Author Topic: Weird graphical issues with all of my Touhou games. Can somebody help me?  (Read 2844 times)

Lately, I have been playing my Touhou Games, from EoSD to Danmakufu and SA, but starting about two or three days ago, I get these weird graphical effects in my game that most often only show up for a very split second, but frequently. I once had this effect that was stuck on the menu to the right in-game (I should note that this odd effect took the form of a wood-colored spike), but that only happened once, and that was the first time the graphical issues started to happen.

While it appears to happen more on the menus than the in-game screen itself, this is particularly irritating, and I cannot capture a screenshot of it due to how fast it appears and disappears. Is there a way to fix this issue?


Does this happen in other games? It may be your graphics card dying.


  • Bad maajan player
  • Beware. Lolicon.
It may be just a program trying to pop up on your screen.