Author Topic: Touhou Rekkaden - Rift in a Friendship Game  (Read 1669 times)

Touhou Rekkaden - Rift in a Friendship Game
« on: January 31, 2012, 07:23:12 PM »
This here game is what one could call a bird's eye view 1 vs 1 vs1 vs 1 "party brawler"

It features the full Embodiment of Scarlet Devil character selection plus a few extras as well as a selection of arenas also based on it as well

The game offers a story mode in wich Hong Meiling alias "china" is the main character

It also offers a battle/versus mode wich basically grants to fight in any arena with any opponent

The game features the "standard" 4 difficulties (easy, normal, hard, lunatic)

The fighting mechanic is mixing danmaku to a "zelda-ish" control scheme, the character dispose of two attacks/firing solutions plus a "bomb" move, hitting/killing opponents or destroying parts of the environnements (wich, by the way, may or may not include hazards, such has books firing lasers or maids rushing about and possibly bashing your face in the doing)

The gameplay itself is very fast paced and to an extent could require one to thouroughly experiment around with the characters to allow best performance considering that some characters have very peculiar attack patterns like Alice's wich allows her to "deploy" dolls to give 'em an attack order afterwards making them rush after the targetted ennemy to attack it after wich they simply disappear...

Although I said the game has danmaku elements the health bar won't go missing in a single hit but the possibility of having HPs drop rapidly isn't to forget at all, but even so you should know that the health bar is double-layered hence the players have slightly more health than it appears.

The game is very keen on collisions and a lot of attacks will make you simply fly at the other end of the map just so you can bash into the wall and bounce right off, the arena's borders are pretty much cast iron walls, should you or anyone else bash someone hard enough to make peoples fly (unwillingly) you'll be able to use this mechanic to an extent to send your own ennemy onto someone else's attacks to maximize damage while saving up energy.

Like I said before the game has danmaku elements wich means that just plain spam would seem rather efficient however all characters have a "stamina" bar of somesort, attacking ennemies provoke this bar to deplete itself although the bar replenishes itself over time you'll need to pace your attacks correctly to avoid your character being completely devoid of defenses hence the bullet dodging is part of the game as well although a lot of projectiles move faster than any character's movement speed making it a tad edgy.

The bit the most interresting of the game is that once killed or KO'd, a character is not just an inert pile of meat on the floor, instead the character turns into a "ghost" and has an attack set to automatically set off every certain amounts of time allowing the downed players to annoy thoses who are still running to win and can possibly lead to hectic situations.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 08:03:33 AM by hydremajor »