Author Topic: [Art] An Afterthought after Reading SSiB and CiLR *Spoiler Warning*  (Read 2230 times)


  • Amateur Touhou Piano Player
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  • イケメンFlan is the new hype
    • Touhou Piano Project
After reading Silent Sinners in Blue and getting my hands on Cage in Lunatic Runagate ending,
I HAD to do this parody.  For those who have ignored the *Spoiler Warning*, beware that the next line will pretty much sum up of the ending in Cage in Lunatic Runagate final chapter - Two Kinds of Homesickness.

In SSiB ending, Yukari brings the Lunarian sake for everyone to enjoy.  What SSiB does not tell while CiLR tells is that Yukari invited over Eirin and Kaguya as well to that party as well.  Eirin was completely dumbfounded when she tasted the sake, for it was only a sake available in the Moon, the one that needs to be contained for a thousand years.  And thus, the series ends with Yukari's complete victory over the Lunarian refugee.

This parody that I drew and available in the link below is a crossover of "certain anime/manga"*** and Touhou SSiB scenes.  It's my imagination of what must have happened AFTER the ending to CiLR, when everybody went home, starting from the perspective of Eirin.

Anyways, enjoys.

Just As Planned.

***(Psst, it's DeathNote!)