Author Topic: Uruwi's Code Dump  (Read 5683 times)


  • Nightmare of Torrential Precipitation
  • 478 million goober
Uruwi's Code Dump
« on: August 03, 2015, 09:30:04 PM »
Danmakufu PH3

(?) healthbar.dnh and various other libraries
(Done) 朝陽魔雪城 ~ Nightmare of Torrential Precipitation. (Thread | Github repository | Wiki) Version 1.00c.
(Finished) RaNGE 14 Marisa boss battle
(Finished) LoCaA 7 entry
(Dead) 朝陽雲蛇仙 ~ Exorcism of Infinite Blossoms. (Github repository) Will start once TDR is finished.

Perl 6

(In Development) Messing around with Perl 6
(Planning) it's a mystery


(In Limbo) Bag - a programming language. Check the 0.8-Dev branch for latest development.
(Dead) Project Youmu - intended to replace Danmakufu. Might need some collaborators, seeing that I can hardly OpenGL.
(Dead) Scala Shooter Framework - Youmu's predecessor.
(Dead) Allium - a stack based language.
(Dead) CTD - something I whipped out to batch convert Necarasso Cryssesa words to their new spellings.


(Finished for now) Node PostgreSQL ORM - a fork of nherment's version. Modified for use in THP's website.
(Finished for now) the World of Code
(Dead) THP Website
(Dead) Len'en popularity polls

JS but not Node

(Finished for now) My site


(Finished) Markov Experiment - use of Markov chains to generate random spell card names.


(Dead) Sunrise 1.1
(Finished for now) cripper - rip apart PH3 archive files because screw Gore
Runespel 2 (for the TI-89) - please request if you want it.


(Pre-Alpha) TDR - Uruwi is at it again, now that they can OpenGL.
(Finished for now) zt? - a sound change applier for my languages.
(Finished for now) veneplū - a toy text editor.


(In Progress) My languages
« Last Edit: July 21, 2018, 02:02:11 AM by Uruwi »
foo = foldl $ flip ($)
Highest difficulty 1CCed for each game, by shot type in the original order. (-: never 1CCed on any difficulty, or never used; E: easy, N: normal, H: hard, L / U: lunatic / unreal.)
EoSD [NNNE] PCB [EE--N-] IN [NEEE + Ex Border] PoFV [Mystia N, Mystia E no charge] MoF [EN--H- + Ex Marisa B] SA [N-----] UFO [----EN] TD [NENE] DDC [EE-EHE + Ex Marisa B & Sakuya A] LoLK [PD --N- Legacy ---N] EE [N- + Ex Yabusame] EMS [N-- + Ex Yabusame] RMI [NHN + Ex YaoSuku]
Avelantis (demo) Easy YuukiB 426,077,200


  • Nightmare of Torrential Precipitation
  • 478 million goober
Re: Fluffy8x's Code Dump
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2016, 07:50:51 AM »
Added LoCaA 7 entry to list.
foo = foldl $ flip ($)
Highest difficulty 1CCed for each game, by shot type in the original order. (-: never 1CCed on any difficulty, or never used; E: easy, N: normal, H: hard, L / U: lunatic / unreal.)
EoSD [NNNE] PCB [EE--N-] IN [NEEE + Ex Border] PoFV [Mystia N, Mystia E no charge] MoF [EN--H- + Ex Marisa B] SA [N-----] UFO [----EN] TD [NENE] DDC [EE-EHE + Ex Marisa B & Sakuya A] LoLK [PD --N- Legacy ---N] EE [N- + Ex Yabusame] EMS [N-- + Ex Yabusame] RMI [NHN + Ex YaoSuku]
Avelantis (demo) Easy YuukiB 426,077,200


  • Nightmare of Torrential Precipitation
  • 478 million goober
Re: Fluffy8x's Code Dump
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2016, 11:20:19 PM »
Added info about a rewritten PH3 unarchiver.
foo = foldl $ flip ($)
Highest difficulty 1CCed for each game, by shot type in the original order. (-: never 1CCed on any difficulty, or never used; E: easy, N: normal, H: hard, L / U: lunatic / unreal.)
EoSD [NNNE] PCB [EE--N-] IN [NEEE + Ex Border] PoFV [Mystia N, Mystia E no charge] MoF [EN--H- + Ex Marisa B] SA [N-----] UFO [----EN] TD [NENE] DDC [EE-EHE + Ex Marisa B & Sakuya A] LoLK [PD --N- Legacy ---N] EE [N- + Ex Yabusame] EMS [N-- + Ex Yabusame] RMI [NHN + Ex YaoSuku]
Avelantis (demo) Easy YuukiB 426,077,200


  • Nightmare of Torrential Precipitation
  • 478 million goober
Re: Uruwi's Code Dump
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2018, 02:02:31 AM »
Updated in quite a while.
foo = foldl $ flip ($)
Highest difficulty 1CCed for each game, by shot type in the original order. (-: never 1CCed on any difficulty, or never used; E: easy, N: normal, H: hard, L / U: lunatic / unreal.)
EoSD [NNNE] PCB [EE--N-] IN [NEEE + Ex Border] PoFV [Mystia N, Mystia E no charge] MoF [EN--H- + Ex Marisa B] SA [N-----] UFO [----EN] TD [NENE] DDC [EE-EHE + Ex Marisa B & Sakuya A] LoLK [PD --N- Legacy ---N] EE [N- + Ex Yabusame] EMS [N-- + Ex Yabusame] RMI [NHN + Ex YaoSuku]
Avelantis (demo) Easy YuukiB 426,077,200