Author Topic: Sweet Dreams  (Read 31653 times)


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Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #60 on: April 15, 2010, 02:16:56 PM »
...WHY I always read her name as "Usamimi"??

Also, it's good that you're writing again, Ruro.


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
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Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #61 on: April 16, 2010, 07:58:45 PM »
It's wonderful to see this updated again. =D Also, your writing is still leaps and bounds better than mine, so don't worry if you don't feel you're writing your best.
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #62 on: April 16, 2010, 09:42:46 PM »
Ah finally got around reading the next chapter.

And now I'm a bit more motiviated to finish mine. I hope to have it done by this weekend for you Ruro, but I tend to be a bit longer than what I first say :V


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Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #63 on: April 17, 2010, 04:20:31 AM »
After reading this, I immediately fell asleep afterwards for five hours.  :ohdear: Though it may have just been lightheadedness from imagining Renko changing
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Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #64 on: April 17, 2010, 04:30:28 AM »
After reading this, I immediately fell asleep afterwards for five hours.  :ohdear: Though it may have just been lightheadedness from imagining Renko changing
Wait, how does one get sleepy from imagining Renko's underwe


Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #65 on: June 17, 2010, 05:16:21 AM »

*thunder, lightning crash*

So it turns out that being an admin of a site like MotK can eat up vast amounts of time. And writer's block is a bitch and a half.

However, this series' contract has officially been renewed. As has White Rose's, though out of necessity (the next update is a bit long), I'm updating Sweet Dreams this week, and White Rose the next. Stay tuned, folks, but for now, enjoy the return of Sweet Dreams!

Or don't. It's not like I c-care or anything. Hmph.

Chapter Seven

Estimated total average waking hour capacity: Fifteen hours, forty-two minutes


When I came back, Maribel was singing.

?Whoa, doctor bones, doctor bones, doctor bones, I love you doctor boooooooooones!?

Swing music, I recognized when I walked in, the click of the lock opening going unheard next to the sound of our computer speakers playing one of Maribel's favourite CDs.

?Whoa, shake, shake, shake n' rattle, rattle 'em doctor bones-- c'mon, shake, shake, shake n' rattle, rattle 'em doctor bones--?

I could see her standing in our very small kitchenette, her right foot twirling around, tapping to the beat, and an apron tied around her as she flipped-- wait, were those homemade pancakes? Hell YES. I knew I loved this girl for a reason.

?Hey, Mary, I brought your things back,? I spoke loudly enough that she could hear me over the sound of her music.

Maribel half-turned, and smiled back at me. ?Awesome. Just dump my backpack somewhere.?

?Sure thing.? I dropped it on our couch, and sat down. Maribel had dragged out our traveling suitcases at some point while I had been gone, so now that I had it handy, I took the chance to start opening up my cabinets and pack away some clothes for the next seven days.

In the meantime, the dorm filled with the scent of fresh-made pancakes. I inhaled, and I realized then that I was really, REALLY hungry.

I reflected also that I was sitting, warm and comfortable after coming in from a fresh morning bike ride, spending the early hours with a best friend who was busy singing along to American swing music while making fresh pancakes, and I suddenly felt very fortunate.

The memory of what I had been talking about with Yumemi yesterday-- about how I could not take life for granted-- floated into my mind, and I had to smile. This was a fantastic life I led. If I could have any wish...

I wished then and there that things as they were now could last forever.

The song ended. Maribel turned and grinned at me.

?What's the reason for that smile, Renko??

?Hmm...? I didn't know how to reply in a fancy manner, so I just said what was true. ?Everything.?

Maribel chuckled and turned back to her cooking.


A few minutes later, Maribel and I were seated at our small table, enjoying fresh-made pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries on them. And some syrup, too. Delicious stuff.

Maribel wiped her mouth with a napkin. ?So,? she asked, reaching over to grab my hand. ?What're we doing today??

I held her hand in mine, wondering where the sudden affection had come from, but not minding it in the least. ?Are you packed yet??

She nodded. ?Just need to throw your stuff in the car, and we can get going.?

?Great.? I racked my brain for anything I could be forgetting. ?Wait. Should we call Yumemi before we leave? Just so someone knows where we've gone.?

?Sounds good to me,? she replied, finishing her last slice of pancake. ?I'll take your things to the car.?

I nodded, swallowing my last slice as well. She left the room with my packed suitcase, pulling it along by its wheels, as I took my plate over to the small sink we had in our kitchenette. I washed it with one hand as I dialed Yumemi's home number with my other. It was 8:07 AM; she should've been awake by now.

The phone rang. It was answered. “Hello??

That wasn't Yumemi's voice, though. ?Good morning. Is Okazaki-sensei home??

?Who's calling??

?Renko Usami. I'm one of her physics students.?

?Ah, Renko! I didn't recognize you at first. It's me, Kotohime.?

?Kotohime!? It was the policewoman, the one I rarely ever saw because she was always working. But she was there in the morning. Maybe she had late mornings. ?Where's Yumemi??

?She already left with Sanae this morning,? Kotohime replied. ?They already left to go to Nagano at, like, 7:00 AM.?

Nagan-- wait, what?

I didn't say it aloud. I did pause for a moment, though.

Kotohime's playful tone cut through my thoughts. ?What do you need her for??

I stayed stunned for a moment longer, and then caught myself. ?Oh-- nothing, I just wanted to ask when I could see her again, to go stargazing later.?

?Ah, I see. Well, you could always try her cell.?

?I will. Thanks, Kotohime-san.?

?No problem, Renko~ see you around.?

I hung up.

Nagano? With Sanae? Earlier today? Already? But it was so early in the morning. Why had they gone? It sounded like they had left in some kind of rush.

Stop that, I snapped at myself. I was being paranoid. Stop jumping to crazy conclusions. In all likelihood, they left that early to beat the morning traffic. And they were going to Nagano to visit... something. I didn't know. But if it was Yumemi, Sanae wouldn't say anything about Gensokyo. Yumemi knew nothing about Gensokyo except what the Sealing Club had told her. Right? Right.

I couldn't help but worry, though. What was Sanae planning? What on earth were they up to?

Calm down, I told myself again. Watch, they're doing something utterly benign, and you're making too big a deal about it. Yumemi's a smart woman. She knows what she's doing. So does Sanae. They probably just went fishing or something. Yes. That was it.

I put my dirty dishes off to the side to dry. I really needed something to do before I drove myself crazy with these thoughts.

Thankfully, an opportunity presented itself, in the form of Maribel opening the door. ?Renko, you ready??

?Yes,? I replied, grabbing my mostly empty backpack. ?Let's get going.?

Maribel went over to grab her CD of swing music and a water bottle, and walked out of the room. I followed after, locking the door behind me, and bid farewell to our dorm for the next few days. I followed Maribel down the hall and out of the building (which was mostly empty by now) and out to the parking lot.

In front of her car, Maribel pulled her keys out of her pocket and dangled them in front of me. ?All yours, Renkobon.?

I shot her a snarky grin. ?Thanks, Maryberry.?

She grinned back and hopped in.


Now, I understand how strange it is for two college-age girls to have a car in modern-day Japan, where EVERYONE uses public transportation. It's not actually that weird if I explain. For her 16th birthday, Maribel was told that she'd be getting a present from overseas. It turned out to be a Land Rover G4. British make, apparently-- cars were never my thing. But the thing was hers, and yes, it stood out in a country where everyone rides their bikes or the train everywhere.

Maribel didn't drive it often for that reason; the public transportation system was too efficient to justify it, and she didn't like driving besides. She really did prefer riding her bike with me. But for a trip like this, Maribel just felt she had to use her car, especially since we had luggage to carry around too, and I wanted the practice. I rarely got to drive, and though I didn't care much for car trivia, I did like driving.

?Master and slave-- in equal parts, split down the middle, drinkin' doubles at the bar-- oh, master and slave, god bless you both, I got two for the price of one-- Such a deal for your only sooooon--?

And so that was why I was driving through the streets of Kyoto, making my way to our destination, amused at all the looks this car was getting. I supposed the sight of two college-age girls (and one of them singing along to English swing music) in a car like this would draw stares.

?Geez, you'd think these people have never seen a Land Rover,? I commented.

?Wait 'till they see Yumemi's Cadillac,? Maribel replied, turning up the music. ?Ooh, this is the best part!?

She tapped her hand against the dashboard to the beat as she sang along, loudly enough to draw stares from pedestrians outside.

?While the masters and slaves scratch for pieces of the dream-- for purple mountain majesties, whatever the hell that means-- They give up on each other, and that's the way they get ahead-- But I can still see the stars, through these red, white, and blue prison bars-- oh, master and slave--?

I couldn't look over for more than a few seconds, but I got enough time to see Maribel air-microphoning, and I had to laugh aloud. It was just so wonderful, so fitting for such a great day today, to see her having that much fun.

?Hey, what is it?? Maribel looked over at me, pulling a sad face. ?Are you laughing at me??

?No,? I said, trying to choke back my laughter and failing. ?Okay, fine, yes.?

?Why? Are you making fun of me?? She asked, leaning over on her seat to me. ?How mean...?

?It's not that,? I chuckled. ?I'm amused, but not at your expense.?

?Whaaaat? What does that even mean??

I shook my head, making sure that the route was straight enough that I could look away from the road. ?I've laughed at you before, Mary, but not because I'm mocking you.? I looked at her; her face was no more than a foot away from mine. ?It's only because you're so unexpectedly wonderful that I can hardly believe it.?

I had to turn back to the road then, but I could have sworn I saw Maribel's face turn a dozen shades of red then as she sat back down onto her seat.

?Oh, Renko... thanks.?

?For what, telling the truth?? I shook my head. ?That's not something you need to thank me for.?

?But still...? A nudging on my right hand prompted me to look down. I saw Maribel's hand cover my own, and I glanced up at her to see her smile, warmer than ever, and a faint blush on her cheek. ?Thank you.?

I smiled back. ?You're welcome, then.?

Maribel squeezed my hand and let it go. I looked at my hand on the steering wheel, and I already missed the feel of her hand on mine. I shook that thought out of my head, glanced at the time-- 8:32 AM-- and concentrated on the road.


Estimated total average waking hour capacity: Fifteen hours, twenty minutes

End of Chapter Seven.

Oh man it feels so damn good to be writing again. I'm terribly out of practice, though, as this update's quality should indicate. :V Please be patient with me!

We're finally moving into the second arc of Sweet Dreams. I can't wait to start writing some more of this. :3


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Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #66 on: June 17, 2010, 05:34:14 AM »
Nice to see this updated. I wonder where they're going~?
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet

Iced Fairy

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Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #67 on: June 17, 2010, 05:40:23 AM »
Yes, it's back!  Now I can see what....

Give me a sec, I need to review everything that came before.

Still it's great to see Renko and Mary back in action.  And to see you writing again.  Running something is always time consuming and I have no idea how much of a mess something the size of MotK would be.

Hm...  Right, need to assign some time for my own Maribel plot...


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Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #68 on: June 17, 2010, 05:51:51 AM »
The visuals of Renko driving through Kyoto while Mary rocks out to swing music is just too amusing to me. So glad to see you back writing. :3
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Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #69 on: June 17, 2010, 05:13:21 PM »
Oh my goodness

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #70 on: August 19, 2010, 04:27:06 AM »
Nope. Just like White Rose, this ain't dead yet.

Fun meta fact: White Rose's word count is currently 153,081. Counting this update right down here, Sweet Dreams' word count is... 26,445. Can I count this as a short story yet? Well, it is by my standards :V

Things will start to get interesting from here on out, promise. Wednesday update, go!

Chapter Eight

Estimated total average waking hour capacity: Fifteen hours, sixteen minutes


From a distance, we saw our destination.

?Oh my,? I said. Next to me, I heard Maribel's breath catch in her throat, and I knew I had picked the right spot.

Ryōan-ji temple was where we would be staying for the next few days. It was a Zen temple and a UNESCO world heritage site, and therefore off-limits for tourists?until just recently. Short version, I had managed to secure a guest room at the Ryōan-ji for Mary and myself for a full week with relative ease.

We parked a ways off, in a small, otherwise empty parking lot, and Maribel popped open the back trunk so we could get our things. We rolled our luggage up to the front door. From my glances at the Ryōan-ji temple web site, immediately inside was the kuri, the entrance area. This was the front step, so we both left our shoes here. I knocked and waited for someone to open the door.

Maribel, who got bored easily, reached over to a stack of guides to the temple grounds and opened it then and there. She frowned.

The door was taking some time to open. I looked over at Maribel. ?What are you doing??

?This is... a UNESCO World Heritage Site,? Maribel replied. ?Centuries old, and strictly hands-off, tourist-only. How in the hell did you manage to get a room here like it was a hotel??

I grinned. I had been waiting for Maribel to ask. ?Well--? I was about to explain, but then the door opened, and a wrinkled old woman in a purple yukata walked out and bowed at a shallow angle.

?Come right on in,? she greeted us.

I tried not to burst out laughing at the continued look of shock on Maribel?s face. I guessed the explanation would have to wait.

?Thank you. Can you show us the way inside??

?Of course,? she replied, turning around and walking inside. I followed after her, and Maribel shook off her surprise fast enough to walk in after me.

Maribel skipped up, enough to walk abreast of me. We walked through the kuri together, letting the servant lead us to our room. I could tell that she really wanted to ask what was going on, but she was containing herself as best she could.

Finally, the servant led us to a screen, and opened it to the side. ?This is one of the new guest chambers. This is where you?ll be staying for the week. Let the groundskeeper know if you need anything,? she said as she slid the shoji closed.

I let out a sigh of relief. ?Man, this is pretty cool.?

Maribel looked utterly horrified as I lay down on the mats. ?Re-- RENKO?!?

I raised an eyebrow as I put my hands behind my head. ?What's up??

?What the hell? How on earth did we manage to get a room in a place as old as this?!?

I smiled. ?No need to panic. The explanation is pretty simple.? I sat up, cross-legged. ?Remember when we went to visit my parents in Tokyo??

?Yes,? Maribel replied, unease in her voice.

?That time, during the 53-minute train ride, we were talking about how thanks to the Mount Fuji Revival Association, it was finally nominated as a United Nations world natural heritage site.? I wished I had the newspaper to show her, but I continued anyway. ?I grabbed the newspaper a few weeks back, and it caught my eye. Don?t you ever read the paper??

Maribel shook her head. I sighed.

?Not but a few weeks ago, Mt. Fuji was accepted as a world natural heritage site. So the Japanese government decided to try and nominate various other places, including this temple, worthy to be nominated as world heritage sites. In order to impress the international crowd, then, those places were now opened to the public, and this one in particular has been opened to week-long stays. However, they?re not yet popular, busy tourist areas, so it was pretty easy to get a room here.?

I had been sitting on this story for weeks. I waited to see Maribel?s reaction.

?Still...? she looked as worried as ever. ?Oh maaaaaan,? Maribel groaned, putting her hands on her head. ?There?s no way we should be allowed in a place this old. We are going to be in so much trouble. They'll put us in front of a firing squad for this.?

?Don't be so melodramatic,? I chastised her, somewhat disappointed that she wasn?t as excited as I was. Why did she have to focus on the details like this? That was my job, damnit. ?We're in, and it?s perfectly legal. What more do you want??

?I guess... this is a really beautiful temple,? she replied, looking around the room. ?Really beautiful.?

?I chose this place for the momijigari, as you requested,? I said, closing my eyes to give them a few minutes of rest. ?As soon as you're unpacked, we can head out for the day.?

She didn?t make a sound. I opened one eye to look at her.

Maribel stood, unmoving, and then she let out a long sigh as her shoulders sagged. She moved her arms from side to side and closed her eyes, then ran her hands through her loose blonde hair.

?All right. Let me get my stuff put away, and we can go have some fun.?

I smiled at her, happy that she had finally decided to give up and just enjoy our vacation, and while she was up to that, I pulled my hat over my face and got some rest.


I was poked awake a while later-- at 9:25 AM, according to my watch. My hat fell off my face as I got up, and the first thing I saw was Maribel wearing a long purple-and-white kimono.

?When did you put that on?? I tried to ask. I ended up mumbling instead.

?Just now, while you were sleeping,? Maribel replied. She twirled, the wide sleeves of her kimono swinging around her. ?I don't think I tied the obi right, though...?

I blinked sleep away and focused on the obi tied around her waist.

?I don't see anything wrong with it,? I sighed.

Maribel looked down at me, and for some strange reason, she started to turn a bit red.

?C-could you check?? she asked. ?There might be something wrong with it. I'd hate it if my kimono just... slipped off at the worst time.?

?Mary, I don't know how to tie obi,? I replied. ?If you want my advice, just use a pin on it to keep it together. Or freakin' duct tape. Whatever.?

Maribel sighed, and I immediately felt bad. I didn't want to let her down-- but really, it had been years since I'd tied any obi. Still...

I stood up as Maribel began to turn away. ?Mary. Hold still.?

?Ah?? she asked as my hands found the back of her waist. ?Re-Renko??

?I'm fixing the mess you made of this knot,? I replied, putting my hat on Maribel's blonde head while I worked. ?It's all wrong. I'll have to take it all off.?

?Take what all off?? Maribel asked, her voice becoming high-pitched near the end.

?The obi, of course,? I replied, wishing I had a few bobby pins around. They'd solve this problem right quick. I finally managed to undo the whole obi, and the cloth of Maribel's kimono suddenly became a lot looser around her body. It would be really easy for it to fall off right now.

Almost as if on cue, Maribel shrugged, and suddenly her kimono began to fall off her shoulders, revealing the back of her bare chest to me.

?M-Mary!? I cried out, catching the cloth of her purple kimono before it could fall off. ?Hold on, don't move, or your clothes will just fall off.?

?Oh?? she replied, a slight huskiness in her voice. ?Fall off??

I nodded as I pulled the kimono back up. ?And that would be bad.?

?It... would?? she asked. Was she cold or something? It was pretty warm in this room.

?Mmhmm,? I replied as I managed to secure the kimono around her shoulders while messing with the obi. ?Ah, here we are.? I wound the obi around her waist, and got to work on the knots.

It had been years since I'd last tied an obi, but even if my head didn't remember it, my hands did. They wove through the cloth and slowly, her obi came together.

?You shouldn?t even be using an obi to do this any more,? I remarked. ?They have modern, pre-tied ones you can use instead.?

?That looks complicated,? Maribel remarked, looking over her shoulder at my work.

?Heh, that's a good thing,? I replied as I put the finishing touches on my masterpiece. ?I heard somewhere that the more knots a woman can make in an obi, the better she is with her hands. Token innuendo implied.?

?With her hands--? Maribel's face suddenly went bright red. ?R-really??

I nodded. ?I guess that would mean that I'd be really good at... actually, you know what? Let's not go there.?

Maribel had put her hands over her face and nose by now. She nodded up and down very quickly.

I grabbed my small backpack. I heard Maribel take a few deep breaths behind me. ?Wait. You're not going to put on a kimono??

I looked down at my gray pants, black shirt, and white tie. ?Right now, I'm good with what I'm wearing.?

She looked a bit disappointed. ?I was hoping I'd get to help you put one on.?

?Maybe later,? I laughed. ?Right now, I want to see the autumn leaf paths. When we get back, you can help me strip naked and throw on a yukata.?

I walked towards the door as Maribel turned redder than I had ever seen her before. She didn?t follow immediately-- I laughed and turned around. ?C'mon, let's go.?

?Y-yes... let's get going.?

I slid open the shoji door and let Maribel leave first. I followed after her, and together we found our way to a patio, where we found some sandals waiting for us, and from there we wandered off into the winding paths of the grounds of Ryōan-ji temple.


Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #71 on: August 19, 2010, 04:31:40 AM »
The clicking of our wooden sandals went for a while, and then slowed down, muffled, and stopped altogether after a few minutes.

They were clicking as we walked over the paved paths to the nearby forest. They slowed down as we watched the hordes of red-orange Japanese maple leaves blowing in the breeze, moving like an ocean of fire over the treetops. They were muffled by the leaves underfoot that had already blown off and covered the path like a carpet, and they stopped altogether when we stopped caring about walking down the whole path, and just sat down to watch the autumn leaves in the warm breeze.

I hadn't gone autumn leaf viewing in a while. I thought about it, and regretted all the times I had decided to sleep in instead of going out to see red-gold leaves in the early morning. I had missed out.

Next to me, Maribel also seemed to be stunned into silence. I couldn't agree more with her. The waves of fire-red leaves undulating in the breeze above us, below us, and around us took my breath away.

I looked over at Maribel. Her blue eyes were opened wide, drinking in as much of the scene as they could. Her blonde hair had always been nice to look at, but against the backdrop of red-gold leaves moving like flames behind her, her hair looked even brighter.

I found myself unable to turn my gaze from her. She was absolutely radiant.

I knew it was impolite to stare, but I couldn?t help it.

?Ah?? Maribel turned to me, the most beautiful smile on her face. ?Renko, what is it??

??beautiful,? I managed to stammer, embarrassed at having been caught.

?It is really beautiful out here,? she agreed, turning back to see the red-gold sea of leaves around us. And then a slow grin crept over her face, and she came closer to me.

??uh?? I asked as she came to my left side and wrapped her arm around mine, and looked over to me with a smile.

?Something this beautiful... should be shared, don?t you think??

I nodded, my words caught in my throat. Against the burning sea around us, her ocean-blue eyes stared right into mine, and I was amazed at how beautiful they were.

?Yes,? I replied, and I put my arm over her shoulders and held her to my side. She laid her head against my shoulder, and we stayed that way for a long while as the sun ignited the treetops, and the wind moved the leaves like a sea of fire.


I was the one to break the peace, unfortunately. I hadn?t had enough sleep last night. I was tired, and so I started closing my eyes.

Maribel caught me before I tipped over.

?Renko?? she asked, worried. The sound of her voice shattering the silence got me back to my senses. I blinked myself back to reality.

?Are you all right?? I was too heavy for Maribel to hold up. She let me down slowly onto the leaf-covered ground, and I picked up my hat-- I hadn?t even noticed it had fallen off.

?I?m all right,? I said, and yawned.

?You?re still sleepy from last night, aren?t you??

She looked worried for me again; I laughed. ?Well, yes. But I had to drive, and I had to get you out here.?

?I would have driven if you had asked,? she protested. ?And we could have slept in a bit longer if you had wanted to.?

?No, it?s fine, it?s fine.? I got to my feet, brushing leaves off of my skirt. ?Sleep problems aren?t a big deal.?

?Says you,? she countered, frowning. ?Seriously, Renko, let?s get back.?

?No, it?s too early to be sleeping.? I looked at my watch. ?It?s just 10:57 in the morning. Not even afternoon yet.?

?If you need to sleep now, you should,? Maribel objected, putting her hands on her hips.

?But... I don?t want to waste a moment of this trip with you,? I explained with a sigh.

She looked at me with a look of mild shock. ?Really??

?Yeah. So I don?t want to sleep unless I absolutely have to.?

?Well, I can relate to that,? she replied. ?But really, Renko. You need to sleep.?


?Look, if you?re half-asleep throughout the whole trip, that?s really time wasted. But if you take right now to get some rest, we can wander around the rest of the grounds the rest of the afternoon. Instead of being half-rested all day and forgetting everything you did today, let?s go back and you can nap. We can even pick up a snack there while we?re at it.?

She smiled at me, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

?So, please, Renko? Do it for me??

I hoped that the sea of fire behind me was just as intense as it was behind her, because I was pretty sure that my cheeks were as red as the autumn leaves.

Still, I had to frown a bit, and look away. ?I guess.? Then I looked back at her. ?I?ll do it. But I?ll find my own way back, all right??

?Eh? Why?? she protested, the sleeves of her kimono moving with her as her arms twitched.

?Because I don?t want you to waste a moment of your vacation.? I sighed, and put my hands on her shoulders. ?Please? For me??

She frowned, but eventually she nodded. ?Fine. I?ll stay out here.?

?Good,? I replied. ?Look, I?m fine. The grounds are perfectly safe, you know that.?

?I do,? she said. ?But promise me that you?ll go straight back and go to sleep. Don?t go wandering off somewhere where I can?t find you.?

I threw her a mock salute. ?Yes, ma?am.?

She giggled, and the sound was like music. ?All right, I?ll wander around and see everything, so when you come back later I can take you to see the most beautiful places here.?

?Sounds good to me,? I said, adjusting my hat. ?See you later.? I turned, and began to walk down the same path, back to the temple, as Maribel stood alone in her purple kimono.

I turned around to see when I was further down the path, and she was still standing there, looking out for me. I waved, and she waved back, and then I continued walking.


I had underestimated how long and winding the leaf-covered path was. I guess I hadn?t noticed earlier, with how much more interesting the leaves were, and how enjoyable it had been to be walking by Maribel?s side.

I had been lying. I really was very tired. My arms ached, and my legs were beginning to feel like lead. I looked at my watch-- how long had it taken for us to get out here, anyway?

11:25 AM? You must be joking, I?ve been walking that long on this path and I haven?t gotten anywhere?

I wished I had a water bottle to splash on my face. But the warmth of the late morning sun was already lulling me into sleep. I felt my eyelids start to turn heavy. At least Maribel had been right on that count-- I desperately needed sleep. But now I wished that she had been able to convince me to let her accompany me back. At this rate, I would end up falling asleep near the path here.

At least there were leaves everywhere on the ground. If I did need to sleep, it would be fine to sleep along the leaf-covered path.

I kicked some leaves off the path, to see how far I could walk off.

... except there was just grass on the ground.

No cobblestone path? Huh. I kicked the leaves off another part of the ground, expecting to see the telltale grey of the path-- but again, just grass.

I kicked another area. Grass.

Another. Grass.

Oh crap, I had wandered off the path.

The path had been covered with leaves, and I hadn't been paying attention, since I was so drowsy. I had gotten myself lost on the very expansive temple grounds. And I had left my cell phone in my room. Not that it mattered-- Maribel wouldn't be able to find me. Every area of the temple grounds looked the same-- a sea of orange-red leaves, everywhere.

And I was getting sleepier by the minute.

I looked up at the sky, but there weren't any stars out yet. Damn it. How was I supposed to find my way now?

I yawned, and my thoughts were replaced by ?where's a good place to sleep?? I didn't want to sleep outside, but it didn't look like there was another choice. I had to find a place to shut down, and fast.

I made up my mind quickly. The tree over there, in that small clearing. It was bigger than the ones around it, and looked brighter than the rest. If Maribel were to walk by here, she would certainly see me there.

I dragged myself over to it, and gathered up leaves to serve as a makeshift bed. They were a bit itchy where they rubbed my bare skin, but it was better than sleeping on the hard ground, and I was too tired to care at this point.

I lay down on top of my leaf pile bed and closed my eyes.

And just before I went to sleep, I swear I started to see a falling leaf in front of my eyes glow with light--


Estimated total average waking hour capacity: Fifteen hours, zero minutes

Yes, Sweet Dreams' first cliffhanger. In fact, it could be considered my first real cliffhanger at all, period. I'm sorry about that, I had no idea how else to end this update. :ohdear:

Thanks to Donut for help with the UNESCO world heritage site research. I was scratching my head for days to figure out how to get Maribel and Renko a room in the Ryōan-ji, and then he mentioned Mt. Fuji from Retrospective 53 Minutes being a new nomination for a world natural heritage site, yet still tourist-accessible. It's really amazing all the little details ZUN puts in his fiction that no one notices.


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #72 on: August 19, 2010, 05:58:24 AM »
A lovely read, as always. Not sure if that classifies as a cliffhanger, but I am looking forward to knowing what the bright light is.
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet

The ⑨th Zentillion

  • The impeaches were delicious...
  • Now hungry for conviction!
    • Zentillion's Tumblr
Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #73 on: August 19, 2010, 06:29:44 AM »
Decided to read this, and boy, was it a good decision! It's a nice tale of Renko and Mary shenanigans, to be sure.... it makes me wonder just what fate there is in store, an if the worst can be averted, oh, the suspense is deadly. And the sexual tension (I suppose) in the later parts so far, heh... 's cute. It would be sad if Maribel succumbed and all would be for naught, but... well, this is far from over, isn't it? Wonder what's about to happen noooow...

In the short of it: I like it, and I wish this review was a little better. :V
Did you bring a light?

Smash the Fash; The far right belongs in the TRASH.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #74 on: August 19, 2010, 07:47:12 AM »
Knowing this is going to be a melancholy tale makes me afraid to keep reading - they seem to be having so much fun right now, I don't want that timer to wind down any further :ohdear:

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #75 on: August 19, 2010, 08:36:15 AM »
Knowing this is going to be a melancholy tale makes me afraid to keep reading - they seem to be having so much fun right now, I don't want that timer to wind down any further :ohdear:
You posting this has made me decide to say something that's been on my mind for a while now.

Now, Sweet Dreams originally emerged as an experiment with a short story. (It was also originally meant to be a one-shot. Look how that turned out! :V) I later planned out more or less the whole story in a notebook-- except for the ending, which is still... eh. The one thing I did know about the ending was that I wanted to try out a tragedy. I was a bit uncertain about this, but later I developed the almost sadistic resolve to not stop at anything to make Sweet Dreams as subtly horrific and saddening as possible, and certainly not listen to any objections-- if I wanted to write a tragedy, then by god, I would write one.

It made sense in a way. Sweet Dreams was originally conceived as a storehouse for my most deeply personal nightmare fuels, namely those related to my sleep disorder of narcolepsy. There's always something a bit... off about each chapter, some hint of an instability in the background, because that is my expression of fear.

Those of you who follow White Rose will notice this; ultimately, I am an optimist, an idealist, and I put my characters through bad situations because I have faith in them that they can pull themselves out. Consequently, the story is actually dark, because that makes the pulling through to the light so much sweeter.

Sweet Dreams is not like that. It is relentlessly enjoyable, fun, and lighthearted-- because that makes the eventual pulling down into the darkness that much scarier.

This was not conceived as an eventually uplifting tale. I have a tendency to write this after particularly difficult moments, too-- as an example, this chapter was written a few days after I had a rather nasty hallucination late at night that left me trembling in fear in my bed. I'd rather not go into the details, but you get the idea.

However, as time has progressed, I have come to grow... dissatisfied with the original intent of this fic. I have stated elsewhere that it was always intended to be a tragedy, and it was. But now I don't really want that anymore. It's not because I seek to change for my readers-- ultimately, my stories are written for myself. But I guess you could say that I've just plain grown attached to Renko and Maribel. This happens whenever I take up a main character-- to allude to White Rose again, Koishi has easily gained a spot in my top five characters, where I didn't care very much about her before I began to write that. Similarly, Renko and Maribel have gained respect in my eyes. I like them. I want to see them grow. And I don't want to give them a bad end just because I'm feeling sadistic. I'm not that kind of person. I'm not that kind of writer. How am I supposed to keep writing Sweet Dreams as a tragedy when even I've jumped ship on that idea?

Will I throw challenges in their path? Oh, you bet. I fully believe in earning your happy ending-- if making the worst mistake of your life, abandoning your family and friends, and experiencing tragic setback after tragic setback is what it takes to get a character to grow and choose the righteous path, then so be it. I'm not that nice, geez.

But will I doom Renko and Maribel to their original bad end? Hmm... good question. One thing's for sure, it's not going to be up to my pure sadism or my unrestrained personal fear that it happens. In a way, it's up to Renko and Maribel themselves. See, this may be odd to hear, but when I sit down to write, even though I have a rough outline to follow, it's more akin to letting out two birds into a multi-branched maze. Though they will eventually make it through, they have enough force of personality to make their own choices how to do it in the end.

And so it shall be in Sweet Dreams. It's up to Renko and Maribel themselves to see what their ending will be. I won't maneuver them into a bad end just because I want to. If they get a bad end, it's because they failed themselves and each other. And if they get a good end, it'll be because they had the courage and determination to see things through to the end. I'm just their writer; these characters aren't even mine! I'll write whatever story they inspire me to write, and if they're strong enough to fight for a good end, then I will give them that chance. Sure, a lot of the plot has been written out already, and yes, Sweet Dreams will always walk a bit on the edge of the dark-- but there's enough leeway that I have faith that Renko and Maribel can reach the light at the end if they really want it.

The days of Sweet Dreams being marked as an eventual tragedy are over. Their fate is completely up in the air-- it's all up to them now. Good end, or bad end? I can't tell, either. I hope you wish them luck, and keep reading to see what happens next!

Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #76 on: August 19, 2010, 09:30:29 AM »
Ruro, I know how difficult it is to bring tragedy to characters you've grown attached to. The alternate ending to White Rose had me staring blankly at the screen for a good minute before I remembered it wasn't then end - even in tragedy there is at least a glimmer of hope at the end, or just a lesson to be learned.  Leaving it up to the characters is certainly an interesting way to do it.

Fiction: August Star in Autumn Sky Eastern Wonderland Story Book 1


  • Good gravy!
Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #77 on: August 19, 2010, 02:15:05 PM »
Renkorenkorenko :O

Also no more implied "rocks fall, everyone dies" end is very good news : D


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #78 on: August 19, 2010, 03:03:45 PM »
Sweet Dreams is not like that. It is relentlessly enjoyable, fun, and lighthearted-- because that makes the eventual pulling down into the darkness that much scarier.

This is what has me terrified. You're a good enough writer to pull this off before I even notice it, and I will be affected by it.

I will hope, and I will wish them luck, but you've awakened that little voice of caution in the back of my head that constantly tells me, 'it could all go to hell in a handbasket any second now', and I don't particularly like that voice.

Don't feel guilty that you've woken it up - think of it more as a compliment to your writing ability. Such a goofy and lighthearted tale, doing that to me? Doesn't happen very often.

Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #79 on: August 20, 2010, 04:11:06 AM »
So far, this fic has been terrifying for me. Well not, terrifying in the regular sense, but more... disturbing, sorta creeps me out when I think about the story. Reading White Rose is still a huge emotional rollercoaster, but I sorta know that in the end, everyone makes it out alive... They'll go through hard times (and boy are they difficult times) but Shinki, Yumeko, Satori, etc everyone else - they become what they are today when we see them in the games. But Marybel and Renko? It's all open ended. I have no idea what will happen to them. The stuff in the music CDs already happened, so where they go and how they end up are completely up to you (well, like you said, it's actually up to them two). That, plus the imminent endless sleep, the tension, the stuff Mary and Renko are dealing with on the inside and not telling each other - juxtaposed with a cheery atmosphere with Renko x Mary foreplay. It's like the scene where you know there's something off, something's not right, but you just can't figure out what. It's creepy. And I love it.

communist unity (comm-unity)

  • Boss of the Gym
  • 100% salt
Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #80 on: August 20, 2010, 04:37:39 AM »
You're a damn good writer, Ruro. Keep up the good work.

Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #81 on: August 22, 2010, 10:15:34 AM »
I've just started reading this, and please forgive me for the pedantry, but I don't understand the following,

Any arbitrarily long, but finite sequence of the form sqrt(p_1) + sqrt(p_2) + sqrt(p_3) + ... + sqrt(p_n) with p_k, 1 \leq k \leq n is prime.

That doesn't look like any definition of prime I've ever come across :/.
[ruro]Not for me, either! :derp: I'll have to bother bofh about it later. Thanks for pointing it out![/ruro]
« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 08:15:28 AM by Ruroko Nakajima »

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #82 on: September 06, 2010, 08:37:08 AM »
Time for the obligatory it's-only-five-days-late update :]
't be fair, I really was busy and stressed out right around the time I needed to work on this update. Still, I'm sorry for letting my schedule slip. :ohdear:

On the other hand, the nice part of this update is that I finally get to show a villain, and introduce two characters I can't imagine anyone was expecting to show up in a fic ever.

Chapter Nine

Estimated total average waking hour capacity: Fourteen hours, fifty-eight minutes


I dreamed.

I don't dream very often, and when I do, I don't recall what happened, apart from a few snatches of a thought that I grasp in my hand as I wake, like trying to capture the morning fog in my grip, only to have it escape out the side, leaving nothing but cold and emptiness.

But this one was different.

It took place beneath the falling autumn leaves, still. I was walking beneath the branches, alone. I remembered thinking that I might have been awake, but as I walked, I found my way back to the building in the trees.

But it wasn't the temple.

I walked to the sliding door that led out to the grounds. My sandals were there, waiting for me, but the setting was all wrong.

This wasn't the Ryōan-ji temple. This was the Moriya Shrine.

I knelt down on a stone step and removed my shoes. Then I put on the soft sandals, got to my feet, and walked inside. I wasn't lucid, but strangely, I was somehow... aware of everything that was going on. My sandals were quiet as I walked down this hall, and then that one, and entered this door.

Then I realized what was going on.

The door to the honden, the most sacred place of the Moriya Shrine, the room that housed the figures of the gods themselves, was open. The durable, ritual staircase leading up had been set up, leading right up into the darkness. It was waiting for me.

I knew full well that it was a setup, but I kept going.

I put one foot on the staircase. Then the other. I held on to the railing, and it was then that I noticed I was wearing a light blue, wide-sleeved kimono with a pattern of falling snow on it, falling to the bottom of the hems. I stared at the design as I walked up into the darkness.

First my head, then the rest of me entered the honden. I knew I wasn't supposed to be there. Well, I knew it before, but now I was really having misgivings about having gone in. There was something... off about this place. My instincts were telling me to get out of there, and I agreed with them. Maybe I couldn't see borders like Maribel, but I could feel when something was the matter, and something was very much the matter here.

It was strangely cold in the honden. I found myself wrapping my arms around myself. I walked around the half-darkness, trying to stay warm as I rubbed my hands up and down my arms. In the dim light coming from below, I could see my own breath.

And then the door slammed shut.

I didn't give it much thought (dream, remember) but I soon looked down and came to the realization that I had been called up here to trap me. This honden was no shrine, it was a freezer. And I was shut inside.

I breathed on the tips of my fingers and flexed them. I wiggled my toes to recall the feeling in them. I stuck my hands beneath my armpits, to keep my extremities warm, and I kept moving to try and keep my mind sharp.

My sandals began to make noise. It was the sound of them scratching a thin layer of ice.

My eyes began to adjust to the darkness. I could see my own breath now, I thought. So I breathed--

And there in the shadow, a glowing red-eyed, fanged smile met my eyes, and I screamed.
I had wandered too far in the dark. I had ended up behind the statue of Suwako-no-kami's frog. This was... what was it, again? I didn't remember.

I had fallen to the ground on instinct, to get away from that smile. I put my hand on my heart and felt the rapid beating, and tried to calm my breath.

?That came out of nowhere,? I murmured. ?That was terrifying.?

I worked up the nerve to look up at it again. It was the wavy, dark pattern I had half-noticed the first time, behind Suwako's frog, but not Kanako's snake.

No wonder they kept it behind Suwako-no-kami's frog. It had not one but many horrifying faces. It was a mashup of many creatures, it looked like; wild animals of all shapes and sizes. I identified the red slitted eyes of a snake, yes, and the impeding charge of a wild boar. Spiders, a gorilla, a wolf, and all manner of monstrous-looking animals, all encrusted with red rubies to give the appearance of glowing red eyes.

The name came to me, and when it did, I said it in a whisper.


And then something happened that sent a chill straight down my spine.

The mass of dark creatures?that monstrosity of animals and plants and... things long past their extinction-- that hideous apparition from an earth older than the one I lived in that I could not describe as anything other than blasphemous and wrong-- turned their heads towards me, and they simultaneously all blinked at me.

I screamed.


Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #83 on: September 06, 2010, 08:41:24 AM »
In fact, I woke up screaming. It was the worst nightmare I had ever had. I needed something to hold on to, someone to hold me close and reassure me that it was all right, that it was just a dream.

So I reached out, and I buried my head in her stomach, wanting her warmth to seep into my chilled bones and whisper ?shhh, shhh, it?ll be all right? into my ear.

I felt her hand behind my neck, and her chin rested on top of my head. With her other hand, she rubbed my back and warmed me up, and I heard the regular beating of her heart. My own heart was pounding.

I remembered the feeling of holding my legs together under that winter-patterned kimono to keep them warm in that freezing cold place, a sacred place made profane by that... thing that yet lived behind the statue of Suwako-no-Kami. ?It felt so real,? I murmured into her chest. ?So real...?

?Just concentrate on your surroundings and calm down,? she said, running a hand through my hair as she laid me down onto her lap. She rested my head against her legs, and I closed my eyes and breathed in and out, trying to calm the racing of my heart.

In my mind, I saw the indelible memory of a chimera-like beast leering out of the darkness at me and smiling.

?Shhh, shhh,? she murmured as she stroked my back and laid my head to rest on her lap. ?You'll be all right.?

I stayed there for a while, forcing my eyes to stay open. I was not willing to let that vision into my mind again.  Watching the steady fall of the autumn leaves helped take my mind off of that.

?Everything's all right,? she reassured me.

Now with my mind thinking about other things besides that monstrosity, it had room for other thoughts. Among them, I had the dull realization that that wasn't Maribel's voice.

I looked up at her.

No, it wasn?t Maribel. This girl was... probably a foreigner, yes, with blonde hair and brown eyes so light they looked almost gold under the light of the falling autumn leaves.

I felt the heat rise to my face, and I pushed myself out of her embrace. ?I-I?m sorry,? I stammered, my voice breaking. ?I thought-- I thought--?

But the girl waved a hand. ?Please don?t worry about it.? She smiled. ?I?m more concerned about you. Are you all right??

?Y-yeah,? I lied, running my hands through my hair and messing it up, a nervous habit. ?It was just... a bad dream.?

?Ah.? The girl nodded. ?That would explain it.?

I looked at her again. She had on her head a hair ornament of two red leaves, as well as a long red-gold dress, and the bottom of its hemline was cut out into the shape of maple leaves, almost as if she had wanted to blend in with the falling leaves all around. Behind her stood another girl, likely her sister from the resemblance, though she wore a brown fisherman hat of sorts, with... grapes up on the brim, or something. Grapes and vines. Hm. That wasn't weird. Okay.

I had no idea who they were; were they also guests at the temple? Probably. They didn't look like they lived nearby, so they had to be overseas visitors. Really strange overseas visitors who wore grapes on their hats. Actually, they were probably the daughters of some foreign diplomat. They looked too young to be visitors on their own.

I was effectively responsible for them now, wasn't I? Ah well. At least they were cute.

?I'm Usami Renko. Who are you?? I finally asked, moving my hands around the ground to find my fallen hat.

?Ah, my name is Shizuha. Aki Shizuha.? The girl in the long red dress introduced herself with a smile. ?And this is my younger sister, Aki Minoriko.?

Family name first. Ah, so they were Japanese? Still didn't explain the grape-on-the-hat thing. Cosplay, maybe?

?All right then. Are you two lost?? I asked as my hand brushed the brim of my own hat. I adjusted my own hair, pulling out dead leaves, and put my hat back on.

?Ah--? Shizuha looked over at her sister. A faint blush came to her cheeks as the younger sister sighed, and Shizuha looked back at me. ?You could say that.?

?T-then I should help you out,? I said, getting to my feet and brushing my skirt free of leaves. ?I know you probably won't believe me, but I'm nineteen years old. I am an adult, so I'm responsible for you.?

Minoriko laughed. I felt my face turn red. ?N-no, really! I should take care of you two. It's my duty.?

?It is?? Shizuha asked, looking surprised.

?Yeah,? I replied, hoping the awful blushing on my face would go away. ?You took care of me, so I should take care of you. Plus, I'm stronger than I look,? I said, rolling up my right sleeve and showing off my bicep for emphasis. ?You're younger than me, so I should protect you, right??

Shizuha raised an eyebrow, and smiled. ?Remind me to give you something special when I get back to our house.?

?There's no need for that... wait, where is your house?? I asked, smoothing out my sleeve.

?It's... not around here,? Shizuha admitted, rubbing the back of her head. ?Minoriko and I are... well, we kind of lost our way wandering around the orchard, and...?

?We got lost,? Minoriko spoke up, finishing Shizuha's sentence for her and speaking up for the first time.

?You got lost and you ended up here?? I tried to recall the map of the Ryōan-ji temple grounds, but I couldn't remember that any private residences were close by. These two girls must have wandered pretty far.

Minoriko sighed and nodded as she came closer to Shizuha and me. She was wearing, besides the grape hat, a beige dress shirt with wide sleeves and a dark purple dress under a red apron, accented by gold stitching in the form of grain and ears of corn.

I noticed then that the two sisters were both barefoot. I winced. How long had they been walking like that?

?We should get you home, but I don't know where that is.? I pondered for a few moments, scrunching my eyes together and folding my hands. ?Hmm. Would you two come with me to the temple??

?The temple?? Minoriko asked.

?Ryōan-ji Temple, of course,? I replied. ?Wait, is that anywhere near where you live??

Shizuha shook her head. ?There's the shrine on top of the mountain, but that's it.?

?Shrine on top of a--? Wait, what? I tried to remember the names of mountains in Kyoto, but I couldn't. Weren't we supposed to be in a valley, anyway? Good god, had these girls been lost for days? This was getting more confusing by the second.

I pushed aside all thoughts of landmarks of Kyoto and put my fingers to my head. ?Okay. Let me think.? My eyes opened. ?Going back to the temple is still our best bet. The UNESCO staff that runs the place would have maps for Kyoto, anyway. We can get you home that way.?

Shizuha looked over at Minoriko, then back at me, a worried look on her face. ?Oh, no, I don't think you'll be able to find our house that way--?

?Are you kidding?? Minoriko cut her off, stepping in front of her sister and giving her a look that I could not see. ?Sure, let's go.?

I nodded. ?All right. But first things first--? I looked up at the sky, or what I could see of it through the foliage. ?I got lost myself on my way to the temple.? It was still too early in the day to see any stars in the sky. ?We'll just have to find our way through trial and error.?

Shizuha had to laugh now, and so did her sister. I laughed with them.

Minoriko reached into a pocket in front of her apron, and pulled out some... baked sweet potatoes? ?I still have a few of these left,? she explained, handing one to her sister and one to me. ?Go ahead, they're quite good.?

I contemplated turning it down, but then the hunger in my stomach roared at me and I took it. ?Thank you, Minoriko-san,? I said and bit down into it.

Oh my-- this was quite good.

?This is really good,? I said aloud. ?Thanks a bunch!?

Minoriko gave me a warm smile. ?Sure, no problem.? She pulled a grape off of her hat and tossed it into her mouth. ?Always be prepared, you know??

I raised an eyebrow. Well, I guess that was the explanation for her hat.

?Well, let's go,? I said, taking off through the autumn trees as Shizuha and Minoriko came after me.

The nightmare faded into the shadows of my mind as I walked on.


Estimated total average waking hour capacity: Fourteen hours, fifty-two minutes

And it's Monday now. I have only a few days to write some more White Rose.

... fucking BRING IT. 8)


Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #84 on: September 06, 2010, 01:51:52 PM »
Y'know, I always wanted to know more about Mishaguji-sama. I like where this is going. :3

Lovely work as usual, Ruro <3


  • Good gravy!
Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #85 on: September 06, 2010, 07:10:18 PM »


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: Sweet Dreams
« Reply #86 on: September 06, 2010, 07:35:24 PM »
Oh what.

Out of all the characters -

Keep going. I'm really curious now.
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet