Author Topic: Post Your Artwork Thread V6  (Read 372192 times)


Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #570 on: July 30, 2015, 04:54:52 AM »
Oh, the Adam Sandler one?


  • resident walker
Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #571 on: July 30, 2015, 07:53:04 AM »
We aren't going to talk about that film.

Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #572 on: July 30, 2015, 08:43:49 AM »
It's the one with Lewis Black and Bill Hader in it.


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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #573 on: August 01, 2015, 12:18:46 PM »
Is music allowed to be posted here? if so:
have a remake of night falls ~ evening star
and have a remake of illusion of a maid ~ icemilk magic
Both by me ofc


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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #574 on: August 01, 2015, 03:03:01 PM »
Is music allowed to be posted here? if so:
have a remake of night falls ~ evening star
and have a remake of illusion of a maid ~ icemilk magic
Both by me ofc
Probably. A 'Post Your Music' thread would make this thread look like mountain dew on a pogostick.
Interesting choices to remix.
My immediate impression of the first one--which continued throughout--was that the texture was unpleasantly thin. You have multiple stuff going on but they're not really blending and working with each other. They're kinda all off in their own corner, leaving the middle-y area meatless. Thinness, or perhaps weirdly transparent. Not that transparency is a bad thing; transparency is a good thing, where everything in the mix is both discernible and contributing (together) to the overall experience. You have the former, but imo not the latter.
The second one didn't give me that impression. It could be just my taste, or because I'm tired, but the instruments seem really airy and, again, meatless.
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #575 on: August 01, 2015, 03:26:52 PM »

Hmm! i see. thanks for your comments. i guess having a thin texture is a recurrent problem in my songs, tbh. I always find it tricky to remake and remaster songs and i guess i may have an easier time composing my own. i have no idea why.

Edit: i forgot to mention that the songs were make for games. my version of evening star was supposed to sound playful and somewhat ominous, with during some parts, sounding beautiful. icemilk magic was supposed to sound powerful overall, but im listening to it again and i guess you're right - it does sound airy. maybe i should use less instruments in my music...
« Last Edit: August 01, 2015, 03:45:03 PM by fondue »

Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #576 on: August 02, 2015, 03:37:55 AM »

I miss Schulz...


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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #577 on: August 02, 2015, 06:57:20 AM »
God I hate that piece. Not seriously, but omg I hate that piece.

Hmm! i see. thanks for your comments. i guess having a thin texture is a recurrent problem in my songs, tbh. I always find it tricky to remake and remaster songs and i guess i may have an easier time composing my own. i have no idea why.
I'm listening to the evening star remix again to try find out what was bugging me about it. I'll tell you what I thought in certain places.
First, there's this weird dissonance in one of the lines panned left in the bass.
The first 2 chord are what struck me immediately upon first listen, and after having listened to it again I think I know why. By 'meatless', it's because you literally have this 2 octave range gap between the only two instruments that are playing at that time (which wouldn't be a problem if not for something in the next next sentence). So you have the crust but no filling. Also, because their sounds/timbres are so distinctive, they feel like independent melodic lines. Which means instead of having the lower instrument supporting the higher one, you have 2 melodic lines that have no lower harmonic support, which only adds to this 'air-y', meatless feeling.
At 0:03 when you start that 3 note descending line, it still feels too distinct for various reasons (probably same as above), still in the middle-y registers, and it's also panned slightly to the left which doesn't help if you want it to support the higher register melodic lines that are panned to the right. And I think that's another thing that's giving this a meatless feeling, there's a sonic-spatial gap in the middle because everything seems to be panned either to the left or to the right. The art of panning in digital mixing is apparently this high art that I don't really understand at all, but from an outsider's perspective, it seems to me that the main focus, the main melodic line and the bass are anchored right in the center while the decorative elements are panned off to the side. So until that flute-sounding instrument comes in at 0:23 there's nothing in the middle for me to focus on, so my ears wander. When the flute-thing does come in, there's finally this anchor that everything else is tied to, and we finally have this nice long support in the lower register bass (strings?), but it's still panned slightly to the left, making it seem like its own little thing.
I don't think having too many or too little instruments is something you're having trouble with. Instead, we seem to have dips but no chips. Salsa and sour cream but no beans. Or deciding on one of them to fill that role (ie: panned center). Then try getting the instruments to sound good together. They're probably all good independently, but they sound too distinctive when put together, fighting against each other to come into focus. What makes the 2nd one better than the 1st is that there's stuff panned center, I can focus on something, they support each other. But that pad is a bit too loud, drowning out everything else.
That's all I have to say for now, hope it helps.
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour

Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #578 on: August 02, 2015, 07:03:05 AM »
God I hate that piece. Not seriously, but omg I hate that piece.

Which one? The sonata, or the artwork itself? My sincere apologies, I am a little confused. :V


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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #579 on: August 02, 2015, 06:30:38 PM »
The body shape looks very good there, but I personally think her eyes should be higher up on her face and more aligned with it as well. Just my two cents.

On an unrelated note, I drew a Mokou. I'd like some feedback on this too. :'V

Thanks! Had a feeling that was an issue, though I couldnt figure out how to tilt down the hat to match that eye placement...anyone have any tips for that?

