Author Topic: Kaetir: Icarian Armor  (Read 12623 times)


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Re: Kaetir: Icarian Armor
« Reply #30 on: December 06, 2010, 11:56:22 PM »
Something tells me that the 'Sly Bastard' thing is gonna be a recurring joke. :3

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


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Re: Kaetir: Icarian Armor
« Reply #31 on: December 07, 2010, 03:34:00 AM »
Something tells me that the 'Sly Bastard' thing is gonna be a recurring joke. :3

Something tells me your right :3


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: Kaetir: Icarian Armor
« Reply #32 on: December 07, 2010, 05:32:07 AM »
This character coming up, Isatere Reib, is in my top three favorites for this story so far. Her magic involves summoning up constructs - of any shape or number. Said constructs are pretty much arrogant in how they flaunt their lack of obedience towards the laws of physics. Unbeknownst to her, she's also one of the Inner Goddesses, who resurrects every time she dies, with the same abilities and personalities, but no memories. She's a stop-gap measure in case some kind of cataclysm knocks off all the major pantheon of Gods; if the head God, Baedlius is injured (he can't be killed, either), Isatere goes into auto-pilot mode and summons up new Gods.
While most of the actor referrals were a bit silly, in Isatere's case, I earnestly want you to imagine her as Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, or the woman who does as much English VA work as Johnny Yong Bosch (Major Kusanagi in GitS, Princess Cornelia in Code Geass).

Now, on with the story!

Chapter 7

Isatere raised her hand to the side of her head and wiggled her fingers in a small gesture.

The towering, dark creature behind her saw the gesture and looked up in front of her. There, a single figure stood at the ready, bearing a sword in a two-handed grip.

The shadowy creature leaned forward and roared a deep, guttural bellow, glaring at the single swordsman. Rather than stepping around Isatere, it simply absorbed its face into itself and spilled over her, as though it were being poured from a pitcher. The fact that it was spilling upwards, in clear defiance of gravity, didn?t seem to affect it at all.

Once it was relocated as a mound of dark, shapeless blob in front of the austere woman, it pulled itself back up into a remotely humanoid shape ? two legs, two arms, a rounded top more similar than not to a human head, although it was lacking a neck.

Rebuilt in front of its master, it felt it necessary to roar again before charging forward. Satisfied with its noisy behavior, it began bounding towards the man who had offended it.

Tightening his grip on the blade in his hands, the swordsman steadied his stance and waited for the construct to get closer before he?d make his move.

And when that time came, and he moved, he really moved.

Rather, he moved quickly, but time seemed to have a hard time keeping up. Instead of actually dashing to the side as he appeared to Isatere and her construct, he was simply sidestepping in careful and measured steps, while the black-blue-purple creature lumbered slowly towards where he had been standing.

Good timing at that, too, thought Isatere. The massive hulk of magic had coiled its arm back, as though it were going to throw a punch from roughly five yards away, and instead hurled a dark blue ball of energy at Dante?s original spot. When the ball hit the ground, it splattered backwards ? again, in spite of the normal laws of physics ? and then built itself into a bubble.

The construct continued forward, clearly aware that Dante wasn?t in front of it anymore, but it still wanted to recover the bits of itself that it had thrown. As it neared the bubble, it hopped up and turned halfway, in the direction Dante had slid away. In its ?peripheral? vision, it spotted the young swordsman throw himself through the air at it.

Letting a sword stab into you is an unpleasant experience, though only if you?re organic in nature or have pain receptors throughout your being. The construct didn?t fit into either of these categories, but it wasn?t keen on the idea of letting the man slash it. The simplest solution it could think of, while its momentum was still carrying it forward ? and the laws of physics were determined to keep it that way, to make the blue creature pay for ignoring them earlier ? was to drop down. This is a plausible move for anything, organic or not, although humans tend to have a bit of trouble just letting themselves fall completely apart and become a puddle in the ground.

Dante successfully cleared the construct before he landed, skidding and turning in one fluid motion. He hadn?t swung the sword ? it wasn?t meant for slashing, but for stabbing and bludgeoning ? and couldn?t use its weight to help him turn. Instead he switched his grip around and kept it pointed at the far wall, and turned to face the construct with the sword behind him.

The golem was rising up out of the puddle of itself faster than he?d expected ? Dante barely had time to satisfy his condition again before it was lumbering at him once again.

He didn?t sidestep it, this time, and instead chose to jump at it again. Bringing the sword around from behind him forced him to slash with it, losing some of the weapons potential for damage.

Magic constructs are tall; they lack organs and bones. Dante wasn?t burdened with heavy armor, and the sword was an old favorite, one whose weight went unnoticed in his familiar hands. Because his magic warped his personal flow of time, which had unusual effects on how he was affected by gravity, he was able to push off and jump up high enough to bring the sword to bear on the constructs? neck ? if it had one. When he made contact with it he was surprised at how little resistance it had on his swing. The straight blade passed through the constructs neck easily, separating the head from the body. As the two pieces went their separate ways, they lost cohesion and turned into small globes of black-blue-purple.

Dante?s trajectory carried him right through them, and as they hit him they shattered as though made of glass and rocketed away from him, spiting physics once more.

The globes that he didn?t hit fell to the ground behind him, further from Isatere than where Dante had started. The young man?s jump had deposited him facing Isatere, who was simply standing and watching the fight with her hands clasped behind her back. Her face was neutral and he couldn?t make out her eyes behind the tiny glasses suspended in front of them.

Dante considered himself lucky she wasn?t attacking him as well; she could summon more of these magic constructs at-will, and the one was aggravating enough as it was. He?d heard that she was proficient with a sword, as well, however he?d only seen her ever handle a hatchet ? and that was only to look at it, never to swing it.

He pushed Isatere from his thoughts, and glanced back at the puddle on the ground.

The puddle was a construct again.

?You?ve got to be kidding me! This isn?t fair, Isatere!? he exclaimed. Isatere laughed.

?You?re forgetting something very important about Magus fights, Dante.?

He looked back at her. She was still standing there, arms behind her back. He was afraid that she had in fact summoned another construct while he was distracted, but she was still standing alone.
He blinked at her, and she rolled her eyes. ?The Mage, Dante. Magic goes away when you get rid of the Mage.?

His jaw dropped in astonished stupidity. Of course. This wasn?t a training test for his swordsmanship ? he?d already passed those exams long ago. This was a Magus battle exam ? and he?d completely forgotten the Magus.

Turning his body to match his head, he began running towards the woman.

She stood her ground, unwavering, without blinking.

As Dante brought his sword up and inverted his grip, setting the point forward towards her, she finally unclasped her hands from her back and blinked. She dropped her arms to her side and glared at him.
He brought his sword up a short distance, away from her but kept it forward. He wouldn?t try to harm her, regardless of the parameters of the training exercise.

Despite his good intentions, he wouldn?t have gotten close to her anyways. A messy mop of red hair barged into his view, coming up from below and matching Isatere?s glare. It was another young man, and in his left hand, he had a short dagger in a reverse-handed grip, holding it flat against his forearm. This, he used to swat Dante?s sword away, and in a surprising flurry of movement he swung the dagger around into a proper grip and applied it to Dante?s sword. With a flick of his wrist, the sword tumbled out of the other man?s hand and fell to the ground.

Dante grabbed his wrist and swore. The disarm stung his hand, but didn?t actually cut him.

?Augh. I wasn?t going to hit her!? he spat, rubbing at his wrist. The red-haired man let his arms slack, but still didn?t stop glaring at him.

Isatere set her hand on his shoulder, and told him aside. Behind Dante, the construct tottered up and grumbled at him. With a glance up at the creature, Isatere dismissed it, scattering its essence to the absent wind.

?You?ve passed this exercise well enough, Dante. In a proper battle, things will be so chaotic it wouldn?t be expected to remember everything. We?re hoping to get you trained up enough to let your instincts take over and carry you through the fight in one piece.?

A single pair of hands let out a slow round of applause. The three combatants turned to look to the entrance; two men had let themselves in, one resplendent in flowing Guild Master robes, and the other wearing a light suit of armor. They were both striding towards Isatere?s group.

The Guild Master, Reginald Heighler, was applauding.

Isatere narrowed her eyes slightly; at the distance between the two groups, Heighler wouldn?t have been able to see it. She found it rather unpleasant to deal with the Maging Guilds, and this one in particular. She was about as fond of Reginald as Dante was with her constructs.

?And just who are you applauding, then, Reginald?? she called out to him. The red haired man flipped his wrist, twirling his dagger around back into a reverse-handed grip, concealing it with his forearm.

Reginald simply stopped clapping and smiled at her.

?Isatere, such a pleasure to see you again. Come to raid our supplies again??

She glared daggers at him. If she hadn?t held her hand out to ward her companion off, he probably would?ve thrown his.

?I need very specific crystals for my work and my research. I can?t just stop at some hut along the side of the road and scoop up a handful ? you know that.?

?Of course, of course. You know, however, that if you actually took up employment at a Guild, you?d have ready access to the crystals, with no worry for cost.?

The armored man beside Reginald coughed lightly into his fist. ?If you?ll excuse me, Master Heighler, I?d like to receive my squire and return to the garrison grounds??

Without even looking at him, Reginald waved his hand dismissively. ?Yes, of course, take them with you.?

Isatere shook her head. ?Dante is the only one going with him. This is my summon ??
The red-haired man interrupted her, speaking simultaneously as her, ?Novos Culor.?
?? Novos Culor Reib, not one of your toy soldiers.? Dante blinked at the phrase ?toy soldiers?, but held his silence.

The knight standing next to Reginald seemed to take enough offense for the both of them. ?I beg your pardon, woman?? he spat, putting his hand on the hilt of his sword.

?Allow me to arrive unto myself.? Isatere crossed her arms and glared at the knight now, glad to have an excuse to vent her frustration towards Reginald.

Realizing that she?d just incanted a condition, and that she was preparing her magic, the knight drew his sword quickly and held it up at ready. The blade flashed, and Isatere was left with an impression of a flat disc based around the sword.

In response, Isatere called up three of her constructs directly around the knight. Two were bipedal, and the one directly in front of the knight was a quadruped.

In unison, they all bellowed at the swordsman.

Clearly startled, the knight turned quickly and slashed with his sword around to the right, away from Reginald. The construct he slashed at was severed almost equally through its waist, and the top half seemed to spill like liquid over the lower half. The legs remained connected to each other, and they staggered back before trying to scrabble forward towards the knight.

He rotated back on to the front, bending at his knees and pulling the hilt of the sword above his head, point angled down. The quadruped construct then leapt forward at him, and the knight dropped the point of the sword almost straight downward. The disc Isatere thought she?d seen flared back into the visible light spectrum as the construct smashed into it; the knight heaved forward, shoving it towards Isatere. Startled, she stepped back.

The construct opposite the one slashed by the knight shattered brilliantly, pieces of the creature rocketing through the air. Surprised at how quickly the constructs were being subdued, Isatere prepared to conjure more of them from the ether, but she felt a sharp pain at her shoulder and her foot shot out from beneath her. Quite suddenly, she was falling to the ground. A sudden jerk stopped her from completely falling on her face, but her glasses slipped off of her nose and tumbled to the ground.
Dante must?ve grabbed her and dropped her halfway to the floor. She glared at the ground, locks of hair falling loose from her bangs. The quadruped construct was the only one that hadn?t suffered damage yet, and with a bit of focused attention she rebuilt the other two constructs.

The four-legged construct sank into the ground and became a puddle for a moment, before shifting completely into a shadow. In the blink of an eye, it slid under Isatere and rose back up, melting around her and hardening into armor while replacing her glasses upon her nose. In her half-fallen position, it lined up almost perfectly and she was able to use its long limbs to support herself while Novos Culor grabbed Dante and pulled him away from her. The two original constructs rebuilt themselves around the knight, separating him from Reginald.

The construct between the two puffed itself up, and bellowed loudly again. Its opposite, meanwhile, shot a pseudo-pod towards the knight?s sword, seizing it within a mass of itself, snatching the blade away.

Isatere rose up to a proper bipedal pose, and refocused her glare to the knight. In a rather disappointing move, he reached to his side and drew out another blade, one that was in a concealed sheath along the outer thigh of his armor.

The construct nearest Reginald plucked that sword away from him, as well.

Reginald himself had a strange ring hovering around his wrist, slowly spinning along in its own little orbit. He held this up to the construct that was now holding a sword within itself, and the ring flashed. The construct rippled along its middle, and the head was blasted forward into its chest. This time, however, it didn?t shatter, and instead turned and grumbled at Reginald.

Surrounded by two constructs that now held two of his swords in them, and presented with a strangely glowing blue woman in front of him, the knight decided to try to holster his last sword in the woman-construct. He wasn?t aware that it was in fact Isatere, surrounded by one of her own summons.

He procured another short sword from his other thigh, and lunged forward at her with it.

The construct that she?d surrounded herself with was solid enough for her to hold her hand open in front of the sword and grab the point, and redirect it alongside her. She tucked it under her free arm, closed her arm over it, and wrenched it out of his grip. In doing so, she tugged the knight towards her,
and reached up and slapped him hard.

?I do not apologize for my comment; you soldiers only destroy. I strive to create. Novos Culor will not ever become a conscript. I trained him myself, and no others will leave their impression on his mind.?
Reginald eyed Novos Culor. He had tucked the arm that wasn?t adorned with the floating ring behind his back, and held the other arm in front of his chest, and was slowly lowering it. The ring faded from existence.

