Author Topic: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet  (Read 240188 times)

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #420 on: December 16, 2013, 09:13:55 AM »
>"Well... short version would be, Medicine pulled some body-swap bullshit, and some buncha mole-rat splinter cells are attackin' Eintei while I'm trying to find her and wring her neck. Felt I needed some practice before I blew through 'em. Don't suppose you've seen anyone like that around, ze?"
> Maple looks at you with a bewildered expression as she sits down on a rock. "No...I saw Mystia fly through the forest earlier, but that's about it. Were those mold rats the reason why you set up those awful defenses?" You assure Maple that the defenses were grade-A, top of the line dolls that you and Alice set up, though she doesn't seem convinced as she giggles in response. "Sure, whatever you say...But I don't blame you. I'd be worried too after a stunt like that."
> After that statement, Maple's expression changes to a look of horrific realization. "Oh my gosh...If I disabled your dolls, then someone might attack your house...Augh, I'm so sorry! Ugh! I am such an idiot!" You reassure Maple, telling her that Tewi will be fine. "That's good, but even then...Hmmm." Maple crosses her arms; you can tell she's putting her thinking cap on. You dismount your broom and sit down next to her as she ponders.
> Eventually, Maple speaks up. "I'm not sure if it'll be of any use, but...In your state, you're gonna need every advantage you can get." She turns to you. "How would you like a bit of an upgrade to your arcanic arsenal?"

> As you ponder your answer, you start to notice an unusual feeling...Like you're feeling wired and strained mentally at the same time. It's minor, but you recognize this feeling. You recall spending long nights studying magic, usually after an SDM raid, trying to concoct some new spell. In spite of your previous fatigue, you'd keep working, only to crash and be awoken by one of Alice's dolls late next morning. The mental fatigue is settling in, but not the physical. You take a glance up at the sky, and see that nighttime is settling in after the fading sunset.
> Still awake there, Mari? If I were you, I'd consider calling it a night...But who am I to tell you what to do, ze? Mini-Medi pauses. Oh right, I am you. Sort of. But not quite, ze. Just do whatever I guess!

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #421 on: December 20, 2013, 04:10:57 AM »
>Dangit, we stayed up all night to deal with Kaguya that other time, why are we getting tired now?!
>Maybe Medicine's body doesn't have our mental endurance. However that works... how troublesome. Well, better to discover now than later...
>I'll consider it, ze. But first...
>"What sort of upgrade, ze?"
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #422 on: December 20, 2013, 06:45:03 AM »
>Dangit, we stayed up all night to deal with Kaguya that other time, why are we getting tired now?!
>Maybe Medicine's body doesn't have our mental endurance. However that works... how troublesome. Well, better to discover now than later...
> It's more like your mind itself is getting tired, that happens normally to humans, right...?
> Meh, what does the parser know, don't waste your time on it, it's already a voice inside your head...Wait that's Mini-Medi's job. Ha.

>I'll consider it, ze. But first...
>"What sort of upgrade, ze?"
> All this thinking isn't helping you in your tired state. You won't, however, pass up an opportunity to improve your "Blast Everything To Pieces With Magic" skills.
> "Well...I can't guarantee the upgrade will even work, it's more of an experiment right now. You know how you can normally only use one type of shot in spell card duel? If this works, and if it's stable enough...You can use up to three at once, and combine them for different effects!"
> Mixing and matching shot attacks? Sounds a lot like what Patchy was working on...You recall the notes you stole transcribed from in a previous raid years ago, but not many...

> You close your eyes as you try to remember...
> ...
> The parser said...Try to remember!!


> Oh for the love of...WORK, DAMN YOU!
> *insert multiple sounds of button-clicking and dial-turning here*
> Ah, I see...We're getting a picture, it's...It's...


