Author Topic: Touhou Dreams Thread  (Read 20481 times)


Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #60 on: July 04, 2011, 03:04:51 PM »
I was afraid I wouldn't be able to post in this thread for a looooong time without completely derailing the topic, but my recent dream had a Touhou accent to it, so here I am.

It happened this night, obviously. Gotta write it down while the memories are fresh. I have this annoying tendency to completely forget whatever I was dreaming about the moment I wake up if I do not immediately concentrate on my dreams. Since today was an important day to me and I had to catch a train to another city early, I focused on checking the hour instead when my cell phone's alarm woke me up and lost nearly all of the details but the last, most vivid and strange (and TH-related) accent.

Since my idea of spending days during the summer break redefines "party hard" and brings normal people to shame (although there's nothing to be ashamed of, actually, more like there's things that need to be pitied), I went to sleep at 3AM, as I sometimes do (usually it's 5AM, though, when the sun has already risen for good and it's bright outside). My phone woke me up at 8AM, but I figured I could board the next, slightly more expensive train at 11AM, I reconfigured the alarm and went back to sleep.

I was dreaming about something before the phone woke me up for the first time at eight, but I couldn't remember what either, because I immediately fixed my attention on the alarm and the time, as well as on how to be able to sleep longer without ballsing everything I planned for today up. I'm fairly sure it had no relations to Touhou though, as my mind is set to immediately filter and remember them, so it was not relevant to the story.

I had trouble going back to sleep, being constantly reminded by myself that the cell phone's alarm could go off at any moment and give me another rude awakening. However, after some time, I veeeery slowly slipped into the dream world.

I slept an extremely shallow sleep, just conscious enough to realise I was dreaming again. All I remember is it that the semi-lucid dream was sucky. I did not like it. It was gloomy and dark, or something, and I was not enjoying it at all. You know, not being adept at controlling the dreams (and not entirely aware of my ability to control it, since knowing that you are in the dream is one thing, but learning that you can shape it is a whole different one), I decided I want it to end.

So, I politely requested my subconscious to terminate the dream somehow and give me something better. And what did that little clever bugger do?

It summoned freaking Marisa Kirisame.

It's mildly funny now that I think of it. Marisa appeared out of nowhere, floating in the air. She fired her trademark Master Spark at me and some other person whom I was talking to, although judging by the volume of the beam, it might very well have been the Magicannon.

As the world around me was being obliterated, I looked at the Final Master Spark aimed directly at us. It was mostly white light. There were colours of the rainbow flashing epileptically around the edges. That makes me wonder what is the colour of love. You know, the Love-Coloured Master Spark. What color is it, anyway? Also I wonder if you can get seizures in your own dream. Wasn't nowhere as disorienting as the Porygon episode of Pokemon, with red/blue explosions blinking madly.

Obviously the dream ended then. It's a shame that the only thing I can do with dreams is destroy them instead of building something. Why is that I only gain awareness of dreaming when I want to escape them... Last time this happened to me, I was at school and I gave myself a shotgun. But I did not actually kill anyone, because I strongly believe in pacifism and the buddhist idea of not doing any harm whatsoever to other living beings. I just wanted a shotgun to know I could tear the whole place down. The immediate and abrupt ending of the dream that followed implied that I did.

Yeah, not much to say here or to interpret, because it was a dream that I can't remember with a very specific ending. Kinda fun, though. Marisa is welcome to invade my dreams anytime and steal what little precious thing there are, including the remnants of my sanity (I heard she is lacking it and could use some of it). Wonder if it had anything to do with me crossing over from one dream world to another and asking Yukari for something. Hey, perhaps my subconscious just wanted me to have something to write about for this forum? I mean I did fantasize for a while about how it would feel to have a TH-related dream... without actually reading the topic, just looking at its title at the index.

But, as a little thought - Maribel Hearn and Yukari Yakumo are not the same person. That would be silly. The original name of that was pleasedon'ttakethisseriously.png and it's a reference, because I am far too referential.
How do you tell a little thought from a big one? I don't get it.
I'm afraid I can't recognize the girl in the picture. Is that some kind of a reference that I was supposed to get? What would be silly? I also tried to google the full name of the .png that you gave me in order to find out what's up with the pic, but got no results. I'm sorry, but I'm, how do you say it, kind of an idiot. I'd love if you could explain this picture and the idea behind it to me.

twisted people do tend to congregate to Touhou. Nothing wrong with that, is there?
I don't know. For all I know, weirdness is a quality that can be good in itself. It may stem from social stigma, but it gives you the notion that the person branded so by the society might think in some very interesting ways. Meeting people who think differently is cool. Social outcasts are fine, too. We, recluses, are numerous. Not being the only one feels good as well.

Anyway, if you haven't tried it yet, writing down your dreams *as soon as you wake up* - that can't be overstated enough, even if it's just one phrase or color or feeling - will help recollection.
I know that. Thanks for giving me the incentive to start writing them down again. I actually attempted that once because I read somewhere that writing down yout dreams is helpful if you want to experience lucid dreams, but I kinda gave up early. And you do not have to write them down as soon as you wake up, I think. I can reliably hold most memories from dreams in memory for approximately two days tops, after which they just disappear. Well that's how I was holding back the memories of today's dream, although it's only 6 hrs old and there wasn't much to remember.

if eyes are the window of the soul, dreams are it's messengers.
Yeah, of course dreams have meanings ascribed to them by our subconscious. Another thing that is not as obvious as it probably should be is that psychical well-being is as important as physical one. Perhaps we would do well to focus more on trying to understand our dreams... and definitely think more about what's going on in our heads.

... By the by. Lunatic mode in this world is trying to create a world like the one we want to escape into. Of course, it involves a lot of effort, and I'm chronically lazy - but that's why it's fun to play it that way anyway.
Hm? Well, it requires plenty of dedication to beat for sure.

I guess you could say that it's important to accept death. I know I feel that way - but even if you reach that land you look for, it's not really the same if you can't look back and say that you tried your hardest here, right? Of course, I've gotten used to my misery - after awhile of having no job and no future, it just all looks the same, heh. If you want to commiserate, lemme know - it'll be an interesting conversation, I'm sure.
It sounds as if you are genuinely concerned about my interest in dying. Well, I had some suicidal thoughts when I was seven, so I got used to them and I'm not actually going to ever kill myself, no worries. If anything, it's just the indifference. The body and the instinctual mind will always struggle to draw another breath, but the rational mind just cannot care any less. It's that kind of being chill that allows you to keep your cool in the face of being iced, if you'll pardon the slang terms. That means I might as well let myself get killed by someone if that pleases that person. I do not seek death, I want everyone to be happy, but... Well... I have been wasting my life the whole time, letting it all go to waste at hands of another man who sees this as the only solution might just be fine, too. Although killing gets people into trouble more often than it helps them. You know, Buddhism also tells people not to get attached to earthly belonging, I guess life qualifies as well. That's just fuel for the atheists' machine of "science flies you to the moon, religion flies you into buildings", I guess. Ironically, I am agnostic and make up my own beliefs...

Well, the lottery numbers turned out to be 2, 4, 6, 9, 34, 44. Not really close to mine. Most people would not seek justifications for that, but I might as well give a shot while we're at it. Did you know that the theoreticians of quantum mechanics suggested the possibility of reality not having a linear structure but instead consisting of countless branches of alternate universes which may differ in single insignificant detail? That's some wicked stuff if you think about it; it's like philosophy, except it's actual science. I am not going to discuss that in detail because here is not the topic for that, but I sometimes think that the world might just be structured that way. I didn't participate in the lottery despite being told the numbers. So perhaps 'something' chose for me the alternate universe in which the results of the lottery were different for me not to feel too sad or amazed about it. I do remain the kind of guy who is hard to convince to believe in the supernatural. And perhaps the purpose of the reality is to remain real and stable. That's one way to justify it. As I said, most people just don't think about it.

And that is why wishful thinking does not work. Not on large scale, anyway. If our wishes were to come true, the world would become quite frightening and perhaps too tumultuous for us to explore.

I have probably messed something up while describing it, so for more info, look up Many-worlds Interpretation on our very own Wikipedia. Warning: very hard to understand.


  • Apostatical Verdant Eudaemonaic
  • This is my danmaku.
Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #61 on: July 04, 2011, 08:30:29 PM »
Jung would say that being SPAAAAARKed is a symbol of your desire to train your body and mind; the aggressive but confident nature a signal both of self-improvement and of self-doubt. Reich would point out that the open nature Marisa showed was probably relevant to your own feelings about summer. And Freud - well, sometimes a magicannon is just a magicannon!.. Anyway. It sounds like you're used to dreaming and being able to impact the dream in someway, so I imagine that not being able to do so more consciously is a bit jarring, to say the least.

The pic I gave you I uploaded myself, so that's probably why you couldn't find it.  :o Sorry about that. I'd just given it that filename originally as a hope you wouldn't... Well, take it seriously. The character is from a sound/visual novel known as Umineko; if you like mysteries, magic, and character development, you should check it out. The character in question mentions that someone very similar(?) to herself is not at all like her, and that anyone who thinks so is silly. It's debatable if what she is saying is true, false, or designed to literally mess with the player. That sort of thing happens a lot in Umineko. More importantly - one isn't an idiot for not getting strange references.  :)

Anyway, it sounds like you know a lot about dreams already, so my usual torrent of beginner advice will pause for now. I'm kind of envious that you can keep them in your head without a pen and paper or writing them on your computer though - if it weren't for my grimoires journals, I'd probably forget my own name, ahahaha! Anyway. It appears you have an interesting train of thought indeed. I can't claim I've ever felt anything hard to understand, because I don't understand anything, especially not detachment of desire and belonging, or lack of belief! Without my delusions, I'm nothing but someone who writes long run-on sentences on the internet! Terrifying, mortifying! Well, anyway.

I can't be too concerned about you, having just met you - but at the same time, it always seems to me that before we feed the world around us, we might try to pick something to do. Even if things are temporal, or perhaps another dream, if we do not influence the world around us in some way - well, it's like being called to someone else's dream, expectantly, and failing to perform. That's my rationale, anyway. But enough o' that. I need coffee.

Awesome sig courtesy of Squawkers23! Thanks!

Oh, you're looking for words? My writing is here.
Do you remember me? I also remember you - and though we haven't met in so many days, I still know you and love your memories. If you stumbled upon this - good luck, in whatever you might do.


  • Eternal Optimist
  • Everything will work out in the end!
Re: Touhou Dreams Thread
« Reply #62 on: July 15, 2011, 02:59:57 AM »
I'm very unsure if this was a dream or not! I tend to hallucinate at early hours when I've slept very little, or I have waking dreams.

The last I clearly recall was Yuyuko and Remilia teaming up and challenging me to a Danmaku match. Maybe I did something to anger them, interrupting a flower viewing party? Ate the last of the good snacks? Regardless, they were high above me and started dishing out their best spells. It was even set up like the games! to the far right there were scores and my lives, the works! And the last thing you want to experience are two Final Bosses teaming up and using differently patterned spells on you at the same time. I remember rolling over in my bed as a pathetic attempt to dodge. Ack.

After a while of that unfair cruelty, I came to my senses. Just a dream, just a hallucination. I was a little paranoid of catching Danmaku out of the corner of my eye for the rest of the day T: