If they have trouble fighting the boss would it be a good idea to enhance them?"


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #376 on: December 19, 2018, 09:17:24 PM »
> Whisper "That was impressive Louise!  Is that your ability?"
> Whisper "If they have trouble fighting the boss would it be a good idea to enhance them?"

> "It is the result of it, but not the ability itself. My ability was used... a long time ago." Louise whispers. "I suppose I owe an explanation. But not now."

> "It entirely depends how powerful they are. The strong ones always hide after all; and she had the others on lookout duty, hiding behind them. We might have to join the fight if she's too overwhelming for them. I wouldn't make them too strong; lest they get big-headed and make this all happen again."

> The two daemons fly off towards the edge of the floating road network nearest the mountains.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #377 on: December 19, 2018, 09:28:25 PM »
> Note the direction they headed in
> Quickly check on the one on the ground, is she alive?

> If we risk loosing them say: "Go on ahead, I'll be right behind you, just checking on this one"


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #378 on: December 19, 2018, 10:01:07 PM »
> Note the direction they headed in
> Quickly check on the one on the ground, is she alive?

> If we risk loosing them say: "Go on ahead, I'll be right behind you, just checking on this one"

> You take note of the direction they headed.

> The pink-haired daemon [Pinkette?] is unconcious, but seems to be breatheing. You don't know if it's any use checking for a pulse on a daemon, or where to check.

> They're not exactly fast.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #379 on: December 19, 2018, 10:19:34 PM »
> If we can't see any mortal wounds:
>> "Alright shes just knocked out, lets stealthily go after them"
>> Pursue!
> Else
>> Try and check pulse like we would on another Youkai


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #380 on: December 19, 2018, 11:10:57 PM »
> If we can't see any mortal wounds:
>> "Alright shes just knocked out, lets stealthily go after them"
>> Pursue!
> Else
>> Try and check pulse like we would on another Youkai

> You can't see any open wounds. She got blasted by an explosion after all. Still; just to be safe you check her pulse and feel a faint, very off-beat pulse. It almost feels like there are multiple hearts beating.

> You follow the two daemons towards the center of the Wonderland.

> You arrive to see the two daemons and a damaged building. Judgeing from their pose, they just blasted the building resulting in the damage to the wall. On the roof is a different female daemon.

> This daemon has silver hair; which darkens and eventually becomes black towards the ends, which are around her hips. She has four wings, each crescent shaped, with the lower pair smaller than the upper. She also has large horns on her head, curling around like a ram's; going from brown to red. Her irises glow red.

> Her arms are long, her hands dangleing by her knees as she stands upright, adorned with long, red-painted nails. She generally looks to be in good physical condition, and would certainly pass for being an attractive woman. She has a long red tail, about 80 cm long. She is wearing a gothic Victorian-style dress; except it's blue.

> "My my, something must be going on for you two to grow a spine and stand up to me." the female daemon says in a honied voice. "It's far from an intelligent play, but I didn't hire you two for your wits."

> She shrugs and then licks her lips. "Still, let's see how much fun you dogs are. If you bore me, I'll put you down~"
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #381 on: December 19, 2018, 11:21:17 PM »
> Whisper "If only the spell card rules existed here... They wouldn't have to nearly kill them to make a point, the conditions of losing would be having to give the winner their loot and leave Wonderland"
> Whisper "Is she a Koa?"
> Whisper "Louise, do you think those haste spells you used on us back would help them?  Don't overexert yourself though"


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #382 on: December 19, 2018, 11:38:28 PM »
> Whisper "If only the spell card rules existed here... They wouldn't have to nearly kill them to make a point, the conditions of losing would be having to give the winner their loot and leave Wonderland"
> Whisper "Is she a Koa?"
> Whisper "Louise, do you think those haste spells you used on us back would help them?  Don't overexert yourself though"

> "And yet there's nothing stopping them just causing trouble elsewhere and bothering other people." Louise states.

> "No. Koas never have horns. They can have head-wings, but never horns. The more... standout the daemon the stronger they are usually. Such as Mai's white wings." Louise explains.

> "Help? Certainly. If they would be enough... entirely depends on exactly how strong she is." Louise remarks as she forms magical sigils. "I also have to find a chance to cast the spells without us being noticed. The magic infusing their bodies from my location could give us away."

> "We could just blast her. We're all still buffed right?" Donitia says.

> "I cast all of that a while ago. Most of that enhancement magic would be used up by now. Not all of it, but it's sure to be weaker by now." Louise says. "And it may be over-strenuous for your bodies if I enhance them again too much. One's body can only take so much. It's a lot easier to give 110% than 150%."
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #383 on: December 19, 2018, 11:50:18 PM »
> "Well causing a little trouble individually wouldn't be too bad, the fact that they are a group and have successfully taken over Wonderland is the problem.  Even with permission it feels bad to interfere with the risk of killing them as an outsider to Makai"
> Turn to Donitia
> "Only if they are still losing after being enhanced"

> In the mean time let's practice on our barriers, namely O shaped.  As we probably know practice makes perfect!


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #384 on: December 20, 2018, 03:27:46 PM »
> "Well causing a little trouble individually wouldn't be too bad, the fact that they are a group and have successfully taken over Wonderland is the problem.  Even with permission it feels bad to interfere with the risk of killing them as an outsider to Makai"
> Turn to Donitia
> "Only if they are still losing after being enhanced"

> In the mean time let's practice on our barriers, namely O shaped.  As we probably know practice makes perfect!

> "I suppose, the real issue if her, since she's able to gather followers." Louise says.

> "Say..." Luci says. "I got an idea about making an opening so that Louise can cast her magic."

> The girl puts her hand upon Kogasa and says 'Boop'. Kogasa is surrounded by a small puff of smoke; and then emerges looking like the pink-haired daemon. This surprises Kogasa... but only for a moment, after which she looks at you, Donitia and Louise and asks "Is this surprising?"

> Luci has her hand open approaching you. "Maybe we can distract her using the forms of the other two. Just need to get her to look away long enough for Louise to cast her spell without being noticed."
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #385 on: December 20, 2018, 04:35:45 PM »
> Whisper from now on unless explicitly stated to do otherwise // So we don't prefix every line with > Whisper
> "Great idea!"
> Can we spread out our darkness so much that it becomes un-noticeable?  The spreading should be instant and unnoticeable too. 
>> If so proceed to do so, as it will give away our disguise
>> If not "Won't my darkness abilities give away my identity?"
> Take Luci's hand


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #386 on: December 20, 2018, 06:42:36 PM »
> Whisper from now on unless explicitly stated to do otherwise // So we don't prefix every line with > Whisper
> "Great idea!"
> Can we spread out our darkness so much that it becomes un-noticeable?  The spreading should be instant and unnoticeable too. 
>> If so proceed to do so, as it will give away our disguise
>> If not "Won't my darkness abilities give away my identity?"
> Take Luci's hand

> Almost imperceptible. Makai's general light level helps.

> You let Luci touch you. There is a puff of smoke, and then you feel the same. However you can clearly see your clothing and body look different.

> "Don't speak by the way." Luci says. "My ability only works on appearance, not things like voices. You just wanna distract her for a few seconds, make her think you're backup or something. Maybe get a hit in if you can to cover your retreat. Like you did to scare the other two. That should give Louise enough time."
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #387 on: December 20, 2018, 06:59:34 PM »
> "We will hit her from behind do we don't show our hiding spot and so she turns around"
> Proceed to go back from our hiding spot and make our way around to the opposite side of the battlefield, make sure to stay hidden in the mean time.  Stop if we can't get around completely without being seen


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #388 on: December 20, 2018, 08:33:40 PM »
> "We will hit her from behind do we don't show our hiding spot and so she turns around"
> Proceed to go back from our hiding spot and make our way around to the opposite side of the battlefield, make sure to stay hidden in the mean time.  Stop if we can't get around completely without being seen

> You stop about two-thirds of the way around; since the two male daemons would spot you.

> The yellow-haired daemon casts his rope-like spell around, and the female seems to do nothing to evade it. The blue-haired daemon's fist glows and he launches towards her, but she breaks out of the rope, catches his hand and throws him at the yellow-haired one.

> ?Is that all you little things can muster?" she asks, sounding... disappointed.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #389 on: December 20, 2018, 08:42:35 PM »
> "It's showtime!  Let's surprise her and after she's stunned let's hide and make our way back.  Try and hit her with danmaku in the head"

> Fly up and spawn six delayed danmaku lasers on the daemon, three in the head, and three in the chest/stomach area, fire them all at once right when the daemon turns to see what's going on.  The three lasers in the head should ideally hit her right in the face and being in Makai's darkness she should be very light sensitive.  Try and hold them active longer than usual so she's stunned enough for Louise to cast her spell

> As the lasers fade quickly hide and start making our way back