Author Topic: EoSD hard advice  (Read 13321 times)


EoSD hard advice
« on: April 29, 2009, 11:48:28 PM »
ReimuB's Patchouli especially. I mean, seriously, what the hell.

Can I have some tips? The only card I seem to be able to do is Emerald Megalith, and occasionally Mercury Poison. Everything else either kills me or makes me bomb (her noncards I can always do, they're easy when you know how). I'm more or less resigned to having to bomb Green Storm most of the time, because it looks horribly random. Bury in Lake and Water Elf are absolutely terrible. Especially the latter. I timed it out once (no, I wasn't trying to, I was just trying to survive, lol), but otherwise...any advice for Patchouli would be welcome.

After that I get utterly destroyed by Sakuya. I don't really understand the method used for Misdirection and I end up having to bomb it. I've heard that you're meant to go around center right and nudge to a side, but then kunais come flying from the left (on the first or second wave, depending on which side she moved to first) and that screws up my positioning and the card altogether. I can handle her noncard whether I'm at the top or the bottom.

Boss Sakuya's noncards are...fine sometimes, sometimes not, but what I do get annoyed at is screwing up Jack the Ludo Bile. Again, it's supposed to be easy, but the spread shot quite often gets me, even if I go to the side that looks easier, sometimes I will randomly have a hollow bullet right above me when Sakuya stops time and have little time to get away. Dunno if I'm doing something wrong. I can handle The World sometimes, I go a few characters' length under her, and after she stops/resumes time, I rush down and to one of the sides and dodge as well as I can. Killing Doll, well...I've never captured that and probably never will.

Finally, I don't know if Sakuya can stop time in the real world before I press bomb, or those knives have ridiculous hitboxes, but it's one or the other.  ;D

And Remilia, I suck at her. Her opener always get me, though I can do her first card and second noncard. But that's to be expected since I haven't practiced her a lot. I guess if there's something else about her that's easy and I'm missing, it'd be cool to point it out.

Oh, by the way, I usually make to Voile with 6 lives (5 stars) and 1~2 bombs. I've had a perfect run before, but usually Typhoon and Sellaginella I have to bomb.

Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2009, 12:11:53 AM »
I have no idea what EoSD looks like on Hard (I've only seen it on Easy, Normal, and Lunatic), but I'll give it a shot either way :P

Can I have some tips? The only card I seem to be able to do is Emerald Megalith, and occasionally Mercury Poison.

For Mercury Poison, make sure you aren't hugging the very bottom of the screen. Occasionally, you might find yourself wanting to move back, so having that extra space can save your life.

Everything else either kills me or makes me bomb (her noncards I can always do, they're easy when you know how). I'm more or less resigned to having to bomb Green Storm most of the time, because it looks horribly random. Bury in Lake and Water Elf are absolutely terrible. Especially the latter. I timed it out once (no, I wasn't trying to, I was just trying to survive, lol), but otherwise...any advice for Patchouli would be welcome.

Green Storm is simply dodging. What I typically like to do is start right under Patchy, then slowly get forced down by all of the bullets. I find that starting at the bottom from the very start can be a little bit overwhelming due to the sudden influx of bullets from a variety of different angles.

Bury in Lake is random bullshit. Whether or not you capture it depends on where Patchy moves. Feel free to bomb this one. Water Elf can be a bit annoying due to random movement, but yeah, this one is also just dodging from what I can tell. If I recall correctly, she aims the bubbles around you, and I have no idea about all of the other bullets. Play carefully ?\(?_o)/?

After that I get utterly destroyed by Sakuya. I don't really understand the method used for Misdirection and I end up having to bomb it. I've heard that you're meant to go around center right and nudge to a side, but then kunais come flying from the left (on the first or second wave, depending on which side she moved to first) and that screws up my positioning and the card altogether. I can handle her noncard whether I'm at the top or the bottom.

Yeah, Misdirection's strategy is based on as little movement as possible due to everything being aimed at you. Start from the center and nudge to whatever side you want, just be sure to be under her when she spawns and shoots blue knives. As for dodging the red kunais... well, just dodge them. They aren't too dense, and feel free to sacrifice the whole "minimal movement/nudging" for a second in order to get around the red kunais.