I'd give feedback on that Mokou, but I don't have anything to say other than that it looks good (and that the phoenix needs more detailing, but I know that's because its in the sketch phase).


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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #580 on: August 05, 2015, 01:54:08 AM »
Which one? The sonata, or the artwork itself? My sincere apologies, I am a little confused. :V
I'll give you three guesses. Yes, three, because if you get the first two wrong I'm curious what the third one will be.

I wouldn't actually insult someone's work. Well I guess I just did to Beethoven, huh? I'm starting to force myself to listen to his stuff, and I'm beginning to see the light. No, I 'hate' that piece because I just had to play it last quarter--that specific movement--and it was terrible.
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour

Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #581 on: August 12, 2015, 09:28:28 AM »
Speaking of Beethoven, I might be starting a new project. It's a doujinshi concept centred around moe anthropomorphizations of renowned classical composers, and is called Symphonia.

Here, have some sketches of character designs-

Any opinions? I'd like to hear them :)


  • resident walker
Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #582 on: August 12, 2015, 10:15:30 AM »
They suffer from sameface.


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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #583 on: August 12, 2015, 10:44:36 AM »
They suffer from sameface.
Seeing as they're from different nationalities, it might be important.

But gaaaaaaaah omg the possibilities. Anything: doujinshi, webcomic, 4 koma, I will eat this alive. Good god I wish my listening history weren't so brief and limited (mostly only to 2-3 composers, I'm so ashamed).
Rachmaninoff and Beethoven seem really out of place though, especially the former. At least Beethoven was German.
Omg the possibilities. Chopin-tan would be so... I'm getting like Yutaka, lucky star, vibes.
If you ever do a boke tsukkomi routine in an extra with Rachmaninoff (who I think needs more of a scowl btw) and cuckoolander boke messiah-complex Scriabin-tan, my life will be complete.
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #584 on: August 12, 2015, 03:35:31 PM »
A picture of Sakuya that I drew recently.  I would say that I have improved at least a little, but my goodness is drawing frills a nightmare.  I would like some descriptive feedback on this if not too much trouble.
I just know what I know...


  • * Merry, bride, absolute (HR)
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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #585 on: August 12, 2015, 05:25:29 PM »
Hands are giant :o

The Jealous Witch did nothing wrong.

Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #586 on: August 12, 2015, 07:53:00 PM »
I?ve always been pretty bad at drawing. So instead I create dolls and plushies to express my love for certain characters. I?ll just leave this here for now.


Now with an urban legend upgrade

Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #587 on: August 15, 2015, 01:27:10 PM »

Some Touhou OCs.

Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #588 on: August 17, 2015, 04:00:32 AM »

Some Touhou OCs.

Very cute; nice designs. The bottom-left one (Hanrei?) looks a bit similar to Yoshika, though...

Coincidentally, I drew my own version of what a 2hu Nikola Tesla would look like.


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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #589 on: August 17, 2015, 04:26:07 AM »
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour

Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #590 on: August 17, 2015, 07:29:45 AM »
Also, Tesla is generally associated with electric power, not nuclear power. I think you might have meant Einstein here.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2015, 07:37:51 AM by Abraham Lincoln »


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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #591 on: August 17, 2015, 08:05:26 AM »
I'm afraid Einstein would be even denser than Okuu... when he's not Sakuya.
Though I somehow fail to remember a scientist any more appropriate than just Niels Bohr.
I think Tesla would look more intelligent.
I think Tesla would be more disco ( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?)

The Jealous Witch did nothing wrong.

Hyper Dunk

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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #592 on: August 18, 2015, 02:59:28 AM »
Somehow or another I own a tablet now. So while goofing around with it I made a Kaiji  ざわ。。。 ざわ。。。

Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #593 on: August 19, 2015, 10:36:40 AM »
Mozart and Vivaldi for my obsessed friend. |D


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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #594 on: August 23, 2015, 07:01:41 PM »
Well, I guess I'll post something :derp:
I drew her again
Still lots of things to work on, but I suppose it's an improvement regardless.
Could've been a lot better if I didn't slack off for 3 months though (thanks Steam)


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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #595 on: August 26, 2015, 09:51:41 AM »
I got bored and when i learnt that effiel 65's blue was in the g minor scale, i decided to make a song in that scale
what do you guys think?

edit: have the better version:
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 12:34:18 AM by fondue »

Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #596 on: September 14, 2015, 10:20:19 AM »
Maestro Salieri! :3


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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #597 on: September 17, 2015, 12:01:35 AM »
I've been working on a pic for over 30 hours, and I'd like some overall opinions on the ponytail. Feedback is good, too.


  • * Merry, bride, absolute (HR)
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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #598 on: September 17, 2015, 01:17:57 AM »
Ah! This image is so dark it reminded me of Black Mesa.

The Jealous Witch did nothing wrong.


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Re: Post Your Artwork Thread V6
« Reply #599 on: September 18, 2015, 12:03:36 AM »
I'm having a hard time viewing that. At my default brightness setting (lowest) I see black. When I turn it all the way up, I can finally see some lines, though faint. Might want to adjust that. Remember, colour isn't your only tool to express dark tones, you also have contrast!
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour