Touhou Danmaku RPG
IRC Channel: #LunarCast at
What is this:This is a project to create an Touhou RPG game that is unique, not restricted by RPG Maker's implementations and implements almost everything in the Touhou world. This is the first RPG to feature danmaku battles in addition to regular RPG active time battles! There are also planned Highly Responsive to Prayers style battles where you have to flip all the tiles to win. Additionally the game engine is designed to be extendable so part of the fun is creating a game engine that can be used for other future Touhou (and other) games!
Wiki Page: is this possible:Instead of relying on programs such as RPG Maker or danmakufu that are not expandable this game uses Modular Engine, which is based on Unity3D! Modular Engine is a powerful system that splits the game up into code-independent modules with a Kernel that controls the modules and passes data between them. This makes creating new game modes easy as you can focus only on what you are trying to develop and just call other existing modules for unrelated tasks for example initiating a battle or opening the menu.
Story:The story will roughly follow the events of canon starting from shortly before the EoSD incident. Of course since this is an RPG and not a STG there will be more dialogue and other events between the stages, for example you won't teleport from Rumia's battle to Cirno in EoSD but will have to search around and gather information for finding the cause of the incident.
The PC98 characters will also make an appearance at some point in the game for all you PC98 fans!
Images:Field Module: (Where the RPG Story takes place)
Battle2D Module: (Final fantasy 7 style Active Time Battle where limit breaks are Last Word Spells)
Danmaku Module aka Bullet Heaven
Spell Card: "Proprietary Sign - Direct X"
Main menu
Party Menu
Download/Update Rev. 20 (Windows/Mac/Linux): code: Updates:To update your existing game faster, download the update/restore .PAR2 file, place it in your game's folder (where the .exe or executable file is) and open it with a utility such as
MultiPar and it will update/restore the game for you!
With the new update system you can also keep multiple .PAR2 files in your games folder and change versions without re-downloading just by opening the PAR2 file of the version you want to change to! (This means that downgrades are now a possibility too!)
More details on updating here: bugs: (Please do not re post these below!)
- An error appears in the console in the Battle2d (RPG battle) mode (Does not affect gameplay).
- You might stop moving while changing scenes and have to press a key to move again (Minor)
Developers (if you want to help build the game or the game engine):Pretty much anyone interested can help and assistance is welcome, especially:
- Anyone that knows C++ can help with programming!
- Anyone able to make a binary patcher/update system that supports patching entire directories
- PHP/Perl programming
- 2D Sprite design
- Blender3D or Modeling experience can help with creating 3D models for the RPG Battles
- Testers that can test and play through complicated scenarios needed to trigger bugs
- Skilled danmaku players able to judge/assist with the difficulty of the danmaku battles (Skilled means if you can 1cc EoSD/PCB/IN on hard or no deaths normal)
Reply below if you want to help, you can also find me on #shrinemaiden on PpIRC and on our Discord Server!If you can't help with any of the above don't feel discouraged, post what you think you can do to help!