Boss Sakuya's noncards are...fine sometimes, sometimes not, but what I do get annoyed at is screwing up Jack the Ludo Bile. Again, it's supposed to be easy, but the spread shot quite often gets me, even if I go to the side that looks easier, sometimes I will randomly have a hollow bullet right above me when Sakuya stops time and have little time to get away. Dunno if I'm doing something wrong. I can handle The World sometimes, I go a few characters' length under her, and after she stops/resumes time, I rush down and to one of the sides and dodge as well as I can. Killing Doll, well...I've never captured that and probably never will.

For Jack, just stick to the bottom of the screen. She will fire a bunch of bubbles, and prepare to dodge them. The knife formation is always static, and typically, you will be grazing the ones that converge in the middle (or, right where your position was when she stopped time). Killing Doll is pure dodging madness, feel free to bomb it.

And Remilia, I suck at her. Her opener always get me, though I can do her first card and second noncard. But that's to be expected since I haven't practiced her a lot. I guess if there's something else about her that's easy and I'm missing, it'd be cool to point it out.

Yeah, Remilia is damn tough. For her first noncard, I also like to not stick to the bottom, just in case I need to move backwards in order to have more time in reading the pattern.

For her second spell card, find what appears to be a safe spot, dodge whatever mess that's left, then lather, rinse, and repeat. This card always feels trickier than it actually is, and I don't know why. For her third spell card, stay near the bottom and dodge all of the waves; note that the bubbles are aimed around you, rather than at you. Her movement during her third spell card is extremely erratic, so this card could last a while. Her fourth noncard is streaming, streaming, streaming.

And yeah, now we have Scarlet Meister and Gensokyo. Yeah. I'm sure you already know general strategies in how to tackle these cards since, well, they're talked about a lot. Just pray that you come into these two with a life or some bombs in stock.


  • The Wild Draw Four of America
Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2009, 12:25:22 AM »
You should never be bombing Sellaginella 9. It's an easy card and static based upon rank. Practice it more.


Before we begin card discussion, understand that you are facing the second hardest Patchy battle. The easiest Patchy battle belongs to ReimuA. ReimuA also has a significantly better bomb than ReimuB. In addition, ReimuA's homing shot is superior on boss attacks where you can't count on staying under the boss, such as non-directional laser, Scarlet Gensokyo, Scarlet Meister, and Killing Doll. You may want to consider switching to ReimuA for these factors.

Bury In Lake: All the small bullets are aimed in the same direction. Wait for all of them to fire, then tap in one direction to dodge them all. At this point you only have to worry about dodging the bubbles. This certainly isn't trivial, but it's far easier if you don't have to mentally concentrate on dodging the small bullets and the bubbles at the same time.

Green Storm: Try to stay mid-screen, directly under Patchy. This allows you to dodge in all four directions while damaging Patchy as much as possible. The card should end very quickly if you maintain this height.

Water Elf: Concentrate on staying under Patchy. Generally you can tell where she is by paying attention to the curvature of the bullet waves and tracing their convergence point. Move around as little as possible; this card rewards careful, calculated movements, and most of the bullets will naturally miss you if you stay mostly still.

Mercury Poison: Pray that Patchy doesn't come down too low on the screen. Not much I can offer here besides that, but this card isn't THAT bad.

Emerald Megalith: Perhaps you will play the Lunatic version one day and see how this goes from nearly trivial to one of the hardest spellcards in existence in the course of a single difficulty level jump.


Illusional Misdirection: This card is static based upon two factors: Whether Sakuya starts the card by going right or left, and where your position is on the screen. I suggest starting the card by planting yourself underneath Sakuya's warp point on the right side of the screen, then memorizing a route to victory for both Sakuya going right and Sakuya going left.

Jack the Ludo Bile: Park yourself underneath Sakuya, about a quarter of the way from the bottom of the screen. When she sends out the bubbles, rush back and quickly eyeball if the left side, right side, or middle is the least dense part of the bubble wave. Move to that side or remain in the middle accordingly. This should all be done before she stops time.

The World: Get close to Sakuya. After she sends out the fireballs but before she freezes time rush up around the curvature of the fireball circle. After the timefreeze ends, rush to the bottom of the screen and then to the opposite corner, where the bullets will be the least dense.

Killing Doll: Stay under Sakuya. No real trick to this, but making sure you continue to damage Sakuya is vitally important.

Concentrate on learning her non-cards. They are all fairly easy. Your performance against her first can be improved with a lot of practice.