> Um, er...That is not you. That is PATCHOULI KNOWLEDGE, the local librarian of the SCARLET DEVIL MANSION, but you knew that already. Patchy comes from a line of magicians that have been GIFTED WITH IMMENSE MAGICAL PROWESS, but at the cost of their health, and Patchy suffers from ACUTE ASTHMA ATTACKS. Dedicating her life to the study of magic, Patchy eventually became a TUTOR for the Scarlet siblings, and their (very) hands-off motherly figure after their parents were killed. Patchy spends most of her time in the Scarlets' massive library, which contains MORE BOOKS THAN EVERY BARNES AND NOBLE AND AMAZON STORE COMBINED.
> So, naturally, Patchy hired some help to keep the books in order. She summoned a demon named KOAKUMA to act as her assistant and protege, and recently recruited THREE MISCHIEVIOUS FAIRIES to assist as well. They tend to just sit around and chatter instead of doing actual work, but the chatter is a welcome change from the constant silence.
> ...And the occasional chaos caused by yours truly, who is more than willing to barge into the library unannounced, shoot up your defenses, steal a book or five, and blast off with a hearty "Thanks for the books, ze!" Damn, you're good.

> You're feeling hot under the collar for some reason. Seeing yourself is making you angry, frustrated, upset, short of breath...Very short of breath. It feels like you can barely breathe at all! You instinctly reach for your inhaler and use it...There, that's better.
> You're pretty certain things didn't start like this. Memories of yourself start with you, not an asthmatic magician in a very large library. But ignoring this obvious flaw in your past experience, you ASSESS your surroundings...

> Ah, this must be the LOUNGE area you usually retire to when you're reading, practicing magic, reading, eating, drinking, reading, talking with the other residents, reading, sleeping...Usually in a chair like the one you're sitting in now, but you do have a bed in the southwest corner, isolated by curtains. A large table sits in the middle, surrounded by various chairs, while a side area  (to the east) with a coffee table and chairs serves as a general socialization area. The main table (which you jokingly call the ROTUND TABLEAU) is covered in books, scrolls, and other reading material and various notes. It's a mess, but you have a system and you refuse to let anyone else reorganize it. An open area to the northwest serves as your testing area for new spells; you've taken great care to fortify this area with numerous wards to keep it from going up in flames. The southeast part of the lounge has a mini kitchen for when you get a case of the munchies. A lavatory lies hidden just north of your sleeping quarters behind a rotating shelf.

> In short, you have pretty much everything you need to live here for the rest of your days, if need be.

> The lounge also acts as a hub to the library. The main entrance is to the south, past a hall of bookshelves, while the rest of the library is split into seven portions: Solar, Lunar, Flame, Forest, Frost, Iron and Mountain. It'd take you ages to sort out every single book in the library, so you just mark the most useful ones using magic markers (regret nothing, the parser does), and put them back in their spots when you're done. You have a system! YOU HAVE A SYSTEM!
> ...You also have a book in your lap, a rather sizable one. A quick look reveals that it is a VOLUME OF ELEMENTAL FUSION, by one Jiden Yoki. He's kind of a hero to you, he was a master elemental mage and loved tinkering with the elements. Why, one time, he tried to grow a tree on his head after he lost all of his hair...And then he set it on fire while trying to figure out how to manipulate lava. Ahhh, such good stories...
> "Milady?"
> Your attention is diverted to the voice. It's KOAKUMA, whom is carrying a stack of books.
> "I brought you the Molecular Manipulation series like you requested...Um...Shall I put these on the table or...?"
> Shit. What would Patchy do? You have no idea how her side of events went, or even what day it is. If you're going to relive this memory, you better think...Like a magician.
> The best goddamn magician in all of Gensokyo.

> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #423 on: December 20, 2013, 02:40:27 PM »
> Glance up from your book and say, "Hm? Ah, yes, that will do." Then return to where you left off.

> What killed the Scarlets' parents?

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #424 on: December 21, 2013, 02:51:34 AM »
> Glance up from your book and say, "Hm? Ah, yes, that will do." Then return to where you left off.
> Koa nods, and makes to turn away, but stops to address you again. "Oh, I almost forgot...Your brother is coming to visit today. He'll be bringing Zakuro with him."
> Ah yes, your younger brother MONARDA KNOWLEDGE said he'd be coming to Gensokyo. You rarely see any family these days, since most of them are located in Europe, but you keep contact with them at least. If you recall, Monarda was also researching the whole Elemental Fusion deal and wished to swap notes with you in person.
> On that note, you're ankle-deep in the chapter named "Crystalization and You!"

> What killed the Scarlets' parents?
> Murdered would be more accurate. It is rumored that a hunter by the name of Belmont slew Lady and Lord Scarlet while they were travelling abroad. Despite Remilia's grief, she didn't wish to pursue revenge, and instead focused on taking control of the family business and trying to live a healthy life in Gensokyo. So far, it's working, Remilia has become much happier in recent years. At times, you feel like the surrogate mother Lord Scarlet intended you to be, as Remi sometimes confides in you when she can't turn to anyone else. Flan, not so much, she has such a bubbly personality that you're surprised she was able to forget being cooped up in the basement for the past few decades or so. That doesn't stop her from bugging you now and again for the hell of it, tho.

> But enough backstory, what would you like to do?
> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #425 on: December 21, 2013, 05:13:24 AM »
> Uh... This is all just a memory, right?

> Who is Zakuro?

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #426 on: December 21, 2013, 06:56:19 AM »
> Uh... This is all just a memory, right?
> Yes, and yet somehow you've been projected into Patchy as she experienced that memory herself. You'll have to reconstruct it by playing along if you want to find out what's going on.
> The parser has no idea why this happened and apologizes for the inconvenience.

> Who is Zakuro?
> Zakuro is Monarda's familiar, much like Koa is to Patchy. You haven't seen him much, but you've heard that he's a skilled swordsman who enjoys challenging others to various competitions. Monarda described him as a "calm, yet passionate protector."

> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #427 on: December 21, 2013, 07:09:27 AM »
> Hm... Maybe we should find out what happens when we do something as un-patchouli like as possible. Quick, murder Koakuma!

> "Ah, right."

> Dismiss Koakuma. Get up. Put on some non-pajamas, something appropriate for expected visitors.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #428 on: December 21, 2013, 07:33:03 AM »
> Hm... Maybe we should find out what happens when we do something as un-patchouli like as possible. Quick, murder Koakuma!
> That'd cause a MEMORY PARADOX and kick you out of the current memory, causing you to forget whatever it was you were trying to remember in the first place. That would suck!

> "Ah, right."
> Dismiss Koakuma. Get up. Put on some non-pajamas, something appropriate for expected visitors.
> You ask when Monarda is expected to drop by. "He should be here in about...Ten to twenty minutes, I think?" she responds. You suggest that she prepare some tea and biscotti, Monarda loves biscotti.
> You then proceed to your sleeping quarters to change into...An exact same copy of the outfit you were wearing earlier, just cleaner. There's no need to wear anything special, he wears the same pajama-robes you do...Just in shades of blue instead of pink. You save your fancier attire for formal events, parties, that sort of thing.

> As you get changed, you notice something off on your bed...Or rather, it should be be something on your bed, but it's a ghostly, transparent image of a...Hat? You recognize it as the hat that one of the autumn spirits wear, but it has no decorative fruit on it. Very strange...You try to pick it up, but your hand passes through it harmlessly. You consider telling Koa about the unusual object, but with company expected so soon, you brush it aside and return to the lounge.

> You have a bit of time before Monarda arrives, what will you do?
> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #429 on: December 21, 2013, 04:54:06 PM »
> We probably asked Koakuma to retrieve that stack of books for a reason. Read the new books. See if any of them are relevant to subjects we want to discuss with our brother.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #430 on: December 22, 2013, 03:48:35 AM »
> Behold, the wonders of what happens when the parser completely forgets the details they wrote down just a few posts ago! :V

> We probably asked Koakuma to retrieve that stack of books for a reason. Read the new books. See if any of them are relevant to subjects we want to discuss with our brother.
> You take a look at the stack of books, and indeed they're all parts of the Molecular Manipulation series written by Edmund Alric. The list of titles include:
  • How The Flame Eats Our Planet
  • Prying the Eye of The Storm
  • Solticquinox
  • Dangerous Plants and Other Flaura
> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #431 on: December 25, 2013, 04:28:11 AM »
>... but WE'RE the best magician in all of Gensokyo. Bah.
>Hm, let's take advantage of this! Are there any books 'we've' refused to show Marisa? Perhaps they would make good reading to share with Monarda during his visit; presumably his interests are similar to 'our' own, right?
>Prepare cold water spraybottle for if the two familiars start making out
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #432 on: December 25, 2013, 05:38:41 AM »
>Prepare cold water spraybottle for if the two familiars start making out
> Koa only has eyes for Daiyousei

>... but WE'RE the best magician in all of Gensokyo. Bah.
>Hm, let's take advantage of this! Are there any books 'we've' refused to show Marisa? Perhaps they would make good reading to share with Monarda during his visit; presumably his interests are similar to 'our' own, right?
> Don't worry, you'll prove yourself soon enough...
> ...As soon as you figure out where you keep your super-secret stash of books pretaining to Ancient Forbidden Magic. You have several caches of such books hidden throughout the library, and thankfully, none of them have been found by Marisa. You keep track of such grottos using a map...A map you hae taken painstaking attempts to obscure in case Marisa kidnapped you. You reach into your robe pocket and open said map...Which is blank. What, you thought a treasure map that important would be easy to read? :P

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #433 on: December 25, 2013, 09:24:52 AM »
>This says nothing about Zakuro
>Certainly, we will need to make sure they are secure before we are distracted by dear brother's arrival!
>Decode the secrets, preferably in a matter that will not dispel until we do so 'ourselves.' After all, there's no way Marisa would arrive to mug us right this second, would she?!
>please get it please get it please get it
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #434 on: December 25, 2013, 06:13:56 PM »
>This says nothing about Zakuro
> To be fair, you never met the dude in person, so you don't know what his tastes are like. But you get a spray bottle ready just in case, lol.

>Certainly, we will need to make sure they are secure before we are distracted by dear brother's arrival!
> You know those smuggling compartments from Star Wars? Those are where the books are. They're secured by powerful magic locks; even Marisa wouldn't be able to break into them without knowing the code. You have the codes hidden in a different pocket of your robe.

>Decode the secrets, preferably in a matter that will not dispel until we do so 'ourselves.' After all, there's no way Marisa would arrive to mug us right this second, would she?!
>please get it please get it please get it
> You try taking a page from Harry Potter and say "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good," while putting your finger to the paper (who needs wands, anyways). You get shocked as a result. The map adds insult to injury by materializing letters onto the paper...

Code: [Select]
"Nice try. Manage your mischief elsewhere, Marisa."
> Well, you remember programming that in, that's for sure...You rack your brain for an answer, it's been ages since you touched this map.

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #435 on: December 25, 2013, 08:26:00 PM »
>snort some floo powder
>Hmm. About when was it that we made this? Would we incorporate our interests of the moment into the design of a security feature?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #436 on: December 26, 2013, 01:43:11 AM »
> Um... try phrases at random? "Open Sesame. Bah Humbug. Koakuma. Philosopher's Stone. I am the Law. I am the One. I am god. Mukyu. Koakuma, get me my asthma medicine. God damn it scroll, open up already, how many other purple-haired pajama-wearing anemic asthmatics do you think live in Gensokyo anyway?"

> Go through the list of common passwords we use.

Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #437 on: December 26, 2013, 04:37:55 AM »
>Try 'I love Marisa.'
>In all seriousness, perhaps 'Fiddlesnap' or 'Open, Damn you!'.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #438 on: December 27, 2013, 02:12:57 AM »
> Um... try phrases at random? "Open Sesame. Bah Humbug. Koakuma. Philosopher's Stone. I am the Law. I am the One. I am god. Mukyu. Koakuma, get me my asthma medicine. God damn it scroll, open up already, how many other purple-haired pajama-wearing anemic asthmatics do you think live in Gensokyo anyway?"

> Go through the list of common passwords we use.
> You mull over possible passwords in your head, but nothing seems to be quite right. Brute forcing it would only cause you personal agony and pain.
> Going through all the passwords you can come up with, you remember something...You sent your MAGICOMPUTER off to be repaired. And it has all your password information on it. Dammit.

>Try 'I love Marisa.'
> The map feeds you a rather sarcastic reply...

Code: [Select]
"Let me go send out the wedding invitations, then."
>In all seriousness, perhaps 'Fiddlesnap' or 'Open, Damn you!'.
Code: [Select]
"You're not even trying at this point, are you? Even Hong would have an easier time figuring this out."
>snort some floo powder
>Hmm. About when was it that we made this? Would we incorporate our interests of the moment into the design of a security feature?
> dat's sum gud floo
> You sit down and actually think for a second, instead of shouting at a piece of paper that doesn't know any better. You recall that Patchy made this map about ten years ago, on a Sunday in August. You remember that day clearly, because it was when you and Reimu attacked the mansion for the first time. A couple days later, you revisited to subdue Flandre, and Patchy was caught off guard by your arrival. It was then that she tightened security, and decided to re-read The Hobbit to blow off some steam. Better to watch some furry-footed midget get chased by dragons and ogres instead of having a Master Spark launched at your face...
> Now that you think about it, didn't that book have some kind of secret map too?

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #439 on: December 27, 2013, 02:27:42 AM »
>... watch? The hell? Let us not desecrate Tolkein by doing anything but reading the book.
>If necessary, retrieve The Hobbit to review likely password/theme.
Try moon magic imitating the different phases of the moon for an August Sunday, especially if we recall the exact phase that day.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #440 on: December 27, 2013, 05:05:09 AM »
>... watch? The hell? Let us not desecrate Tolkein by doing anything but reading the book.
> The parser meant to say read. :V Please to be forgiving this grievous error.

>If necessary, retrieve The Hobbit to review likely password/theme.
Try moon magic imitating the different phases of the moon for an August Sunday, especially if we recall the exact phase that day.
> No need, you know that book pretty well and you remember the phase needed for the spell. You hold a copy of your Silent Selene card aloft and chant a few select words. The appropriate moonlight radiates from the card, bathing the paper in a silvery blue glow.

Code: [Select]
"You chose....Wisely. Don't forget this next time."
> The snarky map's letters fade away and reveal a (surprisingly detailed) map of the library, with all the secret caches marked. You try to count them all...10, 20, 40, wow that is a lot of forbidden books! There's a total of 54 caches, and most of them have notes telling you which books are in which cache. You really wish you had a pen and paper handy right about now.

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #441 on: December 27, 2013, 05:11:48 AM »
>Hopefully Marisa saw that. And our ass.
>Get a pen and write it all down... might as well make it a thorough check. Note off any particularly powerful ones brother may be interested in.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #442 on: December 27, 2013, 06:05:34 AM »
>Hopefully Marisa saw that. And our ass.
> You do your best to memorize the items as Patchy looks them over. Somehow, this seems familiar to you...But you're not sure why.

>Get a pen and write it all down... might as well make it a thorough check. Note off any particularly powerful ones brother may be interested in.
> This does, however, ring a bell. Some of the more interesting caches include:

#3: Killer Vegetables, consider reading this in case of a zombie attack
#5: Songs of the Old Ones. Don't play these around humans.   
#17: Lethal Gases That Can Corrode Diamonds...How does that even work
#20: Books That Are Also Legendary Animals, feed them once a week
#36: Soul Devourer series, this has to be the worst hentai I have seen, don't show this to the sisters
#39: Cosmic Ghosts, a star chart depicting ancient spirits sealed within outer space
51: The Killer Lives, Memoirs of an Assassin: Possessed, do not open under any circumstances

> You're not entirely sure how these are useful, but hey, knowledge is free. Making use of it costs much more.
> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #443 on: December 27, 2013, 06:16:30 AM »
>Do any of those strike Marisa as particularly familiar?
>When's the last time we checked on the legendary animals? How tame are they?
>We DID just fiddle with moon stuff, perhaps the star chart would be good to check out.
>Heck, check in on stuff on the way, if it'd be easy to tell when Bro arrives.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #444 on: December 27, 2013, 07:56:13 AM »
>Do any of those strike Marisa as particularly familiar?
> Only #3 and #20 strike you as familiar, as they're the ones you find the most useful. #17 might have some use, if you can reverse-engineer Medicine's poison, but that might be a bit overkill.

>When's the last time we checked on the legendary animals? How tame are they?
> They're pretty lax. As long as they're fed and watered, they won't cause trouble. You're supposed to feed them tomorrow, so you might want to see if Sakuya has any meat on hand.

>We DID just fiddle with moon stuff, perhaps the star chart would be good to check out.
>Heck, check in on stuff on the way, if it'd be easy to tell when Bro arrives.
> Yes, a literary walk might be a good idea. You set off to retrieve the Starchart of Cosmic Ghosts, appropriately located within the Lunar Wing of the library.
> The aisles of books are quiet. Normally, you have your Magicomputer set up to play classical music via a broadcasting enchantment, but that's not happening right now. Only the creaking of the floorboards under your feet can be heard as you walk. You've gone down these aisles countless times, a newcomer would feel lost and helpless amidst all these books. At least they'd have something to read.
> *THUD*
> ...Provided some clumsy fairy doesn't knock it on your head first.
> "Sunny! Be careful! What if Patchy saw this?!" says a voice through a bookshelf to your left.
> "It's just a book, it's not like it's a glass or anything..." a second voice says.
> You recognize the two Mischievous Fairies, but their third cohort is missing. They always travel together...You could investigate this, but it'd take time away from your book hunt.

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #445 on: December 27, 2013, 08:03:01 AM »
>Whatever that fairy's doing, it will probably end up being Sakuya's or Koakuma's problem in the end. Let's not waste time on the idiots.
>Although... if we could get away with lighting the two on fire from here before leaving, it would be fair retaliation for their mistreatment of knowledge.
>What's the book that landed on 'us,' out of curiosity? Put it back if convenient/wise.
>Unless the fairies go on to something completely unforgivable, continue to the starchart's home.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #446 on: December 27, 2013, 08:33:17 AM »
>What's the book that landed on 'us,' out of curiosity? Put it back if convenient/wise.
> The parser intended this to be on the other side of the shelf, but ok, let's go with this.
> The book in question is called "The Origami Thriller," a Japanese-themed spy novel. You've never read this before, so you add it to your INCREDIBLY DEEP ROBE POCKETS.

>Whatever that fairy's doing, it will probably end up being Sakuya's or Koakuma's problem in the end. Let's not waste time on the idiots.
>Although... if we could get away with lighting the two on fire from here before leaving, it would be fair retaliation for their mistreatment of knowledge.
> You decide to tease the fairies by magically amplifying your voice, and telling them that a thousand years of misfortune and darkness will plague them for desecrating the books. They scream and fly away in terror. Heh, that never gets old.

>Unless the fairies go on to something completely unforgivable, continue to the starchart's home.
> Aside from bonking their heads against a shelf while fleeing, they cause no further damage. Fair enough. You do find their conversations amusing when they're not causing you cranial trauma. Anyways, you press on, with little else of note happening aside from the cleaning fairies doing their regular dusting.

> Eventually, you come to a wide open aisle with a rug sitting on the floor. It is of the finest craftsmanship, in the design of one of many constellations in space. A shame that it must be exiled here, but you use it as a marker to tell you where the Starchart is hidden. You lift the rug up, and surely enough, you see the seams of what appears to be a secret hatch. You manipulate the enchanted gears and motors with a wave of your hand, chanting the combination as you do so. With a click, the door slides open, and into a dark chamber. There is no need for a ladder, you simply levitate down.

> A chilling atmosphere engulfs you as you descend. This is normal, the books in this cache are of a supernatural nature. Anything on ghosts, ghouls, liches, zombies and other malignant spectres can be found here. You cast a light spell, using the moon crest on your hat as a light source, and see yourself surrounded by shelves of books. A faint cackle can be heard from some of them as you cast your light...Are the books possessed? Are the books ghosts themselves? You have little time to answer those questions, as a lavender glow catches your attention. The glowing object is one of many books marked by your magical bookmarks, and it is the one you are searching for. The Starchart of Cosmic Ghosts sits tightly between "Otherworldly Ocotopi" and "Demonic Dice: A Story of Chance." Your wandering gaze tempts you to go into BROWSING MODE, and perhaps find another book or two to check out, as dangerous as it would be.

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #447 on: January 01, 2014, 03:12:36 AM »
>What constellation is on the rug? is it the axe wound or hooded warrior this may be important
>Hmm, what did Mondara want to talk with us about, again? Elemental Fusion, right? Does he have much interest in ghosts or astronomy, and what here would be handy for that?
>... browse for a bit to see if the name Stella Skella reminds us of anything.
>Might as well grab one or two generally-useful rare starcharts while we're here...
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 09:06:28 AM by E-Nazrin »
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #448 on: January 03, 2014, 12:43:44 AM »
>What constellation is on the rug? is it the axe wound or hooded warrior this may be important
> The constellation is the good ol' Big Dipper. You're not sure why you picked that rug in particular, maybe it's because you like to dip into a good book? *shrug*

>Hmm, what did Mondara Monarda want to talk with us about, again? Elemental Fusion, right? Does he have much interest in ghosts or astronomy, and what here would be handy for that?
> Off the top of your head, you don't see a direct connection...But considering ghosts like (Captain) Murasa can wield the elements, it's worth looking into.

>... browse for a bit to see if the name Stella Skella reminds us of anything.
> You scan the books for a bit, but fail to find anything pretaining to Skella and her existence. Perhaps it'd help if you knew what she was; for all you and Patchy know she could be a robot ninja biplane spider and none of us would be able to tell.
> You do, however, find a book called "Disasterous Deaths," a book about people who died in the most astounding ways imaginable. Patchy's intuition isn't quite as hyper-sensitive as Reimu's, but you get the feeling this book is useful, so you take it.

>Might as well grab one or two generally-useful rare starcharts while we're here...
> Your thinking about Star Charts reminds Patchy of something she wrote down years ago...Looking at the back cover of the book, you find some numbers scribbled on here: 20, 10, and 14. Those numbers pretain to scrolls you keep in the lounge area, including some Star Charts you often consult. Glad you remembered those! (as Patchy, that is; as Marisa you know where most of her important documents are at any given moment)

> With the pair of tomes in tow, you decide now is a good time to ASCEND from the depths of this grotto and return to the warmth of the library. You're surprised you didn't start catching a cold by now. You seal up the cache and lock it up before replacing the rug, and head back to the lounge.
> As you walk, excited voices from those Meddling Fairies reach your ears. You can hear them several aisles away, but you can't hear what they're exactly talking about. You can listen in, or go about your business.

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #449 on: January 03, 2014, 07:01:29 PM »
>Is the third one here this time?
>Well, considering how the parser apparently really wants us to get involved with them we ran into them a second time so quickly we might as well overhear a little bit about what the nimrods are up to. Maybe find a way to chase them off again if necessary.
>... if only while taking a moment to consider our next destination. Would those other star charts be closer than the legendary animal books from where we are now?
There was something here once. Wonder what...