~Bunbunmaru News~ > Letters to the Editor
Nickname change request
I was kind of half-out when I made my account, so I just chopped the 17 off my username because I didn't really have any better ideas for what to put. Now that I've changed my display name it doesn't really make sense anymore. I'm thinking change it to AndiBanandi.
Your nickname under your avatar reads: gameboy and your displayname is Andi.
I am not quite sure what isn't making sense, because if you change your displayname to AndiBanandi it should be fine no? As that is what all users will see above your avatar.
Suwako Moriya:
The request was for the nickname to be changed, which can't be done on the normal forum user end, and for which we do have an "everyone gets one" policy (or at least we did last I checked). I've gone ahead and changed it as requested.
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