Author Topic: Baka's Danmakufu stuff  (Read 1497 times)


  • @MainLoop { yield; }
Baka's Danmakufu stuff
« on: November 14, 2014, 06:55:13 PM »
NOTE: I changed the thread title because I changed my display name to what I use in most of the places now days.
There is not much here yet, but I'll keep updating as I do new stuff. I'll post my finished Danmakufu scripts here and some other related stuff. Currently I'm using Danmakufu 0.12m, so all my scripts are for that version.

- Videos -
Swaying/Wavy background test:
3D Swaying/Wavy Background test:
Road to Abyss early test:

- Scripts -
ICM Remilia:
« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 05:48:33 PM by Baka94 »