?It?s just a summon. You?ll have to start over with a new one once he gets destroyed, or you stop focusing on him. Aren?t you being a little bit trite??

Novos Culor released Dante and stood up straight. His dagger was hidden again; he?d sheathed it before tackling the younger swordsman. Quietly, he stepped behind Isatere and watched Reginald intently. The younger mans? stare unsettled the Guild Master, for reasons he couldn?t define.

?He is permanent. He is human. He has every organ you and I have; he bleeds as we do.?

Reginald looked at the redheaded man again. He couldn?t tell for certain, but it seemed as though he?d narrowed his eyes slightly. Perhaps it was just his paranoia.

?And you? summoned him, did you?? he asked.

?You?ve known me for long enough. Have I ever been with a child? No. This construct formed as a full human, roughly a year ago. I myself don?t know how I managed it,? she said.

The knight stood still, bristling with quiet rage. Reginald finally took notice of him and his lack of weapons, surrounded by angrier constructs. ?I don?t suppose you could return the Commandants weapons, if you don?t mind??

Isatere looked at the knight. ?Provided he doesn?t try to use them against me again.?

The constructs on either side of the knight grumbled, and the swords suspended within them slowly protruded out of their chests, hilts first. The Commandant reached towards the long-sword first. As he wrapped his hands around the grip, he heaved into the construct slightly, but the sword didn?t budge. It only moved as he pulled it out, and refused to go in any other direction.

Despite the rather fluid appearance of the constructs and their liquid-like movements, the swords came free and were completely dry. As he completely drew the sword out of each construct, it growled and shattered like glass. Each shard vanished before it hit the ground.

The Commandant sheathed the long-sword and held his half-blade for a moment before looking towards Isatere. The two bipedal constructs were gone; it was just her, still sheathed in her quadruped construct, and still had his last sword.

Isatere watched him blankly, then abruptly set her face into a sharp glare at him, and in a fluid motion pulled his last sword out of her construct and swung it brutally in an upward slash, knocking his sword out of his hands and flipping it away from him. She tossed the sword she was holding after its matching partner, letting them ring out against the floor as they skittered away.

Reginald laughed. ?You picked up on that, too, didn?t you? I thought you weren?t a telepath.?

Isatere frowned at the knight. ?I?m not, but this construct is. It warned me.?

The knight rubbed his hand; Isatere was a graceful fighter, but just because she knew how to move smoothly didn?t mean she couldn?t pack a fierce amount of power behind her strikes.

The construct surrounding most of Isatere slowly sank into the ground, sliding smoothly over her when her feet touched the floor, and she stopped sinking. Once it was completely gone she stepped away from Dante, and glared at the Commandant. ?I do believe I won?t be staying to help train the rest of the squires, Reginald. I?ll be collecting my crystals and departing as soon as possible.?

Reginald turned away from the knight and his apprentice, and followed behind Isatere. ?I still don?t see why you refuse to take up full employment at a Guild.?

?I travel with the moons. My summoning magic is based in Alteration, however I?ve discovered that I tap into fragments of Clerical magic occasionally. I?m trying to find out exactly when, and how, I do so, and if I follow the moons in their orbits I can expect to receive a small boost to their corresponding magic type.?

Reginald cocked an eyebrow. ?Really? I wasn?t aware that proximity to the moons boosted magical proficiency. Are you certain on this??

Isatere sighed. ?It?s a very miniscule change, if there?s even one present. If I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that there really is a boost, I?ll make sure to publish it and submit it to the Guilds. Until then, no, I?m not certain.?

Behind Reginald, the quadruped construct sank upwards out of the ground and padded along after the two Magus. It wasn?t subtle or stealthy about its approach; it scraped its claws across the ground noisily and kept pace easily.

Reginald looked behind him, expecting to see Novos Culor and his shock of red hair. He was slightly unsettled by the silent reappearance of the rather noisy construct, and at the fact that it was so closely following them.

?Yes, it?s necessary. Your Commandant doesn?t seem to be one to let even a small insult go unpunished, so I?m letting it stay between us.?

The Guild Master grinned easily. ?Of course. What about your other summon, the human construct??
Isatere heaved another sigh. Dealing with Reginald was comparable to the last thread on an already incredibly thin rope.

?It?s not a construct, it?s a human. He?s got more free will than my proper constructs have ? that is, he actually has free will. He?ll follow us when he feels like it. Has an uncanny knack to always know where I am, somehow. I?m sure he?ll find me.?

Reginald glanced over his shoulder, looking back at the knights and the redhead. The quadruped construct was somehow even closer to him, and it propped its head up slightly and stared at him, as though it were considering eating him. Reginald tried to ignore the construct as best he could.

The Commandant had recovered his half-swords and had sheathed them, and was rubbing his wrist absently while talking to his squire. Dante was rubbing his wrist, as well. Neither one looked to be in a hurry to follow the Mages, or give them trouble. Novos Culor was standing a ways off to the side by himself, watching the two swordsmen intently.

Ahead of him, Isatere opened the doorway to the training chamber and stepped through without waiting for Reginald. As he turned forward again, the door very nearly struck him, as it swung shut; after a moment?s surprise, Reginald stopped the door and pushed it open. He stepped through to the other side and closed the door, hoping to leave the quadruped construct in the room, or that Isatere would dismiss it. Much to his dismay, its head seemed to pass through the door with little consequence, and stared at him again.

Unsettled, he turned and strode after Isatere.

Novos Culor is literally a blank slate - Isatere accidentally satisfied her condition for summoning a God-template and conjured him up, but there weren't any vacancies in the pantheon. Ergo, Novos Culor simply follows Isatere around and obeys her. He doesn't have much of a personality, but he's incredibly defensive over Isatere, and excels at being defensive. He has the ability to tap into active magic nearby and re-purpose it for his own needs - such as Dante's time-manipulation magic. WHOOPS SPOILERS


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Kaetir: Icarian Armor
« Reply #33 on: December 08, 2010, 07:18:25 PM »
Commandant Yome is a Paladin, just like Damian and Keroth. His next appearance in the story hasn't been written yet, but keep that in mind - the Paladin's aren't directly affiliated with the Guilds.

Dante grinned at the Commandant. The older knight didn?t have any magical prowess ? his largest sword had a crystal embedded in the hilt that would manifest a defensive shield if he held the sword still long enough while it was unsheathed. Otherwise, he was simply the best swordsman amongst the Paladins in the area that Reginald could convince to take over the defensive garrison. Dante had been his squire for some time now; the two had met nearly eight years prior, and Dante was studying under him for the past four.

?I like to think I did very well right there, considering today?s lesson, sir.?

The knight smirked. ?Did you, now? Well, what was the lesson??

Dante laughed. ?If you take the Magus out, the magic goes with it. I wasn?t about to stab Lady Reib, though ? I know she?s a very important person to the guild. I figured though that if I could distract her, her constructs might go away.?

The knight tilted his head slightly, indicating an abandoned sword laying a few feet away from them. ?Of course you weren?t going to stab her. You didn?t even have your sword.?

?To be fair, Commandant Yome, neither did you after a while. The Lady Reib seems to be rather proficient with disarming swordsmen. Seems she?s passed that on to her own squire.?

Yome looked at the redhead; the other man was staring intently at them, obviously unashamed to be so brazenly watching them. However, neither group seemed interested in exchanging blows, so the only thing the air remained thick with was tension.

He addressed the redhead. ?She said you were a human construct, and that you had a name. What was it??

?Novos Culor Reib.? He was brief and to the point with his words.

Yome nodded. ?And you weren?t naturally born??

Novos Culor shook his head.

?She?s trained you in fighting??

He shook his head again.

Yome blinked. ?You?re untrained, but you managed to surprise a squire of four years and disarm him in one fell swoop??

?I am not untrained. Isatere Reib did not train me.?

Yome glanced at Dante. ?Would either of you object to sparring for a short while??

Dante nodded. Novos Culor flicked his wrist; his dagger was there, in a proper grip once again.

Isatere strode along, not paying any attention to anything Reginald said, or even registering whether or not he was talking.


Isatere let out an exasperated sigh. ?Do these soldiers think of anything but swords, grunting, and testosterone? Excuse me, Reginald, I know where the crystals are stored and who to refer to in regards to payment. I have to go calm your tin men down.?

She turned and strode quickly back the way they came; she was glad to have an excuse to abandon Reginald without giving him the courtesy of a chance to reply.

She was worried about Novos Culor; he didn?t seem to have any magic, and if he did, neither of them knew how to satisfy his Condition. Dante, however, only had to arrange his fingers in a certain pattern ? which he could do while holding a sword ? and he could warp the flow of time, allowing himself to move faster in time while everything around him remained at a relatively normal pace. To someone unaffected by his magic, he would seem to glide around as though unaffected by friction, and his movements would be many times faster than someone could hope to match.
Novos Culor had the apparent energy to fight, and it seemed the necessary skill to disarm him while he wasn?t using his magic, but aside from that little trick of the wrist she had never actually watched him fight.

While the two of them were traveling, they had once come upon a wandering group of less than reputable characters, which seemed to have planned to have their way with Isatere before robbing her of her equipment and selling Novos Culor into slavery. Before she could summon her constructs, one of the men had grabbed Novos Culor and started to bring his knife to the redhead?s neck. In one smooth motion, Novos Culor had flipped the thug over his shoulder and somehow removed his knife from his possession. He held it at the ready, but before he could put it to use Isatere summoned up a squad of constructs and scared the remainder off. After that, Novos Culor kept the dagger, but never had opportunity to actually use it.

The quadruped construct took the lead, and when they came up to the door leading to the weapons room it walked right through it.

Since Isatere never dismissed this last construct, her magic was still active, and she didn?t have to say her incantation to satisfy the condition. Instead, she just tapped into her magic and pulled four more constructs up out of the ground in the chamber beyond the door.

Rather than using her imagination to guide the appearance of these summonses, she just pulled the essence of her magic together and forced it into cohesion. When she stepped through the door, she cast a quick glance at the new summons and committed their locations to memory. She didn?t want to be distracted by trying to remember which construct was where if she needed to bind them together.
These summons seemed to ignore physics even more than the one she used against Dante. They had thick arms, broad shoulders, a sunken head, but no lower limbs. Their waists just tapered off and hovered above the ground.

The Commandant was surprised by their sudden reappearance, but didn?t move from his spot nor reach for his blades. He simply stood and had his arms crossed over his chest, watching Dante and Novos Culor size each other up.

?I?m not interfering. Novos and Dante both agreed to have a sparring match,? Commandant Yome said. He didn?t take his eyes off the two younger men.

Isatere stepped up behind him. ?If I feel that anything has been done to my summon-? without taking his attention off Dante, Novos Culor corrected her again with his name, ?- I will not hesitate to slaughter you and your little playmate where you stand. Am I understood??

Yome nodded. ?Of course. This is a fight between them, and not me, you, or your summons,? he turned slightly and looked pointedly at her.

She frowned. With a wave, the two constructs on the far side of the room shattered into non-existence. ?That?s all you?ll get.?

The quadruped construct sauntered up alongside her and bumped her hand up onto the top of its head. Yome watched it for a moment, and then turned back to the swordsmen. ?Very well. Dante, Novos, feel free to begin whenever you?re ready.?

Isatere saw Dante?s lowest hand on the hilt of his sword move slightly, and she closed her eyes. He was starting out with his magic to begin with, and Novos Culor had nothing to counter it with, so far as she could tell.

There was a sharp metallic report. The distinct sound of a sword being dropped to the ground; Isatere opened her eyes.

Dante had been shoved behind Novos Culor, and had ended up falling to his stomach. His sword was on the ground, rocking slightly, just a few feet beyond him. Novos Culor straightened himself out of a combat stance, and twirled the dagger back around in his hand to a reverse-handed grip.
Commandant Yome uncrossed his arms in shock, and his jaw dropped. Isatere let a smug smile play across her face, before wiping the signs of satisfaction away.

?How- What- Dante, what happened?!? he called, striding over to the young swordsman.

The quadruped construct looked up at Isatere and chuffed.


Isatere stared at the redhead. He did? what?

Novos Culor turned around and sheathed his dagger, then offered a hand to Dante. The squire rolled onto his back and took him up on his offer, letting Dante pull him back up to his feet.

?You can warp time, too?? he asked the redhead.

Novos Culor shook his head. ?No. You can.?

Dante blinked, and dropped the subject. He gathered his sword up off the ground, clipping it to the makeshift bracket he had on his belt.

Yome finally recovered his composure and closed his mouth. He turned to face Isatere.

?Earlier you said you trained him, and just a few moments ago he contradicted you by saying you didn?t. Which is it? Whom do I believe?? he asked.

Isatere shook her head. ?Neither of us. Not so far we trust each other. But, in answer to your underlying question, I did not train him in the use of a weapon. I taught him some of the finer arts of science. I myself will not be teaching him what I know about fighting. He seems to have come predisposed to some nice melee tricks.?

She beckoned to Novos Culor, calling him over. At the same time, the last floating constructs shredded themselves to oblivion and the quadruped sank into the floor again.

Yome bowed slightly at the waist. ?I apologize for my past behavior. Reginald has? lead me to believe he isn?t satisfied with knights of any caliber. He has recruited me in to replace his former garrison commander, and expressed his dissatisfaction at the previous Paladin?s method for getting things done. In my zeal to give a more positive impression to Heighler, I?m afraid I let my emotions go far beyond what I should?ve.
?I understand you may not be so keen on forgiving me; that?s the consequence for my actions. But I would like to ask of you a question, and perhaps a favor.?

She glanced over at Dante. He was simply standing quietly, obediently waiting for his elders to go about their business. She turned back to Yome.

?Go ahead.?

?How long will you be in the area? If you?ll be here for a few days longer, I?d like to have your construct here ?? Novos Culor muttered his own name again, correcting Yome without speaking up to interrupt him, ?- spar with some of my new charges. He is extremely skilled with a dagger, and I hope to teach the other squires a thing or two about disarming without injuring someone.?

Isatere sniffed. She wasn?t keen on staying any longer than necessary, especially not in Rispaire and incidentally, near Reginald. She didn?t feel she owed Yome for any reason, but having a Commandant in charge of a garrison owe you a favor, no matter how small, was always useful.

?I will be here overnight. I will allow Novos Culor to demonstrate what he knows about disarming, provided he has no objections. I want you to remember to treat him as a human ? because, that?s exactly what he is. Not just an abstract collection of magic like my other works.?

Yome straightened out of his bow and nodded, smiling. ?And could I convince you to help train the other conscripts, as well? Your constructs would be an immensely useful asset. The ability for the squires to practice what they know, without holding back, and against sentient ??
? ? eh, yes, semi-sentient beings. It would be a great help.?

She pushed her miniscule glasses further onto her nose, as an old habit.

?I will be busy elsewhere in the Maging Guild itself, not in the garrison. My constructs, however, can remain without my presence indefinitely. They won?t be as intelligent, however, and will only react to aggression. They will be resilient, so your trainees can be as brutal as they want, be it with steel or with magic. When I finish with my errands I?ll return to the garrison until sundown and share what I know. Is there anywhere larger than this chamber I can put my minions??

Yome blinked. ?The outdoors training yard. Is there anything I need to know about the constructs??

?Don?t strike them and let go of your weapon. They always pull things into them if I let them.?

She turned and strode away from him, back towards the door. The quadruped construct followed her, albeit with its body still underground. The sight of its head slinking along the ground was a bit disconcerting to the swordsmen. Dante coughed lightly into his fist.

Dante cannot completely stop time - all he can do is speed it up for himself. Yome, while being a Paladin, doesn't actually have any special abilities. He's just that good with his swords. His main sword has been enchanted to project psychokinetic barriers.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 07:20:21 PM by Jewesifex »


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Kaetir: Icarian Armor
« Reply #34 on: December 11, 2010, 05:02:23 AM »
Anja thinks with portals. Also, the return of Sifarus! He goes by Sefidicus now.
This one's fairly sizable, so settle in, folks.

Outside the training chamber, Reginald stood in another room connected to the same hallway. He was watching the fight between Dante and the human-construct; he wasn?t paying attention when Isatere said its name. He was interested in Dante?s magic; the ability to speed up his own progression of time while affecting no one else was a very interesting ability, one he?d like to study in further detail.

It seemed, however, that Novos Culor had the same peculiar trait.

?What?s this?? Anja asked, quite suddenly scaring Reginald. He turned around; behind her was a shimmering globe, slowly shriveling until it stopped at the size of a small snow-globe.

?How?d you get here?? he asked.

She was grinning; obviously, she?d used magic, or had found something that she could use to startle him with, and was obviously amused with the result.

?I was reading up some texts in the library. They mentioned how the royal palaces used a sort of warped space magic ? albeit a very rare form of magic altogether ? to Shift people and materials that are normally unable to Shift on their own to other locations. They called it Rune-Array Matter Shift ??

?They only called that so they could have a convenient acronym. It?s just a fancy way to say ?strange portal that you shove things into?.?

?I suppose. Anyways, the book said they used another Magus, one that they were familiar with, in the target location to use as a focal point. I figured I?d home in on you, and come see what you?re doing.?
She strode over alongside him and manipulated the set of crystals laid into the frame Reginald was standing in front of. The events that had unfolded in the training center began to repeat themselves in a small reconstruction of the chamber.

She was still grinning as she watched the multiple fights take place. Reginald turned his attention to them as well. It was the third time he?d seen the initial sparring match between Dante and Isatere?s first construct.

Anja was watching it with a hawk?s focus. She was more interested in the construct, and wasn?t watching Dante when he began to use his time-warping effect. After he dodged the first time and leapt through the air the first time, she turned her attention to him.

?He can fly? No, that?s not flight? he?s just athletically trained. That was quite a jump, but how did he move like that?? she asked.

?His magic involves causing time to speed up for just himself; he appears to move much faster than us, and we appear to move much slower than him. I don?t understand the exact physics for how his magic behaves when he?s airborne, but it seems to cause him to have a more pronounced trajectory.?

Anja held up a hand. The field of warped air that signified the presence of her magus field was slowly staining itself into a light blue tone, as though it were leaching some of the energy from Isatere?s constructs.

Her other hand had a matching field, and these she used as a dancer?s poi?s. She twisted and turned, dancing in place and letting her hands trace intricate patterns through the air, leaving small contrails for a moment before they faded from sight, all while channeling the magic.

To Reginald, she was dancing rapidly, as though keeping in time with a song heard at a festival. He assumed, correctly, that she was using the same kind of magic that Dante could use.

She stopped dancing with a flourish, arms spread and one leg turned out.

?How long was that for you?? she asked.

?About ten, fifteen seconds. You??

Her smile spread slightly. ?A minute and a half.?

Reginald nodded. ?So, now, you?ve aged a minute and fifteen seconds older than I have.?

Anja?s amusement completely vanished. ?I am not doing that again. Maybe not until I?m older.?

The Guild Master chuckled at her shock. ?That?s the problem with Magus who can manipulate time. They always end up dying sooner than they should.?

His apprentice was shaken, and he considered this to be ample revenge for startling him. Things were well. He turned his attention back to the fights going on in the recreation of the training chamber.
Anja turned away from the array of crystals and smiled. She traced a circle in the air with her hand, and another ?Rune-Array Matter Shifting Portal? opened, connected to her study. She stepped through and it collapsed behind her.

Sifarus pulled himself into more of an upright position. He was once again perched on the armrest of one of the plush chairs, and was leaning over backwards across the back of it. When he heard the subtle swishing noise of displaced air, he opened his mind to the confines of the room and sensed Anja. He felt it would be more appropriate to address her sitting upright, rather than studying the ceiling.

He also wanted to take another look at Anja.

She forced the smile off of her face, pressing her lips into a stern frown quickly to ensure that the portal was completely destroyed. Satisfied with the result, she took on a mask of defeat and plopped down into the chair opposite Sifarus?.

She crossed her legs tightly; anything less and she?d be embarrassed by the short skirt she was wearing. It matched the small, loose, low-cut blouse she had on, as well.

?So, how?d that little trick go?? he asked her, struggling to keep his eyes up and focused on hers.

She sighed and rolled her head back. Sifarus took this as an invitation to let his gaze wander. ?He was more interested in the magic that a swordsman was using, some time-manipulation trick. When I emulated it, he was more impressed by the fact that I could twist my magic into a similar form than by my fashion sense. He was also more pleased with the fact that I managed to recreate another set of difficult magic ? the Rune-Arrays ? than my flashing him.?

Sifarus choked. ?You flashed him?? He felt a moments? envy.

?I may as well have! I have no clue where these clothes came from, and I?m not eager to wear them again. I do plan on switching into something more modest as soon as possible,? she said.

?Don?t let me stop you.?

Anja rose and strode quickly to the small division of the study; in the wall opposite the counter, hidden from Sifarus? seat, was a moderately small closet. She turned her back to Sifarus and peeled the blouse off, flicking it into the closet lazily and plucking another, larger shirt out and slipping it over her head. She sat down below the counter to deal with her skirt.

Sifarus grinned and leaned back again in defeat. Ah, well.

Sithenth affected a sigh. To a basic human, one with little or no mental prowess, he was invisible. A basic human, however, would?ve found it impossible to exist on the same plane he was lazing about.
He had dissipated his body and collected his consciousness in the typical planar territory that the Gods plotted and planned from. To the humans who asked about this plane, it was simply called the ?spiritual realm of the Gods?; to the Gods, it wasn?t anything spectacular or important enough to actually have a proper name. They could?ve done the same things there as they could anywhere else ? the Rogue Gods had to do just that, in fact; if they attempted to enter this plane, the collected Inner Gods would turn as one and attack them.

Sithenth preferred to work his mischief here; he could maintain a mental link with any of his Pactios and watch their actions without directly putting himself in danger, or in sight. It was also easier to coax another God into lending their resources to his endeavors.

To him, and the other Gods milling about, however, there were no sight problems. A God rarely actually used their eyes; even in a corporeal plane, they kept their mind open to danger and perceived their surroundings with their mind. Relying on their eyes gave them a sensation of blindness ? they had perfect vision, but being unable to see what was behind them was disconcerting. The collected Gods and their self-fashioned territory were as visible to them as the mountains and plain lands of Kaetir were to mortal humans walking the surface.

It was his idea to have Anja try to seduce Heighler; even Sithenth himself was vulnerable to female wiles, so he lazily assumed the Guild Master was as well.

Evidently not. The man was obsessed with magic and its workings.

It was still worth it just to see Anja in those clothes. From the God?s Plane he could clearly see anything on Kaetir, with specific attention and detail to everything around each of his Pactios. The counter, as well as Anja turning her back to Sifarus, didn?t affect Sithenth?s view of the young lady, and he felt no shame at admiring her form. A moment passed where he, a God of several centuries, felt slightly awkward for observing her, a human mortal only about two decades old, but it was only a moment, and it passed.

He rose from the reclining position he?d taken upon the futon. The God?s Plane was always shifting, but Sithenth made sure that there was always something for him to completely drop himself onto ? the fact that no Gods had corporeal bodies at the moment didn?t stop them from putting the effort forth to project their own mental images of themselves onto the surroundings ? and mentally projecting the surroundings themselves.

His resplendent uniform was complete in all aspects save for his helm; this he gripped in his hand, letting the straps trail along behind him.

Azierxin tracked him as he wandered about the Plane. She had her typical blank stare plastered to her face; he turned his eyeless face to her pointedly and kept it aimed at her as deliberately as she stared at him. She held her hands in front of her stomach, wrists turned so each palm faced the opposite. Between them, a blue fire was twisting about; it had no base, nothing to suspend it in midair, and it was spherical in shape. Sithenth cocked an eyebrow at it, and then turned his attention back to the Goddess.

?Didn?t the humans ever tell you it?s impolite to stare? Ah, right? I forgot, you have no followers,? he sneered. ?However you became an Inner Goddess I?ll never know.?

?I have followers. I am being empowered as we speak. I maintain the faith-mana, a resource even you yourself use regularly. Without me, your powers would quickly expire.? She turned her own attention downwards to her blue fire. ?I hold here the faith-mana being devoted to me.?

Sithenth looked at it, and reached out to touch it. There was no heat, of course, but the sensation that he felt was amazing, brilliant.

?My bad,? he apologized to her. She blinked widely at him.

?You?ve become a Rogue?? she asked, and took a single step back.

Sithenth wanted to strangle her. Instead, he heaved another exasperated sigh. ?No, blasted woman ? it means ?I was wrong, I apologize?, or ?I?m sorry.?? He pointed at the fire twisting in her hands. ?Perhaps you should interact with the humans more often, get to understand their ways of talking ? and staring at people. Perhaps you should go visit whoever is worshipping you now and thank them, even.?

Azierxin looked at the fire twisting between her hands silently. She twisted one hand underneath it, and it sank into her palm. Suddenly she clapped her other hand over the fire, startling Sithenth and evidently destroying it. When she opened her hands back up, a small ember remained, which very slowly began to grow into another flame.

?I will thank him.? With that, she left the God?s Plane.

?You never seem to know when to just shut up, do you, Sithenth??

The eyeless God turned to look at whoever was addressing him.

The Cleric from the Shrine Sifarus had ended up at a few weeks past was standing in the God?s Plane.

?Oh? This is a momentous occasion, a mortal human ascending to the God?s Plane.?

The Cleric shook his head. ?You?re the Trickster God and you don?t even recognize one of your basic pranks? For shame.?

Sithenth narrowed his ?eyes?. Finally, it clicked, and he was able to pick out the identity of this doppelganger.

?Well, Liez?rial, it?s been a while since we?ve spoken, face to somebody else?s face.?

Sithenth would be played a seven-foot-tall Johnny Depp.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Kaetir: Icarian Armor
« Reply #35 on: December 11, 2010, 05:08:12 AM »
Our Prayers are Different

Acied was kneeling down on his knees, hands dropped to his sides, fingertips splayed out from each other and resting on the floor. His head was tilted forward slightly, and he had his eyes closed. Sara sat in the farthest corner of their room on the bed, gently strumming her harp and humming softly. In a sense, they were doing the same thing, but in their own separate ways.

?Thank you.?

Acied opened his eyes, but didn?t look up. ?Not sure what for, but you?re welcome, Sara,? he said ? failing to notice that she?d stopped humming and her harp had fallen silent.

?I didn?t say that, Acied ? she did,? Sara said.

Acied finally turned to look. Between them, another woman stood, holding one hand up with a blue flame in it.

He rose to his feet without even realizing it. Sara slid back on the bed and huddled into the corner, hugging her harp to her chest. Acied saw her grasp at the catch in the arc, unlocking but not drawing free the small knife held within.

Acied swallowed and sang tunelessly, ?By the Gods? Good Graces, grant me the gear to cure my grief.? With this, he was able to take on a sort of half-wolf, half-man shape better able to fight than an unarmed human. Without continuing to sing, or having Sara support him, he?d only be able to maintain the shape-shift for roughly twenty seconds or so, depending on how long it took for his assumed features to slide back into their norms.

Sara didn?t sing, however. Instead, she was staring at him with her jaw dropped in amazement. The mysterious intruder hadn?t moved towards either of them, and the fire in her hands twisted lazily around, under the effects of the still air of the room ? not under a pyromancers? control. Acied took the time to flex his shoulders, giving himself a feel for his current shape.

He?d intended to only go into a cross between the large traveling wulf and himself, just to give him sharper teeth and claws in case their visitor was unfriendly, as he?d assumed.

Judging by the feeling of his muscles rippling across his back he?d taken on a more massive form than intended; his legs had remained at the same length, but had taken on a coat of fur. His shoulders had broadened out, supporting the massive bulk of his new arms; these all were covered in a layer of fine fur, as well as his head and the snout he now sported. Wicked canines curved out beyond his lower jaw, protruding from his lips like sabers.

He would normally take on a form like this if he needed raw strength mixed with speed, but he could never maintain it by singing for himself. He was closer to tone-deaf than he was to talented, and had never been able to gauge just how musical something had to be before his magic would take hold; the more obviously musical something was, the longer he could maintain a form without hearing the music. His own lyrics rarely carried him beyond half a minute. Not more than five seconds had passed before he made a full evaluation of his new form and realized that if his visitor wasn?t aggressive, she might assume he was and put that fire to good use.

He twisted his magic around a second time, hoping it wouldn?t cause his ?song? to expire; he dropped all outward vestiges of his canine appearance, opting rather to maintain just the stronger skeletal structure, longer fingers, and claws on his hands and feet. After his fangs shrank back to a more manageable, human length, he was able to speak clearly.

?Who are you? Obviously not a Cleric of the Shrine.?

The short woman turned her head back, looking across her shoulder at him. Her long hair swung through the blue fire in her hand, but came out none the worse for wear.

?I am Azierxin.?

Acied blinked. ?My apologies, Goddess ? I was unaware of your corporeal form.?
Sara still didn?t draw out the short knife, but she didn?t secure it either. ?If she?s telling the truth,? she said.

Acied felt his features return to normal. ?That?s a mana-fire she?s holding. Azierxin maintains the flow of mana, and in our corporeal plane, faith-mana manifests as a flame. The only way a mage could safely hold a fire is if they had it under their control; only the most gifted pyromancers can hold fire and make it look like a normal flame, and even then, there?s never much of a need for them to hold up that masquerade.

?Call me trusting, but I?m inclined to believe her. Besides, you?re the telepath; open your mind to her and see if you feel a warm glow.?

After a moments pause, during which Azierxin turned to face Sara directly, the younger lady finally relaxed and clicked the catch on the harp. The end of the knife?s handle rested smoothly against the catch, blending together in what the two of them agreed was a fairly inconspicuous fashion.
Azierxin turned back to Acied and held the fire out towards him.

?Humans have a natural ability to create faith-mana. The more a human believes in something, the more empowered it becomes. To put your faith in another human, or a God, you can bathe them in the faith-mana. A human cannot perceive it unless its in great quantities, and they cannot harness it unless they?re directly consuming magic. Only the Gods can collect it and keep it from dissipating. This is a portion of the faith-mana the two of you have devoted to me; as thanks for devoting yourselves to me, I have chosen to return a portion of your gift to me back to you for your use. Being in the presence of it, unrestrained and uncontained, will allow you to draw further on your respective magicks than you thought previously possible. I will create a container to keep it from dissipating naturally; once you open it, it will begin to expire, especially in the presence of any external magic ? not just your own.

?Good luck for whatever you may use it for.? With that, she vanished, leaving behind a small jar with the fire twisting lazily inside of it and a crack of displaced air.

?Well?? Sara began.

??huh.? Acied finished.

After another confused silence, Sara finally pulled herself to the edge of the bed and dangled her legs over the edge, swinging them easily. ?I imagine it should last for a fair amount of time ? I don?t use magic,? she said. Acied nodded, staring at the fire.

Well, that?s just weird. A Goddess personally delivers a jar of what is basically essence of human to the human it was cultivated from.

That?s just? wow.
He blinked and shook his head. The motion failed to clear as much of the confusion away as he had hoped.

Lucas stepped away from the door to the Lipira Estate. His parents were immensely proud of him for becoming a direct Pactio to an Outer God ? and they were equally impressed by his new armor. It was a close call when his father opened his telepathy up ? Lucas was almost afraid he?d sense the duplicity about Liez?rial?s ability to seize complete control over his body, but the glorious presence of Liez?rial distracted him from focusing on Lucas.

Before letting the door shut behind him, he leaned back to the door and called in.

?Mother, Father, I?m leaving! You?ll want to see this!?

After a moments pause, the elder Lipira?s had gathered.

His father was named Marcus, and his mother was Angelia. The union between the two had born Lucas to Kaetir, and their family tradition had led him to worship the Outer Gods, and he in turn met Liez?rial at a Shrine to the Outer Gods.

Marcus and Angelia were both very much responsible for the majestic sight of their son, clad in platinum armor, leaping clear of the ground and pulling away from them faster than an arrow. He rolled over and angled back to the estate, coming back to hover in front of his parents. He held his mothers? hand between his and kissed it, and turned to his father and bowed down to him in midair. The two men grinned proudly at each other, and his mother smiled warmly.

With one last wave, he turned and pulled away from the ground, leaving his old home behind him. Ahead of him, the Shrine slowly grew from being an obscure smudge on the horizon to the ornate stone cathedral that he was familiar with.

As he touched down and strode to the gigantic double doors, he felt slightly uneasy.

I must be nervous about lying to Mother and Father about Liez?rial.

Without asking permission or giving warning, Liez?rial spoke into Lucas? mind. You didn?t lie. They never asked directly, and you weren?t required to tell the entire truth. In this case, the small white lie did no harm, and prevented them from growing worried. It was not an evil act ? and even if it were, the fact that you feel guilt over it means that you have nothing to worry about.

Lucas was confused by this for a moment, but decided to just do as the Puppet-master suggested and just accept the logic.

As you cross the threshold to the Shrine, declare ?Hail the Shrine and spread peace?. It?s an incantation tuned to the crystal bells the Clerics wear on their wrists ? it?ll let you in without disturbing McAre or his subordinates.

Lucas nodded and pushed the doors open, doing as Liez?rial said. Two crystals, one on either side of the door, let out a single resonate tone, as if replying to the incantation.

?Not sure why I?d need to ?sneak?, for lack of a better term, into the Shrine. I?d rather McAre knew I was here, in fact.?

I cannot predict a situation where you would have to sneak in, either ? but it is better to have the knowledge and know-how than to come upon such an alien situation and be unprepared. I will continue to advise you about as many things as I can, things I consider to be of note or importance. I won?t be offended if you choose not to note anything I bring up; I will only mention them because they are not common knowledge. How, when, where, and even if you?ll put it to use will be entirely up to you.

Lucas was silent for a moment. ?You know, you come dangerously close to repeating yourself a lot. Is that something a lot of Gods do, or just you??

I am otherwise occupied at the moment in the God?s Plane. You?d be surprised how much effort it takes to maintain your armor and hold a conversation with a Pactio and other Gods at the same time, especially for an Outer God such as myself.

Lucas strode along straight through the hall, going past the turn-offs to the rings and went to the doors to the courtyard. Once there, he leaned against the railing and relaxed.

?Where would we even start looking for this corruption??

And thus, Lucas, begins your adventure.

Alternatively, Ian McAre - and by extension, Liez'rial's voice-over - would be played by the dude who does the voice of JARVIS from the new Iron Man movies. Cuz he's got a cool voice.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Kaetir: Icarian Armor
« Reply #36 on: December 12, 2010, 07:33:03 PM »
Contrary to what it seems like, Sefidicus is NOT actually the main character. I said earlier, there really is no main character, but rather the entire affiliation under Liez'rial and Sithenth. More will join them later, of course, and there are more players on the Seer's side of things that have yet to be introduced.
Sefidicus, being two parts rogue and scoundrel and one part bard is genuinely interested in information gathering, which is expanded upon here.

Chapter 8

Sifarus strode along at a brisk pace. He had his gauntleted hand stuffed into the pocket of the front of his billowing cloak, and let his other hand sway freely at his side, sheathed in a thick glove. The temperature had dropped since last he had visited the Galalid Isles, and their location in the southern hemisphere and proximity to the southern cap of Kaetir ? and their small size, as well ? caused for many cold winters, and even chilly summers. Cold ocean winds blew across the flat islands; thick coats were a common sight. Golden gilded hands weren?t a common sight anywhere, but since Galalid had numerous ports and ships going in and out several times a day, making it very easy for someone to attack him and steal his gauntlet ? and subsequently vanish to the far reaches of Kaetir ? he preferred to keep it hidden.

Sifarus himself couldn?t stand traveling by ship; small boats and skiffs made him motion sick. To even get to Galalid he had to wait for a large cargo boat to take him onboard; once he?d done that, he Shifted to Galalid whenever he needed to be there. It was much faster to do just that than wait for a ship, and cheaper.

The only reason he was there was the vast number of people coming and going ? the same reason the information brokers he was in search of had opened up shop here.

Merchant sailors were boisterous, noisy braggarts about the many things they?ve seen and done around the world. All it took was an attentive ear to hear the same story often enough to weed out the discrepancies and find the facts that people would pay for ? usually at prices high enough to afford the broker the necessary money to spend all day touring a rotation of bars and port-dives, and buy drinks for the tight-lipped sailors who seemed to know more about things than they let on.

There was no particular broker that Sifarus was in search of, but he did know who to go to for the cheapest fees-to-information rate, as well as a few people who owed him some favors. With his particular talents, though, he was just as sharp an ear to information as the richest broker.

He shivered against the cold and shrugged his shoulders, resettling his coat.

The bars were waiting.

Sifarus sneezed. The cold ocean breeze had pulled a fog in behind him, and he hadn?t known about it until the market he?d stepped into was completely blanketed. With it, the temperature had dropped considerably, and the wind was cutting through his coat.

?Bless you!? the lady sitting across from him replied to his sneeze.

He?d taken refuge in The Gusting Galley, an appropriately named bar rather close to one of the largest ports on this island of Galalid. Every time the door opened to admit another patron, the wind blew through and seemed to go straight for him.

?Thank you, Melissa,? he said. She didn?t seem to be affected by the cold weather; she had the foresight to have two layers of coats on, one of which was fur-lined. The mug of liquor she had in front of her was probably helping, too. Sifarus was considering getting himself a drink.

Melissa grinned at him as he sniffled. ?You?re looking for information on the Maging Guilds? What about, exactly??

Sifarus reached across the table and grabbed her mug. She wrapped her hand around his and squeezed it painfully to the mug, her grin unwavering as she held the mug pinned to the tabletop.

?You know, I know how this game works. If I ask for information you don?t know was in demand, you?ve made a free tip. How about you tell me what all you know about the Guilds and the conditions they?re in??

?Or how about the various generalizations of what I know about? And perhaps you can get your own bourbon??

Sifarus nodded and pried his hand free of hers. ?How about something that you always have juicy gossip on ? the leaders of the Guilds??

Melissa sat back and took a drag from her mug, having liberated it from Sifarus.

?You want stuff about the Seers or the Masters? Or just the teachers and trainers??

Sifarus grinned. ?How about the Seers and the Masters? How much do you know??

Melissa wiped her wrist across her mouth, wiping some of the excess moisture away.

?You know, just ?cause I?m so terribly amused by your chilliness, I think I?ll give you a discount. Two-for-one.
?Have you been to a Guild recently?? she asked.

?Just came from one, as a matter of fact. You know I?ve picked up the ability to Shift, right?? He raised his left hand and hailed a waiter over, asking for a mug that would match Melissa?s.

?Hon, I don?t even remember who you are. You?ve got to remember, I deal with several customers a day, and out of them, hardly any have distinguishing feat??

Sifarus brought his gilded right arm up on top of the table and set it down next to her mug.

??although one or two of them had golden hands. What was your name again??

?Sifarus Idikus, traveling bard. Give me a story to tell. And a swig of your bourbon.? He closed his hand around her mug again.

Melissa?s grin never faded once as she closed her hand over his again and dragged it back to the tabletop. The spikes on his gauntlet didn?t seem to bother her, and he felt her push against them and squeeze his hand against the mug. This time it wasn?t as painful, but it was still surprising. He surrendered to her hand and set the mug back down, noticing that the medallion had slid out of its grove and crept into the palm of his hand as best it could. Melissa was an Elemental Magus.

?You only get to drink from my mug if you give me information. We?ll see about that later.

?Now, about the Masters and Seers? since you?ve been to a Guild lately, have you noticed the apparently militant-style Mastery and training that the mages are undergoing? There?s been a surge of mages suddenly being trained, too ? normally there?s only about a hundred or so Magus graduating from the Guilds every year. Now, we?re up to roughly three hundred Magus a year from the smaller Guilds, and closer to five hundred from the large Guilds. This didn?t happen in the span of one year, either ? it?s been gradually increasing over the last eight years. About this time, most of the minor Masters have been promoted to Guild Master, and the former Guild Masters have either retired or moved on to the Order of Seers. Given the nature of the Order of Seers, it?s hard to tell who they are now. They?ve always been placing wards on themselves with arrays of crystals to keep people from reaching into their keeps mentally, and securing an audience takes a fair amount of time and requires agreeing to very in-depth mental scanning.
?The nature of most of the mages themselves is changing, too. Ordinarily, unless the Magus stumbles across their Condition or knew it before they enrolled in the guild, they could graduate from the Guild and continue on their lives until they mastered their Condition. You see, originally, the Guild taught the Magus trainees things more like virtue and discretion, in line with a scholarly academy with pious overtones, instead of a craftsman guild. People who were suspected to be Elementalists were urged upon to become guardians of nature, people who could safeguard their hometowns from natural disasters. Extinguish fires, reroute floodwaters, that sort of thing. Potential Clerics were usually recommended to join Monasteries and the like, where they could live virtuous lives. Alteration Magi typically stayed in the Guilds on their own accord, determined to find their magic and how to apply it in a useful fashion.
?Now, the Magi don?t graduate unless their Condition is discovered ? and now it seems as though the instructors are the ones finding it. They?re being taught things like elemental control, still, but they?re also being taught how to accurately aim their power, and how to conjure up the strongest concentrated form of their magic. Clerics aren?t being nudged towards the life of a monk, but that doesn?t seem to be affecting the number of Clerics in the general population now.
?On top of this, the most versatile form of magic ? Alteration ? seems to be becoming more and more destructive and controlling than a utility, or helpful form of magic. Rather than granting Magi things like telekinesis, or array magicks, there have been more reports of styles like voids and vortexes, body manipulation, wide area atmosphere disturbances and the like. Of course, that could just be a freak coincidence of nature and this trend will die down soon, but there have been whispers about the Seers being able to craft a Magus? abilities.?

Melissa sat back and took another draw from her mug. Sifarus drummed his fingers across his chin, absorbing all the information before offering up his own.

?I don?t know if this is good information for you or not, and it?s incredibly sensitive information considering the size and power of the Guild, but I think it?s necessary to spread the word.
?I?m a Pactio with Sithenth ? that?s how I have gained the ability to Shift ? and through him I?ve learned that the Outer Gods are mobilizing at the behest of the Inner Gods to find out just who it is that?s in charge of the Seers. They can?t glean their identity, so they?re sending the Outer Gods out to discover it. Pactios from all over will likely be coming through to get information, just like I am. We also need all the help we can get, so refer all the people who come seeking information to Sithenth, will you??
The waiter came back to the table, mug in hand, and set it in front of Sifarus. Melissa picked up her own mug and offered it up, calling for a toast.

?Well, then, that?s a fair trade then. I can toast to that, and if there?s anything left in my mug, you can have some finally.?

Sifarus tapped his mug to hers, and then took a long draw from it. He suppressed his shudder at the taste, and focused on the fact that it was numbing him enough to feel warm. He also did his best to ignore the aftertaste.

After he set his mug down and recomposed himself, he looked back up at Melissa. ?So how much will that information cost me??

?Could I have your gauntlet?? she asked, pointing through the table in the general direction of his arm. He lifted it slightly and looked down at it, then shook his head.

?This is more than a gauntlet for me, it has some special meaning ? and uses. I can?t just give it out, sorry,? he said, setting his arm down on the tabletop, doing his best to keep his coat sleeve from sliding off it. He rapped the table with his knuckles, exposing the spikes that formed when he made a fist.

?Well, I could?ve told you that. Not many people wear a gilded gauntlet for funsies. That?s actually why I want one ? something besides a dagger or sword to defend myself with.?

?Aren?t you an elemental Magus?? he asked. Melissa blinked in surprise.

?How would you know that??

He held his hand up now, letting the sleeve slip just enough to show the chains and medallion embedded in the bottom of his gauntlet.

?I said it had other uses ? not just punching things.? He straightened his fingers out, pulling the chains taut and the medallion free from its recession. ?My magic involves putting people at ease, calming them down. If I go overboard with it, I can push someone into a trance-like stupor, and aiding it with my medallion, like this ?? he wiggled his fingers, letting the medallion swing side to side ? ?can easily hypnotize people, letting me get information from them. After people have been hypnotized, I find it easier to get unbiased details out of them, influenced by neither ego nor prejudice. That, coupled with my interest in stories, makes me a very successful bard.?

He flicked his wrist, making the medallion jump back into its slot.

?After forming a Pactio with Sithenth, I asked him to enchant it so when I make contact with any Magi, the medallion moves in a set fashion. If it simply falls from the slot, the Magus is a Cleric. If it stays magnetized to the gauntlet, but slides into the palm of my hand ? or as close to it as it can get, say if I have my hand closed in a fist ? they?re an Elementalist. If it goes the other way, Alteration. Since I grabbed your mug with the gauntlet and you grabbed my gauntlet, the medallion moved in accordance to your magic. Thus, I know you?re an Elementalist.?

Melissa looked as his gauntlet with even more interest, watching as he pulled his sleeve back over his forearm, leaving just the golden hand and spikes revealed.

?It does this every time you touch a Magus?? she asked.

Sifarus shook his head. ?Only once a year, in case I?ve forgotten who someone is and don?t remember if they?re a Magus. Of course, that only happens if I can conveniently shake their hand or punch them before they can start using their magic. The odds of that happening are slim, but it?s still useful.?

?So how does it remember who everyone is??

He slid his hand back down to his side. He didn?t sense anyone appraising its value from across the room, but he didn?t feel like advertising that he had what looked like gold wrapped around his hand.

?There?s a crystal somewhere that it stores the information in.?

Melissa blinked and sat back, swirling her mug lightly. ?Somewhere??

He nodded. ?Yeah, I lost it. Wherever it is, it?s still doing what it?s supposed to, though. Probably somewhere in Kenun.?

Melissa laughed. ?And what would you have been doing in Kenun? There?s nothing to do there.?

?Probably nothing. You want my bourbon? I can?t stand it, I?d rather just leave and go somewhere warmer.? He pushed his mug towards her and rose.

?I?ll make you a gauntlet of your own, but I assume you don?t want a medallion in it? And would you like it to have a golden finish, or just leave it steel-gray??

Melissa set her mug down, now empty, and picked up his. ?No medallion, gray. How do I know you?ll bring it to me, rather than just running off with my information?? Sifarus noticed that her mug had a small layer of frost around the handle, and his was slowly growing a matching ring around her hand. She had her magic active.

Acting as though he hadn?t spotted the sudden growth of ice, he reached into his coat and pulled out one of his small pouches of coin. He dropped the entire pouch in front of her. ?Consider that my security deposit. I?ll expect a small portion of it back when I bring you the gauntlet, of course; also, I?ll be coming back to get the measurements of your arm and the like.?

He blinked, then reached back down to the pouch and loosened the drawstring, and knocked it over, spilling out a few coins. These he plucked up, ignoring Melissa?s blank stare.

?The bill for the drinks, of course.? He nodded at her and strode to the bar, leaving them on the top and telling the keeper what they were for. Melissa watched him the entire time, gently swirling the mug again as a habit. She held up her free hand and condensed some of the moisture in the air, making a small sphere of ice, which she tipped into the mug before taking another swig of the liquor.

No, Sefidicus isn't secretly also a blacksmith. He just has a large network of contacts.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Kaetir: Icarian Armor
« Reply #37 on: December 12, 2010, 07:38:58 PM »
If by the end of this chapter you don't think Sara is the most adorable person in the imaginary cast, I've done something wrong.

Lucas blinked groggily.

The sun comes up too damn early.

He rolled over in the bed and let his arm dangle over the edge. Huffing noisily into the pillow, he stared at the wall nearest his head. He could feel his hair sticking up in each direction, but just couldn?t muster the energy to care about it. Instead, he squirmed about until he had slipped further under the blanket, and pulled it over his head again, shielding his eyes from the light seeping through the window.

He was still at the Shrine, having returned yesterday since informing his parents what had happened. The other four travelers were still at the Shrine, and of course the monks and Clerics would be there for an indefinite period of time. Lucas was thinking of joining the other four, just to give him a place to go to immediately.

He let his mind start to wander, and began to slip back into a sleep-state. He felt as though a warm fog was enveloping him, and as though his body had started to float to a gentle rhythm.

After a few minutes of him loafing in bed, Sara got tired of sitting in the lone chair plucking at her harp and set it down next to the Heaven?s Headpiece on the table. She promptly threw herself on top of Lucas with a playful shout.

Startled, Lucas jumped, feeling as though the entire world was exploding around him, his head pounding in alarm. Sara yanked the blanket he was huddling under off of him, bundled it up, and flung it at his head. She waited for him to flail enough to get it off of his face, then pulled the pillow out from under him and started beating on him with it.

Desperate to escape the torment, Lucas clutched the edge of the bed and heaved himself off, tumbling to the floor in a glorious mess of bedclothes and wild hair. Sara managed to keep herself on the bed proper, sitting there looking rather pleased with herself.

Lucas, now free of pillow torment, took the moment of respite to take in his surroundings. Unfortunately, in his sleep-fogged state, he still couldn?t make sense of anything, especially from the floor.

?Wake up!? Sara shouted at him from the bed, making Lucas nearly jump out of his skin.

Damian and Acied both were in the dining hall, sitting at the same table, both clutching mugs of coffee and glaring out from under heavy eyelids, Damian?s hair obscuring the left side of his face.

With a whisper of fabric on wood, and a clatter of wood on stone tiles, Lucas ? still clad in a loose pair of pants and a light shirt ? sat down and joined them. The two of them aimed their glares at him to make certain that Lucas was the one joining them, and nodded at him as he glared back at them. Damian raised his mug and offered it to Lucas, who took it graciously and drank a long draw from it.
Keroth and Sara both came to the table at the same time, both cheery enough for the entire group. Keroth took his chair and spun it around, setting it next to Damian and straddling it. Sara pulled her chair closer to Acied and leaned on his shoulder, humming to herself and smiling comfortably.

Keroth reached over and pulled Damian?s mug out of his hands as the senior Paladin went to go take a drink. Damian groped towards his face, confused about the lack of his mug until Keroth handed it back.

?This isn?t like you, Damian. Normally you don?t have any problem waking up at the crack of dawn.?
Keroth felt his cheerful grin waver under the assault of the combined glares of Acied and Damian.

?Normally I don?t have someone leap on me and beat the ever-loving crap out of me while I?m still asleep. I think I?ve woken up to surprise assaults from Zealots with less shock to my system. You?re lucky I didn?t beat you back, Oberos.? Damian tipped his mug back, chugging as much of his coffee as he could before someone else took it from him.

Lucas looked across the table at Acied. ?You put up with this every day? How are you not a hollowed-out shell of a man yet??

Acied grunted. He remained silent for a few moments, leading Lucas to believe he was being ignored until he finally answered. He started with another grunt, and followed it with ?Sara and I are on different circadian rhythms. Since she has to stay awake to keep the music going for me for so long, she tends to sleep more during the day and wakes up earlier in the morning. And, yes, she does wake me up like this practically every day we go somewhere with a comfortable bed.?

Sara leaned against him a little harder and let her self-pleased smile spread even further.

After a successful round of coffee by the three assaulted men, they felt suitably awakened. Damian quietly plotted his revenge against Keroth, but put it out of his mind once the group had decided on breakfast and spoke with the monks working in the kitchens about helping. The monks politely declined the offer for help, telling them to rest at the tables while they cooked for them. As they returned to their seats, Sara continued to squirm about, inadvertently causing her cheeriness to wear off on the older Paladin and the Puppet Master?s Pactio.

Lucas slumped over on the table and laid his head down on the top, heaving a weary sigh. Keroth peered at him.

?You don?t seem tired enough anymore, to heave such a sigh. What ails you?? he asked.

Lucas tipped his head over, so he was lying on one ear and could see from the vast expanse of the table, to the wall, then finally the ceiling.

?I would like to join you as you travel. Being a Pactio to a God, especially one that hands you a suit of flying armor, doesn?t make much sense to stay in one place forever. I don?t know what I?ll do when I get there, or what may happen on the way, but I feel I should start traveling. Especially considering the things Liez?rial has told me about,? he said.

Keroth clapped him on the back, inadvertently causing him to rock forward just enough to make his cheek stick painfully to the tabletop for a moment, before saying, ?Of course! Since you can fly on your own, Acied won?t be burdened by your weight. Since Damian and I ??

At this, Damian cut him off by holding his hand up, and beckoned for Lucas? attention.

?Through my actions I caused Keroth and myself to be dismissed from our posts at the Rispaire Maging Guild. We?re on our way to the west, to the coast itself. Rispaire has been our home for too long; we?re going back to our actual hometown. Once we?re there, we?re probably going to relocate to another one of the Maging Guilds ? most likely the Koleir Maging Guild ? and take up swordsman training positions. Acied has said he has no final destination in mind, either, and is helping us get there as payment for a favor Keroth did him. Sara is Acied?s traveling companion.
?As you can see, we?re not really a collective group ? just travelers banding together for convenience?s sake. You are, of course, welcome to join us ? my only condition is that you pass on anything Liez?rial says to us.?

At this, Sara calmed down long enough to interject, ?Or I could. I?ve been talking to him for a while now.?

Lucas blinked in surprise. Liez?rial, is that true?

Liez?rial, still using the voice of McAre, echoed back to him, It?s true. She?s a telepath just like you are; any telepath can theoretically seek me out and start conversing with me.

Lucas wiped the confusion off his face. See, now, that?s something I should?ve been able to figure out on my own, but I would?ve appreciated knowing that altogether.

?That?s easy enough. Remember, though, there?s nothing to stop me from just following you on my own,? he said to the Paladins.

Damian stared at him coldly. ?I like to think that a pair of Paladins, trained to work in tandem, could take on a country boy with no combat experience. It shouldn?t come to that, of course, but it would be good to establish now that we are not worth making enemies out of. It won?t come to that from any of our actions, so do your best not to offend our current companions or ourselves. Do not harbor fantasies of grandeur just because you have the Icarian Armor ? not only against us, but also to anyone who would do you harm. However, of course, if we had decided to reject your request to follow us to Koleir and you followed us anyways, we would have no reason to draw swords against you unless we needed to defend ourselves. But do not assume that we are ?nothing?.?

Despite Damian?s cold tone of voice and that he was staring intently at him, Lucas was more disturbed by the fact that Keroth was still grinning. The amused light in his eyes was extinguished, however, and replaced by a cold cunning shadow. The fact that he was obviously so prepared to suit actions to words just because his comrade-in-arms was offended, and had easily sized Lucas up before the younger man had even noticed Keroth was looking at him as a predator, was the cause for his discomfort.

He pulled his head up off the table. ?Forgive me for being impudent, but, I think that I would be smarter than that. For one, I wouldn?t try to start a fight with a pair of Paladins ? actual soldiers. Two, I wouldn?t actually start anything with anyone while in a Shrine full of Clerics. They?d heal the wounds then lock our minds in a stupor for a week just to drive home their philosophy of ?no violence?.

?And of course, I wouldn?t want to make Liez?rial think he?d picked an idiot to be his newest Pactio.?

Damian nodded, and started to stare off into space. He absently took another draw from his mug of coffee, still waiting for the cooks to finish with their breakfast. Keroth had gone back to watching the events with an aloof attitude.

Lucas was surprised at how easily the two of them shifted between being combat ready to relaxing again. He was a little bothered by Damian assuming he was being egotistical, but he acknowledged that the Paladin had a very valid point. Swinging the swords of his armor through the air was much different than actually being in the thick of a fight.

?So how much fighting have the two of you actually seen?? Acied asked.

Damian blinked over the rim of his mug and looked at him. Once he registered that Acied was talking to him, he set his mug down and pushed his hair aside, revealing his blind eye. When Acied and Lucas leaned in to take a closer look, they noticed that the scar traced a line through the pupil, which was a lighter shade of gray than the opposite orbit.

?I?ve seen enough, I guess you could say.?

Keroth let out a single chuckle.

What? A one-eyed swordsman? How does that work? Simple -


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Kaetir: Icarian Armor
« Reply #38 on: December 16, 2010, 07:16:23 PM »
This one is a kinda-small update because the next part will be XBAWKS HEUG :O

Sifarus sat down on a stone hedge. He couldn?t recall off the top of his head where he was at the moment, but it was warmer than Galilad. As a result, he was attracting a few weird stares from passersby for wearing his coat.

He heaved a yawn and stretched, reclining on the bench-like hedge. A part of his brain wandered off to try to figure out where he had ended up, but the other part was more interested in finding something to eat on top of the bourbon he?d just ingested, before it started to wreak havoc on his liver, which wasn?t used to any form of alcohol.

Just as he was considering leaving this mystery location by way of Shifting again, Sithenth spoke into his head, echoing as per usual.

Return to Kosid. Liez?rial?s new Pactio is there, and they?ll be traveling to Koleir. They have a very peculiar mage with them who can help you get around, and Liez?rial?s Pactio has agreed to help the Outer Gods in their assignment.

?Oh? How interesting, traveling with Liez?rial again. With pleasure.
?But, where exactly is Kosid, again??

If a God without a body could breathe, Sifarus was certain he would?ve heard the most contemptuous sigh come heaving from Sithenth.

The place you formed a Pactio with me. You go places, but you never learn their names.

?More fun that way!? he said. He deliberately ignored the odd looks he got from the passersby who turned to glance at his outburst and his previous dialogue.

With that, he Shifted, leaving the stone bench and confused pedestrians behind, threading a path through the ethereal world that was slightly out of phase with the real world.

Lucas looked up. Something felt different all of the sudden. Not wrong, per se, but strangely off ? as though someone had suddenly shoved all the furniture in the room to one side by only a few inches all at once while he wasn?t looking.

Finding nothing out of place, including the furniture, he turned his attention back to the book he was reading. This one was about the Maging Guilds and their relationship with the general public of Kaetir; one McAre had recommended he look up after having been informed of Liez?rial?s plan and situation.

He felt the sensation of oddness again, and looked around one more time. He was still in the first-floor library wing, and all the furniture was right he left it. So what was bothering him? He felt as though the air pressure hiccupped at him.

Since nothing presented itself, and he didn?t feel the need to put his guard up, he went back to his book. After a minute of uninterrupted reading, the library door swung open easily, and McAre strode through, looking left and right.

?Afternoon, Lucas. Have you seen anyone else in here?? he asked. Lucas shook his head.

?Could you open your telepathy up then, for me? The bracelet says someone?s just come into the Shrine, via this library.?

Lucas blinked in surprise, and after a moments pause finally agreed with a nod. He carefully took the mental guards down from around his mind, certain that McAre would be able to protect him from any harm, but still probing carefully through his surroundings mentally. Details and textures of the objects surrounding him filled his mind in exquisite perfection as he washed his awareness over it. He felt McAre?s body, steadily maintaining the necessary homeostasis needed to keep him functioning.

It only took him an instant to perceive everything that he felt, and to expand the radius of his awareness. Due to the nature of the human mind, though, with such a broad focus taking in so much detail at once, many of the nuances were lost to him. Only the continued activity in McAre?s mind, and the beating of his heart stayed in his mind.

However, once he spread his consciousness over the entirety of the room, he detected another heart and mind. A rather vocal mind, too; it was another telepath.

Finally! Those are some iron hard barriers you have around your head, young man. It?s very hard to get your attention. I suppose the Cleric is looking for me? Let him know I?m between the third and fourth bookshelves along the left wall.

Lucas pulled his focus on the man?s presence, which was right where he said it was. Why don?t you just come out, or speak up? he asked.

An expression similar to a chuckle issued from the man?s mind. Same reason he?s looking so concerned. Apparently, if you come into this Shrine the wrong way a ward is put on you, which immobilizes your body. That includes your vocal cords, too.

?Between the third and fourth bookshelves along the left wall,? he said to McAre. With that, he turned back to reading his book. The other man?s voice issued a Thanks, before falling silent, waiting for McAre to discover his disabled body.

It was nearly a minute before McAre was able to get to the man?s location, due to the size of the bookshelves and their distance from the library lounge. Once he was in the same aisle as the other man, Lucas closed his mind again.

It took him a moment to realize that people don?t just appear in the middle of a library, and usually not telepaths. He slid the leaf he was using as a bookmark into the spine of the book and closed it, rising from the table and striding along in McAre?s wake.

As he rounded the end of the row of bookshelves, he heard the Cleric chuckle. ?So, we meet again. I?m terribly sorry, I?ve forgotten your name, and I?m not the one who will be undoing the ward on your body. The Cleric who will be unbinding you should be here shortly, and I?m not a telepath. I can?t communicate with you, aside from our little one-sided conversation here. Perhaps I should get Lucas??

?I?m here,? Lucas said as he announced his presence. He reached out mentally to the man, gesturing towards him so as to catch his attention.

Ah, you?re back. Well, you look nothing like how you?re mentally projected; did you know that? The man said.

?Nope. Need to say anything while you?re waiting for the other Cleric to come in?? he asked in reply.

The man closed his eyes. Well, I?d like to know why the senior Cleric here couldn?t unbind me, and my name is Sifarus. The Cleric and I have met before, a couple weeks ago. Otherwise, I think I?d be all right waiting.

McAre had stooped over the odd man, and pulled his legs out from under him and straightened his arms out. ?Now he won?t be revived with limbs that have fallen asleep. You can thank me later,? he said to Sifarus.

?McAre, his name is Sifarus, and he should be okay while waiting to be unbound. Sifarus, in answer to your question, McAre here can?t? eh, unlock his condition on his lonesome. He?d need another one of the Clerics here with him, and if that?s the case they?ll be the one to unlock the ward on you.?

Ah, ha. Makes sense.

McAre looked back at Lucas as he straightened up, one eyebrow raised and grinning slightly. He nodded at the young man.

Lucas stood there stupidly, feeling awkward in the silence while waiting for the second Cleric. He didn?t know exactly what to do when someone was just lying about, contentedly tittering away in the confines of their own mind while their body was snatched away from them, and he supposed that?s what he?d be undergoing whenever Liez?rial took control of his limbs.

Finally he heard the door open, and the second Cleric strode in. Lucas took the opportunity to return to the table he?d been sitting at, and collected his book. While the Clerics dealt with this newcomer, he decided to go and find where the Paladins and Acied were; having the book around would be a good way to bring up the subject of why he was traveling and what Liez?rial wanted with him.

Something about the mental image the man projected, his cheery presence, seemed to put Lucas at ease. Part of his mind knew that it could easily be an act, but he didn?t trouble the Clerics, aside from having to track him down and restore the use of his muscles. Things should be all right without him present, he mused.

No, Lucas, it's not an act, Sifarus is just that cheery and affable.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Kaetir: Icarian Armor
« Reply #39 on: December 16, 2010, 08:01:29 PM »

After asking several of the wandering monks, he finally gleaned the location of his companions. He could’ve just opened his mind, as he did in the library, but short of digging through the various minds he would’ve felt, he would’ve had no way to tell who was who unless they were telepathic and wanted to be found.

So, he found himself back in the center courtyard that their group had come into, where he found the Paladin, Keroth, listening to Sara as she strummed absently at her harp.

The girl was sitting on one of the handrails that lined the spacious courtyard, leaning against one of the pillars that dotted the covered walkways, holding the very coverings up and in place. Keroth had opted to stay on solid ground, but instead of standing under the awnings on the stone tiles that made up the open-air corridors, he was standing on the grass, leaning against the same rail that Sara was sitting on. Lucas came up to the railing, opposite of Keroth, and leaned against it as well. He nodded past Keroth at Sara before bowing his head slightly to the senior swordsman. He kept the book closed in his hands, letting it hang against the pull of gravity.

“Keroth, if I may – I’ve been wondering something about you and Damian.”

The Paladin turned away from Sara and looked blankly at him. “Lots of people wonder about us. Its just part of the way I act, I suppose, that makes people curious.”

Lucas paused, considering the Paladin’s words. “Actually, it was mostly about Damian. He’s blind in one eye, but he’s worked in a Maging Guild for I don’t even know how long, and I’d assume that a battalion of Paladins would have a squad of Clerics nearby just in case something like that happened. Why hasn’t it been healed?”

Keroth’s blank expression became slightly blanker as he stared off into space. “You know, I really don’t know why. That’s actually a good question, one that never dawned on me to ask. If you’d like, I could find out for you,” he offered.

Lucas looked at Sara to gauge her reaction. As was usual for the energetic girl, she seemed to have an amused smile on her face. She had stopped playing a tune and was just strumming in melodic chords now, while the two men talked.

“At the very least, find out for your sake. He’s your partner, after all.”

Keroth chuffed, and shook his head. “A lot of things nowadays escape my notice. It’s a wonder I didn’t get a sword through my neck during the Cleansing.”

Sara gasped at him. “Shame! No depressing thoughts like that, sir! From what Liez’rial and Damian told me, you’re an excellent fighter who was never surprised. We all have our moments, so you’re allowed to be a little absent-minded when you’re at peace.”

Keroth looked at her and studied her for a bit. “Damian’s been talking to you, has he?”

She stopped playing the harp altogether and hugged it to her chest. “I’ve been talking to Damian. Acied’s been too busy praying to do any conversing, so it’s up to me. Damian’s not here right now, it’s you, so now it’s your turn to be talked to.”

Lucas blinked. This girl was hard to keep up with.

He also did his best to ignore how the harp was affecting her chest. He turned his attention to the book in his hands, lifting it up into a better position to read it in.

Before he could say anything about it, Keroth reached over and clapped his hand on Lucas’ forearm, nearly knocking the book out of his hands.

“Well, like the girl said, I’m absent-minded when I’m at peace, but sharp and in control when I’m not. Damian said you’d be no match for us, but let’s just see how far his words go, shall we? How about a little sparring match, or perhaps you’d rather call it training?”

Lucas blinked and worked his jaw up and down, before finally producing a reply. “Uh, I’d be honored to train with you. When?”

Keroth patted his thigh. There was a rustle of fabric on metal; he slipped his hand into his pocket, and pulled the hilt of his dagger out. The hand-guard caught on his pocket, tripping him up.

“Eh, normally, they have special slots in my armor that they can slide in and out of without complications… like this…” he tugged at his pocket, freeing his dagger from the fabric.

“Well, then, in that case, let me get the armor.” Lucas straightened up, and set the book down on the rail.

Liez’rial suddenly spoke up in his mind; Of course. Lucas felt the dull fog fall across his mind, and he stepped away from the railing without actually willing it. He held his arms out slightly, then hopped lightly into the air by pushing off with his feet; while he was suspended, weightless at the top of his jump, he felt a bit of a rush and there was a muffled pop of displaced air. The armor was suddenly on him, and he held the swords in his hands.

Rather than landing, he stayed suspended just a few inches off the ground. The fog lifted from his mind.

Keroth nodded at him, his other dagger in his hand. “Very impressive. We’ll take this into the center of the courtyard, so we have some room to work with.” He backpedaled away from Sara and the railing, stepping over anything that would’ve tripped him up without actually looking to see where he was planting his feet. His situational awareness really did seem to pick up and take hold when he was ready to fight. Lucas filed the thought away from future reference.

Making sure to hold the blades so the martingales didn’t drag across Sara, and the large wings on the hilts of his swords didn’t slap against her, Lucas rose over the railing and let himself glide forward.

Keroth flipped one of his daggers into the air, and snatched it so it was in a reverse handed grip. He held the dull edge against his forearm, and held that arm in front of his torso. The other dagger was held upright, as though he were going to use it as a sword, and this hand was kept lower, to his side. He wiggled the reserved dagger slightly, beckoning Lucas forward.

“I suppose it would be a bit unfair of me to throw my swords against you, since it’d be such a massive advantage of range and all-”

Keroth cut him off with a short laugh. “Lucas, I’ve fought alongside Liez’rial before. I know what to expect. If you can think of anything to use against me, use it. I’ve been in many fights, against soldiers who fought with pole arms, spears, bows and arrows, and even against Magus. And, no offense to you, but I’m sure they were all combat-trained. Fight me to the best of your abilities. If either of us gets injured, the Clerics here will patch us up.”

Lucas nodded, and promptly flicked a sword straight at Keroth.

Keroth blinked and grinned as the sword came rocketing towards him; he hopped up, bending his knees and tucking his legs under him, giving the sword plenty of room to pass underneath him without touching him. He swung his leading hand in an arc below him, knocking the blade to the side and getting the martingale out from under him.

Since he was only physically a human, and lacked telekinesis or magic to aid in his leap, he didn’t stay airborne for very long. As he touched down, he spun away from the sword and the chain that connected it to the young swordsman. Continuing his turn, he used the momentum to help him push off towards the armored youth.

Lucas reared backwards, and upwards. He yanked on the chain, pulling it back. It coasted past Keroth, snapping back into his hand with a slap of metal on chain.

With the other sword, Lucas heaved back to swing it, but realized too late that the extra motion was wasted; Keroth had already closed the distance and was holding the reversed dagger out to catch the long sword. Crossing his arms over, he hooked the blade Lucas had thrown and tried to apply pressure to it in an attempt to remove the winged blade from his grasp.

Since Liez’rial was always working to make the blades manageable, he was ready for the trick and kept the blade firmly rooted to Lucas’ hand. Push your arms down. He’s got himself pinned with –

Before Liez’rial could finish, Keroth planted his foot on Lucas’ chest and heaved away from him. The spry man fell backwards and hit the ground, sliding a short distance across the grass before curling over backwards and pushing off with his hands, flipping upright. Before he completely touched down, Lucas began to advance forward, all the wings attached to the armor proper angling backwards. He crossed the long-swords in front of his chest and turned them to present the flat edges forwards.

As Keroth spotted his advance, he reacted just as fluidly as he did to his first attack failing. As soon as his feet made contact with the ground, he continued his arc and fell backwards again, slipping away from Lucas’ charge as though he were made of water.

Because Lucas was gliding, and kept one knee bent and turned, Keroth’s foot wasn’t able to kick all the way to his groin, and instead struck his shin. Despite it not landing where Keroth was aiming, the kick still surprised Lucas and he recoiled his legs upwards, away from the now supine man. As he somersaulted, he twisted about so he’d be facing the way he came when he righted himself. Rather than continue floating above the ground, Lucas let himself fall completely to the ground. As soon as he landed, he swung one blade in a small arc in front of him and threw the other in a wider arc, snatching the martingale before it uncoiled out to its full length. Keroth didn’t rise off the ground into the path of either, but he flipped over on the ground and put his hands under his shoulders, still clutching his daggers tightly.

After the thrown blade passed over him, he pushed off the ground and got his feet back under him. Lucas took the sword that was still in his hand and slashed back in the way he’d taken it from. Keroth ducked under that blade, almost bringing his daggers together to deflect it before deciding to just dodge it. He was a bit surprised when Lucas didn’t catch the other long-sword, instead whirling it around again. Because of the angle he’d thrown it, however, the blade dipped downwards, and Keroth pushed off of the ground and flipped over the blade, narrowly pulling his shins away from the point of the blade. Keroth shoved against the blade with his dagger, disturbing the swing and driving the sword against the ground.

Distracted by the blade striking the ground with a dull thud as it sliced into the grass, followed by a sharp retort as it struck a rock and stopped dead, Lucas didn’t notice Keroth’s flip bringing the Paladin’s boot down.

Though he was only wearing leather boots, the impact still shoved the Heaven’s Headpiece down against Lucas’ cranium hard enough to daze him. He nearly dropped the other long-sword.

Rather than drop it, though, he gave himself a sharp shake of the head to clear the stars that threatened to edge into his vision, and turned the sword he still held sideways and heaved downward with it. The flat of the blade struck Keroth down his back just shy of his spine, and he grunted in surprise.

Lucas wrapped the extended blade’s martingale around his hand, taking up some slack and getting a sturdy grip on it before he snatched it back. The blade freed itself from the ground with a small shower of dirt and sliced grass and coasted backwards through the air, mimicking his first throw in reverse.

Once he had the blade back in his hand, he settled his grip on both long-swords and pulled himself backwards through the air, coming to a halt a half a meter above the ground and two away from Keroth.

Keroth let go of his daggers and put one hand across the small of his back, pushing against the ground with his other hand until he rolled over with a groan. A fine layer of dirt powdered his left cheek.
Lucas didn’t realize that Sara had been playing her harp until she stopped and hopped off the railing, making her way to Keroth. Lucas turned the swords down and stabbed them into the ground, and let himself fall out of the air and stooped down to help Keroth sit up.

“You’re not hurt, are you? Should I send Sara to get a Cleric?” he asked.

The Paladin shook his head and let out a small cough. “No, don’t worry about it. Just got the wind knocked out of me, and hitting the ground with your mouth open in surprise tends to invite dirt in.
“I’ve been hit by worse. Don’t worry about me; Sara, could you continue playing your harp for us?”

Lucas looked up and met Sara’s gaze, and they exchanged nods. Lucas offered his hand down to Keroth, who let the youth help him up. Once he was back on his feet, Sara retreated to the far side of the railing she had been sitting on, and Lucas pulled himself backwards through the air until he was between his blades, still sticking out of the ground. He reached out and wrapped his hands around the grips, grinning at Keroth.

The Paladin returned the grin and collected his daggers.

Damian and Acied both stared at the man wearing the heavy coat. He stared back, a very silly grin slowly falling off his face. Neither of the two men seemed to share his enthusiasm at his sudden arrival, or his request.

“So… You want to join us as we travel westward. Because you know Acied can shape-shift into something big enough to carry us.”

Sifarus nodded. “Yeah, two for two so far.”

Acied focused his stare a little harder on the man, who still hadn’t taken off his coat. “Without ever having met us.”

The bard looked at him. “Well, I’ve never met you, no, but nothing says I haven’t met the Paladins here. What are your names, again?”

Damian and Acied exchanged glances, before staring Sifarus down again. “You can understand why we’d be wary of just handing our names out to people we don’t know yet, especially ones who come out of nowhere – wearing a massive coat, no less – and start discussing someone’s magic, someone he’s never met before, without even giving his name in exchange.”

Sifarus paused, grin slowly fading. “Ah, yes, of course. Sifarus Idikus, traveling storyteller. Lesser-known fact, too; Pactio to the Outer God, Sithenth.
“That’s the important thing. Being one of Sithenth’s Pactios means that I’m a little more influenced by his plans than the average mortal is. Tends to happen to a lot of Pactios, actually. I understand Liez’rial is here with his Pactio?”

Damian narrowed his eyes. “Look, bard, you appeared out of nowhere, you started spouting nonsense like you’re everyone’s buddy, and you seem to expect us to trust you. You’re not doing a very good job at the moment. Why don’t you come with us, and tell us what exactly it is that you need and what you want to do.”

Acied sighed and turned away, striding off without waiting for Damian or Sifarus to follow. The young bard pointed after him, one eyebrow cocked. Damian nodded once and turned after the silent traveler, scowling slightly. So much for just going from Rispaire to Koleir.

Acied was heading to the center courtyard at a rapid pace, not waiting for Damian to catch up, nor giving the impression that he was concerned with the distance he was putting between them. Sifarus came up alongside Damian, and pardoned himself. The Paladin allowed him to get in front of him; the youth seemed to know he would be more comfortable having Sifarus in his sight, rather than behind him.

Damian began to search his memories; Sifarus had said there was a chance that he’d met Damian before, but he said ‘the Paladins’, implying Keroth as well. It could’ve just been that he knew Paladins worked in pairs; that wouldn’t explain him knowing that Damian was a Paladin, though. He wasn’t wearing his armor, and preferred to keep it off unless he felt danger was afoot.

While Sifarus had his arms stuffed in his coat pockets, and he probably thought he was being real clever about hiding his right arm, but Damian had spotted the slight glimpse of gilded metal coming up his forearm, and could see the bulky outline through the coats’ pocket. Natural human flesh didn’t have such a profile. Was the bard an old soldier, perhaps a Paladin himself? Or was he just a mercenary who knew a soldier when he saw one, and took a shot in the dark about Damian being a Paladin? Either he was a great, overconfident fool to act so suspicious around a soldier, or an incredibly clever young rogue.

Ahead, Acied shoved a door open, and stopped to hold it for the two stragglers. Sifarus nodded to him as he stepped through.

“Thank you,” he said. Acied nodded back.

Damian let Sifarus pass through and get a little further ahead before he allowed himself to step through the door. “What do you think?” he uttered to Acied.

The shape-shifter shrugged. “McAre says he’s been here before. We can ask the Cleric about him later, get some confirmation on his story, and his claim to be a Pactio. I myself think it’s a little convenient for two Pactio’s to show up and want to go to the same place. There is, of course, the chance that their respective Gods – Liez’rial and Sithenth – spoke to each other and decided to have these particular Pactios travel together for some reason. Personally, I want to talk to Lucas about Liez’rial; something is missing here.”

Damian absorbed the input and marched forward, catching up with Sifarus as the bard realized that he wasn’t originally leading and had no clue where they were taking him. The young man turned back to face him, charming smile back on his face. Damian gestured further down the hallway that stretched out ahead of them.

They had started their small trek through the Shrine in the library Sifarus was found in; the bard had opted to stay there and asked McAre if he could talk to ‘the Mage that just recently arrived here, the one who’s traveling’. McAre retrieved Acied and Damian together, deciding they were the ones in charge of the group. From there, they had left the library to the intermediate hallways. Acied was taking them towards the center courtyard, which seemed to be as good a place as any to start looking for the other three.

Apparently, Acied could home in on his energetic companion. That was Damian’s theory, at least.

What surprised him more, however, was the sparring match between Keroth and Lucas, being musically accompanied by Sara.

The older Paladin and the enigmatic self-proclaimed bard blinked at the fight, and Acied flinched at the sound of Lucas’ long-sword being parried by Keroth. The bard stepped closer to the handrail that Sara was perched on, and leaned across it for a better look, resting on his left arm.

After Keroth had parried Lucas’ attack, he rushed in close to the younger man. Unable to prevent this, the Pactio began to close his arms around, trying to pin Keroth.

The Paladin didn’t stay close for very long; after flicking the flat of one of his daggers against the chest-piece of Lucas’ armor, he dropped fluidly and darted under his opponents’ legs. What would’ve ordinarily been a difficult maneuver was simplified by Lucas’s altitude; unlike a normal combatant, Lucas was able to keep himself off the ground, and hovered at a height of two feet.

Sifarus returned Sara’s nod when she noticed his arrival, and smiled at her. After slightly nodding in tune with the melody Sara was playing, he took a deep breath and straightened himself upright.

A lone man stands atop cliff-side, who’s blades seem to sing,
He takes to skies, with Heaven’s granted wings
Mountains and isles, seasons ne’er the same,
Pious and free, a faceless man without a name
Skies are limitless, seas with endless shores,
The Gods Man travels all ‘cross the world
Many a different man, with many a different heart,
They are all remembered long, in the tales of the bards

He is the Gods Man, light of the Lords
Life forsaken, family ‘n’ tears left long ago.”

Sara turned her attention to the man during his sonnet. Halfway through, she altered her melody to match his.

Acied buried his face in his hand. “I was afraid of this,” he mumbled. Damian cast a sidelong glance at him.

“Afraid of what?”

“That he really was a bard. Unless you can convince Sara otherwise, we’re going to be forced to take him with us.”

Damian kept his face neutral. He was mildly amused by this notion; Acied may be the shape-shifter and the arbiter to their travels, but Sara was the one who was truly in charge. If she didn’t agree with Acied’s choice or actions, she could simply deny him the music he needed to unlock his power. It hadn’t dawned on Damian until then, but he mused that it wouldn’t’ve occurred to him that such an energetic young girl could also be clever enough to keep Acied wrapped about her finger.

During Sifarus’ short song, Lucas and Keroth had continued fighting. Much to Lucas’ dismay, Keroth had managed to rap his daggers against the chest of Liez’rial’s armor multiple times, as opposed to his earlier, and only, strike against the Paladin.

With a single strong flex of the many wings adorning his armor, he pulled himself up into the air, out of Keroth’s reach. He relaxed his arms, but kept his grip on the swords.

“Okay, I forfeit for this round. I’m getting winded, and it looks like our companions have something to say.” Lucas allowed Liez’rial to seize control of his body and holster the blades, while dropping to the ground at the same time. Liez’rial returned control of his body, teasing Lucas for a moment in his mind. I promise I’ll work on learning how to do that on my own soon enough, Puppet master.

Keroth hopped back and forth from one foot to the other, slowly wind-milling his arms twice before stretching them out straight in front of his chest. Rather than try to slip the blades back into the cloth sheaths sewn into the sides of his trousers, he kept the daggers in a reverse-handed grip and strode over to the handrail. He nodded at Sara, and sized Sifarus up.

“That was the first verse of the song about Liez’rial, wasn’t it?” he asked. The bard nodded.

“It’s called ‘Lord of the Sky’. People tend to confuse the purpose of the song with Lozenreald, Goddess of the Skies. No matter how often I explain that Lozenreald is a female Goddess, no one seems to learn,” Sifarus mused.

Sara chuckled at his comment, and hugged her harp to her chest again. Lucas sensed a small amount of disappointment in the bard; he was hoping to have gotten more of a reaction out of his simple complaint. With the equivalent of a mental shrug, Sifarus moved on.

“So, I understand that you’re the Pactio of Liez’rial?” he asked.

Lucas opened his mouth to answer, but Damian cut him off. “We’ve gone over this before; you should introduce yourself first.”

Sifarus bowed his head and tapped his hand against his forehead in apology. To Damian, he said, “Ah, but the young Master here and I have already met. He may still yet remember my name, as I properly introduced myself in the library. Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten his name – was it Louis?”
Lucas shook his head, feeling the drag of the wings on the Heaven’s Headpiece. “Lucas. And, yes, obviously, I’m Liez’rial’s Pactio. What can I do for you, Sifarus?”

The bard grinned. He gestured at the ground on the opposite side of the handrail; the book Lucas had been reading had fallen off the stonework and dropped to the earth.

“I think you may have an idea what my motives are. Although, maybe, I should give you a slightly crucial hint, to help you figure me out.

“I am Sifarus Idikus, Pactio to Sithenth the Trickster, and traveling bard. Pleased to make your acquaintance,” he said, bowing his head slightly to Lucas and finally drawing his right arm from the pocket of his coat. He twirled his gauntleted hand about with a slight flourish as he tilted forward in a bow. Sara let out a small coo of appreciation at the polished shine coming off the spiky arm-guard.

Damian and Keroth sized the golden gauntlet up quickly. Judging by how fluidly he was able to wave it around, it probably wasn’t solid gold, just gold-plated. Perhaps just made out of a similarly shiny metal; either way, it wasn’t the soft, malleable precious metal. If it was built properly, it could probably be expected to absorb shocks throughout the entire forearm instead of just the wrist; he could probably punch into Damian’s armor without breaking any bones. Whether he’d actually puncture it or even want to was another matter entirely. The gauntlet could be expected to survive punishment, at the least; it was obvious just looking at it that it was well built and whoever put it together knew exactly what they were doing.

Lucas blinked at the gauntlet, then turned his attention back to Sifarus himself.

“There’s a small problem with joining me right now; I was just about to tell them. You’re about five minutes too early for them to completely understand why you’re here.”

Rather than say anything, Sifarus just froze his charming smile on his face, and nodded once. He knelt down and reached through the spacious scrollwork under the handrails and gathered up the fallen book. Standing upright, he turned and presented the book to Damian and Acied. The title of the book read History and Relationships between Maging Guilds.

“If you’ll allow me, Lucas. Sithenth and Liez’rial are Outer Gods; this is common knowledge. They aren’t restrained by the common conventions that prevent Inner Gods from directly influencing day-to-day proceedings of the people; if an Inner God diverts their attention away from protecting their niche of the environment from the rampant effects of magic, things can rapidly spiral out of control. As such, they use the Outer Gods as their arbiters, who in turn use their Pactio’s to spread their influence even further. Louis here –” “Lucas.” “– Lucas here, as well as myself, are said Pactios of Outer Gods. We have been charged by our respective Gods to identify the source of corruption behind the Maging Guilds’ and their leaders – specifically, whoever is in charge of the Order of Seers. Whoever is in charge now is hiding his identity from the Gods and making changes to the Guilds that would be rather adverse for Kaetir.”

Behind Sifarus, Lucas’ eyes bugged out in shock as the other man blurted out something that he would’ve rather had been subtler about. He had no idea what his companions’ opinions of the Maging Guilds were, and he didn’t want to risk offending them. At least, now, he was already in his armor and outside in case he had to get away from their potentially angry responses.

The Paladins are not directly affiliated with the Guilds, Lucas. There is the risk that they may be corrupted as well, but more likely, they’re neutral. Acied and Sara don’t pose enough of a threat to worry you.

Sure enough, Sara was still observing the situation with a bemused smirk on her face, and Acied still had his blank expression. Keroth broke the momentary pause in conversation.

“I didn’t think there was such a thing as real-life exposition.”

Sifarus snorted. “It’s my job, I’m a storyteller. Details are just what I do,” he sighed.

Acied started to look about as apprehensive as Lucas felt. The armor-clad youth noticed that the Magus was watching the Paladins as well; he was completely ignoring Sifarus and Lucas.

Damian nodded. “Go on. Is there anything else we should know about you two?”

Lucas shook his head. Sifarus tilted his head towards Sara. “I can play her harp. I’m also an excellent cook.”

Keroth began to flip one of his daggers about in his hand, rolling it across his opposite hand, flicking it up and down, catching the tip and the handle alternatively. “I think what he means is, is there anything else about the Maging Guilds we should be worried about? Are they in pursuit of either of you, are there any others that are going to be doing the same, how much support are the Gods willing to give you, and do you want our help?”

Lucas gestured halfway towards Keroth as he finished with his last generalization. “Yeah, that one. Liez’rial has instructed me to put together a group of people who can hope to –”

Suddenly, Lucas clamped his mouth shut. He was slightly confused until he felt the feathery sensation of possession by Liez’rial; the God had seized his vocal chords.

“Liez’rial speaking now. Damian, Keroth, are you willing to aid us? I will need your answer now.”

Keroth looked to Damian for direction. Damian locked eyes with Lucas, and by extension, Liez’rial. “The second any innocents get dragged into this conflict is the instant you lose our support. We are Paladins, protectors of the people. We are not bloodthirsty killers.”

Lucas shook his head to clear it; Liez’rial had given him full control of his body back. “Lucas in charge again. I don’t think I’m going to want a bloodthirsty killer working with me, anyways. I’d personally rather avoid fighting until absolutely necessary; from what I understand, any Magus we end up fighting with will probably be uninformed, following orders they didn’t come up with on their own.”

Acied coughed lightly into his fist. “It’s a type of brainwashing. The trainee mages are convinced they owe a massive debt of gratitude to the Guilds for discovering and honing their talents. I’m not sure how, but the scouts for the Guilds are finding massive amounts of talented Magus - more than ever recorded in the past. If not for my parents, and Sara, I’d probably still be at a Guild, believing I would’ve never discovered how to use my magic if not for them.”

Sara’s bemused stare had slipped into neutrality. Her eyes were unfocused as she spoke. “Acied’s parents are both Alteration Magus as well – because all three of them are Magus, they have bloodline telepathy. I’m a bit of a telepath as well, and we all felt Acied get twisted and turned into someone else. Before it got too far, we slipped out of the dormitories one night and have been traveling. We were originally in one of the Guilds on the Yira continent, in gauge… gauging…” she trailed off, stumbling over the words.

“Gejun Fir,” Acied offered up.

“Yeah, Gejun Fir. I can’t pronounce those stupid complicated names. I wanna slap whoever thought them up.”

Sifarus chuckled at her harmless threat. “Those ‘stupid complicated’ names are actually ancient Inner Gods’ names. That’s why you have what seems like a self-explanatory name, like ‘Ironwood’, or ‘Dustfall’ for simple townships and settlements, and confusing names like ‘Rispaire’ and ‘Gejun Fir’ for large cities and continents. I do believe the Galalid Islands are the only landmass that managed to escape the naming conventions.”

Lucas gave a miniscule nod. He had read about this, but long since forgotten it; there was very little demand for such eccentric knowledge.

Damian, however, had ignored the almanac fact and seemed preoccupied with the notion of the brainwashed students.

“Well, now that makes it easier to understand why Heighler was so short-tempered. Maybe he’s in on it…”

Sifarus looked over his shoulder at the elder Paladin. “You know Heighler, huh? I have good news – his personal apprentice isn’t in on the corruption and has offered to help us monitor him, and try to gain his trust. She could be a very handy inside source of information.”

Keroth perked up. “That also puts her into a lot of danger. Are you willing to be responsible for anything that may happen to her?”

Sifarus nodded. “She knows how dangerous it could be, and I’m confident she can quickly and easily get away if she needed to. She’s a very talented Magus, who can tap into all three primary schools of magic. She’s also nearly as clever as I am, so I’m certain she’ll be safe.”

Lucas was a bit surprised at how easily everything was progressing with the arrival of this bard. He had been apprehensive about bringing up the Guilds to Damian and Keroth in particular; they had said they were guardians to one of the Maging Guilds, but apparently they only took that as an assignment, not an affiliation – he supposed they were more concerned with the people in general than the Guilds. If Acied was right, and the Guilds were brainwashing their students, it was easy to understand how the Paladins would be offended by this injustice. Acied and Sara already being aware of the situation in the Guilds was a pleasant surprise; Lucas hadn’t predicted running into anyone that was already aware of the problem.

After a moment’s consideration, he frowned at himself. I shouldn’t assume that just because it took a God to tell me what’s going on, no one else could know. I live out in the middle of nowhere, the nearest Maging Guild a half a week’s ride away. Aside from the monks here and the other farms, there’s hardly anyone out here, and travelers rarely offer gossip up when passing through.

Liez’rial praised him. Very astute observation. I didn’t expect the two to already be on the run from the Guilds, but I didn’t rule out that there would be others who know. I did not, however, count on running into some so soon.

Sifarus was saying something when Lucas turned his attention outward again.

“…not sure about others. I’m fairly certain Sithenth has his other Pactio’s gathering intel, but I doubt any of them are as qualified as I am. Other than that, I’d wager there are a few other Outer Gods who are doing their own work or having their Pactios on the move.”

Acied raised his hand slightly, beckoning Sifarus’ attention. “What makes you say you’re more qualified amongst Sithenth’s Pactios?”

Sifarus folded his gauntleted hand across his waist and bowed graciously. “I’m the only one who made a Pact on my conditions, not Sithenth’s. I tricked the Trickster.”

Keroth let out a low whistle.

“Impressive,” Damian agreed.

“But wait, there’s more,” Sifarus said, straightening out and grinning again. “I’m a very good storyteller; none of my stories are based on speculation. I get unbiased facts and details to back them up, because I’m a very convincing interrogator. Observe!”

He straightened his fingers out, and three chains that were previously dangling slack from his fingers pulled taut across his palm and tugged a medallion out of a recessed groove in his gauntlet. Holding it up for the Paladins to observe, he set it swinging.

“This makes for an excellent hypnotizing aid, and my magic can put someone at ease and calm them down, or put them into a trance-like stupor if I focus it on one person at a time.”

Damian nodded as Sifarus aimed his forearm skyward, letting gravity pull the medallion back to its magnetized slot. “What’s your condition, if you don’t mind us asking?”

Sifarus raised his opposite hand as he lowered his gauntlet, and splayed his fingers out, gesturing
for dramatic effect. “I have to have contact with their mind. Luckily, I’m a bit of a telepath myself, and if someone tries to barge into my mind, I can shut them down with feedback.”

Acied nodded. “That’ pretty useful. Damian, Keroth, Lucas, how do you feel about bringing him along?”

Sifarus’ grin seemed to broaden slightly as Acied finally called out for a definite answer. He noted, however, that the Magus had excluded the girl. He mentally reached out and brushed against her mind, testing for a response. He got one.

Yes? she asked.

Oh, good, you are a telepath. I know you said so, but there are always varying degrees.

Sara affected a mental shrug and muttered a lazy Uh-huh. And…?

Sifarus snickered out loud, too soft for anyone to actually hear.

Well. I was just curious as to what your name is, and why Acied here didn’t ask for your opinion.

Sara snickered this time; Acied said my name earlier, silly. And, he already knows that I’d vote to bring you along. It’s not often I can get someone to sing along with me when I play my music.

Sifarus checked back in with reality for a moment. Their exchange had barely taken two seconds; thoughts could convey back and forth much faster than spoken words.

Damian and Keroth had paused after Lucas had agreed to bring Sifarus along; after all, he’d said, Liez’rial and Sithenth were already working together, their Pactios might as well, too.

Still didn’t tell me your name.

Pay attention next time.

Keroth gestured to Damian. “You know I’m just going to go along with whatever you say, so, go ahead and decide already.”

“Right, then. Looks like you’ve got one more person to carry along, Acied. Are you up to it?”

Acied nodded easily. “Of course.
“It’s not the first time I’ve been a beast of burden, and I’m positive it won’t be the last.”

End of Act I. Act II begins on page 104, with Chapter 9.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2010, 08:03:35 PM by Breadifex »


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Kaetir: Icarian Armor
« Reply #40 on: December 16, 2010, 11:45:00 PM »
Bards.  Why did it have to be bards.

Also, I forgot to mention that I found Sara extremely amusing a few updates back.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.