As a final, general point, make it a goal to never, EVER die with bombs in stock. Think of the 1cc attempt as if you have 38 misses available to use - 8 deaths + ((9 x 3) + 3) bombs - all of which clear the screen of bullets. Dying with bombs in stock means that you just lost 2-4 of these available misses, rather than only one. This can really add up if you die with bombs in stock a few times.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 12:27:01 AM by Kefit »


Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2009, 12:28:07 AM »
Yeah, Misdirection's strategy is based on as little movement as possible due to everything being aimed at you. Start from the center and nudge to whatever side you want, just be sure to be under her when she spawns and shoots blue knives. As for dodging the red kunais... well, just dodge them. They aren't too dense, and feel free to sacrifice the whole "minimal movement/nudging" for a second in order to get around the red kunais.

I see. Yeah, they aren't dense at all, I was just panicking. I guess I needed someone to tell me to go and actually sacrifice the minimal movement thing to stop choking.

Yeah, Remilia is damn tough. For her first noncard, I also like to not stick to the bottom, just in case I need to move backwards in order to have more time in reading the pattern.

For her second spell card, find what appears to be a safe spot, dodge whatever mess that's left, then lather, rinse, and repeat. This card always feels trickier than it actually is, and I don't know why. For her third spell card, stay near the bottom and dodge all of the waves; note that the bubbles are aimed around you, rather than at you. Her movement during her third spell card is extremely erratic, so this card could last a while. Her fourth noncard is streaming, streaming, streaming.

Her fourth noncard has two very easy patterns and one difficult one. I think that one is more or less aimed but it definitely has randomness as well. But bombing on a final boss is no shame I guess.

Otherwise, the advice for the second card and third spellcards helps. I do panic there as well, for some reason. I think the reason her second looks trickier than it is is the density. Density+restricted movement can be scarier than it looks.

And yeah, now we have Scarlet Meister and Gensokyo. Yeah. I'm sure you already know general strategies in how to tackle these cards since, well, they're talked about a lot. Just pray that you come into these two with a life or some bombs in stock.

Yeah, I read the other topic regarding those two.  Scarlet Meister I've found relatively okay to handle in the couple of practice runs I've attempted, as long as you start on her right. I've also read that if she decides to give you a hug you're fucked either way, but ah well, that's just EoSD being EoSD.

Scarlet Gensokyo...pray that I have resources there and try to survive.


  • *
Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2009, 12:32:28 AM »
What I do for Illusional Misdirection, if she moves to the left, you move to the right and vice-versa, then up and down to dodge. This will leave you hitting her more while she's stopped and firing knives at you. ReimuB should be able to do it without a bomb. Stellaginella, Misdirection, Green Storm; it looks to me like you have trouble with bullets coming from different directions.

Remilia's second non goes Aimed-Wave-Wave-Aimed-Repeat. On the waves you can usually sit behind Remi unless she decides to headbutt you up the ass.



A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2009, 12:43:48 AM »

- Gotta work on how I do at Sellaginella 9 then. Maybe I'm understimating the amount of resources I should arrive at stage 4 with. Or at least stop wasting them where I wouldn't.

- Yeah, I've seen your no focus Lunatic run, your comments on ReimuA on it and in general, and I've been lurking both here and in the old forum, and heard that ReimuB has the one of the toughest Patchouli battles. I'm considering switching to ReimuA, but I was worried about suffering lots at bosses with long healthbars. It appears that it's the exact opposite though, from what you said; the cards with long healthbars that I was very concerned with are ones that move a lot. Even so, I think I'll want to clear with ReimuB eventually, but switching to ReimuA to see how I perform is certainly an option. When I did use her, I have a feeling that I had an easier time at Voile as well (other than obviously Patchouli), somehow.

- I'm a bottom hugger by nature, one of those bad habits I've gotta get rid of. Hopefully the advice you people have given me plus practice will help.

- I've seen Emerald Megalith in Lunatic, in your MarisaA replay. The circling about hollow bullets plus all the crap flying around seem to make it almost impossible.

As a final, general point, make it a goal to never, EVER die with bombs in stock. Think of the 1cc attempt as if you have 38 misses available to use - 8 deaths + ((9 x 3) + 3) bombs - all of which clear the screen of bullets. Dying with bombs in stock means that you just lost 2-4 of these available misses, rather than only one. This can really add up if you die with bombs in stock a few times.

Right. This is also something to work on. I've improved, though.

It appears that I've actually chosen to start my Hard runs on one of the toughest Hards, or at least, one of the most unforgiving. I'm not actually sure, but I think IN and PCB give you more leeway to screw up, even if the former seemed to have harder patterns than EoSD in general.


- Bullets coming from different directions do give me trouble, so I guess it's good practice.

- Remilia's second noncard doesn't really give me trouble, though training to achieve a better success rate at them seems like a good idea.


Thanks everyone for both quick replies and useful advice. Looks like it's time to spam stage practice some.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 12:56:27 AM by CP3 »


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    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2009, 12:51:28 AM »
Remilia's second noncard is actually one of her easiest, I find.  I start a bit to the right and stream left around it, then run up and around to shotgun her before she starts firing the two waves, both of which she leaves significant holes for.  And her third is wonderfully stupid.  Her opener is probably her worst attack; I can only really advise getting to know the bubbles' hitboxes very, very well - it makes it a lot easier.
Finally, I don't know if Sakuya can stop time in the real world before I press bomb, or those knives have ridiculous hitboxes, but it's one or the other.  ;D
The only bullets I hate more than the knives are MoF lasers and Metal Fatigue Bullets.  Unfortunately, Remilia's opener has Metal Fatigue Bullets, as does Young Demon Lord.  Grrngh.  At least Young Demon Lord gives you huge amounts of space to dodge the actual bullets on Hard; Lunatic screws with my head.

Yeah, I read the other topic regarding those two.  Scarlet Meister I've found relatively okay to handle in the couple of practice runs I've attempted, as long as you start on her right. I've also read that if she decides to give you a hug you're fucked either way, but ah well, that's just EoSD being EoSD.

Scarlet Gensokyo...pray that I have resources there and try to survive.
Buh?  I still can't capture Meister, and I've captured Gensokyo Hard five times or so now.  I just always screw up the quick narrow dodges required.  Gensokyo Hard, though, is just a pure's just simple dodging of waves of slow-moving bullets.  Crazy waves, but the principle is the same.  Practice it a couple's really not all that bad, I find.

Maybe you'd want to try MarisaA to avoid the Patchy fight?  I find MarisaA's to be generally doable, even if I'm horrid at all of them, and your damage doesn't suffer horribly.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2009, 01:03:40 AM »
- Yeah, I've seen your no focus Lunatic run, your comments on ReimuA on it and in general, and I've been lurking both here and in the old forum, and heard that ReimuB has the one of the toughest Patchouli battles. I'm considering switching to ReimuA, but I was worried about suffering lots at bosses with long healthbars. It appears that it's the exact opposite though, from what you said; the cards with long healthbars that I was very concerned with are ones that move a lot. Even so, I think I'll want to clear with ReimuB eventually, but switching to ReimuA to see how I perform is certainly an option. When I did use here, I have a feeling that I had an easier time at Voile as well (other than obviously Patchouli), somehow.

- I'm a bottom hugger by nature, one of those bad habits I've gotta get rid of. Hopefully the advice you people have given me plus practice will help.

ReimuB's best asset is shotgunning.  When you position yourself close enough to the enemy that all five of her red streams are hitting, she does the most damage in the game, even more than MarisaA. But to take advantage of this, you really have to be familiar with the stages and bosses so you can get up and hit the boss point-blank during the pauses in attacks. 

If you spend most of the time at the bottom, and are still getting used to game in general, it might be better to use ReimuA for the reasons that Kefit mentioned.

Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2009, 01:11:53 AM »

Don't tell me... it's that weird white smudge in the middle of the sprite?


I feel... empowered by knowledge.
Advocate of Transhumanism


Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2009, 01:12:27 AM »
The only bullets I hate more than the knives are MoF lasers and Metal Fatigue Bullets.

I feel ya. Dropping a life at Nitori's last card used to make me rage, rage, rage.

Buh?  I still can't capture Meister, and I've captured Gensokyo Hard five times or so now.

Eh. Maybe I should clarify. By "relatively okay to handle" I meant "have captured it a couple of times and rarely lose more than one bomb to it", not that I can capture it regularly. On a real run I imagine I'd almost always have to bomb it, but having to bomb it only once is a big improvement on how I did at that damn card before.

I've done decently with MarisaA, getting as far as Remi's third card, but I think I'm more used to Reimu's movement.


I see. I've found ReimuB's biggest weakness is her bomb, so maybe switching to ReimuA is indeed a good idea.


  • The Wild Draw Four of America
Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2009, 02:10:23 AM »
Maybe you'd want to try MarisaA to avoid the Patchy fight?  I find MarisaA's to be generally doable, even if I'm horrid at all of them, and your damage doesn't suffer horribly.

ReimuA < MarisaB << ReimuB <<< MarisaA in terms of difficulty for the Patchy fight, at least on Lunatic. The only huge difference between Lunatic and Hard Patchy is Emerald Megalith though, so this order shouldn't really change.


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2009, 02:12:06 AM »
OK, so I gave ReimuB a Hard run to better understand what you're all talking about.

The run was complete crap (China killed me three times), but some insights:
I HATE REIMU in EoSD.  A lot.
Bury in Lake is annoying.
Green Storm sucks.  Bad.  (But I managed to capture both Emerald Megalith and Water Elf.)
Shotgunning is risky without training.  Practice heavily on that, or switch to ReimuA or MarisaA.  Personally, I'd switch; some of the harder cards are extremely difficult to move that far up the screen.
Did not capture Scarlet Meister.
Did capture Scarlet Gensokyo.
Ha.  Ha.  Ha.  I swear, one day I'm going to get that damned card. >:( I give you kudos for being able to handle it.
ReimuA < MarisaB << ReimuB <<< MarisaA in terms of difficulty for the Patchy fight, at least on Lunatic. The only huge difference between Lunatic and Hard Patchy is Emerald Megalith though, so this order shouldn't really change.
So it's not just me?  I dunno, her cards really don't feel that hard...I always feel like I just make stupid mistakes.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • *
Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2009, 02:40:47 AM »
I think I'm the only one who doesn't hate Bury in Lake.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2009, 02:48:13 AM »
How often have you faced it?


  • The Wild Draw Four of America
Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2009, 03:00:45 AM »
Bury in Lake isn't that bad. I'd MUCH rather deal with full rank Bury in Lake than full rank Emerald Megalith, Lava Cromlech, Sylphae Horn High Level, or Agni Radiance.

Basically Patchy cards can be separated into two categories: complete garbage that require luck to capture, and stuff that is regularly possible and well in line with other stage four bosses:

Complete Garbage:
Lava Cromlech
Sylphae Horn High Level
Emerald Megalith
Agni Radiance

Actually Possible:
Mercury Poison
Forest Blaze
Green Storm
Silver Dragon
Water Elf
Trilithon Shake
Rage Trilithon High Level

Bury in Lake and Agni Shine High level straddle the boundary between these two categories. You can get bad luck and get screwed over on them, but you don't actively need good luck to capture them.

MarisaA faces ALL FOUR complete garbage cards, and two are even unique to her battle. All three other types face one of them - either Lava Chomlech or Emerald Megalith. Of the remaining three, ReimuB has it a bit tougher due to Bury in Lake and Green Storm. Then ReimuA and MarisaB are about the same difficulty as eachother, with each having an assortment of the easier cards in the Possible category.


  • *
Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2009, 03:00:52 AM »
I have 11/17.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2009, 09:45:22 AM »
You should never be bombing Sellaginella 9. It's an easy card and static based upon rank. Practice it more.


pardon me for the silly noobish question (I've been on this forum, and have only played a touhou game.. or any shmup other than gradius, r-type, etc.. the mainstream stuff. for less than 24 hours). But practice mode only gives me 3 lives, and doesn't let me skip to the boss. Is there a way to do the boss with unlimited lives in practice mode? while I believe I can do a level with 3 lives, I feel like I'd learn a whole lot better and faster if I just do the boss and spend a few deaths just watching attack patterns and not bothering to attack ever.. Unfortunately 3 lives doesn't make this an option, and 1 day of /played isn't long enough for me personally to memorize most boss attack patterns (let alone the level to get there!).


Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2009, 10:48:45 AM »
As far as I know savestates do not exist for the games in this series so your best bet is to use an external tool like CheatEngine and go through the fight with invincibility.  The 'trainer' files under this user should have the necessary codes for the tool listed above.  No guarantee it because I've never looked into them.

I encourage you to shoot for a personal pretty score once you're comfortable with the lower difficulties!
« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 10:54:07 AM by Heartbeam »


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2009, 01:55:58 AM »
someone said:
"And yeah, now we have Scarlet Meister and Gensokyo. Yeah. I'm sure you already know general strategies in how to tackle these cards since, well, they're talked about a lot. Just pray that you come into these two with a life or some bombs in stock."

I've looked all over these forums (including the trash), I don't really see any info or tips on these two spellcards. Care to enlighten me please?


  • *
Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2009, 02:05:01 AM »
As for Scarlet Meister, she starts off firing an aimed wave that goes clockwise. As so, start on the left of Remilia and move to the right. Then she'll do the same, but counterclockwise, so you move to the left. Repeat until you die by a giant clusterfuck of bullets.

For Scarlet Gensokyo, there's no real strategy. Just make sure you don't leave yourself at the bottom because of descending walls, and believe in the generous hitboxes the bubbles have. Don't dive into them in desperation or anything, but trust them more than the small ones when cornered.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2009, 02:09:52 AM »
I've looked all over these forums (including the trash), I don't really see any info or tips on these two spellcards. Care to enlighten me please?

The only tips that can be given for Gensokyo are: stay under the boss, trust in the hitboxes of the bubbles, and pray, hope, plead that she doesn't send a wall at you.
If you have no bombs and you're trapped in a tight formation of bullets with a bubble flying at you, rush in one direction, sometimes you make it out o_O

For Meister, you want to misdirect the first wave a bit, then feint the 2nd wave to the far side of a gap, climb out of the mess of bullets and repeat. that's what I do anyway, but I haven't captured it on Lunatic yet so *shrug*. (nor have I captured Gensokyo, but I've survived several 'dense' waves in a row, so it's just a matter of time imo)
Advocate of Transhumanism


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2009, 07:44:26 AM »
The only tips that can be given for Gensokyo are: stay under the boss, trust in the hitboxes of the bubbles, and pray, hope, plead that she doesn't send a wall at you.
If you have no bombs and you're trapped in a tight formation of bullets with a bubble flying at you, rush in one direction, sometimes you make it out o_O

For Meister, you want to misdirect the first wave a bit, then feint the 2nd wave to the far side of a gap, climb out of the mess of bullets and repeat. that's what I do anyway, but I haven't captured it on Lunatic yet so *shrug*. (nor have I captured Gensokyo, but I've survived several 'dense' waves in a row, so it's just a matter of time imo)

thanks, I tried to remember this as I got to her today, didn't exactly remember what you said though. I went something along the lines of "ok start left, then work right after the initial shot. ok 2 shots, or whatever, ok nice 360, go right now.. WTF 2nd wave already? omg heeelp meee.. Needless to say I did not own that spellcard.

I want to 1 cc hard but seems like I just can't cuz of retarded stupid mistakes I shouldn't be doing. Very frusterating. None of the encounters seem to be remotely as hard as the extra stage, which I managed to do. Probably just have more memorizing to do I guess. Sometimes I die more than I should on stage 3 forgetting about those kunai stream fairies, very annoying, or I'll die cuz I'm too cocky. I'll be like oh yeah I pawnt extra, this is a piece of cake, I'll just fly up to the point of collection and get these points since this is brain-dead easy *gets owned by monsters that I should have known would spawn there and own me but I forgot about*. siighh.

Seriously though 1ccing hard should be easy compared to beating the extra stage right?

Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2009, 12:35:52 PM »
Seriously though 1ccing hard should be easy compared to beating the extra stage right?

Meh I cleared all the extras (except SA but I haven't cleared hard in that yet so there's still time!) before 1ccing hard in each respective game. I think they're easier - perhaps simply because they're shorter.
Advocate of Transhumanism


  • *
Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2009, 12:55:34 PM »
There's more room for error in a 1cc run, that's all.

The direction switch in Scarlet Meister is really fast; you don't have much time to get out of the wave before another one.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Re: EoSD hard advice
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2009, 02:49:25 AM »
Meh I cleared all the extras (except SA but I haven't cleared hard in that yet so there's still time!) before 1ccing hard in each respective game. I think they're easier - perhaps simply because they're shorter.
Same here.  I didn't 1cc a Hard (MoF was my first) until after clearing all the Extras.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson