~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games |
Profile Thread - Waking up From the Dream |
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(Rejoining the RP with a new character. Glad to see you all.) Name: Soran Vriess Gender: Male Age: 24 Strength: Ruthlessness, Drive Weakness: Empathy, Restraint Home: Unknown Occupation: Ex-RAI Force Agent Test Subject Visual Description: Personality: Always looks out for himself before others but if there is no reason not to help another then he will. Is more likely to be persuaded by facts and plans than ideals and rhetoric. Not afraid to take drastic measures in order to protect himself or others but it does not generally occur to him to use anything less than the maximum force when more elegant methods might be more appropriate. He is just as likely to kill a potential witness than persuade them not to tell anyone about him. Partners: Yumemi Okazaki, ??? History/Background: For the past 4 years Soran felt a sort of disconnect with the world around him. He lead a mostly unremarkable life, going through the motions at school and motivating himself to work hard so that he could get a good degree in college and land a job at a good firm of whatever profession he chose to get into. He even took a gap year in order to see the world and become "more mature" as his parents often liked to say when they tried to sell the idea to him. The problem came after his third year of college where he simply...burned out. He felt that there was nothing left inside of him to motivate him in any way and knew that if he did not shake himself out of this lethargy it would spell the end of his career and his life before they had even truly begun. Even when he knew that, he still could not force himself back into a routine of hard work and study. In addition, he was plagued by dreams of twin sisters - one dressed in a french maid outfit and the other in a white gown with angel's wings. He had no idea what these dreams meant and went to talk to a psychologist, who referred him to a colleague that introduced him to a small neurology institute he had never even heard of. Before Soran realised it, he was strapped to a table and being coldly observed by doctors and technicians in white coats, talking about nonsense like 'mana', 'magic' and a place called Gensokyo. He was asked to recount his dreams in vivid detail again and again, and it seemed that the more he told this seemingly insignificant story the more real the twin sisters seemed to become. Finally he was told the truth about the organisation that had imprisoned him - RAI Force 1, and their goal to capture all of the inhabitants of this so-called made up land. A place of endless illusion. The place his dreams were coming from. If they could be made to manifest, the RAI Force men told him, he would be free of his apathy and his mind would heal in time. For at least those few months, he accepted their offer in hopes that they would somehow be able to cure him. The dreams, however, became more insistent and told him he was being deceived. They urged him to flee and as the evidence mounted he found he could no longer ignore those twin sisters... Fun Facts: - To be made up as time goes by Additional Information/Background/History: At the urging of the twins in his dreams, Soran did his own investigating and found that RAI Force had more malevolent intentions for the inhabitants of Gensokyo than he was lead to believe. He further came to realise that he was just a tool to be used and probably discarded; there was no guarantee that he would be kept as a contractor for those two if he stayed, and he already knew too much about their operations. He began to investigate ways of escaping RAI Force 1 without getting caught and eventually learned of two female agents who had been helping like-minded refugees escape. He resolved to contact them and see if they could arrange his own exit, though it would not be easy if he was as important a test subject as they claimed he was. For a long time, Soran watched another of the RAI Force personnel, Ben, who seemed to be in a similar position to him. The problem was that while Soran was actively fighting against his apathy Ben was allowing himself to be overtaken by it and it was bleeding across the bond he shared with his partner, a brilliant scientist who, by Soran's understanding, was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Soran could tell that the connection was killing her and if it wasn't severed as soon as possible things could get bad for both of them. He only knew of one way to break such links though, and resolved to have it done before the time came to vanish. Spoiler: It is later revealed that the twin sisters were only mistaken for inhabitants of Gensokyo by the scientists but are actually a manifestation of an avatar of the Taisui Xingjun, a God of Calamity that was defeated by Hong Meiling. It manipulated Soran's dreams in order to get him to the RAI force centre where it could be potentially extracted from his psyche and given a form, but when it found that such a thing was impossible he urged Soran to flee. It now grants him a portion of its power so that it might somehow find a way to enter the material world but if it cannot do that it intends to eventually possess its host and carry out its own agenda anyway. Usually takes the form of a giant catfish. |
NAME: ??? Only known so far as the Astarte GENDER: Female AGE: 25 (?) STRENGTHS: This woman possesses massively powered abilities, being able to overpower nearly any target who doesn't immediately supercede her in terms of the arcane. As a result of her massive knowledge, she has developed a special bond with her partners. As far as this goes, this mana power also amplifies her physical traits, making her a little stronger physically than the true blue Lyseria Astarte. Furthermore, the flow of mana in her is special, granting her minor control over the fabrics of gravity itself. WEAKNESSES: The Astarte does not reveal her weaknesses. HOME: Unknown, apparently nomadic in nature OCCUPATION: ??? VISUAL DESCRIPTION: She has flaming red hair that touches below her shoulder-blades, and always carries a confident look on her face. Her eyes are bright, and also red in colour. She seems to be smiling solemnly, as if she were a caring person (actually she is, somewhat). She seems like the kind of person who would only incite violence if it were for a just cause, or if she were to save someone's life. Her figure is lithe, but not at all frail. For a female, her body is extremely well-toned, as if she did some minor workouts. She's not muscular or buff, per se, but she is definitely someone you wouldn't consider as weak by any means, and can defend herself in a fistfight. The Astarte often wears long, sleeveless and backless gowns, which have been tailored in such a way that her movement is not hampered. She often carries a long, steel staff with a seal on it, with a sun insignia carved into it. PERSONALITY: The Astarte is a cold and calculating person by nature, however, she seems to put up a facade of kindness and concern. It is hard to discern her true motives, as she seems to do more good than harm to those she sees some sort of potential use or potential bond with. This was one of the reasons she attended to Hirowaza, simply because she felt that the experience he went through was terrible, and she felt merely... sorry for him. At the time, she was ignorant of Hirowaza's status as the Akasha, so she had no idea he was to become the boy she would end up trying to slay. Ultimately, the Astarte has a conflicted personality. Though she often keeps to herself and acts reserved to plan her next moves, even if it means using those that are close and dear to her. However, she feels guilt and remorse after doing these things. PARTNERS: - Gengetsu / Mugetsu The Astarte's first foray into the world of Gensokyo took place after she had finished her self-training and finished gaining full control over her flow of mana. This allowed her to manipulate gravity in nearly any existential plane where the said force existed. This was many years ago, even before the events that are taking place right now. At first, she encountered the guardian of the Hakurei Border, Reimu, who at first, was apprehensive of the Astarte's purposes for entering Gensokyo, and suspicious of her human background. Upon demonstrating her magical and mystical abilities, Reimu Hakurei was verily convinced that she had no reason to feel apprehensive towards this stranger who barged into the land she was supposed to be protecting. The real purpose of the Astarte's exploration of Gensokyo was to tap into the power of dreams, and to use the essence of dreams and the potential abilities one could assimilate from it to further her arcane abilities. After research and consulting with many of the natives, one of the Astarte's biggest correspondents being Keine Kamishirasawa, the Astarte started experiencing visions in her sleep, not unlike lucid dreams, and encountered two girls, one in a maid attire, and the other one in angelic garb and sporting a pair of wings. The questioning of the Astarte towards these two figures was assessed to be of suspicious nature, and at first these two rejected the pleas of the Astarte to enlighten her on the power of the dream world. However, the Astarte discussed these happenings with Reimu and Marisa during her stay in Gensokyo, and surmised that for the two girls in the dream world to pay attention to her, she must implicate herself to have power and a purpose, something that those girls did not know about. The Astarte ended up studying how to induce lucid dreaming in herself and spent the next few months perfecting the art through arcane means. Eventually, she succeeded and once again encountered these two girls. This time, she explained her purpose, and her abilities. She definitely did not mean harm, but the two girls were again suspicious, and decided to test her strength. Naturally, they felt that they needed to teach this Astarte a lesson, as she was bragging. At least, that's what they thought. The two of them used danmaku art, but the Astarte was able to use her arcane arts to evade and, instead of laying a barrage of spells on them, decided to exhaust them not unlike "timing out their card." Gengetsu and Mugetsu revealed their identity thereafter and their position as sisters, having been bested by pacifism, and in the end lent their ears to the Astarte's request of gaining power from the dream world. The two of them mentioned that they could not reveal their secrets, but they did say they were willing to manifest themselves in the physical plane and assist her, and it seemed they had an ulterior motive for it, two. The two sisters secretly agreed between themselves that they would gain knowledge from the Astarte and use it to amplify their own danmaku further. Such is the relationship between the two. The Astarte would learn from the sisters much like the sisters would learn from the Astarte. HISTORY/BACKGROUND: The Astarte's mother was close friends with Hirowaza's mother. In a not-so-total coincidence, Hirowaza's mother was the Akasha who killed the Astarte's mother due to the prophecy of the previous generation. As a result, the Astarte ended up holding some resentment towards Hirowaza's mother, but never actually knew that Hirowaza was her child until a much later date, a long time after she had treated his wounds after he was raped. As mentioned earlier, the Astarte spent her time in Gensokyo studying on how to develop her mystical arts, taking lessons from not only Marisa, but also the likes of Patchouli Knowledge and nabbed the attention of Alice Margatroid. How this all came to be is unbelievable by the normal person who knows of Gensokyo. The idea, was the fact that when the Astarte first entered Gensokyo by a magical portal machination, she was relatively unknown. However, due to her human, mortal nature, she would be attacked by all manner of rogue youkai, which she defeated with relative ease. This caught Reimu's attention, who got the situation from the Astarte. This conversation was eavesdropped on by Aya, who proceeded to propagate the information on her Bunbunmaru Newspaper. This all happened before the events that are taking place now, naturally. Marisa, who sought more power, ended up striking a bargain with the Astarte when she got lost in the Forest of Magic one unfortunate day. The two would exchange knowledge on the magical arts, so they did. The Astarte gained a large amount of knowledge from this, being able to induce lucid dreaming in people, especially herself, which was quite important for encountering her partners Gengetsu and Mugetsu. The Scarlet Devil Mansion, possessing a library commonly raided by Marisa, this time experienced robbing by... nothing but the wind. In fact, it was Marisa under an invisible spell taught by the Astarte. When Patchouli Knowledge discovered it, she too, sought the knowledge. The same happened. And finally, Alice learnt of this new power from Patchouli who uncharacteristically bragged about "expanding her horizons from a benevolent witch," and she too, sought the Astarte for guidance. Alice, did not want power, but merely the ability to seem more charismatic, something the Astarte did without magic, but with words. Through the Astarte's journey, she discovered many new things that improved her as a person, and improved her game and her arcane arts. When Gensokyo was collapsing, she quickly saved Gengetsu, Mugetsu and a number of other notable natives before the crash through her magic. FUN FACTS: - ??? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/BACKGROUND/HISTORY: Whereas Hirowaza has his charm release, the Astarte has her unique Arcanic Charms, a form of mana manifestation that is not unlike the basic concept of Charm Release, but is amplified and is generally stronger. Tapping into the powers from the dream world that lie in Gengetsu and Mugetsu's presence, she can easily fight stronger opponents, especially if they lack mental strength. As for the connection between the Astarte and the twin sisters, there would be no worry at all, since the Astarte has an immense amount of mana, and has learned the art of mana creation based on the knowledge she got from Marisa and Patchy. |
Name: Jan Monteiro Gender: Male Age: 19 Strength: A bit of an intellectual as well as a bit of an athlete, Jan is more along the lines of a general Jack-of-all-trades, excelling in neither field more than a specialist. However, he does excel more at certain things than others: Jan has a high tolerance for pain, and his stamina is very high. Even if he is not particularly strong or fast, he can go on fighting or running far longer than others. And while he is smart in a normal capacity, his ability to analyze and predict the actions of others could be put on-par with that of an actual psychologist. Weakness: Jan's fears are rather low on the spectrum: He has a fear of things he cannot notice right away (for example, while he is afraid of bugs and spiders, he is more afraid of being surprised by them or not noticing them until they are on him than their actual selves). Along with this, while he is not actually afraid of the dark, he tends to act much more slowly and cautiously when in an area he cannot see in. Jan's physical weakness stems from his strength: As much as his body may be able to keep performing or take punishment, when he is done with it, he tends to become too exhausted to be of any other use. Because he tends to push himself to his limits, even in everyday life, Jan normally acts very tired as well. Home: Jan is originally from the outlying suburbs of Chicago, and is a visitor to Karuisuwa. Prior to his new adventure, he was merely staying at an inn and exploring the outlying area. While his true home is at an American university, far and away from the action, he is currently staying in the underground library with Patchouli and Koakuma. Occupation: Jan is currently a psychology student. Visual Description: Jan is short and light for a man of his age, standing at a little over five and a half feet tall and weighing about 135 pounds. He has somewhat long, wavy black hair, the back of which reaches to his shoulder blades, and is parted to either side above his left eye. His skin is somewhat darker than most Japanese people's, but is a bit light for his Hispanic heritage, resulting in an ordinary tan look. He wears a pair of steel-framed glasses whenever he is awake, and his eyes underneath are a very dark brown. Personality: Jan tries to be friendly to strangers, but still seems to be a cold individual to outsiders. However, he can show a good sense of humor and genuine kindness to those that he trusts. Gaining this trust is as easy as being friendly in return, and having the same interests as him (Japanese culture and entertainment, as well as psychology or other intellectual pursuits) helps too. Partners: Patchouli Knowledge (main) and her library helper, Koakuma. Upon stumbling into the Gensokyo refugee group, he was immediately introduced to Patchouli and Koakuma by Kojiro. Jan immediately clicked with the pair over their shared intellectual interests, and have been traveling together ever since. History/Background: A college student in America who had been studying psychology, Jan decided to study firsthand how a foreign culture and way of life changed the thought processes of others. He quickly chose Japan, being a bit of a weeaboo fan of anime, manga, and Japanese games, as well as an interest in their culture. Having spent much time in the larger cities, he decided to journey to rural areas and learn about the more traditional Japanese life and how the people there would act differently from those in the somewhat more Westernized city. Having come across the small town of Karuisuwa while traveling by bus and foot, Jan decided to take a break and had meant to resume his trip later. Fun Facts: Jan's (made-up) surname comes from a Portuguese word for "hunter of the hills," a relic of his mixed-Hispanic heritage. Jan's strength and weakness both stem from an abnormally-high red blood cell count: While his above-average lung capacity can couple with them to keep him moving longer, stopping has the effect of causing minor blood clots, leaving him very exhausted. This can usually be remedied with some fluids, but he refuses to use any medication. Jan's reason is that he fears he will lose his stamina, and become more physically inept as a result. His lung capacity also gives Jan a preference for breathing through his mouth, although not when around other people. This leaves him vulnerable to throat or respiratory illnesses, and he usually has a minor cough. Additional Information/Background/History: Jan is not a student of the martial arts, but used to be a bit of a brawler when he was younger. He remembers the times when he had fought, and is more than capable of defending himself when it becomes necessary. Jan has only just hiked into the Karuisuwa region after being in the cities. Because of this, he is carrying a large pack of various types of Imperishable Food, as well as a first-aid kit. Not one to forget his work, he also has some psychology books and notebooks of his findings. He also carries a few other books, mostly nonfiction, for pleasure reading, and a laptop computer... Resulting in two heavy bags. Anything that Jan purchased in the city (music, clothes, doujins and games) has already been sent home, but Jan carries a well-crafted knife for various odd jobs he has to do while trekking through the forest (skinning fish, cutting branches, etc.) as well as self-defense. He also has a simple wooden walking stick to help manage his heavy load. Jan prefers light weapons with some reach to them over heavy ones. While knives fit the weight requirement, light swords are somewhere in-between, and spears can be both, Jan has had his eye on the Japanese naginata for a while now. While he had no such luck finding one in the city, he maintains the futile hope that the countryside will be kinder, even with the statistical improbability. Perhaps being thrust into a combat situation will give him a chance... While he has no experience with firearms, Jan would more than willing to learn to use one, given the opportunity. |
Name: Marco Camacho Gender: Male Age: 25 Strength: Physically fit and strong, really good with weapons. Weakness: Short-tempered, over-confident at times, think too highly of himself. Home: Canada, but new job placement forces temporary home in Japan Occupation: RAI force agent, government agent of Ontario Visual Description: Tall, Black and combed-back hair, somewhat tan due to spanish background Personality: Short-tempered, does not like to discuss past whatsoever, usually angry. History/Background: Currently unknown. Past is considered very dark though. Fun Facts: Worked for the Government of Canada in Ontario. No family relatives that are known at the moment. Can not feel love of a close one, and forgot the experience. Placed in Japan as one of the few people considered to work for the RAI force due to their previous acts. |
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