Author Topic: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]  (Read 238132 times)


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #30 on: May 10, 2013, 02:28:15 AM »
Next up, we have the ice fairy Cirno. Cirno falls under the Summoner class, being able to summon her various friends for various elemental and status attacks, which is her main draw to her character. She also comes with her own special skillset for her own moves, but they're generally not looked at very much due to the shear power of her summons. In the early games, Cirno is one of the stronger party members due to her high HP and power of her skills, but as the game progresses, Cirno falls behind the other party members in terms of damage even when upgrading her skills. Her Ice command skills are amongst the weakest in damage, and her summons don't get very many upgrades to keep them up to speed with the rest of the party until the optional summons. All in all, Cirno's not terrible, but she's not exceptional either.


Cirno comes with 6 Ice skills and 9 Call skills. She starts with 1 Ice skill and 1 Call skill, being Icicle Fall and Great Fairy.

Icicle Fall: Deals minor Ice-elemental damage to one enemy. Can inflict Freeze.
Minus K: Inflicts Freeze to all enemies.
Cold Divinity: Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to one enemy. 85% accuracy and ignores Defense.
Diamond Blizzard: Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to all enemies.
EYE'M THE STRONGEST: Increases Cirno's stats and grants buffs per level.
Icicle Fall -EASY-: Inflicts major Ice-elemental damage to one enemy.
Great Fairy: Restores HP to the party, and later cures some statuses.
Dark Side of the Moon: Inflicts Shadow-elemental damage to all enemies and Blind.
Night Sparrow: Inflicts Wind-elemental damage to all enemies and Silence.
Swarm of Bright Bugs: Inflicts Earth-elemental damage to all enemies and Poison.
Fluster Escape: Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one enemy and Paralyze.
Shikigami: Grants buffs depending on level to the party.
Little Devil: Inflicts Gravity-elemental damage to all enemies.
Diamond Dust: Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to all enemies.
Dragon Envoy: Inflicts Thunder-elemental damage to all enemies.

All of Cirno's summons, excluding Diamond Dust, Dragon Envoy, and Great Fairy, have 2 levels each, while Diamond Dust and Dragon Envoy both have only 1 level each. Great Fairy has 3 levels in all. Cirno has great synergy with other elemental users such as Momiji and Patchouli due to her ability to cover various elements, but once again, falls a bit short due to her inability to power up her summons. She does have access to the rare Gravity-element, otherwise exclusive to Utsuho. Due to Cirno coming with both Ice and Call, she does not have a secondary command ability at all.


Eternal Bond: If Cirno is inflicted with a status that prevents her from acting (Confusion, Berserk, Sleep, Venom, Petrify, Stop, Heat, Paralyze, and Disable), Daiyousei will restore 10% Max HP to the party and remove all negative statuses to the party except Death. Occurs only once per battle.

Even though it's a one-time deal per battle, being able to restore all statuses and 10% Max HP on the spot makes it a pretty decent ability. It may be possible that future upgrades will focus on making this happen more than once.


Provocation: Doubles encounter rate while in the party.

Grinders and farmers will love this, everyone else will hate this. The only real way to counteract this is to have Reimu equipped with the Demon Charm, or have Yuuka in the party as well to nullify this ability, as this will persist while she's in the party at all. I do not know if there will be any upgrades to this or not yet.

Cirno is immune to Freeze, but has a high susceptibility to Heat due to being an ice fairy. In addition, she has little resistance to both Confusion and Berserk, making it easy to disable her in battle. Cirno is also one of few characters who has no exclusive weapons as well as very limited access to any type of weapon in general. Despite this, she does carry an innate 100% critical bonus, so anything she can use will be much more powerful in her hands. In addition, Cirno can reduce damage by 75% instead of 50% while guarding.

As much as I like Cirno in canon and in this game, Cirno probably falls around Rank B or C due to her limitedness in damage options past the early parts of the game, as well as being outranked by other characters that can do what she does, but even better.

Future Ideas:

*Need to give 5 abilities usable via equipment.
*Perhaps upgrades to Eternal Bond and Provocation are in order?


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #31 on: May 13, 2013, 01:12:37 AM »
The character analysis is on hold for now. Right now, I need help/ideas/suggestions/criticism for the new stuff that's been put into the game recently:

Some notes, of which I need to note myself and fix later:

*Upgrades for secondary commands are generally found on WEAPONS.
*Upgrades for overworld abilities are generally found on ARMOR.
*Upgrades for battle passives, depending on the passive, can be found on either WEAPONS or ARMOR. Some are exclusive to one or the other however.

Also of note, the spoilers contains a special little thing, for those who don't mind spoilers. Please though, if you wish to talk about anything in the spoilers, keep it in spoilers as to not spoil anyone who don't want to know about them yet. Thank you.


Bless: Restores 20% Max HP to party and cures Poison, Blind, Silence, Sleep, and Sap. 50% chance to fail, but will still use Pray normally. Only usable while equipped with the Shrine Maiden Sleeve, Arm Warmers, or PC-98 Garb.
Purify: Restores 30% Max HP to the party and cures Poison, Blind, Silence, Sleep, and Sap. 50% chance to fail, but will still use Blessing normally. Only usable while equipped with the Divine Red-White.
Purification: Removes all negative statuses excluding Death after battle ends to Reimu. During battle, 10% chance each turn to remove all negative statuses from Reimu.

Auto-Collect: 5% chance each turn in battle for Marisa to find a random generic item or money. Item/money depends on encounter fought. Will not occur if Marisa is inflicted with Death, Paralyze, Sleep, Venom, Petrify, Stop, Freeze, Confusion, or Berserk. Chances of activation increases by +1% for every 127 points worth of Ps and Large Ps in the player's inventory, to a maximum of +4%. Ps are worth 1 points while Large Ps are worth 5 points.
Mug: Deals damage and then attempts to steal.
Bandit: Doubles Steal% rate.
Master Thief: Upgrades quality of item being stolen by one level.
Kleptomania: If in the party when opening a chest,  50% chance to obtain extra items. Items obtained are determined by difficulty level of dungeons.

Double Summon: Uses Call ability twice in a row. Can only be used while equipped with the Baka Dress or 0K.
Eternal Bond: If Cirno is inflicted with a status that prevents her from acting (Confusion, Charm, Berserk, Sleep, Venom, Petrify, Stop, Heat, Paralyze, and Disable), Daiyousei will restore 10% Max HP to the party and remove all negative statuses to the party except Death. Occurs only once per battle
Eternal Bond Lv2: Increases the amount of times Eternal Bond can be used to twice per battle. Only usable while equipped with the Baka Dress or Frostbite.
Eternal Bond Lv3: Increases the amount of times Eternal Bond can be used to three times per battle. Only usable while equipped with the Critical Freeze or 0K.
Provocation: Doubles Encounter rate.

Intel Level 2: Scans and obtain information on enemy as well as dispelling all buffs from enemy.
Intel Level 3: Scans and obtain information on enemy, removes all buffs from enemy, and inflicts Fear.
Tengu's Initiative: Enemies speed is halved for 4 turns at the start of battle.

Tengu's Initiative Level 2: Enemies speed is halved and party's speed is doubled for 4 turns at start of battle.
Tengu's Initiative Level 3: Enemies speed is halved for 4 turns, party's speed is doubled for 4 turns, and Aya gains Auto-Haste.

Sentinel: Any non-fatal damage taken is restored for the next 5 turns. Cannot take any actions until turns have expired. Replaces the Defend command.
Chakra Lv3: Heals other party members equal to Meiling's current HP divided by the number of other party members, cures Blind, Poison, Silence and Sap.
Restore HP: 10% chance to restore HP back to 25% each turn when in critical status.
Restore HP Level 2: Increases chances of Restore HP activating to 15%. Only usable while equipped with the Rainbow Dress or Selaginella.
Restore HP Level 3: Increases chances of Restore HP activating to 20%. Only usable while equipped with the Crouching Tiger or Hidden Dragon.

Doublecast: 10% chance to use chosen skill twice in a row. If MP is less than required MP needed to cast skill for second casting, MP is reduced to 0 as the cost
Doublecast Lv2: Increases chances of Doublecast activating to 15%. Only usable while equipped with the Twin Elemental.
Doublecast Lv3: Increases chances of Doublecast activating to 20%. Only usable while equipped with the Seven Element Robe.
Mana Reserves: Restores 1% Max MP to Patchouli after every 50 steps taken
Mana Reserves Level 2: Restores 5% Max MP to Patchouli after every 50 steps taken. Only usable while equipped with the Elemental Robe.
Mana Reserves Level 3: Restores 10% Max MP to Patchouli after every 50 steps taken. Only usable while equipped with the Five Elements.

Insanity: Absorbs all negative statuses except Death from allies and gives them to Reisen.
Insanity Level 2: Absorbs all negative statuses except Death from allies and gives them to Reisen, then halves the levels of the statuses on Reisen. Only usable while equipped with the Bunny Outfit.
Insanity Level 3: Absorbs all negative statuses except Death from allies and gives them to Reisen, then halves the levels of the statuses on Reisen as well as removing any statuses that prevents actions. Only usable while equipped with the Lunar Jacket.
Disinfectant: If a party member is inflicted with a negative status, status level is halved. Only works if Reisen is not KO'd.
Apothecary: When resting in a Tent, 25% chance that Reisen creates a random HP, MP, or status healing item. The higher Reisen's level, the more items she can make, but the less the chance of getting a specific item made. Two additional items are added every 5 levels Reisen gains.
Apothecary Level 2: Increases chances of Apothecary to 50%. Only usable while equipped with the Medical Gown.
Apothecary Level 3: Increases chances of Apothecary to 75%. Only usable while equipped with the Business Suit.

Critical: Haste: Automatically in Haste while in Critical.

Sentinel: Any non-fatal damage taken is restored for the next 5 turns. Cannot take any actions until turns have expired. Replaces the Defend command.
Mad Rush Level 2: Grants Berserk, Protect, Bravery, and Haste on the party. Ignores status immunities. Only usable while equipped with the Valiant Heart or Ultimatus.
Mad Rush Level 3: Grants Berserk, Protect, Bravery, Bubble, and Haste on the party. Ignores status immunities. Only usable while equipped with the Soul Edge or Soul Calibur.
Last Stand: While in critical, damage from physicals is reduced.
Last Stand Level 2: While Momiji's HP is less than 33% Max HP, Momiji's resistance to Physical attacks will increase. Only usable while equipped with the Great Tengu Robe or High Rank.
Last Stand Level 3: While Momiji's HP is less than 50% Max HP, Momiji's resistance to Physical attacks will increase. Only usable while equipped with the Yamabushi Garb.

Scavenger: 5% chance each turn in battle for Nitori to find a random synthesis item. Item depends on encounter fought. Will not occur if Nitori is inflicted with Death, Paralyze, Sleep, Venom, Petrify, Stop, Freeze, Confusion, or Berserk.
Mirror Items: Reverses all effects of Stock command, so healing items deals damage to enemies, and status recovery items inflicts statuses to enemy.
Chemist: Doubles effects of Stock and Mirror Items abilities.
Dowsing: Reveal hidden treasures on field.

Bonecrusher: 10% chance to deal damage equal to own Max HP when in Critical and using the Attack command. Bonecrusher works with any level of Focus as well.
Bonecrusher Level 2: Increases chances of Bonecrusher activating to 15%.
Bonecrusher Level 3: Increases chances of Bonecrusher activating to 20%.

Money Talks: Pay 1000 yen to deal damage equal to 1% of the amount of money the player has. Only usable while equipped with the One World.
Return Damage: When damaged, 25% of the damage received is returned back to target's party. Only works on non-fatal damage.
Ransom: Every time non-fatal damage is taken, pay yen equal to damage instead of taking damage, and then recover damage taken. Only usable while equipped with the Reaper Cloak.
Ferry Service: Escape from dungeons at the cost of X% of each character's current HP, where X equals 100 - the character's level.

Threaten: Forces all enemies whose level are not more than 1/4 of Yuuka's level to flee from the battle. Gain 10% of each monster's EXP and Yen values that flee, as well as double the chance to gain that monster's Item drop before they flee. (I.E. if Yuuka's level was 100, all enemies less than level 25 would flee).
Threaten Level 2: Increases Level threshold for Yuuka to 1/2. Only usable while equipped with the Twinkle Star, Riviera, or Infernal Geyser.
Threaten Level 3: Increases Level threshold for Yuuka to 3/4. Only usable while equipped with the Perfect Green.

Photosynthesis: Depending on terrain fought on, may have Auto-Regen and Auto-MP Regen. Only works in areas with dirt or sunlight, and will never work in areas that are manmade or inside.
Intimidation: Halves encounter rates.

Sacrifice Level 2: Restores all HP/MP of everyone in the party and cures Poison, Blind, and Silence at the cost of removing Mokou from the battle. Only usable while equipped with the Healing Touch or Ghost Shell.
Sacrifice Level 3: Restores HP/MP of everyone in the party and recovers from Blind, Poison, Petrify, Silence, Berserk, Confusion, Sap, Sleep, Slow, Stop, and Freeze. Drains Mokou's HP/MP and removes her from the battle. Only usable while equipped with the Omni Weapon or Flare Arms.
Immortality: Removes death status from Mokou, and revives her with X% HP, where X equals Mokou's Level/2.


Amok: Sacrifice all but 1 HP to inflict an equal amount of damage to all enemies. Will not kill Remilia if continuously used at 1 HP.
Photosensitivity: When fighting in sunny areas, will be under constant Sap status.

Revive: Revive all KO'd party members with 1 HP.
Revive Level 2: Revives all KO'd party members and restores them to 10% Max HP.
Revive Level 3: Revives all KO'd party members and restores them to 25% Max HP.
Unscarred: Grants Auto-Bravery, Auto-Faith, and Auto-Protect if HP is at full.

Bluff: Chance to force the enemy to use "Observe Battle" or "No Action" if successful. After using the command, Yumemi must wait 20 turns before the command becomes available again. If used during a spellcard declaration, nullifies the spellcard declaration if successful. After each succesful Bluff, the Bluff's success rate is halved. Success rates go as follows: 100 -> 50 -> 25 -> 12 -> 6 -> 3 -> 1 -> and eventually 0.
Repair: After resting in a  Tent, 50% chance to fix Broken equipment into random pieces of appropriate equipment.

Faith: At the start of battle, 10% chance to give the party Level 5 of either Regen, MP Regen, Protect, Bravery, Faith, Blink, or Bubble.
Faith Level 2: Increases chances of activation to 20%.
Faith Level 3: Increases chances of activation to 30%.
Recover: After battles, restore 5% Max HP and Max MP to the party.
Recover Level 2: Increases restoration to 10%.
Recover Level 3: Increases restoration to 15%.

Find Pits: Activate pits before falling into them without activating their effects. Effects can still be triggered if stepped in however.
Find Passages: Hidden passages are marked with a sparkling spot. Only usable while Suwako is equipped with one of her exclusive armors.

*Advent Cirno:
Limit: Powerful command that appears after Advent Cirno fills a hidden Limit Gauge. The amount needed for it to appear is equal to 150% of Advent's Max HP, and is cumulative. Once a Limit skill has been used, the command is locked agian. If Advent is KO'd at any time, the gauge is reset to 0.
Boost: Increases Limit Gauge by 20%.
Restore MP: Restore 5% Max MP each turn whenever in Critical status.

Hakutaku: Switches to EX Keine, who is AI-controlled and only has access to Fight and History. EX Keine has x1.5 Attack, Defense, Magic, and Speed than Keine, and double Max HP and Max MP than Keine, and when using command, Keine will restore all HP, MP, and statuses.


MP Shield: 20% of damage received is converted into 20% MP damage instead. Only works on non-fatal damage.

Kamikaze: Removes Utsuho from battle and kills her at the cost of dealing damage to one enemy equal to x8 her Max HP.
Absorb Damage: 10% of damage received is regained as HP. Only works on non-fatal damage.

Guardian: Party recovers all non-fatal damage for the next 5 turns and forces Kanako to use Defend.


Berserk: Randomly attacks one enemy between 1-8 times. Must be under Bravery in order to use the command.

Bardsong: Randomly play a song. Lunasa cannot perform any other actions until X turns have passed. The amount of turns required to pass depends on the skill used.

Synchro: Can only work while Minoriko and Shizuha are alive, if both have the MP required to use the skills, and both are able to act when the ability activates. Uses one of 5 abilities at random. If used when Shizuha cannot act, will instead restore MP to the party equal to x10 Minoriko's current MP, and then will reduce her MP to 0. If used when Minoriko cannot act, will instead revive all KO'd allies and restore the party's HP equal to half of Shizuha's current HP.

Synchro: Can only work while Shizuha and Minoriko are alive, if both have the MP required to use the skills, and both are able to act when the ability activates. Uses one of 5 abilities at random. If used when Shizuha cannot act, will instead restore MP to the party equal to x10 Minoriko's current MP, and then will reduce her MP to 0. If used when Minoriko cannot act, will instead revive all KO'd allies and restore the party's HP equal to half of Shizuha's current HP.


Misfortune: Inflicts unblockable non-elemental damage to one enemy equal to the total amount of damage Hina has substained before using the command. Damage is reset after using the command, or when inflicted with Death, Venom, Stop, or Petrify. Damage accumulates a turn later from when damage was dealt.

Steal Yen: Steals a random amount of Yen from target equal to a number between 0 and Nazrin's Level * Target's Level, then damages target with a regular attack.

Swarm: Summon a random animal for various effects. Effects depend on a random number between 0 and Wriggle's Level.

Bribe: Attempt to force enemy to leave battle by giving them yen. If amount of yen is equal to or greater than x1.5 the target's Max HP, the enemy will leave the battle, giving its EXP, Yen, and item drop as well as giving free items. If the enemy does not take the bribe, the yen is not wasted and still remains until battle ends or enemy takes the bribe.

Deathblow: Deals damage to one target equal to 25% of their Max HP. 25% Accuracy.

Lancet: Drains HP and MP from one target. MP drain is equal to 1/16th of the HP drain.

*Addition of Yamame and Medicine to the temporary characters.

????: 20% chance that Attack randomly inflicts damage based on number of times party has fought battles - number of times party has ran from battles, divided by 3.

Banish: Consumes 10% Max HP to remove all enemies from battle. No rewards for enemies removed in this manner. 45% hit rate.
Checkpoint: If reach a save point, if dungeon is left via Komachi's ability or Emergency Stairway, return to save point last touched.

Grimoire: Levels up skills during battle, up to max level, until after battle. After each use, the command will disappear and takes time to recharge depending on the level of skills. Level 1 skills makes the command require 5 turns to recharge, while level 5 skills makes the command require 25 turns to recharge. After all skills have been maxed out, the command will always require 25 turns to recharge and will instead grant Tetra status to the party.

Bribe: Attempt to force enemy to leave battle by giving them yen. If amount of yen is equal to or greater than x1.5 the target's Max HP, the enemy will leave the battle, giving its EXP, Yen, and item drop as well as giving free items. If the enemy does not take the bribe, the yen is not wasted and still remains until battle ends or enemy takes the bribe.

Finisher: 31% chance to fail, 37% chance for Critical Hit, 31% chance for 9999 damage.

Bushido: Only appears after using Focus at least once, replacing Attack. Depending on Focus level, will perform one of 8 different attacks), Focus (Changes Attack to Bushido after one use, and adds +1 to the Focus charge per use, up to a maximum of 8 charges. Affects the outcome of the Bushido command.

Sentinel: Any non-fatal damage taken is restored for the next 5 turns. Cannot take any actions until turns have expired. Replaces the Defend command.
Absorb Damage: 10% of damage received is regained as HP. Only works on non-fatal damage.

Treatment: Cures all negative statuses.

Condemn: Various effects for Shikieiki. Takes 5 turns to occur after using the command.
Doom: Inflicts a countdown to instant death one target with 80% accuracy. No target is immune to Doom, but each target has its own individual timer (targets resistant to Doom such as most bosses will have their timer set to 999 turns).

Awaken: Fully restores HP, MP, and statuses, triples Chaos's Speed, and grants all buffs. After using the command, it will be removed from the command list until the timer expires. Once 20 turns has passed, Awaken will return to the command list, and Chaos's Speed will return to normal as well as be reduced to 1 HP.

Infection: Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage to one enemy and a chance to inflict a status that ignores the target's innate immunities.


*Yin-Yang Jade: Now revives a KO'd ally at 1%/4%/7%/10% Max HP, depending on level.

*Silver Disc: No longer has a 50% chance to target either party, and then a 10% chance to inflict Exclusion. Now has a 10% chance of one of the following:
       *Reduces all party members HP by 10% of their current HP, reduce all enemies HP by 90% of their Max HP.
       *Reduces all party members HP by 20% of their current HP, reduce all enemies HP by 80% of their Max HP.
       *Reduces all party members HP by 30% of their current HP, reduce all enemies HP by 70% of their Max HP.
       *Reduces all party members HP by 40% of their current HP, reduce all enemies HP by 60% of their Max HP.
       *Reduces all party members HP by 50% of their current HP, reduce all enemies HP by 50% of their Max HP.
       *Reduces all party members HP by 60% of their current HP, reduce all enemies HP by 40% of their Max HP.
       *Reduces all party members HP by 70% of their current HP, reduce all enemies HP by 30% of their Max HP.
       *Reduces all party members HP by 80% of their current HP, reduce all enemies HP by 20% of their Max HP.
       *Reduces all party members HP by 90% of their current HP, reduce all enemies HP by 10% of their Max HP.

   When used against bosses or enemies resistant to % damage, will instead deal 1 damage to them.
*Chroma Gem: No longer reduces Max MP by 10%. Now instantly defeats non-bosses of the specified type and damages all other enemies not of that type by 1% of their Max HP. If the ability hits a boss of the specified type, it will instead deal damage to the boss equal to Yumemi's Max HP.
       *If HP ends with 0: Slayer vs. Demons
       *If HP ends with 1: Slayer vs. Humans
       *If HP ends with 2: Slayer vs. Flying
       *If HP ends with 3: Slayer vs. Undeads
       *If HP ends with 4: Slayer vs. Magicians
       *If HP ends with 5: Slayer vs. Fairies
       *If HP ends with 6: Slayer vs. Dragons
       *If HP ends with 7: Slayer vs. Machines
       *If HP ends with 8: Slayer vs. Beasts
       *If HP ends with 9: Slayer vs. Plants

*Yamato Kingdom: Now fixed 70% accuracy instead of 100% accuracy.

*Flare Star: No longer deals Fire-elemental damage to all enemies. Now deals damage equal to each enemy's Level * 40.

*Return: Revive Excluded party members who did not willingly remove themselves (such as Mokou and Utsuho).


*Skill descriptions have been updated with information.
*Jellyfish Princess Lv1 and Lv2 are fixed. They originally reduced Defense instead of inflicting damage to HP.
*Keine's leader theme now works properly.
*Music has been trimmed down in filesize a bit and some songs have been outright removed. Please see the Music document for what to change.
*After any battle, there is 10 steps before random encounters are turned back on again.
*Damage on various elements and skills have been adjusted accordingly.
*Physical, Magical, Tetra, Omni, Mystic, and Evade Up are now in place.
*Equipment that gave +% stat boosts are now fixed so that they don't permanently boost stats are incorrectly boost stats.
*Intel now gives information on an enemy's Name, Level, HP/MAX HP, MP/MAX MP, Attack, Defense, Magic, Speed, Type, Drop, Steal, Morph, Elemental Resistances, Status Resistances, and Information.


W-Item: Allows character to use Items command twice. Available as an equipment ability.
W-Skill: Allows character to use Skill command twice. Available as an equipment ability.

Upgrades to Focus (Youmu's subcommand. Not sure if Focus will get any upgrades or not):

*Level 2: High chance of removing buffs when attacking.
*Level 3: High chance of Instant Death when attacking.

Upgrades to Bluff (Yumemi's subcommand):

*Level 2: Reduces accuracy from 1/2 to 1/4.
*Level 3: Reduces accuracy from 1/2 to 1/10.

Kamikaze (Utsuho's subcommand):

Level 1: Make x6 Max HP.
Level 2: Make x8 Max HP.
Level 3: Make x10 Max HP.

MP Shield (Koishi's Battle Passive):

Level 2: Reduces MP damage to 15%.
Level 3: Reduces MP damage to 10%.

Metal Detector: Tells how many items are left in current map. (For Nitori)

Morph (Nue's subcommand):

Level 2: Increases HP threshold to 20%.
Level 3: Increases HP threshold to 30%.


*Multiplex Barrier: Increases Mystic-elemental resistance to the party.
*Youkai Repelling Charm: Inflicts massive damage to Demon enemies.
*Fantasy Seal -Circle-: Grants Omni status to one target for 50 turns.
*Illusionary Moon:

*Fairy Destruction Ray: Inflicts massive damage to Fairy enemies.
*Shooting Echo: Inflicts massive damage to Magicians. Attempts to inflict Silence.
*Gravity Beat:
*Grand Cross:
*Blazing Star:

*Ice Tornado:
*Cold Sprinkler:
*Insta-Freeze Beam:

*Torii Hurricane: Inflicts massive damage to Flying enemies.

*Rainbow Taichi: Regain all non-fatal damage and grants Omni status for 10 turns. Self-buff.
*Colorful Rain: Restores HP to the party equal to 1/3 of Meiling's Max HP.

*Diamond Hardness: Grants "Absorb Damage: 50%" to Patchouli for 20 turns.
*Sunshine Reflector: Drains MP from one enemy.
*Mercury Poison: Poison-elemental damage to all enemies.
*Silver Dragon: Gravity-elemental damage to all enemies.
*Royal Diamond Ring: Mystic-elemental damage to all enemies.

*Acura Spectral: Prevents any status from wearing off by granting Resist status.
*Discarder: Enables party to restore HP if unable to restore HP.

*Killing World: Sets Doom on everyone in the battle except Sakuya.
*Killer World: Forces battle with rarest enemy group in current area.
*Suction World: Any damage inflicted in battle is regained as HP to Sakuya.
*Empty World: Prevents all enemies from acting during their next turn.
*Jackpot World: Enables party to doublecast skills for the next 10 turns.

*Rabies Bite: Inflicts massive damage to Beasts.
*Expellee's Canaan:
(These 3 will probably instead go to Youmu anyways)
White Wolf "Oogami Hajiki": Doubles Critical % of weapons. (Critical Up)
"Road to Heaven": Ignores Evasion for brief time. (Piercing Sight)
"Truth - Wolf Fangs, Wind Sword": Allows attacking all enemies. (Target All)

*Cephalic Plate: Inflicts massive damage to Machines.

*Double Pain:

*Ritual of Ecstasy:
*Game of the Soul: Inflicts massive damage to Undead enemies.


*Phantom Garden: Inflicts Slow if at normal speed, and inflicts Stop if inflicted with Haste. Based on FFTA's Hastebreak.
*Parasite Garden: Inflicts Poison-elemental damage and Sap to all enemies.
*Planter Sacrifice: Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to Insects.
*Flowering Master Spark
*Genocide Spark: Non-elemental damage to all enemies. Damage is multiplied by 8 if target's level is the same as Yuuka's level. Based off of FFVII's Goblin Punch.


*Vampirish Night: Drains HP equal to difference of Remilia's Max HP and current HP.

*Forgotten Ritual: Grants "Bubble: 25 turns" to party.
*Heaven's God: Wind: Restores all HP to party. 98 MP.
*Earth-God Summon: Shield: Grants "MP Shield: 50 turns" to one ally.
*Sea Opening: Grants "MP Replenish: 50 turns" to one ally.
*Good Commerce: Resets durations of status effects on ally (give status that'll remove itself after coding is done. Essentially FFTA2's Extend).
*Miracle of Fafrotskies: After 20 turns, HP and MP are returned to value when ability was used. Essentially FFTA2's Undo spell.

*Brave the Elements: Grants Tetra status to the party for 50 turns.
*Seven Stones: Enables use of 2 items for 20 turns.
*Full Sakura Blizzard: Enables double attacks with the Attack command for 20 turns.
*Frog God: Enables doublecast of command skills, if applicable, for the next 20 turns for party.

*Headquarters Crisis: Inflicts non-elemental damage to all targets who has the same second digit in their level as the caster. Based on FFTA's Lv? S-Flare.
*Treasures - Sword: Inflicts non-elemental damage to all enemies equal to Keine's level x30. Based off of FFX-2's Storm Cannon.
*Treasures - Orb: Bestows Haste to all units with level that is a multiple of 5. Based off of FFTA2's Lv5 Haste.
*Treasures - Mirror: Switches HP and MP of party. Based off of FFTA's Matra Magic/FFXII's Invert.



Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #32 on: May 13, 2013, 10:01:58 AM »
Have you released a patch with these changes yet, or are they still under work? For most of these abilities it's hard to see how they affect they game until they can be tested.
As for those item-specific skills/upgrades, those items will have the skill-related buff explained in the description right? Make sure players can get all the info they need without needing to have the readme file open all the time. :)


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #33 on: May 13, 2013, 06:44:32 PM »
No, no patch yet has been released, as I haven't even implemented these into every enemy group in the game. They're all still in my Test 0 enemy until I get everything done (which I'm getting closer to doing).

There's going to be a little method to finding out what has what, if I ever get the glossary done (everything will be listed there eventually...maybe). I can't fit everything into descriptions because I'm limited on space. I could just simply remove all of the descriptions for equipment, but then they'll feel not as great. :<


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #34 on: May 14, 2013, 05:25:32 AM »
A couple new things done:

*Suwako's Find Pits and Find Passages are now fully coded in (or at least, I don't THINK I missed any spots). Find Pits will activate any pit AS WELL as any traps one tile before stepping on the trap/pit. The trap/pit can still be activated if the player steps on that tile though. Find Passages is also done, and while Suwako is in the party with the appropriate equipment on, any hidden passages will be indicated by sparkling spots (different from the sparkling spots shown in Nitori's Dowsing ability).

*Nitori's Metal Detector ability (while equipped with the Sherlock Jacket only) will be a menu ability, which when used will tell how many items are left on the map. This thing took 2 hours to do.....TWO HOURS. I wasn't expecting it to take that long, but it did. Of note, this doesn't just count treasure chests and items hidden in the field, this also counts treasures from NPCs. It will NOT however count key items (unlike Dowsing which will reveal those if hidden).

*Koishi is losing her MP Shield innate ability, which is going to be a special buff granted only through Sanae's equipment skill. Instead, Koishi is getting Learning as her innate ability, and this will affect how Blue Magic is learned now. For instance, if Koishi's level is the same as the caster's level, the % chance to learn that spell stays the same. However, if Koishi's level is LOWER than the caster's, the chance to learn the spell decreases by X%. So if Koishi's level is 10 levels lower than the caster's, and the skill was a 50% chance to learn, then it'll become a 40% chance. Likewise, if Koishi's level is HIGHER than the caster's, it'll gain X% to learning the skill. So if she was 10 levels HIGHER than the caster, and the skill was a 50% chance, it'll become 60% instead. Of note, skills will never be a 0% (unless you guys think it should work that way?). Learning Level 2 will negate the penalties for learning if Koishi is lower leveled than the enemy, while Learning Level 3 does the same, but also doubles the learning chances if Koishi is higher leveled (so if she's 10 levels higher, and it's a 50% chance to learn the skill, it'll gain +20% instead of +10%, making it 70% chance to learn the skill).

I'm currently trying to get Youmu's Vantage (Initiative/First Strike chances increased to 30%, or double %), Momiji's Awareness (No Back Attacks/Pincer Attacks), and Aya's Sight (view current map) done so that'll take care of the rest of the field abilities. I am also trying to finalize Koishi's Blue Magic list, which is what I need help with. For those of you who don't remember what it is, here's the list and what'll probably be axed out.

Attack spells (Elemental):
*Flame Stone - Moderate Fire-elemental damage to one enemy.
*Flare - Major Fire-elemental damage to one enemy.
*Flare Breath -  Moderate Fire-elemental damage to all enemies.
*Salamander Shield - Major Fire-elemental damage to all enemies.
*Diamond Edge - Moderate Ice-elemental damage and Berserk to one enemy.
*Freeze - Major Ice-elemental damage and inflicts Freeze to one enemy.
*Ice Storm - Moderate Ice-elemental damage to all enemies.
*Judgment Bolt - Moderate Thunder-elemental damage to all enemies.
*Lightning Orb - Moderate Thunder-elemental damage to one enemy and ignores Defense.
*Heaven & Earth Press - Moderate Earth-elemental damage to one enemy.
*Six Earthquakes - Minor Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.
*Wind Sickle - Moderate Wind-elemental damage to all enemies.
*Tsunami - Moderate Water-elemental damage to all enemies.
*Dragon Bullet - Major Holy-elemental damage to all enemies.
*Holy - Major Holy-elemental damage to one enemy.
*Chaos Drive - Moderate Shadow-elemental damage to all enemies.
*Pascal Moon - Major Shadow-elemental damage and drains HP from one enemy.
*Shadow Flare - Major Shadow-elemental damage to one enemy.
*Bio - Minor Poison-elemental damage to one enemy.
*Biora - Moderate Poison-elemental damage to one enemy.
*Bioga - Major Poison-elemental damage to one enemy.
*Pandaemonium - Major Mystic-elemental damage to all enemies.

Attack spells (Instant Death):
*Gathering Oni - Inflicts Instant Death to one enemy.

Attack spells (Non-elemental):
*Death Lance - Major Ghost-elemental damage and inflicts Instant Death to one enemy.
*Doomsday - Major non-elemental damage to all enemies and allies.
*Drain - Absorbs minor HP from one enemy.
*Drainra - Absorbs moderate HP from one enemy.
*Drainga - Absorbs major HP from one enemy.
*Fireworks - Major non-elemental damage to all enemies.
*Flare Star - Deals non-elemental unblockable damage to all enemies equal to each individual enemy's Level * 40.
*Meteor - Major non-elemental damage to all enemies.
*Nova Storm - 50% chance to reduce all enemies and allies HP to 1.
*Scarlet Weather Rhapsody - Major non-elemental damage to one enemy.
*Ultima - Major non-elemental damage to all enemies.Support:
*Aura - Restores massive HP and cures all negative statuses to one ally.
*Full-Cure - Restores all HP to one ally.
*Heal - Restores minor HP to party.
*White Wind - Restores HP to party equal to Koishi's HP.

*Angelsong - Grants Regen to the party.
*Destroyer - Grants Bravery, Protect, and Faith to one ally.
*Mighty Guard - Grants Protect, Regen, MP Regen, Haste, and Blink to party.

*Defense Down Omega - Reduces all enemies Attack by 20.
*Ink - Inflicts Blind on all enemies.
*Magic Hammer - Drains 100 MP from one enemy.
*Night - Inflicts Sleep on all enemies and allies not immune to Sleep.
*Offense Down Omega - Reduces all enemies Defense by 20.
*Poison Mist - Inflicts Poison on all enemies.
*Pollen - Inflicts Sleep on all enemies.
*Special Missile (20 MP, single target, inflicts moderate non-elemental damage and reduces Physical resistance)
*Time Stop (21 MP, All Enemies, 100% accuracy, lasts 1 turn, inflicts minor Mystic damage)

TOTAL = 50


Poison Mist
Dragon Bullet
Salamander Shield
Paschal Moon
Flare Breath

If you think that there should be any different Blue Magic spells, less/more, or whatnot, feel free to put in your input! I'm trying to keep Koishi diverse, but not too good as she currently is. She needs at least one of each element (bar Gravity right now), but sometimes I gave her more than one of a specific element due to well...her Blue Magic doesn't get any stronger like her other skills, or the other character's skills, so I try to have a second of each element, which kinda influxes the Blue Magic list. I don't know...I'll leave the input up to you guys! Also of note, I tried to make her a bit gimmicky too with some things (Nova Storm, White Wind, Time Stop, Night, and Flare Star in particular). I'd like for her to have some more gimmicky spells as Blue Mages tend to be like that, but it depends on what the gimmicks are. Again, don't want her to be TOO powerful, but not underwhelming as well.

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #35 on: May 14, 2013, 01:06:56 PM »
i download all the music files but i don't know where to put it in
can someone help me


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #36 on: May 14, 2013, 05:28:34 PM »
It has to be in a folder called "Music" (if you don't have such a folder, make one in the main directory for Touhou Fantasy, and then dump all of the music files in there (make sure they're not in any folders inside the Music folder though!)


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #37 on: May 16, 2013, 03:53:27 AM »
Ok, serious question. Do you guys think I should go through with those equipment skills listed above? Here's the amount of skills each character has by default. Skills that level up into another version (i.e. Fantasy Orb to Fantasy Seal) does not count towards this total, but skills (such as Master Spark into Dragon Meteor or Final Spark) will:

Reimu: 17
Marisa: 15
Cirno: 15
Aya: 8
Meiling: 10
Patchouli: 21
Reisen: 17
Sakuya: 10
Momiji: 11
Nitori: 43
Sanae: 10
Suwako: 8
Youmu: 8
Komachi: 14
Advent Cirno: 12
Yuuka: 9
Mokou: 6
Byakuren: 23
Remilia: 10
Yumemi: 18
Hope: 14 (Not accurate. It's not fully done yet. Think of her having 8 skills per "mode", and there's 7 modes do the math).
Utsuho: 11
Keine: 13
EX Keine: 4
Koishi: 5 (+43)

This does not include characters who join later mind you, but their skills don't upgrade at all (well, one's does, but hers is in a different manner than everyone else). So by default Hope, Nitori, and Koishi with all of her Blue Magic have the most, while Mokou has the least (barring EX Keine, but she doesn't matter really).

In other news, here's some changes currently done:

*Sakuya's World: (Original) Now fixed 50% accuracy. Adds "Stop: 40 turns". (New) Inflicts Stop on all enemies and allies except Sakuya. Sakuya gets 3 turns to herself.

That's right, Sakuya has her GoS Private Square essentially now. It's been in the game forever now as her Limit Break, but I've decided to just give it to her now. Her original version was kinda terrible for an "ultimate" skill.

Now onto new character stuff:

Restore: Recover 1 HP per turn in battle.
Restore Level 2: Recover 3 HP per turn in battle.
Restore Level 3: Recover 5 HP per turn in battle.

What's the point of this? Well, Yumemi has a couple skills that rely on the last digit of her HP to do things. This is for those 2 particular skills. Not a very impressive battle passive but...

Learning: If Koishi's Level is the same as Blue Magic caster's Level, % is fixed for learning a spell. If Koishi's Level is lower than the caster's Level, the chance of learning the skill decreases -1% for each Level lower (a skill that would have a 50% chance to be learned if both levels were the same will now have a 40% chance of being learned if she's 10 levels lower). If Koishi's Level is higher than the caster's Level, the chance of learning the skill increases +1% for each Level higher (a 50% skill will now have a 60% chance of being learned if she's 10 levels higher).
Learning Level 2: Ignores penalty if Koishi's Level is lower than the Blue Magic caster's Level.
Learning Level 3: Ignores penalty if Koishi's Level is lower than the Blue Magic caster's Level. If Koishi's Level is higher than the caster's Level, the chances of learning the skill is doubled per level higher (if Koishi is 10 levels higher than the caster, and the skill has a 50% chance of being learned if the levels are equal, it will now have a 70% chance of being learned instead of 60%).

Koishi loses her MP Shield for this. Yes, this means if you get all of the Blue Magic skills, she has no battle passive anymore. Dunno if that should change or not. Also yes, it is possible for skills to be unlearnable if you're too low of a level.

And finally, updates on the equipment skills, in the event they do go through:

*Illusionary Moon: Decreases all enemies Holy resistance by 1 level. 50% accuracy.
*Evil-Sealing Circle: Cures all negative statuses of level 5 or lower

*Gravity Beat: Inflicts Gravity-elemental damage and Slow to one target.
*Grand Cross: Grants Spellspring to one party member for 20 turns. 80 MP.
*Eccentric Asteroid: Grants Half MP Cost to the party for 20 turns.

*Conjoined Stance: Grants benefits of all three stances.
*Asura Sword Stance: Offensive stance. Removes Manussya and Devaloka Stance. Grants access to the following skills for 20 turns:
**Floral Nirvana: Inflicts massive damage to Plants.
**Rise from Delusion: Mystic-elemental damage and removes buffs.
**Dance of Angels: 5 hits of non-elemental damage to random enemies.
*Manussya Stance: Miscellaneous stance. Removes Asura Sword and Devaloka Stance. Grants access to the following skills for 20 turns:
**Disappearing Elegance:
**Wicked Soul: Halves an enemy's Accuracy for 20 turns.
**Phosphoric Slash:
*Devaloka Stance: Defensive stance. Removes Manussya and Asura Sword Stance. Grants access to the following skills for 20 turns:
**Double Pain: Restores 25% Max HP and cures Poison, Sap, Blind, Slow from user.
**Insightful Sword: Grants Counter to user for 20 turns. Youmu's Counter has an innate 25% chance of activating.
**Netherworld Reflection Slash: Doubles Counter rate.

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2013, 07:39:58 AM »
Here's some questions that might help you decide what to do with the equipment skills:

Is there a particular reason for characters to learn these new skills? If there is, why can't they be learned the normal way?
Will some characters be stuck using some (crappy) equips just to not lose access to a skill they can't be without?


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #39 on: May 16, 2013, 07:44:55 AM »
Like I told someone else that I talk to about this, somehow I think I'm subconsciously trying to put in as many spellcards/skills as I can into this game all of a sudden because I've been doing all of these custom effects and coding the past 3 months. The equipment skills are all on weapons, so there's that...the final weapons each character would get would have all of the skills on them (that's how I was thinking of handling upgrades to character passives and whatnot via their ultimate armor). I didn't give them the skills normally mostly because I figured they had enough skills (that, and these skills ONLY have 1 level each, unlike every other skill that characters can learn which generally has multiple levels to them), so it'd seem weird to just have them learn those skills from scrolls and whatnot.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #40 on: May 19, 2013, 05:00:43 AM »
Ok, some updates:

*I am not going to go through with the equipment skills after all. If I feel like they're needed, I'll add them later on. I have events set up in the event that I do go through with them, but they might even get integrated into characters. Who knows?


Cup of Life: When healed, the rest of the party restores HP equal to 10% of the HP Hope recovered.
Cup of Life Level 2: Increases restoration to 20%.
Cup of Life Level 3: Increases restoration to 30%.

If you noticed, Hope no longer has her secondary command anymore. It got removed and put on someone else, being...

Unscarred: Grants Auto-Bravery, Auto-Faith, and Auto-Protect if HP is at full.
EXP Distribute: All party members not in the party gain 1% of the EXP Keine gains from a battle. Doesn't work for party members that the player does not have access to at all.
EXP Distribute Level 2: Increases gain to 5%.
EXP Distribute Level 3: Increases gain to 10%.

I felt that Keine having the EXP Distribute passive would be a shame if everyone's maxed out, so I gave her the Unscarred passive (even though good luck ever having it go off and stay going). I think the EXP Distribute passive will make her MUCH more viable to use too...I hope anyways!

Koishi also got her MP Shield back for the same reason as Keine; once you learn all of the Blue Magic spells, she'd be left with no passive at all, which would be a shame. Of course, her passive is much more useful than Keine's...I need to come up with something better for Keine's methinks. Also, a couple more of Yumemi's non-weapon skills may be changed a bit to work with her battle passive (Red Spring is one I'm looking at, as it's something that could work with a 50/50 still, but be based on the last digit of her HP and if it's even/odd). Getting closer to finishing the database up! Oh, and for those of you curious as to the agenda of things now:

1) Equipment skills are on hold until further notice
2) Enemy Intel data has been updated.
3) Enemy AI and attack patterns still need readjusted.
4) Blue Magic still needs finalized.

And that's what's left in the database! So please, if you can help at all with at LEAST the Blue Magic issue, that'd be great. That'll make things go by a lot quicker for me, and I can take a short break before working on beta5. ^^;


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
  • *
  • Harbingers, yo.
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #41 on: May 20, 2013, 12:24:25 AM »
You know, I should really try playing this again. I mean, I know it's still nowhere near completion, and the last time I played I got my face blown up in the second dungeon (Forest of Magic, iirc) and then rage-quit because I was confused as to what the hell was with the difficulty of the random encounters, but man, all of this stuff that's being planned out... this is really extensive. I'm utterly amazed at what's being done with this. I honestly don't know what to say. I'm flabbergasted. The absolute best of luck to you!
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Wow I'm back to playing this game.
  • Let's puzzle together again, Karin!
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #42 on: May 20, 2013, 12:31:27 AM »
You know, I should really try playing this again. I mean, I know it's still nowhere near completion, and the last time I played I got my face blown up in the second dungeon (Forest of Magic, iirc) and then rage-quit because I was confused as to what the hell was with the difficulty of the random encounters, but man, all of this stuff that's being planned out... this is really extensive. I'm utterly amazed at what's being done with this. I honestly don't know what to say. I'm flabbergasted. The absolute best of luck to you!
Oh right...I should probably download this again...Yeah.  Need to do a new game since I've got a new laptop since I last was playing...Also with all this new stuff in it should be interesting to see how I fare.
If you're a Pazudora player and aren't on #puzzleandlibrarians, come join us!


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #43 on: May 20, 2013, 12:32:50 AM »
Well, if I may give a bit of hint:

1) Always check back at the Human Village after getting a new party member, and especially at the Item Shop. Skills are bought there for the most part (until later for obvious reasons), and always keeping on top of your skills is crucial to surviving areas. I'm guaranteeing the reason you had trouble was because you didn't have Diamond Blizzard for Cirno.

2) Always keep on top of your equipment and items, and always keep an eye on what equipment does what. That won't matter in Forest of Magic in particular, since there's not much you can do there against statuses (yes, Forest of Magic is meant to be a status introduction stage), but in other areas, it's crucial to not getting your face melted off. ^^;

And just to say something, Forest of Magic still falls under Easy Mode in terms of dungeon difficulties. Normal Mode won't start up until around the next dungeon or 2 from there, IIRC. ^^; I'm still trying to balance things out too (enemy AI is going to take a while, as I'm not sure how I want to handle that...), so there's that.

I might be making some areas inaccessible until much later (Winter Forest, Poltergeist Mansion, and Eastern Forest are the only ones you CAN enter and get murdered in early on...). Not sure yet.

In other news, MORE things to report, and it's a good one! All playable characters now have a battle passive! Hurray!

Tetra Master: Party starts with Tetra status at the start of battle.

Millionaire: Earn double yen from battles. Does not work if the player runs from the battle.

Mishaguji's Curse: Every 20 turns, there will be a 20% chance of a random level 4 status being inflicted onto the enemy party. If a boss is immune to a specific status, it will not work on them.
Mishaguji's Curse Level 2: Increases chance of activation to 30%.
Mishaguji's Curse Level 3: Increases chance of activation to 40%.

In addition to the above, all Weapon/Armor Bless statuses now last 30 turns instead of 20 turns. Hurray!

EDIT - Of note, not all of this is in just yet. Gimme some more time, and I'll have everything patched up with the new stuff and ready to go. Gotta make sure I got everything I want before I set it up on every monster group encounter.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2013, 12:36:40 AM by Xenomic »

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #44 on: May 22, 2013, 06:30:39 PM »
"The file MainsTitle6 cannot be opened"

can someone help me


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #45 on: May 26, 2013, 06:05:05 AM »

After 3-4 months of straight work, the final FINAL update patch for beta4 is here! However, MAKE SURE YOU BACK UP ALL OF YOUR SAVE FILES, IN ADDITION TO YOUR RPG_RT.IDB AND RPG_RT.IMT FILES! This is so that in case something were to happen, you can easily revert.

In addition, will also post this here for those that didn't get it at the 1.100 update, as you'll need these now:

If anything junks up or doesn't work, please notify me immediately.

EDIT - And then I immediately found something that shouldn't be there....oops...please use this RPG_RT.idb and replace it with the one from the pack. Otherwise, you'll be forced into a fight you cannot really do anything about....which was meant purely for testing various things. ^^;
« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 06:29:28 AM by Xenomic »

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #46 on: May 26, 2013, 09:53:40 AM »
So does this update have all the stuff in it that you have listed as upcoming database changes? If not, what's the update notes then? :)


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #47 on: May 26, 2013, 07:26:56 PM »
The Changelog is everything that's been done, so yes, everything that's been done for the database is in that database file.

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #48 on: May 26, 2013, 08:50:24 PM »
I think I'll start a new game, kind of hard to test the new stuff with my "end-game" save. Anything in particular that should be tested outside of a normal playthrough?

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #49 on: May 26, 2013, 09:13:37 PM »
when i click yes to enter the scarlet devil mansion nothing happens
is this a bug or something else


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #50 on: May 26, 2013, 09:27:35 PM »
Not that I can think of. Everything SHOULD be in working order for abilities and such. If anything seems off with an ability, then let me know. For instance, if for some reason Marisa's Auto-Collect activates when she's not in the party at all.

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #51 on: May 26, 2013, 10:01:22 PM »
Speaking of Auto-Collect, according to the changelog the chance should be 5%. In the fight against Cirno and Dai-Chan I must've gotten 3 or 4 P items, and the fight didn't last that long. Is the chance correct or was this the reverse version of the "95% chance misses every other time"-syndrome? (which Reimu seemed to be inflicted with right now)


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #52 on: May 26, 2013, 10:09:27 PM »
Sometimes that 5% seems to happen an awful lot. Don't pay it much heed lol...also of note, with Auto-Collect you will ALWAYS get a P item (much like with Nitori's Scavenger you will ALWAYS get a Base Metal). I haven't done anything with those yet since I don't know what items to toss into each group atm.

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #53 on: May 27, 2013, 07:40:45 AM »
Ehm, the prompt "Enter Scarlet Devil Mansion, yes/no" leaves you outside of the place regardless of the choice you make. Both choices set to "no" by mistake or something?


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #54 on: May 27, 2013, 07:43:30 AM »
Is this at the start of the game I'm assuming?


Update. Apparently I forgot some coding, so you couldn't enter ANYWHERE. Hopefully this fixes it? ^^;
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 07:55:36 AM by Xenomic »

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #55 on: May 27, 2013, 08:15:30 AM »
That didn't help to the problem. A quick check on my old file on some other locations:

Places I could enter: Forest of Magic, Depth of Hell, Hakurei Shrine, Kourindou
Places I couldn't enter: Poltergeist Mansion, Misty Lake, Youkai Mountain, Road of Reconsideration

Weird bug on the coding I must say. :D


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #56 on: May 27, 2013, 08:18:48 AM »
That is weird....I'll look into it myself...

EDIT - Is this at the beginning of the game or later in the game? I need to know this.

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #57 on: May 27, 2013, 08:24:02 AM »
Both by the looks of it, since it affects both my new game and the one that has reached the end of the game as it is now.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #58 on: May 27, 2013, 08:26:03 AM »
You did just copy and replace the database file with the new one, right? Because everything is working fine for me o_O

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #59 on: May 27, 2013, 08:30:56 AM »
I did, and now I copied it again just to make sure, still not working. Weird thing is, I can enter Forest of Magic from the Hard Path but not the Easy Path.
So how is it possible I get this sort of bug now?