~Bunbunmaru News~ > Letters to the Editor
ppirc spam
ppirc is currently being spammed by multiple bots joining every few minutes, posting a bunch of links and immediately disconnecting. Just letting you guys know in case you weren't aware already.
Hieda no Mukyu:
Out of curiosity, does some sort of ?Freenodegate? actually exist?
--- Quote from: Hieda no Mukyu on July 25, 2018, 04:05:17 PM ---Out of curiosity, does some sort of ?Freenodegate? actually exist?
--- End quote ---
Encyclopedia Dramatica is a satirical / humorous with NSFW thrown in styled wikipedia. All links go that website. Needless to say, it's all hoax.
Hieda no Mukyu:
Merci, Lebon.
I actually browsed bits of Encyclopedia Dramatica years ago. I got the impression that while most of it was pure satire, it also included actual (twisted and offensively written, but not entirely fictional) information on some controversial topics, of interest to 4chan users and the like. That?s why I decided to ask whether this ?scandal? was partially based on a true story. Also, I have known people who like Freenode a lot, so this one caught my attention.
Hello Purvis:
According to someone in scarlet library, all the evidence is fake. Like, blog posts from "2016" on a domain registered 5 days ago fake.
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